HomeMy WebLinkAbout3361 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. :3c3 c; ~·THERE.AS, the Green River Velley, south of the City of Se~ttle, in KinF County, Stete of We~hington, hes hed e hietory of recurring floods from the Green River, Bnd, ?THEREAS, s&io. floods end. the threat of their recurrence in the future have prevented uroner utilization of the eree for industrial d evelo-:J:nent end lone:-renp:e ··)lenning of such develop- ment, end 'I~THERE.AS, plenninp: for the development of the erea end se.id development itPelf Fre contlngent uuon the control of such floods end the removel of the threat of their recurrence, and \IJHPREAS, more imrnedie tely imoorta.nt the construction of ' the Eegle Gorge Dem to control Green River will through the elimination of flood8 provide neces~ery fectory sites, such e.s the BoeinF Airnlene nlent near Seattle, so essential to the defense of our country, end 11THERE.AS, the control of the seid river can be eccom::)lished only with the nerticinetion of the United States Government in the planning end construction of control measures; NON, THEREFORE, B!\ IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT in regulc:r meetin@: eseembled, ee followR: ( 1) 'I'het the vi vil Functions .Ap-oronrietion Subcommittee of the House Anoroprietion Com~ittee be End it is hereby respectful 1 y r~~ue~ted End ur£ed to include in the Civil Functions .Au,ropriation Recommendation funds sufficient to complete final ~lennin~ and be~in Ectuel construction uuon the-Green River Projec~ in Kin~ County, Stete of Weshingt?n; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thet copies of this Resolution be sent to the Honorehle Glenn R. Devis,MC, Cheirman, Civil Functions .A,proprietion Su~committee, HnuPe Appropriation Committee, ~ashington, D. C. PASSED BY THF UNANDIOUS VOTE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C!T~ OF KENT, thiP 4th dey of rfc.y