HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-137 - Original - Active Construction, Inc. - Willis St & 4th Ave S Roundabout - 05/15/2020ApprovalOriginator:Department: Date Sent:Date Required: Authorized to Sign: o Director or Designee o Mayor Date of Council Approval: Budget Account Number: Budget? o Yes o No Grant? o Yes o No Type:Review/Signatures/RoutingDate Received by City Attorney:Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor’s Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk’s Office:Agreement InformationVendor Name:Category: Vendor Number:Sub-Category: Project Name: Project Details: Agreement Amount: Start Date: Basis for Selection of Contractor: Termination Date: Local Business? o Yes o No* *If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete “Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions” form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? o Yes o No Contract Number: Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor’s Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreementsadccW22373_1_20 CAG2020-137 5-14-20 5-14-20 DATE: May 5, 2020 TO: Kent City Council SUBJECT: Fourth and Willis Roundabout Project Bid - Award MOTION: Award the Willis Street and 4th Avenue South Roundabout Project to Active Construction Inc. in the amount of $4,759,759.00 and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. SUMMARY: The project consists of the construction of a two-lane roundabout at the intersection of 4th Avenue South and Willis Street (SR 516). The project includes new storm drainage, illumination, decorative sidewalks and other streetscape amenities. Construction of the Fourth and Willis roundabout was a condition of the DOT in allowing the break in access for the proposed Naden development. It may be recalled that the access break took over 20 years to obtain. The DOT strongly believes that the roundabout will improve both safety and mobility for vehicles and pedestrians at this location along state Route 516. In 2018 the state legislature authorized a grant for $3 million specifically for this purpose. Interested developers of the Naden properties also noted the benefits of the roundabout and wanted to make the construction of it a condition of their acquisition of the property from the city. The bid opening for the Willis Street and 4th Avenue S. Roundabout Project was held on March 26, 2020 with three bids received. The lowest responsible and responsive bid was submitted by Active Construction Inc. in the amount of $4,759,759. Bid Tab Summary 01.Active Construction Inc. $4,759,759.00 02.Sound Pacific Construction LLC $5,220,126.50 03. R.W. Scott Construction Co.$5,730,592.00 Engineer's Estimate $5,143,204.00 BUDGET IMPACT: The project is funded out of the $3 million state grant, B & O funds, Utility tax funds and drainage utility funds. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Innovative Government - Delivering outstanding customer service, developing leaders, and fostering innovation. Evolving Infrastructure - Connecting people and places through strategic investments in physical and technological infrastructure. Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. Inclusive Community - Embracing our diversity and advancing equity through genuine community engagement. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Willis & 4th Roundabout Bid Tab (PDF) CONFORMED TO ADDENDUM 1, 2 & 3 CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR Willis Street and 4th Avenue S. Roundabout Project Number: 18-3020 BIDS ACCEPTED UNTIL BID OPENING March 26, 2020 March 26, 2020 10:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M. DELIVER TO CITY OF KENT, CITY HALL 220 4th Avenue S., Kent, WA 98032-5895 TIMOTHY J. LAPORTE, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR INDEX Section 1 Bidder’s Package Section 2 Payment and Performance Bond and Contract Section 3 Table of Contents Section 4 Kent Special Provisions Section 5 Kent Standard Plans Section 6 WSDOT Standard Plans Section 7 New Water Main Connection Procedures Section 8 Inadvertent Discovery Plan Section 9 Stormwater Permit Section 10 Traffic Control Plans Section 11 Project Sign Template Section 12 Prevailing Wage Rates Section 13 Geotechnical Report CITY OF KENTKrNG COUNTY, WASHTNGTONKENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS FORWillis Street and 4th Avenue S.RoundaboutProject N umber: 18-3O2OBIDS ACCEPTED UNTILMarch 26, 2O2O1O:45 A.M.BID OPENINGMarch 26,2O2O11:OO A.M.crrYorffirY HALL22O 4tln Avenue S., Kent, WA 98032-5895TIMOTHY J. LAPORTE, P.E.PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTORKENTWASHTNcToN BIDDER'S NAM e Acnve (rynsp-ucnon^tc A"D CITY OF KENT KrNG COUNTY, WASHINGTON KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR Willis Street and 4th Avenue S, Roundabout Project Number: 18-3O2O BIDS ACCEPTED UNTIL March 26t 2O2O 1O:45 A.M, BID OPENING March 26,2O2O 11:OO A.M, DELIVER TO CITY OF KENT, CITY HALL 22O 4th Avenue S., Kent, WA 98032-5895 TTMOTHY J. LAPORTE, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR KENT WASHTNGToN ORDER OF CONTENTS Invitation to Bid Contractor Compliance Statement Declaration – City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Administrative Policy 1.2 – Minority and Women Contractors City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Statement Proposal City of Kent Subcontractor List (over $100K) Subcontractor List (over $1 million) Contractor’s Qualification Statement Statement that Bidder Has Not Been Disqualified Certification of Compliance with Wage Payment Statutes Proposal Signature Page Bid Bond Form Combined Declaration Form Non-Collusion, Minimum Wage Change Order Bidder’s Checklist Payment and Performance Bond Contract Table of Contents Kent Special Provisions Kent Standard Plans WSDOT Standard Plans ORDER OF CONTENTS continued New Water Main Connection Procedures Inadvertent Discovery Plan Stormwater Permit Traffic Control Plans Project Sign Template Prevailing Wage Rates Geotechnical Report INVITATION TO BID Notice is hereby given that the City of Kent, Washington, will receive sealed bids at the City Clerk's office through March 26t 2O2O up to 1O:45 a.m, as shown on the clock on the east wall of the City Clerk's Office on the first floor of City Hall, 22O 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington. All bids must be properly marked and sealed in accordance with this "Invitation to Bid." Bids must be delivered and received at the City Clerk's office by the above-stated time, regardless of delivery method, including U.S. Mail. All bids will be opened and read publicly aloud at 11:OO a.m, for the City of Kent project named as follows: Willis Street and 4th Avenue S. Roundabout Project Number: 18-3O2O The project consists of the construction of a two-lane roundabout at the intersection of 4th Avenue S and Willis Street (SR 516). The project also includes new storm drainage, illumination, decorative sidewalks and other streetscape amenities. The Engineer's estimated range for this project is approximately $4,800,000 to $5,300,000. Bid documents may be obtained by contacting City of Kent Engineering Department, Nancy Yoshitake at 253-856-5508. For technical questions, please call Thomas Leyrer at 253-856- 5562. Bids must be clearly marked "Bid" with the name of the project on the outside of the envelope, addressed to the City Clerk, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032-5895. Only sealed bids will be accepted. No facsimiles or electronic submittals will be considered. Each bid shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications and other contract documents now on file in the office of the City Engineer, City of Kent, Washington. Plans and specifications can also be downloaded at no charge at KentWA.qov/doino- business/bids-procurement. Copies of the WSDOT Standard Specifications are available for perusal only. Apprentice Utilization Requirements are mandatory for all public works estimated to cost one million dollars or more, in which case no less than l5o/o of the labor hours must be performed by apprentices. KCC 6,01.030. A cashier's check, cash or surety bond in the amount of 5olo of the bid must be included with the bid, The City of Kent reserves the right to reject any and all bids on any or all schedules or alternates or to waive any informalities in the bidding and shall determine which bid or bidders is the most responsive, satisfactory and responsible bidder and shall be the sole judge thereof. No plea of mistake in the bid shall be available to the bidder for the recovery of his/her deposit or as a defense to any action based upon the neglect or refusal to execute a contract. Bidders must submit with their initial bid a signed statement as to whether they have previously performed work subject to the President's Executive Order No. 17246. No bidder may withdraw his/her bid for a period of sixtv (60) days after the day of bid opening. Dated this 4th day of March, 2O2O. BY Kimberley oto, City C Published in Daily Journal of Commerce on March 5, t2 and 1 , 2O2O. CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE STATEMENT (President's Executive Order # 1L246) o.t" 3f zu/zo This statement relates to a proposed contract with the City of Kent named Willis Street and 4th Avenue S. Roundabout Project Number: 18-3O2O I am the undersigned bidder or prospective contractor. I represent that - 1.TY have not, participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject to the President's Executive Order #IL246 (regarding equal employment opportunity) or a preceding similar Executive Order. NAME OF BIDDER BY SIGNATU V Sllo PltM. Pp, € 7nbrnq LDn q6L/q3 ADDRESS (Note to Bidders: The information required in this Compliance Statement is informational only) Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 have, 1 March 5,2020 DECLARATION CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY The City of Kent is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity. As such, all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work with relation to this contract shall comply with the regulations of the City's equal employment opportunity policies. The following questions specifically identify the requirements the City deems necessary for any contractor, subcontractor or supplier on this specific contract to adhere to. An affirmative response is required on all of the following questions for this contract to be valid and binding. If any contractor, subcontractor or supplier willfully misrepresents themselves with regard to the directives outlined, it will be considered a breach of contract and it will be at the City's sole determination regarding suspension or termination for all or part of the contract; The questions are as follows: 1. I have read the attached City of Kent administrative policy number 1.2. 2. During the time of this contract, I will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age, or the presence of all sensory/ mental or physical disability, 3. During the time of this contract, the prime contractor will provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 4. During the time of the contract I, the prime contractor, will actively consider hiring and promotion of women and minorities. 5. Before acceptance of this contract, an adherence statement will be signed by me, the Prime Contractor, that the Prime Contractor complied with the requirements as set forth above. By signing below, I agree to fulfill the five requirements referenced above By For:OYl ENL Title: Date:slzu/zo Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 2 March 5,2020 CITY OF KENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NUMBER: 1.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1998 SUBJECT:MINORITY AND WOMEN CONTRACTORS SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1996 APPROVED BY Jim White, Mayor POLICY: Equal employment opportunity requirements for the City of Kent will conform to federal and state laws, All contractors, subcontractors, consultants and suppliers of the City must guarantee equal employment opportunity within their organization and, if holding contracts with the City amounting to $10,000 or more within any given yearr must take the following affirmative steps: 1, Provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 2. Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women Any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully disregards the City's nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be considered in breach of contract and subject to suspension or termination for all or part of the contract, Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Directors of Planning, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duties for their respective departments, 1, Ensuring that contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers subject to these regulations are familiar with the regulations and the City's equal employment opportunity policy. 2. Monitoring to assure adherence to federal, state and local laws, policies and guidelines, Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 3 March 5,2020 CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This form shall be filled out AFTER COMPLETION of this project by the Contractor awarded the contract I, the unde igned, a duly represente agent of Company,ereby acknowledge and declare that the before- mentioned com was the prime ntractor for the contract known as Willis Street and 4th Avenue S.undabout roject Number: 18-3O2O that was entered into on the between the firm I represent and the City of Kent. I declare that I complied ful ith all of the requirements and obligations as outlined e Policy L.2 and the Declaration City of Kent Equalin the City of Kent Administr Employment Opportunity Po at was part of the before-mentioned contract. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 By: For: Title: Date: 4 March 5,2020 PROPOSAL To the City Clerk City Hall Kent, Washington 98032 The undersigned hereby certifies var Acrtv(. (nnSlpucnon TNL. has examined the job site and construction details of the work as outlined on the plans and described in the specifications for the project named Willis Street and 4th Avenue S. Roundabout/Project Number: 18-3O2O for the City of Kent, Washington, and has read and thoroughly understands the plans and specifications and contract governing the work embraced in this improvement and the method by which payment will be made for that work and hereby proposes to undertake and complete the work embraced in this improvement in accordance with the bid and contract, and at the following schedule of rates and prices: NOTE TO BIDDERS: 1) All bid items are described in the Kent Special Provisions (KSP) or the Standard Specifications (WSDOT). Reference the Section No. listed in this proposal, where the bid item is described. 2) Proposal items are numbered in sequence but are non-continuous 3) Unit prices for all items, all extensions, and total amount of bid must be shown 4) Should bid items with identically worded bid item descriptions, marked with asterisk (x), appear in more than one schedule of the proposal, the bidder must bid the same unit price on corresponding items for each schedule. If the Contractor enters different unit prices on these items, the City will unilaterally revise the bid amounts to the lowest unit price on each corresponding item and recalculate the Contractor's total bid amount, The corrected total bid amount will be used by the City for award purposes and fix the amount of the contract bond, EXAMPLE SCHEDULE I - STREET ITEM NO. SECTION NO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT APPROX. QUANTITY ITEM 1006 2-03,5 WSDOT 100 CU YDS Roadway Excavation, Including Haul $14,00 Per CY $1,400,00 Any bids not filled out properly may be considered non-responsive. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 5 March 18, 2020 SCHEDULE I - STREET ITEM NO. SECTION NO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT APPROX. OUANTITY ITEM 1000 t-09.7 WSDOT 1 LUMP SUM Mobilization $tl6,ltl,5os lrtqq,Q Per LS 1005 2-01.5 \ATSD€IF KSP 1 LUMP SUM $8@.oo $ Per LS $ooo. o oClearing and Grubbing 1010 ,< 2-02.5 KSP 17,050 SQ YDS Remove Existing Asphalt Concrete Pavement $/o'o $ l7q 9Oo. oo Per SY 10 15 2-02.5 KSP 7,025 SQ YDS Remove Existing Cement Concrete Pavement $ /o. oo Per SY $ /Q252. o" 1020 2-02.5 KSP 49+j 540 SQ YDS Remove Cement Concrete Sidewalk $ /o. oo Per SY $ {.166.oo 1025 2-O2.5 KSP 775 LN FT Remove Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter s V.m $ 3?n.a Per LF 1035 2-02.5 KSP 1 LUMP SUM Removal of Traffic Islands and/or Traffic Curb $ /om. a $ /ooo. oo Per LS 1040 B-09.5 KSP 1 LUMP SUM Removal of Raised Pavement Markers and Painted and/or Thermoplastic Traffic Markings $ /bo. oo # ?ooa. oo Per LS 1045 8-21.5 KSP 1 LUMP SUM Removal of Traffic Signs $ /m. oo Per LS $ fus.o" * Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price, 6 March 18, 2020 SCHEDULE I - STREET ITEM NO. SECTION NO. APPROX.UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT ITEM o UANTITY 1050 2-O2.5 KSP 2,995 LN FT Saw Cut Existing Asphalt Concrete Pavement $3. oo $ g?gf.ro Per LF 1055 2-02.5 KSP 100 LN FT Saw Cut Existing Cement Concrete Pavement $ l. oo $ t/O1.oo Per LF 1060 t< 2-03.5 WSDOT 860 CU YDS Roadway Excavation Incl Haul $ 95. oo $ 17, ?oo. oo Per CY 1065 2-03.5 WSDOT 100 CU YDS Unsuitable Foundation Excavation Incl, Haul $ 62.00 $ 6?to.o" Per CY L075 * 4-03.5 KSP 6,650 TONS Gravel Borrow, Including Haul and Compaction $ 25o"$ /6q1-66- oo Per TON ($2.50 Min) 1080 4-04.5 KSP 165 TONS Crushed Surfacing Top Course, 5/8 Inch Minus $ qgo"$ Jy2E o" Per TON ($6,00 Min) 1085 >k 4-04.5 KSP 4a+ 2,60(J TONS Crushed Surfacing Base Course, I-I/4 Inch Minus $ 3O. o" $79, ooo. oD Per TON ($6.00 Min) 1095 t< 5-04,5 KSP 6,250 TONS HMA Class L/2", PG 58V-22 $ !3o.oo Per TON $ 8t45oo.oo ILO2 5-04.5 KSP 1 CALC Job Mix Compliance Price Adjustment $10,000** $10,000 Per CALC xxCommo ND rice to all bidders * Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule, In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. 7 March 18, 2020 SCHEDULE I - STREET ITEM SECTION NO. NO. APPROX. QUANTITY ITEM UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT 1 103 5-04.5 KSP 1 CompactionPriceAdjustment $10,000xx $10,000 Per CALC x*Common price to all bidders CALC 1 104 5-04.5 KSP 1 Cyclic Density Price Adjustment **Common price to all bidders $1o,oooxx $10,000 Per CALCCALC 1110 5-04.5 KSP 2+ee 3,OOO SQ YDS Planing Bituminous Pavement 5 $. oo Per SY $ /$ oo- oo tr25 5-04.5 KSP 100 TONS Hot Plant Mix for Temporary Pavement Patch g 2oo. oo $ 2or ooo. oo Per TON LL45 B- 14.5 KSP +r2i+e 9OO SQ YDS Cement Concrete Sidewalk 4 Inch Thick $ //o. oo $ 7X odo'oo Per SY t146 8- 14.5 KSP 2J5 300 SQ YDS $13€.@ Per SY $4gs@.ooCement Concrete Sidewalk 8 Inch Thick 1 150 B-14.5 KSP 5 EACH Cement Concrete Sidewalk Ramp Type Perpendicular A g 2lto, oo Per EA $ lot fro. oo 1 155 8- 14.5 KSP 4L EACH Cement Concrete Sidewalk Ramp Type Perpendicular B $ ?/3o.- $ 2t/3o.o" Per EA 1 160 B-14.5 KSP 4 EACH Cement Concrete Sidewalk Ramp Type Parallel / Combination fllJf oo $/ 3,?oo' o" 1200 B-14.5 KSP +6 EACH Cement Concrete Sidewalk Ramp Type Single Direction A ! 272n.* $ /6 3?n, oo Per EA Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 8 March 18, 2020 SCHEDULE I - STREET ITEM NO. SECTION NO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT APPROX. QUANTITY ITEM 1205 8-04.5 KSP 345 790 LN FT $36Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter OO $ 28,t/t/o. oo Per LF t207 8-04,5 KSP +fl€ 1,89O LN FT Curbl-CementConcrete Roundabout Curb and Gutter 2 Inch $ 36, oo $ 68 tot/O. oo Per LF 1208 8-04.5 KSP 2,340 LN FT Curb2-CementConcrete Roundabout Curb and Gutter 4 Inch $ 35. oo $ 8{t?oo.oo Per LF L209 B-04.5 KSP 2r5 LN FT Curb3-CementConcrete Roundabout Central Island $k o"$ 24 /24; oo Per LF 12rO 5-05.5 KSP 2+5 290 SQ YDS Stamped Cement Concrete Pavement Type 1 With Dowels $ l B'l. oo Per SY g gt23o. a" L21L 5-05.5 KSP r20 SQ YDS Stamped Cement Concrete Pavement Type 1 Without Dowels $ /6o. oo $ /?, 2o. oo Per SY L2T2 5-05.5 KSP 405 SQ YDS Stamped Cement Concrete Pavement Type 2 With Dowels $^qo.oo $ 77,2oo. oo Per SY L2L3 5-05.5 KSP 185 SQ YDS Stamped Cement Concrete Pavement Type 2 Without Dowels $212 - oo $ 31Zzo. a Per SY 12I4 5-05.5 KSP 105 SQ YDS Stamped Cement Concrete Pavement Type 3 Without Dowels $29o. oo $26,@.oo Per SY 121,5 5-05.5 KSP 75 SQ YDS Cement Concrete Pass- Through, 9 Inch Thick $/6'7.oo $ lh 97.9. o" Per SY March 18, 2020Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 9 SCHEDULE I - STREET ITEM NO. SECTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT APPROX. QUANTITY ITEM NO t220 7-05.5 KSP 45 EACH Adjust Existing Catch Basin Grate to Finished Grade $VN.o" $ 2000. oo Per EA 1225 7-05.5 KSP 34 EACH Adjust Existing Manhole Cover to Finished Grade $ q00 00 $ /6oo. o' Per EA L230 7-12.5 KSP 9 EACH Replace Existing Valve Box Top Section and Lid stln oo $ t/og2t. oo Per EA r240 8-20.5 KSP +3 EACH Adjust Existing Junction Box to Finished Grade s4m oo $ 12s.ooPer EA t245 8- 13,5 KSP 1 EACH Adjust Existing Monument, Case and Cover to Finished Grade $ L/oo.*$ (/oo. o" Per EA L250 B- 13. 5 KSP 2 EACH Install New Monument, Case and Cover to Finished Grade $ /)n,oo $ aMo. oo Per EA 1255 8- 12.5 KSP 170 LN FT Remove Fence $ (. oo $ g96,oo Per LF 1280 B-12,5 KSP L70 LN FT Install New Chain Link Fence $ t/b 00 $?tr20,o" Per LF 1305 B- 1 1.5 WSDOT 500 LN FT Beam Guardrail Type 31 $(9oo $ 2E{Do.oo Per LF 1310 8- 1 1.5 WSDOT 52 EACH Beam Guardrail Anchor Type 31 Non-Flared Terminal $ /go.b $ 3aoo. oo 10 Per EA March 18, 2020Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 SCHEDULE I - STREET ITEM NO. SECTION NO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT APPROX. OUANTITY ITEM 1315 B-28.5 KSP 15 EACH Pothole Utilities Do $ g2gp. ooE3ro. Per EA r320 B-30.5 KSP 2 EACH Project Sign $ 800. oo $ lboo. o o Per EA 1380 2-02.5 WSDOT 1 FORCE ACCOUNT Removal of Structures and Obstructions $5,oooxx Per FA $5,ooo xxCommon ori ce to all bidders 1 385 1 CALC r-04.4(L) WSDOT Minor Changes xxCommon price to all bidders $15,000xx $15,000 Per CALC Schedule I Total 2,576,7'tz.o' Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 11 March 18, 2020 SCHEDULE II - WATER ITEM NO. SECTION NO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT APPROX. QUANTIW ITEM 2I20 7-15.5 KSP 1 EACH Service Connection l-t/2Inch Diameter $lJoo-o $ /5a6. oo Per EA 2750 7-L5.5 KSP 40 LN FT Water Service Line L-|/2Inch Diameter $E0.oo $ /boo. oo Per LF 2190 7-15.5 KSP 1 EACH 1 Inch Water Meter $ 95o. oo Per EA $ ;ga.oo 2270 7-75.5 KSP 1 EACH 1 Inch Meter Setter $ {ou. oo $ /M. oo Per EA 2225 7-L5.5 KSP 1 Meter Box for t-I/2 to 2 Inch Diameter Service $UQ.oo $ @. oo Per EAEACH 2255 x< 2-09.5 WSDOT 200 SQ FT Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B $o.of $ [0. ao Per SF t< Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 Sub Total 10o/o WA State Sales Tax Schedule II Total $52to. 09 The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. 52 Oo & T2 March 18, 2020 SCHEDULE IV - STORM SEWER ITEM NO. SECTION NO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT APPROX. OUANTITY ITEM 4010 7-O4.5 KSP 4++ 4sO LN FT Ductile Iron Storm Sewer Pipe, 8 Inch Diameter $rl,oo Per LF $ 22r1ED.oo 4015 7-04.5 KSP 950 LN FT Ductile Iron Storm Sewer Pipe, L2Inch Diameter $ 85" oo $8o,1so.oo Per LF 4025 7-04.5 KSP 1"40 LN FT Ductile Iron Storm Sewer Pipe, 18 Inch Diameter $ l20.oa $ lbtgoo- oo Per LF 4080 7-05.5 KSP 33 EACH Catch Basin, Type 1 $ $p.w $ 2_b,qu.D Per EA 4081 7-05.5 KSP 2 EACH Catch Basin, Type 1L $86o. oo $ l'126. oo Per EA 4085 7-05.5 KSP 5 Catch Basin, Type 2 48 Inch Diameter $ 23oo- oo Per EA $ /l,5U. oo EACH 41 10 7-05,5 KSP 1 EACH Solid Locking Catch Basin Frame and Cover $go.e Per EA $ go. oo 4ItL 7-05.5 KSP 1 EACH $ 55o. oo Per EA $ €To. ooRound Solid Catch Basin Frame and Cover 4t20 7-05.5 KSP lJ_27 EACH Vaned Catch Basin Frame and Grate $ 5Do. oo Per EA $/3r9o. oo 412r 7-05.5 KSP ts8 EACH Rectangular Beehive Grate $ 5OO. oo $ /066. tto 13 Per EA March 18, 2020Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 SCHEDULE IV - STORM SEWER ITEM NO. SECTION NO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT APPROX. QUANTITY ITEM 4L30 7-08.5 KSP L2 EACH Abandon Existing Storm Sewer Pipe $25).oo $ 3ooo. oo Per EA 4t35 2-02.5 KSP 40 LN FT $3o' oo Per LF $ l2oo. ""Remove Existing Storm Sewer Pipe or Culvert 4145 2-02.5 KSP 11 EACH Remove Existing Catch Basin or Manhole $ ?JO. & $ /,Zao. oo Per EA 4150 t< 2-09.5 WSDOT 6,000 sQ Fr Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B S O.of $ 3oo. oo Per SF 4155 7-08.5 KSP 400 TONS Foundation Material, Class I and II $50.b Per TON $20, oa. oo 4L70 7-08.5 KSP 445 TONS Pipe Zone Bedding $3q.b $ lJ 3sg, oo Per TON 4180 7-08,5 KSP 670 TONS Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill 975, oo $ 24?so.oo Per TON ($2.50 Min) 42rO 7-05.5 KSP 34 EACH Thermoplastic Storm Drain Stenciling $ /og oo $ 3170. oo Per EA 4300 1 CALC 7-o4.4(t) WSDOT Minor Changes x*Common price to all bidders $10,000xx $10,000 Per CALC t< Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price, t4 March 18, 2020 SCHEDULE IV - STORM SEWER ITEM NO. SECTION NO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT APPROX. QUANTITY ITEM 4500 2-03.5 WSDOT 340 CU YDS Ditch Excavation Incl. Haul $5f.oo $ /?t?oo. oo Per CY 4505 7-06.5 KSP 830 CU YDS Excavation for Bioretention Cell $ 40' oo $ JJ,2oo. o' Per CY 45 10 7-06.5 KSP 28 TONS Streambed Cobbles $ 5V. oo Per TON $ 1429. oo 4515 8-02.5 KSP 75€. 475 CU YDS Bioretention Media @ * 28r5oo.oo* 6o- Per CY 4520 B-02.5 KSP r25 CU YDS Coarse Compost $ 50.oo Per CY $ 6250.oo 4525 8-02,5 KSP t,7o0 SQ YDS Water Quality Seed Mix $ f J66. ooPer SY o.80 4530 >F 8-02.5 KSP 7 EACH PSIPE Physoca rpus opulifolius 'Dart's GoldT Dart's Gold Ninebark; 2 Gal Cont, $ 2q.oo $ /ot. * Per EA 4535 B-02,5 KSP 22 EACH PSIPE Cornus sericea 'Farrow'/ Red Twig Dogwood; 2 Gal. Cont. $ 34.oo $ Jl6. oo Per EA 4540 t<EACH B-02.5 KSP 5 PSIPE Ribes sanguineum 'King $27.b Edward VII'I Red Flowering Per EA Currant; 2 Gal Cont. $ /3ro t< Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule, In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. 15 March 18, 2020 SCHEDULE IV - STORM SEWER ITEM NO. SECTION NO. APPROX.UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT ITEM UANTITY 4545 t< B-02.5 KSP 2t EACH PSIPE Salix purpurea 'Canyon g22. oo Blue'/ Canyon Blue Artic Blue Per EA Leaf Willow; 2 Gal. Cont. $ Q(3.oo 4550 8-02,5 KSP 2€,e 285 EACH PSIPE Cornus stolonifera ' Kelseyi'/ Dwarf Red-Twig Dogwood; 1 Gal. Cont. $ /3. oa $ 3'7os: oo Per EA 4555 t< 8-02.5 KSP 229 188 EACH PSIPE Rhododendron'Purple Gem'/ Purple Gem Rhododendron; 1 Gal. Cont, $ltoo $ lg2e.ooPer EA 4560 ,< 8-02.5 KSP 249 204 EACH PSIPE Spiraea betulifolia 'Tor'f Tor Birchleaf Spirea; 1 Gal, Cont. $13. oo $ /697. oo Per EA 4565 t< B-02.5 KSP 166 EACH PSIPE Sesleria Autumnalis/ Autumn Moor Grass; 1 Gal Cont. $ [2. oD Per EA $ lQQ2"ao 4570 8-02.5 KSP 31+ 323 EACH PSIPE Carex Davalliana/ Davall's Sedge; 1 Gal Cont $/1, oo Per EA $ 3rT3.oo 4575 8-02.5 KSP 3g 309 EACH PSIPE Juncus Ensifolius/ Dagger-Leaf Rush; 1 Gal Cont. $[l.oo Per EA $ l/17. oo 4580 8-02,5 KSP s6 508 EACH PSIPE Iris Douglasiana/ Douglas Iris; 1 Gal. Cont $ 14.oo $7p2. oo Per EA 4585 B-02.5 KSP E+ L82 EACH PSIPE Sysrinchium Californicu m/ Yel low-Eyed Grass; 1 Gal. Cont. ![7. oo $3o% n Per EA t< Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. 16 March 18,2020 SCHEDULE IV - STORM SEWER ITEM NO. SECTION NO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT APPROX. QUANTIW ITEM 4590 * B-02.5 KSP r+e 105 EACH $ [4.oo Per EA $ /4?o. ooPSIPE Mahonia nervosa/ Dwarf Oregon Grape; 1 Gal Cont. 4595 t< 8-02.5 KSP 852 EACH PSIPE Polystichum munitum/ Sword Fern; 1 Gal, Cont. $ ll,oo Per EA $ 5a2.oo 4600 t< 8-02.5 KSP 284 EACH PSIPE Rubus Calycinoides 'Emerald Carpet' / Emerald Carpet Raspberry; 1 Gal. Cont. $ ll. oo $ 312,1.00 Per EA 4605 * 8-02.5 KSP 65 EACH PSIPE Polystichum polyblepharum/ Tassel Fern; 1 Gal. Cont, El7.P $t4Uoo Per EA t< Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. Schedule IV Total $36ro33.e 77 March 18, 2020 SCHEDULE V - TRAFFIC CONTROL ITEM NO. SECTION NO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT APPROX. QUANTIW ITEM 5005 1-10.5 KSP 2,000 HOURS Traffic Control Labor fi (oo-oo $ {zot ooo. oo Per HR 5010 420 sQ rr1 -10. s(2) WSDOT Construction signs ctass A $ IA. oo $'JgbO. o" Per SF 5015 1-10.5 KSP 720 HOURS Traffic Control Supervisor $ b&0o $ 1g,1bo. oo Per HR 5016 1- 10,5 KSP 200 HOURS Uniformed Off-Duty Police Officer $ [3O- oo $ 24,ooo. oo Per HR 5020 1-10.5 KSP 1 LUMP SUM Temporary Traffic Control Devices g5M.oo $ Sooo. oo Per LS 5030 1 - 10.5 KSP L20 DAYS Portable Changeable Message $ hO. oo Sign (PCMS) Per DAY $ 72oo. ao 5035 1- 10,5 KSP 40 DAYS Sequential Arrow Sign (SAS) $ /t oo $ 6OO. P Per DAY 5075 8-22.5 KSP 1 LUMP SUM Permanent Channelization !3OtPe$ g4ooo. oo Per LS 5080 8-23.5 WSDOT 3,300 LN FT Temporary Pavement Marking Long Duration $/.a Per LF $q?EO. oo 5135 B-21.5 WSDOT 1 LUMP SUM Permanent Signing $6e ooo.o9 $ @, Ooo. o9 Per LS Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 18 March 18, 2020 SCHEDULE V - TRAFFIC CONTROL ITEM NO. SECTION NO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT APPROX. QUANTITY ITEM 52 10 * 2-02.5 KSP 3,000 SQ YDS Remove Existing Asphalt Concrete Pavement g lo. oo $ gq ooo. oo Per SY 5260 ,< 2-03.5 WSDOT 650 CU YDS Roadway Excavation Incl, Haul $5,5: oo $3t,76D. oo Per CY 5270 1 - 10.5 KSP 1 LUMP SUM Temporary Illumination System *?,ou.* $ Aq ooo. & Per LS 5275 t< 4-03.5 KSP 900 TONS Gravel Borrow, Including Haul $26.0o and Compaction Per TON E 27t5Oo. p 5285 t< 4-04.5 KSP 450 TONS Crushed Surfacing Base Course, I-t/4 Inch Minus $30.b $1J,5Do,oo Per TON 5295 t< 5-04.5 KSP 325 TONS HMA Class 7/2", PG 58V-22 $ l3O. oo $ u2,25o. b Per TON t< Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. Schedule V Total 4 a"l Z7o. oo 19 March 18, 2020 SCHEDULE VI _ ELECTRICAL ITEM NO. SECTION NO. APPROX.UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT ITEM OU ANTITY 6000 8-20,5 KSP 3 Remove Existing Luminaires and Foundations $ [aQ. o' Per EA $ lK5D. 0" EACH #6@=E 5llc a 6001 8-20,5 KSP 4 EACH Remove Existing Pedestrian Lights and Foundations $ P 100. EA $btoo.aoI er oo 6002 B-20.5 KSP 1 LUMP SUM Remove Existing Traffic Signal System $l q76 oo $ /8;?79 o" Per LS 6005 B-20.5 KSP 1 LUMP SUM Illumination System sL'\ 5, om. % ?:? e,ooo. os Per LS 6007 B-20.5 KSP 1 LUMP SUM Crosswalk Flashing Beacon System Complete #165toil,% tStooo.o? Per LS 6008 8-20.5 KSP 1 LUMP SUM 'Do Not Block Circle'Warning System Complete ${ r/o, oM, 01 /4o,ooo. oe Per LS 6010 B-20.5 KSP 2 EACH Induction Loops $[4a. oo $2goo, o" Per EA 6100 8-20.5 KSP 1 LUMP SUM Accent Lighting System, Complete $l26,m.oe$ l?Etoa. e Per LS Schedule VI Total 146, o" Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 20 72b March 18, 2020 SCHEDULE VII - TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL ITEM NO. SECTION NO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT APPROX. QUANTITY ITEM 7000 8-01.5 KSP 0.5 ACRE Seeding, Fertilizing, and Mulching sqog.oo $ 2026. oo Per AC 7005 B-01.5 KSP BO LN FT Filter Fabric Fence $ 5,Eo $L/qO.oo Per LF 7jLO 270 LN FT WattleB-01. s(2) WSDOT $ {-/, oo $l2go.o" Per LF 7075 B-01.5 KSP 20 EACH Inlet Protection $ loo. @ $ 2ooo. oo Per EA 7020 8-01.5 KSP 1,000 SQ YDS Straw Mulch $2, ?o $ 2?oo. oo Per SY 7025 8-01.5 KSP 500 SQ YDS $2. so Per SY ${260- @Clear Plastic Covering 7030 B-01,5 KSP 100 HOURS ESC Lead $ {15.oo $ /1,500. oo Per HR 7040 8-01.5 KSP 100 HOURS Street Cleaning $ /4f oo $14, Soo. oo Per HR 7050 1-07.1s(1) WSDOT 1 LUMP SUM SPCC Plan $29o0. o" $ 29oo. m Per LS 7055 8-01.s(2) WSDOT 1 FORCE ACCOUNT Erosion/Water Pol I ution Control xxCommon price to all bidders $2o,oooxx $20,000 Per FA Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 2I March 18, 2020 SCHEDULE VII - TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL ITEM NO. SECTION NO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT APPROX. QUANTITY ITEM s1 8q6."" Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 Schedule VII Total 22 March 18, 2020 SCHEDULE VIII _ ROADSIDE RESTORATION ITEM NO. SECTION NO. APPROX.UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT ITEM 8005 B-02.5 KSP UANTITY 955 1,230 Topsoil Type A CU YDS $tlg.oo $ 57rocl2.oo Per CY 8025 B-02,5 KSP 3 YEARS Extended Landscaping Maintenance $'7om. oo $ 2lt ooo. @ Per YR 8030 8-03.5 KSP 1 FORCE ACCOUNT Existing Irrigation System Removal, Repair and/ or Modification *xCommon price to all bidders $5,000xx Per FA $5,000 8105 8-02.5 KSP 85 CU YDS Wood Chip Mulch $$9. oo Per CY $ bgM.@ 81 10 8-02.5 KSP 5 EACH PSIPE Quercus bicolor'JFS- $1OO.0o $ 3gm. o" KWL2'/American Dream Oak; Per EA 2.5" Cal., L2'-I4' Ht. 8115 8-02.5 KSP 6 EACH PSIPE Nyssa sylvatica 'Wildfire'/ Wildfire Tupelo; 2" Cal,, 10'-12' Ht. $ bSO. oa $ 340o. o" Per EA 8120 8-02.5 KSP 6 PSIPE Cornus kousa x nuttalli 'Starlight'/ Starlight Dogwood; 2" Cal., 10'-12' Ht. $ bto.6 $3?oo, * Per EAEACH B 125 8-02.5 KSP 3 EACH PSIPE Chionanthus virginicus/ $6O0. oo Fringe Tree; Multi-stem, 8'- Per EA 10'Ht. $ /Eoo. ao B 130 8-02.5 KSP 5 EACH PSIPE Heptacodium miconioides/ Seven-Son Flower; Multi-stem, B'-10' Ht. $b4o. o" $ 32oo. e Per EA B 135 B-02.5 KSP 3 EACH PSIPE Metasequoia g lyptostroboides/ Dawn Redwood; 7'-B' Ht. $4/0o.,o $/tJtls. oo 23 Per EA March 18, 2020Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 SCHEDULE VIII - ROADSIDE RESTORATION ITEM NO. SECTION NO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT APPROX. OUANTITY ITEM 8140 ,<EACH B-02.5 KSP 4 PSIPE Physocarpus opulifolius $ 2q. 0o 'Dart's Gold'/ Dart's Gold Per EA Ninebark; 2 Gal, Cont. $q6.oo 8145 t< 8-02.5 KSP 3 EACH $ 27.o" Per EA $31 .o"PSIPE Ribes sanguineum 'King Edward VII'/ Red Flowering Currant; 2 Gal. Cont. 8150 t< 8-02,5 KSP 7 EACH PSIPE Salix purpurea 'Canyon $ 27.o" $ /g 1. oo Blue'/ Canyon Blue Arctic Blue Per EA Leaf Willow; 2 Gal. Cont, 8155 8-02.5 KSP iH 138 EACH $ l+.oo Per EA $ /q32.DoPSIPE Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko'/ Dwarf Slender Deutzia; 1 Gal. Cont. 8160 B-02.5 KSP 54 EACH PSIPE Escallonia'Newport Dwarf'/ Newport Dwarf Escallonia; 1 Gal. Cont. $ /3.oo $7o2. oo Per EA 8165 B-02.5 KSP 135 t4L EACH PSIPE Juniperus squamata $ [Z- oo $ /bqZ. oo 'Blue Star'/ Blue Star Juniper; Per EA 1 Gal. Cont. BLTO t< 8-02.5 KSP G LO7 EACH $ 15.oo Per EA $ l6af,. ooPSIPE Rhododendron'Purple Gem'/ Purple Gem Rhododendron; 1 Gal. Cont, BL75 ,< B-02.5 KSP 84 L22 EACH PSIPE Spiraea betulifolia'Tor'f ${3. oo Tor Birchleaf Spirea; 1 Gal. Per EA Cont. $ /€96. "o BlBO 8-02,5 KSP r47 EACH PSIPE Berberis buxifolia 'Nana'/ Dwarf Magellan Barberry; 1 Gal. Cont. $[-7.*$ 2L/q1.@Per EA * Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price. 24 March 18, 2020 SCHEDULE VIII _ ROADSIDE RESTORATION ITEM NO. SECTION NO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT APPROX. OUANTITY ITEM 8185 B-02.5 KSP 5 EACH PSIPE Mahonia x media 'Winter Sun'/ Winter Sun Mahonia; 2 Gal. Cont. $t'lu,oo $ 2z€.oo Per EA 8190 t< 8-02.5 KSP 393 EACH PSIPE Sesleria Autumnalis/ Autumn Moor Grass; 1 Gal. Cont. $ [7.oo $Ll7lb.r" Per EA B 195 >l< 8-02.5 KSP 4# 460 EACH PSIPE Mahonia nervosa/ Dwarf Oregon Grape; 1 Gal. Cont. s 14.oo $ b4qo. o" Per EA 8200 >F B-02.5 KSP 2€ 10 EACH t ll oo1, I (' Per EA $ llo.o"PSIPE Polystichum munitum/ Sword Fern; 1 Gal. Cont. 8205 t< B-02.5 KSP 746 72I EACH $ 11.0" Per EA $1qu.ouPSIPE Rubus Calycinoides 'Emerald Carpet'/ Emerald Carpet Raspberry; 1 Gal. Cont. 8210 B-02.5 KSP 160 EACH PSIPE Epimedium x perralchicum'Frohnleiten'/ Barrenwort; 1 Gal. Cont, $ [b.oo Per EA $/.q,7o6. oo 8215 8-02.5 KSP 10 EACH PSIPE Calluna vulgaris 'Aphrodite'/ Aphrodite Scotch Heather; 1 Gal. Cont. $ [7. oo $ l?o. oo Per EA 8220 t< 8-02.5 KSP 15 EACH PSIPE Polystichum polyblepha rum/ Tassel Fern; 1 Gal, Cont. $ 13. oo $ /Qg. oo Per EA 8225 8-02.5 KSP 25 EACH PSIPE Achillea millefolium 'Walther Funcke'/ Walther Funke Yarrow; 1 Gal. Cont $/6.oo $L166. oo Per EA t< Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 The description of this bid item is identical to a bid item(s) found in more than one schedule. In accordance with the CONTRACT PROPOSAL - NOTE TO BIDDERS, it is required that bid items with identical bid item descriptions reflect the same unit price, 25 March 18, 2020 SCHEDULE VIII - ROADSIDE RESTORATION ITEM NO. SECTION NO. UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT APPROX. OUANTITY ITEM 8230 8-02.5 KSP 80 EACH PSIPE Geum 'Flames of Passion'/ Flames of Passion Avers E [?.oo * f ot l6. oo Per EA 8235 8-02,5 KSP 2,000 SQ YDS $[.00 Per SY $ 2ooo. ooSeeded Lawn Installation 8240 8-03.5 KSP 1 LUMP SUM Irrigation System, Complete $t?,on.e $ 83,on.09 Per LS 2Zb {o0(. oL Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 Schedule VIII Total 26 March 18, 2020 SCHEDULE IX - URBAN DESIGN ELEMENTS ITEM NO. SECTION NO. APPROX.UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT ITEM UANTITY 9000 B-14.5 KSP 65 SQ YDS Sidewalk Surface Treatment $3q o" $ f,{/q- oo Per SY 9005 8-19.5 KSP 4 EACH Bench $ 3o&. oo $ /2, ooo. oo Per EA 9010 B-19.5 KSP 3 EACH Litter Receptacle $ /qOO. oo $ 75OO. oo Per EA 9015 B-19.5 KSP 9 EACH Pole Banner Arm $ €qg oo $ 53ts: oo Per EA 9020 8-33.5 KSP r64 LN FT Cement Concrete Planter Wall $ Qt{o-oo $ 72//bo.oo Per LF 9025 8-34.5 KSP 1 LUMP SUM Metal Planter Wall y|7ro_oo.n s ?qw.* Per LS 9030 B-35.5 KSP 1 LUMP SUM Gateway Lettering g259oo.^ * L',oaz.* Per LS 9035 8-36.5 KSP 1 LUMP SUM Gateway Feature (Sculptures 1 thru 2) and Foundation Type A $ 6qo@.e $ $O,ow.oo Per LS 9040 8-36.5 KSP 1 LUMP SUM Gateway Feature (Sculptures 3 thru 5) and Foundation Type B g 75r7il,*g ?{,oa,* Per LS 9045 8-37.5 KSP 420 sQ Fr Gravel Node *24.0o $ Iq ogo. oo 27 Per SF March 18, 2020Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 SCHEDULE IX _ URBAN DESIGN ELEMENTS ITEM NO. SECTION NO. APPROX.UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT ITEM Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 Sub Total 10olo WA State Sales Tax Schedule IX Total oo 2 oc oro 28 March 18, 2020 BID SUMMARY fl z,s)L,3t12,"Schedule I Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 Street Schedule II 6,let D9' Water Schedule IV 6 375to?a. oe Storm Sewer Schedule V fi t/BL!,270. 09 Traffic Control Schedule VI 8'729,42A. e Electrical Schedule VII g 5-7 ) 6q5, 09 Temporary Erosion & Sedimentation Control Schedule VIII fi 22Ot661.09 Roadside Restoration Schedule IX g grz.ggz,oo Urban Design Elements TOTAL BID AMOUNT t q,7rq,75q."" 29 March 18, 2020 CITY OF KENT SUBCONTRACTOR LIST (Contracts over $100,000) List each subcontractor, from any tier of subcontractors, that shall perform subcontract work amounting to more than 10olo of the total bid contract price, List each bid item to be performed by each designated subcontractor in numerical sequence. If no subcontractors will be performing LOo/o or more of the work, indicate this by writing "None" and signing this form at the bottom of the page. Failure to submit a fully completed and signed subcontractor list after the time set for bid opening may disqualify your bid. Project Name:Willis Street and 4th Avenue S. Roundabout Project Number:18-3020 Subcontractor Name fulc^ flrlrn Item Numbers {lec{nro!9 Ito, //o/q,>/sSubcontractor Name Item Numbers I oq, ,zq. WCCISubcontractor Name Item Numbers 6o lZoo - t?lf 4ozo -golo Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers Subcontractor Name Item Numbers CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 30 March 5, 2020 SUBCONTRACTOR LIST (Contracts over 1 million dollars) Name of Bidder:A utve Con o7zr,t2ru, TNL. Project Name:Willis Street and 4th Awenrrc Roundabout Project Number: 18-3020 Pursuant to RCW 39.30.060, Bidder shall list the names of the subcontractors with whom the Bidder, if awarded the contract, will subcontract for performance of the work of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning; plumbing; and electrical, or to name itself for the work. Failure of the Bidder to submit, as part of the Bid, the names of such subcontractors or to name itself to perform such work or the naming of two or more subcontractors to perform the same work shall render the Bidder's Bid non-responsive and, therefore, void. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Subcontractor Name N1N€ fpolo*eo Plumbing Subcontractor Name Atonse /pnloeen Electrical Subcontractor Name :m s/za/zo Signature of eiffier Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 Date 31 March 5, 2020 CoNTRACTOR'S QUALTFTCATTON STATEM ENT (RCW 39.04.350) THE CITY WILL REVIEW THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPOAISES TO THIS FORM TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE BIDDING CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO PERFORM THE CONTRACT WORK. THIS FORM INCLUDES CRITERIA ESTABLISHED BY STATE LAW THAT MUST BE MET TO BE CONSIDERED A RESPONSIBLE BIDDER AND QUALIFIED TO BE AWARDED THIS PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT AS WELL AS SUPPLEMENTAL CRITERIA ESTABLISHED BY THE CITY THAT ARE APPLICABLE TO THIS PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT. THE BIDDER SHOULD READ AND RESPOND TO THIS FORM CAREFULLY. Indicia of contractor's responsibility inherently involve subjective determinations as to the contractor's ability to perform and complete the contract work responsibly and to the owner city's satisfaction. The city has an obligation and a duty to its citizens and its taxpayers to administer its budgets and complete its projects in a businesslike manner. Accordingly, it has a duty to exercise the type of inquiry and discretion a business would conduct when selecting a contractor who will be responsible to perform the contract work. The city's supplemental criteria are based, in large part, on the qualification statement form used by the American Institute of Architects. The city provides these criteria so as to provide the most objective framework possible within which the city will make its decision regarding the bidder's ability to be responsible to perform the contract work. These criteria, taken together, will form the basis for the city's decision that a bidder is or is not responsible to perform the contract work. Any bidder may make a formal written lequest to the city to modify the criteria set forth in this qualification statement, but that request may only be made within 48 hours of the date and time that the bidder first obtains the bid documents or three (3) business days prior to the scheduled bid opening date, whichever occurs first. If the city receives a modification request, it will consider any information submitted in the request and will respond before the bid submittal deadline. If the city's evaluation results in changed criteria, the city will issue an addendum establishing the new or modified criteria. If the city determines that, based on the criteria established in this statement, a bidder is not responsible to perform the contract work, the city will provide written notice of its determination that will include the city's reason for its decision. The bidder has 24 hours from the time the city delivers written notice to the bidder that the bidder is not responsible to perform the contract work to appeal the city's determination. No appeals will be received after the expiration of this 24 hour appeal period. The city may deliver this notice by hand delivery, email, facsimile, or regular mail. In the event the city uses regular mail, the delivery will be deemed complete three days after being placed in the U,S, Mail. The bidder's right to appeal is limited to the single remedy of providing the city with additional information to be considered before the city issues a final determination, Bidder acknowledges and understands that, as provided by RCW 39.04.350, no other appeal is allowed and no other remedy of any kind or nature is available to the bidding contractor if the City determines that the bidder is not responsible to perform the contract work, Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 32 March 5,2020 If the bidder fails to request a modification within the time allowed, or fails to appeal a determination that the bidder is not responsible within the time allowed, the city will make its determination of bidder responsibility based on the information submitted, COMPLETE AND S'GAI THIS FORM AS PART OF YOUR BID. FAILURE TO PROPERLY COMPLETE THIS FORM MAY ALSO RESULT IN A DETERMINATION THAT YOUR BID IS 'VO'V-RESPONSIVE AND THEREFORE VOID. THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES: CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION, The undersigned certifies under oath that the information provided herein is true and sufficiently complete so as not to be misleading. SUBMITTED BY: NAME: ADDRESS: PRINCIPAL OFFICE ADDRESS: PHONE: FAX: lo fuv€p eo. -TAcomn UOn q6 Eavto 5a n*ave %3.zqs.m / STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS - Per state law a bidder must meet the following responsibility criteria 1, Required Responsibility Criteria 1.1 Provide a copy of your Department of Labor and Industries certificate of registration in compliance with chapter 18.27 RCW. ATTACll€Q ^ L.2 Provide your current state unified business identifier number.C-n3-oot-5331.3 Provide proof of applicable industrial insurance coverage for your employees working in Washington as required in Title 51 RCW, together with an employment security department number as required in Title 50 RCW, and a state excise tax registration number as required in Title 82 RCW, Providing a copy of a state of Washington "Master License Service Registration and Licenses" form is typically sufficient evidence of the requirements of this subsection, gztqlr_OO- o ',yilaszw- &rsrness Lteense, r.4 Provide a statement, signed by a person with authority b4(P^c,l(Z(;^k for your company, that your company, including any subsidiary companies or affiliated companies under majority ownership or under Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 33 March 5, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 control by the owners of the bidder's company, are not and have not been in the past three (3) years, disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RcW 39.06.010 or 39.12.06s ,trlf/W*t, 1,5 Provide a signed statement, signed under penalty of perjury by a person with authority to act and speak for your company, that within the three- year period immediately preceding the bid solicitation date, your company is not a "willful" violator as defined in RCW 49.48.082, of any provisions of chapters 49.46, 49.48, or 49.52 RCW, as determined by a final and binding citation and notice of assessment issued by the Department of Labor and Industries or through a civil judgment entered by a court of limited or general jurisdictir '^41wH@ 1.6 Provide proof that a designated person or persons with your company has either received training from the department of labor and industries or an approved training provider on the requirements related to public works and prevailing wages under chapter 39.04 RCW and 39.L2 RCW or provide proof that your company has completed three or more public works projects and have had a valid business license in Washington for three or more years and are exgmpt from this training requirement.LII N0. 2oo,%3- 0o /Se Arlf,ctqe ?u^tti twizto eyfrp.Eltg. SUPPLEMENTAL CRITERIA - EstablisheU by the City to determine bidder responsibility 2.ORGANIZATION 2.L How many years has your organization been in business as a Contractor? 58 YaP92.2 How many years has your organization been in business under its present business name? 66 yUApS 2.2.L Under what other or former names has your organization operated? N/A 2.3 If your organization is a corporation, answer the following: 2.4 If your organizatio s a partnership, answer the following Date of incorporation: 14LL State of incorporation : Wn. President's name: hVt0 e64Nfl Vice-president's name(s) : 6cdTf meE Secreta ry's na me t.7p05E ftLAple & A:nS Treasurer's name. N/a af plicable) 2.3.L 2.3.2 2.3,3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.6 2.4.L 2.4.2 2.4.3 Date of Type of anization: rtnership (if Name of general partner(s) 2.5 If your organiz n is individually owned, answer the following: 2.5.1 Date 2.5.2 Nam organization:Nla Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 of owner: 34 March 5, 2020 2.6 If the form of it and name t vq4nf orincipals: N/A organization is other than those listed above, describe 4 3. LICENSING 3.1 List jurisdictions and trade categories in which your organization is legally qualified to do business, and indicate license numbers, if applicabt". rtTn,ft", 3.2 List jurisdictions in which your organization's partnership or trade name is rired. frTffu+E0 EXPERIENCE 4.L List the categories of work that your organization normally performs with , its own forces. tllWB&nnp UnuTEg t SITE Pee4 hbauq o,tVrc/Agt.(ertwtnn6hrro@5tp-ucnte J '(p1Q1L4.2 Claims and Suits. (If the answer to any of the questions below is yes, please attach details,) 4.2.L Has your organization ever failed to complete any work awarded to it? 1\/O4.2.2 Are there any judgments, claims, arbitration proceedings or suits pending or outstanding against your organization or its officers? NO4.2.3 Has your organization filed any law suits or requested arbitration with regard to construction contracts within the last five yearsZ7.lO 4.3 Within the last five years, has any officer or principal of your organization ever been an officer or principal of another organization when it failed to complete a construction contract? (If the answer is yes, please attach details,) tr7p 4.4 On a separate sheet, list major construction projects your organization has in progress, giving the name of project, owner, architect or design engineer, contract amount, percent complete and scheduled completion date. fu ftrIrulEo ,|eFB.ov.4.4.L State total worth of work in progress and under contract: fi C/O-qfnl^uorl 4.5 On a separate sheet, list the major projects your organization has completed in the past five years, giving the name of project, owner, architect or design engineer, contract amount, date of completion and percentage of the cost of the work performed with your own forces.tu ftTfntftil 4.5.1, State average annual amount of construction work performed during the past five years60o _q5 rhtuuott 4.6 On a separate sheet, list the construction experience and present commitments of the key individuals of your organization.f,re tffhoilCp 4.7 On a separate sheet, list your major equipment. AgZ nffplp? Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 35 March 5, 2020 5. REFERENCES 5.1 5.2 5.3 6. FIN Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 knuS U Cnsru.uLnon, &* 6*nm 2#. 5"2''/"9 Tra d e Refe re n ce s : il p fi ut&-, Wri nCOl,tbq nV5.'746.W0o B a n k Re re re n c e', 6 [f l:g,f&ffi :'rif ffi f":8 ;f!' fH fq', s u r etY : 91 geaul llrl utttt+ t- 5.3.1 ruame# bonding company: ?eofrL l0gtt/?tiM(E s.3.2 Name and addrels of asent | &Enf ilElLAl/poADXZ?lDANcTNG '' t mJiiia hJn ?tr//o/ 6.1 Financial Statement After bid opening, the City may require the following financial information from any of the three apparent low bidders. If so required, the selected bidder(s) must respond with this financial information within 24 hours of the City's request for that information, The City's request for this information shall not be construed as an award or as an intent to award the contract. A bidder's failure or refusal to provide this information may result in rejection of that bidder's bid. 6.1.1 Attach a financial statement, preferably audited, including your organization's latest balance sheet and income statement showing the following items: Current Assets (e,9., cash, joint venture accounts, accounts receivable, notes receivable, accrued income, deposits, materials inventory and prepaid expenses); Net Fixed Assets; Other Assets; Current Liabilities (e.9., accounts payable, notes payable, accrued expenses, provision for income taxes, advances, accrued salaries and accrued payroll taxes); Other Liabilities (e.9,, capital, capital stock, authorized and outstanding shares par values, earned surplus and retained earnings). 6.L.2 Name and address of firm preparing attached financial statement, and date thereof: 6.1.3 Is the attached financial statement for the identical organization named on page one? 6,L.4 If not, explain the relationship and financial responsibility of the organization whose financial statement is provided (e.9., parent- subsidiary), 6.2 Will the organization whose financial statement is attached act as guarantor of the contract for construction? 35 Ves March 5, 2020 7. SIGNATURE By: Title 7.L Dated at this lQfuauv or Name of Organization: Aot 2020 L T- 7.2 Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 being duly sworn, deposes and says that the information provided herein is true and sufficiently complete so as not to be misleading. subscribed and sworn before me this I31\ day of 2020. Notary Publi My Commission Expires: llll I E y2 73 a 1tt f,tptRts $ l ,,. t.'i OFW 37 March 5,2020 #l.lDepartment of Labor and lndustries PO Box 4MSA Olympia, WA 98504-4450 ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION INC PO BOX 430 PI.JYALLIIP WA 98371 ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION INC Reg;CC ACTIVCIId4JL UBI:273-001-533 Registered as provided by Law as: Constnrction Conhactor (ccol) - GENEML EffEotive Dste: 4ll3/ 1984 Egpir.aliol Dstei' I L 17 I 2ozl 173 #/,3 iii i:.tl,.ii i;:; i ii i'j.,iiir 'il1il !'l 'ri \!l1l:'.(.1.1'.lssue Date: Mar 20,2020 Unified Business lD #: 273001533 Business lD #: 001 Location: 0001 Expires: Dec 31, 2020 Profit Corporation ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION, INC. 5110 RIVER RD E TACOMA, WA 98443-2638 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE - ACTIVE MINOR WORK PERMIT - ACTIVE UBI:273001533 001 0001 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE - ACTIVE TAX REGISTRATION - ACTIVE CITY ENDORSEMENTS: FIFE GENEML BUSINESS . NON.RESIDENT. ACTIVE PUYALLUP GENERAL BUSINESS - NON-RESIDENT #2006506 - ACTIVE LAKEWOOD GENERAL BUSTNESS - NON-RES|DENT (EXpTRES 3t31t2021) - ACTTVE YELM GENERAL BUSINESS - NON-RESIDENT #11498 - ACTIVE SHELTON GENERAL BUSINESS - NON-RESIDENT #006041O . ACTIVE GIG HARBOR GENERAL BUSINESS - NON-RESIDENT #14 - ACTIVE LACEY GENERAL BUSINESS - NON-RESIDENT #8076 - ACTIVE NORTH BEND GENERAL BUSINESS - NON-RESIDENT #019174.0 . ACTIVE OLYIVPIA GENERAL BUSINESS . NON-RESIDENT #1876 - ACTIVE PORT ORCHARD GENERAL BUSINESS - NON-RESIDENT #8009655 - ACTIVE POULSBO GENERAL BUSINESS - NON-RESIDENT - ACTIVE SAMMAMISH GENERAL BUSINESS - NON-RESIDENT - ACTIVE TUMWATER GENERAL BUSINESS - NON-RESIDENT #R-OO3OBB - ACTIVE UNIVERSIry PLACE GENERAL BUSINESS - NON-RESIDENT - ACTIVE ORTING GENERAL BUSINESS - NON-RESIDENT #18053 - ACTIVE TUKWILA GENERAL BUSINESS - NON.RESIDENT - ACTIVE SEATAC GENEML BUSINESS. NON-RESIDENT - ACTIVE FEDEML WAY GENEML BUSINESS - NON-RESIDENT #17-101998-OO-BL - ACTIVE STEILACOOM GENERAL BUSINESS - NON.RESIDENT - ACTIVE ilri,,,1r,.rrrrr.riiii..r'ii,ii',''i,.rlti,l,,i,i,,{r,rirr.rri.|,rl1r,irr.r'..,riir,,ii.,.,ti,rrilt,i:Lr..irrr rt.rtr"irrl,,,., i:r..t,,i,iir,i1tii'i,;,rr,t.rr(ilrlii,r'rtrr,rirlrr'llr(ilir,ir,,.,it,,r','rrlt,,rtrirlr.,rir<,: ,r.r, ,r'rrl;i i, 1,,,( ,rl,l.i:i!ri.il.'1, tlr, i,.l,r,i:i.i',lr"II;r.'r,1,ritr ,rl;lli,,,lirrrr:r,. liiilj" ,,,,,r1,r' iriii irl r.i:,rili,;rr,, liil, .;ii ,l:r, ,', l, , I ,, :, . , ,, .,'11 .'i\ r.,1ri iiii,r.lJjr,,i,, lr,.r,.r1|r, ri,,r 1:rr'ir,r' :. I i:i ii || i..i\:.1 iIti.,rri,l Expires: Dec31,2020 ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION, INC. 51 1O RIVER RD E TACOTVTA, WA 98443-2638 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE - ACTIVE INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE - ACTIVE MINOR WORK PERMIT - ACTIVE TAX REGISTMTION.ACTIVE FIFE GENERAL BUSINESS - NON-RESIDENT - ACTIVE PUYALLUP GENERAL BUSINESS - NON-RESIDENT #2006506 . ACTIVE LAKEWOOD GENERAL BUSINESS - NON-RESTDENT (EXPTRES 3/31/2021 ) - ACTIVE YELM GENERAL BUSINESS - NON-RESIDENT #1,I498 - ACTIVE SHELTON GENERAL BUSINESS - NON-RESIDENT #006041O . ACTIVE GIG HARBOR GENERAL BUSINESS - '7,*rt- &,*rt' l:r',, I',, lr,ll11l,i,,,'r,,r )l',,,rrl #/,4, l.f RE:Active Construction, Inc. City of Kent Statutory Requirements per Bid Documents To Whom It May Concem: Active Construction, Inc. (ACD is writing to provide an official statement to confirm that ACI, including any of its affiliated companies under majority ownership or under control by the owlers of ACI, are not and have not been in the past three (3) years, disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW 39.06.010 or 39.12.065 (3). hurthermore, ACI is not a "willful" violator as defined in RCW 49.48.082 or any provisions of chapters 49.46,49.48, or 49.52 RCW within three (3) year period immediately preceding this bid solicitation date. Sincerely, Active Co nstr uction, fnc. David Ceccanti President poBox430 PLryALLLP,WA98371 PHONE (253)248-1091 FAXQS3)248-1092 www. activeconstruction. com ACI is an "Equal Employment Opporh'mit.v Emplol'er" 45./,3,2License For:License No:ExD Date: 0.0 Master Business License - Active Prooerties 273001533 t2/3rh9 01.0 Legal Entity Registration 273001533 L2/31/20L9 F 01.1 Legal Entity Registration 603361054 L2l3L/2079F 01.2 Legal Entity Registration 602633496 72/3r/2019 F 02.0 Contractors (LNl)ACTIVCIl64JL LLl07l2r 03.0 Air Compressors 03561-08W 03s62-08W 11/0L/20 04.0 Fire Sprinkler 4908 12l3L/20 05.0 Resellers Permit A16 0396 ls L2l3t/2L 06.0 Hazmat Cert of Resistration 06130/22 07.0 Workers Comp 08.0 Emplovment Securitv Dept 09.0 Minor Work Permit 12/3L/20 10. SOS Annual Report LLl18120 11.0 DOT - Motor Carrier lD Report 505293 02/or/22 Auburn Bellevue 8US27200 58965 Non-Filine Burien 2LO7 07/3L/20 DuPont 6 r2/3L12079F Edgewood 72/3112019 F Elma 97 L2131120 FederalWay 17-101998-00-BL 12/37/20 Fife coN-000057 12/3L/20 Gis Harbor L4 7213L/20 Kent 20ra L2l3Ll20 Lacey 11 00008076 12/3r/20 Lakewood BL05-00060 North Bend L9L74 0s/3L/20 Olvmpia L876 12/3t120 Ortine L-13192 L2/3t120 Port Orchard 80096ss 12/3t/20 Poulsbo 8100883 72137/20 Puyallup 02006s06 L2/3t/20 Redmond RED95-000024 t2/3L/20 Redmond (Side Sewer)F Ll3L/2019 Renton 4L524 Sammamish L2l3Ll20 Sea-Tac NEW 03/3r120 Seattle tLo446 t2l3L/20 Seattle (Side Sewer)L2/3L/20r9 F Shelton 60410 t2/3L/20 Shelton L2/31/20 Snoqualmie 000000110232 L2/3L120 Steilacoom 20-o84 12130120 Sumner L2/3L/20L9 F System for Award MGMT 0L/L3/21 Tacoma 500006071 Tacoma - Annual Fire Hvd lnsp 624728 (FCFtl 07loL/20 Tacoma - Hot Works Permit 04130120 Tacoma - Water Systems Permit 614019 t2/31/20 Fire Protection Tukwila 500006071 BUS-0997812 08/3t/20Ee?m.!I 12/3L/20 Tumwater t2/3L120 Universitv Place L2LO6 L2l3Ll20 Yelm t7-LL498 12l3r/20 50m6,g7L'$ewer| 1,2/31,/19 0L/31"/20 4117L Updatet 3/24l2OZo A:2I PM ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION, INC.BIDDER QUALIFICATIONS - COMPLETED AND IN PROGRESSPUBLIC WORKS PROJECTSContract Value$ 2,755,519.00$ 5,513,734.94$ 1,899,487.74$624,692.85$ 1,U6,423"94$ 9,024,507.73$49,000,00$ 1,085,705.60$ 568,807.35$519,146.26$ 3,006,361.33$ 2,454,497.20$ 8,003,125.61$226,850.24$214,275.75a468,940.65$ 6,560,548.46$419,206.01$4U,423.23$788.825.53$ 1,103,022.10a653,314.39$ 2,069,196.55$939,088.1 5$ 2,732,360.14$ 15,586,595.42$ 2,481,952.96$ 5,415,690.47$ 1,042,109.07$ 2,116,312.11$ 1,431,682.14$ 2,523,400.00$599,599.00$ 1,747,742.90$ 265,118.00$ 1,522,533.93Phone(360) 438-2639(360) 753-8484(360) 426-4232(360) 438-2639(360) 753-8484(360) 438-263e253-85$7618(253) 798-2728(253) 798-6165(253) 365-6730(360) 753-8484(253) 851-6170(253) 922-9315(360) 753-8568(253)798-2725(253) 922-2489(425) 4524170(206) 440-4699(2531 573-7879(253) 798-2725(360) 570-6761(253) 798-2725(360) 528-8022(360) 426-4232(360) 867-2300(360) 619-7700(360) 753-8721(253) 428-8612(360) 867-2300(360) 438-2639(360) 867-2300(253) 591-5500(360) 438-2639(360) 754-5855(253) 798-6165(360) 438-2639Owner RepRoger SchoesselJim Rioux/Fran EideDave NicholsRoger SchoesselJim RiouxDale MixMaureen WhitakerHelmut Schmidtlngo KuchtaDennis SteinbergJim RiouxMarcos McGrawK6n GillBrett BuresAl ZehniRuss BlountCarl HaslamBroch BenderAndrew StrobelAl ZehniMark GarsonAl ZehniBill HelbigDave NicholsMatt UnzelmanCraig SandersRolland lrelandDave MyersMatt UnzelmanRoger SchoesselMatt UnzelmanMark D'AndreaRoger SchoesselJohn Normanlngo KuchtaRoger SchoesselOwnerCity of LaceyCity of OlympiaSkokomish TribeCity of LaceyCityof OlympiaCity of LaceyCity of Gig HarborPierce CountyPierce CountyWSDOTCity of OlympiaCity of Gig HarborCity of FifeCity of OlympiaPierce CountyCity of FifeCity of BellevueWSDOTPuyallup TribePierce CountyWSDOTPierce CountyPort of OlympiaSkokomish TribeThurston GountyUS DOTCity of OlympiaPort of TacomaThurston CountyCity of LaceyThurston CountyCity of TacomaCity of LaceyCity of TumwaterPierce CountyCity of LaceyJob DescriptionMullen Road ExtensionHarrison Avenue lmprovementsSkokomish Alternate Access RoadWestbound Britton ParkwayHenderson Blvd Sanitary Sewer & Water Main RealignmentCarpenter Road ReconstructionCushman Trail Culvert RepairWarren CreekNeadham Road Setback LeveeVIC l-5 Puyallup River Bridge - Sidewalk Ramps18th Ave Half Street lmprovements56th St. NW/Pt. Fosdick Dr NW Street lmprovements70th Ave. E. Phase 2Capitol Way Overlay lmprovementsPuyallup River Floodplain Restoration at Fennel Creek62nd Ave E Sidewalk and Sheffield Trail and 20th St E CrosswalkWest Lake Sammamish Parkway Phase I l-90 Roundabout to SE 34th StNB SR 167 to NB l-405 Major Drainage RepairWilkeson Creek Access RoadOrville Road Engineered Log Jam Setback RevetmentSR7 Muck Cr Trib-Nisq Riv Remove BarrierLarchmont Wetland ReserveTaxiway C & North Taxiway W Rehab & Terminal Entrance WideningReservation Road ReconstructionChehalis Western Trail Phase 3Middle Fork Snoqualmie River RoadBoulevard Rd & 22nd AveUpper Clear Creek Mitigation SiteDelphi Road Safety lmprovementsChambers Lake Stormwater Treament FacilitySalmon Creek Bridge L-4 ReplacementTacoma Pedestrian Crossing lmprovementGolf Club Road ExtensionCapitol Blvd-MStreeiNeadham Road ln-Stream ELJ Mitigation ProjectWillamette Drive NE & 3lstAve lmprovementsCompletionDate20112011241120112012201320't320122012201224132013201320132013201320132013201320132014201420't42014201420172014201720142015201520162415201520152016Job #10-001I 0-00310-0161 0-01 8I 1 -0011 1 -005I t-006I 1 -00911-01412-004'12-005't2-00712-00812-01712-02012-02412-02813-O0213-01013-O1113-015't3-01713-02013-02213-02914-00414-00714-0't114-01214-01314-01414-01914-024,l5-00315-0041 5-007$'.'$sJ\s"lActive Construction, lnc, ConfidentialUpdated: 31412020Page 1 of 3 ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION, INC.BIDDER QUALIFICATIONS. COMPLETED AND IN PROGRESSPUBLIC WORKS PROJECTSContract Value$527,714.56$424,259.90$ 916,456.88$ '1 ,963,562.1 5$ 1,212,212.00$991,409.95$ 650,650.00$ 2,167,099.24$434,756.39$ 3,354,711.99$422,422.40$ 2,064,974.00$167,072.00$137.137.00$ 4,489,832.49$785,785.00$ 't,706,337.47$ 6,827,798.00$318,318,00$685,685.00$ 1,344,808.89$505,043.93$ 1,583,397.89$ 2j23j23.00$ 1,418,750.00$ 1,848,848.00$ 12,779,179.00$ 3,336,041.00$ 1,251 ,545.00$986,791.00$ 3,040,502.00$ 1 ,161 ,982.83$662,000.00$ 2,528,000.00$ 2,340,000.00Phone(253) 798-2728(253) 922-9315(360) 867-2300(425) 413-8800(360) 337-5777(360) 754-5855(253)7e8-7250(360) 528-8000(360) 867-2300(360) 754-5855(360) 705-7337(360) 407-9302(360) 754-5855(360) 754-5855(206) 477-4552(206) 477-4552(253)7s8-4233(206) 431-2450(360) 458-8499(253) 835-2723(360) 893-2219(503) 419-2130(253) 931-3000(360) 427-9670(253\798-7250(360) 867-2300(360) 8764407(360) 753-8721(253)798-2725(360) 754-5855(253) 922-9315(253) 922-e315(425) 452-4367(253\7984233Owner RepHelmut SchmidtKen GillMatt UnzelmanKim ScattarellaSteve NicholsJohn NormanHenry GertjeTyson CarpenterMatt UnzelmanJohn NormanRobert ChristopherDoug McCuddenJohn NormanJohn NormanGina AuldGina AuldGreg HessCindy KnightonMaryanne ZukowskiChristine MullenBryan Condon -EngineerMatthew LarsonSarah GriceHenry GertjeMatt UnzelmanMike PleasantsRolland lrelandAl ZehniJohn NormanKen GillKen GillDiane SheesleyDebbie HarrisGreg HessOwnerPierce CountyCity of FifeThurston CountyCity of Maple ValleyKitsap CountyCity of TumwaterPierce CountyPort of Olympiafhurston CountyCity of TumwaterWSDOTDept of EnterpriseServices E&ASCity of TumwaterCity of TumwaterKing CountyKing CountyPierce CountyCity of TukwilaCity of YelmCity of Federal WayCity of OrtingKing County AirportCity of AuburnMason CountyPierce CountyThurston CountyCity of Port OrchardCity of OlympiaPierce CountyCity of TumwaterCity of FifeCity of FifeCityof TacomaCity of BellevuePierce CountyJob DescriptionFennel Creek Property Restoration Phase 2 I 1408-124Firwood Condos Stormwater System & Wapato Creek House RemovalWARC Access Road216th Ave SE Roadway lmprovements SE272nd (SR 516) to SE 283rd StManchester Stormwater Retrofit and Traffic lmprovements - Phase 3Tumwater Blvd/l-S SB Ramp lmprovements ProjectPark Avenue South - 125th Street South to Garfield Street SouthCleanwater Centre Site WorkTilley Road Curve Culvert ReplacementTyee Drive Extension / lsrael Road lmprovements ProjectSR 302 - 1.15 Miles S of E Victor Road Major DrainageEmergency Vehicle Operations Course (EVOC)Kirsop Road Maintenance ProjectCapitol Blvd & U Street Pedestrian lmprovementsEast Lake Sammamish Master Plan Trail South - Segment AFairwood West HOA Pipe Replacement78th Avenue E & 184th Street lntersection4olh - 42nd Avenue South - Phase 3lst Street SW lmprovements21 st Avenue Pedestrian lmprovementsWashington Ave. Two Way Left Turn Lane lmprovementsRunway Safety lmprovements Vashon lslandM Street SE lmprovementsCloquallum Road MP 5.85 to 6.60Bridge #28183-4 Replacement 8th Ave E North Fork Muck CreekRich Road SE Phase 2Tremont Street WideningBoulevard Road and Morse-Merryman RoundaboutOrville Road Engineered Log Jam Setback Revetment Phase 2Zoth Avenue Sewer and Water Extension66th Avenue lmprovements8th Street E & 54th Ave E CulvertFast 25th Street lmprovementsLower Coal Creek Flood Hazard Reduction22nd Avenue and 152nd Street lntersectionCompletionDate20152016201620162016201720172017201720172017201620172017201820182018201920172017201820172017201720182018201920182018201820182018201820182019Job #15-0081 6-00316-0041 6-00516-00716-00816-0't316-01416-0181 6-02016-02116-02316-0261 6-02916-03017-OO11740217-00717-00817-00917-010't7-01217-01317-O1417-0r517-016{7.01917-O2417-O2517-O2817-O3218-00218-004I 8-00618-009Active Construction, lnc, ConfidentialUpdated: 314l2O2OPage 2 of 3 ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION, INC.BIDDER QUALIFICATIONS - COMPLETED AND IN PROGRESSPUBLIC WORKS PROJECTSContract Value$576,000.00$ 1,250,000.00$ 2,92s,542.81$ '1,560,560.00$ 2,213,213"00$336,336.00$742,742.00s810,000.00$ 2,484,484.00$ 2,376,376.00$ 1,793,793.00$61 3,6'1 3.00$ 2,942,942.00$ 1,309,309.00$ 5,920,920.00$ 2,920,820.00$ 1,177,177.0A$ 2,709,933.00$ 1,476,476.00$ 4,142,142.00$414,414,00$ 2,154,154.00$893,893,00$ 1,063,550.50$ 1,532,532.00$766,766.00$ 1,148,153.36$ 2,838,783.00$ 2,422,172.A0$ 9,467,467.00$ 651,651 .00$ 1,245,245.00$ 6,529,529.00$ 1,159,159.00$ 1,305,305.00Phone(253)798-2725(s60) 407-9302(253) 841-54s8(360) 754-5855(360) 754-5855(s60) 426-4232(253)83*2723(360) 407-7e79(360) 570-6786(253) 798-7250(360) 438-2639(206) 263-9325(360) 438-263e(425) 452-4868(425) 495-1577(425) 452-4230(25s) 594-7871(360) 438-2639(206) 263-9325(425) 888-7653(360) 740-1 175(253)798-6157(425\ 4524170(425) 41 3-8800(253) 502-2225(360) 426-1 1 51(360) 432-5750(360) 867-2300(253) 798-7250(425) 452-4230(425) 452.7so5(253) 835-2723(253)798-7250Owner RepAl ZehniDoug MccuddenPaul MarrinanJohn NormanJohn NormanDave NicholsChristine MullenHamed KhaliliBrian WhitehouseGreg HessStewart ShustermanAubrey CollierMark HogeAubrey CollierJim StockwellEvelyn PaoJun Suk AnLisa OestreichAubrey CollierMark HogeTom MohrMalcolm BowieDavid DavisDale LydinTerryWrightSteve HoffmanWendy SmithDanette BranninMatt UnzelmanArnie ShepardJun Suk AnPaul KrawczykChristine MullenArnie ShepardOwnerPierce CountyDept of EnterpriseServices E&ASCity of PuyallupCity of TumwaterCity of TumwaterSkokomishTribeCity of Federal WayDept of EnterpriseServices E&ASWSDOTPierce CountyRenton School DistCity of LaceyTown of SteilacoomKing CountyCity of LaceyCity of BellevueWSDOTCity of BellevueCity of TacomaCity of LaceyKing CountyCity of North BendLewis CountyPierce CountySurface WaterCity of BellevueCity of Maple ValleyCity of TammaPort of SheltonMason Transit AuthorityThurston CountyPierce CountyCitv of BellevueCity of BellevueCity of Federal WayPierce CountyJob DescriptionBall Creek Flood Plain RevetmentEVOC Skid Pan Repair - WA State Patrol Training CourseClarks Creek Channel StabilizationDesoto Street Stabilization and RehabilitationCapitol Blvd lsrael Rd to 73rd AveReservation Road SidewalklVilitary Road S & S 298th St. Compact RoundaboutCapitol Campus Utility RenewalSR510 Meridian Rd SE Roundabout and Paving62nd Avenue NW & 144th St NW lntersectionMcKnight Middle School Field lmprovementsLebanon Street ExtensionSteilacoom Blvd SW lmprovements55th Ave S at Bingamon Creek Culvert ReplacementCollege Street and 22nd Ave RoundaboutLower Coal Creek Flood Hazard Reduction - Group 3SR520 B0th Ave to 108th150th Newport Way Roadway lmprovementsSWM Drainage & Traffic Safety lmprovementsCollege Street and Yelm Super T Pavement RehabilitationWestside Highway SW Roadway RepairPark Street RoundaboutHighway Safety lmprovement Program Phase 2Orville Rd ELJ Setback Revertment Ph 28Lakemont Elvd SE Repairs & 164th Ave SE and SESE Kent-Kangley Road / 242nd Avenue SE lntersection lmprovementsHosmer Holding Basin MaintenanceSanderson Field Runway Pavement Overlay ConstructionLog Yard Rd And SR 3 Roundabout ConstructionMullen Road - Lacey City Limits to Carpenter RoadGuardrail Program - 264th St East100th Ave NE and NE 10th St RoundaboutSE Newport Way Somerset Blvd to 150th Ave SESouth Dash Point Road lmprovementsOrting-Kapowsin E - Orville Rd E to 264th St EGompletionDate201420192Q18201820192018201920192019IN PROGRESS2019201920192019IN PROGRESS2019201920192019IN PROGRESS2015IN PROGRESS20192019201920192019IN PROGRESSIN PROGRESSIN PROGRESSIN PROGRESSIN PROGRESSIN PROGRESSIN PROGRESSIN PROGRESSJob #1 8-01 01 8-01 118-0141 8-01 718-0181 8-02018-0231 8-02618-03319-00119-00319-005'19-00719-00819-01019-01119-014I 9-01 519-0161 9-01 719-0,l9't9-o2019-O2119-02219-02319-02719-02819-02919.03519-03719-0401 9-04019-O42{9-04520-oo2Active Construction, lnc. ConfidentialUpdated: 314l2O2OPage 3 of 3 ACI ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION INC. #10 March 26,2020 RB:City of Kent Bidder Responsibility Criteria Project: Willis Street and 4th Avenue S. Roundabout Project #1 8-3020 Bid Date: March 26,202010:45 A.M. The following is a list of key individuals within our organization that would be available for the project referenced above. Be advised that this list of individuals could change depending on project award date and additional commitments that may arise. Chris Roberts - Sr. Project Manager with 15 years of experience. Presently he has no commitments that would prevent him from managing this project. David Peterson - Project Manager with 15 years of experience. Presently he has no commitments that would prevent him from managing this project. Eric Johnson - Project Superintendent with 30 years of experience. Presently he has no commitments that would prevent him from managing this project. Tommy Pelton - Project Superintendent with 20 years of experience. Presently he has no commitments that would prevent him from managing this project. Sincerely, Active Construction, Inc PO BOX 430 pUyALLUp, WA 98371 PHONE (2s3) 248-1091 FAX (253) 248-1092 www.acti veconshuction.com .t,( I r.t riit ' |,tlir,tl /:,niliit.t.ttte;;t O1;1tor.tt:uitt |:nt1;lr,.t'i. - .l( 'l'j t (l,i6.i ,l! a a a a #I EAF MODEL EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION 141 1992 KW/T8OO KENWORTH Dump Truck 5576882 178 1 999 F450 FORD Flatbed Truck Shop 241 2004 Silverado 1500 CHEVROLET Pickuo - flaooer 254 2005 Silverado 2500 CHEVROLET 4X4 Pickup Nick 261 2000 lH 4700 Dump IH 6 YARD DUMP 1HTSCABP8YH24O445 262 2000 lH 4700 Dumo IH 6 YARD DUIVP 1HTSCABP3YH24O434 263 2000 lH 4700 Dumo IH 6 YARD DUI\4P 1HTSCABP5YH24O452 264 2000 lH 4700 Dumo IH 6 YARD DUMP 1HTSCABP4YH24O457 268 2005 3500 CHEVROLET Flatbed Pete 269 2005 3500 CHEVROLET Flatbed NIKO P 270 2005 3500 CHEVROLET Flatbed Brian J 27',\2005 3500 CHEVROLET Flatbed MATT H 273 2005 Silverado '1500 274 2005 COLORARO CHEVROLET Pickup Flaqqer 282 2005 3500 CHEVROLET Flatbed Eric K 3't 8 2001 IH 2674 DUMP IH 12 YD DUMP 1HTGLATTg1H348O46 322 2006 3500 CHEVROLET Flatbed Chris N 328 2006 T3OO KW SERVICE/CRANE CORY 338 2007 3500 CHEVROLET Flatbed FLAGGER 331 2000 lH 4700 Dump IH 6 YARD DUMP 1HTSCABP9YH24O454 340 2001 lH 4700 Dump lH 6 YARD DUI\ilP 1HTSCABPs1H366140 341 2001 lH 4700 Dump IH 6 YARD DUIVP 1HTSCABP11H366t52 342 2007 3500 CHEVROLET Flatbed David H 349 2007 Silverado 2500 CHEVROLET 4X4 Pickuo James N 350 2007 Silverado 2500 CHEVROLET 4X4 Pickuo LINDA H FLAGGER 380 1 996 KW TSOO KENWORTH Dump Truck J673443 386 2005 KW TSOO KENWORTH Tractor SD R096702 394 201 1 Silverado 1500 CHEVROLET 4X4 Pickup spare 398 2006 F150 4X4 FORD Pickuo 4X4 Matt Dennlioht 400 1 993 F1 50 FORD Pickuo Jared D 406 2003 F 150 FORD Pickup Flaqqer 412 2004 F250 4X4 FORD F250 Pickup ED SERBECK 416 2001 Tahoe Chew Tahoe GPS BRETT S 427 2007 lH 4200 lH 4200 SERVICE TRK Jacob 7H544579 425 1 993 LgOOO FORD FORD Dump Trk 'lFDZU90XOPVA39192 432 2004 SD55O FORD SD550 Flatbed spare 44',l 2013 3500 CHEVROLET Flatbed Tony E 442 2013 3500 CHEVROLET Flatbed Euoene 445 2008 Silverado 1500 CHEVROLET Pickuo BILL W 449 2014 Silverado 1500 CHEVROLET 4X4 Pickup Frank 451 2014 Silverado 1500 CHEVROLET 4X4 Pickup Shaun W 471 2015 3500 CHEVROLET Flatbed Matt N 474 2011 Silverado 1500 CHEVROLET 4X4 Pickuo Eric J 476 2016 3500 CHEVROLET Flatbed DUANE C 477 2016 3500 CHEVROLET Flatbed Jacob B 478 2016 3500 CHEVROLET Flatbed Darrin M 480 2017 PB 337 LUBE TRUCK 2NP2HJ7X4HM393O1 7 481 2017 F 150 FORD JAMIE 482 2016 1 500 chevrolet 1 500 Mike Tennet 489 2017 1 500 chevrolet 1 500 chris roberts 492 2003 T800b Kenworth RUSS 389543 495 2017 F250 4X4 Ford F250 Tom Detray 500 2018 T880 KE NWO RTH IXKZP 4I XOJ J21 1 847 502 2017 RA|V 1500 DODGE RAM Greqq G 503 2018 JJT PETERBILT lube hk 2NP2HJ7XgJM497315 504 2018 1 500 SILVERADO 1500. BACH 505 2017 2500 SILVERADO UTILITY TRUCK DARRIN G 508 2017 F450 FORD FORMENS TRUCK John N 509 2017 F450 FORD FORMENS TRUCK Joev R 510 2016 1 500 SILVERADO -Marina 511 2017 F450 FORD FORIVIENS TRUCK Jesse 5'15 2018 1 500 silverado- rick Johnson 518 2013 F750 FORD MECH TRUCK ANDERSON 519 2015 1 500 silverado- TOMMY PELTON 521 2018 1 500 silverado- Greo Mundell 522 2019 4500 C4500 -Greq Blocker 523 2019 4500 C4500 -Randy Ausbun 530 2019 4500 C4500 -Kevin Aalmo s33 2018 1 500 Chevrolet 1500-Eddie P 538 2008 F750 Ford F750 Flatbed Revised 2n/2020 ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION, INC. CURRENT EQUIPMENT LIST @y categories)4t I #YEAF MODEL EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION 13 1992 Towma EQUIP Trailer - 1 P9DT6T29NG1621 39 150 1 988 ATCO 10'x 40' l\ilob. Off. - GR3268588 152 1 996 TrailKino TK50 Trailer - 1TKC02633TM055834 181 1 997 NWBS 1 0' x 42' Mob. Off. - 97648 188 1 985 NWBS 12'x 50'Mob. Off. - 85243 207 2000 EAGLE Trailer - 1 C98E2318YP694654 265 2003 TK18 Eo. Trailer 1TKCO24213M112400 Pen Lioht 266 2004 TK18 Eo. Trailer 1TKCO242258078143 Pen Liqht 267 2004 TK18 Eq. Trailer'1TKC0242058078142 Pen Liqht 278 2004 TK18 Eq. Trailer 1TKC0242658078'145 Pen Lisht 284 2005 TD14 Eo. Trailer 42ETD202251007074 {Mini Ex) 297 1977 Dorsev 28'YanFrailer 127782 299 1977 Thuer 28'Van Trailer N36809 300 1977 Dorsev 28'Van Trailer 127736 301 1977 Dorsev 28'Vanf raibt 127733 302 1977 Dorsev 28' Van f raibt 127756 303 1977 Dorsev 28' Van Trailet 127743 304 1 980 Trlmo 28' Van Trailer V9006618 305 1 991 Trlmo 28' Van Trailer DAE2M9005954 306 1 991 Trlmo 28' Van Trailer 1 H4V0281 3LJ006936 307 1 991 Trlmo 28' Van Trailer 1H4V02818LJ006950 Euqene 308 1 991 Trlmo 28'Van Trailer DAE1M9005895 Tom D 309 1 991 Trlmo 28' Van Trailer DAEgM9006003 310 199'1 GE 12x56 Office Trailer 033489 311 199'1 12x56 Office Trailer 084236 321 '1999 TK18 Eq. Trailer 1TKCO2421XM116811 Pen Liqht 362 2003 idedump iidedumper Trailer 1YPFS42353P001 189 418 2012 CARGO 6X12 BOX TRAILER 5NHUCH21XDT437924 448 2014 TrailKino TK1 1 0HDG LOWBOY Trailer - 54885 469 2014 500 MQ 500 Gailon Water Trailer 472 2011 TrailKinq TK12 MlNl Trailer - 72530 491 2016 ]ARGOI\4ATE PIPE TRAILER-BL714TA2 499 1 998 STURDWVELD PU P TRAILER-,I S9CA544XWLI 89980 532 2005 Olvmoic 3OTdt-3 1 CPTF36395T997398 537 2019 Trailkino axle TKFAl -1TKR0051 3LM01 3677 53 I 990 185DPQ SULLAIR Air Compr. - 4'101220 134 1994 XAS-9ODD ATLAS COPCO Air ComDr. - 603-087 208 1 998 185 lR Air Comor. -291031UF1221 256 2000 185 lR Air Compr. - 30919OU8K221 272 2000 185 lR Air Compr. - 309191U8K221 316 2000 185 lR Air Comor. - 312742UF]K221 3't7 2000 185 lR Air Comor. - 309192UFJK221 389 2004 185 lR Air Comor. - 347487UG0820 399 2008 PWRSCRN wAR-1 800-PlD001 23C86D051 72 405 2007 SOAKER ASCPWW-24 Wheel Wash 129WWW163312 473 2011 MSE lOOOO GAL WATER TOWER 2OO7OI 186 '1998 MultiQuip 25 KW Generator - 7100059 1 999 MultiOuio 25-29 KW/DSL Generator - 7101849206 214 '1998 MultiOuio 150 KW Generator - 3678574 216 1 999 MultiQuio 25 KW Generatot -7101822 235 1 999 MultiQuip 45 KVA Generator - 000359 366 ?oo4 MrrltiC)rrio 25 KW Generetor - 8100786 335 2005 AMIDA lAL4000 Lioht Tower EYF05024 347 zuuS AMIDA lAL4000 Lioht Tower DVF03031 462 2004 AMIDA lAL4000 LiqhtTower ETF08054 463 2004 AMIDA lAL4000 Liqht Tower ETF20826 464 2004 AMIDA lAL4000 Lioht Tower ETF20752 245 2004 HIPER LITE G PS Rover/Base Svs 295-0204,027 6-25'1324 373 2008 TOP CON GPS Rover/Base Svs 388-1140, 388-1154 381 2005 HIPER LITE GPS Rover/Base SVs 295-1057, 295-1064 401 2012 TOP CON 14G Grader 3DMC-SO 757-12629. 422-7521 402 2012 TOP CON 850J Dozer 3Dl\4C-SQ 757-1 2676 , 422-7368 403 2012 TOP CON GPS Rover/Base Svs800-10123,10048-251308 438 2012 TOP CON GPS Rover/Base Svs 391-0710, 391-06'15 439 2012 TOP CON GPS Rover/Base Sys 800-10155, 800-10154 455 2014 TOP CON 650J Dozer 3DMC-SO 1077-1 1505. 534-1247 475 2016 TOPCON GPS Rover/Base Svs 800-21064 01090901 70 10 Revised 2/7/2020 14 ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION, INC, CURRENT EQUIPMENT LIST @y catesories) 20 #YEAF MODEL EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION It #YEAR MODEL EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION 159 1 997 416C CAT Backhoe & Comp. - 5YN0857 ll st WA45O KOMATSU Wheel Loader - 201 86 160 1997 416C CAT Backhoe & Como. - 5YN01309 11203 '1980 530-80 CHAMP 8.000 lb Fork Lift - 880337 161 1 997 416C CAT Backhoe & Comp. - 5YN01304 ll zts 2000 763 BOBCAT Loader/Sweeoer 51 2253989 162 1997 416C CAT Backhoe & Comp. - 5YN01789 llzsg 2005 wA480-5 KOIVATSU Wheel Loader - A371 19 169 1 998 41 6C CAT Backhoe & Como. - 5YN04932 11352 2007 644J JD Wheel Loader - 61 091 1 170 1 998 41 6C CAT Backhoe & Como. - 5YN04933 11360 2007 wA380-6 KOIVATSU Wheel Loader - 53350 171 1 998 416C CAT Backhoe & Comp. - 5YN04934 ll4io 2011 644K JD Wheel Loader - 634890 237 1 999 416C CAT Backhoe & Comp. - 42N16759 ll 424 2011 644K JD Wheel Loader - 633731 257 2005 420D CAT Ext.Backhoe OFDP20782 Pen Liqht 11435 2012 644K JD Wheel Loader - 648774 258 2005 420D CAT Ext.Backhoe OFDP20704 Pen Liqht ll 440 2012 644K JD Wheel Loader - 638676 259 2005 420D CAT Ext.Backhoe- OFDP21455 ll47o 2012 724K JD Wheel Loader - 649056 260 2005 420D CAT Ext.Backhoe OFDP21495 Pen Lisht ll 48A 2014 644K JD Wheel Loader - 661680 279 2005 420D CAT Backhoe 4in 1 Bkt -OFDP22993 11501 2017 644K JD Wheel Loader - ATHE682344 280 2005 420D CAT Backhoe- OFDP23007 ll s12 2017 L11OH Volvo wheel loader-631328 254 2005 420D CAT Backhoe- OFDP25283 11513 2017 644K JD Wheel Loader - 1dw644kzpHF681762 320 2006 420E CAT Backhoe & Comp HLS00762 11535 2019 644K JD Wheel Loader -1 DW644KZPKF696544 332 2006 420E CAT Ext.Backhoe & Comp OHLS00885 415 2008 420E CAT Ext.Backhoe & Como OHLS07280 425 2008 420E CAT Ext.Backhoe & Comp OHLS07326 4s6 2008 420E CAT Ext.Backhoe & Comn OHLS07701 232 2001 D8R RIP CAT Dozer - 07XM04969 243 2004 65OH LGP DEERE Dozer - T0650HX927178 288 2005 85OJ WLT DEERE DOZER - X1 12088 314 2006 65OJ LGP DEERE DOZER - TO650JX122939 359 2006 65OJ XLT DEERE DOZER -'121024 370 2007 65OJ LGP RIP DEERE DOZER -'143146 384 2006 65OJ LGP RIP DEERE DOZER - 133089 RAKE EARS GPS 385 2002 65OH LT DEERE DOZER - 902006 390 2005 65OJ LGP DEERE DOZER .112295 391 2006 65OJ LGP RIP DEERE DOZER -117775 RAKE EARS 434 2013 85OK WLT DEERE DOZER - 238380 436 2006 45OJ LT DEERE DOZER - 128097 452 2006 65OJ LGP DEERE DOZER - 111590 494 2017 55OK LGP DEERE DOZER - 313841 73 1 989 SV91 D SAKAI Roller/Como. - 303'12 90 1 989 RD88OV WACKER Roller/Comp. - 0629601040 110 1 990 SV91 D SAKAI Roller/Comp. - 30332 145 1 990 SV91TF SAKAI Roller/Comp. - 30679 244 2000 SV2OOD SAKAI Roller - 20130 283 2004 SV51 OD SAKAI Roller - 1630156 292 2004 SVs,1OD SAKAI Roller - 1630154 319 2004 SVs1 OD SAKAI Roller - 1631076 374 2004 SVs,1OD SAKAI Roller - 1630274 437 1 999 BW135AD BOMAG Roller'101650121220 490 2016 cA3500 DYNAPAC -1 0000168CHAo189s9 517 2014 SDl 15 voLVo -sl 1 5c0c0s235090 16 12 424 lhtu 429 wanco message board 40 6 124 1 980 Frqht FREIGHTLINER Water Truck C841 3HP19286 226 1 990 KW TSOO KW WaterTank Truck On Road J530098 229 1 988 KW TSOO KW Water Tank Truck On Road S5191 13 367 1 996 LgOOO FORD FORD Water Truck 1FWS95W0TVA29164 376 I OO2 KW TSOO KW WaterTank Truck On Road J597051 453 1984 VOLVO 4OOO GAL WATER TRUCK 454 1 S95 KW TSOO 4OOO GAL WATER TRUCK 514 2000 international 4000 oallon water truck 246 2002 5501C JOHN DEERE Excavator - FF0550X950071 286 2005 2x330 HITACHI Excavator - FF01 HHQ034868 313 2006 2x135 HITACH I Excavator/Thumb - FF01 SCQ068429 323 lt )t )o 2x120 HITACH I Excavator/Thumb - FFOI S1Q070054 324 2006 2x160 HITACH I Excavator - FF01 Fl 0006488 346 2007 2x160 HITACHI Excavator - FF01F1Q006637 351 2007 2x160 H ITACHI Excavator - FF01 F1Q0067'12 353 2007 2x200-3 HITACHI Excavator - FF00AST320015 3s4 2007 2x350-3 HITACHI Excavator - FF00ASP920124 355 2007 2x350-3 HITACHI Excavator - FF01V7Q051683 379 2005 2x200 HITACHI Excavatorffhumb - FFooARH310654 392 2006 225C LC DEERE Excavator/Thumb - FF225CX500240 395 2006 2x450 HITACHI Excavator-FF016JQ01 1406 397 2008 2x240-3 HITACHI Excavator/Thumb - FF00ASU420022 413 2005 200c JOHN DEERE Exc. - FF200CX504690 417 2011 2x200-3 HITACHI Excavator/Thumb - 320793 420 2013 zx50-3 HITACHI MiniEx-277280 42',l 2013 zxs0-3 HITACHI Mini Ex-277282 422 2013 zxs0-3 HITACHI Mini Ex - 277753 430 2013 zxs0-3 HITACHI Mini Ex - 277089 431 2013 50D JOHN DEERE Mini Ex - 277857 433 2013 2x350-5 H ITACH I Excavator - 93041 1 443 2007 TB145 TAKEUCHI Mini Ex 14517640 444 2014 135D JOHN DEERE Exc. - 303077 450 2014 zx50-3 HITACHI MiniEx-277823 466 2014 2x210-5 H ITACH I Excavator/Thumb - 33041 1 467 2006 D<200 H ITACH I Excavator- FF01G6Q3'12087 483 2016 EC,l60EL VOLVO EXCAVATOR/THUMB- 31 0068 485 2016 50G DEERE MINJ-284496 486 2016 50G DEERE MINI-284713 497 2016 ECR.145EL VOLVO EXCAVATOR/THUMB- 31 0316 493 2016 ECR58D VOLVO EXCAVATOR/TH U MB- 21 0273 496 2017 2x245-6 HITACHI EXCAVATORTOOO56 497 2017 50G UEEKE MINI 1 I.I-O5OGXGGHZU5646 506 2018 85G DEERE 85G 1 FFOSsGXPHJOl 9478 507 2017 305C Volvo 305C 110737 516 2017 305C votvo JU5u 1'tu/u6 WITH BLADE 520 2019 470G DEERE 47OG 236074 534 2019 85G UEERE E5G 1 FI-U65GXVKJO20949 520 2019 308 uat Juu uG(j6uu153 459 2006 lA30D IVOLVO Off Road Truck 74180 460 2006 lA30D IVOLVO Off Road Truck 74465 461 2008 l430E IVOLVO Off Road Truck 72045 465 2008 l43oE IVOLVO Off Road Truck 72046 468 2008 lA30F IVOLVO Off Road Truck 82044 5 4 220 I 987 1623E CAT Scraper - 6C800553 375 199216 15C Seriesll CAT Scraper - 9XG00359 383 1 990 1623E CAT Scraper - 6YF0147 396 1 996 1623F CAT Scraoer - 68K00277 47 '1989 8B LAYIVORE Sweeper - 2209881386 131 1 993 RB38 ROSCOE Sweeper - 32729 167 1 993 RB38 ROSCOE Portable Broom - 32976 330 2005 8B LAYMORE Sweeoer -29470 37'l 1 999 RB48 ROSCOE Sweeoer - 35939 372 2001 8HC LAYMORE Sweeper - 28482005 377 2007 8HC LAYMORE Sweeoer - 9862-007 107 1982 14G CAT Grader - 96U6076 479 2013 77OGP DEERE 1 DW77OGPVCE649863 484 201'l 160tv2 CAT ORgLOOlOg 531 2012 RH3075 road orinder 1208002 BIDDER RESPONSIBILITY CRITERIA Statement that Bidder Has Not Been Disqualified This statement is required by state law (RCW 39.04.350(1)(d)) to be submitted to the City before the contract can be awarded. The bidder hereby certifies that, within the three-year period immediately preceding the bid solicitation date (March 26,2020), the bidder has not been disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW 39.06.010 or 39.12.065(3). aruc. Bidder's Bu Name Signature of Authorized Officialx Printed Name I Title slzu/'Tfrr,omn (run Date City State x If a corporationl proposal must be executed in the corporate name by the president or vice-president (or any other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign). If a co-partnership, proposal must be executed by a partner. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 38 March 5, 2020 BIDDER RESPONSIBILITY CRITERIA Certification of Compliance with Wage Payment Statutes This certification is required by state law (RCW 39.04.350(2)) to be submitted to the City before the contract can be awarded. The bidder hereby certifies that, within the three-year period immediately preceding the bid solicitation date (March 26,2020), the bidder is not a "willful" violator, as defined in RCW 49.48.082, of any provision of chapters 49.46, 49.48, or 49.52 RCW, as determined by a final and binding citation and notice of assessment issued by the Department of Labor and Industries or through a civil judgment entered by a court of limited or general jurisdiction. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Aonve (nnqmtmonrNL. Bidder's Busin Name Signature of A orized Officialx Qnvp kmvn Printed Name ?pest o6Nr Title glzb/l.o Thcorna bn Date Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 City State * If a corporation, proposal must be executed in the corporate name by the president or vice-president (or any other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign). If a co-partnership, proposal must be executed by a partner. 39 March 5, 2020 PROPOSAL SIGNATURE PAGE The undersigned bidder hereby proposes and agrees to start construction work on the Contract, if awarded to him/her, on or before ten (10) calendar days from the date of the Notice to Proceed, and agrees to complete the Contract within one hundred (1OO) working days after issuance of the City's Notice to Proceed. The undersigned bidder hereby agrees to submit all insurance documents, performance bonds and signed contracts within ten (10) calendar days after City awards the Contract. The City anticipates issuance of the Notice to Proceed on the day of the preconstruction meeting. No bidder may withdraw his/her bid for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after the day of bid opening. The required bid security consisting of a bid bond, cashier's check or cash in an amount equal to 5olo of the total amount is hereto attached. Notice of acceptance of this bid or request for additional information shall be addressed to the undersigned at the address stated below. Receipt of Addendum No.'s I , 2 , 3 , to the plans and/or specifications is hereby acknowledged, Failure to acknowledge receipt of the addenda may be considered an irregularity in this proposal. By signing this Proposal Signature Page, the undersigned bidder agrees to accept all contract forms and documents included within the bid packet and to be bound by all terms, requirements and representations listed in the bid documents whether set forth by the City or by the Bidder, Sl2r. /zo Anve bngwucnon^vL.DATE: Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 NAME Signature of u thorized Representative (Print Name and Title) qtD 4nrw- fu.e ' Address T4coma Nn qaql/s 40 March 5, 2020 BID BOND FORM KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, Active Construction, lnc. , as principal, .n6 Liberty Mutual lnsurance Company as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF KENT, as Obligee, in the penal sum of Five Percent (5%) of Bid Amount Dollars, for the payment of which the Principal and the Surety bond themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the Obligee shall make any award to the Principal for Willis Street and 4th Avenue S. RoundabouUProject Number:18-3020 According to the terms of the proposal or bid made by the Principal thereof, and the Principal shall duly make and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award and shall give bond for the faithful performance thereof, with Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the Principal shall, in case of failure so to do, pay and forfeit to the Obligee the penal amount of the deposit specified in the invitation to bid, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect and the Surety shall forthwith pay and forfeit to the Obligee, as penalty and liquidated damaged, the amount of this bond. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS 26th DAY OF March 2020 Active , lnc. PRINCIPAL Liberty lnsurance Compa tly SU Holli Albers, Attorney-irpFact'. 20 Received return of deposit in the sum of Willis & 4th RoundabouULeyrer Project Number: 1&3020 41 March 5,2020 This Power of Aftorney limits the acts of those named herein, and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the manner and to the extent herein stated. Liber$ Mutual lnsurance Company The Ohio Casualty lnsurance Company West American lnsurance Company POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOWN ALL PERSONS BY TIIESE PRESENTS: That The Ohio Casualty lnsurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of New Hampshire, that Holli Libertv Mutudl"Certificate No: 82031 81 423049 SURETY Heather L.James B.Amelia G.Brandon K.Jacob T Diane M.Brent E. all of the execute, of these person$. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Power of Attomey has been subscribed by an authorized officer or ofiicial of the Companies and the corporate seals of the Companies have been affixed thereto this 25th dayof __l*ggry_ , 2020 Liberty Mutual lnsurance Company The Ohio Casualty lnsurance Company West American lnsurance Company By: its tue and lawful attorney-in-fact to make, and other surety obligations, in pursuance presents and shall be as binding upon the Companies as if they have been duly signed by tfre president and atlested by the secretary of the Companies in ttreir own proper State of PENNSYLVANIA Coun|yofMONTGOMERY ss On this 25th day of February , 2020 before me personally appeared David M. Carey, who acknowledged himself to be ttre Assistant Secretary of Liberty Mutual lnsurance Company, The Ohio Casualty Company, and West American lnsurance Company, and that he, as such, being authorized so to do, execute the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by signing on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duly authorized officer. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my notarial seal at King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, on the day and year first above written. /-fi//.By: Membef, Notary Public Power of Attomey is made and executed pursuant to and by autrority of the following ByJaws and Authorizations of llre Ohio Casualty lnsurance Company, Liberty Mutual lnsurance Company, and West American lnsurance Company which resolutions are now in full force and effect reading as follows: ARTICLE lV- OFFICERS: Section 12. Power of Attomey. Any offcer or other official of the Corporation authorized for that purpose in writing by the Chairman or the President, and subject to sudr limitation as the Chairman or the President may prescribe, shall appoint such attorneysin-fact, as may be necessar to act in behalf of he Corporation to make, exedte, seal, acknowledge and deliver as surety have full powet to bind the Corporation by their signafure and execution of any such inslruments and to attach frereto the seal of lhe Corporation. When so executed, such provisions of this article may be revoked at any time by tre Board, the Chairman, the President or by ttre officer or officers granting such power or authority. ARTICLE Xlll - Execution of Contracts: Section 5. Surety Bonds and Undertakings. shall appoint such attomeys-in-fact, as may be necessary to act in behalf of the Company to make, execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver as surcty any and all undertakings, Company by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attaci thereto the seal of lhe Company. When so executed such instruments shall be as binding as if signed by the president and aftested by ttre secreiary. fact as may be necessary to act on behalf of the Company to make, execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver as surety any and all undertakings, bonds, recognizanc"s and otrer iurety obligations. Company, wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company in connection with surety bonds, shall be valid and binding upon lhe Company with the same force and efiect as frough manually affixed. / . l, Renee C. Llewellyn, hereby certify hat the has not been revoked. the undersigned, Assistant Secretary, Ihe Ohio Casualty lnsurance Company, Liberty Mutual lnsurance Company, and West Americau Inswan& Company do original power of attomey of which the foregoing is a full, true and conect mpy of tre Power of Attomey executed by said Companiag, is iri full force and etteci and lN TESTIilIONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and aftixed the seals of said Companies this 26th day of March , 202A - 1912 1919 1991 aooc IA o co Fa I.IJ o(f) $!c(B E(E oQ O) o$c\lco I C\t (f) @ Io (o I o =E 6Jp QoL Lo 0) E o Eo .s 0) E fo 0) oc Notarial Seal Teresa Pastella, Notary Pubuc Upper MerionTwp., Montgomery County My Commission Expires March 28,2021 1912 1919 1991 LMS-12873 LMIC OCIC WAIC Multi Co '12l19 By: CITY OF KENT COMBINED DECLARATION FORM: NON-COLLUSTON, MTNTMUM WAGE NON-COLLUSION DECLARATION I, by signing the proposal, hereby declare, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the following statements are true and correct: 1. That the undersigned person(s), firm, association or corporation has (have) not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive bidding in connection with the project for which this proposal is submitted. 2. That by signing the signature page of this proposal, I am deemed to have signed and to have agreed to the provisions of this declaration. AND MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT FORM I, the undersigned, having duly sworn, deposed, say and certify that in connection with the performance of the work of this project, I will pay each classification of laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the performance of such work not less than the prevailing rate of wage or not less than the minimum rate of wage as specified in the principal contract; that I have read the above and foregoing statement and certificate, know the contents thereof and the substance as set forth therein is true to my knowledge and belief. Willis Street and 4th Avenue S. Roundabout Project Number: 18-3O2O NAME OF PROJECT Acnve lnrrEtp.unton T^-L NAME OF BIDDER'S FIRM SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF BIDDER Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 42 March 5,2020 This chanqe order form is for examole ourooses onlv. Bv submittinq a bid, the bidder aqrees to be bound bv the terms of this chanoe order form for anv chanoe orders. CHANGE ORDER NO. [Enter # Lt 2, 3, etc.] NAME OF CONTRACTOR [Insert Companv Namel ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER:llnsert Name of Oriqinal Contract & Project #. if applicable] ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE :llnsert Date Original Contract was Signed] This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect, For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to : IInsert detailed description of additional materials, services, etc., that are needed which necessitate this change order - Be as detailed as possible. You may also refer to an attached exhibit, but clearly identify the exhibit by title and datel 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and WSST) $ Net Change by Previous Change Orders (incl. applicable WSST) $ Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $ Current Change Order $ Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $ Revised Contract Sum $ Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 43 March 5, 2020 Original Time for Completion (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (insert date) Days Required (+) for this Change Order working days Revised Time for Completion (insert date) In accordance with Sections 1-04,4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent Special Provisions and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract, 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: R.r' (slsnat*A Print Name: (title) DATE: CITY OF KENT: By (signature) Print Name: Timothv J. LaPorte. P.E.Its Public Works Director (titte) DATE: APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) Kent Law Department Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 18-3020 44 March 5, 2020 BIDDER'S CHECKLIST The following checklist is a guideline to help the Contractor make sure all forms are complete. The bidder's attention is especially called to the following forms, Failure to execute these forms as required may result in rejection of any bid. Bidder's Package should include the followingr Bid Document Cover Sheet filled out with Bidder's Name ..x Invitation to Bid Contractor Compliance Statement...... Date Have/have not participated acknowledgment....,....., Signature and address ........ Declaration - City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy....... Date and signature ....... Administrative Policy Proposal First line of proposal - filled in .......... Unit prices are correct Bid the same unit price for asterisk (x) bid items Minimum bid prices are correct... Subcontractor List (contracts over $lOOK) .f, .fr.aE .xl ,E.E.E ,KE.r.r 6- N EIw Subcontractors listed properly. Signature Subcontractor List (contracts over $1 million).........,.., .........JEt Subcontractors listed properly .....,....Et Date and signature ....... ......8 Contractor's Qualification Statement Complete and notarized Statement that Bidder Has Not Been Disqualified Certification of Compliance with Wage Payment Statutes ......8 Proposal Signature Page .............,8- All Addenda acknowledged Date, signature and address Signature, sealed and dated Power of Attorney........., .....8 (Amount of bid bond shall equal 5o/o of the total bid amount) Combined Declaration Form .........K Signature ',ElChange Order Form (Example).,.,......... Bidder's Checklist The following forms are to be executed after the Contract is awarded:A) CONTRACT This agreement is to be executed by the successful bidder.B) PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE BOND To be executed by the successful bidder and its surety company. The following form is to be executed afterthe Contract is completed:A) CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE STATEMENT To be executed by the successful bidder AFTER COMPLETION of this contract. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 45 March 5, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 .tu & -* E KENT PAYMENT AND PERFORMANGE BOND TO CITY OF KENT Bond No. 02321 3927W^!Hrrolod KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That we, the undersigned,Active Construction. lnc. as Principal, and Libertv Mutual lnsurance Comoa [\/looa r rccale a corporation organized and existing under the taws of the state of XlHxhfirgtom as a Surety Corporati on, and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington to become Surety upon bonds of Contractors with Municipal Corporations, as Surety, arejointly and seve rally held and firm ly bound to the CITY OF KENT in the penal sum of $4.759.759,,00 together with any aqjustments, up or down, in the total contract price because of changes in the contract work, for the payment of which sum on demand we bind ourselves and our successors, heirs, administrators or personal representatives, as the case may be. This obligation is entered into in pursuance of the statutes of the State of washington, and the codes and ordinances of the ctry oF KENT. Nevertheless, the conditions of the above obligation are such that: WHEREAS, under and pursuant to a motion, duly made, seconded and passed !V tfie City Council of the City of Kent, King County, Washington, the Mayor oi trre City of Kent has let or is about to let to the above bounden principal, a certain contract, the said contract providing for construction of Willis Street and 4th Avenue S. Roundabout./Project Number: 1S-3O2O (which contract is referred to herein and is made a part hereof as though attached hereto), and WHEREAS, the Principal has accepted, or is about to accept, the contract, andundertake to perform the work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth: NOW, THEREFORE, for non-FHWA prqiects only, if the Principal shall faithfullyperform all the provisions of said contract in the manner and within the time hereiri set forth, or within such extensions of time as may be granted under the said contract, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and material men. andall persons who shall supply the Principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work and shall indemnify and hold the ClTy OF KENT harmless from any damage or expense by reason of failure of performance as specified in said contract or from defects appearing or developing in lhe material orworkmanship provided or performed under said contract, then anO in that event this obligation shall be void; but otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above bounden parties have executed this instrument under their separate seals. The name and corporate seal (if required by law) of each corporate party is hereto affixed and duly signed by its undersigned " representatives pursuant to authority of its governing body. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 1 B-3O2O 46 March 25, 2O2O TWO WITNESSES Savrnossn DATE: Slaci l{ollancl PRINT NAME DATE,AAI^^- 8,LUI@ Active Construction lnc. PRINCIPAL lenter principal's name above) BY: TITLE DATE: CORPORATE SEAL: SURETY DATE:Mav 7th 2420 TITLE: HolliAl A ADDRESS: 10_01.4th Aye-nue. Suite 3700 Seattle wA 98154 of the Corporation named as - lnc ne, and that said id Corporation by + I I CORPORATE SEAL: I hereby certify that I am the CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE SEAL hftlnrss BY Principal in the within Bond; that Who signed the said bond on behalf of the principal Active of the said corporation; that I know his signature thereto is genui Bond was duly signed, sealed. and attested for and in behalf of sa authority of its governing body w; Anlanda 6. Sayn p*^ Willis & 4n RoundabouVLeyrer Prqject Number: 18-3020 47 March 25, 2O2O t w Libertv Mutudl. This Por Er of Attomey linfr the acts of those naned tnrein and trey have no authority to bind the Conpany o<ceptinthe nennerand tothe odent lnrein stated. Libeny Muual Insurance Company The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company West American Insurance Company POWE R OF ATTORNEY Ceflific# f,lil 8203181 -023049 SURETY mTEnffm execr&, seal. crE bma5urbrbhrp, barb, recqgrizances in fisuarreof flese persorE. NWIMSS W}|EREOF' tfs PonerdAtturry ha beensuhcribed hyan auftcbedfficersdcial dttn Conpanies andtn ccrpqahseab dttn Ccrparie twe been affxedtnretltts 25ft Oyof__feUruary_, 2020 Libeny M.tral lrrrance Ccfipory Tte Otio Casulty ksrrarre Crrpry Irstrarre Carpary By: M Caq/, ardall b/fEprser6 and shall be as tirdrg ryon te Cmpanies as if tey lare been dty pesi*rf ard atFsed by te secreary dfre Corpar$es inteir orrn troper Stab dPENNYLVATUA Coutyaf lv0t{Icoilfi RY ss Onhis 25ft da/of Februarv.'' Conpary, Tte Oho Castn$ Conpary, 2020 befuene persrnllyappeared David M Carcy, ntn ackunlefted linrelf b be ard dut he c swh beirg auttubed so o @ tiB Assisbrt Secrebry cf Liberty M-td InsunnceaTlffiRnericanIruarre Cmpry,ocoltsfEfuqdrg irubLnEfibrfe plpoes cffiained b/ sigrirg m betulf oftte corporatias by hnudf as a dr-ly aufnrizedfficer IN V1ITNESS IMIEREOF, I hrue tereutosr.bcribed mTrum andaflbad ny rmrialsealatKirg of Pnssia. Pors$ari.1 mte day ard;rearfintaborcwiren PENNSYLVANIA /-fr.u,By Membet of Notarie$ This Porcr d Anrpy is nade and exeqned grlsuiltt to ard. by ar.truity of fe fdloairg Qllano ard Arduizatiors cf Ttn Otio Casratty lreuarre Carpary, Ubaty Irsuarre Cmpry, ardVttestArrerican Irsr.rarreCrrparrywtichresdrriar are rsarinfillfuceard eftctreadrgas fiClq^6: IN TESTIN/DAM W{REOF, I turre heretrmsetny hard ard affixedtte seals cfsaid Carparies trls 7th Ory ot ARTICLE Xm - Execution of Cor{racts: Sectm 5 Strdy Bonb ard Urffikirgs. ArytfficeqdteConpryaufndzedfuhatpnpce inwidrg ryscFirnanafn pesidert ardsdieabsuch linihtiffs m tlpchairrmnut€peskbrtnnr/ pescdbe, stull. appi* swh abrqrJnfacl 6 q:ry be recessary b act in betntf d tte Carpary b nake, o<ecrle, seal, aclcnale{e ard &lircr c sue{y iry and alt rni[ftakrgs,brrb, recqgrizarres andcffnrsuety oHmtiors.Sr.rdratrrq6-inhctsutiectbfE liniatse setfufr inttnirrespective po,ners Caunney, snafifn;ru ponerotird frConpry I fnirsigrErrq ard o(9!udon d any suh ir5tt nErs and t] athch tlErcb fn seal d tre Cmparry. \ ipn so execr.ted strh iniuuners stnll be r tirdrg c if sigrEd bytn presi&rtardatEsbd byt* secrcUry. Certificate o{ Designation - TfE Presi*$f t" Cttptry, aclirg f.ysurtbtn Bylar'6 of tE Curpary, autuizes Da/d M Carey, Assisbrtsecrghrybaptrifisud1 at[ngE-i|} E$ o "ry t recessary tc act st belnlf d te Carpary to nakq execue seal, adcnnte*e anO iefv,r as suety ary ard all ,r&,rat irgs, nurS, rd:qg#arres arrd cter iurety oUigatiore. Authorizatist - By uunimr6 ctrEertdtn Ctrrparys B€rdcf Dirccbrs. t}c CarparycrserB tlstbainile onechaicaltyrepod.reds[na["re cf aryrsisefisecrcbrydthe larparry,-uteraer appeadrg qon a catif ed cor d ay pr'er d afney issued by te carpary in carection lrritr suer ni-d, shall be vi'lld ard tindrg r+fr fE Ccrrpiry vritrte sane fuce and effectc tugh nannlly affxed I nq* C' LleuelVn te udenig@ Assistant Secrcfary.,The Otio Casrnly Irsmrre Carpry, Ubaty M"ud lrsr.rarre Conpary, ard lrl/bstAnErican lr611.dme Ccnprv dolvebycetti[tfnttE criSiral po/tErdaffireyofvfiichtEfuqctrg is a fitl ir.e ard coreaccpy dfe Pir/verdAmnpyexecr,eb dsaid Cmpries, h infuitturce dnJ.ft.ind has nctbeenrerolcd ,;(u {JPcg (o E:f, Lo (U ro OJ g tna c(lJLL5U (u 1512 19{9 1991 Lo FU)tu U' at,o.c 3t5-o o (f)soco E(u oo dt o$C!@IGI(f) @!(f (o Io Notarial Seal Teresa Pastella, Notary Public Upper MerionTwp., Montgomery County My Commi$ion Expires March 28,202'l 1912 1919 1991 LM5-12873 LMIC OCIC WAIC Multi Co_12l19 By Mav ,2020 t CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, is entered into between the CtTy OF KENT a Washington municipal corporation ("City"), and organ ized under the laws of the State of business at located and doing ("Contractor"). 1 WITNESS: ln consideration of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement and in the project documents, plans, and specifications all of which are a part of this Agreement, the parties agree as follows: The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipmentfor: willis street and 4th Avenue s. Roundabout,/project Number: 1g- 3O2O in accordance with and as described in the Contract and shall perform any alterations in or additions to the work provided under the Contract and every part thereof. The Contract shall include all project specifications, provisions, and plans; the City's general and special conditions; the 2O2O standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal construction, as prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association, including all published amendments issued by those organizations, if applicable ("Standard Specifications"); the City's bid documents; and the Contractor,s response to the City's bid. The Contractor is responsible to obtain copies of the 2O2O WSDOT Standard Specifications including the latest amendments issued by WSDOT as of the date of bid opening. Unless otherwise directed by the City, work shall startwithin ten (1O) days after the City issues its Notice to Proceed and be completed within one hundred (1OO) working days. The Contractor shall provide and bear all expense of all equipment, work, and labor of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing all the work provided for in the Contract, except where the specifications allocate that responsibility to the City. The City hereby promises and agrees with the Contractor to employ, and does employ, the Contractor to provide the materials and to do and cause to be done the above described work and to complete and finish the same according to the Contract and the terms and conditions herein contained and hereby contracts to pay for the same according to the Contract and the schedule of unit or itemized prices provided by Contractor in its response to the City's bid, at the time and in the manner and upon the conditions provided for in the contract. The contractor for itself, and for its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, does hereby agree to the full performance of all covenants herein contained upon the part of the contractor. It is further provided that no liability shall attach to the City by reason of entering into this contract, except as expressly provided herein. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 1 B-302O 2 3 4 48 March 25, 2O2O 5 Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 1 8-3020 6 7 I Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents, volunteers and assigns harmless from any and all claims, ifluries, damages, losses or suits, including all legal costs and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this contract, except for ifluries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City, The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Contractor's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. Should a court of competentjurisdiction determine that this contract is subject to RCW 4.24.'115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodilyi{ury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers, the Contractor'iliability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. IT IS FURTHER SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE INDEMNIFICATION PROVIDED HEREIN CONSTITUTES THE CONTRACTOR'S WAIVER OF IMMUNITY UNDER INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE, TITLE 51 RCW, SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS INDEMNIFICATION. THE PARTIES FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE MUTUALLY NEGOTIATED THIS WAIVER. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this contract contractor agrees, upon the city's written demand, to make all books and records available to the city for inspection, review, photocopying, and audit in the event of a contract related dispute, claim, modification, or other contract related action at reasonable times (not to exceed three (3) business days) and at places designated by the City. The Contractor shall procure and maintain, during the term of construction and throughout the specified term of maintenance, insurance of the types and in the amounts described in Exhibit A attached and incorporated by this reference, Contractor is responsible for locating any underground utilities affected by the work and is deemed to be an excavator for purposes of RCW ch. 19.122, as amended. Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with RCW Ch. 19.122, including utilization of the "one call" locator service before commencing any excavation activities. 49 March 25, 2O2O CITY OF KENT BY DANA RALPH, MAYOR DATE ATTEST KIMBERLEY A. KOMOTO, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM KENT LAW DEPARTMENT CONTRACTOR PRINT NAME TITLE: ?residevrt DArE: Mau g, 2AZao- Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 1 B-3O2O 50 March 25, 2O2O May 15, 2020 EXH I BIT A I NSURANCE REQU I REMENTS FOR GONSTRUCTION PROJECTS I nsurance The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for iIuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. A. Minimum Scope of I nsurance Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below 1. Gommercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG OO O1 or its equivalent, with minimum limits of $3,OOO,OOO per occurrence and in the aggregate for each 1 year policy period. This coverage may be any combination of primary, umbrella or excess liability coverage affording total liability limits of not less than $3,OOO,OOO per occurrence and in the aggregate. Products and Completed Operations coverage shall be provided for a period of 3 years following Substantial Completion of the work. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. The City shall be named as an Additional lnsured under the Gontactor's Gommercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the Gity. All endorsements adding Additional Insureds shall be issued on form CG 20 1O 11 85 or a form deemed equivalent, providing the Additional Insureds with all policies and endorsements set forth in this section. 2. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on lnsurance Services Office (lSO) form CA OO O1 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. lf necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 3. Workers'Gompensation coverage as required by the lndustrial lnsurance laws of the State of Washington. B. Minimum Amounts of I nsurance Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits 1. Gommercial General Liability insurance shall be written with minimum limits of $3,OOO,OOO per occurrence and in the aggregate for each 1 year policy period. This coverage may be any combination of primary, umbrella or excess liability coverage affording total liability limits of not less than $3,OOO,OOO per occurrence and in the aggregate. Products and Completed Operations coverage shall be provided for a period of 3 years following Substantial Completion of the work. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 1 8-3020 51 Match 25, 2O2O EXHIBIT A (Gontinued) 2. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily iryury and property damage of $1,OOO,OOO per accident. C. Other I nsurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability: 1. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. The Contractor's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coveraqe shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (3O) days prior wiitten notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. 3. The City of Kent shall be named as an additional insured on all policies (except Professional Liability) as respects work performed by or on behalf of the contractor and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of lnsurance, The City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all required insurance policies. The Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance shall also contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. D. Contractor's lnsurance for Other Losses The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all loss or damage from any cause whatsoever to any tools, Contractor's employee owned tools, machinery, equipment, or motor vehicles owned or rented by the Contractor, or the Contractor's agents, suppliers or contractors as well as to any temporary structures, scaffolding and protective fences. E. Waiver of Subrogation The Contractor and the City waive all rights against each other any of their Subcontractors, Sub-subcontractors, agents and employees, each of the other, for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extend covered by Builders Risk insurance or other property insurance obtained pursuant to the lnsurance Requirements Section of this Contract or other property insurance applicable to the work. The policies shall provide such waivers by endorsement or otherwise. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 1 8-3020 52 March 25, 2O2O EXHIBIT A (Gontinued) F. Acceptability of lnsurers lnsurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:Vll. G. Verification of Goverage Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance of the Contractor before commencement of the work, H. Subcontractors Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Contractor. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer Project Number: 1 B-3O2O 53 March 25, 2O2O Client#: 142662 ACT|CONS3 ACORD-. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:REVISION NUMBER: DATE (MM/DD/YYYY-} 5107t2020 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLYAND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF TNSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTTTUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE |SSU|NG TNSURER(S), AUTHORTZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: lf the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. lf SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer any rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER Propel Insurance Tacoma Gommercial lnsurance 1201 Pacific Ave, Suite 1000 Tacoma, WA 98402 Anna Reid lil8NnEo. exr, goo 4gg-0933 866 577-1326 nce,com INSURER(SI AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # tNsuRERA: Valloy Forge lnsurance Gompany 20508 INSURED Active Construction lnc PO Box 430 Puyallup, WA 98371 -0162 tNsuRER B: Continental lnsurance Gompany 35289 tNsrJRERc: National Fire lns Go of Hartford 20478 INSTIRER D : INSURER E INSURER F : THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSUMNCE LISTED BELOW HAVEBEENISSUED TOTHE INSURED NAMEDABOVE FORTHE POLICYPERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERIVI OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFlMllrDD/YvvVI POLICY EXP , itMlr!]t/vYYYt LIMITS A COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-MAOE OCCUR PD Ded:5,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY OTHER: PRO-JEcr I I Loc x x 5093447379 t6/1 s/201 I 06t15t202C EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1.000.000 Dp $500.000 MED EXP (Any one peBon)s15.000 PERSONAL &ADV INJURY s1.000.000 GENERAL AGGREGATE s2.000.000 PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG s2.000.000 $ c AUTOMOBILE LIABILIfi ANY AUTO OWNED AUTOS ONLY HIRED AUTOS ONLY SCHEDULED x AUTOS NON.OWNED AUTOS ONLY 5093'147351 t6/15/2019 06t15t202X LIMIT s1,000,000 BODILY INJURY (Per pe6on)$ BODILY INJURY (Per accident)$ PROPERTY DAMAGE s ! B UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB OCCUR CLAIMS-MADE 5093447365 t6t1st2019 06t15t202t EACH OCCURRENCE s9-000-000 x x AGGREGATE s9.000-000 DED t A WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETORUPARTNERYEXECUTIVE OFFICEF|/IVEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandrtory in NH) lf yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below N t{ /A 5093447379 WA Stop Gap ONLY t611512019 061151202a PER CTATI ITF OTH.FR E,L, EACH ACCIDENT s1.000.000 E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE s1.000.000 E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT s1.000.000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS , VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Addltlonal R€marks Schadulo, may bo atlach€d lf moro spaco is roquiredl RE: AGI Job #20-014 / Willis Street and 4th Avenue S. Roundabout project Additional Insured Status applies per attached form(s). Waiver of Subrogation applies per attached form(s). SHOULD ANY OF THE ASOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTIGE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCOROANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. City of Kent Public Works Department 400 West Grove Kent, WA 98032 B,v-** s. $-ei/ca** AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25 (2016/03) 1 of 'l #s4121 583/M3679298 @ 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. Al! righk reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of AGORD AMROO This page has been left blank intentionally. CTTA Primary and Noncontributory - Other lnsurance Gondition Endorsement This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART PRODUCTS/COM PLETED OPERATIONS LIABI LITY COVERAGE PART It is understood and agreed that the condition entitled Other lnsurance is amended to add the following: Primary And Noncontributory lnsurance Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, this insurance is primary to and will not seek contribution from any other insurance available to an additional insured under this policy provided that: a. the additional insured is a named insured under such other insurance; and b. the Named lnsured has agreed in writing in a contract or agreement that this insurance would be primary and would not seek contribution from any other insurance available to the additional insured. All other terms and conditions of the Policy remain unchanged This endorsement, which forms a part of and is for attachment to the Policy issued by the designated lnsurers, takes effect on the effective date of said Policy at the hour stated in said Policy, unless another effective date is shown below, and expires concurrently with said Policy. CNA74987XX (1-15) Policy No: Page 1 of 1 Endorsement No: Effective Date: lnsured Name: Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. Indudes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services Office, lnc., with its permission. This page has been left blank intentionally. CTTA Gontractors' General Liability Extension Endorsement It is understood and agreed that this endorsement amends the GOMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART as follows. lf any other endorsement attached to this policy amends any provision also amended by this endorsement, then that other endorsement controls with respect to such provision, and the changes made by this endorsement with respect to such provision do not apply. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Additional lnsureds 2. Additional lnsured - Primary And Non-Contributory To Additional lnsured's lnsurance 3. Bodily lnjury - Expanded Definition 4. Broad Knowledge of Occurrence/ Notice of Occurrence 5. Broad Named lnsured 6, Broadened Liability Goverage For Damage To Your Product And Your Work 7. Contractual Liability - Railroads 8. Electronic Data Liability L Estates, Legal Representatives and Spouses 10. Expected Or Intended lnjury - Exception for Reasonable Force 11. General Aggregate Limits of lnsurance - Per Project 12. ln Rem Actions 13. lncidental Health Gare Malpractice Goverage 14. Joint Ventures/Partnership/Limited Liability Companies 15. Legal Liability - Damage To Premises / Alienated Premises / Property ln The Named lnsured's Gare, Custody or Gontrol 16. Liquor Liability 17. Medical Payments 18. Non-owned Aircraft Coverage 1 9. Non-owned Watercraft 20. Personal And Advertising Injury - Discrimination or Humiliation 21. Personal And Advertising lnjury - Contractual Liability 22. Property Damage - Elevators 23, Supplementary Payments 24. Unintentional Failure To Disclose Hazards 25. Waiver of Subrogation - Blanket 26. Wrap-Up Extension: OGIP CCIP, or Gonsolidated (Wrap-Up) lnsurance Programs CNA74705XX (1-15) Policy No: Page 1 of 17 Endorsement No: Effective Date: lnsured Name: CopyrightCNAAll RightsReserved. lncludescopyrightedmaterial oflnsuranceServicesOffice, lnc.,withitspermission. CTTA^ Contractors' General Liability Extension Endorsement 1. ADDITIONAL INSUREDS a. WHO lS AN INSURED is amended to include as an Insured any person or organization described in paragraphs A. through H. belont whom a Named lnsured is required to add as an additional insured on this Coverage Part under a written contract or written agreement, provided such contract or agreement: (1) is currently in effect or becomes effective during the term of this Coverage Part; and (2) was executed prior to: (a) the bodily injury or property damage;or (b) the offense that caused the personal and advertising injury, for which such additional insured seeks coverage. b. However, subject always to the terms and conditions of this policy, including the limits of insurance, the lnsurer will not proMde such additional insured with: (1) a higher limit of insurance than required by such contract or agreement; or (2) coverage broader than required by such contract or agreement, and in no event broader than that described by the applicable paragraph A. through H. below. ^ ::r::::::::"":: by this endorsement sharl apply only to the extent permissible by raw. Any person or organization with a controlling interest in a Named lnsured, but only with respect to such person or organization's liability for bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury arising out of: 1. such person or organization's financial control of a Named lnsured; or 2. premises such person or organization ourns, maintains or controls while a Named lnsured leases or occupies such premises; provided that the coverage granted by this paragraph does not apply to structural alterations, new construction or demolition operations performed by, on behalf of, or for such additional insured. B. Go-owner of lnsured Premises A coowner of a premises co-owned by a Named lnsured and covered under this insurance but only with respect to such co-owner's liability for bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury as co-owner of such premises. C. Lessor of Equipment Any person or organization from whom a Named lnsured leases equipment, but only with respect to liability for bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury caused, in whole or in part, by the Named lnsured's maintenance, operation or use of such equipment, provided that the occurrence giving rise to such bodily injury, property damage or the offense giving rise to such personal and advertising injury takes place prior to the termination of such lease. D. Lessor of Land Any person or organization from whom a Named lnsured leases land but only with respect to liability for bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of such land, provided that the occurrence giving rise to such bodily injury, property damage or the offense giving rise to such personal and advertising injury takes place prior to the termination of such lease. CNA74705XX (1-15) Policy No: Page2of 17 Endorsement No: Effective Date: lnsured Name: CopyrightCNAAll RightsReserved. lncludescopyrightedmaterial oflnsuranceServicesOffice, lnc.,withitspermission. CTTA Gontractors' General Liability Extension Endorsement The coverage granted by this paragraph does not apply to structural alterations, new construction or demolition operations performed by, on behalf of, or for such additional insured. E. Lessor of Premises An owner or lessor of premises leased to the Named lnsured, or such owner or lessor's real estate manager, but only with respect to liability for bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of such part of the premises leased to the Named lnsured, and proMded that the occurrence giving rise to such bodily injury or property damage, or the offense giving rise to such personal and advertising injury, takes place prior to the termination of such lease. The coverage granted by this paragraph does not apply to structural alterations, new construction or demolition operations performed by, on behalf of, orfor such additional insured. F. Mortgagee, Assignee or Receiver A mortgagee, assignee or receiver of premises but only with respect to such mortgagee, assignee or receiver's liability for bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury arising out of the Named lnsured's ownership, maintenance, or use of a premises by a Named lnsured. The coverage granted by this paragraph does not apply to structural alterations, new construction or demolition operations performed by, on behalf of, or for such additional insured. G. State or Governmental Agency or Subdivision or Political Subdivisions - Permits A state or governmental agency or subdivision or political subdivision that has issued a permit or authorization but only with respect to such state or governmental agency or subdivision or political subdiMsion's liability for bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury arising out of: 1. the following hazards in connection with premises a Named Insured owns, rents, or controls and to which this insurance applies: a. the existence, maintenance, repair, construction, erection, or removal of advertising signs, awnings, canopies, cellar entrances, coal holes, driveways, manholes, marquees, hoistaway openings, sidewalk vaults, street banners, or decorations and similar exposures; or b, the construction, erection, or removal of elevators; or c. the ownership, maintenance or use of any elevators covered by this insurance; or 2. the permitted or authorized operations performed by a Named Insured or on a Named Insured's behalf. The coverage granted by this paragraph does not apply to: a. Bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury arising out of operations performed for the state or governmental agency or subdivision or political subdivision; or b. Bodily injury or property damage included within the products-completed operations hazard. With respect to this provision's requirement that additional insured status must be requested under a written contract or agreement, the lnsurer will treat as a written contract any governmental permit that requires the Named lnsured to add the governmental entity as an additional insured. H. Trade Show Event Lessor 1. With respect to a Named lnsured's participation in a trade show event as an exhibitor, presenter or displayer, any person or organization whom the Named lnsured is required to include as an additional insured, but only with respect to such person or organization's liability for bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury caused by: a. the Named lnsured's acts or omissions; or CNA74705XX (1-15) Policy No: Page 3 of 17 Endorsement No: Effective Date: lnsured Name: Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services Office, lnc., with its permission CTTA Contractors' General Liability Extension Endorsement b. the acts or omissions of those acting on the Named lnsured's behalf, in the performance of the Named lnsured's ongoing operations at the trade show event premises during the trade shortr event. 2. The coverage granted by this paragraph does not apply to bodily injury or property damage included within the products-completed operations hazard. 2. ADDITIONAL INSURED. PRIMARY AND NON.CONTRIBUTORY TOADDITIONAL INSURED'S INSURANCE The Other lnsurance Condition in the GOMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS Section is amended to add the folloiving paragraph: lf the Named lnsured has agreed in writing in a contract or agreement that this insurance is primary and non- contributory relative to an additional insured's oirrn insurance, then this insurance is primary, and the lnsurer will not seek contribution from that other insurance. For the purpose of this Provision 2., the additional insured's own insurance means insurance on which the additional insured is a named insured. Otherwise, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere in this Condition, the insurance provided to such person or organization is excess of any other insurance available to such person or organization. 3. BODILY INJURY - EXPANDED DEFINITION Under DEFINITIONS, the definition of bodily injury is deleted and replaced by the following: Bodily injury means physical injury, sickness or disease sustained by a person, including death, humiliation, shock, mental anguish or mental injury sustained by that person at any time which results as a consequence of the phpical rnJury, srcKness or orsease. 4. BROAD KNOWLEDGE OF OCCURRENCE/ NOTICE OF OCCURRENCE Under GONDITIONS, the condition entitled Duties in The Event of Occurrence, Offense, Glaim or Suit is amended to add the following provisions: A. BROAD KNOWLEDGE OFOCCURRENCE The Named lnsured must give the lnsurer or the lnsure/s authorized representative notice of an occurrence, offense or claim only when the occurrence, offense or claim is knorn to a natural person Named lnsured, to a partner, executive officer, manager or member of a Named lnsured, or an employee designated by any of the above to give such notice. B. NOTICE OF OCGURRENCE The Named lnsured's rights under this Goverage Part will not be prejudiced if the Named lnsured fails to give the lnsurer notice of an occurrence, offense or claim and that failure is solely due to the Named lnsured's reasonable belief that the bodily injury or property damage is not covered under this Coverage Part. However, the Named lnsured shall give written notice of such occurrence, offense or claim to the lnsurer as soon as the Named Insured is aware that this insurance may apply to such occurrence, offense or claim. 5, BROAD NAMED INSURED WHO lS AN INSURED is amended to delete its Paragraph 3. in its entirety and replace it with the following: 3. Pursuant to the limitations described in Paragraph 4. beloltr, any organization in which a Named lnsured has management control: a. on the effective date of this Coverage Part; or b. by reason of a Named Insured creating or acquiring the organization during the policy period, CNA74705XX (1-15) Policy No: Page 4 of 17 Endorsement No: Effective Date: lnsured Name: Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Servic€s Office, lnc., with its permission. EITfi- Gontractors' General Liability Extension Endorsement 6. qualifies as a Named lnsured, provided that there is no other similar liability insurance, whether primary, contributory, excess, contingent or otherwise, which provides coverage to such organization, or which would have provided coverage but for the exhaustion of its limit, and without regard to whether its coverage is broader or narrower than that provided by this insurance. But this BROAD NAMED INSURED provision does not apply to: (a) any partnership, limited liability company or joint venture; or (b) any organization for which coverage is excluded by another endorsement attached to this Coverage Part. For the purpose of this provision, management control means: A. owning interests representing more than 50% of the voting, appointment or designation po$/er for the selection of a majority of the Board of Directors of a corporation; or B. having the right, pursuant to a written trust agreement, to protect, control the use of, encumber or transfer or sell property held by a trust. 4. With respect to organizations which qualify as Named lnsureds by virtue of Paragraph 3. above, this insurance does not apply to: a. bodily injury or property damage that first occurred prior to the date of management control, or that first occurs after management control ceases; nor b. personal or advertising injury caused by an offense that first occurred prior to the date of management control or that first occurs after management control ceases. 5. The insurance provided by this Coverage Part applies to Named Insureds when trading under their own names or under such other trading names or doing-business-as names (dba) as any Named lnsured should choose to employ. BROADENED LIABILITY COVERAGE FOR DAMAGE TO YOUR PRODUCT AND YOUR WORK A. Under GOVERAGES, Goverage A - Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability, the paragraph entitled Exclusions is amended to delete exclusions k. and l. and replace them with the following: This insurance does not apply to: k. Damage to Your Product Property damage to your product arising out of it, or any part of it except when caused by or resulting from: (1) fire; (2) smoke; (3) collapse; or (4) explosion. L Damage to Your Work Property damage to your work arising out of it, or any part of it and included in the products-completed operations hazard. This exclusion does not apply: (1) lf the damaged work, or the work out of which the damage arises, was performed on the Named lnsured's behalf by a subcontractor; or (2) lf the cause of loss to the damaged work arises as a result of: CNA74705XX (1-15) Policy No: Page 5 of 17 Endorsement No: Effective Date: lnsured Name: CopyrightCNAAll RightsReserved. lncludescopyrightedmaterial oflnsuranceServicesOffice, lnc.,withitspermission. 7 CTTA Contractors' General Liability Extension Endorsement 8. (a) fire; (b) smoke; (c) collapse;or (d) explosion. B. The following paragraph is added to LIMITS OF INSURANGE: Subject to 5. above, $100,000 is the most the lnsurer will pay under Goverage A for the sum of damages arising out of any one occurrence because of property damage to your product and your work that is caused by fire, smoke, collapse or explosion and is included within the product-completed operations hazard. This sublimit does not apply to property damage to your work if the damaged work, or the work out of which the damage arises, was performed on the Named lnsured's behalf by a subcontractor. C. This Broadened Liability Goverage For Damage To Your Product And Your Work Provision does not apply if an endorsement of the same name is attached to this policy. CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY - RAILROADS With respect to operations performed within 50 feet of railroad property, the definition of insured contract is replaced by the follodng: lnsured Contract means: a. A contract for a lease of premises. However, that portion of the contract for a lease of premises that indemnifies anv person or orqanization for damaoe bv fire to oremises while rented to a Named lnsured or temoorarilv occupied by a Named Insured with permission of the owner is not an insured contract; b. A sidetrack agreement; c. Any easement or license agreement; d. An obligation, as required by ordinance, to indemnify a municipality, except in connection with work for a municipality; e. An elevator maintenance agreement; f. That part of any other contract or agreement pertaining to the Named lnsured's business (including an indemnification of a municipality in connection with work performed for a municipality) under which the Named lnsured assumes the tort liability of another party to pay for bodily injury or property damage to a third person or organization. Tort liability means a liability that would be imposed by law in the absence of any contract or agreement. Paragraph f. does not include that part of any contract or agreement: (1) That indemnifies an architect, engineer or surveyor for injury or damage arising out of: (a) Preparing, approving or failing to prepare or approve maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, change orders or drawings and specifications; or (b) Giving directions or instructions, or failing to give them, if that is the primary cause of the injury or damage; (2) Under which the lnsured, if an architect, engineer or surveyor, assumes liability for an injury or damage arising out of the insured's rendering or failure to render professional services, including those listed in (1) above and supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities. ELECTRONIC DATA LIABILITY A. Under GOVERAGES, Coverage A - Bodily lnjury and Property Damage Liability, the paragraph entitled Exclusions is amended to delete exclusion p. Electronic Data and replace it with the following: CNA74705XX (1-15) Policy No: Page 6 of 17 Endorsement No: Effective Date: lnsured Name: CopyrightCNAAll RightsReserved. lncludescopyrightedmaterial oflnsurancoServicesOffice, lnc.,withitspermission CTTA Contractors' General Liability Extension Endorsement This insurance does not apply to: p. Access Or Disclosure Of Gonfidential Or Personal Information And Data-related Liability Damages arising out of: (1) any access to or disclosure of any person's or organization's confidential or personal information, including patents, trade secrets, processing methods, customer lists, financial information, credit card information, health information or any other type of nonpublic information; or (2) the loss of, loss of use of, damage to, corruption of, inability to access, or inability to manipulate electronic data that does not result from phpical injury to tangible property. However, unless Paragraph (1) above applies, this exclusion does not apply to damages because of bodily injury. This exclusion applies even if damages are claimed for notification costs, credit monitoring expenses, forensic expenses, public relation expenses or any other loss, cost or expense incurred by the Named lnsured or others arising out of that which is described in Paragraph (1) or (2) above. B. The following paragraph is added to LIMITS OF INSURANCE: Subject to 5. above, $100,000 is the most the lnsurer will pay under Goverage A for all damages arising out of any one occurrence because of property damage that results from phyaical injury to tangible property and arises out of electronic data. C, The following definition is added to DEFINITIONS: Electronic data means information, facts or programs stored as or on, created or used on, or transmitted to or from computer software (including systems and applications software), hard or floppy disks, CD-ROMS, tapes, drives, cells, data processing devices or any other media which are used with electronically controlled equipment. D. For the purpose of the coverage provided by this ELECTRONIC DATA LIABILITY Provision, the definition of property damage in DEFINITIONS is replaced by the following: Property damage means: a. Physical injury to tangible property, including all resulting loss of use of that property. All such loss of use shall be deemed to occur at the time of the physical injury that caused it; b. Loss of use of tangible property that is not physically injured. All such loss of use shall be deemed to occur at the time of the occurrence that caused it; or c. Loss of, loss of use of, damage to, corruption of, inability to access, or inability to properly manipulate electronic data, resulting from physical injury to tangible property. All such loss of electronic data shall be deemed to occur at the time of the occurrence that caused it. For the purposes of this insurance, electronic data is not tangible property. E. lf Electronic Data Liability is provided at a higher limit by another endorsement attached to this policy, then the $100,000 limit provided by this ELECTRONIC DATA LIABILITY ProMsion is part of, and not in addition to, that higher limit. 9. ESTATES, LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES, AND SPOUSES The estates, heirs, legal representatives and spouses of any natural person lnsured shall also be insured under this policy; provided, however, coverage is afforded to such estates, heirs, legal representatives, and spouses only for claims arising solely out of their capacity or status as such and, in the case of a spouse, where such claim seeks damages from marital community property, jointly held property or property transferred from such natural person Insured to such spouse. No coverage is provided for any act, error or omission of an estate, heir, legal CNA74705XX (1-15) Policy No: Page7 of 17 Endorsement No: Effective Date: lnsured Name: Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services Office, lnc., with iis permission CTTA Gontractors' General Liability Extension Endorsement representative, or spouse outside the scope of such person's capacity or status as such, provided however that the spouse of a natural person Named lnsured and the spouses of members or partners of joint venture or partnership Named lnsureds are lnsureds with respect to such spouses' acts, errors or omissions in the conduct of the Named lnsured's business. 10. EXPECTED OR INTENDED INJURY - EXCEPTION FOR REASONABLE FORCE Under COVERAGES, Coverage A - Bodily lnjury and Property Damage Liability, the paragraph entitled Exclusions is amended to delete the exclusion entitled Expected or Intended lnjury and replace it with the following: This insurance does not apply to: Expected or lntended lnjury Bodily injury or property damage expected or intended from the standpoint of the Insured. This exclusion does not apply to bodily injury or property damage resulting from the use of reasonable force to protect persons or property. 11. GENERAL AGGREGATE LIMITS OF INSURANCE. PER PROJECT A. For each construction project away from premises the Named lnsured owns or rents, a separate Construction Project General Aggregate Limit, equal to the amount of the General Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations, is the most the lnsurer will pay for the sum of: 1. All damages under Goverage A, except damages because of bodily injury or property damage 2. All medical expenses under Coverage C, that arise from occurrences or accidents which can be attributed solely to ongoing operations at that construction project. Such payments shall not reduce the General Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations, nor the Construction Project General Aggregate Limit of any other construction project. B. AII: 1. Damages under Goverage B, regardless of the number of locations or construction projects involved; 2. Damages under Goverage A, caused by occurrences which cannot be attributed solely to ongoing operations at a single construction project, except damages because of bodily injury or property damage included in the products-completed operations hazard; and 3. Medical expenses under Coverage G caused by accidents which cannot be attributed solely to ongoing operations at a single construction project, will reduce the General Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations. C. The limits shown in the Declarations for Each Occurrence, for Damage To Premises Rented To You and for Medical Expense continue to apply, but will be subject to either the Construction Project General Aggregate Limit or the General Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations, depending on whether the occurrence can be attributed solely to ongoing operations at a particular construction project. D. When coverage for liability arising out of the products-completed operations hazard is provided, any payments for damages because of bodily injury or property damage included in the products-completed operations hazard will reduce the Products-Completed Operations Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations, regardless of the number of projects involved. E. lf a single construction project away from premises owned by or rented to the lnsured has been abandoned and then restarted, or if the authorized contracting parties deviate from plans, blueprints, designs, specifications or timetables, the project will still be deemed to be the same construction project. CNA74705XX (1-15) Policy No: Page 8 of 17 Endorsement No: Effective Date: lnsured Name: Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services Offlce, lnc., with its permission. CITA Contractors' General Liability Extension Endorsement F. The provisions of LIMITS OF INSURANGE not otherwise modified by this endorsement shall continue to apply as stipulated. 12. IN REM ACTIONS A quasi in rem action against any vessel owned or operated by or for the Named lnsured, or chartered by or for the Named lnsured, will be treated in the same manner as though the action were in personam against the Named lnsured. 13. INCIDENTAL HEALTH CARE MALPRACTICE COVERAGE Solely with respect to bodily injury that arises out of a health care incident: A. Under GOVERAGES, Goverage A - Bodily lnjury and Property Damage Liability, the paragraph entitled lnsuring Agreement is amended to replace Paragraphs 1.b.(1) and 1.b.(2) with the following: b. This insurance applies to bodily injury provided that the professional health care services are incidental to the Named lnsured's primary business purpose, and only if: (1) such bodily injury is caused by an occurrence that takes place in the coverage territory. (2) the bodily injury first occurs during the policy period. All bodily injury arising from an occurrence will be deemed to have occurred at the time of the first act, error, or omission that is part of the occurrence; and B. Under GOVERAGES, Goverage A - Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability, the paragraph entitled Exclusions is amended to: i. add the following to the Employers Liability exclusion: This exclusion applies only if the bodily injury arising from a health care incident is covered by other liability insurance available to the lnsured (or which would have been available but for exhaustion of its limits). ii, delete the exclusion entitled Gontractual Liability and replace it with the following: This insurance does not apply to: Contractual Liability the lnsured's actual or alleged liability under any oral or written contract or agreement, including but not limited to express warranties or guarantees. iii. add the follonting additional exclusions: This insurance does not apply to: Discrimination any actual or alleged discrimination, humiliation or harassment, including but not limited to claims based on an individual's race, creed, color, age, gender, national origin, religion, disability, marital status or sexual orientation. Dishonesty or Grime Any actual or alleged dishonest, criminal or malicious act, error or omission. M edicare/M ed icaid Fraud any actual or alleged violation of law with respect to Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare or any similar federal, state or local governmental program. Services Excluded by Endorsement CNA74705XX (1-15) Policy No: Page 9 of '17 Endorsement No: Effective Date: lnsured Name: Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services Office, lnc., with its permission. CTTA Gontractors' General Liability Extension Endorsement Any health care incident for which coverage is excluded by endorsement. C. DEFINITIONS is amended to: i. add the folloMng definitions: Health care incident means an act, error or omission by the Named lnsured's employees or volunteer workers in the rendering of: a. professional health care services on behalf of the Named lnsured or b. Good Samaritan services rendered in an emergency and for which no paynent is demanded or received. Professional health care services means any health care services or the related furnishing of food, beverages, medical supplies or appliances by the following providers in their capacity as such but solely to the extent they are duly licensed as required: a. Physician; b. Nurse; c. Nurse practitioner; d. Emergency medical technician; a Paramor{in' f. Dentist; g. Physical therapist; h. Psychologist; i. Speech therapist; j. Other allied health professional; or Professional health care services does not include any services rendered in connection with human clinical trials or product testing. ii. delete the definition of occurrence and replace it with the following: Occurrence means a health care incident. All acts, errors or omissions that are logically connected by any common fact, circumstance, situation, transaction, event, advice or decision will be considered to constitute a single occurrence; iii. amend the definition of lnsured to: a. add the following: o the Named Insured's employees are lnsureds with respect to: (l) bodily injury to a co.employee while in the course of the ceemployee's employnent by the Named lnsured or while performing duties related to the conduct of the Named Insured's business; and (2) bodily injury to a volunteer worker while performing duties related to the conduct of the Named lnsured's business; when such bodily injury arises out of a health care incident. CNA74705XX (1-15) Policy No: Page 10 of 17 Endorsement No: Effective Date: lnsured Name: Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services Office, lnc., with its permission CTTA Contractors' General Liability Extension Endorsement the Named lnsured's volunteer workers are lnsureds with respect to: (1) bodily injury to a cevolunteer worker while performing duties related to the conduct of the Named Insured's business; and (2) bodily injury to an employee while in the course of the employee's employment by the Named lnsured or while performing duties related to the conduct of the Named lnsured's business; when such bodily injury arises out of a health care incident. b. delete Subparagraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of Paragraph 2.a.(1) of WHO lS AN INSURED. D. The Other lnsurance condition is amended to delete Paragraph b.(1) in its entirety and replace it with the following: Other lnsurance b. Excess lnsurance (1) To the extent this insurance applies, it is excess over any other insurance, self insurance or risk transfer instrument, whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis, except for insurance purchased specifically by the Named lnsured to be excess of this coverage. 14. JOINT VENTURES / PARTNERSHIP / LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES WHO lS AN INSURED is amended to delete its last paragraph and replace it with the following: No person or organization is an Insured with respect to the conduct of any current or past partnership, joint venture or limited liability company that is not shown as a Named lnsured in the Declarations, except that if the Named lnsured was a joint venturer, partner, or member of a limited liability company and such joint venture, partnership or limited liability company terminated prior to or during the policy period, such Named lnsured is an lnsured with respect to its interest in such joint venture, partnership or limited liability company but only to the extent that: a. any offense giving rise to personal and advertising injury occurred prior to such termination date, and the personal and advertising injury arising out of such offense first occurred after such termination date; b. the bodily injury or property damage first occurred after such termination date; and c. there is no other valid and collectible insurance purchased specifically to insure the partnership, joint venture or limited liability company; and lf the joint venture, partnership or limited liability company is or was insured under a consolidated (wrap-up) insurance program, then such insurance will alwap be considered valid and collectible for the purpose of paragraph c. above. But this provision will not serve to exclude bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury that would otherwise be covered under the Gontractors General Liability Extension Endorsement provision entitled WRAP-UP EXTENSION: OGIP, GCIP, OR CONSOLIDATED (WRAP-UP) INSURANCE PROGRAMS. Please see that provision for the definition of consolidated (wrap-up) insurance program. 15. LEGAL LIABILITY - DAMAGE TO PREMISES / ALIENATED PREMISES / PROPERTY IN THE NAMED INSURED'S CARE, CUSTODY OR CONTROL A. Under COVERAGES, Goverage A - Bodily lnjury and Property Damage Liability, the paragraph entitled Exclusions is amended to delete exclusion j. Damage to Property in its entirety and replace it with the following: This insurance does not apply to: j. Damage to Property CNA74705XX (1-15) Policy No: Page 1 1 of 17 Endorsement No: Effective Date: lnsured Name: Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services Office, lnc., with its permission. a CTTA Contractors' General Liability Extension Endorsement Property damage to: (1) Property the Named lnsured owns, rents, or occupies, including any costs or expenses incurred by you, or any other person, organization or entity, for repair, replacement, enhancement, restoration or maintenance of such property for any reason, including prevention of injury to a person or damage to another's property; (2) Premises the Named Insured sells, gives away or abandons, if the property damage arises out of any part of those premises; (3) Property loaned to the Named Insured; (4) Personal property in the care, custody or control of the lnsured; (5) That particular part of real property on which the Named lnsured or any contractors or subcontractors working directly or indirectly on the Named lnsured's behalf are performing operations, if the property damage arises out of those operations; or (6) That particular part of any property that must be restored, repaired or replaced because your work was incorrectly performed on it. Paragraphs (1), (3) and (4) of this exclusion do not applyto property damage (otherthan damage byfire) to premises rented to the Named lnsured or temporarily occupied by the Named lnsured with the permission of the owner, nor to the contents of premises rented to the Named lnsured for a period of 7 or fewer consecutive days. A separate limit of insurance applies to Damage To Premises Rented To You as described in LIMITS OF INSURANCE. Paragraph (2) of this exclusion does not apply if the premises are your work. Paragraphs (3), (4), (5) and (6) of this exclusion do not apply to liability assumed under a sidetrack agreement. Paragraph (6) of this exclusion does not apply to property damage included in the products-completed operations hazard. Paragraphs (3) and (4) of this exclusion do not apply to property damage to: i. tools, or equipment the Named Insured borrows from others, nor ii. other personal property of others in the Named Insured's care, custody or control while being used in the Named lnsured's operations away from any Named Insured's premises. However, the coverage granted by this exception to Paragraphs (3) and (4) does not apply to: a. property at a job site awaiting or during such property's installation, fabrication, or erection; b, property that is mobile equipment leased by an lnsured; c. property that is an auto, aircraft or watercraft; d. property in transit; or e, any portion of property damage for which the Insured has available other valid and collectible insurance, or would have such insurance but for exhaustion of its limits, or but for application of one of its exclusions. A separate limit of insurance and deductible apply to such property of others. See LIMITS OF INSURANCE as amended belorar. B. Under GOVERAGES, Goverage A - Bodily Injury and Property Exclusions is amended to delete its last paragraph and replace it with Damage Liability, the paragraph entitled the folloruing: CNA74705XX (1-15) Policy No: Pagel2ol 17 Endorsement No: Effective Date: lnsured Name: Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services ffice, lnc., with its permission. CTTA Contractors' General Liability Extension Endorsement Exclusions c. through n. do not apply to damage by fire to premises while rented to a Named lnsured or temporarily occupied by a Named lnsured with permission of the owner, nor to damage to the contents of premises rented to a Named lnsured for a period ol 7 or fewer consecutive days. A separate limit of insurance applies to this coverage as described in LIMITS OF INSURANCE. C. The following paragraph is added to LIMITS OF INSURANGE: Subject to 5. above, $25,000 is the most the lnsurer will pay under Coverage A for damages arising out of any one occurrence because of the sum of all property damage to borrowed tools or equipment, and to other personal property of others in the Named lnsured's care, custody or control, while being used in the Named lnsured's operations away from any Named lnsured's premises. The lnsurer's obligation to pay such property damage does not apply until the amount of such property damage exceeds $1,000. The lnsurer has the right but not the duty to pay any portion of this $1,000 in order to effect settlement. lf the lnsurer exercises that right, the Named lnsured will promptly reimburse the lnsurer for any such amount. D. Paragraph 6., Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit, of LIMITS OF INSURANGE is deleted and replaced by the following: 6. Subject to Paragraph 5. above, (the Each Occurrence Limit), the Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit is the most the lnsurer will pay under Goverage A for damages because of property damage to any one premises while rented to the Named lnsured or temporarily occupied by the Named Insured with the permission of the owner, including contents of such premises rented to the Named Insured for a period of 7 or fewer consecutive days. The Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit is the greater of: a. $500,000; or b. The Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit shown in the Declarations. E. Paragraph 4.b.(1)(a)(ii) of the Other lnsurance Condition is deleted and replaced by the following: (ii) That is property insurance for premises rented to the Named lnsured, for premises temporarily occupied by the Named Insured with the permission of the owner; or for personal property of others in the Named Insured's care, custody or control; {6. LIQUOR LIABILITY Under COVERAGES, Goverage A - Bodily lnjury and Property Damage Liability, the paragraph entitled Exclusions is amended to delete the exclusion entitled Liquor Liability. This LIQUOR LIABILITY provision does not apply to any person or organization who othenrise qualifies as an additional insured on this Goverage Part. 17. MEDICAL PAYMENTS A. LIMITS OF INSURANGE is amended to delete Paragraph 7. (the Medical Expense Limit) and replace it with the following: 7. Subject to Paragraph 5. above (the Each Occurrence Limit), the Medical Expense Limit is the most the lnsurer will pay under Coverage C - Medical Payments for all medical expenses because of bodily injury sustained by any one person. The Medical Expense Limit is the greater of: (1) $15,000 unless a different amount is shown here: $N,NNN,NNN,NNN; or (2) the amount shown in the Declarations for Medical Expense Limit. B. Under COVERAGES, the Insuring Agreement of Coverage C - Medical Payments is amended to replace Paragraph 1.a.(3)(b) with the folloving: (b) The expenses are incurred and reported to the lnsurer within three years of the date of the accident; and CNA74705XX (1-15) Policy No: Page 13 of 17 Endorsement No: Effective Date: lnsured Name: CopyrightCNAAll RightsReserved. lncludescopyrightedmaterial oflnsuranceServicesOffice, lnc.,withitspermission. CT(A Contractors' General Liability Extension Endorsement 18. NON-OWNED AIRCRAFT Under COVERAGES, Coverage A - Bodily lnjury and Property Damage Liability, the paragraph entitled Exclusions is amended as follows: The exclusion entitled Aircraft, Auto or Watercraft is amended to add the follovrring: This exclusion does not apply to an aircraft not owned by any Named lnsured, provided that: 1. the pilot in command holds a currently effective certificate issued by the duly constituted authority of the United States of America or Canada, designating that person as a commercial or airline transport pilot; 2. the aircraft is rented with a trained, paid crew to the Named lnsured; and 3, the aircraft is not being used to carry persons or property for a charge. 19. NON.OWNED WATERCRAFT Under COVERAGES, Goverage A - Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability, the paragraph entitled Exclusions is amended to delete subparagraph (2) of the exclusion entitled Aircraft, Auto or Watercraft, and replace it with the following. This exclusion does not apply to: (2) a watercraft that is not owned by any Named lnsured, provided the watercraft is: (a) less than 75 feet long; and (b) not being used to carry persons or property for a charge. 20. PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY -DISCRIMINATION OR HUMILIATION A, Under DEFINITIONS, the definition of personal and advertising injury is amended to add the following tort: . Discrimination or humiliation that results in injury to the feelings or reputation of a natural person. B. Under COVERAGES, Coverage B - Personal and Advertising lnjury Liability, the paragraph entitled Exclusions is amended to: 1. delete the Exclusion entitled Knowing Violation Of Rights Of Another and replace it with the following: This insurance does not apply to: Knowing Violation of Rights of Another Personal and advertising injury caused by or at the direction of the lnsured with the knowledge that the act would violate the rights of another and would inflict personal and advertising injury. This exclusion shall not apply to discrimination or humiliation that results in injury to the feelings or reputation of a natural person, but only if such discrimination or humiliation is not done intentionally by or at the direction of: (a) the Named lnsured; or (b) any executive officer, director, stockholder, partner, member or manager (if the Named lnsured is a limited liability company) of the Named lnsured. 2. add the follort/ng exclusions: This insurance does not apply to: Employment Related Discrimination Discrimination or humiliation directly or indirectly related to the employment, prospective employment, past employment or termination of employment of any person by any lnsured. CNA74705XX (1-15) Policy No: Pagel4of 17 Endorsement No: Effective Date: lnsured Name: Copyright CNAAII Rights R€s€rved. lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services Office, lnc., with its permission. CTTA Gontractors' General Liability Extension Endorsement Premises Related Discrimination discrimination or humiliation arising out of the sale, rental, lease or sub-lease or prospective sale, rental, lease or sub-lease of any room, dwelling or premises by or at the direction of any Insured. Notwithstanding the above, there is no coverage for fines or penalties levied or imposed by a governmental entity because of discrimination. The coverage provided by this PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY -DISCRIMINATION OR HUMILIATION Provision does not apply to any person or organization whose status as an lnsured derives solely from o Provision 1. ADDITIONAL INSURED of this endorsement; or o attachment of an additional insured endorsement to this Goverage Part. This PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY -DISCRIMINATION OR HUMILIATION Provision does not apply to any person or organization who otherwise qualifies as an additional insured on this Goverage Part. 21. PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY - CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY A. Under COVERAGES, Goverage B -Personal and Advertising Injury Liability, the paragraph entitled Exclusions is amended to delete the exclusion entitled Contractual Liability, B. Solely for the purpose of the coverage provided by this PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY - CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY provision, the following changes are made to the section entitled SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS - COVERAGES A AND B: 1. Paragraph 2.d. is replaced by the following d. The allegations in the suit and the information the lnsurer knows about the offense alleged in such suit are such that no conflict appears to exist between the interests of the lnsured and the interests of the indemnitee; 2. The first unnumbered paragraph beneath Paragraph 2.f .l2l(bl is deleted and replaced by the following: So long as the above conditions are met, aftorneys fees incurred by the lnsurer in the defense of that indemnitee, necessary litigation expenses incurred by the lnsurer, and necessary litigation expenses incurred by the indemnitee at the lnsurer's request will be paid as defense costs. Such payments will not be deemed to be damages for personal and advertising injury and will not reduce the limits of insurance. C. This PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY - CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY Provision does not apply if Goverage B -Personal and Advertising lnjury Liability is excluded by another endorsement attached to this Goverage Part. This PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY - CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY Provision does not apply to any person or organization who otherwise qualifies as an additional insured on this Goverage Part. 22. PROPERTY DAMAGE - ELEVATORS A. Under COVERAGES, Goverage A - Bodily lnjury and Property Damage Liability, the paragraph entitled Exclusions is amended such that the Damage to Your Product Exclusion and subparagraphs (3), (4) and (6) of the Damage to Property Exclusion do not apply to property damage that results from the use of elevators. B. Solely for the purpose of the coverage provided by this PROPERTY DAMAGE - ELEVATORS Provision, the Other lnsurance conditions is amended to add the following paragraph: This insurance is excess over any of the other insurance, whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis that is Property insurance covering property of others damaged from the use of elevators. CNA74705XX (1-15) Policy No: Page 15 of 17 Endorsement No: Effective Date: lnsured Name: Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services Office, lnc., with its permission. CITA Gontractors' General Liability Extension Endorsement 23. SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS The section entitled SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS - COVERAGES A AND B is amended as folloarc A. Paragraph 1.b. is amended to delete the $250 limit shown for the cost of bail bonds and replace it with a $5,000. limit;and B. Paragraph 1.d. is amended to delete the limit of $250 shown for daily loss of earnings and replace it with a $1,000. limit. 24. UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO DISCLOSE HAZARDS lf the Named lnsured unintentionally fails to disclose all existing hazards at the inception date of the Named Insured's Goverage Part, the lnsurer will not deny coverage under this Goverage Part because of such failure. 25. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION. BLANKET Under CONDITIONS, the condition entitled Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us is amended to add the following: The lnsurer waives any right of recovery the lnsurer may have against any person or organization because of payments the lnsurer makes for injury or damage arising out of: 1. the Named lnsured's ongoing operations; or 2. your work included in the products-completed operations hazard. However, this waiver applies only when the Named lnsured has agreed in writing to waive such rights of recovery in a written contract or written agreenrent, and only if suclr contract or agreerrrerrt: f . is in effect or becomes effective during the term of this Goverage Part; and 2. was executed prior to the bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury giving rise to the claim. 26. WRAP-UP EXTENSION: OCIP, CCIP, OR CONSOLIDATED (WRAP-UP) INSURANCE PROGRAMS Note: The folloa/ng provision does not apply to any public construction project in the state of Oklahoma, nor to any construction project in the state of Alaska, that is not permitted to be insured under a consolidated (wrap-up) insurance program by applicable state statute or regulation. lf the endorsement EXGLUSION - CONSTRUCTION WRAP-UP is attached to this policy, or another exclusionary endorsement pertaining to Owner Controlled lnsurance Programs (O.C.l.P.) or Contractor Gontrolled lnsurance Programs (C.C.l.P.) is attached, then the following changes apply: A. The following wording is added to the above-referenced endorsement: With respect to a consolidated (wrap-up) insurance program project in which the Named lnsured is or was involved, this exclusion does not apply to those sums the Named Insured become legally obligated to pay as damages because of: 1. Bodily injury, property damage, or personal or advertising injury that occurs during the Named lnsured's ongoing operations at the project, or during such operations of anyone acting on the Named Insured's behalf; nor 2. Bodily injury or property damage included within the products-completed operations hazard that arises out of those portions of the project that are not residential structures. B. Condition 4. Other Insurance is amended to add the following subparagraph a.b.(l)(c): This insurance is excess over: CNA74705XX (1-15) Policy No: Page 16 of 17 Endorsement No: Effective Date: lnsured Name: Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services Office, lnc., with its permission CITA Gontractors' General Liability Extension Endorsement (c) Any of the other insurance whether primary, excess, contingent or any other basis that is insurance available to the Named lnsured as a result of the Named lnsured being a participant in a consolidated (wrap-up) insurance program, but only as respects the Named lnsured's involvement in that consolidated (wrap- up) insurance program. C. DEFINITIONS is amended to add the following definitions: Consolidated (wrap-up) insurance program means a construction, erection or demolition project for which the prime contractor/project manager or owner of the construction project has secured general liability insurance covering some or all of the contractors or subcontractors involved in the project, such as an Owner Controlled lnsurance Program (O.C.l.P.) or Contractor Controlled lnsurance Program (C.C.l.P.). Residential structure means any structure where 30% or more of the square foot area is used or is intended to be used for human residency, including but not limited to: 1. single or multifamily housing, apartments, condominiums, townhouses, co-operatives or planned unit developments; and 2. the common areas and structures appurtenant to the structures in paragraph 1. (including pools, hot tubs, detached garages, guest houses or any similar structures). However, when there is no individual ownership of units, residential structure does not include military housing, college/university housing or dormitories, long term care facilities, hotels or motels. Residential structure also does not include hospitals or prisons. This WRAP-UP EXTENSION: OCIP, CCIP, OR CONSOLIDATED (WRAP-UP) INSURANCE PROGRAMS Provision does not apply to any person or organization who otherwise qualifies as an additional insured on this Goverage Part. All other terms and conditions of the Policy remain unchanged This endorsement, which forms a part of and is for attachment to the Policy issued by the designated lnsurers, takes effect on the effective date of said Policy at the hour stated in said Policy, unless another effective date is shown below, and expires concurrently with said Policy. CNA74705XX (1-15) Policy No: Page 17 of 17 Endorsement No: Effective Date: lnsured Name: CopyrightCNAAll RightsReserved. lncludescopyrightedmaterial oflnsuranceServicesOffice, lnc.,withitspermission. This page has been left blank intentionally. POLICY NUMBER COMMERCIAL AUTO cA20 481013 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. DESIGNATED INSURED FOR COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: AUTO DEALERS COVERAGE FORM BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM With respect to coverage provided by this endorsement, the provisions of the Coverage Form apply unless modified by this endorsement. This endorsement identifies person(s) or organization(s) who are "insureds" for Covered Autos Liability Coverage under the Who ls An lnsured provision of the Coverage Form. This endorsement does not alter coverage provided in the Coverage Form. This endorsement changes the policy effective on the inception date of the policy unless another date is indicated below. Named lnsured: Endorsement Effective Date : SCHEDULE Name Of Person(s) Or Organization(s) lnformation required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations Each person or organization shown in the Schedule is an "insured" for Covered Autos Liability Coverage, but only to the extent that person or organization qualifies as an "insured" under the Who ls An lnsured provision contained in Paragraph A.1. of Section ll - Covered Autos Liability Coverage in the Business Auto and Motor Carrier Coverage Forms and Paragraph D.2. of Section I - Covered Autos Coverages of the Auto Dealers Coverage Form. cA 20 48 10 13 Copyri ght, I nsurance Services Office, lnc., 20 1 1 Page 1 of 1 This page has been left blank intentionally POLICY NUMBER COMMERCIAL AUTO cA 04 44 10 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLIGY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. WAIVER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGATNST OTHERS TO US (WATVER OF SUBROGATTON) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following AUTO DEALERS COVERAGE FORM BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM With respect to coverage provided by this endorsement, the provisions of the Coverage Form apply unless modified by the endorsement. This endorsement changes the policy effective on the inception date of the policy unless another date is indicated below. Named lnsured: Endorsement Effective Date SCHEDULE Name(s) Of Person(s) Or Organization(s): ANY PERSON OR ORGANIZAT]ON FOR WHOM OR WHICH YOU ARE REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT TO OBTAIN THIS WAIVER FROM US. YOU MUST AGREE TO TIIAT REQUTREMENT PRIOR TO LOSS lnformation required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations The Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us condition does not apply to the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only to the extent that subrogation is waived prior to the "accident" or the "loss" under a contract with that person or organlzation. cA 04 44 10 13 @ lnsurance Services Office, lnc., 2011 Page 1 of 1 This page has been left blank intentionally. CNA CNA PARAMOUNT Schedule of Forms and Endorsements Policy Number'. 509344737 9 I. CNA PARAMOUNT A. Policyholder Notices Endm't Number Form Titl-e Form Number Form Edition Policy Hol-der Notice Countrywide cNA62 B2 oXX 02-15 Policy Holder Notice - Countrywide cNA74722XX 01- 15 Policy Holder Notice - Countrywide Used on Liability Schedules Premium Basis cNA75t_44XX 04-15 Policy Holder Notice - Countrywide - Contractorst General Liability Extension Endorsement CNA82B76XX 07-15 Policy Holder Notice - Countrywide CNAS 93 1 9XX 06 -1,1 B. Policy Terms & Conditions Pol-icy Declarations CNA62 63 9XX 09-12 Schedule of Forms and Endorsements cNA62 64 oXX 09 -1,2 Common Terms and Conditions CNA62642XX 10-15 - - - II. POLICY COVERAGE PARTS F. General Liabilily General- Liability Coverage Part. Decl-araLions CNA74694XX 01- 15 Additional Decl-arations - General Liability Schedule of Locations and Coverages CNA75126XX 01- 15 Commercial General Liabj-lity Coverage Part cGO001 04-13 1 Contractors' General Liabillty Extension Endorsement CNA747O5XX 01- 15 2 Additional Coverage Limit.ed Pol-Iution Liability Coverage - Worksit.es - Earth Movers EndorsemenL cNA74 84 9XX 04-15 3 Additional Insured - Owners, Lessees or Contractors - Schedul-ed Person or Organization Endorsement cG 20 10 04-13 CNA62640XX 09-12 Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. Page 1 of 5 CNA CNA PARAMOUNT Schedule of Forms and Endorsements Policy Number'. 509344737 9 Endm't Number Form Title Form Number Form Edition 4 Additional Tnsured - Owners, Lessees or Contractors - Scheduled Person or Organization Endorsement cG 20 10 04 - 1-3 5 Additional Contractors Insured - Owners, Lessees or Completed Operat.ions Endorsement cG 20 37 04-13 6 Addit ional Contractors Insured - Owners, Lessees or Completed Operations Endorsement cG 20 37 04-13 7 Blanket Additional Insured - Owners, Lessees or Contractors - with Products-Completed Operations Coverage Endorsement. CNA75O79XX 10-16 B Dedueti-ble Applicabfe to Damages Endorsement CNA75119XX 01- 15 J ucuusLaurE 6IrPlfuduac LU udrLidgcb alluutEicittcllL g1\A/JIZUAA UA_fJ Supplementaf Schedule Attachment 1o Pol-lution ExcLusion Amendatory Endorsement CNA74843XX 01-15 11 Primary and Noncontributory Condition Endorsement Other Insurance CNA749B7XX 01- 15 72 Waiver of Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against Others to the fnsurer Endorsement CNA75 O OBXX 1_0 - 16 13 Waiver of Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against Others to the Insurer Endorsement CNA75 O O 8XX 10-16 L4 Silica Exclusion Endorsement CNA74687XX 01- 15 15 Fungi / Motd / Mildew / Yeast / Microbe Exclusion Endorsement - Washington CNA747O8WA 01- 15 15 Employment-Related Practices Exclusion Endorsement - Washington CNA74 75 1WA 01- 15 I7 Contractors Endorsement. Professional Liability Exclusion CNA74 B O 1XX 01- 15 18 Construction Wrap-Up Program Excl-usion Endorsement CNA74863XX 01- 1-5 cNA6264oXX 09-12 Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved Page 2 ot 5 CNA CNA PARAMOUNT Schedule of Forms and Endorsements Policy Number: 509344737 9 Endm't Number Form Title Form Number Form Edition 19 ExLerior Finish System Products/CompleLed Operations Property Damage Exclusion Endorsement CNA74B92XX 01- 15 20 Excl-usion - Access or Disclosure of Confidentia] or Personal- fnformation and Data-Refated Liability - with Limited Bodi]y Injury Exception Endorsement CNA75 O B 9XX 01- 15 21_Addit.ional Insured - Owners, Lessees or Contractors - Scheduled Person or Organization Endorsement cG2010 07 -04 t')Additional Insured - Owners, Lessees or ContracLors - Compl-eted Operations Endorsement cG2031 07 -04 Additionaf Insured - Owners, Lessees or Contractors - Schedul-ed Person or Organization Endorsement cG2010 07 -04 24 Additional fnsured - Owners, Lessees or ContracLors - Completed Operations Endorsement cG2037 07 -04 G. Employee Benefits Liability EmpJ-oyee Benefits Liability Coverage Part Declarat.ions cNA74693XX 0t--15 Additional Decfarations - Employee Benefits Liability Schedule of Locations and Coverages CNA75133XX 01- 15 Employee Benefits Liability Coverage Part. Occurrence CNA74721XX 01- 15 25 Employee Benefits Liability - Amended Definition of ExecuLive Officer Endorsement CNA86269XX 10 - t_6 26 State Amendatory Endorsement (Employee Benefits Liability - Occurrence) - Washingt.on cNA75l_77WA 01-15- - - - E l. Stop Gap Liability CNA62640XX 09-12 Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved Page 3 of 5 CNA CNA PARAMOUNT Schedule of Forms and Endorsements Policy Number'. 5093447 37 9 Endm't Number Form Title Form Number Form tsiclat10n Stop Gap Coverage Part Decfarations CNA74 B3 OXX 0l_ - 15 Additional Decfarations - Stop Gap Liability Schedul-e of Locations and Coverages CN.A,7 513 4XX 0t_-15 Stop cap Liability Coverage Part CNA74 93 4XX 01- 15 ZI State Amendat.ory Endorsement. (Stop Gap Liability) - Washington CNA7526 7WA 01-15 aa SGL - Amend Def of Employee and Exec Officer End CNA83 8 94XX 10-15 III. POLICY ENDORSEMENTS 29 Amendment to Policy Declarations- Named Insured Endorsement CNA62 7 O OXX 09 -L2 ?0 Rroad \Tamad Tnqrrrcd Flnrfnrqcmcnl-C\TA?ql ORXX nl-T 5 31 Bridge Endorocmcnt.N\IAE' E A EWV n1_1tr ?t Cancell-ation / Non-Renewal - Washi-ngt.on CNA62814WA 09 -r2 33 Amendatory EndorsemenL - Washingt.on CNA62 8 1sWA 10-15 34 Changes - Notice of Cancellation or Material Rest.rict ion Endorsement CNA74 7O 2XX 01- 15 35 Changes - Notice of Cancel-l-ation or Material Restriction Endorsement CNA74 7 O2XX 0l_ - 15 J trt Changes - Notice of Cancellation or Material Restriction Endorsement CNA747O2XX 01- 15 31 Changes - Notice of Cancell-ation or Mat.erial Restriction Endorsement CNA747O2XX 01- 15 3B Changes - Notice of Cancell-ation or Materiaf Restriction Endorsement CNA74 7O 2XX 01- 15 39 Changes - Notice of Cancel-l-ation or Material Restriction Endorsement CNA74 7 O2XX 01- 15 40 Calculation of Premium Endorsement CN.A,74 7 2 6XX 0l- - 15 41,Asbeslos Excl-usion Endorsement CNA74 7 1 9XX 0l_ - 15 cNA6254oXX 09-L2 Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. Page 4 ot 5 CNA CNA PARAMOUNT Schedule of Forms and Endorsements - - I PolicyNumber'. 50934473'19 Endmrt Number Form Title Form Number Form !:cll-tl_on 42 Nuc1ear Energy Liabillty Excl-usion Endorsement (Broad Form) cNA74 72 7XX 0t_-15 43 Cap on Losses from Certified Acts of Terrorism Endorsement CNABl5O3XX 02-15 CNA62640XX 09-12 Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. Page 5 of 5 Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .................................. 1-1 1-01 Definitions and Terms ................................................... 1-1 1-02 Bid Procedures and Conditions ....................................... 1-2 1-03 Award and Execution of Contract.................................... 1-5 1-04 Scope of the Work ....................................................... 1-5 1-05 Control of Work ........................................................... 1-8 1-06 Control of Material ....................................................... 1-15 16 1-07 Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public .............. 1-18 1-08 Prosecution and Progress .............................................. 1-24 1-09 Measurement and Payment ........................................... 1-29 30 1-10 Temporary Traffic Control ............................................. 1-31 DIVISION 2 EARTHWORK ....................................................... 2-1 2-01 Clearing, Grubbing, and Roadside Cleanup ................ 2-1 2-02 Removal of Structures and Obstructions .......................... 2-1 2-03 Roadway Excavation and Embankment ........................... 2-4 5 2-06 Subgrade Preparation ................................................... 2-5 2-07 Watering .................................................................... 2-5 6 DIVISION 4 BASES ................................................................. 4-1 4-03 Gravel Borrow ............................................................. 4-1 4-04 Ballast and Crushed Surfacing ....................................... 4-1 DIVISION 5 SURFACE TREATMENTS AND PAVEMENTS ........... 5-1 5-02 Bituminous Surface Treatment ....................................... 5-1 5-04 Hot Mix Asphalt ........................................................... 5-1 5-05 Cement Concrete Pavement .......................................... 5-37 DIVISION 6 STRUCTURES ...................................................... 6-1 6-07 Painting ...................................................................... 6-1 DIVISION 7 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, STORM SEWERS, SANITARY SEWERS, WATER MAINS, AND CONDUITS ........... 7-1 7-01 Drains ........................................................................ 7-1 7-04 Storm Sewers ............................................................. 7-1 7-05 Manholes, Inlets, Catch Basins, and Drywells ................... 7-2 7-06 Bioretention Cells ......................................................... 7-7 7-08 General Pipe Installation Requirements ........................... 7-11 7-09 Water Mains ................................................................ 7-17 7-12 Valves for Water Mains ................................................. 7-22 7-15 Service Connections ..................................................... 7-24 DIVISION 8 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION ...................... 8-1 8-01 Erosion Control and Water Pollution Control ..................... 8-1 8-02 Roadside Restoration .................................................... 8-5 8-03 Irrigation Systems ....................................................... 8-17 18 8-04 Curbs, Gutters, and Spillways ........................................ 8-18 19 Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 2 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE DIVISION 8 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION 8-09 Raised Pavement Markers ............................................. 8-19 20 8-12 Chain Link Fence and Wire Fence ................................... 8-20 21 8-13 Monument Cases ......................................................... 8-21 23 8-14 Cement Concrete Sidewalks .......................................... 8-22 23 8-18 Mailbox Support .......................................................... 8-25 26 8-19 Street Furniture ........................................................... 8-25 26 8-20 Illumination, Traffic Signal Systems, Intelligent Transportation Systems, and Electrical ............................ 8-27 28 8-21 Permanent Signing ....................................................... 8-41 43 8-22 Pavement Marking ....................................................... 8-42 43 8-23 Temporary Pavement Markings ...................................... 8-46 48 8-27 Handrails .................................................................... 8-46 48 8-28 Pothole Utilities ........................................................... 8-47 49 8-30 Project Signs ............................................................... 8-48 50 8-33 Cement Concrete Planter Wall ....................................... 8-49 51 8-34 Metal Planter Wall ........................................................ 8-51 53 8-35 Gateway Lettering ....................................................... 8-55 56 8-36 Gateway Feature ......................................................... 8-58 59 8-37 Gravel Node ................................................................ 8-63 64 DIVISION 9 MATERIALS ......................................................... 9-1 9-03 Aggregates ................................................................. 9-1 9-13 Riprap, Quarry Spalls, Slope Protection, and Rock For Erosion and Scour Protection and Rock Walls ................... 9-3 9-14 Erosion Control and Roadside Planting ............................ 9-3 9-15 Irrigation Systems ..................................................... 9-10 9-16 Fence and Guardrail ..................................................... 9-9 10 9-28 Signing Materials and Fabrication ................................... 9-9 11 9-29 Illumination, Signal, Electrical ........................................ 9-11 12 9-30 Water Distribution Materials .......................................... 9-27 28 KENT STANDARD PLANS .............................................................. A-1 WSDOT STANDARD PLANS ........................................................... A-2 NEW WATER MAIN CONNECTION PROCEDURES ........................... A-3 INADVERTENT DISCOVERY PLAN ................................................. A-4 STORMWATER PERMIT ................................................................ A-5 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS ........................................................... A-6 PROJECT SIGN TEMPLATE ............................................................ A-7 PREVAILING WAGE RATES ........................................................... A-8 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT .............................................................. A-9 Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 1 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS The Kent Special Provisions (“Kent Special Provisions” or “KSP”) modify and supersede any conflicting provisions of the 2020 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, as prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association, including all published amendments issued by those organizations (“WSDOT Standard Specifications”). Otherwise all provisions of the WSDOT Standard Specifications shall apply. All references in the WSDOT Standard Specifications to the State of Washington, its various departments or directors, or to the contracting agency, shall be revised to include the City and/or City Engineer, except for references to State statutes or regulations. Finally, all of these documents are a part of this contract. DIVISION 1 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1-01 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS SECTION 1-01.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-01.1 General When these Kent Special Provisions make reference to a “Section,” for example, “in accordance with Section 1-01,” the reference is to the WSDOT Standard Specifications as modified by these Kent Special Provisions. SECTION 1-01.2(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-01.2(2) Items of Work and Units of Measurement EA Each Eq. Adj. Equitable Adjustment FA Force Account HR Hour M GAL Thousand gallons NIC Not In Contract SF Square Feet SECTION 1-01.3, “CONTRACT” DEFINITION, IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-01.3 Definitions Contract The written agreement between the Contracting Agency and the Contractor. It describes, among other things: 1. What work will be done, and by when; 2. Who provides labor and materials; and Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 2 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 3. How Contractors will be paid. The Contract includes the Contract (agreement) Form, Bidder’s completed Proposal Form, Kent Special Provisions, Contract Provisions, Contract Plans, 2020 WSDOT Standard Specifications (also including amendments to the Standard Specifications issued by WSDOT as of the later date of bid advertisement or any subsequent addenda), Kent Standard Plans, Addenda, various certifications and affidavits, supplemental agreements, change orders, and subsurface boring logs (if any). Also incorporated in the Contract by reference are: 1. Standard Plans (M21-01) for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction as prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the American Public Works Association, current edition; 2. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, current edition, and; 3. American Water Works Association Standards, current edition; 4. The current edition of the “National Electrical Code.” Responsibility for obtaining these publications rests with the Contractor. SECTION 1-01.3, “DEFINITIONS” IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING DEFINITION: Incidental Work The terms “incidental to the project,” “incidental to the involved bid item(s),” etc., as used in the Contract shall mean that the Contractor is required to complete the specified work and the cost of such work shall be included in the unit contract prices of other bid items as specified in Section 1-04.1 (Intent of the Contract). No additional payment will be made. 1-02 BID PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS SECTION 1-02.1 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.1 Qualification of Bidders Bidders shall be qualified by ability, experience, financing, equipment, and organization to do the work called for in the Contract. The City reserves the right to take any action it deems necessary to ascertain the ability of the Bidder to perform the work satisfactorily. This action includes the City’s review of the qualification information in the bid documents. The City will use this qualification data in its decision to determine whether the lowest responsive bidder is also responsible and able to perform the contract work. If the City determines that the lowest bidder is not the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, the City reserves its unqualified right to reject that bid and award the Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 3 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 contract to the next lowest bidder that the City, in its sole judgment, determines is also responsible and able to perform the contract work (the “lowest responsive and responsible bidder”). SECTION 1-02.2 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.2 Plans and Specifications Upon awarding the Contract, the City will supply to the Contractor, for its own use, up to ten (10) copies of the plans and specifications. If the Contractor requests more than ten (10) copies, the City may require the Contractor to purchase the additional sets. SECTION 1-02.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.5 Proposal Forms Prospective bidders may obtain Bid Documents including a “Bid Proposal” for the advertised project by downloading at no charge at KentWA.gov/doing-business/bids-procurement; however, a prospective bidder remains responsible to obtain Bid Documents, even if unable to download all or any part of the documents, whether or not inability to access is caused by the bidder’s or the City’s technology. SECTION 1-02.6 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE THIRD PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.6 Preparation of Proposal It is the Bidder’s sole responsibility to obtain and incorporate all issued addenda into the bid. In the space provided on the Proposal Signature Page, the Bidder shall confirm that all Addenda have been received. All blanks in the proposal forms must be appropriately filled in. SECTION 1-02.6 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING TO THE LAST PARAGRAPH: Proposals must contain original signature pages. FACSIMILES OR OTHER FORMS OF ELECTRONIC DELIVERY ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE AND ARE CONSIDERED NON-RESPONSIVE SUBMITTALS. SECTION 1-02.7 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.7 Bid Deposit A deposit of at least 5 percent of the total Bid shall accompany each Bid. This deposit may be cash, cashier’s check, or a proposal bond (Surety bond). Any proposal bond shall be on the City’s bond form and shall be signed by the Bidder and the Surety. A proposal bond shall not be conditioned in any way to modify the minimum 5-percent required. The Surety shall: (1) be registered with the Washington State Insurance Commissioner, and (2) appear on the current Authorized Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 4 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Insurance List in the State of Washington published by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner. The failure to furnish a Bid deposit of a minimum of 5 percent with the Bid shall make the Bid nonresponsive and shall cause the Bid to be rejected by the Contracting Agency. SECTION 1-02.9 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.9 Delivery of Proposal All bids must be sealed and delivered in accordance with the “Invitation to Bid.” Bids must be received at the City Clerk’s office by the stated time, regardless of delivery method, including U.S. Mail. SECTION 1-02.10 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.10 Withdrawing, Revising, or Supplementing Proposal After submitting a Bid Proposal to the Contracting Agency, the Bidder may withdraw or revise it if: 1. The Bidder submits a written request signed by an authorized person, and 2. The Contracting Agency receives the request before the time for opening Bids. The original Bid Proposal may be revised and resubmitted as the official Bid Proposal if the Contracting Agency receives it before the time for opening Bids. SECTION 1-02.11 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.11 Combination and Multiple Proposals No person, firm or corporation shall be allowed to make, file, or be interested in more than one bid for the same work unless alternate bids are specifically called for; however, a person, firm, or corporation that has submitted a subproposal to a bidder, or that has quoted prices of materials to a bidder is not disqualified from submitting a subproposal or quoting prices to other bidders or from making a prime proposal. SECTION 1-02.13 IS REVISED BY DELETING ITEM 1(a) AND REPLACING ITEM 1(a) WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.13 Irregular Proposals a. The bidder is not prequalified when so required. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 5 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 SECTION 1-02.14 IS REVISED BY DELETING ITEM 3 AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-02.14 Disqualification of Bidders 3. The bidder is not qualified for the work or to the full extent of the bid. 1-03 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT SECTION 1-03.1 IS REVISED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AFTER THE SECOND PARAGRAPH IN THAT SECTION: 1-03.1 Consideration of Bids The City also reserves the right to include or omit any or all schedules or alternates of the Proposal and will award the Contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder based on the total bid amount, including schedules or alternates selected by the City. SECTION 1-03.2 IS REVISED BY REPLACING “45 CALENDAR DAYS” WITH “60 CALENDAR DAYS” RELATING TO CONTRACT AWARD OR BID REJECTION. 1-03.2 Award of Contract SECTION 1-03.3 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-03.3 Execution of Contract No claim for delay shall be granted to the Contractor due to its failure to submit the required documents to the City in accordance with the schedule provided in these Kent Special Provisions. SECTION 1-03.7 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-03.7 Judicial Review Any decision made by the City regarding the award and execution of the contract or bid rejection shall be conclusive subject to the scope of judicial review permitted under Washington State Law. Such review, if any, shall be timely filed in the King County Superior Court, located in Kent, Washington. 1-04 SCOPE OF THE WORK 1-04.1 Intent of the Contract SECTION 1-04.1(2) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-04.1(2) Bid Items Not Included in the Proposal Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 6 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 The Contractor shall include all costs of doing the work within the bid item prices. If the contract plans, contract provisions, addenda, or any other part of the contract require work that has no bid item price in the proposal form, the entire cost of labor and materials required to perform that work shall be incidental and included with the bid item prices in the contract. SECTION 1-04.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE WORDS, “KENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS, KENT STANDARD PLANS” FOLLOWING THE WORDS, “CONTRACT PROVISIONS” IN THE FIRST SENTENCE OF THE FIRST PARAGRAPH. SECTION 1-04.2 IS REVISED BY DELETING ITEMS 1 THROUGH 7 IN THE SECOND PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING 8 ITEMS: 1-04.2 Coordination of Contract Documents, Plans, Special Provisions, Specifications, and Addenda 1. Approved Change Orders 2. The Contract Agreement 3. Kent Special Provisions 4. Contract Plans 5. Amendments to WSDOT Standard Specifications 6. WSDOT Standard Specifications 7. Kent Standard Plans 8. WSDOT Standard Plans SECTION 1-04.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE THIRD PARAGRAPH (INCLUDING SUBPARAGRAPHS A AND B). 1-04.4 Changes SECTION 1-04.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIFTH PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING IT WITH THE FOLLOWING: For Item 2, increases or decreases in quantity for any bid item shall be paid at the appropriate bid item contract price, including any bid item increase or decrease by more than 25 percent from the original planned quantity. SECTION 1-04.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE EIGHTH PARAGRAPH (NEXT TO THE LAST PARAGRAPH) AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: Within 14 calendar days of delivery of the change order the Contractor shall endorse and return the change order, request an extension of time for endorsement or respond in accordance with Section 1-04.5. The Contracting Agency may unilaterally process the change order if the Contractor fails to comply with these requirements. Changes normally noted on field stakes or variations from estimated quantities, will not require a written change order. These changes shall be made at the unit prices that apply. The Contractor shall respond immediately to changes shown on field stakes without waiting for further notice. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 7 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 SECTION 1-04.6 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-04.6 Variation in Estimated Quantities Payment to the Contractor will be made only for the actual quantities of Work performed and accepted in conformance with the Contract. SECTION 1-04.9 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-04.9 Use of Private Properties Contractor may utilize greenways along the north and south sides of SR-516 as temporary laydown areas subject to written approval of the City. Contractor shall restore all grass areas disturbed by construction activities to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor may pursue his own staging and storage area. Staging and storage locations needed for the Project must be properly permitted for that use. Limits of construction are indicated or defined on the plans. The Contractor shall confine all construction activities within these limits. If a staging and storage area is shown on the plans, the City will obtain all permits and approvals necessary for the Contractor’s use. Whether the City does or does not provide a staging area, if the Contractor selects its own staging and storage area(s), it is the Contractor’s sole responsibility to obtain all necessary permits/approvals to use the private property, specifically including, without limitation, all permits or approvals subject to State Environmental Policy Act, Shoreline Management Act, and critical areas regulations. Before using any other property as a staging or storage area (or for any other use), the Contractor shall thoroughly investigate the property for the presence of critical areas, buffers of critical areas, or other regulatory restrictions as defined in Kent City Code, county, state or federal regulations, and the Contractor shall provide the City written documentation that the property is not subject to other regulatory requirements or that the Contractor has obtained all necessary rights of entry, permits and approvals needed to use the property as the Contractor intends. Upon vacating the private property, the Contractor shall provide the City written verification that it has obtained all releases and/or performed all mitigation work as required by the conditions of the permit/approval and/or agreement with the property owner. The Contractor shall not be entitled to additional compensation or an extension of the time of completion of the Contractor for any work associated with the permitting, mitigation or use of private property. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 8 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 SECTION 1-04.11 ITEM 2 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-04.11 Final Cleanup 2. Remove from the project all unapproved and/or unneeded material left from grading, surfacing, paving, or temporary erosion control measures. 1-05 CONTROL OF WORK SECTION 1-05.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE LAST FOUR PARAGRAPHS. 1-05.4 Conformity With and Deviations From Plans and Stakes SECTION 1-05.4 IS REVISED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AFTER PARAGRAPH 7: To the extent a conflict exists between the requirements of WSDOT Section 1-05.4 and Kent Special Provision Section 1-05.8, the requirements of KSP Section 1-05.8 will prevail. SECTION 1-05.7 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-05.7 Removal of Defective and Unauthorized Work If the Contractor fails to remedy defective or unauthorized work within the time specified by the Engineer, or fails to perform any part of the work required by the contract, the Engineer may provide the Contractor written notice establishing a date after which the City will correct and remedy that work by any means that the Engineer may deem necessary, including the use of City forces or other contractors. If the Engineer determines that the Contractor’s failure to promptly correct any defective or any unauthorized work creates a situation that could be potentially unsafe or might cause serious risk of loss or damage to the public, the Engineer may have the defective and unauthorized work corrected immediately, have the rejected work removed and replaced, or have the work the Contractor refuses to perform completed by using City or other forces. Direct and indirect costs incurred by the City attributable to correcting and remedying defective or unauthorized work, or work the Contractor failed or refused to perform, shall be paid by the Contractor. Payment may be deducted by the Engineer from monies due, or to become due, the Contractor. Direct and indirect costs shall include, without limitation, compensation for additional professional services required, compensation and engineering and inspection services required, and costs for repair and replacement of work of others destroyed or damaged by correction, removal, or replacement of the Contractor’s unauthorized work. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 9 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 No increase in contract time or compensation will be allowed because of the delay in the performance of the work attributable to the exercise of the City’s rights provided by this section nor shall the exercise of this right diminish the City’s right to pursue any other remedy available under law with respect to the Contractor’s failure to perform the work as required. DIVISION 1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 1-05.8 City Provided Construction Staking 1-05.8(1) General As used in this Section 1-05.5, the words, “stake,” “mark,” “marker,” or “monument” will be deemed to include any kind of survey marking, whether or not set by the City. The City will supply construction stakes and marks establishing lines, slopes and grades as set forth in Sections 1-05.8(2) through 1-05.8(6) of the Kent Special Provisions. The City will be exempt from staking individual points as shown on the design plans, including, but not limited to, point tables, finished grade points, labeled point locations in reference to point tables, etc. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for detailed dimensions, elevations, and excavation slopes measured from these City furnished stakes and marks. The Contractor shall provide a work site clear of equipment, stockpiles and obstructions which has been prepared and maintained to permit construction staking to proceed in a safe and orderly manner. A City survey crew can stake a finite amount of work in a single day (see Section 1-05.8(6) of the Kent Special Provisions). The Contractor shall provide staking requests for a reasonable amount of work to the Engineer at least 3 working days in advance to allow the survey crew adequate time for setting stakes. If the work site is obstructed so that survey work cannot be done, a new request for work shall be submitted by the Contractor so that the survey can be rescheduled once the site is properly prepared. Up to an additional 3 working days may be required depending on work load for the city survey crew to complete the rescheduled work. Note: A surveyor working day is a consecutive eight hour period between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday, except holidays as listed in Section 1-08.5. It is illegal under Revised Code of Washington 58.09.130 and Washington State Administrative Code 332-120 to willfully destroy survey markers. Stakes, marks, and other reference points set by City forces, and existing City, State or Federal monumentation, shall be carefully preserved by the Contractor. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately if it becomes apparent that a survey marker will be disturbed due to construction. The Contractor will allow ample time for City Survey Department personnel to acquire adequate information so that the monument may be replaced in its original position after construction. If the City is not notified, and a stake, marker or Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 10 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 monument is disturbed or destroyed the Contractor will be charged at a rate of $300/hour for a city survey crew to replace the stake, marker or monument that was not to be disturbed or damaged by the Contractor’s operations. This charge will be deducted from monies due or to become due to the Contractor. Any claim by the Contractor for extra compensation by reason of alterations or reconstruction work allegedly due to error in the Surveyor’s line and grade will not be allowed unless the original control points set by the Surveyor still exist, or unless the Contractor can provide other satisfactory substantiating evidence to prove the error was caused by incorrect city-furnished survey data. Three consecutive points set on line or grade shall be the minimum points used to determine any variation from a straight line or grade. Any such variation shall, upon discovery, be reported to the Engineer. In the absence of such report, the Contractor shall be liable for any error in alignment or grade. 1-05.8(2) Roadway and Utility Surveys The Engineer shall furnish to the Contractor, one time only, all principal lines, grades and measurements the Engineer deems necessary for completion of the work. These shall generally consist of one initial set of: 1. Cut or fill stakes for establishing grade and embankments, 2. Curb or gutter grade stakes, 3. Centerline finish grade stakes for pavement sections wider than 25 feet as set forth in Section 1-05.8(5), subsection 2, and 4. Offset points to establish line and grade for underground utilities such as water, sewers, storm drains, illumination and signalization. No intermediate stakes shall be provided between curb grade and centerline stakes. On alley construction projects with minor grade changes, the Engineer shall provide offset hubs on one side of the alley to establish the alignment and grade. Alleys with major grade changes shall have embankments staked to establish grade before offset hubs are set. 1-05.8(3) Bridge, Structure and Retaining Wall Surveys For all structural work such as bridges and retaining walls, the Contractor shall retain as a part of Contractor organization an experienced team of surveyors under direct supervision of a licensed surveyor. The Contractor shall ensure that required field measurements and locations match the plan dimensions. The Contractor shall provide all surveys required to complete the structure, except the following primary survey control which will be provided by the City. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 11 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 1. Sufficient horizontal control points to allow the Contractor to establish centerline, abutments and pier centerline positioning and stationing. 2. Up to 6 bench marks in close proximity to the work area. 3. Permanent monuments as shown on the drawings or as given by the City. The Contractor shall establish all secondary survey controls, both horizontal and vertical, as necessary to assure proper placement of all project elements based on the primary control points provided by the City. Survey work shall be within the following tolerances: 1. Stationing +.01 foot 2. Alignment +0.1 foot (between successive points) 3. Superstructure Elevations +0.1 foot (from plan elevations) 4. Substructure Elevations +0.5 foot (from plan elevations) During the progress of the work, the Contractor shall make available to the City all filed books including survey information, footing elevations, cross sections and quantities. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the close coordination of field locations and measurements within appropriate dimensions of structural members being fabricated. 1-05.8(4) Control Stakes Stakes that constitute reference points for all construction work will be conspicuously marked with an appropriate color of flagging tape. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to inform its employees and subcontractors of the importance and necessity to preserve the stakes. The Contractor shall determine appropriate construction stake offset distances to prevent damage to stakes by its construction equipment. Should it become necessary, for any reason, to replace these control stakes, the Contractor will be charged at the rate of $300/hour for a city survey crew to replace the stakes. The Contractor may not charge the City for any standby or “down” time as a result of any replacement of control stakes. If the removal of a control stake or monument is required by the construction operations of the Contractor or its subcontractors, and advance notice of at least three (3) full working days is given to the City, the City will reference, remove, and later replace the stakes or monument at no cost to the Contractor. 1-05.8(5) Staking Services Work requests must be made at least 3 working days in advance of the required staking. The City will furnish the following stakes and reference marks: Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 12 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 1. Clearing Limits - One set of clearing limit stakes will be set at approximately 25-foot stations where needed. 2. Rough Grading - One set of rough grade stakes will be set along the construction centerline of streets at 50-foot stations as required. (If superelevations require intermediate stakes along vertical curves, the City will provide staking at closer intervals.) One set of primary cut and fill stakes will be set for site work. One set of secondary final grade cut and fill stakes will be set where deemed applicable as determined by the Engineer. 3. Storm Sewers - Two cut or fill stakes for each inlet, catch basin or manhole will be set at appropriate offsets to the center of the structure. After installation and backfill, inverts will be checked for correctness. 4. Sanitary Sewers - Two cut or fill stakes for each manhole or cleanout location will be set at appropriate offsets to the center of the structure. After installation and backfill, inverts will be checked for correctness. 5. Water Main - One set of line stakes will be furnished for water mains at 50-foot stations. Additionally, two reference stakes for each valve, hydrant, tee and angle point location will be set concurrently with these line stakes. 6. Staking for Embankments - Catch points and one line stake will be set in those cases where the vertical difference in elevation from the construction centerline to the toe or top of a cut or fill slope exceeds 3 feet. In all other areas, stakes shall be set at an appropriate offset to the street centerline to allow for the preservation of said offsets through the rough grading phase. In both cases the stakes shall be clearly marked with appropriate information necessary to complete the rough grading phase. 7. Curb and Gutters - One set of curb and gutter stakes shall be set at an appropriate offset at 25-foot intervals, beginning and end points of curves and curb returns, wheelchair ramps, driveways, and sufficient mid-curve points to establish proper alignment. 8. Base and Top Course - One set of final construction centerline grade hubs will be set for each course, at not less than 50-foot stations. No intermediate stakes shall be provided unless superelevations require them. In those circumstances, one grade hub left and right of construction centerline at the transition stations will be set at an appropriate offset to centerline not less than 25-foot stations. 9. Adjacent or Adjoining Wetlands - One set of stakes delineating adjacent wetland perimeters will be set at 25 to 50-foot stations as required. 10. Illumination and Traffic Signals System - One set of stakes for luminaires and traffic signal pole foundations will be set as required. One set of stakes for vaults, junction boxes, and conduits will be set, only if curb and gutter is not in place at the time of the survey request. If curb and gutter is in place, staking for vaults, junction boxes, and conduits will be provided at an additional expense to the Contractor. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 13 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 When deemed appropriate by the Engineer, cut sheets will be supplied for curb, storm, sanitary sewer and water lines. Cuts or fills may be marked on the surveyed points but should not be relied on as accurate until a completed cut sheet is supplied. The Contractor, at its own expense, shall stake all other items not listed above to construct the project per the Plans and Specifications. Staking for channelization, traffic loops, and all other items not listed above shall be the sole responsibility and expense of the Contractor. The City may, at its sole discretion, provide additional staking at the request of the Contractor at the rate of $270300/hour. 1-05.8(6) Survey Requests It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to properly schedule survey crews and coordinate staking requests with construction activities. A survey crew may be reasonably expected to stake any one of the following items, in the quantity shown, in a single day: Roadway grading +/-1500 lineal feet of centerline Storm or sanitary sewer Approximately 8-10 structures Water main +/-1500 lineal feet of pipe Curb and gutter +/-1300 lineal feet (one side only) Base and top course +/-1000 lineal feet of centerline Slope staking +/-800-1200 lineal feet (top and toe) Illumination/signalization Approximately 15-20 structures Actual quantities may vary based on the complexity of the project, line of sight considerations, traffic interference, properly prepared work site, and other items that could affect production. The Contractor shall be aware that length does not always translate directly into stationing. For example, a survey request for storm sewer pipe from Station 3+00 to 8+00 is 500 lineal feet in length. There may be 1000 lineal feet, or more, of storm sewer pipe, if the pipe is placed on both sides of the roadway and interconnected. SECTION 1-05.9 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SUBSECTION: 1-05.9 Equipment 1-05.9(1) Operational Testing It is the intent of the City to have at the Physical Completion Date a complete and operable system. Therefore when the work involves the installation of machinery or other mechanical equipment, street lighting, electrical distribution of signal systems, building or other similar work, it may be desirable for the Engineer to have the Contractor operate and test the work for a period of time after final inspection but prior to the Physical Completion Date. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 14 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Whenever items of work are listed in the contract provisions for operational testing they shall be fully tested under operating conditions for the time period specified to ensure their acceptability prior to the Physical Completion Date. In the event the contract does not specify testing time periods, the default testing time period shall be twenty-one (21) calendar days. During and following the test period, the Contractor shall correct any items of workmanship, materials, or equipment that prove faulty or that are not in first class operating condition. Equipment, electrical controls, meters, or other devices and equipment to be tested during this period shall be tested under the observation of the Engineer, so that the Engineer may determine their suitability for the purpose for which they were installed. The Physical Completion Date cannot be established until testing and corrections have been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The costs for power, gas, labor, material, supplies, and everything else needed to successfully complete operational testing shall be included in the various contract bid item prices unless specifically set forth otherwise in the contract. Operational and test periods, when required by the Engineer, shall not affect a manufacturer’s guaranties or warranties furnished under the terms of the Contract. SECTION 1-05.10 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-05.10 Guarantees In addition to any other warranty or guarantee provided for at law or in the parties’ contract, the Contractor shall furnish to the Contracting Agency any guarantee or warranty furnished as a customary trade practice in connection with the purchase of any equipment, materials, or items incorporated into the project. Upon receipt of written notice of any required corrective work, the Contractor shall pursue vigorously, diligently, and without disrupting city facilities, the work necessary to correct the items listed in the notice. Approximately sixty (60) calendar days prior to the one year anniversary of final acceptance, the Contractor shall be available to tour the project, with the Engineer, in support of the Engineer’s effort to establish a list of corrective work then known and discovered. SECTION 1-05.13 IS REVISED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AFTER THE FIRST PARAGRAPH: 1-05.13 Superintendents, Labor, and Equipment of Contractor Within ten (10) days of contract award, the Contractor shall designate the Contractor's project manager and superintendent for the contract work. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 15 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 SECTION 1-05.13 IS REVISED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AFTER THE THIRD PARAGRAPH (AS PRINTED IN THE 2020 WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS): If at any time during the contract work, the Contractor elects to replace the contract manager or superintendent, the Contractor shall only do so after obtaining the Engineer's prior written approval. THE LAST PARAGRAPH OF 1-05.13 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: Whenever the City evaluates the Contractor’s qualifications or prequalifications pursuant to Section 1-02.1 or RCW 47.28.070, the City may take these or other Contractor performance reports into account. SECTION 1-05.14 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-05.14 Cooperation With Other Contractors Details of known projects are as follows:  Puget Sound Energy, Comcast and CenturyLink will be completing work associated with the Willis and 4th Utility Undergrounding Project.  The City of Kent will be installing an emergency pre-emption signal systems at the corner of 3rd Avenue and Willis Street and the corner of 5th Avenue and Willis Street. Contractor shall provide access to the above listed contractors as needed for them to complete their work. Contractor shall coordinate with Puget Sound Energy as needed for them to raise their vaults to grade. SECTION 1-05 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 1-05.16 Water and Power The Contractor shall make necessary arrangements and shall bear the costs for power necessary for the performance of the work. The City will make water necessary for the performance of the work available to the Contractor from the City water system. All water shall be drawn from a City of Kent owned hydrant. The exact hydrant to be used will be determined by the City at the pre-construction meeting. 1-05.17 Oral Agreements No oral agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the City, either before or after execution of the contract, shall affect or modify the terms or obligations contained in any of the documents Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 16 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 comprising the contract. Such oral agreement or conversation shall be considered unofficial information and in no way binding upon the City, unless subsequently recorded and/or put in writing and signed by an authorized agent of the City. 1-06 CONTROL OF MATERIAL 1-06.2 Acceptance of Materials SECTION 1-06.2(2) IS DELETED IN ITS ENTIRETY. 1-06.2(2) Statistical Evaluation of Materials for Acceptance SECTION 1-06 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 1-06.7 Submittals 1-06.7(1) Submittal Procedures All information submitted by the Contractor shall be clear, sharp, high contrast copies. Contractor shall accompany each submittal with a letter of transmittal containing the following information: 1. Contractor’s name and the name of Subcontractor or supplier who prepared the submittal. 2. The project name and identifying number. 3. Each new submittal shall be sequentially numbered (1, 2, 3, etc.). Each resubmittal shall include the original number with a sequential alpha letter added (1A, 1B, 1C, etc.). 4. Description of the submittal and reference to the Contract requirement or technical specification section and paragraph number being addressed. 5. Bid item(s) where product will be used. 1-06.7(2) Schedule of Submittals The Contractor shall create and submit three (3) copies of a schedule of submittals showing the date by which each submittal required for product review or product information will be made. The schedule can be modified, deducted, or added to by the City. The schedule shall be available at the preconstruction conference (see 1-08.0 of the Kent Special Provisions). The schedule of submittals must be accepted prior to the City making the first progress payment. The schedule shall identify the items that will be included in each submittal by listing the item or group of items and the Specification Section and paragraph number and bid item under which they are specified. The schedule shall indicate whether the submittal is required for product review of proposed equivalents, shop drawings, product data or samples or required for product information only. The Contractor shall allow a minimum of 21 days for the Engineer’s review of each submittal or resubmittal. All submittals shall be in Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 17 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 accordance with the approved schedule of submittals. Submittals shall be made early enough to allow adequate time for manufacturing, delivery, labor issues, additional review due to inadequate or incomplete submittals, and any other reasonably foreseeable delay. 1-06.7(3) Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples The Contractor shall submit the following for the Engineer’s review: 1. Shop Drawings: Submit an electronic copy or three paper copies. Submittals will be marked, stamped and returned to the Contractor. The Contractor shall make and distribute any required copies for its superintendent, subcontractors and suppliers. 2. Product Data: Submit an electronic copy or three paper copies. Submittals will be marked, stamped and returned to the Contractor. The Contractor shall make and distribute any required copies for its superintendent, subcontractors and suppliers. 3. Samples: Submit three labeled samples or three sets of samples of manufacturer’s full range of colors and finishes unless otherwise directed. One approved sample will be returned to the Contractor. Content of submittals: 1. Each submittal shall include all of the items required for a complete assembly or system. 2. Submittals shall contain all of the physical, technical and performance data required to demonstrate conclusively that the items comply with the requirements of the Contract. 3. Each submittal shall verify that the physical characteristics of items submitted, including size, configurations, clearances, mounting points, utility connection points and service access points, are suitable for the space provided and are compatible with other interrelated items. 4. The Contractor shall label each Product Data submittal, Shop Drawing or Sample with the bid item number and, if a lump sum bid item, provide a reference to the applicable KSP paragraph. The Contractor shall highlight or mark every page of every copy of all Product Data submittals to show the specific items being submitted and all options included or choices offered. The City encourages a creative approach to complete a timely, economical, and quality project. Submittals that contain deviations from the requirements of the Contract shall be accompanied by a separate letter explaining the deviations. The Contractor’s letter shall: 1. Cite the specific Contract requirement including the Specification Section bid item number and paragraph number for which approval of a deviation is sought. 2. Describe the proposed alternate material, item or construction, explain its advantages, and explain how the proposed alternate meets or exceeds the Contract requirements. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 18 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 3. State the reduction in Contract Price, if any, which is offered to the City. The Engineer retains the exclusive right, at his or her sole discretion, to accept or reject any proposed deviation with or without cause. The Engineer will stamp and mark each submittal prior to returning it to the Contractor. The stamps will indicate one of the following: 1. “APPROVED AS SUBMITTED” – Accepted subject to its compatibility with the work not covered in this submission. This response does not constitute approval or deletion of specified or required items not shown in the partial submission. 2. “APPROVED AS NOTED” – Accepted subject to minor corrections that shall be made by the Contractor and subject to its compatibility with the work not covered in this submission. This response does not constitute approval or deletion of specified or required items not shown in the partial submission. No resubmission is required. 3. “AMEND AND RESUBMIT” – Rejected because of major inconsistencies, errors or insufficient information that shall be resolved or corrected by the Contractor prior to subsequent re- submittal. An amended resubmission is required. Re-submittals that contain changes that were not requested by the Engineer on the previous submittal shall note all changes and be accompanied by a letter explaining the changes. 1-06.7(4) Proposed Equivalents The Engineer retains the exclusive right, at his or her sole discretion, to accept or reject any proposed equivalent with or without cause. 1-07 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC 1-07.2 State Taxes SECTION 1-07.2(1) IS REVISED BY DELETING THE SECOND PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.2(1) State Sales Tax: WAC 458-20-171—Use Tax Without waiving the Contractor’s obligation to understand and apply these tax rules correctly, the City has indicated those parts of the project that are subject to use tax under Section 1-07.2(1) in the proposal bid items. SECTION 1-07.2(2) IS REVISED BY DELETING THE SECOND PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.2(2) State Sales Tax: WAC 458-20-170—Retail Sales Tax Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 19 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Without waiving the Contractor’s obligation to understand and apply these tax rules correctly, the City has indicated those parts of the project that are subject to retail sales tax under Section 1-07.2(2) in the proposal bid items. SECTION 1-07.6 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH BEFORE THE FIRST PARAGRAPH: 1-07.6 Permits and Licenses The City has obtained the following permits: None SECTION 1-07.6 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPHS AFTER THE LAST PARAGRAPH: A copy of each permit and/or license obtained by the Contractor shall be furnished to the City. Approved permits shall be furnished to the City upon completion of the project and prior to final acceptance. The Contractor shall promptly notify the City in writing of any variance in the contract work arising from the issuance of any permit. 1-07.9 Wages SECTION 1-07.9(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY INSERTING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AFTER THE SIXTH PARAGRAPH: 1-07.9(1) General To the extent allowed by law, the wage rates that will be in effect during the entire contract work period are those in effect on the day of bid opening, unless the City does not award the Contract within six months of the bid opening. SECTION 1-07.9(3) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: FOLLOWING: 1-07.9(3) Apprentices All contracts with an estimated construction cost greater than $1,000,000 (one million dollars) shall require that no less than 15 percent of the labor hours performed by workers subject to prevailing wages employed by the contractor or its subcontractors be performed by apprentices enrolled in a state-approved apprenticeship program. Definitions For the purposes of this specification, the following definitions apply: 1. Apprentice Utilization Requirement is expressed as a percentage of the project Labor Hours performed by Apprentices. 2. Labor Hours are the total hours performed by all workers receiving an hourly wage who are directly employed on the project site Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 20 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 including hours performed by workers employed by the prime Contractor and all Subcontractors. Labor Hours do not include hours performed by foremen, superintendents, owners, and workers who are not subject to prevailing wage requirements. 3. Apprentice is a person enrolled in a State-approved Apprenticeship Training Program. 4. State-approved Apprenticeship Training Program is an apprenticeship training program approved by the Washington State Apprenticeship Council. 5. Good Faith Effort is a demonstration that the Contractor has strived to meet the Apprenticeship Utilization Requirement including but not necessarily limited to the specific steps as described elsewhere in this specification. Plan The Contractor shall submit an “Apprentice Utilization Plan” within 30 calendar days of Notice of Award, demonstrating how they intend to achieve the Apprentice Utilization Requirement. The plan shall be updated and resubmitted as appropriate as the Work progresses. The intent is to provide the City with enough information to track progress in meeting the utilization requirements. Reporting The Contractor shall submit a “Monthly Apprentice Reporting Form” on a monthly basis. The report shall be submitted to the City by the last working day of the subsequent month, until the Physical Completion Date. The date reported shall be cumulative to date and consolidated to include the Contractor and all Subcontractors. At the Contractor’s request, the Engineer may suspend this reporting requirement during periods of minimal or no applicable work activities on the project. The Contractor shall submit documentation of their Good Faith Effort if: (1) they are unable to provide a plan demonstrating how they intend to meet the Apprentice Utilization Requirement; or (2) the project has been completed without meeting the Apprentice Utilization Requirement. Contacts The Contractor may obtain information on State-approved Apprenticeship Training Programs by contacting the Department of Labor and Industries at: Specialty Compliance Services Division, Apprenticeship Section, P.O. Box 44530, Olympia, WA 98504-4530 or by phone at (360) 902-5320. Compliance In the event that the Contractor is unable to accomplish the Apprentice Utilization Requirement, the Contractor shall demonstrate that a Good Faith Effort has been made as described within this specification. Failure to comply with the requirements as specified is subject to penalties for noncompliance as set forth in KCC 6.01.030(E). Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 21 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Good Faith Efforts In fulfilling the Good Faith Effort, the Contractor shall perform and, when appropriate, require its Subcontractors to perform the following steps: 1. Solicit Apprentice(s) from State-approved Apprenticeship Training Program(s). 2. Document the solicitation and, in the event Apprentice(s) are not available, obtain supporting documentation from the solicited program(s). 3. Demonstrate that the plan was updated as required within this specification. 4. Provide documentation demonstrating what efforts the Contractor has taken to require Subcontractors to solicit and employ Apprentice(s). In the event that the preceding steps have been followed, the Contractor may also supplement the Good Faith Efforts documentation with the following documentation: 5. Submit documentation demonstrating successful Apprentice utilization on previous contracts. 6. Submit documentation indicating company-wide Apprentice utilization efforts and percentages of attainment. Payment Compensation for all costs involved with complying with the conditions of this specification is included in payment for the associated Contract items of work. 1-07.13 Contractor’s Responsibility for Work SECTION 1-07.13(4) IS REVISED BY DELETING THE SECOND SENTENCE OF THE FIRST PARAGRAPH AND DELETING THE LAST PARAGRAPH. 1-07.13(4) Repair of Damage SECTION 1-07.14 IS REVISED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING TO THE BEGINNING OF THAT SECTION: 1-07.14 Responsibility for Damage To the extent a conflict exists between the terms of this Section 1-07.14 and Section 5 of the Contract, the terms of the Contract will control. Any reference to the State, Governor, Commission, Secretary, or all officers and employees of the State also will include the City, its officers and employees. 1-07.15 Temporary Water Pollution Prevention SECTION 1-07.15(1) IS REVISED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AFTER THE LAST PARAGRAPH: Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 22 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 1-07.15(1) Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures Plan When the proposal form includes multiple bid schedules and the “SPCC Plan” bid item is present in only one bid schedule, the lump sum payment item for the “SPCC Plan” in that one schedule will apply to all bid schedules for all costs associated with creating and updating the accepted SPCC Plan, and all costs associated with the setup of prevention measures and for implementing the current SPCC Plan as required by this Specifications. SECTION 1-07.17 IS REVISED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE TO THE END OF THE SECOND PARAGRAPH: 1-07.17 Utilities and Similar Facilities If a utility is known to have or suspected of having underground facilities within the area of the proposed excavation and that utility is not a subscriber to the utilities underground location center, the Contractor shall give individual notice to that utility within the same time frame prescribed in RCW 19.122.030 for subscriber utilities. SECTION 1-07.17 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 1-07.17(3) Utility Markings Once underground utilities are marked by the utility owner or its agent, and/or once new underground facilities have been installed by the Contractor, the Contractor/excavator is responsible to determine the precise location of underground facilities that may conflict with other underground construction. The Contractor shall maintain the marks or a record of the location of buried facilities for the duration of time needed to avoid future damage until installation of all planned improvements at that location is complete. 1-07.17(4) Payment All costs to comply with subsection 1-07.17(3) and for the protection and repair of all identified or suspected underground utilities specified in RCW 19.122 are incidental to the contract and are the responsibility of the Contractor/excavator. The Contractor shall include all related costs in the unit bid prices of the contract. No additional time or monetary compensation shall be made for delays caused by utility re- marking or repair of damaged utilities due to the Contractor’s failure to maintain marks or to locate utilities in accordance with this section. 1-07.17(5) Notification of Excavation Within ten business days but not less than two business days prior to the commencement of excavation, the Contractor shall provide written notice (or other form of notice acceptable to the Engineer) to all owners Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 23 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 of underground facilities, whether public or private, that excavation will occur, and when excavation will occur. 1-07.17(6) Site Inspection Contractor warrants and represents that it has personally, or through its employees, agents and/or subcontractors, examined all property affected by this project and that it is knowledgeable of specific locations for water, gas, telephone, electric power and combined sewerage utilities within those areas. The following list of contacts is provided only as a convenience to the Contractor. It may not be accurate and may not constitute a complete list of all affected utilities. CenturyLink Gabrielle Skorupa 206-305-4395 Comcast Aaron Cantrel 206-510-4222 (cell) Aaron_Cantrel@comcast.com Puget Sound Energy Gas Glenn Helton 253-395-6926 425-559-4647 (cell) Puget Sound Energy Power Hong Nguyen 425-449-6609 (cell) Hong.Nguyen@pse.com Verizon Scott Christenson 425-636-6046 425-471-1079 (cell) SECTION 1-07.18 IS REVISED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH BEFORE THE FIRST PARAGRAPH: 1-07.18 Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance To the extent a conflict exists between the terms of this Section 1-07.18 and the insurance requirements in Section 7 of the Contract, the terms of the Contract will control. Any reference to the State, Governor, Commission, Secretary, or all officers and employees of the State also will include the City, its officers and employees. SECTION 1-07.24 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.24 Rights of Way Street right of way lines, limits of easements and limits of construction are indicated or defined on the plans. The Contractor's construction activities shall be confined within these limits, unless arrangements for use of private property are made. It is anticipated that the City will have obtained all right of way, easements or right of entry agreements prior to the start of Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 24 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 construction. Locations where these rights have not been obtained will be brought to the Contractor's attention prior to start of construction. The Contractor shall not proceed with any portion of the work in areas where right of way, easements or rights of entry have not been acquired until the Engineer certifies to the Contractor that the right of way or easement is available or that the right of entry has been received. SECTION 1-07.26 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-07.26 Personal Liability of Public Officers Neither the City, the Engineer, nor any other official, officer or employee of the City shall be personally liable for any acts or failure to act in connection with the contract, it being understood that, in these matters, they are acting solely as agents of the City. 1-08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS SECTION 1-08 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 1-08.0 Preconstruction and Preconstruction Conference The Engineer will furnish the Contractor with up to ten (10) copies of the plans and specifications. Additional documents may be purchased from the City at the price specified by the City or in the Invitation to Bid. Prior to undertaking each part of the work, the Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contract and check and verify all pertinent figures shown and all applicable field measurements. The Contractor shall promptly report in writing to the Engineer any conflict, error or discrepancy that the Contractor discovers. After the Contract has been executed, but prior to the Contractor beginning the work, a preconstruction conference will be held with the Contractor, the Engineer and any other interested parties that the City determines to invite. The purpose of the preconstruction conference will be: 1. To review the initial progress schedule. 2. To establish a working understanding among the various parties associated or affected by the work. 3. To establish and review procedures for progress payment, notifications, approvals, submittals, etc. 4. To verify normal working hours for the work. 5. To review safety standards and traffic control. 6. To discuss any other related items that may be pertinent to the work. The Contractor shall prepare and submit for approval, at or prior to the preconstruction conference the following: Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 25 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 1. A price breakdown of all lump sum items. 2. A preliminary construction schedule. 3. A list of material sources for approval, if applicable. 4. Schedule of submittals. (See 1-06.7(2)) 5. Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) for approval. 6. Traffic Control Plan (TCP) for approval. 7. Request to sublet, for approval by the Engineer, of all subcontractors. SECTION 1-08.4 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-08.4 Notice to Proceed, Prosecution and Hours of Work Notice to Proceed will be given after the contract has been executed and the contract bond and evidence of required insurance have been approved by and filed with the City. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer, the Contractor shall not commence the work until the Notice to Proceed has been given by the Engineer. The Contractor shall commence construction activities on the Project Site within ten working days of the Notice to Proceed Date. The Work thereafter shall be prosecuted diligently, vigorously, and without unauthorized interruption until physical completion of the work. Voluntary shutdown or slowing of operations by the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to complete the work within the time(s) specified in the Contract. Except in the case of emergency or unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the normal straight time working hours for the Contractor shall be any consecutive 8 hour period between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, unless otherwise specified in the Kent Special Provisions, with a 5-day work week, plus allowing a maximum one-hour lunch break in each working day. The normal straight time 8-hour working period for the contract shall be established at the preconstruction conference or prior to the Contractor commencing work. If a Contractor desires to perform work on holidays, Saturdays, Sundays, or before 7:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. on any day, the Contractor shall apply in writing to the Engineer for permission to work those times. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 48 hours in advance (72 hours in advance for weekend work) so that the Inspector's time may be scheduled. Permission to work longer than an 8-hour period between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. is not required. For any work outside of normal straight time working hours that requires city surveyors, all reasonable efforts shall be made by the Contractor to allow time for surveying to be completed during normal straight time hours. If city surveyors are required to work other than normal straight time hours at the convenience of the Contractor, all such work shall be reimbursed by the Contractor. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 26 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Permission to work between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. during weekdays and between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. on weekends or holidays may also be subject to noise control requirements. Approval to continue work during these hours may be revoked at any time the Contractor exceeds the City’s noise control regulations or the city receives complaints from the public or adjoining property owners regarding noise from the Contractor’s operations. The Contractor shall have no claim for damages or delays should this permission be revoked for these reasons. The Engineer may grant permission to work Saturdays, Sundays, holidays or other than the agreed upon normal straight time working hours, but may be subject to other conditions established by the City or Engineer. These conditions may include, but are not limited to the following: hours worked by City employees; impacts to the construction schedule; or accommodations to adjoining properties affected by the contract work. Work Hour Exceptions/Restrictions: During the following work restrictions, the Contractor shall leave all streets in a safe and passable condition with all lane closures and or detour traffic control removed during the period. 1. Weekday work within the traveled lanes of SR 516 and on 4th Avenue north of SR 516 shall be restricted to the hours between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. 2. The Contractor shall not be allowed to work from noon on July 10th through 12th, 2020 due to the Cornucopia Days street fair in downtown Kent. Sunday July 12, 2020, the City has the Cornucopia Days Event which includes a parade scheduled where floats will be stored on W Saar Street from 4th Ave South to the Union Pacific Railroad starting from roughly 7am to 4pm. Contractor shall leave open one 12’ minimum lane of traffic for the parade to turn northbound onto 4th Ave S from W Saar Street during this event which will include all relocation of traffic control devices prior to and after the event. In addition, southbound 4th Ave S shall remain closed during the parade and shall remain closed until the parade is over. Contractor shall re-establish the construction traffic control immediately after the parade floats no longer need access to Saar Street. City will provide Contractor with contact information of the Cornucopia event organizer. 3. Work within the traveled lanes at 4th Ave S and Willis Street Intersection shall not block traffic one hour prior to and one hour after events, at the ShoWare Center in Kent. Events currently scheduled at ShoWare Center, starting in early May are listed Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 27 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 below. Full intersection weekend closures as allowed within contract documents shall not occur during those large City event weekends identified with an asterisk (*) below unless otherwise approved by ShoWare and the Engineer. Event Date & Time KHALSA Day May 9 Graduation May 28 Kent Predators Football May 29 7:30 p.m. Kent International Festival May 30 Concert Hold May 31 Concert Hold June 1 *Jurassic World *June 4 – 7 *Kent Predators Football *June 4, 7:30 p.m. University of Phoenix Graduation June 5, 1:00 p.m. Graduation June 8 Graduation June 9 Highline Community College Graduation June 10, 3:00 p.m. (tentative time) Graduation June 10 Green River Community College Graduation June 11, (time to be determined) Graduation June 11 Kent High Schools Graduation June 12, (time to be determined – all day) Graduation June 12 *Kent Graduation *June 13 *Central Washington University Graduation *June 13, (TBD) *Graduation *June 14 Graduation June 15 Renton High Graduations June 15 Renton – 12:00 p.m. Lindberg – 4:00 p.m. Hazen – 7:30 p.m. Graduation June 17 Concert Hold June 18 Mt. Rainier High Graduation June 18 (time to be determined) Graduation June 19 Insight Schools Graduations June 19, (TBD) *Concert *June 20 *Concert *June 21 Monsta X Concert July 1 *Cornucopia Days Event *Noon on July 10 - 12 X League July 18 Bollywood Event July 26 X League/Car Show August 15 Concert Hold August 16 T-Birds Home Opener August 26 Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 28 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Additional events to be scheduled mid-September thru December (dates to be determined) include 10 to 15 Seattle Thunderbirds games, 2 Seattle Mist games and Disney On Ice. Additional events may be scheduled. Doors typically open one hour prior to event’s start time. The Contractor shall coordinate throughout the contract period with ShoWare Center contact Beth Sylves (253) 856-6705, or Scott Trisler (253) 856-6721 email strisler@showarecenter.com, regarding schedule updates and with the Engineer regarding scheduled work. No work will be allowed within the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way without the Contractor obtaining a permit from the railroad. The right- of-way limits are shown on the plans. The median island and guardrail along Willis Street west of 4th Avenue shall not be constructed so as to block the temporary fire access road until the roundabout is completed. Fire department vehicles must at all times have the ability to make left turns onto Willis Street from northbound 5th Avenue until the roundabout is complete and open to traffic. Eastbound Saar Street heading toward between 5th Ave S and 4th Ave S shall remain closed to traffic until all city sight distance easement is acquired and all sight distance requirements and have been met. No contract related truck traffic will be permitted on 3rd Avenue north or south of Willis Street. 1-08.4(A) Reimbursement for Overtime Work of City Employees Following is a non-exclusive list of work that may require Contractor reimbursement for overtime of City employees. The City will bill the Contractor at the OVERTIME RATE in order for locate crews to complete other work. If the locate request is for nights, weekend, holidays or at other times when locate crews are not normally working, all locate work and expenses, including travel, minimum call out times, and/or Holiday premiums will be borne by the Contractor. 1. Locate work required to re-establish marks for City-owned underground facilities that were not maintained or recorded by the Contractor in accordance with RCW 19.122.030. 2. Work required by city survey crew(s) as the result of reestablishing survey stakes or markings that were not maintained or recorded by the Contractor or other work deemed to be for the convenience of the Contractor and not required of the City by the contract. 3. Work required by City personnel or independent testing laboratories to re-test project materials, utility pressure or vacuum tests, camera surveys or water purity tests as the result of initial test failure on the part of the Contractor. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 29 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 1-08.4(B) General The City allocates its resources to a contract based on the total time allowed in the contract. The City will accept a progress schedule indicating an early physical completion date but cannot guarantee the City resources will be available to meet the accelerated schedule. No additional compensation will be allowed if the Contractor is not able to meet its accelerated schedule due to the unavailability of City resources or for other reasons beyond the City's control. Unless previously approved by the Engineer, the original and all supplemental progress schedules shall not conflict with any time and order-of-work requirements in the contract. If the Engineer deems that the original or any necessary supplemental progress schedule does not provide adequate information, the City may withhold progress payments until a schedule containing needed information has been submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. The Engineer's acceptance of any schedule shall not transfer any of the Contractor's responsibilities to the City. The Contractor alone shall remain responsible for adjusting forces, equipment, and work schedules to ensure completion of the work within the times specified in the contract. SECTION 1-08.5 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE THIRD PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-08.5 Time for Completion Contract time shall begin on the day of the Notice to Proceed. The Contract Provisions may specify another starting date for Contract time, in which case, time will begin on the starting date specified. SECTION 1-08.6 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIFTH, SIXTH, AND SEVENTH PARAGRAPHS AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-08.6 Suspension of Work If the performance of all or any part of the Work is suspended for an unreasonable period of time by an act of the Contracting Agency in the administration of the Contract, or by failure to act within the time specified in the Contract (or if no time is specified, within a reasonable time), the Engineer will make an adjustment for any increase in the cost or time for the performance of the Contract (excluding profit) necessarily caused by the suspension. However, no adjustment will be made for any suspension if (1) the performance would have been suspended by any other cause, including the fault or negligence of the Contractor, or (2) an equitable adjustment is provided for or excluded under any other provision of the Contract. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 30 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 If the Contactor believes that the performance of the Work is suspended for an unreasonable period of time and such suspension is the responsibility of the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall immediately submit a written notice of protest to the Engineer as provided in Section 1-04.5. No adjustment shall be allowed for any costs incurred more than 10 calendar days before the date the Engineer receives the Contractor’s written notice to protest. In any event, no protest will be allowed later than the date of the Contractor’s signature on the Final Pay Estimate. The Contractor shall keep full and complete records of the costs and additional time of such suspension, and shall permit the Engineer to have access to those records and any other records as may be deemed necessary by the Engineer to assist in evaluating the protest. The Engineer will determine if an equitable adjustment in cost or time is due as provided in this Section. The equitable adjustment for increase in costs, if due, shall be subject to the limitations provided in Section 1-09.4, provided that no profit of any kind will be allowed on any increase in cost necessarily caused by the suspension. SECTION 1-08.7 MAINTENANCE DURING SUSPENSION IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FOURTH AND SIXTH PARAGRAPHS. 1-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 1-09.9 Payments SECTION 1-09.9 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 1-09.9(2) City’s Right to Withhold Certain Amounts In addition to the amount that the City may otherwise retain under the Contract, the City may withhold a sufficient amount of any payments otherwise due to the Contractor, including nullifying the whole or part of any previous payment, because of subsequently discovered evidence or subsequent inspections that, in the City's judgment, may be necessary to cover the following: 1. The cost of defective work not remedied. 2. Fees incurred for material inspection, and overtime engineering and inspection for which the Contractor is obligated under this Contract. 3. Fees and charges of public authorities or municipalities. 4. Liquidated damages. 5. Engineering and inspection fees beyond Completion Date. 6. Cost of City personnel to re-establish locate marks for City-owned facilities that were not maintained by the Contractor in accordance with RCW 19.122.030 (3). 7. Additional inspection, testing and lab fees for re-doing failed, water, other utility tests. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 31 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 1-09.11 Disputes and Claims SECTION 1-09.11(3) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-09.11(3) Time Limitations and Jurisdiction This contract shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The venue of any claims or causes of action arising from this contract shall be exclusively in the Superior Court of King County, located in Kent, Washington. For convenience of the parties to this contract, it is mutually agreed that any claims or causes of action which the Contractor has against the City arising from this contract shall be brought within 180 days from the date of Final Acceptance of the contract by the City. The parties understand and agree that the Contractor’s failure to bring suit within the time period provided shall be a complete bar to any such claims or causes of action. It is further mutually agreed by the parties that when any claims or causes of action that a Contractor asserts against the City arising from this contract are filed with the City or initiated in court, the Contractor shall permit the City to have timely access to any records deemed necessary by the City to assist in evaluating the claims or actions. SECTION 1-09.13 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-09.13 Final Decision and Appeal All disputes arising under this contract shall proceed pursuant to Section 1-04.5 and 1-09.11 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications and any Kent Special Provisions provided for in the contract for claims and resolution of disputes. The provisions of these sections and the Kent Special Provisions must be complied with as a condition precedent to the Contractor’s right to seek an appeal of the City’s decision. The City’s decision under Section 1-09.11 will be final and conclusive. Thereafter, the exclusive means of Contractor’s right to appeal shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the Superior Court of King County, located in Kent, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute resolution process. 1-10 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL 1-10.2 Traffic Control Management SECTION 1-10.2(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 1-10.2(1) General The City will provide notice of road closures under RCW 47.48.020. Contractor shall provide the City notice of intended Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 32 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 road closures no later than 10 working days prior to anticipated closure. The TCS shall be certified as a work site traffic control supervisor by one of the following: Evergreen Safety Council 401 Pontius Avenue North Seattle, WA 98109 1-800-521-0778 or 206-382-4090 The Northwest Laborers-Employers Training Trust 27055 Ohio Avenue Kingston, WA 98346 360-297-3035 The American Traffic Safety Services Association 15 Riverside Parkway, Suite 100 Fredericksburg, VA 22406-1022 Training Dept. Toll Free (877) 642-4637 or (540) 368-1701 1-10.3 Traffic Control Labor, Procedures, and Devices 1-10.3(3) Traffic Control Devices SECTION 1-10.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 1-10.3(3)L Temporary Traffic Control Devices When the bid proposal includes an item for “Temporary Traffic Control Devices,” the work required for this item shall be furnishing barricades, flashers, cones, traffic safety drums, and other temporary traffic control devices, unless the contract provides for furnishing a specific temporary traffic control device under another item. The item “Temporary Traffic Control Devices” includes: 1. Initial delivery to the project site (or temporary storage) in good repair and in clean usable condition, 2. Repair or replacement when they are damaged and they are still needed on the project, and 3. Removal from the project site when they are no longer on the project. SECTION 1-10.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 1-10.3(3)M Temporary Illumination System The contractor shall provide a temporary illumination system that will be utilized during construction to supplement the existing lighting system to provide an adequate level of lighting. This shall include five temporary 40-foot high poles with 400-Watt lights (min 164 LED) Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 33 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 around the perimeter of the temporary traffic circle. Included in this item are all poles, wires, lights, controllers, electric meter(s), service connections and all other items needed to provide a complete system. This item shall also include the maintenance of the system during construction as well as the demolition and salvaging of all components of the system. SECTION 1-10.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1-10.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid items when they are included in the Proposal: The unit contract price per hour for “Traffic Control Labor” shall be full pay for all costs for the labor provided for performing those construction operations described in Section 1-10.2(1)B, and Section 1-10.3(1) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications, and as authorized by the Engineer. The hours eligible for “Traffic Control Labor” shall be limited to the hours the worker is actually performing the work as documented by traffic control forms provided by the Contractor’s TCM, and verified by the City Inspector’s records, and the Contractor’s Certified Payroll Records submitted to the City Inspector on a weekly basis. The unit contract price per hour for “Traffic Control Supervisor” shall be full pay for each hour a person performs the Traffic Control Supervisor duties described in Section 1-10.2(1)B of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Payment for traffic control labor performed by the Traffic Control Supervisor will be paid under the item for “Traffic Control Labor.” The lump sum contract price for “Temporary Traffic Control Devices” shall be full pay for providing the work described in Section 1-10.3(3)L of the Kent Special Provisions. Progress payment for the lump sum item “Temporary Traffic Control Devices” will be made as follows: 1. When the initial temporary traffic control devices are set up, 50 percent of the amount bid for the item will be paid. 2. Payment for the remaining 50 percent of the amount bid for the item will be paid on a prorated basis in accordance with the total job progress as determined by progress payments. The lump sum contract price for “Temporary Illumination System” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to purchase, install, maintain and remove and dispose of the temporary illumination system as described in 1-10.3(3)M of the specifications and as directed by the Engineer. The unit contract price per day for “Portable Changeable Message Sign (PCMS)” shall be full pay for all costs for furnishing, transporting, initial installation within the project limits, maintaining and removing the Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 1 - 34 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 PCMS, and associated work described in Section 1-10.3(3)C of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Relocation of the PCMS within the project limits will be paid under the item “Traffic Control Labor.” The unit bid price per hour for “Uniformed Off-Duty Police Officer” will be complete compensation for the utilization of a uniformed off-duty Police Officer for traffic control purposes. This bid item includes all the equipment, and vehicle needed for the police officer to perform his duties. Cost is per hour for each hour an Officer is on the project with a minimum call-out time of three hours. The Contracting Agency (City of Kent) has set the unit price for “Uniformed Off-Duty Police Officer” at eighty dollars ($80.00) per hour minimum. Should the Contractor determine that the cost for this work is greater than the minimum price shown in the bid form, the Contractor may bid a higher price. Should the Contractor write in a unit price less than the minimum price shown in the bid form, the minimum unit price shown in the bid form shall govern and become part of the bid. No adjustment will be made for overtime hours or holidays. The unit contract price per day for “Sequential Arrow Sign (SAS)” shall be full pay for all costs for providing, maintaining and removing the SAS, and associated work and maintenance described in Section 1-10.3(3)B of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. The operator of this device will be paid under the item “Traffic Control Labor.” When the proposal does not include a bid item for a specific bid item listed in the WSDOT Standard Specifications and/or the Kent Special Provisions, all costs for the work described for those traffic control bid items shall be included by the Contractor in the unit contract prices for the various other bid items contained within the proposal. The Contractor shall estimate these costs based on the Contractor’s contemplated work procedures. When traffic control bid items are included in the bid proposal, payment is limited to the following work areas: 1. The entire construction area under contract and for a distance to include the initial warning signs for the beginning of the project and the END OF CONSTRUCTION sign. Any warning signs for side streets on the approved TCP are also included. If the project consists of two or more sections, the limits will apply to each section individually. 2. A detour provided in the plans or approved by the City’s Traffic Control Supervisor for by-passing all or any portion of the construction, irrespective of whether or not the termini of the detour are within the limits of the Contract. No payment will be made to the Contractor for traffic control items required in connection with the movement of equipment or the hauling of materials outside of the limits of 1 and 2 above, or for temporary road closures subject to the provisions of Section 1-07.23(1) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 2 - 1 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 DIVISION 2 – EARTHWORK 2-01 CLEARING, GRUBBING, AND ROADSIDE CLEANUP SECTION 2-01.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-01.5 Payment Included in this lump sum payment is the removal and disposal of trees called out for removal on all plan sheets. Contractor to note that tree removal is called out on the general civil plans as well as the landscaping plans. 2-02 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS SECTION 2-02.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-02.1 Description This work also includes the repair of adjacent improvements that were not designated for removal, but that were damaged by the Contractor’s operations. SECTION 2-02.3 IS REVISED BY REPLACING THE LAST THREE PARAGRAPHS WITH THE FOLLOWING: 2-02.3 Construction Requirements The City has identified the following materials that are marked for removal, but that will be salvaged as part of this project: 1. Existing City of Kent Wayfinding Sign – Approximate STA 4+00R 2. Existing Traffic Signal Service Cabinet 3. Existing Traffic Signal Poles 4. Existing Luminaire Poles 5. All temporary lighting equipment as described in 1-10.3(3)M The salvaged materials listed above shall be removed, hauled and stored at the following site(s): 1. Kent East Hill Operations Center SE corner of 124th Avenue SE and SE 248th Street All improvements that are not designated for removal, but that are damaged by the Contractor’s operations shall be replaced, restored, or repaired at the Contractor’s sole expense. The Engineer’s determination regarding what replacement, restoration, or repair must be made by the Contractor to repair damage caused by the Contractor’s removal operations is final. SECTION 2-02.3(3) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 2-02.3(3) Removal of Pavement, Sidewalks, Curbs, and Gutters Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 2 - 2 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 In removing pavement, sidewalks, and curbs the Contractor shall: 1. Haul broken-up pieces of concrete and asphalt pavement into the roadway embankment, or to some off-project site, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, or permitted by the Kent Special Provisions. 2. Material that is to be incorporated into the embankment shall be broken into pieces not exceeding 18 inches in any dimension, and no part of any piece shall be within three feet of the top, side or end surface of the embankment or any structure. 3. Make a vertical saw cut between any existing pavement, sidewalk, or curb that is to remain and the portion to be removed. When asphalt pavements are being widened, the vertical saw cut shall be made at least 1-foot from the edge of the existing pavement, and at least 2-feet from the closest edge of any cement concrete curb that will remain or be replaced, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. 4. Replace at no expense to the City any existing pavement designated to remain that is damaged during the removal of other pavement, sidewalks, or curbs. 5. When cement concrete sidewalk, cement concrete pavement, or cement concrete curb is being removed, and the removal would result in a remaining strip of cement concrete less than 5 feet long, or where in the opinion of the Engineer the remaining portion of the sidewalk, pavement or curb would be damaged by the cutting required for the removal, then the entire sidewalk, pavement or curb shall be removed to the next expansion joint. SECTION 2-02.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 2-02.3(4) Removal of Traffic Islands, and/or Traffic Curbs When Pavement Surface Integrity is to be Maintained In removing traffic islands and/or traffic curbs the Contractor shall: 1. Haul broken-up pieces and complete sections of traffic curbs and all waste materials to an off-project site, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, or permitted by the Kent Special Provisions. 2. Completely remove all block traffic curbs, pre-cast traffic curbs, connecting dividers, nose pieces and remaining adhesive. 3. Remove all island materials, including asphalt pavement, crushed rock, and topsoil, between the traffic curbs to the depth of the compacted subgrade, or to the surface of the underlying pavement where such pavement exists under the island. 4. Take suitable care so as not to damage the underlying pavement surface more than necessary, clean all underlying pavement, and fill any surface voids caused by the removal work. 5. Repair any damage to adjacent traffic curbs that were designated to remain, but that was caused by the removal of the traffic curbs. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 2 - 3 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 6. Remove and dispose of all waste materials deposited on the pavement, or within the City’s stormwater management system, as a result of the removal process selected by the Contractor. SECTION 2-02.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-02.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid items when they are included in the Proposal: The unit contract price per square yard for “Remove Existing Asphalt Concrete Pavement” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment required to remove existing asphalt from sidewalk for a depth of 3 inches, and from roads for a depth of 6 inches. Included in this price is the cost of hauling and disposal of the asphalt pavement. Should the Contractor encounter pavement to be removed which is thicker than 6 inches it shall be paid according to the following formula: actual depth in inches (square yards) x 6 inches = quantity For example, if the Contractor encounters pavement to be removed which is 8 inches thick and 100 square yards then the quantity would be: 8 100 SY x 6 = 133 SY. No other compensation shall be allowed. The unit contract price per square yard for “Remove Existing Cement Concrete Pavement” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment required to remove existing concrete pavement from roads for a depth of 6 inches. Included in this price is the cost of hauling and disposal of the concrete pavement. Should the Contractor encounter pavement to be removed which is thicker than 6 inches it shall be paid according to the following formula: actual depth in inches (square yards) x 6 inches = quantity For example, if the Contractor encounters pavement to be removed which is 8 inches thick and 100 square yards then the quantity would be: 8 100 SY x 6 = 133 SY. No other compensation shall be allowed. The unit contract price per square yard for “Remove Cement Concrete Sidewalk” constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to saw cut and remove, haul, and dispose of the cement concrete sidewalk as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 2 - 4 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 The unit contract price per lineal foot for “Remove Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter” constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to saw cut and remove, haul, and dispose of the cement concrete curb and gutter as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. “Removal of Traffic Islands and/or Traffic Curb,” lump sum. The unit contract price per lineal foot for “Remove Existing Storm Sewer Pipe or Culvert” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to remove the existing storm pipe or culvert as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. The unit bid price shall also include but not be limited to excavation, concrete plugging any remaining pipes, removal, disposal, backfilling with gravel borrow, and compaction. The unit contract price per each for “Remove Existing Catch Basin or Manhole” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to remove the existing structure as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. The unit price bid shall include but not be limited to excavation, concrete plugging any remaining pipes, removal, disposal, backfilling, with gravel borrow and compaction. Any frames, grates, or risers shall be hauled and disposed of by the Contractor unless deemed salvageable as determined by the Engineer. “Saw Cut Existing Asphalt Concrete Pavement” “Saw Cut Existing Cement Concrete Pavement” The unit price contract price per lineal foot for the above items constitutes complete compensation for all materials, labor and equipment required to saw cut existing pavement to a depth of 6 inches in accordance with the plans and specifications. Should the Contractor encounter pavement to be removed which is thicker than 6 inches, it shall be paid according to the following formula: actual depth in inches (length) x 6 inches = quantity For example, if the Contractor encounters pavement to be saw cut which is 8 inches thick and 100 linear feet then the quantity would be: 100 LF x 6 = 133 LF. No other compensation shall be allowed. A vertical saw cut shall be required between any existing pavement, sidewalk, or curb that is to remain and the portion to be removed. The costs of other types of pavement cutting, such as “wheel cutting”, shall be considered incidental to other bid items and no payment will be allowed under this item unless the pavement is actually saw cut. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 2 - 5 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 2-03 ROADWAY EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT 2-03.3 Construction Requirements SECTION 2-03.3(7)C IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-03.3(7)C Contractor-Provided Disposal Site The City has not provided a waste site. The Contractor shall arrange for disposal and provide any necessary disposal sites in accordance with Section 2-03.3(7)C of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. The Contractor is responsible for determining which permits are required for the selected disposal sites. Within the City, wetlands are identified by using the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual dated January 1987. SECTION 2-03.3(14)D IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-03.3(14)D Compaction and Moisture Control Tests Maximum density will be determined by the Modified Proctor Method ASTM D-1557. All compaction tests if required will be performed by the City. 2-06 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 2-06.3 Construction Requirements SECTION 2-06.3(1) ITEM 6 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 2-06.3(1) Subgrade for Surfacing 6. The prepared subgrade shall be compacted in the top 0.50 foot to 95 percent of maximum dry density per ASTM D-1557 for a cut section. If the underlying subgrade is too soft to permit compaction of the upper 0.5 foot layer, the Contractor shall loosen (or excavate and remove), and compact the subgrade until the top layer can meet compaction requirements. Fill sections shall be prepared in accordance with the Standard Specification Section 2-03.3(14)C, Method B except ASTM D-1557 shall determine the maximum density. SECTION 2-06.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 2-06.5 Measurement and Payment The cost for work required for compaction of the subgrade shall be included by the Contractor in the unit contract price of other bid items. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 2 - 6 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 2-07 WATERING SECTION 2-07.4 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 2-07.4 Measurement The Contractor shall obtain a hydrant meter and permit from the City Maintenance Shop located at 5821 South 240th Street 253-856-5600 to measure the quantities of water used. Hydrant wrenches are also available at the City Maintenance Shops at the Contractors option. No additional deposit is required for the hydrant wrench. The City shall provide all water that comes from the City water system. Prior to issuance of the hydrant meter (and wrench if applicable) and permit, the Contractor shall make a hydrant meter deposit to the City Customer Service Division located on the first floor of the Centennial Center at 400 West Gowe Street 253-856-5200. The said deposit is refundable provided the Contractor returns the hydrant meter (and wrench if applicable) to the City Maintenance Shops undamaged. The Contractor shall provide its own gate valve on the hose side of the hydrant meter with which to control water flow. The hydrant meter permit duration is two (2) months. At the end of the permit duration, the Contractor shall deliver the hydrant meter (and wrench if applicable) to the City Maintenance Shops for reading. If the Contractor requires another hydrant meter and permit at the time a meter is returned to the City Maintenance Shops, the Contractor shall request a meter and one shall be provided. An additional meter deposit will not be required. The Contractors initial hydrant meter deposit shall be transferred to the new meter issued. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 4 - 1 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 DIVISION 4 – BASES DIVISION 4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 4-03 GRAVEL BORROW 4-03.1 Description This work shall consist of constructing one or more layers of gravel borrow upon a prepared subgrade in accordance with these specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades, depths, and typical cross-section shown in the plans or as established by the Engineer. 4-03.2 Materials Materials shall meet the minimum requirements of the following section in the Kent Special Provisions: Gravel Borrow .......................... 9-03.14(1) 4-03.3 Construction Requirements Gravel borrow shall be uniformly spread upon the prepared subgrade to the depth, width, and cross-sections shown in the plans. Construction methods used shall meet the appropriate requirements of Section 4-04.3. 4-03.4 Measurement Gravel borrow will be measured in the same manner prescribed for the measurement of crushed surfacing materials as set forth in Section 4-04.4. 4-03.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid item when they are included in the Proposal: The unit contract price per ton for “Gravel Borrow, Including Haul and Compaction” constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to haul, place, finish grade, and compact the gravel borrow as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This item shall be used for roadway subbase, backfill for water, storm sewer, electrical conduit trenches, and other excavation backfill and compaction unless otherwise noted. 4-04 BALLAST AND CRUSHED SURFACING 4-04.3 Construction Requirements Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 4 - 2 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 SECTION 4-04.3(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 4-04.3(2) Subgrade The Contractor is responsible for any delays or costs incurred as a result of placing ballast or surface materials before approval is received from the Engineer. SECTION 4-04.3(5) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 4-04.3(5) Shaping and Compaction Surfacing shall be compacted in depths not to exceed 6 inches except top course shall not exceed 2 inches unless otherwise directed. Density shall be at least 95 percent of maximum density per ASTM D-1557 using a nuclear gauge. Compaction of each layer must be approved by the Engineer before the next succeeding layer of surfacing or pavement is placed thereon. SECTION 4-04.3(7) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 4-04.3(7) Miscellaneous Requirements The Contractor is solely responsible for any delays or additional costs incurred as a result of placing ballast or succeeding courses of surfacing materials before approval to proceed is received from the Engineer. SECTION 4-04.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 4-04.5 Payment “Crushed Surfacing Top Course, 5/8 Inch Minus” “Crushed Surfacing Base Course, 1-1/4 Inch Minus” The unit contract price per ton for the above items constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to haul, place, finish grade, and compact the material as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. These items shall also be used for roadway or driveway remedial work or patching as requested by the Engineer. Quantities used for pipe zone bedding shall be measured and paid separately under the appropriate bid item. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 1 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 DIVISION 5 – SURFACE TREATMENTS AND PAVEMENTS NOTE: If the contract also includes underground utility construction, permanent surface treatments and pavements shall not be placed until an as-built survey and testing of the new underground utilities have been completed. Verification that utility construction conforms to the line and grade requirements of Section 7-08.3(2)B of the WSDOT Standard Specifications will be made by the Engineer prior to authorizing paving to begin. Also, each new utility must pass all appropriate tests specified herein for the type of utility prior to paving. 5-02 BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT SECTION 5-02.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 5-02.5 Payment Anti-stripping additive shall be included in the price of asphalt (grade) per ton. The quantity of asphalt material shall not be reduced by the quantity of anti-stripping additive. 5-04 HOT MIX ASPHALT SECTION 5-04 IS DELETED AND REPLACED IN ITS ENTIRETY WITH THE FOLLOWING: 5-04.1 Description This Work shall consist of providing and placing one or more layers of plant-mixed hot mix asphalt (HMA) on a prepared foundation or base in accordance with these Specifications and the lines, grades, thicknesses, and typical cross-sections shown in the Plans. The manufacture of HMA may include warm mix asphalt (WMA) processes in accordance with these Specifications. WMA processes include organic additives, chemical additives, and foaming. HMA shall be composed of asphalt binder and mineral materials as may be required, mixed in the proportions specified to provide a homogeneous, stable, and workable mixture. 5-04.2 Materials Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections: Portland Cement 9-01 Asphalt Binder 9-02.1(4) Cationic Emulsified Asphalt 9-02.1(6) Anti-Stripping Additive 9-02.4 HMA Additive 9-02.5 Sand 9-03.1(2) (As noted in 5-04.3(5)C for crack sealing) Aggregates 9-03.8 Recycled Asphalt Pavement 9-03.8(3)B Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 2 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Mineral Filler 9-03.8(5) Recycled Material 9-03.21 Joint Sealant 9-04.2 Foam Backer Rod 9-04.2(3)A The Contract documents may establish that the various mineral materials required for the manufacture of HMA will be furnished in whole or in part by the Contracting Agency. If the documents do not establish the furnishing of any of these mineral materials by the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall be required to furnish such materials in the amounts required for the designated mix. Mineral materials include coarse and fine aggregates, and mineral filler. The Contractor may choose to utilize recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) in the production of HMA. The RAP may be from pavements removed under the Contract, if any, or pavement material from an existing stockpile. The Contractor may use up to 20 percent RAP by total weight of HMA with no additional sampling or testing of the RAP. The RAP shall be sampled and tested at a frequency of one sample for every 1,000 tons produced and not less than ten samples per project. The asphalt content and gradation test data shall be reported to the Contracting Agency when submitting the mix design for approval on the QPL. The Contractor shall include the RAP as part of the mix design as defined in these Specifications. The grade of asphalt binder shall be as required by the Contract. Blending of asphalt binder from different sources is not permitted. The Contractor may only use warm mix asphalt (WMA) processes in the production of HMA with 20 percent or less RAP by total weight of HMA. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval the process that is proposed and how it will be used in the manufacture of HMA. Production of aggregates shall comply with the requirements of Section 3-01. Preparation of stockpile site, the stockpiling of aggregates, and the removal of aggregates from stockpiles shall comply with the requirements of Section 3-02. ESAL's The minimum number of ESAL's for the design and acceptance of the HMA in the contract shall be 11 million. 5-04.2(1) How to Get an HMA Mix Design on the QPL If the contractor wishes to submit a mix design for inclusion in the Qualified Products List (QPL), comply with each of the following:  Develop the mix design in accordance with WSDOT SOP 732. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 3 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020  Develop a mix design that complies with Sections 9-03.8(2) and 9- 03.8(6).  Develop a mix design no more than 6 months prior to submitting it for QPL evaluation.  Submit mix designs to the WSDOT State Materials Laboratory in Tumwater, including WSDOT Form 350-042.  Include representative samples of the materials that are to be used in the HMA production as part of the mix design submittal.  Identify the brand, type, and percentage of anti-stripping additive in the mix design submittal.  Include with the mix design submittal a certification from the asphalt binder supplier that the anti-stripping additive is compatible with the crude source and the formulation of asphalt binder proposed for use in the mix design.  Do not include warm mix asphalt (WMA) additives when developing a mix design or submitting a mix design for QPL evaluation. The use of warm mix asphalt (WMA) additives is not part of the process for obtaining approval for listing a mix design on the QPL. Refer to Section 5-04.2(2)B. The Contracting Agency’s basis for approving, testing, and evaluating HMA mix designs for approval on the QPL is dependent on the contractual basis for acceptance of the HMA mixture, as shown in Table 1. Table 1 Basis for Contracting Agency Evaluation of HMA Mix Designs for Approval on the QPL Contractual Basis for Acceptance of HMA Mixture [see Section 5-04.3(9)] Basis for Contracting Agency Approval of Mix Design for Placement on QPL Contracting Agency Materials Testing for Evaluation of the Mix Design Statistical Evaluation WSDOT Standard Practice QC-8 The Contracting Agency will test the mix design materials for compliance with Sections 9-03.8(2) and 9-03.8(6). Visual Evaluation Review of Form 350-042 for compliance with Sections 9-03.8(2) and 9-03.8(6) The Contracting Agency may elect to test the mix design materials, or evaluate in accordance with WSDOT Standard Practice QC-8, at its sole discretion. If the Contracting Agency approves the mix design, it will be listed on the QPL for 12 consecutive months. The Contracting Agency may extend the 12 month listing provided the Contractor submits a certification letter to the Qualified Products Engineer verifying that the aggregate source and job mix formula (JMF) gradation, and asphalt binder crude source and formulation have not changed. The Contractor may submit the certification no sooner than three months prior to expiration of the initial 12 month mix design approval. Within 7 calendar days of receipt of the Contractor’s certification, the Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 4 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Contracting Agency will update the QPL. The maximum duration for approval of a mix design and listing on the QPL will be 24 months from the date of initial approval or as approved by the Engineer. 5-04.2(1)A Vacant 5-04.2(2) Mix Design – Obtaining Project Approval No paving shall begin prior to the approval of the mix design by the Engineer. Nonstatistical evaluation will be used for all HMA not designated as Commercial HMA in the contract documents. Commercial evaluation will be used for Commercial HMA and for other classes of HMA in the following applications: sidewalks, road approaches, ditches, slopes, paths, trails, gores, prelevel, and pavement repair. Other nonstructural applications of HMA accepted by commercial evaluation shall be as approved by the Project Engineer. Sampling and testing of HMA accepted by commercial evaluation will be at the option of the Project Engineer. The Proposal quantity of HMA that is accepted by commercial evaluation will be excluded from the quantities used in the determination of nonstatistical evaluation. Nonstatistical Mix Design. Fifteen days prior to the first day of paving the contractor shall provide one of the following mix design verification certifications for Contracting Agency review;  The WSDOT Mix Design Evaluation Report from the current WSDOT QPL, or one of the mix design verification certifications listed below.  The proposed HMA mix design on WSDOT Form 350-042 with the seal and certification (stamp and signature) of a valid licensed Washington State Professional Engineer.  The Mix Design Report for the proposed HMA mix design developed by a qualified City or County laboratory that is within one year of the approval date. The mix design shall be performed by a lab accredited by a national authority such as Laboratory Accreditation Bureau, L-A-B for Construction Materials Testing, The Construction Materials Engineering Council (CMEC’s) ISO 17025 or AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP) and shall supply evidence of participation in the AASHTO: resource proficiency sample program. Mix designs for HMA accepted by Nonstatistical evaluation shall; Have the aggregate structure and asphalt binder content determined in accordance with WSDOT Standard Operating Procedure 732 and meet the requirements of Sections 9-03.8(2), except that Hamburg testing for ruts and stripping are at the discretion of the Engineer, and 9-03.8(6). Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 5 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Have anti-strip requirements, if any, for the proposed mix design determined in accordance with AASHTO T 283 or T 324, or based on historic anti-strip and aggregate source compatibility from previous WSDOT lab testing. At the discretion of the Engineer, agencies may accept verified mix designs older than 12 months from the original verification date with a certification from the Contractor that the materials and sources are the same as those shown on the original mix design. Commercial Evaluation Approval of a mix design for “Commercial Evaluation” will be based on a review of the Contractor’s submittal of WSDOT Form 350-042 (For commercial mixes, AASHTO T 324 evaluation is not required) or a Mix Design from the current WSDOT QPL or from one of the processes allowed by this section. Testing of the HMA by the Contracting Agency for mix design approval is not required. For the Bid Item Commercial HMA, the Contractor shall select a class of HMA and design level of Equivalent Single Axle Loads (ESAL’s) specified herein. 5-04.2(2)B Using Warm Mix Asphalt Processes The Contractor may elect to use additives that reduce the optimum mixing temperature or serve as a compaction aid for producing HMA. Additives include organic additives, chemical additives and foaming processes. The use of Additives is subject to the following:  Do not use additives that reduce the mixing temperature more than allowed in Section 5-04.3(6) in the production of mixtures.  Before using additives, obtain the Engineer’s approval using WSDOT Form 350-076 to describe the proposed additive and process. 5-04.3 Construction Requirements 5-04.3(1) Weather Limitations Do not place HMA for wearing course on any Traveled Way beginning October 1st through March 31st of the following year without written concurrence from the Engineer. Do not place HMA on any wet surface, or when the average surface temperatures are less than those specified below, or when weather conditions otherwise prevent the proper handling or finishing of the HMA. Minimum Surface Temperature for Paving Compacted Thickness (Feet) Wearing Course Other Courses Less than 0.10 55◦F 45◦F 0.10 to 0.20 45◦F 35◦F More than 0.20 35◦F 35◦F Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 6 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 5-04.3(2) Paving Under Traffic When the Roadway being paved is open to traffic, the requirements of this Section shall apply. The Contractor shall keep intersections open to traffic at all times except when paving the intersection or paving across the intersection. During such time, and provided that there has been an advance warning to the public, the intersection may be closed for the minimum time required to place and compact the mixture. In hot weather, the Engineer may require the application of water to the pavement to accelerate the finish rolling of the pavement and to shorten the time required before reopening to traffic. Before closing an intersection, advance warning signs shall be placed and signs shall also be placed marking the detour or alternate route. During paving operations, temporary pavement markings shall be maintained throughout the project. Temporary pavement markings shall be installed on the Roadway prior to opening to traffic. Temporary pavement markings shall be in accordance with Section 8-23. All costs in connection with performing the Work in accordance with these requirements, except the cost of temporary pavement markings, shall be included in the unit Contract prices for the various Bid items involved in the Contract. 5-04.3(3) Equipment 5-04.3(3)A Mixing Plant Plants used for the preparation of HMA shall conform to the following requirements: 1. Equipment for Preparation of Asphalt Binder – Tanks for the storage of asphalt binder shall be equipped to heat and hold the material at the required temperatures. The heating shall be accomplished by steam coils, electricity, or other approved means so that no flame shall be in contact with the storage tank. The circulating system for the asphalt binder shall be designed to ensure proper and continuous circulation during the operating period. A valve for the purpose of sampling the asphalt binder shall be placed in either the storage tank or in the supply line to the mixer. 2. Thermometric Equipment – An armored thermometer, capable of detecting temperature ranges expected in the HMA mix, shall be fixed in the asphalt binder feed line at a location near the charging valve at the mixer unit. The thermometer location shall be convenient and safe for access by Inspectors. The plant shall also be equipped with an approved dial-scale thermometer, a mercury actuated thermometer, an electric pyrometer, or another approved thermometric instrument placed at the discharge chute of the drier Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 7 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 to automatically register or indicate the temperature of the heated aggregates. This device shall be in full view of the plant operator. 3. Heating of Asphalt Binder – The temperature of the asphalt binder shall not exceed the maximum recommended by the asphalt binder manufacturer nor shall it be below the minimum temperature required to maintain the asphalt binder in a homogeneous state. The asphalt binder shall be heated in a manner that will avoid local variations in heating. The heating method shall provide a continuous supply of asphalt binder to the mixer at a uniform average temperature with no individual variations exceeding 25°F. Also, when a WMA additive is included in the asphalt binder, the temperature of the asphalt binder shall not exceed the maximum recommended by the manufacturer of the WMA additive. 4. Sampling and Testing of Mineral Materials – The HMA plant shall be equipped with a mechanical sampler for the sampling of the mineral materials. The mechanical sampler shall meet the requirements of Section 1-05.6 for the crushing and screening operation. The Contractor shall provide for the setup and operation of the field testing facilities of the Contracting Agency as provided for in Section 3-01.2(2). 5. Sampling HMA – The HMA plant shall provide for sampling HMA by one of the following methods: a. A mechanical sampling device attached to the HMA plant. b. Platforms or devices to enable sampling from the hauling vehicle without entering the hauling vehicle. 5-04.3(3)B Hauling Equipment Trucks used for hauling HMA shall have tight, clean, smooth metal beds and shall have a cover of canvas or other suitable material of sufficient size to protect the mixture from adverse weather. Whenever the weather conditions during the work shift include, or are forecast to include, precipitation or an air temperature less than 45°F or when time from loading to unloading exceeds 30 minutes, the cover shall be securely attached to protect the HMA. The Contractor shall provide an environmentally benign means to prevent the HMA mixture from adhering to the hauling equipment. Excess release agent shall be drained prior to filling hauling equipment with HMA. Petroleum derivatives or other coating material that contaminate or alter the characteristics of the HMA shall not be used. For live bed trucks, the conveyer shall be in operation during the process of applying the release agent. 5-04.3(3)C Pavers HMA pavers shall be self-contained, power-propelled units, provided with an internally heated vibratory screed and shall be capable of spreading and finishing courses of HMA plant mix material in lane widths required by the paving section shown in the Plans. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 8 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 The HMA paver shall be in good condition and shall have the most current equipment available from the manufacturer for the prevention of segregation of the HMA mixture installed, in good condition, and in working order. The equipment certification shall list the make, model, and year of the paver and any equipment that has been retrofitted. The screed shall be operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and shall effectively produce a finished surface of the required evenness and texture without tearing, shoving, segregating, or gouging the mixture. A copy of the manufacturer’s recommendations shall be provided upon request by the Contracting Agency. Extensions will be allowed provided they produce the same results, including ride, density, and surface texture as obtained by the primary screed. Extensions without augers and an internally heated vibratory screed shall not be used in the Traveled Way. When specified in the Contract, reference lines for vertical control will be required. Lines shall be placed on both outer edges of the Traveled Way of each Roadway. Horizontal control utilizing the reference line will be permitted. The grade and slope for intermediate lanes shall be controlled automatically from reference lines or by means of a mat referencing device and a slope control device. When the finish of the grade prepared for paving is superior to the established tolerances and when, in the opinion of the Engineer, further improvement to the line, grade, cross-section, and smoothness can best be achieved without the use of the reference line, a mat referencing device may be substituted for the reference line. Substitution of the device will be subject to the continued approval of the Engineer. A joint matcher may be used subject to the approval of the Engineer. The reference line may be removed after the completion of the first course of HMA when approved by the Engineer. Whenever the Engineer determines that any of these methods are failing to provide the necessary vertical control, the reference lines will be reinstalled by the Contractor. The Contractor shall furnish and install all pins, brackets, tensioning devices, wire, and accessories necessary for satisfactory operation of the automatic control equipment. If the paving machine in use is not providing the required finish, the Engineer may suspend Work as allowed by Section 1-08.6. Any cleaning or solvent type liquids spilled on the pavement shall be thoroughly removed before paving proceeds. 5-04.3(3)D Material Transfer Device or Material Transfer Vehicle Use a material transfer device or material transfer vehicle (MTD/V) to deliver the HMA from the hauling equipment to the paving machine for any lift in (or partially in) the top 0.30 feet of the pavement section used in traffic lanes. However, an MTD/V is not required for HMA placed in irregular shaped and minor areas such as tapers and turn lanes. The MTD/V shall mix the HMA after delivery by the hauling equipment and prior to laydown by the paving machine. Mixing of the HMA shall be Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 9 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 sufficient to obtain a uniform temperature throughout the mixture. If a windrow elevator is used, the length of the windrow may be limited in urban areas or through intersections, at the discretion of the Engineer. To be approved for use, an MTV: 1. Shall be self-propelled vehicle, separate from the hauling vehicle or paver. 2. Shall not be connected to the hauling vehicle or paver. 3. May accept HMA directly from the haul vehicle or pick up HMA from a windrow. 4. Shall mix the HMA after delivery by the hauling equipment and prior to placement into the paving machine. 5. Shall mix the HMA sufficiently to obtain a uniform temperature throughout the mixture. To be approved for use, an MTD: 1. Shall be positively connected to the paver. 2. May accept HMA directly from the haul vehicle or pick up HMA from a windrow. 3. Shall mix the HMA after delivery by the hauling equipment and prior to placement into the paving machine. 4. Shall mix the HMA sufficiently to obtain a uniform temperature throughout the mixture. 5-04.3(3)E Rollers Rollers shall be of the steel wheel, vibratory, oscillatory, or pneumatic tire type, in good condition and capable of reversing without backlash. Operation of the roller shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. When ordered by the Engineer for any roller planned for use on the project, the Contractor shall provide a copy of the manufacturer’s recommendation for the use of that roller for compaction of HMA. The number and weight of rollers shall be sufficient to compact the mixture in compliance with the requirements of Section 5-04.3(10). The use of equipment that results in crushing of the aggregate will not be permitted. Rollers producing pickup, washboard, uneven compaction of the surface, displacement of the mixture or other undesirable results shall not be used. 5-04.3(4) Preparation of Existing Paved Surfaces When the surface of the existing pavement or old base is irregular, the Contractor shall bring it to a uniform grade and cross-section as shown on the Plans or approved by the Engineer. Preleveling of uneven or broken surfaces over which HMA is to be placed may be accomplished by using an asphalt paver, a motor patrol grader, or by hand raking, as approved by the Engineer. Compaction of preleveling HMA shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer and may require the use of small steel wheel rollers, plate compactors, or pneumatic rollers to avoid bridging across preleveled Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 10 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 areas by the compaction equipment. Equipment used for the compaction of preleveling HMA shall be approved by the Engineer. Before construction of HMA on an existing paved surface, the entire surface of the pavement shall be clean. All fatty asphalt patches, grease drippings, and other objectionable matter shall be entirely removed from the existing pavement. All pavements or bituminous surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of dust, soil, pavement grindings, and other foreign matter. All holes and small depressions shall be filled with an appropriate class of HMA. The surface of the patched area shall be leveled and compacted thoroughly. Prior to the application of tack coat, or paving, the condition of the surface shall be approved by the Engineer. A tack coat of asphalt shall be applied to all paved surfaces on which any course of HMA is to be placed or abutted; except that tack coat may be omitted from clean, newly paved surfaces at the discretion of the Engineer. Tack coat shall be uniformly applied to cover the existing pavement with a thin film of residual asphalt free of streaks and bare spots at a rate between 0.02 and 0.10 gallons per square yard of retained asphalt. The rate of application shall be approved by the Engineer. A heavy application of tack coat shall be applied to all joints. For Roadways open to traffic, the application of tack coat shall be limited to surfaces that will be paved during the same working shift. The spreading equipment shall be equipped with a thermometer to indicate the temperature of the tack coat material. Equipment shall not operate on tacked surfaces until the tack has broken and cured. If the Contractor’s operation damages the tack coat it shall be repaired prior to placement of the HMA. The tack coat shall be CSS-1, or CSS-1h emulsified asphalt. The CSS-1 and CSS-1h emulsified asphalt may be diluted once with water at a rate not to exceed one part water to one part emulsified asphalt. The tack coat shall have sufficient temperature such that it may be applied uniformly at the specified rate of application and shall not exceed the maximum temperature recommended by the emulsified asphalt  manufacturer. 5-04.3(4)A Crack Sealing 5-04.3(4)A1 General When the Proposal includes a pay item for crack sealing, seal all cracks ¼ inch in width and greater. Cleaning: Ensure that cracks are thoroughly clean, dry and free of all loose and foreign material when filling with crack sealant material. Use a hot compressed air lance to dry and warm the pavement surfaces within the crack immediately prior to filling a crack with the sealant material. Do not overheat pavement. Do not use direct flame dryers. Routing cracks is not required. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 11 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Sand Slurry: For cracks that are to be filled with sand slurry, thoroughly mix the components and pour the mixture into the cracks until full. Add additional CSS-1 cationic emulsified asphalt to the sand slurry as needed for workability to ensure the mixture will completely fill the cracks. Strike off the sand slurry flush with the existing pavement surface and allow the mixture to cure. Top off cracks that were not completely filled with additional sand slurry. Do not place the HMA overlay until the slurry has fully cured. The sand slurry shall consist of approximately 20 percent CSS-1 emulsified asphalt, approximately 2 percent portland cement, water (if required), and the remainder clean Class 1 or 2 fine aggregate per Section 9-03.1(2). The components shall be thoroughly mixed and then poured into the cracks and joints until full. The following day, any cracks or joints that are not completely filled shall be topped off with additional sand slurry. After the sand slurry is placed, the filler shall be struck off flush with the existing pavement surface and allowed to cure. The HMA overlay shall not be placed until the slurry has fully cured. The requirements of Section 1-06 will not apply to the portland cement and sand used in the sand slurry. In areas where HMA will be placed, use sand slurry to fill the cracks. In areas where HMA will not be placed, fill the cracks as follows: 1. Cracks ¼ inch to 1 inch in width - fill with hot poured sealant. 2. Cracks greater than 1 inch in width – fill with sand slurry. Hot Poured Sealant: For cracks that are to be filled with hot poured sealant, apply the material in accordance with these requirements and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Furnish a Type 1 Working Drawing of the manufacturer’s product information and recommendations to the Engineer prior to the start of work, including the manufacturer’s recommended heating time and temperatures, allowable storage time and temperatures after initial heating, allowable reheating criteria, and application temperature range. Confine hot poured sealant material within the crack. Clean any overflow of sealant from the pavement surface. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor’s method of sealing the cracks with hot poured sealant results in an excessive amount of material on the pavement surface, stop and correct the operation to eliminate the excess material. 5-04.3(4)A2 Crack Sealing Areas Prior to Paving In areas where HMA will be placed, use sand slurry to fill the cracks. 5-04.3(4)A3 Crack Sealing Areas Not to be Paved In areas where HMA will not be placed, fill the cracks as follows: a. Cracks ¼ inch to 1 inch in width - fill with hot poured sealant. b. Cracks greater than 1 inch in width – fill with sand slurry. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 12 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 5-04.3(4)B Vacant 5-04.3(4)C Pavement Repair The Contractor shall excavate pavement repair areas and shall backfill these with HMA in accordance with the details shown in the Plans and as marked in the field. The Contractor shall conduct the excavation operations in a manner that will protect the pavement that is to remain. Pavement not designated to be removed that is damaged as a result of the Contractor’s operations shall be repaired by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer at no cost to the Contracting Agency. The Contractor shall excavate only within one lane at a time unless approved otherwise by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not excavate more area than can be completely finished during the same shift, unless approved by the Engineer. Unless otherwise shown in the Plans or determined by the Engineer, excavate to a depth of 1.0 feet. The Engineer will make the final determination of the excavation depth required. The minimum width of any pavement repair area shall be 40 inches unless shown otherwise in the Plans. Before any excavation, the existing pavement shall be sawcut or shall be removed by a pavement grinder. Excavated materials will become the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of in a Contractor-provided site off the Right of Way or used in accordance with Sections 2-02.3(3) or 9-03.21. Asphalt for tack coat shall be required as specified in Section 5-04.3(4). A heavy application of tack coat shall be applied to all surfaces of existing pavement in the pavement repair area. Placement of the HMA backfill shall be accomplished in lifts not to exceed 0.35-foot compacted depth. Lifts that exceed 0.35-foot of compacted depth may be accomplished with the approval of the Engineer. Each lift shall be thoroughly compacted by a mechanical tamper or a roller. 5-04.3(5) Producing/Stockpiling Aggregates and RAP Aggregates and RAP shall be stockpiled according to the requirements of Section 3-02. Sufficient storage space shall be provided for each size of aggregate and RAP. Materials shall be removed from stockpile(s) in a manner to ensure minimal segregation when being moved to the HMA plant for processing into the final mixture. Different aggregate sizes shall be kept separated until they have been delivered to the HMA plant. 5-04.3(5)A Vacant 5-04.3(6) Mixing After the required amount of mineral materials, asphalt binder, recycling agent and anti-stripping additives have been introduced into the mixer the HMA shall be mixed until complete and uniform coating of Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 13 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 the particles and thorough distribution of the asphalt binder throughout the mineral materials is ensured. When discharged, the temperature of the HMA shall not exceed the optimum mixing temperature by more than 25°F as shown on the reference mix design report or as approved by the Engineer. Also, when a WMA additive is included in the manufacture of HMA, the discharge temperature of the HMA shall not exceed the maximum recommended by the manufacturer of the WMA additive. A maximum water content of 2 percent in the mix, at discharge, will be allowed providing the water causes no problems with handling, stripping, or flushing. If the water in the HMA causes any of these problems, the moisture content shall be reduced as directed by the Engineer. Storing or holding of the HMA in approved storage facilities will be permitted with approval of the Engineer, but in no event shall the HMA be held for more than 24 hours. HMA held for more than 24 hours after mixing shall be rejected. Rejected HMA shall be disposed of by the Contractor at no expense to the Contracting Agency. The storage facility shall have an accessible device located at the top of the cone or about the third point. The device shall indicate the amount of material in storage. No HMA shall be accepted from the storage facility when the HMA in storage is below the top of the cone of the storage facility, except as the storage facility is being emptied at the end of the working shift. Recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) utilized in the production of HMA shall be sized prior to entering the mixer so that a uniform and thoroughly mixed HMA is produced. If there is evidence of the recycled asphalt pavement not breaking down during the heating and mixing of the HMA, the Contractor shall immediately suspend the use of the RAP until changes have been approved by the Engineer. After the required amount of mineral materials, RAP, new asphalt binder and asphalt rejuvenator have been introduced into the mixer the HMA shall be mixed until complete and uniform coating of the particles and thorough distribution of the asphalt binder throughout the mineral materials, and RAP is ensured. 5-04.3(7) Spreading and Finishing The mixture shall be laid upon an approved surface, spread, and struck off to the grade and elevation established. HMA pavers complying with Section 5-04.3(3) shall be used to distribute the mixture. Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, the nominal compacted depth of any layer of any course shall not exceed the following: HMA Class 1” wearing course/final lift 0.17 feet other courses 0.35 feet HMA Class ¾” and HMA Class ½” wearing course/final lift 0.17 feet other courses 0.25 feet HMA Class ⅜” 0.17 feet Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 14 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 On areas where irregularities or unavoidable obstacles make the use of mechanical spreading and finishing equipment impractical, the paving may be done with other equipment or by hand. When more than one JMF is being utilized to produce HMA, the material produced for each JMF shall be placed by separate spreading and compacting equipment. The intermingling of HMA produced from more than one JMF is prohibited. Each strip of HMA placed during a work shift shall conform to a single JMF established for the class of HMA specified unless there is a need to make an adjustment in the JMF. Reference Section 8-20.3(14)C of the Kent Special Provisions for the placement of traffic signal detection loops. 5-04.3(8) Aggregate Acceptance Prior to Incorporation in HMA For HMA accepted by nonstatistical evaluation the aggregate properties of sand equivalent, uncompacted void content and fracture will be evaluated in accordance with Section 3-04. Sampling and testing of aggregates for HMA accepted by commercial evaluation will be at the option of the Engineer. 5-04.3(9) HMA Mixture Acceptance Acceptance of HMA shall be as provided under nonstatistical, or commercial evaluation. Nonstatistical evaluation will be used for the acceptance of HMA unless Commercial Evaluation is specified. Commercial evaluation will be used for Commercial HMA and for other classes of HMA in the following applications: sidewalks, road approaches, ditches, slopes, paths, trails, gores, prelevel, temporary pavement, and pavement repair. Other nonstructural applications of HMA accepted by commercial evaluation shall be as approved by the Engineer. Sampling and testing of HMA accepted by commercial evaluation will be at the option of the Engineer. The mix design will be the initial JMF for the class of HMA. The Contractor may request a change in the JMF. Any adjustments to the JMF will require the approval of the Engineer and may be made in accordance with this section. HMA Tolerances and Adjustments 1. Job Mix Formula Tolerances – The constituents of the mixture at the time of acceptance shall be within tolerance. The tolerance limits will be established as follows: For Asphalt Binder and Air Voids (Va), the acceptance limits are determined by adding the tolerances below to the approved JMF values. These values will also be the Upper Specification Limit (USL) and Lower Specification Limit (LSL) required in Section Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 15 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 1-06.2(2)D2 Property Non-Statistical Evaluation Commercial Evaluation Asphalt Binder +/- 0.5% +/- 0.7% Air Voids, Va 2.5% min. and 5.5% max N/A For Aggregates in the mixture: a. First, determine preliminary upper and lower acceptance limits by applying the following tolerances to the approved JMF. Aggregate Percent Passing Non-Statistical Evaluation Commercial Evaluation 1”, ¾”, ½”, and 3/8” sieves +/- 6% +/- 8% No. 4 sieve +/-6% +/- 8% No. 8 Sieve +/- 6% +/-8% No. 200 sieve +/- 2.0% +/- 3.0% b. Second, adjust the preliminary upper and lower acceptance limits determined from step (a) the minimum amount necessary so that none of the aggregate properties are outside the control points in Section 9-03.8(6). The resulting values will be the upper and lower acceptance limits for aggregates, as well as the USL and LSL required in Section 1-06.2(2)D2. 2. Job Mix Formula Adjustments – An adjustment to the aggregate gradation or asphalt binder content of the JMF requires approval of the Engineer. Adjustments to the JMF will only be considered if the change produces material of equal or better quality and may require the development of a new mix design if the adjustment exceeds the amounts listed below. a. Aggregates –2 percent for the aggregate passing the 1½″, 1″, ¾″, ½″, ⅜″, and the No. 4 sieves, 1 percent for aggregate passing the No. 8 sieve, and 0.5 percent for the aggregate passing the No. 200 sieve. The adjusted JMF shall be within the range of the control points in Section 9-03.8(6). b. Asphalt Binder Content – The Engineer may order or approve changes to asphalt binder content. The maximum adjustment from the approved mix design for the asphalt binder content shall be 0.3 percent 5-04.3(9)A Vacant 5-04.3(9)B Vacant 5-04.3(9)C Mixture Acceptance – Nonstatistical Evaluation HMA mixture which is accepted by Nonstatistical Evaluation will be evaluated by the Contracting Agency by dividing the HMA tonnage into lots. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 16 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 5-04.3(9)C1 Mixture Nonstatistical Evaluation – Lots and Sublots A lot is represented by randomly selected samples of the same mix design that will be tested for acceptance. A lot is defined as the total quantity of material or work produced for each Job Mix Formula placed. Only one lot per JMF is expected. A sublot shall be equal to one day’s production or 800 tons, whichever is less except that the final sublot will be a minimum of 400 tons and may be increased to 1200 tons. All of the test results obtained from the acceptance samples from a given lot shall be evaluated collectively. If the Contractor requests a change to the JMF that is approved, the material produced after the change will be evaluated on the basis of the new JMF for the remaining sublots in the current lot and for acceptance of subsequent lots. For a lot in progress with a CPF less than 0.75, a new lot will begin at the Contractor’s request after the Engineer is satisfied that material conforming to the Specifications can be produced. Sampling and testing for evaluation shall be performed on the frequency of one sample per sublot. 5-04.3(9)C2 Mixture Nonstatistical Evaluation Sampling Samples for acceptance testing shall be obtained by the Contractor when ordered by the Engineer. The Contractor shall sample the HMA mixture in the presence of the Engineer and in accordance with AASHTO T 168. A minimum of three samples should be taken for each class of HMA placed on a project. If used in a structural application, at least one of the three samples shall to be tested. Sampling and testing HMA in a Structural application where quantities are less than 400 tons is at the discretion of the Engineer. For HMA used in a structural application and with a total project quantity less than 800 tons but more than 400 tons, a minimum of one acceptance test shall be performed. In all cases, a minimum of 3 samples will be obtained at the point of acceptance, a minimum of one of the three samples will be tested for conformance to the JMF:  If the test results are found to be within specification requirements, additional testing will be at the Engineer’s discretion.  If test results are found not to be within specification requirements, additional testing of the remaining samples to determine a Composite Pay Factor (CPF) shall be performed. 5-04.3(9)C3 Mixture Nonstatistical Evaluation – Acceptance Testing Testing of HMA for compliance of Va will be at the option of the Contracting Agency. If tested, compliance of Va will use WSDOT SOP 731. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 17 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Testing for compliance of asphalt binder content will be by WSDOT FOP for AASHTO T 308. Testing for compliance of gradation will be by FOP for WAQTC T 27/T 11. 5-04.3(9)C4 Mixture Nonstatistical Evaluation – Pay Factors For each lot of material falling outside the tolerance limits in 5-04.3(9), the Contracting Agency will determine a Composite Pay Factor (CPF) using the following price adjustment factors: Table of Price Adjustment Factors Constituent Factor “f” All aggregate passing: 1½″, 1″, ¾″, ½″, ⅜″ and No.4 sieves 2 All aggregate passing No. 8 sieve 15 All aggregate passing No. 200 sieve 20 Asphalt binder 40 Air Voids (Va) (where applicable) 20 Each lot of HMA produced under Nonstatistical Evaluation and having all constituents falling within the tolerance limits of the job mix formula shall be accepted at the unit Contract price with no further evaluation. When one or more constituents fall outside the nonstatistical tolerance limits in the Job Mix Formula shown in Table of Price Adjustment Factors, the lot shall be evaluated in accordance with Section 1-06.2 to determine the appropriate CPF. The nonstatistical tolerance limits will be used in the calculation of the CPF and the maximum CPF shall be 1.00. When less than three sublots exist, backup samples of the existing sublots or samples from the Roadway shall be tested to provide a minimum of three sets of results for evaluation. 5-04.3(9)C5 Vacant 5-04.3(9)C6 Mixture Nonstatistical Evaluation – Price Adjustments For each lot of HMA mix produced under Nonstatistical Evaluation when the calculated CPF is less than 1.00, a Nonconforming Mix Factor (NCMF) will be determined. The NCMF equals the algebraic difference of CPF minus 1.00 multiplied by 60 percent. The total job mix compliance price adjustment will be calculated as the product of the NCMF, the quantity of HMA in the lot in tons, and the unit Contract price per ton of mix. If a constituent is not measured in accordance with these Specifications, its individual pay factor will be considered 1.00 in calculating the Composite Pay Factor (CPF). Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 18 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 5-04.3(9)C7 Mixture Nonstatistical Evaluation - Retests The Contractor may request a sublot be retested. To request a retest, the Contractor shall submit a written request within 7 calendar days after the specific test results have been received. A split of the original acceptance sample will be retested. The split of the sample will not be tested with the same tester that ran the original acceptance test. The sample will be tested for a complete gradation analysis, asphalt binder content, and, at the option of the agency, Va. The results of the retest will be used for the acceptance of the HMA in place of the original sublot sample test results. The cost of testing will be deducted from any monies due or that may come due the Contractor under the Contract at the rate of $500 per sample. 5-04.3 (9)D Mixture Acceptance – Commercial Evaluation If sampled and tested, HMA produced under Commercial Evaluation and having all constituents falling within the tolerance limits of the job mix formula shall be accepted at the unit Contract price with no further evaluation. When one or more constituents fall outside the commercial tolerance limits in the Job Mix Formula shown in 5-04.3(9), the lot shall be evaluated in accordance with Section 1-06.2 to determine the appropriate CPF. The commercial tolerance limits will be used in the calculation of the CPF and the maximum CPF shall be 1.00. When less than three sublots exist, backup samples of the existing sublots or samples from the street shall be tested to provide a minimum of three sets of results for evaluation. For each lot of HMA mix produced and tested under Commercial Evaluation when the calculated CPF is less than 1.00, a Nonconforming Mix Factor (NCMF) will be determined. The NCMF equals the algebraic difference of CPF minus 1.00 multiplied by 60 percent. The Job Mix Compliance Price Adjustment will be calculated as the product of the NCMF, the quantity of HMA in the lot in tons, and the unit Contract price per ton of mix. If a constituent is not measured in accordance with these Specifications, its individual pay factor will be considered 1.00 in calculating the Composite Pay Factor (CPF). 5-04.3(10) HMA Compaction Acceptance HMA mixture accepted by nonstatistical evaluation that is used in traffic lanes, including lanes for intersections, ramps, truck climbing, weaving, and speed change, and having a specified compacted course thickness greater than 0.10-foot, shall be compacted to a specified level of relative density. The specified level of relative density shall be a Composite Pay Factor (CPF) of not less than 0.75 when evaluated in accordance with Section 1-06.2, using a LSL of 92.0 (minimum of 92 percent of the maximum density). The maximum density shall be determined by WSDOT FOP for AASHTO T 729. The specified level of density attained will be determined by the evaluation of the density of the pavement. The density of the pavement shall be determined in Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 19 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 accordance with WSDOT FOP for WAQTC TM 8, except that gauge correlation will be at the discretion of the Engineer, when using the nuclear density gauge and WSDOT SOP 736 when using cores to determine density. Tests for the determination of the pavement density will be taken in accordance with the required procedures for measurement by a nuclear density gauge or roadway cores after completion of the finish rolling. If the Contracting Agency uses a nuclear density gauge to determine density the test procedures FOP for WAQTC TM 8 and WSDOT SOP T 729 will be used on the day the mix is placed and prior to opening to traffic. Roadway cores for density may be obtained by either the Contracting Agency or the Contractor in accordance with WSDOT SOP 734. The core diameter shall be 4-inches minimum, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Roadway cores will be tested by the Contracting Agency in accordance with WSDOT FOP for AASHTO T 166. If the Contract includes the Bid item “Roadway Core” the cores shall be obtained by the Contractor in the presence of the Engineer on the same day the mix is placed and at locations designated by the Engineer. If the Contract does not include the Bid item “Roadway Core” the Contracting Agency may obtain the cores. For a lot in progress with a CPF less than 0.75, a new lot will begin at the Contractor’s request after the Engineer is satisfied that material conforming to the Specifications can be produced. HMA mixture accepted by commercial evaluation and HMA constructed under conditions other than those listed above shall be compacted on the basis of a test point evaluation of the compaction train. The test point evaluation shall be performed in accordance with instructions from the Engineer. The number of passes with an approved compaction train, required to attain the maximum test point density, shall be used on all subsequent paving. HMA for preleveling shall be thoroughly compacted. HMA that is used for preleveling wheel rutting shall be compacted with a pneumatic tire roller unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Test Results For a sublot that has been tested with a nuclear density gauge that did not meet the minimum of 92 percent of the reference maximum density in a compaction lot with a CPF below 1.00 and thus subject to a price reduction or rejection, the Contractor may request that a core be used for determination of the relative density of the sublot. The relative density of the core will replace the relative density determined by the nuclear density gauge for the sublot and will be used for calculation of the CPF and acceptance of HMA compaction lot. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 20 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 When cores are taken by the Contracting Agency at the request of the Contractor, they shall be requested by noon of the next workday after the test results for the sublot have been provided or made available to the Contractor. Core locations shall be outside of wheel paths and as determined by the Engineer. Traffic control shall be provided by the Contractor as requested by the Engineer. Failure by the Contractor to provide the requested traffic control will result in forfeiture of the request for cores. When the CPF for the lot based on the results of the HMA cores is less than 1.00, the cost for the coring will be deducted from any monies due or that may become due the Contractor under the Contract at the rate of $200 per core and the Contractor shall pay for the cost of the traffic control. 5-04.3(10)A HMA Compaction – General Compaction Requirements Compaction shall take place when the mixture is in the proper condition so that no undue displacement, cracking, or shoving occurs. Areas inaccessible to large compaction equipment shall be compacted by other mechanical means. Any HMA that becomes loose, broken, contaminated, shows an excess or deficiency of asphalt, or is in any way defective, shall be removed and replaced with new hot mix that shall be immediately compacted to conform to the surrounding area. The type of rollers to be used and their relative position in the compaction sequence shall generally be the Contractor’s option, provided the specified densities are attained. Unless the Engineer has approved otherwise, rollers shall only be operated in the static mode when the internal temperature of the mix is less than 175°F. Regardless of mix temperature, a roller shall not be operated in a mode that results in checking or cracking of the mat. Rollers shall only be operated in static mode on bridge decks. 5-04.3(10)B HMA Compaction – Cyclic Density Low cyclic density areas are defined as spots or streaks in the pavement that are less than 90 percent of the theoretical maximum density. At the Engineer’s discretion, the Engineer may evaluate the HMA pavement for low cyclic density, and when doing so will follow WSDOT SOP 733. A $500 Cyclic Density Price Adjustment will be assessed for any 500-foot section with two or more density readings below 90 percent of the theoretical maximum density. 5-04.3(10)C Vacant 5-04.3(10)D HMA Nonstatistical Compaction 5-04.3(10)D1 HMA Nonstatistical Compaction – Lots and Sublots HMA compaction which is accepted by nonstatistical evaluation will be based on acceptance testing performed by the Contracting Agency dividing the project into compaction lots. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 21 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 A lot is represented by randomly selected samples of the same mix design that will be tested for acceptance. A lot is defined as the total quantity of material or work produced for each Job Mix Formula placed. Only one lot per JMF is expected. A sublot shall be equal to one day’s production or 400 tons, whichever is less except that the final sublot will be a minimum of 200 tons and may be increased to 800 tons. Testing for compaction will be at the rate of 5 tests per sublot per WSDOT T 738. The sublot locations within each density lot will be determined by the Engineer. For a lot in progress with a CPF less than 0.75, a new lot will begin at the Contractor’s request after the Engineer is satisfied that material conforming to the Specifications can be produced. HMA mixture accepted by commercial evaluation and HMA constructed under conditions other than those listed above shall be compacted on the basis of a test point evaluation of the compaction train. The test point evaluation shall be performed in accordance with instructions from the Engineer. The number of passes with an approved compaction train, required to attain the maximum test point density, shall be used on all subsequent paving. HMA for preleveling shall be thoroughly compacted. HMA that is used to prelevel wheel ruts shall be compacted with a pneumatic tire roller unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 5-04.3(10)D2 HMA Compaction Nonstatistical Evaluation – Acceptance Testing The location of the HMA compaction acceptance tests will be randomly selected by the Engineer from within each sublot, with one test per sublot. 5-04.3(10)D3 HMA Nonstatistical Compaction – Price Adjustments For each compaction lot with one or two sublots, having all sublots attain a relative density that is 92 percent of the reference maximum density the HMA shall be accepted at the unit Contract price with no further evaluation. When a sublot does not attain a relative density that is 92 percent of the reference maximum density, the lot shall be evaluated in accordance with Section 1-06.2 to determine the appropriate CPF. The maximum CPF shall be 1.00, however, lots with a calculated CPF in excess of 1.00 will be used to offset lots with CPF values below 1.00 but greater than 0.90. Lots with CPF lower than 0.90 will be evaluated for compliance per 5-04.3(11). Additional testing by either a nuclear moisture-density gauge or cores will be completed as required to provide a minimum of three tests for evaluation. For compaction below the required 92% a Non-Conforming Compaction Factor (NCCF) will be determined. The NCCF equals the algebraic difference of CPF minus 1.00 multiplied by 40 percent. The Compaction Price Adjustment will be calculated as the product of CPF, the quantity Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 22 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 of HMA in the compaction control lot in tons, and the unit Contract price per ton of mix. 5-04.3(11) Reject Work 5-04.3(11)A Reject Work General Work that is defective or does not conform to Contract requirements shall be rejected. The Contractor may propose, in writing, alternatives to removal and replacement of rejected material. Acceptability of such alternative proposals will be determined at the sole discretion of the Engineer. HMA that has been rejected is subject to the requirements in Section 1-06.2(2) and this specification, and the Contractor shall submit a corrective action proposal to the Engineer for approval. 5-04.3(11)B Rejection by Contractor The Contractor may, prior to sampling, elect to remove any defective material and replace it with new material. Any such new material will be sampled, tested, and evaluated for acceptance. 5-04.3(11)C Rejection Without Testing (Mixture or Compaction) The Engineer may, without sampling, reject any batch, load, or section of Roadway that appears defective. Material rejected before placement shall not be incorporated into the pavement. Any rejected section of Roadway shall be removed. No payment will be made for the rejected materials or the removal of the materials unless the Contractor requests that the rejected material be tested. If the Contractor elects to have the rejected material tested, a minimum of three representative samples will be obtained and tested. Acceptance of rejected material will be based on conformance with the nonstatistical acceptance Specification. If the CPF for the rejected material is less than 0.75, no payment will be made for the rejected material; in addition, the cost of sampling and testing shall be borne by the Contractor. If the CPF is greater than or equal to 0.75, the cost of sampling and testing will be borne by the Contracting Agency. If the material is rejected before placement and the CPF is greater than or equal to 0.75, compensation for the rejected material will be at a CPF of 0.75. If rejection occurs after placement and the CPF is greater than or equal to 0.75, compensation for the rejected material will be at the calculated CPF with an addition of 25 percent of the unit Contract price added for the cost of removal and disposal. 5-04.3(11)D Rejection - A Partial Sublot In addition to the random acceptance sampling and testing, the Engineer may also isolate from a normal sublot any material that is suspected of being defective in relative density, gradation or asphalt binder content. Such isolated material will not include an original sample location. A minimum of three random samples of the suspect material will be obtained and tested. The material will then be Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 23 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 statistically evaluated as an independent lot in accordance with Section 1-06.2(2). 5-04.3(11)E Rejection - An Entire Sublot An entire sublot that is suspected of being defective may be rejected. When a sublot is rejected a minimum of two additional random samples from this sublot will be obtained. These additional samples and the original sublot will be evaluated as an independent lot in accordance with Section 1-06.2(2). 5-04.3(11)F Rejection - A Lot in Progress The Contractor shall shut down operations and shall not resume HMA placement until such time as the Engineer is satisfied that material conforming to the Specifications can be produced: 1. When the Composite Pay Factor (CPF) of a lot in progress drops below 1.00 and the Contractor is taking no corrective action, or 2. When the Pay Factor (PF) for any constituent of a lot in progress drops below 0.95 and the Contractor is taking no corrective action, or 3. When either the PFi for any constituent or the CPF of a lot in progress is less than 0.75. 5-04.3(11)G Rejection - An Entire Lot (Mixture or Compaction) An entire lot with a CPF of less than 0.75 will be rejected. 5-04.3(12) Joints 5-04.3(12)A HMA Joints 5-04.3(12)A1 Transverse Joints The Contractor shall conduct operations such that the placing of the top or wearing course is a continuous operation or as close to continuous as possible. Unscheduled transverse joints will be allowed and the roller may pass over the unprotected end of the freshly laid mixture only when the placement of the course must be discontinued for such a length of time that the mixture will cool below compaction temperature. When the Work is resumed, the previously compacted mixture shall be cut back to produce a slightly beveled edge for the full thickness of the course. A temporary wedge of HMA constructed on a 20H:1V shall be constructed where a transverse joint as a result of paving or planing is open to traffic. The HMA in the temporary wedge shall be separated from the permanent HMA by strips of heavy wrapping paper or other methods approved by the Engineer. The wrapping paper shall be removed and the joint trimmed to a slightly beveled edge for the full thickness of the course prior to resumption of paving. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 24 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 The material that is cut away shall be wasted and new mix shall be laid against the cut. Rollers or tamping irons shall be used to seal the joint. 5-04.3(12)A2 Longitudinal Joints The longitudinal joint in any one course shall be offset from the course immediately below by not more than 6 inches nor less than 2 inches. All longitudinal joints constructed in the wearing course shall be located at a lane line or an edge line of the Traveled Way. A notched wedge joint shall be constructed along all longitudinal joints in the wearing surface of new HMA unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. The notched wedge joint shall have a vertical edge of not less than the maximum aggregate size or more than ½ of the compacted lift thickness and then taper down on a slope not steeper than 4H:1V. The sloped portion of the HMA notched wedge joint shall be uniformly compacted. 5-04.3(12)B Bridge Paving Joint Seals 5-04.3(12)B1 HMA Sawcut and Seal Prior to placing HMA on the bridge deck, establish sawcut alignment points at both ends of the bridge paving joint seals to be placed at the bridge ends, and at interior joints within the bridge deck when and where shown in the Plans. Establish the sawcut alignment points in a manner that they remain functional for use in aligning the sawcut after placing the overlay. Submit a Type 1 Working Drawing consisting of the sealant manufacturer’s application procedure. Construct the bridge paving joint seal as specified on the Plans and in accordance with the detail shown in the Standard Plans. Construct the sawcut in accordance with the detail shown in the Standard Plan. Construct the sawcut in accordance with Section 5-05.3(8)B and the manufacturer’s application procedure. 5-04.3(12)B2 Paved Panel Joint Seal Construct the paved panel joint seal in accordance with the requirements specified in Section 5-04.3(12)B1 and the following requirement: Clean and seal the existing joint between concrete panels in accordance with Section 5-01.3(8) and the details shown in the Standard Plans. 5-04.3(13) Surface Smoothness The completed surface of all courses shall be of uniform texture, smooth, uniform as to crown and grade, and free from defects of all kinds. The completed surface of the wearing course shall not vary more than ⅛ inch from the lower edge of a 10-foot straightedge placed on the surface parallel to the centerline. The transverse slope of the Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 25 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 completed surface of the wearing course shall vary not more than ¼ inch in 10 feet from the rate of transverse slope shown in the Plans. When deviations in excess of the above tolerances are found that result from a high place in the HMA, the pavement surface shall be corrected by one of the following methods: 1. Removal of material from high places by grinding with an approved grinding machine, or 2. Removal and replacement of the wearing course of HMA, or 3. By other method approved by the Engineer. Correction of defects shall be carried out until there are no deviations anywhere greater than the allowable tolerances. Deviations in excess of the above tolerances that result from a low place in the HMA and deviations resulting from a high place where corrective action, in the opinion of the Engineer, will not produce satisfactory results will be accepted with a price adjustment. The Engineer shall deduct from monies due or that may become due to the Contractor the sum of $500.00 for each and every section of single traffic lane 100 feet in length in which any excessive deviations described above are found. When utility appurtenances such as manhole covers and valve boxes are located in the traveled way, the utility appurtenances shall be adjusted to the finished grade prior to paving. This requirement may be waived when requested by the Contractor, at the discretion of the Engineer or when the adjustment details provided in the project plan or specifications call for utility appurtenance adjustments after the completion of paving. Utility appurtenance adjustment discussions will be included in the Pre- Paving planning (5-04.3(14)B3). Submit a written request to waive this requirement to the Engineer prior to the start of paving. 5-04.3(14) Planing (Milling) Bituminous Pavement The planing plan must be approved by the Engineer and a pre planing meeting must be held prior to the start of any planing. See Section 5-04.3(14)B2 for information on planing submittals. Planing operations shall be performed no more than 7 calendar days ahead of the time the planed area is to be paved, unless otherwise allowed by the Engineer in writing. Locations of existing surfacing to be planed are as shown in the Drawings. Where planing an existing pavement is specified in the Contract, the Contractor must remove existing surfacing material and to reshape the surface to remove irregularities. The finished product must be a prepared surface acceptable for receiving an HMA overlay. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 26 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Use the cold milling method for planing unless otherwise specified in the Contract. Do not use the planer on the final wearing course of new HMA. Conduct planing operations in a manner that does not tear, break, burn, or otherwise damage the surface which is to remain. The finished planed surface must be slightly grooved or roughened and must be free from gouges, deep grooves, ridges, or other imperfections. The Contractor must repair any damage to the surface by the Contractor’s planing equipment, using an Engineer approved method. Repair or replace any metal castings and other surface improvements damaged by planing, as determined by the Engineer. A tapered wedge cut must be planed longitudinally along curb lines sufficient to provide a minimum of 4 inches of curb reveal after placement and compaction of the final wearing course. The dimensions of the wedge must be as shown on the Drawings or as specified by the Engineer. A tapered wedge cut must also be made at transitions to adjoining pavement surfaces (meet lines) where butt joints are shown on the Drawings. Cut butt joints in a straight line with vertical faces 2 inches or more in height, producing a smooth transition to the existing adjoining pavement. After planing is complete, planed surfaces must be swept, cleaned, and if required by the Contract, patched and preleveled. The Engineer may direct additional depth planing. Before performing this additional depth planing, the Contractor must conduct a hidden metal in pavement detection survey as specified in Section 5-04.3(14)A. 5-04.3(14)A Pre-Planing Metal Detection Check Before starting planing of pavements, and before any additional depth planing required by the Engineer, the Contractor must conduct a physical survey of existing pavement to be planed with equipment that can identify hidden metal objects. Should such metal be identified, promptly notify the Engineer. See Section 1-07.16(1) regarding the protection of survey monumentation that may be hidden in pavement. The Contractor is solely responsible for any damage to equipment resulting from the Contractor’s failure to conduct a pre-planing metal detection survey, or from the Contractor’s failure to notify the Engineer of any hidden metal that is detected. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 27 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 5-04.3(14)B Paving and Planing Under Traffic 5-04.3(14)B1 General In addition the requirements of Section 1-07.23 and the traffic controls required in Section 1-10, and unless the Contract specifies otherwise or the Engineer approves, the Contractor must comply with the following: 1. Intersections: a. Keep intersections open to traffic at all times, except when paving or planing operations through an intersection requires closure. Such closure must be kept to the minimum time required to place and compact the HMA mixture, or plane as appropriate. For paving, schedule such closure to individual lanes or portions thereof that allows the traffic volumes and schedule of traffic volumes required in the approved traffic control plan. Schedule work so that adjacent intersections are not impacted at the same time and comply with the traffic control restrictions required by the Traffic Engineer. Each individual intersection closure or partial closure, must be addressed in the traffic control plan, which must be submitted to and accepted by the Engineer, see Section 1-10.2(2). b. When planing or paving and related construction must occur in an intersection, consider scheduling and sequencing such work into quarters of the intersection, or half or more of an intersection with side street detours. Be prepared to sequence the work to individual lanes or portions thereof. c. Should closure of the intersection in its entirety be necessary, and no trolley service is impacted, keep such closure to the minimum time required to place and compact the HMA mixture, plane, remove asphalt, tack coat, and as needed. d. Any work in an intersection requires advance warning in both signage and a number of Working Days advance notice as determined by the Engineer, to alert traffic and emergency services of the intersection closure or partial closure. e. Allow new compacted HMA asphalt to cool to ambient temperature before any traffic is allowed on it. Traffic is not allowed on newly placed asphalt until approval has been obtained from the Engineer. 2. Temporary centerline marking, post-paving temporary marking, temporary stop bars, and maintaining temporary pavement marking must comply with Section 8-23. 3. Permanent pavement marking must comply with Section 8-22. 5-04.3(14)B2 Submittals – Planing Plan and HMA Paving Plan The Contractor must submit a separate planing plan and a separate paving plan to the Engineer at least 5 Working Days in advance of each operation’s activity start date. These plans must show how the moving operation and traffic control are coordinated, as they will be discussed at the pre-planing briefing and pre-paving briefing. When requested by the Engineer, the Contractor must provide each operation’s traffic control plan on 24 x 36 inch or larger size Shop Drawings with a scale Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 28 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 showing both the area of operation and sufficient detail of traffic beyond the area of operation where detour traffic may be required. The scale on the Shop Drawings is 1 inch = 20 feet, which may be changed if the Engineer agrees sufficient detail is shown. The planing operation and the paving operation include, but are not limited to, metal detection, removal of asphalt and temporary asphalt of any kind, tack coat and drying, staging of supply trucks, paving trains, rolling, scheduling, and as may be discussed at the briefing. When intersections will be partially or totally blocked, provide adequately sized and noticeable signage alerting traffic of closures to come, a minimum 2 Working Days in advance. The traffic control plan must show where police officers will be stationed when signalization is or may be, countermanded, and show areas where flaggers are proposed. At a minimum, the planing and the paving plan must include: 1. A copy of the accepted traffic control plan, see Section 1-10.2(2), detailing each day’s traffic control as it relates to the specific requirements of that day’s planing and paving. Briefly describe the sequencing of traffic control consistent with the proposed planing and paving sequence, and scheduling of placement of temporary pavement markings and channelizing devices after each day’s planing, and paving. 2. A copy of each intersection’s traffic control plan. 3. Haul routes from Supplier facilities, and locations of temporary parking and staging areas, including return routes. Describe the complete round trip as it relates to the sequencing of paving operations. 4. Names and locations of HMA Supplier facilities to be used. 5. List of all equipment to be used for paving. 6. List of personnel and associated job classification assigned to each piece of paving equipment. 7. Description (geometric or narrative) of the scheduled sequence of planing and of paving, and intended area of planing and of paving for each day’s work, must include the directions of proposed planing and of proposed paving, sequence of adjacent lane paving, sequence of skipped lane paving, intersection planing and paving scheduling and sequencing, and proposed notifications and coordination to be timely made. The plan must show HMA joints relative to the final pavement marking lane lines. 8. Names, job titles, and contact information for field, office, and plant supervisory personnel. 9. A copy of the approved Mix Designs. 10. Tonnage of HMA to be placed each day. 11. Approximate times and days for starting and ending daily operations. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 29 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 5-04.3(14)B3 Pre-Paving and Pre-Planing Briefing At least 2 Working Days before the first paving operation and the first planing operation, or as scheduled by the Engineer for future paving and planing operations to ensure the Contractor has adequately prepared for notifying and coordinating as required in the Contract, the Contractor must be prepared to discuss that day’s operations as they relate to other entities and to public safety and convenience, including driveway and business access, garbage truck operations, Metro transit operations and working around energized overhead wires, school and nursing home and hospital and other accesses, other contractors who may be operating in the area, pedestrian and bicycle traffic, and emergency services. The Contractor, and Subcontractors that may be part of that day’s operations, must meet with the Engineer and discuss the proposed operation as it relates to the submitted planing plan and paving plan, approved traffic control plan, and public convenience and safety. Such discussion includes, but is not limited to: 1. General for both Paving Plan and for Planing Plan: a. The actual times of starting and ending daily operations. b. In intersections, how to break up the intersection, and address traffic control and signalization for that operation, including use of peace officers. c. The sequencing and scheduling of paving operations and of planing operations, as applicable, as it relates to traffic control, to public convenience and safety, and to other contractors who may operate in the Project Site. d. Notifications required of Contractor activities, and coordinating with other entities and the public as necessary. e. Description of the sequencing of installation and types of temporary pavement markings as it relates to planing and to paving. f. Description of the sequencing of installation of, and the removal of, temporary pavement patch material around exposed castings and as may be needed. g. Description of procedures and equipment to identify hidden metal in the pavement, such as survey monumentation, monitoring wells, street car rail, and castings, before planing, see Section 5-04.3(14)B2. h. Description of how flaggers will be coordinated with the planing, paving, and related operations. i. Description of sequencing of traffic controls for the process of rigid pavement base repairs. j. Other items the Engineer deems necessary to address. 2. Paving – additional topics: a. When to start applying tack and coordinating with paving. b. Types of equipment and numbers of each type of equipment to be used. If more pieces of equipment than personnel are proposed, describe the sequencing of the personnel operating the types of equipment. Discuss the continuance of operator personnel for each type of equipment as it relates to meeting Specification requirements. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 30 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 c. Number of JMFs to be placed, and if more than one JMF how the Contractor will ensure different JMFs are distinguished, how pavers and MTVs are distinguished if more than one JMF is being placed at the time, and how pavers and MTVs are cleaned so that one JMF does not adversely influence the other JMF. d. Description of contingency plans for that day’s operations such as equipment breakdown, rain out, and Supplier shutdown of operations. e. Number of sublots to be placed, sequencing of density testing, and other sampling and testing. 5-04.3(15) Sealing Pavement Surfaces Apply a fog seal where shown in the plans. Construct the fog seal in accordance with Section 5-02.3. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, apply the fog seal prior to opening to traffic. 5-04.3(16) HMA Road Approaches HMA approaches shall be constructed at the locations shown in the Plans or where staked by the Engineer. The Work shall be performed in accordance with Section 5-04. 5-04.3(17) Pavement Reinforcement The Contractor shall install the asphalt interlay fabric at the locations and to the dimensions shown on the Plans and as directed by the Engineer. The interlay fabric shall be placed on existing asphalt or concrete pavement to be overlaid with HMA mix specified in the contract. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS All equipment, tools, and machines used in the performance of the work shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer and shall be maintained in satisfactory working condition at all times. Equipment for surface cleaning shall be capable of effectively removing oil, grease, dust, dirt or other objectionable materials from the pavement. Application equipment shall consist of suitable brooms, distributor, and laydown machine as required. The distributor shall have a capacity of not less than 1,000 gallons and shall be so designed, equipped, maintained and operated that asphalt material of an even heat shall be uniformly applied at the required rate. It shall be insulated and equipped with an adequate heating device. It shall be equipped with a 10-foot spray bar with extensions, pressure pump and gauge, with a volume gauge so located as to be observed easily by the inspector from the ground, a tachometer to control accurately the speed and spread of asphalt, and two thermometers, one to be installed permanently in the tank to indicate temperature of the Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 31 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 asphalt at all times. The power for operating the pressure pump shall be supplied by an independent power unit which will develop a minimum of 25 pounds per square inch pressure at the spray bar. The laydown machine shall consist of a small tractor with attachment for the fabric installation. Bucket loaders or backhoes are not permitted for installation. The Contractor shall not begin application of the interlay fabric until he has demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, that all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to apply the interlay fabric are either on hand or readily available. MATERIALS The approved products are: 1. TenCate Mirafi MPM30 (PGM-30) 2. Tensar GlasPave 25 3. Roadmat RM35 The material properties of the asphalt interlay fabric shall conform to all design and nominal performance standards of TenCate Mirafi MPM30 (PGM-30), Tensar GlasPave 25, Roadmat RM35 or the properties listed below in Table 2.01. Submittals shall include independent confirmation of the material properties. Table 2.01 – Physical Properties of the asphalt interlay fabric Property ASTM Test Method Units Min. Avg. Roll Value Tensile Strength @ 0º Tensile Strength @ 90º D5035 lbs/in 200 200 Tensile Elongation % < 5.0 Melting Point (glass) D276 °F (°C ) 450º (232º) Asphalt Retention D6140 gal/yd² 0.10 Mass per Unit Area D5261 oz/yd² 4.0 STORAGE The paving interlayer rolls shall be labeled, with a durable label indicating manufacturer, product name or style number, roll and lot number, and roll dimensions shall be attached to each roll. The paving interlayer rolls shall be delivered and handled in a manner to prevent damage and shall be inspected for defects and damage prior to use. The paving interlayer shall be stored in a dry covered condition, free from dust, dirt, off the ground, flat to prevent bowing, protected from precipitation, ultraviolet radiation, strong chemicals, sparks and flames, temperatures in excess 71 °C (160 °F) and other environmental condition that could cause damage. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 32 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 WEATHER AND MOISTURE LIMITATIONS Work shall not be done during wet weather conditions nor when the pavement and ambient air temperatures are below 50°F. The pavement shall be surface-dry at the time of the application of the asphalt. SURFACE PREPARATION All areas of base failure shall be removed and replaced to acceptable industry standards for the specific traffic loads and condition of the project. Pre-Leveling, if necessary, shall be done prior to placing paving interlayer. The pavement surface shall be free of all foreign materials such as dirt, grease, etc. Prior to applying the asphalt, all dust and loose material shall be removed from the pavement surface with compressed air. Existing cracks shall be filled as specified elsewhere under “Crack Sealing.” In an overlay or milled surface application, repair all failed pavement areas prior to installation of the paving interlayer. Fill all cracks ¼” or greater with approved material. Immediately prior to placement of paving interlayer, the pavement surface shall be dry, cleaned of anything that would interfere with adhesion, for e.g., vegetation, moss, dirt, gravel or water. A leveling or "scratch" course is recommended when road surface is not acceptable and shall be of proper gradation and sufficient thickness to achieve a smooth, level surface with no gaps greater than ¼” depth and width or be acceptable to the project engineer. A finish grind may be used as an alternative to an asphalt leveling course being placed, when you can achieve the final surface texture has no cracks, gaps or vertical angles greater the ¼” depth and width or be acceptable to the project engineer. In all cases the surface must be clean and dry and the application rate of the Hot PG grade asphalt binder shall be increased to insure complete interlayer saturation and bonding. INSTALLATION A. Apply the asphalt interlay fabric in a hot PG graded asphalt binder. Asphalt Emulsion is NOT acceptable for placing paving interlayer due to time delay for it to break and the difficulty in insuring quality as installed. B. Asphalt Binder 1. A hot asphalt binder shall be applied to saturate the paving interlayer (min. to be the asphalt retention rate) plus amount needed to bond to existing surface and the new overlay. The asphalt binder to be used shall be PG58H –22 (PG64 -22) or higher. Sustained ambient temperatures (above 90º) may require a stiffer binder gradation like PG58V –22 (PG70 -22) or higher to improve set time and reduce risk of fabric pick-up under construction traffic. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 33 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 2. The hot asphalt binder shall be applied per the paving interlayer manufacturer or as directed by the Engineer. For TenCate Mirafi MPM30 the hot asphalt binder shall be applied at a rate of 0.10 Gal/SY on a new HMA leveling surface. On an old smooth surface or a clean fine milled surface apply hot asphalt binder shall be applied at a rate of 0.12 Gal/SY. For Tensar GlasPave 25 the hot asphalt binder shall be applied at a rate of 0.15 Gal/SY on a new pavement surface, 0.17 Gal/SY on an aged oxidized surface, and a rate of 0.2 Gal/SY on a milled surface. 3. Spray application shall extend four (4) inches wider than width of paving interlayer on lap side. Hot asphalt binder application shall be wide enough to cover the entire width of engineered paving mat material overlaps. The hot asphalt binder shall be applied only as far in advance of the engineered paving mat material installation as is appropriate to ensure a tacky surface at the time of the engineered paving mat material placement. Traffic shall not be allowed on the hot asphalt binder. 4. The hot asphalt binder shall be applied by a distributor truck in a smooth uniform manner at as low a temperature as is possible to achieve the right application rate, depending on ambient and road surface temperatures and type of PG asphalt binder used. Temperature of the hot asphalt binder shall be sufficiently high enough to permit uniform spray pattern and shall be between 350º F and 400º F. The air temperature shall be 50º F and rising for placement of the hot asphalt binder coat. C. The paving interlayer shall be installed with equipment in good working order that is capable of installing the fabric without wrinkles or manually as needed and recommended by manufacturer. 1. Initial alignment of the interlay fabric is very important, since the fabric direction cannot be changed appreciably without causing wrinkles. If the alignment of the interlay fabric must be changed, the fabric shall be cut and realigned, overlapping the previous material and proceeding as before. 2. If manual lay-down methods are used, the paving fabric shall be unrolled, aligned, and placed in increments of approximately thirty (30) feet or as project engineer suggest. 3. The material shall be placed flat and wrinkle-free. The paving interlayer installation may require hand brooming as necessary to eliminate ripples that may occur during installation. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 34 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 4. Brooming or squeegee of paving interlayer is required to insure adequate adhesion into the hot asphalt binder before the hot asphalt binder has cooled and lost tackiness. If the interlayer wrinkles more than 1” height during installation, the wrinkle shall be cut and lapped in the direction of paving. In these repaired areas, additional hot asphalt binder shall be applied as needed to achieve a sound bond to the substrate. Damaged engineered paving mat shall be removed and replaced, per the manufacturer's recommendations, at the contractor's expense with the same type of material. 5. To ease installations around curves, the paving fabric can be placed in shortened lengths by mechanical equipment or by hand. 6. Paving interlayer shall be lapped two (2) to four (4) inches longitudinally and two (2) to four (4) inches transversely. Transverse laps shall be in the direction of the asphalt concrete overlay placement insuring hot asphalt binder is placed under the overlap. The interlay fabric shall be neatly cut and contoured at all joints. 7. Excess hot asphalt binder that bleeds through the engineered paving mat under normal construction traffic shall be countered by broadcasting clean sand or hot mix to create a bond break between the excess hot asphalt binder and the construction equipment tires. Excess blotting sand shall be removed from the interlayer prior to placing the HMA overlay. No other material, such as asphalt release agents or diesel, shall be used for this purpose. 8. No traffic, except necessary construction traffic or emergency vehicles, shall be driven on the engineered paving mat, unless approved by the engineer. If traffic on the interlayer is approved by the engineer, clean sand shall be lightly broadcasted over the engineered paving mat interlayer, and any loose sand shall be removed prior to paving. 9. Turning of construction equipment and other vehicles shall be gradual and kept to a minimum to avoid damage to the paving interlayer. Caution: Parking on the installed paving fabric prior to final overlay for extended periods could cause damage to the interlayer. 10. Placement of the first lift of the HMA overlay shall closely follow placement of the engineered paving mat. All areas in which the engineered paving mat has been placed shall be paved during the same day, unless approved otherwise by the engineer. In the event of rainfall on the engineered paving mat prior to the placement of the first HMA overlay lift, the engineered paving mat shall be allowed to dry before the HMA is placed. The compacted thickness of the first lift of the HMA overlay on the engineered paving mat shall not be less than Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 35 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 1.5 inches, and the temperature of the mix at placement shall not exceed the engineered paving mat melting point temperature. Where the total HMA overlay thickness is less than 1.5 inches, engineered paving mat shall not be placed. NOTE: Minimum lift thickness should be at least 3 times the nominal maximum aggregate size to ensure aggregate can align themselves during compaction to achieve required density and also to ensure mix is impermeable. 11. Paving interlayer should never be installed when it or the pavement surface is wet. 12. The Contractor shall not place more interlay fabric on the roadway than can be overlaid the same day with Hot Mix Asphalt. No fabric, except that which is required for normal lapped joints, shall be exposed to traffic. 13. In the event of breakdown of the paving operation, the interlay fabric which has not been overlaid shall be dusted with sand to break the tackiness of the sealant so traffic does not pick up the fabric. The application rate shall uniformly dust the roadway as approved by the Engineer. More than one application of sand may be required. Before placing the asphalt concrete, the fabric surface shall be broomed to remove the excess sand as directed by the Engineer. The sand shall meet the graduation requirements of the Section 9-03.1(2)B of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. WORKMANSHIP AND QUALITY CONTROL A Technical Representative for the manufacturer of the paving interlayer shall be on the project to work with the Contractor’s personnel and to provide the necessary technical assistance to ensure the satisfactory placement of the interlay fabric and HMA overlay. The representative shall not leave the project until the Engineer is satisfied that the Contractor has a full understanding of what is required to place the interlay fabric satisfactorily. The installing contractor shall give sufficient notice of planned work schedule such that proper inspection of workmanship is accomplished. 1. Daily, the Contractor shall certify that interlayer was installed per plans and specifications and confirm, by weight tickets and measuring asphalt used, that the hot asphalt binder usage equates to the specified amount for proper interlayer saturation and bonding. 2. Hot asphalt binder application rate shall not be reduced without the Engineer’s approval. 3. Certification of compliance from the binder supplier shall be provided for each load of hot asphalt binder delivered to the jobsite, showing the type and quality of material delivered. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 36 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 4. The Contractor shall provide satisfactory confirmation to the Engineer, for each Street Section, showing the total quantity of asphalt binder installed, at the proper application rate as published by the manufacturer. 5-04.4 Measurement HMA Cl. ½” PG 58V-22, HMA for Pavement Repairs Cl. ½” PG 58V-22, and Commercial HMA will be measured by the ton in accordance with Section 1-09.2, with no deduction being made for the weight of asphalt binder, mineral filler, or any other component of the mixture. If the Contractor elects to remove and replace mix as allowed by Section  5-04.3(11), the material removed will not be measured. Asphalt Interlay Fabric will be measured by the square yard of asphalt surface area, which is satisfactorily covered, sealed and accepted. PG Tack for Pavement Reinforcement will be measured by the gallon of material for the installation of Asphalt Interlay Fabric, which is properly applied, satisfactorily confirmed proper application rate with required documentation, and accepted by the Engineer. Roadway cores will be measured per each for the number of cores taken. Preparation of untreated roadway will be measured by the mile once along the centerline of the main line Roadway. No additional measurement will be made for ramps, Auxiliary Lanes, service roads, Frontage Roads, or Shoulders. Measurement will be to the nearest 0.01 mile. Soil residual herbicide will be measured by the mile for the stated width to the nearest 0.01 mile or by the square yard, whichever is designated in the Proposal. Pavement repair excavation will be measured by the square yard of surface marked prior to excavation. Asphalt for prime coat will be measured by the ton in accordance with Section 1-09.2. Prime coat aggregate will be measured by the cubic yard, truck measure, or by the ton, whichever is designated in the Proposal. Asphalt for fog seal will be measured by the ton, as provided in Section 5-02.4. Longitudinal joint seals between the HMA and cement concrete pavement will be measured by the linear foot along the line and slope of the completed joint seal. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 37 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Planing bituminous pavement will be measured by the square yard. Measurement shall be made upon actual square yards planed/grind, regardless of the full planing capacity of the equipment used. No measurement will be made for the installation, maintenance, and removal of temporary pavement markings. 5-04.5 Payment Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal: The unit contract price per ton for “HMA Class 1/2”, PG 58V-22” shall be full compensation for all costs incurred to carry out the requirements of Section 5-04 except for those costs included in other items which are included in the Subsection and which are included in the Proposal. This work shall include the cost to install an asphalt thickened edge and/or the pre-leveling work in the areas identified on the plans. The cost for anti-stripping additive and water shall be included in this bid item. The unit contract price per ton for “Hot Plant Mix for Temporary Pavement Patch” shall be full pay for all costs of material, labor, tools and equipment necessary for furnishing, installing, maintaining, removing and disposing of Hot Plant Mix as required to provide temporary roadway patching of pavement at the locations as specified herein and as directed by the Engineer. The unit contract price per square yard for “Planing Bituminous Pavement” shall be full payment for all costs incurred to perform the Work described in Section 5-04.3(14). The unit contract price per square yards shall also include all costs incurred to stockpile or dispose of the bituminous pavement as specified on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. No additional cost compensation shall be made for cold mix material to provide a temporary transition from planed areas to existing pavement. “Job Mix Compliance Price Adjustment”, by calculation. “Job Mix Compliance Price Adjustment” will be calculated and paid for as described in Section 5-04.3(9)C6. “Compaction Price Adjustment”, by calculation. “Compaction Price Adjustment” will be calculated and paid for as described in Section 5-04.3(10)C3. “Cyclic Density Price Adjustment”, by calculation. “Cyclic Density Price Adjustment” will be calculated and paid for as described in Section 5-04.3(10)B. 5-05 CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTION 5-05.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 38 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 5-05.2 Materials Stamped cement concrete type 1 pavement shall be ‘New Brick Running Bond’ pattern from texture mats and touch-up skins available from Butterfield Color, phone 1-800-282-3388, or approved equal. New Brick Running Bond Pattern surface texture shall be achieved using imprinting texture, stencils, detailing tools to create a running bond pattern of new brick shapes with grout lines. Edges shall be sharp. Corners shall be square. Stamped cement concrete type 1 pavement shall have a two- step color and sealer (including additive) application, as follows: • Butterfield Color® Perma-Shake® Color Hardener – P15 Brick Red • Butterfield Color ® Perma-Cast® Antiquing Release – R19 Russet • Butterfield Color® Clear-Guard™ Cure & Seal Stamped cement concrete type 2 pavement shall be concrete with admixture for integrally coloring ready mixed concrete during batching. Color admixture shall conform to ASTM Standard C979 (Standard Specification for Pigments for Integrally Colored Concrete). Color for colored concrete pavement shall be: Butterfield Color® Uni-Mix® Integral Concrete Colorant -U34 Brick Red Stamped cement concrete type 2 pavement shall be ‘New Brick Herringbone’ pattern from texture mats and touch-up skins available from Butterfield Color, phone 1-800-282-3388, or approved equal. New Brick Herringbone Pattern surface texture shall be achieved using imprinting texture, stencils, detailing tools to create a herringbone pattern of new brick shapes with grout lines. Edges shall be sharp. Corners shall be square. Stamped cement concrete type 2 pavement shall have a two- step color and sealer (including additive) application, as follows: • Butterfield Color ® Perma-Cast® Antiquing Release – R19 Russet • Butterfield Color® Clear-Guard™ Cure & Seal Stamped cement concrete type 3 pavement shall be ‘Pebblestone’ pattern from texture mats and touch-up skins available from Butterfield Color, phone 1-800-282-3388, or approved equal. The surface texture is that of round, smooth river pebbles, with rounded and worn stone edges. Stamped cement concrete type 3 pavement shall have a two- step color and sealer (including additive) application, as follows: • Butterfield Color® Perma-Shake® Color Hardener – P32 Bone • Butterfield Color ® Perma-Cast® Antiquing Release – P22 Arena Buff • Butterfield Color® Clear-Guard™ Cure & Seal Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 39 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Stamped cement concrete type 3 pavement finish area shall be allowed to cure for a minimum of 28 days prior to application of concrete color stain. Pressure wash area free of dust, contaminants and debris and allow to dry prior to application of concrete color stain. Apply stain according to manufacturer’s recommendations, and to achieve the appearance of the approved sample. Accent stone stain: approximately one-fourth of the raised stones in a pattern stamp area shall then receive a stain coating using hand application methods, in general proportions of the three colors below, as detailed in the Plans and as approved by the Engineer. The accent stone staining shall be in 3 colors: • Color 1 (shall cover 5% of stones): “Weathered Bronze” ELE-118 • Color 2 (shall cover 5% of stones): “Cordovan Leather” ELE-114 • Color 3 (shall cover 10% of stones): “Gray” ELE-128 • No Color (shall be 80% of stones): Left without any accent stone staining All stamped cement concrete pavement shall have a minimum compressive strength of 3,500 psi. All stamped cement concrete pavement shall be classified as a 3-day mix. Portland cement shall conform to ASTM C 150 Type II. Aggregates shall conform to ASTM C 33. Mixing water shall be fresh, clean and potable. An air-entraining agent complying with ASTM C 260 shall be used to achieve an entrained air content for the particular concrete mix used in accordance with the published recommendations of the Portland Cement Association and the American Concrete Institute. No admixtures containing calcium chloride are permitted. SECTION 5-05.3(11) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 5-05.3(11) Finishing Stamped cement concrete type 2 pavement with integral color shall be installed at eyebrow/vane island locations as detailed per Plans. Cement concrete pavement with integral color concrete shall not receive color hardener application. Stamped cement concrete type 1, 2 and 3 shall consist of stamped cement concrete pavement as detailed on plans and as specified, in these Special Provisions. Color hardener (as required for type 1 and 3) and antique release shall be applied evenly to the surface of fresh concrete, and sealer with additive applied according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Catalog product cut sheets for color hardener, antique release and sealer shall be submitted to Engineer for approval prior to providing mock-up samples. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 40 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Stamping and texturing tools for stamped cement concrete type 1, 2 and 3 pavement shall require two (2) weeks lead time per stamping tool. The final layout shall be determined in field and approved by Engineer. Cement concrete pavement noted in the Plans within the roundabout area, truck apron and splitter island pavement shall receive stamp pattern and finish. Qualified and competent workman shall have a minimum five (5) years of work experience for same paving type installation of stamped concrete. Stamped Cement Concrete Type 1, 2 and 3 Pavement Installer’s Additional Qualifications: Installer shall provide a list of five (5) successfully installed projects that include stamped concrete work within the Western United States. Include the following information: Address/ name of project; square footage; date of installation; contact name and phone number; up to two (2) photos of each project. Mock-Up Samples Prior to start of pavement work the Contractor shall provide three (5) five feet by (5) five feet (25 square feet) mock-up samples of the stamped cement concrete type 1, 2 and 3 pavement showing stamped pattern, integral color pigment, color hardener, color release agent, color accents wherever applicable per these special provisions and design plans. Engineer shall approve one mock-up sample per each stamped cement concrete type pavement prior to start of work. The final approved sample shall be the standard for the balance of the rest of the work installed and shall be protected from damage until final acceptance and approval. Mock-up samples provided for approval by Engineer shall be incidental to and included in the unit bid price for “Stamped Cement Concrete Type 1, 2 and 3 Pavement” per these Special Provisions. No additional concrete shall be placed prior to the test panel being approved by the Engineer. Asphalt mastic joint fillers shall be 3/8” x 4” and of the same material as that used in the curb with matching expansion joint locations. Concrete Joint and Dowel Bar Layout Plan The Contractor shall submit a concrete joint and dowel bar layout plan to the Engineer for review and approval prior to the start of any concrete construction work. SECTION 5-05.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 5-05.4 Measurement Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 41 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 “Stamped Cement Concrete Type 1 Pavement” shall be measure per square yard of completed stamped cement concrete surface. “Stamped Cement Concrete Type 2 Pavement” shall be measure per square yard of completed stamped cement concrete surface. “Stamped Cement Concrete Type 3 Pavement” shall be measure per square yard of completed stamped cement concrete surface. SE SECTION 5-05.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 5-05.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 for the following bid items when included in the Proposal: “Stamped Cement Concrete Pavement Type 1 with Dowels” “Stamped Cement Concrete Pavement Type 1 without Dowels” The unit contract price per square yard for the above items constitutes complete compensation for all materials, labor, tools and equipment necessary to install Stamped Cement Concrete Type 1 Pavement as shown on the plans and in accordance with the Kent Special Provisions. Any other materials including concrete pavement, dowels (where applicable), stamping tools, color hardener, color release agent, sealer, labors, and tools required by the manufacturer to complete the stamped cement concrete type 1 pavement shall be considered incidental with the bid item price. The stamping tools shall become the property of the City at the end of the project, and the contractor shall clean, maintain, and deliver all tools to the City Maintenance Shop. Failure to adequately maintain and deliver the stamping tools to the City Maintenance Shop after project completion shall be deemed reasonable grounds for the Engineer to adjust the payment made under this bid item. Said adjustment shall be determined solely by the Engineer and is not negotiable except at the Engineer’s discretion. All joints and grouting shall be considered incidental with the bid item price. “Stamped Cement Concrete Pavement Type 2 with Dowels” “Stamped Cement Concrete Pavement Type 2 without Dowels” The unit contract price per square yard for the above items constitutes complete compensation for all materials, labor, tools and equipment necessary to install stamped cement concrete type 2 pavement as shown on the plans and in accordance with the Kent Special Provisions. Any other materials including concrete pavement, dowels (where applicable), integral color pigment, stamping tools, color release agent, sealer, labor, and tools required by the manufacturer to complete the stamped cement concrete type 2 pavement shall be considered incidental with the bid item price. The stamping tools shall become the property of the City at the end of the project, and the contractor shall clean, maintain, and deliver all tools to the City Maintenance Shop. Failure to adequately maintain and deliver the stamping tools to the City Maintenance Shop after project completion shall be deemed reasonable grounds for the Engineer to adjust the payment made under Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 5 - 42 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 this bid item. Said adjustment shall be determined solely by the Engineer and is not negotiable except at the Engineer’s discretion. The unit contract price per square yard for “Stamped Cement Concrete Pavement Type 3 without Dowels” constitutes complete compensation for all materials including concrete pavement, dowels (where applicable), stamping tools, color hardener, color release agent, accent stains, sealer, labor, tools and equipment necessary to install Stamped Cement Concrete as shown on the plans and in accordance with the Kent Special Provisions. Any other materials, labors, and tools required by the manufacturer to complete the stamped cement concrete type 3 shall be considered incidental with the bid item price. The stamping tools shall become the property of the City at the end of the project, and the contractor shall clean, maintain, and deliver all tools to the City Maintenance Shop. Failure to adequately maintain and deliver the stamping tools to the City Maintenance Shop after project completion shall be deemed reasonable grounds for the Engineer to adjust the payment made under this bid item. Said adjustment shall be determined solely by the Engineer and is not negotiable except at the Engineer’s discretion. All joints and grouting shall be considered incidental with the bid item price. All joints and grouting shall be considered incidental with the bid item price. The unit contract price for the above items that includes dowels shall include furnishing and installing epoxy coated dowel bars and tie bars, except those tie bars drilled into cement concrete pavement will be paid under the item “Epoxy-Coated Tie Bar with Drill Hole”. The unit contract bid price per square yard for “Cement Concrete Pass- Through, 9 Inch Thick” shall constitute complete compensation for all material, equipment and labor needed to construct the median pass- throughs at the locations shown on the plans. Bid item includes all curbing, crushed surfacing base course, gravel borrow, concrete, truncated domes and all other items as needed. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 6 - 1 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 DIVISION 6 – STRUCTURES 6-07 PAINTING SECTION 6-07.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 6-07.1 Description This work shall consist of painting systems and colors for metal elements as shown on the Plans. SECTION 6-07.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 6-07.2 Materials Paint materials shall comply with the requirements in Section 9-08 unless described in this section. Paint colors and paint systems shall be as shown in the table below for the following items: Specification Section Item Paint Color Paint System 8-19 Bench: Frame “Grey Aluminum”, RAL 9007 Metallic Powder Coating Paint System, see below 8-19 Bench: Slat Seat “Aluminum Texture” Powder Coating Paint System shall be per manufacturer 8-19 Litter Receptacle: Lid and Body “Grey Aluminum”, RAL 9007 Metallic Powder Coating Paint System, see below 8-35 Gateway Lettering “Grey Aluminum”, RAL 9007 Metallic Powder Coating Paint System, see below 9-29 Pole Banner Arm Federal Color “Dark Gray” #26008 Factory Applied Polyester Powder Coat 9-29 Pedestrian Luminaire and Pole Federal Color “Dark Gray” #26008 Dark Forest Green (GN8) per City Standard Factory Applied Polyester Powder Coat Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 6 - 2 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Specification Section Item Paint Color Paint System 9-29 Street Luminaire and Pole Federal Color “Dark Gray” #26008 Factory Applied Polyester Powder Coat 9-29 Accenting Lighting: Linear Graze Enclosure Gray Paint System per manufacturer 9-29 Accenting Lighting: Blast Light Fixture Housing and Mounting Arm Gray Paint System per manufacturer Metallic Powder Coating Paint System The metallic powder coating paint system shall be bonded metallic powder coating composed of exterior grade pure polyester TGIC, dry powder including resins, and metallic pigments in accordance with requirements of AAMA 605.2. The coating shall have a smooth matte bonded metallic finish. The metallic powder coating paint system shall consist of the following components with harmless additives: Aluminum Hydroxide 10-25% TGIC T, Xi; R 46-23/25- 41-43-48/22-52/53 2.5-10% Titanium Dioxide 2.5-10% Tin Dioxide Xi; R 37 < 0.1% The metallic powder coating paint system shall have the following characteristics: Thickness 2.5-3.5 mils Gloss ASTM D 523 Visual at 60 degrees Specific Gravity 1.57 g/cm3 Curing Conditions 10min @ 392 degrees F/ 200 degrees C Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 6 - 3 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Impression Hardness ASTM B 3363 95 Impact Test ASTM D-2794 80 lb*in Pencil Hardness ASTM D-3363 2H (min.) Cross Hatch Adhesion Tape Test ASTM D-3359 Method B Salt spray Resistance Test ASTM B 117 Humidity Resistance Test ASTM D 2247 6-07.3 Construction Requirements The Contractor shall submit three (3) samples of each custom color in satin, texture and gloss for approval. Appropriate metal coupon samples (steel and aluminum) shall be (3) inches by (5) inches. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 1 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 DIVISION 7 – DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, STORM SEWERS, SANITARY SEWERS, WATER MAINS, AND CONDUITS 7-01 DRAINS SECTION 7-01.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-01.2 Materials Materials for this project shall meet the requirements of the following sections: Geotextile Fabric .................................................... 2-12.2 Gravel Backfill for Drains ......................................... 9-03.12(4) Perforated Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Underdrain Pipe .... 9-05.2(6) SECTION 7-01.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-01.4 Measurement The linear foot measurement will include the length of the cleanouts. 7-04 STORM SEWERS THE FIRST PARAGRAPH OF SECTION 7-04.2 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 7-04.2 Materials All pipe utilized in this project shall be ductile iron class 50 unlined unless otherwise noted. 7-04.3 Construction Requirements 7-04.3(1) Cleaning and Testing SECTION 7-04.3(1)A IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-04.3(1)A General All storm drain pipe including the downstream system shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove any solids or construction debris that may have entered the pipe system during construction. The Contractor shall be responsible to insure that materials flushed from the storm drain is trapped, removed, and does not enter the downstream drainage system. SECTION 7-04.3(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 7-04.3(1)G Television Inspection Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 2 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 All new City storm drain extensions, 24-inch diameter and smaller shall be TV camera inspected by the City Utility Department and accepted prior to placing final crushed rock surfacing and pavement. All construction except final casting adjustments must be completed and approved by the Inspector prior to the TV inspection. The manholes and catch basins must be set to grade, channeled, and grade rings set in place prior to TV inspection. Castings must be removed for paving, and fully grouted in place after paving. SECTION 7-04.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-04.5 Payment The unit contract price per lineal foot for “Ductile Iron Storm Sewer Pipe, 8, 12 and 18 Inch Diameter” shall be complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to furnish and install the pipe at the locations shown on the plans and described in the specifications. The bid item price includes but is not limited to: trench excavation; unsuitable material excavation, hauling, dewatering; backfill and compaction (when native material is to be used), surface restoration, and cleanup. The bid price shall also include fittings, tees, couplings, gaskets, connection to new or existing storm pipes, catch basins, or ditches, testing, coordination for TV inspection, and additional costs for overtime work when working on weekends. 7-05 MANHOLES, INLETS, CATCH BASINS, AND DRYWELLS SECTION 7-05.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-05.3 Construction Requirements All manholes and catch basins shall be precast concrete units and shall conform to Kent Standard Plans 4-1, 4-2, 5-1 and 5-2 unless specified otherwise. Minimum height for Type 1-48 inch, 54 inch, and 60 inch manholes shall be 5 feet. Manholes under 5 feet in height shall conform to Kent Standard Plan 4-2. All manholes and Type II and III CB structures shall be equipped with the drop rung type manhole steps and ladders in accordance with Kent Standard Plan 4-5. The ladder shall be secured from top to bottom, inside the structure wall. No 4 foot hanging ladder sections are allowed. The sanitary sewer manholes shall be fully channeled to conform to the inside diameter of the sewer line from invert to spring line, then the channel shall be vertical to the top of the pipe. The top edge of the channel shall have a radius of 1/2 to 3/4 inch. The shelves shall slope at 2 percent to the top of the channel. All manhole section joints and pick holes shall be filled with grout and smooth finished outside and inside after installation. All manhole penetrations, lifting holes, barrel joints (interior or exterior), risers, frames, and any other location determined by the Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 3 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Engineer, shall be sealed to prevent infiltration. The Contractor shall submit proposed sealing product literature to the Engineer for acceptance, prior to use. Manhole frame and covers shall be cast gray or ductile iron and shall comply with the following Kent Standard Plans as applicable: 4-3 Standard Manhole Frame and Locking Cover Catch basin grates and solid covers shall be ductile iron and of the locking type unless indicated otherwise on the plans and shall be in accordance with Kent Standard Plans 5-4 through 5-16 as applicable. Miscellaneous catch basin details shall be in accordance with Kent Standard Plan 5-3. Care must be taken to insure that pressures exerted on the soils beneath the manholes and the adjacent mains are approximately uniform. Unequal soil pressures may result in excessive settlement at manholes. A spread foundation or other measures may be required to reduce the unit load imposed by the manhole. PVC pipe adaptors shall be KOR-IN-SEAL type flex joints or sand collars or other materials as approved by the Engineer to permit slight differential movement. All pipe materials other than the above shall be mudded directly into the manholes and catch basins using a smooth forty five (45) degree bevel from the pipe to the structure meeting ASTM D-303-H-78 SDR35. The allowable protrusion is two (2) inches inside the structure unless approved otherwise by the Engineer. Block lettering is required on the top surfaces of storm drain castings, and shall read as follows: “OUTFALL TO STREAM, DUMP NO POLLUTANTS” SECTION 7-05.3(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-05.3(1) Adjusting Manholes and Catch Basins to Grade All construction in performing adjustments of existing or new utilities shall conform to the WSDOT Standard Specifications, Standard Plans, Kent Standard Plans and the Kent Special Provisions. Locating all new and existing utilities to be adjusted following the paving shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall mark or reference all affected utilities including traffic loops prior to paving. Should it be determined by City personnel upon inspection or by notification from other utility companies that the Contractor has failed to adjust existing utilities, the Contractor shall be responsible for completing the adjustments, at no additional cost to the utility company or the City, even if the Contractor has vacated the project site. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 4 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 If the Contractor neglects to reference utilities prior to paving, and for example causes conflicts with or damage to traffic loops, the Contractor shall be responsible to relocate or replace the traffic loops at no additional cost to the City. No less than 4 inches or greater than 16 inches shall be provided between the top of the cone and the underside of the manhole frame for adjustment to street grade or ground surface. Final elevation and slope of the frame and cover shall conform to the final street surface. All joints in the brick or ring adjustment shall be filled with grout, and the castings shall be sealed in grout placed on the ring or brick. A 3/8 inch mortar lining shall be installed inside and out of the adjustment section to form a smooth watertight finish. NOTE: The use or presence of wood, asphalt, expansion joint material or other non-approved product for catch basin or manhole adjustment shall be cause for immediate rejection. On asphalt concrete paving and/or asphalt resurfacing projects, manholes, catch basins and similar structures shall not be adjusted until the pavement is completed, at which time the center of each structure shall be relocated from references previously established by the Contractor. The pavement shall be cut in a restricted area and base material removed to permit removal of the cover. The asphalt concrete pavement shall be cut and removed to a neat circle, the diameter of which shall be equal to the outside diameter of the frame plus two feet. The frame shall be placed on concrete blocks and fully mortared to the desired grade. The base materials and crushed rock shall be removed and Cement Concrete Class 3000 shall be placed so that the entire volume of the excavation and up to within, but not to exceed 1-1/2 inches of the finished pavement surface. Note: casting adjustments shall be made with cementitious materials only. Wood, plastic, iron, aluminum, bituminous or similar materials are prohibited. On the following day, the concrete, the edges of the asphalt concrete pavement, and the outer edge of the casting shall be painted with hot asphalt cement. Asphalt concrete shall then be placed and compacted with hand tampers and a patching roller. The completed patch shall match the existing paved surface for texture, density, and uniformity of grade. The joint between the patch and the existing pavement shall then be painted with hot asphalt cement or asphalt emulsion and shall be immediately covered with dry paving sand before the asphalt cement solidifies. SECTION 7-05.3(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-05.3(2) Abandon Existing Manholes Manholes being abandoned shall have the top four feet removed and the remainder of the structure filled with bankrun gravel for trench backfill or gravel borrow as included in the proposal and shall otherwise Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 5 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 be in accordance with Section 7-05.3(2) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. SECTION 7-05.3(3) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-05.3(3) Connections to Existing Manholes It shall be the Contractor’s sole responsibility to protect the existing sewer system from any damage and/or debris resulting from the construction. Should any damage and/or debris occur, the Contractor shall, at no cost to the City, repair and/or clean said system to the satisfaction of the Engineer. NOTE: Cleaning shall include those existing lines downstream of the project in which debris has been deposited. SECTION 7-05.3(4) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-05.3(4) Drop Manhole Connection Drop manhole connections shall be in accordance with Kent Standard Plan 4-6. Inside drop connections are not allowed. SECTION 7-05.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 7-05.3(5) Manhole Installation on Existing Sewer The manhole will be placed on and channeled for the existing lines in their existing location. It shall be the Contractor’s sole responsibility to protect the existing sewer from any damage and/or debris resulting from the construction. Should any damage and/or debris occur, the Contractor shall, at no cost to the City, repair and/or clean said system to the satisfaction of the Engineer. NOTE: Cleaning shall include those existing lines downstream of the project in which debris has been deposited. 7-05.3(6) Storm Drain Marking The pavement adjacent to all new catch basins shall be marked with the following standard pollution prevention button: Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 6 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 The Contractor is responsible for installation of the buttons. Markers for publicly owned catch basins will be provided by the City. 7-05.3(7) Relocate Existing Catch Basin The existing catch basin assemblies indicated to be relocated shall be carefully removed to avoid damage. The Contractor will then install the catch basin at the location indicated on the plans so that the assembly will function as shown on the plans. SECTION 7-05.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-05.5 Payment “Catch Basin, Type 1” “Catch Basin, Type 1L” “Catch Basin, Type 2 48 Inch Diameter” The unit contract price per each for the above items constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to install the specified structure to final finished grade as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This work includes but shall not be limited to: excavating; dewatering; installing; connecting new or existing pipes, backfilling; compacting; surface restoration; referencing for future locates prior to final overlay; and storm drain stenciling. “Adjust Existing Manhole Cover to Finished Grade” “Adjust Existing Catch Basin Grate to Finished Grade” The unit contract price per each for the above items constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to adjust the specified structure to final finished grade as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This work includes but shall not be limited to: excavating; dewatering; installing; connecting new or existing pipes, backfilling; compacting; surface restoration; referencing for future locates prior to final overlay; and installing City provided storm drain markers. Adjusting the grade by adding or removing risers, grade rings, or sections as required will be included in this bid item. Any adjustments made prior to the final finished elevation shall be considered incidental. “Solid Locking Catch Basin Frame and Cover” “Round Solid Catch Basin Frame and Cover” “Vaned Catch Basin Frame and Grate” “Rectangular Beehive Grate” The unit contract price per each for the above items constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to furnish and install the new frame and cover or grate as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This price shall also include adjusting the new frame and cover or grate to match final grades. Any adjustments made prior to the final finished elevation shall be considered incidental. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 7 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 The unit contract price per each for “Thermoplastic Storm Drain Stenciling” constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, tools, equipment, supplies and materials necessary or incidental to the installation of the thermoplastic storm drain pollution markers and other work as specified. Also see Section 7-05.3(6) and 8-22 of the Kent Special Provisions. SECTION 7-06, VACANT, IS DELETED AND REPLCED WITH THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 7-06 BIORETENTION CELLS 7-06.1 Description This work shall consist of constructing bioretention cells as shown on the Plans and as specified herein. This work typically includes: 1. Protection of subgrade from compaction or silt laden runoff during construction; 2. Excavation of bioretention cells to subgrade; 3. Placement of impermeable bioretention liner where specified on plans; 4. Placement of gravel backfill for drain, gravel backfill for sand drain, bioretention media, and compost. 5. Planting the plants; and 6. Protection of the bioretention cell while the project site is stabilized. 7. Where noted on Plans and in these Special Provisions, Bioretention Soil Mix shall be Bioretention Media. 7-06.2 Materials Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections: Coarse Compost ................. 9-14.4(8) 9-14.5(8) Bioretention Media ................ Special Provision 9-14.1(4) 9-14.2(4) Streambed Cobbles ............... 9-03.11(2) Streambed Cobbles shall conform to the grading for 4” Cobbles. 7-06.3 Construction Requirements 7-06.3(1) General Sediment laden water shall not be allowed to enter the bioretention cell until written authorization is given by the Engineer. Bioretention soil shall be protected from all sources of additional moisture at the supplier’s site, in covered conveyance, and at the Project Site as incorporated into the Work. Soil placement and compaction will not be allowed when the ground is frozen, or when the weather is too wet as determined by the Engineer Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 8 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 The Contractor shall provide the testing laboratory for all bioretention soils and have all required tests completed, the laboratory shall be a Seal of Testing Assurance (STA), AASHTO, ASTM or other standards organization, as designated in the contract, accredited laboratory with current and maintained certification. The testing laboratory shall be capable of performing all tests to the standards specified, and shall provide test results with an accompanying Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance. Bioretention cells shall be constructed in conformance with the Low Impact Development Technical Guidance Manual for Puget Sound (December 2012). 7-06.3(2) Submittals for Bioretention Media Design At least 10 Working Days prior to placement of Bioretention Media, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the following in accordance with Section 1-05.3: 1. Grain size analysis results of the Mineral Aggregate for bioretention media (Section 9-03.2(2)) performed by an independent laboratory in accordance with ASTM D 422, Standard Test Method for Particle Size Analysis of Soils; 2. Quality analysis results for the compost for bioretention media performed in accordance with STA standards, as specified in Section 9-14.4(9); 3. Organic content test results of the bioretention media. Organic content test shall be performed in accordance with Testing Methods for the Examination of Compost and Composting (TMECC) 05.07A, “Loss-On-Ignition Organic Matter Method”; 4. Cationic Exchange Capacity test results. 5. A five (5) gallon sample of the bioretention media, including the following information: a. The Manufacturer’s Certificate(s) of Compliance per Section 1- 06.3 accompanying the test results from the Supplier of the bioretention media, and (if different) the Suppliers of the mineral aggregate and compost components, including their name(s) and address(es); b. A description of the equipment and methods to mix the mineral aggregate and compost to produce bioretention soil; 8. The following information about the testing laboratory(ies): a. name of laboratory(ies) including contact person(s), b. address(es), c. phone contact(s), d. e-mail address(es); e. Qualifications of laboratory and personnel including date of current certification by STA, ASTM, AASHTO, or approved equal. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 9 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 A second sample, with Supplier information, shall be collected by the Contractor from the material actually delivered to the site and delivered to the Engineer. Engineer may conduct testing on the samples to verify that the material delivered is the same material submitted on. 7-06.3(3) Grading and Placement for Bioretention Cells Grading and placement for bioretention cells shall be performed as follows: 1. The Contractor shall construct the bioretention cell during the dry months to make sure that the swale is in place and stabilized prior to the wet season. 2. No heavy equipment shall operate within the swale or earth berm perimeter once bioretention cell excavation has begun, including during excavation, backfilling, tree pit preparation, mulching, or planting. At the locations shown on the Drawings, bioretention cells shall be excavated to accommodate the placing of Bioretention Media and, if applicable, Gravel Reservoir as shown on the Drawings. There shall be no grading within the drip line of trees to be retained, unless otherwise specified in the Drawings. The Contractor shall review the site and notify the Engineer of conflicts with tree protection standards and/or other site conditions 24-hours prior to proceeding with the Work. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer the opportunity to inspect the excavation 24- hours prior to placement of any material or subgrade soil scarification. 3. After excavation to subgrade, if any sediment laden runoff has entered the cell, the sediment deposition shall be removed by over-excavating the cell in minimum 3-inch layers, and until approved by the Engineer. The excavated material shall be replaced with Bioretention Media, at the Contractor’s expense. 4. Where a bioretention liner is shown on the Plans, an impermeable liner meeting the material requirements found in Section 7-05 of these Special Provisions shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions prior to installation of the underdrain, drain rock, and bioretention media. 5. For cells where a bioretention liner will not be installed, the Contractor shall scarify the surface of the prepared subgrade to a minimum depth of 3-6 inches prior to placement of Bioretention Media or Construction Geotextile/Gravel Reservoir, if applicable. 6. If applicable, after placement of Gravel Reservoir, if any sediment laden runoff has entered the bioretention cell, the sediment deposition shall be removed by excavating Gravel Reservoir in the bioretention cell in minimum 3-inch layers (until approved by the Engineer) and replacing it with clean Gravel Reservoir, at the Contractor’s expense. 7. The Contractor shall place Bioretention Media loosely upon a prepared subgrade, or upon Construction Geotextile/Gravel Reservoir if an underdrain is specified in accordance with these Specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades, depth, and Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 10 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 typical cross-section shown in the Drawings or as established by the Engineer. 8. Locations and grading requirements to support new trees as a component of the bioretention system shall be field marked by the Engineer when identified as “field locate by the Engineer” on the Drawings. Provide 24-hour advance notice for Engineer to locate plantings per Section 8 -02.3(7). 9. Prior to seeding or planting, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer to inspect the bioretention cell. If any sediment laden runoff has entered the swale, the Contractor shall remove the top 3 inches of Bioretention Media and replace with Bioretention Media per design, at the Contractor’s expense. 10. Contractor shall be responsible protecting the bioretention swale until the vegetation is stabilized. Contractor shall be responsible for protecting the stabilized bioretention cell from sedimentation until the remainder of the site is stabilized and cleaned up. 11. No Materials or substances shall be mixed or dumped within the bioretention landscape planting area that may be harmful to plant growth, or prove a hindrance to the planting or maintenance operations. 12. The finished elevation of the top of the bioretention cell shall be two (2) inch below walks, curbs, pavements and driveways, unless otherwise specified or detailed on the plans. Upon completion of finish grading work, all excess Material shall be removed from the Project Site and disposed of accordingly. 7-06.3(4) Bioretention Media Acceptance Upon final placement of the Bioretention Media and prior to planting and placement of coarse compost, the owner will perform compaction and in-place infiltration testing to determine final acceptance of the BSM. Bioretention swale shall provide a minimum infiltration rate of 1.0 inches/hour. Three separate infiltration tests shall be conducted back-to-back on each facility. The swale will not be accepted if it exhibits an infiltration rate of less than 1.0 inches/hour on any of the three tests. Upon completion of the final testing no equipment will be allowed within the bioretention swale. All areas which fail the infiltration testing shall be retested at the Contractors expense after the Contractor addresses deficiencies in the construction methods or materials. Should equipment enter the swale after the owner provided infiltration testing the area shall be retested at the Contractor’s expense. 7-06.3(5) Streambed Cobbles Streambed cobbles shall be hand-placed where specified on the Plans. Cobble depth shall be as specified on the Plans. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 11 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 7-06.4 Measurement Measurement of Excavation for Bioretention Cell will be per cubic yard measured in the original position. Measurement for Streambed Cobbles will be in tons based on the weight of material installed into the Work in conformance with the Contract Documents. Certified weight tickets will accompany each load, a copy of tickets will be given to the Engineer daily. Wasted materials will not be included in the measurement or payment. Only materials placed within the pay limits shown will be considered for payment. Material placed outside of the pay limits shown on the Plans or as approved by the Engineer will be deducted from the certified tickets. Measurement of Bioretention Media shall be per Section 8-02.4 of these Special Provisions. 7-06.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid item when they are included in the Proposal: The unit contract price per ton for “Streambed Cobbles” shall be full compensation to furnish all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to furnish and place streambed cobbles by hand within bioretention cells in conformance with the plans, specifications, and details. The unit contract price per cubic yard for “Excavation for Bioretention Cell” constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to excavate bioretention cells in accordance with the plans, specifications and details. The bid item price includes but is not limited to: excavation, haul, and disposal of excavated material. Payment of Bioretention Media shall be per Section 8-02.5 of these Special Provisions. 7-08 GENERAL PIPE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS SECTION 7-08.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.2 Materials All pipe shall be of the type and material specified in the bid proposal, shown on the plans or specified herein. All materials used for construction of sanitary sewer and storm drainage systems and appurtenances shall be new and undamaged. All materials used shall be subject to inspection by the City prior to use. The Contractor shall provide the City with shop drawings, manufacturer’s specifications and certificates of materials as requested. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 12 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 The materials referred to herein, shall conform to the applicable provisions of the WSDOT Standard Specifications, the Kent Special Provisions and the manufacturer’s recommended installation procedures. See the following Sections of the WSDOT Standard Specifications and the Kent Special Provisions: Hot Mix Asphalt ............................... 5-04.2 Cement Concrete Pavement .............. 5-05.2 Culverts ......................................... 7-02.2 Storm Sewers ................................. 7-04.2 Manholes, Inlets and Catch Basins...... 7-05.2 Sanitary Sewer ................................ 7-17.2 Side Sewers .................................... 7-18.2 Crushed Surfacing ........................... 9-03.9(3) Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding .. 9-03.12(3) Gravel Borrow ................................. 9-03.14(1) Foundation Material Class I and II ...... 9-03.17 Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill .... 9-03.19 7-08.3 Construction Requirements SECTION 7-08.3(1)A IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.3(1)A Trenches If well points are used for dewatering pipe trenches, they shall be adequately spaced to provide the necessary dewatering and shall be sandpacked and/or other means used to prevent pumping of fine sands or silts from the sub-surface. A continual check by the Contractor shall be maintained to insure that the sub-surface soil is not being removed by the dewatering operation. Once commenced, the dewatering operation shall be continuous until construction and backfilling in the dewatered area is complete. Pump shutdown shall be accomplished in an approved gradual manner. The Contractor shall provide enough facilities and personnel to maintain continuous operation once commenced. Such continuous operation shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. In the event of damage to the trench foundation as determined by the Engineer, or to the ditch walls, or other operations resulting from the failure of the Contractor to maintain the dewatering operation, the complete cost of all repairs shall be borne by the Contractor. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to dispose of all waters resulting from its dewatering operation. This responsibility also includes choice of method, obtaining regulatory agency approvals, complying with state water quality standards and other agency requirements. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 13 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Each individual project and dewatering operation shall be evaluated individually to determine exact requirements; however, in general the following conditions will apply. 1. Disposal into the existing storm drain facilities (pipes, channels, ditches, etc.) may be acceptable if the Contractor obtains the necessary permits and approvals. 2. Discharge to existing storm drain facilities shall not result in a violation of state water quality standards for surface water, Chapter 173-203 WAC. 3. The Contractor shall monitor discharge and receiving water(s) as required to verify that water quality standards are being met. 4. If necessary to meet standards and approval requirements, the Contractor shall treat the water prior to discharge. A settling pond may be an acceptable method of treatment. Any damage, as determined by the Engineer to properties or improvements resulting from an inadequate disposal (water) operation shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, including repairs, replacements and/or restoration. Where required or where directed by the Engineer, stabilization of the trench bottom shall be in accordance with Section 7-08.3(1)A of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Excavation of the unsuitable material shall be considered as trench excavation. The unsuitable material shall be disposed of by the Contractor. Backfill unsuitable material excavations with Foundation Material Class I or II meeting the requirements of Section 9-03.17 of the Kent Special Provisions with the class called for in the bid proposal, on the plans or by the Engineer in the field. Trench excavation shall include the required pavement removal for construction of the trench. See Section 2-02.3(3) of the Kent Special Provisions. SECTION 7-08.3(1)C IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.3(1)C Bedding the Pipe Bedding shall be placed in accordance with Standard Plan B-55.20-00. Bedding material shall be in accordance with Section 9-03.12(3) of the Kent Special Provisions. Bedding material shall be tamped in layers under, around and above the pipe to adequately support and protect the pipe. The Contractor shall use compaction equipment approved by the Engineer to obtain adequate compaction of the bedding material. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, adequate compaction shall be construed to mean to at least 95 percent of the maximum density measured in accordance with ASTM D-1557. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 14 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 The pipe shall be protected from damage when compacting. At least two feet of cover is required over the pipe prior to using heavy compaction equipment. SECTION 7-08.3(2)B IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.3(2)B Pipe Laying - General At locations of pipe crossing between new or existing pipes the minimum vertical clearance shall be one and one-half foot unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. If this clearance cannot be obtained, the Contractor shall install a 2-inch thick 1-2 PSF styrofoam cushion between the pipes. The cushion shall be installed longitudinally with the lower pipe. The cushion width shall be equal to the lower pipe diameter and the length shall be one foot greater than the upper pipe diameter. It should be noted that field adjustment of specified slopes for storm and sanitary side sewers are permissible, if approved by the Design Engineer, to obtain the minimum clearances. External or internal grouting or repair by use of collars on the new sanitary or storm sewer line will not be an acceptable means of repair, should repair be necessary. All pipe, adaptors, tees, and other fittings shall be used for the purpose intended by the manufacturer and shall be installed according to manufacturer’s recommendations. SECTION 7-08.3(2)G IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.3(2)G Jointing of Dissimilar Pipe Connections of Ductile or Cast Iron Pipe to Concrete Pipe or PVC Pipe will be done by the use of Cast Transition or reducing couplings (Romac 501 or equivalent). SECTION 7-08.3(2)H IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.3(2)H Sewer Line Connections Where indicated on the plans or where directed by the Engineer, connections shall be made to the existing storm drain/sewer systems by the Contractor in accordance with applicable portions of the WSDOT Standard Specifications and Kent Special Provisions in a workmanlike manner satisfactory to the Engineer. SECTION 7-08.3(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 7-08.3(2)J Pipe Laying - PVC Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 15 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 For PVC pipe, the Contractor shall maintain a cover over the pipe to prevent temperature deformation caused by the sun and shall remove such cover only for a sufficient time to allow the pipe to be installed. When making field cuts of PVC pipe, a new reference line shall be marked on the spigot end a distance of 4-5/8 inches from said end. Said end will provide a visual means of determining whether full insertion of the spigot into the bell has been made during installation. SECTION 7-08.3(4) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.3(4) Plugging Existing Pipe Existing pipes being plugged shall be plugged with concrete at both ends and shall otherwise be in accordance with Section 7-08.3(4) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. SECTION 7-08.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 7-08.3(5) Street Restoration Unless otherwise shown on the plans, street restoration shall be in accordance with the following requirements: Where cuts have been made in either asphalt concrete pavement, or in oil mats, the Contractor shall reconstruct the trench areas with a 3 inch thick asphalt concrete patch placed on a 2 inch thickness of crushed surfacing top course over a 4 inch thickness of crushed surfacing base course or as directed by the Engineer in the field. However, where cuts have been made in an asphalt concrete pavement section to be overlayed, the Contractor shall reconstruct the trench with a 2 inch thick asphalt concrete patch with a 2 inch asphalt overlay for a total of 4 inches of asphalt concrete pavement over 2 inches of crushed surfacing top course over 4 inches crushed surfacing base course. In all cases, the asphalt and crushed surfacing thickness for the patch shall meet or exceed the existing pavement section. Upon approval of the Engineer, Controlled Density Fill may be used to back fill the narrow trenches where it is difficult to compact crushed surfacing. In these cases the asphalt concrete layer shall increase to a minimum of 2 inches greater than the existing section. Where cuts have been made in cement concrete pavement, the Contractor shall reconstruct the trench area with a 6 inch thick cement concrete patch placed on a 6 inch thickness of crushed surfacing top course. In all cases, the cement concrete and crushed surfacing thickness for the patch shall meet or exceed the existing pavement section. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 16 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Where there is an existing asphalt overlay over cement concrete pavement, the cement concrete shall be patched to original grade as above and then overlaid with an asphalt concrete patch to existing grade. All gravel shoulders shall be restored to their original condition and shape. The Contractor shall spread a 2 inch thick layer of crushed surfacing on the shoulder. The shoulder shall be finished with a grader after backfilling and compacting and before spreading the crushed surfacing. Permanent surface treatments and pavements shall not be placed until an as-built survey and testing of the new underground utilities have been completed. Verification that utility construction conforms to the line and grade requirements of Section 7-08.3(2)B of the WSDOT Standard Specifications shall be made by the Engineer prior to authorizing paving to begin. Also, each new utility must pass all appropriate tests specified herein for the type of utility prior to paving. SECTION 7-08.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIRST PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.4 Measurement Gravel backfill for foundation and gravel backfill for pipe zone bedding shall be measured by the ton, including haul. SECTION 7-08.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-08.5 Payment The unit contract price per ton for “Pipe Zone Bedding” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, material, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary or incidental to furnish and place bedding material as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This includes but shall not be limited to: excavating, loading, hauling, mixing, placing, shaping, and compacting. Reference WSDOT Standard Plan B-55.20-00. The unit contract price per ton for “Foundation Material, Class I and II” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, material, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary or incidental to furnish and place foundation material as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This includes but shall not be limited to: excavating, loading, hauling, mixing, placing, shaping, and compacting. The unit contract price per ton for “Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, material, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary or incidental to furnish and place the bank run gravel for trench backfill as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This includes but shall not be limited to: excavating, loading, hauling, mixing, placing, shaping, and compacting. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 17 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 The actual quantity for bank run gravel for trench backfill is unknown since selected materials will be used wherever possible. The City has entered a quantity in the proposal for the purpose of providing a common proposal for all bidders. The unit contract price per each for “Abandon Existing Storm Sewer Pipe” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to abandon the existing pipe as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. The unit price bid shall include but not be limited to concrete plugging the pipe at both ends, backfilling with gravel borrow, and compaction. 7-09 WATER MAINS SECTION 7-09.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-09.2 Materials All water main pipe shall be ductile iron and shall meet the requirements of the following sections of the Kent Special Provisions: Ductile Iron Water Pipe .............. 9-30.1(1) Fittings for Ductile Iron Pipe ....... 9-30.2(1) The following aggregates shall meet the requirements of the following sections of the Kent Special Provisions: Bedding Material ....................... 9-03.12(3) Foundation Material ................... 9-03.17 7-09.3 Construction Requirements SECTION 7-09.3(8) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-09.3(8) Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Materials Where required or where directed by the Engineer, stabilization of the trench bottom shall be in accordance to Section 7-09.3(8) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications except that the foundation material shall meet the requirements of Kent Special Provisions 9-03.17. Excavation and disposal of the unsuitable material shall be considered as trench excavation. The unsuitable material shall be disposed of by the Contractor. SECTION 7-09.3(9) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 7-09.3(9) Bedding the Pipe In most cases, imported bedding is not required for water main installations. The native material shall be worked to form a continuous and uniform trench bottom for all buried pipe. Bedding material shall be Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 18 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 tamped in layers around the pipe and to a sufficient height above the pipe to adequately support and protect the pipe, compaction shall be 95 percent of maximum dry density per ASTM D-1557. The Contractor shall use compaction equipment approved by the Engineer to obtain adequate compaction of the bedding material, so as to provide firm and uniform support for the full length of the pipe, valves and fittings. Care shall be taken to prevent any damage to the pipe or its protective coatings. Material larger than 1 1/2 inch diameter found in the trench shall be removed for a depth of at least two inches around the pipe. When specified, imported bedding material shall be used. All bedding material prior to use shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. The responsibility for obtaining said approval shall rest solely with the Contractor. NOTE: Pea gravel will not be allowed as a bedding material. Bedding shall be placed 6 inches under and 6 inches over the pipe where, in the opinion of the Engineer, existing material is found to be unsuitable. SECTION 7-09-3(13) IS REVISED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING TO THE LAST PARAGRAPH: 7-09.3(13) Handling of Pipe In addition, all installed lengths of pipe shall have a suitable swab or “pig” drawn continuously through them to remove all possible debris prior to flushing and disinfection. SECTION 7-09.3(19)A IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-09.3(19)A Connections to Existing Mains Also see Appendix 3 New Water Main Connection Procedures. Connections to existing mains which require turning off the water, shall not be made without at least five (5) working days notice to the Engineer, the City Water Department, and affected water customers. Prior to purchase of materials, the Contractor shall field inspect the connection points to verify the exact fittings, adaptors, etc. required to make an approved connection. The Contractor shall furnish and install materials approved by the City. The City shall not be responsible for incorrect or unapproved materials purchased by the Contractor. Where various methods are possible, or if doubt exists as to what is required, the Contractor shall coordinate with the City prior to construction. The Contractor shall not make a connection to a live water main until after satisfactory pressure and purity tests. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 19 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 SECTION 7-09.3(19) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 7-09.3(19)C Connection to Existing Concrete Cylinder Mains The connections to an existing concrete cylinder water main shall be made in accordance with the Kent Standard Plans 3-5 and 3-6 and these Kent Special Provisions. The connection shall be made by the installation of a hat flange with tapping valve onto the existing main paying particular attention to the following: 1. All welding is to be done by a certified welder. 2. The hat flange shall have a special connection flange welded to the connection end (end connecting to existing main) as shown on the details. 3. The connection flange and end of the hat flange shall be checked for proper contour of its mating surface to the existing main. Any connections required shall be made before installations. 4. The outer concrete coating on the existing main shall be cleaned away to expose the steel portion of the pipe. The extent of concrete removal shall be no more than two inches from the outer weld of the hat flange ring in its installed position. Before cutting the concrete reinforcing wire mesh the mesh shall be secured by welding it to the pipe. 5. The weld to the existing main shall be made with the main shut down and pressure released. 6. After the weld has been accepted and the reinforcing wire mesh reconnected to the pipe and hat flange, the joint area and exposed portion of the existing pipe shall be recoated with cement concrete. SECTION 7-09.3(20) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 7-09.3(20) Detectable Marking Tape Instead of tracer tape, 12 gage solid copper wire protected with plastic shall be installed over all non-metallic water lines including service lines. The tracing wire shall be placed as shown on Standard Plans and shall extend the full length of the line. SECTION 7-09.3(23) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-09.3(23) Hydrostatic Pressure Test Hydrostatic pressure tests shall be made at a minimum pressure of 250 psi. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 20 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 SECTION 7-09.3(24) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-09.3(24) Disinfection of Water Mains Following the pressure test, flushing procedure and disinfection of the pipe, the Contractor shall arrange with the Public Works Inspector for coliform (purity) tests to be taken by the Water Department. Two samples taken 24-hours apart, with no flushing between samples is required to be taken from each apparatus. The Contractor may elect to contract with a City-approved lab for the tests. Contractor shall pay for purity tests as required by the City. The Contractor shall install corporation stops at all locations required to take bacteriological test samples. If the original test sample proves unsatisfactory, an additional charge will be assessed to the Contractor for processing each additional sample. SECTION 7-09.3(24)A IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-09.3(24)A Flushing The Contractor shall be responsible for disposal of treated water flushed from mains. The sanitary sewer shall be the preferred option for disposal of all flushed water. The City shall approve disposal into available sanitary sewers, provided that the rate of disposal will not overload the sewer. All discharges to the storm system shall be tested for total residual chlorine using a portable “HACH” kit or equivalent, prior to discharge. NO DISCHARGE TO SURFACE WATERS OR THE STORM SYSTEM IS ALLOWED AT CONCENTRATIONS OF TOTAL RESIDUAL CHLORINE ABOVE 20 UG/1 (.02 MG/1). (Because the minimum detection limit for this test is about 10 ug/1 (.01 mg/1) under ideal conditions, field testing may lack precision.) If no acceptable discharge for the treated water is identified, the Contractor shall be required to dechlorinate the water prior to discharge. Water for testing and flushing, when taken from the City water mains shall pass through an approved reduced pressure backflow valve assembly. This activity must be coordinated with and approved by the City. SECTION 7-09.3(24)B IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-09.3(24)B Requirement of Chlorine All new, cleaned or repaired water mains shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA Standard C651. This Specification includes detailed procedures for the adequate flushing, disinfection, and microbiological testing of all water mains. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 21 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 SECTION 7-09.3(24)M IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-09.3(24)M Chlorinating Connections to Existing Water Mains and Water Service Connections After the new piping has been flushed, pressure tested, disinfected, and all purity test sample results are satisfactory, connections to the existing main can be made. All closure pieces and fittings shall be swabbed with an appropriate chlorine solution (5-6 percent Cl), in accordance with AWWA Standard C651. Maximum length of swabbed section of water main pipe shall be less than 18 feet (1 section of pipe). SECTION 7-09.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIRST PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 7-09.4 Measurement Measurement for payment of pipe for water mains will be by the linear foot of pipe laid, tested and approved and shall be along the pipe through fittings, valves, and couplings. SECTION 7-09.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 7-09.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid items when they are included in the Proposal: The unit contract price per ton for “Pipe Zone Bedding for Water Main” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, material, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary or incidental to furnish and place bedding material as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This includes but shall not be limited to: excavating, loading, hauling, mixing, placing, shaping, and compacting. The unit contract price per ton for “Foundation Material, Class I and II for Water Main” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, material, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary or incidental to furnish and place foundation material as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This includes but shall not be limited to: excavating, loading, hauling, mixing, placing, shaping, and compacting. The unit contract price per ton for “Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill for Water Main” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, material, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary or incidental to furnish and place the bank run gravel for trench backfill as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This includes but shall not be limited to: excavating, loading, hauling, mixing, placing, shaping, and compacting. The actual quantity for bank run gravel for trench backfill is unknown since selected native materials will be used Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 22 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 wherever possible. The City has entered a quantity in the proposal for the purpose of providing a common proposal for all bidders. 7-12 VALVES FOR WATER MAINS SECTION 7-12.2 IS REVISED BY SUPPLEMENTING THE FIRST PARAGRAPH WITH THE FOLLOWING: 7-12.2 Materials The following materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections of the Kent Special Provisions: Gate Valves ................................... 9-30.3(1) Valve Boxes .................................. 9-30.3(4) Valve Marker Posts ......................... 9-30.3(5) Valve Stem Extensions ................... 9-30.3(6) SECTION 7-12.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-12.3 Construction Requirements All valves shall have valve boxes installed with the cover lugs parallel to the direction of water flow. SECTION 7-12.3(1) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 7-12.3(1) Installation of Valve Marker Posts Valve marker posts conforming to Kent Standard Plan 3-4 shall be located opposite each valve as directed by the Engineer. The 18 inches of exposed post shall be painted with two coats of approved white concrete paint, and then the size of the valve, the type of valve, and the distance in feet from the post to the valve shall be painted on the face of the post, using approved black paint and stencils which produce letters 2-inches high. SECTION 7-12.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 7-12.3(2) Replace Existing Valve Box Top Section and Lid See Section 9-30.3(4) of the Kent Special Provisions for material specifications. “Deep skirt” covers, as shown on Kent Standard Plan 3- 7, shall be utilized. Where shown in the plans or where directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish and install new Valve Box Top Section and Lid on existing water valves in accordance with the details shown in the plans, these Kent Special Provisions or as directed by the Engineer. Lid shall be the locking type. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 23 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 On asphalt concrete paving and/or asphalt resurfacing projects, valve box top section and similar structures shall not be adjusted and/or installed until the pavement is completed. The center of each structure shall be relocated from previously referenced measurements, established by the Contractor. The pavement shall be cut in a restricted area and base material removed to permit removal of the old unit. The new structure shall then be installed to proper grade utilizing the same methods of construction as specified for new construction in Section 7-12 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications and the Kent Special Provisions. All valves covered by new paving shall be uncovered and adjusted to grade within 72 hours. 7-12.3(3) Adjusting Valve Boxes to Grade On asphalt concrete paving and/or asphalt resurfacing projects, valve box top section and similar structures shall not be adjusted and/or installed until the pavement is completed. The center of each structure shall be relocated from previously referenced measurements, established by the Contractor. The pavement shall be cut in a restricted area and base material removed to permit removal of the old unit. The new structure shall then be installed to proper grade utilizing the same methods of construction as specified for new construction in Section 7-12 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications and the Kent Special Provisions. “Deep skirt” covers, as shown on Kent Standard Plan 3-7, shall be utilized. All valves covered by new paving shall be uncovered and adjusted to grade within 72 hours. SECTION 7-12.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7-12.4 Measurement Measurement of valve marker posts shall be incidental for new valve installations, and per each for valve marker post installed opposite an existing valve. Relocation and remarking of existing valve marker posts shall be incidental to the project. SECTION 7-12.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 7-12.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid items when they are included in the Proposal: The unit price bid per each for “Replace Existing Valve Box Top Section and Lid” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials and equipment required to furnish and install the valve box top and lid and Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 24 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 adjust the top to final grade after the final lift of asphalt is placed. The costs of excavating, removing and disposing of the existing valve box top and lid are included in the unit bid price for replacing the valve box top and lid. Reference Kent Standard Plan 3-7 utilizing a “deep skirt” cover. SECTION 7-15 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 7-15 SERVICE CONNECTIONS 7-15.1 Description This work consists of installing the service connections from the water main to the customer’s service meter including meter setter; from the customer’s service meter to the property or easement line; and where shown on the plans, from the service meter to the customer’s service line. Service connections for commercial users as well as residential users are included. This work also includes replacing existing service lines including new service connections, new pipe, new meter boxes and setters as required and relocating meters or combinations thereof. Also included is abandonment and disconnection of service lines being replaced at the City main line. 7-15.2 Materials The following materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections of the Kent Special Provisions: Saddles ................................. 9-30.6(1) Corporation Stops ................... 9-30.6(2) Polyethylene Pipe .................... 9-30.6(3)B Service Fittings ....................... 9-30.6(4) Meter Setters ......................... 9-30.6(5) Meter Boxes ........................... 9-30.6(7) Water Meters ......................... 9-30.7(8) 7-15.3 Construction Details 7-15.3(1) General Service lines from the water main to the meter setter and from the meter setter to the property or easement line shall be one piece and at least 1 inch in diameter iron pipe size (IPS). Meter setters shall be of the appropriate size for the size of the meter to be installed and reducing bushings shall be installed when the existing meter size is less than 1 inch. Pipe materials used for service lines shall be either Type K copper tubing without sweat-joints, or ultra-high molecular weight, high density polyethylene (PE) plastic pipe, only. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 25 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Pipe materials used for water service lines on private property, and installed by the customer shall conform to the Uniform Plumbing Code. It is the customer’s responsibility to install and maintain the service line between the property or easement line and the facility being served. The Contractor shall notify all customers affected, the City Water Department, and the Engineer at least two working days prior to working on live services. The Contractor is responsible for planning and coordinating its work such that water service will be resumed with the least possible inconvenience to the water users. The location of existing water service laterals and service lines between the water main and the water meter shall be determined and marked in the field or otherwise located by the City Water Department. Unless otherwise approved by the City Water Department, new service lines from the water main to the meter shall be perpendicular to the water main, i.e. the meter shall be located directly opposite the corporation stop. 7-15.3(2) Flushing, Disinfection and Testing All service pipe and appurtenances shall be prechlorinated prior to installation. After installation, the service connection shall be flushed prior to connecting the meter and tested after connection to the meter. 7-15.3(3) Service Connections This work shall consist solely of connecting 1 inch or greater diameter service lines to the water main pipe by installing new corporation stops and service line adaptors at the water main pipe and shall include saddles. Corporation stops and saddles shall be of the size shown on the plans and shall be installed with a 22 degree vertical angle from the water main pipe centerline as shown in the Kent Standard Plans. Direct taps shall not be allowed, a double strapped saddle must be used as shown in the Kent Standard Plans. Particular care shall be exercised to ensure that the main is not damaged by the installation of the service line. 7-15.3(4) Relocating Existing Water Meter Assembly This work shall consist solely of disconnecting and removing the existing meter, setter and meter box (the meter assembly) from their existing location, cleaning the meter assembly, relocating the meter assembly to the location shown on the plans, and reconnecting the used meter assembly to the service line pipe. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 26 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 7-15.3(5) Water Service Lines This work shall consist of installing new water service line pipes from the corporation stop at the water main pipe to the water meter setter and from the water meter setter to the water service line. Water service lines shall be the size shown on the plans, but shall in all cases be at least 1 inch in diameter iron pipe size (IPS). Water service lines shall be either copper tubing type K or polyethylene plastic (PE) pipe and shall be installed with a minimum of 2 feet of cover over the top of the line. Whenever PE pipe is installed, 12 gage solid copper tracing wire with plastic coating shall be installed over the pipe for its entire length as shown in Kent Standard Plans 3-10 and 3-11. The wire shall be bared and connected between the corporation and the angle stop on the meter setter so as to maintain continuity. Water service line pipes shall not exceed 60 feet in length from the water main pipe to the meter setter. When water services lines are installed for future use, the work shall include a “tail run” section of service pipe two feet long from the water meter setter to the property or easement line. This “tail run” section shall have a union fitting on the end of the “tail run”, shall be indicated with a 2 x 4 stake marked with the legend “WATER” and shall otherwise be marked in conformance with Section 7-18.3(5) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. When new water service lines are to be connected to existing service lines smaller than 1 inch in diameter, the new water service lines behind the meter shall be the same diameter as the service line from the water main to the meter and shall be suitably reduced at the connection. 7-15.3(6) Water Meters Water meters 5/8 inch x 3/4 inch to 2 inch shall be provided and installed by the City Water Department. All water meters larger than 2 inch shall be provided and installed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall reinstall existing water meters where shown on the plans regardless of meter size, unless otherwise stated in the Kent Special Provisions. Water meters shall be located behind City sidewalks when sidewalks are present or scheduled for immediate construction. If in case the water meter must be located within the sidewalk, as determined by the Engineer, no portion of the water meter box shall be closer than 6 inches to any edge of the sidewalk. In the case when City sidewalks are not present or scheduled for immediate construction, new water meters shall be located 2 feet from the right-of-way or easement line and inside the right-of-way or easement. In all cases the angle stop shall be installed 9 inches below finished grade. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 27 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 7-15.3(7) Compound Meter Assemblies Compound meter assemblies shall be installed where shown on the plans. Compound meter assemblies shall conform with Kent Standard Plan 3-12 in all respects and shall include a water meter of the specified size unless otherwise stated in the Kent Special Provisions. The utility vault for the compound meter and by-pass shall be sized to allow access to all gate valves when the cover is removed, shall be rated for H-20 traffic loading, and shall otherwise conform to Kent Standard Plan 3-12. This work includes connection to the customer’s service lateral when they exist. 7-15.3(8) Excavation, Bedding and Backfilling Excavating, bedding and backfilling for service connections shall be as specified in Section 7-09-3(10). Bedding of water service lines is omitted and backfill material shall consist of selected materials, as outlined in Section 2-03.3(10), unless otherwise specified in the Kent Special Provisions or directed by the Engineer. 7-15.3(9) Meter Boxes and Vaults Water meter boxes shall be installed directly opposite the main line connection; shall be generally perpendicular to the street; and shall be within City sidewalks when they are present. Meter boxes installed within City sidewalks shall be located so that no portion of the meter box is closer than 6 inches to any edge of the sidewalk. Water meter boxes installed outside of City sidewalks shall be located within the easement or right-of-way with the near edge of the box being 1 foot from the property or easement line and set to finished grade. Water meter boxes are specified for varying meter sizes and for varying locations. Water meter boxes within driveways or other traffic areas shall meet the requirement for a H-20 traffic loading. Water meter boxes within sidewalks shall be concrete or cast iron. Water meter boxes within planting or similar nontraffic areas may be plastic. Water meter boxes shall be of sufficient size to contain the water meter. With the exception of plastic lids for plastic meter boxes, all lids and covers of meter boxes shall be steel. Water meter vaults shall be adequately sized to contain the meter assembly; shall be set flush to the finished grade; and shall be rated for a H-20 traffic loading unless otherwise shown on the plans. 7-15.3(10) Replace/Abandon Existing Water Service Where the plans call for an existing water service to be abandoned, the corporation stop at the water main line shall be exposed and shut off. The service pipe shall then be removed from the corporation stop and a plug installed on the corporation stop. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 28 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 For service being replaced, the procedure specified above shall be used except that the new service pipe shall be connected to the corporation stop and the stop turned on. Use appropriate adaptor, when necessary, for connecting new pipe to existing corporation stop. Should the existing corporation stop be of the improper size, it shall be abandoned as specified above and a new corporation stop shall be installed on the water main line. SECTION 7-15.4 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 7-15.4 Measurement Measurement of service connections, relocating existing water meters, meter setters, compound meter assemblies, water meters, meter boxes and abandon water service will be made per each. Measurement of new water service line will be made per linear foot. SECTION 7-15.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 7-15.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid items when they are included in the Proposal: The unit contract price per each for “Service Connection 1-1/2 Inch Diameter” constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, tools, equipment, and materials necessary for installing the service connection to the water main pipe including, but not limited to, double strap saddle installation, installation of the corporation stop, connection to the water service line, gate valve with valve box, all excavation, backfill, restoration, pipe fittings or adaptors, testing, flushing, disinfection, and testing of the service connection. Reference Kent Standard Plans 3-10 and 3-11. The unit contract price per linear foot for “Water Service Line 1-1/2 Inch Diameter” constitutes complete compensation for the labor, materials, and equipment necessary or incidental to the installation of new water service lines including, but not limited to trench excavation, bedding, laying pipe, fittings and adaptors, connection to existing meters and corporation stops, backfilling, restoration, marking of “tail runs”, testing, flushing, and disinfection. The unit contract price per each for “1 Inch Water Meter” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, and equipment necessary or incidental to the installation of new water meters including, but not limited to excavation, backfill, fittings and adaptors, testing, flushing and disinfection. The unit contract price per each for “1 Inch Meter Setter” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, and equipment Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 7 - 29 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 necessary or incidental to the installation of new meter setters including, but not limited to connecting the service lines, connecting to “tail runs”, excavation, backfill, fittings and adaptors, testing, flushing and disinfection. Also included in this bid item is the 1 ½” to 1” adapter. The unit contract price per each for “Meter Box for 1 ½-2 Inch Diameter Service” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, and equipment necessary or incidental to furnish and install new meter box and cover including, but not limited to excavation, backfill, and setting to grade. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 1 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 DIVISION 8 – MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION 8-01 EROSION CONTROL AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SECTION 8-01.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.1 Description This work consists of temporary erosion and sedimentation control procedures (TESCP) as shown on the construction plans, specified in these Kent Special Provisions, and ordered by the Engineer as work proceeds. The TESCP are intended to minimize erosion and sedimentation as well as protect waters of the state and the city’s municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) as required by law. SECTION 8-01.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.2 Materials Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections of the Kent Special Provisions and the WSDOT Standard Specifications: Tackifier ............................... 8-01.3(2)E and 9-14.5(7) Seed .................................... 8-02.3(9)B and 9-14.3 Fertilizer ............................... 8-02.3(9)B and 9-14.4 Mulch and Amendments .......... 8-02.3(11)A and 9-14.5 8-01.3 Construction Requirements SECTION 8-01.3(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(1) General Preventing and controlling pollution, erosion, runoff, and related damage requires the Contractor to install temporary stormwater best management practices (BMPs) as per the plans and as directed by the City. As site conditions dictate, additional BMPs may be required. The Contractor shall anticipate the need for additional best management practices and propose necessary changes to the City. Should the Contractor fail to install the required temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures or to perform maintenance in a timely manner, or fail to take immediate action to install additional approved measures, all fines, cost of cleanup, costs for delays and down time shall be borne by the Contractor. All cost for this work shall be paid for under the unit contract bid prices. The upgrading of the TESCP facilities shall not constitute a basis for additional working days for this project. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 2 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 The Contractor shall provide the Engineer a minimum of two working days notice prior to clearing adjacent to any wetland, creek or other sensitive area. During the construction period, no disturbance beyond the flagged clearing limits shall be permitted. The flagging shall be maintained by the Contractor for the duration of construction. The TESC facilities shall be in accordance with and conform to the Kent Surface Water Design Manual, the WSDOT Standards Specifications, and the Ecology Construction Stormwater General Permit (if applicable), except as modified by the Kent Design and Construction Standards or these Kent Special Provisions. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to notify the City at once of any TESC deficiencies or changes in conditions such as rutting and or erosion that may occur during construction. The Contractor may recommend possible solutions to the Engineer in order to resolve any problems that are occurring. The requirements of this section shall apply to all areas of the site subject to construction activity as described in the WSDOT Standard Specifications, the Kent Special Provisions and contract plans, including Contractor construction support facilities, Contractor personnel parking areas, equipment and material storage/laydown areas, and other areas utilized by the Contractor for completion of the work. Nothing in this section shall relieve the Contractor from complying with other contract requirements. SECTION 8-01.3(1)A IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(1)A Submittals Prior to the start of any construction activities, the Contractor shall submit for the Engineer’s review and approval, the following, as necessitated by the work: 1. Dewatering Plan 2. Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan 3. Stream Bypass Plan for in-water work 4. Name and contact info for Contractor’s CESCL SECTION 8-01.3(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 8-01.3(1)F Applicable Regulations and Criteria All construction activities are subject to applicable federal, state, and local permits. The Contractor shall comply with requirements of applicable state and local regulatory requirements, including, but not limited to the following: 1. WAC 173-201A Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington 2. RCW 90.48.080 Discharge of pollutants in waters prohibited Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 3 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 3. City of Kent 2017 Surface Water Design Manual 4. Construction Stormwater General Permit – WA Department of Ecology 8-01.3(1)G Water Quality Monitoring Sampling of site stormwater discharges is only required if the project is covered under the WA Department of Ecology Construction Stormwater General Permit or if there is a suspected discharge that exceeds state water quality standards. If the project is covered under the Construction Stormwater General Permit, then the Contractor shall conduct sampling as per the conditions listed in the permit. Any results that are outside the appropriate range of compliance will require immediate implementation of adaptive management as outlined in applicable permits, stormwater pollution prevention plan, and as directed by the Engineer. All sampling records shall be submitted to the Engineer by the last day of the monitoring period. All necessary adaptive management requirements shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to implement and maintain. All costs for this work shall be included in the various unit contract bid prices. SECTION 8-01.3(2)E IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(2)E Tackifiers Unless specified otherwise, wood cellulose fiber mulch per Section 9-14(5)10 of the Standard Specifications shall have tackifier incorporated into the mulch fiber during manufacture. If additional tackifier is required, the tackifier shall be organic tackifier as specified in Section 9-14.5(7)A of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. When specified, tackifiers shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 8-01.3(9) Sediment Control Barriers SECTION 8-01.3(9)D IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.3(9)D Inlet Protection Cleaning and maintenance of inlet protection shall not flush sediment, or sediment-laden water into the downstream system. SECTION 8-01.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 8-01.3(17) Vehicle Maintenance and Storage Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 4 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Handling and storage of fuel, oil and chemicals shall not take place within the drip line of existing trees slated to remain as well as any newly planted trees or within 50 feet of waterways. Storage shall be in dike tanks and barrels with drip pans provided under the dispensing area. Shut-off and lock valves shall be provided on hoses. Fuel, oil, and chemicals shall be dispensed only during daylight hours unless approved by the engineer. Fencing shall be provided around storage area. Locks shall be provided on all valves, pumps, and tanks. Materials used to clean up fuel, oil, and chemical spills shall be disposed of as directed by the engineer. Water used for washing vehicles and equipment shall not be allowed to enter storm drains or other State waters. No processed waste water(s) of any kind shall be discharged onto the ground, to surface waters, or to stormwater conveyance systems. SECTION 8-01.5(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-01.5(2) Payment The unit contract price per acre for “Seeding, Fertilizing, and Mulching” shall be full pay for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to complete the above said hydroseeding, seeding, fertilizing and mulching at the locations shown on the plans, including the following areas: 1. All planter areas or areas disturbed by the Contractor's operations behind the sidewalk, even where it is only a narrow strip. 2. All biofiltration swales. 3. Detention pond site. 4. Other areas as directed by the Engineer. Water, fertilizer and mulch shall be provided by the Contractor as necessary to maintain and establish the seeded areas and is considered incidental to this bid item. Topsoil Type B is considered incidental to this bid item unless a specific bid item is listed in the proposal. The cost of baffling or blocking over spray as required to prevent over spray onto the sidewalk, curbing and non-planter areas is incidental to the unit price. The unit bid price per lineal foot for “Filter Fabric Fence” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, tools, materials, supplies and equipment necessary to construct and install the fence as shown on the plans, including fabric, posts and gravel to anchor fabric. This bid item also includes: maintenance throughout the project; and removal and disposal of the fence and accumulated sediment as directed by the Engineer. The unit contract price per each for “Inlet Protection” shall be full pay for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to construct, maintain, and remove when no longer required, this Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 5 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 temporary erosion control measure. No further compensation shall be made. The unit contract price per hour for “Street Cleaning” shall be full pay for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to maintain a clean roadway for public access and no runoff of potential pollutants into natural water bodies or the stormwater system. The unit bid price per square yard for “Straw Mulch” constitutes complete compensation for all materials, tools, labor and equipment required for applying straw mulch on exposed soils for erosion control as directed by the Engineer. Straw shall be in an air-dried condition, and free of noxious weeds and other materials detrimental to plant life. The unit price per square yard for “Clear Plastic Covering” (6 mil polyethylene sheets) shall constitute complete compensation for furnishing, staking, maintaining and protecting, the material in place (including sand bags and stakes) on all exposed soils per the WSDOT Standard Specification and as directed by the Engineer. The unit contract price per hour for “ESC Lead” shall be full pay for all duties outlined in Section 8-01.3(1)B (Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Lead) in per hour increments. 8-02 ROADSIDE RESTORATION SECTION 8-02.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.1 Description Drawings and Specifications: Definitions: The word “provide” means “furnish and install” (for landscaping only). Dimensions and Measurements: Dimensions govern when shown. Scale is approximate. Contractor shall check all dimensions in the field and verify them with respect to adjacent or incorporated work. Any discrepancies in the drawings shall be brought to the immediate attention of the Engineer before work proceeds further. Number of Specified Items Required: Wherever in these Kent Special Provisions an article, device or piece of equipment is referred to in the singular number, such reference shall include as many such items as are shown on drawings or required to complete the installation. SECTION 8-02.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 8-02.1(1) Submittals Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 6 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 The Contractor shall submit within 20 days after Notice to Proceed date a list of all plant material indicating source of supply, order invoice, size and quantity for such species or variety. All plant materials shall meet requirements of State and Federal laws with respect to inspection for plant diseases and infestations. Inspection certificates required by law shall accompany each shipment of plant material and submitted to the Engineer. SECTION 8-02.2 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.2 Materials Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections: Topsoil Type A, Type B, and Type C ............. 9-14.2(1), (2), (3) Bioretention Media ................................. 9-14.2(4) Seed ....................................................... 9-14.3 Fertilizer .................................................. 9-14.4 Bark or Wood Chip Mulch ........................ 9-14.5(3) Coarse Compost ...................................... 9-14.5(8) Tree Watering Bag System...................... 9-14.9 Mulch and Amendments ............................. 9-14.5 Wood Cellulose Fiber ................................. 9-14.5(10) Erosion Control Devices ............................. 9-14.6 Plant Materials .......................................... 9-14.7 Street Trees ............................................. 9-14.7(1)A Stakes, Guys and Wrapping ....................... 9-14.8 Tree Ties ................................................. 9-14.8(1) Water for Plants........................................ 9-25.2 Botanical identification and nomenclature of plant materials shall be based on descriptions by Bailey in “Hortus Third” or superseding editions and amendments. 8-02.3 Construction Requirements SECTION 8-02.3(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(1) Responsibility During Construction The Contractor shall at all times keep the planted areas free from accumulations of waste materials or rubbish. Upon completion of the planting work, the Contractor shall immediately remove all refuse and debris resulting from the planting activities. The project will not receive either preliminary or final approval if the cleanup does not meet with the approval of the Engineer. SECTION 8-02.3(3) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(3) Weed and Pest Control During the maintenance period, all weeds are to be removed by hand. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 7 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 SECTION 8-02.3(4)A IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(4)A Topsoil Type A Topsoil Type A shall conform to Section 9-14.2(1) of these Special Provisions and shall be supplied by a Contractor’s supplied source, as approved by the Engineer. SECTION 8-02.3(5) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(5) Planting Area Preparation Planting area preparation within Bioretention Cells shall be per Section 7-06 Bioretention Cells of these Special Provisions. The contractor shall thoroughly scarify subgrade in all Ornamental Planting Areas to a minimum depth of six inches (6”), unless otherwise noted on the plans. Scarified subgrade shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer prior to the placement of topsoil. Remove rocks over two-inches in diameter and all construction debris prior to placing topsoil. Topsoil Type A shall be used in any areas requiring additional soil to bring subgrade up to grade, prior to the placement of required depth of Topsoil A as noted on the plans. Upon approval of the subgrade, Topsoil Type A shall be installed in Ornamental Planting Areas in two lifts. The first six-inch (6”) lift shall be incorporated into the top six inches (6”) of the subgrade by rototilling. Then the remaining topsoil shall be installed to achieve the minimum compacted depth shown on the Plans. In Lawn Restoration areas, Topsoil Type A shall be installed in a single lift to achieve the minimum compacted depth shown on the Plans. In Gateway Metal Planters, Topsoil Type A shall be installed to three inches (3”) below the planter rim, as detailed on the Plans. Remove rocks, roots, and debris over 1-inch (1”) diameter in cultivated areas. Lightly compact soil to a compaction rate of no more than 85% and establish a smooth and uniform finished grade to allow surface drainage and prevent ponding. Areas around existing trees to remain shall not be cultivated within limits of tree-protection fencing or any other areas which appear to have a significant number of existing tree roots. Finish grade of planter areas shall be brought to a uniform grade, one inch (1”) plus the specified depth of mulch, below walks, curbs, junction and valve boxes, and driveways, unless Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 8 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 otherwise specified. Finish grades shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineer prior to any plant or sod installation. Any additional fine grading to get a firm smooth surface shall be considered incidental to and included in the unit contract price for placement and installation of Topsoil Type A. The costs of removing all excess material and debris shall be considered incidental to and included in the unit contract prices of other items in this contract. SECTION 8-02.3(5)A IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(5)A Seeding Area Preparation The Contractor shall excavate planting pits to a depth of three feet below the top of adjacent sidewalks, or adjacent ground if trees are not being planted in sidewalk cutouts. Tree pits shall be about three feet in diameter, and shall be neat and uniform basins around each tree. The Contractor shall then place special planting mixture into the tree basins, bringing to grade about one and one-half foot below the top of the planter by compaction by repeated watering. Refer to Section 8-02.3(4) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. SECTION 8-02.3(6)B IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(6)B Fertilizers Trees and shrubs shall be fertilized at a rate according to manufacturer’s recommendations. Fertilizer tablets shall be considered incidental to and included in the unit contract price for trees and shrubs. No fertilizer shall be used within biofiltration swale/water quality areas. Fertilizers shall be as specified in Section 9-14.4 Fertilizer. The area for the second application of fertilizer shall be the same area that was fertilized during the initial seeding, planting, and lawn installation. SECTION 8-02.3(7) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(7) Layout of Planting, Lawn and Seeding Areas The location of plantings shall be according to the landscaping details, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall layout tree, shrub and herbaceous plant locations and receive the approval of the Engineer before planting begins. SECTION 8-02.3(8) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(8) Planting Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 9 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 All trees, shrubs, and groundcovers shall be planted as detailed on the Plans. All plants shall be carefully placed in excavated holes to prevent damage to fibrous root systems during placement and backfilling operations, with burlap or container removed. Plants shall be set vertically in the center of the pits, backfilled with native soil, watered and settled so that the crown of the root ball will have the same relation to finished grade as it bore to the grade of the ground from which it was dug. All street trees shall be planted in general conformance to Kent Standard Plan 6-55. Scarify sides and bottom of all planting pits prior to planting. Sufficient planting soil shall be placed around the plant and compacted so as to ensure that the location of the ground line at the top of the root ball is the same as the nursery. Plant trees upright and face to give best appearance or relationship to adjacent structures and hold rigidly in position until planting soil has been backfilled and tamped firmly around the root ball or roots. Balled and burlapped plants shall be placed in the planting pits with the burlap intact; then the binding shall be removed and all of the burlap or cloth wrapping materials shall be removed from the root ball. Remove all plastic, twine and ropes. The plant shall be rejected if the root ball is cracked or broken during removal of wrapping or during the planting process. When the pit is backfilled halfway, place the specified quantity of fertilizer in planting pit, unless otherwise specified on the plans. Evenly spread fertilizer adjacent to the root system at a depth that is between the middle and the bottom of the root system. Do not injure root system. Place and compact planting topsoil carefully to avoid injury to roots; fill all voids. When pit is three-quarters (3/4) backfilled, completely fill with water and allow water to soak away. If water does not drain within ½ hour notify Engineer; tree planting pits which do not drain properly may require drain-rock sump to facilitate drainage. Fill pits with additional soil to finish grade and continue backfilling as detailed on plans. All trees shall be planted in general conformance to Kent Standard Plan 6-55. Install Tree Watering Bag System per manufacturer’s recommendation where shown on the Plans. Tree Watering Bags shall be per Section 9- 14.8 of these Special Provisions. Tree Watering Bags shall be considered incidental to and included in the unit contract prices of other items in this contract. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 10 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 SECTION 8-02.3(8)C IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(8)C Pruning, Staking, Guying, and Wrapping Pruning shall be limited to the minimum amount necessary to remove injured twigs and branches. Only cut injured limbs to the nearest lateral bud. Do not apply tree wound paint or petroleum product to tree cuts. The Contractor shall use rootball bracing (triangle method) rather than staking or guying to support new trees. 8-02.3(9) Seeding, Fertilizing and Mulching SECTION 8-02.3(9)A IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIRST THREE PARAGRAPHS AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(9)A Dates for Application of Seed Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the final application of seeding, fertilizing, and mulching of slopes shall be performed during the following periods: West of the summit of the Cascade Range - March 1 to May 15 and August 15 to October 1. Where contract timing is appropriate, seeding, fertilizing, and mulching shall be accomplished during the spring period listed above. Written permission to seed after October 1 will only be given when physical completion of the project is imminent and the environmental conditions are conducive to satisfactory growth. SECTION 8-02.3(9)B IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(9)B Seeding and Fertilizing Topsoil and all other unpaved and unsodded areas within easements and right-of-way disturbed as part of this project shall be seeded. Hydroseeding shall be the method of seed application. Hydroseed shall consist of a slurry composed of water, seed, fertilizer, tackifier, and mulch and shall be evenly broadcast over areas to be seeded. All work shall conform in all respects to Section 8-01 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications, except as modified herein. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer not less than 48 hours in advance of any hydroseeding operation and shall not begin the work until areas prepared or designated for hydroseeding have been approved. Following the Engineer's approval, hydroseeding of the approved slopes shall begin immediately. Hydroseeding shall not be done during windy weather or when the ground is frozen, excessively wet, or otherwise untillable. Hydroseed mixture to be applied by an approved hydro seeder which utilizes water as the carrying agent, and maintains continuous agitation through paddle blades. It shall have an operating capacity sufficient to Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 11 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 agitate, suspend, and mix into a homogeneous slurry the specified amount of seed and water or other material. Distribution and discharge lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and shall be equipped with a set of hydraulic discharge spray nozzles that will provide a uniform distribution of the slurry. The seed and fertilizer cannot be placed in the tank more than 30 minutes prior to application. The seed and fertilizer shall have a tracer added to visibly aid uniform application. This tracer shall not be harmful to plant and animal life. If wood cellulose fiber is used as a tracer, the application rate shall not exceed 25 pounds per acre. Areas where hydroseeding is not practical, must be seeded by approved hand methods as approved by the engineer. When seeding by hand, Contractor shall incorporate seed into the top 1/4 inch of soil. The hydroseed slurry shall consist of the following materials mixed thoroughly together and applied in the quantities indicated. 1. Grass Seed: Mixture shall be fresh, clean, new crop seed. Seed to be mixed mechanically on the site or may be mixed by the dealer. If seed is mixed on site, each variety shall be delivered in the original containers bearing the dealer’s guaranteed analysis. If seed is mixed by the dealer, the Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer the Dealer’s guaranteed statement of the composition of the mixture and the percentage of purity and germination of each variety. Grass seed shall be purchased from a recognized distributor and shall be composed of the varieties mixed in the proportions indicated in the WSDOT Standard Specifications and Kent Special Provisions. Seed shall meet the minimum percentages of purity and germination specified in Section 9-14.3 of the Kent Special Provisions. Seed shall be applied at the rate of 120 pounds per acre. The Contractor shall protect seed from hydration, contamination, and heating during delivery, storage, and handling. Seed shall be stored in a cool dry location away from contaminants. Mix A shall be used as the standard hydroseed mix unless otherwise specified herein or on approved project plans. Mix B shall be used exclusively for seeded areas adjacent to grass lawns, within seeded medians, and within seeded traffic islands. In addition, Mix B shall be used for all seeded areas not specifically showing Mix A on the plans, or where otherwise directed by the Engineer. 2. Water: The Contractor shall begin maintenance immediately after seeding for a minimum of ten (10) weeks or longer as needed. Water seeded areas before hydroseed slurry has completely dried out. Water slowly and thoroughly with fine spray nozzle. Water the Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 12 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 hydroseeded areas at least twice daily (in the early morning and late afternoon) until the grass is well established as determined by the Engineer. Repeat watering operation as required by climatic conditions to keep areas moist for a minimum period of 2 weeks from the day of first watering and as necessary for healthy growth. 3. Mulch: As needed to meet requirements of Sections 8-01.3(11)A and 9-14.5. 4. Fertilizer: All areas which are seeded shall receive fertilizer of the following proportions and formulation applied at the rate of 400 pounds per acre. All areas which are seeded shall receive fertilizer meeting the requirements of Section 9-14.4 of the Kent Special Provisions. Fertilizer shall not be applied on any creek sideslopes in order to avoid contamination of these creeks. 5. Hand Seeding: Seeding shall be applied at the rate of 6 pounds per 1,000 square feet. The seed shall be applied by an approved hand held spreader. The seed shall be evenly distributed over the disturbed area. Apply seed mix after fertilizing and rake the seed into the surface soil to a depth of 1/4-inch. 6. If the slurry is used for temporary erosion control it shall be applied at the following rates: EROSION CONTROL: Seed 170 lbs/acre of “Mix A” unless otherwise directed by Engineer. Fertilizer 400 lbs/acre Wood Fiber 2,000 lbs/ acre Tackifier 80 lbs/acre SECTION 8-02.3(9)D IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(9)D Inspection Inspection of seeded areas shall be made upon completion of seeding operations, at the end of the maintenance period, and at any time during the maintenance period. The Contractor shall reseed, re-mulch or re-fertilize as required to establish a uniform, thick stand of grass. A uniform stand of grass shall be defined as any grass area with no spots greater than one square foot. Areas failing to show a uniform thick, healthy stand of grass after the maintenance period shall be reseeded consistent with the Kent Special Provisions at the Contractor's expense. Reseeded areas will be subject to inspection for acceptance. SECTION 8-02.3(9)E IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(9)E Protection and Care of Seeded Areas Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 13 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Protect adjacent property, public walks, curbs and pavement from damage. Do not place soil directly on paved surfaces. Locate all underground utilities prior to the commencement of work. Keep streets and area drains open and free flowing. Protect all seeding against wind, storm, and trespassing. Replace any plants that become damaged or injured. In seeded areas, treat and reseed damaged spots larger than one square foot. SECTION 8-02.3(10) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING : 8-02.3(10) Fertilizer Trees and shrubs shall be fertilized at a rate according to manufacturer’s recommendations. Fertilizer tablets shall be considered incidental to and included in the unit contract price for trees and shrubs. No fertilizer shall be used within biofiltration swale/water quality areas. Fertilizers shall be as specified in Section 9-14.3 Fertilizer, of these Special Provisions. SECTION 8-02.3(11)A IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(11)A Mulch for Seeding Areas Wood cellulose fiber mulch conforming to Section 9-14.5(10) of the Standard Specifications shall be used where mulch is called for on this project. The application rate shall be 2,000 pounds to the acre in accordance with Section 8-01 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Mulch shall be incorporated into the slurry of seed and fertilizer. Mulch of the type specified in Section 9-14.5 shall be included in the hydroseeding process. Wood cellulose fiber used as a mulch shall be suitable for application with hydroseeders as specified in Section 8-01.3(9)B. The application of seed, fertilizer, and mulch shall be required in a single operation for all seed applications, unless otherwise directed. Mulch materials, shall be furnished, hauled, and evenly applied at the rates indicated, and shall be spread on seeded areas immediately after seeding unless otherwise specified. Distribution of straw mulch material shall be by means of an approved type mulch spreader, which utilizes forced air to blow mulch material on seeded areas. In spreading straw mulch, the spreader shall not cut or break the straw into short stalks. Straw mulch shall be applied at a rate to achieve a loose, overall thickness of three (3) inches. Areas not accessible by mulching equipment shall be mulched by approved hand methods and shall achieve similar results. Mulch sprayed on signs or sign structures shall be removed the same day. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 14 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 SECTION 8-02.3(11)B IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 8-02.3(11)B Bark or Wood Chip Mulch Revise all references in this section from bark or wood chip mulch to “wood chip mulch.” A sample of the wood chip mulch shall be provided to the Engineer or project Ecologist in a 1-gallon re-closable bag at least seven (7) days prior to application. Wood Chip Mulch shall be placed over all planting beds to a depth of no less than two inches (2”). Thoroughly water and hose down plants with a fine spray to wash the leaves of the plants immediately after application. Wood Chip Mulch shall meet the requirements of Section 9-14.4(3) 9- 14.5(3) Bark or Wood Chip Mulch of these sSpecial pProvisions and shall be supplied by a Contractor's supplied source, and as approved by the Engineer. SECTION 8-02.3(13) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(13) Plant Establishment All costs to perform Plant Establishment as indicated on the plans and as included in the specifications shall be incidental to the PSIPE Plant bid items and the Irrigation System bid item. Plant Establishment includes but is not limited to operating, maintaining, and warranting the irrigation system as well as caring for all plants planted on the project and caring for the project planting areas. The provisions of Sections 1- 07.13(2) and 1-07.13(3) do not apply to this Section. Third party damage to the irrigation system shall be compensated by force account or equitable adjustment. Compensation for third party damage to plants and planting areas are specified in paragraph 3 of this Section. Plant establishment shall begin immediately upon written notification from the Engineer of the completion of initial planting for the project. The plant establishment period shall be a minimum of 2 calendar years. The 2 calendar years shall be extended an amount equal to any periods where the Contractor does not comply with the plant establishment provisions. During the plant establishment period, the Contractor shall perform all Work necessary to ensure the resumption and continued growth of the transplanted material. This care shall occur on a twice per month frequency and include, but is not limited to all, labor and materials necessary for removing garbage, removal of foreign, dead, or rejected plant material, maintaining a weed-free condition, and the replacement of all unsatisfactory plant material planted under the Contract. If plants are stolen or damaged by the acts of others, the Contracting Agency will pay invoice cost only for the replacement plants with no mark-up Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 15 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 and the Contractor will be responsible for the labor to install the replacement plants. During plant establishment the Contractor shall meet with the Engineer monthly for the purpose of joint inspection of the planting material on a mutually agreed upon schedule. The Contractor shall correct all conditions unsatisfactory to the Engineer within a 10-day period immediately following the inspection. If plant replacement is required, the Contractor shall, within the 10-day period, submit a plan and schedule for the plant replacement to occur immediately at the beginning of the planting period as designated in Section 8-02.3(8). Failure to comply with corrective steps as outlined by the Engineer shall constitute justification for the Contracting Agency to take corrective steps and to deduct all costs thereof from any monies due the Contractor. At the end of the each year, plants that do not show normal growth shall be replaced. All costs to operate, maintain and warrantee the irrigation system shall be included under Plant Establishment. The contractor shall winterize the irrigation system in the fall before November 1st. The Contractor shall energize the irrigation system each spring before May 15th. The Contractor will make all necessary repairs and preform all preventative maintenance to assure proper irrigation system operation and longevity. The Contractor shall supply all labor, parts, equipment, and materials, necessary to operate, maintain and warrantee the irrigation system. The Contractor shall assure plant watering frequency and amount to maintain all shrubs in a thriving condition. Water for the irrigation system shall be provided by the Owner without charge to the Contractor. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for uninterrupted maintenance, repair, testing, inspecting, operation and warrantee of the entire irrigation system for the duration of the plant establishment and extended plant establishment periods or the end of the Contract, whichever comes last including all provisions of Section 8-03.3(11) System Operation. Final inspection of the irrigation system will coincide with the end of the extended plant establishment and maintenance period or the end of the Contract, whichever comes last. This responsibility shall include, but not be limited to, draining the system prior to winter and reactivating the system in the spring. For the life of the Contract, the Contractor shall be responsible for having annual inspections and tests performed on all cross connection control devices as required and specified by the Washington State Department of Health. Inspections and tests shall be conducted at the time of initial activation and each spring prior to reactivating the irrigation system. Potable water shall not flow through the cross-connection control device to any downstream component until tested and approved as required for use by the local health authority in accordance with Section 8- 03.3(12). In the spring, when the irrigation system is in full operation, the Contractor shall make a full inspection of all emitters and irrigation Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 16 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 heads. This shall involve visual inspection of each emitter and irrigation head under operating conditions. All adjustments, flushing, or replacements to the system shall be made at this time to ensure the proper operation of all emitters and irrigation heads per Section 8- 03.3(7) Flushing and Testing and Section 8-03.3(8) 8-02.3(13)A Extended Plant Establishment and Maintenance After the initial two-year Plant Establishment period set forth in Section 8- 02.3,(13) has been completed and accepted in writing by the Engineer, the Extended Plant Establishment and Maintenance period shall begin and run for three consecutive years. Extended Plant Establishment and Maintenance shall be compensated annually by an annual lump sum payment made at the beginning of each annual period. The bid item amount shall be adjusted each year against the Prevailing Landscape Labor Rate established by the State of Washington for King County. The adjustment shall be calculated by taking the percent change in the Prevailing Landscape Labor Rate at the time of bid opening compared to the Labor rate at the time of payment for each year of extended plant establishment and maintenance and increasing the bid item by the percentage change each year it is performed. The calculation shall be made at the beginning of each of the three year periods Extended Plant Establishment and Maintenance is performed. Extended Plant Establishment and Maintenance shall include but is not limited to twice per month, removal of garbage, removal of foreign, dead, or rejected plant material, maintaining a weed-free condition, and replacement of all unsatisfactory plant material planted under the Contract. Includes but is not limited to maintaining, operating, and warrantying the irrigation system. Extended Plant Establishment and Maintenance shall continue in force all provisions set forth in KSP 8- 02.3(13) Plant Establishment. SECTION 8-02.3(14) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.3(14) Plant Replacement The Contractor shall replace all shrubs which, in the opinion of the City Nursery Supervisor, have failed to establish themselves during the maintenance period at his sole expense. All replacement planting shall be conducted in conformance to these specifications. SECTION 8-02.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 8-02.3(17) Plant and Site Protection During Entire Construction Period The Contractor shall: 1. Protect existing trees to remain and new plants against injury and damage, including but not limited to: cutting, breaking, or skinning of roots, trunk or branches, or smothering by stockpiling construction material, or compaction by equipment. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 17 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 3. Notify Engineer immediately if a conflict arises between construction activity and the protection of trees and shrubs; alter methods as necessary and as approved by the Engineer. Keep all equipment outside of the drip lines of all existing and newly- planted trees, so as not to damage the root systems. SECTION 8-02.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.4 Measurement The pay quantities for the plant materials will be determined by count of the number of satisfactory installed trees, shrubs, groundcover and other landscape materials accepted by the Engineer. “Topsoil Type A”, “Bioretention Media”, “Wood Chip Mulch”, and “Coarse Compost” will be measured by the cubic yard in the haul conveyance at the point of delivery. “Water Quality Seed Mix” and “Seeded Lawn Installation” will be measured along the ground slope and computed in square yards of actual seeding completed, established and accepted SECTION 8-02.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-02.5 Payment The unit contract price per cubic yard for “Topsoil Type A” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to supply and spread the topsoil in the areas shown on the plans, or where directed by the Engineer. This item includes but is not limited to the labor required for raking and compacting the topsoil, cleanup and complete preparation ready for seeding. The unit contract price per cubic yard for “Bioretention Media” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to supply and spread the topsoil in the areas shown on the plans, or where directed by the Engineer. This item includes but is not limited to the labor required for raking and compacting the topsoil, cleanup and complete preparation ready for seeding. The unit contract price per cubic yard for “Wood Chip Mulch” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to supply and spread the wood chip mulch in the areas shown on the plans, or where directed by the Engineer. This item includes but is not limited to the labor required for raking the wood chip mulch and cleanup. The unit contract price per cubic yard for “Coarse Compost” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to supply and spread the compost in the areas shown on the plans, or where directed by the Engineer. This item includes but is not limited to the labor required for raking the compost and cleanup. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 18 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 The unit contract price per each for “PSIPE_____” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary for providing and planting and staking street trees and shrubs in accordance with the plans and the Kent Special Provisions. This item includes but is not limited to prepare the planting area; remove obstacles; excavation; backfill and compaction; mulch; fertilizer; watering; tree ties and stakes; providing, installing and filling tree watering bags; and for watering and maintaining for a period of not less than two calendar years. The unit contract price per square yard of “Water Quality Seed Mix” and “Seeded Lawn Installation” shall be full pay for all costs necessary to prepare the area, erect barriers, control weeds, and establish seeded areas and for furnishing all labor, tools, equipment, and materials necessary to complete the Work as specified. The unit contract price per year for “Extended Landscaping Maintenance” constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to perform Extended Landscaping Maintenance, as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. 8-03 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SECTION 8-03.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-03.1 Description The work shall consist of installing a fully functioning and complete landscape irrigation system. The Contractor shall connect to the Irrigation Meter and install point of connection equipment as shown on the Plans. Electrical connections for the controller shall be as shown on the Plans. SECTION 8-03.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-03.3 Construction Requirement Backfilling of irrigation piping shall be in accordance with Section 7- 08.3(3) Backfilling of the Standard Specifications. In paved asphalt areas, the top 6 inches of the trench shall consist of HMA Cl. ½” PG 64-22. 8-03.3(3) Piping The Contractor is alerted that not all irrigation sleeves are shown on the roadway Plan & Profile Sheets and thus will require coordination with the Irrigation Plans. The Contractor shall ensure coordination with all underground utility and pavement installation is done with adequate time to allow for sleeving placement around utility vaults and structures as indicated on the Plans. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 19 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 All main line and lateral piping shall be marked with detectable warning tape, width of tape to be determined by maximum depth of pipe. Pipe located in the same trench shall only require one installation of warning tape in trench. All sleeving at road crossings shall be ductile iron. DI sleeving shall be sized as noted on roadway plans or as necessary for irrigation piping and wiring. SECTION 8-03.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-03.5 Payment “Existing Irrigation System Removal, Repair and/or Modification”, Force Account This payment shall constitute complete compensation for all labor, tools, materials, equipment, haul and disposal necessary to remove, repair and modify any existing irrigation systems that may be encountered during construction. “Irrigation System, Complete,” lump sum. All costs for furnishing and installing irrigation system equipment and components where indicated and as detailed in the Plans, all costs of initial and annual inspections and tests performed on cross connection control devices and electrical wire testing during the life of the Contract and As Built Plans shall be included in the lump sum price for the complete irrigation system as shown in the Plans or as otherwise approved by the Engineer. The Contracting Agency will, at no cost to the Contractor, provide water as needed for installation and operation of the irrigation system for the life of the Contract. As the irrigation system is installed, the payment schedule will be as follows: Payment will be made in proportion to the amount of Work performed up to 90 percent of the unit Contract price for irrigation system when the irrigation system is completed, tested, inspected, and fully operational. Payment shall be increased to 95 percent of the unit Contract price for irrigation system upon completion and acceptance of initial planting and submittal of As Built Plans. When As Built Plans and the second-year plant establishment is completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer, payment will be increased to 100 percent of the unit Contract price for irrigation system upon. Reference KSP 8-02.3(13) PLANT ESTABLISHMENT and KSP 8-02.3(13)A EXTENDED PLANT ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE, regarding extended operation, maintenance and warrantee of the irrigation system. 8-04 CURBS, GUTTERS, AND SPILLWAYS 8-04.3 Construction Requirements SECTION 8-04.3(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-04.3(1) Cement Concrete Curbs, Gutters and Spillways The City will provide control staking in accordance with Section Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 20 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 1-05.8(6) of the Kent Special Provisions. If the curb and gutter flow line is found to deviate from the flow line shown on the plans by more than 0.03 foot, the Contractor shall remove the faulty section of curb and gutter and replace it with a new section meeting specifications. The removal and replacement shall be at no cost to the City. SECTION 8-04.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-04.5 Payment “Curb 1 – Cement Concrete Roundabout Curb and Gutter 2 Inch” “Curb 2 – Cement Concrete Roundabout Curb and Gutter 4 Inch” “Curb 3 – Cement Concrete Roundabout Central Island” “Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter” The unit contract price per linear foot for the above items shall be considered complete compensation for all materials, labor, tools and equipment required to install the curbs in accordance with the plans, specifications and as directed by the Engineer. Also included in this bid item is all work associated with the curb to curb transitions as shown on the plans. 8-09 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS SECTION 8-09.1 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-09.1 Description This work shall consist of furnishing, and installing new pavement markers of the type specified in the plans upon the roadway surface in accordance with applicable Kent Standard Plans and/or WSDOT Standard Plans at locations shown in the Contract or as directed by the Engineer. Removal of existing pavement markers shall be included in the unit bid price for this item unless otherwise specified. Unless otherwise noted, pavement markings shall be installed in strict conformance to Kent Standard Plans 6-73 and/or 6-74. 8-09.3 Construction Requirements SECTION 8-09.3(1) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-09.3(1) Preliminary Spotting The Engineer will provide control points at the locations and intervals determined necessary by the City to assist in preliminary spotting of the lines before the placement of raised pavement markers begins. The Contractor shall be responsible for preliminary spotting of the lines to be marked. Approval by the Engineer is required before the placement of raised pavement markers begins. Preliminary spotting to guide the placement of raised pavement markers is required for all longitudinal Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 21 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 lines. Preliminary spotting for each lane of raised pavement markers shall be provided at transition points required by Kent Standard Plan 6-73M, RPM Substitution Patterns. SECTION 8-09.3(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-09.3(2) Surface Preparation In removing raised pavement markers and plastic traffic buttons, the Contractor shall: 1. Haul broken-up pieces of raised pavement markers, plastic traffic buttons and all waste material to an off-project site, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, or permitted by the Kent Special Provisions. 2. Remove all sand, or other waste materials deposited on the pavement, or within the City’s stormwater management system, as a result of the removal process selected by the Contractor. 3. Install temporary lane markings at the Contractor’s sole expense, unless the street is going to be remarked, or overlaid immediately after the completed removal of raised pavement markers and/or plastic traffic buttons. 4. Take suitable care so as not to damage the underlying pavement surface more than necessary, clean all underlying pavement, including the complete removal of all remaining adhesive, and fill any surface voids caused by the removal work. SECTION 8-09.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-09.4 Measurement When shown as lump sum in the plans or in the Proposal as removal of raised pavement markers and plastic traffic markings, no specific unit of measurement will apply, but measurement will be for the sum total of all items for a complete removal of the subject items. SECTION 8-09.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-09.5 Payment The lump sum contract price for “Removal of Raised Pavement Markers and Painted and/or Thermoplastic Traffic Markings” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to remove and dispose of the raised pavement markers and painted and/or thermoplastic traffic markings as described in the specifications or as directed by the Engineer. 8-12 CHAIN LINK FENCE AND WIRE FENCE SECTION 8-12.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-12.1 Description Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 22 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 This work shall consist of installing, adjusting, removing, relocating, replacing or restoring existing property fences of all types specified in accordance with the plans, these specifications, and in reasonably close conformity with the line staked by the Engineer. 8-12.3 Construction Requirements SECTION 8-12.3(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-12.3(1) Chain Link Fence and Gates Existing fences and gates shall be restored to their former condition or to that condition acceptable to the Engineer. New materials shall meet the requirements shown in the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Security fence shall meet WSDOT Standard Plan L-40.20-01; Glare Screen Type 2 (black, vinyl coated chain link with slats) with 3 strands of black vinyl coated wire with galvanized barbs. Includes 18” wide, 6” thick, concrete mow strip with medium brush finish. All new fencing shall match the existing fence configuration and shall include a top rail. SECTION 8-12.3(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-12.3(2) Wire Fence and Gates Existing wire fence and gates shall be restored to their former condition or to that condition acceptable to the Engineer. New materials shall be in general conformance to the requirements of Section 8-12 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. SECTION 8-12.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-12.4 Measurement Remove and relocate fence shall be measured by the linear foot of relocated fence, along the ground line, exclusive of openings. Gates shall be included in the fence measurement. Temporary fencing shall be measured by the linear foot of temporary fence, along the ground line exclusive of openings. Gates shall be included in the fence measurement. Remove and restore fence shall be measured along that portion of the fence which must be removed in order to perform necessary work. Measurement for payment will be between the closest posts which remain undisturbed by the work. Restoration of fence beyond the stated limits is incidental to and included in the measured length defined above. If the Contractor removed additional fence for its convenience, restoration of the additional length of fence shall be at its sole expense. SECTION 8-12.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 23 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 8-12.5 Payment “Remove Fence,” per linear foot. “Install New Chain Link Fence,” per linear foot. 8-13 MONUMENT CASES SECTION 8-13.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-13.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid items when they are included in the Proposal: The unit contract price per each for “Adjust Existing Monument, Case and Cover to Finished Grade” constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to adjust the monument, case, and cover to final finished grade as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This work includes but shall not be limited to: referencing for future locates prior to overlay, excavating, backfilling, compacting, surfacing and restoration. Any adjustments made prior to the final finished elevation shall be considered incidental to this bid item. Reference Kent Standard Plan 6-72. The unit contract price per each for “Install New Monument, Case and Cover to Finished Grade” constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to install the new monument, case, and cover to finished grade as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This work includes but shall not be limited to: excavating, backfilling, compacting, surfacing and restoration. Reference Kent Standard Plan 6-72. 8-14 CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALKS SECTION 8-14.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-14.1 Description This work shall also consist of constructing Wheel Chair Ramps and Sidewalk Surface Treatments at locations in accordance with these specifications, per Plans and in reasonable close conformity to the dimensions and cross-sections shown in the plans and to the lines and grades as staked by the Engineer. 8-14.2 Materials Curing compound and sealer shall be water based, non-flammable, low gloss, non-yellowing, non-clouding and wear resistant. Compound and sealer shall protect against water damage, oil and common stains, formulated for exterior use. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 24 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Sidewalk surface treatment for cement concrete sidewalk shall be achieved using surface retardant, and shall be Optimus Surface Retarders from Architectural Concrete Chemicals (ACC), Medium (25) for a medium sand blast texture or approved equal. 8-14.3 Construction Requirements Qualified and competent workman shall have a minimum five (5) years of work experience for same paving type installation, and placement of surface finishes for concrete. Submittal Contractor shall submit surface retardant manufacturer information and technical specifications for Engineer’s approval. Mock-Up Samples Prior to start of pavement work the Contractor shall provide one (3) three feet by three feet (9 square feet) mock-up sample of Sidewalk Surface Treatment for Engineer’s approval. The approved sample shall be the standard for the balance of the rest of the work installed and shall be protected from damage until final acceptance and approval. Any additional mock-up sample provided for approval by Engineer shall be incidental to and included in the unit bid price for “Sidewalk Surface Treatment” per these Special Provisions. No additional concrete shall be placed prior to the test panel being approved by the Engineer. SECTION 8-14.3(3) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-14.3(3) Placing and Finishing Concrete The concrete shall be placed in the forms and struck off with an approved straightedge. As soon as the surface can be worked, it shall be troweled smooth with a steel trowel. After troweling and before installing the contraction joints or perimeter edging, the walking surfaces of the sidewalk and ramps shall be brushed in a transverse direction with a stiff bristled broom. The curb face and top on the monolithic cement concrete curb and sidewalk and the cement concrete sidewalk with raised edge shall be smooth. Expansion and contraction joints shall be constructed as shown in the Standard plans. When the sidewalk abuts a cement concrete curb or curb and gutter, the expansion joints in the sidewalk shall have the same spacing as the curb. The expansion joint shall be filled to full cross-section of the sidewalk with 3/8-inch premolded joint filler. Sidewalk ramps shall be of the type specified in the plans and shall include the detectable warning surface. The detectable warning surface shall have the truncated dome shape shown in WSDOT Standard Plan Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 25 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 F-45.10-02 and described in 8-14.3(5). The two-foot wide detectable warning pattern area on the ramp shall be yellow and shall match the color of “Standard Interstate Yellow” paint as specified in Formula K-2- 83. Sidewalk and curb ramps shall be in full compliance with ADA requirements. SECTION 8-14.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-14.4 Measurement Cement Concrete Sidewalk, (4-Inch Thick) shall be measured by square yard for a completed concrete sidewalk including the sawcut score joints. Cement Concrete Sidewalk, (8-Inch Thick) shall be measured by square yard for a completed concrete sidewalk including the sawcut score joints. Sidewalk Surface Treatment shall be measured by square yard for a completed sidewalk surface treatment including the sawcut score joints. SECTION 8-14.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-14.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 for the following bid items when included in the Proposal: “Cement Concrete Sidewalk Ramp Type Perpendicular A,” per each “Cement Concrete Sidewalk Ramp Type Perpendicular B,” per each “Cement Concrete Sidewalk Ramp Type Parallel / Combination,” per each “Cement Concrete Sidewalk Ramp Type Single Direction A,” per each The unit bid per square yard or per each for the above items constitutes complete compensation for all materials, labor, tools and equipment necessary to install cement concrete sidewalk and wheelchair ramps as shown on the drawings and in accordance with the Kent Special Provisions. The unit price shall include but not be limited to: restoration of areas adjacent to sidewalks and ramps that are disturbed from sidewalk forms; and all other materials, labor, tools and equipment to fulfill the requirements or as directed by the Engineer. Crushed Surfacing Top Course and Asphalt Concrete Pavement Patch, Excavation and Gravel Borrow as required shall be paid for under separate bid items. Unit price shall also include all work necessary to discontinue sidewalk panels at locations of existing power poles. Contractor shall note that some power poles will need to remain in- place until completion of the electrical conversion. This bid item shall include all costs associated with discontinuing sidewalk at pole locations, remobilization after pole removal, and completion of sidewalk system. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 26 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 “Cement Concrete Sidewalk, (4-Inch Thick)” “Cement Concrete Sidewalk, (8-Inch Thick)” The unit contract price per square yard for the above items constitutes complete compensation for all materials, labor, tools and equipment necessary to install Cement Concrete Sidewalk with the sawcut scoring grid as shown on the plans and in accordance with the Kent Special Provisions. The unit price shall include but not be limited to: restoration of areas adjacent to sidewalks that are disturbed from sidewalk forms, and any other items necessary to complete the installation of the sidewalk. All joints, finishing, and grouting shall be considered incidental with the bid item price. The unit contract price per square yard for “Sidewalk Surface Treatment,” constitutes complete compensation for all materials, labor, tools and equipment necessary to install Sidewalk Surface Treatment as shown on the plans and in accordance with the Kent Special Provisions. Any other materials, labors, and tools required by the manufacturer to complete the sidewalk surface treatment shall be considered incidental with the bid item price. Engineer to adjust the payment made under this bid item. Said adjustment shall be determined solely by the Engineer and is not negotiable except at the Engineer’s discretion. All sawcut score joints shall be considered incidental with the bid item price. 8-18 MAILBOX SUPPORT SECTION 8-18.3 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 8-18.3 Construction Requirements THE SECOND PARAGRAPH IS REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: The existing mailboxes are to be relocated to accommodate the new construction. Within 24 hours of being removed, existing mailboxes shall be reset at a temporary or permanent location. See Kent Standard Plan 6-70. THE THIRD PARAGRAPH IS REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: New mailbox supports which are not to be installed within sidewalks or walkways, shall be backfilled with adjacent native material and compacted to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Mailbox supports which are to be installed within sidewalks or walkways shall be enclosed within 8 inch diameter PVC sleeves and then backfilled with adjacent native material and compacted to the satisfaction of the engineer. 8-19 STREET FURNITURE 8-19.1 Description This work shall consist of providing and installing Bench, Litter Receptacle and Pole Banner Arm in accordance with these specifications and as shown per Plans. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 27 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 8-19.2 Materials Bench shall be Trio Bench, 8’ length including armrests on either ends and one in the middle, Series Model SBTRO-96BA by Forms+Surfaces, or approved equal. Litter receptacle shall be Litter Receptacle Type 1 per Kent Standard Plan 7-6. Pole Banner Arm shall be Banner Arms on Roadway Poles per Kent Standard Plan 7-26. Paint color and finish shall be powder coat in accordance with paint manufacturer’s recommendations. See Section 6-07 for paint color and powder coating requirements. 8-19.3 Construction Requirements Bench and Litter Receptacle shall require 9 to 11 weeks lead time. The contractor shall confirm the lead time with the manufacturer before submitting the construction schedule. The construction schedule shall include the lead time, order date, and the delivery date. Install Bench and Litter Receptacle in gravel node and concrete sidewalk areas, according to the manufacturer’s installation instructions and as shown on the Plans or Kent Standard Plan 7-6. Use manufacturer-provided levelers to install bench and litter receptacle level and plumb. Contractor shall submit Bench and Litter Receptacle catalog cut sheet including product information, dimensioning, finish, installation instructions, setback requirements and details for bench, litter receptacle, pole banner arm and graffiti proof protection for Engineer’s approval prior to installation. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring the mounting surface and installation method are adequate to support and secure the bench, litter receptacle and pole banner arm Touch up for scratches for field applications shall be per recommendations from coating manufacturer. 8-19.4 Measurement Bench shall be measured per each bench furnished and installed. Litter Receptacle shall be measured per each litter receptacle furnished and installed. Pole Banner Arm shall be measured per each pole banner arm furnished and installed. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 28 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 8-19.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid item when they are included in the Proposal: The unit bid price per each for “Bench” constitutes complete compensation for all materials, labor, tools and equipment necessary to furnish and install the bench, including concrete pad as shown on the plans. The unit bid price per each for “Litter Receptacle” constitutes complete compensation for all materials, labor, tools and equipment necessary to furnish and install the litter receptacle, including concrete pad as shown on the plans. The unit contract price per each arm for “Pole Banner Arm” constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to furnish and install the pole arms and brackets as shown on the plans and in accordance with Kent Standard Plan 7-26. (The unit price includes the arm only, the banners will be supplied and installed later by the City). 8-20 ILLUMINATION, TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEMS, INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, AND ELECTRICAL SECTION 8-20.1 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 8-20.1 Description SUPPLEMENT SECTION 8-20.1 WITH THE FOLLOWING: Work shall include the following: New Pedestrian/Street Illumination system Accent Lighting in roundabout The Contractor shall furnish and install all materials and equipment necessary, including but not limited to foundations, junction boxes for identity columns and pedestrian/street light poles, conduit, conductors, service cabinets, permits, inspections, testing and to provide a complete illumination systems including accent lighting as shown on the Plans. The Contractor shall be responsible for connecting and integrating with existing systems and infrastructure to complete this work. Unless otherwise noted, the location of standards, and appurtenances shown in the Plans are approximate; and the exact location will be established by the Engineer in the field. SECTION 8-20.1 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: THE SECOND PARAGRAPH IS REVISED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 29 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Unless otherwise noted in the plans, the locations of traffic signal poles, controller cabinets, and pedestrian/street light standards are exact. The locations of junction boxes for identity columns and pedestrian/street light poles, conduits and similar appurtenances shown in the plans are approximate; and the proposed locations will be staked or similarly marked by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. 8-20.1(3) Permitting and Inspection SUPPLEMENT THIS SECTION WITH THE FOLLOWING: Prior to start of work, all necessary licenses, permits, and approvals shall be obtained and paid for by the Contractor. The Contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, orders, and regulations relating to the performance of the work, the protection of adjacent property, and the maintenance of all other facilities. The Contractor will be required to comply with all the provisions of these instruments and shall save and hold the City of Kent harmless from any damage which may be incurred as a result of the Contractor’s failure to comply with all the terms of these permits. The Contractor is advised that an Electric Work Permit from the State Department of Labor and Industries shall be required for this project. SECTION 8-20.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 8-20.1(4) Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons The work involves installing pedestrian crosswalk beacon system (RRFB) at the intersection of Willis St. (SR 516) and 4th Street. The work consists of furnishing and installing concrete foundations, RRFB (rectangular flashing beacons), signal poles, control unit, RRFB light bars, accessible pedestrian pushbutton assemblies, signs, conductors, conduit, and other work necessary to provide a complete and operational crosswalk warning system as shown on the Plans and as described in these Special Provisions. The work includes installing “Do Not Block Circle” Warning System. System includes LED signs activated by vehicles in queue on SR 516 and by emergency vehicle preemption. The work consists of furnishing and installing LED-blankout signs, emergency preemption, type P controller cabinet, and thermal traffic detection system. The work consists of furnishing and installing conduit trench, conductors, foundations, poles, and other work necessary to provide a complete and operational “Do Not Block Circle” warning system activated by vehicle queues and emergency vehicle preemption. The work will also include furnishing and installing roadway and pedestrian lighting system including conduit, conductors, foundations, electrical service cabinet and other work necessary to provide a Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 30 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 complete roadway and pedestrian lighting system as shown on the Plans and as described in these Special Provisions. Work will also include repairing facilities damaged during construction removing the existing signal system including demolishing of the existing pole foundations, salvaging existing materials, making all required tests, and Labor and Industries electrical inspection. All additional materials and labor, not shown in the plans or called for herein and which are required to complete the signal system, shall be included in the lump sum contract price. DIVISION 8 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 8-20.1(5) Errors and Omissions The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer upon discovery of any errors or omissions in the Contract Documents, in the layout as given by survey data and instructions, or of any discrepancy between the Contract Documents and the physical conditions of the locality. If deemed necessary, the Engineer will rectify the matter and advise the Contractor accordingly. Any work done after such discovery without authorization by the Engineer shall be done at the Contractor’s risk. SECTION 8-20.2IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-20.2 Materials All materials shall be handled in loading, unloading and erecting in such a manner that they will not be damaged. Any parts that are damaged due to the Contractor's operations shall be repaired or replaced at the Contractor's expense. All repairs shall be to the approval of the Engineer. The Engineer reserves the right to inspect the manufacturing process of all materials. Final inspection and acceptance of the installed materials will not be given until final installation and testing has been completed on the systems. Approval to install materials and equipment must be obtained from the Engineer at the job site before installation. The Contractor shall provide all manufacturer warranty documents to the City. When submitting material lists for approval, the Contractor shall identify all revisions or changes to manufacturer names, component names, and model numbers listed in these Special Provisions. The Contractor shall also include a brief justification for the revision or change. SECTION 8-20.2(1) IS REVISED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING TO PARAGRAPH 3, FOLLOWING ITEM 2: 8-20.2(1) Equipment List and Drawings Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 31 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 3. Photometric curve data provided in electronic format IES format files provided on a 3 1/2 inch diskette or CD-ROM disk. 4. Photometric calculations showing that the proposed luminaire meets the minimum street lighting requirements of the City. 5. Catalog Cuts and/or ordering information clearly showing selected luminaire options. SECTION 8-20.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION 8-20.2(2) Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon Materials Manufacturer must provide engineering certification that the RRFB assembly’s major components along with the recommended attachments for mounting must meet the load requirements of AASHTO. Engineer of Record must ensure that the proposed sign assemblies and foundation are designed to withstand all applicable wind loads. The duration of a predetermined period of operation of the RRFBs following each actuation should be based on the procedures provided in Section 4E.06 of the 2009 MUTCD for the timing of pedestrian clearance times for pedestrian signals. The RRFB must be capable of being readily reprogrammed in the field in order to support future changes in MUTCD requirements. Certification of Compliance from a third party accredited laboratory, certifying compliance with the required minimum Class 1 yellow peak luminous intensity, must be provided upon request. Ensure the crosswalk enhancement assembly and the vehicle detection equipment has a manufacturer’s warranty covering defects for three years from the date of final acceptance. Ensure the warranty includes providing replacements within 10 calendar days of notification for defective parts and equipment during the warranty period at no extra cost. Manufacturer's data for electrical work related materials, proposed for use in the Contract which requires approval, shall be submitted in one complete package. Approval of material submittals will require up to 10 working days from the date the Engineer receives the drawings until they are returned to the Contractor. The actual time required for approval is dependent upon the completeness and appropriateness of the drawings as submitted. Approval of shop drawings does not constitute final acceptance or guarantee of the material, but is solely to assist the Contractor in providing the specified materials. For each proposed material that is required to be submitted for approval using either the QPL or RAM process the Contractor will be Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 32 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 allowed to submit for approval three materials per material type at no cost. Additional materials may be submitted for approval and will be processed at a cost of $100.00 per material submitted by QPL submittal and $300.00 per material submitted by RAM. All costs for the processing additional materials will be deducted from monies due or that may come due to the Contractor. Subject to a request by the Contractor and a determination by the Engineer the costs for processing may be waived. Any deficiencies will require additional time for approval based on the degree of the deficiency and the additional review time required. If the shop drawings are returned to the Contractor to correct deficiencies, an additional 10 calendar days may be required for the approval process. All approvals by the Engineer must be received by the Contractor before material will be allowed on the job site. Materials not approved by the Engineer will not be permitted on the jobsite. Final verified luminaire pole dimensions, including pole base to arm connection point, pole base to light source distances, arm length, offset distances and orientations of pole mounted appurtenances will be verified by the Engineer as part of the final approved Shop Drawings prior to fabrication. 8-20.3 Construction Requirements SECTION 8-20.3(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-20.3(1) General The Contractor shall contact City Maintenance Department Representative for all related illumination system coordination. The Contractor shall follow specific requirements for electrical related work to be performed on the right-of-way as outlined in each applicable section of these Specifications. All adjacent surfaces damaged by the Contractor's operations shall be repaired at his expense. The Contractor shall contact following representatives for coordination with the below listed agencies: City of Kent Maintenance Representative: Mike Sorensen (253) 856- 5567. Electrical Inspection: WA State Department of Labor & Industries (360) 902-5800 No new foundations shall be constructed as part of this Contract that are in conflict with any existing utilities, or the code required thereby. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to locate all utilities whether above, on, or below the ground, and to protect against any and all Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 33 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 damages arising from work under this project. At least 48 hours before digging, the Contractor shall call the Utilities Underground Locator Center (telephone: 811). Contractor must maintain locates during the duration of the project once they have been identified. The Contractor is advised that safe wiring labels required by the State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries shall apply on this project. All manufacturers’ warranties or guarantees on all electrical and mechanical equipment, consistent with those provided as customary trade practice, shall be assigned to the City of Kent. SECTION 8-20.3(4) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-20.3(4) Foundations Each concrete foundation shall be constructed in a single pour. Where the pole is placed within the pedestrian concrete walkway, the top of the foundation shall be poured to the top of the concrete walkway subgrade; and the concrete walkway shall be installed in a separate pour. Construction of the luminaire pole foundations may require special procedures such an excavation or cleaning by Vactor truck due to depth, groundwater, and soil conditions, and proximity of existing underground utilities. The Contractor shall consider this in the lump sum bid price for the installation of the various electrical systems and no additional compensation will be paid if special procedures are necessary to properly construct the foundations. Foundations for various types of standards shall be as follows:  Pedestrian luminaire pole foundations shall be per the Plans  Accent Lighting foundations shall be per the Plans All permanent casing shall be of ample strength to resist damage and deformation from transportation and handling, installation stresses, and all pressures and forces acting on the casing. The casing shall be clean prior to placement in the excavation. The permanent casing may be telescoped, but the outside diameter of the casing shall not be less than the specified diameter of the shaft. SECTION 8-20.3(5) IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 8-20.3(5) Conduit 8-20.3(5)C Conduit Size THE SECOND PARAGRAPH IS REPLACED IN ITS ENTIRETY WITH THE FOLLOWING: The size of conduit used shall be that size shown in the plans. Conduits smaller than 2-inch electrical trade size shall not be used. No conduit run shall exceed 225 degree total bends in any run without prior approval of the Engineer. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 34 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH IS ADDED AFTER THE SECOND PARAGRAPH: The Contractor shall install 1/4 inch diameter nylon pull rope in all conduit runs. A tracer wire terminating within junction boxes shall be installed in all conduits intended for future use. The tracer wire shall be uninsulated #8 AWG stranded copper. SECTION 8-20.3(5) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: Each empty conduit run shall contain a 200-pound breaking strength polyolefin pull cord, which shall be tied off at both ends. The size of conduit shall be as shown on the Plans. All galvanized conduit in contact with concrete shall be wrapped with 2- inch-wide, 10-mil-thick electrical tape, half-lapped. All conduit installed underground shall have metal detectable Underground Hazard Marking Tape, 6 inches wide, red, legend “Caution-Electric Line Buried Below,” placed approximately 12 inches above the conduit. SECTION 8-20.3(6) IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING: Junction Boxes, Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes Unless otherwise noted in the Plans or approved by the Engineer, junction boxes, cable vaults and pull boxes shall not be placed within the traveled way or paved shoulders. All junction boxes, cable vaults, and pull boxes placed within the traveled way or paved shoulders shall be heavy-duty. Wiring shall not be pulled into any conduit until all associated junction boxes have been adjusted to, or installed in, their final grade and location, unless installation is necessary to maintain system operation. If wire is installed for this reason, sufficient slack shall be left to allow for future adjustment. When junction boxes, cable vaults and pull boxes are installed or adjusted prior to construction of finished grade, pre-molded joint filler for expansion joints may be placed around the junction boxes, cable vaults and pull boxes. The joint filler shall be removed prior to adjustment to finished grade. The six-inch gravel pad required in Standard Plan J-40.10 and J-40.30 shall be maintained. When existing junction boxes do not have this gravel pad, it shall be installed as part of the adjustment to finished grade. Junction boxes for identity columns and pedestrian/street light poles shall be located and oriented as shown on the Plans but may be adjusted in the field by the Engineer to better fit existing conditions. No junction boxes shall be located in pedestrian ramp areas. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 35 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 THE THIRD PARAGRAPH OF SECTION 8-20.3(8) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-20.3(8) Wiring All splices in underground illumination circuits and induction loops circuits shall be installed within junction boxes. The only splice allowed in induction loop circuits shall be the splice connecting the induction loop lead in conductors to the shielded home run cable. Splices for illumination circuits, including two way, three way, four way and aerial splices, and splices for induction loop circuits shall be spliced with copper crimped solder-less connectors installed with an approved tool designed for the purpose to securely join the wires both mechanically and electrically. Splices shall then be wrapped with moisture sealing tape meeting the requirements of Sections 9-29.12(1) and 9-29.12(2) of the Kent Special Provisions to seal each splice individually, unless otherwise specified by the Engineer. In no case shall epoxy splice kits be permitted. At each junction box, all wires shall be labeled with a PVC marking sleeve. All illumination splices shall be cast epoxy type. Heat shrink splices are not allowed. 8-20.3(8)A Bonding, Grounding SUPPLEMENT SECTION 8-20.3(8)A WITH THE FOLLOWING: Location wires shall not be connected to the equipment-grounding system. See Section 9-29.27 of these Special Provisions for detectable pull tape information. SECTION 8-20.3(9) IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING: Bonding, Grounding Where shown in the Plans or where designated by the Engineer, the metal frame and lid of existing junction boxes shall be grounded to the existing equipment grounding system. The existing equipment grounding system shall be derived from the service serving the raceway system of which the existing junction box is a part. Guarantees Guarantees and warranties shall be in accordance with Section 1-05.10. SECTION 8-20.3(10) IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 8-20.3(10) Service, Transformer, and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Cabinets THE LAST PARAGRAPH OF THIS SECTION IS DELETED IN ITS ENTIRETY. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 36 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 SECTION 8-20.3(11) IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-20.3(11) Testing Communication Cable Acceptance Testing for Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon Communications cable acceptance testing shall be performed for each pair of conductors. Acceptance testing shall commence only after all communication cable is installed, and all splices have been completed, with the exception of the splices connecting the new cable to existing cable. If any test fails, repairs shall be made by the Contractor and the entire test series shall be repeated. Three tests shall be performed on each cable installation. All tests shall be conducted in the presence of the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide the necessary test equipment, perform the tests, and document the results. When the tests are completed, whether successful or not, the test result documentation shall be provided to the Engineer. All tests shall be conducted on all pairs in the communication cable to each cable drop point. Seven calendar days notice shall be given by the Contractor prior to performing any of the tests. For each arterial all testing shall be conducted from the same cable drop point. Continuity Test for Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon: The continuity test shall be made on each conductor as well as the cable shield. Each conductor and/or shield shall show a resistance of not more than 20 ohms per 1,000 feet of conductor. The resistance of each conductor shall be recorded. Insulation Test for Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon: The insulation test shall be measured on each insulated conductor with all other conductors in the cable (including cable shield) grounded. The measurement shall be made with a DC potential of not less than 60% and not more than 90% of the insulation rating for 1 minute. Insulation resistance shall exceed 5,000 megohm-miles. The insulation resistance of each conductor shall be recorded. Frequency Response and Noise Test for Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon: The frequency response and noise tests shall be performed on each pair of conductors. All tests shall be made using transmission test instruments designed especially for use on data circuits. Two such instruments are required; one for use at the designated testing location and the other for use at each cable drop location. The test sets shall be subject to approval by the Engineer prior to the start of the tests. The first test shall measure frequency response from the test location to each cable drop. A tone of 0 dBm shall be applied to the Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 37 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 transmitting end and the signal level shall be measured at the receiving end. The cable pair being tested shall be isolated from ground and terminated in 600 ohms at both test locations. A 10,000 ohm resistor shall terminate the same pair at all other cable drop locations. The test shall be performed at frequencies of 300, 500, 700, 1,004, 1,500, 2,300 and 3,000 Hz. The received tone shall be: Greater than minus 16 dBm at 1,004 Hz. 2 dB gain to 8 dB loss with respect to the level at 1,004 Hz over the frequency range of 500 to 2,500 Hz. 2 dB gain to 12 dB loss with respect to the level at 1,004 Hz over the frequency ranges of 300 to 500 Hz and 2,500 to 3,000 Hz. The second test shall measure circuit or background noise. The cable pair being tested shall be terminated the same as in the previous test. A C-message filter in the test set shall restrict the spectrum to the range normally used for voice-grade data circuits. The noise level shall be at least 13 dB below the lowest signal level measured in the first test. All test data shall be recorded in an approved format. Cables which fail the tests shall be repaired or replaced as directed by the Engineer. All Work shall be completed in a manner that provides the Inspector and Engineer with full knowledge of the construction. The work shall proceed in accordance with the approved construction schedule previously supplied to and approved by the City. If the work is completed without Inspector’s or Engineer’s knowledge, they may at their option, ask the Contractor to dismantle the completed work, so that it can be inspected to their satisfaction. SECTION 8-20.3(13)B IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 8-20.3(13)B Accent Lighting Accent Lighting shall require 12 to 14 weeks lead time. Accent Lighting shall be installed level and secured with tamper- resistant fasteners. Contractor to provide shop drawings of accent lighting including layout with dimensioning and callouts, wiring, conduit, junction boxes, connections to associated electrical equipment, methods of installation and provisions to secure light fixtures from theft. Shop Drawings shall be submitted for Engineer’s approval prior to installation. Engineer to field verify beam angle of all accent lighting fixtures prior to permanently setting them. Contractor to protect all accent light fixtures Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 38 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Provide coordination with gateway features, metal planter wall, irrigation and landscape installation in the roundabout. Any damage due to the Contractor’s negligence before the end of the project shall be repaired to original condition by the Contractor with no additional compensation allowed. SECTION 8-20.3(14)A IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-20.3(14)A Signal Controllers The Contractor shall provide a minimum of eight hours training for Contracting Agency personnel. Qualified personnel, mutually agreed upon by the Contracting Agency and Contractor, shall conduct the training. All sessions shall be conducted during Stages 2, 3, and 4 as described under Testing in this Special Provision. The Contractor shall notify the Project Engineer, who in turn shall notify the Regional Traffic Engineer, seven days in advance of the training session. All documentation (maintenance manuals, wiring diagrams, etc.) shall be made available for use in this training session. This training shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Operations: (approximately four hours in length) a. Equipment Energization Procedures b. Utilization of Operator Controls c. Input Procedures 2. Maintenance: (approximately four hours in length) a. Hardware Maintenance b. System Trouble Shooting c. Detection of Abnormal Conditions d. Emergency Operating Procedures All participants are assumed to have a basic working knowledge of electronics. Training sessions shall emphasize hands-on training. No compensation shall be made to the Contractor if the "Controller Equipment Training" bid item is cancelled prior to the end of the procurement period, in accordance with Section 1-09.5. Warranty The Contractor shall provide materials with a manufacturer’s warranty / guarantee, transferable to the City of Kent, that the supplied materials are free from all defects in materials and workmanship for the stated period from the date of shipment. The Contractor shall supply the City Engineer with any warranty/guarantee documents from the manufacturer and a copy of the invoice showing date of shipment. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 39 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Contractor shall notify the City at least 5 working days prior to installing controller. Installation of controllers shall include any required hardware and making all required connections. Contractor shall verify controller communications with the City. SECTION 8-20.3(14)C IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 8-20.3(14)C Induction Loop Vehicle Detectors THE LAST SENTENCE IN ITEM 2 IS REVISED TO READ: Each additional loop installed in the lane shall be on 12 foot centers. ITEM 4 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 4. All content after the first sentence is DELETED. ITEM 9 AND ITEM 10 CONTENTS ARE DELETED, LEAVING THEM BLANK. SECTION 8-20.3(14)C IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING TO THE END OF THIS SECTION: Loop sealant shall be CrafcoTM Loop Detector Sealant 271, or approved equal. Installation shall conform to the manufacturer’s recommendations. SECTION 8-20.3(14)D IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 8-20.3(14)D Test for Induction Loops and Lead-In Cable SPECIFIED TESTS ARE REVISED AS FOLLOWS: Test B – A megger test at 500 volts DC shall be made between the cable shield and grounding, prior to connection to grounding. The resistance shall equal or exceed 200 megohms. Test C – A megger test shall be made between the loop circuit and grounding. The resistance shall equal or exceed 200 megohms. SECTION 8-20.3(14)E IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 8-20.3(14)E Signal Standards ITEM 8 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 8. All tenons shall be field installed using Astro-BracTM AB-3008 Clamp Kits, or pre-approved equal. SECTION 8-20.3(14) IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 40 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 8-20.3(14)F Thermal Video Detection Cameras Thermal traffic cameras shall be infrared Flir TrafiSense2 or approved equivalent. Communication boards shall be FLIR brand ViewCom/E max+ or approved equivalent. Thermal traffic cameras shall not depend on any illumination or image intensifier to function. Thermal traffic cameras shall be passive and not produce energy or emit light bandwidth. Thermal traffic cameras shall allow the user to clearly identify images in the total absence of light. Thermal traffic cameras shall be furnished with an outdoor enclosure with sunshield and mounting base. The mounting base shall be provided with a1/4-inch by 20-inch holes for mounting to a pedestal or wall mount. All cable connections shall be made inside enclosure. The enclosure shall be provided with liquid-tight sealed cable gland fittings for the video and power cables. Camera enclosures shall include grounding and surge protection. A separate earth-ground connection shall be made inside the enclosure to a designated grounding lug. The earth-ground conductor may be part of the power cable bundle. Thermal traffic cameras shall operate on surge-protected 120/220VAC. The supplier shall provide a limited 2-year warranty on the thermal traffic detection camera. The thermal detector in the thermal traffic camera core shall have a 10- year warranty. Installation of thermal camera shall include: 1. Mounting camera on pole. 2. Pulling video detector lead-in cable back to the cabinet. 3. Terminating the cables in appropriate detection rack including all connectors and hardware required to make the connections. 4. Configuring the queue detection zones and verifying that the output is mapped to activate the LED-blankout signs. 5. Testing the detection to ensure that the zones to correctly detect stopped vehicles. Installation of video detection communication board shall include: 1. Installation of the ViewCom/E Max+ board into the cabinet along with all required connections (connection to switch as well.) 2. Verification with City staff that the board is correctly relaying video feeds. Installation of Thermal Camera System shall include: Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 41 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Installation of all required thermal cameras as called for in the design plans as well as the installation of video detection communication board. This item includes the installation and termination of all required lead-in cables. THE FIRST PARAGRAPH OF SECTION 8-20.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-20.4 Measurement “Crosswalk Flashing Beacon System Complete” “’Do Not Block Circle’ Warning System Complete” SECTION 8-20.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: When shown as lump sum in the Plans or in the proposal as “Crosswalk Flashing Beacon System Complete” and “’Do Not Block Circle’ Warning System Complete” no specific unit of measurement will apply, but measurement will be for the sum total of all items for a complete system to be furnished and installed. SECTION 8-20.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-20.5 Payment “Crosswalk Flashing Beacon System Complete” “’Do Not Block Circle’ Warning System Complete” The lump sum contract price for the above items in the Proposal will be full compensation for the costs of all labor, tools, equipment, and materials necessary or incidental to poles, foundations, signs, supports, and mounting hardware for “Crosswalk Flashing Beacon System Complete”. The lump sum price in the Proposal will be full compensation for the costs of all labor, tools, equipment, and materials necessary or incidental to poles, foundations, signs, supports, and mounting hardware for “Do Not Block Circle’ Warning System Complete”. The unit contract price per each for “Adjust Existing Junction Box to Finished Grade” constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to adjust the specified structure to final finished grade as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. This work includes but shall not be limited to: referencing for future locates prior to overlay, excavating, backfilling, compacting, surfacing and restoration. Adjusting the grade by adding or removing risers, rings, or sections as required will be included in this bid item. Any adjustments made prior to the final finished elevation shall be considered incidental. The contract price shall also include equipment, tools, materials and labor necessary for the temporary operation of the existing traffic signal Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 42 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 system during installation of the new system as well as removal and disposal/salvage of the existing traffic signal system. The unit contract price per each for “Induction Loops” constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to install and test the new induction loops including all lead in and home run wiring where the existing loops are damaged by the construction or where directed to install them by the Engineer. Also included in this bid item is all splicing necessary to make a complete system. The lump sum contract price for “Illumination System” constitutes complete compensation for all materials, labor and equipment required to install the illumination system as shown on the plans including but not limited to: pedestrian luminaire poles, pedestrian luminaires, aluminum lighting standard, luminaire including hardware, photoelectric control, conduit, wiring to the fuse holder, wiring junction boxes, fuse kits, breakaway coupling, concrete foundation, excavation, backfilling compacting and other items as specified. Also included in this bid item is the trenching, conduit, wiring, trench backfill, connection to the service cabinet, modifying and removal of existing systems. Labor and Industries electrical, and any other items required for the fully functional Illumination System. This bid item will include 17 16 Type 2 Junction Boxes and 1 3 Type 8 Junction Boxes. All other junction boxes for the illumination system shall be type 1’s. The lump sum price for “Accent Lighting System, Complete” shall be for the total of all items for the complete system. All items and labor necessary to supply, install and test all light fixtures, install concrete footings, mounting arms, trenching, controllers, data enables, conduit, junction boxes and wiring from the service to the fixture excavation, backfilling, restoring facilities destroyed or damaged during construction, testing, as-built plans and all other components necessary to make a complete system shall be included within the lump sum measurement. “Remove Existing Luminaires and Foundations,” per each “Remove Existing Pedestrian Lights and Foundations,” per each “Remove Existing Traffic Signal System,” per lump sum The contract per each and lump sum price for the above items constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to remove and properly dispose of off-site the existing poles, foundations, junction boxes, conduits, controller cabinets, push-buttons, overhead and underground wiring and all other appurtenances associated with these systems, as well as the removal of existing poles, signals, and controller cabinets and delivery of these items to the location shown in Section 2- 02.3. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 43 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 These bid items also include backfilling the remaining voids. and salvaging the equipment listed in Section 2-02.3 and delivering that equipment to the location shown in Section 2-02.3. 8-21 PERMANENT SIGNING 8-21.3 Construction Requirements SECTION 8-21.3(4) IS REVISED BY DELETING THE 4TH SENTENCE AND BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-21.3(4) Sign Removal Wood signs, wood sign posts, wood structures, metal sign posts, windbeams, and other metal structural members shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the project. Aluminum signs shall remain the property of the City. The Contractor shall bundle and band the signs, and deliver the signs to the Sign Shop at the City Maintenance Facility located at 5821 South 240th Street (a.k.a. West James Street). All signs shall be delivered to the Sign Shop prior to physical completion of the project. The Contractor shall be charged $2.00 per square foot for any signs that are lost or are rendered unusable as signs by the Contractor’s operation. Also see Section 2-02.3 of the Kent Special Provisions. SECTION 8-21.3(5) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-21.3(5) Sign Relocation Relocated signs shall be installed on new wood posts unless otherwise specified on the plans, or by the Engineer. SECTION 8-21.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-21.5 Payment The unit contract price per lump sum for “Removal of Traffic Signs” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, supplies and equipment necessary to remove, dispose, salvage, or deliver the traffic signs shown on the plans and described in the specifications. Included in this bid item are all costs associated with removal of the wayfinding sign near Station 4+00R (“Special Sign” on Sheet 6) and delivery of this sign to the location shown in Section 2-02.3 of the Kent Special Provisions. 8-22 PAVEMENT MARKING SECTION 8-22.1 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 8-22.1 Description Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 44 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 THE TEXT UNDER CROSSWALK STRIPE IS REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: A series of pairs of parallel SOLID WHITE lines, 8-feet long, 8 inches wide, aligned parallel with the direction of traffic, with an 8 inch space between the lines. Pairs are located as shown in Kent Standard Plan 6-75. THE TEXT UNDER TWO WAY LEFT TURN STRIPE IS REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: A SOLID YELLOW line, 4 inches wide, with a BROKEN YELLOW line, 4 inches wide, separated by a 4 inch space. The broken or “skip” pattern shall be based upon the City’s 12-foot line and a 30-foot space, except where the existing paint markings use a different pattern in which case the existing pattern will be used. The solid line shall be installed to the right of the broken line in the direction of travel. THE FOLLOWING NEW PAVEMENT MARKING IS ADDED: Yellow Painted Curb A SOLID YELLOW stripe, just wide enough to completely cover the concrete curbing. SECTION 8.22.2 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-22.2 Materials Type A (Liquid Hot Applied Thermoplastic) plastic material shall be used when applying the following pavement markings.  Plastic Crosswalk Lines  Plastic Stop Lines (24 inch wide)  Plastic Railroad Crossing makings Type B (Pre-Formed Fused Thermoplastic) plastic material shall be used when applying the following pavement markings.  Plastic Bike Lane Symbols  Plastic Speed Bump markings Type D (Liquid Cold Applied Methyl Methacrylate) plastic material shall be used when applying the following pavement markings on all pavement markings, symbols, and lines for this project. All longitudinal lines, including all lines along roundabout curbs, shall be Profiled Type D, except that Wide Dotted Circulating Lane Line, White Wide Dotted Entry Line, and White Wide Dotted Extension Line shall be non-profiled Type D. White Wide Lane Line within the circulating lanes on the roundabout shall also be non-profiled Type D.  Plastic Traffic Arrows  Plastic Traffic Letters  Profiled Plastic lane lines  Plastic flat long lines Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 45 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020  Plastic wide lane lines  Plastic Bike Lane Lines  Profiled Plastic Double Yellow Centerlines  Profiled Plastic Two-Way Left Turn Lane Lines Painted striping and curbing paint shall be installed using Low VOC Solvent Based Paint meeting the requirements of Section 9-34. Type A plastic material shall be BC2000 series or approved equal meeting the requirements of Section 9-34 and the following requirements. Type A plastic materials shall be capable of being applied at a temperature between 375 °F to 450 °F (190 °C to 230 °C) and to the required thickness without excessive overspray, running or deformation of the edges. Type A plastic materials shall be capable of bearing traffic within 5 minutes after application, 10 minutes when pavement surface temperature is at or above 130 °F(54°C), and show no deformation or flaking at temperatures between –10 °F to 140 °F (– 23 °C to 60 °C). The marking compound shall contain glass beads and shall have top dressing of glass beads applied. Type B plastic material shall have glass beads homogeneously blended throughout the material with a securely bonded protruding exposed layer of beads that provide immediate and required retroreflectivity. No additional glass beads shall be needed to be dropped on the material during application to obtain the required retroreflectivity. Type D plastic material shall meet the requirements of Section 9-34. Glass beads shall be as recommended by the material manufacturer. Raised Pavement Markers shall meet the requirements of Section 8- 09.2. All materials shall be selected from material listed in the Washington State Department of Transportation qualified product list (QPL). SECTION 8.22.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-22.3 Construction Requirements Profiled and Embossed plastic lines shall be constructed in accordance with the WSDOT Standard Plan M-20.20-02. Traffic Letters shall be constructed in accordance with WSDOT Standard plans M-80.20-00 and M-80.30-00. Directional striping shall be placed on a clean and dry asphalt surface and shall be 8 inch wide, yellow, cane- detectable and non-skid manufactured by Vanguard called GuideStrip Directional and shall be installed by a licensed Vanguard installer per the manufacturers specifications. SECTION 8-22.3(1) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 46 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 8-22.3(1) Preliminary Spotting The Contractor shall use existing curb, gutter, and/or sidewalk as control to assist in preliminary spotting of the lines before beginning the placement of pavement markings. The Contractor shall be responsible for preliminary spotting of the lines to be marked and verification that minimum lane widths will result from the application. Preliminary spotting to guide the placement of longitudinal lines is required. Preliminary spotting for each lane lines shall be provided at transition points as required by Kent Standard Plan 6-74M. Approval by the Engineer is required before the placement of permanent pavement marking. SECTION 8-22.3(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH TO THE END OF THIS SECTION: 8-22.3(2) Preparation of Roadway Surfaces The preparation of roadway surfaces related to the installation of RPMs shall meet the requirements of Section 8-09.3(1). SECTION 8-22.3(3) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-22.3(3) Marking Application The Contractor is responsible for providing traffic control and traffic control devices as necessary to direct vehicular traffic away from freshly painted traffic stripes until such time as the marking paint has completely dried. Failure to ensure reasonable protection for the undried paint stripes will result in the Engineer’s decision to adjust the method of payment for damaged paint stripes. The Engineer’s decision regarding the means of payment adjustment for vehicle damaged paint stripes is final in this matter. Type 2 markers may be warmed prior to setting by heating to a maximum temperature of 120 F for a maximum of 10 minutes. The second coat of yellow paint applied to concrete curbs shall have glass beads applied at the rate of 12 pounds per 100 linear feet of curbing. SECTION 8-22.3(5) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-22.3(5) Installation Instructions RPMs shall be installed per the requirements of Section 8-09.3(4). SECTION 8-22.3(6) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8-22.3(6) Removal of Pavement Markings Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 47 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Where required for the construction of the project or where directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall remove pavement markings. The pavement marking shall be obliterated until blemishes caused by the pavement marking removal conform to the coloration of the adjacent pavement. Painting is not an acceptable method for obliteration or removal of pavement markings. Where the project involves overlay or pavement, paint stripes do not have to be obliterated unless specifically called for on the Project Plans, or Traffic Control Plans. All plastic letters, plastic arrows, plastic stripes of all types, plastic buttons, and plastic lane markers shall be removed prior to any overlay of pavement or where the roadway is being rechannelized or where specified on the Plans. Also see Section 8-09.3(1) of the Kent Special Provisions. The City has not shown the existing pavement markings on the plans. The bidder shall visit the site to determine the extent, location and type of items to be removed. SECTION 8-22.4 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-22.4 Measurement Painted yellow curb, white edge line paint stripe, double yellow center paint stripe, and two way left turn stripe shall be measured by the completed linear foot. The measurement for all painted stripes will be based upon a marking system capable of simultaneous application of two 4-inch lines with one 4-inch space between the two lines. No deduction will be made for the unmarked area when the pavement marking includes a skip stripe; and no additional measurement will be allowed when more than one line can be installed on a single pass of the marking system. Measurement of raised pavement markers will be units of one hundred for each type of marker furnished and set in place. Measurement shall be made by lump sum. SECTION 8-22.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-22.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for each of the following bid items that are included in the Proposal: The unit contract price per lump sum for “Permanent Channelization” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary to furnish and install permanent Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 48 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 channelization at the locations shown on the plans and described in the specifications. Contractor shall note that plan sheets CH01, CH02 and CH03 shall be utilized for striping and channelization purposes only and not for any other purposes. 8-23 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MARKINGS THE FIRST PARAGRAPH OF SECTION 8-23.1 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 8-23.1 Description The work shall consist of furnishing, installing and removing temporary pavement markings. Temporary pavement markings shall be provided where noted in the plans and for all lane shifts and detours resulting from construction activities. Temporary pavement markings shall also be provided when permanent markings are eliminated because of construction operations. Temporary pavement markings shall be maintained in serviceable condition throughout the project until permanent markings are installed. Temporary pavement markings that are damaged shall be repaired or replaced immediately. Edge lines shall be installed unless otherwise specified in the Contract. DIVISION 8 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTIONS: 8-27 HANDRAILS 8-27.1 Description Aluminum handrails shall be installed at locations as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. 8-27.2 Materials The handrail shall be constructed of 1–1/2 inch I.D. Schedule 40 #6063-T6 Aluminum structural pipe. All connections shall be joined together by using Nu-rail or equivalent fittings with cadmium-plated steel alloy screws. 8-27.3 Construction Requirements The handrail posts shall be placed in a vertical position and shall be spaced 8 feet (center-to-center) apart. Spacing shall be measured parallel to the slope of the sidewalk. Post shall be slipped into the 2 inch barrel in the foundation and held secured with 1/4 inch galvanized bolt and nut. See Kent Standard Plan 6-41. The foundation shall be of 5 sack Cement Concrete mix (Class 3000) and the diameter shall not be smaller than a post-hole digger and at least two feet deep. The 2 inch I.D. barrel shall be cast at the center of the foundation. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 49 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 8-27.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid item when they are included in the Proposal: The unit contract price per lineal foot for “Handrail” shall be full compensation to furnish all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to install the handrail as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. Reference Kent Standard Plans 6-4. 8-28 POTHOLE UTILITIES 8-28.1 Description This work shall consist of potholing utilities at the locations shown on the plans and described in the specifications. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer, a minimum of 24 hours before the pothole work is performed, to coordinate the work with Survey. Each pothole shall include standby time to allow Surveyors to accurately measure the location and depths of existing utilities. 8-28.2 Materials Backfill and surfacing material shall match conditions of pothole location. Pothole work located in asphalt concrete pavement, shall be backfilled with gravel borrow and crushed rock, then patched with asphalt cold mix. Pothole work located in cement concrete shall be backfilled with gravel borrow, then patched with cement concrete. Pothole work not on paved surfaces shall be backfilled with native material. 8-28.3 Construction Requirements The pothole shall be of sufficient size and depth to expose existing utilities to determine potential conflicts and verify compatibility with designs. Excavation; hauling, dewatering; backfill, compaction, surface restoration, and cleanup are included with this work. 8-28.4 Measurement Pothole utilities shall be measured per pothole work performed. 8-28.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid items when they are included in the Proposal: The contract price per each for “Pothole Utilities” constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and equipment necessary to pothole utilities at the locations shown on the plans and described in the specifications. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 50 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 8-30 PROJECT SIGNS 8-30.1 Description This work shall consist of providing all posts, braces, and hardware and installation and maintenance of City-furnished project signs where shown in the plans or where directed by the Engineer. Contractor shall pick up signs at the City Maintenance Shop on West James Street, telephone 253-856-5600. Contractor shall provide two weeks notice to the Shops prior to installation to schedule pickup. All project signs become the property of the City at the end of the project, and the Contractor shall return project signs to the same facility when so directed by the Engineer. 8-30.2 Materials Sign shall be 4 feet high by 8 feet wide laminated vinyl face and securely mounted on Dibond aluminum panel or approved equal. 8-30.3 Construction Requirements 8-30.3(1) Erection of Posts All posts shall be set reasonably vertical, and deep enough to sustain sign and expected wind loads as determined by the Engineer. 8-30.3(2) Design A Three (3) vertical 4 inch x 4 inch Fir posts shall be attached to the sign board. Three horizontal 2 inch x 4 inch Fir braces shall be attached to the back of the sign board, one each on the top, the bottom, and in the middle. Attachment of posts and bracing shall meet with the approval of the Engineer. 8-30.3 Installation Fasten two (2) vertical 4 inch x 6 inch Fir posts evenly spaced at the back of the sign board. Posts shall be of break-away design with no more than 12.25 square inches of drilled shear area at a point 2 inches above the ground, or as directed by the Engineer. Attachment of posts and bracing shall meet with the approval of the Engineer. 8-30.4 Measurement Project signs will be measured by the installed and maintained unit. Failure of the Contractor to adequately maintain the project signs, as determined by the Engineer, shall be deemed noncompliance with this Specification. 8-30.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid item when included in the Proposal: Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 51 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 The unit contract price per each for “Project Sign” constitutes complete compensation for furnishing all labor and materials, installation and maintenance of project sign(s) for the life of the project and removal and delivery of sign(s) back to the City Shops. Failure to adequately maintain and return project signs to the City Maintenance Shop shall be deemed reasonable grounds for the Engineer to adjust the payment made under this bid item. Said adjustment shall be determined solely by the Engineer and is not negotiable except at the Engineer’s discretion. 8-33 CEMENT CONCRETE PLANTER WALL 8-33.1 Description This work shall consist of providing and constructing Cement Concrete Planter Wall at locations in accordance with these specifications and as shown per Plans. 8-33.2 Materials Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections unless noted: Concrete Structures 6-02 Aggregates 9-03.12(4) Structural Steel & Related Materials 9-06 Bolts, Washers, Other Hardware 9-06.22 Reinforcing Steel 9-07 Underdrain Pipe 9-05.2 Drainage Rock and Perforated Pipe Drainage rock area behind cement concrete planter wall as noted on Plans shall be in accordance with Section 9-03.12(4) gravel backfill for drains of the Standard Specifications. Perforated Pipe shall be in accordance with Section 9-05.2(7) of the Standard Specifications. CIP Footing • 4000 psi, ¾” maximum size aggregate • Air – 6% +- 1 air • Water/Cement = .45 Edging Edging with sleeves shall be hot rolled steel is soft enough to bend flat on itself in any direction without cracking, ductile enough for shallow drawing. Surfaces of edging shall have normal mill oxide. Hot rolled steel conforms to a minimum ASTM A366-with carbon content held to .10 maximum. Edging material shall conform to the following: Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 52 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020  Meet or exceed ASTM and ASME specifications: A-36, ASTM-A-283, ASTM-A-569.  Material is hardness tested to maximum Rockwell of 70  Webster rating = 15 maximum  Brinell hardness = approximate 137  Tensile strength ksi = 58 to 80  Yield strength ksi = 36 minimum Anchor shall be 10ga x 16" steel tapered stakes per edging manufacturer's specifications for use and site conditions. Concrete Sealer / Anti-graffiti Coating Anti-graffiti coating shall be a non-sacrificial, clear, UV stable, anti- graffiti sealer suitable for vertical and horizontal concrete and rough stone surfaces and shall have the following characteristics: • Meet or exceeding ASTM D6578 Graffiti test • Non-reactive, zero VOC, AQMD and CARB compliant • Allow moisture vapor to escape while not allowing moisture to penetrate 8-33.3 Construction Requirements Contractor shall submit 12” long edging sample and catalog cut sheets with technical specifications for Engineer’s approval prior to installation. Edging shall be installed to delineate the limits of the gravel plaza and as shown on the plans and as specified in these special provisions. Edging shall be installed with 8” overlap between each edging strip and anchor shall be staked at 30” on-spacing or per manufacturer’s recommendations. Elastomeric joint material shall be placed between the Cement Concrete Planter Wall and Stamped Cement Concrete Type 3, as detailed on the Plans. Full cold joints for cement concrete planter wall shall be constructed in locations as indicated on the plans. Contractor shall apply a solvent-based sealer and anti-graffiti coating with matte finish, per the manufacturer’s directions, to the entire cement concrete planter walls. Sealer shall not affect the color of the concrete finish prior to the application. Contractor shall submit proposed anchors with an ICC-ES or IAPMO UES report valid for the 2018 IBC and documentation showing that the alternate products provide equivalent capacity for all conditions in this project. Submitted ICC-ES and IAPMO UES reports shall demonstrate that the anchors are suitable for use in cracked or uncracked concrete. Where anchors resist seismic loads, submitted ICC-ES and IAPMO UES report shall demonstrate that the anchors are suitable for the resistance of seismic loads. Documentation of the capacity for alternate products must be included as a deferred submittal. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 53 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 8-33.4 Measurement “Cement Concrete Planter Wall” shall be measure per linear foot of installed cement concrete planter wall, including edging with sleeves/anchors, drainage rock and perforated pipe. 8-33.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid item when they are included in the Proposal: The unit bid price per linear foot for “Cement Concrete Planter Wall” constitutes complete compensation for all materials including edging with sleeves/anchors, drainage rock, perforated pipe and trench, labor, tools and equipment necessary to furnish and install the cement concrete planter wall as shown on the plans. 8-34 METAL PLANTER WALL 8-34.1 Description This work shall consist of providing and installing Metal Planter Wall at locations in accordance with these specifications and as shown per Plans. 8-34.2 Materials Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections unless noted: Concrete Structures 6-02 Painting 6-07 Electrical 8-20 Structural Steel & Related Materials 9-06 Bolts, Washers, Other Hardware 9-06.22 Reinforcing Steel 9-07 Paint and Related Materials 9-08 CIP Footing • 4000 psi, ¾” maximum size aggregate • Air – 6% +- 1 air • Water/Cement = .45 Metal Planter Wall shall be modular wall system with top lip made of 3/16” thick custom shapes of weathering raw steel bolted together with manufacture approved system. 8-34.3 Construction Requirements Metal Planter Wall shall be custom fabricated, as specified herein and detailed in the Plans. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 54 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Metal Planter Wall and all associated footing installation shall be installed as shown and detailed per Plans. Provide post-installed anchors as specified in the Plans. Contractor shall coordinate with irrigation pipe installation to provide access holes for irrigation piping as required. Sizing of holes shall be per lateral line size required per Plans, verify prior to installation. Anchor embedment depths per Plans shall be considered effective embedment depths as defined in the ICC-ES or IAPMO UES evaluation reports. Provide anchor length and hole per evaluation reports to accommodate the effective embedment specified in the Plans. Mechanical and adhesive anchors shall be zinc plated carbon steel unless noted otherwise. Mechanical and adhesive anchors exposed to weather shall be stainless steel type 316. Use of alternate products, or of post-installed anchors at locations not shown in the plans, is subject to the approval of the Engineer. Adhesives shall not be installed prior to the concrete reaching an age of 21 days as required by ACI 318. Contractor shall field verify all locations of Gateway Feature (Sculptures 1 thru 5) and Foundation Type A and B, Accent Lighting, Metal Planter Wall and Gateway Lettering with Engineer’s approval prior to installation. Contractor to provide Metal Planter Wall shop drawing including layout, dimensions, installation attachment and bolting assembly, as well as footing connections and reinforcement, for Engineer’s approval prior to fabrication. Metal Planter Wall shall require 8 to 10 weeks lead time upon approval of shop drawings. Submit proposed anchors with an ICC-ES or IAPMO UES report valid for the 2018 IBC and documentation showing that the alternate products provide equivalent capacity for all conditions in this project. Submitted ICC-ES and IAPMO UES reports shall demonstrate that the anchors are suitable for use in cracked or uncracked concrete. Where anchors resist seismic loads, submitted ICC-ES and IAPMO UES report shall demonstrate that the anchors are suitable for the resistance of seismic loads. Documentation of the capacity for alternate products must be included as a deferred submittal. All welding shall be in accordance with AISC and AWS standards and shall be performed by WABO-certified welders. Welds shall meet Section 6-03.3(25) of the Standard Specifications. Welds shall be ground smooth, clean and free of burrs. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 55 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring the mounting base and installation method are adequate to support and secure the Metal Planter Wall. Do not allow unsupported edges, if required, Contractor shall show detail on how to support those loads and meet code. Loads on fasteners shall not exceed 25 percent of average ultimate strength. Touch up for scratches for field applications shall be per recommendations from coating manufacturer. Inspection Special inspection per IBC Chapter 17 shall be performed by an approved testing agency. All prepared soil-bearing surfaces shall be inspected by the geotechnical engineer prior to placement of reinforcing steels. Soils compaction shall be supervised by an approved testing agency or geotechnical engineer. Soils Earthwork material, backfill, compaction shall be in accordance with International Building Code (IBC) requirements. See Table 1806.2 for assumed bearing values for clay. Contractor shall verify that existing soils are capable of providing adequate load bearing and shall notify the Engineer if inadequate soils are present. All topsoil organics are loose Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 56 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 surface soil shall be removed from beneath fill supporting concrete slabs or paving. 8-34.4 Measurement No specific unit of measurement shall apply to the lump sum bid item “Metal Planter Wall”. 8-34.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid item when they are included in the Proposal: The lump sum price for “Metal Planter Wall” constitutes complete compensation for all materials, labor, tools and equipment necessary to furnish and install the metal planter wall, including wall base, anchoring, concrete foundation, as shown on the plans. 8-35 GATEWAY LETTERING 8-35.1 Description This work shall consist of providing and installing Gateway Lettering including footing at locations in accordance with these specifications and as shown per Plans. Accent Lighting and associated equipment shall be per Specials Provision Section 8-20 “Illumination Systems” and shall be measured and paid for under “Accent Lighting System, Complete”, per lump sum. 8-35.2 Materials Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections unless noted: Concrete Structures 6-02 Painting 6-07 Electrical 8-20 Structural Steel & Related Materials 9-06 Bolts, Washers, Other Hardware 9-06.22 Reinforcing Steel 9-07 Paint and Related Materials 9-08 CIP Footing • 4000 psi, ¾” maximum size aggregate • Air – 6% +- 1 air • Water/Cement = .45 Gateway Letters shall consist of boxed out letters and tubes shall be aluminum grade 6061-T6. Aluminum components shall conform to ASTM B209. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 57 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Stainless steel bolts and fasteners shall conform to ASTM F593- 02(2008) Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap, and Studs. All metal bolts, studs, threaded screws, threaded sleeves, brackets and other attachments fastened to the metal angles, shall be made of a recognized corrosion resistant metal such as stainless steel type 304 or equivalent. Fittings and fasteners shall be compatible with parts being joined. Do not use materials that will be corrosive or incompatible with the materials being fastened; do not utilize pop rivets, sheet metal screws, adhesives or cast fittings. Provide materials free from surface blemishes where exposed to view in the finish installation. Color shall be per Section 6-07.2, Painting. Anti-graffiti coating shall be applied on all exposed metal surfaces. Anti-graffiti coating shall be a single component, polyurethane-based, non-sacrificial, clear coating, easy to clean, highly resistant to weather and corrosion, excellent flow and suitable for exterior applications. Test results for anti-graffiti coating shall be the following: Specific Gravity: 1.2-1.6 g/cm3 depending on pigmentation per ASTM D792 • Film Thickness: 2.5-3.5 mils • Gloss: 80-95 per ASTM 523 at 60° angle. • Cross cut tape test: 5B per ASTM D3359 Method B • Mandrel bending test: ≤1/8 inches (3 mm) per ASTM D522 • Impact Test 80 in/lb: No appearance of cracks down to the substrate per ASTM D2794 • Pencil hardness: 4H minimum per ASTM D3363 • Humidity resistance 500 hours: Maximum undercutting 1/32 inches (1 mm). No blistering. Per ASTM D2247 • Salt spray resistance 500 hours: Maximum undercutting 1/32 inches (1 mm) per ASTM B117 8-35.3 Construction Requirements Fabricator and Installer’s Qualifications Gateway Feature shall be fabricated in a shop with fabrication and related installation experience of a minimum of five (5) years creating similar custom architecturally visible structures and metal fabrications. The following fabricators, or approved equals, are qualified for this type of work: Creo-Industrial Arts Contact Person: Dana Grange Phone Number: (425) 775-7444 8329 216th Street SE, Woodinville, WA 98072 Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 58 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Triton Sign & Design Contact Person: Kelly Garrett Phone Number: (206) 550-5837 Tube Art Group Contact Person: Wade Brown Phone Number: (206) 264-2956 11715 SE 5th Street, Bellevue, WA 98005 At Contractor’s request, the Engineer shall provide electronic graphic files for layout of Gateway Lettering. Contractor shall field verify all locations of Gateway Feature (Sculptures 1 thru 5) Foundation Type A and Type B, Accent Lighting, Metal Planter Wall and Gateway Lettering with Engineer’s approval prior to installation. Gateway Lettering shall be installed level and plumb. All welding shall be in accordance with AISC and AWS standards and shall be performed by WABO-certified welders. Welds shall meet Section 6-03.3(25) of the Standard Specifications. Welds shall be ground smooth, clean and free of burrs. Gateway Lettering shall require 8 to 10 weeks lead time upon approval of shop drawings. Provide coordination with gateway features, accent lighting and metal planter wall installation. Any damage due to the Contractor’s negligence before the end of the project shall be repaired to original condition by the Contractor with no additional compensation allowed. Submittal The Contractor shall submit the following samples to the Engineer for approval prior fabrication: • One (1) half size sample of gateway letter “K” in material specified herein • One (1) 12” x 12” metal sample of powder coat paint finish for gateway lettering  Contractor to provide Gateway Lettering shop drawing including layout, dimensions, installation attachment and bolting assembly, as well as footing connections and reinforcement, for Engineer’s approval prior to fabrication. 8-35.4 Measurement No specific unit of measurement shall apply to the lump sum bid item “Gateway Lettering”. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 59 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 8-35.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid item when they are included in the Proposal: The lump sum contract price for "Gateway Lettering" shall be full compensation for all costs associated with furnishing and installing the gateway lettering, including but not limited to concrete footing, posts, support tube and all additional materials and labor which are required to complete a fully functioning system, shall be included in the lump sum price for “Gateway Lettering”. 8-36 GATEWAY FEATURE 8-36.1 Description This work shall consist of providing and constructing Gateway Feature including Sculptures 1 thru 5 and Foundation Type A and Type B at locations in accordance with these specifications and as shown per Plans. Accent Lighting and associated equipment shall be per Specials Provision Section 8-20 “Illumination Systems” and shall be measured and paid for under “Accent Lighting System, Complete”, per lump sum. 8-36.2 Materials Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections unless noted: Concrete Structures 6-02 Electrical 8-20 Aggregates 9-03.12(5) Structural Steel & Related Materials 9-06 Bolts, Washers, Other Hardware 9-06.22 Reinforcing Steel 9-07 Drainage Rock Drainage rock area in roundabout area around gateway features noted on Plans shall be in accordance with Section 9-03.12(5) gravel backfill for drywell of the Standard Specifications. CIP Footing • 4000 psi, ¾” maximum size aggregate • Air – 6% +- 1 air • Water/Cement = .45 Structural Steel All Structural Steel components for Concrete Seat Wall shall conform to the following ASTM designations: Bolts ASTM A307, Grade A Anchor Bolts ASTM F1554, Grade 36 Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 60 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Reinforcing Steel Reinforcing Steel shall conform to ASTM A615, Grade 60. Foundation Base The Contractor shall use a wall forming system, internally or externally supported, that provides a smooth architectural finish with no visible joints, grain patterns, air holes and forming patterns visible (including snap tie patches). Sculptures Sculptures shall be aluminum grade 6061-T6. Aluminum components shall conform to ASTM B209. Sculptures 1 thru 5 shall be water jet or laser-cut architectural aluminum panels. Aluminum components shall conform to ASTM B209. Fittings and fasteners shall be compatible with parts being joined. Do not use materials that will be corrosive or incompatible with the materials being fastened; do not utilize pop rivets, sheet metal screws, adhesives or cast fittings. Provide materials free from surface blemishes where exposed to view in the finish installation. Anti-graffiti coating shall be applied on all exposed metal surfaces. Anti-graffiti coating shall be a single component, polyurethane-based, non-sacrificial, clear coating, easy to clean, highly resistant to weather and corrosion, excellent flow and suitable for exterior applications. Test results for anti-graffiti coating shall be the following: • Specific Gravity: 1.2-1.6 g/cm3 depending on pigmentation per ASTM D792 • Film Thickness: 2.5-3.5 mils • Gloss: 80-95 per ASTM 523 at 60° angle. • Cross cut tape test: 5B per ASTM D3359 Method B • Mandrel bending test: ≤1/8 inches (3 mm) per ASTM D522 • Impact Test 80 in/lb: No appearance of cracks down to the substrate per ASTM D2794 • Pencil hardness: 4H minimum per ASTM D3363 • Humidity resistance 500 hours: Maximum undercutting 1/32 inches (1 mm). No blistering. Per ASTM D2247 • Salt spray resistance 500 hours: Maximum undercutting 1/32 inches (1 mm) per ASTM B117 8-36.3 Construction Requirements At Contractor’s request, the Engineer will provide electronic graphic files for sculpture art line work pattern layout. Submittal Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 61 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Contractor shall submit 24”x24” finish sample of sculpture with art cutout pattern for Engineer’s approval prior to fabrication. The Contractor shall provide shop drawings for construction of Gateway Feature including Sculptures 1 thru 5, Foundation Type A and Type B, including fabricated accessory, showing material, thickness, dimensions, cutouts and penetrations, finish, adhesive anchors, fasteners, weep hole locations, cutout (layout/orientation shown) applicable product manufacturer information, and other information necessary to describe work to be provided. Submit proposed anchors with an ICC-ES or IAPMO UES report valid for the 2018 IBC and documentation showing that the alternate products provide equivalent capacity for all conditions in this project. Submitted ICC-ES and IAPMO UES reports shall demonstrate that the anchors are suitable for use in cracked or uncracked concrete. Where anchors resist seismic loads, submitted ICC-ES and IAPMO UES report shall demonstrate that the anchors are suitable for the resistance of seismic loads. Documentation of the capacity for alternate products must be included as a deferred submittal. Shop drawings shall be approved by the Engineer prior to construction. Gateway Feature (Sculptures 1 thru 5) shall require 8 to 10 weeks lead time upon approval of shop drawings. Fabrication Sculptures shall be constructed from sheet goods to conform pattern and sizing, no breaks or bending for strength shall be allowed. If otherwise, please provide in shop drawing submittal. Sculpture 1 thru 5 shall be water jet or laser cut. All other metal cutting methods shall be approved by the Engineer. Complete fabrication before applying paint finishes. All edges of the sculpture shall be sanded to a smooth round edge, with no sharp edges, burrs, catches, or weak points to jeopardize the integrity of the art pattern. Sculpture metal parts shall be finished at the factory. There shall be cutting, drilling or welding of plates on job site unless required by Engineer’s approved shop drawings. All metals shall be non-conductive and/or insulated when joining non- compatible material. Prevent galvanic action and other forms of corrosion by isolating dissimilar materials from each other. Fittings and fasteners shall be compatible with parts being joined. Do not use materials that will be corrosive or incompatible with the materials being fastened; do not utilize pop rivets, sheet metal screws, adhesives or cast fittings. Bolts, washers and nuts shall be stainless steel. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 62 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 All welding shall be in accordance with AISC and AWS standards and shall be performed by WABO-certified welders. Welds shall meet Section 6-03.3(25) of the Standard Specifications. Welds shall be ground smooth, clean and free of burrs. Do not allow unsupported edges, if required, Contractor shall show detail on how to support those loads and meet code. Loads on fasteners shall not exceed 25 percent of average ultimate strength. Contractor shall field verify all locations of Sculptures 1 thru 5 and Foundation Type A and Type B, Accent Lighting, Metal Planter Wall and Gateway Lettering with Engineer’s approval prior to installation. Provide concrete foundations as shown on the Plans. Any damage due to the Contractor’s negligence before the end of the project shall be replaced by the Contractor with no additional compensation allowed. Provide coordination with gateway lettering, accent lighting and metal planter wall installation. Provide post-installed anchors as specified in the Plans. Anchor embedment depths per Plans shall be considered effective embedment depths as defined in the ICC-ES or IAPMO UES evaluation reports. Provide anchor length and hole per evaluation reports to accommodate the effective embedment specified in the Plans. Mechanical and adhesive anchors shall be zinc plated carbon steel unless noted otherwise. Mechanical and adhesive anchors exposed to weather shall be stainless steel type 316. Use of alternate products, or of post-installed anchors at locations not shown in the plans, is subject to the approval of the Engineer. Adhesives shall not be installed prior to the concrete reaching an age of 21 days as required by ACI 318. Qualifications Gateway Feature shall be fabricated in a shop with a minimum of five (5) years-experience creating similar custom architecturally visible structures and metal fabrications. The following fabricators, or approved equals, are qualified for this type of work: Creo-Industrial Arts Contact Person: Dana Grange Phone Number: (425) 775-7444 8329 216th Street SE, Woodinville, WA 98072 Triton Sign & Design Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 63 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Contact Person: Kelly Garrett Phone Number: (206) 550-5837 Tube Art Group Contact Person: Wade Brown Phone Number: (206) 264-2956 11715 SE 5th Street, Bellevue, WA 98005 Inspection Special inspection per IBC Chapter 17 shall be performed by an approved testing agency. All prepared soil-bearing surfaces shall be inspected by the geotechnical engineer prior to placement of reinforcing steels. Soils compaction shall be supervised by an approved testing agency or geotechnical engineer. Soils Earthwork material, backfill, compaction shall be in accordance with International Building Code (IBC) requirements. See Table 1806.2 for assumed bearing values for clay. Contractor shall verify that existing soils are capable of providing adequate load bearing, and shall notify the Engineer if inadequate soils are present. All topsoil organics are Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 64 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 loose surface soil shall be removed from beneath fill supporting concrete slabs or paving. 8-36.4 Measurement No specific unit of measurement shall apply to the lump sum bid item “Gateway Feature (Sculptures 1 thru 2) and Foundation Type A”. No specific unit of measurement shall apply to the lump sum bid item “Gateway Feature (Sculptures 3 thru 5) Foundation Type B”. 8-36.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid item when they are included in the Proposal: The lump sum contract price for “Gateway Feature (Sculptures 1 thru 2) and Foundation Type A” constitutes complete compensation for all materials, labor, tools and equipment necessary to furnish and install the sculptures 1 thru 2, foundation type A and drainage rock area backfill as shown on the plans. The lump sum contract price for “Gateway Feature (Sculptures 3 thru 5) and Foundation Type B” constitutes complete compensation for all materials, labor, tools and equipment necessary to furnish and install the sculpture 3 thru 5, foundation type B and drainage rock area backfill, as shown on the plans. 8-37 GRAVEL NODE 8-37.1 Description This work shall consist of furnishing and installing gravel nodes including decomposed granite and crushed aggregate and stabilizing solution in locations per details as shown on the Plans and in conformance with these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. 8-37.2 Materials Materials shall meet the requirements of the following applicable standards and WSDOT Standard Specifications unless noted: Ballast and Crushed Surfacing 4-04 Aggregate 9-03 Structural Steel and Related Materials 9-06 Rock Base Rock base shall conform to Standard Specifications Section 9-03. Crushed Aggregate and Decomposed Granite Decomposed granite shall be 3/8” to ¼” minus crushed aggregate screening material and shall conform to the following: Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 65 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Sand and crushed stone shall consist of inert materials that are hard and durable, with stone free from surface coatings and deleterious materials. Gradation requirements shall be as follows: Crushed Aggregate Sieve Analysis Percentage of Weight Passing a Square Mesh Sieve AASHTO T11-82 and T2782 1/4" MINUS AGGREGATE GRADATION U.S. Sieve No. Percent Passing by Weight # 3/8” 100 # 4 90-100 # 8 75-80 # 16 55-65 # 30 40-50 # 50 25-35 # 100 15-20 #200 10-15 The color of decomposed granite shall be gray. The color of crushed aggregate shall be beige. Stabilizer Solution Stabilizer solution for decomposed granite and crushed aggregate shall be non-toxic, organic natural binder that is a colorless and odorless concentrated powder that binds decomposed granite or crushed 3/8” or 1/4" minus aggregate. Product to have 64% pre-consumer recycled content. Product shall have 25 years of experience at same formulation. 8-37.3 Construction Requirements Contractor shall notify City Arborist prior to commencement of work around existing trees located within the gravel plaza. Contractor shall submit a root pruning regiment to be approved by City Arborist. Existing trees shall only be root pruned as minimally necessary to install gravel surfacing and under direction of City Arborist. Contractor shall coordinate irrigation, landscape and trellis installation with Gravel Plaza installation. Gravel Plaza area shall be installed in locations as shown and as detailed per the Plans. Submittal and Sample Contractor shall submit a five (5) pound sample of decomposed granite to the Engineer for approval prior to delivery of materials to the site. Contractor shall submit stabilizer solution catalog cut sheets with technical specifications for Engineer’s approval prior to installation. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 66 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Mock-Ups Decomposed granite for the permanent work shall not be placed on the project prior to approval by the Engineer of mock-up(s) prepared by the Contractor. Contractor shall provide 4ft. x 8ft. long mock-up of decomposed granite with stabilizer solution at location specified by the City. Additional mock-ups shall be constructed at no additional cost as directed by the Engineer until a mock-up sample is produced which conforms to the requirements herein. Placement Rock base shall be spread and compacted to a depth as shown on the plans and in conformance Standard Specifications Section 9-03. Prior to placement of decomposed granite, the subgrade surface shall be smooth, firm, stable and free of rocks, clods, foliage, or other material greater than 1 inch in diameter. Stabilizer solution shall be thoroughly and uniformly mixed throughout the decomposed granite per the manufacturer's recommendations. Material shall be mixed in the field using portable mixing equipment, or delivered in mixer trucks from a local ready-mixed plant. Decomposed granite shall be placed in two 2-inch layers. Stabilizer solution shall be installed per manufacturer's recommendations. Each layer of decomposed granite shall be raked to evenly blend various materials, sizes forming a smooth uniform surface. Decomposed granite shall be moistened sufficiently to obtain the required compaction. Each layer of decomposed granite shall be brought to a relative compaction of not less than 90 percent by compaction equipment such as a double drum roller, single drum roller, or vibratory tamp. After placement of decomposed granite, compaction shall not begin less than 6 hours after placement, nor later than 48 hours. Decomposed granite areas shall receive a final application of stabilizer solution as recommended by the manufacturer. The Contractor shall prevent runoff or overspray of stabilizer solution onto adjacent paved or planting areas. When work is complete, the surface shall be smooth and uniform; maintaining original flow lines, slope gradient and contours of the project site. If the top surface of the decomposed granite has in excess of 1/4-inch of loose aggregate, the loose material shall be redistributed evenly over the surface. These decomposed granite areas shall be moistened to a depth of 1 inch and compacted with a 1000 lb. roller. A dilute top coat Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 8 - 67 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 of stabilizer solution shall be applied at the same rate used for the final application at installation or as recommended by the manufacturer. If cracks develop in the surface of the decomposed granite, loose fines shall be swept into the cracks, watered thoroughly and hand tamped. A final top coat of stabilizer solution shall be applied at the same rate used for the final application at installation or as recommended by the manufacturer. 8-37.4 Measurement “Gravel Node” will be measured by the square foot of finished installed gravel surface, including decomposed granite, crushed aggregate and stabilizer solution. 8-37.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid item when they are included in the Proposal: The unit contract price per square foot for “Gravel Node” shall be full compensation for installation of gravel plaza area and to satisfactorily complete the work as defined in the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. This includes all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary or incidental to installing “Gravel Plaza” as shown on the Plans including work for hauling, placing, compacting, decomposed granite, crushed aggregate and stabilizer solution. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 68 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 DIVISION 9 – MATERIALS 9-03 AGGREGATES 9-03.12 Gravel Backfill SECTION 9-03.12(3) IS REVISED BY DELETING THE GRAVEL SPECIFICATION AND REPLACING IT WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-03.12(3) Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding Pipe bedding shall be 5/8 inch minus crushed rock. Pea gravel is not allowed. All material shall conform with the following gradation: Sieve Size Passing 3/4 Inch 100% 5/8 Inch 95 - 100% 1/4 Inch 45 - 65% US No. 40 6 - 18% US No. 200 7.5 max. % % Fracture 75 min. Sand Equivalent 40 min. L.A. wear 500 rev. 35 percent max., degradation 25 percent min. Free from wood waste, bark and other deleterious material. SECTION 9-03.12(4) IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-03.12(4) Gravel Backfill for Drains Drainage rock for drains shall be used behind cement concrete planter wall for perforated pipe at roundabout. SECTION 9-03.12(5) IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-03.12(5) Gravel Backfill for Drywells Gravel backfill for drywell shall be used for drainage rock area at internal roundabout around Gateway Feature Sculptures. 9-03.14 Borrow SECTION 9-03.14(1) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-03.14(1) Gravel Borrow Gravel Borrow material shall consist of pit-run granular material conforming to the following gradation: Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 69 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Sieve Size Percent Passing 3 Inch* 100 3/4 Inch 65 - 100 U.S. No. 4 25 - 70 U.S. No. 10 10 - 50 U.S. No. 40 0- 30 U.S. No. 200 0 - 5 Sand equivalent 50 min. The maximum passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve is limited to five percent (5%) based on the minus #4 inch fraction. Sieve analysis shall be used to verify that this requirement is met. Recycled materials such as broken concrete or asphalt, shall not be allowed unless specifically authorized in advance by the Engineer. Where additional materials are required to formulate the street sub- base to the cross section denoted in the plans, said additional material shall be Gravel Borrow. * The maximum size of stone for geosynthetic reinforced walls or slopes shall be 100 percent passing 1 1/4 inch square sieve and 90 to 100 percent passing 1 inch square sieve. All other sieve values continue to apply. SECTION 9-03.17 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-03.17 Foundation Material Class I and Class II Foundation Material Class I and Class II shall be used to replace unsuitable material removed from unstable pipe trench bottoms. Foundation Material Class I and Class II shall conform to the following gradations: Percent Passing Sieve Size Class I Class II 6” square 100 --- 4” square --- 100 2” square 0 65-85 1” square --- 40-70 1/4” square --- 20 max All percentages are by weight. In addition, all rock shall be sound, angular ledge rock or recycled cement concrete pavement meeting the following specifications. Suppliers of recycled cement concrete products shall have a quality assurance program reviewed and approved by the City. Each rock or piece of recycled cement concrete pavement shall have at least two fractured faces. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 70 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Adsorption 3% max (Corps of Engineers CRD-C-107) Accelerated Expansion (15) days 15% max Soundness 5% max loss Density (solid volume) 155 pcf min Specific Gravity 2.48 min 9-03.21 Recycled Material SECTION 9-03.21(1)D IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-03.21(1)D Recycled Steel Furnace Slag Steel Furnace Slag shall not be used for any purposes. 9-13 RIPRAP, QUARRY SPALLS, SLOPE PROTECTION, AND ROCK FOR EROSION AND SCOUR PROTECTION AND ROCK WALLS SECTION 9-13 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 9-13.8 Rock for Ditches Rocks for ditches shall meet the following requirements for grading: Sieve Size Percent Passing 12” 95 to 100 6” 40 to 60 3” 10 to 20 3/4” 0 to 5 9-14 EROSION CONTROL AND ROADSIDE PLANTING SECTION 9-14.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 9-14.1(4)A Mineral Aggregate for Bioretention Media Mineral Aggregate for Bioretention Soils Mix shall be analyzed by an accredited lab using the sieve sizes noted below, and shall meet the following gradation using ASTM D 422: Sieve Size Percent Passing 1 inch 100 3/8 inch 100 No. 4 95 – 100 No.10 75 – 90 No. 40 25 – 40 Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 71 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 No. 100 4 – 10 No. 200 2 – 5 9-14.2 Topsoil SECTION 9-14.2(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-14.2(1) Topsoil Type A Topsoil Type A (Compost Amended Planting Soil) shall consist of 50 – 67% sand and/or sandy loam and 33 – 50% composted organic material by volume. Total organic matter shall be at least 5% by dry weight for areas where turf will be installed, and at least 10% by dry weight for all other landscape areas. Organic matter shall be determined by Loss-on-Ignition test. Acceptable tests include the most current version of ASTM D2974 “Test Methods for Moisture, Ash, and Organic Matter of Peat and Other Organic Soils,” and TMECC 05.07A “Loss-On-Ignition Organic Matter Method.” Compost-Amended Planting soil shall not contain any viable seeds or roots capable of sprouting any State-listed noxious weed, or invasive root-propagating plants including but not limited to horsetail, ivy, clematis, knotweed, Scot’s broom, reed canary grass, Himalayan blackberry, etc. Soil found to contain these prohibited viable plant materials shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s expense. A. The soil shall meet the following requirements. 1. The mixed soil shall meet the following gradation: Screen Size * Percent Passing 2 inch 100 1 inch 99-100 5/8” 90 – 100 1/4" 75-100 *Maximum particle length of 6 inches B. Shall have a pH range between 5.5 and 8.5. The pH shall be determined by soil test. C. Organic material shall consist of composted yard debris or organic waste material composted for a minimum of 3 months. Compost shall consist of 100% recycled content and meet all requirements for compost in Section 9-14.5(8) of the Standard Specifications. D. Submit a certified laboratory analysis from an accredited soils testing laboratory indicating the Material source and compliance with all planting soil and compost specifications to the Engineer or project Ecologist for approval no less than seven (7) days before delivery to the Project Site. The analysis shall be with a sample size of no less than 2 pounds. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 72 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 E. Site specific soil testing (after placement of material) may be required for projects requiring more than 50 cubic yards of compost-amended planting soil A Contractor provided accredited laboratory approved by the Engineer shall make recommendations for amendments required for optimum growth at no cost to the owner. The Contractor will be allowed five (5) Working Days to complete the testing from the time of written notice given by the Engineer. F. A sample of the compost amended planting soil shall be provided to the Engineer or project Ecologist in a 1-gallon re-closable bag at least seven (7) days prior to application. SECTION 9-14.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 9-14.2(4) Sandy Loam Sandy loam shall consist of soil having a maximum clay content of ten percent by weight. In addition, soil particles shall meet the following requirements for grading: Passing 1 inch sieve (square opening) ......... 100% Passing 1-inch sieve (square opening) ......... 100% Passing 1 mm sieve .................................. 80% minimum Passing 0.15 mm sieve .............................. 15% maximum SECTION 9-14.1 9-14.2 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 9-14.12(4)A Mineral Aggregate for Bioretention Media Mineral Aggregate for Bioretention Soils Mix shall be analyzed by an accredited lab using the sieve sizes noted below, and shall meet the following gradation using ASTM D 422: Sieve Size Percent Passing 1 inch 100 3/8 inch 100 No. 4 95 – 100 No.10 75 – 90 No. 40 25 – 40 No. 100 4 – 10 No. 200 2 – 5 SECTION 9-14.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-14.3 Seed Hydroseed: Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 73 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Seed shall be “Blue Tag” or certified quality. The Contractor shall deliver in unopened containers with mixture seed content and inert material content plainly marked on the outside of the container. Grasses used shall meet the following specifications: Mix A (Roadside and Erosion Control Grass): Weight Proportion Seed Mix “A” Ingredient Min. % Pure Seed Min. % Germination Max. % Weed Seed 40% Perennial Ryegrass 98% 90% 0.5% 40% Creeping Red Fescue 98% 85% 0.5% 10% Colonial Bentgrass 98% 90% 0.5% 10% White Dutch Clover (Pre-inoculated) 98% 90% 0.5% Mix B (Landscaped Area Grass): Weight Proportion Seed Mix “B” Ingredient Min. % Pure Seed Min. % Germination Max. % Weed Seed 15% Creeping Red Fescue 95% 90% 0.5% 10% Chewings Fescue 95% 90% 0.5% 40% Perennial Ryegrass 95% 90% 0.5% 20% Alta Tall Fescue 95% 90% 0.5% 15% Annual Ryegrass 95% 90% 0.5% Seeded Lawn Mix: Weight Proportion Seed Mix “A” Ingredient Min. % Pure Seed Min. % Germination Max. % Weed Seed 15% Creeping Red Fescue 95% 90% 0.5% 10% Chewings Fescue 95% 90% 0.5% 40% Perennial Ryegrass 95% 90% 0.5% 20% Alta Tall Fescue 95% 90% 0.5% 15% Annual Ryegrass 95% 90% 0.5% Water Quality Seed Mix: Weight Proportion Seed Mix “B” Ingredient Min. % Pure Seed Min. % Germination Max. % Weed Seed 50% Blue Wildrye 95% 90% 0.5% 15% Native Red Fescue 95% 90% 0.5% 10% Meadow Barley 95% 90% 0.5% 10% Northwestern Mannagrass 95% 90% 0.5% 10% American Sloughgrass 95% 90% 0.5% 5% Tufted Hairgrass 95% 90% 0.5% The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the manufacturer's Certificate of Conformance for seed. A complete analysis of the seed shall be submitted to the City for approval including percent of pure seed, germination, other crop seed, inert and weed and the germination test date. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 74 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 The City reserves the right to reject any or all plant material at any time until final inspection or acceptance. The Contractor shall remove rejected plants immediately from site. The Contractor shall produce upon request sales receipt for all nursery stock and certificates of inspection. SECTION 9-14.4 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-14.4 Fertilizer Fertilizer for trees: Fertilizer shall consist of slow-release commercial fertilizer (6-10-8). Fertilizer for lawn seeded areas: Lilly Miller or approved equal to provide the following nutrients: All areas which are seeded shall receive fertilizer of the following proportions and formulation: Total available Nitrogen ........... 16% of weight (of which 50% is derived from ureaform) Total available Phosphorous ..... 16% of weight Total available Potassium ......... 16% of weight Above percentages are proportioned by weight. The Contractor shall deliver fertilizer to the site in original unopened containers bearing manufacturer's chemical analysis, name, trade name, trade mark, and indication of conformance to state and federal laws. Instead of containers, fertilizer may be furnished in bulk with certificate indicating the above information. 9-14.5 Mulch and Amendments SECTION 9-14.5(3) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-14.5(3) Bark or Wood Chip Mulch Wood Chip Mulch shall be medium grade composted ground fir or hemlock bark. The mulch shall be uniform in color, free from weed seeds, sawdust and splinters. The mulch shall not contain resin, tannin, wood fiber or other compounds detrimental to plant life. The moisture content of bagged mulch shall not exceed 22%. The acceptable size range of bark mulch material is ½” to 1” with maximum of 20% passing the ½” screen. SECTION 9-14.5(8) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-14.5(8) Compost Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 75 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Compost shall not contain any sawdust, straw, green or under- composed organic matter, under-sterilized manure or toxic or otherwise harmful materials. SECTION 9-14.5 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 9-14.5(10) Wood Cellulose Fiber Wood cellulose mulch shall be specially processed 100 percent virgin wood fiber containing no growth or germination-inhibiting ingredients. It shall be manufactured in such a manner that after addition and agitation in slurry tanks with water, the fibers in the material will become uniformly suspended to form a homogenous slurry. When hydraulically sprayed on the ground, the material shall allow the absorption and percolation of moisture. Wood cellulose fiber shall be Weyerhaeuser Silva-Fiber Plus w/Tackifier or approved equal. Organic matter content shall be at least 93 percent on an oven-dry basis as determined by ASTM D 586. The moisture content shall be no more than 15 percent as determined by oven dried weight. Each package of the cellulose fiber shall be marked by the manufacturer to show the dried weight content. 9-14.7 Plant Materials 9-14.7(1) Description SECTION 9-14.7(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 9-14.7(1)A Street Trees The following table provides both the list of approved street tree species, and some of the characteristics associated with each street tree species at maturity: Common Name Scientific Name Height (feet) Width (feet) Shape Min. Spacing (feet) Small Street Trees For planting under powerlines 30’ or less Trident Maple Acer buergeranum 20’ 20’ Round, low spreading 30’ Flame Maple Acer ginnala ‘Flame’ 20’ 20’ Round w/ spreading low branches 30’ Flamingo Box Elder Acer negundo ‘Flamingo’ 20’ 15’ Oval to round 25’ Apollo Maple Acer saccharum 25’ 10’ Narrow to columnar 20’ Tatarian Maple Acer tataricum 25’ 20’ Oval to round, often low branched 30’ Lavalle Hawthorn Crataegus x lavallei 28’ 20’ Irregular vase shaped 30’ Washington Hawthorn Crataegus phaenopyrum 25’ 20’ Broadly oval to round 30’ Golden Desert Ash Fraxinus excelsior ‘Aureafolia’ 20’ 18’ Rounded, compact 30’ Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 76 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Common Name Scientific Name Height (feet) Width (feet) Shape Min. Spacing (feet) Small Street Trees For planting under powerlines 30’ or less Leprechaun Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Johnson’ 18’ 16’ Dense, compact, round 25’ Amur Maackia Maackia amurensis 25’ 20’ Vase shaped becoming round 30’ Golden Raindrops Crabapple Malus transitoria ‘Schmidt cutleaf’ 20’ 15’ Upright, vase shaped 25’ Red Barron Crabapple Malus ‘Red Barron’ 18’ 8’ Narrow, columnar 20’ Red Jewel Crabapple Malus ‘Jewelcole’ 15’ 12’ Upright, pyramidal 25’ Tschonoskii Crabapple Malus tschonoskii 28’ 14’ Upright, narrowly oval 25’ Cascade Snow Cherry Prunus ‘Berry’ 25’ 14’ Upright, spreading 25’ Amanogawa Cherry Prunus serrulata ‘Amanogawa’ 20’ 6’ Columnar, fastigiate branches 20’ Red Cascade Mountain Ash Sorbus Americana ‘Dwarfcrown’ 18’ 8’ Compact oval 20’ Fragrant Snowbell Styrax obassia 25’ 15’ Pyramidal to upright narrow oval 25’ Ivory Silk Japanese Syringa reticulata ‘Ivory Silk’ 20’ 15’ Upright spreading becoming round 25’ Medium Street Trees Plant when powerlines are not present 30’ to 45’ trees Armstrong Maple Acer rubrum ‘Armstrong’ 45’ 15’ Narrow, upright columnar 25’ Queen Elizabeth Maple Acer campestre ‘Evelyn’ 35’ 30’ Upright, becoming round 40’ Sensation Box Elder Acer negundo ‘Sensation’ 30’ 25’ Rounded 35’ Pacific Sunset Maple Acer truncatum x Acer plantanoides ‘Warrenred’ 30’ 15’ Upright spreading, rounded crown 25’ Frans Fontaine Hornbeam Carpinus betulus ‘Frans Fontaine’ 30’ 15’ Columnar 25’ American Hornbeam Carpinus caroliniana 25’ 25’ Oval 35’ Tricolor Beech Fagus sylvatica ‘Roseo – Marginata’ 30’ 20’ Pyramidal when young, rounding w/ age 30’ Raywood Ash Fraxinus oxycarpa ‘Raywood’ 35’ 25’ Oval, dense crown 35’ Imperial Honeylocust Gleditsia triacanthos ‘Impcole’ 35’ 35’ Rounded 45’ Galaxy Magnolia Magnolia ‘Galaxy’ 30’ 15’ Pyramidal to oval 25’ Edith Bogue Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora ‘Edith Bogue’ 30’ 15’ Pyramidal tight 25’ American Hophornbeam Ostrya Virginiana 40’ 25’ Upright oval 35’ Spire Cherry Prunus x hillieri ‘Spire’ 30’ 10’ Upright columnar, narrowly vase shaped 20’ Columnar Sargent Cherry Prunus sargentii ‘Columnaris’ 35’ 15’ Upright columnar, narrowly vase shaped 25’ Edgewood Pear Pyrus calleryana x betulaefolia ‘Edgewood’ 30’ 25’ Rounded 35’ Capital Pear Pyrus calleryana ‘Capital’ 35’ 12’ Columnar 20’ Chanticleer Pear Pyrus calleryana ‘Glen’s Form’ 40’ 15’ Columnar, narrowly pyramidal 25’ Crimson Spire Oak Quercus alba x Quercus robur ‘Crimschmidt’ 45’ 15’ Columnar, tightly fastigiated 25’ Skyrocket Oak Quercus robur ‘Fastigiata’ 45’ 15’ Narrow, fastigiated 25’ Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 77 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Medium Street Trees Plant when powerlines are not present 30’ to 45’ trees Musashino Zelkova serrata ‘Musashino’ 45’ 20’ Very narrow, upright vase shaped 30’ 9-14.8 Stakes, Guys, and Wrapping SECTION 9-14.8 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 9-14.8(1) Tree Ties Tree ties shall be patent “Tre-Ties” sufficient in size and number to adequately support the trees as determined by Quentin Poil, Nursery Supervisor at 253-856-5127. ADD THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 9-14.9 Tree Watering Bag System Tree watering bag system shall be commercially available, 15-gallon, slow-release watering bag with two (2) water-release points per bag. Materials: UV-stabilized polyethylene with nylon zipper and polypropylene handle straps; color: green. 9-15 IRRIGATION SYSTEM SECTION 9-15.18 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-15.18 Detectable Marking Tape Underground marking tape shall be a (2", 3", 4", 6", or 12" width, depending on pipe depth), detectable marking tape, with a minimum 5.0 mil overall thickness. Tape shall be manufactured using a 0.8 mil clear virgin polypropylene film, reverse printed and laminated to a 0.35 mil solid aluminum foil core, and then laminated to a 3.75 mil clear virgin polyethylene film. Tape shall be printed using a diagonally striped design for maximum visibility, and meet the APWA Color-Code standard for identification of buried utilities. 9-16 FENCE AND GUARDRAIL 9-16.1 Chain Link Fence and Gates SECTION 9-16.1(1)B IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-16.1(1)B Chain Link Fence Fabric Chain link fabric shall consist of 9 gage wire (0.148-inch diameter) for all fences unless specified otherwise. The fabric wire shall be: Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 78 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Galvanized steel wire conforming to ASTM A 392. Galvanizing shall be Class I performed by the hot dip process. The wire shall be woven into approximately 2-inch diamond mesh. The width and top and bottom finish of the fabric shall be as shown in the plans. 9-28 SIGNING MATERIALS AND FABRICATION SECTION 9-28.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-28.1 General All signs shall be reflectorized except for City Project Signs. ALL PERMANENT SIGNS, EXCEPT “NO PARKING ANYTIME” SIGNS SHALL HAVE VIP SIGNS AND CLASS A TEMPORARY DIAMOND GRADE RETRO- REFLECTORIZED SHEETING, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE IN THE PLANS. “NO PARKING ANYTIME” signs shall have engineer grade retro- reflectorized sheeting. 9-28.14 Sign Support Structures SECTION 9-28.14(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-28.14(2) Steel Structures and Posts Truss chords, struts, and diagonals, end posts, and end post struts and diagonals for sign bridge structures and cantilever sign structures shall conform to either ASTM A 36 or ASTM A 53 Grade B Type E or S. The nominal pipe diameter and the pipe wall thickness shall be as specified in the plans or Standard Plans. All other structural steel for sign bridge structures and cantilever sign structures shall conform to ASTM A 36. Truss member connection hardware shall conform to Section 9-06.5(3). Pipe members for bridge mounted sign brackets shall conform to ASTM A 53 Grade B Type E or S, and shall be Schedule 40 unless otherwise specified. All other structural steel for bridge mounted sign brackets shall conform to ASTM A 36. U bolts, and associated nuts and washers, shall be stainless steel conforming to Section 9-28.11, and shall be fabricated hot. Anchor rods, nuts and washers for sign bridge structure foundations shall conform to Section 9-06.5(4). Anchor rods for cantilever sign structure foundations shall conform to ASTM F 1554 Grade 104, including the appropriate supplemental requirements for grade and manufacturer’s identification, and charpy impact testing (15 foot- pounds minimum at 40F). Nuts and washers for cantilever sign structure foundations shall conform to AASHTO M 291 Grade DH and AASHTO M 293, respectively. Anchor rods for sign bridge structures and cantilever sign structures shall be galvanized after fabrication a minimum of 1’-0” at the exposed Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 79 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 end in accordance with AASHTO M 232. Anchor rod templates shall conform to ASTM A 36, but need not be galvanized. Steel sign structures and posts shall be galvanized after fabrication in accordance with AASHTO M 111, unless noted otherwise in the plans. All bolts, nuts, and washers shall be galvanized after fabrication in accordance with AASHTO M 232. Unless otherwise specified in the plans or Kent Special Provisions, metal surfaces shall not be painted. Minor fabricating and modifications necessary for galvanizing will be allowed if not detrimental to the end product as determined by the Engineer. If such modifications are contemplated, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, for approval six copies of the proposed modifications, prior to fabrication. 9-29 ILLUMINATION, SIGNAL, ELECTRICAL SECTION 9-29.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH TO THE BEGINNING OF THIS SECTION: 9-29.1 Conduit, Innerduct, and Outerduct Unless otherwise specified on the Street Lighting or Traffic Signal Plans, all conduits for street lighting, traffic signals and traffic signal interconnect cables for projects within the city limits of Kent shall be Schedule 80 PVC conduit, minimum size 2 inches. SECTION 9-29.1 IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 9-29.1(12) Mechanical Conduit Sealing Mechanical plugs for cabinet conduit sealing shall be one of the following: 1. Tyco Electronics - TDUX 2. Jackmoon – Triplex Duct Plugs 3. O-Z Gedney – Conduit Sealing Bushings The mechanical plug shall withstand a minimum of 5 psi of pressure. 9-29.2 Junction Boxes, Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes SECTION 9-29.2(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE TO THE END OF THESE SECTIONS: 9-29.2(1)A Standard Duty Junction Boxes Box frame and lid shall be hot dip galvanized only. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 80 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 SECTION 9-29.2(1)A IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-29.2(1)A1 Concrete Junction Boxes Both the slip-resistant lid and slip-resistant frame shall be treated with Mebac#1 as manufactured by IKG industries, or SlipNOT Grade 3- coarse as manufactured by W.S. Molnar Co. Where the exposed portion of the frame is ½ inch wide or less the slip-resistant treatment may be omitted on that portion of the frame. The slip-resistant lid shall be identified with permanent marking on the underside indicating the type of surface treatment (“M1” for Mebac#1; or “S3” for SlipNOT Grade 3- coarse) and the year manufactured. The permanent marking shall be 1/8 inch line thickness formed with a stainless steel weld bead. 9-29.2(1)B Heavy-Duty Junction Boxes Box frame and lid shall be hot dip galvanized only. SECTION 9-29.2(2)A IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-29.2(2)A Standard Duty Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes Both the slip-resistant lid and slip-resistant frame shall be treated with Mebac#1 as manufactured by IKG industries, or SlipNOT Grade 3- coarse as manufactured by W.S. Molnar Co. Where the exposed portion of the frame is ½ inch wide or less the slip-resistant treatment may be omitted on that portion of the frame. The slip-resistant lid shall be identified with permanent marking on the underside indicating the type of surface treatment (“M1” for Mebac#1; or “S3” for SlipNOT Grade 3- coarse) and the year manufactured. The permanent marking shall be 1/8 inch line thickness formed with a stainless steel weld bead. 9-29.3 Fiber Optic Cable, Electrical Conductors, and Cable SECTION 9-29.3(2)B IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-29.3(2)B Multi-Conductor Cable Two-conductor through ten-conductor unshielded control cable shall be size 14 AWG. SECTION 9-29.3(2)I IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 9-29.3(2)I Twisted Pair Communication Cable Replace “AWG 22” with “#AWG 19”. THE LAST SENTENCE IN THE FIRST PARAGRAPH HAS BEEN REVISED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: This cable shall be filled with a gel compound to resist water penetration and migration unless otherwise specified by the plans. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 81 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 SECTION 9-29.3(2)J IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 9-29.3(2)J Miscellaneous Requirements Video Detection Cable Coaxial cable or combination (composite/Siamese) cable for video detection shall be RG59/U with a manufacturer’s rating of 600 Volts (Non UL - manufacturer’s voltage rating of the insulation is acceptable). Combination cable shall be in accordance with the video detection system manufacturer’s recommendations for the length of cable required. Traffic Signal Standards Traffic signal standards shall be furnished and installed in accordance with the methods and materials noted in the applicable Standard Plans, pre-approved plans, or special design plans. All welds shall comply with the latest AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals. Welding inspection shall comply with Section 6-03.3(25)A Welding Inspection. Hardened washers shall be used with all signal arm connecting bolts instead of lockwashers. All signal arm ASTM A 325 connecting bolts tightening shall comply with Section 6-03.3(33). Traffic signal standard types and applicable characteristics are as follows: Type PS - Pedestrian signal standards shall conform to Standard Plan J-20.16 or to one of the following pre-approved plans: Fabricator Drawing No. Northwest Signal NWS 3540 Rev. 2 and Supply Inc. NWS 3540B Rev. 2 Valmont Ind. Inc. DB00655 Rev.J Sht. 1, 2 & 3 Ameron Pole WA10TR-1 & WA10TR-2 Prod. Div. Union Metal Corp. TA-10025 Rev. R17 Sht. 1 & 2 West Coast Engineering Group WSDOT-PP-02 Rev. 1 American Pole WS-PP-03 Rev. 1D Structures, Inc. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 82 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Fabricator Drawing No. KW Industries 10-200-PED-1 Rev. 7, Sheets 1, 2 and 3 Type I - Type I vehicle signal standards shall conform to Standard Plan J-21.15 or to one of the following pre-approved plans: Northwest Signal NWS 3540 Rev. 2 and Supply Inc. NWS 3540B Rev. 2 Valmont Ind. Inc. DB00655 Rev. J Sht. 1 2 & 3 Ameron Pole WA10TR-1 & WA10TR-2 Prod. Div Union Metal Corp. TA-10025 Rev. R17 Sht. 1 & 2 West Coast Engineering Group WSDOT-PP-02 Rev. 1 American Pole WS-PP-03 Rev. 1D Structures, Inc. KW Industries 10-200-PED-1 Rev. 7, Sheets 1, 2 and 3 Foundations for various types of standards shall be as follows: Type PS As noted on Standard Plan J-21.10 Type I As noted on Standard Plan J-21.10 9-29.6 Light and Signal Standards SECTION 9-29.6(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRPH AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS SECTION: 9-29.6(2) Slip Base Hardware Unless otherwise specified on the Street Lighting Plans, street light standards shall not have slip bases. SECTION 9-29.6(5) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH TO THE END OF THIS SECTION: 9-29.6(5) Foundation Hardware Breakaway supports for street light standards shall conform to Precisionform Inc. model PFI 200-1A Breakaway Supports, or approved equal. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 83 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 SECTION 9-29.6 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 9-29.6(6) Aluminum Light Standards Pole shafts shall be constructed of seamless extruded tubes of 6063 aluminum alloy per ASTM B221 and shall be full-length heat treated after welding on the base flange to T-6 temper. The shaft shall be free of longitudinal welds. The pole shaft cap, when required, shall be cast aluminum 443 or 356F aluminum alloy and attached utilizing stainless steel screws. Pole base flanges shall be one piece cast socket of aluminum alloy 356 per ASTM B 26 or B108. The base flange shall be joined to the pole shaft by means of complete circumferential welds; externally at the top of the flange and internally at the bottom of the shaft tube. Single arm members shall be tapered and ellipsized from 6063-T6 aluminum alloy tubing. Arms shall be welded to an extruded mounting plate of 6063-T6 aluminum alloy and attached to the pole shaft by means of four 1/2 inch diameter stainless steel bolts, nuts and washers. A grommeted 1 1/4 inch cable entry (1 inch I.D. rubber grommet) shall be provided in the pole shaft at the arm mounting location. Arms shall have 2 inch N.P.S. slipfitters at least 8 inches in length. 9-29.10 Luminaires SECTION 9-29.10(1) IS REVISED BY REPLACING THE FIRST SENTENCE OF THE FIRST PARAGRAPH WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-29.10(1) Conventional Roadway Luminaires All luminaires shall come equipped for IES type III, medium cutoff light distribution unless otherwise specified on the Street Lighting Plans and/or Traffic Signal Plans when those signals include street lighting luminaires. THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPHS ARE ADDED TO THE END OF THIS SECTION: The only pre-approved street lighting luminaires for this project are as follows: For LED Equivalent of the 400 Watt HPS Luminaire: ATBM H MVOLT R3 NL P7 For LED Equivalent of the 250 Watt HPS Luminaire: ATBM D MVOLT R3 NL P7 For LED Equivalent of the 200 Watt HPS Luminaire: ATBM C MVOLT R3 NL P7 For LED Equivalent of the 100 Watt HPS Luminaire: ATBS E MVOLT R3 NL P7 Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 84 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 For LED Equivalent of the 100 Watt HPS Lumec DSX Luminaire: S56C1-55W32LED4K-R-ACDR-LE3-240-SFX-FN1-GN8TX For LED Equivalent of the 100 Watt HPS King Luminaire: K118R-B2PR-III-60-SSL-1042-120-K18-PEBC-SST-GN-#1 Other street lighting luminaires may be submitted for approval, PROVIDED that they possess the same serviceability characteristics as the pre-approved models, and the submittal is accompanied by photometric calculations showing that they are photometrically equivalent to the approved products. SECTION 9-29.10 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 9-29.10(2) Pedestrian Luminaires Pedestrian luminaire shall be S56C1-SS W32LED4K-T-ACDR-LE3-240- DMG-SFX-FN1-GN8TX. Paint: Refer to Special Provisions Section 6-07 9-29.10(3) Accent Lighting Accent Lighting shall include the following fixtures and components: Linear Graze Light Fixture:  Color Kinetics Color Graze MX4 Powercore RGBA, 60-degree x 30-degree angle, 2 ft with watertight outdoor rated enclosure box and end to end jumper cable, leader cables and associated tamper resistant fasteners Blast Light Fixture:  Color Kinetics ColorBlast Powercore gen4, RGBA, 100-277 VAC, 80-degree spread lens, gray housing, UL/CE/CQC with 23” mounting arms and associated tamper resistant fasteners Paint: Refer to Special Provisions Section 6-07 Network Device:  Color Kinetics Vaya Series Power Supply:  Color Kinetics Data Enabler Pro, ¾ / ½ in NPT, UL Controller:  Color Kinetics iPlayer 3, ColorPlay 3, 100-240V, North America power cord Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 85 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 SECTION 9-29.10 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 9-29.10(5)C LED Blank-Out Sign Complete blank-out signs will consist of a weatherproof housing and door, lens, sign face, LED module, solid state power supply, and all necessary mounting hardware. Furnish signs with housing constructed of marine-grade aluminum. All corners and seams of the housing to be welded to provide a weatherproof seal around entire case. Ensure electrical connections of field wires will be made via a barrier type terminal strip. Provide fasteners and hardware that are corrosion resistant. The installed assemblies will be field tested prior to being placed into service to ensure all components are functioning. Power supply to be solid state, 95-125 VAC input, with 12-15 vdc output. Finish shall be powder-coated black. Construction Requirements Construction Core Installation The Contractor shall coordinate installation of construction cores with Contracting Agency maintenance staff through the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide written notice to the Engineer, a minimum of seven working days in advance of proposed installation. The Contractor shall advise the Engineer in writing when construction cores are ready to be removed. Five days written advance notice shall be delivered to both the Engineer and the Electronic Parts Specialist at the address listed above. Delivery shall occur during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Material will not be accepted without the required advance notice. Equipment damaged during removal or delivery shall be repaired or replaced to the Engineer's satisfaction at no cost to the Contracting Agency. The Contractor shall be responsible for unloading the equipment where directed by the Engineer at the delivery site. 9-29.12 Electrical Splice Materials SECTION 9-29.12(1) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 86 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 9-29.12(1) Illumination Circuit Splices Aerial splices may employ split bolt connectors. Below grade splices and taps shall be made with solderless crimp connectors to securely join the wires both mechanically and electrically. They shall employ the following moisture-blocking insulation. ScotchTM 2200/2210 Vinyl Mastic products, followed by an overwrap with a minimum of two half-lapped layers of vinyl plastic electrical tape, and a final layer of consistently- applied ScotchkoteTM 054007-14853 Electrical Coating. SECTION 9-29.12(2) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-29.12(2) Traffic Signal Splice Material Induction loop splices shall be made with solderless crimp connectors to securely join the wires both mechanically and electrically. Equipment and methods shall be as recommended by the manufacturer of the splicing materials. Each solderless crimp connector splice shall be wrapped with Scotch™#06147 Electrical Moisture Sealant, or approved equal. SECTION 9-29.13 IS REVISED BY REPLACING THE LAST SENTENCE WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-29.13 Control Cabinet Assemblies Traffic Signal Control Cabinet Assemblies shall meet the requirements of NEMA TS2 Specification. SECTION 9-29.13(1) IS REVISED BY REPLACING THE THIRD SENTENCE WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9.29.13(1) Environmental, Performance, and Test Standards for Solid-State Traffic Controller Assemblies NEMA control assemblies shall meet or exceed current NEMA TS 2 Environmental Standards. SECTION 9-29.13 (2) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9.29.13(2) Traffic Signal Controller Assembly Testing Each traffic signal controller assembly shall be tested as follows. The Contractor shall: 1. Prior to shipping, arrange controller cabinet testing with City of Kent Transportation. 2. If the traffic signal control assembly passes all testing, the Contractor will be notified the cabinet is ready for pick-up. 3. If the traffic signal control assembly fails testing, the Contractor has 7 calendar days to repair or replace the failed components. Once all repairs are completed, the testing will resume. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 87 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 SECTION 9-29.13(3) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9.29.13(3) Traffic Signal Controller The traffic-actuated controller for all City traffic signals shall be a Econolite Corp. Cobalt Controller. SECTION 9-29.13(4) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9.29.13(4) Traffic-Signal Controller Software Controller shall be provided with the most current software release that operates fully with the City’s Cental System Software. Current version of controller maintenance and operation documentation shall be provided with each controller in an electronic format. SECTION 9-29.13(5) IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 9-29.13(5) Flashing Operations ADD THE FOLLOWING TO THE END OF THE FIRST PARAGRAPH: When the cabinet is commanded to Flashing mode, the DC supply voltage shall be removed from all loadswitches. The flash transfer relays shall be de-energized during flashing operations. REPLACE THE LAST SENTENCE IN ITEM 2 WITH THE FOLLOWING: When the flash-automatic switch is changed to the automatic position, the controller shall resume normal automatic operation with the display and timing as it existed before the flash mode was enabled. DELETE THE SECOND SENTENCE IN ITEM 3. DELETE ITEM 4 IN ITS ENTIRETY. REVISE ITEM 5 BY DELETING “at the beginning of major street green” IN THE LAST SENTENCE. SECTION 9-29.13(6) IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-29.13(6) Emergency Preemption Emergency Preemption Logic - NEMA The traffic signal controller shall have the capability of preempting normal traffic signal operation. The preemption logic shall be an internal software function of the traffic signal controller. The preemption system shall include this function: Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 88 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 When a preemption call is registered, “Do Not Block Circle” LED signs would be activated. Section 8-20.2(9-29.13(6)) is supplemented with the following: Preemption: Pre-emption equipment shall be either Opticom or Tomar. Tomar Tomar equipment is allowed provided that it is able to receive and respond to Opticom emitter signals. If Tomar equipment is used, the Contractor shall furnish and install the following: 1. Pre-emption detectors shall be Tomar Model 2091-SD complete with mount and mounting hardware. 2. Discriminators shall be Tomar Model 3080 four-channel units. One is required per controller. 3. The Contractor shall make all initial range adjustments. 4. The pre-emption function operation tests shall be performed using an Opticom emitter. Emergency Preemption Hardwire: Emergency preemption hardwire equipment installed by this contract shall activate the Emergency Preemption Logic in the traffic signal controller when a signal is received from a dry contact closure. The contact closure shall be activated by a 120-volt input that is isolated from all controller circuitry. The equipment used to provide the contact closure shall be housed in a separate enclosure located within the controller cabinet. SECTION 9-29.13(7) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING TO THE END OF THE SECTION: 9-29.13(7) Wiring Diagrams The cabinet wiring drawing shall also be provided in AutoCAD v2008 file. All cabinet wiring, and layout shall fit on (1) E1 size sheet, multiple pages shall not be allowed. Component cut sheets and equipment operating manuals shall be provided for devices used within the controller cabinet. SECTION 9-29.13(10)A IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 9-29.13(10)A Auxiliary Equipment for NEMA Controllers Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 89 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 ITEM 2 IS REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 2. Type P-1 controller cabinets shall include a fully-wired 16-position back panel / load bay. Printed circuit-type load bay design is not acceptable. The load bay shall be of the tilt down style requiring no tools to swing it down; giving access to the back of the load switches and all wiring behind the load bay. The cabinet shall include the following additional components: twelve solid- state load switches that conform to NEMA TS-2 specifications, sixteen 4 channel half width detectors (Eberle Design, Inc Model LMD624H or Reno A+ETM Model Y/2-200-ss or approved equal), one TS2 Cabinet Power Supply rated at 5Amps (Eberle Design, Inc Model PS250 or approved equal), six TS2 half width Bus Interface Units (Eberlie Design, Inc Model BIU700H or approved equal), One Opticom phase selector (Global Traffic Technologies Model 764 or approved equal), twelve red output jumpers to short pin 1 to pin 3 on the loadswitch sockets and auxiliary accessories to provide a complete and functional traffic signal control system. ITEM 3c. IS SUPPLEMENTED AT THE END WITH THE FOLLOWING: A minimum of twenty AC neutral termination points shall be available for field wire termination in the lower portion of the cabinet. ITEM 3f. IS SUPPLEMENTED AT THE END WITH THE FOLLOWING: A minimum of ten earth ground unused termination points shall be available for field wire termination in the lower portion of the cabinet. ITEM 4 IS REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 4. A police panel located behind the police panel door shall be equipped with a flash-automatic switch. See Section 9-29.13(5) (above) for operational requirements. ITEM 5 IS REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 5. An auxiliary control panel located inside the controller cabinet with a Flash-Automatic switch, a Controller On-Off switch, and a Stop Time switch. The Flash-Automatic switch shall put the signal on Flash without applying Stop Time. The Stop Time switch shall provide for application of stop time or disabling ALL other stop time inputs. A ground fault interrupter-protected double outlet shall also be provided on the panel. The panel shall be side or bottom-hinged. ITEM 6 IS REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 6. The conflict monitor shall be a Eberle Design Inc. EDI MMU2- 16LE(ip), or approved equal. See Section 9-29.13(2) of the Kent Special Provisions for operational requirements. The unit shall monitor conflicting signal indications at the field connection terminals. The unit shall be wired in a manner such that the signal Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 90 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 will revert to Flash if the conflict monitor is removed from service and the cabinet door is closed. Supplemental resistor loads, not to exceed 10 watts per monitored circuit, shall be provided to prevent monitor actuation caused by dimming or lamp burnout. Supplemental loads shall be installed on the control side of the field terminals, for the odd numbered phases and overlaps. DELETE ITEM 7 IN ITS ENTIRETY. ITEM 10 IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AT THE END: 10. No more than one wire shall be permitted per crimped terminal lug. All terminals shall be identified in conformance to the cabinet wiring diagram. All equipment input and output functions shall be terminated on terminal blocks for easy access. The cabinet shall contain a spare door indicator switch (normally closed contacts) which will be wired to a terminal block for future use. SECTION 9-29.13(10)C IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 9-29.13(10)C NEMA Controller Cabinets ITEM 1 IS REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1. The controller cabinet shall be a 44-inch wide Type P-1 and shall be constructed of aluminum. Cabinets shall be finished inside with an approved finish coat of exterior white enamel. The outside of the aluminum cabinet shall be unfinished. ITEM 2 IS REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 2. The cabinet shall contain shelving, brackets, racks, etc., to support the controller and auxiliary equipment. All equipment shall set squarely on shelves or be mounted in racks and shall be removable without turning, tilting, or rotating or relocating one device to remove another. The cabinet shall be provided with two (2) shelves that are reinforced with a welded V channel, fabricated from 5052- H32 0.125-inch thick aluminum with double flanged edges rolled front to back. Slotted or round holes shall be provided on front and back flanges for the purpose of tying off wire bundles. One detector rack shall support (16) channels of loop detection, (1) Buss Interface Unit (BIU) and (4) channel of Opticom™. This rack shall be capable of using half width 4-channel loop amplifiers, half width Buss Interface Unit (BIU) and both two channel or four channel Opticom™ cards. The other three detector racks shall support (16) channels of loop detection using half width 4-channel loop amplifiers and one (1) half width Buss Interface Unit (BIU). SECTION 9-29.13(10)C IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-29.13(10)C NEMA Controller Cabinets Cabinet Construction Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 91 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Construction shall be of 0.125-inch sheet aluminum (5052 alloy), with mill finish. The cabinet shall not be anodized and the exterior shall not be painted. A green construction core shall be installed at each core lock.Flashing Beacon Control Cabinet Wiring The cabinet shall be wired for eight vehicle phases, four pedestrian phases, four overlaps, and use with a modem. The cabinet shall have a computer shelf 16 inches wide and 12 inches deep centered under the lower shelf. The traffic signal control cabinet assembly shall meet at a minimum all applicable sections of NEMA Standards Publication No. TS2-2003. Cabinets to be pre-wired and tested prior to installation at the intersection. Contractor shall provide documentation of successful completion of testing. Cabinet shall contain an auxiliary power strip hard-wired into cabinet circuit breaker to provide outlets for equipment. Adaptor Box The adaptor box shall be fabricated from .125-inch aluminum (5052 alloy), with mill finish. The cabinet shall not be anodized and the exterior shall not be painted. The Contractor shall verify foundation and cabinet dimensions and mounting bolt patterns prior to submitting shop drawings for the adaptor box to the Engineer. The shop drawings shall be submitted for approval 10 working days in advance of fabrication. SECTION 9-29.15 IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-29.15 Flashing Beacon Control Solid State Flasher The solid state flasher shall provide two output circuits to permit alternate flashing of flashing beacons. The flash rate shall be 55 flashes per minute 10%. Duty cycle for each circuit shall be 50% on, 50% off 2%. Each circuit shall be rated at 15 amperes and switching shall occur at the zero crossover point of the AC voltage. The voltage range shall be 95 to 135 volts AC. The nominal voltage shall be 120 volts AC. The operating frequency range shall be 60 Hz 3.0 Hz. The two-circuit solid-state flasher shall be designed to operate as specified at any Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 92 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 ambient temperature range from -30°F. to +165°F. (-34.4°C. to +73.8°C). 9-29.16 Vehicular Signal Heads, Displays, and Housing SECTION 9-29.16(2)A IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-29.16(2)A Optical Units 1. Light emitting diode (LED) light sources are required for all signal displays. a. Wattage (maximum): 35 watts. b. Voltage: The operating voltages shall be between 85 VAC and 130 VAC. c. Temperature: Temperature range shall be –35 C to +70 C. d. LED Types: Red balls shall be DialiteTM, part number 433- 1210-003XL15, or approved equal; red arrows shall be DialiteTM, part number 432-1314-001XOD15, or approved equal; green balls shall be DialiteTM, part number 433-2220- 001XL15, or approved equal; green arrows shall be DialiteTM, part number 432-2324-001XOD15, or approved equal; yellow balls shall be DialiteTM, part number 433-3230-901XL15, or approved equal; yellow arrows shall be DialiteTM, part number 431-3334-901XOD15 or approved equal. e. Enclosure: The enclosure for the LEDs and associated circuitry shall be dust and water-resistant. f. Lens: The lens shall be a polycarbonate lens. The lens shall be free from bubbles, flaws, and other imperfections and shall not be diffused. g. Warranty: A fifteen-year written manufacturer’s warranty from date of installation on parts and materials will be provided. h. Label: A label shall be provided on the LED housing. The Contractor shall mark the label with a permanent marker to note the installation date. SECTION 9-29.16(2)B MODIFIES THE 3RD AND 4TH SENTENCES IN THE FIFTH PARAGRAPH AS FOLLOWS: 9-29.16(2)B Signal Housing In the third sentence of paragraph 5, all words following the words “stabilized polycarbonate plastic” shall be deleted. The fourth sentence in paragraph 5 is replaced with “Visors shall be flat black in color inside and shall be dark green on the outside.” SECTION 9-29.16(3) POLYCARBONATE TRAFFIC SIGNAL HEADS IS DELETED IN ITS ENTIRETY. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 93 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 SECTION 9-29.19 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-29.19 Pedestrian Push Buttons Where noted in the contract, pedestrian push buttons of substantially tamper-proof construction shall be furnished and installed. They shall consist of a 2-inch nominal diameter plunger and be ADA compliant. ADA push buttons shall be Campbell Company, AdvisorTM (AGPS) or Campbell Company, GuardianTM type assemblies or approved equal. The pedestrian push button assembly shall be constructed as shown in the plans. The assembly shall be constructed so that it will be impossible to receive an electrical shock under any weather conditions. Flashing Beacon Pedestrian pushbutton station equipment shall be from one of the following manufacturers or approved alternate: Polara Bull Dog XAV-2 (4-wire system) Polara Manufacturing 9153 Stellar Court Corona, CA 92883 888-340-4872 Distributed by: Advanced Traffic Products 909 SE Everett Mall Wy Suite B280 Everett, WA 98208 425-347-6208 All manufacturer recommended setup equipment, required to program, adjust and make operational the pedestrian pushbutton stations, shall be furnished with each complete pushbutton system. All pedestrian pushbutton station equipment shall be the same make or model from one manufacturer. SECTION 9-29.20 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-29.20 Pedestrian Signals Pedestrian signals shall be filled in Hand/Man with Countdown Display, containing LED type optics only. Countdown pedestrian signals shall be (Gelcore part number PS7-CFF1-VLA or approved equal). SECTION 9-29.21 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-29.21 Flashing Beacon Flashing beacons shall be installed as detailed in the Plans, and as described below: Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 94 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Beacons shall consist of a singled section and shall be LED. Lenses shall be amber. RRFB shall comply with the latest FHWA guidelines. The housing shall be wraparound with a brushed aluminum finish and have a rectangular shape. The light bar housing must be constructed of durable, corrosion- resistant powder-coated aluminum with stainless steel fasteners. Enclosed components must be modular in design whereby any component can be easily replaced using common hand tools in the field, without having to uninstall the housing. All mounting hardware required for mounting the light bar housing either singly or back to back must be provide and be universal. The RRFB shall have a high intensity LED alternating pattern. Mounting shall be per manufacturer’s recommendations. The RRFBs will “wig wag” with a flash pattern of two rapid flashes on one beacon, followed by four short rapid flashes, and one longer rapid flash on the alternate beacon. Flashing pattern shall comply with FHWA standards dated June 13, 2012. Beacons shall flash at a rate of 70 – 80 flashes per minute. The LEDs used in the light bar shall meet the SAE J595 requirements for peak luminous candelas for Class 1. Vendor shall submit third-party lab certification that the LEDs have been tested and certified for Class 1 intensity. Pole-Mount Control Unit for RRFB Pedestrian Warning System The raintight housing shall be aluminum, conforming to the requirements of Section 9-29.25 and this Special Provision. The cabinet door shall have two hinges. The hinges shall meet the requirements for the alternate hinge detailed on Standard Plan J-3b. The cabinet door shall be secured with a spring-loaded construction core lock capable of accepting a Best CX series core. A green construction core shall be installed at each core lock. Upon contract completion two master keys for each cabinet shall be delivered to the Engineer. Socket bases for the flasher unit shall be mounted on a circuit board inside the cabinet. SECTION 9-29.24 IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 9-29.24 Service Cabinets ITEM 9. IS REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9. All service enclosures shall be fabricated from 0.125 inch (minimum) 5052 H 32 ASTM designator or B209 aluminum. The exterior of the aluminum service panel shall be unfinished. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 95 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 SECTION 9-29.24(2) IS REVISED AS FOLLOWS: 9-29.24(2) Electrical Circuit Breakers and Contactors REPLACE THE SECOND PARAGRAPH WITH THE FOLLOWING: Mercury contactors shall not be permitted. SUPPLEMENT THE END OF THIS SECTION WITH THE FOLLOWING THREE PARAGRAPHS: Electrical service will be 120 / 240 volts, 60 Hz. AC where and as noted on the Street Lighting and/or Traffic Signal Plans, and include a meter base to allow installation of a power meter. Service conductors shall be stranded copper wires. The smallest service wire shall be #2 AWG USE from the Puget Sound Energy (PSE) connection to the service cabinet. The electrical service cabinet and service point shall be installed by the Contractor where shown on the Street Lighting and/or Traffic Signal Plans. The service panel shall consist of a 2 pole, 240 VAC, 100 amp Main Breaker for control of all power. The panel shall be equipped with a single 1 pole, 120V, 30 amp branch breaker for a traffic signal, four 2 pole, 240 VAC, 20 amp branch breakers for the lighting circuits, a single 1 pole, 120 VAC, 15 amp lighting control breaker, and a single 1 pole, 120 VAC, 20 amp breaker for the GFI receptacle. See Kent Standard Plan 6-96 for service cabinet information. The service panel shall include a switch to bypass the photocell for street light testing. The electrical service cabinet shall be weather tight. The cabinet shall be equipped with a blue core BestTM lock in the cabinet door. See Kent Standard Plans 6-96 for additional information. SECTION 9-29 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 9-29.26 Traffic Signal Battery Backup Power Unit 1. Features: Insert new feature specifications. 9-30 WATER DISTRIBUTION MATERIALS 9-30.1 Pipe SECTION 9-30.1(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-30.1(1) Ductile Iron Pipe Pipe for water mains shall be cement mortar lined ductile iron Class 52 and conforming to the latest revisions to the ANSI specifications. Connections shall be mechanical or push-on joint with rubber gaskets unless otherwise specified on the plans. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 96 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 9-30.2 Fittings SECTION 9-30.2(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-30.2(1) Ductile Iron Pipe Cast or ductile iron pipe fittings shall have the same coating, lining and strength as the pipes to which they are connected. Fittings shall be flanged or mechanical joint. Mechanical joint fitting gaskets shall be vulcanized styrene butadiene rubber gaskets (SBR) in accordance with the most current version of AWWA standard C111/A21.11. Flanged joint fitting gaskets shall be full face synthetic rubber gaskets appropriate to meet the required pressure rating in accordance with the most current versionof AWWA standard C115/A21.15. 9-30.3 Valves SECTION 9-30.3(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-30.3(1) Gate Valves (3 to 16 Inches) Gate valves shall be resilient wedge gate type as manufactured by Clow, American Darling, Waterous, Dresser M&H, Mueller or an approved equal, with epoxy-coated valve interiors. They shall conform to AWWA specifications C-509, and shall have a working pressure rating of 250 psi, unless otherwise specified in the Kent Special Provisions. They shall be iron bodied bronze mounted, non-rising stem, and counterclockwise opening. Valve stems shall be provided with O-ring seals. SECTION 9-30.3(4) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-30.3(4) Valve Boxes Valve boxes shall be installed on all buried valves and conform to Kent Standard Plan 3-7. The box shall be of cast iron, 2-piece design with a base corresponding to the size of the valve and the top section. The box shall be coal-tar painted by the manufacturer using industry standards. The valve box top section shall be an Olympic Foundry No. 940. The cover shall be an Olympic Foundry deep skirt No. 940 DS, have the word “WATER” cast into it, and shall be of the non-locking type, unless a locking cover is specifically called for in the Kent Special Provisions or shown on the plans. The bottom section shall be an Olympic VB-1C or approved equal. A 3 feet x 3 feet x 6 inches concrete pad, flush with finish grade, shall be poured around each valve box top section not located within asphalt or concrete finished areas. Valve box covers shall have the lugs or stainless cap screws installed parallel to the direction of water flow. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 97 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 SECTION 9-30.3(5) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-30.3(5) Valve Marker Posts Valve marker posts shall be constructed of Class 3000 cement concrete; shall be 4-inches by 4-inches by 42-inches long with a 6-1/4 inch by 4-inch base; shall contain one number 3 reinforcement bar; and shall otherwise conform to Kent Standard Plan 3-4. The exposed portion of the marker posts shall be coated with two coats of WHITE concrete paint. The FOG-TITE valve marker post is the pre-approved marker post. SECTION 9-30.3(6) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-30.3(6) Valve Stem Extensions Valve stem extensions shall conform to Kent Standard Plan 3-7. Valve stem operating nuts shall be no shallower than one and one-half (1 1/2) feet. Valves with an operating nut more than 3 feet below finished grade shall have a solid steel valve stem extension rod assembly, with a rock guard, installed on the operating nut. SECTION 9-30.5 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIRST PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-30.5 Hydrants Fire hydrants shall be compression type, break-away (traffic model) hydrants conforming to AWWA C502 except as modified herein. Hydrant types shall be, Clow Medallion, M & H 929, or Mueller Super Centurion. SECTION 9-30.5(2) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 9-30.5(2) Hydrant Dimensions Hydrants shall conform with Kent Standard Plan 3-1. Valves and Nozzles – Fire hydrants should have a bottom valve size of at least five inches, one 4-1/2 inch pumper nozzle and two 2-1/2 inch nozzles shall have NST threads, with 1-1/4 inch pentagonal nuts. Painting - Public owned hydrants shall be painted with two (2) coats of Farwest Wonderglow Quickset #1000 (white gloss alkyd enamel). Private hydrants shall be painted with two (2) coats of Farwest Wonderglow Quickset #X 3472 (case yellow gloss alkyd enamel). SECTION 9-30.5(6) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-30.5(6) Guard Posts Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 98 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Guard posts shall be constructed of Class 3000 cement concrete; shall be 6-feet long and 9-inches in diameter; shall have 5 equally spaced number 3 reinforcement bars with a minimum of 1-1/2 inch cover; and shall otherwise conform to Kent Standard Plan 3-3. The FOG-TITE hydrant guard post is the pre-approved guard post. All other posts require the approval of the Engineer. SECTION 9-30.6 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-30.6 Service Connections 9-30.6(1) Saddles The body casting of saddles for service connections shall be of malleable or ductile iron, extending at least 160 degrees around the circumference of the pipe at the maximum range and at least 180 degrees when the saddle is tightened on the water main. The saddle body and/or straps shall be stamped with the size range of the saddle. The saddle shall have a groove for the neoprene or nitril gasket in order to prevent gasket movement. The saddle is to be tapped with an I.P. thread. The “U” straps shall conform to the outside diameter of the range stamped on the saddle. The service saddle shall be manufactured by Smith Blair, Romac, or Mueller. Service saddles shall be either double strapped or stainless steel full circumference band. 9-30.6(2) Corporation Stops All corporation stops shall be Ford ballcorp style. The following Ford model numbers shall be used for the respective sizes stated. Ford Corporation Stops Size Ford Model Number 3/4 inch FB500-3 1 inch FB500-4 1 1/2 inch FB500-6 2 inch FB500-7 Connection to service pipes shall be by Ford pack joints (Section 9-30.6(4)) only. SECTION 9-30.6(3)B IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-30.6(3)B Polyethylene Pipe Polyethylene service pipe shall be iron pipe size (IPS) ultra-high molecular weight, high density polyethylene plastic meeting or exceeding the following standards: ID ASTM D-2239, SIDR-7, and PE 3408, AWWA C-901, AWWA C-800, and National Sanitation Foundation Standards and conforming to all other applicable standards. This Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 99 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 polyethylene pipe shall be rated at or above a working pressure of 200 psi. Polyethylene plastic pipe shall have a manufactured stainless steel insert stiffener at all compression pack joints. Driscopipe 5100 Ultra-Lien water pipe is an approved product meeting the above specifications. All other products require approval of the City Water Department after submittal of a sample length of pipe and the manufacturer’s product literature. The City is not responsible for the purchase of materials not meeting the above specifications. SECTION 9-30.6(4) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-30.6(4) Service Fittings Ford Pack Joint Couplings (hereinafter Ford Pack Joint Couplings or Pack Joint Couplings) shall be used to connect the service line pipe to the corporation stop and meter setter at both ends. When the plans call for the installation of a new service line from the water main to the setter and/or new setter, the connection between the new service line on the private side of the setter and the existing private service line the Contractor shall use an adaptor. If the existing service line is long enough to connect to the setter directly without the need of an adaptor, a pack joint coupling shall be used for the connection to the setter. Pack joint couplings shall make a tight and permanent joint on type K copper tubing or polyethylene plastic pipe as appropriate. Pack joint couplings shall be made of bronze, and shall have a gasket or O-ring. Fittings used for copper and/or polyethylene tubing shall be Ford pack joint type only. Ford stainless steel stiffeners shall be used when utilizing compression fittings on polyethylene tubing. Insert Stiffeners The following table is a summary of the insert stiffeners that shall be utilized for the respective pipe sizes stated. Ford Insert Stiffeners Size Ford Model Number 3/4 inch Insert-71 1 inch Insert-72 1 1/2 inch Insert-74 2 inch Insert-75 Pack Joint Couplings The following table is a summary of Ford pack joint couplings that shall be utilized for the respective pipe sizes and types stated. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 100 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Ford Pack Joint for Straight CTS Pipe Ford Model Number Male Iron Pipe P.J. for CTS C84-34 3/4 inch 1 inch C84-44 1 inch 1 inch C84-66 1 1/2 inch 1 1/2 inch C84-77 2 inch 2 inch Ford Pack Joint for Polyethylene Pipe Ford Model Number Male Iron Pipe P.J. for PEP C86-34 3/4 inch 1 inch C86-44 1 inch 1 inch C86-66-IDR7 1 1/2 inch 1 1/2 inch C86-77-IDR7 2 inch 2 inch SECTION 9-30.6(5) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-30.6(5) Meter Setters Meter setters shall be manufactured and tested in accordance with all applicable parts of AWWA C800. Meter setters shall have dual-purpose end connections for iron pipe thread male adapters on both ends. The meter setter shall have a brace pipe eye to hold the setter vertical. The setter shall be equipped with an angle shut off valve with padlock wings, and on the outgoing side a check valve to prevent backflow. The check valve shall be spring loaded, of brass and stainless steel construction with a removable back for maintenance purposes. In no case shall residential meter stops be equipped with a bypass. The following meter setters shall be used for the respective size meter setter listed: Meter Setter Size Type 3/4 inch Ford VH72-15W-11-33 1 inch Ford VH74-15W-11-44 1 1/2 inches Ford VBH76-15B-11-66 L/BP 2 inch Ford VFH77-15B-11-77 L/BP SECTION 9-30.6(7) IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 9-30.6(7) Meter Boxes Meter box requirements vary with respect to water meter size and location of the meter box. Meter boxes shall be as follows: Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 101 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 Meter Box Meter Size Location Type 3/4 inch 1Planters Carson 1220-12 Sidewalks, driveways, pavements or adjacent to vehicle turning areas Olympic Foundry #SM29 Meter Box Meter Size Location Type 1 inch 1Planters Carson 1220-12 Sidewalks, driveways, pavements or adjacent to vehicle turning areas Olympic Foundry #SM30 Meter Box Meter Size Location Type 1 1/2 inch to 2 inch 1Planters Carson 1730-15 Sidewalks, driveways, pavements or adjacent to vehicle turning areas Olympic Foundry #SM30 3 inch and larger Concrete vaults per Kent Standard Plan 3- 12 1 All plastic boxes shall be constructed of black polyethylene. Irrigation Box DCVA or PRV Size Type 3/4 inch to 1 inch and all PRV’s Carson 1324-15G Green solid lid 1324-2L Extension Boxes - 6 inch Carson 1324B-1L 1 1/4 inch to 2 inch Carson 1730C-1B for 15 inch high Carson 1730D-1B for 18 inch high Green solid lid 1730-P2L SECTION 9-30.6 IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING NEW SECTION: 9-30.6(8) Water Meters Water meters 5/8 inch x 3/4 inch to 2 inch shall be provided and installed by the City Water Department. The City Water Department will not provide or set the water meter(s) until the Contractor has obtained the necessary permit(s), paid all associated fees, and receives a request from the project inspector. All water meters larger than 2 inch shall be provided and installed by the Contractor. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer 9 - 102 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 All 5/8 x 3/4 and full 3/4 meters shall be the short pattern. All water meters regardless of their respective size shall register in cubic feet. The following table is a list of respective meter sizes and meter types. Meter Size Type 5/8 inch x 3/4 inch Invensys SR 3/4 inch Invensys SR 1 inch Invensys SR 1 1/2 inch Invensys SR 2 inch Invensys SR 3 inch to 6 inch Invensys SRH Compound Compound meters for service connections 3 inches and larger shall be installed within a concrete vault and be constructed in accordance with Kent Standard Plan 3-12. After installation of the compound meter, a certified testing laboratory shall certify the accuracy of the meter. A copy of the certification report shall be provided to the Kent Water Department. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer A - 1 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 KENT STANDARD PLANS The following Kent Standard Plans supplement all other plans, which have been prepared for this project and are considered to be a part of the project plans. WATER 3-7 Valve Box and Operating Nut Extender 3-10 Service Connection 1” Service 3-11 Service Connection 1-½” and 2” Service 3-15 Irrigation Service Installation 3-21 Tapping Sleeve and Valve Assemblies 3-22 Typical Water Main Trench SEWER 4-5 Manhole Grade Ring, Safety Steps & Ladder STORM 5-1 Catch Basin Type I 5-2 Catch Basin Type II 5-3 Misc. Details for Drainage Structures 5-4 20” x 24” Catch Basin Frame 5-5 20” x 24” Vaned Grate 5-9 20” x 24” Solid Catch Basin Cover 5-11 Private Round Catch Basin Cover 5-14 20” x 24” Rectangle Beehive Grate and Catch Basin Frame 5-19 Beveled End Pipe Section 5-20 Trash Screen 5-24 Tree Planting 5-25 Shrub Planting 5-31 Filter Fabric Fence 5-35 Temporary Stockpiling 5-37 Storm Drain Markers Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 STREET 6-33 Cement Concrete Curbs 6-35 Expansion and Contraction/Control Joints 6-39 Cement Concrete Sidewalk Transition to Asphalt Shoulder 6-58 Minor Fills Around Trees 6-64 Flexible Pavement Patching Transverse Cut 6-69 Pavement Restoration for Window Cuts or Pot Holing 6-72a Standard Monument, Monument Case, Cover and Riser 6-72b Alternate Diameter Monument Case Riser 6-78 Railroad Warning Pavement Markings 6-82a Sign Post Installation Type A 6-82b Sign Post Base Plate Installation Type B 6-83 Street Name Sign Post Installation 6-84 Ground-Mounted Street Name Signs 6-85 Mast Arm Mounted Street Name Sign 6-86 City Light Standard 6-86a Strain Relief Detail 6-87 City Post Top Fixture Light Standard 6-89 Light Standard Foundation and Junction Box 6-89b Eccentric Light Standard Foundation and Junction Box 6-90 Junction Box and Street Light Wire Runs 6-91 Street Light Trench for Conduit Runs 6-96 Service Cabinet, Concrete Base and One-Line Diagram 6-98 Induction Loop Details 6-99 Induction Loop Installation Notes MEEKER STREET 7-1 Meeker Street Bench Type 1 7-6 Meeker St Litter Receptacle Type 1 7-26 Meeker Street Banner and Arms on Roadway Poles NUT OPERATING NUT EXTENDER VALVE BOX WITH OPERATING NUT EXTENDERLENGTHSTEEL ROD. 3/4" SOLID 1/8" MIN. THICK ROCK GUARD, 4 1/4" DIA.3.0' MAX.3'x3'x4" THICK CONCRETE (3,000 PSI) PAD AROUND VALVE COVER IN UNPAVED AREASVARIES; 3'-6" MIN.3'PLAN VIEW OPERATING 2" SQUARE 3' 4" NOTES: NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST.AS NEEDED1.EXTENSIONS ARE REQUIRED WHEN VALVE NUT IS MORE THAN THREE (3) FEET BELOW FINISHED GRADE. 2.EXTENSIONS SHALL BE SIZED AS NEEDED, AND PAINTED WITH TWO (2) COATS OF METAL PAINT. 3.EARS, LUGS OR STAINLESS CAP SCREWS (TRANSMISSION MAINS ONLY) ON COVER SHALL BE ALIGNED WITH DIRECTION OF WATER FLOW, SEE PLAN VIEW. 4.FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND USE SEE CITY OF KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS 3.19.B AND C. 5.VALVE BOX SHALL BE CENTERED OVER 2" SQUARE OPERATING NUT. OPERATING NUT EXTENDER AS NEEDED (BELOW RIGHT) C/L SEE NOTE 3 WATER MAIN DIRECTION WATER SLOPE AWAY 2% MAX (TYP)2%MAXOLYMPIC FOUNDRY VB 940 WITH TWO (2) INCH "DEEP SKIRT" COVER. THE COVER SHALL BE MARKED "WATER". SEE NOTES 3, 4, AND 5. CARE SHALL BE TAKEN IN BACKFILL OPERATIONS ENSURING OPERATING NUT IS IN CENTER AT ALL TIMES BASE SECTION: RICH 24" VALVE BOX BOTTOM, OLYMPIC NO. VB1C OR PRE-APPROVED EQUAL AND SHALL BE COMPATIBLE WITH TOP SECTION 2' BELOW FINISHED GRADECURB STREET 8" TO 10"6" MIN. (TYP.) INLET 22°PROPERTY ORSINGLE ELL CHECK EASEMENTLINECUSTOMER SERVICE LINE TO HOUSE OR BUILDING INSTALLED UNDER PLUMBING PERMIT NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NOTES: 1. SEE SEC. 3.10 FOR PRE-APPROVED METER SETTERS AND METER BOXES. 2. SEE STANDARD PLAN 3-13 IF PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE IS REQUIRED. 3. PROVIDE 8" MIN. CLEARANCE BETWEEN OUTSIDE EDGES OF ADJACENT METER BOXES. 4. CENTER METER SETTER IN METER BOX; FRONT-TO-BACK, SIDE-TO-SIDE. 5. 12 GAUGE INSULATED SOLID COPPER LOCATING WIRE, PLASTIC COATED, FOR POLY PIPE ONLY. BARE WIRE ENDS. NO SPLICES WILL BE ALLOWED. PERMANENTLY CONNECT WIRE END TO SADDLE OR CORP. STOP. 6. PERMANENTLY CONNECT BARE WIRE ENDS TO METER SETTER AND TAPPING SADDLE WITH STAINLESS STEEL HOSE CLAMPS. 7.INSPECTION LID IS ONLY INCLUDED IN PLASTIC BOXES ALLOWED IN PLANTER STRIPS. 8.ALL NEW INSTALLATIONS AND REPLACEMENTS SHALL ENSURE BOX AND SETTER PLACEMENT IS OR WILL BE SQUARE TO THE NEW OR EXISTING HARDSCAPE SURROUNDINGS. 9.PRV TO BE ALL CAST BRONZE UNIONLESS WATER REDUCING VALVE AND STAINLESS STEEL STRAINER WILKINS, NO. 600, 3/4", 1", 1 1/2", OR 2", BY-PASS, MONEL TRIM. MAX. FOR WATER-AIR OR PRE-APPROVED EQUAL. END OF CITY OF KENT MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY PER KENT CITY CODE SECTION 7.02.040 2' MAX. FROM PROPERTY LINE SIDEWALK (6" MIN.) OR PLANTER STRIP INSPECTION LID, SEE NOTE 7 SEE NOTE 5 SIDEWALK OR PLANTER STRIP SEE NOTE 6 SEE NOTE 5 CL.-52 DUCTILE IRON WATER MAIN. ANGLE METER STOP WITH PADLOCK WINGS METER SETTER (34" OR 1" DEPENDING ON METER) SEE NOTE 1 1" PACK JOINTx34" I.P. THREAD MALE ADAPTER (34" SETTER ONLY) INSTALL AN 18" PIECE OF SCHEDULE 80 PVC PIPE IN METER SETTER BRACE EYE. 1"Ø MIN. TYPE "K" COPPER PIPE OR POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC PIPE TO PROPERTY LINE METER BOX SEE NOTE 1 STOP SHALL BE LOCATED IN BOX WHERE ANGLING OF SHUT-OFF. WRENCH IS NOT REQUIRED 1" PACK JOINT ADAPTER X 1" I.P. FEMALE THREAD 1" CORP. DOUBLE STRAP SADDLE PLAN VIEW PROPERTY OR EASEMENT LINES/WANGLE STOP ACCESS METER SETTERS SEE NOTE 8 INSPECTION LID AND METER WHEN EQUIPPED 8" TO 10" OF 5/8" GRAVEL FOR DRAINAGE AND BOX SUPPORT SEE NOTE 5 UNOBSTRUCTED ANGLE STOP ACCESS WATER MAINDRILL HOLE NOTES:PROPERTY OREASEMENT LINE17-1/4" (2" MTR.)8" TO10"(TYP.) 6"MIN. DRILL HOLE SIDEWALK OR PLANTER STRIP CURB STREET METER SETTER 22° LHORIZONTAL C SADDLE DOUBLE STRAP WATER MAIN STAINLESS STEEL INSERT F.I.P. X POLYETHYLENE PIPE- PACK JOINT ADAPTER WITH 1. 12 GAUGE INSULATED SOLID COPPER LOCATING WIRE, PLASTIC COATED BARE WIRE ENDS, FOR POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC PIPE ONLY. NO SPLICES ARE ALLOWED. 2. FORD NO. FB-500, AY MCDONALD OR MUELLER CORPORATION STOP OR APPROVED EQUAL. 3. PERMANENTLY CONNECT BARE WIRE ENDS TO METER SETTER WITH STAINLESS STEEL HOSE CLAMPS. 4. SEE SEC. 3.10 FOR PRE-APPROVED METER SETTERS AND METER BOXES. 5. SEE STANDARD PLAN 3-13 IF PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE IS REQUIRED. 6. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 2" CLEARANCE BETWEEN OUTSIDE EDGES OF ADJACENT METER BOXES. 7. CENTER METER SETTER IN METER BOX; FRONT-TO-BACK, SIDE-TO-SIDE. 8. INSTALL AN 18" PIECE OF SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE IN EACH OF THE METER SETTER BRACE EYES. NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. SIDEWALK OR PLANTER STRIP13-1/4" (1-1/2" MTR.) ADJUSTABLE BRACE (NO BY-PASS) SEE NOTE 8 CUSTOMER SERVICE LINE TO HOUSE OR BUILDING, INSTALLED UNDER PLUMBING PERMIT END OF CITY OF KENT MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY PER KENT CITY CODE SECTION 7.02.040 PERMANENTLY CONNECT BARE WIRE END TO SADDLE OR CORPORATION STOP BALL TYPE CORP. STOP W/ M.I.P.T. ENDS SEE NOTE 2 SEE NOTE 1 SEE NOTE 3 PACK JOINT ADAPTER (TYP.) SPACER PIPE W/ HOLE IN SPACER (DO NOT INSTALL GASKETS) METER BOX SEE NOTE 4 ANGLE METER STOP WITH PADLOCK WINGS 1' MAX FROM PROPERTY LINE SINGLE CHECK ELL 8" TO 12" OF 5/8" GRAVEL FOR DRAINAGE AND BOX SUPPORT SEE NOTE 1 1"Ø MIN. TYPE "K" COPPER PIPE OR POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC PIPE TO PROPERTY LINE CHECK VALVE PIPE BRACE (OPTIONAL) METER BOX METER SETTER 12" LAYER PEA GRAVEL ASSEMBLY (SIZE VARIES)6"24" MIN.METER STOP ANGLE8" TO 10"DEDUCT METER METER BOX DEDUCT METER DOUBLE CHECK ELL UNION (TYP.)12"-14"IRRIGATION MAINLINE JOINT SWING COUPLER QUICK 6" VALVE BOX NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NOTES: 1. DRAWINGS ARE ILLUSTRATIONS ONLY. SIZE OF METER AND BACKFLOW PREVENTER SHALL BE PER THE APPROVED PLANS 2. BOXES OR VAULTS SHALL BE PER SECTION 3.10.E. 3. BACKFLOW PREVENTION SHALL BE PER SECTION 3.16 AND 3.18. SPECIFIC MATERIAL AND SIZE REQUIREMENTS WILL BE IDENTIFIED ON THE PLANS AND/OR CONTRACT SPECIAL PROVISIONS. 4. FOR IRRIGATION USE ONLY INSTALLATION. THE DCVA AND IRRIGATION BOX SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO THE METER BEING SET. THE DCVA CAN BE CERTIFIED AFTER INSTALLATION OF THE METER. 5. THE DEDUCT METER SHALL BE A SENSUS OMNI WITH A TOUCH READ THAT READS IN HUNDRED CUBIC FEET. INSPECTION LID (OPEN, TYP) TYPICAL DEDUCT INSTALLATION TYPICAL IRRIGATION ONLY INSTALLATION PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE LOCATION, IF REQUIRED FOR IRRIGATION, PER STANDARD PLAN 3-13 IRRIGATION BOX, SEE NOTE 2 DOMESTIC WATER METER INSTALL TEE AFTER PROPERTY LINE PRV IF REQUIRED FOR BUILDING (SEE STANDARD PLAN 3-13) PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE (PRV) IF REQUIRED FOR IRRIGATION TO LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY (DCVA) TO BUILDING DCVA REDUCED PRESSURE BACK FLOW ASSEMBLY (RPBA), SEE STANDARD PLANS 3-14a AND 3-14b IRRIGATION WATER METER R/W, PROPERTY OR EASEMENT LINE TO LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION R/W, PROPERTY OREASEMENT LINESEE NOTE 5 SERVICE LINE FROM DOMESTIC WATER BLOCKING CONCRETE ELEVATION PLAN HEAVY DUTY CAST DUCTILE IRON TAPPING TEE ELEVATIONPLANDUCTILE IRON TAPPING TEE SLEEVE EXISTING WATER MAIN NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NOTES: 1. MECHANICAL JOINT LONG SLEEVES SHALL BE HEAVY DUTY CAST DUCTILE IRON, HAVE END AND SIDE GASKETS. 2."SST" STAINLESS STEEL TAPPING SLEEVES BY ROMAC INDUSTRIES INC. OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. OUTLETS SHALL BE FLANGED. 3. LONG TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE ASSEMBLY TO BE PRE-APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. PRESSURE TESTING SHALL BE APPROVED BY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR PRIOR TO TAPPING. FOLLOW AWWA REQUIREMENTS FOR DISINFECTION OF TAPPING SLEEVES (AWWA STD. C651) 4. WET TAPS SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED ON SAME SIZE OR SMALLER MAINS. BLOCKING CONCRETE BLOCKING CONCRETE BLOCKING CONCRETE EXISTING PAVEMENT SURFACESAWCUT (TYP.)SURFACE RESTORATION AS SPECIFIED ON APPROVED PLANS PIPE 12" MIN. NOTE: 1.MAXIMUM WIDTH OF TRENCH AT TOP OF PIPE: 30" FOR PIPE UP TO AND INCLUDING 12" NOMINAL DIAMETER. O.D. PLUS 16" FOR PIPE LARGER THAN 12" NOMINAL DIAMETER. 2.WHEN POOR QUALITY FOUNDATION MATERIAL IS ENCOUNTERED BELOW THE BEDDING MATERIAL, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OVER-EXCAVATE AND IMPORT BACKFILL MATERIAL MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STANDARD SPEC 9-03.9(2) OR WHEN DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. THE USE OF GEOTEXTILE SEPARATION FABRIC MAY ALSO BE REQUIRED TO STABILIZE THE BASE. 3.BENCH AS NEEDED FOR SHORING OR TRENCH BOX (TYP.) WHEN DEPTH OF TRENCH IS 4 FT. AND GREATER. NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 4" MIN. PAVEMENT RESTORATION PER STANDARD PLANS 6-64 THRU 6-67 48" MIN. 12" OR GREATER PIPE SIZE 36" MIN. 10" OR GREATER PIPE SIZE SEE NOTE 2 UNPAVED AREAS PAVED AREAS UNPAVED AREAS PAVED AREAS PIPE ZONE MATERIAL SHALL BE 5/8" CSTC PER WSDOT 9-03.9. SEE STANDARD PLANS 6-64 THRU 6-67 FOR TRENCH RESTORATION UNDER PAVEMENTS GRAVEL BORROW PER WSDOT 9-03.14 OR SUITABLE EXCAVATED MATERIAL COMPACT TO 90% MINIMUM OF MAXIMUM DENSITY IN UNPAVED AREAS SEE NOTE 1 1. MANHOLE STEPS CONFORMING TO SECTION R, ASTM C-478. AASHTO M-199 REQUIREMENTS AND REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM D-4101 FOR POLYPROPYLENE AND ASTM A-615 FOR 1/2" GRADE 60 DEFORMED REINFORCING BAR FOR POLYPROPYLENE STEPS, AND ALL WISHA AND OSHA SPECIFICATIONS, ARE ACCEPTABLE PROVIDED THEY ARE PRE-APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. PREFABRICATED LADDERS ARE TO BE #7 GALVANIZED SMOOTH STEEL. 3. MANHOLE PREFABRICATED LADDER STEPS SHALL BE PARALLEL OR APPROXIMATELY RADIAL AT THE OPTION OF THE MANUFACTURER, EXCEPT THAT ALL STEPS IN ANY MANHOLE SHALL BE THE SAME. POLYPROPYLENE DROP RUNG MANHOLE STEP NOTES: 5"4"5"24" GRADE RING 1" CLEARANCE #4 BAR MANHOLE STEP GALVANIZED DROP RUNG MANHOLE STEP 12" MIN. 6" 12" MIN. 3" MIN. 6 1/2"4' MAX.11 1/2" 9 1/2" MIN.9"6" 12" MIN. 3 1/2"12" 1" RADIUS 3" NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 4.PENETRATION OF OUTER WALL BY A STEP LADDER OR LADDER LEG IS PROHIBITED. USE FLANGED END FOR BOLTING TO WALL. 5.EMBED FOOT OF GALVANIZED PREFABRICATED LADDER IN CONCRETE IN POURED OR CHANNELED FLOOR. 6.MANHOLE STEPS OR LADDERS ARE NOT REQUIRED WHEN THE COVER TO BOTTOM OF MANHOLE IS LESS THAN 4'. 12" GALVANIZED PREFABRICATED LADDER POLYPROPYLENE PREFABRICATED LADDER SEE NOTE 5 SEE NOTE 4 SEE NOTE 4 SEE NOTE 4 SEE NOTE 4 6" FOR STEP 3" FOR HANDHOLD 9 1/8" FOR STEP 6 1/8" FOR HANDHOLD HANDHOLD DROP RUNG MANHOLE STEP 11 3/4" MIN. CENTER TO CENTER SEE NOTE 5 11 3/4" MIN. CENTER TO CENTER 12" SEE STANDARD PLANS 5-4 THRU 5-8 AND 5-12 MIN. EACH SIDE EACH CORNER (WEIGHS 2170 LBS.) 6" WEIGHS 200 LBS. 12" WEIGHS 580 LBS. PRECAST BASE SECTION RECTANGULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION FRAME AND GRATE #3 BAR #3 BAR #3 BAR EACH WAY ONE #3 BAR HOOP FOR 6" HEIGHT TWO #3 BAR HOOPS FOR 12" HEIGHT 6" OR 12" 5" 5" 20 " 30 " 24"34" 4" MI N. ( T Y P.) 21" 44" 4" 3" 22 "26" NOTES: NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 412" TO 9" DEPENDING ON FRAME AND GRATE REQUIRED STATION AND OFFSET POINT WHEN DESIGN AND LAYOUT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF KENT, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLANS 1.CATCH BASIN TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO M 199, (ASTM C 478, & ASTM C 890) UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS OR NOTED IN THE WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. 2.AS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATE TO REBAR, WELDED WIRE FABRIC HAVING A MINIMUM AREA OF 0.12 SQUARE INCHES PER FOOT MAY BE USED. WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL COMPLY TO AASHTO M 221 (ASTM A 1064). WIRE FABRIC SHALL NOT BE PLACED IN THE KNOCKOUTS. 3.PRECAST BASES SHALL BE FURNISHED WITH CUTOUTS OR KNOCKOUTS. THE KNOCKOUT DIAMETER SHALL NOT EXCEED 20". KNOCKOUTS SHALL HAVE A WALL THICKNESS OF 2" MINIMUM. PROVIDE A 1.5" MINIMUM GAP BETWEEN THE KNOCKOUT WALL AND THE OUTSIDE OF THE PIPE. 4.ALL JOINTS IN THE BRICKS, GRADE RINGS, RISERS AND CASTINGS SHALL BE SEATED IN MORTAR. PICK HOLES, CRACKS AND ANY OTHER JOINTS SHALL BE FINISH GROUTED TO PROVIDE A WATERTIGHT STRUCTURE. 5.THE MAXIMUM DEPTH FROM THE FINISHED GRADE TO THE LOWEST PIPE INVERT SHALL BE 5 FEET. DEPTHS GREATER THAN 5 FEET REQUIRE UPSIZING TO A TYPE II STRUCTURE. 6.NON-CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN SETTING OF FRAMES TO FINAL FINISH GRADE. MORTAR (TYP.) I.E. 18" (TYP.) INSTALL MANHOLE ADAPTER, "SAND COLLAR" WHEN PIPE TYPE REQUIRES MORTAR (TYP.) 5'-0" MAX. 44" 30" TYPICAL SECTION MAX. INSIDE DIAMETER PIPE ALLOWANCES PIPE MATERIAL SOLID WALL PVC (WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-05.12(1)) REINFORCED OR PLAIN CONCRETE ALL METAL PIPE 15" 15" 12" NOTES: 1. CATCH BASINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE W/ AASHTO M 199, (ASTM C 478, AND ASTM C 890) UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS OR NOTED IN THE WSDOT STD. SPECS. 2. HANDHOLDS IN RISER OR ADJUSTMENT SECTION SHALL HAVE 3" MIN. CLEARANCE. STEPS IN CATCH BASIN SHALL HAVE 6" MIN. CLEARANCE. NO STEPS ARE REQ'D WHEN 'B' IS 4' OR LESS. 3. THE BOTTOM OF THE PRECAST CATCH BASIN MAY BE SLOPED TO FACILITATE CLEANING. 4. KNOCKOUTS SHALL HAVE A WALL THICKNESS OF 2" MINIMUM TO 2.5" MAXIMUM. PROVIDE A 1.5" MINIMUM GAP BETWEEN THE KNOCKOUT WALL AND THE OUTSIDE OF THE PIPE. AFTER THE PIPE IS INSTALLED, FILL THE GAP WITH JOINT MORTAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-04.3. 5. ALL BASE REINFORCING STEEL SHALL HAVE A MIN. YIELD STRENGTH OF 60,000 PSI & BE PLACED IN THE UPPER HALF OF THE BASE WITH 1" MIN. CLEARANCE. 6. PICK HOLES, CRACKS AND ANY OTHER JOINTS SHALL BE FINISHED GROUTED TO PROVIDE A WATERTIGHT STRUCTURE. PIPE MATERIAL WITH MAXIMUM INSIDE DIAMETER CONCRETE ALL METAL CPSSP 84"54"60"54"36"48" 24" 30" 36" 42" 60" 30" 36" 42" 54" 72" 24" 30" 36" 42" 60" 27" 27" 36" 36" 36" 30" 36" 42" 48" 48" 48" 54" 60" 72" 96" SOLID WALL PVC PROFILE WALL PVC FLAT SLAB TOP REINFORCING STEEL (TYP.)28" MAX.4"24" MIN.12"MORTAR (TYP.)12"(TYP.)RECTANGULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION OR CIRCULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION CATCH BASIN FRAME AND GRATE. (SEE STANDARD PLANS 5-5, 5-6, 5-8, 5-10, AND 5-11) STEPS OR LADDER HANDHOLD 6"MAX.MAX.16"MIN.(SEE STANDARD PLAN 4-5) CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE STORM SEWER PIPE (WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-05.20) (WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-05.12(1)) (WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-05.12(2)) 48" 54" 60" 72" 84" 96" 4" 4.5" 5" 6" 8" 8" 6" 8" 8" 8" 12" 12" 36" 42" 48" 60" 72" 84" 8" 8" 8" 12" 12" 12" 0.15 0.19 0.25 0.24 0.29 0.29 0.23 0.19 0.25 0.35 0.39 0.39 CATCH BASIN DIA. WALL THICKNESS BASE THICKNESS 321 1 2 3 48", 54", 60", 72", 84" OR 96" NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST."B" 12'-0" MAX. (FOR MAINTENANCE)MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN KNOCKOUTS CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE PIPE ZONE BEDDING12"MAX.INSTALL MANHOLE ADAPTER, "SAND COLLAR" WHEN PIPE TYPE REQUIRES BASE REINFORCING STEEL in²/ft. IN EACH DIRECTION SEPARATE BASE INTEGRAL BASE MAXIMUM KNOCKOUT SIZE CATCH BASIN DIMENSIONS CATCH BASIN DIAMETER PIPE ALLOWANCES 12" GASKET BETWEEN RISERS (TYP.) 2" CLR TYP. 96" TOP SLAB #6 BARS @ 7" CENTERS BOTTOM FACE WITH 1" MIN. COVER 20" x 24", OR TYP. 2" CLR 72" TOP SLAB 20"8"1" MIN. COVER BOTTOM FACE WITH #5 BARS @ 6" CENTERS 8"20" 48" & 54" TOP SLAB 2' MIN. TYPICAL ORIENTATION FOR ACCESS AND STEPS12"20" x 24", OR NOTES: ONE #3 34" 4"5" AS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO REBAR, WIRE MESH HAVING A MINIMUM AREA OF 0.12 SQUARE INCHES PER FOOT MAY BE USED FOR ADJUSTMENT SECTIONS. 34" 24" 30 " 20 " 5"5" ONE #3 BAR HOOP FOR 6" TWO #3 BAR HOOPS FOR 12" 6" OR 12" 1" MIN. 2 1/2" MAX. 24" DIAM. 1" MIN. 2 1/2" MAX. 2" TYP. 24" DIAM. 2" TYP. BAR HOOP CIRCULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION RECTANGULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 1. SLAB OPENING SHALL BE 24" X 20" FOR RECTANGULAR AND 24" DIAMETER FOR ROUND. 2. SEE STANDARD PLAN 4-5 FOR STEP, LADDER AND GRADE RING. 3. ONLY ONE STYLE OF CATCH BASIN STEPS MAY BE USED IN A CATCH BASIN. DO NOT MIX STYLES. 2" CLR. TYP. CONVERSION RISER 20" 40" 24" 36 " 24 " 6" #4 BARS @ 6" CENTERS BOTTOM FACE WITH 1" MIN. COVER 20" x 24", OR 24" DIAM. 2" TYP. NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 7/8" TYP. TOP VIEW SECTION A-A A A 1 5/8" TYP. MIN.1 1/4" 3 3/4"4 1/2" 3/4"18 1/2" 20 1/4" 24 1/4" NOTES: 1. MATERIAL USED FOR THE FRAME SHALL BE CAST IRON ONLY. (PER ASTM A48 CL30 H-20 LOADING). 2. TOP OF FRAME SHALL BE ADJUSTED EVEN WITH ROADWAY SECTION. 22 1/2'' 5/8"-11 NC BOLT-DOWN HOLE (2 PLACES TYP.) 1 5/8" TYP. 2 1/2" 26" 22" 25 1/4" 29 1/4" NOTES: 1. PROVIDE FRAME SHOWN IN STANDARD PLAN 5-4. 2. PROVIDE 2-5/8" DIAMETER STAINLESS STEEL ALLEN TYPE BOLTS COUNTER SUNK FLUSH WITH COVER. 1 5/8" PARTING LINE VANE DETAIL 2 3/4" 1 5/8" TYP.1" 1 1/4" 1 5/8" 1/8" 3 1/2" R. 5/16" R.7/8 " 1/8" R. 1 5/8" 2 1/4" TOP VIEW END VIEW FRONT VIEW SLOT DETAIL 3/4"1 1/4" 1/2"5/8" 1/2" INSET HEX SOCKET 5/8"-11 NC-2A STAINLESS STEEL SECURING BOLT 2" 5/8" 15/16" NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. GRATE SHALL BE STAMPED "DUMP NO POLLUTANTS", "OUTFALL TO STREAM". GRATE SHALL BE LOCKING. 3. 4.ALL LETTERING SHOWN SHALL BE 1/2" AND SHALL BE RECESSED UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 5. DUCTILE IRON ASTM A-536 GRADE 80-55-06 H-2O RATED. 6. DIRECTION OF FLOW BI-DIRECTIONAL VANED GRATES ARE REQUIRED WHEN LOCATED IN A LOW-SPOT. 7. 3" 5"3" 5" 20" 24" 2 3/4" 2" SLOT FORMED AND RECESSED FOR 5/8" - 11 NC x 2" S.S. SOCKET HEAD (ALLEN HEAD) CAP SCREW. 1 3/8" TYP. NOTES: NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 1. WHEN SPECIFIED ON THE APPROVED PLANS, THE SOLID METAL COVER FOR CATCH BASIN SHALL BE FURNISHED IN PLACE OF A 20"X24" GRATE. 2. RAISED DESIGNS OTHER THAN THE DIAMOND DESIGN SHOWN HEREON MAY BE USED IF APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. COVERS IN WALKWAYS SHALL BE NON-SLIP. 3. CAST IN THE LETTERS "DRAIN" IN 2" RAISED LETTERS, 1/8" HIGH. 4. TO BE USED WITH FRAME SHOWN IN STANDARD PLAN 5-4. 5. PROVIDE 2-5/8" DIAMETER STAINLESS STEEL ALLEN TYPE BOLTS COUNTER SUNK FLUSH WITH COVER. (SEE STANDARD PLAN 5-4 FOR BOLT-DOWN CATCH BASIN FRAME). 6. FRAME: CAST IRON ASTM A48 CL30, COVER: DUCTILE IRON ASTM A 536 GR 80-55-06 H-20 RATED. PLAN SECTION D-D SECTION A-A 8 LEVELING PADS 3/4"x3/4"x1/8" THICK A HEX SOCKET D D B A B 1 1/4" 4 3/4"1/4"20"2"1"1"1/2"24" 1/4" 1 7/8"2 1/8" 2 1/2" DIA. PROVIDE 5/8" DIA. BOLTS & TAP FRAME FOR LOCK DOWN LID 5/8" 1/2" INSET 2" 5" 15/16" C 4" 1/4" 3 1/2"3/4" 5/8"1 1/2" 1/2" DIA. HANDLE 3/4" DIA. HOLE 3" C C SECTION C-C 1 1/4" 5/8"-11 NC-2A STAINLESS STEEL SECURING BOLT L 1-3/16" DIA. SLOT 5/8"1/8"3/4"2"1/8"11/16" 1/8"3/4" 1 1/8" 1/2" STEEL LIFT HANDLE 3/4" SEE NOTE 3 SECTION B-B CAST IRON FRAME MINIMUM WEIGHT - 207 LBS. NOTES: A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 1. CAST IRON TO CONFORM TO SPEC. ASTM A48 RATING H-20. 2. SEAT OF COVER & FRAME MACHINED. 3. NON-ROCKING FIT FOR MANHOLE COVERS. 4. BREAK ALL SHARP CORNERS WHERE POSSIBLE. 5. CASTING TO BE SHOT BLASTED AND FREE FROM SURFACE SAND AND SCALE. 6. CASTING TO BE SMOOTH, TRUE TO PATTERN, FREE FROM BLOWHOLES, POROSITY, HARD SPOTS, SHRINK HOLES, WARP, OR ANY OTHER DEFECTS WHICH COULD IMPAIR SERVICEABILITY. 7. CASTINGS SHALL BE COATED AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. HEAVY RINGS - (9" DEPTH) USE WHERE PORTLAND CEMENT CONC. PAVMT. IS BEING PLACED TO THICKNESS GREATER THAN 6" LIGHT RINGS - (6" DEPTH) USE WHERE PAVMT. THICKNESS IS 6" OR LESS LOCKING DEVICES FOR COVER MAY BE USED PROVIDING DETAILS HERE ARE NOT CHANGED CAST IRON NON-LOCKING COVER MIN. WEIGHT - 150 LBS. 33 3/4" 23 3/4"5" 1 1/4" 24" 25 1/4" 26 3/8"3/4"25" 2 1/2"HEAVY RINGS = 9"LIGHT RINGS = 6"1"5"3/8"2"1"MACHINED SEAT 2" x 3/8" LETTERS ON COVER-"DRAIN". NON-SKID PATTERN TO BE CAST INTEGRAL ON TOP OF COVER. 8 WEBS 1/2" THICK 1" CORE- HOLE A B B 18" x 22" 1" 5/8" 20" x 24" 10" x 12" 1"6 1/4"1 1/2" LOCKING BEEHIVE GRATE PLAN NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NOTES: 1. MATERIAL USED FOR THE FRAME SHALL BE CAST IRON ONLY. (PER ASTM A48 CL30 H-20 LOADING). 2. TOP OF FRAME SHALL BE ADJUSTED EVEN WITH ROADWAY SECTION. 3. MATERIAL: DUCTILE IRON ASTM A536, CL 80-55-06. 4.PROVIDE 2-5/8" LONG STAINLESS STEEL ALLEN TYPE BOLTS COUNTER SUNK FLUSH WITH COVER. TOP VIEW SECTION A-A 1 5/8" 1" 25 1/4" 20" 18 1/2" 20 1/4"7/8" (TYP)1 5/8" TYP. MIN. 3/4" 4 1/2"24 1/4"22 1/2"29 1/4"3/4" 3/8" (TYP) 5/8"-11 NC BOLT-DOWN HOLE (2 PLACES TYP.) SECTION B-B A A B B (TYP.) (TYP.) 13 13 PLAN ELEVATION CONCRETE PIPE METAL PIPE NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. PIPE JOINT END SECTION 1' MIN.4" MAX.TONGUE END ON INLET END GROOVE END ON OUTLET END ENDS TO FIT ADJACENT PIPE SECTIONS ROUND EDGES 1/2"-1" ROUND EDGES 1/2"-1" ROUND EDGES 1/2"-1" ROUND EDGES 1/2"-1" END SECTION 1' MIN.4" MAX.NOTES: 1. SIDE SLOPE SHALL BE WARPED TO MATCH THE BEVELED PIPE END. WHEN CULVERT IS ON SKEW, BEVELED END SHALL BE ROTATED TO CONFORM TO SLOPE. IF SLOPE DIFFERS FROM 3:1, PIPE SHALL BE BEVELED TO MATCH SLOPE. 2.BEVELED END PIPE SHALL BE PRECAST CONCRETE PIPE OR DUCTILE IRON ONLY. THE PIPE TYPE SHALL BE CONSISTENT THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF ANY REQUIRED CULVERT OR TO THE NEAREST STRUCTURE PRIOR TO THE BEVELED OUTFALL. VARIES NOTES: (12"Ø OR LARGER) STORM DRAIN PIPELC NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 1. WELD AT ALL JOINTS. 2. SHOP DRAWINGS REQUIRED. 3. ALL STEEL IN PLATES, BARS AND BANDS SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM A36. 4. DEBRIS CAGE SHALL BE HOT-DIP GALVANIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO M111 (ASTM A123). 5. GALVANIZING SHALL BE PER WSDOT STD. SPECIFICATION 9-05.16. (2) 1/4"x3" GALVANIZED STEEL STRIPS 3/4" DIAMETER GALVANIZED STEEL BAR (4) 1/4"x2"X8" GALVANIZED STEEL STRIPS. BEND AND WELD TO FRAME, SPACE UNIFORMLY(2) 1/4"x3" GALVANIZED STEEL STRIPS DRILL THROUGH PIPE MATERIAL & STEEL STRIPS. BOLT WITH 1/2" S. STEL. HEX BOLTS 5" VERIFY ANGLE OF BEVEL WITH RACK SUPPLIER. 1:1 OR GREATER REQUIRED 3/4" DIAMETER GALVANIZED STEEL BARS. WELD ENDS TO FRAME 6" MAX. SPACING STAKE TREE AT 1/3 HEIGHT OF TREE, USE "TREE TIES" OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUIVALENT, REMOVE STAKE AND TIE AFTER 1 YEAR NOT TO SCALE SPREAD A 3' MINIMUM DIAMETER MULCH RING (DONUT) AROUND THE PLANTING HOLE WIDTH OF PLANTING HOLE SHALL BE AT LEAST 1.5 TIMES THE WIDTH OF THE ROOTBALL ROOT BALL NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NATIVE SOIL CUT CIRCLING ROOTS AND SPREAD OR "BUTTERFLY" ROOTBALL 3" DEPTH MULCH NOT TOUCHING STEM PLACE TOP OF ROOTBALL 1" ABOVE THE LEVEL OF NATIVE SOIL. BEFORE MULCH, POTTING SOIL SHOULD BE VISIBLE STAKE ONLY IF NECESSARY (TYPICALLY IF TREE IS GREATER THAN 4' TALL) TREE TIE SHALL NOT CONSTRICT TREE DEVELOPMENT BACKFILL WITH TOPSOIL ONLY, COMPACT MODERATELY BY HAND REST BOTTOM OF ROOTBALL ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL ROOT BALL WIDTH OF PLANTING HOLE SHALL BE AT LEAST 1.5 TIMES THE WIDTH OF THE ROOTBALL SPREAD A 3' MINIMUM DIAMETER MULCH RING (DONUT) AROUND THE PLANTING HOLE NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NATIVE SOIL CUT CIRCLING ROOTS AND SPREAD OR "BUTTERFLY" ROOTBALL 3" DEPTH MULCH NOT TOUCHING STEM BACKFILL WITH TOPSOIL ONLY, COMPACT MODERATELY BY HAND REST BOTTOM OF ROOTBALL ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL PLACE TOP OF ROOTBALL 1" ABOVE THE LEVEL OF NATIVE SOIL. BEFORE MULCH, POTTING SOIL SHOULD BE VISIBLE NOT TO SCALE SECTION A-A ELEVATION FLOW INSTALLATION NOTES: NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. A 1. FILTER FABRIC FENCE SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THEY HAVE SERVED THEIR USEFUL PURPOSE AFTER THE UPSLOPE AREA HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. THE NEWLY DISTURBED AREAS RESULTING FROM FILTER FABRIC REMOVAL SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY SEEDED AND MULCHED OR STABILIZED AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. FILTER FABRIC FENCES SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL. ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. 3. REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN IT REACHES 1/3 FENCE HEIGHT. 4. INSTALL THE SILT FENCE FIRST. AFTER THE SILT FENCE HAS BEEN INSTALLED, CONSTRUCT BERM AND TRENCH. NEWLY GRADED OR DISTURBED SIDE SLOPE WIRE FABRIC 1 1/2" WASHED ROCK 2"x2"x14 GAUGE WELDED WIRE FABRIC OR EQUAL (IF 180# EXTRA STRENGTH FABRIC IF USED MAY ELIMINATE WIRE FABRIC)WIRE RINGS (TYP.) JOINTS IN FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE SPLICED AT POSTS. USE STAPLES, WIRE RINGS, OR EQUIVALENT TO ATTACH FABRIC TO POSTS. FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL MIRAFI 100X OR QUIVALENT STEEL OR 2x4 WOOD POSTS 6' O.C. WIRE RINGS (TYP.) FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL NATIVE BACKFILL MATERIAL OR 3/4"-1.5" WASHED GRAVEL 3"2'-6" MIN.1'1'-6" MIN.6"x6" TRENCH 2'2'1'4"2" A NOTES: 1. PLASTIC SHEETING SHALL MEET ASTM D 4397 REQUIREMENTS. 2. MAXIMUM PERMITTED SLOPE SHALL BE 2H:1V. 3. SEAMS BETWEEN SHEETS MUST OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 12" AND BE WEIGHTED OR TAPED. 4. TEMPORARY STOCKPILES SHALL NOT BLOCK THE SIGHT DISTANCES OF ANY INTERSECTION OR DRIVEWAY. 10' MA X . S P A C I N G BETWE E N P L A S T I C S H E E T S NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON STOCKPILING MATERIAL SEE CITY OF KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS SECTION 2.3.E BURY SHEETING INTO EXISTING SOIL MINIMUM 4"x4" TRENCH SANDBAGS, OR EQUIVALENT MAY BE USED TO WEIGHT PLASTIC MAX SPACING SHALL BE 10' BURY SHEETING INTO EXISTING SOIL MINIMUM 4"X4" TRENCH CLEAR PLASTIC SHEETING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 6 MIL.24' MAX.HEIGHT NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NOTE: 1.CATCH BASIN MARKER SHALL BE AFFIXED WITH MANUFACTURER'S EPOXY IN DRY WEATHER, 40 DEGREES AND WARMER. IF CURB EXISTS, MARKER IS PLACED ON TOP OF CURB. IF RAISED EDGE PAVEMENT, MARKER PLACEMENT IS ON THE WEDGE. IF NEITHER EXIST, MARKER WILL BE PLACED ON SIDE LEAST EXPOSED TO TRAFFIC. PUBLIC CATCH BASIN MARKER PRIVATE CATCH BASIN MARKER COMBINED CURB AND GUTTER1/2"R12"6"5 1/2" 6"12" 1 " R 1 " R 1"6"12" 24"12"3 1/2"2"10"4"6 1/2"CURB TRANSITION NOTES: 1.CONCRETE CLASS 3000. TYPICAL, UNLESS WITHIN DRIVEWAY SECTION, SEE DRIVEWAY STANDARD PLANS. 2.ROLLED CURB MAY ONLY BE USED WITHIN A CUL-DE-SAC OR ON A PRIVATE STREET. 3.IN ROADWAY SECTIONS WITH SUPER ELEVATION, THE GUTTER PAN WILL MATCH THE ADJACENT PAVEMENT SLOPE. 4.DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GRADE SHALL BE 1.5%. CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCE SHALL BE 1% MIN AND 2% MAX. 5.FORMS SHALL BE STEEL UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED. FORMS SHALL BE SET TRUE TO LINE AND GRADE AND SECURELY STAKED PRIOR TO CONCRETE PLACEMENT. COMBINED CURB AND GUTTER ROLLED CURB SIDEWALK 5"1"6"10" 2 1/2"2 1/2"1 1 /2 "R1 1/2"R1"R1"R EXTRUDED CURB PAVEMENT NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 1% MIN. - 2% MAX. 1.5% 9"EDGE OF TRAFFIC LANE12"R13"RFULL DEPTH BOND BREAK MATERIAL: 30 LB ROOFING FELT, 6 MIL PLASTIC OR APPROVED EQUAL 1 / 2 " R MAINTAIN FLOW LINE WITHOUT VERTICAL LIP BETWEEN GUTTER AND CURB 6"12"1"6"VARIES1 1/2"R1 1/2"3"8" EXTRUDED CURB UNDER GUARDRAIL NOTE: FACE OF CURB SHALL NOT EXTEND BEYOND THE FACE OF GUARDRAIL TOWARD THE TRAFFIC LANE 18" 6" ROLLED CURB24" 4" MAINTAIN EDGE OF CONCRETE CURB + SLOPE = 1 / 2 " - SLOP E = 1 " EPOXY ADHESIVE FOR FRESH CONCRETE 6"12"1"6"DRIVEWAYADA RAMP 5'-0" HAND TROWELED TAPER SECTION 2% MAX.1.5% MAX. GUTTER SHALL BE 8" THICK AND REINFORCED WHEN INSTALLED NEAR COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAYS C OF CURBL SEE NOTE 4 1/2" FOR POSITIVE SLOPE 1" FOR NEGATIVE SLOPE SIDEWALK WIDTH VARIES 1.5% 6" CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRON AND GUTTER FOR RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAYS. 8" REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE APRON AND GUTTER FOR COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAYS. 5' 150' MAX. 5' 150' MAX. 4" CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK CROSS SECTION CONTRACTION/CONTROL JOINT DETAIL "B" EXPANSION JOINT DETAIL "A" DRIVEWAY CROSS SECTION DRIVEWAY (TYP.) SEE DETAIL "A" EXPANSION JOINT 2" 4" MIN. NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 3/8"x FULL DEPTH EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL, 150' MAX. O.C. SEE NOTES NOTES: 1. EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL TO BE 3/8" x FULL DEPTH AND SHALL BE PLACED AT 150' O.C. SPACING. ELASTOMETRIC JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH WSDOT STD. SPECIFICATION SECTION 9-04.1 (4). 2. CONTRACTION/CONTROL JOINT SHALL BE 1/4" WIDE BY 25% SLAB DEPTH; 1" DEEP FOR 4" SLAB, 1.5" DEEP FOR 6" SLAB, 2" DEEP FOR 8" SLAB, AT 5' SPACING. 3. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN CURB & GUTTER AND SIDEWALK AT P.C. & P.T. AT ALL CURB RETURNS AND ALL ANGLE POINTS. 4. FORM AND SUB-GRADE INSPECTION REQUIRED BEFORE POURING CONCRETE. 5. EXPANSION JOINTS IN SIDEWALKS AND CURBS SHALL BE ALIGNED WITH EACH OTHER AND NOT OFFSET. 6. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GRADE SHALL BE 1.5%. CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCE SHALL BE 1% MIN AND 2% MAX. BROOMED FINISH PERPENDICULAR TO PEDESTRIAN TRAVEL (TYP.) CURB AND GUTTER CONTRACTION/CONTROL JOINT (TYP.) SEE DETAIL "B" 4" CONTRACTION/CONTROL JOINT, 5' O.C. SEE NOTE 2 2" CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE 4" CONCRETE PER WSDOT STD. SPECIFICATION 8-14 2" 4" 2" SIDEWALK 3/8"x FULL DEPTH EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL, SEE NOTE 1 PEDESTRIAN TRAVEL DIRECTION 2" SHINE FINISH 7.WHERE SIDEWALK CROSSES HYDRANT LATERAL; CENTER 3' WIDE PANEL ACCROSS LATERAL, USE EXPANSION JOINT, SEE KENT STANDARD DETAIL 3-1. 8.ACCESS COVERS, JUNCTION BOXES, CABLE VAULTS AND OTHER APPURTENANCES WITHIN THE SIDEWALK LIMITS MUST INCLUDE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE MATCHING THE GRADE OF THE SURROUNDING SIDEWALK. SUCH APPURTENANCES SHALL NOT BE PLACED WITHIN THE SLOPES OF ADA RAMPS OR DRIVEWAY WINGS. SS FOR NEW SEWER CONSTRUCTION; STAMP FACE OF CURB WHERE SIDE SEWER CROSSES PERPENDICULAR TO CURB. 3" HIGH LETTERS 1/4" DEPTH. 4" SHINE FINISH 4" EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) SEE DETAIL "A" PLANTER STRIP (WHEN REQ'D) EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) SEE DETAIL "A" FULL DEPTH BOND BREAK MATERIAL: 30 LB ROOFING FELT, 6 MIL PLASTIC OR APPROVED EQUAL 2" SHINE FINISH SHINE FINISH 4" SHINE FINISH (TYP.) SEE DETAIL "A" EXPANSION JOINT TYP. SEE NOTE 6 6' MIN. 12 1 SECTION A-A NOTES: 1.SEE ROADWAY CROSS SECTION DETAILS FOR SIDEWALK WIDTHS. 2.SHOULDER SHALL BE SURFACED TO MATCH ADJACENT ROADWAY; PAVED SHOULDER SLOPE SHALL MATCH CROWN SLOPE OR 0.02 FT./FT. 3.SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-34 FOR CURB AND SIDEWALK JOINTS. 4.10' MIN. ASPHALT TAPER IF NO PAVED SHOULDER. 5.ACCESS COVERS, JUNCTION BOXES, CABLE VAULTS AND OTHER APPURTENANCES WITHIN THE SIDEWALK LIMITS MUST INCLUDE A SLIP-RESISTANT SURFACE MATCHING THE GRADE OF THE SURROUNDING SIDEWALK. SUCH APPURTENANCES SHALL NOT BE PLACED WITHIN THE SLOPES OF ADA RAMPS OR DRIVEWAY WINGS. MATCH EXISTING OR PROPOSED SURFACE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND RAMP ASPHALT SHOULDER VARIES 4'-10', TAPER TO MATCH EXISTING SHOULDER WIDTH, SEE NOTE 4 ASPHALT CONCRETE SHOULDER NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. PLA N T E R S T R I P TYPE I CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE WIDTHS VARY 6' MIN. CEMENT CONCRETE TRANSITION RAMP 12: 1 M A X . SL O P E 15' MAX. A CEM E N T C O N C R E T E S I D E W A L K A NOTES: 1.EXTEND STRAW OUT TO DRIPLINE OF TREE. 2.COMPACT SOIL BY HAND EQUIPMENT ONLY. 3.FOR ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS SEE DETAILS 6-52, 6-53, AND 6-54. NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ORIGINAL GRADE DRIP LINE NATIVE SOIL FILL 1" STRAW LAYER FINISHED GRADE SEE 6-52 FOR PRUNING CONSIDERATIONS AND SIGHT DISTANCES.5"MAX.ORIGINAL GRADE NOTES: 1.ASPHALT CONCRETE MIX SHALL BE HMA PER KDCS 6.16. 2.ALL TRENCH BACKFILL SHALL BE CSTC, WSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-03.9(3). 3.ALL SAW CUTS SHALL BE VERTICAL AND IN STRAIGHT LINES AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER PER WSDOT STD. SPEC. 5-04.3(5). 4.UNIFORMLY TACK ALL ASPHALT VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL FACES AND SEAL ALL SURFACE SAW CUT JOINTS PER WSDOT STD. SPEC. 5-04.3(5) AND 5.04.3(5)A. MECHANICAL APPLICATION OF TACK WHERE POSSIBLE, IF NOT, BROOM APPLY BY HAND TO ACHIEVE UNIFORMITY. 5.HOT MIX ASPHALT SHALL BE AT LEAST 6 INCHES THICK ON LOCAL STREETS; 8 TO 10 INCHES THICK ON ARTERIALS. 6.PAVING FABRIC (IF FOUND) WILL NOT REQUIRE REPLACEMENT. 7.TEMPORARY TRAFFIC MARKINGS SHALL BE PLACED IN KIND IMMEDIATELY AFTER PAVING AND PERMANENT STRIPING SHALL BE REPLACED WITHIN 21 DAYS OF THE PAVING OPERATION. 8.COMPACTION REPORTS ARE REQUIRED AS OUTLINED IN SECTIONS 2.4 AND 2.5 OF THE KDCS AND 2-03.3(14)D AND E OF THE WSDOT STD. SPEC. ADEQUATE NOTICE FOR SCHEDULING THESE SERVICES SHALL BE GIVEN CONSIDERATION IN PERFORMING THE WORK. SECTION NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 50' MIN ARTERIAL ROADS EACH WAY 2" GRIND AND OVERLAY 35' MIN EACH WAY 2" GRIND AND OVERLAY ALL OTHER ROADS 2'-6" MIN. GRIND EDGE OR SAWCUT TO PROVIDE A VERTICAL FACE (TYP) SEE NOTES 3 AND 4 EXISTING ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE (TYP) EXISTING ASPHALT 6"-10" OF HMA PER KDCS 6.16 SEE NOTES 1 AND 5 2" HMA PER KDCS 6.16 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-7 AND 6-8 35 FEET EACH WAY 6-5, 6-9, 6-10, 6-11, 6-12, 6-13, 6-14 AND 6-15 4'-6" MIN. T-CUT PIPE ZONE BEDDING MATERIAL AS REQUIRED BY UTILITY 1' MIN. (TYP) 1' MIN. (TYP) SEAL SURFACE JOINTS WITH AR 4000 (TYP) SEE NOTE 6 ROADWAY RESTORATION CLASSIFICATIONS SEE KENT STANDARD PLAN 50 FEET EACHWAY COMPACTED CSTC SEE NOTE 26" MIN.KDCS = KENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. PLAN 2'-6" MIN. 1' MIN. (TYP) 1' MIN. (TYP) FACE OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT 2" GRIND AND OVERLAY 25 FEET EACH WAY OF ARTERIAL CENTER OF CROSSING A A TRENCH SAW CUT NATIVE SOIL FACE OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UTILITY NOTES: 1.TO BE USED FOR NO-CUT AND GRIND AND OVERLAY STREET RESTORATION CLASSIFICATIONS. FULL WIDTH RESTORATION WILL BE REQUIRED IF PATCHES FAIL. 2.THE EXISTING PAVEMENT SHALL BE CUT FULL DEPTH WITH AN EIGHT INCH DIAMETER CORE DRILL. THE SUBBASE MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED USING A VACUUM EXCAVATOR, KEEPING THE EXCAVATION AS MINIMAL AS POSSIBLE. 3.BACKFILL THE EXCAVATION WITH A SIX INCH CUSHION OF CSTC OVER THE UTILITY THEN FILL THE REMAINING VOID WITH CDF OR COMPACTED CSTC TO THE BOTTOM OF THE EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT. 4.REPAIR THE CORED PAVEMENT SECTION WITH HMA CLASS 12" PG 64-22 AND SEAL THE JOINT. 5.IF THE OPENING IS LARGER THAN THE 8 INCH CORE, THE PAVEMENT RESTORATION WILL INCLUDE A 2' BY 2' PATCH CENTERED ON THE EXCAVATION. 6.IF THE EXCAVATION IS LARGER THAN 2' BY 2', THE STANDARD GRIND AND OVERLAY RESTORATION SHALL BE USED. 7.PAVEMENT CORES SHALL BE STAGGERED BETWEEN LANES WITH A 50' MIN. DISTANCE BETWEEN CORES AND OUTSIDE WHEEL TRACKING PATHS. EXISTING UTILITY OPTION 2 - SAWCUT EXISTING UTILITY NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT 8" MAX. PATCH - TACK COAT EXISTING SURFACESTACK SIDES WITH CSS-1, FILL HOLE WITH TO 12" THICK. MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT DEPTH SEAL JOINT WITH AR-4000 OR EQUIVALENT CONTROLLED DENSITY FILL OR COMPACTED CRUSHED ROCK 2' 6" MIN. (TYP) 12" MAX. 8" CORE, SEE NOTE 1 SAWCUT, SEE NOTE 2 2'2'OPTION 1 - DRILL CONTROLLED DENSITY FILL OR COMPACTED CRUSHED ROCK CORE DRILL EXISTING PAVEMENT 6"CSTC6"CSTC 8" DIA. 1" MIN./6" MAX. 9 1/4" DIA. COVER 3/8" DISC 3" BRASS 12"NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. FINISHED GRADE ASPHALT PAVEMENT NOTES: 1. MONUMENT CASE AND COVER - EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS, PART NO. 369505 OR PRE-APPROVED ALTERNATIVE. 2.MONUMENT CASE RISER - EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS, PART NO. 1 1/2" - 369590 2" - 369592 3" - 639594 OR PRE-APPROVED ALTERNATIVE. 3. MONUMENT POST - SHOPE CONCRETE PRODUCTS, PART NO. 104 OR PRE-APPROVE ALTERNATIVE. 4. THE CASTINGS SHALL BE GRAY-IRON CASTINGS, ASTM DESIGNATION A-48, CLASS 35B. THE COVER AND SEAT SHALL BE MACHINED SO AS TO HAVE PERFECT CONTACT AROUND THE ENTIRE CIRCUMFERENCE AND FULL WIDTH OF BEARING SURFACE. 4" MIN. ASPHALT PAVEMENT FINISHED GRADE CONCRETE PAVEMENT 10" - 12"10"9"VOID OF MATERIAL 5 3/4" R. MONUMENT NATIVE MATERIAL 1 1/2" MIN.NO. 5 REBAR16"11" DIA. 9 1/2" DIA. 8" DIA. 9 1/16" DIA. 3/4" 7/8" 8" RISER RING DIMENSIONS 1 3/8"1 7/8"2 7/8"A (SIZE)3"5/8" E J I W MO N MADE I N U S A SECTION4 3/4"CONCRETE AS SPECIFIED FOR ROADWAY 4" 5 1/2"4"5 1/2"DIMENSIONS PER SPECIFIED ROADWAY STANDARD5 1/2" 5. CONCRETE SHALL BE A "COMMERCIAL CLASS" CONCRETE OR AS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 6. PAVEMENT SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED. 7.FOR ALTERNATE DIAMETER RISERS SEE KSP 6-72b.DIMENSIONS PER SPECIFIED ROADWAY STANDARD2"(TYP.) PLAN OF MONUMENT CONCRETE COLLAR A 3" RISER PLAN OF COVER PLAN OF 8" DIA. RISER NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NEW FINISHED GRADE ASPHALT PAVEMENT NOTES: 1.MONUMENT CASE RISER - SEE APPROPRIATE TABLE ABOVE OR PRE-APPROVED ALTERNATIVE. 2.MONUMENT CASE COVER - SEE APPROPRIATE TABLE ABOVE OR PRE-APPROVED ALTERNATIVE. 3.THE CASTINGS SHALL BE GRAY-IRON CASTINGS, ASTM DESIGNATION A-48, CLASS 30. THE COVER AND SEAT SHALL BE MACHINED SO AS TO HAVE PERFECT CONTACT AROUND THE ENTIRE CIRCUMFERENCE AND FULL WIDTH OF BEARING SURFACE. 4.CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS 4000. 5.PAVEMENT SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED. NEW FINISHED GRADE ASPHALT PAVEMENT MONUMENT A DIA. VARIES DIA. VARIES DIA. VARIESOLD FINISH GRADE CONCRETE PAVEMENT OLD FINISH GRADE ASPHALT PAVEMENT EXISTING UNDISTURBED CASE TACK COAT (TYP.) 7" CASE RISERS - EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS A (SIZE) NATIVE MATERIAL TACK COAT (TYP.) 1" PART # 369068 1 1/2" PART # 369090 2" PART #369092 3" PART #369094 COVER PART # 369027/3690C 8" ALT. CASE RISERS - EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS A (SIZE)1 1/2" PART # 368090 2" PART #368092 COVER PART # 3680A2 FOGTITE CASE RISERS - FOGTITE METER SEAL CO. A (SIZE)1" PART #VB RISER 4#2" PART # VB RISER 5# 2 1/2" PART # VB RISER 5 1/2#3" PART # VB RISER 6# COVER PART # 0-1 VB 8# 6. IF MONUMENT CASE IS TO BE DISTURBED THEN A NEW MONUMENT, CASE AND COVER IS TO BE INSTALLED PER KENT STANDARD PLAN 6-72a. SECTION ADJACENT TO THE W10-1 SIGNLANE LINE OR CENTERLINE 1'-4"(T Y P ) NOTES: 1. RR CROSSING SYMBOL 2. 2'-0" STOP BAR 3. W10-1 ADVANCE WARNING SIGN 4. SEE THE MUTCD PART 8, FOR LETTER LAYOUT. 5.THERMOPLASTIC TYPE 'A' MATERIAL SHALL BE USED, UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE BY THE ENGINEER. PLACEMENT PER WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 8-22, MATERIALS PER WSDOT 9-34. EDGE LINE NARROW RR CROSSING SYMBOL DETAILS NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. RAILROAD - HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSINGS NARROW PAVEMENT MARKING PLACEMENT DETAILSOME PORTION OF THIS LAYOUT SHOULD BE24'-0"±20'-0"16'-0"±SEE MUTCD PART 816'-0"±SEE NOTE 3SEE NOTE 1SEE NOTE 420'-0"6'-7" 3'-3"3'-3"1'-6"6'-0"3'-4" 1'-8"6'-0"1'-2"1'-2" 1'-0" SEE NOTE 2 SEE NOTE 2 SEE NOTE 2 MEASURED FROMNEAREST TRACKSEE NOTE 1 5.DRIVE RIVETS TO BE TL3806 3/8" DIAMETER 6.CORNER BOLTS TO BE TL070M. JAMNUTS TL062 7.SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-83M AND 6-84M FOR STREET NAME SIGN DETAILS. 8.PRIVATE STREET NAME SIGNS AND PRIVATE SIGN POSTS ARE MAINTAINED BY THE PROPERTY OWNERS. 9.ALUMINUM SIGN BLANK THICKNESS; WARNING AND REGULATORY 30'' AND UNDER - 0.080''. WARNING AND REGULATORY 36'' AND OVER - 0.125'' 10.SHEETING MATERIAL: WARNING AND REGULATORY - 3M HIGH INTENSITY PRISMATIC SCHOOL SIGNS - 3M DIAMOND GRADE DG3 LEGENDS, SYMBOLS AND BORDERS - 3M ELECTROCUT FILM ATTACH SIGNS 30" AND UNDER WITH 2 DRIVE RIVETS, SEE NOTE 5 ATTACH SIGNS 36" AND OVER WITH CORNER BOLTS, SEE NOTE 6 SIGN POST SQUARE 2"x 2", 14 GAGE. ALL HOLES PRE-PUNCHED CORNER BOLT, SEE NOTE 6 FINISHED GRADE SET ANCHOR PLUMB AND TRUE, SEE NOTE 3 3" 3" 5/16" X 1" SS BOLTS WITH SS WASHERS MOUNTING ON STREET LIGHT STANDARD OR SIGNAL POLE NOTES: 1.METAL POSTS SHALL BE TELESPAR POST STEEL PIPE TYPE, OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 2.FOR IN-SIDEWALK INSTALLATIONS, CORE AN 8" DIAMETER HOLE PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. 3.ANCHOR LENGTH SHALL BE 30", LENGTH MAY BE REDUCED TO 24" OR SIGN POST BASE PLATE INSTALLATION TYPE B (SEE DETAIL 6-82b) MAY BE USED; ONLY IF APPROVED BY THE CITY OF KENT. ANCHOR SHALL HAVE 4 EACH 7/16" DIAMETER HOLES ONE EACH SIDE 2" FROM TOP. FINISH SHALL BE ZINC HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED MATERIAL TO MEET ASTM A500 GRADE B, 7 GAUGE, 2 1/2"x 2 1/2" TELESPAR ANCHOR OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 4.POST SHALL BE ROLLED CARBON SHEET STEEL, ASTM A1011 GRADE 50 AND BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED AASHTO M120 YIELD STRENGTH 60,000 PSI MIN. SQUARE POST SHALL HAVE 7/16" DIAMETER PRE-PUNCHED HOLES ON 1" CENTERS FULL LENGTH, FOUR SIDES.NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. SEE NOTES 9 AND 10 CONCRETE BASE SHALL BE POURED IN PLACE AROUND ANCHOR WHILE PREVENTING CONCRETE FROM ENTERING THE ANCHOR4"MAX.6" MIN. SET FOUNDATION ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL OR COMPACTED MATERIAL SS 0.030 BAND-IT BRACKET OR APPROVED EQUAL NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NOTES: 1.CITY OF KENT APPROVAL REQUIRED PRIOR TO USING BASE PLATE. 2.SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-82a FOR SIGN POST AND SIGN NOTES AND DETAILS. PLAN PRE-GALVANIZED LOW CARBON 12 GA (ASTM A653 GRADE 33) PERFORATED SQUARE TUBING CENTERED ON BASE PLATE 7"x7"x1/4" STEEL BOTTOM PLATE (ASTM A240 SS GRADE 33) 3/4" DIAMETER HOLES1"1"2 1/4"2 1/4" BASE PLATE ELEVATION8"WELD ALL AROUND 7"x7"x1/4" STEEL BOTTOM PLATE (ASTM A240 SS GRADE 33) 1/2"x5 1/2" SS WEDGE ANCHORS, SS WASHERS AND NUTS PRE-GALVANIZED LOW CARBON 12 GA (ASTM A653 GRADE 33) PERFORATED SQUARE TUBING CENTERED ON BASE PLATE 7/16" ON 1" CENTER DIA. HOLES NOTES: 1.SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-84M FOR STREET NAME SIGN DETAILS. 2.PRIVATE STREET NAME SIGNS AND PRIVATE SIGN POSTS ARE MAINTAINED BY THE PROPERTY OWNERS. 3."NO OUTLET" SIGNS SHALL HAVE AN ARROW SHOWING WHICH DIRECTION DOES NOT OUTLET. 4.CORNER BOLTS TO BE PART # TLO7OM WITH PART # TLO62 JAM NUTS. DRIVE RIVETS TO BE PART # TL3806.9' MIN.TO THE GROUND SURFACENOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. SQUARE METAL POST, SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-82a SIDEWALK FINISHED GRADE 110 Ave SE 2' MIN. CLEARANCE FROM FACE OF CURB (10' MIN. CLEARANCE IF NO CURB) TO EDGE OF SIGN VARIES 9"-18"DRIVE RIVET CANTILEVER MOUNTING CORNER BOLT CORNER BOLT CONCRETE BASE SHALL BE POURED IN PLACE AROUND ANCHOR WHILE PREVENTING CONCRETE FROM ENTERING THE ANCHOR ANCHOR AND FOUNDATION, SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-82a EQ.DIST.EQ.DIST.1/2"(TYP.)1" (TYP.) DIMENSIONSSPEED LIMIT BA 6"9"35 AND BELOW 12"8" NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. MPH 40 AND ABOVE ABBREVIATIONS: A B A B SE 240 St Benson Rd A BSmith Ave Pvt 2" MIN. SPACE FOR CANTILEVER MOUNT (TYP.) 2" MIN. SPACE FOR CANTILEVER MOUNT (TYP.) AVENUE = Ave BOULEVARD =Blvd CIRCLE =Cir COURT =Ct DRIVE =Dr LANE =Ln PARKWAY =Pkwy PLACE =Pl PRIVATE =Pvt ROAD =Rd STREET =St WAY =Wy MATERIALS: BLANK MATERIAL: 0.125' GAUGE ALUMINUM SIGN BLANK. BACKGROUND: WHITE, 3M HIGH INTENSITY PRISMATIC REFLECTIVE LEGEND: GREEN (PUBLIC STREET) OR BLUE (PRIVATE STREET) 3M ELECTROCUT FILM; REVERSE CUT TO REVEAL WHITE LEGEND SERIES C - NUMBERS AND LETTERS; UPPER AND LOWER CASE; UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS NOTE: ALL GROUND MOUNTED STREET NAME SIGNS SHALL HAVE THE SAME LEGEND ON BOTH SIDES OF THE SIGN BLANK. PRIVATE STREET NAME SIGN (BLUE) PUBLIC STREET NAME SIGNS (GREEN) 1" (TYP.)DETAIL A (TYP.) FOR EACH CONNECTION STEEL STRAP MAST ARM WINDBEAM BACK OF SIGN PANEL 3/16" (IN) ALUMINUM RIVET (TYP.) ~ 4" (IN) MAX. SPACING UNIVERSAL CHANNEL CLAMP, SEE NOTE 1 NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 12"18"SE 240 St Benson Rd SIGN MATERIALS: BLANK MATERIAL: 0.125' GAUGE ALUMINUM SIGN BLANK. BACKGROUND: WHITE, REFLECTIVE 3M DIAMOND GRADE VIP DG3 LEGEND: GREEN 3M ELECTROCUT FILM; REVERSE CUT TO REVEAL WHITE LEGEND SERIES C - NUMBERS AND LETTERS; UPPER AND LOWER CASE; UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS CITY OF KENT AND STATE ROUTE LOGO: DIGITALLY PRINTED ON CLEAR AND APPLIED TO DG3. OVERLAY WITH 3M 1160 GRAFFITI FILM FOR UV PROTECTION. ABBREVIATIONS: 12"18" LEVEL A MIN. 6" (B): X/2 BACK OF SIGN PANEL 1' - 0' MIN. 2' - 6" MAX. SIGNAL HEAD BACK PLATE MAST ARM BASE ALUMINUM WINDBEAM (TYP.) SIGNAL STANDARD (A): X = 4' - 0" OR LESS; 2 WINDBEAM ATTACHMENTS (B): X = MORE THAN 4' - 0" BUT NOT MORE THAN 8' - 0"; 3 WINDBEAM ATTACHMENTS (C): X = MORE THAN 8' - 0"; 4 WINDBEAM ATTACHMENTS 5° SEE NOTE 2 1"NOTES: 1.MOUNTING BRACKETS WITH STEEL STRAPS SHALL BE A STAINLESS STEEL BAND AND BUCKLE SYSTEM PRODUCT OR AN APPROVED EQUAL. MOUNTING BRACKETS SHALL BE UNIVERSAL CHANNEL CLAMPS; STEEL STRAPS SHALL BE 3/4" (IN) WIDE AND 0.030" (IN) THICK. 2.ALL SIGNS INSTALLED ON MAST ARMS OR STANDARDS (POLES) REQUIRE WINDBEAMS. ALL SIGNS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH HORIZONTAL EDGES LEVEL. A SKEWED WINDBEAM IS REQUIRED ONLY WHEN THE SIGN IS MOUNTED WITHIN 12" (IN) OF THE MAST ARM BASE (SEE DETAIL "A"). 3.THE STREET NAME SIGN SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF 36 SQUARE FEET AND THE SIGN HEIGHT IS A MAXIMUM OF 3' (FT); SIGNS LARGER THAN 36 SQUARE FEET REQUIRE A SPECIAL DESIGN MAST ARM AND SIGNAL POLE. TYPICAL MAST ARM INSTALLATION AVENUE = Ave BOULEVARD =Blvd CIRCLE =Cir COURT =Ct DRIVE =Dr LANE =Ln PARKWAY =Pkwy PLACE =Pl PRIVATE =Pvt ROAD =Rd STREET =St WAY =Wy VARIES 3/4" (TYP.)LEGEND SHALL HAVE ROUNDED EDGES (TYP.) 14" 14" SIGN CORNERS SHALL BE SQUARE (TYP.) BACK OF SIGN PANEL (C): EQUALLY SPACED (TYP.)(A): X/4 (B): 1' - 0" (C): 1' - 0" (A): X/4 (B): 1' - 0" (C): 1' - 0" USE STATE ROUTE SYMBOL INSTEAD OF CITY LOGO ON STATE ROUTES SHOWN ON STREET LIGHTING PLANS BRACKET OR MAST ARM LENGTH 2°6"NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST.NOTES: 1. SEE WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION SEC. 8-20.2 (1) 2. MOUNTING HEIGHT INCREASES BY 6" WHEN BREAKAWAY COUPLINGS ARE USED. GROUND LUG WITH 3/8" DIAMETER HOLE OPPOSITE HANDHOLE C NO. 151 HANDHOLE (4"x6" NOMINAL) ALLOY A356 T6 NON-FLUSH WITH COVER AND S.S. HEX. HEAD SCREWS (FRAME TAPPED 1/2" .13 NC FOR GROUNDING). MOUNT ON SIDEWALK SIDE BREAKAWAY COUPLER SEE SECTION 6.14.C AND STANDARD PLAN 6-89 FOR FOUNDATION AND J-BOX. GROUT BETWEEN BASE FLANGE AND FOUNDATION IF A BREAKAWAY COUPLER IS NOT REQUIRED BASE FLANGE ALLOY A356 T6 WITH BOLT COVERS AND S.S. HEX. HEAD SCREW EXTRUDED POLE PLATE ALLOY 6063-T6 WITH 1/2"-.13 NC ALUMINUM HARDWARE TAPERED ALUMINUM TUBE 0.250 WALL ALLOY 6063-T6 SATIN GROUND FINISH TAPERED BRACKET 0.125" WALL ALLOY 6063-T6 WIRE HOLE WITH 1" I.D. RUBBER GROMMET 2" N.T.S. SLIP FITTER POLE CAP ALLOY 43 WITH S.S. SCREWS 4 1/2" O.D.1'-6"SEE CURB AND GUTTER DETAILS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 3'-6" MIN.2'-0" MIN. SEE DETAIL 6-86A FOR STRAIN RELIEF L MOUNTING HEIGHT SHOWN ON STREET LIGHTING PLANS LUMINAIRE DRIVEWAY 6' MAX. 10' MIN. CLEARANCE FROM DRIVEWAY2'MIN.FACE OF CURB PLAN VIEW SIDEWALK NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. SINGLE OR DOUBLEMAST ARM AS REQUIRED 3/4" ROMEX CONNECTOR WITH LOCKNUT 2"x3/4" REDUCING WASHER 2"2" N.P.S. SLIP FITTER MAST ARM WIRING DETAIL FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW POLE AND BRACKET CABLE PER WSDOT 9-29.3(2)D NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. LUMINAIRE 12' LIGHT POLE 14' LIGHT PRODUCING ELEMENT HEIGHT 16" DIAMETER DECORATIVE BASE HANDHOLD (TYP). 3' TO CENTER OF LIGHT STANDARD 5' CONCRETE OR PLANTER STRIP (TYP) 5' SIDEWALK (TYP) 6 EACH #4 REBAR EQUALLY SPACED CONCRETE CLASS 3000 3' MIN.4 EACH #4 REBAR HOOPS EQUALLY SPACED4'2' DIAMETER NOTES: 1.2 AMP INLINE FUSE REQUIRED. 2.DOWNTOWN OVERLAY DISTRICT COLOR: DARK FOREST GREEN (GN8) 3.COLOR REQUIREMENTS IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS TO BE DETERMINED BY THE ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. SCH. 80 PVC CONDUIT TO JUNCTION BOX 3'-6" MIN. SECTION A-A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NOTES: 1.ALL MATERIALS AND WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF KENT AND THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DESIGN STANDARDS. 2.LOCKING LID STANDARD DUTY JUNCTION BOX PER WSDOT STANDARD PLAN J-40.10 SHEETS 1 AND 2. ALL LIDS SHALL BE TACK-WELDED AT TWO POINTS FOR SECURITY AFTER THE FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE. 4 EACH #4 REBAR EQUALLY SPACED HOOPS PVC CONDUIT TO NEXT JUNCTION BOX GROUND WIRE WITH COIL (GROUND LID TO BOX) WSDOT JUNCTION BOX TYPE 1 FOR LIGHTING CONDUITS, TYPE 2 IF LIGHTING AND COMMUNICATION ENTER THE SAME JOX BOX, SEE NOTE 2 2" MINIMUM DIAMETER SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT3' MIN.4 EACH #7 REBAR CONCRETE CLASS 4000P4'-6" (TYP.)2' MIN.1'-6"1'-6" PLAN VIEW PLANTER FACE OF CURB 6" (TYP.) 3' SQUARE OR ROUND 6"(TYP.)6"(TYP.)DIMENSION SHALL MATCH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROVED BREAKAWAY COUPLING 6" (TYP.) SIDEWALK ROADWAYLCCITY LIGHT STANDARD, SEE KENT STANDARD PLANS 6-86, 6-87, 6-88, 6-90, 6-91, 6-92 OFF-SET DISTANCE SHOWN ON THE LIGHTING PLANS LC BOLT PATTERN TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE LIGHT STANDARD MANUFACTURER SEE NOTE 2 6"(TYP.)4" THICK CONCRETE 4" THICK CONCRETE 6" MIN. 5/8" MINUS CRUSHED ROCK LT A A PLAN VIEW SECTION A-A 3' SQUARE OR ROUND 6" (TYP.) BOLT PATTERN TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE LIGHT STANDARD MANUFACTURER 4-#4 REBAR EQUALLY SPACED HOOPS 4-#4 REBAR EQUALLY SPACED HOOPS 2" MINIMUM DIAMETER SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT PVC CONDUIT TO NEXT JUNCTION BOX GROUND WIRE WITH COIL (GROUND LID TO BOX)3' MIN.4-#7 REBAR CONCRETE CLASS 4000P 4'-6" (TYP.)3'-6" MIN. FACE OF CURB 6" (TYP.)6"(TYP.)5' SIDEWALK C BOLT PATTERNL 6" SEE NOTE 2 6" MIN. 5/8" MINUS CRUSHED ROCK WSDOT JUNCTION BOX TYPE 1 FOR LIGHTING CONDUITS, TYPE 2 IF LIGHTING AND COMMUNICATION ENTER THE SAME JOX BOX, SEE NOTE 2 A NOTES: 1.ALL MATERIALS AND WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF KENT AND THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DESIGN STANDARDS. 2.LOCKING LID STANDARD DUTY JUNCTION BOX PER WSDOT STANDARD PLAN J-40.10 SHEETS 1 AND 2. ALL LIDS SHALL BE TACK-WELDED AT TWO POINTS FOR SECURITY AFTER THE FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE. 6" (TYP.) 4" THICK CONCRETE 6"(TYP.)4" THICK CONCRETE 6" (TYP.)SIDEWALK PLANTER 2'1' A LT SIDE W A L K NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 6" MI N. ( T Y P.) 6' MAX. NOTES: 1.SPLICES AND TAPS SHALL BE MADE WITH SOLDERLESS UNINSULATED CRIMP CONNECTORS TO SECURELY JOIN WIRES BOTH MECHANICALLY AND ELECTRICALLY. THEY SHALL EMPLOY THE FOLLOWING MOISTURE BLOCKING INSULATION: SCOTCH 2210 VINYL MASTIC, FOLLOWED BY AN OVER WRAP WITH A MINIMUM OF TWO HALF-LAPPED LAYERS OF SCOTCH VINYL ELECTRIC TAPE SUPER 88 AND A FINAL LAYER OF CONSISTENTLY APPLIED SCOTCHKOTE 054007-14853 ELECTRICAL COATING. 2.JUNCTION BOXES PLACED WITHIN SIDEWALKS SHALL CONTAIN A SLIP RESISTANT SURFACE. REFERENCE KENT STANDARD PLANS 6-89a AND 6-89b. THE BOX SHALL BE COMPLETELY SURROUNDED OR ENCASED IN A MINIMUM 6 INCHES OF 4 INCH THICK CONCRETE AND THE LID SHALL BE TACK WELDED AT TWO POINTS FOR SECURITY. 4" THICK CONCRETE PAD EXTENDING A MINIMUM OF 6" BEYOND THE JUNCTION BOX AND FOUNDATION, ALL SIDES BEHIND SIDEWALK, IN PLANTER JUNCTION BOX OPTION (PREFERRED OPTION) STREET LIGHT STANDARD WILL BE LOCATED USING THE OFFSET DISTANCES SHOWN ON THE STREET LIGHTING PLANS. SEE STANDARD PLANS 6-87 AND 6-89 FOR STREET LIGHT FOUNDATION DETAILS IN SIDEWALK JUNCTION BOX OPTION, SEE NOTE 2 CURB AND GUTTER POLE AND BRACKET CABLES, 2 #10 WIRES GROUND LUG/E6-38 RING TERMINAL WATERPROOF IN-LINE FUSE QUICK DISCONNECTS WSDOT STD. SPECS. 9-29.7(2) FNM 5 AMP FUSE OR APPROVED EQUAL STREET LIGHT STANDARD 2" DIAMETER SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT UNLESS A LARGER DIAMETER IS SHOWN ON THE STREET LIGHTING PLANS SPARE 2" DIAMETER SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT WITH #8 UNINSULATED TRACER WIRE AND 1/4" NYLON PULL ROPE BURNDY CONNECTOR YC4C8 OR APPROVED EQUAL YC4C6, YC8C8 AS NEEDED #6 OR #8 BARE GROUND WIRE 3M MOISTURE SEALANT TAPE (SEE NOTE 1) AND BUTT SPLICE CONNECTOR PART YC4C6 JUNCTION BOX, SEE KENT STANDARD PLANS 6-89 - 6-93, GROUND LID TO BOX WITH #6 GROUND WIRE INSTALL A THREE WIRE 240 VOLT SYSTEM. GROUND OR NEUTRAL WILL START AT THE PUGET SOUND ENERGY SERVICE POINT CONDUIT ONLY FOR STREET LIGHT NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. TYPICAL HALF ROADWAY SECTION R/W LINE LC SIDEWALK OR ASPHALT WALKWAY VARIES STREET LIGHT POLE AND FOUNDATION, SEE STANDARD PLAN6-89 PLANTER STRIP NATIVE BACKFILL ALLOWED OUTSIDE OF THE STREET SECTION. CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE BACKFILL, PER WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-03.9(3) IS REQUIRED WITHIN THE STREET SECTION. 2" MINIMUM DIAMETER SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT 12" MAX. 24" MIN. FOUNDATION PER STANDARD PLAN 6-89 3'-6" MIN. SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-89 2" SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT WITH UNINSULATED #8 AWG TRACER WIRE AND 1/4" NYLON PULL ROPE 120/240 VAC 1°3W METERBASE PHOTO ELECTRIC CELL MAIN CONTROL SIGNAL LTG TEST SWITCH FAULT RECEPTACLE GROUND UL LISTED PER STANDARD #508 SUITABLE FOR USE AS SERVICE ENTRANCE EQUIPMENT COMPONENT SCHEDULE CONTACTOR: LIGHTING RATED, 30 AMP, 4 POLE, 120 VAC COIL, (AS REQUIRED). PHOTO ELECTRIC CELL: 1800VA, 120 VAC, ALR #SST-IES (PER WSDOT SPEC). PHOTO-CELL BYPASS SWITCH, SPDT, 15 AMP, 277 VAC. GROUND FAULT RECEPTACLE, 120 VAC, DUPLEX, 20A METERBASE: 100 AMP ILLUSTRATED. PROVIDE 150 AMP WHEN AND IF DESIGN LOAD REQUIRES, 4 JAW SAFETY SOCKET, AW #114TB, WITH 5TH JAW AT 9:00 POSITION (CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY WITH SERVING UTILITY). PANELBOARD: 120/240 VAC, 100 AMP (150 AMP IF NEEDED), 1 PHASE, 3 WIRE, COPPER BUS, 12 CKT 100 AMP MAIN BREAKER, WESTINGHOUSE BAB2100, 2 POLE WESTINGHOUSE BAB BOLT-ON BRANCH BREAKERS: 4-20/2 ILLUMINATION BRANCH; 1-40/1 SIGNAL BRANCH; 1-20/1 GROUND FAULT RECEPTACLE & CONTROL BRANCH. CABINET: NEMA 3R, PADMOUNT, 1/8" ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION, 2 SCREENED AND GASKETED VENTS DOORS: HEAVY DUTY CONCEALED HINGES (LIFT-OFF TYPE) STAINLESS STEEL VAULT HANDLES, PADLOCKABLE METER DOOR BEST BLUE CONSTRUCTION LOCK ON DISTRIBUTION DOOR POLISHED WIRE GLASS WINDOW IN METER DOOR CLOSED CELL NEOPRENE GASKET, CARD HOLDER FINISH: POLYESTER POWDER COAT, NONE OUTSIDE, WHITE INSIDE 3 4 5 6 1 2 LINE LC METERING SECTION CLEARANCES & EQUIPMENT PER PSE AND EUSERC SKYLINE CABINET SERIES 47700-KM-100 OR APPROVED EQUAL BY TESCOR. ONE-LINE DIAGRAM SERVICE CABINET FRONT SIDE CONCRETE BASE NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST.10"34"30"64"24" 2" (TYP)6"8-1/2"16"16" 0.17' CONDUITS TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN THE CONCRETE PEDESTAL TO SERVE THE CABINETS (TYP)18"28"20" CLASS 3000 CONCRETE BASE FINISHED SURFACE FINISHED SURFACE CABINETCABINET 3"SEE NOTE 1 SEE NOTE 2 SEE NOTE 5 SEE NOTE 3 SEE NOTE 4 SEE NOTE 6 END VIEW NOTE: CUT DRAIN WIRESOLDERLESS, CRIMPED, NON-INSULATED BUTT SPLICE SIDE VIEW SCOTCH 06147 ELECTRICAL MOISTURE SEALANT TAPE STOP BAR JUNCTION BOX B SFA BS*AF BF AS #14 TWISTED PAIR WIRE TYPE IMSA 51-3, 3 TWISTS PER FOOT TO CONTROLLER JUNCTION BOX LOOP SERIES NUMBER ***S=START F=FINISH **F S*WEARING COURSE (TYPICAL FOR SECTIONS A, B & C) 0.25" MINIMUM WIDTH SAWCUT3"0.50" MINIMUM WIDTH SAWCUT 0.50" MINIMUM WIDTH SAWCUT3"3"A A A A B B C C4'TO ADDITIONAL LOOPS WHERE APPLICABLE S F A A STOP BAR LOOP WINDING DETAIL CENTER OF LANE CENTER OF LANE LOOP SPLICE (TYPICAL) =LOOP NUMBER S=START F=FINISH *=LOOP NUMBER CONDUIT STUBOUT, SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-99 EDGE OF PAVED SHOULDERNOTES: 1. SEE KENT STANDARD PLAN 6-99 FOR CONDUIT STUBOUT DETAIL AND INDUCTION LOOP INSTALLATION NOTES. 2. SEE KENT STANDARD PLAN 6-100 FOR INDUCTION LOOP PLACEMENT DETAIL. NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. F S OR CURB(ASSUMING TWO LANES OF LOOPS) TO ADDITIONAL LOOPS WHERE APPLICABLE B B C C LOOP SERIES NUMBER 2C(S) LEAD-IN CABLE IMSA 50-2 B B C C #14 TWISTED PAIR WIRE TYPE IMSA 51-3, 3 TWISTS PER FOOT 2C(S) LEAD-IN CABLE IMSA 50-2 TO CONTROLLER SECTION A-A SECTION B-B SECTION C-C SINGLE LOOP WINDING DETAIL LOOP SPLICE DETAIL NO BACKER RODS ALLOWED. NOTE: NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. EXISTING PAVEMENT EDGE OF PAVED SHOULDER (SHOWN) OR EDGE OF EXTRUDED CURB OR EDGE OF GUTTER PAN OR EDGE OF TRAFFIC BARRIER LEAD SCH 80 CONDUIT FULL DEPTH SAWCUT MATCH EXISTING PAVING MATERIAL 3/4" ABOVE BOTTOM OF PAVEMENT CONDUIT END BELL BUSHING, SEAL WITH DUCT SEAL LOOP LEAD WIRES ~ TWISTED PAIR 2 5/8" MIN. ~ 3" MAX. LOOP LEAD SAWCUT DETECTOR LEAD 2C(S) CABLE LOOP STUB-OUT SLEEVE (1/4" TO 1/2" BELOW TOP OF ASPHALT) CONDUIT CONDUIT STANDARD JUNCTION BOX 6"1' - 0"2' - 0" MINIMUM FROMTOP OF PAVED SURFACESOFT POCKET TO JUNCTION BOX TO CABINET TO LOOP LOOP LEAD WIRES ~TWISTED PAIR 2"±1.CONDUIT USED FOR STUB-OUTS SHALL BE SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT, MINIMUM SIZE 2 INCHES. 2.ALL LOOPS SHALL BE WOUND WITH THREE TURNS OF NO. 14 AWG STRANDED COPPER WIRE, CLASS B, WITH CHEMICALLY CROSS LINKED POLYETHYLENE TYPE USE INSULATION OF CODE THICKNESS. 3.BACKER ROD WILL NOT BE USED WITH CITY OF KENT LOOP INSTALLATIONS. 4.LEAD WIRES: FOUR PAIR MAXIMUM PER SAWCUT. 5.EXTEND SAWCUT SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO PROVIDE FULL SAWCUT DEPTH AROUND CORNERS. 6.LOOPS SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO FINAL LIFT IF NEW PAVEMENT IS INSTALLED. 7.ALL LOOPS SHALL HAVE IDENTIFYING LABELS ON THEIR LEADS SHOWING LOOP NUMBER AND S (START) OR F (FINISH). 8.SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-98 FOR INDUCTION LOOP DETAILS AND STANDARD PLAN 6-100 FOR INDUCTION LOOP PLACEMENT. 9.WHEN SAWCUTTING LEAD SLOT IN THE ROADWAY, CONTINUE THE SAW CUT APPROXIMATELY ONE INCH BEYOND THE SEAM WITH THE CONCRETE GUTTER A DEPTH OF APPROXIMATELY ONE INCH TO PERMANENTLY MARK THE LOCATION OF THE STUBOUT. IF NO GUTTER IS PRESENT, CONTACT THE ENGINEER FOR AN ALTERNATIVE METHOD OF MARKING THE STUBOUT LOCATION. 10.ALL LOOP LEADS RETURNING TO JUNCTION BOX SHALL BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF 2 FEET AWAY FROM ANY AND ALL METAL CASTINGS OR VALVE BOXES EXCEPT TERMINATING HANDHOLES OR JUNCTION BOXES. 11.SEE DETAIL 6-98 FOR SPLICE METHOD. EPOXY SPLICE KITS ARE NOT ALLOWED. INDUCTION LOOP INSTALLATION NOTES: CSTC OR CONTROLLED DENSITY FILL SAND SPLICE GRAVEL PAD 50' MAXIMUM DISTANCE SEE STUB-OUT CONDUIT PLACEMENT DETAILS 6"6"4" NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. FRONT ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION LAYOUT PLAN (SOUTH SIDE AT STREETSCAPE TYPE A & B) C OF BACKLESS BENCH L C OF BACKED BENCH L FACE OF BUILDING, PLAZA OR OPEN SPACE NOTES: 1.BENCH TYPE 1 SHALL BE BACKLESS AND BACKED "TRIO" BY FORMS+SURFACES, OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2.BENCH TYPE 1 SHALL BE "ALUMINUM TEXTURE" SEAT & FRAME IN RAL 9007 "GREY ALUMINUM" METALLIC POWDER COAT FINISH. 3.BENCH TYPE 1 SHALL BE INSTALLED SURFACE MOUNT, LEVEL AND PLUMB. 4. BACKS OF BACKED BENCH TYPE 1 SHOULD BE INSTALLED TOWARDS ROADWAY CURB SIDE. 5.APPLIES TO BUFFER AND AMENITY ZONES AT STREETSCAPE TYPE A AND B. 6. APPLIES TO BUFFER ZONES AT STREETSCAPE TYPE C. 7.APPLIES TO BUFFER ZONES NEAR SIGNIFICANT INTERSECTIONS, MINOR INTERSECTIONS/CROSSINGS, AND MID-BLOCK CROSSINGS. 74.8" 75.0"17.7"21.9"20"33.6"21.6"CL SURFACE MOUNT INSTALLATION BENCH LEG, LEVEL AND PLUMB 4" MIN. CONCRETE ANCHOR BOLT PLANTER AREA, TYP. 22.7" LEVELING WASHER 7'-0"8'-0" O.C.CL CL SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK BENCH TYPE 1, TYP. CEMENT CONCRETE PATHWAY LAYOUT PLAN (NORTH SIDE & STREETSCAPE TYPE C) PLANTER AREA, TYP. CL 7'-0"CL CL SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK BENCH TYPE 1, TYP. CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, PER STD PLAN 6-33 FACE OF BUILDING, PLAZA OR OPEN SPACE 8'-0" O.C.COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE STD PLAN 7-18 3'-6" 2'-0" COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND, SEE STD PLAN 7-18 AXONOMETRIC LITTER RECEPTACLE TYPE 1 SCORE JOINT, TYPICAL, SEE STD PLAN 7-19 SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK SECTION #4 S.S. SATIN GRAPHIC PLATES WITH BLACK VINYL GRAPHICS "LITTER AND SYMBOL" SURFACE MOUNT SECTION 3/8"-16 X1" TAMPER-RESISTANT BUTTON HEAD CAP SCREW 3/8" S.S. LOCK WASHER CAST IN LEVELING FEET 3/8" S.S. FLAT WASHER NOTES: 1.LITTER RECEPTACLE TYPE 1 SHALL BE "DISPATCH", SINGLE STREAM, DRAIN HOLE NOT INCLUDED, 36 GALLON MANUFACTURED BY FORMS + SURFACES, OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2.LID COLOR SHALL BE METALLIC POLYESTER POWDERCOAT RAL 9007 "GREY ALUMINUM". BODY COLOR SHALL BE MANUFACTURER POLYESTER POWDERCOAT "ALUMINUM TEXTURE" WITH ANTI-GRAFFITI COATING. 3.LITTER RECEPTACLE TYPE 1 SHALL BE SURFACE MOUNT INSTALLATION, LEVEL AND PLUMB. 4.APPLIES TO BUFFER ZONES AT STREETSCAPE TYPE C. 5.APPLIES TO BUFFER AND AMENITY ZONES AT STREETSCAPE TYPES A AND B. 6.APPLIES TO BUFFER ZONES NEAR SIGNIFICANT INTERSECTIONS, MINOR INTERSECTIONS/CROSSINGS, AND MID-BLOCK CROSSINGS. BODY LID FACE OF BUILDINGLITTER RECEPTACLE TYPE 1, LEVEL AND PLUMB DROP-IN S.S. ANCHOR PER MANUFACTURER CL LAYOUT PLAN (SOUTH SIDE AT STREETSCAPE TYPE A & B) CL CL 6'-0"PLANTER AREA, TYP. 3/8" NYLON FLAT WASHER SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK4" MIN.NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. LAYOUT PLAN (NORTH SIDE & STREETSCAPE TYPE C) PLANTER AREA, TYP. CL 6'-0"CL SCORED CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, PER STD PLAN 6-33 FACE OF BUILDING 3'-6" LITTER RECEPTACLE TYPE 1 2'-0" COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND PER STD PLAN 7-18 SCORE JOINT, TYPICAL, SEE STD PLAN 7-19 COLORED CEMENT CONCRETE BAND PER STD PLAN 7-18 CEMENT CONCRETE PATHWAY LINEAR ACCENT PAVER BAND PER STD PLAN 7-16 LINEAR ACCENT PAVER BAND PER STD PLAN 7-16 Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer A - 2 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 WSDOT STANDARD PLANS ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION A-40.00-00 Dowel Bar Baskets A-40.10-04 Cement Concrete Pavement Joints A-40.15.00 PCC Pavement Isolation Joints (2 sheets) DRAINAGE STRUCTURES AND HYDRAULICS B-30.70-04 Circular Frame (Ring) and Cover B-55.20-02 Pipe Zone Bedding and Backfill TRAFFIC BARRIER C-20.10-05 Beam Guardrail Type 31 C-20.11-00 Beam Guardrail Type 31 Components C-22.40-07 Beam Guardrail Type 31 Non-Flared Terminal (All Posted Speeds) C-22.45-04 Beam Guardrail Type 31 Non-Flared Terminal (Posted Speed 45 MPH and Below) CURBS, SIDEWALKS AND DRIVEWAYS F-40.12-03 Parallel Curb Ramp F-40.14-03 Combination Curb Ramp F-40.15-03 Perpendicular Curb Ramp F-40.16-03 Single Direction Curb Ramp F-45.10-02 Detectable Warning Surface SIGNS AND SIGN SUPPORTS G-20.10-02 Ground-Mounted Sign Placement G-24.40-07 Steel Sign Support Types SB-1, SB-2, SB-3 Installation Details (6 sheets) SITE PRESERVATION AND EROSION CONTROL I-40.20-00 Storm Drain Inlet Protection ILLUMINATION, SIGNALS, AND ITS J-20.16-02 Pedestrian Signal Standard (Type PS) J-20.20-02 Pedestrian Signal Standard (Type PS) Electrical Detail J-21.10-04 Type PS, Type 1, RM & FB Signal Standard Foundation Details J-21.15-01 Type 1 Signal Standard Details J-21.20-01 Type 1 Signal Standard Electrical Details J-40.10-04 Locking Lid Standard Duty Junction Box Types 1 & 2 (2 sheets) J-40.20-03 Heavy-Duty Junction Box Types 4, 5, & 6 (2 sheets) J-40.30-04 Locking Lid Standard Duty Junction Box Type 8 (2 sheets) WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL K-80.10-01 Class A Construction Signing Installation K-80.20-00 Type 3 Barricade (2 sheets) Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 ROADWAY DELINEATION M-12.10-01 Roundabout Pavement Markings M-15.10-01 Crosswalk Layout M-20.10-02 Longitudinal Marking Patterns M-24.40-02 Symbol Markings ~ Traffic Arrows for Low-Speed Roadways (2 sheets) M-24.60-04 Symbol Markings Miscellaneous (2 sheets) M-80.10-01 Traffic Letter and Numeral Applications (2 sheets) SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER Washington State Department of TransportationD/2D/215"D/2D/2D/3 9" PAVEMENT WITH PCCP WIDENING EXISTING DRILL AND GROUT WHENLANE WIDTHPLAN VIEW SECTION VIEW SECTION VIEWSECTION VIEW SECTION VIEW SECTION VIEW TRANSVERSE CONSTRUCTION JOINT LONGITUDINAL CONTRACTION JOINT TRANSVERSE CONTRACTION JOINT LONGITUDINAL JOINT PCCP TO HMA LONGITUDINAL CONSTRUCTION JOINT PCCP TO PCCP (SEE SECTION VIEWS) CONSTRUCTION JOINT (TYP.) TRANSVERSE CONTRACTION OR (SEE SECTION VIEWS) CONSTRUCTION JOINTS (TYP.) LONGITUDINAL CONTRACTION OR LANE WIDTHLANE WIDTH15' - 0" (TYP.)1' - 0"1' - 0"(SEE SECTION VIEW) LONGITUDINAL JOINT 1' - 6" ELEVATION VIEWDELEVATION VIEW A 12" D 15" DETAIL HMA TRANSITION A 12" D D/2 - 1" 5" 9" THICKNESS SLAB (D) CONSTRUCTION JOINT DETAIL EXISTING APPROACH SLAB TRANSITION NO DOWEL BARS REQUIRED 1.25 × D ADDDDDDPCCP DEPTH OF (D) HMA SHOULDER IF REQUIRED HMA PCCP SHOULDER IF REQUIRED HMAEXISTING PCCP THE LAST PCCP PANEL PCCP @ 12" (IN) SPACING #5 BAR ~ 18" (IN) LONG A2' - 0" EXISTING PCCP PCCP SHOULDER WITH 1/2" (IN) RADIUS FINISH OUTER EDGE OF PCCP SHOULDER WITH 1/2" (IN) RADIUS FINISH OUTER EDGE OF PCCP ON 36" (IN) CENTERS #5 BAR × 30" (IN) LONG TIE BAR ~ ON 36" (IN) CENTERS #5 BAR × 30" (IN) LONG TIE BAR ~ CONTRACT) (EXISTING BEFORE APPROACH SLAB TYPICAL ALL LANES ON 36" (IN) CENTERS ~ #5 TIE BAR ~ 30" (IN) LONG NOTED IN THE PLANS TYPICAL ALL LANES UNLESS ON 12" (IN) CENTERS ~ 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. × 18" (IN) LONG DOWEL BARS ~ NO TAPER REQUIRED ON ASPHALT BASES USE ON GRANULAR BASES ONLY ~ SEE DEPTH 1" (IN) MIN. ~ WIDTH 3/16" (IN) MIN. TO 5/16" (IN) MAX. ~ SAWED GROOVE ~ SECTION 5-04.3(12)A2 STANDARD SPECIFICATION, LONG ON 12" (IN) CENTERS 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. × 18" (IN) DOWEL BAR ~ LONG ON 12" (IN) CENTERS 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. × 18" (IN) DOWEL BAR ~ PAVEMENT JOINTS CEMENT CONCRETE STANDARD PLAN A-40.10-04 3" TO 4" 3" TO 4" DRAWN BY: FERN LIDDELLD/3 MAX. D/4 MIN. TO SEE OVER MIDPOINT OF BAR ~ WIDTH 3/16" (IN) MIN. TO 5/16" (IN) MAX. SAWED GROOVE ~ STD. SPEC. SEC. 5-05.3(8)B SEE OVER MIDPOINT OF BAR ~ WIDTH 3/16" (IN) MIN. TO 5/16" (IN) MAX. SAWED GROOVE ~ STD. SPEC. SEC. 5-05.3(8)B SEE DEPTH 1" (IN) MIN. ~ WIDTH 3/16" (IN) MIN. TO 5/16" (IN) MAX. ~ SAWED GROOVE ~ STD. SPEC. SEC. 5-05.3(8)C SEE MAX. ~ DEPTH 1" (IN) MIN. ~ WIDTH 3/16" (IN) MIN. TO 5/16" (IN) SAWED GROOVE ~ STD. SPEC. SEC. 5-05.3(8)C STA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEER33238LES S UR WERDNA KRAM APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION DATESTATE DESIGN ENGINEER Washington State Department of Transportation 1' - 0" CURB FACE OF 1' - 0" (TYP.)4" R PAD ISOLATION TRACK JOINT USUAL LESS THAN 4' - 0"RECTANGULAR FRAME JOINT FILLER 3/4" PREMOLDED ISOLATION JOINT ~ 4' - 0" OR MORE CURB FACE OF FRAME RECTANGULAR 1' - 0"FRAME CIRCULAR 1' - 0"FRAME CIRCULAR JOINT (TYP.) PAVEMENT JOINT FILLER 3/4" PREMOLDED ISOLATION JOINT ~1' - 0"TRACK JOINT USUAL FRAME CIRCULAR PAVEMENT JOINT (TYP.) JOINT FILLER 3/4" PREMOLDED ISOLATION JOINT ~ STANDARD PLAN A-40.15-00 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS ISOLATION JOINTS PCC PAVEMENT CONDITION A CONDITION B CONDITION D CONDITION E CONDITION F CONDITION G CONDITION H CONDITION J FACE OF CURB (COMBINATION INLET SHOWN) RECTANGULAR FRAME1' - 0"FRAME CIRCULAR 1' - 0"PAVEMENT JOINT (TYP.) FRAME CIRCULAR JOINT ADJUSTED PAVEMENT LESS 4' - 0" THAN CONDITION I 4' - 0" OR LESS 4' - 0" OR MORE 4' - 0"OR MORE4' - 0"OR LESS1' - 0" CURB FACE OF CONDITION C PAVEMENT JOINT 4' - 0" OR MORE NOTE LESS THAN 4' - 0" FACE OF CURB ALL CONDITIONS ARE SHOWN IN PLAN VIEW. (SHOULDER USE ONLY)6' - 0" MIN.PAVEMENT JOINT PAVEMENT JOINT JOINT (TYP.) PAVEMENT PAVEMENT JOINT (TYP.) FACE OF CURB EDGE OF SHOULDER DRAWN BY: FERN LIDDELLJOINT FILLER 3/4" PREMOLDED ISOLATION JOINT ~ JOINT FILLER 3/4" PREMOLDED ISOLATION JOINT ~ JOINT FILLER 3/4" PREMOLDED ISOLATION JOINT ~ JOINT FILLER 3/4" PREMOLDED ISOLATION JOINT ~ JOINT FILLER 3/4" PREMOLDED ISOLATION JOINT ~ JOINT FILLER 3/4" PREMOLDED ISOLATION JOINT ~ JOINT FILLER 3/4" PREMOLDED ISOLATION JOINT ~ JOINT FILLER 3/4" PREMOLDED ISOLATION JOINT ~ SPACING = 6" O.C. TIE BAR ~ # 5 BAR, 30" LONG SPACING = 6" O.C. 30" LONG TIE BAR ~ # 5 BAR, JOINT (TYP.) ADJUSTED PAVEMENT JOINT PAVEMENT TRACK (TYP.) USUAL JOINT SPACING = 6" O.C. # 5 BAR, 30" LONG TIE BAR ~ SPACING = 6" O.C. # 5 BAR, 30" LONG TIE BAR ~ STA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEERRET NEPRAC .J DRAWDE 29635 Pasco Bakotich III 08-11-09PORTATION. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST.FILE AT THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANS-THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION, IS KEPT ON BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION DATESTATE DESIGN ENGINEER Washington State Department of Transportation STANDARD PLAN A-40.15-00 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS ISOLATION JOINTS PCC PAVEMENT FEATURE TYPICAL ISOLATION JOINT GUIDELINES CONDITION PAVEMENT SECTION FACE THROUGH THE CONTINUOUS VERTICAL TRANSVERSE JOINT FROM NEAREST DISTANCE A B C D E F G H USE USE USE ----- ----- USE USE USE ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- CONDITION A CONDITION B CONDITION D CONDITION E CONDITION F CONDITION G CONDITION H CONDITION I CONDITION J PAVEMENT JOINT (TYP.) T - JOINT DETAIL PAVEMENT SECTION LIPS IN THE EDGES, FLANGES OR I USE -----< 4 FT FROM JOINT SECTION A 1 2 1 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS SECTION B 2 IN PAVEMENT SECTION EDGES, FLANGES OR LIPS A B JOINT FILLER 3/4" PREMOLDED ISOLATION JOINT ~ JOINT FILLER 3/4" PREMOLDED ISOLATION JOINT ~ JOINT FILLER 3/4" PREMOLDED ISOLATION JOINT ~ PAVED SECTION FACE THROUGH THE CONTINUOUS VERTICAL CONDITION C PLAN COMBINATION GRATE CATCH BASIN OR COMBINATION GRATE CATCH BASIN OR CONCRETE INLET CATCH BASIN OR GRATE INLET, CONCRETE INLET CATCH BASIN OR GRATE INLET, CONCRETE INLET CATCH BASIN OR GRATE INLET, COMBINATION GRATE CATCH BASIN OR USE USE CATCH BASIN TYPE 2 MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN TYPE 2 MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN TYPE 2 MANHOLE OR J USE -----CATCH BASIN TYPE 2 MANHOLE OR < 4 FT FROM JOINT < 4 FT FROM JOINT > 4 FT FROM JOINT > 4 FT FROM JOINT > 4 FT FROM JOINT ----- ----- PAVEMENT JOINT (TYP.) WITH RECTANGULAR GRATE CAST INTO ADJUSTMENT SECTION. FILL WITH JOINT SEALER FULL-DEPTH HOLE, DRILL A 2" DIAM. DRAWN BY: FERN LIDDELLSTA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEERRET NEPRAC .J DRAWDE 29635 Pasco Bakotich III 08-11-09PORTATION. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST.FILE AT THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANS-THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION, IS KEPT ON BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL, SIGNED BY NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT u6ofzErrt6zBoSEE NOTE 2NOTES1 . The gasket and groove may be in the seat (frame) or in the underside ofthe cover. The gasket may be "T" shaped in section. The groove may becast or machined.2. Bolt-down capability is required on all ftames, grates, and covers, unlessspecified otherwise in the Contract. Provide 3 holes in the tame that arevertically aligned with the grate or cover slots. The ftame shall accept the304 Stainless Steel (S.S) 5/8" - 1'l NC x 2" (in) allen head cap screw bybeing tapped, or other approved mechanism. Location of bolt down holesvaries by manufacturer.3. For bolt-down manhole ring and covers that aE not designated "Watertight,"the neoprene gasket, groove, and washer are not required.4. Washer shall be neoprene (Detail "B).5. ln lieu of blind pick notch br manhole covers, a single 1" (in) pick hole isacceptable. Hole location and number of holes may vary by manufuclurer.6. Altemative reinforcing designs are acceptable in lieu ofthe rib design.7. For clarity, the vertical scale ofthe Corer Section has been exaggerated,it is 1.5 times the horizontal scale ('1H:1.5V).--lrII1/2" CrYP.)SEE DETAJL 'B'1/2'(rYP.)3 1,/8'RING PLANRING PLAN27 sn',25 3t1"u 1lE"RING SECTIONCOVER PL"AN1"2726 3/8"2A3i434 1/6"RING SECTIONCOVER PLANBLII{O PICK NOTCHDETAIL "A"-L-LillL1n"SKID GROOVEPATTERN - SEEDETAILSKID GROOVE PATTERNDETAIL'l 7l'16'SEE DEIAIL "A'SEE DETAIL "A'TOPBOTTOMSEE DETAIL '8"SEE DETAIL A'SEE DETAIL 'A'WASHER(SEE NOTES)TOP-80TroMtsEt112" (MrN.)-r-v4" (rN) DOVETAIL GROOVEWITH NEOPRENE GASKET(SEE NOTES)BOLT.DOWN ' WATERTIGHTDETAIL'B'1t4":-l-Lfe:-lLSPECIFY LETTERINGo"l- i.L r.d '**llcilmm, JulicIeb2020l8 l2:55 Pl\4_l_5,/8'-Iol11 ve''lF-IbCOVER SECTION(sEE NOTE 7)aCOVER SECTION(SEE NOTE 7)CIRGULAR FRAME (RING)AND GOVER.STANDARD PLAN B-30.7O-04SHEETlOFlSHEETAPPROVED FOR PUBLICATION( o!1rq.lcf.., .^?fiw**^ 5horynddrEryd.nSTANDARDTYPElBOLT-DOWN ' WATERTIGHTTYPE 2tsomETRtcvrEw TRENCH WDTH(sEE NOTE 3)NOTESL See Standard Specific.tions Section 7-0E.3(3) for Pipe Zone Backftil.2. See Standard Specificatlons Section 9-03.12(3) for Gravet Backfill for pipe Zone Bedding.3. See Standad Specifications Section 2-09.4 for Measurement of TEnch Wdth.4. For sanitary swer installation, concrete pipe shall be bedded to spring line.!oo=ztUtz=(oPIPE ZONE BACKFILL(sEE NOTE 1)FOUNDATION LEVELGMVEL BACKFILL FORPIPE ZONE BEDOING(sEE NOTE 2)LCONCRETE AND DUCTILE IRON PIPETRENCH wlDTH(sEE NOTE 3)THERTOPLASTIC PIPETRENCH wlDTH(sEE NOTE 3)TRENCH wlDTHGRAVEL BACKFILL FORPIPE ZONE BEDDING(SEE NOTE 2)PIPE ZONE BACKFILL(sEE NOTE 1)GMVEL BACKFILL FORPIPE ZONE BEDDING(sEE NOTE 2)FOUNDATION LEVELPIPE ARCHESFOUNDATION LEVELPIPE ZONE MCrcILL(sEE NOTE 1)FOUNDATION LEVELGMVEL EACKFILL FORPIPE ZONE BEDDING(sEE NOTE 2)CLEARANCE BETYT'EEN PIPESFOR TIIULTIPLE INSTALLATIONSrrNttutDISTANCEBETWEEI{BARRELS21"DIATETER/2oR 36'WHICHEVERts LEssstzEuP TO 48'48'ANDLARGERPIPECIRCULAR PIPE(DIAMETER)TETALPIPE ARCH(sPAN)W liJ*ilcilnn. JulicFeb2020l8 l2:56 PMPIPE ZOI{E BEDDINGAND BAGKFILLSTANDARD PLAN B-55.2O.O2SHEET 1 OF .I SHEETAPPROVED FOR PUBLICATIONL@k' rillffi--fi ,-rr--' h hFfrdr d rEdPd.riIETAL AND STEEL RIBREINFORCED POLYETHYLENE PIPE15% O.D.85% O.D.(sEE NOTE 4)ONAL ONALFACE OFBARRIERFACE OFBARRIER(6' - O', POSTS)RAIL ELEMENT6 x 12 BLOCKOUT(sEE NOTE 4)3/4" (lN) x 2 1/2" (lN)sLoT (TYP.)6 x E TIMBER POST OR\ExE.5OR\r!Ex9STEELPOST (SEE NOTES I & 5)5/8" (lN) x 14' (lN) BUTToN HEAD BOLTIiUTH 782' (N) OVAL GRIP ANDRECESSED HEX NUT CTYP,)(SEE NOTE 6)PLAN VIEW(lN) DIAM. HOLE THROUGHBLOCK FOR TIMBER POSTATTACHIUENT1/4'0N) OR 1316'0N) DIAM. HOLEFOR ANTI.ROTATION 18d NAL CTYP.)(1/4" D|AM. HOLE SHOWN)\16x8.5x6(FDOR146xgx5(FT)LONGSTEEL POST{1vP.) 7(NOTES1. Rebrto Standard Plan C-1b and C-20.11 foradditional details not shown on this plan.2. Extend shoulder pawment to provide a base for theextruded curb. See Contracl Plans for exceptions todisiances shown.3. Use a single block or combination of blocks (no morethan two (2) to achieve the aciual 12" (in) ofbet.See Standard Specifi cation, Section 9-16.3(2).Wood blocks shall be secured to the posts with anti-rotation nails. lf combination blocks ar€ used, theadjaent blocks shall be toenailed with two 16dgalvanized nails to prevent block mtation.4. Wood blocks are shown. Blocks ofan approvedalternative material may be used- See StandardSpsclficaton, Seclion 9-16.3(2).5. All posb for any standard banier run shall be of thesame Vpe: timber or steel.6. Attach blockoub to sbel posls using bolt holeson approaching traffic side of post web.5r8'0N) RECESSEDHEX NUT (TYP.)6 x 12 BLOCKOUT CrYP.)(SEE NOTE 3)5/8" (lN) x 14" (lN) BUTTONHEAD BOLT wlTH 782" (lN)OVAL GRIP AND RECESSEOHEX NUT fiYP.)(sEE NOTE 6)dR Dz----?l$,i"io'$To,.* -*BEAM GUARDRAIL TYPE 3ISTANDARD PLAN C.2O.,IO-05SHEET,I OF 1 SHEETAPPROVED FOR PUBLICATIONAug l2 2019 I l:48 Av-wWdiffi h Dr6itddrErydonSTEEL POST(SEE1&5)TYPICAL SECTION - WTHOUT CURB(TYP.)SLOPE -SEE TABLE4 114"L CrYP.)z" crtp.l I lBEAM GUARDMIL TYPE 31TYPICAL ELEVATIONa 1n'6'- 3"SYMMETRICALABOUT QTYPICAL RAIL ELETENT't 3/18"6'-3'6'6'-3'€ x 12 BLOCKOUT(SEENOTES3&4)ACTUALIY - SEE TABLE12"6 x 8 TIMBER POST. OR\,6x8.5OR\6xgGROIJND LINESLOPE AREAKPOINTroo=zEUt6=Eo1t4"--T-:t-:lIdFzoFoUt6ANTI-ROTATIONNA|L l6dt-zLl-E]:'](SEENOTESl&5)ANTI-ROTATION16d rrYP.)lsee lrore ay i3/4'(rN) DTAMETERHOLE THROUGH BLOCKFOR STEEL POST ATTACHMENT34'(lN) OR 1316' 0N) DlAIrr.HOLE FOR EUTTON HEAOBOLT CrYP.)CUT WASHER(TYP,)314"98" (N)HEXRECESSEDNUT (WP.)Y-v6x8x6'(FTILONGTIMEER POST(SEENOTESl&5)WOOD BLOCKSTEEL POST6 x 12 BLOCKOUT(sEE NOTE 4)6 x 8 TIMBER POST OR\,\rE x 8.5 OR V\,6 x I STEELPOST (SEE NOTES '1 & s)SLOPE \ EilBANKilENT TABLEFOR STD. 5' POSTSrv (Fr)2.5'MtN.4.0'MrN.SLOPE2H I lV OR FLATTERSTEEPER Tl-lAN 2H : 1vBUT NOTSTEEPER THAN IH : 1V6 x 8 TIMBER POST OR\6x8.5OR WExgSTEEL POST CI-YP,}SHOULDERCURBW-SFE12"ACTUAL<l) penlnssrgLe cune" pLlceuErutlnel(sEE NOTE 2)(sEE NOTE 3)toOFGROUND LINE5/8" (lN) x 22" (lN) BUTTON HEAD BOLTwTH 7/32' (N) OVAL GRIP ANDRECESSED HEX NUT TTYP.)SLOPE BREAKPOINT(sEE NOTE 3)RAIL ELEMENT(TYP.)ELEVATIOI{ VIEWTYPICAL SECTION - WITH CURB(6 - 0' LONG POSTS)GROUND LINESPLICE"'o rror /SLOPE -SEE TABLE5/E'(lN) x 1 l/4" (N) BUTTON HEAD BOLTwTH 7/32'(rN) OVAL GR|P (rYP.)AND RECESSEO HEX NUTS -EIGHT (E) REQUIRED PER SPLICEtsoMETRtc vtEw it13 -6 1r2.TYPICAL RAIL ELEMENT1l-67tt1t4'6POSI 80[T SLOTS -3r4 (lN)r334'0N)POSI BOLT SLOT -3/a'0N) r 2 1t2'(r0E(PANSION SECTIONiln6'0r0 HotEra'0N) PT.AIESPLICE BOLT SLOTS -29,82" 0r0 t 1 l/4 (ll0fiYP.)POST BOLT SLOT -31f0qr2rE(10OYP.)NOTES1. \tlrgn requiEd_ly theconFact, a Sno,i/ Load post Washor shall be us€d on lhg bacl.sideofthe post (in lieu ofths 1 3/,1" (in) post Bott washer) and a sno, Loao nail wairreiJtrar ueplaced on the face side of Beam cuardrair rypes 1 a;d 2. snorv Loaa Caiilttis-n"E Jrrarl i'Jtbe Installed on lerminals.2. Railwash€rs, also called'snorv Load Railwashers', arB not required on new installation_except as called for in Note 1. unnecess€ry Rail washers need not ue removeo rom exiit-iog installations, except lhose on posb 2 thiough g of a Bcr installation shall be remo""o.3- Timber blocks shall be toe-nailed to the post with a 16d galvanized nail to prevent btock rotation.4. For post and block details, ses Standard plan C.tb.5. When "Beam cuardrail Typs - __l-! l.o1g post' is specified in h€ Contrad, the post l€ngthshall b€ stamped wibh numbeB. I 1/2" 0n)hin. high a'nd 3/4" (in) wide at ttre'rocaf'on wtrefo- treletter"H"isshownintheAssEMBLyDEfAlL Forwoodposiaipfrcationq0releuerstraitte -stamped to a minimum deplh of i/4' 0n). For stear post aipricatdns, the rdtbr shail G bqibreafier lhe_ post is galvanized. After post installatbn, it shall b€ the cdltadols rcsponsiuitit! ioensur€ lhe stamped numbers rsmain visibls.6. Existing.losb shall not bE raised- Replaco posts as necessary to adti€r€ requiedguadrail heigtrL7. Holes shall b6 locabd on approaching faficsidE ofweb.JUoo2c(urto2Efio23t4'SPUCE EOLTzs/s 0N) : 241tl'cr4'(rN) sPucE HotEs tN CMNNELRAIL AND SFUCE PTATE FORs/a (lM GARRAGE BOLTSCe r 8.2SruCE PI.ATE -3A' oiD r 4 tl]|" 0!0r 7 zE (ltoBOLT SLOTS -2sr3a'0N) r I rr8'0N)(rYP)1 1n'c3a'(hI) r z (ll9 POSI BOLT SLOTIN C}IANNEL RALAND SPUCEP|-ATE, FOR 5,8. (tN) BUTTONHEAD BOLT tir/ 7t3d (tN) OVALGRTP A}ID RECESSED NUTPOSTCONNECNON3Y4' 0f0 ' 2' (ltg SPtrcE sLclT lNcHAilNEL RAjLA SPUCEPIATe FOR sr$ 0N) CARRAGE8OLT, HE( NUT&WASHER+CHANNEL RAIL SPLICE/1 n lUkM.J.rrIe tkiFn)W k+r--- rur6:or7l:rrPir qBEAiI GUARDRAIL TYPE 31COUPOtTIEIITSSTANDARD PI,AN G.20.{ {-{IOSHEEII OF I SHEETAPPROI/ED FOR PUBUCANON. ../ ,i-. c@6.k.j;': f:' rdlrxrtr-lr^rr@Z.*t.- a* o.*olTEEFffia11118' 0r0 ' 3r:l? (lN)SLOTSNOWLOADPOSTWASHERSEE NOTE I('IttL_-ttt 1t+It-178l',isa-. 33rFII:=SNOWLOADRAILWASHERSEENOTESI&28 GAGE 'l.lIN.PLATE BEAM GUARDMILTYPE 31PAY LIMITSTANDARD RUN GMDING(sEE STANDARO PLAN C.20.t0 SLOPAEilBAi{KIENT TABLq2',BEAM GUARORAILBEAM GUARDRAIL31 PAY LIMITSEAM GUARDMILPLAN VIEWMSKT-SP-MGS (TL-3) SHOWNTYPE 31 NON.FLARED TERMINAL - PAY LIMITMSKT.SP-MGS10 il2"(sEEELEVATIOI{ VIEWilsKT-SP-tGS (TL-3)(SEE NOTE E)BEAM GUARORAIL TYPE 31 NON-FLARED TERMIML -SOFTSTOPSYSTEMLENGTH=s-1t2"{SEE NOTE 5)LENGTH OFNEED POINTTERMINA!NOTEOFFSET 0 to 2 FEET OVER LENGTH OF SYSTEM (SEE NOTE 6)| (RELATVE ro GRADE)I ro, r sloee on rr-nnea10'- 0" MtN.20 : I SLOPE OR FLATTERSEE NOTE 4EOGE OF IMDENEDEMSANKMENT_ EDGE OF PAVED./ sgouroenIThey can be usedType 31 runs composed of steelor wood guardEil posts.I\...twith steel posts only.guardrailCONTRACTuoo=zEUtogEoLENGTH OFNEED POINTNOTES1. The lmplementation of the Manual for Ass€ssment of Sabty HardwaE(MASH) criteria may resuli in the a@ptance of guardrail brminalsystems cunently not shown on this plan. Non-Flared teminals shall beselecied from the VVSOOT Qualified Products List (QPL) or approvedthrough the WSDOT Request for Approval of Materials (RAM) process.2. This Erminal is MASH compliant at Test Levet Three (TL-3) and maybe used for all posted speeds.3. An MSKT-SP-MGS (TL-3) as manufactured by Road Systems, Inc,SOFTSTOP (TL-3) as manuhctured by Trinity Highway producls, LLC,or MAX-TENSION (TL-3) as manufac{ured by Lindsay TransportationSolutions, shall be installed according to manufacture/s recommendations.4. A reffectorized object marker shall be installed according to manufacture/srecommendations.5. Snow load Eil washers shall not be installed within the terminal limits.6. Provide an ofbet between 0 to 2 feet so that the impac{ head does notencroach onto the paved shoulder. The ofiset is provided overthe lengthof the Eminal system from the center of the tast post splie to either(1) The face of the impact head at its leading edge (MSKT-SP-MGS), or(2) The center of Anchor Polt 0 (Softstop or Max-Tension). providemaximum ofbet where praclicable.7. For terminal details, see WSDOT appro\€d manufacture/s drawings.3:^ 1 't?',|12' - 6"13' - 3 1n',s',-8"GROUNDLINEANCHORPOST OriiiLli| 8-3" ill.].YP ]' ' POSTTLENGTH OFNEED POINTPOST I4'7',4'-7"5' - 3 314"GROUNDLINEGROUNDLINESEE NOTE 4.BEEAIUSEE NOTE 4irlllr!l'IirirtlBEAM GUARDRAILTYPE 31 PAY UMITELEVATION VIEWsoFTsToP (TL-3)(sEE NOTE 8)(wP.)EEAM GUARDRAIL TYPE 31MAX-TENSION fiL€) SYSTEM LENGTH = s5' - 0 1/2"CABLE ANCHORBRACKETELEVATION VIEWMAX-TENSTON (rL-3)(sEE NOTE 8)DZ'\-Aug 1020192:02 PMGUARDRAIL TYPE d{.NON.FLARED TERTtrII{AL(ALL POSTED SPEEDSISTAI{DARD PLAN C.22.4O.07SHEET 1 OF ,I SHEETAPPROVEO FOR PUBLICATION-wW6hil@ Sfr DqtumldrErydctrFC}ST IANCHORPOST O oFFSET 0 TO 1 FOOT OVER LENGTH OF SYSTEM (SEE NOTE 6)BEAM GUARDRAILTYPE 31PAY LIMITSTANDARD RUN GRADING(sEE STANDARD PLAN C-20.1 0 SLOPE EXBAifl(IEI{r TABLE)2',BEAM GUARDRAIL WPEPAY LIMITriIriitNOTEPI-AN vtEw(MSKT-SP-MGS (TL-2) SHOYvltt)BEAM GUARDMIL TYPE 3.I NON-FURED TERMINA -MSKI-SP.MGS(SEE NOTE 6)BEAM GUARDRAIL TYPE 3112' - Qi'12'- 6"l!ililELEVAT|OI{ Vril20 : ,I SLOPE OR FLATTER10:ISLOPEORSEE NOTE 4SEE NOTE 4EDGE OF vl,lDENEDEMBANKMENTrsKT-SP-MGS (rL-2)(SEE NOTE 8)(rYP) |BEAM GUARDRAIL TYPE 31 NON.FTARED TERMINAL - PAY LIMITfil. - 3'llz'SOFTSTOPSYSTEM LENGTH =-41n"(SEE NOTE 6)NOTES1. The lmplementation of the Manual br Assessment of Sabty Hardware(MASH) criEria may result in the acceptance of guardrail terminalsystems cunently not shown on this plan. Non-Flared teminals shall beselec€d from the WSDOT Qualified Produc,ts List (OPt) or approvedthrough the WSDOT Request for Approval of Materials (RAM) process.2. This teminal is MASH compliant at Test Level Two (TL-2) and maybe used in applications with posted speed of45 mph or less.3. An MSKT-SP-MGS (TL-2) as manufactured by Road Systems, tnc,SOFTSTOP [fL-2) as manufaciured by Trinity Highway Products, LLC,or MAX-TENSION (TL-2) as manutactured by Lindsay TransportationSolutions, shall be installed a@rding to manuiac{ure/s recommendations.4. A refectorized objecl marker shall be installed according to manuhcture/sEcommendations.5. Snow load rail washers shall not be installed within the terminal limib.6. Provide an ofiset between 0 to 1 foot so that the impac{ head does notencroach onto the paved shoulder. The ofbet is provided o\rer the lengthof the teminal system from ihe enter of the last posi splice to either:(1) The hce of the impac{ head at its leading edge (MSKT-SP-MGS), or(2) The center of anchor Posi 0 (Softsiop or Max-Tension). Provide them.ximum ofbet where practicable.7. For teminal details, se \TVSDOT approved manuiac{ure/s drawings,LENGTH OFNEED POINTSEE CONTMCT8. These terminals aE supplied with sbel posts only.They can be used with beam guardrail Type 31runs, @mposed of steel or woodguardEil posts.GROUNDLINEiiiiiiiii):iiiliL:BEAI' GUARDRAIL TYPE 31ELEVATIOI{ VIEWsoFTsToP (TL-2)(SEE NOTE E)-0ELEVATION VIEIfluAX-TENSTON (TL-2)(SEE NOTE E)5'-3'6',-3' | 6',-03/4' 6',-3',6'3'POST I1-7'POST ITERMINAf, - PAY LIMIT5'!{-tILENGTH OFNEED POINT5'-EGROUNDLINETitIANCHORPOST ONBEATUI>2.-\_NOTE 4GUARDRAIL TYPE itGROUNDLINEI{ON.FLARED TERTIIIIAL(POSTED SPEED45I[PH AirD BELOW)STANDARD PLAN G.22.45.O4SHEETlOFlSHEETiti,i;ilit'ANCHORAPPROVED FOR PUBLICATIONAua 12 2019 I l:52 AM-,wWohiryh 5h DqtudollErytufionPOsT ,IFOST O v\*lITYPE PARALLEL ADETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE -SEE STANDARD PLAN F.45.IO4 - 0" t!lN.eDEPRESSED CURB ANO GUTTERCROSSWALKPLAN VIEWTYPE PARALLEL BTOP OFROADWAYNOTES1. At marked crosswalks, the connection between the landing and theroadway must be contained within the width of the crosswalk markings.2. Where 'GRADE BREAK' is called out, the entire length of the gradebreak between the two adjacent surfae planes shall be fiush.3. Do not place Gratings, Junction Boxes, Access CoveE, or other appurte-nan@s on any part of the Curb Ramp or Landing, or in the DepressedCurb and Gutter where the Landing connecis to the roadway.4. See Contract Plans for the curb design specified. See Standard planF-1O.12 lot Curb, Curb and Gutter, Depressed Curb and Gutter, andPedestrian Curb details.5. See Standard Plan F-30.10 for Cement Concrete Sidewalk Details.See Contract Plans for width and pla€ment of sidewalk.6. The Bid ltem "Cement Concrete Curb Ramp Type _' does not includethe adja€nt Curb, Curb and Gutter, Depressed Curb and Gutter,Pedestrian Curb. or Sidewalks.7. The Curb Ramp length is not required to exeed 15 feet (unless otheMiseshown in the Contract Plans). Vvhen applying the 1sjoot max. length,the running slope of the curb ramp is allowed to exced 8.3%. Use a singleconstant slope from bottom of ramp to top of ramp to match into the sidewalkover a horizontal distane of 1 5 feet. Do not include abutting landing(s) inthe1s-foot max. measurement. When a ramp is construded on a radius, the'1s-foot max. length is measured on the inside radius along the back of thewalkway.8. Curb Ramps and Landings shall receive a broom finish. See StandardSpecifications 8-14.9. Pedestrian Curb may be omitted if the ground surface at the back of theCurb Ramp and/or Landing will be at the same elevation as the CudlRamp or Landing and there will be no material to retain.4'- 0' t\,ltN. -3i8'EXPANSTONJO|NT (TYP.) - SEESTANDARD PLAN F-30.10PEDESTRIAN CURB -SEE NOTE 9CURB RAMP15'-0'MULANDINGSIDEWALK3/8" 0N) EXPANSTONJOINT CryP.) - SEESTANDARD PLAN F.30.{OSEE CONTRACTTANDINGPEDESTRIAN CURB -SEE NOTE 9LANDINGCURB AND GUTTERSIOEWALKCURB AND GUTTERLANDINGSECTIONCURB RAMPCURA RAMP4'- 0" MlN. -SEE CONTMCT PLANSFACE OF CURBGRADE BREAKSLOPER,CURB RAMP4'- 0" t\4rN. -DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE -SEE STANDARD PLAN F45.IOSEE CONTRACT PLANSFACE OF CURBDETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE -SEE STANDARD PLAN F-45.'IODEPRESSED CURB AND GUTTEReuoozeUt=EoCROSSWALKPLAN VIEW@ covrmcron rorNT (Typ.) - sEE sTANDARo eLAN F-30.j' FOR CURB RAIVP LENGTHS GREATER THAN 8'- O"PROVIDECONTRACTION JOINT EQUALLY SPACED 4.0" MIN. OC.CEMENT CONCRETECURB -PEDESTRIANSEE NOTE 9UsDEPRESSED CURB AND GUTTER -SEE STANDARD PLAN F-10.12AND NOTE 64'- 0'MtN.15' - 0' MM.CURB RAMPSECTION(ALONG INSIDE RADIUS AT BACK OF WALruAY)SIDEWALK3/8" CN) EXPANSTON JO|NT (TYP.) -SEE STANDARO PLAN F.3O.tOSLOPE IN EITHER DIRECTION1,5OlO OR FLATTER RECOMMENDED FORoEstGN/FORMWORK (2% t\4AX.)7.5% OR FLATTER RECOMMENOED FOR DESIGN/FORMWORK (8 3% MAX.) - SEE NOTE 7SIDEWALK15',- 0' MAX.SEE NOTE 7GRADE BREAK4 - 0' MtN.LEGEND****3/8'EXPANSION JOINTSEE STANDARD PLAN(rYP.)F.30.10SECTION(ALONG INSIDE RADIUS AT BACK OF WALKWAY)"CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAIIP TYPEPARALLEL A" PAY LIMIT - SEE NOTE 6PEDESTRIANSEEcuRE -NOTE 9LANDING"CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPLPARALLEL B' PAY LIMIT - SEE NOTE 6CURB RAI\,IP@Zcll€r, ScottJun 24 2016 7r I9 AMPARALLEL CURB RAMPSTANDARD PLAN F.40.{2.03SHEET ,I OF 1 SHEETAPPROVED FOR PUBLICATION(1!mc'ilcr i.rlCzlfqla. 14{ rdn?eror0:r'PMffi--fi n".nt"st"" srde oePnfr.nr or rEnrPdorionI"\Fi-SEE NOTE 7GMDE BREAK \-1Lt- \, lr :lSEE CONTRACT PLANSGRADE BREAK \*\**SEE NOTE 7GMDE BREAK*_CONTRACT PLANStr*tONAL.ttsoMETR|c vtEwTYPE PARALLEL A PAY LIMITrsoMETRrc vrEWTYPE PARALLEL B PAY LIMIT uoo=zEu;6zEEor-CEMENT CONCRETEPEDESTRIAN CURB -SEE NOTE 9CEMENT CONCRETECURB AND GUTTER -SEENOTES4&6DETECTAELE WARNING SURFACE -SEE STANDARD PLAil FS.lOCEMENT CONCRETEPEDESTRIAN CURB -SEE NOTE 94 - 0' MrN. - SEECONTRACT PUNSLANDINGCURB RAMP15'- 0' MAX.SEE NOTE 7GRADEBREAK**SECTIONMATCH STDEWALK (4'- 0" MtN.) -SEE CONTRACT PLANS3/8" 0N) EXPANSTON JOINT (TYP.) -SEE STANOARD PLAN F.3O.IOCEMENT CONCRETEPEDESTRIAN CURB -SEE NOTE 9DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE -SEE STANOARD PLAN F-45.10DEPRESSED CURB ANDGUTTER- SEENOTES4&6CEI\4ENT CONCRETE CURBAND GUTTER - SEE NOTES 4 & 6CEMENT CONCRETEPEDESTRIAN CURB -SEE NOTE 9NOTES1. At marked crosswalks, the @nnection between the curb ramp and the roadway must bemntained within the width of the crosswalk markings.2. V1/here 'GRADE BREAK" is called out, the entire length of the grade break between the twoadjacent surface planes shall be flush.3. Do not plae Gratings, Junction Boxes, Access CoveE, or other appurtenances on any partof the Curb Ramp or Landing, or in the Depressed Curb and Gutter where the landingconnects to the roadway.4. SeeContractPlansforthecurbdesignspecified.SeeStandardplanF-l0.12 forCurb,Curb and Gutter, Depressed Curb, Gufter and Pedestrian Curb details.5. See Standard Plan F-30.10 for Cement Concrete Sidewalk Details. See Contract plansfor width and plaement of sidewalk.6. The Bid ltem "Cement Concrete Curb Ramp Type _' does not include the adjacent Curb,Curb and Gutter, Depressed Curb and Gutter, Pedestrian Curb, or Sidewalks.7. The Curb Ramp length is not required to ex€ed 15 feet (unless otheMise shown in theContract Plans). When applying the 1s-foot max. length, the running slope of the curbramp is allowed to exceed 8.37o. Use a single constant slope from bottom of ramp to topof ramp to match into the sidewalk over a horizontal distance of 15 feet. Do not includedthe abutting landing in the 1s-foot max. measurement. \Nhen a ramp is @nstructed on aradius, the 1s-foot max. length is measured on the inside radius along the back of thewalkway.8. Curb Ramps and Landings shall reeive a broom finish. See Standard Specifications 8-14.9. Pedestrian Cudc may be omitted if the ground surface al the back of the Curb Ramp and/orLanding will b€ at the same elevation as the Curb Ramp or Landing and there will not bematerial to retain.LEGENDCURB RAMPCURB RAMPPLAN VIEWTYPE COMBINATIONWITH BUFFERI4'- 0" MtN.SEE CONTRACT PLANSLANDING3" R.(TYP,)BUFFER STRIP (TYP.) -SEE CONTRACT PLANSDEPRESSED CURB AND GUTTER -SEENOTES4&6L.DETAILCURB RADIUS DETAIL15'- 0" MAx.SEE NOTE 7GRADE**4 - 0" MIN.SEE CONTRACT PI-ANS*+DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE -SEE STANDARD PUN FS.lOGRADE BREAKTOP OFROADWAY***SLOPE IN EJTHER DIRECTION1,5 OR FLATTER RECOMMENDEO FORDESTGN/FORMWORK (2% MAX.)7 5OlO OR FLATTER RECOMMENDED FORDESIGN/FORMWORK (8.3% MAX.)*UECURB RAMPCURA RAMP4'- 0'MtN.SEE CONTRACT PUNS3',- 0'MlN. ('r-YPoDEPRESSEO CURB AND GUTTER -SEE STANDARD PLAN F-l0.I2ANO NOTE 6@ corurnncrrou .rorNT (wp ) - sEE STaNDARD eLAN F-30.i0' FOR CURB RAIUP LENGTHS GREATER THAN 8' - 0" PROVIDECONTRACTION JOINT EOUALLY SPACED 4' . O" MIN. OC,SEE CONTRACTPLANSBUFFERSTRIPTOP OFROADWAYCURB RAMPLANDING3i8'(rN) EXPANSTON JOrNT (TYP.) -SEE STANDARD PLAN F.3O.1OSECTION(ALONG INSIDE RADIUS AT AACK OF WALruAY)"CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPECOMBINATION" PAY LIIV]IT - SEE NOTE 6Zcllcr. ScottJun 24 2016 7i20 AMq-COMBINATION CURB R'IMPSTANDARD PLAN F-4O.I4.O3SHEETlOFlSHEETAPPROVED FOR PUBLICATION(aputa. fu! Lllj.iiii;l'j'-"ffi-W wrsiinston sbro DeFnn.nr d rrcGFndi.nGRADE BREAK**CEMENT CONCRETE PEDESTRIANcuRB (TYP.) - SEE NOTE ISECTIONCEIIIENT CONCRETE CURB ANDGUTTER. SEENOTES4&6tsoMETRtc vtEwTYPE COMBINATIONPAY LIMIT ***I:&**LANDINGGRADE BREAKCURE RAMP WDTH 4'- O'MIN LANDING TO MATCHCURB RAIIIP WDTH - SEE CONTRACT PLANSGRADE BREAKCURB RAMPGRAO€BREAKTRANSITION TOPRESENTORTOSEE CONTRACT PLANS -4'- 0" MtN.CEMENT CONCRETESIDEWALK - SEE NOTE 5PROVIDE SMOOTH TRANSITIONTO SIDEWALK WOTH(TYP,)SEE CONTRACT PLANS -4'- 0" MtN.3/8" EXPANSTONJOINT (TYP.) ^ SEESTANDARD PLAN F.3O.1OCURB RAMP WDTH 4'- 0" l\,llNLANDING TO I,TATCH CURB RAI\4PWlDTH . SEE CONTRACT PI-ANSLANOINGCURE RAMPFACE OF CURBGMDE BREAKSEE CONTRACTPLANS - 4' , O" MIN,BUFFER WDTH - I\4ATCHTO CURB RAMP DEPTH(rYP.)NOTES1. At marked crosswalks, the connection between the curb ramp and the road-way must be contained within the width of the crosswalk markings.2. Where "GRADE BREAK' is called out, the entire tength of the grade breakbetween the two adjacent surfa€ planes shall be flush.3. Do not pla€ Gratings, Junction Boxes, Access Covers, or other appurten-ances on any part ofthe Curb Ramp or Landing, or in front ofthe CurbRamp where it @nnects to the roadway.4. See Contract Plans for the curb design specified. See Standard PlanF-10.12 for Curb, Curlc and Gutter, Depressed Curb and Gutter, andPedestrian Curb details.5. See Standard Plan F-30.10 for Cement Concrete Sidewalk Details. SeeContract Plans for width and plaement of sidewalk.6. The Bid ltem "Cement Concrete Curb Ramp Type _" does not include theadjacent Curb, Curb and Gutter, Depressed Cud3 and Gutter, PedeslrianCurb, or Sidewalks.7. The Curb Ramp length is not required to exeed 15 feet (unless shownotheNise in the Contrast Plans) Vvhen applying the 1s-foot max. length,the running slope of the Curb Ramp is allowed to ex€ed 8.3olo. Use asangle constant slope from bottom of ramp to lop of ramp to match intothe landing over a horizontal disiance of 1 5 feet. Do not include theabutting landing in the 1 s-foot max. measurement.8. Curb Ramps and Landings shall receive a broom finish. See StandardSpecifications E-14.9. Pedestrian Curb may be omitted if the ground surface at the back of theCurb Ramp and/or Landing will be at the same elevation as the CurbRamp or Landing and there will not be material to retain.SEE CONTMCT PLANS -4'- 0" MtNCEMENT CONCRETESIDEWALK - SEE NOTE 53/6" EXPANSTONJO|NT(ryP)-SEESTANDARD PLAN F-3O.IOFLARE (TYP.)GRADE EREAKIFPLANSCURB, OR CURBAND GUTTER -SEE NOTE 4CURB OR CURBANO GUTTER -SEE NOTE 4sIIIe.DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE -SEE STANDARDPLAN F.15.10PEOESTRIAN CURB -SEE NOTE 4DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE 'SEE STANDARO PUN F{5.10DEPRESSED CURB AND GUTTERFACE OF CURBMEASURED PARALLELTO CURB (TYP.)SLOPE TREAIMENT .SEE STANDARO PLA'{ F-30.10PLAN VIEWTYPE PERPENDICULAR ALEGEND***,.**SLOPE IN EITHER DIRECTION1.5 OR FUfrER RECOMMENDED FORDESIGN/FORMWORK (2% MAX )7.50lo OR FTATTER RECOIiIIiIENDED FORDESTGN/FORMWORK (8.3% MAX )9.57O OR FLATTER RECOMI/1ENDED FORDESTGN/FORMWORK (10% MAX.)CROSSWALKDEPRESSED CURB AND GUTTER -SEE NOTE 44) colrrnacrroru lorNT {Typ ) - sEE sTANDARD eLAN F-m.l0- FOR CURB RAMP LENGTHS GREATER THAN 6 - O'PROVIDECONTRACTION JOINT EQUALLY SPACED 4'- O'MIN. OC.DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE -SEE STANDARD PLAN F-45.IOPLAN VIEWTYPE PERPENDICULAR B(SHOWN WITH BUFFER)CROSSWALKUooztU;oBEot-t-*GRADE BREAKCEIVENT CONCRETEPEDESTRIAN CURB 'SEE NOTE 4CEM€NT CONCRETE CURB RAMP'TYPEPERPENDICULAR "A" PAY LIMIT - SEE NOTE 6OETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE -SEE STAI{DARD PLAN F45.IODEPRESSED CURB AND GUTTER -SEE NOTE 4ANDCOUNTER SLOPE -5.07o MAX.TOP OF ROADWAYDEPRESSED CURB AND GUTTER -SEE STANDARD PUN F-1O-12CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAI\,'IP'TYPEPERPENDICULAR "8" PAY LIMIT - SEE NOTE 64' - 0' MtNSEE CONTRACT PUNS15'- 0'tvlAx.SEE NOTE 7GRADE BREAK**LANDINGCURB RAMPSECTION.lun 24 2016 7r2{) AMPERPENDIGULARCURB RAMPSTANDARD PLAN F.40.I5.03SHEET 1 OF'1 SHEETAPPROVED FOR PUBLICATION(azfactet fu/./ Ll"lJlilii"i"*#'-W wos6t"do" srd. D.Ffr..r ol Trcn.tsndri6nwI*CL'RB RADIUS DETAILCURBNOTE 4tsoMETRtc vtEwTYPE PERPENDICULAR A PAY LIMITISOMETRIC VIEWTYPE PERPENDICULAR B PAY LIMIT MATCH SIOEWALKWDTH - 4' 0" lfiN. -SEE CONTRACT PLANS3/8' (N)JOINT - SEEPEDESTRIAN CURB -SEE NOTE ,10PEDESTRIAN CURB -SEE NOTE 10MATCH SIDEWALK VvlOTH - 4'O'MIN,SEE CONTRACT PLANSMATCH SIDEWALKWDTH - 4' O' MIN,SEE CONTRACT PLANSEUFFERSTRIPPEDESTRIAN CURB -SEE NOTE 1OCURB RAMPUNDINGNOTES1. This plan is to be used where pedeskian crossing in one direction is notpemitted.2. At marked crosswalks, the connection betwen the Landing and theroadway must be @ntained within the width of the crosswalk markings.3. Vvhere'GRADE BREAK" is €lled out, the entjre length of the grade breakbetween the two adjaent surface planes shall be flush.4. Do not place Gratings, Junction Boxes, Aress Covers, or other appurten-ances on any part of the Curb Ramp or Landing or in the DepressedCurb and Gutter where the Landing connects to the roadway.5. See Contract Plans for the curlc design specified. See Standard planF-'10.12 for Curb, Curb and Gutter, Depressed Curb, Gutter andPedestrian Curb details.6. See Standard Plan F-30.10 for Cement Concrete Sidewalk Details. SeeContract Plans for width and placement of sidewalk.7. The Bid ltem "Cement Concrete Curb Ramp Type _' does nol include theadjacent Curb, Curb and Gutter, Depressed Curb and cutter, PedestrianCurb, or Sidewalks.I The Curb Ramp length is not required to exceed 15 feet (untess shownotheMise in the Contract Plans). When applying the 1s-foot max. tength(measured from back ofsidewalk) the running slope ofthe curb ramp tsallowed to exceed 8.3%. Use a single constant slope from bottom oframp to top of ramp to match into the sidewalk over a horizontaldistance of 15 feet.9. Curb Ramps and Landings shall receive a broom finish. See StandardSpecifications E-1/4.10. Pedestrian Curb may be omitted if the ground surface at the back of theCurb Ramp and/or Landing will be at the same elevation as the CurbRamp or Landing and there will not be material to retain.GRAOE BREAK LEGENDSIDEWALK -SEE NOTE 6SIDEWALK -SEE NOTE 6BUFFER STRIP -CONTRACTEXPANSIONPLAN F.3O.1OILANDING3' R.3/8" (tN) EXPANSTON JOTNT - SEESTANOARD PLAN F.3O.1OcJPEDESTRIAN CURBgoto90'ANGLERADIUS IJAYCURB AND GUTTER -SEE NOTE 5(tDETECTAELE WARNING SURFACESEE STANOARD PUN F{s.iO*otPEDESTRIAN CROSSINGCLOSURE SIGNCURB RAMPFACE OFCURASIDEWALK -SEE NOTE 6DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE BUFFERSEE STANDARD PLAN F.45.10 STRIPP€DESTRIAN CROSSINGCLOSURE SIGNDETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE -SEE STANDARD PLAN F-45"10GRADE BREAK GRADE BREAKCOUNTER SLOPE5.0% MAxSIDEWALK -SEE NOTE 6TOP OFROADWAYDEPRESSED CURB AND GUNER -SEE STANDARD PLAN F-IO-t2CURB RAMPCURB AND GUTTER -SEE NOTE 5PLAN VIEWTYPE SINGLE DIRECTION AFACE OFCURBCURB RAMPPLAN VIEWTYPE SINGLE DIRECTION BGRADEEREAKU6o=zt6zBto15' - 0" MAXSEE NOTE 8GRADE BREAKSIDEWALK -SEE NOTE 6?b*CURB RAMPGRADE BREAK*_O'MAXSEE NOTE 8**SLOPE IN EITHER DIRECTION1.5 OR FLATTER RECOMMENDED FORDESTGN/FORMWORK {2% MAX.)7.5% OR FNfiER RECOMMENDED FOR****UNDINGdLANDINGCURB RAMPDESTGN/FOR|\|WORK (8.3olo MAX.)SEE NOTE 7oSECTIONSECTION@ conraacrott .:orNT (Typ.) - sEE sTANDARD eLAN F-30.10' FOR CURB RAIJP LENGTHS GREATER IHAN 8'- O' PROVIDECONTMCTION JOINT EQUALLY SPACED 4'- O' MIN. OC.(ALONG INSIDE RADIUS AT BACK OF WALKWAY)"CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMPTYPE SINGLE DIRECTION A" PAY LIMIT -SEE NOTE 7"CEIIENT CONCRETE CURA RAMP.TYPE SINGLE DIRECTION B' PAY LIMIT -SEE NOTE 71'(rN) RADTUSCORNERDETECTABLE WARNINGSURFACE - SEESTANDAM PUN F{5.10Jun24:0167:21 AMSINGLE DIRECTIONGURB RAMPSTANDARD PLAN F.4O.I6-03SHEETlOFlSHEETAPPROVED FOR PUBLICATIONCaEab tkdlW-Wwcshhion srdb D.Ffr€il of TEGpoddion@"DEPRESSED CURE ANOGUTTER - SEE NOTE 5(rYP.),/l-1 al*l )Ai:,| /X,,::W.I*I**ESEEONALJtsoMETRtc vtEwTYPE SINGLE DIRECTION APAY LIMITDETAILtsoMETRtc vtEwTYPE SINGLE DIRECTION BPAY LIMIT lrax-2.40',0.90'1.40"o2"MIN.1.60"0.65'0.45"0.9'o.2"FA-NOTES1. The Detectable Warning Surface (DWS) shall extend the full width of the curb ramp,landing, or other roadway entran€ as applicable. Ex€ption: lf the Manufacturer ofthe DWS requires a concrete border around the DWS, a variance of up to 2 incheson each side of the DWS is permitted.2. The Detectable Warning Surface (DWS) shall be pla€d at the back of curb, with thetwo leading corners of the DWS panel plaed adjacent to the back of the curb, andwith no more than a 2 inch gap between the DWS and the back of the curb measuredat the center of the DWS panel. Exeption: lf the l\ranufacturer of the selected DWSrequires a concrete border around the DWS, a variance of up to 2 inches from theback ofthe curb is permitted (measured atthe leading corners ofthe DWS panel).3. The rows of truncated domes shall be aligned to be perpendicular to the gradebreak at the back of curb.4. The rows of truncated domes shall be aligned to be parallel to the direction of travel.5. lf cudo andDetectablegufter are not present, such as a shared-use path connection, theWarning Surfac€ shall be placed at the pavement edge.6. See Standard Plans for sidewalk and curb ramp details.7. lf a curb ramp is required, the location of the Detectable Warning Surfae must be atthe bottom of the ramp and within the required distanc€ from the rail.8. When the grade break between the curb ramp and the landing is less than or equal to5 ft. from the back of curb at all points, place the Detectable Warning Surface on thebottom of the curb ramp directly above the grade break.WDTH OF CUT-THROUGH(r-yP )2'- 0" MINDETECTABLE WARNINGEIr*1" rDETECTABLE WARNINGCURB RAMP, LANDING CUT-THROUGH OR WALKWAYSURFACESEE NOTE(ows)3BIItAI["-]TRAVELTRUNCATED DOilESEE NOTE 3CURB RAMPCURB RAIJPTRUNCATED DOMESECTIONSEE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSFOR COLOR OF SURFACETRUNCATED DOME DETAILSLANDINGOFFSETNOTEWDTH OFBACK OF CURB 'SEECURB AND GUTTERCURB RAMPWDTH OF CURB RAMPWDTH OF CURB RA[,,IP,\ LANDTNG, OR WALKWAYDETECTABLE WARNING STJRFACE DETAIL2' - 0" MtN. -TYP. OF ALLAPPLICATIONSLANDINGWDTH OF CUT-THROUGH TYP.)SURFACE (TYP,) -SEE NOTE 3BACK OF CURB .SEE NOTE 2ISLAND CUT-THROUGHWDTH OF CUT-THROUGH(rYP.)BACK OF CURB -SEE NOTE 2MEDIAN CUT-THROUGHoo=2tu;z3tDETECTABLE WARNINGSURFACE (DWS) -SEE NOTE 4EACK OF CURESINGLE DIRECTION CURB RAMP(GRADE BREAK EETWEEN CURB ANDLANDING < 5 FT. FROM BACK OF CURB)(sEE NOrE 5)LANDINGDIRECTION OFBACK OF CURB -SEE NOTE 2DETECTABLE WARNINGSURFACE (DWS) ^SEE NOTE 3u&oBACK OF CURB -SEE NOTE 2WDTH OFDETECTABLE WARNINGSURFACE (DWS) - SEE NOTE 3PERPENDICULAR CURB RAMP(sEE NOTE 6)0" MlN.DETECTABLE WARNINGSURFACE (TYP.) -SEE NOTE 3SINGLE DIRECTION CIJRB RAMPCURB RAMPLANDINGBACK OF CURB .SEE NOTE 2CURB RAMPDETECTABLE WARNINGSURFACE (DWS) - SEE NOTE 3(GRADE BREAK BETWEEN CURB ANDLANDING > 5 FT FROM BACK OF CURB)(sEE NO1E 6)DETECTABLE WARNINGSURFACE (DWS) -SEENOTES4&7\SHARED.USEPATH OR@Sco(Jul l2 20164:25 PMRAILROUNDABOUT SPLITTERISLANDDETECTABLE WARNINGSURFACESTANDARD PLAN F45.'IO-02SHEET 1 OF '1 SHEETAPPROVED FOR PUBLICATION(arputa. ful{ !,iT'Il;i'""SIAIE DESIGN ENGINEER-fi w""ni"a"" srote Dwad.nr or TEnsPddri6nPAVEMENTEDGESHOULDERPATH ORDETECTABLE WARNINGSURFACE (DWS) -SEENOTES4&5PLACEMENT GUIDELINESIONALJWDTH OFBACK OF CURB -SEE NOTE 2PARALLEL GURB RAMP(sEE NOTE 6)PEDESTRIAN MILROAD CROSSINGSHARED-USE PATH CONNECTION EDGE OF TRAVELED WAY ...J ...J LLJ Cl Cl ::J z 0:: LLJ LL. EDGE OF TRAVELED WAY EDGE OF TRAVELED WAY w 12' MIN. SHOULDER 6' SLOPE BREAK SIGN INSTALLATION IN FILL SECTION w 3' ,- v (7' MIN.) _l TRAFFIC BARRIER SIGN INSTALLATION BEHIND TRAFFIC BARRIER w SIGN 1 v (7' MIN.) l SIGN INSTALLATION IN CURB SECTION SIGN SIGN EDGE OF TRAVELED WAY EDGE OF TRAVELED WAY w 12' MIN. SHOULDER 6' SLOPE BREAK SIGN INSTALLATION ON STEEP FILL SLOPES w 12' MIN. SHOULDER 6' SLOPE BREAK SIGN WITH SUPPLEMENTAL PLAQUE INSTALLATION IN FILL SECTION w 12' MIN. :SHOULDER • 1 DITCH ~ EDGE OF r:--TRAVELED WAY v (7' MIN.) SLOPE BREAK SIGN INSTALLATION IN DITCH SECTION SIGN FILL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 6H: 1V PRIMARY SIGN SUPPLEMENTAL PLAQUE SIGN I 7' MIN. EDGE OF TRAVELED WAY EDGE OF TRAVELED WAY EDGE OF TRAVELED WAY w 12' MIN. SHOULDER 6' SLOPE BREAK MULTIPLE SIGN POST INSTALLATION IN FILL SECTION w 12' MIN. SHOULDER 6' MIN. SLOPE BREAK GUIDE OR DIRECTIONAL SIGN WITH SECONDARY SIGN INSTALLATION ON EXPRESSWAYS AND FREEWAYS SHOULDER w 12' MIN. I 4' MIN. DITCH ~ r:- v I (7' MIN.) i I I SIGN 6H: 1V SLOPE OR FLATTER NOTES 1. Refer to the Sign Specification Sheet of the Contract for the 'V and 'W distances. 2. The minimum vertical distance from the bottom of the sign to the ground shall not be less than 7' (ft) for signs located within the Design Clear Zone. MAJOR SIGN \ ' SECONDARY SIGN \_HINGE OR NOTCH POINT KEYNOTE 0 3' (FT) MIN. FROM ANY POINT ALONG BOTTOM EDGE OF SIGN PANEL TO THE GROUND SIGN GROUND-MOUNTED SIGN PLACEMENT STANDARD PLAN G-20.10-02 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION SLOPE BREAK MULTIPLE SIGN POST INSTALLATION IN DITCH SECTION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ..... ... Washington State Department of Transportation APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER Washington State Department of Transportation A A B ELEVATION C DUAL-POST INSTALLATION ELEVATION VARIES VARIES VIEW DETAIL B DETAIL D DETAIL E C E D VIEW TOP OF SIGN SIGN POST TOP OF SIGN PANEL OF SIGN BOTTOM OF SIGN BOTTOM SEE STANDARD PLAN G-20.106"0.60X 0.20X0.20X 2" TO 3"OF SIGN BOTTOM SIGN PANEL SIGN POST TOP OF SIGN SIGN POST TOP OF 2" TO 3"OF SIGN BOTTOM 6"4"MAX.SLIP PLATE TOP OF LOWER ASSEMBLY SLIP BASE SEE STANDARD PLAN G-20.10SIGN PANEL WASHER STEEL LOCK SIGN PANEL Z-BAR SIGN POST SIGN PANEL SIGN POST WINDBEAM MAX.4"SLIP PLATE TOP OF LOWER SLIP BASE ASSEMBLY (TYP.) SLOPE BREAK DRAWN BY: FERN LIDDELL RIVET ALUMINUM SIGN POST32" - 34"32" - 34"POSTS MAXIMUM XYZ 2 1/2" PSST 12-GAGE 1-POST 12-GAGE2 1/2" PSST with 2 1/4" insert 172 344 516 309 618 927 18" DIAMETER (TYP.) 18" DIAMETER 2" TO 3"WINDLOAD FOR SQUARE TUBE POSTS AT 90 MPH 6"6"Z-BAR (3.00 2.33) WINDBEAM (TYP.)3' - 0" MAX.EQUAL SPACING (TYP.) 6" (TYP.) 6" (TYP.) WINDBEAM CLIP ANGLE STEEL OR ALUMINUM TRAVELED WAY EDGE OF TRAVELED WAY EDGE OF H1" POST HEIGHT"Y" SIGN HEIGHT"X" SIGN WIDTH"H1" POST HEIGHT"H2" POST HEIGHT"7-GAGE STEEL TUBE SUPPORT ~ 3" (IN) SQUARE, LOWER SIGN POST (TYP.) NUT AND WASHERS HEX HEAD BOLT, 3/8" (IN) DIAMETER HEX HEAD BOLT × 3 1/2" (IN) LONG 3/8" (IN) DIAMETER HEAD NUT 3/8" (IN) HEX HEX HEAD BOLT × 3 1/2" (IN) LONG 3/8" (IN) DIAMETER 3/8" (IN) HEX HEAD NUT STEEL SIGN SUPPORT TYPES SB-1, SB-2 & SB-3 ~ 8" (IN) SPACING 4" (IN) STAGGERED 3/16" (IN) RIVETS ~ STEEL TUBE (TYP.) SQUARE, 12-GAGE SIGN POST ~ 2 1/2" (IN)(SEE NOTE 2)(SEE NOTE 2)(SEE NOTE 2)(SEE NOTE 2)(SEE NOTE 2)TUBE (TYP.) 3" (IN) SQUARE, 7-GAGE STEEL LOWER SIGN POST SUPPORT ~ GROUND LINE FINISHED 7' - 0" MIN.7' - 0" MIN.NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. FIELD-DRILLED Z-BAR 7' - 0" MIN.SEE STANDARD PLAN G-20.10(SEE NOTE 6) GROUND LINE FINISHED 6. SIGN PANEL 5' - 0" ", refer to the Sign Specification Sheet in the Contract.H4", and "H3", "H2", "H1", "Y", "XFor " Top of concrete foundations shall be smooth, dense and uniform to finished groundline. When a 2 1/4" (in) insert is used, the insert shall be a minimum of 7 feet. 7. NOTE 3 SEE (TYP) NOTE 3 SEE MAX. K CONCRETE COMMERCIAL CONCRETE (TYP.) COMMERCIAL *SLIP BASE REQUIRED (UNLESS BEHIND BARRIER) ** *** 2-POST 3-POST SHEET 1 OF 6 SHEETS INSTALLATION DETAILS TYPES SB-1, SB-2 & SB-3 STEEL SIGN SUPPORT STANDARD PLAN G-24.40-07 .Specification Section 9-06 Standard Slip Base and all other materials shall meet the requirements of .Standard Specification Section 9-28Materials shall meet the requirements of . Standard Plan G-20.10Vertical distance from edge of traveled way to bottom of sign, see For "W", Horizontal distance from edge of traveled way to center of nearest post, and "V", NYLON WASHER 1" (IN) DIAMETER FLAT WASHER (TYP.) GALVANIZED STEEL 1" (IN) DIAMETER FLAT WASHER GALVANIZED STEEL 1" (IN) DIAMETER G-50.10 STANDARD PLAN SEE WHEN REQUIRED ~ SIGN BRACE, ANGLE (TYP.) STEEL OR ALUMINUM 1 3/4" (IN) × 1 3/4" (IN) × 1/4" (IN) 6" (TYP.)ANGLE (TYP.) STEEL OR ALUMINUM 12-GAGE 2 1/4" (IN) INSERT SPECIFIED IN NOTE 6 12-GAGE STEEL TUBE WITH LENGTH SIGN POST ~ 2 1/2" (IN) SQUARE, Maximum of three (3) slip bases in 7' (ft) span. devices. and Contract Plans for installations with electrical Standard Plan J-40.35See 8. 2" TO 3" 3"2" TOSTEEL TUBE SQUARE, 12 - GAGE SIGN POST ~ 2 1/2" (IN) 2' - 0" MAX. O.C. WASHER & NUT (TYP.) ~ LONG HEX HEAD BOLT WITH 3/8" (IN) DIAMETER × 4 1/2" (IN) STA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEER29115 TEBSIN .C NHOJ SHEET 2 OF 6 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Washington State Department of Transportation STATE DESIGN ENGINEER 1. ASSEMBLY NOTES EXPLODED VIEW SLIP BASE ASSEMBLY TYPE SB-2A EXPLODED VIEW SLIP BASE ASSEMBLY TYPE SB-3A FLOW TRAFFIC FLOW TRAFFIC ISOMETRIC VIEW EXPLODED VIEW LOCKING WEDGE SIGN SUPPORTDRAWN BY: FERN LIDDELLNOMINAL8"NOMINAL8"FLOW TRAFFIC NOMINAL8"SUPPORT SIGN POST PLATE UPPER SLIP PLATE LOWER SLIP SUPPORT NOT SHOWN) (LOWER SIGN POST LOWER SLIP PLATE STUB (SEE ASSEMBLY NOTE 2 FOR TORQUE REQUIREMENTS) SLIP PLATE BOLTS PLATE KEEPER STEEL TUBING FILLET WELD PLATE UPPER SLIP HOUSING BALL BEARING PLATE LOWER SLIP SUPPORT NOT SHOWN) (LOWER SIGN POST LOWER SLIP PLATE STUB (SEE ASSEMBLY NOTE 2 FOR TORQUE REQUIREMENTS) SLIP PLATE BOLTS (TYP.) BEARINGS BALL SUPPORT SIGN POST SUPPORT NOT SHOWN) (LOWER SIGN POST LOWER SLIP PLATE STUBPLATE LOWER SLIP PLATE UPPER SLIP ISOMETRIC VIEW ISOMETRIC VIEW SLIP BASE ASSEMBLY TYPE SB-1A BOLTS (TYP.) REDI-TORQUE SLIP WASHER (TYP.) TEFLON-COATED BOLT (TYP.) SHOULDER FLANGED BOLT (TYP.) SHOULDER FLANGED SIGN POST 12-GAGE 2 1/2" (IN) ~ SIGN POST 12-GAGE 2 1/2" (IN) ~ SIGN POST 2 1/2" (IN) ~ 12-GAGE FOR EVERY INSTALLATION MAY NOT BE NECESSARY LEVELING SHIM (TYP.) ~ 2. 3. connection details are shown on this plan only to illustrate how the parts are assembled. are patented, manufactured products that are in compliance with NCHRP 350 crash test criteria. The base Dimensions for the parts used to assemble the base connections are intentionally not shown. Base connections 40 ft-lbs on each. Progressively tighten the three Slip Plate Bolts in 10 ft-lb increments, alternately, to a final torque of Do not tighten any single Slip Plate Bolt to the recommended torque before pretightening the other bolts. INSTALLATION DETAILS TYPES SB-1, SB-2 & SB-3 STEEL SIGN SUPPORT STANDARD PLAN G-24.40-07 9-28Standard Specification Sections 9-06 . and Slip Base assembly and all other materails shall meet the requirements of BOLT (TYP.) SHOULDER FLANGED BOLT (TYP.) SHOULDER FLANGED FOR TYPE SB-1A SLIP PLATE DETAIL FOR TYPE SB-2A SLIP PLATE DETAIL FOR TYPE SB-3A SLIP PLATE DETAIL STEEL SIGN SUPPORT TYPES SB-1A, SB-2A & SB-3A ~ 8" (IN) STA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEER29115 TEBSIN .C NHOJ SHEET 3 OF 6 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Washington State Department of Transportation STATE DESIGN ENGINEER INSTALLATION DETAILS TYPES SB-1, SB-2 & SB-3 STEEL SIGN SUPPORT STANDARD PLAN G-24.40-07 1. ASSEMBLY NOTES EXPLODED VIEW SLIP BASE ASSEMBLY TYPE SB-3B FLOW TRAFFIC EXPLODED VIEW LOCKING WEDGE SIGN SUPPORT DRAWN BY: FERN LIDDELLNOMINAL8"FLOW TRAFFIC NOMINAL8"SUPPORT SIGN POST PLATE UPPER SLIP PLATE LOWER SLIP SUPPORT NOT SHOWN) (LOWER SIGN POST LOWER SLIP PLATE STUB (SEE ASSEMBLY NOTE 2 FOR TORQUE REQUIREMENTS) SLIP PLATE BOLTS PLATE KEEPER SUPPORT SIGN POST SUPPORT NOT SHOWN) (LOWER SIGN POST LOWER SLIP PLATE STUB PLATE LOWER SLIP PLATE UPPER SLIP SLIP BASE ASSEMBLY TYPE SB-1B BOLTS (TYP.) REDI-TORQUE SLIP WASHER (TYP.) TEFLON-COATED SIGN POST 2 1/2" (IN) ~ 12-GAGE FOR EVERY INSTALLATION MAY NOT BE NECESSARY LEVELING SHIM (TYP.) ~ 2. 3. (UNIBASE) alternately, to a final torque of 40 ft-lbs on each. tighten the three Slip Plate Bolts in 10 ft-lb increments, torque before pretightening the other bolts. Progressively Do not tighten any single Slip Plate Bolt to the recommended 9-28Sections 9-06 Standard Specification . and the requirements of Slip Base assembly and all other materails shall meet parts are assembled. details are shown on this plan only to illustrate how the with NCHRP 350 crash test criteria. The base connection are patented, manufactured products that are in compliance connections are intentionally not shown. Base connections Dimensions for the parts used to assemble the base BOLT (TYP.) SHOULDER FLANGED STEEL SIGN SUPPORT TYPES SB-1B, & SB-3B ~ 8" (IN) FOR TYPE SB-3B SLIP PLATE DETAIL FOR TYPE SB-1B SLIP PLATE DETAIL SIGN POST 2 1/2" (IN) ~ 12-GAGE 36"36"STA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEER29115 TEBSIN .C NHOJ SHEET 4 OF 6 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Washington State Department of Transportation STATE DESIGN ENGINEER F F G ELEVATION H DUAL-POST INSTALLATION ELEVATION VARIES VARIES VIEW DETAIL G DETAIL I DETAIL J J I SIGN POST TOP OF OF SIGN BOTTOM OF SIGN BOTTOM SEE STANDARD PLAN G-20.106"0.60X 0.20X0.20X OF SIGN BOTTOM SIGN PANEL SIGN POST TOP OF SIGN SIGN POST TOP OF 2" TO 3"OF SIGN BOTTOM 6"4"MAX.SLIP PLATE TOP OF LOWERASSEMBLY SLIP BASE 2" TO 3"SEE STANDARD PLAN G-20.10SIGN PANEL WASHER STEEL LOCK SIGN POST Z-BAR FIELD DRILLED Z-BAR SIGN POST SIGN PANEL SIGN POST WINDBEAM MAX.4"SLIP PLATE TOP OF LOWER SLOPE BREAK DRAWN BY: FERN LIDDELL44" - 46"44" - 46"SIGN POST (TYP.) 6" FOR Z BAR AND WINDBEAM STANDARD PLAN G-24.60-01 SEE Z-BAR (3.00 2.33) WINDBEAM (TYP.) SIGN PANEL WINDBEAM (TYP.) SLIP BASE ASSEMBLY ANGLE STEEL OR ALUMINUM 6"6"(TYP.) WINDBEAM CLIP ANGLE (TYP.) ALUMINUM STEEL OR 3' - 0" MAX.EQUAL SPACING 2" TO 3"24" DIAMETER 24" DIAMETER (TYP.) KSECTION K (TYP.) 6" HVIEW TRAVELED WAY EDGE OF TRAVELED WAY EDGE OF H1" POST HEIGHT"Y" SIGN HEIGHT"X" SIGN WIDTH"H1" POST HEIGHT"H2" POST HEIGHT"7-GAGE STEEL TUBE SIGN POST ~ 3" (IN) SQUARE, 7-GAGE STEEL TUBE SUPPORT ~ 3" (IN) SQUARE, LOWER SIGN POST SIGN PANEL HEAD NUT 3/8" (IN) HEX HEX HEAD BOLT × 4 1/2" (IN) LONG 3/8" (IN) DIAMETER 3/8" (IN) HEX HEAD NUT STEEL TUBE (TYP.) SQUARE, 7-GAGE SIGN POST ~ 3" (IN)(SEE NOTE 2)(SEE NOTE 2)(SEE NOTE 2)(SEE NOTE 2)(SEE NOTE 2)(TYP.) 3" (IN) SQUARE, 7-GAGE STEEL TUBE LOWER SIGN POST SUPPORT ~ NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. TOP OF SIGN 5. 6.7' - 0" MIN.GROUND LINE FINISHED 7' - 0" MIN.SPACING RIVET ~ 4" (IN) 3/16" (IN) ALUMINUM SPACING STAGGERED RIVETS ~ 4" (IN) 3/16" (IN) ALUMINUM CLIP (TYP.) ALUMINUM POST CLIP (TYP.) ALUMINUM POST (TYP.) AND WASHERS HEAD BOLT, NUT, 3/8" (IN) DIAMETER HEX (TYP) NOTE 3 SEE STEEL SIGN SUPPORT TYPES SB-1, SB-2 & SB-3 ~ 10" (IN)SEE STANDARD PLAN G-20.107' - 0" MIN.WASHER & NUT (TYP.) HEAD BOLT WITH 4 1/2" (IN) LONG HEX 3/8" (IN) DIAMETER × GROUND LINE FINISHED 5' - 0" SIGN PANEL Sheet in the Contract. ", refer to the Sign Specification H4", and "H3", "H2", "H1", "Y", "XFor " finished ground line. Top of concrete foundation shall be smooth, dense, and uniform to Field drill posts to accept angle and cold galvanized holes. PANEL SIGN 7. NOTE 3 SEE STD. PLAN G-50.10 SEEREQUIRED ~ SIGN BRACE, WHEN MAX. POSTS MAXIMUM XYZ SLIP BASE REQUIRED (UNLESS BEHIND BARRIER) (MAXIMUM 3 SLIP BASES ALLOWED IN 7' SPAN) 3" SOLID POST 7-GAGE 471 942 1413 WINDLOAD FOR SQUARE TUBE POSTS AT 90 MPH * * 1-POST 2-POST 3-POST CONCRETE COMMERCIAL CONCRETE (TYP.) COMMERCIAL INSTALLATION DETAILS TYPES SB-1, SB-2 & SB-3 STEEL SIGN SUPPORT STANDARD PLAN G-24.40-07 .Section 9-28 Standard Specification Materials shall meet the requirements of . 9-28 andStandard Specification Sections 9-06ments of Slip Base assembly and all other materials shall meet the require- electrical devices. and Contract Plans for installations with Standard Plan J-40.35See .Standard Plan G-20.10bottom of sign, see nearest post, and "V", Vertical distance from edge of traveled way to For "W", Horizontal distance from edge of traveled way to center of HEX HEAD BOLT 4 1/2" (IN) LONG 3/8" (IN) DIAMETER × NYLON WASHER 1" (IN) DIAMETER FLAT WASHER (TYP.) GALVANIZED STEEL 1" (IN) DIAMETER FLAT WASHER GALVANIZED STEEL 1" (IN) DIAMETER ANGLE (TYP.) STEEL OR ALUMINUM 1 3/4" (IN) × 1 3/4" (IN) × 1/4" (IN) ANGLE (TYP.) STEEL OR ALUMINUM 6" (TYP.)2" TO 3"3"2" TO 7 - GAGE STEEL TUBE 3" (IN) SQUARE, SIGN POST ~ 2' - 0" MAX. O.C. WASHER & NUT (TYP.) ~ LONG HEX HEAD BOLT WITH 3/8" (IN) DIAMETER × 4 1/2" (IN) STA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEER29115 TEBSIN .C NHOJ SHEET 5 OF 6 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Washington State Department of Transportation STATE DESIGN ENGINEER INSTALLATION DETAILS TYPES SB-1, SB-2 & SB-3 STEEL SIGN SUPPORT STANDARD PLAN G-24.40-07 1. 2. ASSEMBLY NOTES SLIP BASE ASSEMBLY TYPE SB-1A EXPLODED VIEW ISOMETRIC VIEW EXPLODED VIEW ISOMETRIC VIEW SLIP BASE ASSEMBLY TYPE SB-3A LOWER SLIP PLATE SUPPORT NOT SHOWN) (LOWER SIGN POST LOWER SLIP PLATE STUB KEEPER PLATE SUPPORT SIGN POST PLATE UPPER SLIP FLOW TRAFFIC FLOW TRAFFIC FOR TYPE SB-1A SLIP PLATE DETAIL FOR TYPE SB-3A SLIP PLATE DETAIL 10" NOMINALSIGN POST 3" (IN) ~ 7-GAGE STEEL (SEE ASSEMBLY NOTE 2 FOR TORQUE REQUIREMENTS) SLIP PLATE BOLTS SUPPORT NOT SHOWN) (LOWER SIGN POST LOWER SLIP PLATE STUB LOWER SLIP PLATE SLIP PLATE LOWER PLATE UPPER SLIP TEFLON GASKET WELD (TYP.) FILLET BRACKET SIGN POST SIGN POST 3" (IN) ~ 7-GAGE STEEL (SEE ASSEMBLY NOTE 2 FOR TORQUE REQUIREMENTS) SLIP PLATE BOLTS 10 3/8"3. BOLT (TYP.) SHOULDER FLANGED BOLT (TYP.) SHOULDER FLANGED how the parts are assembled. 350 crash test criteria. The base connection details are shown on this plan only to illustrate Base connections are patented, manufactured products that are in compliance with NCHRP Dimensions for the parts used to assemble the base connections are intentionally not shown. to a final torque of 40 ft-lbs on each. other bolts. Progressively tighten the three Slip Plate Bolts in 10 ft-lb increments, alternately, Do not tighten any single Slip Plate Bolt to the recommended torque before pretightening the 9-28Standard Specification Sections 9-06 . and Use only Slip Base manufacturer supplied hardware that meets the requirements of STEEL SIGN SUPPORT TYPES SB-1A & SB-3A ~ 10" (IN) BOLT (TYP.) SHOULDER FLANGED BOLT (TYP.) SHOULDER FLANGED DRAWN BY: FERN LIDDELLSTA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEER29115 TEBSIN .C NHOJ SHEET 6 OF 6 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Washington State Department of Transportation STATE DESIGN ENGINEER INSTALLATION DETAILS TYPES SB-1, SB-2 & SB-3 STEEL SIGN SUPPORT STANDARD PLAN G-24.40-07 1. 2. ASSEMBLY NOTES SLIP BASE ASSEMBLY TYPE SB-1B EXPLODED VIEW EXPLODED VIEW SLIP BASE ASSEMBLY TYPE SB-3B LOWER SLIP PLATE SUPPORT NOT SHOWN) (LOWER SIGN POST LOWER SLIP PLATE STUB KEEPER PLATE SUPPORT SIGN POST PLATE UPPER SLIP FLOW TRAFFIC FOR TYPE SB-1 SLIP PLATE DETAIL SIGN POST 3" (IN) ~ 7-GAGE STEEL (SEE ASSEMBLY NOTE 2 FOR TORQUE REQUIREMENTS) SLIP PLATE BOLTS SUPPORT NOT SHOWN) (LOWER SIGN POST LOWER SLIP PLATE STUB PLATE UPPER SLIP TEFLON GASKET WELD (TYP.) FILLET BRACKET SIGN POST SIGN POST 3" (IN) ~ 7-GAGE STEEL FOR TORQUE REQUIREMENTS) (SEE ASSEMBLY NOTE 2 SLIP PLATE BOLTS 10 3/8"3. PLATE LOWER SLIP BOLT (TYP.) SHOULDER FLANGED (UNIBASE)DRAWN BY: FERN LIDDELLFOR TYPE SB-3 SLIP PLATE DETAIL 10" NOMINALFLOW TRAFFIC how the parts are assembled. The base connection details are shown on this plan only to illustrate products that are in compliance with NCHRP 350 crash test criteria. intentionally not shown. Base connections are patented, manufactured Dimensions for the parts used to assemble the base connections are of 40 ft-lbs on each. Slip Plate Bolts in 10 ft-lb increments, alternately, to a final torque before pretightening the other bolts. Progressively tighten the three Do not tighten any single Slip Plate Bolt to the recommended torque 9-28Standard Specification Sections 9-06 . and requirements of Use only Slip Base manufacturer supplied hardware that meets the BOLT (TYP.) SHOULDER FLANGED STEEL SIGN SUPPORT TYPE SB-1B & SB-3B ~ 10" (IN) 48"48"STA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEER29115 TEBSIN .C NHOJ 6totozeaNOTES1- Size the B€low lnlet GEb Devics (BIGD) tor the storm water structue itwill servie.2. The BIGD shall hile a built-in high-frow relief syslm (owriil bypass).3. The r€fiffil system must allff removal of the BIGD without spilling th6collected maierial.4. Perftrm maintenance in aEordanoe with Standard Sp€cincation &01.3(1 5)- - RETRIEVAL SYSTEIT,I CIYP.)OVERFLOW BYPASS (TYP.)STATE OFWMNGTONOilNAGE GRATErrAx.RIMOVERFLOW BYPASSBEIOW INLET GMTE OEVICEORAINAGE GRATE- RECTANGTJLAR GRATE SHOvu{GRATE FRAMESEOIMENT AND DEEIRISBELOW INT.ET GRATE DEVICEsEcTroNvtEwNOT TO SMLElsotETRrcvrEw"'"'w:ffiSTORT DRAININLET PROTECTIONSTAilDARD PLAN I4O.2GOOSHEETIOFtSHEETD<lFILTEREDWAIERvt,A5DJhFdlddTlltwid^rlt NOTESuoozEULtz3doTOP OFPOtE1i4" (lr9 VI/EEP HOLEINSTALL ROSETTE IFKNOCKOUT IS OPEN1/4- 0N) yvEEPHOLETOP OFSIOEWALKBELOW IATCHUI{E- SEE OETAILSON PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL HEADwlTH TYPE D MOUMTPEDESTRIAN SIGNAL HEADWTH TYPE D MOIJNT1/4' 0N) \ /EEP HOLEOFFSET SLIPFITTERAAOVE ITATCHUNE - USE DFTAILSFOR PEDESTR'AN SIGNAL HEADWITH TYPE C MOUNTTOP OFPOLE1" SeeStandadPlanJ-2l.l0forSlgnalStandardFounda{onwilhFlxedBas€andSllpBas€details"2. Sle€l shafi shall be tapered elther round or dodecagon (12-slded), 1 1 gage, 4 1/2, (h) O.D. at slipflfterweld. Taper shall be O.14" (in) per foot.3, Welding of struciuH shall be in accordan€ with lhe latest edition of the AWS D1.1 StructuElWelding Code - Steel. All butt welds shall be ground iush with base metal.4. See Standard Plan J-20.26 for Accessible Pedestrian Pushbutton details.5. See Standerd Plan J-20,211for Aesible Pedestrian Signal Standard Electrical details.6. Hand holes shall include a removable, rain-tight cover and gasket, fastened with two stainls steelsd€ws (ASTM 593).7. Supplemental grounding condudor shall be non-insulated t 4 AWG stranded copper and shall beclamped to verticsl rebar with a @nnmtor suitabb for use embedded in clrlcrete. Provide 3' - 0' min.slack- Atlach to pole grounding stud with a full circle ('impan mnnedor (crimped with a manufacturerrecommended crimper).8. The juncllon box seMng the standard shall preierably be locatod 5' - 0" (10' - 0" max.) tomthe standard.9. Where shorvn in the plans, install daque (R10 - 32P) "PUSH BUTTON FOR 2 SECONDS FOR EXTRACROSSING TIME two inctes above the Accessible Pedestrian Signal (APS) Assembly.1/4'(N) STATNLESSSTEEL HD( I{UT1/4'(tr{)V',lEEPHOLE61" (rN)DIAMETERHOLE GYP.)3/4'0N) STEEL PLATEIATCHLII.IETYPE C MOUNT PLACEMENT?'TAPERED STEELSHAFTg,(N) DIAMETERBOLT CIRCLEPOLE WALLSTAINLESS STEEL1^/ASHERS CrYP.)'1i4" 0N) OIAITETER ' 1 1/4' 0N) LONGSTANLESS STEFL STUD1/4'(lN) STATNLESSSTEEL NUT HEX (TYP,)FULL CIRCIICONNECTORCRIMP-ONcrYP.)EOUIPMENT GROUNDINGCONDUCTOR6TAPERED STEEL SHAFT(sEE NOrE 2)ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIANsrGML (APS) (sEE NO]E 5)GROUT'IDING CONNECTION'SEE DETAI L3/r8BASE PLATE DETAILLOCK NIPPLEvtEwOFFSET SLIPFITTER -OFFSET TO FRONTOF POLEPREMOLDEDJOINT FII,IERCONCRETE FOUNDATION(SEE NOTE ')SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING CONDUCTOR(sE NOIE E)TOP OFFOUNDATIONSUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDINGcoNDUCTOR (SEE NOTE 8)EOUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORSUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDINGCONDUCTORGROUNDING CONNECTIONDETAIL20l4r.16PMrySIGNALSTANDARD (TYPE PS)DETAILSSTAI{DARD PLAN J.2O.{ 6.02SHEETlOFlSHEETTYPE D UOIJNTPEDESTRIAN SIGNAL STANDARD(FXED BASE SHOWN)APPROVED FOR PUEIICATION. Odillh lz{1,9*6/fl- '^"n""'"" ...-.fi w*t A,^ ffi D.phddrEn.Fd6l-l-llHAND HOLE - .(SE€ NOTE6) \\]J,I5_L€.IIATCHLINE7TYPE D TOUI{TING DETAILZ:=--- PERsPEcrlvEvlEw 1/4" WEEP HOLE SEE NOTE3 FOR SIGNAL HEAD MOUNTING DETAILS; SEE STANDARD PLAN J-20.16 1/4" WEEP HOLE SLIPFITTER-OFFSET TOP MOUNT, PLACE OFFSET TO FRONT OF POLE, DRILL TO SEAT SET SCREWS BRONZE COLLAR AND TERMINAL COMPARTMENT IMSA 20-1 3C #14 CABLE PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL WIRING DETAIL (TYPE D MOUNTING SHOWN) IMSA 20-1 7C #14 CABLE -FROM CONTROLLER (SEE NOTE 3) DOUBLE PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL WIRING DETAIL (TYPE C MOUNTING SHOWN) IMSA 20-1 7C OR 5C #14 CABLE- TO SIGNAL DISPLAY (SEE CONTRACT PLANS FOR WIRE SIZE AND QUANTITIES) 2C(SH)CONDUCTOR -FROM CONTROLLER ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN PUSHBUTTON DETAILS- SEE STANDARD PLAN J-20.26 INSULINER SLEEVE ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN PUSHBUTTON WIRING DETAIL POLE WALL STAINLESS STEEL NUT SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING CONDUCTOR -SEE NOTE 4 EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR -SEE NOTE 5 STAINLESS STEEL WASHERS (TYP.) IMSA 20-1 7C OR 5C #14 CABLE-TO SIGNAL DISPLAY (SEE CONTRACT PLANS FOR WIRE SIZE AND QUANTITIES) GROUNDING 1/4" DIAMETER x 1" LONG STAINLESS STEEL STUD CONNECTION STAINLESS STEEL NUT FULL CIRCLE CRIMP-ON CONNECTOR (TYP.) 3/8" DRAIN TUBE GROUNDING CONNECTION DETAIL SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING CONDUCTOR-SEE NOTE 4-~ 2C (SH) CONDUCTOR -TO PUSHBUTTON (SEE CONTRACT PLANS FOR QUANTITIES) EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR-SEE NOTE 5 LEVELING NUT (TYP.) STEEL REINFORCING BAR (TYP.) CONDUIT COUPLING-INSTALL FLUSH WITH TOP OF FOUNDATION (DO NOT GLUE PVC STU BOUT) J ELECTRICAL CONDUIT-SEE CONTRACT PLAN FOR DIAMETER CONFIGURATIONS VARY AMONG DIFFERENT MANUFACTURERS (SHOWN EXPLODED FOR CLARITY) FOUNDATION WIRING DETAIL NOTES 1. See Standard Plan J-21.1 0 for Signal Standard Foundation with Fixed Base and Slip Base details. 2. See Standard Specification 9-29.3 for Cable Conductor requirements. 3. Install heat shrink caps on all spare conductors not terminated on a terminal strip. 4. Supplemental grounding conductor shall be non-insulated #4 AWG stranded copper and shall be clamped to vertical rebar with a connector suitable for use embedded in concrete: provide 3' -0" min. slack. Attach to pole grounding stud with a full circle crimp-on connector (crimped with manufacturer's recommended crimper). 5. Equipment grounding conductor shall attach to grounding stud with a full circle crimp-on connector (crimped with a manufacurer's recommended crimper). 5C PEDESTRIAN HEAD TERMINATIONS TERMINAL COLOR USE NUMBER CODE 7*1 R DON'T WALK DISPLAY 7*2 G WALK DISPLAY 7*3 w NEUTRAL CONDUCTOR 7*6 B SPARE CONDUCTOR 1*7 0 SPARE CONDUCTOR * ASSOCIATED PHASE NUMBER 7C PEDESTRIAN HEAD TERMINATIONS TERMINAL COLOR USE NUMBER CODE 7*1 R DON'T WALK DISPLAY 7*2 G WALK DISPLAY 7*3 w NEUTRAL CONDUCTOR 7*6 B SPARE CONDUCTOR 7*1 0 DON'T WALK DISPLAY 7*2 BL WALK DISPLAY 7*3 WB NEUTRAL CONDUCTOR * ASSOCIATED PHASE NUMBER PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL STANDARD (TYPE PS) ELECTRICAL DETAIL STANDARD PLAN J-20.20-02 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Pasco Bakotich Ill 5120113 STATE DESIGN ENGINEER DATE ..... ... Washington State Department of Transportation SUP PTATE .ASTM 4572 GR. 50OR ASTM A58A1" (tN' DrArU |-SLE (TYP.)1',- 3' DAM.EOLT CIRCLE7/tr (rN) D|AM. HOLE fiYP.)LEIGHTO*+frruEREO'D.PREIIO{TLDEDJOINT FILITRISLIP PIITF1t8ANCHOR PUTEDNCIRCLEBOLTl', - 3" O|AM.BOLT CIRCLEt6.'0N) DIAM. HOLEKEEPER PLATEI.l>olcHOLE DIAM. =POLE BASE +'rl16',0N)TAPERED STEELSI-IAFT WALL3/183V8R.-c{F7t14',SECTIONAASEPLATEIE]%d"fut'fpe(d6',0N) txAM.HOLE5n'(N) R.crYP.)atz'FOR DIMENSIONS NOT SHOVI/I{,SEE BASE PLATE DETAILSLIP AND ANCHOR PLATES DETAILTO\MRD ROAOWAYCEI{TER ANCHOR BOLTASSEMBLY IN FOUNDA]IONELECTRICAL CONDUIT@*cSEEDETAILSABoVE rarcHlrlE - SECTIONFIXED BASE SQUARE CONCRETE 1FOUNDANON. SHEET 1 \___L_3/4'(lN) CHAMFERUNPAVED SURFACEELECTRICAL CONDUIT -SEE CONTRACT FOR DIAii.ANCHOR EOLT(28 GAGE SHEEI MEIAL)PLACE BETWEEN POLF SASE PLATE ANDSLIP PLATE ON TOP OF MIDDLE WASHERS -SEE STANOARD FLAN.L26.'2KEEPER PLATE DETAIL@*qEIGHT REO'D.7/r 0N) D|AM.HOLE W SMOOTHCTTAMFERED EDGESFOR DIMENSIONS NOT SHOWTI,SEE SUF AND ANCHOR PLATES DETAILBASE PLATE DETAILTOWARD ROADWAYO*rCENTER ANCHOfi BOLTASSEMBLY IN FOUNDATIONELECTRICAL CONDUITGROUNDING STUD WTH NUT -SEE SIA'{OARD PLANJ"2O.M FORGROUT{DING CONNECTION DETAILSSUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDINGcoNDucToR (sEE NOTE 3)3II' (IN) DIAMETER STEEL HEAVYHEX NUT AND HARDENED WASHER.TV1Io EACH REQUIRED PER ANCHOR BLOIEQUIPMENT GROUNDINGCONDUCTORHEAVY HD( CT-AMPING BOLTCrYP ) - 3/,1" (lN) DIAM. TOROUECTAMPING BOLTS (SEE NOTE 3)PLATE WASHER qWP.)?4" (rN) BASE PLATE3/4'(!N) DIAMETER STEEL HEAVYHEX NUT (ilP.) - SZE TO MATCHCLAMPING BOLT7" (N) DlAtr. HOLEXATCHUIGIrlEYSECTIONSECTIONSIGNAL STANDARDMIN.6'ANCHOR PtAlE -ASTM A572 GR" 50OR ASTM A58AEASE PLATE 'ASTM A36\\Il\IIoez&utoEdoO*aTOP OF CONCRETEFOUNDATION1 1/4" (N) ANCHOR PTATE3/r 0$ r.o. DR/{|NTUBE IN GROUT PADUNPAVEDSURFACE3/4' (lN) I 2' - 6" ANCHOR BOLTFOUR REQUIRED {SEE28 GAGE XEEPER PLATE|TARDEHED ROUTD WASHERfiYP.) - SrzE TO MATCHCTAMPING BOI-T5o-@uFIVE REO'D.PREMOULDEOJOINT FILLER1/2'(lN) TllrcK r 2" (lN)VVIDE t 2 3ta" (lN) LONGSTEEL BARCTYP )XATCHLINEREQ'D.GROUT PAD . INSTAILAFTER PLUMBING--1c"l)LEVELING NUT OYP,) -3/4' (IN) HEAVY HEX NUTANO MRDENED WASHERIPAVED SURFACEI 3/A 0$ SUP PIATECONDUIT COUPLING ' INSTAI.I FLUSHwrTH TOP OF FOUNOAION (DO NOTGLUE PVC S-IUBO$[)ELECTRICAL CONDUIT -SEE CONTRACT FOR OIAM.Jun 26 2014 {:29 l'MtoPIITE WASHER DETAIL34" 0N) CHATITFER ffYP.)UNPAVED SURFACEELECTRICAL CONDUIT -SEE CONTRACT FOR OIAM.ANCHOR BOLTFTATWASHERS- IFOUR REQ.D, PER ANcHoR BoL'SEE DETAILSABOVE T TCHLINE -FIXEO BASE SQUARE CONCRfiEFOUNDATION. SHEET 1\_CLAMP CONDUCTOR TOSlEEL REINFORCING WTTHLISTED cot'INECTORSUITABLE FOR USEEilBEDOED IN CONCRETEe (rN) D|AM. HOLLOWIN CEIiIIER OFGROTJT PADSTEEL REINFORCINGB^RSbDETAILSOUARE FOUNDATION SHou,llL16" (rN) t[AM.cryP.)TACK reD - ATALL OVERIiPPINGLOCATTONS CrYP.)O*+EIGHT REQ'D.ELEVATION@*oEIGHT REQ'D2 ln"2'-O"SOUAREELEVAT('NSTRAP TEMPLATE -THREE 1/4'(lN) STEEL BARS -T\4O REO'D. PER ASSEMBLY3/4" (lN) x 30 (lN) FULLTHREAD ANCHOR BOLTS -THREE REQ'D. PER ASSEMBLY3/4'0t9 DTAMETER STEELHEAVY HEX NUTS -FOUR REQ'D. PER ANCNOR BOLTFLAT WASHERS -STMP TEMPLATE -THREE 1/4" (lt{) STEEL BARS -TU,o REA'D. PER ASSEMBLY3|/4" (lN) x 30' (lN) FULLTHREAD ANCHOR BOLTS -THREE REO'D, PER ASSEMBLY3/4" (N) DTAMETER STEeLHEAW IIEX NUTS -FOUR REQD. PR ANCHOR BOLTUr/4'0N) STEEL BAR CrYP.) -2'(N) WDE ' 1'- 3'LONGSTRAP TEilPIATE DETAIL&DATIOII DETAILSSTAI{DARD PIAN J.2I.I O-O4SHEET2OF2SHEETSAPPROVED FOR PUBLICATIONlJ-b/4* '^"';' "'" ..-.Ww$Wa hbplrddlmtsdsqFtrIFOUR REOD. PER ANCHORROUND COITICRETE FOUNDATION DETAILSLIP BASESQUARE CONCRETE FOUNDATION DETAIL ....1 ....1 w 0 0 ::J z c::: w 11.. END CAP HOUSING FIXTURE -THREE 12" LENSES RUBBER SEAL (TYP.) TAPERED STEEL SHAFT PLACE BEAD OF SILICONE ON TOP OF SEARRATED AREA NEOPRENE GASKET STEEL WASHER HOUSING FIXTURE -THREE 12" LENSES TOP OF POLE 1 1/2" DIAM. CONDUIT LOCKNUT MOUNTING ASSEMBLY (TYP.) LOCK NIPPLE -1 1/2" DIAM. 1/4" WEEP HOLE 6 SLIPFITIER-OFFSET TOP ~ MOUNT, SET OFFSET TO I BACK OF POLE. PAVED SURFACE b I b ~ SLIPFITTER TAPERED STEEL SHAFT -SEE NOTE 2 ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN PUSHBUTTON 18" 1ir" =-=·-=-="",l'v WITH DUEL ASSEMBLY MOUNTING MAX 11=== ==~:: ADAPTER (TYP.) . Ill •• (o ' TOP OF FOUNDATION 111 II "' ••'=--=- '" II\:_.,_ '" ' TYPE 1 SIGNAL STANDARD FIXED BASE SHOWN SIDEWALK EDGE 1"-2" UNPAVED SURFACE CONCRETE FOUNDATION -SEE NOTE 1 FLUSH WITH TOP OF SIDEWALK NOTES 1. See Standard Plan J-21.1 0 for Signal Standard Foundation with Fixed Base and Slip Base details. 2. Steel shaft shall be tapered either round or dodecagon (12 sided), 11 gage, 4 1/2" O.D. at slipfitter. Taper shall be 0.14 inches per foot. 3. All poles shall be hot dip galvanized per AASHTO M111. 4. Welding of structures shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the AWS 01.1 Structural Welding Code -Steel. All butt welds shall be ground flush with base metal. 5. See Standard Plan J-21.20 for Electrical details. 6. Pedestrian signal displays mounted on the side of an octagonal (8 sided) traffic signal pole with a pole attachment angle other than 0°, 45°, 90°, 135°, 180°, 225°, 270°, or 315° shall utilize: • Type A mounting when two pedestrian heads are installed on the same signal pole. • Type B mounting when only one pedestrian signal head is mounted on a signal pole. 7. Junction Box serving the Standard shall preferably be located 5'-0" (10'-0" Max.) from the Standard. CONCRETE FOUNDATION -SEE NOTE 1 ISOMETRIC VIEW TYPE 1 SIGNAL STANDARD DETAILS STANDARD PLAN .J-21.15-01 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Pasco Bakotich Ill 6110113 STATE DESIGN ENGINEER DATE ...... 0 ~· Washington State Department of Transportation ....1 ....1 w 0 0 ::J z c::: w 11.. ~ ~ 0 SLIPFITTER -OFFSET TOP MOUNT, PLACE OFFSET TO BACK OF POLE IMSA 20-1 5C #14 CABLE -CONTINUED FROM FOUNDATION R w R w SIGNAL WIRING DETAIL 0 TERMINAL BLOCK R 0 G TERMINAL MARK DEFINITION NUMBER 6*1 R RED DISPLAY 6*2 0 AMBER DISPLAY 6*3 G GREEN DISPLAY 6*4 B SPARE CONDUCTOR 6*6 w NEUTRAL CONDUCTOR * ASSOCIATED PHASE NUMBER IMSA 20-1 5C #14 CABLE -CONTINUING TO SIGNAL DISPLAY (SEE CONTRACT PLAN FOR WIRE SIZE AND QUANTITIES) GROUNDING STUD WITH NUT -SEE STANDARD PLAN J-20.20 FOR GROUND CONNECTION DETAILS POLE NOTES 1. See Standard Specification 9-29.3 for Cable Conductor requirements. 2. See Standard Plan J-21.10 for Signal Standard Foundation with Fixed Base and Slip Base details. 3. Supplemental Grounding Conductor shall be non-insulated #4 AWG stranded copper, provide 3'-0" min. slack. Clamp to steel reinforcing bar with connector suitable for use embedded in concrete. 4. Heat shrink cap all spare conductors not terminated on a terminal strip. 5. When a Pedestrian Push Button is specified in contract plans, see Standard Plan J-20.20 for details. 6. Provide Cable Tie at wiring entering the Junction Box (for Slip Base installations only) -See Detail A, Standard Plan J-28. 70. TOP OF POLE B(SEE~TE4) HAND HOLE INSTALL SIZED REDUCING WASHER AND CONNECTOR TO SECURE CONDUCTORS AT TOP OF POLE STEEL REINFORCING BAR (TYP.) CLAMP -SEE NOTE 3 EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR FOUNDATION WIRING DETAIL LEVELING NUT (TYP.) CONDUIT COUPLING -INSTALL FLUSH WITH TOP OF FOUNDATION (DO NOT GLUE PVC STUBOUT) CONCRETE FOUNDATION -SEE NOTE 1 ELECTRICAL CONDUIT -SEE CONTRACT PLAN FOR DIAMETER SIDEWALK EDGE FLUSH WITH TOP OF SIDEWALK ISOMETRIC VIEW b .... TYPE 1 SIGNAL STANDARD ELECTRICAL DETAILS STANDARD PLAN .J-21.20-01 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Pasco Bakotich Ill 6110113 STATE DESIGN ENGINEER DATE ..... ~· Washington State Department of Transportation 916" (lN) x 1 1i2" 0N) S. S.sEr scREw GYP-) . \TAPER OIVIOER ENDSTO MATCH INSIDETAPER OF BOXJUNCTION BOX DIIIENSION TABLEBOXTYPETYPE 233'ztr' - m'17'- 16'28 5/8''18 1/8'1TTYPE I22'17'18'- 19"13'* 14"17 5/8"12 sla"6'ITETOUTSIDE LENGTH OF JUNCTION BOXOUTSIOE WDTH OF JUNCTION BOXINSIDE LENGTH OF JUNCTION BOXINSIDE WOTH OF JUNCTION BOXLID LENGTHLID WDTHCAPACITY - COI{DUIT DIAMETERIE-ABcDEFNOTES1. All box dimensions are approximate. Exaci configurations vary among manuiacturers.2. Minimum lid thickness shown. Juncton Boxes install€d in sidilalks, wallftvays, and share&usepaths shall ha\re a slip-r€sistant coating on the lid and lip co\€r plaie, and shall be installed withthe surfuce flush with and matched to the grade of the sidewalk, wall$/ay, or shared-us path.The non-slip lid shall be identified with permanent markings on the undeEide, indicating thetype of surtace traatment (s6e Contracl Documents for details) and the year of manufacture.The pemanent marking shall be 1/8' (in) line thickness formed with a mild steel weld bead andshall be placed prior to hot4ip galvanizing.3. Lid support members shall be 3/16" (in) minimum thick steet C, L, or T shape, wetded to the frame.4. A 114-20 NC x 3/4" (in) stainless steel grcund stud shall be welded to the bottom of the lid; include(2) stainless steel nuts and (2) stainless sEel flat washers.5. Bolts and nuts shall ba lib€rally coated with anti-seize mmpound.6. Equipment Bonding Jumper shall be # I A\ /G min. ' 4' (ft) of tinned braided 6pper.7, The System ldentmcation letters shall be '1l8" (in) lin€ thickness formed with a mild steel weld bead. SeeCover Marking detail. Grind ofi diamond pattem before foming letters. For System ldentification details,see Standard Specificafi on $29.2(4).L When required in the Contract, provide a 10" (in) x 27 'll2' (in), 10 gage divider ptate, comptete, withfasteneE, in each Type 2 Junction Box where sp€cifed.9. When rcquired in Corfract, provide a I 2" (in) deep oxlension for each Type 2 Junction Box where specified.1 0. See the Stendstd Specilications for altemative reinforcement and class of concrete.1 '1. Headed Anchor Shear Studs must be welded to the Steel Cover Lip Plate and wire tjed in two plaes tofre vertical Welded Wire Fabric when in contact with each other. Wire tie all other Headed Anchor ShearStuds to the horizontal Welded Wire Fabric.1 2. Lid Bolt Down Attachment Tab provides a method of retrofifting by using a mechanical process in lieu ofwelding- Attachment Tab shown depicts a typical component anangement; actual configurations ofasembly will vary among manufacturers. See approved manufactureF shop drawings for specifics-1 3. Unless oheMiso noted in the plans or approved by the Engineer, Junction Boxes, Cable Vaults, andPull Boxes shall not be placed within he sidewalks, walhrvays, shared use paths, traveled ways or pavedshoulderc- All Junction Boxes, Cable Vaults, and Pull Boxes placed within the traveled way or pavedshoulders shall be Heavy-Duty.GROUND STUD (SEE NOTE 4)COUPUNG NUT FOR ALTERMTIVE 2 -SEE DETAIL "E" ALTERMTIVE 2LrD SUPPORT CrYP.) -L St-tAPE SHOW{(sEE NOTE 3)3y8" (lN) r 3' (lN) HEADED ANCHORSHEAR STUD CTYP.)oEoEo=t4Eo5/16r (N) r 1" 0N)COUPLINGs. s.NUTcrrP.)LID SUPPORT cfYP.)(sEE NOTE 3)GROUND STUD(sEE NOTE 4)DIVIDER PI.ATEELEVATIOI{ VIEW(FOR TYPE 2 JUNCTION BOX ONLY)A1 1/4" GAP CrYP.)FOR HOOK RELEASELOCKING LID STANDARDDUWJUNCTION BOX(coNDUtTS NOT SHOV\,N)Q cns coNourrstDE UilOIAMOND PATTERN(sEE NOTE 2)3/8'0N) STEEL aCOVER LIP PLATE \71t4,IO GAGEGALVANIZEDSTEELCOUPLING NUTFORALTERNATIVE 2 -SEE SHEET 2WETDEDW|REFAERTC CrYP-)HEADED ANCHORSHEAR STUO (TYP.)(sEE NOTE 11)WELDEO wlRE HOOP rrYP.)(sEE NOTE 10)3/8' 0N) STEEL COVERLrP PLAIE [fyP,)LrD SUPPORT CrYP.)1BSECTIONLID LIFTING NOTCH -1/if (lN) r 3/4 (lN)HEADEO ANCHOR SHEARSTUD - 3/8'(lN) r 3" (lN) 10COUNT STUDS EVENLYSPACEDAROUND FRAME(PLACE TO S|DE OF LrDBOLT DOWN SUPPORTA-BOLT PLATE - SEE DETAILNGLE WHEN USING LOCK-ING DETAILALTERNATIVE2) (SEE NOTE I 1)1 3l/8'0N) D|AM. HOLE WTH1/2-13r1 1/2STAINLESSSTEEL PENTA HEAD BOLTwwF wRE rlED ro 14. Distance between the top of the conduit and the botbm of the Junction Box lid shall be 6' (in) min. to 8" (in)!5f^s?+l'ism , max. for final grade of new construction only. See Standard specilication 8.20.3(5). Vvneri) adjustments'are to b€ made to existing Junction Boxes, or for inerim construction stages during th€ contract, thelimits shall be from 6" (in) min. to 10" (in) max. See Standad Speciflcation &20.3{6).IOP OF SOILSURFACE ORFINISHEDGRADETOP OF PAVEDSURFACETOP OF BASECOURSEoEquipment GroundingGonductorCopper Solderless 98" flNl srEELCrimpConnector covERLpprATEi=Q Equipment BondingJumper (See Note 6)O See contract for conduitsiz€ and numberVIiETDED WREFABRTC [rYP.)(YWVF) 4'+W2.gtlf2.9(6 GAGE) (SEE NOTE T0)V'iEI.DED WRE HOOP[rYP.) v'/2.8 (6 GAGE)(sEE NOTE 10)uotoou-azUIFB9u6l=z=COVER TIARKING DETAILSEE NOTE 7=1"(rYP.) | -1'CrYP.)r--ITSltz(rYP.) I t--------t r-\^^^^^-1l4'CLEAR(/lf 3l iSALLARoUND"2")")"2fiDUTY JUI{CTION BOXTYPES t & 2STAIIDARD PLAN J.4O.I O.O4SHEET ,I OF 2 SHEETSAPPROVED FOR PUBUCATION(atpztloz..-wwdirbn Sb. D.Ffr.nlof TErytutuSECTIONos>i1MAX.(sEE NOIE 6)MIN-3,/16"UD HOOKGROUNDING STUO(SEE NOTE 4}3A'0N) STEELCOVER PI-ATECRUSHED SURFACING (BASEcouRsE oR ToP couRsE) - PERSTAI|DARO SpECtFrCATrOil $03.9(3)(,i) pvccdl{DUtTSECTION(coNDUrTS NOt SHOWN) 1/2 - 13 x 'l l2 S. S. PENTA HEADBOLT AND llr (IN) S. S. FLAT WASHER1 3r8" 0N) DlAn . HOLEBOLT PLATE CHANNEL -SEE DETAILLID LIFTING NOTCH - 1/a'(lN) i 3/4'0N)318" (N) STEEL covER PLATE - 3/8. (tN) STEELSHOWI.I CUTAVVAY FOR CLARITY COVERLIF PLATE316" ,,_lt3/a" (rN) STEELCOVER PLATELID SUPPORT - L SHAPE SHOWN(sEE NOTE 3)3A'(rN) SIEELCOVER LIP PLATE1/4'L'D LIFTINGDETAILALTERMTIVE I SHOWN2'(lN)x 1/4'(lN)-3GAGE STEEL SPACER1/2. 13 r 1 l2 S. S. PENTA HEADBOLTAND 12'(IN) S. S. FLATWASHERSLOTTED STEEL CHANNEL(SEE NOTE 6)LID BOLT DOWN ATTACHMENTTAS - SEE DETAIL,Tl'"1tl_slI2112'too=6gE63161 1t2BOLT PLATE CHANNEL -SEE DETAILts (lN) x1- 0N)IIORIZONTAL!2" (lN) x 1/a' (lN) - 3 GAGESTEEL SPACERLID SUPPORT -L SHAPE SHOI\IN(SEE NOTE 3}?16LID SUPPORT -L SHAPE SHOWN(SEE NOTE 3)LID HOoK - 1' (lN) x1' (lN) x 3/16' (lN) AIIGLE3/16WWF - TIED IN 2 PLACESTO EACH HEADEDANCHOR SHEAR STUDWWF 4r+w2.9xw2.9 CrYP.)(6 GAGE) (SEE NOTE 10)1/E3Vt61 5/8', (N) SLOTTED S. S.CHANNEL WITH S. S,CHANNEL NUT AND SPRINGHEX COUPLING NUTLID BOLT DOWNATTACHMENT TAB -SEE OETAIL3y161tE3v16't 1123i8' (rN) STEELCOVER LIP PLATE1taWWF - WELDEDTO LIP PLATESLOTs8" (lN) r 'l'0N)HORIZONTAL SLOT3t16UD SUPPORT -L S}IAPE SHOW!(sEE NOTE 3)3/8- (lN) STEELCOVER LIP PLATEDETAILALTERMTIVE I SHOWNPERSPECTVE VIflDETAILWELDED W|REHOOP (TYP.)w2.9 (6 GAGE)(sEE NOTE 10)3y16118'(lN) t 3/4- 0N)ANGLE CTYP.)1/4" (rN) S. S. PLATESECTIONDETAILALTERNATTVE ILID BOLT DOWN ATTACHI{EI{T TAB(sEE NOTE 12)HEX COUPLING NUTS. S. 5/16-NC r 7A' (lN) wlTHS. S.5/16-NC x ?,,/4'(lN) BOLT& (3 EACH) S. S. 316" 0N)FLAT WASHERS,2"1' 'tlLID LIFT]NG NOTCH316UD BOLT DOWN SUPPORTANGLE -1 1E (lN) r 3' (N) I 1/4" (lN) ANGLEDETAILALTERNATIVE 2 SHOU'T{1/2 - 13 x 1 1/2 S. S. PENTAHEAD BOLT ANDFLAT WASHER1 1/8' (lN) r ?' (lN)VERTICAL SLOT1l2 - 13 r I 'll2 S. S. PENTAHEAD BOLTAND 1/2" (lN)1 3l/8'(lN)D|AM. HOLES. S. FLATBOLT PLATE CHANNEL -SEE DETAILBOLT PLATE CHANNEL -SEE DETAIL(sEE NOTE 6)crYP3/1 6HEX COUPLING NUTBOLT DOWNATTACHMENT TAB -SEE DETAIL"8'(lN) r 3" (lN) HE{DEDANCHOR SHEAR STUD -WELDED TO LIP PLATE1/2 - 13 r 1 1/2 S. S. PENTA HEADBOLTAND 1/2'(rN) S. S. FLATWASHERLID LIFTING NOTCH - 1/a'(lN) x 3/4'(lN)!v8' 0N) STEEL COVER PLATE -SHOWN CUT AWAY FOR CLARITYs9/16'(rN)DIAM.HOLE9/16" 0N)DIAM. HOLEI-f-s8" (lN) r1" (N)VERTICALWWF - TIED IN 2PLACES TO HEADEDANCHOR SHEARSTUDl^/WF 4t4-w2.9rw2.9cr/P.) (6 GAGE)(sEE NOTE 10)3a'(lN) x 3'0N)HEADED ANCHORSHEAR STUD -WELDED TOLIP PLATE7/16'(lN) !3/4'0N)SLOT-f;-r-sFlISLOTLIDSUPPORT-LSHAPESHOWN (SEE NOTE 3)_tS. S. tIFNC ' 7/8' (lN) wlTHS. S. 5/16-NC r 3,/4'0N) EOLT &THREEEACH S. S. 5/16' CN) FLAT WASHERSEXPC'SE LID BOLT DOWNSUPPORT ANGLE TO ATTACHALTERNATIVE 2 LID EIOLT DOWNANGLE ATTACHMENT TABLID BOLT DOWN SUPPORTANGLE - 2" (lN) t 2" (lN) r1/4" (tN) ANGLE1/Z (rN) S. S. HEX NUT7/l 6' (lN) r 3,r4" (lN) SLOT1/2'0N) S. S. HEX NUT1r2' (rN) S. S.1 1/8'(lN) x 2" (lN)VERTICAL SLOTDETAILALTERNATTVE 2 SHOTYIIPERSPECTIVE VIEYY1/2. 13 x 1 1/2 S. S. PENTA HEAD BOLTAND 1/2' (IN) S, S. FLAT WASHERALTERNATTVE 2LID BOLT DOWN ATTACH]IIENT TAB(sEE NOTE 12)2" (lN) x 3" (lN) r _-f .-f-l/4"oN)ANGLE sl sBOLT PLATE CHANNELDUTY JUNGTION BOXTYPES,I & 2STANDARD PLAN J.40.{0.04SHEET2OF2SHEETSAPPROVED FOR PUBUCATIONe&fetL /z// i;51!1,';l',,""-W wdi'f/bn sffi D.rtr.rt dtEtwfrh98' (tN) STEEL COVERPLATE . SHOV\IN CUTAWAY FOR CLARITY+tL1/8" (lN) ! 3/a'(lN)STEEL ANGLE1/4'(tN) STEEL PLATEar/4" 0N) STEELPLATE1n3/161 1t2WWF - TIEO IN 2PLACES TO HEADEDANCHOR SHEAR STUDwWF 4x4-W2-grVV2.9(rYP.) (6 GAGE)(sEE NOTE 10)3V8'(lN) t 3'0N)HEADED ANCHORSHEAR STUD -WELDED TOLIP PLATE1/8'(lN) x 3a' (lN)STEEL ANGLE3/161/4' 0N) STEEL PLAIEL SI.IAPE SHOWN L . ,(sEE NorE3) -||LT-TLIO SUPPORT - L SHAPE SHOWN(SEE NOTE 3)3V4'(rN)RADIUSALTERNATIVE 3LID BOLT DOWN ATTACHTENTTAB(sEE NOrE 12)I, 3 3t4'r-1/2'0N) S. S.HEX NUT1/8" (lN) I 3/a'(lN) STEELANGLE - MIRROR IMAGEFALTMNATIVE 3 SHOIflHALTERXATIVE 3 9HOU'ilPERSPECTIVE VIEWUe (lN) x 3/4" (lN) STEELANGLE - RIGHT ANGLESHOIVN, MIRROR IMAGEFOR LEFT ANGLEFOR LEFT ANGLE r1'118.BETWEEN-Q-_r'-_- -\ISFFI Nore sIIlllIl-j-lliiIIII T---r--, rl--1!--IlnttnlLOCKING BOLTFYP.) - SEEDETAIL DGOFFSET STUD TOACCOMMODAIE LIFTHOLES OYP.)IiIIIIII-i-IatIJatdo-F---.--Looo6=I4EoJUNCTION BOX DITENSION TABLEBOXTYPETYPE 656"44',4A',36"41 1t8"29 1t1'29.20 !l/8'24"VARIESVAR]ESa1l4'24"TYPE 548"3T40"29"331la'2In'21 7la'16 3/8'28'17',VARIESVARIES2't 1E'12'TYPE 439'34"31'26"24"19'24"1g',19"14'VARIESVARIES18 1t4',6'ITETOVEMLL LENGTHOVEMLL WDTHJUNCTION BOX LENGTHJUNC]ION BOXWDTHLID OPENING LENGTHLID OPENING WDTHTYPE 4 LID LENGTHTYPE4,5&6LIDWDTHTYPES&6LIDLENGTHINSIDE BOX LENGTHINSIDE BOX WDTHSTIFFENER SPACINGSTIFFENER SPACINGCAPACIW - CONDUIT DIAM,vE-ABcDEFGHJKxzNOTES1. All box dimenslons are approxlmate. Exact configuratjons vary amongmanuiactu rers.2. All lid thicknesses are minimum.3. Lid perimeter shall bear on frame. Mill to bearing s€at and tid perimeterfor full even contact after fabrication of frame and lid- Lid and frameunits with uneven bearing will be rejectod.4. The installed lid and frame shall fit with full even contact around the peri-meler of a iunction box after installation- Care shall be taken to preventdebris accumulation on the contact suriaces.5. A 1/4-20 NC x 1" (in) S. S. ground stud shall be welded to the bottom ofeach lid: indude (2) each S. S. nuts and (3) each S. S. flat washers.6. The hinges shall allow the lids to open 180". When lid assembly is Duclilelron (Altemative) and equipped with Safety Bars, lids shall open 1 10'.7. Bolts and nuts shall be liberally coated with anli-seize compound.8. Connect Equipment Bonding Jumper to ground stud on lid. As an alterna-tive to ground stud connection, the Equipment Eonding Jumper shall beattached to lhe ftont face of the hinge pocket with a 5/16-20 NC x 1" (in)S. S. bolt, (2) each S. S. nuts, and (3) each S. S. flat washers. Equipmenlbonding iumper shall be #8 AWG min. x 4' (ft) of tinned braided copper.9. Th€ System ldentmcation letters shall be 1/8" (in) line thickness formed bya mild sleel weld bead. See Cover Marking details. Grind off diamondpattem before forming letters. Ductile imn lid lettering shall be recessed,1i8" (in) line thickness. See Standard Spocification 9-29.2(4) for detaits.10. See Standard Specifi cetion 9-29.2(1 )B for class of concrete.11. Unless otheMise noted in lhe plans or approved by the Engineer, Junction Boxes, CableVaults, and Pull Boxes shall not be placed within the traveled way or paved shoulders.All Junction Boxas, Cable Vaults, and Pull Boxes placed within the traveled way or pavedshoulders shall be Heayy-Duty. Heavy-Duty Junction Boxes shall not be installed in side-walks, wall$vays, and sha€d use paths.12. Distance between the top of the conduit and the bottom of the Junc-tion Box lid shall be6" (in) min. to 8" (in) md., for final grade of new construction only. See StandadSpecification &20.3(5). Where adjustments are to be made to existing Junc'tion Boxes,or for interim onstruction stages during the contract, the limits shall be ftom 6" min. to10" (in) md. See Standard Specificaton 8-20.3(6).3 STUDSFENLY sPAc#tlI g sruos IEVENLY SPACEDQ Equipment Grounding Conductor@ Copper Solderless Crimp ConnectorQ Equipment Bonding Jumper (See Note 8)Q See Contract Plans and Special Provisionsfor conduit size and numberTOP OF SOIL SURFACEOR FINISHED GRADE6"TOP VIEWSEE DEIAIL CSEE NOTE 8LOCKING EOLT -SEE DETAIL DTOP OF PAVED SURFACETOP OF BASE COURSE13. Junction Box Types 4, 5, or 6 may be equipped withDudile lron (Altemativ€) Lid(s) and a Cast lron(Altemative) FEme. Junc{ion box shall meet thercquircments of Standard Sp€cification 9-29.2and shall be in accordane with approvedshop drawings,HINGE(NOTE- SEE DETAIL Eo)DIAMOND PATTERN(sEE NOTE 2)V'/ELDED WREFABRTC (WWF)(TYP.) - \r$RETIE AT ALLINTERSECTIONSUIFIoUoI=#5fiP.)- ^,-LtuldnvBail€y, TedApr25 2016 5108 PMHEAVY.DUW JUNGTIONBOX TYPES 4, 5, & 6STANDARD PL/AN J4O.2O.O3SHEETl OF2SHEETSAPPROVEDeb.P"'tre.. /44FOR PUBUCATIONApr28l0l6J:l5PM^?D nan"*" sd. D.Frnrnr 6r rEryffiGRS CONDUITPVCCONOUITONALSECTIONtsoMETRtc vtEwTYPE5AND6SHOWN F- _!-iLIIIIL_LL_!_oIIII_lJlIllIrIII_tlIIIIIir__lrdl1t2"-lIIoEoI!c4do1 1/2'0N) D|AM. HOLEBOLT PLATESNFFENER(SEE NOTEPLATE3)SEE NOTE 9HANDLE SLOTSEE NOTE 3LID(2) S. S. NUT (TYP.)(3)S S WASHER(TYP.)TERMINAL RING ANDBONDING JUMPERS. S. 5i/16-NC ' 1" (lN)Hg( COUPLING BOLTCTYPHANDLEALTERNATEEOUIPMENTLOCATION FORBONDING JUMPER3/8FMilIE (OUIER) -L 2" (lN) r 2' (lN) ! t4' (lN)(sEE NOTE 4)3i/16IivWF - TED IN 2 PLACESTO FRAME STUD (TYP.)GROUND STUD(sEE NOTE 5)WTH NUT_/FRAMEL 3', (r01/4" 0N)(INNER)x 3'0N)HEX COUPLING NUT S. S. 5/16-NC r 7E" (lN)wTH S. S.5/1GNC ' 3l/4',0N) 80LTW"rH (4)EACH S. S. FLAT WASHERSEQUIPMENT BONDING JUMPERFROM OTHER LIOBoLT PLATE ' 3' (lN) x2 l/2'(ll'0 r 1/2" 0N) THICKLto(wP1t11/4" (lN) r 3" 0N) CHANNEL1/2" (lN) - 13 r I 1/2 (lN)PENTA HEAD BOLTHANDLESTOPHANDLE - BENT 1t2" (rN)ROD, FLUSH WTh LID1" (lN) ! 1'(lN) r14" 0N) 0YP.)LIDS. S, PIN WTHRING GROOVESNAP(rYP.)s. s. WASHER (TYP.)s. s. SNAP R|NG (TYP.)MNDLE STOP -3 34"(lN) t 2" 0N)0N)3/4' 0N) DlArr.HOLE GYP.)9/16" 0N) DIAM.BOLT HOLEFRAME STUD -3v8" (lN) DIAM. i S'(lN)fa3/EDETAILDETAILHINGE)PLAI{ VIEWLIDTYPE5AND69HOWNCOVER iIARKINGDETAIL1n'1/4" CLEARSEE NOTE 9PENTA HEAD BOLT1t4STEEL:23t4^WASHER - S. S.1 7/',r6" 0N) O. D. r1r2'(lN) l. D. t 1/E'(lN)1t4cISTIFFENER PI-ATE(rYP.)crYPTOP VIEWS. S. CHANNEL NUTwlTH S. S. SPRINGSTIFFENER PLATEcrYP.)FRAME (lNNER)EDGE OF LIDDETAIL1n"w8SECTIONJ ',. ,]'".,DETAILLOCKING BOLT-t_eII!_Y____-lrl_ ^_,LtuMu?Ted2016 5:09 PM"u*nl___l--T-Apr 25HEAVY.DUTY JUNCTIOIiIBOX TYPES 4 5, & 6STANDARD PLAI{ J4.O.2O.O3SHEET2OF2SHEETSAPPROVED FOR PUBLICATION(aputa. ftll^wWo.hiffi Sb DFdlddlEEFddONALeI F---LI___3/8SECTIONFRAME STUD (TYP.)vtEwFRAME (OUTER) 'ts\----lrrvpr3t5 t/1 12 \1/8" GAPI)19.t{otoo{jt6=EoHEADED ANCHOR SHEAR S'UD -A8'(lN) : 3'(lN), 10 coUNT STUDSEVENLY SPACED AROUND FRAI\4EQ Equipment GroundingConduc{or@ Copper Solderless CrimpConnec{orQ equipment Bonding Jumper@ FoundationQ See Contraa tor conduit sizeand numberGROUND SIUD (TYP)(sEE M)TE 4)TOP OF SOIL SURFACEDIAMOND PATTERN(SEE NOTE 2)HEX COUPLING NUT(TYP,) - SEE DETAIL "C'SEE I.IINGE OETAILTOP OF BASE COURSECOVER MARKING OETAIL= 1'(ryP.) I I-- t-I 't"l1i2'.CrYP.) |\-\ ^^)-1l4"cLEARvqE$ffi**SEE NOTE 84. A 114-20 NC t 3/4" (in) S. S. ground stud shall be welded to the bottom of each lid: indude (2) S. S. nuts and (2) S. S. fat washers.5. The hirEes shall allow the lids to open 180..6. Bolts and nuts shall be liberally 6ated with anti€eize @mpound.7. Connec{ Equipmeni Bonding Jumper to ground stud on lid. As an altemative to the ground stud conneciion, the EquipmentBonding Jumper shall be atbcfied to the front face ofthe hinge pocketwith a 5/16-20 NC x 3/4" (in) S. S. bott, (2) each S. S. nub,and (2) each S. S. flai washers. Equipment Bonding Jumper shall be #8 AWG min. x 4' (fr) of tinned braided copp€r.8. The System ldentification letteE shall be 1/8" (in) line thickness formed by a mild steel w€ld bead. See Cover Marking detail.Grind ofi diamond pattem before bming lett€rs. See Standard Specification 9-29.2(4) br debils.9. See the Standard Spocmcatlons fcr alternative reinbrcement and class of concrete-'10. Se Standard Plan J40.10 br Welded Wre Fabric and Headed Anchor Shear Stud aftachment details.1 1. Capacity - conduit diameter = 24" (in)12. Lid Bolt Dom Attachment Tab provides a method of retrofitting by using a mechanical process in lieu of relding. Atiachment Tabshown depicds a typical component arrangment; actual configurafons of assembly will vary among manufaclurers, See apppvedmanufactuEE' shop dravving for specifi€.13. Unless otheMise noied in the plans or approved by the Engineer, Junc{on Boxes, Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes shall not be placedwithin the sidewalk, walluay, shaled use path, traveled way or paved shoulders. All Junclion Boxes, Cable Vaults, and Pull Boxesplaced within the traveled way or paved shoulders shall be Heavy-Duty.14. Dlstance between the top of the conduit and the boftom of the Junction Box lid shall be 6' (in) min. to 8" (in) max. tor final grade ofnew construc{ion only. See Standatd Sp€citlcatlon &20.3(5). \Mere adjustrnents are to be made to existing Junction Box;s,or for interim construction stages during the contract, the limits shall be from 6" (in) min. to 10' (in) max. See StandardSpecification 8-20.3(6).NOTES1. All box dimensions are approximate. Exact configurations vary among manufacturers.2. Minimum lid thickness€s ale shown. Junclion Boxes installed in sidewalks, walkways, andshared-use paths shall have a sliP.resistant coating on the lid and lip co\€r plate and shallbe installed with the surface f,ush with and matched to the grade of the sidewatk, walkway,or shared-use path- The noftslip lid shall be identified with pemanent markings on theun(brside, indicating the type of surface treafflent (see Contract Documents for details) andthe year of manufacture. The pemanent marking shall be 1/8" (in) lin€ thickness bmed witha mild steel weld bead and shall be placed prior to hotdip galvanizing.3. LidsupportmembeGshallbe3/16'(in)min.thicksteelC,L,orTshape,wetdedtotheframe.Exact configurations vary among manufacturec.cF3/1 6'4 STUOS EVENLY SPACEDPLAN VIEWLOCKING LID STANDARD DUTYJUNCTION BOXPVC CONDUIT GRS CONDUIT3(}'2QTOP OF PAVEDSURFACEIIbrooouT2truIFMIN.UEfooUodP*5 HOOP vvlTHa' 0N) oVERLAP -2 TIESWELDED WREFAERTC (TYP.) (wwF)as-w2.9 (6 GAGE)(sEE NOTE 9)Vr/ELDED WRE HOOPcrYP.) r^/2.g (6 GAGE)(sEE NOTE 9)tuM"a=ou@Ef=2==U6=f=z=GYP.)PML(,GKTNG LIDSTANDARDDUTY JUNGTION BOXTYPE 8STANDARD PLAN J4O.3O.O4SHEETlOF2SHEETSAPPROVEDFOR PUBLICATION(aopotta. /<ll-wW6hiEbn Sb. D.Fh.ndTEryffiSECTIONUu1/2" (rN)COVERcrYP.)STEELPLATEL|FT t-tor.E -r" (rN) - z'0N)DIAM.t\hbbJTIES#5wrTH a'(rN)OVERLAP -ASECTIONCONDUITS NOT SHOW oEoof;@z;o416FMME-LI3/4"(lN) r12" (lN) t 3/16" (lN)'v43/t6"DETAIL1 1n"M8"Lro suPPoRT - 3l/16" (rN) MtN. rHtCK1r2* 0N) STEEL COVER PLATE2 114"ALTERNATE LOCATION FORATTACHMENT OF EQUIPMENTBONDlNG JUMPER(sEE NOTE 43/8LIDRING GROOVE (TYP.)S. S, FLAT WASHER CTYP.)s. s. st'.IAP R|NG (TYP.)DETAIL1/2" 0N)COVERSTEELPLATETOP VIEW}I,ANDLE STOPr12'(N)COVERSTEELPLATEHANDLE STOP -6" (lN) x 3" (lN) r1/4" 0N):r/4" (rN) DIAM.HOLE rYP.)\iwvF - llED lN 2PI.ACES TO HEADEDANCHOR SHEAR STUD(sEE NOTE 10)GROUND STUO WTH 2 NUTS AND2 WASHERS (TYP.) (SEE NOTE 4)EQUIPMENT BONDINGJUMPER (TYP.)(SEE NOTE 4HEX COUPLING NUT - S. S. s/16 NC x 7/4"wlTH S. S. 5/16 NC x 3/4" (lN) BOLT AND 4S. S. WASHERS (TYP.)0N)EACHSTEEL ROD, FLUSHLtoBOLT PLATE CHANNELHINGE DETAILtB" (tN) x 1" (lN)VERTICAL SLOTt8" (lN) r 1' (lN)VERTICAL SLOTFRONT UETYHANDLE DETAIL1t43/8'(lN) r 3i (lN) HEqDEDANCHOR SHEAR STUD -IAIELDEO TO LIP PLATE(SEE NOTE 10)FMI,E - L 112" (lr0 r3tl4' (lN r316" (N)3t16LID316" {rN}f11i2S.HANDI,E - SEE DETAIL1t41t4a1'(lN) t 1" (lN) 3 1/4" (lN) CrYP.)tP - 13 r 1 12 S. s. PENTA HEAD BOLTANO 12" (N) S. S. FLAT WASHER1 3E" (rN) D|AM. HOLE12" 0N) STEEL COVER PLATE -SHO\AN CUI AWAY FOR CLARITY316ala1n1"MIN. THICK1n-13S. PENTAHEAD EOLTAND 112" (N)S. S FI-AT WASHERIil2" 0N) STEEL COVER PLATEFRAME-Lly4"(tN)r12'(lN) r 3/16r'(lN)LID SUPPORT -t16'0N) MrN. THTCKNESSBOLT PLATECI-iANNELSLOTTED S. S. CIIANNELWTH S. S. CHANNEL NUTAND SPRINGWWF - TIEO IN 2 PLACESTO HEADED ANCHORSHEAR STUD (SEE NOTE 1O)3A' (lN) t 3" 0N) HEADEDANCHOR SHEAR STUD -I/I'ELDED TO UP PLATE(sEE NOTE 1 0)I-!{NDLE STOP -6" (lN) r 3'(lN) r 1/a" (lN) BOLT PLATE CHANNEL -VVELD TO STEEL COVER PLATE5/8'r (lN) r 1" (lN)HORIZOMTAL SLOTg18lr/@r'Apr2520165:l0PMLIDSTANDARD,SDUTY JUNCTION BOXTYPE ESTANDARD PLAN J4O.3O.O4SHEET2OF2SHEETSAPPROVED FOR PUBLICATION(aV*ta.-,wWdlrybn Str D.gh.ddrEryffdII L=VFL3'DETAILSLOTTED S. S, CHANNEL\AITH S. S. CHANNEL NUTAND SPRINGtsotEtRlc vtEw SHOULDER3'MAX.PRIMARYSIGNSUPPLEMENTALPLAOUEPRIMARYSIGNEDGE OFTRAVEI.EDCURBFACESIGNNOTES'1. For sign installation details, ffi Standatd Plan G - reri*.2. Vviel€ it is impractical to locate a sign with ihe lateraloftet, a minimum of 2'(ft) of66t may be used. A 1'(ft)laEral offset may be used in business, commercialor residential aEas.3. The "y' heighi for signs, with an area of more than50 square feet and two or mor€ sign supporis, is7 bet in both rural and urban aroas.SHOULDERzSHOULDER6'MtN.EDGE OFTMVELED5SIGNSIGNCURBFACE!L5-'a5-EDGE OFTRAVELEDSIDEWALKCURBSIGN INSTALLATION(cuRB sEcTroN)12 MIN,6 MIN.EDGE OFTMVELED3'MAx.SIGN WITH SUPPLEHENTALPLAQUE INSTALLATION(FtLL SECTTON)CURBIISIGN INSTALLANON(FrLL SECTTON)SHOULDER3'MIN.EDGE OFTMVELEDFACE OFOR GUARDRAILSIGN INSTALLATION(BEHIND TRAFFIC BARRIER)IISIGN INSTALLATION(srDEWALK AND CURB SECTTON)12'MINL SHOULDERHEIGHT VTO BOTTOX OFSUPPLETENTAL PI-AOIJE(WHEN REAUIRED)4' MINIMUM6' MINIMUMTO BOTTOT OF SIGN(NO SUPPLEMENTALPLAAUE)5 MINIMUM7'MINIMUMRURALURBANU6ozEu;@z1doSIGNIIiIt-,,tt<_EDGE OFTMVELEDSU PPI.€ MENTALPLAQUElllcDITCHIlT-T-Ivlr4net. W i,lji"['j,ii',,,'^,CLASS ACONSTRUCTION SIGNINGINSTALIATIONSTANDARD PL/AN K€O.,IGO{SHEETlOFlSHEETAPPROVED FOR PUBLICATION(.n.Dr.r lcrlCa@2atea. tk# ru rriar,pvw'.-.W wdnw/ba 5d. D.Fh.ddrEryffiSIGN INSTALLATION(DTTCH SECllON) 00&0&Ass$s4'- 0" MtN. - 8 - O" MAX.NOTES1. All fasteneE may be zinc plated, galvanized or stainless st€|. Allsteel angle and tubular st€l shall be holrollod, high Grbon stoel,paintsd or galvanized.2. lnstall one lightweight Type A Lowlntensity iashing waming lighton the tr"ffic sirCe of the barri€de. lnstall two Type A Lm-lntensityflashing waming lights per bani€de Mten the baricades are usedto close a roadway. Altach the light to the barricade a@rding tothe light manufacturs/s rmmmendatjons or us th€ details shownon this plan.3. Strip€s on baricde rails shall b€ altemating orange and whiteretroeflective stripes (sloping downward at an angle ot 45 degreesin lhe direction traffc is to pass).4. The Typ€ 3 barricade d$ign shown on this plan meels the c€shtast requirements of NCHRP 350. Altemative designs may b€ ap-proved if they confom to the NCHRP 350 crash test criteria andthE MUTCD.5- lM€n a sign is mounted on the bariede, it shall be szuely boliedto at least two plywood pan€ls- The top of the sign shall not behigher than the top panel of the bani€de.6. Vvhen sandbags are sed in frezing weathe( Urea fertilizer shall bemixed with the sand in a quantity to prevent the sand trom freezing.STEEL ANGLEFRONT OFSRRICADEUSE ATTACHMENT DETAIL OAfiACHMENT DETATL @WARN1NG UGHTATTACHMENTTOP OF BARRICADESUPPORTANGLE,45't,I--l- ]^ba2'-A5-O'SIDEdt-t:l6lIT--alF"lbll_oEoo2.todoX.oVtI-lWARNING LIGHT ATTACHIIIENT OETAIL"6teQ\^\o{%rV6,118'1In",18''. STEELANGLETOP OF EARRICAOE1 SUPPORTANGLEflW-U@E-ELEVATIONSEE NOE 2TYPE 3 BARRICADET'-!A'12'.2"r1|8.ORILL TIAO 112'' DIAM. HOL€S IHROUGHBARRICADE SUPPORT ANGLEDRILL1/2" DlAil.THREEHOLES(1) 3A'-16r 1'STEEL HEX BOLT(2) 1'FLATWASHERS(1) 98" - 16 STEELHE( NUT(1) YA'- 16 r 1 3/4"STEEL HEX AOLT(2) l"FLATWASHERS(1) LOCKWASHER(1) 3/A'- 16 STE€LHil NUT (TYP,}ORANGE ANO WIiITEREFLECTIVE SIIEETINGASW 81956 . TYPE ItroRE (SEE NOTE 3)ANGLE RESTS ONTOP OF BOLT11t2.,jjn"r1lA"STEEL AflGLEs' - o' LoNG GYP )(1) 3i8"-16!3.STEEL H€X AOLT., _ (2) ,1'FLAT WASHERS(1) 3A".16STEELHEXNUT1112".11t2'x1lgSTEEL ANGLE4 - 11" LONG {TYP.),tr4' ACX PLMOD PANEL.-1IATTACHTENT DEIAILDETAILMRNING LIGHTATTACHMENTa"'23Z''1l8"TUBULAR/- STEEL WTH PRE.DRILTED// HOLESSANDSAGS AS R€OUIREDTO STABILIZE BASE _.- ALL LEGS \,TOP S ilRRICADESUPPORT ANGLEDRILL TIA/O 12" DIAI'. HOLES THROUGHMRRICAOE SUPPORT ANGLEt(1) 38'- 16 r 3"STE€L Hg( BOL'(2) 1'FLATWASHERS(1) 3/8" - 18 SIEELHE( NUT8' r 2" : 2'' ' l/tr TUBUUR SEEItsoilETRtc vtEwl-ErprlxprneJ-PlRE s Aucus r flTYPE 3 BARRICADEK€O.20-OOOF 2 SHEETSFOR PUBLICATION&ONA LATTACHIIENT DETAIL1ta(TYP,)tub&ptudldfdh TRAFFIC UNE2'MINTRAFFICTYPE 3L BARRICADESTRIPES ON THE BARRICADES SHALL SLOPEDOIVNWARO IN THE D|RECTION IRAFFIC E TO PASS. _.,.lFj4 q!99ED_I9'JE ff!g_ . z' uN., useeeleITYPE 3L BARRICADETYPE 3R BARRICADEROAD CLOSURE AT INTERSECTIONROAD CLOSURE AT OTHER LOCANONSzETYPE 3R BARRICADETYPE 3L BARRICADEogooa4oTYPE 3R BARRICADElTxFrR€s rucusT ,,2oolTYPE 3 BARRICADESTANDARD PLAN K.EO.2O.OOOF 2 SHEITSBARRICADE PLACEMENTh hp.ffidl6dFtutu I 3'-O' 2'-0" r 3',-0' ITYPE 3SL TRAFFIC ARROWSEE STAI{DARD PLAN ll.24./lllSEE NOTE 3 (TYP.)WOE DOTTEDLANE LINECIRCULATING- SEE DETAIL(rYP.)WHITE WDE LANEL|NE (rYP.)OPTIOML ON SINGLE LANEROUNDABOUT OR SINGLE LANESECTION OF ROUNDABOIJTffiITE wlDE NNELINE GYP,)WDE DOTTED EXTENSIONL|NE - SEE DETAIL (TYP.)NOTES1. These details En Ery greatly according to theContract plans.2. The need for Advance Roundabout Trafric Arwsis based upon posied spead of approach roadway3. Place Arows in the circulating lanes as close aspossible to the center of the lane to avoid havingthem in the wheel paths.4. Local agencies (on non-state route inbFections)may elect to use Yield Line Symbol Type 2 (sharksteth) prior to the VMde Dotted Entry Line. SeeStandard Plan t-24,60 for details.TYPE 15 TRAFFIC ARROW -SEE STAI{DARD PlIl{ iL24./oSEE NOTE 3 (TYP.)UoozEuIt62BcoWIDE DOTTED ENTRY LINEDETAILYELLOW CROSSHATCHMARKING - PERSTAI{DARD PLAN F2'.60E',(rN) YELLOWvvlDE LANE LINEWTIITE WDE LANE LINE (TYP.)FOR DETAIL - SEEWHITETYPICAL ROUNDABOUTHATCHING DETAILTO 3',SPACINGTRUCKAPRONWHITESTANDARD PI.AI{ T-2O.IO6-0'solrD EDGE LINE CrYP.)FOR DETAIL - SEESTANDARD PIANt-20.10WOE DOTTED ENTRY LINE -SEE DETAIL CTYP.)(usE oN wsDoT PRoJECTS)Y'ELD LINE SYMEOL (SHARKS TEETH)MAY BE USED AS AN OPTION FORLOCAL AGENCIES - SEE NOTE 4APPROVED FOR PUBLICATIONC!@nt'.lcll' Jun:3:013 l0 L5AM! r-t,-"" sb D4otuddrErydonROUNDABOUT CIRCLE TARKING DETAILwlTH TYPE 3SL TRAFFIC ARROW -SEE STANDARD PLAN 2'l.,O8-f t"'i"r'tarianJun 27 2018 9:29 AMROUI{DABOUT PAVEMENTMARKINGSSTANDARD PLAI{ M.'2.1O.O1SHEETlOFlSHEETTYPICAL ROUNDABOUTTARKING DETAILFOR CROSSWAIK LAYOUT OETAILS -SEE STAI{DARD PLAI{ *15.10wlDE DOTTED CIRCULATING LANE LINEDETAILYELLOW EDGE LINEWTIITE EDG€ LINEYELLOW EDGE LINEWHITE EDGE LINE6',- O'TYPE 2SR TMFFIC ARROW -SEE STAI{DARD PLAI{ T.24.20SEE NOTE 3 (TYP.)+I4IIhucrPORTIONNON.BRIVABLECENTRAL ISLAND$$\\no\b\)xc=\\\€$$$WDE DOTTED EXTENSION LINEDETAILwrEOMIT IN SINGLE LANEAPROACHES ROAN'AYoqzt0t6ze6SHOULDER AREA1' l/'lDE FOR ,I'2 VVDE FOR SHOULDERS OVER 4' IN'DEt'iIUNEq.;1l, r I'1". i't;L,IirvP._J,lI IINSTALL CROSSWALK UNES INS}IOUTDER AREAS ONLY Wt{ENADJACENT TO A SIDEWALK ORA SEPAMTE $'ALIOT{AY GYP.)CROSSWALK LINEEDGE OF PAVEMENI OR FACE OFCURB (WTHOIJf GUITER), OR EDGEOF GUTTER PAN (IA+IEN THERE ISCURB & GUTTER) T|YP,)aSIOEWALK--- st0ffAKl MtN.5' MAX.rrYP.)rlI r-ta,{UNEISTOPIIIil [s$fi--r-EDGE OF CONCRE]EGUTTEREDGE OF CONCRFTEGUTTEREOGE OF TRAVELED WAYEDGE OF TRAV€LED WAYSHOULDER AREAt.ANESHOULDER *.S}IOUI-DERrtat:3. To th€ maximum extent possible,perpendicllar b ths cenisrline ofDETAILcrcswalks should b€th€ treveled way.EDGE OF CONCRETEGUTIERINSTALL CROSSAIALX UNESPARAILEL TO TH€ ROADWAYEDGE OF COI{CRETEGUTTERltNOTES1. S€€ rhe Contract Plans br locations of so$walk cenlsrlines.SIOET/\'ALKrf-lSHOULDERr.TSHOUI.DERSIDEMK2. To the m*imum extent possible, @rb Emp cenbrline shouldbe perpendicular to the sossvalk centedine.fi{trgEs AucwtfuomlCROST'WALK LAYOUTSTANDARD PTAil ftI5.1 O-O{SHEETlOFlSHEET<4J[}2"o44p1,;Wvdw shhFrlt5.crlwh0tvrLTYPICAL APPLICATIOIIS 10!0CENTERLINE & LANE LINENO.PASS UNE & TWo'WAY LEFT.TURN CEITITERLINEtwlDE BROKEN LANE LIIIEI'9fTTIDE DOTTED IAi{E LIT{E7oEo:;ott6EDGE UNE &SE MMffiT FOR RG'HY4rO$/ OR V{Hm-sm2YEII-O{V - CENTERLIT.IE.-lilYEll-cil/YEtIO$'ffiIE$/}qTEJ_OR'I2,,l- sEs NorE 3IYEtlo{\r - DaL cENtERUt{E':iir- 1i';1-qilq;3:'\rffiDOUBLE CENTERUNE & DOUBLE IINE LII'IESEE CONTRACT FOR LENGTH--l"fii *: :! - '{t \.''..,c,i. .''* vf{EWTDE I-ANE UI{ESE CONlw FM GreBffiITE1dDOUBLE WDE I3NE LINES€E CONRCT FM LEilCTH'- YEtrotfv3IY€u-o,\r oR lrHlE- s€E NO1E rII3'BiARRIER CENTERLII{Et{oTEs1. Dotbd b(bnsion Line shallbe lhe same 610ras the line it is enending.2. Edg€ Lire shallbo f,'hib on th€ rightedge ottravd€d way, and !€lofl on lha left€dga oftawbd way (on ffiy @d|YaF)- SofidLffi Line shallbe white.3. Th€ di{:tanco bs!ffin the lirFs o{lhe DoubbCenierlitF shal be 12 mryrYhec, ecept4'for Hdlm chmr€lizalion ard narow roa&Agsd.:s (on nofi€tde lout6) may sp€dty a4'dineffi furalb€lionsTh€ dstarEe betren the liffi ottho DoubloLm una sfiallbo /t'.LOilGITUDIiIAL TARr|NGPATTER}ISSTAI'DARD PLAII F2O.I(XT2SHEEIlOFl$€ETjiIt]jii.^ mmDmPumnm%;;d;ur 4"-,W*n hD+ft.dr'@DOTTED EXTENSION UT{EDOTTED LAI{E U'{E$t {TE SYMBOL& LANEeNOTEUse the dimensions shown on this plan for each type of Traffic Arrcwbeing placed on roadways with a posed spesd lirnit of 40 mph or lowerSYMBOL& LANEe- 1l::al -L9: ,... syMMErRrcALABourQ1'-2', 2 .4"SYMBOL& UNEIELLIPSE "A'3"1'-T_-.---.Ti-----Ib.. !MARK!NG AREA7.73 SQ.FT.TYPE zSR (RIGHT)TRAFFIC ARROWMIRROR IMAGE OFTYPE 2SL 1RAFFIC ARROW(SHO!\A AT REDUCED SCALE)'1' - 8" 8'I'-l-ELLIPS€ ''A"*..fELLIPSE'8"ETLIPS€'8"MARKING AREA12.8€ SO.FT.GRjD tS 4" 0N) SOUARECENTER POINTOF ELLIPSES1',0^hIabIL4"2',1'1',.MARKING AREA8.03 SO.FT.1'-4"1',-2',sYtrlBor a r-qNe Q, ELLIPSE ?"ELLIPSE'A'1'q{b<.,;d:ul@bFc:IbI..1*l8"1TYPE ISTRAFFIC ARROWTYPE /ISTRAFFIC ARROW.. ,_L_ .,-..,.Ir-AXts10" - ELLTPSE "8" AxrSApr l6 2015 :;:l PMBOL MARKINGS -**TRAFFIC ARROWS FORLOW.SPEED ROADTYAYSSTANDARD PLAN M-24.4O.O2SHEETlOF2SHEETSAPPROVED FOR PUBLICATION/l* 6/g* \P'-'rr;r'rrrr ^M.-,wWllhinrion 5lol. hpoed d TEnrPddionsUua6udU14.$ SA.FTTYPE 3SR (RIGHT)TRAFFIC ARROWMIRROR IMAGE OFTYPE 3SLTRAFFICARROW(SHOWN AT REDUCED SCALE)CENTER POINTOF ELLIPSESICENTER POINT - ,-OF ELLIPSESGR|D rS 4',0N) SOUAREMARKING AREA7 73 SO.FTGRrD rS 4'(rN) SOUAREMARKING AREA14.83 SQ.Fr6'd!oI@oot@EE6F. .'10" - ELLTPSE "8" AX|SAXIS' ELLIPSEAXIS10'- ELLIPSE "B'AXISTYPE 2SL (LEFT) TRAFFIC ARROWTYPE 3SL (LEFT) TR.AFFIC ARROW 4"4'-tr"{$BoL-ELANEe=z-stE,(! 2.05)2. -dil.1Lb1'-4",.': "o,>!.o-bi',,6)bb:su4U'I't_-MARKING AR€A15.34 SQ.FT.TYPE 6SR (RIGHT)TFaFFIC ARROWMIRROR IMAGE OF TYPE 6SL(MIRRORED AEOUT LANE CENTERLINE)(SHO!\N AT REDUCED SCALE)ibF60'gtuICENTER POINIOF ELLIPSESiMARKING AREA15.94 SO.FT.SYMMFTRICALABoUT Q ".GRID rS 4' 0N) SQUAR€MARKING AREA19.56 Sa.FT.wPE 6SL (LEFT)TMFFIC ARROW6-"{L'LU*adanApr 1620152r?l l'LltEoF6oOt3do1'-2'oXls 10'- ELLrpsE "B'AxrsSYMBOL MARKINGS -TRAFFIC ARROWS FORLOW-SPEED ROADWAYSSTANDARD PLAN M.24.4O.O2SHEET2OF2SHEETSAPPROVED FOR PUBLICATION/l* /3'/&= t' "';''"' *' ...--:---------ffi fi 6ESGGFffi-@ waW." s6. &Ftu.'r dTenttsdonIllELLIPSEELLIPSESYMBOL& LANEsTYPE 75 TRAFFIC ARROW o&oo=igdo1'- 8". UNLESS NOTEDONERWSE IN COMMCTCENTERLINE OF JUNCTION BOX,,- PULL Box. oR CABLE VAULT-NOTE'1. lf Rumble Strips aF pr6en1,install marking odside oithe Rumble Strip.EDGE LINEANGLE OFCROSS CULVERTEOGE LINEos,ooU!tuat4IFoza-r F-qlvtARKlNG AREA = 11.73 SOFIHALF-IILE TARKERMARKING AREA = 6.00 Sq.FTFULL TIILE TARKERJUNCTION BOX,PULL BOX, ORCABLE VAIjLTPAVEOSHOULD€REDGE LINECEMTERIINE OFCROSS CULVERTiHRKING AREA = 0.56 SO.FTCROSS CULVERTPAVEDSHOULDEREDGE LINEbPAVEDSHOULDER>'PAVEOSHOULDERSTOP LINEORTTARKING AREA = 0 56 SO. FTJUNCTION BOX, PULL BO)(OR CABLE VAULT TARKINGS4"DRAINAGE TIARKING-lEOGE LINE\. pnwoSHOULDERFofiFzoouUIgEIFozUI z'-o' IIARKING AREA = 1.06 SO.FT.DRAINAGE STRUCTURE INLETs^sa/"lt-Walsh. BrimJm 24 2014 2:35 PMSYIIBOL TARI(INGSMISCELLANEOUS$TANDARD PIAN ilI.24.60.O4SHEETlOF2SHEETS'AIIITE OR YELLOW - SEE CONTRACTCHEVRON OR DIAGOI{ALCROSSHATCH ]TARKINGw = 8'flM FoR PoSTED SPEED LIMIT OF ,10 MPH OR LOWERW = 12'i|].i) FOR POSTEO SPEED UMIT OF 45 MPH OR HIGHERAPPROVEO FOR PI,BLICATION. k)r,t.h P.e!,/J* Hqf&- t*to'd'n'u"'" --$AE 6t4 qOtrER,-1fi.a*^ ed DFtuddr6np#AERIAL SURVEILLANCE IIARKERSDRAINAGE MARKING ooo!st4soIdliISYMBOL& LANFtXARKING AREA25.90 so.FT36.54 SO.FT6'LESS THAN 45 MFH0.75 SQ.FT3.00 sQ.FT3.00 SQ.FTUSELESS THAN 45 MPH6 MPH OR GREATER45 MPH OR GREATERROUNDAEOUT ENTRY *D1'-0.1'-0"c13',- 020' - 0,'t'- 6"3.0"Bz-6"3'- 0"0"'t'- 0"A6-d'SYTBOL IIARKTI{GYIELD AHEAD SYTBOLTYPE IfYP'2TYPE 1TYPE 2TlfPE2YIELO LINE SYTBOL* MINIMUM OF 4 IN LANE0"GRID ls 4' 0N) SOUARE MARI(NG AREA = '1.,t1 SQ.FTACCESS PARKING SPACE SYISBOL(f,lNlilull)GRID lS 4'0N) SOUARE MARKING AREA = 3.09 SO.FTACCESS PARKING SPACE SYMBOL{STANDARD)ozotrOuvdAf-"-]--^----l["UEFBozoFout6hEYIELD LINE SYIIBOL(MULNPLE SYMBOLS REQUIREDFOR TRANSVERSE YIELD UNE .sEE CONTMCI)MARKING AREA - 12 0E SO.FT.SPEED BUTP SYMBOLboztroUEode3^L4 --.,{ u'/oll-lun 24 2014 2i-17 PMq2"SYMBOL MARXINGSTISCELLANEOUSSTANDARD PIAN M.24.60.O4SHEET2OF2SHEETS3-8"TOTAL MARICNG AREA = 2a-44 SO.FT.wlTE = 9.76 SO.FT BLUE = 1a-6S SO.FT.ACCESS PARKING SPACE SYTBOL (STANDARD}TOTAL MARKING AREA = 13.s SQ.FI.vrtllTE = 4.a2 SO.FT. BLUE = 8.62 SQ.FT.ACCESS PARKTNG SPACE SYMBOL (H|N|MUM)IPPROVPD FOR PUBUCAION- Ilrlu\ch P&'ll*,li.rl&n '"'o'u'o'o "' -"$AE EM AdtrEh--fi*arr* eft D+tuildrEdtffi),0^3WTH BLUE BACKGROUND AI{D W}IITE BORDER(REOUIREO FOR CEMENT CONCRETE SURFACES)wlTH BLUE BACKGROUND AND wlII]E BORDER(REQUIRED FOR CEMENT COITICRETE SURFACES)VELD AHEAD SYXIBOL oGootE23IoNOTE1. Typicdry,ioultm€s lis l€tbf drunHlh.igtlt- m'nimm,up to bn fm6 - msinm, or aErding [o PlaN.-ffiEI.ANE!O*gPEED APPI.JCATI)iITRAFFIC LETTER AXDTUMERAL APPLICATIOIISATAilDARD PLA}I T€O.'I O{'SIIEETlOF2SHEETSA*'*h Dr-*'jlad6F52e-Iz_ EIIGET"E{EFo2utEgl-igl3blE*l--tEDGELII{EHrefi€PEED PPTICANq{uFoa!uHOX{PEED AFPTJCAIENIIartficbHGH.TFECD TFfl.FATTOT'TiAFF!CUTEEDG€ut{EEDENEurcffiT3*3FEED APFT.IGA'TICIrAXI-oIIFSPETO APFTICJUTT o4o=t61to, lwHcI lxE__._R$rrc__ _IANEIRAFFICHOH€PEEO APFUCAIOilriwllcrEVEHTtTZ* r.enettilEIrl0@,uEuF:t.ULdtFoz-oblreiMFFICffi- EDGEut{EBIq+SPEIED APPIICATONiffiFrcLx{EBEEdF!I-bEULG6FgGEst2I4dFPTRAFFTC LETTERAND]{UTERAL APPLICATIONSSTANDARD PLAI{ ]f, {O.t O{IISfEET2OF2SHEETS- APPROED FOR PtTSI.ICATION%gJq q,^ sEEqto@frw***ryldcrdtq*rtnctt8FEEo AFP| JCAttOltIJOW€?EED APPI.ICATI(,IIEOGEut{E}IGH€PEED APFTICATlorl€o@ME Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer A - 3 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 NEW WATER MAIN CONNECTION PROCEDURES P:SOPs\Water\9.3NewWatermainConnectionProcedures Approval Date L. R. Blanchard 07/15/03 Revision Date: Page 1 PUBLIC WORKS OPERATIONS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES 9.0 WATER 9.3 New Water Main Connection Procedures PURPOSE: To avoid connections between the City potable water system and unsafe or newly constructed water systems that have the potential to contaminate the City water system, and to provide optimal cleaning, disinfection and connection procedures for new water mains to ensure safe, potable drinking water for human consumption. Note: These procedures shall be done in the following sequence or as directed by the City Inspector. 9.3.1 Connection to an Existing Water Main A physical separation between all untested and potentially contaminated water mains (or main extensions) and the city’s existing water system shall be maintained at all times unless the connection is protected by an approved Department of Health backflow device (See diagram on page 5). A hydrant meter and an approved backflow prevention device shall be used whenever drawing water from the city system (see Page 5 for schematic details). Hydrant meters and backflow devices may be obtained from the Public Works Operations Division/Water Section at 5821 S. 240th Street by completing the billing forms for a hydrant meter permit and making the required damage deposit. There will be a charge for all water used in accordance with Kent City Ordinance section 7.02.180 “Temporary Water Meters”. Prior to the new water main being installed, the contractor has the option of cutting in the connection tee on the existing water main, or providing potable water from another source to provide a temporary water supply. If the Contractor chooses the option of installing the new connection tee, the Contractor shall install new resilient wedge gate valves on all sides of the tee, or as required by the City. A mechanical joint plug with a 2” minimum tap and proper blocking shall be installed on the new incoming mainline valve at the new tee, with piping accessible to accommodate filling the new water main. The City Inspector shall notify the Water section of Public Works Operations a minimum of five full working days before the valve and tee installation is scheduled. This will allow water section employees time to schedule the water main shutdown and notify the customers affected. P:SOPs\Water\9.3NewWatermainConnectionProcedures Approval Date L. R. Blanchard 07/15/03 Revision Date: Page 2 9.3.2 Cubing Foam cubes (pigs) shall be inserted into and pushed through the new water main to remove any residue, dirt, debris, obstruction or possible foreign material in the new water main. A. The Water Section shall be responsible for supplying the foam cubes to the contractor based on the water system design as shown on the approved construction plans. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for picking up the cubes at the Public Works Operations located at 5821 S 240th St Kent, Washington, and shall install two foam cubes at the initial connection and two foam cubes at each lateral connection six inches in diameter and larger (downstream of each connecting valve), as the new main is installed. This would include all six-inch diameter lateral runs to hydrants that are longer than two full pipe lengths, or have more than a single joint in them. C. A mechanical joint cap with a 2”minimum tap shall be installed with proper blocking at the initial connection point on the new main with piping accessible to accommodate both flushing and chlorine injection. D. The Water Section shall retrieve the foam cubes when the contractor performs the cubing process. All cubing and flushing shall be under the supervision of the Water Section or a City Inspector. E. To accommodate the launch and the retrieval of the cubes, the minimum blow-off size shall be four-inch diameter for six-inch and eight-inch mains. A six-inch diameter blow-off shall be installed for 10-inch and 12- inch mains per City of Kent Standards. F. It shall be the contractor’s responsibility to properly dispose of all flush water per City of Kent Standards as well as locating and retrieving any “lost” or missing cubes or partial cubes from the water main. G. In the event that the initial cubing does not adequately clean the new water mains, the contractor shall be required to provide additional point(s) for launching and retrieval of additional cubes, and re-cube those sections of main that have debris in them until clean, as determined by the Water Section. 9.3.3 Pressure and Leakage Test All new water mains, extensions of existing mains, water system appurtenances and water services shall then be pressure tested for leakage in accordance with Section 7-09.3(23) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Water services and appurtenances 2” and smaller installed prior to water main testing shall also be pressure tested with the water main. At no time will the temporary water system connection or backflow device remain connected or in place during the pressure test procedures. P:SOPs\Water\9.3NewWatermainConnectionProcedures Approval Date L. R. Blanchard 07/15/03 Revision Date: Page 3 9.3.4 Chlorine Injection After the Contractor has cleaned the water main by cubing and flushing, the Contractor shall inject a liquid chlorine solution evenly throughout the new main and appurtenances for optimal disinfection. The chlorine dosage shall be in accordance with WSDOT 7-09.3(24)B at a minimum of 50 mg/L (see the table on page 4 of this document) and a maximum of 100 mg/l. AWWA C651-99 Standards include detailed procedures for the adequate disinfection, flushing and microbiological testing of all water mains. If the contractor wishes the Water Section to do the injection, the City Inspector shall give the Water Section three working days notification to perform the chlorine injection. The Contractor must sign a waiver holding the City harmless for any failure of purity samples due to the work performed by the Water Section, as well as agreeing to reimburse the city for all city costs associated with the disinfection process. Work may be scheduled after hours due to manpower or workload constraints, in which case the Contractor will reimburse the Water Section for city employee overtime associated with the work performed. The Chlorine shall remain in the main for the time specified according to the procedure used from AWWA Standards C651-99. After the 24-hour disinfection period, the remaining residual throughout the water main and appurtenances shall not be lower than 25 mg/L. The Contractor shall be responsible for disposing of all chlorinated water. Chlorinated water shall be disposed of in an approved sanitary sewer. If a sanitary sewer is not available, or the capacity of the sanitary sewer will be at risk, the Contractor shall be responsible for disposing of the water per City of Kent Construction Standards. Amount of Chlorine needed to produce 50 mg/L in 18ft of pipe (one pipe length) for 5.25% household bleach (with no additives), 12.5% Sodium Hypochlorite solutions and 65% available dry Calcium Hypochlorite. Diameter 5.25%(gal)12.5%(gal)65%(lb) 4" 0.009 0.005 0.007 6" 0.022 0.011 0.017 8" 0.039 0.019 0.029 10" 0.061 0.031 0.052 12" 0.087 0.044 0.047 16" 0.156 0.078 0.119 18" 0.197 0.098 0.152 24" 0.352 0.176 0.271 30" 0.548 0.275 0.422 P:SOPs\Water\9.3NewWatermainConnectionProcedures Approval Date L. R. Blanchard 07/15/03 Revision Date: Page 4 Example: How many gallons of fresh 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite will be required to disinfect 5,000 ft of 8” main? 5,000 ft  18 ft = 278 lengths of 8” pipe 278  0.039 = 11 gallons required 9.3.5 Bacteriological Purity Samples Two consecutive sets of acceptable purity samples, taken at least 24 hours apart, shall be collected from representative points of the new main and appurtenances. Water section personnel shall take the first bacteriological purity sample(s) after the chlorine is removed, flushing is completed and the chlorine level is no greater than nor less than the level present in the adjacent distribution system. Water services two inches and smaller installed prior to water main testing shall also be purity tested with the water main. The second set of purity samples shall be taken no less than 24 hours after the first set of samples. A representative background sample of the City water system may be taken from the distribution source at the same time purity samples are taken from the new main. In the event that the Water Section or the City Inspector determines that trench water, dirt or debris has entered the new main during construction, the first purity samples shall be not be taken until the water has stood in the new main for at least 16 hours after final flushing. As above, the second set of purity samples shall not be taken until the water in the new main has stood for an additional 24 hours. Note: No water shall be flushed during the 16- or 24-hour incubation periods described above, or prior to the purity samples being taken. It shall be the contractor’s responsibility to make arrangements to transport the sample(s) to a state-certified laboratory approved by the Water Section. The contractor shall be responsible for paying all costs for the purity samples excluding the representative background sample at the distribution source. Note: Two consecutive samples, 24 hours apart, must show no coliform presence before performing final connections to the existing water system. The Water Section may be available during normal working hours, depending upon workload, (7:30 am to 4:00 pm) excluding holidays and weekends, to take purity samples, assist with cubing and chlorine injections. The Contractor shall reimburse the city for all associated costs, including labor, vehicles, materials and overhead charges. Outside of normal working hours, the contractor shall reimburse the City at the most current hourly overtime rate for labor, vehicles, materials and other associated costs. 9.3.6 Final Connection(s) to the Existing Water Main P:SOPs\Water\9.3NewWatermainConnectionProcedures Approval Date L. R. Blanchard 07/15/03 Revision Date: Page 5 When both sets of purity sample results are satisfactory and received in writing from the state-certified laboratory, and all other City of Kent water system standards have been met, the contractor shall be allowed to connect the new mains to the existing distribution system following City of Kent and AWWA standards. It shall be the Contractors responsibility to prevent, at all times, the contamination of the new and existing water mains with trench water, dirt, debris, or other foreign material. A City of Kent inspector and/or Water Section representative must be present to witness the final connection(s) to the existing water system, to turn on and flush the new water system, and to place the new water system and appurtenances into service. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer A - 4 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 INADVERTENT DISCOVERY PLAN Unanticipated Discovery Plan March 4, 2020 PLAN AND PROCEDURES FOR THE UNANTICIPATED DISCOVERY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES AND HUMAN SKELETAL REMAINS WILLIS STREET (SR 516) AND 4TH AVENUE S. ROUNDABOUT PROJECT, KING COUNTY WASHINGTON 1. INTRODUCTION The City of Kent (CITY) plans to construct the Willis Street (SR 516) and 4th Avenue S________________ project. The purpose of this project is to _replace an existing six lane signalized intersection with a two-lane roundabout. The following Unanticipated Discovery Plan (UDP) outlines procedures to follow, in accordance with state and federal laws, if archaeological materials or human remains are discovered. 2. RECOGNIZING CULTURAL RESOURCES A cultural resource discovery could be prehistoric or historic. Examples include:  An accumulation of shell, burned rocks, or other food related materials  Bones or small pieces of bone,  An area of charcoal or very dark stained soil with artifacts,  Stone tools or waste flakes (i.e. an arrowhead, or stone chips),  Clusters of tin cans or bottles, logging or agricultural equipment that appears to be older than 50 years,  Buried railroad tracks, decking, or other industrial materials. When in doubt, assume the material is a cultural resource. 3. ON-SITE RESPONSIBILITIES STEP 1: STOP WORK. If any CITY employee, contractor or subcontractor believes that he or she has uncovered a cultural resource at any point in the project, all work adjacent to the discovery must stop. The discovery location should be secured at all times. STEP 2: NOTIFY MONITOR. If there is an archaeological monitor for the project, notify that person. If there is a monitoring plan in place, the monitor will follow its provisions. STEP 3: NOTIFY CITY PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND CULTURAL RESOURCES PROGRAM. Contact the CITY Project Manager and the Cultural Resources (CR) Program Manager: 2 CITY Project Manager: Paul Kuehne, Construction Engineering Supervisor 253-856-5543 PKuehne@kentwa.gov CR Program Manager: Scott Williams 360-570-6651 willias@wsdot.wa.gov If you can’t reach the CR Program Manager, contact your project’s assigned Cultural Resources Specialist or an alternate: Assigned CR Specialist: Consultant (TBD) Alternate CR Specialist: Consultant (TBD) The CITY Project Manager or the Cultural Resources Program will make all other calls and notifications. If human remains are encountered, treat them with dignity and respect at all times. Cover the remains with a tarp or other materials (not soil or rocks) for temporary protection in place and to shield them from being photographed. Do not call 911 or speak with the media. 3 4. FURTHER CONTACTS AND CONSULTATION A. Project Manager’s Responsibilities:  Protect Find: The CITY Project Manager is responsible for taking appropriate steps to protect the discovery site. All work will stop in an area adequate to provide for the total security, protection, and integrity of the resource. Vehicles, equipment, and unauthorized personnel will not be permitted to traverse the discovery site. Work in the immediate area will not resume until treatment of the discovery has been completed following provisions for treating archaeological/cultural material as set forth in this document.  Direct Construction Elsewhere On-site: The CITY Project Manager may direct construction away from cultural resources to work in other areas prior to contacting the CR Program Manager.  Contact CR Program Manager: If the CR Program Manager has not yet been contacted, the CITY Project Manager will do so. B. CR Program Manager’s Responsibilities:  Identify Find: The CR Program Manager (or a CR Specialist if so delegated), will ensure that a qualified professional archaeologist examines the find to determine if it is archaeological. o If it is determined not archaeological, work may proceed with no further delay. o If it is determined to be archaeological, the CR Program Manager or CR Specialist will continue with notification. o If the find may be human remains or funerary objects, the CR Program Manager or CR Specialist will ensure that a qualified physical anthropologist examines the find. If it is determined to be human remains, the procedure described in Section 5 will be followed.  Notify DAHP: The CR Program Manager (or a CR Specialist if so delegated) will contact the involved federal agencies (if any) and the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP).  Notify Tribes: If the discovery may relate to Native American interests, the CR Program Manager or Specialist will also contact the project’s Tribal Liaison, or, if the project is not assigned a Liaison, the Executive Tribal Liaison. 4 Federal Agencies: Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation: Dr. Allyson Brooks State Historic Preservation Officer 360-586-3066 or Dennis Wardlaw Transportation Archaeologist 360-586-3085 Tribal Liaisons: Project Tribal Liaison Consultant (TBD) Executive Tribal Liaison Consultant (TBD) The Tribal Liaison, or CR Program Manager or Specialist, will contact the interested and affected Tribes. Tribes consulted on this project are: JoDe L. Goudy, Chairperson Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation PO Box 151 Toppenish, WA 98948 JoDe@yakama.com 509-865-5121 Kate Valdez, THPO Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation PO Box 151 Toppenish, WA 98948 kate@yakama.com 509-985-7596 Jaison Elkins, Chairman Muckleshoot Tribe 39015 172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 Jaison.elkins@muckleshoot.nsn.us 253-931-8570 N/A 5 Laura Murphy, Archaeologist Cultural Resources Muckleshoot Tribe 39015 172nd Ave SE Auburn, WA 98092 Laura.murphy@muckleshoot.nsn.us 253-876-3272 Robert de los Angeles, Chairman Snoqualmie Indian Nation P.O. Box 969 Snoqualmie, WA 98065 bobde@snoqualmietribe.us 425-888-6551 Steven Mullen Moses, Director Archaeology and Historic Preservation Snoqualmie Indian Nation 8130 Railroad Ave., Suite 103 Snoqualmie, WA 98065 steve@snoqualmietribe.us 425-495-6097 C. Further Activities  Archaeological discoveries will be documented as described in Section 6.  Construction in the discovery area may resume as described in Section 7. 5. SPECIAL PROCEDURES FOR THE DISCOVERY OF HUMAN SKELETAL MATERIAL Any human skeletal remains, regardless of antiquity or ethnic origin, will at all times be treated with dignity and respect. If the project occurs on federal lands (e.g., national forest or park, military reservation) the provisions of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990 apply, and the responsible federal agency will follow its provisions. Note that state highways that cross federal lands are on an easement and are not owned by the state. If the project occurs on non-federal lands, CITY will comply with applicable state and federal laws, and the following procedure: 6 A. Notify Law Enforcement Agency and Coroner’s Office: In addition to the actions described in Sections 3 and 4, the CITY Project Manager will immediately notify the local law enforcement agency and coroner’s office. The medical examiner (with assistance of law enforcement personnel) will determine if the remains are human, whether the discovery site constitutes a crime scene, and will notify DAHP if the remains are determined to be non-forensic. B. King County Medical Examiner’s Office206-731-3232Participate in Consultation: Per RCW 27.44.055, RCW 68.50, and RCW 68.60, DAHP will have jurisdiction over non-forensic human remains and will make a determination of whether the remains are Indian or not, and notify all affected tribes. CITY personnel will participate in consultation. C. Further Activities:  Documentation of human skeletal remains and funerary objects will be agreed upon through the consultation process described in RCW 27.44.055, RCW 68.50, and RCW 68.60.  When consultation and documentation activities are complete, construction in the discovery area may resume as described in Section 7. 6. DOCUMENTATION OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL MATERIALS Archaeological deposits discovered during construction will be assumed eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion D until a formal Determination of Eligibility is made. Cultural Resources Program staff will ensure the proper documentation and assessment of any discovered cultural resources in cooperation with the federal agencies (if any), DAHP, affected tribes, and a contracted consultant (if any). All prehistoric and historic cultural material discovered during project construction will be recorded by a professional archaeologist on State of Washington cultural resource site or isolate form using standard techniques. Site overviews, features, and artifacts will be photographed; stratigraphic profiles and soil/sediment descriptions will be prepared for subsurface exposures. Discovery locations will be documented on scaled site plans and site location maps. Cultural features, horizons and artifacts detected in buried sediments may require further evaluation using hand-dug test units. Units may be dug in controlled fashion to expose features, collect samples from undisturbed contexts, or interpret complex stratigraphy. A test 7 excavation unit or small trench might also be used to determine if an intact occupation surface is present. Test units will be used only when necessary to gather information on the nature, extent, and integrity of subsurface cultural deposits to evaluate the site’s significance. Excavations will be conducted using state-of-the-art techniques for controlling provenience. Spatial information, depth of excavation levels, natural and cultural stratigraphy, presence or absence of cultural material, and depth to sterile soil, regolith, or bedrock will be recorded for each probe on a standard form. Test excavation units will be recorded on unit-level forms, which include plan maps for each excavated level, and material type, number, and vertical provenience (depth below surface and stratum association where applicable) for all artifacts recovered from the level. A stratigraphic profile will be drawn for at least one wall of each test excavation unit. Sediments excavated for purposes of cultural resources investigation will be screened through 1/8-inch mesh, unless soil conditions warrant ¼-inch mesh. All prehistoric and historic artifacts collected from the surface and from probes and excavation units will be analyzed, catalogued, and temporarily curated. Ultimate disposition of cultural materials will be determined in consultation with the federal agencies (if any), DAHP, and the affected tribes. Within 90 days of concluding fieldwork, a technical report describing any and all monitoring and resultant archaeological excavations will be provided to the CITY Project Manager, who will forward the report to the WSDOT Cultural Resources Program for review and delivery to the federal agencies (if any), SHPO, and the affected tribe(s). If assessment activity exposes human remains (burials, isolated teeth, or bones), the process described in Section 5 above will be followed. 7. PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION Project construction outside the discovery location may continue while documentation and assessment of the cultural resources proceed. A WSDOT CR Specialist must determine the boundaries of the discovery location. In consultation with DAHP and affected tribes, CITY Project Manager and Cultural Resources Program staff will determine the appropriate level of documentation and treatment of the resource. If federal agencies are involved, the agencies will make the final determinations about treatment and documentation. Construction may continue at the discovery location only after the process outlined in this plan is followed and WSDOT (and the federal agencies, if any) determine that compliance with state and federal laws is complete. Willis & 4th Roundabout/Leyrer A - 5 March 25, 2020 Project Number: 18-3020 STORMWATER PERMIT Issuance Date: Effective Date: Expiration Date: November 18, 2015 January I, 2016 December 31, 2020 Modification Issuance Date: March 22, 2017 Modification Effective Date: May 5, 2017 CONSTRUCTION STORMW ATER GENERAL PERMIT National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and State Waste Discharge General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activity State of Washington Department of Ecology Olympia, Washington 98504 In compliance with the provisions of Chapter 90.48 Revised Code of Washington (State of Washington Water Pollution Control Act) and Title 33 United States Code, Section 1251 et seq. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act (The Clean Water Act) Until this permit expires, is modified, or revoked, Permittees that have properly obtained coverage under this general permit are authorized to discharge in accordance with the special and general conditions that follow. her R. Bartlett Wa r Quality Program Manager Washington State Department of Ecology Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ...........................................................................................................................3 SUMMARY OF PERMIT REPORT SUBMITTALS .....................................................................4 SPECIAL CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................5 S1. PERMIT COVERAGE ........................................................................................................5 S2. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................8 S3. COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS .............................................................................12 S4. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS, BENCHMARKS, AND REPORTING TRIGGERS ................................................................................................13 S5. REPORTING AND RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS .........................................20 S6. PERMIT FEES...................................................................................................................23 S7. SOLID AND LIQUID WASTE DISPOSAL ....................................................................23 S8. DISCHARGES TO 303(d) OR TMDL WATERBODIES ................................................23 S9. STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN...................................................27 S10. NOTICE OF TERMINATION .........................................................................................37 GENERAL CONDITIONS ...........................................................................................................38 G1. DISCHARGE VIOLATIONS ...........................................................................................38 G2. SIGNATORY REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................38 G3. RIGHT OF INSPECTION AND ENTRY .........................................................................39 G4. GENERAL PERMIT MODIFICATION AND REVOCATION ......................................39 G5. REVOCATION OF COVERAGE UNDER THE PERMIT .............................................39 G6. REPORTING A CAUSE FOR MODIFICATION ............................................................40 G7. COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER LAWS AND STATUTES .............................................40 G8. DUTY TO REAPPLY .......................................................................................................40 G9. TRANSFER OF GENERAL PERMIT COVERAGE .......................................................41 G10. REMOVED SUBSTANCES .............................................................................................41 G11. DUTY TO PROVIDE INFORMATION ...........................................................................41 G12. OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF 40 CFR ...........................................................................41 G13. ADDITIONAL MONITORING ........................................................................................41 G14. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATING PERMIT CONDITIONS .............................................41 G15. UPSET ...............................................................................................................................42 G16. PROPERTY RIGHTS ........................................................................................................42 Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 3 G17. DUTY TO COMPLY ........................................................................................................42 G18. TOXIC POLLUTANTS.....................................................................................................42 G19. PENALTIES FOR TAMPERING .....................................................................................43 G20. REPORTING PLANNED CHANGES .............................................................................43 G21. REPORTING OTHER INFORMATION ..........................................................................43 G22. REPORTING ANTICIPATED NON-COMPLIANCE .....................................................43 G23. REQUESTS TO BE EXCLUDED FROM COVERAGE UNDER THE PERMIT ..........44 G24. APPEALS ..........................................................................................................................44 G25. SEVERABILITY ...............................................................................................................44 G26. BYPASS PROHIBITED ....................................................................................................44 APPENDIX A – DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................47 APPENDIX B – ACRONYMS .....................................................................................................55 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Summary of Required Submittals ................................................................................... 4 Table 2: Summary of Required On-site Documentation............................................................... 4 Table 3: Summary of Primary Monitoring Requirements .......................................................... 15 Table 4: Monitoring and Reporting Requirements ..................................................................... 17 Table 5: Turbidity, Fine Sediment & Phosphorus Sampling and Limits for 303(d)-Listed Waters .................................................................................................... 25 Table 6: pH Sampling and Limits for 303(d)-Listed Waters ...................................................... 26 Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 4 SUMMARY OF PERMIT REPORT SUBMITTALS Refer to the Special and General Conditions within this permit for additional submittal requirements. Appendix A provides a list of definitions. Appendix B provides a list of acronyms. Table 1: Summary of Required Submittals Permit Section Submittal Frequency First Submittal Date S5.A and S8 High Turbidity/Transparency Phone Reporting As Necessary Within 24 hours S5.B Discharge Monitoring Report Monthly* Within 15 days following the end of each month S5.F and S8 Noncompliance Notification – Telephone Notification As necessary Within 24-hours S5.F Noncompliance Notification – Written Report As necessary Within 5 Days of non- compliance S9.C Request for Chemical Treatment Form As necessary Written approval from Ecology is required prior to using chemical treatment (with the exception of dry ice or CO2 to adjust pH) G2 Notice of Change in Authorization As necessary G6 Permit Application for Substantive Changes to the Discharge As necessary G8 Application for Permit Renewal 1/permit cycle No later than 180 days before expiration G9 Notice of Permit Transfer As necessary G20 Notice of Planned Changes As necessary G22 Reporting Anticipated Non- compliance As necessary SPECIAL NOTE: *Permittees must submit electronic Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) to the Washington State Department of Ecology monthly, regardless of site discharge, for the full duration of permit coverage . Refer to Section S5.B of this General Permit for more specific information regarding DMRs. Table 2: Summary of Required On-site Documentation Document Title Permit Conditions Permit Coverage Letter See Conditions S2, S5 Construction Stormwater General Permit See Conditions S2, S5 Site Log Book See Conditions S4, S5 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) See Conditions S9, S5 Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 5 SPECIAL CONDITIONS S1. PERMIT COVERAGE A. Permit Area This Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSWGP) covers all areas of Washington State, except for federal operators and Indian Country as specified in Special Condition S1.E.3. B. Operators Required to Seek Coverage Under this General Permit: 1. Operators of the following construction activities are required to seek coverage under this CSWGP: a. Clearing, grading and/or excavation that results in the disturbance of one or more acres (including off-site disturbance acreage authorized in S1.C.2) and discharges stormwater to surface waters of the State; and clearing, grading and/or excavation on sites smaller than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale, if the common plan of development or sale will ultimately disturb one acre or more and discharge stormwater to surface waters of the State. i. This includes forest practices (including, but not limited to, class IV conversions) that are part of a construction activity that will result in the disturbance of one or more acres, and discharge to surface waters of the State (that is, forest practices that prepare a site for construction activities); and b. Any size construction activity discharging stormwater to waters of the State that the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology): i. Determines to be a significant contributor of pollutants to waters of the State of Washington. ii. Reasonably expects to cause a violation of any water quality standard. 2. Operators of the following activities are not required to seek coverage under this CSWGP (unless specifically required under Special Condition S1.B.1.b. above): a. Construction activities that discharge all stormwater and non-stormwater to ground water, sanitary sewer, or combined sewer, and have no point source discharge to either surface water or a storm sewer system that drains to surface waters of the State. b. Construction activities covered under an Erosivity Waiver (Special Condition S2.C). c. Routine maintenance that is performed to maintain the original line and grade, hydraulic capacity, or original purpose of a facility. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 6 C. Authorized Discharges: 1. Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity. Subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit, Permittees are authorized to discharge stormwater associated with construction activity to surface waters of the State or to a storm sewer system that drains to surface waters of the State. (Note that “surface waters of the State” may exist on a construction site as well as off site; for example, a creek running through a site.) 2. Stormwater Associated with Construction Support Activity. This permit also authorizes stormwater discharge from support activities related to the permitted construction site (for example, an on-site portable rock crusher, off-site equipment staging yards, material storage areas, borrow areas, etc.) provided: a. The support activity relates directly to the permitted construction site that is required to have an NPDES permit; and b. The support activity is not a commercial operation serving multiple unrelated construction projects, and does not operate beyond the completion of the construction activity; and c. Appropriate controls and measures are identified in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the discharges from the support activity areas. 3. Non-Stormwater Discharges. The categories and sources of non-stormwater discharges identified below are authorized conditionally, provided the discharge is consistent with the terms and conditions of this permit: a. Discharges from fire-fighting activities. b. Fire hydrant s ystem flushing. c. Potable water, including uncontaminated water line flushing. d. Hydrostatic test water. e. Uncontaminated air conditioning or compressor condensate. f. Uncontaminated ground water or spring water. g. Uncontaminated excavation dewatering water (in accordance with S9.D.10). h. Uncontaminated discharges from foundation or footing drains. i. Uncontaminated or potable water used to control dust. Permittees must minimize the amount of dust control water used. j. Routine external building wash down that does not use detergents. k. Landscape irrigation water. The SWPPP must adequately address all authorized non-stormwater discharges, except for discharges from fire-fighting activities, and must comply with Special Condition S3. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 7 At a minimum, discharges from potable water (including water line flushing), fire hydrant system flushing, and pipeline hydrostatic test water must undergo the following: dechlorination to a concentration of 0.1 parts per million (ppm) or less, and pH adjustment to within 6.5 – 8.5 standard units (su), if necessary. D. Prohibited Discharges: The following discharges to waters of the State, including ground water, are prohibited. 1. Concrete wastewater. 2. Wastewater from washout and clean-up of stucco, paint, form release oils, curing compounds and other construction materials. 3. Process wastewater as defined by 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 122.2 (see Appendix A of this permit). 4. Slurry materials and waste from shaft drilling, including process wastewater from shaft drilling for construction of building, road, and bridge foundations unless managed according to Special Condition S9.D.9.j. 5. Fuels, oils, or other pollutants used in vehicle and equipment operation and maintenance. 6. Soaps or solvents used in vehicle and equipment washing. 7. Wheel wash wastewater, unless managed according to Special Condition S9.D.9. 8. Discharges from dewatering activities, including discharges from dewatering of trenches and excavations, unless managed according to Special Condition S9.D.10. E. Limits on Coverage Ecology may require any discharger to apply for and obtain coverage under an individual permit or another more specific general permit. Such alternative coverage will be required when Ecology determines that this CSWGP does not provide adequate assurance that water quality will be protected, or there is a reasonable potential for the project to cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards. The following stormwater discharges are not covered by this permit: 1. Post-construction stormwater discharges that originate from the site after completion of construction activities and the site has undergone final stabilization. 2. Non-point source silvicultural activities such as nursery operations, site preparation, reforestation and subsequent cultural treatment, thinning, prescribed burning, pest and fire control, harvesting operations, surface drainage, or road construction and maintenance, from which there is natural runoff as excluded in 40 CFR Subpart 122. 3. Stormwater from any federal operator. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 8 4. Stormwater from facilities located on “Indian Country” as defined in 18 U.S.C.§1151, except portions of the Puyallup Reservation as noted below. Indian Country includes: a. All land within any Indian Reservation notwithstanding the issuance of any patent, and, including rights-of-way running through the reservation. This includes all federal, tribal, and Indian and non-Indian privately owned land within the reservation. b. All off-reservation Indian allotments, the Indian titles to which have not been extinguished, including rights-of-way running through the same. c. All off-reservation federal trust lands held for Native American Tribes. Puyallup Exception: Following the Puyallup Tribes of Indians Land Settlement Act of 1989, 25 U.S.C. §1773; the permit does apply to land within the Puyallup Reservation except for discharges to surface water on land held in trust by the federal government. 5. Stormwater from any site covered under an existing NPDES individual permit in which stormwater management and/or treatment requirements are included for all stormwater discharges associated with construction activity. 6. Stormwater from a site where an applicable Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirement specifically precludes or prohibits discharges from construction activity. S2. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS A. Permit Application Forms 1. Notice of Intent Form/Timeline a. Operators of new or previously unpermitted construction activities must submit a complete and accurate permit application (Notice of Intent, or NOI) to Ecology. b. Operators must apply using the electronic application form (NOI) available on Ecology’s website http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/ construction/index.html. Permittees unable to submit electronically (for example, those who do not have an internet connection) must contact Ecology to request a waiver and obtain instructions on how to obtain a paper NOI. Department of Ecology Water Quality Program - Construction Stormwater PO Box 47696 Olympia, Washington 98504-7696 Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 9 c. The operator must submit the NOI at least 60 days before discharging stormwater from construction activities and must submit it on or before the date of the first public notice (see Special Condition S2.B below for details). The 30- day public comment period begins on the publication date of the second public notice. Unless Ecology responds to the complete application in writing, based on public comments, or any other relevant factors, coverage under the general permit will automatically commence on the thirty-first day following receipt by Ecology of a completed NOI, or the issuance date of this permit, whichever is later; unless Ecology specifies a later date in writing as required by WAC173- 226-200(2). d. If an applicant intends to use a Best Management Practice (BMP) selected on the basis of Special Condition S9.C.4 (“demonstrably equivalent” BMPs), the applicant must notify Ecology of its selection as part of the NOI. In the event the applicant selects BMPs after submission of the NOI, it must provide notice of the selection of an equivalent BMP to Ecology at least 60 days before intended use of the equivalent BMP. e. Permittees must notify Ecology regarding any changes to the information provided on the NOI by submitting an updated NOI. Examples of such changes include, but are not limited to: i. Changes to the Permittee’s mailing address, ii. Changes to the on-site contact person information, and iii. Changes to the area/acreage affected by construction activity. f. Applicants must notify Ecology if they are aware of contaminated soils and/or groundwater associated with the construction activity. Provide detailed information with the NOI (as known and readily available) on the nature and extent of the contamination (concentrations, locations, and depth), as well as pollution prevention and/or treatment BMPs proposed to control the discharge of soil and/or groundwater contaminants in stormwater. Examples of such detail may include, but are not limited to: i. List or table of all known contaminants with laboratory test results showing concentration and depth, ii. Map with sample locations, iii. Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) plans, iv. Related portions of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that address the management of contaminated and potentially contaminated construction stormwater and dewatering water, v. Dewatering plan and/or dewatering contingency plan. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 10 2. Transfer of Coverage Form The Permittee can transfer current coverage under this permit to one or more new operators, including operators of sites within a Common Plan of Development, provided the Permittee submits a Transfer of Coverage Form in accordance with General Condition G9. Transfers do not require public notice. B. Public Notice For new or previously unpermitted construction activities, the applicant must publish a public notice at least one time each week for two consecutive weeks, at least 7 days apart, in a newspaper with general circulation in the county where the construction is to take place. The notice must contain: 1. A statement that “The applicant is seeking coverage under the Washington State Department of Ecology’s Construction Stormwater NPDES and State Waste Discharge General Permit”. 2. The name, address and location of the construction site. 3. The name and address of the applicant. 4. The type of construction activity that will result in a discharge (for example, residential construction, commercial construction, etc.), and the number of acres to be disturbed. 5. The name of the receiving water(s) (that is, the surface water(s) to which the site will discharge), or, if the discharge is through a storm sewer system, the name of the operator of the system. 6. The statement: “Any persons desiring to present their views to the Washington State Department of Ecology regarding this application, or interested in Ecology’s action on this application, may notify Ecology in writing no later than 30 days of the last date of publication of this notice. Ecology reviews public comments and considers whether discharges from this project would cause a measurable change in receiving water quality, and, if so, whether the project is necessary and in the overriding public interest according to Tier II antidegradation requirements under WAC 173-201A-320. Comments can be submitted to: Department of Ecology, PO Box 47696, Olympia, Washington 98504-7696 Attn: Water Quality Program, Construction Stormwater.” Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 11 C. Erosivity Waiver Construction site operators may qualify for an erosivity waiver from the CSWGP if the following conditions are met: 1. The site will result in the disturbance of fewer than 5 acres and the site is not a portion of a common plan of development or sale that will disturb 5 acres or greater. 2. Calculation of Erosivity “R” Factor and Regional Timeframe: a. The project’s rainfall erosivity factor (“R” Factor) must be less than 5 during the period of construction activity, as calculated (see the CSWGP homepage http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/construction/index.html for a link to the EPA’s calculator and step by step instructions on computing the “R” Factor in the EPA Erosivity Waiver Fact Sheet). The period of construction activity starts when the land is first disturbed and ends with final stabilization. In addition: b. The entire period of construction activity must fall within the following timeframes: i. For sites west of the Cascades Crest: June 15 – September 15. ii. For sites east of the Cascades Crest, excluding the Central Basin: June 15 – October 15. iii. For sites east of the Cascades Crest, within the Central Basin: no additional timeframe restrictions apply. The Central Basin is defined as the portions of Eastern Washington with mean annual precipitation of less than 12 inches. For a map of the Central Basin (Average Annual Precipitation Region 2), refer to http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/ construction/resourcesguidance.html. 3. Construction site operators must submit a complete Erosivity Waiver certification form at least one week before disturbing the land. Certification must include statements that the operator will: a. Comply with applicable local stormwater requirements; and b. Implement appropriate erosion and sediment control BMPs to prevent violations of water quality standards. 4. This waiver is not available for facilities declared significant contributors of pollutants as defined in Special Condition S1.B.1.b. or for any size construction activity that could reasonably expect to cause a violation of any water quality standard as defined in Special Condition S1.B.1.b.ii. 5. This waiver does not apply to construction activities which include non- stormwater discharges listed in Special Condition S1.C.3. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 12 6. If construction activity extends beyond the certified waiver period for any reason, the operator must either: a. Recalculate the rainfall erosivity “R” factor using the original start date and a new projected ending date and, if the “R” factor is still under 5 and the entire project falls within the applicable regional timeframe in Special Condition S2.C.2.b, complete and submit an amended waiver certification form before the original waiver expires; or b. Submit a complete permit application to Ecology in accordance with Special Condition S2.A and B before the end of the certified waiver period. S3. COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS A. Discharges must not cause or contribute to a violation of surface water quality standards (Chapter 173-201A WAC), ground water quality standards (Chapter 173-200 WAC), sediment management standards (Chapter 173-204 WAC), and human health-based criteria in the National Toxics Rule (40 CFR Part 131.36). Discharges not in compliance with these standards are not authorized. B. Prior to the discharge of stormwater and non-stormwater to waters of the State, the Permittee must apply all known, available, and reasonable methods of prevention, control, and treatment (AKART). This includes the preparation and implementation of an adequate SWPPP, with all appropriate BMPs installed and maintained in accordance with the SWPPP and the terms and conditions of this permit. C. Ecology presumes that a Permittee complies with water quality standards unless discharge monitoring data or other site-specific information demonstrates that a discharge causes or contributes to a violation of water quality standards, when the Permittee complies with the following conditions. The Permittee must fully: 1. Comply with all permit conditions, including planning, sampling, monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping conditions. 2. Implement stormwater BMPs contained in stormwater management manuals published or approved by Ecology, or BMPs that are demonstrably equivalent to BMPs contained in stormwater technical manuals published or approved by Ecology, including the proper selection, implementation, and maintenance of all applicable and appropriate BMPs for on-site pollution control. (For purposes of this section, the stormwater manuals listed in Appendix 10 of the Phase I Municipal Stormwater Permit are approved by Ecology.) D. Where construction sites also discharge to ground water, the ground water discharges must also meet the terms and conditions of this CSWGP. Permittees who discharge to ground water through an injection well must also comply with any applicable requirements of the Underground Injection Control (UIC) regulations, Chapter 173-218 WAC. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 13 S4. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS, BENCHMARKS AND REPORTING TRIGGERS A. Site Log Book The Permittee must maintain a site log book that contains a record of the implementation of the SWPPP and other permit requirements, including the installation and maintenance of BMPs, site inspections, and stormwater monitoring. B. Site Inspections The Permittee’s site inspections must include all areas disturbed by construction activities, all BMPs, and all stormwater discharge points under the Permittee’s operational control. (See Special Conditions S4.B.3 and B.4 below for detailed requirements of the Permittee’s Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead [CESCL].) Construction sites one acre or larger that discharge stormwater to surface waters of the State must have site inspections conducted by a certified CESCL. Sites less than one acre may have a person without CESCL certification conduct inspections. 1. The Permittee must examine stormwater visually for the presence of suspended sediment, turbidity, discoloration, and oil sheen. The Permittee must evaluate the effectiveness of BMPs and determine if it is necessary to install, maintain, or repair BMPs to improve the quality of stormwater discharges. Based on the results of the inspection, the Permittee must correct the problems identified by: a. Reviewing the SWPPP for compliance with Special Condition S9 and making appropriate revisions within 7 days of the inspection. b. Immediately beginning the process of fully implementing and maintaining appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible, addressing the problems no later than within 10 days of the inspection. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when an extension is requested by a Permittee within the initial 10-day response period. c. Documenting BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. 2. The Permittee must inspect all areas disturbed by construction activities, all BMPs, and all stormwater discharge points at least once every calendar week and within 24 hours of any discharge from the site. (For purposes of this condition, individual discharge events that last more than one day do not require daily inspections. For example, if a stormwater pond discharges continuously over the course of a week, only one inspection is required that week.) The Permittee may reduce the inspection frequency for temporarily stabilized, inactive sites to once every calendar month. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 14 3. The Permittee must have staff knowledgeable in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control. The CESCL (sites one acre or more) or inspector (sites less than one acre) must have the skills to assess the: a. Site conditions and construction activities that could impact the quality of stormwater, and b. Effectiveness of erosion and sediment control measures used to control the quality of stormwater discharges. 4. The SWPPP must identify the CESCL or inspector, who must be present on site or on-call at all times. The CESCL must obtain this certification through an approved erosion and sediment control training program that meets the minimum training standards established by Ecology (see BMP C160 in the manual referred to in Special Condition S9.C.1 and 2). 5. The Permittee must summarize the results of each inspection in an inspection report or checklist and enter the report/checklist into, or attach it to, the site log book. At a minimum, each inspection report or checklist must include: a. Inspection date and time. b. Weather information, the general conditions during inspection and the approximate amount of precipitation since the last inspection, and precipitation within the last 24 hours. c. A summary or list of all implemented BMPs, including observations of all erosion/sediment control structures or practices. d. A description of the locations: i. Of BMPs inspected; ii. Of BMPs that need maintenance and why; iii. Of BMPs that failed to operate as designed or intended; and iv. Where additional or different BMPs are needed, and why. e. A description of stormwater discharged from the site. The Permittee must note the presence of suspended sediment, turbidity, discoloration, and oil sheen, as applicable. f. Any water quality monitoring performed during inspection. g. General comments and notes, including a brief description of any BMP repairs, maintenance or installations made following the inspection. h. A summary report and a schedule of implementation of the remedial actions that the Permittee plans to take if the site inspection indicates that the site is out of compliance. The remedial actions taken must meet the requirements of the SWPPP and the permit. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 15 i. The name, title, and signature of the person conducting the site inspection, a phone number or other reliable method to reach this person, and the following statement: “I certify that this report is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.” Table 3: Summary of Primary Monitoring Requirements Size of Soil Disturbance1 Weekly Site Inspections Weekly Sampling w/ Turbidity Meter Weekly Sampling w/ Transparency Tube Weekly pH Sampling2 CESCL Required for Inspections? Sites that disturb less than 1 acre, but are part of a larger Common Plan of Development Required Not Required Not Required Not Required No Sites that disturb 1 acre or more, but fewer than 5 acres Required Sampling Required – either method3 Required Yes Sites that disturb 5 acres or more Required Required Not Required4 Required Yes 1 Soil disturbance is calculated by adding together all areas that will be affected by construction activity. Construction activity means clearing, grading, excavation, and any other activity that disturbs the surface of the land, including ingress/egress from the site. 2 If construction activity results in the disturbance of 1 acre or more, and involves significant concrete work (1,000 cubic yards of poured concrete or recycled concrete over the life of a project) or the use of engineered soils (soil amendments including but not limited to Portland cement-treated base [CTB], cement kiln dust [CKD], or fly ash), and stormwater from the affected area drains to surface waters of the State or to a storm sewer stormwater collection system that drains to other surface waters of the State, the Permittee must conduct pH sampling in accordance with Special Condition S4.D. 3 Sites with one or more acres, but fewer than 5 acres of soil disturbance, must conduct turbidity or transparency sampling in accordance with Special Condition S4.C. 4 Sites equal to or greater than 5 acres of soil disturbance must conduct turbidity sampling using a turbidity meter in accordance with Special Condition S4.C. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 16 C. Turbidity/Transparency Sampling Requirements 1. Sampling Methods a. If construction activity involves the disturbance of 5 acres or more, the Permittee must conduct turbidity sampling per Special Condition S4.C. b. If construction activity involves 1 acre or more but fewer than 5 acres of soil disturbance, the Permittee must conduct either transparency sampling or turbidity sampling per Special Condition S4.C. 2. Sampling Frequency a. The Permittee must sample all discharge points at least once every calendar week when stormwater (or authorized non-stormwater) discharges from the site or enters any on-site surface waters of the state (for example, a creek running through a site); sampling is not required on sites that disturb less than an acre. b. Samples must be representative of the flow and characteristics of the discharge. c. Sampling is not required when there is no discharge during a calendar week. d. Sampling is not required outside of normal working hours or during unsafe conditions. e. If the Permittee is unable to sample during a monitoring period, the Permittee must include a brief explanation in the monthly Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR). f. Sampling is not required before construction activity begins. g. The Permittee may reduce the sampling frequency for temporarily stabilized, inactive sites to once every calendar month. 3. Sampling Locations a. Sampling is required at all points where stormwater associated with construction activity (or authorized non-stormwater) is discharged off site, including where it enters any on-site surface waters of the state (for example, a creek running through a site). b. The Permittee may discontinue sampling at discharge points that drain areas of the project that are fully stabilized to prevent erosion. c. The Permittee must identify all sampling point(s) on the SWPPP site map and clearly mark these points in the field with a flag, tape, stake or other visible marker. d. Sampling is not required for discharge that is sent directly to sanitary or combined sewer systems. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 17 e. The Permittee may discontinue sampling at discharge points in areas of the project where the Permittee no longer has operational control of the construction activity. 4. Sampling and Analysis Methods a. The Permittee performs turbidity analysis with a calibrated turbidity meter (turbidimeter) either on site or at an accredited lab. The Permittee must record the results in the site log book in nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs). b. The Permittee performs transparency analysis on site with a 1¾-inch-diameter, 60-centimeter (cm)-long transparency tube. The Permittee will record the results in the site log book in centimeters (cm). Table 4: Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Parameter Unit Analytical Method Sampling Frequency Benchmark Value Phone Reporting Trigger Value Turbidity NTU SM2130 Weekly, if discharging 25 NTUs 250 NTUs Transparency cm Manufacturer instructions, or Ecology guidance Weekly, if discharging 33 cm 6 cm 5. Turbidity/Transparency Benchmark Values and Reporting Triggers The benchmark value for turbidity is 25 NTUs or less. The benchmark value for transparency is 33 centimeters (cm). Note: Benchmark values do not apply to discharges to segments of water bodies on Washington State’s 303(d) list (Category 5) for turbidity, fine sediment, or phosphorus; these discharges are subject to a numeric effluent limit for turbidity. Refer to Special Condition S8 for more information. a. Turbidity 26 – 249 NTUs, or Transparency 32 – 7 cm: If the discharge turbidity is 26 to 249 NTUs; or if discharge transparency is less than 33 cm, but equal to or greater than 6 cm, the Permittee must: i. Review the SWPPP for compliance with Special Condition S9 and make appropriate revisions within 7 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. ii. Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible, addressing the problems within 10 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when the Permittee requests an extension within the initial 10-day response period. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 18 iii. Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. b. Turbidity 250 NTUs or greater, or Transparency 6 cm or less: If a discharge point’s turbidity is 250 NTUs or greater, or if discharge transparency is less than or equal to 6 cm, the Permittee must complete the reporting and adaptive management process described below. i. Telephone or submit an electronic report to the applicable Ecology Region’s Environmental Report Tracking System (ERTS) number (or through Ecology’s Water Quality Permitting Portal [WQWebPortal] – Permit Submittals when the form is available) within 24 hours, in accordance with Special Condition S5.A.  Central Region (Okanogan, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Yakima, Klickitat, Benton): (509) 575-2490  Eastern Region (Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman): (509) 329-3400  Northwest Region (Kitsap, Snohomish, Island, King, San Juan, Skagit, Whatcom): (425) 649-7000  Southwest Region (Grays Harbor, Lewis, Mason, Thurston, Pierce, Clark, Cowlitz, Skamania, Wahkiakum, Clallam, Jefferson, Pacific): (360) 407-6300 Links to these numbers and the ERTS reporting page are located on the following web site: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/construction/index.html. ii. Review the SWPPP for compliance with Special Condition S9 and make appropriate revisions within 7 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. iii. Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible, addressing the problems within 10 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when the Permittee requests an extension within the initial 10-day response period. iv. Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. v. Sample discharges daily until: a) Turbidity is 25 NTUs (or lower); or b) Transparency is 33 cm (or greater); or Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 19 c) The Permittee has demonstrated compliance with the water quality limit for turbidity: 1) No more than 5 NTUs over background turbidity, if background is less than 50 NTUs, or 2) No more than 10% over background turbidity, if background is 50 NTUs or greater; or d) The discharge stops or is eliminated. D. pH Sampling Requirements – Significant Concrete Work or Engineered Soils If construction activity results in the disturbance of 1 acre or more, and involves significant concrete work (significant concrete work means greater than 1000 cubic yards poured concrete or recycled concrete used over the life of a project) or the use of engineered soils (soil amendments including but not limited to Portland cement-treated base [CTB], cement kiln dust [CKD], or fly ash), and stormwater from the affected area drains to surface waters of the State or to a storm sewer system that drains to surface waters of the State, the Permittee must conduct pH sampling as set forth below. Note: In addition, discharges to segments of water bodies on Washington State’s 303(d) list (Category 5) for high pH are subject to a numeric effluent limit for pH; refer to Special Condition S8. 1. For sites with significant concrete work, the Permittee must begin the pH sampling period when the concrete is first poured and exposed to precipitation, and continue weekly throughout and after the concrete pour and curing period, until stormwater pH is in the range of 6.5 to 8.5 (su). 2. For sites with recycled concrete where monitoring is required, the Permittee must begin the weekly pH sampling period when the recycled concrete is first exposed to precipitation and must continue until the recycled concrete is fully stabilized with the stormwater pH in the range of 6.5 to 8.5 (su). 3. For sites with engineered soils, the Permittee must begin the pH sampling period when the soil amendments are first exposed to precipitation and must continue until the area of engineered soils is fully stabilized. 4. During the applicable pH monitoring period defined above, the Permittee must obtain a representative sample of stormwater and conduct pH analysis at least once per week. 5. The Permittee must sample pH in the sediment trap/pond(s) or other locations that receive stormwater runoff from the area of significant concrete work or engineered soils before the stormwater discharges to surface waters. 6. The benchmark value for pH is 8.5 standard units. Anytime sampling indicates that pH is 8.5 or greater, the Permittee must either: Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 20 a. Prevent the high pH water (8.5 or above) from entering storm sewer systems or surface waters; or b. If necessary, adjust or neutralize the high pH water until it is in the range of pH 6.5 to 8.5 (su) using an appropriate treatment BMP such as carbon dioxide (CO2) sparging or dry ice. The Permittee must obtain written approval from Ecology before using any form of chemical treatment other than CO2 sparging or dry ice. 7. The Permittee must perform pH analysis on site with a calibrated pH meter, pH test kit, or wide range pH indicator paper. The Permittee must record pH sampling results in the site log book. S5. REPORTING AND RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS A. High Turbidity Reporting Anytime sampling performed in accordance with Special Condition S4.C indicates turbidity has reached the 250 NTUs or more (or transparency less than or equal to 6 cm) high turbidity reporting level, the Permittee must either call the applicable Ecology Region’s Environmental Report Tracking System (ERTS) number by phone within 24 hours of analysis or submit an electronic ERTS report (or submit an electronic report through Ecology’s Water Quality Permitting Portal (WQWebPortal) – Permit Submittals when the form is available). See the CSWGP web site for links to ERTS and the WQWebPortal: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/construction/ index.html. Also, see phone numbers in Special Condition S4.C.5.b.i. B. Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) Permittees required to conduct water quality sampling in accordance with Special Conditions S4.C (Turbidity/Transparency), S4.D (pH), S8 (303[d]/TMDL sampling), and/or G13 (Additional Sampling) must submit the results to Ecology. Permittees must submit monitoring data using Ecology's WQWebDMR web application accessed through Ecology’s Water Quality Permitting Portal. To find out more information and to sign up for WQWebDMR go to: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/ wq/permits/paris/portal.html. Permittees unable to submit electronically (for example, those who do not have an internet connection) must contact Ecology to request a waiver and obtain instructions on how to obtain a paper copy DMR at: Department of Ecology Water Quality Program - Construction Stormwater PO Box 47696 Olympia, Washington 98504-7696 Permittees who obtain a waiver not to use WQWebDMR must use the forms provided to them by Ecology; submittals must be mailed to the address above. Permittees shall Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 21 submit DMR forms to be received by Ecology within 15 days following the end of each month. If there was no discharge during a given monitoring period, all Permittees must submit a DMR as required with “no discharge" entered in place of the monitoring results. DMRs are required for the full duration of permit coverage (from issuance date to termination). For more information, contact Ecology staff using information provided at the following web site: www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/permits/paris/contacts.html. C. Records Retention The Permittee must retain records of all monitoring information (site log book, sampling results, inspection reports/checklists, etc.), Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, copy of the permit coverage letter (including Transfer of Coverage documentation), and any other documentation of compliance with permit requirements for the entire life of the construction project and for a minimum of three years following the termination of permit coverage. Such information must include all calibration and maintenance records, and records of all data used to complete the application for this permit. This period of retention must be extended during the course of any unresolved litigation regarding the discharge of pollutants by the Permittee or when requested by Ecology. D. Recording Results For each measurement or sample taken, the Permittee must record the following information: 1. Date, place, method, and time of sampling or measurement. 2. The first and last name of the individual who performed the sampling or measurement. 3. The date(s) the analyses were performed. 4. The first and last name of the individual who performed the analyses. 5. The analytical techniques or methods used. 6. The results of all analyses. E. Additional Monitoring by the Permittee If the Permittee monitors any pollutant more frequently than required by this permit using test procedures specified by Special Condition S4 of this permit, the results of this monitoring must be included in the calculation and reporting of the data submitted in the Permittee’s DMR. F. Noncompliance Notification In the event the Permittee is unable to comply with any part of the terms and conditions of this permit, and the resulting noncompliance may cause a threat to human health or the environment (such as but not limited to spills of fuels or other materials, catastrophic pond or slope failure, and discharges that violate water quality standards), or exceed Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 22 numeric effluent limitations (see S8. Discharges to 303(d) or TMDL Waterbodies), the Permittee must, upon becoming aware of the circumstance: 1. Notify Ecology within 24-hours of the failure to comply by calling the applicable Regional office ERTS phone number (refer to Special Condition S4.C.5.b.i. or www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/construction/turbidity.html for Regional ERTS phone numbers). 2. Immediately take action to prevent the discharge/pollution, or otherwise stop or correct the noncompliance, and, if applicable, repeat sampling and analysis of any noncompliance immediately and submit the results to Ecology within five (5) days of becoming aware of the violation. 3. Submit a detailed written report to Ecology within five (5) days, of the time the Permittee becomes aware of the circumstances, unless requested earlier by Ecology. The report must be submitted using Ecology’s Water Quality Permitting Portal (WQWebPortal) - Permit Submittals, unless a waiver from electronic reporting has been granted according to S5.B. The report must contain a description of the noncompliance, including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and the steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance. The Permittee must report any unanticipated bypass and/or upset that exceeds any effluent limit in the permit in accordance with the 24-hour reporting requirement contained in 40 C.F.R. 122.41(l)(6). Compliance with these requirements does not relieve the Permittee from responsibility to maintain continuous compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit or the resulting liability for failure to comply. Upon request of the Permittee, Ecology may waive the requirement for a written report on a case-by- case basis, if the immediate notification is received by Ecology within 24 hours. G. Access to Plans and Records 1. The Permittee must retain the following permit documentation (plans and records) on site, or within reasonable access to the site, for use by the operator or for on-site review by Ecology or the local jurisdiction: a. General Permit b. Permit Coverage Letter c. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) d. Site Log Book 2. The Permittee must address written requests for plans and records listed above (Special Condition S5.G.1) as follows: Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 23 a. The Permittee must provide a copy of plans and records to Ecology within 14 days of receipt of a written request from Ecology. b. The Permittee must provide a copy of plans and records to the public when requested in writing. Upon receiving a written request from the public for the Permittee’s plans and records, the Permittee must either: i. Provide a copy of the plans and records to the requester within 14 days of a receipt of the written request; or ii. Notify the requester within 10 days of receipt of the written request of the location and times within normal business hours when the plans and records may be viewed; and provide access to the plans and records within 14 days of receipt of the written request; or iii. Within 14 days of receipt of the written request, the Permittee may submit a copy of the plans and records to Ecology for viewing and/or copying by the requester at an Ecology office, or a mutually agreed location. If plans and records are viewed and/or copied at a location other than at an Ecology office, the Permittee will provide reasonable access to copying services for which a reasonable fee may be charged. The Permittee must notify the requester within 10 days of receipt of the request where the plans and records may be viewed and/or copied. S6. PERMIT FEES The Permittee must pay permit fees assessed by Ecology. Fees for stormwater discharges covered under this permit are established by Chapter 173-224 WAC. Ecology continues to assess permit fees until the permit is terminated in accordance with Special Condition S10 or revoked in accordance with General Condition G5. S7. SOLID AND LIQUID WASTE DISPOSAL The Permittee must handle and dispose of solid and liquid wastes generated by construction activity, such as demolition debris, construction materials, contaminated materials, and waste materials from maintenance activities, including liquids and solids from cleaning catch basins and other stormwater facilities, in accordance with: A. Special Condition S3, Compliance with Standards B. WAC 173-216-110 C. Other applicable regulations S8. DISCHARGES TO 303(d) OR TMDL WATERBODIES A. Sampling and Numeric Effluent Limits For Certain Discharges to 303(d)-listed Waterbodies Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 24 1. Permittees who discharge to segments of waterbodies listed as impaired by the State of Washington under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act for turbidity, fine sediment, high pH, or phosphorus, must conduct water quality sampling according to the requirements of this section, and Special Conditions S4.C.2.b-f and S4.C.3.b-d, and must comply with the applicable numeric effluent limitations in S8.C and S8.D. 2. All references and requirements associated with Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act mean the most current listing by Ecology of impaired waters (Category 5) that exists on January 1, 2016, or the date when the operator’s complete permit application is received by Ecology, whichever is later. B. Limits on Coverage for New Discharges to TMDL or 303(d)-listed Waters Operators of construction sites that discharge to a TMDL or 303(d)-listed waterbody are not eligible for coverage under this permit unless the operator: 1. Prevents exposing stormwater to pollutants for which the waterbody is impaired, and retains documentation in the SWPPP that details procedures taken to prevent exposure on site; or 2. Documents that the pollutants for which the waterbody is impaired are not present at the site, and retains documentation of this finding within the SWPPP; or 3. Provides Ecology with data indicating the discharge is not expected to cause or contribute to an exceedance of a water quality standard, and retains such data on site with the SWPPP. The operator must provide data and other technical information to Ecology that sufficiently demonstrate: a. For discharges to waters without an EPA-approved or -established TMDL, that the discharge of the pollutant for which the water is impaired will meet in- stream water quality criteria at the point of discharge to the waterbody; or b. For discharges to waters with an EPA-approved or -established TMDL, that there is sufficient remaining wasteload allocation in the TMDL to allow construction stormwater discharge and that existing dischargers to the waterbody are subject to compliance schedules designed to bring the waterbody into attainment with water quality standards. Operators of construction sites are eligible for coverage under this permit if Ecology issues permit coverage based upon an affirmative determination that the discharge will not cause or contribute to the existing impairment. C. Sampling and Numeric Effluent Limits for Discharges to Water Bodies on the 303(d) List for Turbidity, Fine Sediment, or Phosphorus 1. Permittees who discharge to segments of water bodies on the 303(d) list (Category 5) for turbidity, fine sediment, or phosphorus must conduct turbidity sampling in accordance with Special Condition S4.C.2 and comply with either of the numeric effluent limits noted in Table 5 below. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 25 2. As an alternative to the 25 NTUs effluent limit noted in Table 5 below (applied at the point where stormwater [or authorized non-stormwater] is discharged off-site), Permittees may choose to comply with the surface water quality standard for turbidity. The standard is: no more than 5 NTUs over background turbidity when the background turbidity is 50 NTUs or less, or no more than a 10% increase in turbidity when the background turbidity is more than 50 NTUs. In order to use the water quality standard requirement, the sampling must take place at the following locations: a. Background turbidity in the 303(d)-listed receiving water immediately upstream (upgradient) or outside the area of influence of the discharge. b. Turbidity at the point of discharge into the 303(d)-listed receiving water, inside the area of influence of the discharge. 3. Discharges that exceed the numeric effluent limit for turbidity constitute a violation of this permit. 4. Permittees whose discharges exceed the numeric effluent limit shall sample discharges daily until the violation is corrected and comply with the non- compliance notification requirements in Special Condition S5.F. Table 5: Turbidity, Fine Sediment & Phosphorus Sampling and Limits for 303(d)-Listed Waters Parameter identified in 303(d) listing Parameter Sampled Unit Analytical Method Sampling Frequency Numeric Effluent Limit1  Turbidity  Fine Sediment  Phosphorus Turbidity NTU SM2130 Weekly, if discharging 25 NTUs, at the point where stormwater is discharged from the site; OR In compliance with the surface water quality standard for turbidity (S8.C.2.a) 1Permittees subject to a numeric effluent limit for turbidity may, at their discretion, choose either numeric effluent limitation based on site-specific considerations including, but not limited to, safety, access and convenience. D. Discharges to Water Bodies on the 303(d) List for High pH 1. Permittees who discharge to segments of water bodies on the 303(d) list (Category 5) for high pH must conduct pH sampling in accordance with the table below, and comply with the numeric effluent limit of pH 6.5 to 8.5 su (Table 6). Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 26 Table 6: pH Sampling and Limits for 303(d)-Listed Waters Parameter identified in 303(d) listing Parameter Sampled/Units Analytical Method Sampling Frequency Numeric Effluent Limit High pH pH /Standard Units pH meter Weekly, if discharging In the range of 6.5 – 8.5 2. At the Permittee’s discretion, compliance with the limit shall be assessed at one of the following locations: a. Directly in the 303(d)-listed waterbody segment, inside the immediate area of influence of the discharge; or b. Alternatively, the Permittee may measure pH at the point where the discharge leaves the construction site, rather than in the receiving water. 3. Discharges that exceed the numeric effluent limit for pH (outside the range of 6.5 – 8.5 su) constitute a violation of this permit. 4. Permittees whose discharges exceed the numeric effluent limit shall sample discharges daily until the violation is corrected and comply with the non- compliance notification requirements in Special Condition S5.F. E. Sampling and Limits for Sites Discharging to Waters Covered by a TMDL or Another Pollution Control Plan 1. Discharges to a waterbody that is subject to a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for turbidity, fine sediment, high pH, or phosphorus must be consistent with the TMDL. Refer to http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/tmdl/ TMDLsbyWria/TMDLbyWria.html for more information on TMDLs. a. Where an applicable TMDL sets specific waste load allocations or requirements for discharges covered by this permit, discharges must be consistent with any specific waste load allocations or requirements established by the applicable TMDL. i. The Permittee must sample discharges weekly or as otherwise specified by the TMDL to evaluate compliance with the specific waste load allocations or requirements. ii. Analytical methods used to meet the monitoring requirements must conform to the latest revision of the Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants contained in 40 CFR Part 136. Turbidity and pH methods need not be accredited or registered unless conducted at a laboratory which must otherwise be accredited or registered. b. Where an applicable TMDL has established a general waste load allocation for construction stormwater discharges, but has not identified specific requirements, Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 27 compliance with Special Conditions S4 (Monitoring) and S9 (SWPPPs) will constitute compliance with the approved TMDL. c. Where an applicable TMDL has not specified a waste load allocation for construction stormwater discharges, but has not excluded these discharges, compliance with Special Conditions S4 (Monitoring) and S9 (SWPPPs) will constitute compliance with the approved TMDL. d. Where an applicable TMDL specifically precludes or prohibits discharges from construction activity, the operator is not eligible for coverage under this permit. 2. Applicable TMDL means a TMDL for turbidity, fine sediment, high pH, or phosphorus that is completed and approved by EPA before January 1, 2016, or before the date the operator’s complete permit application is received by Ecology, whichever is later. TMDLs completed after the operator’s complete permit application is received by Ecology become applicable to the Permittee only if they are imposed through an administrative order by Ecology, or through a modification of permit coverage. S9. STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN The Permittee must prepare and properly implement an adequate Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for construction activity in accordance with the requirements of this permit beginning with initial soil disturbance and until final stabilization. A. The Permittee’s SWPPP must meet the following objectives: 1. To implement best management practices (BMPs) to prevent erosion and sedimentation, and to identify, reduce, eliminate or prevent stormwater contamination and water pollution from construction activity. 2. To prevent violations of surface water quality, ground water quality, or sediment management standards. 3. To control peak volumetric flow rates and velocities of stormwater discharges. B. General Requirements 1. The SWPPP must include a narrative and drawings. All BMPs must be clearly referenced in the narrative and marked on the drawings. The SWPPP narrative must include documentation to explain and justify the pollution prevention decisions made for the project. Documentation must include: a. Information about existing site conditions (topography, drainage, soils, vegetation, etc.). b. Potential erosion problem areas. c. The 13 elements of a SWPPP in Special Condition S9.D.1-13, including BMPs used to address each element. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 28 d. Construction phasing/sequence and general BMP implementation schedule. e. The actions to be taken if BMP performance goals are not achieved—for example, a contingency plan for additional treatment and/or storage of stormwater that would violate the water quality standards if discharged. f. Engineering calculations for ponds, treatment systems, and any other designed structures. When a treatment system requires engineering calculations, these calculations must be included in the SWPPP. Engineering calculations do not need to be included in the SWPPP for treatment systems that do not require such calculations. 2. The Permittee must modify the SWPPP if, during inspections or investigations conducted by the owner/operator, or the applicable local or state regulatory authority, it is determined that the SWPPP is, or would be, ineffective in eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants in stormwater discharges from the site. The Permittee must then: a. Review the SWPPP for compliance with Special Condition S9 and make appropriate revisions within 7 days of the inspection or investigation. b. Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible, addressing the problems no later than 10 days from the inspection or investigation. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when an extension is requested by a Permittee within the initial 10-day response period. c. Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. The Permittee must modify the SWPPP whenever there is a change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance at the construction site that has, or could have, a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to waters of the State. C. Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) BMPs must be consistent with: 1. Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (most current approved edition at the time this permit was issued), for sites west of the crest of the Cascade Mountains; or 2. Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington (most current approved edition at the time this permit was issued), for sites east of the crest of the Cascade Mountains; or 3. Revisions to the manuals listed in Special Condition S9.C.1. & 2., or other stormwater management guidance documents or manuals which provide an equivalent level of pollution prevention, that are approved by Ecology and incorporated into this permit in accordance with the permit modification requirements of WAC 173-226-230; or Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 29 4. Documentation in the SWPPP that the BMPs selected provide an equivalent level of pollution prevention, compared to the applicable Stormwater Management Manuals, including: a. The technical basis for the selection of all stormwater BMPs (scientific, technical studies, and/or modeling) that support the performance claims for the BMPs being selected. b. An assessment of how the selected BMP will satisfy AKART requirements and the applicable federal technology-based treatment requirements under 40 CFR part 125.3. D. SWPPP – Narrative Contents and Requirements The Permittee must include each of the 13 elements below in Special Condition S9.D.1-13 in the narrative of the SWPPP and implement them unless site conditions render the element unnecessary and the exemption from that element is clearly justified in the SWPPP. 1. Preserve Vegetation/Mark Clearing Limits a. Before beginning land-disturbing activities, including clearing and grading, clearly mark all clearing limits, sensitive areas and their buffers, and trees that are to be preserved within the construction area. b. Retain the duff layer, native topsoil, and natural vegetation in an undisturbed state to the maximum degree practicable. 2. Establish Construction Access a. Limit construction vehicle access and exit to one route, if possible. b. Stabilize access points with a pad of quarry spalls, crushed rock, or other equivalent BMPs, to minimize tracking sediment onto roads. c. Locate wheel wash or tire baths on site, if the stabilized construction entrance is not effective in preventing tracking sediment onto roads. d. If sediment is tracked off site, clean the affected roadway thoroughly at the end of each day, or more frequently as necessary (for example, during wet weather). Remove sediment from roads by shoveling, sweeping, or pickup and transport of the sediment to a controlled sediment disposal area. e. Conduct street washing only after sediment removal in accordance with Special Condition S9.D.2.d. Control street wash wastewater by pumping back on site or otherwise preventing it from discharging into systems tributary to waters of the State. 3. Control Flow Rates a. Protect properties and waterways downstream of development sites from erosion and the associated discharge of turbid waters due to increases in the Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 30 velocity and peak volumetric flow rate of stormwater runoff from the project site, as required by local plan approval authority. b. Where necessary to comply with Special Condition S9.D.3.a, construct stormwater retention or detention facilities as one of the first steps in grading. Assure that detention facilities function properly before constructing site improvements (for example, impervious surfaces). c. If permanent infiltration ponds are used for flow control during construction, protect these facilities from siltation during the construction phase. 4. Install Sediment Controls The Permittee must design, install and maintain effective erosion controls and sediment controls to minimize the discharge of pollutants. At a minimum, the Permittee must design, install and maintain such controls to: a. Construct sediment control BMPs (sediment ponds, traps, filters, infiltration facilities, etc.) as one of the first steps in grading. These BMPs must be functional before other land disturbing activities take place. b. Minimize sediment discharges from the site. The design, installation and maintenance of erosion and sediment controls must address factors such as the amount, frequency, intensity and duration of precipitation, the nature of resulting stormwater runoff, and soil characteristics, including the range of soil particle sizes expected to be present on the site. c. Direct stormwater runoff from disturbed areas through a sediment pond or other appropriate sediment removal BMP, before the runoff leaves a construction site or before discharge to an infiltration facility. Runoff from fully stabilized areas may be discharged without a sediment removal BMP, but must meet the flow control performance standard of Special Condition S9.D.3.a. d. Locate BMPs intended to trap sediment on site in a manner to avoid interference with the movement of juvenile salmonids attempting to enter off-channel areas or drainages. e. Provide and maintain natural buffers around surface waters, direct stormwater to vegetated areas to increase sediment removal and maximize stormwater infiltration, unless infeasible. f. Where feasible, design outlet structures that withdraw impounded stormwater from the surface to avoid discharging sediment that is still suspended lower in the water column. 5. Stabilize Soils a. The Permittee must stabilize exposed and unworked soils by application of effective BMPs that prevent erosion. Applicable BMPs include, but are not limited to: temporary and permanent seeding, sodding, mulching, plastic covering, erosion control fabrics and matting, soil application of polyacrylamide Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 31 (PAM), the early application of gravel base on areas to be paved, and dust control. b. The Permittee must control stormwater volume and velocity within the site to minimize soil erosion. c. The Permittee must control stormwater discharges, including both peak flow rates and total stormwater volume, to minimize erosion at outlets and to minimize downstream channel and stream bank erosion. d. Depending on the geographic location of the project, the Permittee must not allow soils to remain exposed and unworked for more than the time periods set forth below to prevent erosion: West of the Cascade Mountains Crest During the dry season (May 1 - September 30): 7 days During the wet season (October 1 - April 30): 2 days East of the Cascade Mountains Crest, except for Central Basin* During the dry season (July 1 - September 30): 10 days During the wet season (October 1 - June 30): 5 days The Central Basin*, East of the Cascade Mountains Crest During the dry season (July 1 - September 30): 30 days During the wet season (October 1 - June 30): 15 days *Note: The Central Basin is defined as the portions of Eastern Washington with mean annual precipitation of less than 12 inches. e. The Permittee must stabilize soils at the end of the shift before a holiday or weekend if needed based on the weather forecast. f. The Permittee must stabilize soil stockpiles from erosion, protected with sediment trapping measures, and where possible, be located away from storm drain inlets, waterways, and drainage channels. g. The Permittee must minimize the amount of soil exposed during construction activity. h. The Permittee must minimize the disturbance of steep slopes. i. The Permittee must minimize soil compaction and, unless infeasible, preserve topsoil. 6. Protect Slopes a. The Permittee must design and construct cut-and-fill slopes in a manner to minimize erosion. Applicable practices include, but are not limited to, reducing continuous length of slope with terracing and diversions, reducing slope steepness, and roughening slope surfaces (for example, track walking). Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 32 b. The Permittee must divert off-site stormwater (run-on) or ground water away from slopes and disturbed areas with interceptor dikes, pipes, and/or swales. Off-site stormwater should be managed separately from stormwater generated on the site. c. At the top of slopes, collect drainage in pipe slope drains or protected channels to prevent erosion. i. West of the Cascade Mountains Crest: Temporary pipe slope drains must handle the peak 10-minute flow rate from a Type 1A, 10-year, 24-hour frequency storm for the developed condition. Alternatively, the 10-year, 1-hour flow rate predicted by an approved continuous runoff model, increased by a factor of 1.6, may be used. The hydrologic analysis must use the existing land cover condition for predicting flow rates from tributary areas outside the project limits. For tributary areas on the project site, the analysis must use the temporary or permanent project land cover condition, whichever will produce the highest flow rates. If using the Western Washington Hydrology Model (WWHM) to predict flows, bare soil areas should be modeled as "landscaped area.” ii. East of the Cascade Mountains Crest: Temporary pipe slope drains must handle the expected peak flow rate from a 6-month, 3-hour storm for the developed condition, referred to as the short duration storm. d. Place excavated material on the uphill side of trenches, consistent with safety and space considerations. e. Place check dams at regular intervals within constructed channels that are cut down a slope. 7. Protect Drain Inlets a. Protect all storm drain inlets made operable during construction so that stormwater runoff does not enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or treated to remove sediment. b. Clean or remove and replace inlet protection devices when sediment has filled one-third of the available storage (unless a different standard is specified by the product manufacturer). 8. Stabilize Channels and Outlets a. Design, construct and stabilize all on-site conveyance channels to prevent erosion from the following expected peak flows: i. West of the Cascade Mountains Crest: Channels must handle the peak 10-minute flow rate from a Type 1A, 10-year, 24-hour frequency storm for the developed condition. Alternatively, the 10-year, 1-hour flow rate indicated by an approved continuous runoff model, increased by a factor of 1.6, may be used. The hydrologic analysis must use the existing land Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 33 cover condition for predicting flow rates from tributary areas outside the project limits. For tributary areas on the project site, the analysis must use the temporary or permanent project land cover condition, whichever will produce the highest flow rates. If using the WWHM to predict flows, bare soil areas should be modeled as "landscaped area.” ii. East of the Cascade Mountains Crest: Channels must handle the expected peak flow rate from a 6-month, 3-hour storm for the developed condition, referred to as the short duration storm. b. Provide stabilization, including armoring material, adequate to prevent erosion of outlets, adjacent stream banks, slopes, and downstream reaches at the outlets of all conveyance systems. 9. Control Pollutants Design, install, implement and maintain effective pollution prevention measures to minimize the discharge of pollutants. The Permittee must: a. Handle and dispose of all pollutants, including waste materials and demolition debris that occur on site in a manner that does not cause contamination of stormwater. b. Provide cover, containment, and protection from vandalism for all chemicals, liquid products, petroleum products, and other materials that have the potential to pose a threat to human health or the environment. On-site fueling tanks must include secondary containment. Secondary containment means placing tanks or containers within an impervious structure capable of containing 110% of the volume contained in the largest tank within the containment structure. Double- walled tanks do not require additional secondary containment. c. Conduct maintenance, fueling, and repair of heavy equipment and vehicles using spill prevention and control measures. Clean contaminated surfaces immediately following any spill incident. d. Discharge wheel wash or tire bath wastewater to a separate on-site treatment system that prevents discharge to surface water, such as closed-loop recirculation or upland land application, or to the sanitary sewer with local sewer district approval. e. Apply fertilizers and pesticides in a manner and at application rates that will not result in loss of chemical to stormwater runoff. Follow manufacturers’ label requirements for application rates and procedures. f. Use BMPs to prevent contamination of stormwater runoff by pH-modifying sources. The sources for this contamination include, but are not limited to: bulk cement, cement kiln dust, fly ash, new concrete washing and curing waters, recycled concrete stockpiles, waste streams generated from concrete grinding and sawing, exposed aggregate processes, dewatering concrete vaults, concrete Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 34 pumping and mixer washout waters. (Also refer to the definition for "concrete wastewater" in Appendix A--Definitions.) g. Adjust the pH of stormwater or authorized non-stormwater if necessary to prevent an exceedance of groundwater and/or surface water quality standards. h. Assure that washout of concrete trucks is performed off-site or in designated concrete washout areas only. Do not wash out concrete truck drums or concrete handling equipment onto the ground, or into storm drains, open ditches, streets, or streams. Washout of concrete handling equipment may be disposed of in a designated concrete washout area or in a formed area awating concrete where it will not contaminate surface or ground water. Do not dump excess concrete on site, except in designated concrete washout areas. Concrete spillage or concrete discharge directly to groundwater or surface waters of the State is prohibited. Do not wash out to formed areas awaiting LID facilities. i. Obtain written approval from Ecology before using any chemical treatment, with the exception of CO2 or dry ice used to adjust pH. j. Uncontaminated water from water-only based shaft drilling for construction of building, road, and bridge foundations may be infiltrated provided the wastewater is managed in a way that prohibits discharge to surface waters. Prior to infiltration, water from water-only based shaft drilling that comes into contact with curing concrete must be neutralized until pH is in the range of 6.5 to 8.5 (su). 10. Control Dewatering a. Permittees must discharge foundation, vault, and trench dewatering water, which have characteristics similar to stormwater runoff at the site, into a controlled conveyance system before discharge to a sediment trap or sediment pond. b. Permittees may discharge clean, non-turbid dewatering water, such as well- point ground water, to systems tributary to, or directly into surface waters of the State, as specified in Special Condition S9.D.8, provided the dewatering flow does not cause erosion or flooding of receiving waters. Do not route clean dewatering water through stormwater sediment ponds. Note that “surface waters of the State” may exist on a construction site as well as off site; for example, a creek running through a site. c. Other dewatering treatment or disposal options may include: i. Infiltration. ii. Transport off site in a vehicle, such as a vacuum flush truck, for legal disposal in a manner that does not pollute state waters. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 35 iii. Ecology-approved on-site chemical treatment or other suitable treatment technologies (see S9.D.9.i. regarding chemical treatment written approval). iv. Sanitary or combined sewer discharge with local sewer district approval, if there is no other option. v. Use of a sedimentation bag with discharge to a ditch or swale for small volumes of localized dewatering. d. Permittees must handle highly turbid or contaminated dewatering water separately from stormwater. 11. Maintain BMPs a. Permittees must maintain and repair all temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control BMPs as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function in accordance with BMP specifications. b. Permittees must remove all temporary erosion and sediment control BMPs within 30 days after achieving final site stabilization or after the temporary BMPs are no longer needed. 12. Manage the Project a. Phase development projects to the maximum degree practicable and take into account seasonal work limitations. b. Inspection and monitoring – Inspect, maintain and repair all BMPs as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function. Conduct site inspections and monitoring in accordance with Special Condition S4. c. Maintaining an updated construction SWPPP – Maintain, update, and implement the SWPPP in accordance with Special Conditions S3, S4 and S9. 13. Protect Low Impact Development (LID) BMPs The primary purpose of LID BMPs/On-site LID Stormwater Management BMPs is to reduce the disruption of the natural site hydrology. LID BMPs are permanent facilities. a. Permittees must protect all Bioretention and Rain Garden facilities from sedimentation through installation and maintenance of erosion and sediment control BMPs on portions of the site that drain into the Bioretention and/or Rain Garden facilities. Restore the facilities to their fully functioning condition if they accumulate sediment during construction. Restoring the facility must include removal of sediment and any sediment-laden Bioretention/Rain Garden soils, and replacing the removed soils with soils meeting the design specification. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 36 b. Permittees must maintain the infiltration capabilities of Bioretention and Rain Garden facilities by protecting against compaction by construction equipment and foot traffic. Protect completed lawn and landscaped areas from compaction due to construction equipment. c. Permittees must control erosion and avoid introducing sediment from surrounding land uses onto permeable pavements. Do not allow muddy construction equipment on the base material or pavement. Do not allow sediment-laden runoff onto permeable pavements. d. Permittees must clean permeable pavements fouled with sediments or no longer passing an initial infiltration test using local stormwater manual methodology or the manufacturer’s procedures. e. Permittees must keep all heavy equipment off existing soils under LID facilities that have been excavated to final grade to retain the infiltration rate of the soils. E. SWPPP – Map Contents and Requirements The Permittee’s SWPPP must also include a vicinity map or general location map (for example, a USGS quadrangle map, a portion of a county or city map, or other appropriate map) with enough detail to identify the location of the construction site and receiving waters within one mile of the site. The SWPPP must also include a legible site map (or maps) showing the entire construction site. The following features must be identified, unless not applicable due to site conditions: 1. The direction of north, property lines, and existing structures and roads. 2. Cut and fill slopes indicating the top and bottom of slope catch lines. 3. Approximate slopes, contours, and direction of stormwater flow before and after major grading activities. 4. Areas of soil disturbance and areas that will not be disturbed. 5. Locations of structural and nonstructural controls (BMPs) identified in the SWPPP. 6. Locations of off-site material, stockpiles, waste storage, borrow areas, and vehicle/equipment storage areas. 7. Locations of all surface water bodies, including wetlands. 8. Locations where stormwater or non-stormwater discharges off-site and/or to a surface waterbody, including wetlands. 9. Location of water quality sampling station(s), if sampling is required by state or local permitting authority. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 37 10. Areas where final stabilization has been accomplished and no further construction- phase permit requirements apply. 11. Location or proposed location of LID facilities. S10. NOTICE OF TERMINATION A. The site is eligible for termination of coverage when it has met any of the following conditions: 1. The site has undergone final stabilization, the Permittee has removed all temporary BMPs (except biodegradable BMPs clearly manufactured with the intention for the material to be left in place and not interfere with maintenance or land use), and all stormwater discharges associated with construction activity have been eliminated; or 2. All portions of the site that have not undergone final stabilization per Special Condition S10.A.1 have been sold and/or transferred (per General Condition G9), and the Permittee no longer has operational control of the construction activity; or 3. For residential construction only, the Permittee has completed temporary stabilization and the homeowners have taken possession of the residences. B. When the site is eligible for termination, the Permittee must submit a complete and accurate Notice of Termination (NOT) form, signed in accordance with General Condition G2, to: Department of Ecology Water Quality Program – Construction Stormwater PO Box 47696 Olympia, Washington 98504-7696 When an electronic termination form is available, the Permittee may choose to submit a complete and accurate Notice of Termination (NOT) form through the Water Quality Permitting Portal rather than mailing a hardcopy as noted above. The termination is effective on the thirty-first calendar day following the date Ecology receives a complete NOT form, unless Ecology notifies the Permittee that the termination request is denied because the Permittee has not met the eligibility requirements in Special Condition S10.A. Permittees are required to comply with all conditions and effluent limitations in the permit until the permit has been terminated. Permittees transferring the property to a new property owner or operator/Permittee are required to complete and submit the Notice of Transfer form to Ecology, but are not required to submit a Notice of Termination form for this type of transaction. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 38 GENERAL CONDITIONS G1. DISCHARGE VIOLATIONS All discharges and activities authorized by this general permit must be consistent with the terms and conditions of this general permit. Any discharge of any pollutant more frequent than or at a level in excess of that identified and authorized by the general permit must constitute a violation of the terms and conditions of this permit. G2. SIGNATORY REQUIREMENTS A. All permit applications must bear a certification of correctness to be signed: 1. In the case of corporations, by a responsible corporate officer; 2. In the case of a partnership, by a general partner of a partnership; 3. In the case of sole proprietorship, by the proprietor; or 4. In the case of a municipal, state, or other public facility, by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. B. All reports required by this permit and other information requested by Ecology (including NOIs, NOTs, and Transfer of Coverage forms) must be signed by a person described above or by a duly authorized representative of that person. A person is a duly authorized representative only if: 1. The authorization is made in writing by a person described above and submitted to Ecology. 2. The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility for the overall operation of the regulated facility, such as the position of plant manager, superintendent, position of equivalent responsibility, or an individual or position having overall responsibility for environmental matters. C. Changes to authorization. If an authorization under paragraph G2.B.2 above is no longer accurate because a different individual or position has responsibility for the overall operation of the facility, a new authorization satisfying the requirements of paragraph G2.B.2 above must be submitted to Ecology prior to or together with any reports, information, or applications to be signed by an authorized representative. D. Certification. Any person signing a document under this section must make the following certification: “I certify under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering information, the information submitted is, to the best of my Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 39 knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.” G3. RIGHT OF INSPECTION AND ENTRY The Permittee must allow an authorized representative of Ecology, upon the presentation of credentials and such other documents as may be required by law: A. To enter upon the premises where a discharge is located or where any records are kept under the terms and conditions of this permit. B. To have access to and copy – at reasonable times and at reasonable cost – any records required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit. C. To inspect – at reasonable times – any facilities, equipment (including monitoring and control equipment), practices, methods, or operations regulated or required under this permit. D. To sample or monitor – at reasonable times – any substances or parameters at any location for purposes of assuring permit compliance or as otherwise authorized by the Clean Water Act. G4. GENERAL PERMIT MODIFICATION AND REVOCATION This permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 173-226 WAC. Grounds for modification, revocation and reissuance, or termination include, but are not limited to, the following: A. When a change occurs in the technology or practices for control or abatement of pollutants applicable to the category of dischargers covered under this permit. B. When effluent limitation guidelines or standards are promulgated pursuant to the CWA or Chapter 90.48 RCW, for the category of dischargers covered under this permit. C. When a water quality management plan containing requirements applicable to the category of dischargers covered under this permit is approved, or D. When information is obtained that indicates cumulative effects on the environment from dischargers covered under this permit are unacceptable. G5. REVOCATION OF COVERAGE UNDER THE PERMIT Pursuant to Chapter 43.21B RCW and Chapter 173-226 WAC, the Director may terminate coverage for any discharger under this permit for cause. Cases where coverage may be terminated include, but are not limited to, the following: A. Violation of any term or condition of this permit. B. Obtaining coverage under this permit by misrepresentation or failure to disclose fully all relevant facts. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 40 C. A change in any condition that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the permitted discharge. D. Failure or refusal of the Permittee to allow entry as required in RCW 90.48.090. E. A determination that the permitted activity endangers human health or the environment, or contributes to water quality standards violations. F. Nonpayment of permit fees or penalties assessed pursuant to RCW 90.48.465 and Chapter 173-224 WAC. G. Failure of the Permittee to satisfy the public notice requirements of WAC 173-226- 130(5), when applicable. The Director may require any discharger under this permit to apply for and obtain coverage under an individual permit or another more specific general permit. Permittees who have their coverage revoked for cause according to WAC 173-226-240 may request temporary coverage under this permit during the time an individual permit is being developed, provided the request is made within ninety (90) days from the time of revocation and is submitted along with a complete individual permit application form. G6. REPORTING A CA