HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the city of Kent, Washington, authorizing a salary survey for non-represented employees. RECITALS A.It has been a nearly a decade since the City conducted a salary survey for its non-represented employees. B.The City currently is in need of a compensation review for non- represented positions due in large part to the time lapse since the previous survey and the increasingly competitive labor market for specialty classifications (e.g. engineering and design), technical classifications (e.g. information technology), and key management positions. C.In order to provide quality service to the public and carry out the City's overall strategic plan effectively and efficiently, Kent must attract and retain highly qualified, competent and innovative people for its workforce. Employees are one of the City's most valuable assets and conducting this survey will help us recruit top talent and retain the talent the City already has. Conducting this survey and authorizing any resulting market adjustments will also improve employee morale and engagement. D.The survey will assess key benchmark positions against the average of selected comparable cities. This will provide non·-represented positions with the same level of salary review as compared to represented employees. 2016 -2017 Salary Survey Resolution E.The Human Resources Department (HR) proposes that a salary survey be conducted using a three-phase approach beginning in the fall of 2016. First, HR will survey line level (professional/administrative) positions; next, it will survey mid-management positions; and finally, top management positions will be surveyed. HR intends to complete this process in the summer 2017. F.A majority of the cities utilized by HR as comparables will be those cities utilized as comparables for Kent's various bargaining units. However, in order to obtain the most reliable comparable data, and due to changing demographics and the unique kinds of work conducted by many non-represented employees, HR may select some cities that were not utilized as bargaining unit comparables. G.HR intends to utilize existing staff in its Labor, Cl.ass and Compensation division (LCC) to conduct the survey, which results in no additional cost to the City. H.To assist HR staff with some of the initial work and with employee appeals, a delegate from each department will be part of a task force that will assist LCC in completing this project. I.For this survey, LCC staff will be comparing current base salary (plus longevity when applicable) of benchmark positions (minus health care cost of employee with full family) with the market average of like positions of the comparable cities. If the market average is higher than in Kent, staff will recommend an upward adjustment to achieve the average. If the market average is lower than in Kent, no market adjustment will be recommended. J.Relying primarily on a survey conducted by the Association of Washington Cities and secondarily on the 2016 Washington Public Employers Salary Survey for Puget Sound Region cities conducted by the Milliman 2 2016 -2017 Salary Survey Resolution company, a national provider of actuarial salary survey services, it is estimated that the final cost for market adjustments to non-represented positions will be as follows: Phase 1 Estimated Cost Phase 2 Estimated Cost Phase 3 Estimated Cost Social Sec/DRS/Medicare ;$ 311/1-54.0Q 157,733.00 25,776.00 526,963.00 x18% 621,816.34 K.As the above explanation reflects, this procedure is complex, with extensive review of job descriptions within both Kent and comparable cities, close examination of salary and benefit levels, and detailed analysis of all the data gathered. As a result, and with a desire to assist the city's policymakers, this resolution includes a condition that the City Council approve or disapprove the results of this survey as a complete package, restricting the council's ability to adjust any individual position salaries. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTl'ON 1. -Recitals Incorporated. The foregoing recitals are incorporated into this resolution and shall further act as the findings of the Kent City Council on this matter. SECTION 2. -The Kent City Council approves and authorizes conducting the three-phased salary survey for non-represented city employees as generally described in this resolution. The Council further authorizes HR to select an appropriate group of comparable cities for non­ represented salary comparisons. Last, the Council, by approving this resolution, confirms that it will approve or disapprove the staff's recommended salary adjustments at the conclusion of this process as a 3 2016 -2017 Salary Survey Resolution complete set of adjustments for all non-represented positions, eliminating Council's ability to adjust any of the individual position recommendations within the set of recommended adjustments. SECTION 3. -Severabifity. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this resolution is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this resolution and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. -Corrections by City Clerk. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk is authorized to make necessary corrections to this resolution, including the correction of clerical errors; resolution, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal iaws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 5. -Effective Date. This resolution shall tak� effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. ATTEST: SLJZEITTE ./ SUE HANSON, INTERIM CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: 4 2016 -2017 Salary Survey Resolution PASSED: 2016. APPROVED: I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. P:\Clvll\Resolutlon\Salary Survey.doc (SEAL) SUE HANSON, INTERIM CITY CLERK 5 2016 -2017 Salary Survey Resplution