HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 12/14/2009 (4) LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES December 14, 2009 Board Members Present: Chair Dana Ralph (Absent/Excused), Vice Chair Jack Ottini, Steve Dowell, Alan Gray, Jon Johnson, Aleanna Kondelis-Haplin, Barbara Phillips (Absent/Excused) Staff Members Present: Fred Satterstrom, Gloria Gould-Wessen, Matt Gilbert, Kim Adams Pratt, Pamela Mottram 3. Approval of Minutes Dowell MOVED and Gray SECONDED a motion to Approve the November 23, 2009 Minutes. Motion PASSED 5-0. 4. Added Items Election of Officers S. Communications None 6. Notice of Upcoming Meetings None 7. CPA-2007-4 Midway Design Guidelines (CPZ-2007-2) Long Range Planner Gloria Gould-Wessen stated, for the record, that no submittals had been received. Gould-Wessen gave an overview of the Guidelines and stated that the public can review the Guidelines on the City of Kent's Website. Gould-Wessen stated that the Guidelines reflect the vision of the Midway Subarea Plan, and provide an effort to ensure that the Pacific Highway transportation corridor is developed in support of future light rail development. The Guidelines will supplement Kent City Code Zoning Title 15, and will supersede portions of the City of Kent Construction Standards Manual. Gould-Wessen stated that the Guidelines are divided into two major sections: The first section, Site Design, addresses the arrangement of buildings, landscaping, open space, circulation, and other features unique to locating the built environment. The second section, Architectural Design, focuses on construction materials, design details, and how the built form influences the sense of place. Gould-Wessen stated that language in the Site Design section has been amended, added or deleted for clarification, and to create more specific guidelines. She cited the addition of language concerning; primary entry treatments, pedestrian level windows, transition zones, revising sidewalk widths from 15 to 12 feet, the use of display windows every 25 feet, site planning, and car-sharing opportunities. Gould-Wessen stated that the Architectural Design section incorporates language additions and deletions concerning: height, bulk and scale; architectural details, unification of buildings, public distances from commercial entrances, commercial displays, the utilization of special treatments for blank walls longer than twenty (20) feet, signage, public and private lighting, and the deletion of landscaping LEED criteria until LEED language is codified. Midway Design Guidelines CPZ-2007-2 Land Use and Planning Board Hearing 1 December 14, 2009 Gould-Wessen stated that staff is recommending preliminary approval of the Design Guidelines as presented with a final public hearing to be held in early 2010 once other planning and regulatory pieces are in place; thereafter forwarding this on to City Council for approval. Gould-Wessen acknowledged that staff should consider the Boards' concerns with the use of low-wattage lighting within delivery areas or high risk areas. With no further discussion, Ottini declared the Public Hearing open. Wayne Jones, PO Box 146, Renton, WA 98057 stated that the Guidelines need more flexibility built in, so as not to discourage development. Brad Corner, 14205 361' St. #100, Bellevue, WA 98006 stated that he believes that certain requirements (such as setbacks) within the Guidelines should be evaluated on a site specific basis so as not to preclude a potential use due to setback mandates. He stated that reducing the height, bulk and scale of proposed structures should be mandated. Seeing no further speakers, Gray Moved and Johnson seconded a Motion to close the public hearing. Motion Carried 5-0. After deliberating, Johnson MOVED to preliminarily APPROVE the Midway Design Guidelines as presented by staff noting that a final public hearing will be scheduled once other planning and implementation pieces have been considered. Dowell SECONDED the Motion. With no opposition, Motion CARRIED 5-0. Election of Officers Johnson MOVED to nominate Dana Ralph for the position of Chair and Dowell SECONDED the Motion. Seeing no opposition, Motion CARRIED 5-0. Johnson MOVED to nominate Jack Ottini for the position of Vice Chair and Dowell SECONDED the Motion. Seeing no opposition, Motion CARRIED 5-0. Adjournment Vice-Chair Ottini adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager Secretary of the Board P:\Planning\LUPB\2009\MINUTES\121409-LUPB-Minutes_ggw.doc Midway Design Guidelines CPZ-2007-2 Land Use and Planning Board Hearing 2 December 14, 2009