HomeMy WebLinkAbout3311 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II II I RSSOLUTION NO. <~;,3/ T~·THEREAS, the Ste.te or Vlashington by end through the Pollution fon ~;rol Commission or tne S'te.te 01 Washing~,on, the Department ot fisheries ot the Stete or ~ashington, and tne Deper'tment of Game rf the SLat.e or '\llashingvon, hE.S filed e. claim for de_mege, e.ncl does rleim damage from the CiLy oi Kent, in tne sum of $8l,jOO.OO, on ~he alleged ground that the City of Kent did wrongfully, negli- rently a.nd C&relessly pre· r·mi t the diSCh&rge or poisonous substances fnto its sewage system which seid subs'tances were then dischcrged rnto the Green .ttiver, King Coun'ty, Via.shinf?·'ton, end seid substences lt:herein destroyed. certa.in fish li1'e, .s.nd \<JHEHEAS, the Pollution Con t.rol Commission of the Sta.te of 11 ·rasnir:gton, actin:::· under Cnepter 216 oJ: 'the Session Laws of 1945 12 t f the State or· h'a.shine:,ton, demanded or the City tha.t it advise l.he CommisBion or 1,•hav steps c:re being te.ken to control certain 14 · ~leged pollu'ti~n of tna waters of Green Kiver by sewage from the ~ity ot Kent, end 13 15 16 :THEREAS, it.:. e:Ype&:rs tnc: t tne public interest, welfare, oonveni- 17 ehce and neces"i ty require tne.t tne City or Kent fully investige.te 18 said. claim for demar,es e.nd ta.ke sucn steps e.s circumste.nces may or 19 shell ~E require and tnat tbe City of KPnt take such sLeos as may 20 or sh.s.ll be rEquired by ree.son of the alle~·e.tions or' p~llution of 21 the vJa.ters o!' Green Kiver by se•r1sge from the City of Kent. 22 NOW, THEEEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By THE CITY COUNCIL O.Lt' THE CITY 23 OF KENT tne.t tne legal firm 01' Elvidge, 1r!at't, Veolen end Te'to~ell, of 24 Seet Lle, T:!a.shinr::ton, be and it is hereoy retained by the City 25 Countil o!' the City of' Kent as specia.L associete counsel or· said 26 City to represent saio City,with tne City A'tLorney, in ell matters 27 pertaining to se.id claim for c'lemage end. in e.ll matters concerned 28 with tne elleged pollut.ion or tne waters of G-reen River by sewage 29 from the City or Kent. 30 PAS SED by the City Council oil the City of Kent end e.pproved 31 by its Mayor tnis l~th day or Decemoer, 1952. 32 CITY At t.est: By: f9Grc~~~