HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927RESOLUTION NO. /9',2 7 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, ratifying the amendment of the King County Countywide Planning Policies to provide that jurisdictions can consider the full range of programs including mandatory programs that will assist in meeting their share of the countywide need for affordable housing adopted by the Metropolitan King County Council and pursuant to the Growth Management Act. RECITALS A.The adoption of countywide planning policies is required under the State Growth Management Act (GMA), pursuant to RCW 36.70A.210. The Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs) provide a framework for Kent and other cities in King County to conduct planning under the requirements of GMA. This framework ensures that city and county comprehensive plans are consistent. B.On March 14, 2016, the Metropolitan King County Council approved and ratified Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) Motion No. 15-2, adopted by the GMPC on November 6, 2015, to add new language to policy H-8 to reflect the full range of programs, from optional Countywide Planning Affordable Housing Resolution to mandatory, that could assist a jurisdiction in meeting their share of the countywide need for affordable housing. C.Now the amendment and new policy are presented to jurisdictions in King County for ratification. D.The King County Council approved and ratified the new policy on behalf of unincorporated King County pursuant to King County Ordinance No. 18256. E. The Kent City Council's Economic and Community Development Committee reviewed the text and policy amendments at its meeting on May 9, 2016, and recommended approval to the full City Council. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Amendment. The city of Kent, acting pursuant to the interlocal agreement among King County, the city of Seattle, and incorporated suburban cities, hereby ratifies the proposed amendment to the Countywide Planning Policies as adopted by the Metropolitan King County Council in King County Ordinance No. 18256, attached hereto and incorporated as Exhibit A. SECTION 2. -Public Inspection. The amendment to the Countywide Planning Policies adopted herein shall be filed with the city clerk and placed in the planning services office so they are available for inspection by the public. Countywide Planning Affordable Housing Resolution SECTION 3. -Severabilitv. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. SECTION 4. -Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. SECTION 5. -Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the city of Kent, Washington, this � day of �!J , 2016. The Mayor of the city of Kent hereby concurs this /� day of � , 2016. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY P:\Clvll\Resofutlon\Countywlde Plannlng P<.>lfoy Kc 11256.Doot Countywide Planning Affordable Housing Resolution � ·King County March 25, 2016 The Honorable Suzette Cooke City of-Kent 220-4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 . Dear Mayor Cooke: Exhibit A REC m, 1 tr-1.·,.,. D m lt t.:::;. U MAR 2 9 2016 Ou• City Of Kc-·nt 11tce f ; · 0 i'he Mayor W'9 are pleased to forward for your qonsideration and ratification the enclosed amendment to the King County Countywide Planning Policies (CPP). On March 14, 2016, the Metropolitan King County Council approved and ratified the amendment on behalf of unincorporated King County. The ordinance will become effective Sunday, March 27, 2016. Copies of the transmittal letter, King County Council staff report, ordinance and Growth Management Planning Council motion are enclosed to assist you in your review of this amendment. In accordance with the CPP, G-1, amendments become effective when ratified ·by ordinance or resolution by at least 30 percent of the city and county governments representing 70 percent of the population of King County according to the interlocal agreement. A city will be deemed to have ratified the CPP and amendments unless, with.in 90 days of adoption by King County, the city takes legislative action to disapprove the amendments. Please note that the 90-day deadline for these amendments is Saturday, June 25, 2016. If you adopt any legislation concerning this action, please send a copy of the legislation by the close of business, Friday, June 24, 2016, to Anne Noris, Clerk of the Council, Room 1200, King County Courthouse, 516 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104. If you have any questions about the amendments or ratification process, please contact Karen Wolf, Senior Strategy and Performance Analyst, King County Exhibit A Executive's Office, at 206 263-9649, or Christine Jensen, Metropolitan King County Council Staff, at 206 477-5702. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, Joe McDermott, Chair Metropolitan King County Council Enclosures cc: King County City Planning Directors Sound Cities Association Dow Constantine King County Executive Lauren Smith, Director, Regional Planning Karen Wolf, Senior Strategy and Performance Analyst Christine Jensen, Council Staff, Transportation, Environment and Economy Committee (TREE) Propti'se'ci No. 201 �-0 IO 1.1 Exhibit A KING COUNTY Sign<:1tlJf:<3 R,eport. i.iyiarch-15, 2016. ' ' Ordinance 18·256 .Sp·ons·ors Dembowski · ·1 ·... AN ORDINANCE ad�pting lrtld ratifying Grb�h · , ,.; ' •. r , , .• , • • .. ' '·•: ,,'I:' 2 Management Planning Council Motion 1 �-2. 1200 �irig County Courthouse 516 Third A venue Seatile, WA 981�� 3 . B°?,'It ORDAINED BYTHE COUNCIL OF KING'COD'NTY: '' 4 . SECTION 1. Findings: S · . . . A. Growth· Managen:iendllanning Council Motion 15-2 reco�ertds that policy_ . 6 . H-:-8.in the: 2012 King County Courttywide Planning 'Policies. be amended to address···. . ' ' . . : . . 7' ,· ;s;�i��i�s fo; affotdabl� hou�·i11i ,:: '. .. ' ', . " . . ·.. . ,8 ' ' ' 9 ... . ·.'. ', ··: · B. On J {bye1,11ber 6,'201'5,;the :Growth Management Planning.Co.uricil :;' __ :._,;:.' :,, o��iwh�l�i�iHJ:hc1opt�gM�ti�h· is�2� -�hi�h-.i�coinme�ds .thy 2012 King C�qht;. ,' ..:, �-: ,, .· .··:.�·:·· . � .. ' . . ' :: . ·/ _:_: · .. /,·;.·::. '.' .. ,� '' . . . '· ' ' ' .. . ',. Y-�/ �<i 10 . _CoUJityw1de r1antring-Policies be amended to.add.new language to policy H'.-8.to �eflect 11 ·. the full,rEillge·_ofprogr�s; from ·�pti�nai to mandato;� that c�mld assi�t· ;j�i�dic�ioi{i� 12 meeting_their share of the countywicie"need for a:ffcJJ.'dable_housing�. ·, ' ' '\ . . . ' ' 13· -SECTI�N 2 .. The �mehd�ent to the 2012 King County Countywide Pianning ·,, ',. ,, i:·· 1 Exhibit A Ordinance 18256 14 Policies, as 'sh.own in Attachment A to this ordinance; is hereby adopted· by King Cbunty. 15 ·arid ratified on behaif of the population of unincorporated King County. 16 · .. ' Q�dinance 1 s2s.6 was int.reduced· on 21si2016 ·and _passed by tiie' M�trop�litan King County Council. on 3/14/2016, by th� follow.,ing vote: . ' ' " ' ,-.. Yes: 9 -Mr: von Reichbauer, Mr,. Gossett, Ms: Larribert, Mr: Dunn, ·. ·Mr, McDermott, Mr.'Detllbowski, Mt; Uptheg.t6�/e,:Ms. Kohl-Welles,and Ms. Balducci . No:-0 '· Excused: 0 :-:r.' '�:1 KiNG COUNTY COUNCIL :r.: . ,' ,:;-r, jt', :::t)' : LJ_ :r;,. ·.rn· :::::0 0KING COUNTY, w.AsHiNcfrbN. . . . . . ' ·l ATT8ST:. �--,1'.0 ,.,·, · •• ��..,�-·, . . ,', ., '·· .. • ... ·. .. . , }\hne Noris,._Clerk cif�he Council ti-.� ...... ' APPROVED.this. l1--day of-� '..afil\o.·.. ' ... ) ' . ·,,,' -�-�' ·, ,... . � Dow Consta'ntine, Cdunty Executi�e Attachments:·A. GMPC Motion 15-2 2 rn < ·: rn e r ',' 11/6/15 Exhibit A ,.: .. _ .... :'20lil-l� ·1 · . · · · · · ATTAGHMENTA' . '. ..' ........... ' -·-.-�.. " ... .. : .... . . $ponso�:ed.By.:. ·. . E f· C 'tt · -,., .... x�cu i.v.e... onum ee ............. -- :·-···:-· ,' 'l' '' .l 2 ·. ,' ·345 6 7 ' '' '' ,8, .9 10 . ,· GMPC MOTION NO. 15-2 '• . ' A�OTION �ending·the}o12 Kip.� County' C,01111,tyv.ilde Pl��g· .Polictes; addressing strategies for providing· affordable housing. ' ' ' I ' • '. • ' • • •, \ ', • t ·WHEREAS, The Or�:iwth Managein�nt Planning Council (GMPC) 'developed polic�e� for the Countywide Planning ·Pqlicies (CP�s) that revised the method.for defining·housing, ne�d 'in the coµhty an� for allocating respclnsibillty among jurisdictioni to id�n�ify anq. address local b,ousing needs; and · · · i . . · · ·· ' ' . . ·. . '. . ' ' 11 ',: 12· ', ', ' ' WHEREAS, recent,-rapid gro�h in the COutJ.ty has eiae:erqated the shortage of 1�' '. :,affordaqle:housing; and I , ' 1·4 . . . ··. . . . · 15 · ' · WHEREAS :fue GMPC at its September 74, 2014,meeting heard present�tion� . · .... , · . ,16 · .. abo.ut the complex n:µxes offunding. sources reqµired to support· each rent-restricted · ·: 17·, ·. · ·' housingpi:�ject;'a nd ·· ·. ··is·:· · · · · 19 ..· WHEREAS, durµig discussion �fclimate ch�ge at the GMPCs )u1y'.z2, 2015: ' ··20 ' me�tU?,g, it was 1,1oted that proviq.jng.affc:irdab�e housing near employment cclnters,9r near.· .21 · . ):tlgh-capacity trapsit'can make lt 'e8:3ier for workei·s in low.:income hotiseb,olds'to·comriiute .. ·22' . fo work without driving a car· and without adclirtg .greel146u�� gases ,to th� atmosphere; �d . . . ' . . ' '' 23 •:' ,, , '' , ,' ', ' \ ', • ', I , ' , , ,' , , •. / , :· ·. 21 .... · · WEEREAS, a presentation.to GMPC at its. Novemb�r.Jf, 2015 .meeting bighlig}?-ted ·.·25 various �qo ls an�:l' pro grams focal gtj,vernments can use to incre�se the supply of housing 26 ' affordable,to'very'l<;>w, low. �d mode1;ate-income·households; and . ' 27 . . . · · . . . •,, : . . . . 28 · WHEREAS, currently the CPPs do.nbt expressly enc0urage'Jw·isdjctions to ,. 29 · consider the:full range of tools available'for producing affordable hoµsing; ·. .· · · ·. 30 . 3J 32 33 34 35 36 37·38·39·404142 ' .. .· . . . . NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Growth M1:µ1agement Pl'anning, · ·coui1cil of King Cotmty hereby ·recorpiµencls thatthe 2012 King Co\111tY Countywide :PJauning Policies be amehded as · follqws: .' . .· · . . · · · . · . ' I ' • ' H�8 Tailb'r h01,isiJ;lg policie� and ��·ategi�s to. iocal �eeds, co�ditions ·ru1d . opportunities, recognizingJhe unique strengths and �hall�nges of differe�t citie·s · and' sub-regions .. · Jurisdictions may consider a full range of programs, :ffom optional to mandatory: that will assist in· meeting· the jurisdiction's share of thecou.11 · ide need for. affordable 'housin . · · King Co�nty . . Dow Cons·tantine ........... �!ng. <;:o,�QtV:���ef@.Y.i •·; ,: 401 Fifth Avenue, Suite 800 ·seattle, WA 98104-.1818 · . 206-263-9600 Fax 206�296:..0194TTY Relay: 711 www. king county. gov . January 27, 2016 · •t:•r The Honorable Joe McDermott Chair, King. County Counci,lRoom 1200 · C O·:U RT H O U S � Exhibit A \. . j ',., D:ar Co�;'t�e��e';i]f ��'.;:%·. ::: <) ) /,. • ;,;; ?/;if/,.• \: . ; .. \ .·. ·.••.This letter transmits• ari. ordirianoe tb,�tviilJ. yri�bl¢J{uig ·{�ol,lllty tP :arn�11d the: Kiµg C,ountyCountywide Planning Polici�s '{CPP.s).so furit Juiisdictforis.°cah �ori�*Ielili,6j:� pf9grap.js 'to address-affordable ,housing, as :recoll11Ilended, by the Gro.wthiylanagement Planning Couriqil:-, (GMPC.) : . . , . This ordinruJ.�eh'�srri.its .GMPC MotioriJ5-2 'thatwas overwhelmingly.approved by the·· GMPC on N�v�iub�� 6; 2015. The·ordinance adopts ·and ratifies tlte' GMPC motion qn behalf· . of uninc.orpqrated IQ.ng Cqunfy.. 1 .. • • • ·. ' .. :,. . · :rvJ;otfon 15-2 amends ·Policy H-:8. to: clarify-tl).a.t jurisdictions_ can consider � full'range of . · programs, including both optional and mandaf�ry, to assist'them in meeting their share of the . . ·.·colllltywide need .for affordable ho_using. .· -I:his ordinance· integrates the goals of the King County Strategic· ,Plan by recognizing the roleof larid use planning' in .shaping· environmentally sustainable and economically viable· futurefor all peqple in King County .. Tlie County's role in the GMeC'rosters the ethic of workingtogether for "One IGng County" by· actively participating in regional 01;ganiz!ltions and·defining King 'Cotlnty's role in regional issues. ·' . ' Ther� are rio fiscal· iinpacts to Iµng CoU:nty gove�nment as a result of adoption of this ordinru1ce. ,_ -·· r,, ____ , r1 ...... ,...,.,.,1,ulA rrlrmnl;uo tirlinr, Rm.nlnver '.. Exhibit A , ... �., The.Horioni.ble Joe McDennott .. 1 rua1aauy:2°1 � ... 20.1�6 Pagei . . , ' . , .· .• , · .. , .. : .;:,_ ., : , . , ·, ·:, I , , ' . '_ :.'.-: .. ,_' '·,. . . . , .. · · · ··-·-:· .... ··.----� .. --.Jfymi,'hi:ivtf aii)n'.fuesfions;pleasec:ontact .. �'i:rmen-S:mttlr,'.Defiuty-Dn;ector·fufltegiunw,.· .. ;..-' ·:·-.·-.: ·,. :. Planni,ng,: Office of. Perform,ance, Str'ategy and Budget at 206-263�9606/ · ··-. •i"' ·,i ' .. . ' . ·, . . ' . . �-�·· Folt · · Dow Constantine I<fug .C�UI1ty Executive . ' ·Euclosur�s v· '•,' : -.. ' ·cc: .. : ·IUiig Cqunty .Co:un�ilm¢mb.er� · . . . · . · . ATTN: ¢E\l'oly1i' Bus.ch, Chl�f pf Staff '... . . ·· ·.. . Ann� N:<n:is,Cle'rko.f the Couricil : :. . · .... : ::. : . : . . . · .. : · . . .Garri� S. Cilialc; Chief pf Polfoy D�velopme�t� IGifg· Co�ty ExeGutive Offic�· ,: .. . ·. Dwight Dively; Diryctor, Offi.ce:ofP�efonnance; Strategy:and.Bu4get(PSB) .. ··: -. · : .. , L�ur¢n SriiitliJ;>epufy. Diiectot, Jle_gibnal ·Pl annllig,>P-:im> · : · : · -. ,·, · , · ' ·. · · .; . .... '. ':.' .,'. '.1I. ';,.: ;,,,: •: :,: '..\ ',, :,1 ., .. ,· .:::./,; '.'. ;i,I, '' '., : ) ,' ,: : '{::· .. ;-:>' ' . I. .. :· ., . •: ·� : :,, . '-'·': ! . '. . ' ... ,.",· ,; .. :.·., . '.: \. , I Exhibit A v. ·., .. :,···,:�K�ritf,��utjty.•· . . . . . . iVletropoUtc1rr:J<in;�1:cJ.1.1�ty' C,c:,un.�il . , . . · Transportation, Econ:oniy and' Environment. C9rntnittee.. . . STAFF ��··POR . T . . A enda Item: . 7 ·�-... Name: Christine Jen9eh · ':: ·.'Date: ·A. j:frop6i;;d .. \b�dina�ce·.',atjt>pUng ·�h�-,;:ratifying ·�rowth :Manag�ment. Pl�hning · Council·'Mptioni.1 s;2,/whicry,:r.e.dommerids an,,ehtjing J::ountyyvid,e ,p1an·11iiig .· �ol,ic,�{H:,8 i' regarding . affotdabt�:ho.using·ir1.King p�:nmty;.· · ·· · :. ' . . ' \ .. SUMMARY·.: .. ;rd�ds�ci::'.:?o'rdihanqe1 \;ri1:a�b101\, �6:u\d ·,amend/ policy:, ,H�s Jn .. ·:fh: 'King· ,;county . :·�·QoLintywk:Je · Planiiil'ig· Policies \.(OP.Ps) ,· to ;,more· clearly /·state ·.t�e :exi�ting·; 'range, :of' ·. : . prbgrarn�; ':trorti)bptioriai 'tolm�hd��ory;·-'ayaffable' for ;jurisditfior,s. to··,Qorisider�·using·-'.fo .,aflqrWsff a:�ordijble: �OLl�IO� '.'IJ.�i�s,'.: :/_There Would. b� ,·no· ne;W?r�qujred ·:�ctions-:for'j�.ristlictiohs';a�···�·:restilt ,of:tb�'ptopqsE:},d pblicf·changf?,\�nd jutisdictidhs :wo'uld cdntinµe ·'' ::fo: cp'oose'w.hich'.prog:r,�ms· work'.fo,r;ftieir'ldca,l:c.ircl'.lmstant:es .. : : ". : . ' ' ' . . . . .· .. : '._;'··,,,:;('.,':·<(,(:'::, .·:)}:. ".L':'.:: . '(''<'. . ·. ·,c . ,. , , If a�qpte_d by .th·e Co�nci_l, the ·brdinance would ratify the change 6� behalf of th�·,populatidn of unincorpo'rat�d. King _Ctiunty an·d.-beg ii') the CPP ·t.atification process by.the ··cities ... < ·,:·>:,,·,,· · '· ··.·-,,· '�' . ' . '· . .:· · ;h� ·dMPC. Is a .. for�·al 6.;dy ·corryprised of eled�cf:: �fficials· :frdm �i.�-g ··Cou�ty( Seatt�e, . ·Bellevue, other cities and towns· ih Kin·g Co.unty, and special purpose. districts. The GMPC Was creatE:ld ir,i 1 Q92 by 'interlocal"ag�e�inent1· in . re?po�:se to a provisio'n in the Washington SJate Gr.owth ·Managenier:tf Act (GMA) requiring cities and counties .to wor� . together 'fo',�dbptCP'Ps·.2. • Under the GMA, the CPP$ serve as the frclill«?wo·rk· for each _local judsdictiori's comprerenslve; plari, which, ensures' countywiae'' cotisi$tency withrespe_ct to land use planning efforts. ·· . . · · ·· · . . . As provided for ih the ·interlocal agreernef")t, the GMPC developed and recommended the original CP.Ps, which were adopted by the King County Counci1 3 and ratified by the cities in 1992. Supseque·nt amendments to the CPPs follow the same adoption 1 Motion 8733 2 RCW 36.70,b,.210 3 Ordinance 10450 .,, Exhibit A process, which. is now outlined in CPP< ·q-t4 and includes: recommendation by the· GMP·c, adoption by the_ King Cou_�ty :9,quncil, and ratificati.on by the cities. Amendments to the CPPs become effecth.ieiwhen:ratified by ordinance or resolution by at tea.st3.0 .. p.ercent of the .. city and Qou.htyg·o.v�rhrn�nts. represe11tJn_g a_t least 70 percent of the population of King ·c9unty. _ A city .shall_ be-deem�p to hav� ratified an amendment to the CPPs. unl�ss · the city disapproves· it' bi legislatiVe actioh within :90 days. ofad6,pti61tby Kihg'County,., .. · ;·.,: .. , .. ::. . . . ANALYSIS ·:-GMPC Motion 15-? ·. . . . : .· , . . _ _. . .. .. . . Proposed Ordina'ifoe ·2016�0101 would adopt and ratify .GMPC. Motion' 15.:i1 which recorrWnen·ds amending: p.olicy· H-8 to ·mote ·clearly state tn<3 exisUdg r�rnge _ ofptog'ratns. · f,l�ailabie for jurisdictions to c:onsid�r using to address ·affordable housing needs:.· The . .-proposed change is as follows: · . . ·· "H 7 8 ·Tailor hou$ing ·policies and str�tegies to local needs,. conditions-and .. opportunities, recognizin�, the Unique st�engths -an(;j_Ghallenge5 of different cities ·, �nd sub-r�gions; Jurisdictions .m�y. cohsider'O:.a flill-rarrge o(programs,.frorri'. op.tfonal to mandatory, that will assist in meeting 'the jurisdiction's 'share of the . countyWide need for affordable housing."' . . . . . . ·A referenc.e. to "ma��at�ry"' affordable housing. progra.ms is ptbposed t6 be fr1p1Ud�c:f in . the policy;. _'which. ·is_ not spe_cifically called O\Jt., in.')h'e · GPP,s icurrently'. Ho'N�VE3r,. thi;:, ·. langµ�ge is ·consistent with /cu�rent; range . of;' ::res,qlirp�s i availaQIEf-to jurjsdic:mc5ns, includingi ,-:1 ).· the $X'isti11g.:' affordable housing. reqµJremeribf in' .. the' .¢PP�; :�r.ic;I, 2): the· current PSRC. affordableUiousing toolkit; whi.ch fa ·refer�nced in the Cpps>"Additi'on:al.ly, the proposed policy change includ�sJhe wo'r�� :'-'ni$Y,:cicihsic1�r t,:�hich_ dpe� ript 'requir� the use of mandatory· programs·,: If_ the amended 'H"'.8 is . .-adopted; : jurisdictions· ·would cbntinue to cho9se·which· program.s work for their loc�I c:ircu·mf?tan-ces·. · · ' · ., • '· .... f.·.-_\'1;, : ... , .... " . • .·,.. ..... ,,,,.. 1'·.· Jurisdicti�n'sSh'an;ofAffordableHouSih[f .,,,·: ':'1 .•,},. the proposed languag� also indu_des a reference'.·to a "jµrisdiction's share" .Qfr th.e . ·cciuntywide need · for affordable . housing·, which is consistent with ·o't_hf?r language c�rrently in the cpPs, suqh as.in policy H.:1 s. It is worth noting that ther� r;tre nq specifi'c jur1sdiction!:ll affordable hous_ing .targ�ts adopted h:r the CPPs at this time; tfrt3re· afe -'6nly . countywidetargefo,which,were addedJo the:cpp� fn:40,12:!\: ,·, I•\ •• ;:' .. i. __ ,<:::;:i,:,· •',,:.,.:;,.,· . ,>,.,,-;,(,:,, ... ,.,··:-:. ,·::.:.<::-',_:;·.ii: .. ::\::--:·, .. :,;' ,}'i,'·i<;Jk _ _,, . _uHJ·Addres� _th� 'countywide: neeid.ifor hoµ¢ing,_�fforcJapJe:.to·,.,p�use,bolds �ith ·: moderate •. low. and yery.�low inqt;>mes; including,, those: with' spe'cial�·-n'�E3ds'. Jh·e ' .I '. ·countywide'need for housing by pe'rcerttage of Area_ Median-.lncome (AMl).,is:·,-',' . " so-ao%ot-AMl(m6derafe}:16%of tota1ho ·usi·ng supp1y ··. ,.: .. ·.··· ·30-50% o{AMI (low) 12%.of total h·oush1g'supply\:,:,:,.;: i: .30%.and bejo� AMI ·(very-lo�) 12% cif total h·o:us!ng �upply.". ,. :·\::; ·, 4 2012 King--CClunty-Countywid� Planni'ng Policies, as: e1rriehded: http://www:kinqcoUnly.goV/property/permits/cotles/qrowth/G'MPC/GPPs.aspx 5 Ordinance '17486 ., ,_ ·.Exhibit A The intent of only having countywide targets· was . to acknowledge ·that different.jurisdictions play different roles ., in meeting the overall cour:Hywide needs, such as that some ju.risdiction·s may focus on needing to preserve existing affordable housing. while others may need to focus on creating ·new affordable housing. There have .been n·o proposals to change the cquntywide approach since its adoption. GMP9 action On November 6, 2015, the <3MPC adopted Motion· 15-2, .which is a non:-binding recommendation to the County· Council , to adopt an am�ridment to policy H-8. Consistenhvith cpp· adoption ·requirements,.Proposed Ordinance 2016-0101 forwards· this GMPC recommendation· to the County . Council for consideration and possible .approval. If adoptec;I Qy the Councii, .the on:linance would ratify th·e change on behalf of the population of unincorporated King Coun.ty and begin the. ratification process by 'thecities. · · · · There is no deadline for qouncil action on the pro'posed· CPP amendment. ATTACHMENTS 1.Proposed .Ordinance 2016-0101 2.Transmittal L,etter .. · . 3 ... Fiscal Note INVITED 1.Kare·n Wolf, Senio'r Poli9y Analyst, Office of Performance., Strategy arid Budg�t