HomeMy WebLinkAbout504A) •/ i B~ --tee·· (_ ~ ,{."'{7 ~ TC '~ ( ,4_ tv1 RESOLUTION ~c 'ftL- {r,JHEREAS, the State Department of Highways has presented to the City of Kent a set of plans showing the proposed ------- grade elevations on the route of PSH ------~~----------------------- within the corporate limits of the City of ---..aaKo~o;;oen~t ______ , and has requested approval of said grades, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the grades as shown on Sheets J,?, _ ... 5""',_6_.r .... : """z ___ of the plans entitled South 226tb St.reet to .Tames Street __,i..,n.....,Ke._.n..,.t'----------and which bear the approval o£ the Director of Highways dated the 7th of .".JJZ!J8t 1 263 , are hereby approved. ,, DATED at _ __,,-../::2;z:E._--....«z...,. ___ , Washington, this I ~{._, day o£ '').._"::-!2":Jd I 19 (c ,3• D, l F. 30.07 PROFOSl\L To the Director 0f Highwoys Olyn:pio, Wosh:ngton Der::r Sir: The undersigned hore::.y cortiL _____ tnaL. _________ J:(J _______________ axc:;-r>;ned lhe location of Primary State Highway No, 5 in King County, South 228th Street to James Street in Kent, a State Project, Station 539+50.0 to Station 576+07.4, '~nd h>J. _______________ read :.lnd lhorougl,ly unou:·stawL ... 1he plans, specificctinn•: r:·h.:l c.Jn;roct o:;ovuninSJ the work umbraced in this improve- r:13nt, and tho m•~thod bv which payrn<~r:t will :1e m•J:.k for soid \·Ycr~. end ~l()ro::;y pr·:Jposo .... to urdertcke and complete the work cn~­ brc•:oJ in this improvement, or as much !hereof as can be completed ·.-virh the money avoilaL>Ic, in accordcmco with the said pions, speci- fico:ions and conlmct, and :he following scl-,edu!c, or r:;!cs and pric"~-: (i··lOTE: Unit prices for oil i+mns, a!i extensic,ns, ar,d btd amoun: of bid. should be shown. Show unit prices both in writing and h figur•)$.) ·-------------------------------------------------------------·-----·-----------------------------~----------------r----------------- ITE/.1 APPROXIMNE :~EMS WITH UN!! Pi:ICf: 'liD ; ___ t}~I!_~R1~5 •. __ _L __ f'_~S?__:J_~!---· NO. QL!ANTITl /Unit prices !o be wrill~n in words! 1 DOLLARS l CTS I DOLLARS 1 CTS -----------~---------------~---------·---------------------------------------·--------------------~----------~---;~-----------~---~- 1 i Lump Sum Clearing and Grubbing, at ! l 1 I I 1 I I 1 t : : : ; I I I I -2-------;·-3:2cso---------:-R~~a~y -E~~~,~~ti~-~-I~~:t~di~g-H~~i; · ~ -t._LUlll:P. . .SUilL~LlJIDil_a;---r------------l----- cuYd ~ 1 ; : o S, I , 1 1 I j I I : , : : I : : : Per Cu. Yd.: ' : 1 . -... --.. -.... -.... ---------------·-.... ---.... -----... ------... -------------.. -· --------... --·---------.. -------.... --"I---... -.,&----_,-~·-.... -~ ... ----------.f-----3 i 80 j Strip})ing Quarries and Pits Including Haul, at : ! i l :cutJYds~ ~ I ; : : : I t ; 1 I : : I I I I ~ ~ I I ----------i-----------------:---------------.. ------.----·----· ... ----· ··-·---___________ .f:~r __ Ql.J._ .. __ yg._._: ·-___________ : __ -----!-------------l------ 4 : 150 ·vlater, at 1 1 1 : H Gals. l : I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I l ·-___ .. ____ .[ _. _ ._ -·~ __ .,_ .. ! _ .... __ .... : . __ .. __ .• ___ ·-________________________ . _ ...• _______ .. ______ .E~r. _M ... G~J. .; _______ . __ -:-.--•. j .. ----------l--.--. ') : 1,900 1 E:mballi'.ment Compaction, at , : i I I • . ' ' , : 1 l : Cu" Yds. : · \ 'r"f'-. .• 1 1 , ! ! , .. \·~?.~ c~~<;-\\·--:-_-. . : : l --·-------:-----------------:-----. --... -----.:-. ~: J....f __ .1-/-ftl.l: .. ~---~:-"-_ --.Par:_.C.u~. _Yd.;_-_ .. -_.-_ -1------! _ -----------1---__ 6 \Lump Sum i Trimming and Cl~a~J.~~-::7·· t l t , · .......... ~ ~-. \.S, . , ·~ _<~ .• i· [:·:. ~~. ~ : 1 ··-~. -"--\~ .._ •.• / • ' ~.... I I : 1 .•. ·-. . ..• ' ~ ~ I / I ; I 1 ' • • I i Lump Sum • LIJl!IP Su'm 1 1 __ .. __ , _____ .. : ____ ...,,.. _____ ------: __ .., _______________________ ----... --.. -----------... --::'-.....i-; __ .. __ -----.-.----...... -... ---.... --~ .. :----~· -----... ---l-........... 'T : 130 ! Gra·rel Backfill for Foundations ·Class B, at : , -; : i I c Yd ' ~ . i ---' I ! CA. s. :1: Fer Cu. Yd.' .•.. Li ~@·) ··rJ-··---!I~ B9o · · ·----T a~a:;er-:Base--c1ass-:s ~-at--···-·---------------------------·---·--'""'.::.f:::~-tJ;1;~.;t~-~~- ll Cu. Yds. , : 1 --... ..._ ~~ • : I I ......... ..._ 1 I ' : ~t,--. ---------_!-------------·---_}._------------------·----------------------------------~~_r_:_ Q~--·--~9.:. ~·-·-----------____ l _________ --_!_----' P8~1 No. 5 S.228t~ St. to Joc~es W~. in Kent State Project -1963 -1- PROPOSA~---Continued -------------------------------------------i---~-.--------------- tTEM--:---A·P·P:-0-X_!_M_A_T_E __ T ITEMS wr'H ur-m FRIC£ r,JD , UNiT PRICE 1 AMouNT !', au"ANTITY I ,:·-~-o_t_L_A_R_s--·.'_c_r_s_._f DO.tJ.ARS i, crs. NO~ , (Ur.lf price• :o b12 wrif1en tt wrJ;:!s} ..... ~ _______________________ ,,...._ ______________ .,. ___ .., ________ . , .... ----;·---.... -------.--...- 9---r~-:~9~--------r Crushed Surfacing Top Course' at l I ! l I I I 1 l Cu. Yds. 1 1 1 1 I I I I , : 1 f l I t 1 -------~----··------------1-------------·· --------·-···--··---------·--· --------__ :p~_:t.:_QI:!.!_¥Q.-LL ---------~. ----! ·-----------: ----- ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT -1o _____ ~--ii;iw _____ TP;;;~-;~:t-i~~-~-:f-u~t·;~-~t~-ci -R~~d:~~~-,---~ t-----------------:-----------___ ! _____ ! -----------~------ 1 I I I : : Sq. Yds. : : : : : : I : i __________ :__ ______________________ !_ ___________________________________ ---------________________ p~~-.S.q • .Ycl. .. J ----· _______ , _____ i -----------:-----· 11 i 15 i Asphalt MC-8oo Prime Coat, at i ! : 'T I • 1 I : : ons : : : , I I 1 ' : I 1 I ! ~ I ' I p T I I • I --------!--! ----.---·--------·---------------~~-------~------·· _____________ er ___ 9.!!.: _ -~·-----~· --! -···---: ___ ---·---:·---- 12 1 120 1 Pnme Coat Aggregate, at ! 1 1 : 1 1 ' I I 1 :Cu. Yds. : I : , : ; II 1 f I ~ I I I l : Per Cu. Yd. 1 : l _________ J. ____ _ -----------~--------------:---------------------~ ---------------~---------·------------·-------------:-----------: • . l 13 ;s iAsphalt for Tack Coat, at , l i !Tons l i 1 i _________ .L. __________________ i _ _____________ _ _____ _ __ ________________________________ .<0 .. ____ P~:r .. .T.on ! ___________ .i ____ .. -! .. -------· .. -----!----- 1 4 I l : I ! 2,950 :Class B, at : : :Tons ~ 1 : 1 : I : , : Per Ton . : i : 1 1 ·---·---··--·--····--------·-· -----···---~ -----------1--·-~-1·--··-----·-·-1------,_ _________ 1_·--------·------~--·-----~-----------·-----· ----· ·----I ; : : 15 J2,400 i Class E, at : ; 1 :Tons : : I I I I I I I I : Per Ton : ! 1 I I --------------·-·----··-··--------·····----------------------~--·--··------:·-·---·i --------~----·------------,----------------~------------------·-~ ! 16 ilO :Mineral ln-Uer at Fixed Price of ' 'T I 1": ..... _ 1 ons 1 1 ........ 1 , : : : I JL '"'~ ..... ~ : I : ! i I ~~-five Dollars P~~ .... '!'<.?E _______ ?.2~~-Q __ _l ______ ~5_Q~9 .. Q .. _ ry------~~r5·-------------:Re~ort~~'t~-·-u ·-----..,,~~~----------· ; l ! ;sq. Yds. : ............... .............. : : : : '"-, '"''-.. ' J I -_____ ___! _______________ ! -----------------. --------. ~-:-_':':>---,::,:_'~-~~~\~_)~=-_ .:::-~-::·.:.~~----i __________ _:__ __ _ --!! VJ)Ji .. ; '1l ~ --iii·-----~ -1:-,:oo ------T:;;~~~~-;;-~~~~~~~~~~:~-r~--------~::-.~:~p{~~-~~~t;: leu I I i ~...... ~I ' l • Yds • l 1 , ; ....._....... , 1 1 I I ! j ""'-...._ I ..._/ 1 I 1 "'-{ 4, ' i Per Cu. Yd. ' ! ,---., __________ ! ____________ ·~···------------------------__________ .,.. _____ .., ________ ... ______ ~--------------------------- PSH No. 5 S '228th St. to James St. in Kent State Project -1963 -2- P r~ 0 ~· 0 S A L --C o n l i n u e c! ----~----------------, ------------.... ~ ... ---------~---------.......... -----. _i _______________ _ ITEM I APF?OXiMAH i iTEM:> \A/ii'l UNil .~?-:Cr. !·,I() L---~~:!_R.!.~~----' AM 0 u NT NO. ! QUANTITY I IUnii prier:• 1;, ;:,r, wriflllo ln w~<-•i i f'·OllA~S i CTS. I t'OI.L 1\~S j CTS. ------"1----------------; ---------·-----------.. ·--· ... -~--... ~---------....... ------i--,--------1 ... ----t-·----------~--- 19 1220 l Mechanical Tamper, at : : : : I I I 1 1 I i Hours l i : : : : ; I : : : 20 -----j io------------1-cast I;;~--r;~-;;~--r~1~~--sE".:17~~t ----------____ r~~-1!?~~-j------------;-----~-----------l ---- , I I I I :Only 1 ; : : : I I ~ : _________ :_ _______________ ; -------------------------------------------------------------------______ E~;r __ E.?.,_Qlt ;____ -1-------~-------------i----- 21 i 7,010 ! Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter, at ' : : I 1 • ! I :Lln.Ft. : I I : ~ I ~ ! -22------h~~ 4iE __________ i cias-sJ:Ir-Reiriiorceccc-o·n.c:rete. -au-iver~e-~i~!n:t~·-+ --------· -j -----1--· ---------:------ ! Lin.Ft. ! Diameter, at ' l ! l I I I t I : : I 1 I ~ l · I I : 1 ' Per Lin.Ft, i I : 1 ---------~-~--------! --~----------·---------------··-·-···-··----~----------------------------~ -·------"·--~---... ·--· . ---------!--------23 i oOO i Class III Reinforced Concrete Culvert Pipe 18" I i : : IL" Ft ID• t .L. I I : , ln. • 1 lame er, a'-' 1 l 1 : : ! l ~ : ~ I : __ :1:-______ :_ ______________ !---------__________________ ------------------·-----------.. __ ---------R~;r __ ~i_l2-_! __ ~~!L __________ i--------------------l ------ 2'+ i28o jRelaying Concrete Culvert Pipe 18" Diameter} at 1 i iLin.Ft. : : : : I ! ' I I I I ~ ~ -·;;-------!"6is------------1 ~1~;~-~~~~r~~~--~~--v.-;·.--~-~~~;-~~ ;~-3;;r~~~!!~:~ ·--i----------·:-----: ·· --·· ------_T ____ - JLin.Ft. !at i I ! : I I I : : Per Lin. Ft. 1 1 ___ , ____ _ --------w-~-----~---·---------~ .. ---·-----~••L•-•• ·-----••"-• '"---~· ------.-•-----•• ------·•-------•·•--• ---·~--·---: ---~ ;-·-·•-••---· I ! I I I I 26 :11 :catch Basins Type No. 1, at , : 1 I I ! :Only : I I I I : ~ Per Each _____ . __ :_ _______ , ___ _ ·27-------:5---------------:·SI>-eciaf ;· ct:Li~l1c-B"a8fD.s-; -a--t·---------·---·-------------------··-----------: : \Only ! ' , . · _,("(;'v., __ l ! I I _ , ').!)""~ // ; : _________ i ________________ i _______________ ~-~--___ iC ~.::.· _________ _c ______________ :P~X-A~9_l}_; ----------i -----!-----------i----- 28 i6 /Adjust Manholes'~--~-t"~-,(_, : : :.only ' -. .'· ·/--.:.~ : · j') i -'.I '' 1, : ·-..(. ~ I ~ i · . ; i I I ... " . . ..... -./... } . . ; L I ~ I ----------i-----------------1----------------------------___ --------_______ -:::---""':.::LJ':&r __ ~S}_c;.lf~ :. -.,.--------!-----; -----------!-----· 29 :3 !Adjust Catch Basins, at '---.<c. · ,'-· i '--!-: ;only ' :· ',., i cr· ~~-J ; ~ r I ~ 1 , ... I --.. .. I p Eh' I I /;;t~--· '3o------!9 ______________ --\Aci3~~t-v~i~~-13;;;~~ -,--~t ---------------------------~! ___ ~s:---: -------~-~ ·_:-!''}~, Qtf~-}\:::>: :only ' ' -.... 1 ""''-i I ! "'+·-, : I ~ ' : , l \ Per Each ! : --------------------------· _____ ... _____ ..., _________ ,. ______ .. _, ... _____ ...... _""'_ ... ____________ ~ __ .... _________________ ""' _____ _ PSH No. 5 S. 228th St. to James St. in Kent State Project -1963 -3- PROPOSAL-Continued ------i-----------.. ----1-________ &AI _________________ ..,. ______________ <_ -.--------------- ITEM l APPROXIMAlE II lifMS. \NlTH liN!i WG : ;o l,•----~!:I~! ... ~R.~~~----1-AM 0 u ~ T NO. I QUANTITY IIJn!f pric,_., ro t:e writlt'fo ;r ._,.,,,ds) I DOllt,;:s : CTS. I DOUA~S l CTS. -3-l----~~-8---------------,-Reroove Catch--B;;;i~;~--~t-------------··--------------T--~-:-----;---·-------T- onl l : I I y I ( 1 ~ : l : II I • ! : : Per Each l : ! 32----r-tf~~~~----! Remove ]3-;;;;-Gu~rd-R~il' at ________________________ .. _____ -r----·-----·r-··-~ -----------~----- 1 I ; : : ! I I I I I : : f : l : I --------:. ______________ :_ __________________________________ -----------------··---·------~~E .. Y-!l_•-~-~ 1-----... -----!--· ____ l: ----------1---- 33 ! 5 i Remove and Reset Fire Hydrants, at ! ; 1 ' :Only : l l I t I I l ; I : : J 1 I I I 1 1 Per Each i : ' l ----------'-----------------~----------·----·--------· "------·-----·------------···-----·-~-·--... ------·· ··r ·---·-: . ·-·-----~-----· 34 : : Flagging, at ' : : : l : i I I 1 : l ~ : : ; : : ----------f----l-----------------------------------~_y~ __ lill_n~~d Doll~:r~----!~tJ .. J!l*~~sl!. ' I I __ 5_QQ!p_Q__ TOTAL $~----+ PSH No. 5 S228th St. to James St. in Kent State Project -1963 '.! i~ :~":1 PROPOS/\L -Continued The undersigned hereby agrees to pay to labor not less than the hourly minimum rates of wages set forth in those special provisions. A proposal guaranty in an amount ot five percent (5%} of the total bid, based upon the approximate estimate of quantities at the above prices and in the form as indica1ed below, is attached hereto: Cash 0 I In the amount of. ..•............•...................................................•....•••..•• Cashier's Check D ···················-··················································· ...........•......•••.•.... do liars Certified Check D ~ I ) payable to tho State Treasurer: Proposal [\ond 0 In the amount o{ 5 ~!.., of the bid. FIRM NA/v\E. ....................................................................................... . SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED OFF!CI/\l(S) <o"-"}.~~ ······························································· ··························· ~ // ......................................................................................... . ~YS ~A­ f:J'\, J 0~0 -~ Dated this ........................ day of.. ...................................... , 19 ....... . ~~ ; ·~-(P~nc~;:,r":i'o~ ~;dg"J;jfj. ~""':::::::.=···. . ....... .. . ......... .. .. .. . ............................. . --... :y__ i!'-@);1l»ii~~~:::~--~-~---··············································· "-.!l[jtl}J/ ': . NOTE: (7) This proposal form is not tr:n~i;rcib~G ..... :IriJ ~-~y ~ite.rafio.r( ;Qf the firm name entered hereon without prior permission from the Oirector·o~ 1-i~gbY.tays wi/}Joe sufficient. cause for consider- ing the proposal irregular and consequent rerectton of tht;,./i.;J. ,. -. . __ ~. - (2) Please refer to secHcn 2.05 of the standard specifications: ;~-; "P,ep:Wa~?r ~~ f~L['~~(J··i ;:, . --~~ ·-··' ........ , ._I /' ~, PSH No. 5 S.228th St. to James St. in Kent State Project -1963 -5- .............. '"-. "'- Proposal Form Revised 12/1/61 BAR LIST Standard Metal Frame dimens1ons ore out to out and erate -for Catch WK LOCATION BE 0 NG DIAGRAM Basin or Jnld-Stanclord t--+--------t---11-+--+----------N=-1------:--1 Plan S-20.---~ 1'-10" ®;rO.l. Slop ... <===--I \ .,. ' " 'I) ~ :::--,, i ~ ' -"LI, 2'-s'h'' I 1~*4HOOP~ ~ r =~ I r.oseslabRoftomUaseWalll8 I 3 1Variesl4eo.@1~3 1 /i .t 10'-1" 1 16aseSiab Too I 8 I 3 ~ 16aseWall 3 114'-11" 4 G 1Vari4tsiL~l~UJ.@4~S:'4-1"4. 3'-&" 5 G 1Vari4!5 I L•l ea.@ 4'-z" ci. 3~8" G 61 5-'( lstr: 1 4114'-11" 4 5 6 IVariesiL: 1 eo.@ 4:1· & 3~8; I@ 2:9" 6 G IVariesiStr.ll ea.@ 3~9".t 3'-1" 1 4114'-11' 4 6 IVariesiL= I eo. @4~9:4~8~ 4~6':4'-t" ct 3'-1" s 6 1 I Cover Slab Unit R Tc 8 !Unit 5 ~· 2 UNIT R. 6 IVariesiL=Zea.@4~fd-3~8: I@ t~s·' G IV aries lstr: 2 ~Za.@ 4'-4" .r. z! .s" ,&t;@ ® t} I' L-8" i' I~ ~ 4114~11· UNIT N -1 @*'3 HOOPS ELEVATION s'' 1.4" s" ~~---~~~ w 5Jw· , !1 'o I ~ I .... ~ ----;--~I,~ )( a ::E 9 ~ Expansion Joints---~ \ Curb poured mono I ithically with catch basin ' f---1+-\-1-~---_-------~ ~ D~~ == == == == == == == == 1'1'== I I ____J PLAN ~~~· ~~-= . SECTION D-D CONSTRUCTION AT CURBS NOTE5: Unless specified otherwise the top shall be Unit N or P a+ the option of' the Engineer. Concrete for Units M, N, P, R and S shall be Class A. All steel reinforcing bars shall conform to ASTM Specification A-305. All reinforcing steel shall have l'h"clear unless otherwise noted. Concrete for the top G" shall be Class C. See :standard plan 8-9, Manhole, for 4'h" Units A, Band C and for the Cast Iron Ring and Cover -f'or Manhole w-h¢<"1 requir"e>d. Lacfder rungs will no+ be required. Two sections of UnitS may be used if required. The grade line of t)'le top inside of any inlet pipe shall meet the centerl1ne of the Catch Basin at a P?int no lower than the grade line ot the top in- side of the outlet pipe. Cutouts for pipes as require.d will b£ made by the Con- tractor to the lines and grades given b!:j the Engineer. The Metal Frame and Grate shall be set to a slope to conform to the particular drainage problem. The frame ma':l be placed with flange down if' approved b':J 'the t:ngineer. Curb or Curb and Gutter will be measured with- out deducting for length of Catch Basin. The standard Metal Frame and Grate shall be furnished and instoll12.d as indicated hereon and shall conform to +he r12.quirements of s-tandard plan B-'2.0, Metal Frame and Grote for Catch Basin or Inlet, 12.ven though standard pion B-20 is not included herewi-th. Prints of this plan are available from tlw Director of Highways, Ol~:~mpia. Sq.e the Standard Specifications for further requirt~men+s. STANDARD CATCH BASIN 1'-1" PAYM-=NT: TYPE NO.2 "COtch Basin Type No.1 " per Each WASHINGTON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION ELEVATION UNITS I "Stcucluc• ••=vat;o~.,.... eu.Yd """""" .. •OGHwm OJ "Mechanical Tamper," ~r Hour. · OlYMPIA. WASHINGTON .;, -··~'••o•yw.••• ~ 101 wbO! ,/. I D ... I ..... G\ UNIT M B-IS 1- u i a.~----~--~~~~~~~~~ !-c-'h-__j TONGUE AND GROOVE ENDS-TYPE A S-NOT L-ESS THAN 4 MINIMUM VALUES OF •c" C • T (for Pipe. Diome+c.rs of 1'1." +o 4'2.", inclusive.) C•4'h"Cfor Pipe Diomete.rs ove.r4'1."l TONGUE AND GROOVE ENDS-TYPE 8 CWITH PRECAST CONCRETE COLLARS) B-NOT LESS THAN C/8 NOR MORE THAN C/4 BEL..L END A, NOT LESS THAN 3T/4 B, NOT LESS THAN C/8 NOR MORE THAN C/4 MINIMUM VALUES OF 'b" C•1" WHEN T= I 3/4 TO a 3/4' C=~" WHEN T•4" TO 43/4" C•3'/i WHEM T• s" 'TO fO" NOTE: See the Standard Speci.Pico+ions ~or .Pur+her requiremen+s. STANDARD Da;IGN OF ENDS FOR CONCRETE PIPE B-IS 11 I t ------Asphalt Joint l'"iller------------ 1.---___..Jo_int 5£<lC_iCJ9_ ~Q=9' M_in tCJ__I_S':_()" Mo><. CURB ELEVATION rave men+ f-:23[4"- CEMENT CONCRETE CURB s ' , .. ~4·=~ ; ./\l T Pavement .4-j!/~·~.1 '-ti _,I Pavement E -, L-a't4'.i SINGLE FACED MOUNTABLE CEMENT CONCRETE CURB C T I 0 N Q Jl i--I'-~::___------1 DOUBLE FACED MOUNTABLE CEMENT CONCRETE CURS s -Asphalt Jain+ Filler ta extend through full sed ion of curb and be matched and in direct contact with filler in pave.rnent «," l ---s··- }--1--- I- <" I · f J ~jhroUgh-Expan-sion JoinT ...,.--· ·,n Pove.ment ~ . ,· Contraction Joint. ,.. :in .Po~cz.rn~n+-< . '7R'j __ Top of Cucb __:~~-~ at Dnveway5 ~-----L-~~_J~· . < , I· Pavement· I · Cement·~ Concrete· !----------=Variable INTEGRAL CURB ELEVATION ~ ·, INTEGRAL CEMENT CONCRETE CURB S E C 6" ,..~ T l r==-.-,pholt Joio+ • .,::: __ -~!1 -~-P1~-t~R ·<91 'Uli ·1 · • . ·. -Top of Curb j _.L___~-L at Drovewa'ls r:, ,::;.,c::=::....,..,~_~_ ,;;;;;;;:::::_ . • L Joint 5£>0ci~O" Min. to 15-o" Max_. __ ~ '2'-o_" __ _ CURB AND GUTTER ELEVATION -j:\:)ured infegrall'::l with Drivewo~ but paid separotily as curb .\·" ' \ I . , d Curb '/ Driveway Ariza .~r~a. 1 · .. • I ,._..,.. r----· CURB CONSTRUCTION AT DRIVEWAYS CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER *On curves, slope to f'it super-elevation PAYMENT: S E C ,- "Cement Concrete Curb," per Lin. Ft. "Single Faced Mountable Cement Concrete Curb," per Lin. F+. "Double Faced Mountable Cement Concrete Curb," per Lin. Ft: "Integral Cement Concrete Curb," per Lin. Ft. "Mountable Integr-al Cemen+ Concrete. Curb," per Lin. Ft. "Cernenf Concrete Curb and Gutter," per Lin Ft. "Mountable Cement Concrete Curb ard Gutter;" per Lin. Ft. Cement Concrete Curb, Mountable Cement Concrete Curb and Inteqral Cement Concrete Curb shall be measured and paid by the linear foot across all drivevva':Js· Cement Concrete Curb and Gu#er and Mountable Cement Concrete Curb and Gu-tter shall be measured and paid by the linear foot across all drivewa~s and shall includ~ +fie resultant cos+ of constructing if in two operations. ':,t.rne.n+ Cone. i-'avrzment ' .,. . .f}9:.--, .. , i: GJ,. 4 '. .: MOUNTABLE INTEGRAL CEMENT CONCRETE CURB 0 N S , .. : 4" I 3"i *o.os'/ft ~ -i•Ji'R T .. f. ·c-o~ .,~ -~.: = · . • • 'I L '1· . 1-/ " • feZ.· ... ,__ _______ '.!.'-,.. ----1 MOUNTABLE CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 0 N S NOTE: See the. Standard Specifications for further requirements. STANDARD CEMENT CONCRETE CURBS AND GUTTERS WASHINGTON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION DfPA.ITMENT Of HIGHWAT$ OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON A,IOVlD: Sept. 13, 1'362 I .( -'liJ~~~- 11 I STATE HIBHWAY* ---=----+-=.o "('I PROJECT BEING CONSTRUCTED BY ·('I (NAME OF CONTRACTOR~:%-., (ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR) ~r- .N 1--v.. f--?8 DRIVE SLOWLY ·v .cf) ~ *STATE HIGHWAY} COUNTY ROAD Desi9nation to be obtained from the Contract Plans. CITY STREET NOTE: Signs have White Background with Black Letters and Black Border. Letters to be of the siz.e shown above. Si9n to be furnished e~nd erecte2.d blj the Contrc3ctor. STANDAlD CONTRACTOR'S PROJECT SIGN WASHINGTON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION DEP'ARTMENT Of HIGHWAYS OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON ""ROVED: Dll-c 19, 19G1 G-5 / G-S . 0 "' r;.·-o· to ta'-rf '!"xiO"S4 Slack Strip•s on Ve.llow Soc:kground -l"x3"S4S 3~rc: to 4'-o· ISOMETRIC DETAIL "' " 1/\ :., " n- PORTABLE BARRICADE G-21 S+ondord Portable Sorricade to be furnished and erected by the Contracior at hi& own expel'"!se. See Section i.08A of the Standard Speci-fications. WASH-:...r~ ":"::Jw~~ on-. wASH-'10111 -.o: o-.c:. ·~, ''"oz 1 ,/ D Ot' l HWA~ G-21 I f/) (') I SE-8 6"-; E~:~~~~·-L---~-==~---3~4~~,.--------~~~-~--~~ ----=5-=ec -tion A_-_A __ =-_ .321 los. Z hh.W IJ"di.r. Bottom Vievv of Cover 1\lOTc: SEA.'ITLE STANDARD Co•tiriC)s sho.ll ba Gro.y Iron Co.•tings, ASTM DesiCJnaiion A-46 .$ .. All bear~ surfaces !>ha.ll be finished. CAST IRON RING & COVER FOR CATCH BASIN A M~BOLJ: WAaHINOTON 8TATII: HIGHWAY COMMI DI .. AitTMINT OP' HIOHWAYa OLYMI"IA, WAaHINOTON A .... ltOVII:DI SEPT. 22,1988 ~ t-fl-111'-• ~-~~-... -_n-~--..-8-. A_S_E_O_O_N_C_I T_Y_O_F_S_E_A_T_T_L_E STO,_AH~~-,.,.1 SE-6 --!i~~--------2 4 Y'a" -------1:~ ~-~# ' ~··----24" ·--~1 I C/) (.") ,-.;e ~~~ Y. Sectron X-X NOTE':: .... /$!!__ ------,./3 !zN I'~ ·-<!'*·" __ ;t.9_+e --·-41-,f- B End View Pi~~ce 0 Removed ~ 13 fj .' 1 I 1-·-9~-· _..,. End Vievv Piece A Removed Ca.stinq 'iha.ll be Gra.y Iron Ca.stin9s, AST M Desiqna.t:ion A-48 PAYME:NT: T ·' Inner· View of Piece A ''Co~-+ 1ron Drop lnlrl--+ SE-11," prl-r Eac.h. >- + <1l (l) + '\) L () SEATTLE IT.\ND.\RD CAST IRON DROP INLET WASHINCITON STATE HICIHWAV COMMISSION OI!I"AIOITMIENT 01'" HIOHWAVS OLVMI"IA. WASHINGTON I 0~-------r--------------------------~~~~~· APPROVEO. SEPT. 22. 19!58 t-/6'-~(')..-,5( BASED ON CITY OF SEATTLE STD. ' AVS SE-ll STATE OF WASHINGTON ALBERT D. ROSELLINI, GOVERNOR WASHINGTON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS l·~a:yor !~.lex Thornton Ci.. t~r Hall Kent, \-'Jashington OFFICE OF DISTRICT ENGINEER DISTRICT NO. 1 8431 CORSON AVENUE SOUTH SEATTLE 8 Aur_;;u"'t 23, 1903 C.S. 1715 - 3 PSH 5 !'.ttenti.on: 1-:r. Glen She:n•ood City Engineer S. 22bth St. to J.:crn8s St. L -J );)3 Dear Sir: :~nclosed are three copies of '1 r;r"'d.e resol1.~tion :relative to a pror:)osed -i.n;provement on PSH 5 (F.~st Valley Highway) bebreen S. 228th Street "".nd Jaqcs Street ir1 the City of Kent. If this meets with your A.pproval, please ret11rn t;;o executed co;~tes of the reso11:tion to tris ofn.ce. 'l'he rec,~in:;ng coi·~T of tr;e rec;cd_t,ti.on and the enclosed set of r;lans ~ s :f'0r your files. P.J~.:: sl RON enclosure cc: ;:~cEibben/Albohn Haley r. J • }'-~ci(aJr District ~ne;inee:::-,f~J'~·.~ District s-s~ te ~\id Enc;ineer SPECIAL PROVISIONS The following special proVisions to be used in conjunction With the standard specificat.ions of the Department of Highways, adopted in January, 1963, are hereby made a part ~f this contract. The special provisions hereinafter contained shall supersede any conflicting provisions of the standard specifications. DATE OF OPENING BIDS Sealed bids Will be received at the office of the Director of Highways, Olympia, Washingto~, until 10:00 A.M., ___________________ and then publicly opened and read. Bids delivered in person will be received only at the Department of Highways Reception Desk located on the fourth floor of the Highways-Licenses Building. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The contemplated work to be performed under this contract consists of the improvement of 0.690 ndle of Primary State Highway No. 5 in King County, South 228th Street to James Street in Kent, by clearing and grubbing, grading, surfacing, paving with asphalt concrete, construct- ing storm drainage, and other work, all in accordance with the attached plans, these special provisions and the standard specifications. FUNDS State funds only are involved in the construction of this improvement. EXECUTION OF CONTRACT The last paragraph of section 3.05 of the standard specifications, "Execution of Contract" shall be amended to read as follows: No proposal shall be considered binding upon the State before the execution of tbc:: con· tract by the Director of Highways. APPROVAL OF CONTRACTS Section 3.06 of the standard specifications, "Approval of Contracts" shall be amended to read as follows: All contracts awarded under these specifications must be approved and executed by the Director of Highways. Any materials ordered before such approval and execution by th~ Director Will be entirely at the risk of the Contractor. No work shall be perfor~9d on the project until the contract has been executed by the Director. The State may with- hold payment for any work performed before the date of such execution. STATE SALES TAX The work on this contract is classified as building, repalrlng or improving publicly owned streets, roads, etc. The provlslons of the lst subparagraph of section 7.01B of the stand- ard specifications will apply. EMPLOYMENT Section 7.02A of the standard specifications, "Employment" shall be amended to read as follows: The Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employm8nt because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, or age, unless it relates to a bona fide occupational qualification. The Contractor shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, national origin, sex, or age except as modified above. PSH No. 5 S. 228th St. to James St. in Kent State Project -1963 -1- vlhenever a contract involves the use of Federal funds, the foregoing shall not be en- forced in such a manner as to supersede Federal statutes, rules, and regulations; in case of conflict the Federal requirements shall govern. WAGE RATES In compliance with the provlsions of section 7.02B of the standard specifications, a list of hourly minimum wage rates is incorporated in and w~de a part of these specifications. If the Contractor makes use of a labor classification not listed in the special provisions, the Contractor shall furnish a statement in writing from the agency from whom the labor was obtained that this is the prevailing rate of wage for this classification for the area in which the work is performed. This statement shall accompany the Contractor's wage affidavit certificate vrhen it is submitted in accordance with section 7.02B of the standard specifica- tions. TIME FOR COMPLEI'ION The first paragraph of section 8.01 of the standard specifications, "Time for Completion" shall be amended to read as follows: The improvement under this contract shall be completed in its entirety within the time specified in the special provisions. The contract time shall start with the first working day following the 20th day after award of the contract, or with such other date as may be provided in the special provisions. This project shall te completed in accordance with tt.e provisicns of secticn 8 of the stand- ard specifications within 60 working days. OTHER CONTRACTS OR OTHER WORK It is anticipated that the following work adjacent to or 1vithin the limits of this project will be performed by others during the life of this project, and full compliance by the Contractor of this project to the 2nd paragraph of section 8.03 of the standard specifica- tions, "Unavoidable Delays," vrill be required: 1. Reconstruction or relocation of utilities vrill be performed by the utility com- panies involved. 2. Pit Site PS-A-337 may be used as source of materials by others. WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY UTILITIES Relocating or reconstructing utilities will be performed by the agency or company involved at no cost to the Contractor, provided the work is necessitated by the highway construction and is authorized by the Engineer. The Contractor shall cooperate with the agency or company and shall so conduct his opera- tions so that the necessary relocation or reconstruction of the facilities can be accomp- lished without interruption of service. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writ- ing at least 10 days in advance of the beginning of his operations which may require the reconstruction of the utility facilities. PAY!VIENTS AND REll'AINED PERCENTAGES The second paragraph of section 9.05 of the standard specifications shall be superseded by the following: PSH No. 5 S. 228th St. to James St. in Kent State Project -1963 -2- Partial payments under the contract shall be made at the request of the Contractor once each month, based upon partial estimates to be made by the Engineer, as herein- after provided for; provided, that in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 238, Laws of 1963, there shall be reserved and retained from the monies earned by the Con- tractor as determined by such estimates during the progress of the work performed under the contract, a sum equal to ten percent (10%) of such estimates. CLEARING AND GRUBBING In addition to the requirements of section 10 of the standard specifications, the following special requirements shall also be included in this item: l. The clearing and grubbing along Primary State Highway No. 5 will consist of a strip within the right of way on each side of the roadway, only of sufficient width to accommodate the construction as shown by the roadway sections on the plans and the location cross-sections. All existing hedges, shrubbery, trees and flower beds shall be preserved wherever the construction limits will permit. 2. Clearing and grubbing required in the pit site PS-A-337 shall be included in the lump sum bid for "Clearing and Grubbing." Payment for "Clearing and Grubbing" will be made on a lump sum basis in accordance with sec- tion 10-4 of the standard specifications, and shall include all special requirements as here- in set forth. EMBANKMENT CONSTRUCTION Section ll-3.13C of the standard specifications, "Embankment Construction," shall be amended to include the following: Within the limits of moisture content specified for embankment construction in section ll-3.13C, the moisture content at the time of compaction shall be adjusted to that which will result in a firm and stable embankment at the completion of the compaction process employed by the Contractor. If it becomes necessary to reduce the moisture content from the maximum limit specified to a moisture content below the maximum limit in order to achieve proper stabilityJ all cost and expense involved in such drying shall be paid for at the unit contract prices for items of "aeration equipment" included in the contract or, when no such items are included in the contract, by agreed unit prices for aeration items or by force account. No other payment shall be made. vfuen the prevailing weather conditions are not conducive to further drying of the exca- vation or borrow materials below the specified maximum moisture content, the Engineer may require the Contractor to alter his compaction and/or hauling procedures or equip- ment to the extent necessary to prevent damage to the completed or partially completed embankment. No additional payment other than the unit contract prices for the various pay items involved will be allowed. PSH No. 5 S. 228th St. to James St. in Kent State Project -1963 -3- If continued hauling over a completed or partially completed embankment causes loss of stability as evidenced by pumping or rutting, or other damage, the Contractor shall repair the damaged embankment at his own expense and adjust his hauling equipment and procedures so as to avoid further damage. This requirement shall not be construed to mitigate in any way the Contractor's responsibility for work as assigned under the standard specifications. SOURCE OF MATERIALS The fol.LO'Vling source of materials is made available fo:: this improvement at no cost to tLe Contractor: Pit Site PS-A-337, source of gravel base class Band gravel backfill for foundations class B, located in the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 30, Township 22 North Range 5 East, W.M., as shown on sheet 2 of the plans. No source has been provided for crushed surfacing, prime coat aggregate or mineral aggregate for asphalt concrete pavement. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements to obtain these materials at his own expense, and all costs of acquiring, producing and placing these mat2rials in the finished work will be considered incidental to the unit bid items involved. OPERATION OF PIT SITE PS-A-337 Pit site PS-A-337 may be utilized as a source of materials on a project sponsored by the U. S. Corps of Army Engineers during the life of this project, and the Contractor shall carry out his operations in the pit site in such a manner as to avoid any conflict with the other contractor. The ~cntractor on this project shall confine his operations within the pit site to the areas not occupied or being vrorked by the other contractor. In case of any conflict in the pit operations, the Engineers on the two projects shall determine which contractor has first priority and their decision shall be final. PITS AND/OR QUARRIES FURNISHED BY CONTRACTOR The source shall be so selected that after the materials have been removed, the pit will drain to a natural drainage course and no excavation shall be made to a greater depth th2n the water in such natural drainage course when the water is at a normal elevation. Should the source selected by the Contractor be one which would not drain as outlined here- in, permission shall be obtained by the Contractor from the governing body of the city or county for the removal of the materials from such pit or quarry. Following the removal of rraterials, the entire area shall be cleared of all rubbish, temporary structures and equip- ffi0nt, and the Contractor shall secure a release from the permitter which states that the pit has been left in a condition satisfactory to the permitter. The aforementioned special provision does not apply to pits being operated commercially. PSH No. 5 S. 228th St. to James St. in Kent State Project -1963 •. 1-J.- HAULING ON OTHER THAN STATE HIGHWAYS The state has made arrangements with King County for the Contractor 1 s use of the county road known as the Howley Road, shown on sheet 2 of the plans, as a haul route for this project. The Contractor shall comply With all existing legal restrictions. If the Contractor chooses to obtain material from a source other than that provided by the State and this source necessitates hauling on other than State Highways or if the Contractor selects different haul routes than those designated, the State assumes no responsibility for any cost to the Contractor for his use of the haul routes. If the sources of materials provided by the Contractor require hauling over roads other than State Highways, the Contractor shall, at his own cost and expsnse, make all arrangements for the use of the haul routes. WASTE SITE FOR EXCESS MATERIALS AND DEBRIS No waste site has been provided by the State for the disposal of material and debris as directed in these special provisions. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements, and at his own expense, for the disposal of the waste materials and shall protect the State from any and all damages arising therefrom. GRAVEL BACKFILL Section 21-2 of the standard specifications, "Materials,11 shall be amended to delete the stabilometer R value requirements for "Gravel Backfill for Foundations Class B.11 Gravel backfill for foundations class B, where used for bedding of pipe shall be limited to a maximum particle size of 3/4 inch. PSH No. 5 S. 228th St. to James St. in Kent State Project -1963 -5- ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT The 1st sentence of the 3rd paragraph of section 32-3.03 of the standard specifications shall be changed to require that the aggregate, exclusive of mineral filler, be heated to a tem- perature between 275 and 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Section 32-3.13 of the standard specifications shall be changed to read as follows: The surface of the top or wearing course, when finished, shall be of uniform texture, smooth, uniform as to crown and grade, and free from defects of all kinds. The com- pleted surface shall not vary more than 1/4 inch from the lower edge of a 10 foot straightedge placed on the surface parallel to the center line. When deviations in excess of the above tolerance are found, the pavement surface shall be corrected by the addition of asphalt concrete mixture of an appropriate class to low places or the removal of material from high places by methods satisfactory to the Engineer, or by removal and replacement of the wearing course of asphalt concrete. Correction of defects shall be carried out until there are no deviations anywhere greater than the allowable tolerance. All areas in which the surface of the completed pavement deviates more than twice the allowable tolerance described above shall be removed and replaced to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All costs involved in making the correction of defects described above shall be borne by the Contractor and no compensation will be made for this work. CAST IRON DROP INLET SE-17 Where shown on the plans, or where directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall construct cast iron drop inlet SE-17 in accordance with section 34 of the standard specifications and the details shown on standard plan SE-17. The unit contract price per each for "Cast Iron Drop Inlet SE-17" shall be full compensation for all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to complete the work. No further compensation will be made. DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL Section 45-3.08 of the standard specifications, "Disposal of Excavated Material," shall be supplemented by the following paragraph: When material obtained from structure excavation is declared unsuitable for backfill by the Engineer because of the natural properties of the material and when the loca- tion of the area of disposal requires that the material be loaded and hauled in haul- ing units, payment for haul will be made at the unit contract price for "Haul" or, when no unit price for "Haul" is included in the contract, at $0.30 per unit of "Haul" PSH No. 5 S. 228th St. to James St. in Kent State Project -1963 -6- measured and computed in accordance with the provisions of section 12 of the standard specifications. All other costs resulting from disposing of the unsuitable material shall be incidental to and included in the unit price per cubic yard for "Structure Excavation." SPECIAL CATCH BASINS Where shown on the plans, or where directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall construct special catch basins in accordance with section 68 of the standard specifications and stand- ard plan B-6 except that the standard metal frame and grate shall be deleted and replaced by the cast iron ring and cover as shown on the standard plan SE-8. 1be top shall be con- structed with unit R as shown on standard plan B-6 and on sheet 2 of the plans. The unit contract price per each for "Special Catch Basins" shall be full compensation for all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to perform the work as specified here- in. No further compensation will be made. CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING DRAINAGE SYSTEMS Where shown on the plans, or where directed by the Engineer, connections shall be made to existing drainage systems with 8" x 12" wyes in accordance with the details shown on sheet 2 of the plans and as directed by the Engineer. The standard unit bid items involved in this work shall be full compensation for all labor, tools, materials and equipment necessary to perform the work specified herein. No further compensation will be made. ADJUST MANHOLES, CATCH BASINS AND VALVE BOXES Where authorized by the Engineer, the existing manholes, catch basins and valve boxes may be adjusted to the grade of the new roadway b~ the use of riser rings. Where the depth of the new pavement is less than two inches or more than six inches, riser rings will not be permitted and the existing cast iron frame, ring or case shall be removed and the unit adjusted to the required height in accordance with section 68-3.01 of the standard specifi- cations. Section 68-5 of the standard specifications shall be supplemented by the addition of the following unit bid item: "Adjust Valve Boxes," per each. REMOVE CATCH BASINS Where shown on the plans, or where directed by the Engineer, the existing catch basins shall be removed and disposed of as provided under "Waste Site for Excess Materials and Debris" or as directed by the Engineer. PSH No. 5 S. 228th St. to James St. in Kent State Project -1963 -7- The cast iron frame and grate shall be cleaned and stored within the right of way as directed by the Engineer. All cost and expense involved in removing and disposing of the catch basins and removing, cleaning and storing the metal frame and grate as specified herein shall be included in the unit contract price per each for "Remove Catch Basins." No further compensation Will be made. REMOVE BEAM GUARD RAIL Where shown on the plans, or where directed by the Engineer, the existing beam guard rail shall be removed and stockpiled within the right of way as directed by the Engineer. All cost and expense involved in removing and stockpiling the beam guard rail shall be in- cluded in the unit contract price per linear foot for "Remove Beam Guard Rail." No further compensation will be made. REMOVE AND RESET FIRE HYDRANTS Where shown on the plans, or where directed by the Engineer, the existing fire hydrants shall be removed and reset outside the back of the curb. Material and workmanship shall conform to the standards and specifications of the State of Washington, the City of Kent, and the American Water Works Association. All cost and expense involved in furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment neces- sary to perform the work as specified herein including accessories and backfilling shall be included in the unit contract price per each for "Remove and Reset Fire Hydrants." PROTECTION OF EXISTING UTILITIES Underground utilities are located in close proximity to the rca~-ay surface. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any damage done to any public property or any private property by reason of the breakage of any water pipe, electric conduit pipe, gas main, telephone cable or other utility as a result of his operations, and protect the State against any and all damages arising therefrom. The Contractor shall satisfy himself as to the exact location of water mains and other underground utilities by contacting the various owners involved. PRESERVATION OF STREET ~~NUMENTS There are metal plug-type monuments embedded in the existing pavement at the various street intersections. The Contractor whall exercise care to preserve these monuments during his various operations of preparing the existing surface for paving and during his paving oper- ations. PSH No. 5 S. 228th St. to James St. in Kent State Project -1963 -8- After the paving has been completed the Contractor shall place a metal ring such as a short section of 2 inch Mameter galvanized \-leiter pipe at the locations staked by the Engineer. As little pavement as possible shall be removed for the placement of the metal rings, C:J.nd they shall then be grouted in with asphalt or mortar as directed by the Enginee1·. The top edge of the metal ring shall be recessed l/4 inch below the surface of the finished asphalt pavement, and the bottom edge shall be placed firmly in contact with the underlying pave- ment surrounding the monument. All cost and expense for labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to perform the work specified herein shall be considered incidental to the various asphalt concrete pavement items. No further compensation will be made. TRAFFIC The several provisions of the standard specificatious pertaining to maintaining and safe- guarding of traffic shall obtain :i..n all respects. In addition, the following special pro- visions shall apply as directed by the Engineer: l. There shall be at all times reasonable access to and egress from the business establishments and other properties adjacent to this project. All road approaches and street connection she,ll remair: open to traffic throughout the life of this pro- ject unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. 2. During construction, the Contractor shall confine his operations to one side of the roadway. 3. Two-way traffic shall be maintained at all times on Primary State Highway No. 5 and the Contractor shall keep his equipment clear of the existing roadway as much as possible. 4. The Contractor shall erect portable barricc::.des and signs at each end of the section under construction. These barricades and signs shall be removed by him after the day's work has been completed except where dangerous situations to traffic may occur, in vJhich case the barricades and signs shall be supplemented with flares, lanterns and/or flasher units. All costs and expense in connection ·11ith handling and protection of traffic as herein speci- fied shall be considered incidental to the vrork involved in the project, and all costs there- of shall be included in the U11jt; contract prices for the various pay items of work involved in the project, except that the cos~~ of traffic cont.ro.=.. and flagmen will be paid for as pro- vided in section 7.08 of the standard specifications. No additional compensation will be allowed. PSH No. 5 S. 228th St. to James St. in Kent State Project -1963 -9- WASIIIS(iTON STATE IIIHIIWAl.. (OM~ISSION I>EJ>AII:T!\U:ST Of' IIIGII\\.:\YS OLYMI'I.I\. W!\SIUNGTON l\fAl) ()F STATE liHatWAYS Nf)'S 2.., 5, s .. A, 5-B, 5-C, 5-1\'1 & 1-X R 5 E: .. 3{. I R(OE