HomeMy WebLinkAbout2044RESOLUTION NO. 2044 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, adopting the 2023 th ro u g h 2028 Six-Yea r Tra n sportati on Im p rovement Program. RECITALS A. After proper notice, the City held a public hearing at the regular meeting of the Kent City Council at 7 p.m. on May 17, 2022, to consider public testimony on the City's proposed 2023 through 2028 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. B. Having considered public testimony on the plan, the Council would like to adopt the 2023 through 2028 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. NOW THEREFORE, THE CIry COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 7, - Adoption. The 2023 through 2028 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, set forth in Exhibit "A," Which is attached and filed with City Clerk, is hereby adopted. 7 2023-2028 Six-Year Tra nsportation Im provement Progra m SECTION 2, - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this resolution is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this resolution and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. - Corrections by City Clerk Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk is authorized to make necessary corrections to this resolution, including the correction of clerical errors; resolution, section, or subsection numberingi or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 4. - Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. DANA RALPH, MAYO ATTEST: KIMBERLEY A May L7,2022 Date Approved May L7, 2022 Date Adopted 2 2023-2028 Six-Year Tra nspo rtatio n I m p roveme nt Prog ra m ,cIryc D AS TO FORM: ITE, ACTING CITY ATTORNEYTAM EXHIBIT A 2023 -2028 SIX-YEAR TRAN S PO RTATION I M P ROVE M E NT PROG RAM CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON 2023 - 2028 SrX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IM PROVEM ENT PROGRAM _i--- 1r+ - lF- 'Y '.?+tl\-.rE I qt t-q ttlr, .f :rr \n.}.-- : ----- . i,/.#*:szl \- (-Q1 rut,r- dt rl :. '-J RF? ,a : $8 -_ *:- - ---it_ ..f. $- .1 I ;.-Sh.*- i,I. Mayor Dana Ralph Chad Bieren, PE, Director of Public Works KENT WASHTNGToN 2023-2028 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Table of Contents: Introduction Project List 2023 - 2O2B Six-Year TIP Cost Estimates Map of Projects . Project Descriptions ... Contact Information On the Cover: Ariel image of the Willis Street at 4th Avenue South Roundabout ....... ix ..... xlv V 1 5B 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Introduction Overview The Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a short-range planning document that is updated annually based on needs and policies identified in the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan and Transportation Master Plan (TMP). A major update of the TMP was adopted on March 2, 2021, Projects, plans and programs move from the TMP to the TIP as priority projects, grants and other funding sources are identified. The TIP represents Kent's current list of needed projects that are anticipated to begin preliminary engineering, right of way acquisition or construction within the next six years. The TIP also includes ongoing citywide transportation plans and programs. Projects, plans and programs are included in the TIP plan for a variety of reasons. These projects, plans and programs encompass all transportation modes as well as both capital improvements and operations and maintenance. The document identifies secured or reasonably expected revenue sources for each project or program. The TIP serves as a draft work plan for the development of the local transportation network. Once adopted, the TIP will guide funding and implementation priorities during the development of the transportation portion of the Six-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The CIP shows the City-funded portion of projects and is constrained by current budget forecasts, whereas the TIP shows a complete project list with the variety of funding sources and partners involved. Historically, the largest sources of funding for TIP projects have been grants' Funding for transportation projects is available from federal, state, and local resources. Each funding source has specific rules and guidelines about what types of projects it will fund, how much of a project will be funded and timelines for expenditure of funds, Additionally, most grant programs require a funding match, which means that the City must contribute funding to the cost of the project. The City of Kent funds transportation projects using the General Fund, Street Fund, Local Improvement Districts, Transportation Impact Fees, Business and Occupation Tax, Solid Waste Utility Tax, and grant revenue from local, state, and federal governments. One reason the TIP is updated annually is that many revenue sources are closely tied to the health of the economy and can therefore be unpredictable, In addition, grant criteria can change from the previous cycle necessitating a re- evaluation of the TIP projects. CITY OF KENT 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Document Structure Each project, plan or program listed in the TIP includes an estimated cost, the amount of funding secured or unsecured and the funding source(s), If grant funding has been secured from a specific source, it is identified. Projects listed that are necessary to accommodate growth and allow the City to maintain its adopted Levels of Service may be funded in part by transportation impact fees, The costs for projects programmed in the first three years of the TIP have been developed with a higher level of certainty, whereas those in the latter three years have been developed with less specificity, as those projects are generally less defined. There are a series of six maps. Figure 1 details the six subareas that were developed in the Transportation Master Plan (TMP). Figures 2 through 6 detail the TIP projects by subarea. Requirements State law requires that each city develop a local TIP and that it be updated annually (RCW 35.77.0I0). The TIP represents an important planning component under the State's Growth Management Act and must be consistent with the transportation element of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The TIP may be revised at any time during the year by a majority of the Council, after a public hearing. In order to compete for transportation funding grants from federal and state sources, granting agencies require projects to be included in the TIP. Changes to the TIP The City updated its Comprehensive Plan in 2015. The first six years of the Comprehensive Plan are financially constrained, meaning that secured funding is demonstrated within an approved budget or similarly approved funding action. Consequently, the 2023-2028 TIP has been revised to reflect projects that will likely be constructed using existing funding sources as well as the City's historical record of average grant disbursements, Tables 1 and 2 below detail projects added and removed from the TIP. Table 3 details changes to existing project descriptions. iiCITY OF KENT #1 Central Avenue Plan #2 Greenways Plan 2023.2028 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Table 1 2fJ23-2028 Six-Year TIP Plans Added Table 2 2022-2027 Six-Year TIP Removed Table 3 2fJ22-2027 Six-Year TIP Cha Completed#1- W James Street at 2nd Avenue N Pedestrian Crossing Completed#2- S 2I2th Street - 72nd Avenue S to 84th Avenue S (E Valley Hiqhwav) Completed#4 - Willis Street Shared Use Paths- Union Pacific Railroad to the 4th Avenue South Roundabout S 212th Street and E Valley HighwaY Intersection project and the S 196th Street to S 212th Street - E ValleY Highway pavement were combined into one proiect to maximize efficiency #26. E Valley Highway - South 196th Street to S 212th Street CITY OF KENT iii 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Measure Progress through Systemwide Transportation Performance Measures An update to the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) detailed the need and framework for Systemwide transportation petformance measures to track progress on completing projects and implementing policies. Systemwide performance measures are used to understand how progress on projects and policies translates into progress on the five adopted transportation goals. The measures are used as checkpoints to understand where progress is occurring and not occurring to reach the goals of Connectivity and Options, Safety and Health, Stewardship, Strategy and Placemaking. Performance measure provide the data to understand Kent's progress and if redirection is necessary to reach the adopted goals. During the Transportation Master Plan staff from Public Works, Economic and Community Development, and Parks collaborated to develop a list of potential peformance measures including data sources and availability, funding needs, and collection and analysis processes. II i'l ilt,r I i!. i t',r tt,tt i 1,"1",1\lllr" i'l'trl'r I i)i'l'r'l rl{rt:tr'tt1 l'i rrt ilr,:r'ri l'l rrl' r i', Io t! oItg ct ? Eoc; .tq, 3o ae l'l'rrr l!t,t {'tl lt l,}llr r, li,,t.ltr,", l.rll,ll', lii'rl,:,l,rl li I :,tttttt',',,t'trir l'l,rr rrttrrl l'irltt ti" trtlr1",;l lt Ai I lrl,rtt.rilr,rrt',trl I'rti , r,', 'ti ,til itr;tl' CITY OF KENT IV 2023-2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project List Project # Project Name, Location and Extent 1 2 3 Russell Road Pedestrian Improvements Phase 2 - 7O0 feet north of W Meeker Street to existing sidewalk 500 feet south of 24Orh Street Transportation Master Plan 76th Avenue S (North Phase) - S 2l2th Street to 1,000 Feet South of S 2I2th Street S 212th Street - Green River Bridge (west) to Orillia Road S/City Limits S 240th Street Sidewalks from Russell Road to Lakeside Boulevard E Russell Road Pedestrian Improvements Phase 1 - Meeker Street to Hogan Park Auburn to Renton RapidRide Access Improvements Four Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons (RRFBs) at 104th Avenue SE south of SE 256th Street, SE 240th Street east of 104th Avenue SE, Central Avenue N between Novak Lane and Woodford Avenue N, and Central Avenue N between Woodford Avenue N and E George Street Local Road Safety Plan - 2O2O Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Award Meeker Street and 64th Avenue S - Intersection Improvements Reith Road - Compact Roundabouts and Road Diet Meeker Frontage Improvement at Kent Elementary School New Traffic Signal on Washington Avenue S (SR 181) between W Meeker Street and Kent-Des Moines Road (SR 516) Veterans Drive Extension - Military Road to I-5 Southbound Off-ramp 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. 11. L2. 13. L4. CITY OF KENT V 2023-2028 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 15. E Valley Highway Pavement Preservation - S 196th Street to S 2I2n Street 16. L32d Avenue SE Pedestrian Improvements (Phase 3) - SE Kent- Kangley Road to SE 278th Place L7. 76th Avenue S (South Phase) - 2,600 Feet South of S 212th Street to 3,660 Feet South of S 212th Street 18. Local Road Safety Plan - 2023 Highway Safety Improvement Program 19. BNSF Railway Company Railroad Quiet Zone 20. Union Pacific Railroad Quiet Zone 2L. Meeker Street Green River Bridge Rehabilitation 22. Military Road at Reith Road/S 260th Street Intersection Improvements 23. S 218th Street/98th Avenue S - 94th Place S to 99th Avenue S 24. Naden Avenue and Willis Street Intersection Improvements ZS. Safe Routes to School - School Zone Flashers at Seven Elementary Schools 26. W Meeker Street Frontage from Thompson Avenue to the Interurban Trail 27. New and Enhanced Pedestrian Crossings in the Downtown Regional Growth Center, in the Kent Manufacturing/Industrial Center (MIC), and along the Interurban Trail 2A. Naden Avenue Improvements - Willis Street to Meeker Street 29. 108th Avenue SE (SR 51s/Benson Highway) at Panther Lake Library - Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) pedestrian crossing 30. W Meeker Street Frontage from Washington Avenue to Thompson Avenue 31. S 216th Street - 99th Avenue S to 108th Avenue SE (SR 515/Benson Highway) CITY OF KENT VI 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 4L. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 83'd Avenue S Sidewalks from S 228th Street to S 224rh Street SE 272nd Street (SR 516) at 148th Avenue SE (Lake Meridian) - Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) Pedestrian Crossing Safe Routes to School - East Hill Elementary and Mill Creek Middle Schools Local Road Safety Plan - 2025 Highway Safety Improvement Program Panther Lake Signal System Integration Railroad Safety Project - BNSF Railroad Crossing at E Smith Street Kent Transit Center - Access, Mobility and Safety Improvements W James Street/W Smith Street Pedestrian Improvements Meeker Frontage Improvement from Kent Elementary School to Washington Avenue N and New Traffic Signal S 2L2rh Street Green River Bridge Rehabilitation S 2L2rh Street - Green River Bridge (East) to 72nd Avenue S W Meeker Street Road Diet from the Interurban Trail to 6th Avenue S and Intersection Improvements at 6th Avenue S SE 248th Street Improvements - 104th Avenue SE to 109th Avenue SE SE 248th Street Improvements - 109th Avenue SE to 116th Avenue SE E Willis Street (SR 516) and Central Avenue (SR 516) Intersection Improvements Central Avenue - Traffic Signal Communication Midway Subarea TOD Streets - S 244th Street and 32nd Avenue S !32nd Avenue SE Pedestrian Improvements (Phase 4) - SE 228th Street to SE 24jth Street SE 248th Street at 116th Avenue SE Roundabout CITY OF KENT vil 2023-2028 SIX-YEAR TRAN SPO RTATION IM PROVE M E NT P ROG RAM Transportation Plans 1. Central Avenue Plan 2. Greenways Plan Onooino CiWwide Proorams 1. Street and Sidewalk Preservation and Repair Program 2. Traffic Signal Management Program 3. Channelization and Pavement Markings Maintenance Program 4. Guardrail ImProvement Program 5. City Safety Program CITY OF KENT viii 2023-2028 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVTM ENT PROGRAM PROJECT COSTS PHASES No.Project Year Project costs City Secured External Unsecured Phases Total Other Preliminary Right of way Construction aF(J tu odL 1 Russell Road Pedestrian Improvements Phase 2 - 700 feet north of W f4eeker Street to existing sidewalk 500 feet south of q 24oth qtrFet 2022 $ 605,000 $ 140,000 $ 465,000 $$ 60s,000 $$ 118,000 $ 54,000 $ 433,ooo 2 Transportation f4aster Plan 2022 $ 940,000 $ 940,000 $$$ 940,000 $ 940,000 $$$ 3 /otn Avenue 5 (No(n Pnasej - 5 212th Street to 1,000 Feet South ^f q ?1 2th qrra.r 2022 $ 4,000,000 $ 520,000 $ 3,480,000 $$ 4,000,000 $$ 220,000 $ 130,000 $ 3,6s0,000 4 S 212th Street Green River Bridge (West) to Orillia Road S/Ciiv limitc ana)$ 1,840,000 $ 340,000 $ 1,500,000 $$ 1,840,000 $$ 140,000 $$ 1,700,000 5 5 24utn street 5roewalKs trom Russell Road to Lakeside 2023 $ 429,900 $ 117,900 $ 312,000 $$ 429,9OO $$35,825 $$394,075 6 Russell Road Pedestrian Improvements Phase 1 - Meeker qtrfft to Hdden Ptrk 2023 $ 750,000 $$ 7s0,000 $$ 750,000 $$ 80,000 $$ 670,000 7 Auburn to Renton Rapid Ride A..ecc lmnrnvFmrnts 2023 $ 10,680,000 $$ 10,680,000 $$ 10,680,000 $1,520.000 $ 1,650,000 $$ 7,510,000 8 Four Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBS) at 104th Avenue SE south of SE 256th Street, SE 240th Street east of 104th Avenue SE, Central Avenue N between Novak Lane and Woodford Avenue N, and Central Avenue N between Woodford Avenue N and E Georoe Street 2023 $ 1,255,000 $ 91,412 $ 1,163,588 $$ 1,255,000 $$ 269,000 $$ 986,000 9 Local Road Safety Plan - 2020 Hjghway Safety Improvement Prooram (HSIP) Award 2023 $ 1,800,000 $ 180,000 $ 1,620,000 $$ 1,800,000 $$ 275,000 $$ 1,525,000 10 Meeker Street and 64th Avenue S - Intersection Imorovements 2023 $ 2,616,000 $$ 274,OOO $ 2,342,O0O $ 2,616,000 $$ 291,000 $$ 2,32s,000 11 Rertn Roao - Lompact e^rndrhailtc rnd R^id DiFt 2023 $ 2,493,000 $$ 1,595,000 $ 898,000 $ 2,493,000 $$ 208,000 $$ 2,28s,000 t2 \4eeker Frontage Imprcvement rt Kent Elementary School 2023 $ 1,906,000 $ 600,000 $$ 1,306,000 $ 1,906,000 $$ 173,000 $$ 1,733,000 IXCIry OF KENT 2023-2028 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMINT PROGRAIV] PROJECT COSTS PHASES No.Project Year Project Costs Tdtal city Secured External lJnsecured Phases Total Other PreliminarY Endineerino Right of Way Construction aFU uJ od.o- 13 New Traffic Signal on Washington Avenue S (SR 181) between W Meeker Street and Kent-Des Moines Road (SR 516) 2023 $ 2,332,000 $$$ 2,332,000 $ 2,332,000 $$ 212,OOO $$ 2,120,000 L4 veterans Dflve txtensron - 14ilitary Road to 1-5 Southbound 2023 $ 51,620,000 $$ 47,104,000 $ 4,516,000 $ 51,620,000 $$ 2,765,000 $ 10,270,000 $ 38,s85,000 15 E Valley Highway Pavement Preseryation - S 196th Street to s 212th Street 2023 $ 4,277,000 $$$ 4,277,OOO $ 4,277,OO0 $$ 318,000 $$ 3,959,000 15 132nd Avenue SE Pedestrian Improvements (Phase 3) SE Kent-Kangley Road to SE 278th Place 2023 $ 408,940 $$ s8,940 $ 3s0,000 $ 408,940 $$ s8,940 $$ 350,000 t7 76th Avenue S (South Phase) - 2,600 Feet South of S 212th Street to 3,660 Feet South of S 21 2th Street 2023 $ 14,500,000 $$ 3,000,000 $ 11,500,000 $ 14,500,000 $$ 1,570,000 $ 2,330,000 $ 10,600,000 1a Local Road Safety Plan - 2023 Highway Safety Improvement 2023 $ 918,000 $$$ 918,000 $ 918,000 $$ 112,000 $ 64,000 $ 742,000 19 BNSF Railway Company Railroad 2024 $ 1,938,000 $ 1,938,000 $$$ 1,938,000 $$ 135,000 $ 49,000 $ |,754,OOO 20 Union Pacific Railroad Quiet Zone 2024 $ 1,212,000 $ 1,212,000 $$$ L,272,OOO $$ 85,000 $ 31,000 $ 1,096,000 2t lvleeker Street Green River R.id^a Rchrhilitati^n 2024 $ 6,0s2,000 $ 1,567,680 $ 4,4A4,32O $$ 6,052,000 $$ 8s0,000 $$ s,202,000 22 N4ilitary Road at Reith Road/S 260th Street Intersection Imorovements 2024 $ 10,312,000 $$$ 10,312,000 $ 10,312,000 $$ 938,000 $$ 9,374,000 23 S 218th Street/g8th Avenue S - 94th Place S to 99th Avenue S 2024 $ 11,549,000 $ 663,620 $ 10,88s,380 $$ 11,s49,000 $$ 1,173,000 $ 1,263,000 $ 9,113,000 24 Naden Avenue and Willis Street Intersection Improvements 2024 $ 2,800,000 $ 2,800,000 $$ 2,800,000 $$ 273,000 $ 2s1,000 $ 2,276,000 23 Safe Routes to School - School Zone Flashers at Seven FlFmpntaru Schools 2025 $ 418,000 $$$ 418,000 $ 418,000 $$ 42,000 $$ 376,000 26 W lvleeker Street Frontage from Thompson Avenue to the Interurban Trail 2025 $ 6,100,000 $ 1,342,500 $$ 4,757,5OO $ 6,100,000 $$ s00,000 $ 100,000 $ s,500,000 x CITY OF KENT 2023-2028 SIX-YEAR f RANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PRO]ECT COSTS PHASES No.Project Year Project Costs Tdtel City Secured External lrnsecured Phases Total Other Preliminary Right of Way Construction aF(J IU odo 27 New and Enhanced Pedestrian Crossings in the Downtown Regional Growth Center, in the Kent Manufacturing/Industrial Center (MIC), and along the Interurban Trail 2025 $ 6,200,000 $$$ 6,200,000 $ 6,200,000 $$ 600,000 $$ s,600,000 2e Naden Avenue Improvements - Willis Street to N4eeke. Street 2025 $ 3,000,000 $$$ 3,000,000 $ 3,000,000 $$ 400,000 $ 200,000 $ 2,400,000 29 108th Avenue SE (SR 51s/Benson Highway) at Panther Lake Library - Pedestrjan Hybrid Beacon (PHB) Pedestrian Crossing 2025 $ 895,s00 $$$ 89s,500 $ 89s,s00 $$ 1s3,500 $$ 742,000 3() w Meeker Street Frontage from Washinqton Avenue to lh^mhc^n A\,.n"4 2025 $ 2,050,000 $$$ 2,0s0,000 $ 2,0s0,000 $$ 2s0,000 $$ 1,800,000 31 S 216'" Street - 99th Avenue S to 108th Avenue SE (SR ql q/R6nc^^ Hi^hM,:\/1 2025 $ 14,630,000 $$ 14,630,000 $$ 14,630,000 $$ 1,680,000 $ 1,450,000 $ 11,500,000 32 83rd Avenue S Sidewalks from S 228th Street to S 224th Street 2025 $ 600,000 $$$ 600,000 $ 600,000 $$ 100,000 $$ 500,ooo 33 sE 272nd Street (SR 516) at 148th Avenue SE (Lake lvleridian) - Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) Pedestrian 2025 $ 1,300,000 $$ 120,000 $ 1,180,000 $ 1,300,000 $$ 200,000 $$ 1,100,000 ?4 sate Routes to Scnool - East Hill Elementary and 14ill Creek $ 600,000 $$$ 600,000 $ 600,000 $$ 100,000 $ 100,ooo $ 400,000 35 Local Road Safety Plan - 2025 Highway Safety Improvement 2025 $ 1,100,000 $$$ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000 $$ 200,000 $ 100,ooo $ 800,000 36 Panther Lake Signal System I nteo ration 2026 $ 600,000 $$$ 600,000 $ 600,000 $$ 100,000 $$ 500,000 37 Railroad Safety Poect - BNSF Railroad Crossing at E Smith 2026 $ 800,000 $$$ 800,000 $ 800,000 $$ 100,000 $$ 700,000 3a (ent I ransrt uenter - Access, \4obility and Safety 2026 $ 4,400,000 $$$ 4,400,000 $ 4,400,000 $1,000,000 $ 900,000 $$ 2.500,000 XICIry OF KENT 2023-2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT COSTS PHASES No.Project Year Project Costs Total City Secured External lrnsecured Phases Total Othe.Preliminary Right of Way Construction aFUllJ o& o_ 39 W Jam€s Street/W Smith Street Pedestrian Improvements 2026 $ 1,100,000 $$$ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000 $$ 200,000 $$ 900,000 40 lvleeker Frontage Improvement from Kent Elementary School to Washington Avenue N and New Traffic Signal 2027 $ 10,000.000 $$$ 10,000,000 $ 10,000,000 $$ 900,000 $ 100,000 $ 9,000,000 4L 5 212th Street Green Rrv€r Rrid^a aahrhiliirri^n 2027 $ 1,300,000 $$$ 1,300,000 $ 1,300,000 $$ 200,000 $$ 1,100,000 42 S 212th Street - Green River Bridqe (East) to 72nd Avenue S 2027 $ 3,346,000 $ 1,846,000 $$ 1,500,000 $ 3.346,000 $$ 206,000 $$ 3,140,000 43 W Meeker Street Road Diet from the Interurban Trall to 6th Avenue S and Intersection Improvements at 6th Avenue S 2027 $ 600,000 $$$ 600,000 $ 600,000 $$ 100,ooo $$ s00,000 44 S 248th Street Improvements - 104th Avenue S to 109th Avenue q 2027 $ 6,900,000 $$$ 6,900,000 $ 6,900,000 $$ 600,000 $ 300,000 $ 6,000,000 45 S 248th Street Improvements - 109th Avenue S to 116th Avenue SE 2027 $ 8,300,000 $$$ 8,300,000 $ 8,3oo,ooo $$ 600,000 $ 3oo,ooo $ 7,400,000 46 E Willis Street (SR 516) and central Avenue S (sR 516) lntersection Imorovements 2027 $ 700,000 $ 168,000 $$ s32,000 $ 700,000 $$ 100,000 $ 200,000 $ 400,000 47 Central Avenue - Traffic Signal 2027 $ 6,100,000 $$$ 6,100,000 $ 6,100,000 $ 300,000 $ 1,s00,000 $$ 4,300,000 4a Midway Subarea TOD Streets - S 244th Street and 32nd Avenue S 2027 $ 7,200,000 $$$ 7,200,000 $ 7,200,000 $$ 800,000 $ 1,700,000 $ 4,700,000 49 132nd Avenue SE Pedestrian Improvements (Phase 4) - SE 228th Street to SE 240th Street 2024 $ 1,200,000 $$$ 1,200,000 $ 1,200,000 $$ 200,000 $$ 1,000,000 50 Southeast 248th Street at 116th Ave qF R^rin.lahdilt 2024 $ 3,8oo,ooo $$$ 3,800,000 $ 3,800,000 $$ 400,000 $ 700,000 $ 2,700,000 Total Projects $ 23O,473,340 $ 74,467,rr2 $ 102,122,224 $ 113,884,000 i 23O,473,340 $ 3,760,000 $ 23,669,765 $ 19,692,000 $ 183,351,575 xtlCIryOF KENT 2023 2028 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IM PROVEMENT PROGMM PROJECT COSTS No.Project Year Protect Costs Total City Secured External Unsecured tnz Jc 51 Central Avenue Plan 2028 $ 725,OOO $$$ 725,000 52 Greenways Plan 2028 $ 72s,000 $$$ 72s,000 Total Plans $ 1,4s0,000 $$$ 1,450,000 PHASES Phases Total Other Prelimanary Endinc.rino Right of way Construction $72s,000 $600,000 $ 125,000 $$ $72s,O00 $600,000 $ 125,000 $$ $ 1,450,000 $ 1,200,000 $ 2s0,000 $$ (/) =d C,od o_ 54 Street and Sidewalk Preseryatton and ReDair lonoo,no $ 128,504,000 $ 38,400,000 $$ eo,1o4,oooll $ 128,so4,ooo $$ r7,991,000 $ 1,286,000 $ 7O9,227,OOO 55 Traffic Signal lvlanagement lonno'nn $ s,082,000 $ 3,750,000 $$1,332,oooll $5,082,000 $$ 726,000 $$ 4,356,000 56 Channelization and Pavement N4arkings Maintenance lonno'nn $ s,809,000 $ 2,s75,000 $$$ s,809,000 $$ 872,000 $$ 4,937,0OO Guardrail Safety lmprovements lo*.'r $ 799,000 $ 660,000 $$13r,oooll g Tee,ooo $$ 73,ooo $$ 726,000 58 City Safety Program loneoine $ 3,270,000 $$$3,27o,oooll $3,270,OO0 $$ 492,000 $$ 2,778,000 Total Proqrams $ 143,464,000 $ 45,385,000 $$ e8,oTe,oooll $ 143,464,000 $$ 20,154,000 $ 1,286,000 $ t22,O24,000 Grand Total $ 375,387,340 $ 59,8s2,Lr2 $t02,!22,228 $ 213,413,000 $ 375,387,340 $4,960,000 $ 44,O73,765 $ 20,978,000 $ 305,375,575 xilrCIfl OF KENT This page intentionally blank xiv t.t'!ilr:i--.{ zi,III-lit.a!r!t?iitI?1itirtiri{{lti,!l'irrlrlIFrIttirllititt3I.dt!l.6i6,=Ilrtoctltg{t-tit2i6*,II.*-irrriu.a,d4'. tt '"'r4:l-Iai '**"*ftr;frt,!u' it_irrtsirltiri; ,,i ,!;---I"t:llrlItIIIIIIf?r.lt "1.iitart:iiiii-- i'l - 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Preliminary Engineering ., ..,.. $118,000 Right of Way Acquisition $54,000 Construction .. $433,000 TOTAL $605,000 Secured Funding.... ..... $605,000 City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transpottation Impact Fees), Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Russell Road is currently classified as a major collector in the federal functional classification system. The roadway has a 2Ot9 Average Daily Traffic count of 6,800. Russell Road connects major destinations including Hogan Park, Kent Public Works Operations Shops, Kent Parks Maintenance Shops, the Green River Trail, and the Kent Valley Ice Centre. 1CITY OF KENT 2023-2028 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #2: YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: Consultant.,... In-House Staff Project Descriptions Transportation Master Plan 2022 (Stafted in 2019) Major update to the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) including near-term and long-range planning for the City's multimodal transportation network needs. The project will require assistance from consultants. Project elements include transportation goals development; an outreach strategy; evaluation of multimodal level of service; transportation model development; public and stakeholder outreach; the base, near-term and forecast transportation model; project development; transpoftation performance measures to prioritize projects; financial plan development; performance metrics to track progress on the adopted goals; the TMP document; a concurrency management program; and an updated transpoftation impact fee program. The updated TMP will include all transportation modes. The TMP was adopted in 2Q2O. There is additional TMP work to support the City's 2024 Comprehensive Plan update. $830,000 $ 110,000 TOTAL $94O,OOO Secured Funding $940,000 FUNDING souRCE(s):City of Kent (General Fund, Business and Occupation Tax) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The Kent TMP, as incorporated into the City's Comprehensive Plan, is the City's blueprint for long-range transportation planning in Kent. The City's Comprehensive Plan was approved by the Puget Sound Regional Council in 2015. This update will include a multi-year transportation financing plan. The TMP will also consider subarea and functional plans adopted since 2008 and newly funded major corridors serving Kent: o Plans: Midway Subarea Plan, Downtown Subarea Action Plan, Rally the Valley, Let's Go Kent, Park & Open Space Plan (2016) . Projects: Federal Way Link Extension, SR 509 extension, SR 167 improvements 2CIry OF KENT 2023-2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #3: YEAR: DESCRIPTION: FUNDING souRCE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Project Descriptions 76th Avenue S (North Phase) - S 2l2th Street to 1,OOO feet south of S 21-2th Street 2022 Construct drainage and road improvements on 76th Avenue S from S 2!2t^ Street to 1,000 feet south of S 2L2tn Street. The project will raise the existing road above the FEMA base flood elevation with a full width concrete roadway, construct new storm and water systems, concrete gutters and curbs, planters, sidewalks, street lighting and channelization. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acquisition Construction .,,., TOTAL Secured Funding EXTERNAL FUNDING: ..... $220,000 ..... $ 130,000 .. $3,650,000 $4,OOO,OOO .. $4,000,000 Surface Transportation Program (202L) ......$3,480,000 TOTAL.... ...$3,48O,OOO City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Storm Drainage Utility Fund), Developer Mitigation, Puget Sound Regional Council Grants (Federal Surlace Transportation Program), Transpottation Improvement Board 76th Avenue S floods several times per year, resulting in road closures. The roadway is in the heart of the City's Industrial zoning area and has significant heavy truck traffic. Large industrial and manufacturing companies and a large solid waste company that serves several adjacent jurisdictions are located in the immediate vicinity of the project. Road closures negatively impact these businesses and create congestion in other parts of the City because of traffic detours around the closure. Improving the road to current standards will also improve traffic flow on 76th Avenue S. 3CITY OF KENT 2023.2028 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #4: YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: EXTERNAL FUNDING: FUNDING SoURCE(S): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Project Descriptions S 212th Street - Green River Bridge (West) to Orillia Road S/City Limits 2022 The S 2L2rh Street project includes grinding, replacement of failing pavement sections and a full-width asphalt concrete pavement overlay of the entire roadway from the Green River Bridge to Orillia Road S, Curb ramps will be upgraded as required to meet ADA standards. Preliminary Engineering .. ..... $140,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........ $0 Construction ... $ 1,700,000 TOTAL .......$1,84O,O0O Secured Funding.... ........$1,840,000 Surface Transportation Program (2020) TOTAL.... ...$ 1,50o,ooo $1,5OO,OOO Federal Surface Transportation Program, City of Kent Business and Occupation Tax This project is located within the Kent MIC. The Kent MIC located between the ports of Seattle and Tacoma supports significant regional growth and development, with one of the highest concentrations of jobs in the region. The road surface is heavily impacted by the high percentage of heavy vehicle traffic. An overlay is necessary to prevent further costly damage that may require more extensive reconstruction of the roadway to this critical multimodal freight, bus, pedestrian and commuter corridor. 4CITY OF KENT 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #5: YEAR: DESCRIPTION: FUNDING souRCE(s): Project Descriptions S 24Oth Street Sidewalks from Russell Road to Lakeside Boulevard E 2023 Construct continuous pedestrian facility along the south side of S 24}th Street between Russell Road and Lakeside Boulevard E' Sidewalk treatments will include concrete sidewalk, and curb separated sidewalk within the existing right-of-way. $35,825PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acquisition Construction TOTAL EXTERNAL FUNDING: $0 Secured Funding . $394,075 $429,9OO . $429,900 Transportation Improvement Board $312,000 TOTAL.... ........$312,O0O City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transpoftation Impact Fees), WSDOT Pedestrian and Bicycle Program, Transportation Improvement Board. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Russell Road/S 240th ST is currently classified as a major collector in the federal functional classification system. The roadway has a 20L9 ADT of 6,800. Russell Road and S 240'n Street connects major destinations including Hogan Park, Kent Public Works Operations Shops, Kent Parks Maintenance Shops, the Green River Trail, and the Kent Valley Ice Centre. 5CITY OF KENT 2023-2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #6: YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: EXTERNAL FUNDING: FUNDING souRCE(s): Project Descriptions Russell Road Pedestrian Improvements Phase 1 - Meeker Street to Hogan Park 2023 A continuous pedestrian facility will be constructed along Russell Road from Meeker Street to 700 feet north of Meeker Street' Sidewalk treatments will include a combination of asphalt path, concrete sidewalk, and curb separated sidewalk within the existing rig ht-of-way. Preliminary Engineering.. .......$80,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........ $0 Construction............. ...........$67 0,000 TOTAL $75O,OOO Secured Funding.... ..,. $750,000 TIB Complete Streets...... $750,000 TOTAL.... ......$75O,OOO City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transpoftation Impact Fees), TIB Complete Streets Program, PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Russell Road is currently classified as a major collector in the federal functional classification system. The roadway has a 2OL9 ADT of 6,800. Russell Road connects major destinations including Hogan Park, Kent Public Works Operations Shops, Kent Parks Maintenance Shops, the Green River Trail, and the Kent Valley Ice Centre. 6CITY OF KENT 2023-2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #7: YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: EXTERNAL FUNDING: FUNDING souRCE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Project Descriptions Auburn to Renton RapidRide Access Improvements 2023 (Preliminary Engineering started in 2019) This is a King County Metro transit project to upgrade passenger facilities and increase access to transit within Kent along the new RapidRide I corridor expected to open in 2025. Improved pedestrian and bicycle facilities, shelter improvements, real time arrival information, lighting, off-board payment kiosks, and other transit facility improvements will increase safety and comfort for transit users, induce transit ridership, and improve transit speeds throughout the City and other jurisdictions along the route. The new RapidRide corridor will run north-south along Central Avenue from Auburn to the Kent Transit Center, connect to the East Hill area, and then north-south along the Benson Highway (State Route 515) corridor to Renton. Over seven miles of the corridor are within the City. Design began in 2019, and construction is planned for 2024 and 2025. Preliminary Engineering .. ... $1,650,000 Equipment.$1,520,000 Construction ... , $7,510,000 TOTAL .....$10,680,000 Secured.... $ 10,680,000 Regional Mobility Grant ..,... $8,000,000 King County Metro .... $2,680,000 Total Secured. .......$10'680,000 WSDOT Regional Mobility Grant, King County Metro Current frequent service along this corridor includes route 180 (Southeast Auburn to Kent Station to Sea-Tac Airport to Burien Transit Center) and route 169 (Kent Station to Renton Transit Center). The corridor currently has 31 northbound and 29 southbound transit stops serving these two routes, This corridor currently has deficiencies in bus stop facilities as well as areas with poor pedestrian and bicycle access to transit. All bus zones identified for RapidRide service will require upgraded facilities (e.9., new RapidRide shelters and amenities) to align with King County Metro's RapidRide branding and standards, The City will work with King County Metro to identify bus zone locations for improvements. 7CITY OF KENT 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRA NSPORTATION I M P ROVE M E NT PROG RAM PROJECT #8: YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: EXTERNAL FUNDING: FUNDING souRCE(s): Project Descriptions Four Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBS) at 104th Avenue SE south of SE 256th Street, SE 24oth Street east of 1o4th Avenue SE, Central Avenue N between Novak Lane and Woodford Avenue N, and Central Avenue N between Woodford Avenue N and E George Street 2023 Construct four RRFBs at 104th Avenue SE south of SE 256th Street, SE 240th Street east of 104th Avenue SE, Central Avenue N between Novak Lane and Woodford Avenue N, and Central Avenue N between Woodford Avenue N and E George Street' Preliminary Engineering.. ..... $269,000 Right of Way Acquisition ..,..... $0 Construction ..... $986,000 TOTAL .......$1,255,OOO Secured Funding ....,..$1,255,000 WSDOT Pedestrian and Bicycle Program ....... TOTAL.... $1,163,588 $11163,588 WSDOT Pedestrian and Bicycle Program, City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transportation Impact Fees) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: These midblock arterial pedestrian crossing locations were identified in the Local Road Safety Plan as areas where improved arterial pedestrian crossings could be installed to serve pedestrian crossing demand for transit access and commercial activity and address pedestrian and bicycle crashes. 8CITY OF KENT 2023-2028 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #9: Project Descriptions Local Road Safety Plan - 2O2O Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Award 2023YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: EXTERNAL FUNDING: FUNDING soURcE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Construct a compact roundabout at 108th Avenue SE and SE 264th Street and three road diets. The road diets are located on S 260th Street/S 259th Place from Pacific Highway S (SR 99) to Military Road S; on Meeker Street, Lincoln Avenue N, and W Smith Street from Washington Avenue to 4th Avenue N; and on 4th Avenue N from S 228tm Street to W James Street. All three road diet projects will have a single travel lane in each direction, a two-way left- turn lane, and a bike lane in each direction. Preliminary Engineering ., ..... $275,000 Right of Way Acquisition ..... ... $0 Construction ... $ 1,525,000 TOTAL .......$1,8OO,OOO Secured Funding ....,.,$1,800,000 Highway Safety Improvement Program (2020) ......$1,620,000 TOTAL.... ............$1,620,000 WSDOT City Safety Program (Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program), City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transportation ImPact Fees) This project will implement roundabout and road diet projects recommended in the Local Roadway Safety Plan as prioritized by the WSDOT through the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). The compact roundabout will address the crash history at the intersection of 108 Avenue SE and SE 264 Street and provide a calming effect to the 108 Avenue SE corridor' The road diets reduce conflict points, provide bike facilities on planned bike routes, and improve the overall safety of the roadway. 9CITY OF KENT 2023-2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #1O: Project Descriptions Meeker Street and 64th Avenue S - Intersection Improvements 2023YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: EXTERNAL FUNDING: FUNDING SoURCE(S): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Intersection reconstruction, curb bulb-outs and bus bulb-outs to decrease the pedestrian crossing distance and decrease transit board time. The project includes bus stop improvements on the north and south side of W Meeker Street east of 64th Avenue S, and signal improvements including transit signal priority. Preliminary Engineering.. ..... $291,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........ $0 Construction ... $2,325,000 TOTAL .......$2,616,000 Secured Funding.... .$274,000 Surface Transportation Program (2021) ..$274,000 TOTAL.... ..............$274,OOO Puget Sound Regional Council Grants (Federal Surface Transportation Program), City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax) The project is intended to make the intersection safer by reducing westbound through lanes from two to one, so people driving vehicles merge before the intersection rather than merging after getting through. The curb bulbs will also help make a more comfortable experience for pedestrians crossing the intersection, which fits the overall Meet Me on Meeker vision for the corridor. The project supports visitors to local businesses, students at Kent Elementary School, nearby residents, seniors and commuters. The project supports and originates from the Economic Development Plan, adopted by City Council-particularly the strategies to beautify Kent streetscapes and strengthen sense of place by designating and improving key gateways into Kent. CITY OF KENT 10 2023.2028 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #LL: YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: EXTERNAL FUNDING: FUNDING souRCE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Project DescriPtions Reith Road - Compact Roundabouts and Road Diet 2023 Convert the intersections of Reith Road/S 253'd Street and Reith Road/Lake Fenwick Road from two-way stop control to compact roundabouts. Convert Reith Road from S 253'd Street and Kent- Des Moines Road from 4lanes to 2 lanes plus bike lanes. Preliminary Engineering .. ..,,. $208,000 Right of Way Acquisition ..... ... $0 Construction ... $2,285,000 TOTAL .......$2,493,OOO Secured Funding .......$2,493,000 TIB Urban Arterials (202t) .. $1,595,000 TOTAL.... ......$1,595,OOO City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transportation Impact Fees), Transportation Improvement Board This project combines multiple countermeasures identified in the Local Road Safety Plan which address multiple serious crashes in the corridor. The roundabouts would have a calming effect on the arterial roadway and provide safe pedestrian crossings to serve the transit stops at each intersection. These crossings address the serious pedestrian crashes that have occurred near the Lake Fenwick Rd intersection and improve safety for all transit users. The Reith Rd corridor is also identified as a Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) 1 corridor in the Transportation Master Plan' CITY OF KENT 11 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #L2| YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: FUNDING souRCE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Project Descriptions Meeker Frontage Improvement at Kent Elementary School 2023 Construct new two-way separated bike lane on the south side of the street with on-street parking and roadway median improvements from 64th Avenue South to 750 feet east of 64th Avenue S. The project will narrow the roadway to 3 lanes with parking on both sides and include construction of raised median islands, raised buffer islands between the bike lanes and travel lanes, street lighting, landscaping, and pedestrian amenities' PreliminaryEngineering..,.,.,.,.$173,000 Right of Way Acquisition ....$0 Construction $r,773,0OO TOTAL .......$1,906,000 Secured Funding . $600,000 City of Kent (Economic and Community Development Placemaking Fund, Business and Occupation Tax, Transportation Impact Fees), Puget Sound Regional Council Grants (Transportation Alternatives Program, Non-Motorized Set-aside) Private development at 64th Avenue S and Meeker Street will construct the Meet Me on Meeker promenade along approximately 1,000 feet of property frontage west of the intersection. This project provides approximately 750 feet of separated two-way bike lane connection and on-street parking between 64th Avenue S and 750 feet east of 64th Avenue S' The project is in front of two businesses and Kent Elementary School. This project will improve the comfort and safety of active transportation users as well as aesthetics and economic development along this important commercial corridor' CITY OF KENT I2 2023.2028 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acquisition Construction PROJECT #13: FUN DING souRCE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Project Descriptions New Traffic Signal on Washington Avenue S (SR 181) between W Meeker Street and Kent-Des Moines Road (SR s16) 2023 Install new traffic signal on Washington Avenue S between Kent- Des Moines Road (SR 516) and Meeker Street to serve the existing commercial area on the east side and the redevelopment of the commercial site on the west side of Washington Avenue S. The signal will be coordinated with the existing signals on Washington Avenue. $212,000 TOTAL Secured Funding $0 . $2,120,000 $2,332,OOO ..... $0 Developer, City of Kent (Transportation Impact Fees), LID. Current access management on the corridor prevents direct left- turns into the existing commercial site on the east side and the redeveloping commercial site on the west side of Washington Avenue S. Traffic demand from the proposed development would overwhelm the U-turn capacity of the traffic signals at Meeker Street and Willis Street. This project will provide safe and direct access to a re-developing commercial site and improve access to an existing commercial area while preserving access management along the corridor. CITY OF KENT 13 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #LAt YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: FUNDING souRcE(s): Project Descriptions Veterans Drive Extension - Military Road to I-5 Southbound Off-ramp 2023 Complete a missing link by constructing a new roadway from Military Road to the I-5 Southbound off-ramp, including an intersection with the northbound on-ramp to I-5 and an undercrossing of I-5. The project will include the construction of full width paving, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, pedestrian pathway, street lighting, storm drainage, landscaping, utilities and appurtenances. Prel im i na ry En g i neeri n9.................. $2, 765, 000 Rig ht of Way Acq u isition...............$ I0,27 O,OOO Construction............., ....... $38,585,000 TOTAL.... $51,620,000 Secured Funding.... ......$47,104,000 Connecting Washington Account (State), City of Kent, Transportation Improvement Board, Puget Sound Regional Council Grants (Federal Surface Transportation Program) PROJECT TUSTIFICATION: This project will improve the connection between the Sea-Tac International Airport, the Port of Seattle, and the Kent Manufacturing Industrial Center (MIC). This project reduces traffic congestion on local roads and highways by completing a direct connection between Seattle and the Kent Valley. The project will redistribute traffic away from SR 516, improving operations of the interchange. CIry OF KENT T4 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PRO'ECT #15: YEAR: DESCRIPTION: FUNDING souRcE(s): Project Descriptions E Valley Highway Pavement Preservation - S 196th Street to S 212th Street 2023 The E Valley Highway project includes grinding, replacement of failing pavement sections, and a full-width asphalt concrete pavement overlay of the entire roadway from S 196th Street to S 2|2th Street. Remove failing asphalt pavement and replace it with Portland cement concrete pavement. Curb ramps and pedestrian push buttons will be upgraded as required to meet ADA standards. This project will also remove failing asphalt pavement and replace it with Portland cement concrete pavement in approach to the intersection. $318,000PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering . Right of Way Acquisition Construction $0 . $3,959,000 i4t277,OOO ..... $0 TOTAL Secured Funding Puget Sound Regional Council Grants (Surface Transportation Program), City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION:This project is located within the Kent MIC. The road surface is heavily impacted by the high percentage of heavy vehicle traffic. Overlay is necessary to prevent further costly damage that may require more extensive reconstruction of the roadway to this critical multimodal freight, bus, pedestrian, and commuter corridor, CITY OF KENT 15 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #L6= YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: EXTERNAL FUN DING: FUNDING sou RCE(s): TOTAL Secured Funding.... Project Descriptions L32d Avenue SE Pedestrian Improvements (Phase 3) - SE Kent-Kangley Road to SE 278th Place 2023 Construct a sidewalk along the west side of L32nd Avenue SE where sidewalk does not currently exist. This project will include ADA-compliant curb ramps throughout the segment and pavement improvements at the intersection of SE 278th Place and !32nd Avenue SE. Preliminary Engineering .. ..,.... $58,940 Right of Way Acquisition ,.... ... $0 Construction . $350,000 $4O8,940 .....$58,940 City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transportation Impact Fees), King County Metro, Transpoftation Improvement Board (TIB), WSDOT Pedestrian and Bicycle Program PROJECT TUSTIFICATION: L32nd Avenue SE is designated as a minor arterial roadway, with 3 vehicle lanes, bicycle lanes, sidewalks and landscaping planned at build-out. This roadway has been widened at various locations based on development of adjacent parcels. Due to budgetary constraints this roadway will not be completed in the near term; however, the desire to improve pedestrian access necessitates moving ahead with the sidewalk. CIry OF KENT 16 2023-2028 SIX.YEAR TRAN SPORTATIO N I M P ROVE M E NT P ROG RAM PROJECT #L7= Project Descriptions 76th Avenue S (South Phase) - 2,600 Feet South of S 2L2th Street to 3,66O Feet South of S 2L2th Street 2023YEAR: DESCRIPTION:Construct drainage and road improvements on 76th Avenue S from S 22}rh Street to S 223'd Street, The project will raise the existing road above the FEMA base flood elevation with a full width concrete roadway, remove deficient culvefts, construct 3 bridges, widen the Mill Creek channel, construct new storm and water systems, gutters, curbs, planter strips, sidewalks, street lighting, and channelization, PROJECT COST:Preliminary Engineering .. ... $1,570,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............ $2,330,000 Construction . $10,600,000 TOTAL .....$14,5OO,OOO Secured Funding ....... $3,000,000 EXTERNAL FUNDING:Washington State Department of Commerce'...$3,000,000 TOTAL.... ......$3,OOO,OOO FUNDING souRCE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Washington State Department of Commerce, City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Storm Drainage Utility Fund), Developer Mitigation. 76th Avenue S floods several times per year due to a deficient creek channel, resulting in road closures. The roadway is in the heart of the City's Industrial zoning area and has significant heavy truck traffic. Large industrial and manufacturing companies and a large solid waste company that serves several adjacent jurisdictions are in the immediate vicinity of the project' Road closures negatively impact these businesses and create congestion in other parts of the City as a result of traffic detours around the closure. Improving the road to current standards will also improve traffic flow on 76th Avenue South. CITY OF KENT L7 2023-2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #18: Project Descriptions Local Road Safety Plan - 2023 Highway Safety Improvement Program 2023YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: FUNDING souRCE(s): Make various safety improvements in a single location each year to enhance safety for all road users and make various safety improvements systemically throughout the City each year to enhance safety for all road users. Apply safety countermeasures identified in the Local Road Safety Plan in a single prioritized location with multiple risk factors (Spot Location Improvements) and/or in multiple prioritized locations with similar risk factors (Systemic Im provements). Preliminary Engineering.. .....$112,000 Right of Way Acquisition ...., ,.. $64,000 Construction ..... $742,000 TOTAL $918,OOO Secured Funding Puget Sound Regional Council Grants (Federal Surface Transportation Program), City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transportation Impact Fees), Washington State Department of Transportation Local Programs, Transportation Improvement Board, Highway Safety Improvement Program and Hazard Elimination Program $0 PRO'ECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will implement the recommendations of the Local Roadway Safety Plan by installing safety countermeasures and improvements in a single prioritized spot location and/or systemically in multiple prioritized locations with similar risk factors. CITY OF KENT 18 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #L9: YEAR: DESCRIPTION: FUNDING soU RcE(s): Project Descriptions BNSF Railway Company Railroad Quiet Zone 2024 Establish a railroad quiet zone for the BNSF Railway Company mainline tracks through the City. The grade crossings to be included in the quiet zone are: S 259th Street, E Willis Street (SR 516), E Titus Street, E Gowe Street, E Meeker Street, E Smith Street, E James Street, and S 2L2th Street' The project began in 2018. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ., ...... $135,000 Right of Way Acquisition .$49,000 Construction $1,754,000 TOTAL .......$1,938,OOO Secured Funding .....$1,938,000 City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax), Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Locomotive engineers begin sounding the train-mounted horn approximately one quarter mile from an at-grade highway/railroad crossing. Train horns are an effective warning of a train approaching grade crossings, but they expose the local community to significant noise. Reducing that noise through a quiet zone will improve the quality of life for those living and working closest to the railroad facilities and could eliminate a barrier to attracting new businesses and residents. CIry OF KENT 19 2023-2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #2Oz YEAR: DESCRIPTION: Project Descriptions Union Pacific Railroad Quiet Zone 2024 Establish a railroad quiet zone for the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) mainline tracks through the City. The grade crossings included in the quiet zone are Willis Street (SR 516), W Meeker Street, W Smith Street, W James Street and S 2I2th Street' The project began in 2018. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acquisition Construction TOTAL Secured Funding... FUNDING souRCE(s): .. . $85,000 ...$31,000 $1,096,000 $1,212,OOO . $1,212,000 City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax), Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Locomotive engineers begin sounding the train-mounted horn approximately one quarter mile from an at-grade highway/railroad crossing. Train horns are an effective warning of a train approaching grade crossings, but they expose the local community to significant noise. Reducing that noise through a quiet zone will improve the quality of life for those living and working closest to the railroad facilities and could eliminate a barrier to attracting new businesses and residents. CITY OF KENT 20 2023-2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #2L.. YEAR: DESCRIPTION: EXTERNAL FUNDING: FUNDING souRCE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Project Descriptions Meeker Street Green River Bridge Rehabilitation 2024 Replace the existing finger expansion joints and bearing pads, deck resurfacing, and bridge repainting. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.. ..... $850,000 Right of Way Acquisition Construction $5,202,000 TOTAL .......$6,O52,000 Secured Funding ......, $6,052,000 Federal Highway Bridge Program (202I)$4,484,32O TOTAL.... ............$4,484t32O City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, General Fund), WSDOT Local Bridge Program The Meeker Street bridge over the Green River is a steel stringer bridge (Warren Truss Frame). Meeker Street is part of the old SR 516, a major corridor linking I-5 and SR 167. The Meeker Street Bridge has stringer supports with attached existing city utilities (METRO 24" sanitary sewer trunk line and a City of Kent 12" water main and other outside utilities) below the roadway decking that services the residents on the west hill of the City of Kent. Just west of the bridge, the average daily traffic (ADT) is 18,900 with 4o/o trucks and an annual gross tonnage of just under 2 million' The annual gross tonnage makes the roadway a T-3 freight route on the WSDOT Freight and Goods Transportation System' The bridge has severe paint scaling with 70olo of top chords of the trusses peeled to the primer, as well as bottom trusses and vertical hangers. Pack rust is visible. The bridge deck has severe exposed short transverse rebar with spalls concentrated in both eastbound and westbound lanes, The worst area is in the southern lane. The lanes have about 50-55 percent exposed transverse re-bar on the bridge decking. Due to aging of the bridge, the existing finger expansion joints need to be replaced, including the reinsert and glue bearing pads. $o CITY OF KENT 2l 2023 -20.28 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION I M P ROVE M E NT P ROG RAM PROJECT #222 YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: FUNDING souRCE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Project Descriptions Military Road at Reith Road/S 260th Street Intersection Improvements 2024 Realign the intersection and widen the approaches to provide eastbound and westbound left turn pockets and a westbound right turn pocket, Preliminary Engineering .. ..... $938,000 Right of Way Acquisition ..,..... $0 Construction ... $9,374,000 TOTAL .....$1O,312,OOO Secured Funding $0 Puget Sound Regional Council Grants (Federal Surface Transportation Program), City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transportation Impact Fees), Congestion Mitigation Air Quality, Washington State Department of Transportation Local Programs, Transportation Improvement Board' The existing streets intersect at a sharp angle. Westbound Reith Road and eastbound S 260th Street do not have separate left turn pockets requiring the traffic signal to serve eastbound and westbound traffic separately. This is a very inefficient operation. Realigning the intersecting streets to a lower intersecting angle and including eastbound and westbound left turn pockets will allow the signal to operate more efficiently' In addition, adding a westbound right turn pocket will improve intersection operations by allowing the heavy turning movement to occur independent of the traffic signal. CITY OF KENT 22 2023.2028 SIX-YEAR TRAN SPORTATION I M P ROVE M E NT P ROG RAM PROJECT #23: YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: EXTERNAL FUNDING: FUNDING souRCE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Project Descriptions S 218th Street/98th Avenue S - 94th Place S to 99th Avenue S 2024 Construct a three-lane roadway from 94th Place S to S 216th Street. This project widens S 216th Street/98th Avenue S to three lanes and includes full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; five-foot paved shoulders; street Iighting; storm drainage; landscaping; utilities and channelization. This project must be assessed with respect to the "complete streets" requirements, Preliminary Engineering ..,..$1,173,000 Right of Way Acquisition .... $1,263,000 Construction ... $9,113,000 TOTAL ..... $11,549,000 Secured Funding ,....$11,549,000 Surface Transportation Prog ram (2024) ......$4,915,680 Move Ahead Washington QA24.. $5,969,700 TOTAL.... ..$10,885,380 City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Drainage Fund, Local Improvement District, Special Assessments, Transportation Impact Fee), Developer Mitigation, Transportation Improvement Board, Puget Sound Regional Council Grants (Federal Surface Transportation Program) The existing transportation network cannot accommodate the current or forecast east-west traffic volumes between Kent's East Hill and the Kent Valley. To meet transportation concurrency requirements of the Growth Management Act, additional east- west vehicle capacity is required. Intersections along S 2}8rh/2L2th Street and James/SE 24Oth Streets are at or over capacity. Because of existing development and topographic constraints, it is not feasible to widen the James/SE 24orh Street and S 2OBrh/2t2th' Street corridors enough to provide the additional east-west capacity needed to accommodate forecast traffic volumes. CITY OF KENT 23 2023-2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #24= YEAR: DESCRIPTTON: FUNDING SoURCE(s): Project DescriPtions Naden Avenue and Willis Street Intersection Improvements 2024 (Preliminary Engineering started in 2OI7) Build a right-in/right-out intersection on Willis Street (SR 516) at Naden Avenue consistent with Washington State Department of Transportation approval. Reconfigure the northbound 74th Avenue S to right-turn only at Willis Street. Reconstruct the traffic control sig na l. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acquisition Construction EXTERNAL FUNDING: $273,000 $251,000 ......$2,276,000 TOTAL ....... $2,8OO,OOO Secured Funding.... ..... $2,800,000 American Rescue Plan Act (2021)...$2,800,000 TOTAL.... .......$2,8OO,OOO City of Kent (Developer Mitigation, General Fund, Local Improvement District, Economic and Community Development Placemaking Fund, Business and Occupation Tax), Transportation Improvement Board and American Rescue Plan Act' PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will provide access to the City's Naden site. The Naden site is placed strategically at the entrance to Kent's Downtown. It is highly approachable and visible from SR L67 and SR 516. The Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan describes this area as critical to projecting a good image of the City' CITY OF KENT 24 2023-2028 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #25" YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: EXTERNAL FUNDING: FUNDTNG souRCE(s): Project Descriptions Safe Routes to School - School Zone Flashers at Seven Elementary Schools 2025 Install School Zone Flashers at the following Elementary Schools: Sunnycrest Elementary, Star Lake Elementary, Park Orchard Elementary, Sunrise Elementary, Millennium Elementary, Kent Elementary, and Neely-O'Brien Elementary. Preliminary Engineering .. ,,..... $42,000 Right of Way Acquisition ....$0 Construction $376,000 TOTAL $418,000 Secured Funding ...,....... $0 WSDOT Safe Routes to School Program ......$0 TOTAL.... ... $o City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax), WSDOT Safe Routes to School Program, WSDOT Pedestrian and Bicycle Program, Transportation Improvement Board, WSDOT City Safety Program (Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project increases pedestrian safety on school walk routes Flashing beacons are used to notify drivers that they are entering a school zone near an elementary school with a reduced speed limit during times when elementary school students are walking to and from school. CITY OF KENT 25 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #26= YEAR: DESCRIPTION: Project Descriptions W Meeker Street Frontage from Thompson Avenue to the Interurban Trail 2025 Construct Meet Me on Meeker Promenade frontage improvements with new sidewalk, amenity zone, pathway for 2-way bike traffic, buffer zone, and on-street parking on the south side of the street. The northside will be upgraded to the Meet Me on Meeker Design Standards. Also construct a raised intersection at 7th Avenue N and realign the Interurban Trail to cross at the intersection with an RRFB. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering $500,000 Right of Way Acquisition $100,000 Construction ... $5,500,000 TOTAL .......$6,100,000 Secured Funding ......,$1,342,500 FUNDING souRCE(s):City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax), Developer, Puget Sound Regional Council (Transportation Alternatives Program, Non - Motorized Set-aside), Tra nsportation Im provement Boa rd. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The entire Meeker corridor from the Green River to Downtown is planned as a promenade to provide recreation and urban transport opportunities to those living in the area by connecting them to the downtown core. This segment provides a vital link on the edge of the downtown area and improves the crossing experience of the Interurban Trail. CITY OF KENT 26 2023.2028 SIX-YEAR TRAN SPORTATIO N I M PROVE M E NT P ROG RAM PROJECT #27: Project Descriptions New and Enhanced Pedestrian Crossings in the Downtown Regional Growth Center, in the Kent Manufacturing/Industrial Center (MIC)' and along the Interurban Trail YEAR: DESCRIPTION: 2025 Seven new or improved crossing improvements at the following locations: 1) Install a rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) enhance crossing with median island at 4th Avenue N and W Harrison Street, 2) Rebuild the traffic signal and provide crossing improvements at James Street at the Interurban Trail, 3) Install a new raised midblock crossing and RRFB on Meeker Street between 6th Avenue and 4th Avenue, 4) Install crossing improvements on S 212th Street at Interurban Trail, 5) Install an RRFB on S 259th Street at the Interurban Trail, 6) Install crossing improvements and convert the pedestrian traffic signal to an RRFB on Smith Street at the Interurban Trail, and 7) Install pedestrian crossing signal and crossing improvements on Smith Street at Railroad Avenue N. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .. Right of Way Acquisition Construction TOTAL FUNDING souRcE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Secured Funding City of Kent Business and Occupation Tax, Puget Sound Regional Council Grants (Transportation Alternatives Program and Non- Motorized Set-aside) These pedestrian and bicycle crossing improvements will benefit active transportation users throughout the downtown and industrial valley. The Rally the Valley Plan identified the four crossing improvements at the Interurban Trail (James Street, S 2L2th Street, S 259th Street, Smith Street) as critical improvements for pedestrians in the MIC. The three other new/improved pedestrian improvements were identified during the extensive public outreach efforts for the TMP update. The crossings will improve conditions at the Interurban Trail, increase pedestrian access to Kent Station and RapidRide bus stops, and improve connections to downtown businesses. CITY OF KENT 27 2023-2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #28: YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COSTI FUNDING souRCE(s): Project Descriptions Naden Avenue fmprovements - Willis Street to Meeker Street 2025 Build the new Naden Avenue connecting Willis Street and Meeker Street to prepare the site for development. PreliminaryEngineering.. .,... $400,000 Right of Way Acquisition ...... $200,000 Construction ... $2,400,000 TOTAL .......$3,OOO,OOO Secured Funding.. City of Kent (Developer Mitigation, General Fund, Local Improvement District, Economic and Community Development Placemaking Fund) $0 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will connect the Naden Avenue and Willis Street intersection improvements with Meeker Street, allowing for greater development potential for the Naden site. This area is adjacent to SR L67 and SR 516 and serves as a gateway to visitors. The Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan describes this area as critical to projecting a good image of the City. Additionally, this project will provide on-street parking, which will improve access to the Interurban Trail. CITY OF KENT 28 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #292 Project Descriptions l08th Avenue SE (SR 515/Benson Highway) at Panther Lake Library - Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) Pedestrian Crossing 2025YEAR: DESCRIPTION:Construct Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon pedestrian crossing with median pedestrian refuge island, curb ramp improvements. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .. Right of Way Acquisition , Construction TOTAL Secured Funding...... EXTERNAL FUNDING: $ 153,500 ......,... $o $742,O00 $895,50O ....,..... $o FUNDING soURcE(s): WSDOT Pedestrian and Bicycle Program ......$0 TOTAL.... .................$o City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transportation Impact Fees), WSDOT Pedestrian and Bicycle Program, Transportation Improvement Board, PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The new enhanced pedestrian crossing at Panther Lake Library will provide a connection between the library and retail destinations on the east side of 108th Avenue SE and both single family and multifamily residential neighborhoods on the west side of 108th Avenue SE. This new crossing will reduce walking distance to an enhanced crossing by up to a quarter of a mile. The project will construct a new pedestrian hybrid beacon, median improvements, and an ADA-compliant crossing. CITY OF KENT 29 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECTCOST: Preliminary Engineering .....$250,ooo ................ .$0 $1,800,000 Right of Way Acquisition.. TOTAL Secured Funding City of Kent (Economic and Community Development Placemaking Fund, Business and Occupation Tax, Transportation Impact Fees), Puget Sound Regional Council Grants (Transportation Alternatives Program, Non-motorized Set-aside) PROJECT #3O: FUNDING souRCE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Construction Project Descriptions W Meeker Street Frontage from Washington Avenue to Thompson Avenue 2025 Construct new two-way separated bike lane on the south side of the street with on-street parking and roadway improvements from Washington Avenue to Thompson Avenue N. The project will narrow the roadway to 3 lanes, install buffer islands between the bike lanes and travel lanes, street lighting, landscaping, and pedestrian amenities, East of the project a city-led effort will construct approximately 850 feet of property frontage consisting of two-way separated bike lanes and some on-street parking, and pedestrian amenities. This project provides approximately 460 feet of promenade connection along W Meeker Street between Washington Avenue North and Thompson Avenue N. This project will improve the safety and comfoft of both motorists and active transportation users as well as aesthetics and economic development along this important commercial corridor. CITY OF KENT 30 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRAN SPORTATION I M P ROVE M E NT PROG RAM PROJECT #3L= Project Descriptions S 216th Street - 99th Avenue S to 1o8th Avenue SE (SR 515/Benson Highway) 2025YEAR: DESCRIPTION:Construct a three-lane roadway from 98th Avenue S to 108th Avenue SE (SR 51S/Benson Highway), This project widens S 216th Street to three lanes and includes full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; five-foot paved shoulders; street lighting; storm drainage; landscaping; utilities and channelization. PROJECT COST:Preliminary Engineering.. ...$1,680,000 Right of Way Acquisition .,..$1,450,000 Construction . $11,500,000 TOTAL .....$14,630,000 Secured Funding $ 14,630,000 EXTERNAL FUN DING:Move Ahead Washingto n (2022)...$ 14,630,000 TOTAL.... ,.$14,630,000 FUNDING souRcE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Drainage Fund, Local Improvement District, Special Assessments, Transportation Impact Fee), Developer Mitigation, Transportation Improvement Board, Puget Sound Regional Council Grants (Surface Transportation Program) The existing transportation network cannot accommodate the current or forecast east-west traftic volumes between Kent's East Hill and the Green River Valley. To meet transportation concurrency requirements of the Growth Management Act, additional east-west vehicle capacity is required. Intersections along S 2}8th/2I2th Street and James/SE 24Oth Streets are at or over capacity. Because of existing development and topographic constraints, it is not feasible to widen the James/SE 24oth Street and S 2}8th/2t2rh Street corridors enough to provide the additional east-west capacity needed to accommodate forecast traffic volumes. CITY OF KENT 31 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION I M P ROVE M E NT PROG RAM PROJECT #32= YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: FUNDING souRCE(s): Project Descriptions 83'd Avenue S Sidewalks from S 228th Street to S 224th Street 2025 Complete the sidewalks gap on the west side of 83'd Avenue S by constructing about 750 feet of sidewalk in existing right-of-way' The project will also include a concrete apron across S 224th Street and ADA curb ramps, Preliminary Engineering .. ,.... $100,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........ $0 Construction ..,,. $500,000 TOTAL $600,000 Secured Funding $o City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transportation Impact Fees), WSDOT Pedestrian and Bicycle Program, Transportation Improvement Board. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: 83'd Avenue S is a Minor Arterial roadway serving over 10,000 vehicles per day. This section of sidewalk is a missing link for pedestrians between businesses on the north and west side of the corridor and nearby transit service on B4th Avenue S. CITY OF KENT 32 2023-2028 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #33: YEAR: DESCRIPTION: Project Descriptions SE 272d Street (SR 516) at 148th Avenue SE (Lake Meridian) - Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) Pedestrian Crossing 2025 Construct Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon pedestrian crossing with median pedestrian refuge island, curb ramp improvements, signal intertie with L52nd Avenue SE signal, utilities relocation, rechannelization of SE 272nd Street including removal of two bus turnouts, and transit access improvements. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.. ..... $200,000 Right of Way Acquisition $0 Construction $1,100,000 TOTAL .......$1,3OO,OOO Secured Funding . $120,000 EXTERNAL FUNDING:King County Metro .,,$120,000 TOTAL.... ........$12O,OOO FUNDING souRCE(s):Federal Surface Transpottation Program, City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transportation Impact Fees), WSDOT Pedestrian and Bicycle Program, Transportation Improvement Boa rd. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The pedestrian crossing transverses a busy principal arterial. The crossing will provide pedestrian access to an existing transit stop' A RapidRide route, King County Metro's branded bus rapid transit, is planned for the corridor, and this stop is one of the anticipated RapidRide stops with ridership forecasted to increase significantly. Additionally, the new pedestrian crossing will connect a residential area and Lake Meridian Park, a popular City Park. CITY OF KENT 33 2023.2028 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #34= YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST FUNDING SoURCE(S): Project Descriptions Safe Routes to School - East Hill Elementary and Mill Creek Middle Schools 2025 Widen 94th Avenue S within 150' of the intersection with James St/S 240th Street to provide left-turn pockets. Add protected left turn signal phasing with flashing yellow arrows. Complete sidewalk connections within the intersection to 94th Avenue and S 240th Street without increasing crossing distances' Provide for the safe movement of bikes through the intersection on this planned north-south bike corridor. Preliminary Engineering.. ....,$100,000 Right of Way Acquisition $ 100,000 Construction ....... $400,000 TOTAL $600,000 Secured Funding .... $0 City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax), WSDOT Safe Routes to School Program, WSDOT Pedestrian and Bicycle Program, Transportation Improvement Board, WSDOT City Safety Program (Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project increases pedestrian safety on school walk routes CITY OF KENT 34 2023-2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #35: YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: FUNDING souRcE(s): TOTAL Secured Funding Project Descriptions Local Road Safety Plan - 2025 Highway Safety Improvement Program 2025 Make various safety improvements in a single location each year to enhance safety for all road users and make various safety improvements systemically throughout the City each year to enhance safety for all road users. Apply safety countermeasures identified in the Local Road Safety Plan in a single prioritized location with multiple risk factors (Spot Location Improvements) and/or in multiple prioritized locations with similar risk factors (System ic Im provements). Preliminary Engineering ,. ,.... $200,000 Right of Way Acquisition ..... . $100,000 Construction ... $800,000 $1,1OO,OOO ..... $o City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transportation Impact Fees), WSDOT City Safety Program (Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will implement the recommendations of the Local Roadway Safety Plan by installing safety countermeasures and improvements in a single prioritized spot location and/or systemically in multiple prioritized locations with similar risk factors. CITY OF KENT 35 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions Panther Lake Signal System Integration 2026 This project includes extension of the fiber optic communications network along the S/SE 208th Street corridor to traffic signals in the Panther Lake area to allow remote monitoring, management, and coordination. The project also includes replacement of the existing outdated traflic signal controllers to allow integration with the new central traffic signal control system and operating Flashing Yellow Left Turn Arrows (FYLTA). PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.. ..... $100,000 Right of Way Acquisition ....$o Construction . $500,000 $60O,OOO PROJECT #36= YEAR: DESCRIPTION: FUNDING souRCE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION TOTAL Secured Funding $o WSDOT City Safety Program (Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program) The traffic signals in the Panther Lake area are not connected to the City's central traffic signal control system; hence, they cannot be remotely monitored or managed from the City's Traffic Management Center. The existing traffic signal controllers are not capable of operating FYLTA for permissive left turn movements. It has been demonstrated that this type of signal display is much more readily understood by motorists and results in reduced collision rates involving vehicles turning left during permissive left turn signal phases. The integration of these signals into the City's signal system will allow operation flexibility and improved transportation system efficiency. CITY OF KENT 36 2023-2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #37t FUNDING souRCE(s): Project Descriptions Railroad Safety Project - BNSF Railroad Crossing at E Smith Street 2026 Install pedestrian gates in the northwest and southeast quadrants. Connect pedestrian gates to existing railroad crossing YEAR: DESCRIPTION: gate system. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acquisition . Construction $ 100,000 ... $o . $700,000 TOTAL $8OO,OOO Secured Funding ... $0 City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transportation Impact Fees), Federal Highway Administration Rail-Highways Crossing Program (Section 130, Federal Railroad Association (FRA) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will improve pedestrian railroad crossing safety at the E Smith Street crossing of the BNSF railroad. This is located at the south end of the Kent Station Sounder commuter train platform at the Kent Transit Center. There is a high volume of pedestrian traffic from the Sound Transit parking garage on the west side of the BNSF railroad to the eastern railroad platform and bus transit. CITY OF KENT 37 2023-2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #38: Project Descriptions Kent Transit Center - Access, Mobility and Safety Improvements 2026YEAR: DESCRIPTION:This project will create an eastbound right-turn lane on E James Street to Railroad Avenue North extending from 1't Avenue North to Railroad Avenue N. This project will also extend the eastbound bicycle facility on James Street that currently terminates approaching the 1't Avenue N intersection. In addition, improved pedestrian facilities are planned along the north and south sides of E James Street, improving mobility and safety for these users' PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ....... Equipment.. Construction .. $900,000 $ 1,000,000 $2,500,000 FUNDING souRcE(s): PROJECT TUSTIFICATION: TOTAL .....,.$4,4OO,OOO Secured Funding ... $0 King County METRO, Washington State Department of Transportation Regional Mobility Grant, Federal Railway Crossings (Section 130) grant. This project will improve mobility for transit vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians accessing the Kent Transit Center (Kent Station) via E James Street. Kent Station serves as a vital transportation hub for south King County. In addition to Sound Transit (ST) Sounder service, a King County METRO or ST bus accesses the transit center once per minute during the peak periods. By 2040, a bus will access the transit center every 30 seconds during peak periods. In addition, voter approved ST 3 will increase Sounder service. East James Street in the vicinity of Kent Station has high congestion and low mobility during peak periods. Eastbound James Street approaching Central Avenue has large queues and poor level of service. E James Street has two eastbound travel lanes through the BNSF rail crossing. A short eastbound left and right turn lane approaching Central Avenue starts at Railroad Avenue N. Existing geometrics on East James Street west of Railroad Avenue N are constrained by the close proximity of the Washington Cold Storage Inc. building. Improved bicycle and pedestrian facilities in this area are needed. CITY OF KENT 38 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: DESCRIPTTON: PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering . Right of Way Acquisition Construction PROJECT #39= FUNDING souRCE(s): TOTAL Secured Funding .. $0 . $900,000 ..... $1,1OO,OOO $0 Project Descriptions W James Street/W Smith Street Pedestrian Improvements 2026 The proposed project will improve the pedestrian and bicycling experience between the underutilized Kent/James Street Park & Ride and Kent Sounder Station. Improvements include pedestrian wayfinding, pedestrian lighting, and related safety improvements. .. . $200,000 City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, General Fund, Local Improvement District), Sound Transit System Access Funds, King County Metro PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The pedestrian environment between the Kent/James Street Park & Ride and Kent Sounder Station lacks pedestrian wayfinding and lighting. Parking at Kent Station has a high utilization, while the Park & Ride is underutilized. The project will increase utilization of the Park & Ride, provide an alternative to congested parking areas near Kent Station, and improve the safety and pedestrian experience along the pedestrian route. CIry OF KENT 39 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #4O= YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: FUNDING souRCE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Project DescriPtions Meeker Frontage Improvement from Kent Elementary School to Washington Avenue N and New Traffic Signal 2027 Construct new two-way separated bike lane on the south side of the street with on-street parking and roadway median improvements from 750 feet east of 64th Avenue S to Washington Avenue N. The project will narrow the roadway to 3 lanes with parking on both sides and include construction of raised median islands, raised buffer islands between the bike lanes and travel lanes, street lighting, landscaping, and pedestrian amenities' Preliminary Engineering.. ..." $900,000 Right of Way Acquisition ..... . $100,000 Construction ... $9,000,000 TOTAL .....$1O,OOO,OOO Secured Funding .. $o City of Kent (Economic and Community Development placemaking Fund, Business and occupation Tax, Traffic Impact Fees), Puget sound Regional council Grants (Transportation Alternatives Program, Non-Motorized Set-aside larger Jurisdiction) Private development at 64th Avenue S and Meeker Street will construct the Meet Me on Meeker promenade along approximately 1,000 feet of property frontage west of the intersection, A separate project will construct the promenade improvements from the 64th Avenue S intersection to a point 750 east of the intersection. This project provides approximately 750 feet of two-way bikeway connection starting 750 feet east of 64th Avenue S and extending to Washington Avenue N. The project is in front of multiple fast-food restaurants. This project will improve the comfort and safety of active transportation users as well as the aesthetics and potential for long-term economic development along this important commercial corridor. CIry OF KENT 40 2023'.2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project DescriPtions PROJECT #4L= S 212th Street Green River Bridge Rehabilitation YEAR: 2027 DESCRIPTION: Replace the existing finger expansion joints. The improvements would remove and replace the aged compression seals, steel sliding plate, and steel fingers, with a modern expansion joint on the west end of the bridge and remove and repair the flexible joint seals on the east end of the bridge' PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering " "". $200'000 Right of Way Acquisition Construction ...$1,100,000 TOTAL .......$1,3OO,OOO Secured Funding '. ' $0 City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, General Fund), WSDOT Local Bridge Program The s 2l2th Street, a major corridor connecting I-5 to SR 167 and SR 515, bisects the Kent MIC. This corridor is heavily used by commuters and commercial trucks. The S 21-2th Street Bridge spans the Green River. The current bridge is a three-span steel plate girder with a weathering steel and concrete deck and steel finger expansion joints. No major repairs have been performed on the bridge since its construction in 1966. Recent repairs include the filling of missing sections of poured flexible seal with crack sealant in several locations. In 2006, repairs were made to the concrete parapet and deck surface. Joint and steel rail repairs were made in 2010. In 2019, the average daily traffic (ADT) just west of the bridge is 21,600 with 19% trucks and an annual gross tonnage of just under 14 million. The annual gross tonnage makes the roadway a T-1 freight route on the wsDoT Freight and Goods Transportation System . Due to heavy vehicular and truck traffic, the deck surface substantially delaminated and spalled to the point that repairs were required in the summer of 2019' The S 2I2th Street Bridge has stringer supports with attached existing city utilities (8" sanitary sewerforce main and 8" Water main) and private utilities below the roadway decking that services businesses and residents on either side of the Green River in the City of Kent. $o FUNDING souRCE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: CIry OF KENT 4I 2O2g-2O28 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION I M P ROVE M E NT P ROG RAM PROJECT #42t YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: FUNDING souRCE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Project Descriptions S 212th Street - Green River Bridge (East) to 72d Avenue South 2027 The S 2l2th Street project includes grinding, replacement of failing pavement sections and a full-width asphalt concrete pavement overlay of the entire roadway from Green River Bridge to 72nd Avenue S. Curb ramps will be upgraded as required to meet ADA standards. Preliminary Engineering .. ..... $206,000 Right of Way Acquisition ...,. ... $0 Construction ... $3,140,000 TOTAL ....... $3,346,000 Secured Funding $1,846,000 Puget Sound Regional Council Grants (Federal Surface Transportation Program), City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax) This project is located within the Kent MIC. The Kent MIC located between the ports of Seattle and Tacoma supports significant regional growth and development, with one of the highest concentrations of jobs in the region. The asphalt pavement on S 2l2th street has reached a critical level of degradation, rated at 50 on the Pavement Condition Index--data collected in April of 20L6. The road surface is heavily impacted by the high percentage of heavy vehicle traffic. Based on 2018 data, S 2l2th street from w valley Highway to Riverview Boulevard S is a T-1 in the WSDOT Freight and Goods Transportation System carrying more the 10 million tons of freight each year and S 2L2th Street from Riverview Boulevard S to Orillia Road S is a T-2, An overlay is necessary to prevent further costly damage that may require more extensive reconstruction of the roadway to this critical multimodal freight, bus, pedestrian and commuter corridor. CITY OF KENT 42 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRAN SPORTATIO N I M PROVE M E NT P ROG RAM PROJECT #432 YEAR: DESCRIPTION: FUNDING souRcE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Project DescriPtions W Meeker Street Road Diet from the Interurban Trail to 6th Avenue S and Intersection Improvements at 6th Avenue S 2027 Reduce the number of travel lanes on W Meeker Street from 4 lanes to 2 lanes plus Bicycle Level of Service Street (LTS) 1 bike lanes and construct pedestrian and bicycle improvements at the intersection with 6th Avenue. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.' ".'. $100'000 Right of Way Acquisition ..... '.' $0 Construction $500,000 TOTAL $600,000 Secured Funding ' '. $0 city of Kent (Business and occupation Tax, Transportation Impact Fees), WSDOT Pedestrian and Bicycle Program, Transportation Improvement Board West of the project, private development and multiple city-led efforts along West Meeker Street will construct the Meet Me on Meeker promenade along over 1 mile of property frontage. This project will extend the Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) 1 network further east into the downtown core, following the proposed Bicycle LTS network in the Transportation Master Plan. Improvements to the 6th Avenue S intersection would calm traffic and simplify the intersection, improving safety and comfort for both pedestrians and cyclists. This project would also improve pedestrian connections across the Union Pacific Railroad and suppoft planned bicycle network connections to Gowe Street. CITY OF KENT 43 2023 -2028 SIX.YEAR TRAN SPO RTATION I M P ROVE M E NT P ROG RAM PROJECT #44: YEAR: DESCRIPTION: lane. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering " "... $600,000 Right of Way Acquisition ,.... . $300,000 Construction .. ' $6,000,000 Project DescriPtions SE 248th Street Improvements - 104th Avenue SE to l0gth Avenue SE 2027 Improvements on sE 248th Street between 104th Avenue sE and 109th Avenue SE. The TMP calls for separate bicycle lanes, where feasible, on this segment of sE 248th Street. This segment will include 3 lanes with one being a center turn lane, bike lanes, and a five-foot landscape buffer between each sidewalk and bicycle TOTAL Secured Funding FUNDING SoURCE(S):City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, General Fund, Local Improvement District, Transportation Impact Fees), Economic Incentive Grants, Transportation Improvement Board PROJECT IUSTIFICATION: In support of future development, this area will be connected to the bicycle and pedestrian networks. Nearby pedestrian generators include Morrill Meadows Park, East Hill Park, Daniel Elementary school, and the YMCA. The project will include improved turning operations into these attractors' CITY OF KENT 44 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRAN S PORTATION I M P ROVE M E NT P ROG RAM Project DescriPtions PROJECT #45; SE 248th Street Improvements - 1O9th Avenue SE to 116th Avenue SE YEAR: 2027 DESCRIPTION: Improvements on SE 248th Street between 109th Avenue SE and 116th Avenue SE. The TMP calls for separate bicycle lanes, where feasible, on this segment of SE 248th Street. This segment will include 3 lanes with one being a center turn lane, bike lanes, and a five-foot landscape buffer between each sidewalk and bicycle lane. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acquisition $600,000 Construction TOTAL Secured Funding .... $3oo,ooo .. $7,400,000 $8,3OO,OOO ...... $0 FUNDING SoURCE(S):City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, General Fund, Local Improvement District), Economic Incentive Grants, Tra nsportation Improvement Boa rd PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: In support of future development, this area will be connected to the bicycle and pedestrian networks. Nearby pedestrian destinations include Morrill Meadows Park, East Hill Park, Daniel Elementary school, and the YMQA. The project will include improved turning operations into these attractors. CITY OF KENT 45 PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering . Right of Way Acquisition ..... Construction 2023-2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #462 Project Descriptions E Willis Street (SR 516) and Central Avenue S (SR 516) Intersection Improvements 2027YEAR: DESCRIPTION:Improve the intersection of E Willis Street and Central Avenue S to provide a right turn lane from southbound on Central Avenue South to westbound E Willis Street, Project includes sidewalk, curb and gutter replacement and improvements to traffic signal system. Although there are no bicycle facilities planned at the E Willis Street and Central Avenue S intersection, this project must be assesSed with respect to the "Complete streets" requirements. $100,000 $200,000 $400,000 TOTAL $7OO,OOO Secured Funding . $168,000 FUNDING souRCE(s):City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transportation Impact Fee) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will provide a much-needed improvement to the southbound traffic flow at Willis Street (SR 516) by providing a dedicated right turn lane. CITY OF KENT 46 2023 -2028 SIX.YEAR TRAN S PORTATIO N I M P ROVE M E NT PROG RAM PROJECT #47: YEAR: DESCRIPTION: FUNDING SoURCE(S): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Project Descriptions Central Avenue - Traffic Signal Communication 2027 The project will implement the communication connection between the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) rail corridor and the traffic signals along Central Avenue to allow area signals the ability to adjust signal timing in anticipation of, during, and after train events. In addition, signals along the Central Avenue corridor, from S 259th Street through S 2LZth Street, will be upgraded to use this interconnection. Signal upgrades may utilize newer technology such as adaptive signal control systems, transit signal priority, and other intelligent transportation systems applications in traffic signal control. Additional signals adjacent to at-grade rail crossings may also be upgraded to take advantage of the new communication connections' PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Equipment...... Construction $1,500,000 .. $300,000 $4,300,000 TOTAL Secured Funding King County METRO, Washington State Department of Transportation's Regional Mobility Grant This project will improve mobility for transit vehicles and motorists in the vicinity of the Kent Transit Center along the Central Avenue corridor, from S 259th Street through S 212th Street. A King County METRO or Sound Transit bus accesses the transit center once per minute during the peak periods. By 2040, a bus will access this regional transit center every 30 seconds during peak periods. Downtown Kent, along the Central Avenue corridor, experiences poor level of service due to heavy congestion affecting movements from multiple directions. There are more than 60 daily trains on the BNSF corridor adjacent to Central Avenue. With no downtown grade-separated rail crossings, the volume of daily rail crossing events contributes to the congested conditions, Today, the traffic signal system cannot communicate signal timing modifications to manage changes in traffic patterns during or after a train event' CITY OF KENT 47 2023-2028 SIX.YEAR TRAN SPORTATION I M P ROVE M E NT P ROG RAM PROJECT #48= YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: FUNDING souRCE(s): Project Descriptions Midway Subarea TOD Streets - S 244th Street and 32nd Avenue S 2027 Construct two new transit oriented design (TOD) streets including sidewalks and bike lanes in the Midway area nearthe future Kent- Des Moines Link Light Rail Station, The project includes the new 32nd Avenue S and a new segment of S 244t^ Street from S 24oth Street to Pacific Highway South (SR 99). These will be complete streets supportive of transit-oriented development envisioned in the Midway Subarea Plan adopted in 2OII' PreliminaryEngineering.. ..... $800,000 Right of Way Acquisition ..,.$1,700,000 Construction ... $4,700,000 TOTAL .......$7,2OO,OOO Secured Funding.... ...... $0 Puget Sound Regional Council Grants (Federal Surface Transportation Program), City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transportation Impact Fees), City of Kent Drainage Funds PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will support the vision of the Midway Subarea Plan including Transit Oriented Development near the future Link Light Rail Station at 30th Avenue S and S 236th Street, anticipated to open in 2024. CITY OF KENT 48 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRAN S PORTATION I M P ROVE M E NT P ROG RAM PROJECT #49= YEAR: DESCRIPTION: FUNDING SoURCE(S): Project DescriPtions t32d Avenue SE Pedestrian Improvements (Phase 4) - SE 228th Street to SE 240th Street 2028 A continuous pedestrian facility will be constructed along the west side of !32nd Avenue sE from sE 240th street to sE 228th Place, Sidewalk treatments will include a combination of asphalt path, concrete sidewalk, and curb separated sidewalk adjacent to the roadway where appropriate, This project continues Phase I and Phase Ii improvements that were funded by TIB grants awarded in 2016 and 20L7. A continuous pedestrian facility now exists from SE 24Or^ - SE272nd. $200,000PROJECTCOST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acquisition Construction $0 . $ 1,000,000 $1,20O,OOO .,... $0 TOTAL Secured Funding.... City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transpottation Impact Fees), WSDOT Pedestrian and Bicycle Program, Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: I32nd Avenue SE is designated as a minor arterial roadway, with 5 vehicle lanes, bicycle lanes, sidewalks and landscaping planned at build-out. This roadway has been widened at various locations based on development of adjacent parcels. Due to budgetary constraints this roadway will not be completed in the near term; however, the desire to improve pedestrian access necessitates moving ahead with the walking path' CITY OF KENT 49 2023-2028 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATIO N I M PROVE M E NT P ROG RAM PROJECT #5O: YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: FUNDING SoURCE(S): Project Descriptions SE 248th Street at 116th Avenue SE Roundabout 2028 Construct a roundabout at SE 248th Street and 116th Avenue SE for capacity and traffic safety improvements. This project must be assessed with respect to the "Complete streets" requirements. The 2020 TMP calls for bicycle lanes east and west of this intersection on SE 248t^ Street. PreliminaryEngineering.. ..... $400,000 Right of Way Acquisition ...,... $700,000 Construction ... $2,700,000 TOTAL .......$3,8OO,OOO Secured Funding.. City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, General Fund, Local Improvement District, Transportation Impact Fees), Transportation Improvements Board, WSDOT City Safety Program (Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program) $o PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will improve the operation and safety of this busy intersection and support future growth in the area. In addition, lifecycle costs will be lower than a traffic signal' CITY OF KENT 50 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions Plan #1: YEAR: DESCRIPTION: Central Avenue Plan 2028 The City will complete a study of Central Avenue from SR-L67 to Willis Street to develop a vision for the future of the corridor. The study will look at transportation needs, including bike and pedestrian needs to promote economic development based in future land use. .... $600,000 .... $125,000 PROJECT COST: Consultant ....,. In-House Staff . FUNDING soU RCE(S): PROJECT JUSTIFICATTON: TOTAL $725,00O ,..,......, $0Secured Funding City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax), Washington State Department of Transportation Local Programs, Highway Safety Improvement Program and Hazard Elimination Program Pedestrian and bicycle program from WSDOT, Private Developers, PSCR? During the public outreach process of the Transportation Master Plan, a study to re-envision Central Avenue was identified. Central Avenue is a critical connection in the heart of Kent that performs many essential duties within the transportation network. It is a heavily used commuter route between SR 167 and the downtown core and a critical connection between Downtown and the MIC, Central Avenue is a Principal Arterial that currently provides access for many businesses, residential properties, and a park, but also serves area freight, transit, commuters, and local bike and pedestrian trips. A study is needed to determine the future of Central Avenue as a corridor that continues to balance all these competing functions and or seeks to prioritize some more than others to achieve better outcomes. CITY OF KENT 51 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Plan #2: YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: Consultant ...... In-House Staff . FUNDING souRcE(s) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Project DescriPtions Greenways Plan 2028 The Greenways Plan is a citywide plan to create bike boulevard and greenway routes on local and low - volume streets with signage, markings and traffic calming strategies as needed' ,... $600,000 $ 125,000 TOTAL $725,000 Secured Funding .......... ' $0 City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax), Washington State Department of Transportation Local Programs and Pedestrian and bicycle program from WSDOT. The Greenways Plan was identified by the interdepartmental working group to promote active modes of transportation' Several Greenway projects are included in the Transpottation Master Plan and more have been requested by the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board. What is lacking is a comprehensive planning effort to plan and connect Greenway routes to popular origins and destinations, essential services, and other bicycle infrastructure throughout the City so that such a facility is within easy reach for all Kent residents. CITY OF KENT 52 2023-2028 SIX.YEAR TRAN SPORTATIO N I M PROVE M E NT P ROG RAM Program #1: Project Descriptions Street and Sidewalk Preservation and Repair Program Ongoing Citywide Program 2023 - 2028YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: FUNDING souRCE(s): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Preserve the existing transportation system by resurfacing the existing asphalt and concrete streets throughout the City. Reconstruct sidewalks as related to curb ramp upgrades consistent with ADA. The project limits must be assessed in accordance with the "complete streets" requirements. PreliminaryEngineering.. ..$17,991,000 Right of Way Acquisition ....$1,286,000 Construction .... $ 109,227 ,OOO TOTAL ... $128,504,000 Secured Funding ..... $38,400,000 City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Solid Waste Utility Tax), Surface Transportation Program The city assessed the condition of its street network in 2016. Many of the streets exhibit deficiencies that reflect they are beyond their expected perlormance life and are in need of a maintenance or rehabilitation overlay, or some amount of reconstruction, This preservation work also requires curb ramps and sidewalks be made accessible to persons with disabilities, according to the ADA. This program constructs and repairs the City's sidewalks and begins to address the pedestrian improvements identified in the Transportation Master Plan' CITY OF KENT 53 YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: 2023-2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Program #2: Project Descriptions Traffic Signal Management Program Ongoing Citywide Program 2023 - 2028 Preserve the existing traffic control signal and intelligent transportation systems through preventative maintenance and lifecycle hardware replacement, Review and adjust traffic signal timing to optimize intersection efficiency. Preliminary Engineering.. ..... $726,00O Right of Way Acquisition ,........ $0 Construction .... $4,356,000 TOTAL $5,O82,0O0 Secured Funding $3,750,000 FUNDING souRcE(s):City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The City maintains an extensive traffic control system that includes 118 traffic signals, one pedestrian hybrid beacon, 10 pedestrian activated crosswalk beacons, 29 traffic cameras, and a large traffic signal communications system. These systems require routine preventative maintenance to operate safely and efficiently. CIry OF KENT 54 2023-2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Program #3: Project DescriPtions Channelization and Pavement Markings Maintenance Program Ongoing Citywide Program 2023 - 2028YEAR: DESCRIPTION:Refresh and replace pavement markings including paint, thermoplastic, and raised pavement markers throughout the City to separate and regulate conflicting traffic movements, define paths of travel, and facilitate safe and orderly movement on City streets. PROJECT COST:Preliminary Engineering.. ..... $872,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........ ' $0 Construction ...$4,937,000 TOTAL .......$5,809,000 Secured Funding $2,575,000 FUNDING souRCE(s):City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This ongoing program maintains roadway channelization throughout the city. The city has approximately 1,700,000 linear feet (LF) of channelization striping, 450,000 raised pavement markers, 22,012 LF of access control curb and 7,20O LF of painted access control curb. Roadway channelization helps to reduce conflict points and direct motorists through areas of complexity. This project preserves the capacity and efficiency of the existing roadway system. CITY OF KENT 55 2023'2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Program #4: Project DescriPtions Guardrail Improvement Program Ongoing Citywide Program 2023 - 2028YEAR: DESCRIPTION:Make miscellaneous guardrail improvements each year to enhance motorist safety. Upgrade existing guardrail end- treatments as mandated by State and Federal regulations' ... $73,000PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .' Right of Way Acquisition TOTAL Construction ,......... $0 $726,000 $799,0O0 . ..,...... $0Secured Funding City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax), Highway Safety Improvement Program and Hazard Elimination Program FUNDING SoURCE(S): PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is mandated for compliance with Federal and State regulations and the requirement to mitigate potentially hazardous roadway conditions. CITY OF KENT 56 2023.2028 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Program #5: YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: FUNDING souRCE(s): Project Descriptions City Safety Program Ongoing Citywide Program 2023 - 2028 Make various safety improvements throughout the City each year to enhance safety for all road users, Preliminary Engineering .. ,.,,.. $492,000 Right of Way Acquisition .....,., $0 Construction ....$2,778,000 TOTAL .......$3,270,000 Secured Funding (Federal Surface Transportation Program), City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transportation Impact Fees), Washington State Department of Transportation Local Programs, Transportation Improvement Board, Highway Safety Improvement Program and Hazard Elimination Program .$0 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will implement the recommendations of the Local Roadway Safety Plan by installing safety countermeasures and improvements systemically throughout the City in multiple prioritized locations. CITY OF KENT 57 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON 2023 - 2028 SrX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IM PROVEM ENT PROGRAM KENT WnSHTNGToN For more information or additional copies of this document contact Rob Brown, PE Transportation Engineering Manager City of Kent, Public Works, Engineering 400 West Gowe Street Kent, WA 98032-5895 Office 253-856-557I RBrown@KentWA.gov 5B