HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2021-451 - Other - T-Mobile West Tower LLC - Pump Station #5 Performance Bond - 11/09/2021PERFORMANCE BOND Bond Number:674216609 Site Number:5E040244 KNoW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, That we T-MobiIe West Tower LLC, 12920 SE 38th StTCCt, BCIICVUC' WA 98006, as principal, hereinafter called Principal, and Liberty Mutual lnsurance Company, 175 BerkeleY Street. Boston, MA 02116, a Massachusetts corporation, as Surety, hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto City of Kent. 220 Fourth Avenue South. Kent, WA 98032, as Obligee, hereinafter called obligee, in the amount of Fifteen Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($15'000'00) for the payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has obtained or is desirous of obtaining a Lease Agreement from City of Kent for the telecommunications facility located at 23825 98th Avenue South, Kent' WA 98031, and WHEREAS, as a condition of said Lease Agreement Principal is required to provide a Bond guaranteeing 16s removal of all improvements and repair of the property at the termination of the lease at said location. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDtTtON OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION lS SUCH, That if Principal shall remove all improvements in accordance with said Lease Agreement, then this obligation is void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect, PROVI DED, HOWEVER, ThAt: 1. lt shall be a condition precedent to any right of recovery hereunder, that in event of any default on the part of the Principal, a written statement of the particular facts of such default shall be forwarded to the Surety, within sixty (50) days of the occurrence of such default, delivered by registered mail to Surety at its Home Office located at: 175 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02115. 2. That no action, lawsuit or proceeding shall be had or maintained against the Surety on this Bond unless the same be filed and properly served upon the Surety within one year from the effective date of the cancellation of the Bond' 3. That no right of action shall accrue under this Bond to or for the use of a person or entity other than the Obligee, and its successors and assigns. 4. This Bond shall become effective November 9' 2021. 5. This Bond shall continue in full force and effect until canceled by the Surety by providing thirty (30) days written notice to the Obligee' 6. The liability of the Surety shall in no event exceed the aggregate penal sum of the Bond penalty. lf any conflict or inconsistency exists between the Surety's obligation or undertakings as described in the Bond and as described in the underlying document, then the terms of the Bond shall prevail. 7 CAG2021-451 I lN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Principal and Surety have signed and sealed this instrument on this 9th day of November, 2021. T-Mobil p Waqf Tower L IC Principal Surety ile, Attorney-in'Fact T}is Forcr d A(qnsy linits th ads d thce rsrpd leloin ad they lnve rc autlrcrity to tind th Cqrpdry o<ceF in the rmnrs and to the odst lsdn stated Liberty Mutual lnsurance ComPanY The Ohio Casualty lnsurance Company West American lnsurance ComPanY POWER OF ATTORNEY Kr.lo,tl.lA.L PERSOI.IS Bf TIESE PRESENIS| 1M The Cfio Casdty lmraE @rp6ry is a copadim dJy cgdized uder ttE la E d fE Sate d tvbsadrsdts, ad Vlbst Anerist lrstrarre Oonpary Libertv Mutudl"Oertificde M: 8206414-674009 dthe ts prsuttoadby alhdity trcr€in sd fch, dG hereby nare, oqs{itdeUbertyMnd uderlhela 6 SURETY lm.rareOcrparyis ofttBSdedlnlas a ccrporatiandly cr$rized udertfE la^6 (lwein dledidy cdled tlB "Oonpaies), Sate d lbil Fbrpstire, trhat a copordim ddy agrized ard ilcirt, C. Stephens Charissa D.Charles R, Teter M.Debra J Erin C.Evan D.D.c. A. MO be ctE ard exeolg sed,q1 as 6 rryaddl udatd<irgs,bads, reqrizarces ard dls suety oHigatias, in prsuarce d lfEse p€serfs td sMl be as Undrg qor te Oonparies o if hey hae beel dly sigred by tfB peddert a.d atteded by tB secrday d the Oorpaies in tdr oa1 propef persorE. lNw.lrqisvufiEtr, fis Foaerof Attonry has beolsr-bsqibed byat alluized cfi@r qoficial dfi'rooryries attttEccfpcrateseds dtleoarpries ha,e bee1affi€d tterdotis 5th dayol October , 2021 Ljberty MIrd lrEuatE @rpary Tte Oio Cannlty lrurarre CcrPa'rY MEd AnBrican lrcuarce CqrP4/ By: Secrdary Sate of FEltltSYLVAltllA Oorfydtu0{TGCn/ER'/ \ fp darciviletred tinsdf to be ttB Assistflt Secrday d Uberty Mf''dOrtis 5th dayd October , CdrparV, Tte Cfio Casdty CqrPaV, 2021 befcene ffiGlnrsicar persodV+peaed Da/id M CaEy, lrsuarce Corp*y, ard thd fB, c Assoclalion srdr, beirg arlhcrired so to do, o<eole fe foegrirg irdnrmt fo tle therejn cataired by sigiru m b$df dtfe copqaltas by linsdf a adlyalisized cffier lNWTllESSl,U€lEtr, lha\eherariosr.bsdibedrryrureardaffxed myrdaid sed at KirgdRussia, ftrrsylv*ia, mtledayadyearfir$ aboewitten. By:/-fihl' ltis Foaer d Atorey is n* ard o@qled frsr'at to fld by alhcrity d t€ fdlciltirg S{als ad Afprizatior d TtF lrEtrreCmpav, ardUtstRnerican lrcrrarceCorpa'yrrrfidr rcsdrlios are rur/infr.llfqceard ded redrg 6fdlo F: Oio Casdty lrstrarce Ocrrpry, Uberty ARnCtE M4FICERS; Sedim 12. Forrcr dAtonry. Ary der o dlBr ffidd of fe Oorpadim afrcrized fo tld prpose in witirg by tE CtEinrm a tE R€sidert, d sdied to s'dl lilritatim m tfB Cfdrnm q frerident nmy pe6dibe, sHl appdd sudt aftqnqreinfad, * nay be reoessary to d in beHf of tle Ccpaatim to nd<e, o<eate, sed, adcu le€e and ddit€r as alry ard dl rdertd<irBs,bqds, reryizarces trd dfEr su€iy ouigdiqF. Sdl attorqpin-fad'slied totlB linitdiqt sdfqh in tldr rcs@iw porcrs ddtorry' hale f.ll poaer to tird the Oorpd'atim by tEir sigrftre ad o€cdim d aty utdl imfursts ard to attad tHo the sed cf the Corporatim. Vfg1 so e€dled, irs{nrrsls shdl be as Urdirg as if $gned b/fe Hredderf ad atte{ed to bytte Seoday. Ay po Er d aLhcrity grarted to aty rcgesatati\,€ q attorEy-iftfad uder pro/isiqB of fis atide nay be redad d ry tine bytrc Boad, fE Cfnimal tte Ru;idel c byfe fficer d cff€s grdtirg sudl poaer q alluity. ARnCIE Xll - Eccution d Oonffi: Sedim 5. Srdy Bords ad Lmertd<irgs. Ay cffis d lhe ftnpary affprized for tffi grpce in'witing by tlB ddrnen a ttE preddert, trd $tied to such linitdicrc a tlre drinrm tr tfE presidert nay pesoihe' srdf apgirt srrcn atcmqeinfad, as nay fe'reiessary to aa iri O*r*f C te Oarpary to nake, e€ore, sed, adcwde€e d ddir,er a srety aty atd all udertakjrEF' bsns,'1Bcogi2a.6 af-6gp1 srety oUi-gattc6. Srd' -dtcrq/sipfact sdied to tfe linitatiqB sd fqh in te'r res@ive poaBrs d attorey, shdl tEtre ful poaer to tird fB Ccrpary ny rcir Sg'atue a.d o€diim-of ay suh irdnmifs aU to ai*r tferdo the seal d tB @rpary. WBn so o<eqled sEfl irdnrrerts shdl be as tirdrg as il r$gnd bytepeidert nd attested bytnesecrday. @rffrcde cf lbdgdior - 1te Reiderfi of tte Conpary, adirg gsuart to frp $laas d tte @rprry, afixizes David N/t Caey, A*siSat Secrdaty to appcirt ujdl dtmqei+ fm a nay be recessay to ad 01 befdf d fE Corq;rry-to nEke; o<ealq sed, ailco,tle@ rA Ogi\€r as sudy ary ad dl udatd<irgs, bqds' rccogizarces ad cfEr srety oUigatidF. Alhqizdim - B uE.inu$ @ceri d te Conp*ry's Bed d Dredors, the @rpary corelb tM facirrile tr rE$aicdly rcprodrced rigrEhre d ily Gsisarf seodary d tre Cqrpary, \ f1qe1[ ping Won a certiteO copy C'aV poicr d attarey isued by tle Corpany in caredim vfh sudy bords, shdl be vdid trd kidrg Won ttE CdrpdV vtith liB sare fcre ad efied a tnt4h nwt"dly afixed. l, RerEe C. Us dlyn, tE udssigEd, Assi$d Secrday, I€ Cfio Ca$dty lrauae @rpa'ry, Ubeny MfLd lrEtrae @rpay, ad \AEd Ansican lnsuarce Oorprty do rr"fy.*rym*teondrd po; d61grrpyof utidlt;forego'lg is aful, tne rd wred copydte Fb^€r dAtqneye€qred bystid oqrpdes, is infrllfcrce ad trd trd fgsndbeenle\d<g,. lN TESnill,l{Yv!1fiEtr, I taw lBrerlo sd my ffi ard affilad the seds cf sar:d Corpa'ies ttis 9th day d November , 2021 1912 1919 1991 LoosN@IN(f) @Io (o (Eo o5 o (5)po E Lo o g o (u L oCoLLao Commi$lon number My mmmission oxpires March 202s Notary Seal Terdsa Pastella, Notary Public Montgomery Counly 1912 1919 1991 LMS-12873 LMIC OCIC WAIC Multi Co 02/2'1 By: