HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 08/10/2009 (3) LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES August 10, 2009 Board Members Present: Chair Dana Ralph, Vice Chair Jack Ottini, Steve Dowell, Alan Gray, Jon Johnson, Aleanna Kondelis, Barbara Phillips Staff Members Present: Charlene Anderson, Erin George, Kim Adams Pratt, Jeff Watling Molly Bartlemay 3. Approval of Minutes Ottini MOVED and Gray SECONDED a motion to APPROVE the July 27, 2009 Minutes. Motion PASSED 7-0. 4. Added Items. None S. Communications. None 6. Notice of Upcoming Meetings: None 7. CPA-2007-1 Shoreline Master Program Update Planner Erin George stated that staff presented the proposed Shoreline Master Program Update (SMP) in detail at the July 27, 2009, Land Use and Planning Board Hearing. George stated that based on concerns from that hearing, the public access portion has been re- evaluated. George stated that according to WAC, existing parks and trails can be used to meet the public access requirement. George presented three options to address the public access requirement and stated that staff recommended option C, which is to revise the public access section, making public access a requirement only if the project is a public project or on public property, or if it interferes with existing public access. George further stated that providing private community access would be required for subdivisions of more than four (4) lots or a multi-family development. Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services Jeff Watling stated he met with staff after the last hearing and it was determined that all of the City's shorelines have more than adequate public access. Watling noted the various amenities at Lake Meridian Park. Kondelis raised questions regarding public access on Panther Lake. Watling stated that they have started to speak with property owners and have applied for State and County grants to purchase property to provide additional public access on Panther Lake. Watling added the annexation vote result in November will decide if this is explored further. George presented an aerial photo of Panther Lake showing current access points and possible new access points through City purchase. George stated that Panther Lake will have sufficient public access if annexed into the City. George presented other staff recommended changes to the SMP. These changes include adding a footnote regarding building height to the Development Standards Table in Chapter 5, changing incorrect references as listed in the staff response to Soos Creek Water and Sewer District under response numbers one (1) and eight (8) from the previous hearing, clarifying the term "accessory utilities" in Chapter 6, adding an allowance for a maximum of eight (8) new swim platforms on Lake Meridian, and revising Table 6 in Chapter 5 to require a conditional use permit for in-stream structures. George stated that fourteen (14) new comments were received from an online survey, which was created earlier in the drafting process of the SMP. Some concerns expressed in these comments included wetlands protection, flood control, access to the Green River, and commercial in parks. George explained how these concerns are addressed in the SMP. George stated that if the Board recommends adoption, the intent would be to take the SMP to the Planning and Economic Development Committee on August 24t" and then to Council in September for adoption. Upon adoption, staff will submit a final locally adopted SMP to the State Department of Ecology, who typically holds their own hearing with a 30-day comment period. George stated that she anticipates the SMP will be effective Fall of 2009. Gray pointed out numbering inconsistencies in the staff-recommended "Option C" regarding public access section. George stated these numbers would be fixed and incorrect references would be deleted. Chair Ralph declared the Public Hearing open. Bill Dinsdale, 13700 SE 166th Street stated that he purchased two parcels on Lake Meridian in the 1970's. Dinsdale stated that the geometry of the setback requirements would make his setback 120 feet, which would block his view of Mount Rainier. Dinsdale provided a picture showing his parcel and stated that his understanding was that if you drew a line from the front of the neighboring houses, you could not construct beyond that line and that properties should have access to the same sight line. Dowell clarified that he would be able to construct a house closer to the lake than the house to the north. George provided an aerial photograph showing a potential building site on the Dinsdale property. Ralph asked for clarification regarding the averaging setback component of the new SMP. George stated that the averaging component has not changed from the previous SMP, and explained that the Shoreline Management Act requires protection of public views of the water, as opposed to mountain views. Ottini asked about the option for a variance. George stated that there is a Shoreline Variance process that Dinsdale could pursue. Johnson MOVED and Dowell SECONDED a Motion to close the Public Hearing. Motion Carried 7-0. Johnson MOVED to recommend adoption of the Shoreline Master Program Update and Comprehensive Plan Amendment Number 2007-1, as presented by staff to include the following: 1) Option C-related to public access and all other necessary wording changes to make the SMP consistent with the revised public access section; 2) An allowance for eight (8) new swim platforms on Lake Meridian only; and 3) Revising Table 6 in Chapter 5 to require a conditional use permit for in-stream structures. Johnson's motion also moved to add a footnote regarding building height, correct references in the staff response to Soos Creek Water and Sewer District, clarify the term accessory utilities and delete the reference to regulation 2 and 3 on page 9. Kondelis SECONDED. Motion carried 7-0. ADJOURNMENT Dowell MOVED and OTTINI Seconded a Motion to adjourn. Motion CARRIED. Ralph adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m. Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager Secretary of the Board P:\Planning\LUPB\2009\MINUTES\081009-LUPB-Minutes.doc