HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations Committee - 05/03/2016 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 3, 2016 Committee Members Present: Les Thomas; Bill Boyce; Dana Ralph, Chair The meeting was called to order by Dana Ralph at 4:03 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL. 2. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA. City Attorney Tom Brubaker will be presenting item nine, Real Property Surplus Policy – Information Only, with Chief Administrative Officer Derek Matheson joining him and depending how the conversation goes there may be action taken afterwards. Public comment will be available with a limit of three minutes. 3. APPROVAL OF THE CHECK SUMMARY REPORT DATED 4/01/2016 THRU 4/15/2016. L. Thomas moved to approve the check summary report dated 4/01/16 through 4/15/16. B. Boyce seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED APRIL 19, 2016. B. Boyce moved to approve the Operations Committee minutes dated April 19, 2016. L. Thomas seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 5. ICMA-RC THREE-YEAR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AGREEMENT - RECOMMEND. Human Resources Benefits Manager Becky Fowler asked to have the service agreement amended for a term of three years beginning June 1, 2016; the current agreement ends June 30. The City contracts with ICMA as the sole third party administrator for the City’s deferred compensation (457) program and has been the City’s deferred compensation provider for over 20 years. Highlights from the requested amended agreement are:  A decrease in record keeping fees from .10 business points to .08 with a small fee with their funds,  This is set-up in a trust with approximately $58 million in this fund, and  Plan expenses are paid by the employees who contribute funds. L. Thomas moved to recommend the Council authorize the Mayor to sign the ICMA-RC Deferred Compensation Program Administrative Services Agreement, which is amended to include a three year contract term and includes recordkeeping revenue of 0.08 percent and investment advisory fee for the VT Plus Fund of 0.21 percent, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Human Resource Director and City Attorney. B. Boyce seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. Operations Committee Minutes May 3, 2016 Page: 2 6. MARCH FINANCIAL REPORT – INFORMATION ONLY. Finance Director Aaron BeMiller reported analysis through March show both revenues and expenditures likely to end the year favorable compared to budget, creating an overall favorable variance amount of $1.7 million. The current estimated ending fund balance reserves for 2016 calculates to 15.7 percent of estimated 2016 expenses. 7. DIRECTOR’S REPORT – INFORMATION ONLY. Finance Director Aaron BeMiller updated members on the 2016 refunding effort for the 2008A series bonds as well as the Public Facilities District sales tax bonds. The schedule previously presented was to price the bonds today, May 3, but have shifted the schedule to Wednesday, May 11, in order to work out some language details and to make some adjustments in the reporting system. The changes will make for a stronger Preliminary Official Statement which prospective investors read about the City. 8. Real Property Surplus Policy – Information Only. City Attorney Tom Brubaker and Chief Administrative Officer Derek Matheson reviewed details in the draft policy that will apply to all proposed sales or disposal of real property moving forward. Administration developed the outline in an attempt to give maximum flexibility, a stepping off point for discussion, consideration of other concepts or approaches, and further direction to staff. The Committee’s changes to the draft policy include:  Committee would like items 2.b and 2.c to be consistent in the amount of time that notices are posted and mailed. The preferred timeline is fifteen days.  Committee added language for public notices in a newspaper(s) and are open to discuss further once the City’s community survey is complete. Results will include how residents prefer to receive city information.  Mr. Brubaker amended item 8 to read: “This policy will not apply to property owned by any of the City’s utilities, to any statutory street vacations or to other surplus processes when state law provides a separate process for those properties.” Mr. Matheson added that Council has already gone through a lengthy public process regarding the Par 3 property at the Riverbend Golf Complex. He suggested adding language to the ordinance to make the Par 3 parcel exempt from going through the new process, Committee members agreed. Mr. Brubaker said he will add it to the policy. Chair Ralph allowed public comment:  Sandi Lynden of 20302 102nd Ave SE: Ms. Lynden commented on items 4.1, 4.2, 7.3, 7.4 & 7.5 of Renton's Surplus Policy missing in the City’s draft outline.  Councilmember Jim Berrios: Mr. Berrios made a request to add public notice to the Kent Reporter and to look at the other jurisdictions’ policies. L. Thomas moved to move the draft surplus policy under Other Business for discussion with full Council during the May 17 Council meeting. B. Boyce seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. Operations Committee Minutes May 3, 2016 Page: 3 The meeting was adjourned at 4:56 p.m. by D. Ralph. J. Hays Jennifer Hays Operations Committee Secretary