HomeMy WebLinkAboutMunicipal Court - 1/29/2002 "� 1 DATE ACCESSIONED I� ��E(...RE7ARY :•��. ARCHIVAL RECORDS TRANSMITTAL & January29, 2002 vJ STATE ,` TRANSFER AGREEMENT ACCESSION NUMBER Division of Archives& 2002•PS-0005 Records Management The Kent Municipal Government,Office of Rec d,hereby transfers the records listed below to the custody and jurisdiction of the Washington State Archives with the understanding that the II reco s wit become and remain the pr erty of the ate of Washington and shall be stared,referenced and disposed of only in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington,the regulations of !i the d�Locaf Records Commit es, tcies and procedures of the Division of Archives and Records M nagemeFit,and t nstrue n of the State Ar hivist.Signed _1___ Signed: � r Official of Ofhce o1 ecord e t I Ar isF I a!CDvERNM[Ni AGENCY affltE Of RECORD OAif PRE PAR11 Kent Municipal Government City Clerk January 17, 2002 LOCATION BOX or VOLUME NO. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS INCLUSIVE QATES C3 E8 t of 2(DC) Board, Commission and Committee Files 1982. 1996 c3 Ea -2 of 21112 DC) Board, Commission and Committee Files 1982. 1996 67 06 Vol. l of 2 Cash Journal Jan. 1, 1896- Dec.8, 1900 87 D6 Vol. 2 of 2 Cash Journal Jan. 1, 1910- I Sept.30, 1911 87 C13 Vol. 1 of 17 City Council Minutes July 17, 1893- - Jan.8, 1901 ,87 C 13 I Vol. 2 of 17 City Council Minutes Aug.4, 1890- t! June 1, 1892: I Jan.8, 1901 - July 15, 1907 if 87 C 14 (0.25 c.f.box) City Council Minutes photocopies of P. 5.20,vol.2 I 67 C 14 vol, 3 of 17 City Council Minutes EAug. 907- 912 87 cis vol. 4 of 17 City Council Minutes 12-918 87 C.iS Vol.5 of 17 City Council Minutes Jan.6, 1979- Aug.3, 1931 II 67 C16 Vol. 6 of 17 City Council Minutes Aug. 17, 1931 - ��-- May 17, 1943 B7 C 16 Vol. 7 of 17 City Council Minutes June 7, 1943- May 16, 1955 67 c i i 1 Vol.8 of 17 City Council Minutes June 6, 1955- 1 - April 16, 1962 B7 C17 Vol.9 of 17 City Council Minutes May 7, 1962- I---- June 16, 1969 B 7 C 18 Vol. 10 of 17 City Council Minutes July 7, 1969- 1 May 20, 1974 67 C18 Vol. 11 of 17 City Council Minutes June 3, 1974- 11 - June 2, 1975 (J B7 01 vol. 12 of 17 City Council Minutes June 16, 1975- I April 4, 1977 -`I\ 87 01 I Vol. 13 of 17 City Council Minutes April 18, 1977- t Feb.20, 1979 j, 87 D2 Vol. 14 of 17 City Council Minutes Jan.2, 1979- �--- Oec.22, 1980 f I , -% _ Accession 2002-PS-0005 page 2 87 D2 vol. 15 of 17 City Council Minutes Jan.5, 1981 - Dec.20, 1982 137 03 Vol. 16 of 17 City Council Minutes Jan.3, 1983- _� _ Dec.28, 1984 6703 Vol. 17 of 17 City Council Minutes Jan.7, 1985- Dec.30, 1986 C3 D8 1 of 18 Council Agenda Packets April 7-Dec. 22, 1987 C3 D9 2 of 18 Council Agenda Packets Jan.5-Sept. 20, 1988 c309 3 of 18 Council Agenda Packets Oct.4, 1988- May 16, 1989 C3 09 4 of 18 Council Agenda Packets June 6, 1989- Feb.20, 1990 C3 E 1 5 of 18 Council Agenda Packets March 6-Dec.4, 1990 a C3 El 6 of 18 Council Agenda Packets Jan.2.Oct. 15, 1991 C3 E1 7 of 18 Council Agenda Packets Nov.5, 1991 - Sept. 15, 1992 C3 E2 8 of 18 Council Agenda Packets Oct.6, 1992- June 15, 1993 C3 E2 19 of 18 Council Agenda Packets July 6, 1993- April 19, 1994 C3 E2 10 of 18 Council Agenda Packets May 3, 1994- Feb.21, 1995 C3 E3 11 of 18 Council Agenda Packets Mar. 7-D ec. 19, 1995 C3 E3 1 12 of 18 Council Agenda Packets Jan.2-Sept. 17, 1996 C3 E3 ; 13 of 18 Council Agenda Packets Oct. 1, 1996- May 20, 1997 C3 E4 14 of 1B Council Agenda Packets June 3-0 ec.9, 1997 C3 E4 15 of 18 Council Agenda Packets Jan.6-Aug. 18, 1998 C3 E4 16 of 18 Council Agenda Packets Sept. 1,1998- April 20, 1999 C3 E5 17 of 18 Council Agenda Packets May 4-Dec. 14, 1999 C3 E5 18 of 18 -7 Council Agenda Packets Jan.4-Dec. 12,2000 i if B 7 04 box 1 of 1 (0.25 Deeds 1922- 1972 c.f.) B7 05 I box 1 of 1 (0.25 Franchises 1901 - 1941 C3 E8 1 of 1 (DC) Hearing Examiner Files 1988 1991; 1994. 1996 87 D4 vols. 1 and 2(in Ordinances - Vol. 1, #1 #111; Vol. 2, #112-161 ---- May 1890-Nov, 1901; 0.25 c.f.box) Feb. 1902-Sept. 1905 1F8 7 D5 Vol. 1 of 1 Water System Ledger 1901 - 1902 (Area below is for Archives use only) Total volume of accession: 20 volumes and 20.25 c.f. Accession Book F-] A&0 o Conservation E-1 Database Key a5tt6