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Public Works Committee
CC PW Regular Meeting
August 6, 2018
Date: August 6, 2018
Time: 4:00 PM
Place: Chambers East
Attending: Dennis Higgins, Chair
Brenda Fincher, Councilmember
Toni Troutner, Councilmember
1. Call to Order 4:00 PM
2. Roll Call
Attendee Name Title Status Arrived
Dennis Higgins Chair Present
Brenda Fincher Councilmember Absent
Toni Troutner Councilmember Present
3. Changes to the Agenda
Items 6 & 7 removed and sent to Public Safety. Items 10 & 11 removed.
Item 5 Alex Murillo presenting in place of Richard Schleicher
4. Approval of Minutes dated July 16, 2018
MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated July 16, 2018
AYES: Higgins, Troutner
ABSENT: Fincher
5. Consultant Services Agreement with GeoEngineers for Signature
Point Levee - Recommend
Environmental Engineering Supervisor, Alex Murillo and Environmental
Engineer II, Toby Hallock gave a presentation describing repairs on levees
throughout the City along with those completed that are still needed on
remaining levee's. Murillo explained the contract before the committee is
with GeoEngineers for the Signature Pointe Levee and would include a study
to analyze up to three alternatives for costs, benefits, impacts, opportunities
and overall feasibility. Murillo also explained that the city recently executed
an ILA with the King County Flood District to study the Signature Pointe
Levee. This contract is consistent with the ILA. Murillo also added that
Executive Director Michelle Clark of the Flood District did sign and approve
the scope of work for the GeoEngineers contact.
Public Works Committee CC PW Regular Meeting
August 6, 2018
Kent, Washington
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Higgins, thanked Murillo for the presentation and for explaining the ILA
portion and commented that the money for this levee is coming from the
Flood Control District.
Troutner, commented that she is an alternate on the Flood Control District
Advisory Committee and that we are very fortunate to receive a large
amount of funds for a lot of the different projects that Kent is working on,
Higgins agreed.
MOTION: Recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a
Consultant Services Agreement with GeoEngineers in an amount not
to exceed $210,919, for levee alternatives analysis, subject to final
terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public
Works Director.
MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember
SECONDER: Dennis Higgins, Chair
AYES: Higgins, Troutner
ABSENT: Fincher
6. School Zone Traffic Safety Camera Program Fund Expenditures –
Recommend Vehicle Purchase
This item moved to Public Safety Committee for August 14
MOTION: Recommend Council authorize the expenditure of $930,000
from the School Zone Traffic Safety Camera Fund, amend the budget,
authorize the Mayor to purchase 15 police vehicles for the second
phase of the car-per-officer program, utilizing the State’s master
contract with Columbia Ford, Inc., and authorize future purchases
with Columbia Ford if they are within the City’s established budgets
and made during the term of the master contract.
7. Police Interceptor Vehicles Approval to Order - Recommend
This item moved to Public Safety Committee for August 14
MOTION: Recommend Council authorize the expenditure of $434,000
from the 2019 Fleet Reserve fund, amend the budget, and authorize
the Mayor to purchase seven replacement police vehicles utilizing the
State’s master contract with Columbia Ford.
8. 2018 Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Grants - Information
Public Works Committee CC PW Regular Meeting
August 6, 2018
Kent, Washington
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The Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) has issued a call for projects
for the Urban Arterial Program (UAP), the Sidewalk Program (SP), and a call
for Complete Streets Award nominations. TIB requires 20% match for UAP
and SP programs, but no match is required for the Complete Streets Award.
For the Puget Sound Region, $39.1 million is available for the UAP and $2.7
million is available for the SP. Statewide, up to $21 million is available for
Complete Streets Awards. Kent staff have reviewed the grant criteria and
recommend submitting applications for the following projects:
1) Urban Arterial Program - S. 228th Street Union Pacific Railroad Grade
Separation ($3.5 million)
2) Sidewalk Program - Walkway on the north side of SE 256th Street from
137th Way SE to 140th Ave SE and extruded curb on the south side from SE
135th Street to 140th Ave SE (No more than $600,000)
The Complete Streets Award is available to any jurisdiction who adopted a
complete streets ordinance and shows an ethic of planning and building
streets that accommodate all users, including pedestrians, transit riders,
cyclists, and motorists. ECD staff are working to secure up to 6 nominations
from various non-profit and state agencies. Awards will range from $100,000
to $1 million. The opportunity could build on the $250,000 award the City
received during the last round.
Higgins wished us good luck and thanked us for pursuing these grants.
9. Information Only – James Street Update - Information Only
Construction Manager, Eric Connor gave an update on the James Street
Project. Connor explained that we had a 20 day closure of James Street and
today is day 17. Today was the final concrete pour and tomorrow asphalt
paving. There are sidewalk, curb ramps and clean up left to do. Thursday the
crews will be cleaning up and then will open the road to the public by end of
the day Thursday August 9, after that there will be 10 more working days on
the contract for the remainder of the work. Connor showed a timeline of
pictures of the project and complimented the contractor on doing a great job.
Higgins asked how the traffic management went. Conner explained they had
to make a few adjustments in the beginning because people were coming
through the barricades so the contractor added more flagger's.
Higgins asked about the Metro route and if we communicated with the
neighborhood that Metro buses would be coming through. Connor said that
unfortunately no communication went out, but that was a learning
opportunity for next time.
10. Quiet Zone Update - Information Only
Removed from the Agenda
Public Works Committee CC PW Regular Meeting
August 6, 2018
Kent, Washington
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11. 228th Street Corridor UPRR Overpass Update on the Right of Way
Acquisition - Information Only
Removed from the Agenda
12. Adjournment 4:24 AM
Cheryl Viseth
Committee Secretary