HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981RESOLUTION NO. 1981 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, adopting the 2020 through 2025 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. RECITALS A, Following notice, at its regularly-scheduled meeting on May 2L,2OL9, the City Council held a public hearing to consider public testimony on the City's proposed 2020 through 2025 Six-year Tra nsportation Improvement Progra m. B. Per RCW 35.77.}LO, the six-year program for each city must specifically set forth projects and programs of regional significance for inclusion in the transportation improvement program within that region. C, Having considered public testimony, the Council voted to adopt the 2020 through 2025 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. NOW THEREFORE, THE CIry COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 7 2O2O-2O25 Six-Year T ra n spo ttatio n I m p rove me nt P rog ra m RESOLUTION SECTION 7, - Adoption. The 2020 through 2025, Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, set forth in Exhibit "A," which is attached and filed with the City Clerk, is hereby adopted. SECTION 2, - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this resolution is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this resolution and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3, - Corrections by City Clerk Upon approval of the city attorney, the City Clerk is authorized to make necessary corrections to this resolution, including the correction of clerical errors; resolution, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. - Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be n rce m edia upon passage DANA MLPH, MAYOR May 2L, 20L9 Date Approved Ditt BovCNrci\ @,. lresiaer(* ,\W A , CITY CLERK May 21, 2Ot9 Date Adopted May 21, 2Ot9 Date Published 2 2O2O-2O25 Six-Year Tra nsportation Im provement Prog ram APPROVED AS TO UR "PAT"CITY EY 3 2O2O-2A25 Six-Year Tra nsportation Im provement Progra m 2O2O -2025 SIX-YEAR TRAN S PORTATION I M PROVE M E NT PLAN CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IM PROVEM ENT PROG RAM 202fJ - 202s Mayor Dana Ralph Timothy J. LaPorte, PE, Director of Public Works KENT WAsHtNGToN 2O2O -2025 SIX-YEAR TRAN S PO RTATION I M PROVE M ENT PI.AN Table of Contents: Resolution..... Introduction Project List ... . 2O2O - 2025 Six-Year TIP Cost Estimates. Map of Projects Project Descriptions Contact Information On the Cover: Intersection Improvements at Meeker Street and 4th Avenue VI ix xil 1 43 2O2O-2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN Introduction Overview The Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a short-range planning document that is updated annually based on needs and policies identified in the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan and Transportation Master plan (TMp). The TIp represents Kent's current list of needed projects that are anticipated to begin preliminary engineering, right of way acquisition or construction within the next sixyears' The TIP also includes ongoing citywide transpoftation programs. projects and programs are included in the plan for a variety of reasons. These projects and programs encompass all transportation modes as well as both capital improvements and operations and maintenance. The document identifies secured or reasonably expected revenue sources for eachproject or program' The TIP serves as a draft work plan for the development of the local transportation network, once adopted, the TIp will guide funding and implementation priorities during the development of the transportation portion of the Six-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The CIp shows the City-funded poftion of projects and is constrained by current budget forecasts, whereas the TIp shows a complete project list with the variety of funding sources and partners involved. Historically, the largest sources of funding for TIP projects have been grants. Funding for transportation projects is available from federal, state and local resources. Each funding source has specific rules and guidelines about what types of projects it will fund, how much of a project will be funded and timelines for expenditure of funds. Additionally, most grant programs require a funding match, which means that the City must also contribute funding to the cost of a project. The City of Kent funds transportation projects using the General Fund, Street Fund, Local Improvement Districts, Transportation Impact Fees, Business and Occupation Tax, Solid Waste Utility Tax, and grant revenue from local, state and federal governments' One reason the TIP is updated annually is that many revenue sources are closely tied to the health of the economy and can therefore be unpredictable. In addition, grant criteria can change from the previous cycle necessitating a re- evaluation of the TIp projects. Document Structure Each project or program listed in the TIP includes an estimated cost, the amount of funding secured or unsecured and the funding source(s). If grant funding has been CIry OF KENT 2O2O.2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN secured from a specific source, it is identified. Projects listed that are necessary to accommodate growth and allow the City to maintain its adopted Levels of Service may be funded in part by transportation impact fees. The costs for projects programmed in the first three years of the TIP have been developed with a higher level of certainty whereas those in the latter three years have been developed with less specificity, as those projects are generally less defined. Requirements State law requires that each city develop a local TIP and that it be updated annually (RCW 35.77.0L0). It represents an important planning component under the State's Growth Management Act. The TIP must be consistent with the transportation element of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The TIP may be revised at any time during the year by a majority of the Council, after a Public Hearing. In order to compete for transportation funding grants from federal and state sources, granting agencies require projects to be included in the TIP. Changes to the TIP The City updated its Comprehensive Plan in 2015. The first six years of the Comprehensive Plan are financially constrained, meaning that secured funding is demonstrated within an approved budget or similarly approved funding action. Subsequently, the 2020-2025 TIP has been revised to reflect projects that will likely be constructed using existing funding sources as well as the City's historical record of average grant disbursements, Tables 1 and 2 below detail projects added and removed from the TIP. Table 3 details changes to existing project limits. Table 1 ects Added Table 2 ects Removed P P PROJECT NAME Willis Street Shared Use Paths - Union Pacific Railroad to the 4th Avenue South Roundabout S 2L2th Street G reen River Bridge Rehabilitation Meeker Street Green River Brid ge Rehabilitation L32d Avenue South Pedestrian Im provements (Phase III) South 2L2th Street - West Valley Highway (State Route 181) to Orillia Road Midway Subarea TOD Street - S. 244th Street and 32nd Avenue South ) Meeker Street and 64th Avenue South - Intersection Im provements PROJECT NAME COMMENTS Meet Me on Meeker - Intersection Improvements on 4th Ave S Completed CITY OF KENT IV 2O2O.2O25 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN Table 3 P Limit Cha Naden Avenue Improvements Limits shifted from Naden site to Meeker Street Meeker Frontage Improvements at the Drivinq Ranqe Added a new midblock crossing BNSF Railway Company (BNSF) Railroad Ouiet Tone Union Pacific (UP) Railroad Ouiet Zone Previously BNSF and UP Railroad were a single project Meeker Frontaqe Improvement (Phase I) Meeker Frontaqe Improvement (Phase II) Phase I and II were previously a single project Avenue South (South Section) 76th Avenue South (Middle Section) 76th Avenue South (North Section South, Middle and North phases were previously a single project SE 248th Street Improvements - 104th Ave Southeast to 116th Avenue Southeast SE 248th Street Improvements - 109th Ave Southeast to 116th Avenue Southeast SE 248th Street at 116th Avenue Southeast Roundabout The three projects were previously a single project (SE 248th Street Improvements - 104th Avenue Southeast to 116th Avenue Southeast) CITY OF KENT v 2O2O.2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN Project List Project # Project Name, Location and Extent 1 South 224rh Street Extension (Phase I) - 84tn Avenue South to 88th Avenue South Naden Avenue and Willis Street Intersection Improvements Naden Avenue fmprovements - Willis Street to Meeker Street Kent Valley Flashing Yellow Left Turn Arrows South 228th Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Transpoftation Master Plan South 224th Street Extension (Phase II) - 88th Avenue South to 94th Place South BNSF Railway Company Railroad Quiet Zone Union Pacific Railroad Quiet Zone Willis Street at 4th Avenue South Roundabout Willis Street Shared Use Paths - Union Pacific Railroad to the 4th Avenue South Roundabout 132nd Avenue South Pedestrian Improvements (Phase III) - Kent-Kangley Road S to SE 278th Street Auburn to Renton Rapid Ride - Access Improvements Meeker Frontage Improvements and Midblock Crossing at the Driving Range - Driving range from Colony Park apartments driveway to Russell Road W James Street/W Smith Street Pedestrian Improvement W James Street at 2nd Avenue N Pedestrian Crossing 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. 11. t2. 13. L4. 15. 16. CITY OF KENT vi 18 L7. 19. 20. 2L. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 24. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 2O2O.2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN 76th Avenue South (South Phase) - 22400 Block to 21700 Block 76th Avenue South (Middle Phase) - 2I7OO Block to 21400 Block 76th Avenue South (North Phase) - Z|4OO Block to 21100 Block S 212th Street Green River Bridge Rehabilitation Meeker Street Green River Bridge Rehabilitation Safe Routes to Schools Improvements at Meridian Elementary - Southeast 256th Street and 140th Avenue Southeast E Willis Street and Central Avenue Intersection Improvements Southeast 248th Street Improvements - 104th Avenue Southeast to 109th Avenue Southeast Southeast 248th Street Improvements - 109th Avenue Southeast to 116th Avenue Southeast Southeast 248th Street at 116th Ave Southeast Roundabout Panther Lake Signal System Integration Safe Routes to Schools Improvements at Neeley-O'Brien ElementaU - 64t,n Avenue South and South 236rh Street Kent Transit Center - Access, Mobility and Safety Improvements Central Avenue - Traffic Signal Communication Veterans Drive Extension - Military Road to I-5 Southbound Off- ramp Meeker Frontage Improvements at the Riverview Apartments - Riverview Apartments Homes from Russell Road east to the western edge of private development property South 21-2th Street - East Valley Highway (State Route 181) to 72"d Avenue South East Valley Highway - South 196th Street to South 2I2th Street CITY OF KENT vii 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 2O2O.2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATIO N I M PROVE M E NT PLAN south 2L2th street - west Valley Highway (state Route 1g1) to Orillia Road Meeker Street and 64th Avenue South - Intersection Improvements south 224th street Extension (phase rrr) - 94th place South to 108th Avenue Southeast (State Route 51S/Benson Highway) Midway subarea ToD street - s. z44th street and 32nd Avenue South ONGOING CITYWIDE PROGRAMS street and sidewalk preservation and Repair program Traffic Signal Management program channelization and pavement Markings Maintenance program Guardrail Safety fmprovement program CITY OF KENT viii 2O2O-2025 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMPROJECT COSTSUnsecured$$ s30,000$ 1,900,000$$ 4,4s6,000$$$$$$ 600,000$ 276,900$$ 3,450,000$ 805,000$ 245,000$ 3,3oo,ooo$ 4,100,000$ 3,700,000$ 5,980,800$ 3,450,000$ 961,000Secured$ 22,646,000$ 3oo,ooo$$ 869,000$ 38,644,000$ 890,000$ 13,543,000$57,000$57,000$ 3,000,000$$$ 10,680,000$$$$$$$$$Proiect CostsTotal$ 22,646,000$ 830,000$ 1,900,000$869,000$ 43,100,000$890,000$ 13,s43,000$ 1,938,000$ 1,212,000$ 3,000,000$600,000$276,900$ 10,680,000$ 3,45o,ooo$ 805,000$245,000$ 3,300,000$ 4,100,000$ 3,700,000$ 5,980,800$ 3.450,000$961,000Start2020202020202020702020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202021ProjectStreet ExtensionueIntersectionNaden Avenue ImprovementsFlashing Yellow Left TurnArrowssoutn zz8th Street/UnionPacific Railroad GradeSenaratidnTransportation Master planSouth 224th Street Extension(Phase Ii)BNSF Railway CompanyRailroad Quiet ZoneUnion Pacific Railroad QuietZonewillis street at 4th Ave southRou ndaboutWillis Street Shared UsePaths132nd Avenue S PedestrianImorovements (Phase III)Auburn to Renton Rapid RideMeeker FrontageImprovements and MidblockCrossing at the Driving RangeW James StreeVW SmithStreet PedestrianImorovFmentW James Street at 2ndAvenue N Pedestrian Crossing76th Avenue South (SouthSection)76th Avenue South (MiddleSection)76th Avenue South (NorthSection)S 212th Street Green RiverBridge RehabilitationMeeker Street Green RiverBridge RehabilitationSafe Routes to SchoolsImprovements at MeridianElementarvNo,1234567891011t213741516t71819202L22aF(Jtuodo-PHASESConstruction$ 17,669,000$ sso,ooo$ 1,600,000$ 813,ooo$ 32,760,000$$ 10,849,000$ 1,754,000$ 1.096,000$ 2,650,000$ 5oo,ooo$ 244,950$ 7,s10,000$ 2,825,000$ 690,000$ 210,000$ 2,800.000$ 3,600,000$ 3,200,000$ s,140,800$ 2,825,000$ 8s0,000Right of Way$ 1,4s1,000$ 175,000$ 100,000$$ s,060,000$$ 1,5s7,000$ 49,000$ 31,ooo$$$$$ 110,000$$$$$$$ 110,000$PreliminaryFnainoarina$ 3,526,000$75,000$ 200,000$56,000$ s,280,000$$ 1,137,000$135,000$85,000$ 3s0,000$ 100,000$3 1,950$ 1,6s0,000$ s15,000$ 115,000$35,000$ 500,ooo$ 5oo,ooo$ 5oo,ooo$ 840,000$ 515,000$1 1 1,000Other$$$$$$ 890,000$$$$$$$ 1,520,000$$$$$I$$$Phases Total$ 22,646,000$ 830,000$ 1,900,000$ 869,000$ 43,100,000$ 890,000$ 13,543,000$ 1,938,000$ 1,212,000$ 3,ooo,ooo$ 600,000$ 276,900$ 10,680,000$ 3,4s0,000$ 80s,000$ 245,000$ 3,300,000$ 4,100,000$ 3,700,000$ 5,980,800$ 3,4s0,000$ 961,000CITY OF KENTIX 2020.2025 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMPROJECT COSTSUnsecured$332,000$ s,000,000$ 7,000,000$ 3,000,000$ 400,000$ 961,000$ 3,000,000$ 5,000,000$ 6,246,000$ 2,447,OOO$$ 3,000,000$ 5,210,000$ 600,000$ 15,400,000$ s,900,000$ 97,25O,7OOSecured$ 168,000$$$$$$$$ 45,374,000$$ 2,900,000$$$$100,000$$ 139,228,000Project CostsTdtrl$500,000$ 5,000,000$ 7,000,000$ 3,000,000$400,000$961,000$ 3,ooo,ooo$ 5,ooo,ooo$ s1,620,000$ 2,447,0OO$ 2.900,000$ 3,000,000$ 5,210,000$ 600,000$ 1s,500,000$ 5,900,000$ 239,5L4,7OOStart2027202L202L202t20212021202r2021202t2021202t20232023202320242025Total ProiectsProjectE WilrS slreet ano centratAvenue South IntersectionImdrdvcmanicSoutn Z4Eth StreetImprovements - 104thAvenue South to 109thAvanr re q^' rthSouth Z46th StreetImprovements - 109thAvenue South to 116thAvanr ra q^' 'thSoutheast 248th Street at116th Ave SE RoundaboutPanther Lake Signal SystemInteqration5are Routes to ScnootsImprovements at Neeley-O'Bricn FlFmFntrruKent Transit CenterCentral AvenueVeterans Drive ExtensionMeeker FrontageImprovements at theRiverview ADartmentssouth 2lzthstreet - EastValley Highway to 72nd t.^n,,a C^,,+hrasr vailey Htgnway - south196th Street to South 212thSouth 212th Street - WestValley Highway to Orillia RoadMeeker Street and 64thAvenue SouthSouth 224th Street Extension(Phase iII)Mroway 5uoarea I oD Street -S. 244th Street and 32ndNo.23242526272829303132333435363738aFUtuodo-PHASESConstruction$ 290,000$ 4,250,000$ 6,2s0,000$ 2,200,000$ 350,000$ 769,000$ 2,737,OOO$ 3,s62,000$ 38,58s,000$ 1,956,000$ 2,560,000$ 2,600,000$ 4,400,000$ s00,000$ 13,000,000$ 3,900,000$ L87,47s,7sORight of Way$ 166,000$ 2s0,000$ 2s0,000$ 5oo,ooo$$ 100,000$$$ 10,270,000$ 100,000$ 240,000$ 175,000$ 10,000$$ 1,000,000$ 1,400,000$ 23,104,000PreliminaryFndinacrind$44,OOO$ s00,000$ 5oo,ooo$ 3oo,ooo$50,000$92,000$ 713,000$ 1,188,000$ 2,76s,000$ 391,000$ 200,000$225,000$ 800,000$100,000$ 1,500,000$ 600,000$ 26,224,9sOOther$$$$$$ 150,000$ 250,000$$$$$$$$$ 2,810,000Phases Total$ s00,000$ s,000,000$ 7.000,000$ 3,ooo,ooo$ 400.000$ 961,000$ 3,000,000$ s,ooo,ooo$ s1,620,000$ 2,447,OOO$ 3,000,000$ 3,000,000$ 5,210,000$ 600,000$ 15,500,000$ s,900,000$ 239,6L4,70OXCITY OF KENT 2020-2025 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM$ L67,72s,7O0$ 184,613,000$ 355,374,700Grand Total$ 286,025,750$ 24,166,000$ 42,478,950$ 2,810,000$ 3s5,480.700PROJECT COSTSunsecured$ 67,800,000$ 4s0,000$ 2,225,OOO$$ 7O,475,OOOSecured$ 38,400,000$ 3,750,000$ 2,575,000$660,000$ 4s,38s,000Project CostsTotal$ 106,200,000$ 4,2oo,ooo$ 4,800,000$660,000$ 115,860,000StartTotal ProgramsProjectStreet and SidewalkPreservation and ReDairTraffic Signal ManagementChannelization and PavementMarkings MaintenanceGuardrail SafetyImorovementsNo.39404L42aEd(9odo-PHASESConstruction$ 90,270,000$ 3,600,000$ 4,080,000$ 600,000$ 98,ss0,000Right of Way$ 1,062,000$$$$ 1,062,000PreliminaryEndinerind$ 14,868,000$ 600,000$ 720,000$66,000$ 16,254,000Other$$$$$Phases Total$ 106,200,000$ 4,200,000$ 4,800,000$ 660,000$ 115,866,000CITY OF KENTXI City of Kent2020 - 2025TransportationImprovementProgram ProLegendState RouteRoadsRivers and Lakesl- TtP ProjectsCitywide Projectsare not depictedma/x\/ KENT0.5MileRevisedjects"*020t9ril24oAuburn\F."aThe City of Kent ("City") reasonably betievesthat making this information available foryour inspection is not an infringement orother violation of any intellectual propertyrights. To the extent copyright in saidinformation is held by the City you arehereby permitted by the City to copy,distribute, and otheruise use theinformation with one exception. No oneis permitted to sell this informationexcept in accordance with a writtenagreement with the City... ,- .. .rt ..:,tl 2O2O.2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #1:South 224th Street Extension (Phase I) 84th Avenue South to 88th Avenue South 2020YEAR: DESCRIPTION:Construct a three-lane road from 84th Avenue South to 88th Avenue South, including a new bridge over State Route 167, The project will include full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; five-foot paved shoulders; street lighting; storm drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. Construction began in 2OI7 and will be completed in 2019. Preliminary Engineering,... $3,526,000PROJECT COST: Right of Way Acquisition ... $1,451,000 Construction $17,669,000 TOTAL #22,646,0,00 Secured Funding .... $22,646,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Drainage Fund, Local Improvement District, Special Assessments), Developer Mitigation, Transportation Improvement Board PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The existing roadway system cannot accommodate the current or forecast east-west traffic volumes between Kent's East Hill and the Green River Valley floor. To meet transportation concurrency requirements of the Growth Management Act, additional east-west vehicle capacity is required. Intersections along South 208th/2L2th Street and James/Southeast 240th Streets are at or over capacity, Because of existing development and topographic constraints, it is not feasible to widen the James/Southeast 24}th Street and South 208th/2L2th Street'corridors'enough to to provide the additional east-west capacity needed to accommodate forecast traffic volumes, 1CITY OF KENT 2O2O.2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions Naden Avenue and Willis Street fntersectionPROJECT #2: Improvements YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: 2020 Build right-in/right-out intersection on Willis Street (State Route 516) at Naden Avenue consistent with Washington State Department of Transportation approval. Preliminary Engineering.......... g75,000 Right of Way Acquisition ....., $175,000 Construction $580,000 TOTAL . $83O,OOO Secured Funding .9300,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Local Improvement District, Transportation Capital Fund) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will provide access to the City's Naden site. The Naden site is placed strategically at the entrance to Kent's Downtown. It is highly approachable and visible from State Route 167 and State Route 516. The Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan describes this area as critical to projecting a good image of the City. 2CITY OF KENT 2O2O-2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #3: Naden Avenue Improvements Willis Street to Meeker Street YEAR: 2O2O DESCRIPTION: Build the new Naden Avenue connecting Willis Street and Meeker Street to prepare the site for development, PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering....... 9200,000 Right of Way Acquisition ...... $100,000 Construction . $1,600,000 TOTAL $1,9OO,OOO Secured Funding ...........$0 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Developer Mitigation, General Fund, Local Improvement District, Economic and Community Development Placemaking Fund) PROJECT TUSTIFICATION: This project will build upon the Naden Avenue and Willis Street intersection improvements, allowing for greater development potential for the Naden site. This area is adjacent to State Route 167 and State Route 516 and serves as a gateway to visitors. The Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan describes this area as critical to projecting a good image of the City, Landscaping will buffer development from Puget Sound Energy overhead distribution power lines. Additionally, this project will provide on-street parking, which will improve access to the Interurban Trail. 3CITY OF KENT 2O2O.2O25 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEM ENT PROGRAM PROJECT #4: YEAR: DESCRIPTION: Project Descriptions Kent Valley Flashing Yellow Left Turn Arrows 2020 Purchase and install five traffic signal cabinets, 34 controllers and applicable communications capable of supporting flashing yellow left turn arrow (FYLTA) operation for permissive left turns at L4 intersections in the north Kent Valley. Federal PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.........$56,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........$0 Construction ..... $813,000 TOTAL . $869,000 Secured Funding . $869,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax) Highway Safety Improvement Program PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project builds upon a previous Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program funded project that included replacement of the master signal controller unit and installation of the FYLTAs in the downtown area. This type of signal display has been demonstrated to be much more readily understood by motorists and has resulted in reduced collision rates involving vehicles turning left during permissive left turn signal phases. The upgrade to the legacy central traffic signal control system and more advanced intersection traffic signal controllers will allow greater operation flexibility and improved transportation system efficiency. 4CITY OF KENT 2O2O-2O25 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions South 228th Street/Union Pacific Railroad GradePROJECT #5: Separation YEAR:2020 DESCRIPTION:Construct a grade separation of the Union Pacific Railroad mainline tracks and Interurban Trail at South 228th Street. The project will include the construction of a bridge for four-lane vehicle crossing; full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; bicycle facilities; street lighting; utilities and appurtenances. Construction is underway, utilities are being relocated. This project has also been added to the Washington State Freight Plan. Construction began in 2016. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .... $5,280,000 Right of Way Acquisition ... $5,060,000 Construction $32,760,000 TOTAL $43,1OO,OOO Secured Funding .... $38,644,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Drainage Fund, Street Fund, and Water Fund), Transportation Improvement Board (TIB), Connecting Washington (Washington State), Freight Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corridor (FAST), Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB), Port of Seattle, Union Pacific Railroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The project will lead to a seamless connection between major freight handlers and their primary destinations. It will support freight moving through Kent to the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma, SeaTac Airport and the freeway system. Grade separating this arterial will increase roadway capacity, decrease congestion, enhance safety and improve freight mobility in this corridor and throughout the region. This project will provide regional connections for thousands of businesses, employers, and the 40 million square feet of warehouse/industrial space in the valley. Construction is underway. 5CITY OF KENT 2O2O.2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #6: YEAR: DESCRIPTION:Major update to the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) including near-term and long-range planning for the City's transportation network needs. The project will require assistance from consultants. Project elements include transportation priorities/goals development; an outreach strategy; evaluation of multimodal level of service; transportation model development; public and stakeholder outreach; the base, near-term and forecast transportation model; transportation policies/goals performance metrics; project development and prioritization; financial plan development; and the draft TMP. The updated TMP will include all transportation modes including non-motorized and transit. The current TMP was completed in 2008 and needs to be updated. PROJECT COST: Consultant......... $600,000 TOTAL . $89O,OOO Secured Funding $890,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (General Fund) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The Kent Transportation Master Plan (TMP), as incorporated into the City's Comprehensive Plan, is the City's blueprint for long-range transportation planning in Kent. The City's Comprehensive Plan was approved by the Puget Sound Regional Council in 2015. Efforts to update the TMP began in 2018. This update will include a multi-year transportation financing plan. The plan will also consider subarea and functional plans adopted since 2008 and newly-funded major corridors serving Kent: . Midway Subarea Plan . Downtown Subarea Action Plan . Federal Way Link Extension . State Route 509 extension State Route 167 improvements Let's Go Kent Park & Open Space Plan 2016 Project Descriptions Transportation Master Plan 2020 a a a 6CITY OF KENT 2O2O-2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #7: Project Descriptions South 224th Street Extension (Phase II) 88th Avenue South to 94th Place South 2020YEAR: DESCRIPTION:Construct a three-lane road from 88th Avenue South to 94th Place South, including a new bridge over Garrison Creek. The project will include full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; five-foot paved shoulders; street lighting; storm drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. Construction began in 2019. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.... $1,137,000 Right of Way Acquisition .,, $1,557,000 Construction $10,849,000 TOTAL $13r543,OOO Secured Funding .... $13,543,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Drainage Fund, Local Improvement District, Special Assessments, Transportation Impact Fee), Developer Mitigation, Tra nsportation Improvement Board PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The existing roadway system cannot accommodate the current or forecast east-west traffic volumes between Kent's East Hill and the Green River Valley floor. In order to meet transportation concurrency requirements of the Growth Management Act, additional east-west vehicle capacity is required. Intersections along South 2ggtn/)!2th Street and James/Southeast 240th Streets are also at or over capacity. Because of existing development and topographic constraints, it is not feasible to widen the James/Southeast 24jth Street and South 208rh/2t2th Street 'corridors' enough to provide the additional east-west capacity needed to accommodate forecast traffic volumes. Construction is underway. 7CITY OF KENT 2O2O-2O25 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #8: YEAR: DESCRIPTION:Establish a railroad quiet zone for the BNSF Railway Company mainline tracks through the City. The grade crossings to be included in the quiet zone are: South 259th Street, East Willis Street (State Route 516), East Titus Street, East Gowe Street, East Meeker Street, East Smith Street, East James Street, and South 2l2th Street. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ...,.., $135,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........$49,000 Construction .. $1,754,000 TOTAL $1,938,OOO Secured Funding ..,... $1,938,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax), Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Locomotive engineers begin sounding the train- mounted horn approximately one quarter mile from an at-grade highway/railroad crossing. Train horns are an effective warning of a train approaching grade crossings, but they expose the local community to significant noise. Reducing that noise through a quiet zone will improve the quality of life for those living and working closest to the railroad facilities and could eliminate a barrier to attracting new businesses and residents. Project Descriptions BNSF Railway Company Railroad Quiet Zone 2020 BCITY OF KENT 2O2O.2O25 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #9: YEAR: DESCRIPTION:Establish a railroad quiet zone for the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) mainline tracks through the City. The grade crossings included in the quiet zone are: Willis Street (State Route 516), West Meeker Street, West Smith Street, West James Street and South 2I2th Street. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.,.......985,000 Right of Way Acquisition $31,000 Construction $1,096,000 TOTAL $1,212,O0O Secured Funding .,.,.. $1,212,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax), Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Locomotive engineers begin sounding the train- mounted horn approximately one quarter mile from an at-grade highway/railroad crossing. Train horns are an effective warning of a train approaching grade crossings, but they expose the local community to significant noise. Reducing that noise through a quiet zone will improve the quality of life for those living and working closest to the railroad facilities and could eliminate a barrier to attracting new businesses and residents. Project Descriptions Union Pacific Railroad Quiet Zone 2020 9CITY OF KENT 2O2O.2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #1O: Willis Street at 4th Ave South Roundabout YEAR: 2O2O DESCRIPTION:Construct a roundabout on Willis Street (State Route 516) at 4th Avenue South. The project will include the construction of the roundabout, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage, landscaping, utilities and appurtenances. The roundabout will accommodate bicycle riders, consistent with the Transportation Master Plan which calls for a shared travel lane (sharrows) on 4th Avenue South. This project must be assessed with respect to the complete streets requirements. PROJECT COST:Preliminary Engineering .... .. $350,000 Right of Way Acquisition .......$0 Construction . $2,650,000 TOTAL $3,OOO,OOO Secured Funding.... $3,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transportation Impact Fees), Congestion Mitigation Air Quality, Washington State Department of Transportation Local Programs PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This gateway project will provide an aesthetically pleasing welcome into the heart of Kent and provide the typical benefits of a roundabout including: improved safety, improved traffic flow and decreased lifecycle maintenance costs, CITY OF KENT 10 2O2O.2O25 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #LL: Willis Street Shared Use Paths Union Pacific Railroad to the 4th Avenue South Roundabout YEAR: 2020 DESCRIPTION: Construct a shared use path from the Union Pacific Railroad to the roundabout at 4th Avenue South in the existing right-of-way on the north and south sides of Willis Street. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.....,$100,000 Right of Way Acquisition .. Construction ........,$o $500,000 TOTAL $600,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transportation Impact Fees), Congestion Mitigation Air Quality, Washington State Department of Transportation Local Programs PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will provide a shared use path on the north and south sides of Willis Street between the Union Pacific Railroad and the 4th Avenue South roundabout, a gateway to Kent project. This project will better connect the Interurban Trail to downtown Kent and serve as a gateway into the City's urban core. CITY OF KENT 11 2O2O-2O25 SIX.VEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEM ENT PROGRAM PROJECT #122 (Phase III) Project Descriptions 132nd Avenue Southeast Pedestrian Improvements Kent-Kangley Road Southeast to Southeast 278th Street YEAR: DESCRIPTION: 2020 Construct an asphalt walking path along the west side of t32d Avenue Southeast where sidewalk does not currently exist, PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .........931,950 Right of Way Acquisition ................$0 Construction .....$244,95O TOTAL $276,900 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transportation Impact Fees), Congestion Mitigation Air Quality, Washington State Department of Transportation Local Programs PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: 132nd Avenue Southeast is designated as a minor arterial roadway, with 5 vehicle lanes, bicycle lanes, sidewalks and landscaping planned at build-out. This roadway has been widened at various locations based on development of adjacent parcels. Due to budgetary constraints this roadway will not be completed in the near term; however, the desire to improve pedestrian access necessitates moving ahead with the walking path. CITY OF KENT L2 2O2O.2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #13: Auburn to Renton Rapid Ride Access Improvements YEAR: 2O2O DESCRIPTION:This project is to upgrade passenger facilities and increase access to transit within Kent along the new King County Metro Rapid RideI corridor expected to open in 2Q23. Improved pedestrian and bicycle facilities, shelter improvements, real time arrival information, lighting, off-board payment kiosks, and other transit facility improvements will increase safety and comfort for transit users, induce transit ridership, and improve transit speeds throughout the City and other jurisdictions along the route. The new Rapid Ride corridor will run north-south along Central Avenue from Auburn to the Kent Transit Center, connect to the East Hill area, and then north-south along the Benson Highway (State Route 515) corridor to Renton. Over seven miles of the corridor are within the City. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.... $1,650,000 Equipment...... $1,520,000 Construction... $7,510,000 TOTAL $10,680,000 Regional Mobility Grant...,, $8,000,000 King County Metro .., $2,280,000 Secured Funding $10,680,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): King County METRO, Washington State Department of Transportation Regional Mobility Grant PROJECT JUSTIFICATION:Current frequent service along this corridor includes route 180 (Southeast Auburn to Kent Station to Sea-Tac Airport to Burien Transit Center) and route 169 (Kent Station to Renton Transit Center). The corridor currently has 31 northbound and 29 southbound transit stops serving these two routes. This corridor currently has deficiencies in bus stop facilities as well as areas with poor pedestrian and bicycle access to transit. All bus zones identified for Rapid Ride service will require upgraded facilities (e,9., new RapidRide shelters and amenities) to align with King County Metro's Rapid Ride branding and standards. The City will work with King County Metro to identify bus zone locations for improvements. CITY OF KENT 13 2O2O-2O25 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #L4= Meeker Frontage Improvements and Midblock Crossing at the Driving Range Driving range frontage from the Colony Park Apartments driveway to Russell Road YEAR: DESCRIPTION: 2020 Complete a missing link in Meet Me on Meeker improvements by constructing new sidewalk and multimodal pathway along city- owned driving range frontage on the south side of Meeker Street. The project will also install a raised crosswalk and median islands at the midblock pedestrian crossing between the driving range and golf course, remove the existing pedestrian traffic signal and install a rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) consistent with the Meet Me on Meeker standards. The project will include construction of concrete curbs, gutters, multimodal path, a sidewalk, street lighting, median islands, storm drainage, landscaping, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ...,... $515,000 Right of Way Acquisition ....,. $110,000 Construction .. $2,825,000 TOTAL $3,45O,OOO Secured Funding . $250,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Economic and Community Development Placemaking Fund, Business and Occupation Tax), Puget Sound Regional Council Grants (Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality /Non-Motorized Set Aside), Washington State Transportation Improvement Board Complete Streets Award PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Private development on the former Par-3 property ("Marquee on Meeker") has constructed the Meet Me on Meeker promenade along approximately 1,200 feet of frontage west of the city-owned driving range. This project provides approximately 700 feet of promenade connection between Russell Road and the eastern edge of the Marquee on Meeker project. This will improve non-motorized travelers' comfort, aesthetics, and economic development along this important commercial corridor. This project will remove the existing traffic signal and install a raised crosswalk with median islands which improves drivers' view of crossing pedestrian traffic. A rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) will be installed to improve drivers'awareness of crossing pedestrians. CITY OF KENT L4 2O2O.2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions W James Street/W Smith Street PedestrianPROJECT #15: Improvement YEAR: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: 2020 The proposed project will improve the pedestrian and bicycling experience between the underutilized Kent/James Street Park & Ride and Kent Sounder Station. Improvements include pedestrian wayfinding, pedestrian lighting, and related safety improvements. Preliminary Engineering .....,. $1 15,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........$0 Construction $690,000 TOTAL .$8O5,OOO Secured Funding ..,........$0 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, General Fund, Local Improvement District), Sound Transit System Access Funds PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The pedestrian environment between the Kent/James Street Park & Ride and Kent Sounder Station lacks pedestrian wayfinding and lighting. Parking at Kent Station has a high utilization, while the Park & Ride is underutilized. The project will increase utilization of the Park & Ride, provide an alternative to congested parking areas near Kent Station, and improve the safety and pedestrian experience along the pedestrian route. CITY OF KENT 15 2O2O.2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #L6z W James Street at 2"d Avenue N Pedestrian Crossing YEAR: DESCRIPTION: 2020 Install a Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon (RRFB), high visibility crosswalk and ADA ramps crossing W James Street at 2nd Avenue N. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.........$35,000 Right of Way Acquisition ....,..,$0 Construction $210,000 TOTAL .$245,OOO Secured Funding ...........$0 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, General Fund, Local Improvement District), Sound Transit System Access Funds PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: W James Street between 4th Avenue N and Central Avenue N is 0.3 miles long. The distance between pedestrian crossings is a barrier to multiple neighborhoods north of W James Street. This project will enhance pedestrian connectivity between those neighborhoods and destinations south of W James Street. CITY OF KENT 16 2O2O.2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #t7= Project Descriptions 76th Avenue South (South Phase) 224Q0 block to 277OQ block 2020YEAR: DESCRIPTION:Construct drainage and road improvements on 76th Avenue South from the 224OO block to the 2I70O block. The project will raise the existing road to 1.5 feet above FEMA flood elevation and include a full width overlay, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage, and channelization. This project must be assessed with respect to the complete streets requirements. The Transportation Master Plan calls for "possible re-striping" for bicycle lanes on this segment of 76rh Avenue South. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .....,. $500,000 Right of Way Acquisition Construction TOTAL $3,3OO,OOO Secured Funding ........,,.$0 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Storm Drainage Utility Fund), Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program, Developer Mitigation, Surface Transportation Program, Transportation Improvement Board PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: 76th Avenue South floods several times per year, resulting in road closures. The roadway is located in the heart of the City's Industrial zoning area and has significant heavy truck traffic. Large industrial and manufacturing companies and a large solid waste company that serves several adjacent jurisdictions are located in the immediate vicinity of the project. Road closures negatively impact these businesses and create congestion in other parts of the City as a result of traffic detours around the closure. Improving the road to current standards will also improve traffic flow on 76th Avenue South. CITY OF KENT t7 2O2O.2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #18: Project Descriptions 76th Avenue South (Middle Phase) 2L7OO block to 21400 block 2020YEAR: DESCRIPTION:Construct drainage and road improvements on 76th Avenue South from the 2I7OO block to the 2L400 block. The project will raise the existing road to 1.5 feet above FEMA flood elevation and include a full width overlay, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage, and channelization. This project must be assessed with respect to the complete streets' requirements. The Transportation Master Plan calls for "possible re-striping" for bicycle lanes on this segment of 76rh Avenue South, PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acquisition Construction .. $500,000 ,.. , $o $3,600,000 TOTAL $4,1OO,OOO Secured Funding ,..........$0 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Storm Drainage Utility Fund), Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program, Developer Mitigation, Surface Transportation Program, Transportation Improvement Board PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: 76th Avenue South floods several times per year, resulting in road closures. The roadway is located in the heart of the City's Industrial zoning area and has heavy truck traffic. Large industrial and manufacturing companies and a large solid waste company that serves several adjacent jurisdictions are located in the immediate vicinity of the project. Road closures negatively impact these businesses and create congestion in other parts of the City as a result of traffic detours around the closure. Improving the road to current standards will also improve traffic flow on 76th Avenue South. CITY OF KENT 18 2O2O.2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #L9= 76th Avenue South (North Phase) 21400 block to 21100 block YEAR: 2O2O DESCRIPTION:Construct drainage and road improvements on 76th Avenue South from the 2I40O block to the 21100 block, The project will raise the existing road to 1.5 feet above FEMA flood elevation and include a full width overlay, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage, and channelization. This project must be assessed with respect to the complete streets requirements. The Transportation Master Plan calls for "possible re-striping" for bicycle lanes on this segment of 76th Avenue South. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ....... $500,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........$0 Construction $3,200,000 Secured Funding $o FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Storm Drainage Utility Fund), Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program, Developer Mitigation, Surface Transportation Program, Transportation Improvement Board PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: 76th Avenue South floods several times per year, resulting in road closures. The roadway is located in the heart of the City's Industrial zoning area and has significant heavy truck traffic. Large industrial and manufacturing companies and a large solid waste company that serves several adjacent jurisdictions are located in the immediate vicinity of the project. Road closures negatively impact these businesses and create congestion in other parts of the City as a result of traffic detours around the closure. Improving the road to current standards will also improve traffic flow on 76th Avenue South, CITY OF KENT 19 2O2O.2O25 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PRoJEcr #2o= s 212th street Green River Bridge Rehabilitation YEAR: DESCRIPTION: 2020 Replace the existing finger expansion joints. The improvements would remove and replace the aged compression seals, steel sliding plate, and steel fingers, with a modern expansion joint on the west end of the bridge and remove and repair the flexible joint seals on the east end of the bridge. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering....... 9117,500 Right of Way Acquisition $0 Construction ..,.. $719,100 TOTAL . $836,600 Secured Funding ..,$o FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, General Fund, Local Improvement District), WSDOT Local Bridge Program PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The S 2L2th Street is a major corridor connecting I-5 to State Route L67 and State Route 515, S 2L2th Street travels directly through the Manufacturing and Industrial Center connecting businesses and communities throughout the Puget Sound. This corridor is heavily used by commuters and commercial trucks that are destined to the distribution centers and businesses within the Manufacturing and Industrial Center of the City of Kent. The S 2t2th Street Bridge spans the Green River in the City of Kent, within King County. A bridge has been located at this location since before 1936. The current bridge is a three span steel plate girder with a weathering steel and concrete deck, and steel finger expansion joints. No major repairs have been performed on the bridge since its construction in 1966. Recent repairs include the filling of missing sections of poured flexible seal with crack sealant in several locations. In 2006, repairs were made to the concrete parapet and deck surface, Joint and steel rail repairs were made in 2010. Due to heavy truck traffic, the deck surface has substantially delaminated and spalled to where repairs are scheduled for the summer of 2019, The S 2l2th Street Bridge has stringer supports with attached existing city utilities (8" sanitary sewer force main and 8" water main), and private utilities below the roadway decking that services businesses and residents on either side of the Green River in the City of Kent. CITY OF KENT 20 2O2O-2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #2tz YEAR: DESCRIPTION: Meeker Street Green River Bridge Rehabilitation 2020 Replace the existing finger expansion joints, including the reinsert and glue bearing pads. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering....... 9840,000 Right of Way Acquisition Secured Funding .. $0 Construction $5,140,900 TOTAL $5,98O,8O0 ..$o FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, General Fund, Local Improvement District), WSDOT Local Bridge Program PROIECT JUSTIFICATION: The Meeker Street bridge over the Green River is a steel stringer (Warren Truss Frame) bridge located in the City of Kent's boundary limits within King County. Meeker Street is part of the old State Route 516, a major connecting corridor linking I-5 and State Route 167. The Meeker Street Bridge has stringer supports with attached existing city utilities (METRO 24" sanitary sewer trunk line and a City of Kent 12" water main and other outside utilities) below the roadway decking that services the residents on the west hill of the City of Kent. This route is heavily used by commercial trucks that service downtown Kent, industrial and distribution centers, and commuters. The bridge has severe paint scaling with 70olo of top chords of trusses peeled to the primer, as well as bottom truss and vertical hangers. Pack rust is visible. The bridge deck has severe exposed short transverse rebar with spalls concentrated in both east bound and westbound lanes. The worst area is in the southern lane. The lanes have about 50-55% exposed transverse re-bar on the bridge decking. Due to aging of the bridge, the existing finger expansion joints need to be replaced, including the reinsert and glue bearing pads. CITY OF KENT 2t 2O2O.2O25 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #22t Safe Routes to Schools Improvements at Meridian Elementary Southeast 256th Street and 140th Avenue Southeast YEAR: DESCRIPTION: 2021 Install a traffic signal at Southeast 256th Street and 140th Avenue Southeast and construct an asphalt pavement walkway along Southeast 256th Street from approximately 134th Avenue Southeast to 140th Avenue Southeast, The traffic signal will include a traffic surveillance camera and interconnect cable to connect this signal to the City's traffic control system. This project must be assessed with respect to the complete streets requirements. The Transportation Master Plan calls for bicycle lanes on Southeast 256th Street and shared travel lanes on 140th Avenue Southeast. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering....... $111,000 Construction ... ... $850,000 TOTAL .$961,000 Secured Funding ..,.,......$0 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Washington State Department of Transportation's Safe Routes to Schools Program PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Meridian Elementary School is located near the intersection of Southeast 256th Street and 140th Avenue Southeast. The school provides adult crossing guards to help students cross Southeast 256th Street. Traffic in that neighborhood and in the communities to the east of the school has become especially heavy at the afternoon bell times. Intersection control improvements would assist pedestrians and motorists to maneuver in an orderly way during times of heavy conflict. Currently students must walk or bike along a wide shoulder on Southeast 256th Street. CITY OF KENT 22 2O2O.2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #23: E Willis Street and Central Avenue South Intersection Improvements YEAR: DESCRIPTION: 202r Improve the intersection of E Willis Street and Central Avenue South to provide a right turn lane from southbound on Central Avenue South to westbound E Willis Street. Project includes sidewalk, curb and gutter replacement and improvements to traffic signal system. Although there are no bicycle facilities planned at the E Willis Street and Central Avenue South intersection, this project must be assessed with respect to the com plete streets req ui rements. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.........$44,000 Right of Way Acquisition ..... . $166,000 Construction $290,000 TOTAL . $5OO,OOO Secured Funding . $168,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Developer Mitigation, Transportation Impact Fee) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is a traffic mitigation requirement for additional trips generated by the Kent Station Development. The City will be implementing this project for which money was contributed by the Kent Station developer. The transportation analysis prepared for the ShoWare project assumed construction of this project would be complete. CITY OF KENT 23 2O2O.2O25 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #24: Southeast 248th Street Improvements 104th Avenue South to 109th Avenue South YEAR: 2O2I DESCRIPTION:Improvements on Southeast 248th Street between 104th Avenue Southeast and 109th Avenue Southeast. This project must be assessed with respect to the complete streets requirements. The 2008 Transportation Master Plan calls for bicycle lanes on this segment of Southeast 248th Street. This segment will include a five-foot landscape buffer between each sidewalk and bicycle lane. PROJECT COST:Preliminary Engineering ..., .,. $500,000 Right of Way Acquisition ...... $250,000 Construction .. $4,250,000 TOTAL $5,OOOTOOO Secured Funding ...........$0 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, General Fund, Local Improvement District), Economic Incentive Grants PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: In support of future development, this area will be connected to the bicycle and pedestrian networks, Nearby pedestrian generators include Morrill Meadows Park, East Hill Park, Daniel Elementary School, the YMCA and the project will include improved turning operations into these attractors, CITY OF KENT 24 2O2O.2O25 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEM ENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #25: Southeast 248th Street Improvements 109th Avenue Southeast to 116th Avenue Southeast YEAR: 2021 DESCRIPTION:Improvements on Southeast 248th Street between 109th Avenue Southeast and 116th Avenue Southeast. This project must be assessed with respect to the complete streets requirements. The 2008 Transportation Master Plan calls for bicycle lanes on this segment of Southeast 248th Street. This segment will include a five-foot landscape buffer between each sidewalk and bicycle lane. PROJECT COST:Preliminary Engineering .,.,... $500,000 Right of Way Acquisition ...... $250,000 Construction ,. $6,250,000 TOTAL $7,OOO,OOO Secured Funding ...........$0 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, General Fund, Local Improvement District), Economic Incentive Grants PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: In support of future development, this area will be connected to the bicycle and pedestrian networks. Nearby pedestrian destinations include Morrill Meadows Park, East Hill Park, Daniel Elementary School, the YMCA and the project will include improved turning operations into these attractors. CITY OF KENT 25 2O2O.2O25 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #26= Roundabout Project Descriptions Southeast 248th Street at 116th Avenue Southeast YEAR:202L DESCRIPTION:Construct a roundabout at Southeast 248rh Street and 116th Avenue Southeast for capacity and traffic safety improvements. This project must be assessed with respect to the complete streets requirements. The 2008 Transportation Master Plan calls for bicycle lanes on this segment of Southeast 248th Street. PROJECT COST:Preliminary Engineering ....... $300,000 Right of Way Acquisition ...... $500,000 Construction .. $2,200,000 TOTAL $3,OOO,OOO Secured Funding ...........$0 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, General Fund, Local Improvement District), Economic Incentive Grants PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will improve the operation and safety of this busy intersection and support future growth in the area, In addition, lifecycle costs will be lower than a traffic signal. CITY OF KENT 26 2O2O.2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #27= Panther Lake Signal System Integration YEAR: DESCRIPTION: 202r This project includes extension of the fiber optic communications network to traffic signals in the Panther Lake area to allow remote monitoring, management and coordination. The project also includes replacement of the existing traffic signal controllers to allow integration with the new central traffic signal control system and operating Flashing Yellow Left Turn Arrows (FYLTA). PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.....,.,.$50,000 Right of Way Acquisition $0 Construction $35o,ooo TOTAL . $4OO,OOO Secured Funding $0 FUNDING SOURCE(S): Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The traffic signals in the Panther Lake area are not connected to the City's new central traffic signal control system; hence, they cannot be remotely monitored or managed from the City's Traffic Management Center. The existing traffic signal controllers are not capable of operating FYLTA for permissive left turn movements. It has been demonstrated that this type of signal display is much more readily understood by motorists and results in reduced collision rates involving vehicles turning left during permissive left turn signal phases. The integration of these signals into the City's signal system will allow operation flexibility and improved transportation system efficiency, CITY OF KENT 27 2O2O.2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #28= Project Descriptions Safe Routes to Schools Improvements at Neely- O'Brien Elementary 64th Avenue South and South 236th Street 202rYEAR: DESCRIPTION:Install a traffic signal with pedestrian crosswalk at 64th Avenue South and South 236th Street. The traffic signal will include a traffic camera and a connection to the City's central traffic control system. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .,,......992,000 Right of Way Acquisition ...... $100,000 Construction ..,. $769,000 TOTAL .$961,000 Secured Funding ..,........90 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Washington State Department of Transportation's Safe Routes to Schools Program PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Neely O'Brien Elementary School is located near the intersection of 64th Avenue South and South 236th Street. This signal project will provide an alternative walking route for those students that live to the east of 64th Avenue South. CITY OF KENT 28 2O2O.2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #29= Kent Transit Center Access, Mobility and Safety Improvements YEAR:202r DESCRIPTION:This project will create an eastbound right-turn lane on East James Street to Railroad Avenue North extending from 1.t Avenue North to Railroad Avenue North. This project will also extend the eastbound bicycle facility on James Street that currently terminates approaching the 1st Avenue North intersection. In addition, improved pedestrian facilities are planned along the north and south sides of East James Street, improving mobility and safety for these users. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering,...... 9713,000 Equipment .,.... ... $150,000 Construction $2,137,00O TOTAL $3,OOO,OOO Secured Funding ,,.........90 FUNDING SOURCE(S): King County METRO, Washington State Department of Transportation Regional Mobility Grant PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will improve mobility for transit vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians accessing the Kent Transit Center (Kent Station) via East James Street. Kent Station serves as a vital transportation hub for the south King County. In addition to Sound Transit (ST) Sounder service, a King County METRO or ST bus accesses the transit center once per minute during the peak periods. By 2040, a bus will access the transit center every 30 seconds during peak periods. In addition, voter approved ST 3 will increase Sounder service. East James Street in the vicinity of Kent Station has high congestion and low mobility during peak periods. Eastbound James Street approaching Central Avenue has large queues and poor level of service. East James Street has two eastbound travel lanes through the BNSF rail crossing, A short eastbound left and right turn lane approaching Central Avenue starts at Railroad Avenue North, Existing geometrics on East James Street west of Railroad Avenue North are constrained by the close proximity of the Washington Cold Storage Inc. building. Improved bicycle and pedestrian facilities in this area are needed. CITY OF KENT 29 2O2O.2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #3O: Central Avenue YEAR: DESCRIPTION: Traffic Signal Communication 202r The project will implement the communication connection between the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) rail corridor and the traffic signals along Central Avenue to allow area signals the ability to adjust signal timing in anticipation of, during, and after train events. In addition, signals along the Central Avenue corridor, from South 259th Street through South 2l2th Street, will be upgraded to use this interconnection. Signal upgrades may utilize newer technology such as adaptive signal control systems, transit signal priority, and other intelligent transportation systems applications in traffic signal control. Additional signals adjacent to at-grade rail crossings may also be upgraded to take advantage of the new communication connections, PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering,... $1,188,000 Equipment .. Construction .. $250,000 $3,562,000 TOTAL ............$5,OOO,OOO Secured Funding ...,,......$0 FUNDING SOURCE(S): King County METRO, Washington State Department of Transportation's Regional Mobility Grant PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will improve mobility for transit vehicles and motorists in the vicinity of the Kent Transit Center along the Central Avenue corridor, from South 259th Street through South 2l2th Street. A King County METRO or Sound Transit bus accesses the transit center once per minute during the peak periods. By 2040, a bus will access this regional transit center every 30 seconds during peak periods. Downtown Kent, along the Central Avenue corridor, experiences poor level of service due to heavy congestion affecting movements from multiple directions. There are more than 60 daily trains on the BNSF corridor adjacent to Central Avenue. With no downtown grade-separated rail crossings, the volume of daily rail crossing events contributes to the congested conditions. Today, the traffic signal system cannot communicate signal timing modifications to manage changes in traffic patterns during or after a train event. CITY OF KENT 30 2O2O.2O25 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #3Lz Veterans Drive Extension Military Road to I-5 Southbound Off-ramp YEAR: 2O2I DESCRIPTION:Complete a missing link by constructing a new roadway from Military Road to the I-5 Southbound off-ramp, including an intersection with the northbound on-ramp to I-5 and an undercrossing of I-5. The project will include the construction of full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, pedestrian pathway, street lighting, storm drainage, landscaping, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.........$2,800,000 Right of Way Acquisition......$ 10,200,000 Construction.............. $33,800,000 TOTAL.... $51,600,000 Secured Funding.... .$47,104,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): Connecting Washington Account (State), City of Kent, Transportation Improvement Board Grant, Federal Surface Transportation Program Grant PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will improve the connection between the Sea-Tac International Airport, the Port of Seattle and the Kent Manufacturing/Industrial Center (MIC). This project reduces traffic congestion on local roads and highways by completing a direct connection between Seattle and the Kent Valley. The project will redistribute traffic away from State Route 516, improving operations of the interchange. CIry OF KENT 31 2O2O.2O25 SIX.VEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #322 Meeker Frontage Improvement at the Riverview Apartments Riverview Apartments Homes frontage from Russell Road to the private development at 64th Avenue South and Meeker Street YEAR:2Q2L DESCRIPTION:Complete a missing link of Meet Me on Meeker by constructing new sidewalk and multimodal pathway from Russell Road to the east limit of the private development at 64th Avenue South and Meeker Street. The project will include construction of concrete curbs, gutters, multimodal path, a sidewalk, street lighting, storm drainage, landscaping, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering....... $391,000 Right of Way Acquisition ,..... $100,000 Construction $1,956,000 Secured Funding $0 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Economic and Community Development Placemaking Fund, Business and Occupation Tax) Puget Sound Regional Council Grants (Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality /Non-Motorized Set Aside) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Private development at 64th Avenue South and Meeker Street will construct the Meet Me on Meeker promenade along approximately 1,000 feet of property frontage. This project provides approximately 700 feet of promenade connection between Russell Road and the western edge of the 64th Avenue South and Meeker Street project. The project is the second phase to connect the two privately developed segments for a total promenade length of approximately 3,500 feet, This will improve the comfort of non-motorized users as well as aesthetics and economic development along this important commercial corridor, CITY OF KENT 32 2O2O.2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #33: Project Descriptions South 2L2rh Street East Valley Highway (State Route 181) to 72nd Avenue South 202LYEAR: DESCRIPTION:The South 2l2th Street project includes grinding, replacement of failing pavement sections and a full-width asphalt concrete pavement overlay of the entire roadway from East Valley Highway to 72nd Avenue South. Curb ramps will be upgraded as required to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ....... 9200,000 Right of Way Acquisition ..,... $240,000 Construction $2,460,000 Secured Funding $2,900,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): Federal Surface Transportation Program, City of Kent Business and Occupation Tax PRoJEcr rusrrFrcATroN: This project is located within the Kent Manufacturing/Industrial Center (MIC), The Kent MIC, located between the ports of Seattle and Tacoma supports significant regional growth and development, with one of the highest concentrations of jobs in the region. The asphalt pavement on South 2I2th Street has reached a critical level of degradation, rated at 50 on the Pavement Condition Index--data collected in April of 2016. The road surface is heavily impacted by the high percentage of heavy vehicle traffic in the valley. An overlay is necessary to prevent further costly damage that may require more extensive reconstruction of the roadway to this critical multimodal freight, bus, pedestrian and commuter corridor. CITY OF KENT 33 2O2O.2O25 SIX-YEAR TRAN S PORTATIO N I M PROVE M E NT P ROG RA M Project Descriptions PROJECT #34= East Valley Highway South 196th Street to South 2l2th Street YEAR: DESCRIPTION: 2023 The East Valley Highway project includes grinding, replacement of failing pavement sections and a full-width asphalt concrete pavement overlay of the entire roadway from South 196th Street to South 2L2r^ Street, Curb ramps and pedestrian push buttons will be upgraded as required to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .... ... $225,000 Right of Way Acquisition ,..,., $175,000 Construction $2,600,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP, City of Kent Business and Occupation Tax PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is located within the Kent Manufacturing/Industrial Center (MIC). The asphalt pavement on East Valley Highway has reached a critical level of degradation, rated at 42 on the Pavement Condition Index--data collected in April of 2016. The road surface is heavily impacted by the high percentage of heavy vehicle traffic. Overlay is necessary to prevent further costly damage that may require more extensive reconstruction of the roadway to this critical multimodal freight, bus, pedestrian and commuter corridor. CITY OF KENT 34 2O2O-2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #3,5: South 2L2th Street West Valley Highway (State Route 181) to Orillia Road S YEAR: 2023 DESCRIPTION: The South 2l2th Street project includes grinding, replacement of failing pavement sections and a full-width asphalt concrete pavement overlay of the entire roadway from West Valley Highway to Orillia Road S. Curb ramps will be upgraded as required to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ..,.... $800,000 Right of Way Acquisition .,......$10,000 Construction ,. $4,400,000 TOTAL ............$5,210,OOO FUNDING SOURCE(S): Federal Surface Transportation Program, City of Kent Business and Occupation Tax PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is located within the Kent Manufacturing/Industrial Center (MIC). The Kent MIC, located between the ports of Seattle and Tacoma supports significant regional growth and development, with one of the highest concentrations of jobs in the region. The asphalt pavement on South 2l2th Street has reached a critical level of degradation, rated at 50 on the Pavement Condition Index--data collected in April of 2016. The road surface is heavily impacted by the high percentage of heavy vehicle traffic. Based on 2018 data, South 2L2th Street from West Valley Highway to Riverview Blvd S is a T-1 in the WSDOT Freight and Goods Transportation System carrying more the 10 million tons of freight each yearand South 2t2tn Streetfrom Riverview Blvd S to Orillia Rd S is aT-2. An overlay is necessary to prevent further costly damage that may require more extensive reconstruction of the roadway to this critical multimodal freight, bus, pedestrian and commuter corridor. CITY OF KENT 35 2O2O.2O25 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #36: Meeker Street and 64th Avenue South YEAR: DESCRIPTION: Intersection Im provements 2023 Construct a new curb bulb on the northwest corner of the intersection, convert the westbound approach to one left turn lane, one westbound through lane, and one westbound right-turn lane, and add a westbound transit cue jump. PROJECT COST:Preliminary Engineering ....... $100,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........$0 Construction ..,,. $500,000 TOTAL . $600,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): Federal Surface Transportation Program, City of Kent Business and Occupation Tax PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The project is intended to make the intersection safer for westbound vehicles that must merge quickly after moving through the intersection, causing speeding and unsafe behavior. The curb bulb will also help make a more comfortable experience for pedestrians crossing in the west leg of the intersection, which fits the overall Meet Me on Meeker vision for the corridor. The project supports visitors to local businesses, as well as residents, seniors and commuters. The project supports and originates from the Economic Development Plan, adopted by City Council-particularly the strategies to beautify Kent streetscapes and strengthen sense of place by designating and improving key gateways into Kent. CITY OF KENT 36 2O2O-2O25 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #37t South 224th Street Extension (Phase III) 94th Place South to 108th Avenue Southeast (State Route 51S/Benson Highway) YEAR:2024 DESCRIPTION:Construct a three-lane roadway from 94th Place South to 108th Avenue Southeast (State Route 51S/Benson Highway). This project widens South 224th Street to three lanes and include full- width paving; concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; five-foot paved shoulders; street lighting; storm drainage; landscaping; utilities and channelization. This project must be assessed with respect to the complete streets requirements, PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.... $1,500,000 Right of Way Acquisition ,.. $1,000,000 Construction $13,000,000 TOTAL $15,5OO,OOO Secured Funding . $100,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Drainage Fund, Local Improvement District, Special Assessments, Transportation Impact Fee), Developer Mitigation, Transportation Improvement Board PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The existing roadway system cannot accommodate the current or forecast east-west traffic volumes between Kent's East Hill and the Green River Valley floor, In order to meet transportation concurrency requirements of the Growth Management Act, additional east-west vehicle capacity is required. Intersections along South z}Bth/2Lzth Street and James/Southeast 240th Streets are at or over capacity. Because of existing development and topographic constraints, it is not feasible to widen the James/Southeast 240th Street and South 2}8th/2l2th Street corridors enough to provide the additional east-west capacity needed to accommodate forecast traffic volumes. CITY OF KENT 37 2O2O.2O25 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #38: Midway Subarea TOD Street - S. 244th Street and 32nd Avenue South YEAR: 2025 DESCRIPTION:Construct two new streets including sidewalks and bike lanes in the Midway area near the future Kent-Des Moines Link Light Rail Station. The project includes the new 32nd Avenue South and a new segment of S. 244rh Street from S. 24\th Street to Pacific Highway South (SR99). These will be complete streets supportive of transit-oriented development envisioned in the Midway Subarea Plan adopted in 2011. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ...,,.. $600,000 Right of Way Acquisition ... $1,400,000 Construction $3,900,000 TOTAL $5,9OO,OOO FUNDING SOURCE(S): Federal Surface Transportation Program, City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Transportation Impact Fees), Congestion Mitigation Air Quality, Washington State Department of Transportation Local Programs, Transportation Improvement Board, Washington State Department of Transportation Local Programs, City of Kent Drainage Funds PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will support the vision of the Midway Subarea Plan including Transit Oriented Development near the future Link Light Rail Station at 30th Avenue South and S. 36th Street, anticipated to open in 2024. CITY OF KENT 3B 2O2O-2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT #39: Program Project Descriptions Street and Sidewalk Preservation and Repair Ongoing Citywide Program YEAR:2020 - 2025 DESCRIPTION:Preserve the existing transportation system by resurfacing the existing asphalt and concrete streets throughout the City. Reconstruct sidewalks as related to curb ramps upgrades consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The project limits must be assessed in accordance with the complete streets requirements PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.. 914,868,000 Right of Way Acquisition .,, $1,062,000 Construction $90,270,000 TOTAL $106,200,000 Secured Funding .... $38,400,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax, Solid Waste Utility Tax), Surface Transportation Program PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The City assessed the condition of its street network in 2016. Many of the streets exhibit deficiencies that reflect they are beyond their expected performance life and are in need of a maintenance or rehabilitation overlay, or some amount of reconstruction. This preservation work also requires curb ramps and sidewalks be made accessible to persons with disabilities, according to the ADA. This program constructs and repairs the City's sidewalks and begins to address the pedestrian improvements identified in the Transportation Master Plan. CITY OF KENT 39 2O2O.2O25 SIX.YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #4Oz Traffic Signal Management Program Ongoing Citywide Program YEAR: 2020 - 2025 DESCRIPTION: Preserve the existing traffic control signal and intelligent transportation systems through preventative maintenance and lifecycle hardware replacement. Review and adjust traffic signal timing to optimize intersection efficiency. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ....... $600,000 Right of Way Acquisition .,......$0 Construction ., $3,600,000 TOTAL $4,2OO,OOO Secured Funding ...,.. $3,750,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The City maintains an extensive traffic control system that includes 119 traffic signals, one pedestrian hybrid beacon, five pedestrian activated crosswalk beacons, 17 traffic cameras, and a large traffic signal communications system. These systems require routine preventative maintenance to operate safely and efficiently. CITY OF KENT 40 2020.2425 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEM ENT PROGRAM PROJECT #4!t Program Project Descriptions Channelization and Pavement Markings Maintenance Ongoing Citywide Program YEAR:2020 - 2025 DESCRIPTION:Refresh and replace pavement markings including paint, thermoplastic, and raised pavement markers throughout the City to separate and regulate conflicting traffic movements, define paths of travel, and facilitate safe and orderly movement on City streets. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ....... $720,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........$0 Construction .. $4,080,000 TOTAL $4,8OO,OOO Secured Funding ...... $2,575,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This ongoing program maintains roadway channelization throughout the City. The City has approximately 1,700,000 linear feet (LF) of channelization striping, 450,000 raised pavement markers, 22,0t2 LF of access control curb and 7,200 LF of painted access control curb. Roadway channelization helps to reduce conflict points and direct motorists through areas of complexity. This project preserves the capacity and efficiency of the existing roadway system. CIry OF KENT 4t 2O2O.2O25 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Descriptions PROJECT #42t Guardrail Safety Improvements Program Ongoing Citywide Program YEAR: 2O2O - 2025 DESCRIPTION: Make miscellaneous guardrail improvements each year to enhance motorist safety. Upgrade existing guardrail end- treatments as mandated by State and Federal regulations. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering.......,,$66,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........$0 Construction ,.... $600,000 TOTAL . $666,000 Secured Funding ,..........$0 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent (Business and Occupation Tax), Highway Safety Improvement Program and Hazard Elimination Program PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is mandated for compliance with Federal and State regulations and the requirement to mitigate potentially hazardous roadway conditions. CITY OF KENT 42 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX-YEAR TRAN SPO RTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2020 - 2025 KENT WnSHTNGToN For more information or additional copies of this document contact April Delchamps, AICP Senior Transportation Planner City of Kent, Public Works, Engineering 400 West Gowe Street Kent, WA 98032-5895 253-856-5564 adelcham ps@ kentwa. gov 43 STATE OFWASHTNGTON, COUNTY OF KING l AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Kent Reporter has been approved as aLegal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on }'Iay 24th,2019. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$1 Polly Shepherd Publisher, Kent Reporter Subscribed to me this 24th day of May,20l9. Gwin, Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing Covington, Washington 12 Friday, May 24,2019 Kent Reportel ,'#Ffi, "#s:JC DENTURE CLINIC Denturs starting at $550 Parlials starting at $880 Relines starlino at $250 " Repairvrelines in 24 hours A@epts Providerone Call 206-653-7621 Service Directo{y fr L6Ebl Notlco.Lelal Notlc6! ir ner presribed by law. Dated this 1oth day ot May 2019. Barbara Lopez lnterim Finance Dirstor City of K€nl, Washington Published in lhe Kent Roporter May 24 and May 31, 2019. #857580 ad- lisl is available throuoh Kent School District'i onlineplan room. Free ol charge, acce$ is provid-6d to Prime Bidders, Subcontractors, and Vendors by going to: hltp//bMa.com and se-lstino "PostedProje;ts", "PubticWorks", sroll lo "Education" and "Kent School Dislricll' Biddersare encourag€d to "Reoister" in order to re-ceiv; aulomatic email notilication of luture ad- denda and lo be placed on the "Bidd6r's List' DOCUMENTS Plans, spsifications, denda, and bidder'sfor this project This Contlnudon nextpage,.. Klngl County CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES PASSED BYTHE crw couNclL br R€nt - P.ofo$lonal Servlces -- Homo Servl@3 Homo Soivlca.Dental S€rvlc€3 hndacapoServlces LandlcaFSsivl@B Roonnd/Stdtnd A-1 SHEER GARDENING & LANDSCAPING 'Cleanup . Trim ' Weed ' Prune ' Sod' Seed ' Bark ' Rockerv ' Backhoe ' Patios 425-226-3911 206.226-3345 Lic,AISHIGLOSM Adverlise your upcoming garage sale in your local community newspaper and online to reach lhousands ol households in your area. Go online lo w.Silnilhifieds.ciln Call: l-80G38&2527 Fec36O598€800- m.Sourdoldflelb.cdn ROOFING & REMODELING Senior Discounts Free Estimates Experl Work 2s3-850-5405hri€n G6n Cdtacldt . tuertui.$ B0tsau =;: tk{AMEBtccaatr Advertise your upcoming garage sale in your localcommunity newspaper and online to reach thousands of The following ar€ sum- maries ol the resolulions and ordinances pa$ed by the Kent City Council on lray 21, 201 9.RESOLUTION NO. 1981 - A RESOLUTTON of lhe Citv Council ol the City ol kenl, Washing- ton, adopling the 2020 through 2025 Six-Year Transportalion lmprove- ment Prooram. This resoiution shall take effect and be in forco im- mediately upon its pas- sage.RESOLUTION NO. '1982 - A RESOLUTTON of tho Citv Council ol the City ol kenl, Washinq- ton, recoonizino FlowerCourt - Neialborhood Council. This rssolution shall take effect and bo in force im- m€diately upon its pas- sage. ORDINANCE NO. 4323. AN ORDINANCE oI the City Council of the City ol Kont, Washing-lon, amending section 3.70.230 of the Kent Citv Code to clarlfy and ex'-pand lhe Mayoas au- thority to accept dedica- lions to the City ol all property int€resls com- monly related to public infraslruclure improve- menls made as part of private development per milapprovals. This ordlnance shall take etl€ct and be in force 30 days from and atter ils passage, as provided by law. OROINANCE NO. /'324- AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of tho City of Kent, Washing- lon, approving the con- solidating budgot adjust-menls made between January 1, 2019 and i/arch 31, 2019, rellect- ing an ovorall budget in- crease of$12.932.103. This ordinance shall lake €tfect and be in lorce live days alter publica- lion, as provld€d by law. A copy of the complele text of any ordinance or rsolution will be mailed upon requsl ol the City Clerk. Kimberley A. Komolo, City Clerk 253-856-5725 Cityclerk@KentWA.gov Published in the Kent Reporter May 24, 2019. fl857698 INVITANONTO BID The Kent School Dlslrict extends an lnvitation to qualified General Con- tractors to bid lhe con- struction project here- after identified as thePine llee Elementarv Mulllpulpos Room. ' Prcject Scheduled Bid DateSealed conslruction bids will be due at, or before 2:00 P.M. lIeE- dsy. June 18th.2019 at the followino loca- tion: KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO,415 ADI\rlNlsTRATlON CENTER_BUILDING "B' 12033 SE 256th Slreet Kent, Washington 98030-6643 PROJECT SCOPE The Kent School Dislrict wishes to conlract ser- vices lo add a new Com- mons / Mulli-Purpose Room lo be located in the €xisting playground. PROJECT room with ments with lhe abilitv lo download, print to iourown printer, order full/partial plan sets from hundreds of reprograph- ic sources (on-line print order form), and a free on-line digilizer/take-olftool. Contact Builders Exchange of Washing' ton at (425) 258-1303 should you require as- sistance. Drawings and sptrilica- tions may also be exam- lned at the office ol Siera-Martin Architsts lmated at 11508 NE 20th St. Bellevue. WA98004 (425-4ss-36931 md;t to&t dataEnreE listed b6low: Builders Exchango of Washinglon 2607 W€tmore Avenue Ever€tt, WA 98201 (425) 258-1303 w.bMa.com Conlraclor Plan C6nler 5468 SE lnternalional way Milwaukie, OR 97222 (503) 650-0148 www.contraclorplanc€n- ter,com Seattle Daily Journal of uommerce83 Columbia Street, #200 Seattle, WA 98104 w.plancenter.djc.com MANDATORY SITE INSPECTION Slte lnspecllon: Gen-ersl Contractots in.iendlng to submit sealed blds must ahtend the mandatorv slte lnspectlon conlerlence held at the 6chool. Meet ln the coultyard, outside lhe6chool administtallon otli€ enttance: June 4th. 2019 at 3:00 P.M.Slte: PINE TREE ELEMENTARY MULTI. PURPOSE ROOM 27825 1 18TH Avenue sE, Kent, WA 98030 Bidders rrrlvlng alter 3:05 p.m. may not be admltted. Subcontrsc- lors and vendol atten- dance is welcome.BIO SECURIW RE- OUIREMENTBid security, in lhe amounl of 5ol. of the bidsum shall accompany each bid. Securitv shall be made payable'to the Kent School Diskict €i- ther by certiliod chtrk or bid bond issued by a surety company licensedto conduct business in Washinoton Staie. Dated ihis 15th Dav ol lray 2019 Dr. Calvin J. Watts Secretary to Kent School Diskict Board Published in the Kent Beporler May 17, 24, 2019. #856944 KEI''T CITY COUIrcIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Transit Operations and Mainlenance Facilities - Zoning Code Amendment : !31'"i,T,u . . :HL* hrl Gardening Retainino Wall Sprinklert CALL STEVE 206-244-6043 425.336-951 1 LlcrsfEvEGL95*Z households in your area. Homa Se.vlcd hwn,/Garden sorvtc. uo onilne lo ffi,Souilhssifisk.cm - Hom€ Ssavlce3 Hom€ SorvlcoB Handype16on Homo Sorvlces Floor lnstall/Sorvlc€ WAITE'S UfltAP YAHU T'tIIVIUt AIID A HANDYIIIAII Pressure washino gutler cleaninq, €ie. Fence, deck buildinq Concrete, Painlinq &- Repairs, - And all yard s€rvicss. 20s412-4191 HNDYHYgIS Call: 'l{fl}38&2527 Fax 360598-6800 A PTACE FOR MOM has helped ovor a million families find senior liv- ing. Our trusted, l@aladvisors help find solulions to vour unique needs at no aostto you. Call 855-415- 4148. Announc6m6nt.Palntlng REPAIR Any & All Home Repairs and Remodeling. 25+Y@rs Experience Angieb LisI Awdtd Ainneil Ofllce: (253)26&9i167 Celh (253)569-8509 walloEhonorrprh@yahoo.com Tl@/Shrub C6re - Adult/Elder CaE ANNUAL SWAP MEETI Jun€ 21-22; 6am-6pm. Engines, Tractors, CarParls, Tools & Col lectibles. 3995 Brook- lake RD NE, Brooks OR.$6 admission, Vendor Booths $40. ww.branch 1 5ed0eta.or0i hlml/swaD meet.hlml NATUBE.€ASED PSo. RIASIS STUDYI Sub- jects clear atter a four-teen day prol6ol.Remaln clear lor months. No pharmaceu- ticals, call 206-755-04i)G to thedule. mercyalternativehealth.or0 PROIVOTE YOUR RE. GIONAL EVENT state- wlde with a $325 cla$i- fied listlng or $1,575 fora display ad. Call this newspaper or 360-344- 2938 lor delails. sTiLL pAytNG roo much for vour MEDICA- TION? Saie up to 90% on RX refilll Order todavand rseive lre6 shipping on lst order -prscription required. Call 1-866-685-6901. print& online 24/7 Office Hous: 8-5pm Monday to Friday wsoundrlasifieds. - Hom6 Ssavlco3 Prop€rty Maltunan6 Reach over a million potential customers when you advertise in the Service Directory. Call80038&25?or ww.Soundclssllie&M Legal Nottcos (0m email: chssified@ mundpublishing (0m call tollfree 1.888.399.3999 of r.800,388.2527 ASSESSMENT INSTALLMENT NOTICE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DtsTRtcT #362 CITY OF KENT For conskuction of im' provements along Easl Valley Highway (841h Avenue South) lrom SB167 lo South 212th Streel as provided by Ordinance No. 3833. Notice is herebv oiven that the oighth (8thJ in- stallment ol the a$es-ment levied for the above named improve- menl, comprising Local lmprovemenl Dislrict No.362 under Ordinance No. 3997, is now due and payable and unless payment is made on or b€fore June 10. 2019. said lnstallm€nt will be dellnquent, will have a penally of nine point five (9.5) percent added, and the collection of such de- linquent installment will Scenic Vista Senior Aparlments 26404 1 04lh Ave SE Kent, WA 98030 Apartments Now Available Besulltull&2BRs, Call Susan About Move ln Specials!! 253-520-9876 TDD: 71 1 Thls & Washing Teoli lo Contruclion lnc., CONSTRUCTION lnterior i Exterior Paintln0 and Home Hepairs Build Wood Decks and Fences Patio Covers 253-35G3231 253-33+9564 ,PUGflSSKA n5 Landscaping lnc. Mowing, Weeding, Trimming, Pruning. Cleanup, Pre$ure Washing, l\raintenanco. Sod & Fences Free Estimates (206)355-9330 SpsialSpring Cl@n-up .Tree Service .Hauling.Weeding .Prunino .Hedoe Trim .tence.Concrete .Bark. New Sod & Seed .Aeralin0 & Thatchin0 .Bemodelin0 Kitchen & Bath & Paintin0' Pressure Washino ' Seniot Discount FREE ESTIMATE 206-387-6100 Lic#Hl[.4ARML924JB HI MARK LANDSCAPING & GARDENING ROOF REPLACEMENT Offering a free roof estimate from a Family Owned Company. lncludes high quality install lor an atfordabie price; by faclory lrained employeos, As well as a protsted watranty with an accountability @nkact. Many discounts avallablel Driveway Seal Coatino. Patching '' Stripping Retaining Walls, Patio Call Hary 206434-6271 253-844-9075 Quality Asphalt Paving LLC Fence repair & new lence installalion, Blackbery Removal, Gutt€r & Rool cleaning, Retaining wall, AND MUCH MORE. Check us out Onlin8 m.latlnoslawn a ndgqld_e_n. com ALL LATINO'S LAWN & GARDEN Salislaclion Guaranteed LOWEST PRICE Free Estimates Senior Discounl Lic/Bonded/lnsured CALL JOSE 206-250-9073 p a p9nte ")d,/* PNW PAINTERS Get in touch today to schedule yout lree eslimate: PHONE; (360)508.0538 EMAIL: pnwpainters llc@gmall.com VlSlTi pnwpaintersllc.com Check us out on lacebook tool Your Satislaction ls and Some of services Houses, our mission at Painters is Our team and lo each 6XCep- op6n and with our staff for our ALLYAFD WORK AND LANOSCAPING Tree Trimming and Pruning. Medium size Removal. Stump Grlnding. Roof and Gutlers cleaninq. Excavator Sorvicar- TREE SERVICE Salislaclion Guaranteed LOW€ST PRICE Free Estimates Senior Discount Lic/Bonded/lnsured (206) 2s0-9705 Blackberry & Brush Removal O lvy, Debris & Stump Removal 3 Small Bldg Demolltion lD Bobcat/Backhoe a Concrete Removal O Asphalt Removal O Lot Cleartng O Excavation I Hauling * Free Estimates 253-261-O43a l-icd CARRICI-9$CQ Rlackbeny lhrsh Renoval Pavers, l]etiinrn(l Wal15, Fences & Decks HauIng, BobcatWork 8on&d &lnslr€d Gar/sonCt€€k Ledscaring tnc, t.rca'. lgca 253-261 -0438 a-;- -\ lQrI':+'c,u.t I\.-. , ) i!r*61MS/r " i - ANENE[{II IPEEE