HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety Committee - 11/10/2015 Public Safety Committee Minutes
November , 2015
Committee Chairperson Jim Berrios called the meeting to order at 4:31 p.m.
Committee Chairperson Jim Berrios, committee member Les Thomas and council
member Bill Boyce were present. Council President Dana Ralph had an excused
Item 3 - Changes to the Agenda
Chief Ken Thomas added a new item No. 5 - 'Emergency Management Performance
Grant 2015 - Recommend." Speaker is Division Chief Marzano.
Item 4 - Approval of meeting minutes dated October 13, 2015
Council member Boyce MOVED to approve the minutes of October 13,
2015. The motion was SECONDED by committee member Thomas and
Item 5 - Emergency Management Performance Grant - Recommend
Dominic Marzano, Division Chief with Kent RFA and Emergency Manager with the
city of Kent. Chief Marzano presented information regarding the reoccurring
emergency management performance grant. The grant is a pass-through grant
received from the state that is based on population that supplements the city's
emergency management budget. The grant funds are primarily used to maintain
the city's emergency center, provide ongoing training for city staff and support and
expand the city's emergency radio system.
Committee member Thomas MOVED to recommend Council authorize the
Mayor to accept and sign the Emergency Management Performance Grant
from the Washington Military Department/Emergency Management
Division and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in the amount of
$81,876, sign all necessary grant documents, amend the budget, and
authorize expenditure of the funds in accordance with final grant terms
and conditions acceptable to the city attorney. The motion was SECONDED
by committee member Boyce and PASSED 3-0.
Item 6. - SAMHSA Drug Free Communities Grant - Recommend
Stacy Judd, Community Education Coordinator, presented information regarding the
Drug Free Communities Grant received from the Department of Health and Human
Services and the Office of Nation Drug Control Policy.
This grant is a five year grant funded separately each year. The current grant is in
the amount of $125,000 for year seven. The grant funds will be used for drug and
alcohol prevention activities, including the Game of Life youth conference.
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Committee member Thomas MOVED to recommend Council authorize the
Mayor to sign the Drug Free Communities Support Program Grant from the
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in the amount
of $125,000, amend the budget, and authorize expenditure of the grant
funds in accordance with the grant's terms and conditions. The motion
was SECONDED by council member Boyce and PASSED 3-0.
Item 7 SAMHSA STOP Act Grant Award — Information Onl
Stacy Judd, Communities Education Coordinator presented information regarding
the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration grant awarded to
the city of Kent. In order to be awarded the STOP Grant, the applicant must be a
former or current Drug Free Communities grantee. This is the fourth year of a four
year grant in the annual amount of $48,258. The Police Department works with
schools to identify specific needs so that individualized services can be provided to
those schools.
Item 8 Ordinance Banning Fireworks - Recommend
Tammy White, Assistant City Attorney, presented information regarding an
ordinance banning fireworks in the city of Kent. Tammy detailed that this
ordinance, pending the outcome of the Public Safety Committee, is set on "other
business" on the November 17, 2015, City Council agenda.
Tammy indicated that there was an advisory vote that went to the Kent voters on
the November 3rd election. As of November 9, 2015, the advisory vote is in favor of
a ban of fireworks at 63.3%. A request was made to the City Attorney's office to
prepare an ordinance banning fireworks in Kent.
Tammy detailed the changes that would take place through the adoption of the
ordinance. Adoption of the ordinance would ban the sale, possession and discharge
of consumer fireworks, establish a permitting process and calls out other types of
fireworks that would require a permit, i.e., pyrotechnics and special effects.
Tammy provided details regarding crimes associated with violating the Kent City
Code, ranging from civil infractions/violations to gross misdemeanors.
Committee member Boyce sought clarification regarding the definition of a public
display. Tammy provided the language of state law defining a public display.
Division Chief/Fire Marshall, Jon Napier provided information regarding the
permitting process and that a licensed pyrotec is required to launch the fireworks
during public displays.
Committee Chairperson Jim Berrios indicated that this ordinance would not take
effect until one year after adoption and that public education will need to take place
to ensure the public understands the laws.
Committee member Thomas sought clarification regarding whether or not it would
be okay for a cannon to be fired during the high school events. Chief Napier
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indicated that he would look into the issue for the committee and provide
information prior to the November 17, 2015, City Council meeting. Council
member Boyce indicated that the cannon is being fired by private citizens rather
than the school district.
Committee member Thomas sought clarification from Tammy regarding the costs
and levels of crimes. Tammy indicated that if a person was issued a citation, a
person can either mitigate or contest the infraction. Tammy also indicated that
Section 13.05.060 - "Violations and penalties," would be amended to read: "It shall
be a gross misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment not to exceed one year
and or a fine not to exceed five thousand dollars..."
If this ordinance is enacted, Tammy detailed what would happen to a juvenile
offender that violates the code. Tammy indicated that she would gather her prior
research regarding the statutory processes regarding juveniles and would share it
with the committee.
Council member Boyce indicated that he would move this ordinance forward for full
discussion by the City Council. He also voiced his concerns over potential crimes
against juveniles using sparklers.
Committee Chair Berrios was interested in whether or not this ordinance mirrors
codes in surrounding jurisdictions that currently have bans in place.
Tammy reiterated that this ordinance bans the sale, possession, and use of
consumer fireworks in the city of Kent in addition to explaining the penalties.
Chief Administrative Officer, Derek Matheson provided the number of citations
issued in 2015, relating to fireworks that consisted of: 46 filings, 1 reckless
discharge of fireworks and 45 infractions. The infraction statistics included the time
period of January 1, 2015 through October 20, 2015.
Chief Thomas indicated that the City Council makes the laws and the Police
Department enforces the laws. Committee member Les Thomas voiced his
concerns over the City's ability to enforce more restrictive laws.
Committee Chair Berrios provided a brief history regarding the community
communications and events leading up to the advisory vote and the potential ban of
fireworks in Kent.
Councilmember Boyce indicated that he would make a motion to move this
ordinance onto the full City Council under "other business," so that the full council
can discuss the proposed ordinance.
Committee member Thomas spoke in opposition to the proposed ordinance.
Rich Brandau, 13605 SE 267th Place, Kent, Washington, rbrandau@earthlink.net,
spoke in favor of the proposed ordinance.
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Council member Boyce MOVED to recommend Council adopt an Ordinance
prohibiting the sale, possession, and discharge of consumer fireworks, and
allowing public displays of fireworks as well as the use of fireworks in
theatrical presentations, both conditioned upon the issuance of a city
permit. The motion was SECONDED by Committee Chair Berrios and
PASSED 2-0. Thomas voted against the motion.
Item 9 - Parking of Commercial Trucks on City Streets - Discussion Only
Tammy White, Assistant City Attorney, sought guidance from the committee
regarding an issue brought up by a resident regarding the parking of large trucks
on residential properties.
Tammy conveyed that, after discussions with the Police Department, it was
determined that current sections of the code are not enforceable regarding parking
large trucks on city streets. The code is unclear about what vehicles can be parked
on city streets.
The current city code prohibits the parking of commercial vehicles on residentially
zoned property with an SR-2 or greater zoning designation if they have a gross
vehicle weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more.
Tammy provided options regarding amending the code in addition to reviewing
provisions and variances from surrounding jurisdictions regarding parking large
vehicles on city streets.
Tammy indicated that around 2005-2006 there was an extensive process regarding
revising the zoning code and that there is no intent at this time to amend the
zoning code, but would like guidance on how to correct the provisions adopted in
the 1900's.
The committee indicated that they would like the Law Department to work with the
Public Works and Police Departments to come up with options and
recommendations for the committee to consider regarding parking commercial
vehicles on city streets and to make Kent's provisions consistent with surrounding
Item 10 - Police Chief's Update - Information Only
Chief Ken Thomas advised the committee regarding current events affecting the
police department:
A. School Zone Traffic Safety Camera Report. Chief Thomas provided the
following number of citations issued in October of 2015, compared to October of
2015: 2015 - 974 citations (four schools), 2014 - 1,198 citations (two schools).
Chief Thomas also provided trending numbers that he received from the court as
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follows: Neeley-Obrien - 332 citations; Sunrise 292 citations; Millennium - 50
citations; and Meridian 132 citations.
Committee Chair Berrios indicated that the lower numbers may indicate that the
public is becoming educated and are altering their driving habits to avoid citations.
B. Staffing Update. As of November 10, 2015, the current number of
officers is 139 officers out of the 147 authorized by the budget.
Chief Thomas indicated that the Police Department has changed the thought
process regarding recruiting so that the hiring process can be streamlined in an
attempt to shorten the time required to hire new officers.
Chief Thomas provided his plan regarding the status of where staffing will be
in early 2016, and the plan to dedicate significant resources in an attempt to bring
the number of officers up to being 1000/o staffed. Chief Thomas addressed
questions Council member Boyce had regarding whether or not the city of Kent has
competition with the Washington State Patrol's candidates for officers.
Committee Chair Berrios stated that the council has been and will continue to
support the Police Department's efforts in hiring quality police officers in addition to
showing his appreciation for changing its hiring practices.
Chief Thomas thanked the committee for its support in its continued
commitment to support the Police Department's staffing plan.
Chief Thomas indicated that he will miss the November 17, 2015, City
Council Meeting and wanted to convey that he has assigned Sara Wood to lead a
project to go out into the community to try to determine what our community
would expect from a successful Police Department. Chief Thomas indicated that he
believes that combining his goals of intelligence led policing addressing quality of
life and crime issues, with what the community believes is important will result in
the ability to form a plan that meets the needs of the community.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m. by Committee Chair Berrios.
Respectfully submit ed,
Kim Komoto
Public Safety Committee Secretary
5:\PUBUC\City Clerk's Office\City Council\Council Committees\Public Safety Committee\2015\November\H'ORD Versions\November 13,2015 Minutes.doc
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