HomeMy WebLinkAbout3371 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 so 31 82 RESOLUTION NO. 3 a 1 , 'THFREAS, ell of the m,~ners of :oronerty e.butting upon the ~ortion of the slley end the portion of the street hereinafter described heve petitioned the City Council of the City of Kent for the vacation of said oortion of said elley end said uortion of said street, and 1·lH:EREAS, the uortion of se.id e_lley sought to be vece.ted is described as follows: Thet portion of the alley in block five {5) McMillan's Addition to the City of Kent abutted on the east by Lots 1,2,3,4, .snd 5 in said block 5, and abutted on the west by lots 16,17,18, 19 and 2n hlock 5, and T;tHEREAS, the portion of the street sought to be vacated ie described as follows: That nortion of State Street North in McMillan's Addition to th~ City of KPnt abutted on the west by lots 1,2,~,4, end 5, in block 5 of said addition and abutted on the east by Tract No.3 of said addition, and ~·!HEREAS, it a:y:;ea.rs thet peti tionere are the only owners of la.nd abutting said nortion of se.id alley and abutting ee.id portion of said street sou~ht to be vacated; IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED thet Monday, the 15th day o~ June, 1953, at the hour of 8:00p.m., is hereby fixed as the ~ime, and the Council Chembers in the City Ha.ll of the City of Kent is hereby fixed as the plece, for hearinrs upon said petition, and all ne>rPons interested e.re required then c;nd there to "he present to stete their objections if any they hfve for the granting of sa.id. petition. PASSED by the City of May, 1953.