HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010RESOLUTION NO. 2O1O A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, establishing urban centers as defined for multi-family residential tax exemption purposes, declaring the City Council's intent to designate greater Downtown Kent and the Midway subarea as Residential Targeted Areas, and setting a public hearing for May L9, 2020, to consider such designations pursuant to Chapter 84.14, Revised Code of Washington. RECITALS A, Chapter 84.L4 RCW provides an exemption from ad valorem property taxation for qualifying multifamily housing projects located in Residential Targeted Areas within urban centers, as defined in that chapter, and authorizes cities to adopt necessary procedures to implement the state legislation. B. Chapter 84.L4 RCW requires that Residential Targeted Areas be located within urban centers as established by the City Council. The urban center designation required under this statute is separate and distinct from the urban center designation associated with the City's Comprehensive Plan, 1 Targeted Residential Investment Program - Greater Downtown and Midway C. The City has identified two areas suitable for designation as urban centers that would also be appropriate for selection as "Residential Targeted Areas" under Chapter 84.t4 RCW. These areas, greater Downtown Kent and the Midway subarea, appear to lack sufficient available, desirable, and convenient residential hgtrsing to meet the needs of the public who would likely live in these urban centers, if affordable, desirable, attractive, and livable places were available. D. The City declares its intent, for public consideration, to designate greater Downtown Kent and the Midway subarea as a Residential Targeted Areas within urban centers to include (1) the geographic area of greater Downtown Kent bordered generally by Titus Street, the Green River, Willis Street, South Z40th/James Street, and Cloudy Street, and (2) the Midway subarea as laid out in the Midway Subarea Plan, which geographic area is bordered generally by Interstate 5 on the east, and the city limits on the west and south. See Exhibits C and D for proposed maps of the greater Downtown Kent and Midway areas, respectively. E. Chapter 84.L4 RCW requires the City Council hold a public hearing to consider the designation of the Residential Targeted Areas within urban centers. F. Due to the current limitations and obstacles presented by the current public health crisis, the City Council elects under Kent City Code 2.57.O4O(B) to consider this matter directly, rather than have efforts duplicated by the Land Use and Planning Board. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 2 Targeted Residential Investment Program - Greater Downtown and Midway RESOLUTION SECTION 7, Findinq; Urban Center Desianations. For the purposes of Chapter 84.L4 RCW, the greater Downtown Kent and Midway areas shown on Exhibit A and Exhibit B, respectively, are appropriate for determination as urban centers. These areas provide a variety of products and services including shops, offices, hotels, restaurants, and banks. Each area is served by adequate public streets, has sufficient sidewalks, is generally well served by public street and sidewalk lighting, and provides access to transit by bus, the Sounder train station, or the future Kent light rail station, The areas are also well served with sufficient public water, sewer and storm systems. Finally, the areas connect to a network of urban recreational facilities, including trails along the Green River, the Interurban Trail, and the City's Riverbend Golf Complex. SECTION 2. - Residential Targeted Areas ldentified. The City Council will, after holding a public hearing, determine whether the greater Downtown Kent area, identified on Exhibit C, and the Midway subarea, identified on Exhibit D, should be designated "Residential Targeted Areas" pursuant to the process and rules established by Chapter 84.14 RCW. The greater Downtown Kent area is bordered generally by Titus Street, the Green River, Willis Street, South Z40th/James Street, and Cloudy Street, The Midway subarea is as laid out in the Midway Subarea Plan, and includes the geographic area bordered generally by Interstate 5 on the east, and the city limits on the west and south. In determining whether these areas should be designated as Residential Targeted Areas, the City Council will consider these and other factors: A. That the areas have no available, desirable, affordable, and convenient residential housing, and if housing were available, the public would be likely to live in these areas. 3 Targeted Residential Investment Program - Greater Downtown and Midway B. That the designation of these Residential Targeted Areas would encourage increased residential opportunities and stimulate construction of new multifamily housing that will increase and improve residential housing opportunities in each urban center. SECTION 3. - Statement of Intent, At the conclusion of the public hearing and after publishing statutory notice, the City Council intends to designate the greater Downtown Kent and Midway subarea as Residential Targeted Areas for purposes of Chapter 84.t4 RCW, SECTION 4. - Public Hearing Date Set A public hearing to consider designations of Residential Targeted Areas for exemption from ad valorem property taxation for qualifying multifamily housing shall be held at a regular meeting of the Kent City Council at 7:00 p.ffi., Tuesday, May 19, 2020, in the Council Chambers of City Hall located at 22O 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington, 98032. If required for Council convenience or necessity, the date, time, and location are subject to change, and the public hearing may need to be conducted electronically or telephonically. SECTION 5. - Notice. The City Clerk will give proper notice of the hearing and cause the notice to be posted as provided by state law, Chapter 84.L4 RCW. SECTION 6. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this resolution is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this resolution and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 7, - Corrections by City Clerk. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk is authorized to make necessary corrections to this resolution, including the correction of clerical errors; resolution, section, or 4 Targeted Residential Investment Program - Greater Downtown and Midway subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 8. - Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. DANA MLPH, MAYO Aonl 2t. 2O20 Date Approved ft April2L,2020 Date AdoptedKIMBERLEYMOTO, CITY RK APPROVED AS TO FO ..PAT,,CK,EY 5 Targeted Residential Investment Program - Greater Downtown and Midway Greater Downtown Urbon Center EXHIBITA 6t6 lt fsuo,6 l!o aawv s 236 ST JAM 2 3 ES ST WJAMES sT ta !l@ RD s K9N1'o9s 6 sZ gf, th a dl vl a -i_j-r il il lr j l-t_ l+l i L! L.] Midwqy Urban Center EXHIBIT B L t!!l +rH-fiHi AlLn iE /ffi L__ ##t I rl +l ;ffi *sffi / I J il ffiffi ftql i_,liF ftffi ffiffi ilffi ffi ffi Itl F{H F*Y+* ffi IF $i 1 E I Hd*[18 Hiltn ffitr1il ffi 5 Greoter Downtown RTA """. W JAMES ST W JAME5 ST z t4 rtro RD s*gN1'ogs IA ? H v, a('t 6 sZ $F 523.2PL ta ?EXHIBIT C I Midwoy RTA fii, r' , ::ij I I I r ri-'tl..ii \..1j !"- '!t-1,: iii -t* - I ) l- i.l --:,. .Ti _ l'l l l.--.1| ,".| ,;'t, I itl f.;. j r i..: i,ij TI rTl rl ir ,.;1-ri.,iiii illi, L: ta l-t iiTIl.:lil I Il;:llill t,j.j .-i ii r : , i-i. 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