HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 11/23/2009 (3) LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES November 23, 2009 Board Members Present: Chair Dana Ralph, Vice Chair Jack Ottini, Steve Dowell Absent/Excused, Alan Gray, Jon Johnson, Aleanna Kondelis-Halpin Absent/Unexcused, Barbara Phillips Staff Members Present: Fred Satterstrom, Gloria Gould-Wessen, William D. Osborne, Kim Adams Pratt, Molly Bartlemay 3. Approval of Minutes Ottini MOVED and Gray SECONDED a motion to APPROVE the August 10, 2009 Minutes. Motion PASSED 5-0. 4. Added Items None S. Communications None 6. Notice of Upcoming Meetings Planning Director Fred Satterstrom stated that a docketed item submitted in September, proposing to regulate the height of commercial buildings in the Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE) zone when abutting single family zoning will likely be considered by the Land Use and Planning Board in the first quarter of 2010. 7. CPA-2007-4 Midway Subarea Plan (CPA-2007-4) Long Range Planner Gloria Gould-Wessen stated that the Midway Subarea Plan has been presented at previous workshops. She stated that staff is asking for preliminary approval of the revised plan and will bring the entire plan back for a second hearing in 2010 at which time staff will ask for final approval and to move this on to City Council. Gould-Wessen submitted Exhibit 1 for the record; a letter from Karen Williams with the Housing Development Consortium, indicating her interest in affordable housing. Gould-Wessen stated that the Midway Subarea Plan is the result of a collaborative planning effort along the Pacific Highway corridor and has involved extensive public outreach defined as Envision Midway. The outreach effort was designed to assist the Cities of Kent and Des Moines in developing subarea or neighborhood plans and implementation strategies in preparation for the future extension of light rail into the area. Gould-Wessen defined Kent's study area as a transit oriented community. She stated that there were two areas of focus; auto oriented and transit areas where pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users are as dominant as automobile use. The subarea plan shows existing conditions and illuminates the vision through 2050. The plan sets the framework to establish goals and policies and includes seven (7) elements: (1) Land Use focuses on uses and activities around the high capacity transit station nodes and auto-oriented areas, and on increasing the intensity of mixed-uses in these areas. It establishes a multimodal street network that is effective for pedestrians, bicyclists and transit. (2) Urban Design focuses on the built environment and design details, enhancing the buildings, streetscape, parking, and the natural environment with an emphasis on pedestrians and aesthetics. The auto-oriented area focuses on materials, building heights, sidewalk widths and protecting potential views. (3) Housing focuses on the need to create new housing opportunities for a range of incomes, replacing existing affordable housing and creating live/work opportunities in the auto-oriented areas. (4) Transportation's emphasis is on creating pedestrian friendly streets in a transit oriented community, identifies the need for new streets, incorporates high capacity light rail transit and defines a funding source that needs to be further explored. (5) Parks and Open Space acknowledges the desire for open space and recreation opportunities in the Midway area and notes the possibility of joint-use regional drainage infrastructure for development and recreational purposes. (6) Implementation identifies tools to develop and transform Midway into a place that is less auto oriented and more of a transit supported community. It encourages incentives, capital investments, and other public and private partnerships. (7) Inter-jurisdictional Coordination continues coordination with Des Moines and other agencies, and acknowledges the direction for implementation. Chair Ralph Declared the Public Hearing Open. Robert Pond 23116 301h Ave S, Des Moines stated that he has been a Des Moines resident for 20 years and has been involved in the Pacific Ridge development and planning. Pond voiced opposition to having light rail on 30t". Pond stated that 99 would be a better option for light rail as it is shorter, safer, faster and closer to where people shop. Brad Corner 14295 SE 361h St # 100, Bellevue stated that he owns property in the 2300_block of Military Rd South and has attended many of the workshops and stakeholders meetings regarding the Envision Midway project. Corner stated that he and his partners have concerns over the new roads proposed in the diagrams. Corner stated that according to the diagram his property would be divided in half, noting that it is expensive to purchase right-of-way. Corner reiterated that these roads should be looked at as conceptual and not as a requirement. Bob Loeliger 4126 S 243!d Place, Kent stated that he is Vice President of the West Hill Neighborhood Council; he spoke in favor of the proposal. Loeliger stated that he and his neighbors would likely take advantage of transit and increased retail in the area. Loeliger stated that the proposed overpass over I-5 would open up access for the neighborhood. Gray MOVED and Ottini SECONDED a Motion to close the Public Hearing. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Johnson MOVED to enter Exhibit #1 from the Housing Consortium into the public record. Gray SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Ottini MOVED to preliminarily approve CPA-2007-4 Midway Subarea Plan as presented by staff. Johnson SECONDED the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. ADJOURNMENT Ottini MOVED and Johnson SECONDED a Motion to adjourn. Motion CARRIED. Ralph adjourned the meeting at 7:32 pm. Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager Secretary of the Board P:\Planning\LUPB\2009\MINUTES\112309-LUPB-Minutes.doc