HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016RESOLUTION NO. 2016 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, to urge the United States government to select Kent, Washington to host the permanent headquarters of the United States Space Command. RECITALS A. On August 29, 20L9, United States Space Command was activated as the eleventh Unified Combatant Command to increase the ability of the Joint Force to project power and influence, reduce decision timelines for space operations, and bring focused attention to defending United States interests in space; and B. On May L4, 2O2O, the Department of the Air Force invited the nation's governors to nominate candidates to host the permanent headquarters of the United States Space Command; and C. The Department of the Air Force anticipates making a final selection for the preferred headquarters location in early 2O2L; and D. When fully established, United States Space Command will have approximately one thousand four hundred military and civilian personnel working in the headquarters; and 1 Space Command Resolution E. Kent and the Kent Valley have been home to iconic aerospace manufacturing and industrial technology companies whose legacy of cutting- edge innovation contributes greatly to the region's growing footprint in the larger, global space economy; and F. Over the past 50 years, these companies' influence in the space industry has evolved from research, development and manufacturing at the Kent Space Center for the U.S. space program into a robust, diverse pool of international companies that relies on Kent Valley's cluster of custom manufacturers and specialized workforce to streamline operations; and G. The first technology sent to the moon came from Kent Valley including the first Lunar Roving Vehicles developed at Boeing's Space Center, and the material leaving the first footprints on the moon was developed at Hexcel. The Lunar Rovers used in NASA's historic Apollo Missions 15, 16 and 17 remain on the moon today and were named historic landmarks in 2019; and H. Kent Valley has attracted a breadth of engineering and manufacturing talent that is experienced in the development of spacecraft and launch vehicles, satellites and satellite systems propulsion systems, navigation and controls, electronic equipment, robotics, manufacturing tooling, specialty equipment services, and pure research and development; and these innovative capabilities are critical to United States national security and to Space Force operations; and I. Washington has drawn a new generation of visionaries who are redefining space exploration including the mining of asteroids, ferrying tourists to the outer reaches of inner space and designing systems that are taking humans to the Moon, Mars and beyond; and 2 Space Command Resolution J. Kent Valley's legacy and specialized workforce at Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Hexcel (formerly Heath Manufacturing), Carlisle Interconnect Technologies, Qiz, Exotic Metals Forming Company and innumerable other suppliers has also /ttracted space-related companies, such as Spaceflight Industries and LeoStella, alongside the global headquafters of Blue Origin; and K. SpaceX has developed satellite manufacturing capabilities in the Seattle Metro to support its Starlink satellite constellation for providing broadband internet. Other space companies and startups are also in the area and have added further diversity to the larger aerospace cluster in the region; and L, Local educational institutions provide support for research and workforce development in the Kent Valley region and strong talent resources in the aerospace industry are provided by the University of Washington and Washington State University, in addition to the development of innovative technologies through research and collaboration with industry experts; and M, The aerospace industry has been a major driver in the region's economic growth as Washington hosts more than 1,400 aerospace-related companies and competes globally as a hotbed of space economic development; and N. Washington's space industry employs more than 6,200 people, with more than half of those hosted by companies residing in Kent Valley; and O. Over 2,000 Washington businesses provide support to the military and defense sector. While companies like Boeing, Lockheed Maftin, 3 Space Command Resolution Raytheon and UTC have facilities here, Insitu, Vigor Industrial and Dakota Creek Industries are headquartered here; and P. New space companies seek Kent Valley for its high quality of life, the Seattle metro's leadership in all sectors of high technology, convenient and proximate access to larger firms such as Blue Origin, and the demonstrated ability of Kent Valley to draw in world-class STEM talent for its space and advanced manufacturing innovation firms. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 7. -The members of the City Council of Kent, Washington, urge the selection of Kent, Washington to host the permanent headquarters of the United States Space Command; and be it further SECTION 2. - The Clerk of the City Council transmit duly authenticated copies of this resolution to the President of the United States, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Air Force, the members of the Washington State Congressional delegation, and the news media outlets of Washington. SECTION 3, - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this resolution is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this resolution and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. - Corrections bv City Clerk. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk is authorized to make necessary corrections to this resolution, including the correction of clerical errors; resolution, section, or4 Space Command Resolution subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 5. - Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. 1f,i-^L?ildn. DANA RALPH, MAYOR \ ATTEST: BERLEY AP D PAT" August 18. 2020 Date Approved August 18, 2020 Date Adopted ATTO EY 5 Space Com ma nd Resolution