HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 03/05/2020 (2) Page 1 of 2 Approved Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Lodging Tax Advisory Committee-Special Meeting Minutes March 5, 2020 Date: March 5, 2020 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: Centennial Center ECD Large Conf. Room Attending: Bill Boyce, Chair John Casey, Gaila Gutierrez, Tim Higgins, Andrew Hutchison, David Kwok, Erin McCallum Agenda: 1. Call to Order 4:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Bill Boyce Chair Remote John Casey Remote Gaila Gutierrez Present Tim Higgins Absent Andrew Hutchison Remote David Kwok Remote Erin McCallum Remote Bryan Powell Absent Zenovia Harris Absent 3. Changes to the Agenda An updated 2020 project scope based on a $15,200 increase in the grant award was provided by email to Committee Members just prior to the meeting. I will attach it to the legislative item so it will appear in the minutes. 4. Approve JayRay's Final Budget Michelle Wilmot recapped the purpose of the meeting and revisited the results report provided by JayRay at the previous meeting held February 13th, for the benefit of the committee members. 1. Updated Strategy and Funding for VisitKent.com Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Lodging Tax Advisory Committee-Special Meeting Minutes March 5, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 2 of 2 Discussion resulted in two motions made: Motion 1, Mover Gaila Gutierrez: Move to Award JayRay additional LTAC funds in the amount of $46,745.00 for a total 2020 Budget of $136,444. 2nded by Bill Boyce This vote resulted in. Yea by Gaila Gutierrez and Erin McCallum. and Nays from Andrew Hutchison, John Casey, and David Kwok. Bill Abstained based on the vote result and moved tas noted below. with the vote result recorded above. Motion 2, Mover Bill Boyce - Recommend to council the approval of an additdional 15,200 in LTAC grant monies for a total budget of 105,000 for 2020. Gaila Gutierrez seconded the motion. MOTION: Discuss and determine final budget recommendation for VisitKent.com 2020 Updated Scope of Work. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL [5 TO 0] Next: 3/24/2020 4:00 PM MOVER: Bill Boyce, Chair SECONDER: Gaila Gutierrez, Executive Director AYES: Boyce, Casey, Gutierrez, Hutchison, McCallum ABSTAIN: Kwok ABSENT: Higgins, Powell 5. Adjournment 4:36 p.m. Committee Secretary