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Public Works Committee
CC PW Regular Meeting
July 16, 2018
Date: July 16, 2018
Time: 4:00 PM
Place: Chambers East
Attending: Dennis Higgins, Committee Chair
Brenda Fincher, Councilmember
Toni Troutner, Councilmember
1. Call to Order 4:01 PM
2. Roll Call
Attendee Name Title Status Arrived
Dennis Higgins Committee Chair Present
Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present
Toni Troutner Councilmember Present
3. Changes to the Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes dated July 2, 2018
MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated July 2, 2018
MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember
SECONDER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember
AYES: Higgins, Fincher, Troutner
5. Puget Sound Energy Master Lighting Services Agreement
Kelly Peterson, Transportation Manager noted the City owns approximately
2,600 lights that are maintained by the Public Works Department. PSE owns
approximately 3,500 lights within city limits for which Kent pays electricity
and maintenance via tariff. The proposed Master Lighting Service agreement
clarifies terms of service and how new lights are added to the system.
The Agreement addresses products and services, performance by parties,
permits if required, responsibilities for necessary easements, reimbursement
of construction costs and liability. Currently a Master Lighting Services
Agreement does not exist.
Public Works Committee CC PW Regular Meeting
July 16, 2018
Kent, Washington
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When additional lights are requested by the City, PSE will continue to provide
the City a written cost estimate on an order, and if approved by Kent, the
work will be completed and added to the inventory and billed accordingly.
PSE is seeking Master Lighting Services Agreements with all municipalities to
standardize its operations. The proposed agreement has been reviewed by
the Kent Law Department.
Move to recommend the Council to authorize the Mayor to sign
a Master Lighting Services Agreement with Puget Sound Energy,
subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney
and Public Works Director.
MOVER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember
SECONDER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember
AYES: Higgins, Fincher, Troutner
6. Consultant Services Agreement for the Reservoir near S 240th St &
98th Ave S Recoating and Fall Protection
Mike Almaroof Engineering Tech, noted the reservoir was constructed in 1958
and is located just north of South 240th Street and west of 98th Ave S on the
east hill of Kent. The reservoir was recoated in 1991. Based on a coating
analysis performed in 2015, the coating is due to be recoated again.
The coating analysis indicated the exterior of the reservoir had notable
failures. There are locations around the reservoir where the paint has
delaminated from the primer paint. There are some areas where the steel is
exposed without any coating, those areas are corroding. The interior coating
of the tank also needs to be replaced to maintain water quality.
While the tank is off-line, safety and security improvements to the tank will
be performed to reduce cost and the time the tank is off-line. Security and
safety improvement are necessary to provide worker safety and undisturbed
water service.
Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a consultant
services agreement with Gray and Osborne, Inc. in an amount not to
exceed $43,500, for the 125K Reservoir near S 240th Street and 98th
Ave S for the Recoating and Fall Protection Improvements Project,
subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney
and Public Works Director.
Public Works Committee CC PW Regular Meeting
July 16, 2018
Kent, Washington
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MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember
SECONDER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember
AYES: Higgins, Fincher, Troutner
7. Downey Farmstead and Naden Ave Endeavors
Thomas Leyrer, Design Engineer II and Mike Mactutis, Environmental
Engineering Manager noted that The Downey Farmstead Restoration project will
construct a 2,000 LF side channel tributary to the Green River to provide rearing
and refuge habitat for threatened Chinook and other salmon species and provide
130 acre-feet of floodplain storage to reduce flooding in the area.
A construction contract for Phase I of this work is expected to be awarded at the
July 17, 2018 City Council meeting. Phase I of this project will include clearing
and grubbing and removing approximately 20,000 CY of material. This material
will then be hauled from the Downey site to the Naden Site, a city property
which is expected to be sold for development.
By providing a nearby location to haul and place the fill, the grant funded
project will save money and the Downey property will be easier to develop.
8. Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Non-Motorized Plan Update
April Delchamps, Sr. Transportation Planner, noted that staff are in the process
of updating the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) which includes a non-
motorized component. Staff has presented materials to the Kent Bicycle
Advisory Board (KBAB) to review existing bicycle facilities and provide
recommendations for updates to the Bicycle Plan in the TMP.
During the TMP update, non-motorized facilities for bicycles and pedestrians,
including multi-use facilities and trails, will be considered. New and existing
facilities are currently being mapped or included. Coordination with the
Economic and Community Development, Parks, and Police Departments will
occur as a part of the process. In addition to KBAB, the Parks & Recreation
Commission and neighborhood groups will be asked for recommendations.
Several planning documents and large capital projects are also being considered
during the update. These include: Downtown Subarea Plan, Midway Subarea
Plan, Let’s Go Kent Plan, long range plans from KC METRO and Sound Transit,
Federal Way Link Extension, YMCA, Kent Station Access Improvements, and the
Puget Sound Gateway Project.
The update will identify projects to be included in the TMP. These projects
will help develop the multi-modal transportation network in the City. The
projects will improve connectivity in the transportation network for non-
motorized users. The update will also look at identifying an east-west bicycle
facility across the City.
Public Works Committee CC PW Regular Meeting
July 16, 2018
Kent, Washington
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9. James St Pavement Rehabilitation (Central Ave N to Clark Ave N)
Change Order
Jason Barry, Capital Projects Manager noted that the contractor on our James
Street Pavement Rehabilitation Project (Central Ave N to Clark Ave N) has 60
Working Days to conclude the construction of the project. Specifications
require the contractor to maintain 1 lane of traffic in each direction on James
Street throughout the duration of the project. The contractor has requested
approval to implement a 20-day full closure of James Street during
construction that will result in an early completion and up to $200,000 in
savings to the City.
Barry noted that at the neighborhood meeting on July 2 the overwhelming
proposal was to close the roadway for the 20 days starting July 21. For
information about traffic alerts go to DriveKent.com.
10. Quiet Zone Update
Chad Bieren P.E., Deputy Director / City Engineer noted the following:
- Staff continues to work on the revised crossing modification documents for
the UTC.
- UPRR has not completed the installation of the constant warning time
equipment at Meeker St. This is the last location that needs constant
warning time circuitry.
- FRA is continuing to review the Alternative Safety Measures (ASMs)
proposals for two of the BNSF railroad crossings. This courtesy review will
provide us with feedback on our ASM proposals prior to submitting the Notice
of Intent (NOI). This will provide us with more confidence that our ASMs are
sufficient to lower the crossing risk to an acceptable level before submitting
the NOI.
- WSDOT is still reviewing the Willis St grade crossing modification petition we
sent them in June. WSDOT needs to approve the crossing modifications
before we can file the NOI because they own the UPRR crossing (SR 516
limited access). WSDOT had an internal meeting on July 12 to discuss the
crossing modifications and our proposed quiet zone. We are waiting to hear
the results of that meeting. Staff will continue to work with WSDOT for
crossing modification approval and will file the FRA NOI and UTC grade
crossing petition when WSDOT approval is received.
- Staff continue to work with BNSF for easements to install fencing between
crossings identified in the quiet zone diagnostic. Non-railroad property
owners have been contacted to secure easements for installation of the
Public Works Committee CC PW Regular Meeting
July 16, 2018
Kent, Washington
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Staff is designing fencing for installation at the UPRR Willis St crossing that
was identified in the quiet zone diagnostic. Property owners are being
contacted to discuss easements for installation of the fence.
11. Adjournment 4:46 PM
Committee Secretary