HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Committee of the Whole - 10/22/2019 Approved 4^61 Kent City Council • Committee of the Whole - KENT Regular Meeting WAS M IN G 7 0 N Minutes October 22, 2019 Date: October 22, 2019 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL Attendee Name itle Status Arrived Toni Troutner Councilmember Present Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present Bill Boyce Chair Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Dennis Higgins Councilmember Present Les Thomas Councilmember Present Mayor Ralph was present. 3. AGENDA APPROVAL A. Approve the agenda as amended. Chief Administrative Officer, Derek Matheson advised that Danielle Butsick will present item 413 and Matt Gilbert will present item 4C. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Les Thomas, Councilmember SECONDER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember AYES: Troutner, Kaur, Larimer, Boyce, Fincher, Higgins, Thomas 4. DEPARTMENT PRESENTATIONS A. Kent's 2020 State Legislative Agenda - Approve Briahna Murray, Vice President of Gordon Thomas Honeywell Government Affairs and the City's Lobbyist and Holly Cocci, Assistant Governmental Affairs Consultant, provided the council with details on the legislative agenda and policy document. Murray conveyed what the Council should expect during the 2020 Legislative Session and reviewed the Proposed 2020 State Legislative Agenda. This is the second year of the two-year legislative biennium that is scheduled Kent City Council Committee of the Whole - October 22, 2019 Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... to last 60 days. The short session will focus on developing supplemental budgets that make amendments to the 2019-21 Operating, Capital, and Transportation Budgets. Murray provided details on the current political climate: There is a new Speaker of the House Democrats continue to control all three "chambers" Election year: Statewide and legislative races on the ballot in November 2020 Murray indicated the City's Legislative Agenda. The City's Legislative Priorities include three to five items the City and legislative delegation spend the majority of their time working on. The City's Policy Document is a series of policy statements that outlines various positions and input on hundreds of bills that impact City business and reflect a lot of the feedback Murray received from departments. The Policy Document guides Murray's actions as well as City staff actions on what bills to sign in on, to testify on or express concerns on. Murray recommends keeping the Legislative Agenda concise and easily comprehendible Develop an agenda with short and long-term objectives Take into account; political climate/context Maintain consistency - build on previous successes Murray advised of the process she used in developing the documents. The City of Kent 2020 Draft State Legislative Agenda includes a request to continue and replace the SST Mitigation program including creating a Warehousing Impacts Assistance Program, longer phase out of SST Mitigation, and Local Revitalization Financing Award. This is the City's top priority. Murray provided additional details on the Local Revitalization Financing Award. The City of Kent 2020 Draft State Legislative Agenda includes Capital Funding Requests for: $3 million - The Gateway to Kent project at the 41h and Willis intersection $3 million for the first community park in the Panther Lake Community The City of Kent's 2020 draft State Legislative Agenda includes the City of Kent's "Forward Washington" Transportation Priorities that includes requests for: $20 million to complete 224th $5 million for Meet Me on Meeker ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 2 of 11 Kent City Council Committee of the Whole - October 22, 2019 Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Murray advised of the Local Transportation Funding for jurisdictions to address maintenance and preservation funding. Murray indicated the Policy Document has been updated and is included in today's agenda packet. MOTION: Approve Kent's 2020 State Legislative Agenda. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 11/5/2019 5:00 PM B. Sound Transit Update - Information Only Danielle Butsick, Senior Long-Range Planner, introduced the Sound Transit staff and provided a brief overview of the Kent Station Parking and Access Improvements Projects. Chelsea Levy, Sound Transit South Corridor Development Director and Melissa Saxe, Sounder South Project Development Director, updated the Council on the Kent Station Parking and Access Improvements Projects. Saxe reviewed the proposed project components: Realign Railroad Avenue New bus layover space for King County Metro Pedestrian Improvements at 2nd Avenue North and West James Street, Railroad Avenue North and West Smith Street New pedestrian crossings Intersection safety improvements Details on the recent completion of the environmental analysis included: SEPA Checklist evaluated potential impacts and benefits Comment period ended October 21, 2019 Documents are available online: soundtransit.org/kent-access-improvements Highlights of the environmental analysis include: Traffic: Intersection improvements at East Pioneer Street and Central Avenue North, no left turns out of garage Aesthetics - Architectural screening and landscaping Construction - Noises and vibration control plan, traffic maintenance plan, construction outreach plan Community Outreach includes presentations, community tabling, briefings and an open house. Saxe advised Sound Transit has determined that this will be a design-build ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 3 of 11 Kent City Council Committee of the Whole - October 22, 2019 Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... contract. Benefits include: • Design innovation Possible cost efficiencies Possible schedule efficiencies Major upcoming project milestones include: 1st Quarter 2020 - Sound Transit Board of Directors selects the project to be built 2nd Quarter 2020 - Enter into a Development Agreement 2nd Quarter 2020 - Design-Build Project Requirements Planning will take place 2017-2020 and design/construction 2020-2023. Construction is expected to begin in 2020 and the garage and other improvements are trending toward opening in 2024. Levy advised the opening date has changed since the last update to Council and that Sound Transit is aware that opening this garage is a priority of the City. Sound Transit awarded the City of Kent a System Access Fund award in the amount of $273,683 for design and construction of pedestrian crossing at West James Street at 2nd Avenue North. C. Ordinance Amending Chapter 15.09 KCC and the 2009 Design and Construction Standards (Naden Relocation and Street Standards) - Adopt Matt Gilbert, Deputy Director of Economic and Community Development indicated this ordinance makes minor changes to the Kent City Code that are supportive of Naden Avenue redevelopment in addition to amendments to the 2009 Public Works Design and Construction Standard. These updates will facilitate the reconstruction of Naden Avenue. The code currently allows for long extensions of infrastructure for sewer and water through the use of Latecomer Agreements. This code amendment will add the ability to enter into Latecomer Agreements for roadways. Additional code amendments are being made to cross references to design standards. MOTION: Adopt Ordinance No. 4337 amending Chapter 15.09 of the Kent City Code and the 2009 Design and Construction Standards to clarify applicability of standards and establish a street design standard for future relocation of Naden Avenue. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 4 of 11 Kent City Council Committee of the Whole - October 22, 2019 Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 11/5/2019 5:00 PM D. Payment of Bills - Approve MOTION: Approve the payment of bills received through 10/15/19 and paid on 10/15/19 and checks issued for payroll 10/1/19-10/15/19 and paid on 10/18/19, and audited by the Committee of the Whole on 10/22/19. RESULT:LTULTU RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 11/5/2019 5:00 PM E. August Financial Report - Information Only Senior Financial Analyst, Michelle Ferguson provided details on the August Financial Report. Ferguson indicated she would follow up and provide the Council with the details on why Intergovernmental Revenue in the General Fund is estimated to have an unfavorable balance due to the Streamline Sales Tax payments not coming in as high as they have in past years. F. Creative Circle — Temporary Services Through February 3, 2019 — Ratify Mike Carrington, Somen Palit and Brian Rambonga presented the Council with details on items 4.F - 4.J seeking ratification of audit-related contracts. Carrington indicated the department conducted an audit of its temporary professional services contracts where it was discovered that these contracts exceeded their contractual authority, although all were within their approved budgets and monetary authority. MOTION: Ratify the approval of a contract with Creative Circle, LLC for temporary services supporting the IT Multimedia Division, and authorize a total contract price not to exceed $78,650 through February 3, 2019 and ratify all acts consistent with the terms of the contract and prior to the grant of Council's ratification. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 11/5/2019 5:00 PM G. RedCloud Consulting, Inc. — Temporary Services by Deborah Freixeira Through May 31, 2019 - Ratify ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 5 of 11 Kent City Council Committee of the Whole - October 22, 2019 Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... MOTION: Ratify the signing of a contract with RedCloud Consulting, Inc. for temporary services provided by Deborah Freixeira, or a subsequent replacement, at a total contract cost not to exceed $133,482, through May 31, 2019, and ratify all acts consistent with the terms of the contract and prior to the date of Council's ratification. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 11/5/2019 5:00 PM H. Robert Half International - Temporary Services by David Deal - 2019 - Contract Extension - Ratify MOTION: Ratify the approval of a contract with Robert Half International for temporary services provided by David Deal, at a total cost of $143,180, and ratify all acts consistent with the terms of the contract and prior to the date of Council's ratification. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 11/5/2019 5:00 PM I. Robert Half International - Temporary Services by Jay Young - Amendment No. 3 - Ratify MOTION: Recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No. 3 to a Consultant Services Agreement with Robert Half International, Inc. to ratify work performed through August 16, 2019, and a final contract price of $263,422.88, and ratify all acts consistent with the terms of Amendment No. 3. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 11/5/2019 5:00 PM J. Robert Half International - 2019 Contract Extension Ratification - Kerry Richardson - Ratify MOTION: Ratify the signing of a contract with Robert Half International for temporary services provided by Kerry Richardson to support the City's JD Edwards system through August 16, 2019, at a total contract cost of $390,312, and ratify all acts consistent with the terms of the contract and prior to the date of Council's ratification. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 6 of 11 Kent City Council Committee of the Whole - October 22, 2019 Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 11/5/2019 5:00 PM K. 2032 : HCMA/Human Capital Management & Automation — Software and Implementation Contracts - Authorize Information Technology Director, Mike Carrington, Technology Innovation Manager, Somen Palit, and Human Resources Director, Teri Smith provided information on the Human Capital Management and Automation - Software and Implementation Contracts with Workday and Collaborative Solutions. Carrington recognized Project Manager Annette Pape for her work on this project. HCMA's primary objective is to systematically resolve shortcomings with the City's Human Capital Management and pay-related business processes. The focus has been on modernizing and improving timekeeping business work flows. Workday will be implemented by Collaborative Solutions on or before the end of 2020. A presentation will be made to the Council during the February 18, 2020 workshop. The "budget impact" was not included in the agenda packet, but will be as follows in the City Council Agenda: BUDGET IMPACT: The overall budget is estimated to be $2,150,000. Major components of the budget include: - Software: $1,380,000, which includes both implementation professional services and first year subscription fees - Integration: $250,000 to build integrations between software systems - Staff Backfill: $320,00 to create 2 term-limited positions to backfill staff in Human Resources and Payroll - Contingency: $200,000 Funding is expected to come from the Capital Resources Fund. Approximately $1.2 million will be covered by the Q4 SST mitigation payment, with the remainder from fund balance in that fund. Our plan is to include the budget and FTEs on the Q2 supplemental budget adjustment for formal approval. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 7 of 11 Kent City Council Committee of the Whole - October 22, 2019 Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign all contracts and other documents necessary with Workday, Inc. and Collaborative Solutions, LLC for software subscription, maintenance and implementation services, for an initial three-year term and a total project cost not to exceed $2,150,000, and authorize all subsequent contract renewals within established budgets, subject to final contract terms and conditions acceptable to City Administration and the City Attorney. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 11/5/2019 5:00 PM L. Ordinance Granting Zayo Group, LLC. a Fiber Franchise - Introduce Assistant City Attorney, Christina Schuck indicated Zayo has requested a Franchise to install fiber throughout the entire City. This is a standard franchise for fiber only. The difference in this franchise is that it includes a provision for dark fiber for the City. The two strands of dark fiber are not a charge for the use of right- of-way, they are more of a settlement agreement. Under a prior agreement where Zayo installed facilities throughout City, there were problems with Zayo's compliance with the terms. The City worked out an agreement where Zayo would give the City two strands of dark fiber. The primary goal is for Public Works to use the dark fiber to get all of the City's traffic lights hooked up to the central system. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 11/5/2019 5:00 PM M. 2033 : 2020-2024 CDBG Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development and Participation Plan- Approve CDBG Coordinator, Dinah Wilson, presented details on the Five-Year Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development, along with the Participation Plan. The Plan is required by the CDBG program and is presented every 5 years to the community and HUD. This is a comprehensive report that helps the City determine objectives that guide how to provide CDBG funds to the community. There are five sections to the plan: • Needs Assessment ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 8 of 11 Kent City Council Committee of the Whole - October 22, 2019 Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... • Market Analysis • Strategic Plan Action Plan is folded into the Consolidated Plan The Community Participation Plan sets how community is encouraged to engage in this process. Higgins encouraged the Council to continue to do more to fund emergent needs. MOTION: Approve the Proposed Community Development Block Grant 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development and the Community Participation Plan, including funding allocations and contingency plans, and authorize the Mayor to execute the appropriate certifications and agreements. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 11/5/2019 5:00 PM N. McSorley Creek Wetland Complex Parcel Purchase - Authorize Public works Engineering Supervisor, Alex Murillo, advised of the McSorely Creek Property which consists of 2.34 acres of wetlands and is located on the West Hill. The property is encumbered with a creek running through the site. The entire McSorely site is 79 acres and the City wishes to preserve, protect, and possibly restore the property. Half of the purchase price will be reimbursed by King County through a Conservation Futures Grant. MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign all documents necessary to purchase a parcel of land (APN 768280-0220), located off of South 272nd Street, from Richard L. Alia, in an amount not to exceed $20,000., subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 11/5/2019 5:00 PM O. Consultant Services Agreement with AECOM Technical Services, Inc. for Upper Mill Creek Dam Construction - Authorize Public Works Environmental Engineer, Stephen Lincoln presented information on the Consultant Services Agreement with AECOM Technical Services for the Mill Creek Dam Construction Project. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 9 of 11 Kent City Council Committee of the Whole - October 22, 2019 Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... AECOM will be providing continued engineering consulting services for the work to increase the elevation of the dam and construction of the new fish passage and diversion structure. Lincoln advised the completion date has been extended due to design complexities and an unusually wet summer. MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with AECOM in the amount not to exceed $74,290.35 to provide engineer-of-record support services for construction of the Upper Mill Creek Dam, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 11/5/2019 5:00 PM P. Consultant Services Agreement with Natural Systems Design, Inc. for Mill Creek Reestablishment Project, Wetland Mitigation - Authorize Environmental Engineer, Melissa Dahl, provided details on the Consultant Services Agreement with Natural Systems Design for the Mill Creek Reestalishment Project for the wetland mitigation design. The City is required to do a significant amount of wetland mitigation for the project. Natural Systems will provide consulting and mitigation design on the "City- identified potential mitigation site." MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with Natural Systems Design, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $97,312 to prepare a wetland mitigation design plan and other project support for the Mill Creek Reestablishment project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. RESULT RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 11/5/2019 5:00 PM 5. ADJOURNMENT Council President Boyce adjourned the meeting. Meeting ended at 5:22 p.m. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 10 of 11 Kent City Council Committee of the Whole - October 22, 2019 Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Kn�lvy A. Kawwto- City Clerk ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 11 of 11 GOR DON TH4MASHONEYWELL .OVERIAfENfXL AFFXMB City of Kent 2020 Legislative Session Briahna Murray, Vice President Gordon Thomas Honeywell Governmental Affairs Overview The goal for tonight's discussion: ► Overview of what to expect during the 2020 Legislative Session Review Proposed 2020 State Legislative Agenda 2 2020 Legislative Session Second year of the two-year legislative biennium Scheduled to last 60 days Focus will be on amending the 2019-21 Operating, Capital, and Transportation Budgets Operating: While the latest revenue forecast is up, the amount is minimal Capital: Limited funding during the 2020 session Transportation: Conversations around a "transportation package" will continue, however will be difficult to finalize in a short session Thousands of bills introduced; hundreds that will impact city business 2020 Legislative Session : Political Climate New Speaker in the House Rep. Laurie Dinkins (D-Tacoma) will be the first woman to serve in the role in state history Democrats continue to control all three "chambers" Election year: Statewide and legislative races on the ballot in November 2020 All legislators in the House and roughly half of those in the Senate are up for election. Redistricting will follow the November 2020 elections 4 Guidance on Legislative Agenda Keep agenda concise, and easily comprehendible Legislative Agenda 8 Policy Document Structure Develop an agenda with short and long term objectives ► Take into account political climate/context ► Consistency - build on previous successes 5 City of Kent 2020 Draft State Legislative Agenda Continue and Replace SST Mitigation Program SST Mitigation funded through 2021 . Budgeted through 2023. What happens next? Create a Warehousing Impacts Assistance Program Longer phase out of SST Mitigation Local Revitalization Financing Award 6 City of Kent 2020 Draft State Legislative Agenda Capital Funding Request: The Gateway to Kent - $3 million The City is the process of converting the 41" and Willis intersection to a roundabout. The City will transition this roundabout into an entry way into the Kent community, by providing welcoming signage, a bicycle/pedestrian walkway with lighting, landscaping, artwork, and more. The design will include amulti-cultural theme that reflects Kent's diverse community. City of Kent 2020 Draft State Legistative Agenda Capital Funding Request: Panther Lake Community Park - $3 million This will be the first community park in this significantly underserved area of Kent, serving over 25,000 people This park will give the residents in the Panther Lake area of Kent a sorely needed community gathering place, a sense of pride, a connection to nature and numerous opportunities to improve their overall health and well-being. The park will include a restroom, playground, open play field, picnic shelters, public art and other amenities determined by the public during the park's planning process. The park is also adjacent to King County's Soos Creek Trail, meaning it will be an improved trailhead for an important regional trail and making it accessible to people who want to walk or bike to the park. City of Kent 2020 Draft State Legislative Agenda The City of Kent's "Forward Washington" Transportation Priorities Over the next decade, the City of Kent requests that the state partner with the City to provide transportation infrastructure to meet the needs of the growing Kent community - residents and businesses. The city requests that the following be included in the state's next transportation revenue package: Complete 224th - $20 million ► Meet Me on Meeker - $5 million Local Transportation Funding ► The City of Kent requests that the state enact a local transportation package. The Joint Transportation Committee released a 2019 study to meet the $1 billion gap in transportation maintenance and preservation costs. To meet these needs, the City of Kent requests that the state provide expanded revenue options and increased resources for city transportation needs. 9 GORDON TM-0 MAS HON E E LL Questi* oris?. Briahna Murray Vice President Gordon Thomas Honeywell Governmental Affairs Cell: (253) 310-5477 E-mail: bmurraV@gth-gov.com 10 Kent Station Parking & Access Project Kent City Council briefing 10/22/19 VSOUNDTRANSIT 41 Kent Station Parkin 9 and lz'fl I I .-'. "',I, - ; *I-".07*1 �� p,R Access Improvements 70:.. ., ., ��- New parking garage with approximately 500 stalls • Pedestrian bicycle and bus improvements Conceptual engineering & environmental analysis complete - c � Proposed project 1. New pedestrian W -OF 0 u rn � M crossings ii�-MiddleSCIIDOI roposed parking garage components W James St _ E James 5# i Bus layover facilities for iT = Realign Railroad Ave King County Metro Mill Creek -_-00� Kent Station • New bus layover space for � — � iamsay 1NayfioPPing Center Proposed realigment of Railroad _ - Ave N and new ADA parking King County Metro - rf and pickup/drop off area +t+ E Pioneer St • Pedestrian improvements at Green River a0, 2nd Ave N and W James St, College Bike rack and Railroad Ave N and W Existing locker upgrades Parking Smith St Garage _ 0 2 Intersection safety E Smith St improvements Kent Town Regional - Square Library = — Plaza VSouNDTRANSIT Environmental analysis SEPA Checklist S • State Environmental Policy Acts Checklist evaluates potential ioil impacts and benefits k t • Comment eriod: Oct 7-21 � p • Documents available online: 3, soundtransit.org/kent-access- improvements L VSouNDT R, Highlights of environmental analysis Traffic • Intersection improvements at E Pioneer Stand Central Ave N, no left turns out of garage Aesthetics • Architectural screening and landscaping. Construction • Noise and vibration control plan, traffic maintenance plan, construction outreach plan. Community Outreach • Presentations: o Kent Downtown Partnership, North Park, Mill Creek, and North Scenic Hill neighborhood associations o Kent Cultural Diversity Initiative Group, Kent Cultural Communities Board, South King County Mobility Coalition • Community tabling: Kent Farmers Market, Kent Station Concerts, Kent library • Briefings with impacted property owners • Open House: Oct 14, 5-7pm, Green River College, Kent Campus 6 VSouNDTRANSIT Design-Build contracting Potential Benefits • Design innovation • Possible cost efficiencies • Possible schedule efficiencies Upcoming project milestones 1 QTR 2020 Sound Transit Board of Directors "Selects the Project to be Built" 2QTR 2020 Development Agreement 2QTR 2020 Design-Build Project Requirements Next steps and timeline WE ARE HERE • PLANNING DESIGNICONSTRUCTION OPEN TO P • • • e PUBLIC ■ Nov 2017: Sound Transit Board identified Hire a firm to design and build the project preferred improvement package . Acquire property and obtain permits ■ 2018/2019: Conceptual engineering and ■ Complete parking garage design environmental review ■ Fall 2019: Public comment ■ Groundbreaking and construction updates ■ Early 2020: Sound Transit Board selects project to build • Construction expected to begin in 2021 . • Garage and other improvements are trending toward opening in 2024. ST System Access Fund award • City of Kent awarded $273,683 for design and construction of pedestrian crossing at W James Street at 2nd Avenue N • Project description: Install a Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon high visibility crosswalk, raised median with a pedestrian cut-through, and Americans with Disabilities Act ramps on W James Street at Second Avenue N. This will split the distance (0.3 miles) between crossings to 0. 16 miles. • Next step: funding agreement between Sound Transit and City of Kent; project completion expected in 2021 Thank you. I SouNnTiu►Nsir e soundtransit. org f W O Permit Parking • Solo-driver permits starting at Kent Station and Federal Way Transit Center • Reserved space weekday mornings until 8am at Kent Station • Cost: • Kent: $60/month; $20/month with ORCA Lift • Federal Way: $45/month; $15/month with ORCA Lift • Carpool permits free 12 VSouNDTRANSIT . r r^ � •r _� mho � 6 ' UM rip McSorley Wetlands Complex UN r OwParcel Purchase may. �• 1 Y . D y .1v gipv, AW/ COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE OCTOBER 22, 2019 "m 1 Ji if k e• 2 18C7le � i McSorleyCreek Wetlands Complex Parcel Purchase ,I JIT k > i urr YK 7T ` :•� , � t is �. SYn �� ��r 1 .. •'1 �� Ind y .4 K. s - R• 1 i f y xr. AIM :rA 1,1 � Acquisition �;° n� � _ p fir. _ •' �'• ,�< vy/■ < i lo i (• r � _ �•x:ram I �� ! 3 s Ev ter, .. � f;�• [;1 Legend f S".srrs8 Ponds �� r," w .., 5,272ndSf. T.L a -: r cry.owedPanxs .� �! �Sena'irea.pa Saserr its e'r :fir . '*.�YyFy�'' �1 •r�r A, '4 Pge.�Eal F.nue.�cF�-rloR • `^• r »/i rf. .'i ti. .rt*• T• 1 t s,��raz 8 K�Napo �"....+`.,.. ��:.I:.•.Yr -� •:IN E� i UPPER MILL CREEK DAM CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT COMMITTEEOF THE WHOLE OCTOBER2019 LL - = --- J /� `S� .y .. • A�^� tea/ _I I � •,. �4.-.' �..�,ifi•� yr, l�' UPPER MILL CREEK DAM IMPROVEMENTS \ - � >« 7 � c = . � - � � UPPER MILL CREEK DAM IMPROVEMENTS S T s _ $ tt to 4A fl L% L so UPPER MILL CREEK DAM IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION CONTINUING THROUGH FALL 2020 r�41ILL qlflw� IF .lf� 1F f • � ri Cp��gq rr pt r OMP a � th 76 Ave South Flooding: February 2019 FV "•tea_"�", � .+—� rir C"ss. �#�. p{ , - - '�' -,X Woodford Ave Flooding - February 2018 r E Legend Frankfard r. • PropertyDesign ' Major currently underway) Lfttle *� (MitigationProperty " ! currently unde identified potential mitir iw 0.45 Iik"[t f-• �' , . 1.8 Mill • a- � l • Interagency support g Y .; • Establishment of may, baseline conditions for the site -`1- • 30% mitigation design of the City identified potential mitigation site - - South Flooding