HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/20/2018Kent City Council Regular Meeting
November 20,2OLB
Kent, Washington
Approved December 11, 2018
November 20,2OI8
7 p.m.
Council Chambers East/West
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. with Mayor Ralph presiding
2. Roll Call
Mayor Ralph - Present
Council President Boyce - Present
Brenda Fincher, Councilmember - Present
Dennis Higgins, Councilmember - Present
Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember - Present
Marli Larimer, Councilmember - Present
Les Thomas, Councilmember - Excused Absence
Toni Troutner, Councilmember - Present
3. Chanoes to the Agenda
Boyce moved to approve the agenda as submitted, seconded by Higgins.
The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 6-O.
4. PublicCommunications
A. Public Recognition
i. City Employee's 2O18 Fall Giving Campaign - Award of Donation to
Kent Youth and Family Services - Homelessness Prevention Program
Alyne Hansen, Chair of the committee, along with members of the
committee, presented a check in the amount of $11,238.68 to the Kent Youth
and Family Services Homelessness Prevention Program.
Hansen expressed her appreciation of the contributions, donations, and work
done by committee that helped make this fundraiser a huge success.
ii. Certificate of Recognition to Mel Roberts
Mayor Ralph presented a Certificate of Recognition to Mel Roberts to
recognize his 18 years of service on the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board.
Frank Boosman and Lanelle Mooney expressed words of appreciation to Mel
Roberts for his work on the Bicycle Advisory Board.
Proclamation for Small Business Day
Mayor Ralph presented Mike Hanis, Greg Haffner, Alice Marshall, Rick Roland,
Jeff Middleton, and Suzanne Cameron with the Proclamation for Small
Business Day.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
November 20,20L8
Kent, Washington
Approved December 11, 2018
Appointment to Bicycle Advisory Board
Mayor Ralph recognized Cheryl Koubik as her appointment to the board.
Appointments to Cultural Communities Board
Mayor Ralph recognized Oleg Pynda, Lelei Masina, Taffy Johnson, and youth
members Tanya Medina, and Ayat Murad, as new members of the Kent
Cultural Community Board.
Lelei Masina expressed her appreciation for the opportunity to be involved in
the community by serving on the board and also read a message of
appreciation from Taffy Johnson.
Tanya Medina expressed her appreciation for the opportunity to serve on the
Mayor Ralph announced that the City received a 4 million dollar grant for the
Veteran's Drive extension,
The City is also receiving a $1.4 million-dollar grant for South 2l2th' street, for a new
road surface. The funds will be available in 2O2L.
The City is also receiving a $3.5 million dollar grant from the Washington State
Transportation Improvement Board for the completion of the South 228th Street
Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation project.
B. Community Events
Boyce announced accesso ShoWare Center past and upcoming events.
Kaur advised of Transgender Day of Remembrance and encouraged the public to
support the day. An event is being held on November 2t, tO28 at7 p.m. at the Trinity
Kaur advised of the upcoming LGBTQ Holiday Dinner that will be held on November
22, 20LB at noon at the Messiah Lutheran Church in Auburn.
Fincher detailed upcoming Spotlight Series events and Green Kent Events.
Fincher advised the public to visit KentWA.gov to sign up for the upcoming Christmas
Rush 5K and 10K events.
Higgins recognized the Kentridge girls' volleyball team for their third place finish at
the recent State competition.
Public Safety Report
Chief Rafael Padilla provide background information on officers Chelsea Pribble,
Jacob Berry, and Casey Clark, Mayor Ralph performed the official swearing ins.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
November 2O,20L8
Kent, Washington
Approved December Lt, 2OL8
Chief Padilla presented Awards for Citizen Commendations to CÍty staff Scott
Schroeder, Alex Sheets, and Nolan Schulke. Scott, Alex, and Nolan are being
commended for going above and beyond to help the Kent Police Department
remove a vehicle from the Green River, that could not be accomplished without
their assistance, and they were in line with the Departments Values of Service
and Professionalism.
Chief Padilla presented an Award for Citizen Commendation to Auburn Police
Officer Fernando Cordova for his ability to remain calm during a stressful
situation and being the primary reason, the potentially dangerous incident was
quickly diffused. This courageous and selfless act is in line with the Kent Police
Department's Mission to aggressively fight crime while serving with compassion.
Chief Padilla presented Lifesaving Awards to Officers Samuel Steiner, John
Rainey, and Matthew Levi for their lifesaving efforts on a 20-year-old female
that had badly lacerated her arm with a razor blade. Medic One advised that the
placement of the tourniquet most definitely saved the woman's life. Offlcer
Steiner is being commended for his great team effort of problem solving that
most likely saved the life of the woman. Their courageous and selfless acts are
in line with the Kent Police Department's Mission to aggressively fight crime
while serving with compassion.
Chief Padilla presented an Award for Citizen Commendation to Jason Holsclaw
for going above and beyond to assist a driver that crashed his car off of the road
during a foggy morning.
Chief Padilla presented a Lifesaving Award to Officer Taylor Burns for his quick
actions to save a driver of a car that had submerged in a creek. Officer Burns
climbed down the steep blackberry covered embankment and onto the bottom
of the vehicle. Officer Burns looked for an opening to check for occupants. Seeing
the side doors too close to the banks of the creek to open he climbed to the back
of the car and opened the trunk. In the small opening he could see what looked
like the top of a human head. It started to move, and the eyes opened so he
reached into the water and grabbed onto the occupant's shoulder. The driver
was in an air pocket about the size of his head and stated he didn't think he was
going to make it.
Officer Burns is being commended for his quick actions which most likely saved
the life of the man.
Chief Padilla expressed his appreciation of the work of the Kent Police
Department officers, detectives, special investigative unit, and multiple
jurisdictions for their work on the investigation that ultimately led to the
conviction of Marty Kime for the fatal shooting of l-year-old Malijha Grant.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
November 20,2OL8
Kent, Washington
Approved December 11, 2018
5. Reoorts from Council and Staff
Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer
Matheson advised his written report is in today's agenda packet and there is no
executive session tonight.
Mayor Ralph
Mayor Ralph serves on the Sound Cities Association Puget Sound Regional Council
Transportation Policy Board that met last week. The board heard from transit
agencies on transit integration. The board also presented statistics on the Commute
Trip Reduction Program.
Mayor Ralph serves as an alternate on the Sound Cities Association Regional Transit
Committee. The topic during today's meeting was regarding the closure of the Viaduct
"The Seattle Squeeze." lf you are going to be driving anywhere in the region, think
about alternate routes now. The viaduct will close on January Lt,2Ot9 for 3-5 weeks.
On March 23,20L9, the downtown transit tunnel will be closed to buses. This will
impact Kent's route #150. Construction of the new Alaska Way will begin in the early
summer of 20L9 and continue through 202L.
Mayor Ralph joined principal Darice Johnson at Meridian Middle School and was
Principal for a day.
Mayor Ralph advised of the recent Shop with a Cop fundraiser that raised enough
money to take 50 kids shopping.
Council President Boyce
Boyce provided a brief review of the two presentations from tonight's workshop
regarding the Lower Russell Road levee project and Naden project.
Councilmember Higgins
Councilmember Higgins is the Chair of the Public Works Committee and indicated the
committee heard a presentation from Toni Donati on recycling and encouraged
everyone to make sure that any items going into the recycle bin is "Clean, Dry, and
Councilmember Troutner
Councilmember Troutner is the chair of the Public Safety Committee. No report.
Trouter attended the Sound Cities Association Public Issues Committee that recently
voted to send their legislative agenda where streamlined sales tax was a priority. The
agenda will be in front of the SCA board for approval.
During their December t2, 2OL8, meeting they will vote on their board elections in
addition to voting on the 2079 SCA regional committee appointments.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
November 20,2OL8
Kent, Washington
Approved December 11, 2018
Councilmember Troutner serves on the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority
Governance Board and indicated that during the meeting on 7th, they were introduced
to Joe Monteil, the new Finance Director. The next meeting is scheduled.for November
28, 20L8 at 3 p.m.
Councilmember Fincher
Fincher serves on the Parks and Human Services committee. The new Parks Program
Guide is available.
Fincher provided details regarding the items on the November 15, 2018 Parks
Fincher serves on the Arts Commission and advised there are two openings for arts
commissioners. Fincher also advised that the current Kent Creates deadline is
November 30, 2018. The Morrill Meadows Park course designs were also presented.
Councilmember Kaur
No report.
6. Public Hearinq
7. Public Comment
Sally Goodgion invited the public to attend the "Hope for Families 2018" event on
December 6, 2OI8 at 11:30 a.m. at the Golden Steer Restaurant.
Mike Heinisch spoke regarding the budget and expressed his appreciation of Kent's
support of the human services programs. Heinisch indicated Kent is a model and
leads the way in supporting human services,
8. Consent Calendar
Councilmember Boyce moved to approve the Consent Calendar ltems A
through U, seconded by Councilmember Fincher. The motion passed
unanimously with a 6-O vote.
Minutes of November 6, 2018 City Council Meeting - Approve
Minutes of the November 6, 2O1B Council Meeting were approved.
Payment of Bills - Approve
Bills received through October 15, 2018 and paid on October 15, 2018 were
approved. The Operations Committee audited the payment of bills on November
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
Check Numbers
7673 - 7686
728622 - 729093
101104 - 101123
November 20,2OL8
Kent, Washington
$2,1 10.3 1
Approved December 11, 2018
Approval of checks issued for vouchers
L0/L5/L8 Wire Transfers
LO/T1/L8 Regular Checks
LO|LS/LB Payment Plus
Void Checks
L0/L5/L8 Use Tax Payable
Approval of checks issued for payroll for October 1 - 15, 2018, and paid on
October 19, 2018:
Date Check Numbers Amount
LO/L9/20L8 Checks 0
Voids and Reissues
Advices 4L7435 - 418305 $I,745,723.57
C. Excused Absence for Councilmember Thomas - Approve
Council approved an excused absence for Councilmember Thomas as he is unable
to attend the City Council meeting of November 20,2018.
D. 2019 State Legislative Agenda - Approve
Council approved Kent's 2OL9 State Legislative Agenda.
E. Lease Agreement with T-Mobile for Cell Tower at Riverbend - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to sign a Lease Agreement with T-Mobile West, LLC. for a
cell tower at Riverbend, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the
Economic and Community Development Director and City Attorney,
F. 2OL4 Fee-in-Lieu Reallocation from Springwood to Meridian GIen
The Mayor was authorized to reallocate $34,050 of fee-in-lieu funds currently
allocated to Springwood Park, to Meridian Glen Park for capital improvements, amend
the Community Parks Reinvestment Program budget, and authorize expenditure of
the funds.
G. 2018 Third Quarter Fee-in-Lieu - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to accept $25,075.50 of fee-in-lieu funds, amend the
Community Parks Reinvestment Program budget, and authorize the future
expenditure of these funds for capital improvements at Springwood Park.
H. Joint Funding Agreement for Water Resources fnvestigations with the
U.S. Geological Survey - Authorize
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
November 20,2OL8
Kent, Washington
Approved December 11, 2018
The Mayor was authorized to sign the Joint Funding Agreement for Water Resources
Investigations between the City of Kent and the U.S. Geological Survey, subject to
final terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and City Attorney.
L Goods and Services Agreement with Univar USA, Inc. for Water
Treatment Chemical Supplies for 2OLg - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to sign the 2019 Water Treatment Chemical Supply
Agreement with Univar USA Inc. for 25o/o Sodium Hydroxide, in an amount not to
exceed $115,768.00, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City
Attorney and Public Works Director.
J. GIS Enterprise Licensing Agreement with ESRI - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to sign the Enterprise Agreement for GIS Software
licensing between the city of Kent and Environmental Systems Research Institute
upon concurrence of the language therein of the ESRI Master Agreement No. 335623
and ESRI Small Enterprise Agreement, County & Municipality Government No.
335621, with terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and City
K. Ordinance Amending Cross Connection Code- Adopt
Ordinance No.4288 was adopted, that repeals and replaces Chapter7.02 of the Kent
City Code, entitled t'Water", to re-order the chapter and amend provisions to protect
the public drinking water supply.
L. Appointment to Bicycle Advisory Board - Confirm
Council Confirmed the appointment of Cheryl Koubik to the Kent Bicycle Advisory
Board to fill a vacant position that expires March 20,2020.
M. Appointments to Cultural Communities Board - Confirm
Council confirmed the appointment of Oleg Pynda, Lelei Masina, Taffy Johnson, and
youth members Tanya Medina, and Ayat Murad, to the Kent Cultural Community
Board, with terms expiring on November 20,20L9.
N. Ordinance Granting Water System Franchise to Highline Water District
- Introduce
The Ordinance Granting Water System Franchise to Highline Water District was
O. Ordinance Granting Sewer Franchise to Midway Sewer District
The Ordinance Granting Sewer Franchise to Midway Sewer District was introduced.
P. Interagency Agreement with WTSC to Fund DUI Court - Authorize
The Mayor was authorized to sign the Interagency Agreement between the
Washington Traffic Safety Commission and the city of Kent, subject to final contract
terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Kent Municipal Court.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
November 20,2OLB
Kent, Washington
Approved December Lt, 20L8
a. Ordinance Amending the Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element
to Adopt School District Capital Facilities Plans - Adopt
Ordinance No. 4289 was adopted, amending the Capital Facilities Element to the Kent
Comprehensive Plan adopting the capital facilities plans of the Kent, Federal Way,
Auburn, and Highline School Districts.
R. Ordinance Amending School Impact Fees - Adopt
Ordinance No,4290 was adopted, amending Sections 12.13.160 and |2.L3.L7O of
the Kent City Code to adjust school impact fees and maximum allowable fees.
S. Ordinance Updating the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority Capital
Improvement Plan and Fire Impact Fees - Adopt
Ordinance No. 4291 was adopted, updating the Capital Facilities Element of the Kent
Comprehensive Plan incorporating the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority's Capital
Improvement Plan with updated Fire Impact Fees.
T. Ordinance Adopting 2OL9-2O24 Capital f mprovement Plan - Adopt
Ordinance No. 4292 was adopted, amending the Capital Facilities Element of the Kent
Comprehensive Plan to reflect the 2019-2024 Capital Improvement Plan.
U. Ordinance Amending KCC 3.18.O2O - Internal Utility Tax - Adopt
Ordinance No. 4293 was adopted, relating to internal utility taxes, amending Kent
City Code 3.18.020 to remove the sunset of 15.38o/o of the internal utility tax
collected, and to reallocate the funds generated from the 15,38o/o internal utility tax
to the general fund once the other capital projects fund debt is retired.
9. Other Business
A. 2018 Property Tax Levy Ordinance for the 2O19 Budget - Adopt
Aaron BeMiller, Finance Director, provided details regarding the 2018 property tax
levy ordinance for the 2019 budget. BeMiller reviewed property tax assessed values
and rates for the City of Kent share only.
Councilmember Boyce moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4294 establ¡shing the
property tax levy for the year 2019 of the 2OL9-2O2O biennial budget.
Seconded by Councilmember Troutner, motion passed 6-O.
B. Ordinance Amending KCC 3.28.O2O - B&O Tax Rate Change - Adopt
BeMiller provided a background on the Ordinance Amending KCC 3.28.020 regarding
B&O Tax Rate Changes, including detailing the background of the fiscal cliff, l5-year
financial forecast, conversations/presentation with businesses and chamber, and
public engagement that included the Mayor's budget roadshow.
BeMiller reviewed the proposed rates that included the 2020-2028 rates with the
maximum rate allowed. An example of gross receipts forecast for 2018-2028. -
revenue distribution to program administration and streets.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
November 20,20LB
Kent, Washington
Approved December 11, 2018
Councilmember Boyce moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4295 relating to
business and occupat¡on taxes, amending Kent City Code 3.28.O5O to
increase gross receipt and square footage taxes starting in 2O2O, and
amending section 3.28.13O to clarify the allocation of revenues derived from
business and occupation taxes, Seconded by Councilmember Higgins.
Boyce spoke in support of the motion and indicated this was a tough decision. The
Council needed to address the structural imbalance.
Boyce indicated that moving forward, the City will need to make decisions on what
services will no longer be offered.
Higgins spoke in support of the motion and expressed his appreciation of all the hard
work the Mayor, Council President, Derek Matheson, and Aaron BeMiller and staff,
put into reaching out to community to share the financial situation that needed to be
Boyce recognized the Chamber and looks forward to working together to make Kent
a better place.
The motion passed 6-0.
C. Ordinance Adopting the 2OL9-2O2O Biennial Budget - Adopt
BeMiller provided details regarding the 2019-2020 Biennial Budget, including the
2 million reductions in expenditures without affecting public safety.
BeMiller advised of the reallocation of revenue sources, new revenues, and B&O tax
BeMiller reviewed the crosswalk between the Mayor's proposed budget to the final
Councilmember Boyce moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4296 establishing the
2OL9-2O2O biennial budget. Seconded by Councilmember Higgins.
Boyce expressed his appreciation of the Finance team and their work through this
budget process with council and staff.
Boyce indicated BeMiller is a true leader and Barbara and his team are phenomenal.
The motion passed 6-0.
Mayor Ralph advised she is committed to making really hard decisions to make the
City financially sustainable and that working with Boyce has been a pleasure.
Mayor Ralph expressed her appreciation of the Council, Derek Matheson, the entire
Finance team, and the Kent Chamber of Commerce.
Mayor indicated she will continue working for a viable, vibrant Kent community.
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Kent City Council Regular Meeting
November 2O,2OL8
Kent, Washington
Approved December 11, 2018
1O. Bids
A. South 228th Street Union Pacific Railroad Ground Improvements and
Embankments - Award
Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director, presented information regarding the South 228rh
Street Union Pacific Railroad Ground Improvements and embankments bid award.
Councilmember Higgins moved to award the South 228th Street Union Pacific
Railroad Grade Separation Ground Improvements and Embankments Project
to Scarsella Bros., Inc. in the amount of $7,7601955.20 and authorize the
Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions
acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Seconded by
Councilmember Fincher, motion passed 6-O.
11. Executive Session and Action after Executive Session
12. Adjournment
Mayor Ralph adjourned the meeting a 8:41 pm.
Kimberley A
City Clerk
November 2O,2OLB
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