HomeMy WebLinkAbout718A:1:·'~ "' ' ' : n.t CITY OF Im~J'r, HJI..SHI'NGTON A. P..ESOLUTIOH of the City Council of the City of Kent, Kashington, adopting a "sphere of intcrast" for the City of Kent as recommended by the Kent Planning Corn- mission. Nrnmw·.s, the Plnnning commission of the City of K~.mt has held public hearings to determine the logical "sphere of interest" of the City of lCent, nnd ~7HI~Rr~l\S, the purpose of cleterrninin~T said "sphere of int~rest" is to n.llow for the orderly f'ltltr'n growth of the City of Kent, and ~ffiEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens oE the City of Kent thnt the "sphera of interest" of the City of. Kent be determined, Nmv, TllERr;FORB Tin;: CI'!'Y COtJHCIL OF 'l'H'S CI'rY OP KENT, ~1/\SUINGTON DO HEREBY lU~SOLVI: thnt tho rcpor·t of the Planning CoJTUT•is:;ion of the City of Kent prepared nnc3 pr.orrulgatcc1 undt1r the ti tlc "K~~nt' s Sphere of Interest -T'<!Vised by I'ent Planning Commission narch 2)., 1972" l)a .:\na hereby is adopted as the official policy of the City of Kent, and it iP further Rr~sor..vr::n th~ t: the <.:i ty shall, in the fnture whenever practi~al, exrqnd its t~rritory an~ provide for municipal ser- vices in accordance with soi~ "sphere of intere~t~ so adopted -1- ·. ' P~SSED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rent; thi.s 17th day of April, 1972. A'l''l'EST: 1\.l'P.ROVBO AS TO FO.RH: DOnALD E. !-URK, cit~, Attorney I ht~rc:hy c~rtifi• that this i.n n· t:n1c copy of Resolution No. ___ ..1J_Ji_fr .... _. __ , ptlsnccJ. by tho City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the !J __ d~y of ~pril, 1972. ---(SEl\T~) -2-