HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022RESOLUTION NO. 2022 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, adopting and amending fees for 2O2I and setting the date for repeal of Resolution No. 2009. RECITALS A. Through Resolution No. 1851, adopted December L3,20t1, the City Council established and consolidated all development, business licensing, and other miscellaneous fees in one location. These fees are then reviewed every few years for adjustments that may be appropriate due to changes in regulatory laws, costs of operation, and other factors' The city has made these fee adjustments at various times, the latest being adoption of Resolution 2009, on APril 7,2O2O. B. On March !6,202L, The Kent city council adopted an ordinance updating the transportation impact fees in chapter 12.L4 of the Kent city Code. Additionally, on March L6, 202L, the Council also adopted an ordinance establishing parks impact fees in a new chapter t2.I6 of the Kent City Code. This resolution updates the fees established by the City to include the administrative fees charged related to the administration of parks and transportation impact fees. This resolution does not establish the impact fees themselves. Accordingly, the Kent city council finds that it is appropriate to L 2027 Fee Resolution and Repealing Resolution No. 2OO9 update those fees through the adoption of a new resolution and the repeal of Resolution No. 2OO9 NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION 9E?TION 7. - Repealer - Resolution No. 2009. Resolution No' 2009 and the fees established therein will remain in full force and effect through April 1, 2O2L On April L, 2O2!, Resolution No. 2009 shall be repealed in its entirety, and the fees set forth herein shall become effective' SECTION 2. - Business License Fees. In accordance with Chapter 5.01 of the Kent City Code, annual fees for business licenses will be based on the number of full and part-time employees employed at each business with certain exceptions for multi-family apartment and condominium businesses, home occupation businesses, and contractors doing business in Kent whose physical address is outside the City of Kent. The fees will be assessed as follows: A. Fees based on the number of full-time and part-time employees will be as follows: Number of Employees of Business Fee o-24 $100 25-49 200 50-99 00 100 or more $600 B. The business license fee for multi-family apartments and condominium businesses is based on the number of dwelling units as noted in the schedule below. The business license fees will be waived for apartments and 2 2027 Fee Resolution and Repealing Resolution No. 2OO9 condominiums that participate in and are in compliance with the guidelines setforth in the STAR program in accordance with Chapter 5'14 KCC' Number of Multi-Family Dwelling Units Fee 2 - tO Units $100 11-50 Units $300 51 Units and above $600 C. In addition to the fees described in Section B, apartment businesses subject to the provisions of chapter 10.02 Kcc - Rental Housing Registration and safety Program, shall be assessed an additional fee of $13 per dwelling unit in conjunction with the annual business license fee. D. The Home Occupation business license fee is $50'00' E. Contractors doing business in Kent whose physical location is outside the city of Kent will be assessed a $100 business license fee. SECTION g. - permit Technoloqv Fee. As authorized by KCC Section 3.11.010(c), a technology fee for all business license transactions will be assessed in the amount of one dollar ($1) per transaction; every other fee established by this resolution will be assessed a technology fee in an amount equal to three percent (3o/o) of the fee or ten dollars ($10.00), whichever is greater, with the exception of the exclusions listed in Exhibit A' SECTION 4. - Hearino Examiner Fees. As authorized by KCC Section 2.32.155, the fee that an applicant will pay for any permit or approval that requires either an open or a closed record public hearing before the city's hearing examiner and the fee for any appeal of any decision or recommendation to the hearing examiner, will be in the amounts shown on Exhibits B through F. 3 2 o 2 7 Fe e Reso t f:"":,Xi I :"i":'::;on" SECTION S. - Small Cell Telecommunication Franchise Agreements and Equipment Installation Fees. Fees associated with franchise utility applications and small cell, site specific equipment installations shall be per the requirements of chapter 6.15 of the Kent city code, and as set forth in Exhibit F, SECTION 6. - Franchise or Limited License Aqreements for the use of the Pubtic Riaht-of-Wav. As authorized by Chapter 6.15 KCC, the fees for franchise or limited license agreements for the use of the public right-of-way are set forth in Exhibit F. SECTION 7. - International Fire Code Fees. Pursuant to KCC Sections 13.01.130 and 12.L5.100, the fees to be assessed for fire permits, building permits, land use, and related inspections under the International Fire Code are set forth in Exhibit B, SECTION 8. - Residential code Fees. Pursuant to KCC Section 14.0L.090, the fees to be assessed for building permits and related inspections under the International Building Code or the International Residentiat Code are set forth in Exhibit c. SECTION g. - International Mechanical Code Fees. Pursuant to KCC Section t4.OL 09O, the fees to be assessed for mechanical permits issued for the installation of mechanical equipment under the International Mechanical Code or the International Residentiat Code are set forth in Exhibit D. 'EaTION 70. - tJniform Plumbing code Fees. Pursuant to KCC Section L4.0L,090, the fees to be assessed for plumbing permits issued for the installation of plumbing equipment under the lJniform Plumbing Code or the International Residentiat code are set forth in Exhibit E. 4 2027 Fee Resolution and Repealing Resolution No' 2OO9 SECTION 77 Pursuant to chapters 6.03, 6.06, 6.07, 7.O2, 7.O4, 11.06, LZ.OL, and other authorizations elsewhere in the Kent City Code, the applications, permits, approvals, review, inspection and other fees for various construction, land use and development actions are set forth in Exhibit F. iE?TION 72. - Impact Fees. Pursuant to chapters 12.14 and L2'L6, the fees associated with the administration of transportation impact fees and parks impact fees are set forth in Exhibit G' SECTION 73.On the first day of each calendar year, all fees, rates, and charges established in this resolution will adjust by the consumer Price Index (cPI), specifically the cPI-w seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, measured from June 1 through June 1, if the cPI-w reflects an upward adjustment from the previous annual June to June period, This section and its related CPI adjustments will not apply to section 2 - Business License Fees and section 3 - Permit Technology Fees' iE?TION 74, - Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, that decision will not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution' SECTION 75.Effective Date. This resolution will take effect immediately, and the new fees established herein shall be in force on April 1, 202L. March 16, 2021 Date Approved 5 2027 Fee Resolution and Repealing Resolution No.2OO9 DANA RALPH, M AYOR ATTEST: KIMBERLEY MOTO, CITY RK APPROVED AS TO UR *PAT" FITZPATRI March 16. 2021 Date Adopted ATTORNEY 6 2027 Fee Resolution and Repealing Resolution No,2OO9 Exhibit "A" Technology Fee ExcePtions Excluded from technologY fees: 1. Permit fees for fireworks stands or displays; 2 Appeals; Code text amendments, comprehensive plan map or text amendments, pre-application conferences, public notice boards and zone map amendments (rezones) under Exhibit "F" of this resolution; and Fees listed under "other inspections and Fees" in Exhibits "B," "Cr" "Dr" and "E" of this resolution, except that a technology fee will be assessed and collected for each Adult Family Home licensing inspection under Exhibit "C"' 3 4 Exhibit "B" CiW of Kent Fire Permit Fees Permit Issuance Fees:Fee lssuance of each annual oPeration al permit under the fire code Hazardous Materials or H ed stora rmits 99.58 All other its r49.78 Issuance of each annual fire protection system permit, r buildi r77.05 Issuance of a residential home heating fuel tan k removal rm era ication 333.64 Issuance of a fireworks permit for a fireworks display, a lication 205.95 * rate fixed by state regulations Develooment Plan Review and Permit Fees:Fee Fire Prevention Construction Perm its' Plan Review Fee 650/o of ermit fee Permit Fee Per Permit Fee Valuation Table Total Value of Permit Fee $1.00 to $500.00 $501.00 to $2,000.00 $114.6s $114.65 for the first $500.00, plus $14.95 for each additional $100.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000.00, $339.01 for the first $2,000.00, plus $68.43 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000.00. $L,9L2.7Lfor the first $25,000.00, plus $49.38 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000.00. $3,147.56 for the first $50,000'00, plus $34.24 for each additional $1,000,00, or fraction thereof, to and including $ 100,000. 00. $4,859. Llfor the first $100,000.00, plus $27 .43 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000.00. $15,832.64 for the first $500,000.00, plus $26.00 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $ 1,000,000. 00. $2,001.00 to $25,000.00 $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $100,001.00 to $500,000.00 $500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00 1 000 001.00 and u 72.9L Review of Permits 42.7o/o of the buildi feePlan Reviewle-FamSi rmit fee580/o of the buildinCommercial Plan Review Review of Land Use 5L.26BoundLineustment l-L.92Site PlanBindin 11.84Short Subdivision 1.85Other Site Plan Reviews of Kent Fire Permit Fees Exhi ContinuedNBtt _ 1 363.43PreliminaPlat 160.66Residential Variances 243.02lsOtherct 92.46SEPA Checklist r48.28SEPA Checklist as Part of a ect 6.65ExamineruiriHeari L87.93 hour Code Modification or Alternative Mate three-hour minimum cha rials and Methods uest Feeons andOther L87.93 r hourhour minimumrant flow uestEach L47.07 Initial fire and life safety inspection for new business, era lication hour$187,93 Inspections outside of normal business hour minimum cha hours (two e 135.65Administrative FeeFire Im Additional inspections required : r when a construction inspection is not complete or fails to pass insPection;r when required corrections on an operational permit or fire inspection system permit have not been corrected by the second inspection;o when work is not accessible;o when work is not ready by scheduled Inspection time;o when the construction permit or approved plans are not made readilY available;r when the project requires multiple inspections for phased construction;. when requesting Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) or Certificate of Occupancy (CO) approval; or. when requesting inspections required for licensing and/ or certifications. one hour minimum cha e $L87.93 per hour Additional plan review required by:. re-submittals*,. changes,. deferred submittals,o additions, or revisions to plans. L87.93 r hour xTwo re-submittals are included in the plan review fee one hour minimum cha Hazardous material inventory statement, management plan, or facility closure plan review and approval. two hour minimum cha hour187.93 eal filin fee $436.6s PenalW Fees:Fee Failing to mark or maintain the marking ofa designated fire lane $271.34 Exhibit "C" . City of Kent Building Permit Fees Deve ent Plan and Permit Fee Construction Permits' Plan Review Fee Standard & Basic 650/o of fee Second Basic 148.13 hour Permit Fee Per Permit Fee Valuation Table Total valuation determined bv buildinq official $1.00 to $500.00 $501.00 to $2,000.00 Permit Fee Assessed $40.41 $40.4t for the first $500.00, plus $5.26 for each additional $100.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000.00. $119.31 for the first $2,000.00, plus $24.14 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000.00. $674.25 for the first $25,000.00, plus $L7.4L for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000.00. $1,109.58 for the first $50,000.00, plus $L2.O7 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000.00. $L,712.78 for the first $100,000.00, plus $9.67 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000.00. $5,580.39 for the first $500,000.00, plus $8.15 for each additional $1,000'00, or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000.00. $9,653.91 for the first $1,000,000.00, plus $5.44 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof. $2,001.00 to $25,000.00 $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $100,001.00 to $500,000.00 $500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00 $1,000,001.00 and uP Other Inspections and Fees: For inspections outside of normal business hours and Adult Family Home licensing inspections (minimum charge - two hours) ...$ 148.13 per hour Reinspection fees assessed when work for which an inspection is requested is not complete, when req uired corrections have not been made, when work is not accessible, or when the permit or approved plans are not made readily available $ 148.13 per hour Additional plan review required by revisions to plans (two re-submitta changes, deferred submittals, additions, or ls are included in the plan review fee) ....$ 148,13 per hour The site-specific plan review fee, after a standard plan review fee............. issued upon a certified basic Plan Investigation fee when work is com mechanical, or plumbing permit..... nd in addition to menced prior to the payment of the initial $110.36 for each permit obtaining required building, .,... 100o/o of Permit fee Appeal filing fee .......$344.17 1 2 3 Exhibit "D" Gity of Kent Mechanical Permit Fees Permit Issuance Fees: Plan review fee....25o/o of the permit fee For the issuance of each mechanical permit" '.""' $46'47 For issuing each supplemental permit for which the original permit has not expired, been canceled, or finalized , $t4.s2 Permit fees include both issuance and unit fees. Unit Fee Schedule: 1. For each forced-air or gravity-type furnace or boiler, including ducts and vents attached, up to ind including 100,000 Btu/h (29.3 kW) ........ $29.06 2. For each forced-air or gravity-type furnace or boiler, including ducts and vents attached, over 1b0,000 Btu/h (29.3 kW).'.. $37'74 For each floor furnace, suspended heater, recessed wall h eater or floor- ..,. $2e.06mounted heater, including vent . For each appliance vent not included in an appliance permit........'.. $L4.52 For repair of, alteration of, or addition to each heating appliance, refrigeration . unit, cooling unit, absorption unit, or each heating, cooling, absorption, or evaporative cooling system, including controls, regulated by the mechanical code oi residential code '..". $27 '59 For each boiler or comPressor: r to and including 3 horsepower (10.6 kW), or each absorption system to and including 100,000 Btu/h (29.3 kW) ' .."' $29'06 . over 3 horsepower (10.6 kw) to and including 15 horsepower (52.7 kW), or each absorption system over 100,000 Btu/h (29.3 kW) to an including 500,000 Btu/h (146.6 kW) . ... $53.73 . over 15 horsepower (52.7 kW) to and including 30 horsepower (105.5 kW), or each absorption system over 500,000 gtu/h (293.1 kw) to and including 1,000,000 (293.1 kW) '.. $74.06 . over 30 horsepower (105,5 kW) to and including 50 horsepower (176 kW), or each absorption system over 1,000,000 Btu/h (293.1 kW) to and including 1,750,000 (512,9 kW).... .$110'35 . over 50 horsepower (176 kW) or each absorption system over 3 4 5 6 1,750,000 Atu/h (512.9 kW) .... $184.41 7 8. 9. 10 L2. 13. L4. 15 16 For each air-handling unit to and including 10,000 cubic feet per minute (cfm) (4,719 Vs), including ducts attached thereto, which is not a portion of factory assembled appliance or unit for which a permit is required$zl.77 . over 10,000 cfm (4,7L9 Vs). $37.74 . $2r.77 . $14.s2 For each ventilation system which is not a portion of any heating or For each evaporative cooler other than portable type For each ventilation fan connected to a single duct... air-conditioning system authorized by a permit ..... $2r.77 11. For each hood served by mechanical exhaust, including the ducts for such hood ......... $2L.77 $37.74For each domestic-type incinerator......... For each commercial or industrial-type incinerator ... $29.06 For each mechanical appliance or piece of equipment regulated by the mechanical code or the residential code, not classed in other appliance categories, or for which no other fee is listed in this table . .... $21.77 For each fuel gas or fuel oil piping system of one to five outlets...... $11'61 For each additional piping system outlet, per outlet $4,3s Other Inspections and Fees: For inspections outside of normal business hours (minimum charge - two hours)........$148.13 per hour Reinspection fees assessed when work for which an inspection is requested is not complete, when required corrections have not been made, when work is not accessible, or when the permit or approved plans are not made readily available ........$148.13 per hour Additional plan review required by changes, deferred submittals, additions, or revisions to plans (two re-submittals are included in the plan review fee) $148.13 per hour Investigation fee when work is commenced prior building, mechanical, or plumbing permit to obtaining required 100o/o of permit fee Appeal filing fee Exhibit "E" City of Kent Plumbing Permit Fees Permit Issuance Fees: 1. Plan review fee...........'. """""""'25olo of the permit fee 2. For the issuance of each plumbing permit "'$40'65 3. For issuing each supplemental permit for which the original permitttas not expired, blen canceied or finalized "'$2I'77 Permit fees include both issuance and unit fees. Unit Fee Schedule: 1. For each plumbing fixture on one trap or a set of fixtures on one trap, including water, drainage piping and backflow protection........$14.52 2 3 4 5 For each building sewer and each trailer park or mobile home Park sewer ...$29.06 .. $14.s2 ...$L4.s2 Rainwater systems-per drain (inside building) For each water heater and/or vent. 6 7 I 9 For each industrial waste pretreatment interceptor including its trap and vent, except kitchen-type grease interceptors functioning as fixture traps .......,$14.s2 For each installation, alteration or ::::: :: ::::: :::l: : :::1:{#:;;'treating equipment, each For each repair or alteration of drainage or vent piping, each fixture ...... .........$14,s2 For each lawn sprinkler system on any one meter including backflow protection devices therefore .'..$14'52 For atmospheric-type vacuum breakers not included in item 8: 1 to 5 vacuum breakers ....$11.61 over 5 vacuum breakers, each'.$4.3s For each backflow protective device other than atmospheric-type vacuum breakers: 2 inch (51 mm) diameter or smaller .'$14'52 over 2 inch (51 mm) diameter... For each graywater or reclaimed water system.'$82.1 1 For each medical gas piping system for a specific gas: 1 to 5 inlets/outlets ......$100.20 ........$11.61 10 11. t2. over 5 inlets/outlets, each.. Other Inspections and Fees: For inspections outside of normal business hours (minimum charge - two hours) .....$148.13 per hour Reinspection fees assessed when work for which an inspection is requested is not compiete, when required corrections have not been made, when work is not accessible, or when the permit or approved plans are not made readily available ..$148,13 per hour Additional plan review required by changes, deferred su revisions to plans (two re-submittals are included in the bmittals, additions, or plan review fee) ..$148.13 per hour Investigation fee when work is commenced prior to obtaining required building, mechaiical, or plumbing permit ... 100o/o of permit fee Appeal filing fee $344.17 Exhibit "F" Gity of Kent Planning, Development Engineering, Public Works, and Land Use Review Fees Table 1 Permit Aoolication Tvpe Plannlns Fec Development Enoineerlno Fee Public Works Fee Total Fecs t{otes Accessory Dwelling Unit $100.93 $0 $0 $100.93 (1) Administrative Determination Letter $188.83 $0 $0 $188.83 Appeal of Administrative InterDretation / Decision $403.70 $o $o $403.70 Appeal of SEPA Determination $403.70 $0 $o $403.70 Appeal of Short Plat $403.70 $0 $0 $403.70 Binding Site Plan - Preliminarv $1,011.43 $3,657.19 $0 $4,669.7O Binding Site Plan Modification $60s.ss/$808.49 $L,OLs.77 $0 $t,62r.321$L,824.26 (2) Code Text Amendment $ 1,011.43l$3,033.19 $0 $o $ 1,011.43l$3,033.19 (10) (11) Combining Districts $3,034.28 $0 $0 $3,034.28 (10) Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment $3,034.28 $0 $0 $3,034.28 (10) Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment $3,034.28 $0 $0 $3,034.28 (10) Concept Meeting Review No charge No charge $0 No charge Conditional Use $4,043.53 $L,O15.77 $0 $5,059.30 (13) Document Recording Fees Actual cost $0 $0 Actual Cost (20) Downtown Design Review $402.52l$1,011.43 $LO2.AV$2O2.s4 $0 $505.7 1/$1,2 14.36 (3) (14) Fee Deferral Lien $269.13 $0 $0 $269.13 (18) Hearing Examiner-Conduct of Hearing and Preparation of Decision Actual cost $0 $0 Actual Cost (16) Hourly rate $1s8.6s $158.65 $160.61 N/A Lot Line Adjustment $60s.ss $812.83 $821.s3 $2,239.89 Lot Line Elimination $201.8s $2O2.94 $205.1 1 $610.98 Mixed Use Design Review $t,0L5.77 $2O2.94 $0 $t,2L4.36 (14) Multi-Family Design Review $1,011.43 + $2O.62/unit $2O2.94 $o iL.2t4.36 + $lg/unit (14) Multi-Family Dwelling Tax $1,085.32 $o $0 $1.085.32 Multi-Family Dwelling Tax Exemption - Final AoDlication $1,085.32 $o $0 $1.085.32 (r7) Multi-Family Tax Exemption Appeal - Conditional, Final, Extension $403.7O $0 $0 $403.70 Table 1 - Continued Permit Aoollcation Tvoe Plannind Fce Development Enoineerino Fee Public Works Fec Total F€es ilotes Multi-Family Tax Exemption Extension of Conditional Certificate $s4.26 $0 $0 $s4.26 Multi-Family Tax Exemption - Contract Amendment $542.6t $0 $0 $542.6r Planned Unit Development Plan $5,054.96 + $94.41lunit $7,s19.49 $0 $L2,574.45 + $94.41lunit Planned Unit Development Plan Modification $503.s4l$ 1,516.05 $406.96/$ 1,625.66 $0 $910.50/$3.141.7 1 (4) Plat Modification/Alteration Minor/Major Minor: % of Major: Vz of plat fee plat fee Minor: % of plat fee Major: 7z of plat fee (1 s) Pre-Appl ication Conference $s04.63 $0 $0 $504.63 Public Notice Actual cost of publication (21) Public Notice Board $201.8s $0 $0 $201.8s (s) SEPA Checklist $504.63/$ 1,415.13 $60s.55/$ 1,015.77 $0 $ 1,1 10.18/ $2,430.89 (6) SEPA Modification $1s3.02l$s04.63 $ro2.or/$2o2.94 $0 $2s5.03/$707.56 (7) SEPA Exempt Determination $188.83 $0 $0 $188.83 SEPA Environmental Impact Statement $4,042.45 + deposit $0 $0 $4,042.45 + deposit (8) Shoreline Conditional Use $2,425.47 $s83.8s $0 $3,009.32 (13) Shoreline Exempt Determination $403.70 $2O2.94 $0 $606.54 Shoreline Substantial Development $2,422.85 $609.89 $0 $2,632.74 Shoreline Variance $1,516.05 $609.89 $o $2,125.95 (13) Short Plat (2-4 lots) - Preliminary Plat $1,515.05 $2,O32.62 $0 $3.548.67 Short Plat (5-9 lots) - Preliminary Plat $4,A42,45 + $100.93/lot $3,657.19 $0 $7,699.64 + $100.93/lot Short Plat - Final Plat or Final Binding Site Plan $3,033.19 + $4L.24/lot $2,032.62 s1.640.85 $6,706.66 + $41.24/lot Sign Permit $303.8s $102.01 $0 $405.87 ( 19) Small Cell Equipment Installation-Site Soecific $100.00 $0 $0 $100.00 (22',t Special Home Occupation Permit $60s.s5 $0 $o $605.5s ( 13) Subdivision - Preliminary Plat $7,076.72 + $100.93/lot $7,5t9.49 $0 $14,596.21 + $100.93/lot Subdivision - Final Plat $4,045.70 + $41.24/lot $5,486.87 $4.971.71 $14,M4.28 + $4t.24/lot Table 1 - Continued Parmlt Aoollcation TVpe Plannino Fee Development Enoineerino Fce Publlc Works Fne Total Feeg Notes Temporary Use $61.86 $61.86 $0 $123.72 Temporary Sign $1s3.02 $0 $0 $1s3.02 Variance - Administrative $60s.ss $2O2.94 $0 $808.49 variance - Single Family Dwelling $60s.ss $102.01 $0 $707.56 ( 13) Variance - Sign & Other than Sinsle Family Dwelling $4,043.53 $2O2.94 $0 94,246.47 ( 13) WTF Administrative Permit $605.ss $0 $0 $605.ss WTF Conditional Use $4,043.53 $406.96 $0 $4,450.49 Zone Map Amendment (Rezone)$4,043.53 $o $0 $4,043.53 f10) Zoning Permit / Site Plan Review $47/$LO2.OL/value $47/$r02.OVvalue $0 $102.01/$204.02lvalue (l2a- 12e)(t4l Exhibit "F" CiW of Kent Planning, Development Engineering, Public Works, and Land Use Review Fees TABLE 1 NOTES: Two (2) re-submittals of the plans are included with the review fees described in Table' i, Additional re-submittal reviews, whether attributed to the application's action or inaction, shall be charged atthe hourly rate listed in Table 1' (1) The fees are applicable for an attached accessory dwelling unit, an interior accessory dweliing unit or for a detached accessory dwelling unit in a single- family residential zone. The fee includes the cost of the Planning Services Office recording of the accessory dwelling unit covenant documents with King County. An aicessory living quarters in a commercial or industrial zone is subject to the applicable construction value-based fee. (2) The lesser Planning fee applies to review of changes to an unrecorded Binding Site Plan. The greater fee is for changes to a recorded Binding Site Plan. (3) The lesser planning and engineering review fees applicable to minor alterations and improvements. The greater planning and engineering review fees apply to all new buildings, redevelopment, and major alterations and improvements. (4) Any minor change to an approved Planned Unit Development Plan is subject to the lesser planning and engineering review fees for a modification. Any major change to an approved Planned Unit Development Plan is subject to thegreater planning and engineering review fees for a modification. (5) The Planning Director has the authority to change this fee as needed to cover City expenditures. (6) The lesser planning and engineering review fees are applicable only to SEPA review of construction of one single family dwelling on an individual parcel. All other SEPA checklist applications are subject to the greater fees for both planning and engineering review fees. (7) The lesser planning and engineering review fees are applicable only to modifications to a SEPA determination for one single family dwelling on an individual parcel. All other modifications to a SEPA determination are subject to the greater planning and engineering review fees. (g) A deposit amount will be equal to the estimated cost of contract services necessary to complete the Environmental Impact Statement process, must be submitted to the citY. (e) (10) ( 11) (12) Deleted. Application requires public hearings. If multiple permit applications which require the same hearing procedure are submitted at the same time, the applicant will be charged the full fee for the permit application with the highest fee and 50o/o of the established fee for each of the other permits eligible for a consolidated review and hearing. The lesser fees are applicable to amendments to Single Family Residential zones only. Amendments to all other zoning districts or sections of the zoning code are subject to the greater fee. a. The lesser fees are applicable for Minor Single Family Dwelling Construction on an existing dwelling such as a deck, minor addition of less than 25o/o of existing floor area, interior remodel or accessory building of 500 square feet or less on the same lot as the existing dwelling. b. The greater fees are applicable for Major Single Family Dwelling Constluction on an existing dwelling such as major addition of more than 25olo of existing floor area or an accessory building of more than 500 square feet on the same lot as the existing dwelling. c. All new single family dwelling construction is subject to the following fee schedule: Building Selwices Construction Valuation $0 - $74,999.... $75,000-$ L24,999 $125,000 - $224,999 Over $225,000 Planning fi!- $100.93 $201.8s $4O2.62 $60s.ss Engineer Rcvlcw FGC $100.93 $201.85 $402.62 $60s.ss Irl!, $160.61 $160.61 $160.61 $160.61 Eng. Ele d All new buildings, tenant improvements, and accessory living quafters in a commercial or industrial zone and other construction and development activity, other than single family dwelling construction, is subject to the following fee schedule: Building Services Construction Valuation $o - $49,999 $5o,oo0 - $99,999 $100,000-$249,999 $25o,ooo - $499,999 $5oo,ooo - $999,999 $1,000,000 - $4,999,999... $5,000,000 - $10,000,000. Over $10,000,000. Fec Planning $1s8,6s $672.84 $1,343.50 $2,0t6.43 $2,687.01 $4,030.51 $5,376.18 $6,719.68 Engineer Rcvicw Fee Eng. Insp. Fce $80.31 $80,31 $80.31 $80,31 $80.31 $80.31 $80.31 $80.31 $1s8.6s $672.84 $1,343.50 $2,0L6.43 $2,687.01 $4,030.51 $5,376.18 $6,719.68 (13) (14) (1s) e. The zoning permit fee for those development projects for which no building permit is required but which requires site plan review and a zoning - permit, shall be based on the value of the proposed development to be undertaken, The value of the proposed construction/ development shall be determined based on professional estimates by a licensed engineer, architect, landscape designer or contractor. these estimates may include, but are not limited to, grade and fill of the site, paving, placement of utilities, lighting, landscaping, and other site improvements. The combined total of the cost estimates for all development on the site shall be the established value basis for the zoning permit fee [as listed in l2c or 12d categories above as appropriatel. Application requires a public hearing before the Hearings Examiner. If multiple permit applications which require a Hearing Examiner decision are submitted at the same time, the applicant will be charged the full fee for the permit application with the highest fee and 50o/o of the established fee for each of the other permits eligible for a consolidated review and hearing. Application fees may be reduced by 75o/o if the application is for a mixed-use buitding. Fee reduction applies to site plan review/zoning permit, mixed use design review, multi-family design review and downtown design review. Fee waivers do not apply to SEPA, short plat, subdivision or other permit requests associated with the development of a site, nor does fee reduction apply to mixed use development where the commercial and residential uses are not located within the same building. Plat alteration fees are determined after review whether the changes requested are minor or major. A minor change is done administratively, and the fee is 25o/o of the cost of the original preliminary plat fee. A major change requires a public hearing or meeting and the fee is 50o/o of the cost of (16) (17) (18) (1e) (20) (21) (22) the original preliminary plat fee. A public notice board is required for a major alteration. For applications that require a public hearing before the city's Hearing Examiner, the project applicant is responsible for 100o/o of the Hearing Examineris houily fee and associated expenses. Payment in full shall be submitted to the city prior to release of the Hearing Examiner's decision. This requirement shall not apply to appeal hearings. These funds are distributed to the King County Assessor's Office by the city. A fee deferral lien may be recorded in lieu of transportation, fire and school impact fees for building permits associated with single family residertial homes built for resale, ionsistent with the requirements of Kent City Code L2.20, The engineering fee only applies to freestanding signs, not wall mounted signs, The applicant shall pay all document recording fees charged by King County, and ali administrative fees charged by the title company for processing. payment in full shall be submitted to the city before documents are sent for recording, For applications that require public notice, the applicant shall reimburse the city foi LOOo/o of publication and mailing costs, Reimbursement shall be paid to the city prior to issuance of the final decision. The city may charge additional review fees based on its actual costs to review the application. Exhibit "F" City of Kent Planning, Development Engineering, Public Works, and Land Use Review Fees TABLE 2 Permlt ADD|ication TvP€Rcview/Intake Fee Irupection / Issuance Fee Tot l Fe€ilotes Civil Construction - Non-$6,498.30/$20,510.66/ $62,343.74 $5,027.83/$15,895.4r/ $48,545.16 $1 1,526. 13/$36,370.08/ $110,888.90 ( 1a'l sgLt.74/9L,827.5L $580.59/$ 1.547.52 sr.392.341$3,375.O4 (1b) $ 19.494.901$37 .569.24 s 1 s -085.65/$29.204.37 $34. 580.5sl$ 66.77 3.6r ( lc) Civil Construction - Short Plats s2.437.401$6,294.28 $1.740.69/$6,335.$4.178.10/$12.629.79 (1d) Critical Areas - Reasonable Use or Variance $2,844.36 $0 92,844.36 Critical Areas - Monitoring R.eDort $1.117.78 $0 gL.Lr7.78 (2a.2b\ Critical Areas - Delineation ReDort Review $2,235.55 $0 $2,235.55 (2a.2c) Critical Areas - Conceptual s2.o32.62 $0 92,032.62 (2a.2c\ Critical Areas - Final Mitigation Plan s3.047.30 $2.322.37 s5.370.76 (2a.2cl Demolition Permit $406.96 $387.42 $793.30 Deviation Request to n $875.77 $193.17 $1.108.01 Franchise or Limited License Agreements for use of the oublic rioht-of-wav $s00 $0 $s00 (9X10) and Fill -$812.83 $1.161,19 $1.975.10 (3a) Grade and Fill - Maior - Tier 2 9r.219.79 it.547.52 $2,767.3L (3a) Grade and Fill - Maior - Tier 3 $1,625.66 $3,096.13 s4.722.88 (3a) Grade and Fill - Maior - Tier 4 92,032.62 $4.645.83 $6.677.36 f3a) Fill -$609.89 $580.59 $1.190.49 (3a) Grade and Fill - Minor (SF Onlv)$202.94 $193.17 $396.1 1 (3b) Actual Cost Actual Cost (4) Hourlv Rate $158.65 $160.61 I atecomer Aoreement $158.65 per hour (3 hour minimum charge) Recordinq Fees Actual Cost Actual Cost (s) Sewer - Certificate of Availabilitv $304.95 $96.58 $401.53 Sewer - Permit $102.01 $484.01 $584.93 (6) Street Cut Permits $406.96 $580.59 $986.47 (7)(8) Sreet Use Permits $202.94 $290.84 9494.86 water - Certificate of Availabilitv $304.95 $96.58 $401.53 Water - Permit $102.01 $484.01 $584.93 Water Backflor,v Insoection $0 $193.17 $ 193.r7 Backfl ow Prevention Assembly Annual Administrative Fee $0 $108.52 $ 108.52 Exhibit "F" City of Kent Planning, Devetopment Engineering, Public Works, and Land Use Review Fees TABLE 2 NOTES: Two (2) re-submittals of the plans are included with the review fees described in Table' j. Additional re-submittal reviews, whether attributed to the application's action or inaction, shall be charged at the hourly rate listed in Table 2. (1) Civil Construction Applies to work with a construction valuation of $60,000 or greater with the following sub-categories: Non-Residential Tier Construction Va I uation Small Medium Laroe Extra Large $4.400.000 and abover * projects valued over g4,400,000 shall be charged an additional fee equal to 2.5o/o of the portion of project valuation over $4,400,000. b. Applies to projects, with a construction valuation of less than $60,000. The lower fee applies to work with valuations less than $20,000.00. c. The lower fee applies to plats 39 lots and less. d. The lower fee applies to short plats 4 lots and less. (2) Critical Areas a Review fees for a single family residential parcel only may be reduced by 25o/o. Fee assumes one site visit to verify report findings, one review and one letter of acceptance from the city. Additional site visits and/or reviews will be billed at the hourly rate for staff time plus time and materials for city consultant time. Fee assumes one site visit or review, one re-review and one approval letter from the city. Additional site visits and/or reviews will be billed at the hourly rate for staff time plus time and materials for city consultant time. a b c (3) Grade and Fill a The quantities and review thresholds for Grade and Fill permits are as follows: Grade and Fill Quantity Cleared or Disturbed Area New or Replaced Hard Sudace Tier 0cv-49cv 0 sf - 6,999 sf 0 sf - 1999 sf 0 50 cy - 499 cV 7.000 sf - <3/4 acre 2,000 sf - 4,999 sf Minor 500 cy - 4,999 cY 3/4 ac - <1 ac 5,000 sf - <1 ac 1 5.000 cv - 49,999 cv 1 ac - <2.5 ac 1 ac - <2.5 ac 2 50,000 cy - 99,999 gf 2.5 ac - <5 ac 2.5 ac - <5 ac 3 100,000 cy and larger 5 ac and larger 5 ac and larger 4 b. The Minor Single Family Grade and Fill fees apply to wofl performed on -one single family residential parcel of 6,999 sf or less only. short Plats, Plats, and other projects spanning multiple parcels fall into the other categories. (4) For applications that require a public hearing before the city's Hearing iximiner, ine project applicant is responsible for LOOo/o of the Hearing ixaminerls houriy ?ee anA' associated expenses. Payment in , full shall be submitted to the city prior to release of the Hearing Examiner's decision. This requirement shall not apply to appeal hearings. (5) The applicant shall pay all document recording fees charged by King iornty and ail administrative fees charged by the title company for processing. payment in full shall be submitted to the city before documents are sent for recording. (6) Side sewer permit Inspection / Issuance Fee may be reduced by 50o/o if tni wort< is an emergency repair only. New installations, grease interceptors' and similar work is subject to the full fee listed in the table. (7) Street Cut Permit Review and Inspection Fees may be reduced by 50o/o if the following criteria are met: a. The location of the work is behind the curb and gutter (if any)' or outside the pavement surface (if no curb and gutter exist), and b. The size of the disturbed area is 50 square feet or less, and c. The work is in front of a single family residential zoned parcel only, andd. There is no traffic control plan required, and e. The work is not being done by a franchised utility company' (g) This fee shall be assessed for every 500 lineal feet of underground utility initallation. For the purpose of determining the fee, lineal footage measurements shall be rounded up to the next 500-foot increment. (9) The city may charge additional review fees based on its actual costs to review the application. (10) For small cell franchise agreement applications, the fee shall include review, 'rssuance and inspection of five site-specific small-cell equipment installation permits. Exhibit "G" Gity of Kent Administration Fees to the Transportation lmPact Fees and Park lmPact Fees Transportation lmPact Fee Fee ent fee calculation review $801.20 Administrative fee $300 or 1% of the transportation impact fee, whichever is r Park lmoact Fee:Fee I ndependent fee calculation review $801.20 Administrative fee $300 or 1% of the park impact fee, whichever is