HomeMy WebLinkAbout1876Resolution No. 1876 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) 2014-2019 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Passed -6/18/2013 The date ["Beg1nn1ng July 1, 1998"] has led to confusion This date Will be deleted from cover sheets of ord1nance/resolut1on rev1s1on pages This cover sheet Will be deleted on electromc pages only, no other delet10ns or changes have been made to the document-6/21/2012 RESOLUTION NO. / d 76 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Wash~ngton, adopting the 2014 through 2019 S1x-Year Transportation Improvement Program. RECITALS A. After proper not1ce, the City Counc1l of the City of Kent held a public hearing at the regular meet1ng of the City Counc1l at 7:00 p.m. on June 18, 2013, to consider publ1c test1mony on the City's proposed 2014 through 2019 Stx-Year Transportation Improvement Program. B. Having considered public testimony to the plan, the Council would ltke to adopt the 2014 through 2019 Stx-Year Transportation Improvement Program. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Adoption. The 2014 through 2019 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, set forth in Exhibit "A," wh1ch is attached and f1led w1th City Clerk, 1s hereby adopted. 1 2014-2019 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, th1s /1'1!;. day of .::;;;NE , 2013. /'<?'~ CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this ~oL.__ day of ,t::N£ I 2013. I hereby certify that this IS a true and correct copy of Resolution No. L~ passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the_ ~day of ..__Lv.e-, 2013. -. :. 2 2014-2019 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Mayor Suzette Cooke Timothy J. LaPorte, PE, D1rector of Publ1c Works -~ "--""' KENT WASHINGTOI'4 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2014-2019 Table of Contents: 1. Resolution adopting the 2014-2019 Six Year TIP 2. Introduction 3. Listing of the Projects 4. Project Descriptions 5. Map ofthe Projects 6. Contact InformatiOn On the cover Street Preservation project on 104th Avenue SE This Page Intentionally Left Blank For Resolution SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2014-2019 Introduction Overview The 2014-2019 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a short-range planning document that 1s updated annually based on needs and pohc1es 1dent1fied in the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan and 2008 Transportation Master Plan It represents Kent's current Jist of needed proJects that may begm work in the next s1x years The document identifies secured or reasonably expected revenue sources for each of the projects The S1x-Year TIP serves as a draft work plan for the development of the local transportation network Once adopted, the TIP helps to gmde fundmg and ImplementatiOn pnonties dunng the development of the transportatiOn portion of the S1x -Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) The CIP can be considered a subset of the TIP The CIP shows the City-funded portwn of projects and IS constrained by current budget forecasts, whereas the TIP shows the complete proJect hst with the vanety of fundmg sources and partners mvolved Mandated by State Law State law requires that each city develop a local TIP, that it be updated annually (RCW 3 5 77 0 10), and that 1t be submitted to the State Department of TransportatiOn not more than thirty days after 1ts adoptwn but before July 1st It represents an Important planmng component under the state's Growth Management Act For cities to compete for transportatiOn fundmg grants from Federal and State sources, grantmg agencies reqmre that proJects be mcluded in the TIP The S1x-Year TransportatiOn Improvement Program may be revised at any time dunng the year by a maJority of the Council, after a Public Hearing How is the 2014-2019 SIX-YEAR TIP different from the previous year? ~}1;, " :J>ROJECTS ADDED PR&J,ECT TYPE d· co~~~~ .. #5-Traffic Signal System Upgrade Enhancement Grant awarded @ I 00% #6 -Panther Lake Signal System Enhancement Grant awarded @ 100% #16-Wilhs/BNSF _grade separation Safety Congestion/conflicts/coal trains #17-S 21in/BNSF_grade separation Safety Congestion/conflicts/ coal trams #19-Wilhs!UPRR grade separation Safety Congestwn/conflicts/coal trains #20-S 212m IUPRR grade separatiOn Safety Congestion/conflicts/coal trams b"~:c.:. ]>ROJECJ'S.REMOYJID .. · '7 . :>>."~ . . ' ·;~::;'. ·.;;. . ·',=.~ .~<<.: 2. ">' ~"· Kent Kangley Road & 108'11 Ave OperatiOns Combmed with #21 -108m Ave SE IntersectiOn Improvements Enhancement ExtensiOn Transit Now Partnership with King County Transit Combined with #43 -Community Enhancement Based Shuttles ff" . ' OUJE:Jt:, <. . ;::::: ·', ,, INo:~ho~s~~~~stimated cost . . ·, .. #34-Street Preservatwn Maintenance CITY OF KENT 2014-2019 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Number 1. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Project Name Pro;ect Locatwn and Extent Southeast 256th Street Widening, Phase II SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) to 116th Avenue Southeast Kent Kangley Road Pedestrian Safety Improvements 1041h Avenue SE to l241h Avenue SE · South 2281h Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade separatwn crossmg at Umon Pacific Rmlroad 72"d A venue South Extension South 2001h Street to South 196'h Street Traffic Control Signal System Crtyw1de Panther Lake Signal System Integration Safe Routes to Schools Improvements at Horizon Elementary Honzon Elementary School, 27641 J4lh Avenue SE Safe Routes to Schools Improvements at Meridian Elementary Mendwn Elementary School, 25621 J./0 1h Avenue SE Safe Routes to Schools Improvements at Meadow Ridge Elementary Meadow Rtdge Elementary School, 2 7710 1 081h Avenue SE Kent Regional Trails Connector Green R1ver Trail to Interurban Trml at S 21tfh St 11. James Street Bicycle Lanes Interurban Trml to Washmgton Avenue (SR 181) and 800 feet east of the Green R1ver Tra1l 12. SE 208th Street & 108th Avenue SE (SR 515/Benson Highway) Intersection Improvements IntersectiOn Operatwns Enhancement l I J l CITY OF KENT 2014-2019 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Number 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Project Name Project Locatwn and Extent South 224th Street Extension 8lh Avenue South to I 04 1h Avenue Southeast (SR 515/Benson Hzghway) Central Avenue South Improvements Green Rzver Brzdge to East Wzllzs Street (SR 516) Willis Street and Central Avenue Intersection Improvements Intersectzon Operatzons Enhancement Willis Street (SR 516)/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade separatzon crossmg at Burlmgton Northern Santa Fe Railway South 21ih Street/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade separation crossmg at Burlmgton Northern Santa Fe Razlway Military Road South at Reith Road Intersectzon Operatzons Enhancement Willis Street (SR 516)/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade separatton crossmg at Umon Pacific Razlroad South 212th Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade separatiOn crossmg at Umon Pacific Railroad 108th Avenue Southeast Extension Southeast Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to Southeast 2561h Street Smith Street and Central Avenue Intersection Improvement Intersectzon Operatwns Enhancement S 212th Street and 72nd Avenue South Intersection Improvement Intersectzon Operatzons Enhancement SE 240th Street and 104th Avenue SE (SR 515/Benson Highway) Intersection Improvement Intenectton Operatzons Enhancement CITY OF KENT 2014-2019 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Number 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Project Name ProJect Locatwn and Extent Military Road South Widening South 272nd Street to Kent-DesMmnes Road (SR 516) 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening-Phase I Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to Southeast 2481h Street 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening-Phase II Southeast 248'h Street to Southeast 2401h Street Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) and 132"d Avenue SE Intersection Improvement /ntersectwn Operatwns Enharii:ement South 2601h Street and Pacific Highway South (SR 99) Intersection Improvement Intersectwn Operations Enhancement SE 256 1h S~eet and,1041h Avenue SE (SR 515/Benson Highway) Intersection Improvement lntersectwn OperatiOns Enhancement 31. South 2121h Street and 84 1h Avenue South Intersection Improvement /ntersectwn Operattons Enhancement 32. Meeker Street and Washington Avenue (SR 181) Intersection Improvement /ntersectwn Operatwns Enhancement 33. South 272"d Street and Military Road Intersection Improvement Intersectzon Operatwns Enhancement CITY OF KENT 2014-2019 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Number Project Name Project Locatwn and Extent ONGOING CITYWIDE PROGRAMS 34. Street Preservation Program Ongomg Citywide Program 35. Residential Traffic Calming Program Ongomg Citywide Program 36. Traffic Signal Management Program Ongomg Cltywzde Program 37. Miscellaneous Intersection Improvements Ongozng Cltywule Program 38. Comprehensive Plan Update Ongomg Citywide Program 39. Channelization (Street Markings) Improvement Program Ongomg Cltywzde Program 40. Bicycle System Improvements Ongomg Caywide Program 41. Sidewalks, Sidewalk Repair and the Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Program Ongomg Citywide Program 42. Guardrail and Safety Improvements Ongomg Cltyvnde Program 43. Community Based Circulating Shuttles Ongomg Cltyw1de Program 44. Railroad Quiet Zone for Downtown Urban Center Ongomg Cltywzde Program Individual project and program descriptions Pages 1 -44 Abbreviations used in this section: CMAQ-Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality [Federal]; FAST-Freight Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor; FMSIB-Fre1ght Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA-Federal Transit Administration [Federal]; HES- Hazard Elimination [Federal], ITS -Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal]; LID -Local Improvement D1stnct; PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State]; STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal]; TIB-Transportation Improvement Board [State] This page intentionally left blank CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT#l: DESCRIPTION: 2014 Southeast 2561h Street Widening, Phase II SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) to 1161h Avenue Southeast Construct a three lane roadway from SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) to 1161h Avenue SE Thts project includes bike lanes on both stdes of the roadway The project will mclude construction of full-wtdth paving, concrete curbs, gutters, and stdewalks, street !tghting, storm dramage, landscapmg, uttlittes, and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acquisttion Construction . .. .. $1,100,000 $350,000 .$5,550,000 TOT AL ..•...••••...........•...•.•.•.•.•.•.... $7 ,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, TIB PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Southeast 256th Street is a two-lane roadway with no curbs, gutters or sidewalks and a hmtted street hght system Despite the lack of smtable pedestnan factltttes and extremely harsh weather m January 2012, over 650 pedestnans per day walked along thts segment of roadway Dunng peak hours, the roadway cannot accommodate the traffic volumes due to the large number of vehtcles blockmg the roadway while wattmg to tum left mto driveways The wtdening of Southeast 256 1h Street also alleviates traffic on SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) as the two roads serve east/west travel demand The project wtll mcrease the capactty of thts roadway by adding a center two-way left tum lane Thts proJect provides a multi-modal connectwn between improvements west and east of this segment j ~ ' ; CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT#2: DESCRIPTION: 2014 Kent Kangley Pedestrian Safety Improvements 1041h Avenue SE to 1241h Avenue SE Add a new mid-block pedestnan crossing of Kent Kangley Road with median refuge island and Rectangular Rapid Flashmg Beacons Restripe crosswalks and stop bars, upgrade pedestnan crossings to countdown message modules and Amencans with D1sab1lity Access1ble (ADA) standard pedestrian push buttons There are a total of 8 mtersectwns that Will be Improved by this project and proper signage Will be updated along the entire project length Th1s project also mcludes educatiOn and enforcement elements PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Education/Enforcement $36,000 $38,000 $342,000 Construction TOT AL ........................................... $416,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): Washington State Department of Transportation PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) is one of the most densely populated corridors in the City The section from 104th Ave SE to 124th Ave SE is a congested, m1xed land use, Pnnc1pal Artenal that is a des1gnated truck route currently operatmg at a Level of Service (LOS) E dunng the PM Peak The majority of housmg along iliis portion of SR 516 IS high density mult1fam!ly housing that generates a substantial amount of pedestrian traffic This section of Kent Kangley IS a h1gh boarding area for transit and 1s also a popular destmatwn for semor citizens due to the h1gh concentratiOn of shoppmg facilities, banks, medical offices and semor housmg The proJect area mcludes two of the highest collision incident locatiOns m 1he City (1041h Avenue SE at 256th Street and 116th Avenue SE at Kent Kangley Road) The majority of collisiOns reported in ilie proJect area from 2006-2008 occurred during the daylight hours with pedestrians over the age of 18 Th1s project Will 1mprove safety through the constructiOn of these engmeenng Improvements combined with education and enforcement CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT#3: DESCRIPTION: 2014 South 2281h Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separatwn crossmg at Umon Paczfic Railroad Construct grade separation of the Union Pacific Railroad mainline tracks at South 228th Street The proJect will include the construction of a bndge, four-lane vehicle crossmg, full-width paving, concrete curbs, gutters and s1dewaJks, street lighting, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ... $1,500,000 .. .$2,500,000 $21,000,000 Right of Way Acquisition Construction .. TOTAL ....•••••...•••.•.•...••.•.••••..•.... $25,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Port of Seattle, FAST, FMSIB, LID, Union Pacific Railroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The project will lead to a seamless connection between major freight handlers and their primary destmatwns This project will support freight movmg through Kent to the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma, SeaTac Auport and the freeway system Grade separating this artenal will mcrease roadway capacity, decrease congestion, enhance safety and improve freight mobility in this comdor and throughout die regwn This project will provide regwnal connectiOns for thousands of busmesses, employers, and the 40 m!llton square feet of warehousehndustrial space in die valley CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT#4: DESCRIPTION: 2014 72nd Avenue South Extension South 2001h Street to South 1961h Street This project completes a missmg link by constructmg a new three-lane roadway from South 200 1h Street to South 1961h Street The proJect wtll include the crossmg of Mtll Creek and constructiOn of full-wtdth pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lightmg, storm drainage, landscapmg, utthttes and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering . .. .... . $250,000 Right of Way AcqmsttJOn $75,000 Construction $2,075,000 TOTAL ........................................ $2,400,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): TIB, Regional Fire Authority, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Continued development in the northern Kent industrial area, and htgh levels of congestiOn along West Valley Highway between the South 1801h Street and South 196 th Street corridors, mandate additional north-south artenal capactty This project provtdes some reheffor South 1801h Street, South 196\h Street, and South 2121h Street mtersectwns along West Valley Highway It also provides tmproved access to the South 1961h Street comdor from mdustnal development along 72nct Avenue South by constructing the missmg hnk between South 2001h Street and South 1961h Street This roadway connectton provtdes a direct ltnk from the existmg Fire StattOn on 72nct Avenue South to the 1961h Street corridor, grade- separated over both the BNSF and UPRR mamhne railroad tracks, dramattcall y tmprovmg emergency response times to a large area of the Kent Manufactunng/Industnal Center and warehouse land uses CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT#5: DESCRIPTION: 2014 Traffic Control Signal System Cltywzde The C1ty will purchase and install a master sign.al controller unit capable of supportmg flashing yellow left turn arrow (FYLTA) displays for permitted left turns This proJect will also purchase and mstall traffic signal controllers for approximately 29 mdlVidual mtersections Traffic signals will be modified at approximately 14 mtersectwns to display FYLTA signal mdicauons for permissive left turn movements PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acqms1tion ConstructiOn $80,000 $0 $320,000 TOTAL ........................................... $400,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The current central traffic signal control system is not compatible with flashmg yellow left turn arrow displays for permissive left turn movements This type of signal display has been demonstrated to be much more readily understood by motorists and has resulted in reduced collision rates mvolvmg vehicles turmng left dunng permissive left tum s1gnal phases The upgrade to the legacy central control system and more advanced mtersection traffic signal controllers will allow greater operatiOn flexibility and Improved transportatiOn system efficiency ' ~ ' --I ' CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT#6: DESCRIPTION: 2014 Panther Lake Signal System Integration This project includes extension of commumcation cable to traffic signals in the recently annexed area of Panther Lake to allow remote momtoring and management of the traffic stgnals, replacement of the extsting traffic signal controllers to be capable of dtsplaying flashing yellow left tum arrow (FYLTA) for permissive left turn movements and allow flextble coordinatiOn of the traffic signals along arterial corridors PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .. .... .... . $0 Right of Way Acqmsttion Construction $0 $342,000 TOTAL ........................................... $342,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): 2013 Quick Response Safety Program PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Federal Htghway Safety Improvement Program (HSlP) The traffic signals m the recently annexed area of Panther Lake are not connected to the Ctty's central traffic signal control system, hence, they cannot be remotely momtored or managed from the Ctty's Traffic Management Center The mtersection controllers are not capable of displaying flashmg yellow left tum arrow (FYLTA) for permissive left turn movements Thts type of signal dtsplay has been demonstrated to be much more readtly understood by motonsts and has resulted in reduced collision rates involvmg vehtcles turmng left during permtssive left turn stgnal phases The mtegratwn of these signals into the City's signal system Will allow operation flexibility and improved transportatiOn system efficiency CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2014 PROJECT #7: Safe Routes to Schools Improvements at Horizon Elementary School 27641 1441h Avenue SE DESCRIPTION: Install a paved pathway on the east side of 144th Avenue SE from SE 278th Street to SE 276th Place Install a new midblock school crosswalk across 144th Avenue SE on the south side of the school driveway Install Rectangular Rapid Flashmg Beacons at the new crosswalk and install advance school crossmg signs Th1s project also includes educatiOn and enforcement elements including the purchase of an additiOnal L1dar Radar Umt for police enforcement PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering. $90,000 Right of Way Acquisition $0 Construction ................................ $220,000 TOTAL ........................................... $310,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): WSDOT, C1ty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The purpose of the Safe Routes to Schools Program is to encourage more students to walk and bicycle to and from school rather than being dnven by their parents Through a combmation of engineenng enhancements to the bmlt environment plus education efforts mmed at the students and their parents, it Is hoped that famihes will increase the number ofwalkmg and b1kmg trips they make to their local school CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT#S: DESCRIPTION: 2014 Safe Routes to Schools Improvements at Meridian Elementary School 25621 1401h Avenue SE Install a traffic signal at the intersectton of SE 256"' Street and 140"' Avenue SE and construct an asphalt pavement walkway wtth an extruded curb along SE 256"' Street from approximately 134th Avenue SE to 140th Avenue SE The traffic stgnal mcludes a traffic surveillance camera and mterconnect cable to connect thts stgnal to the rest of the City's traffic control system This proJeCt also includes education and enforcement elements mcluding the purchase of an addttional Ltdar Radar Unit for the poltce enforcement PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineenng Right of Way Acqutsition Construction $210,000 $0 $625,000 TOT AL ........................................... $835,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): WSDOT, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Meridian Elementary School is located near the intersection of SE 256th Street and 140th Avenue SE The school provtdes adult crossmg guards to help students cross SE 256th Street The level of development m the area has increased to the point that local traffic m the neighborhood and in the communittes to the east of the school has become espectally heavy at the afternoon bell ttmes A full traffic stgnal would assist the crossing guards, the school children, the parents and teachers arrivmg/leavmg the school and all the local motonsts to maneuver m an orderly way dunng times of heavy conflict Currently students must walk or bike along a wtde shoulder on SE 256th Street Thts proJect would provtde an asphalt walking path whtch would be separated from the roadway by a raised curb providmg clearly delineated locatwns for pedestrians, bicyclists and motonsts CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT#9: DESCRIPTION: 2014 Safe Routes to Schools Improvements at Meadow Ridge Elementary School 27710 J081h Avenue SE Install a 6 foot concrete sidewalk with curb and gutter along the west side of 1081h Avenue SE from SE 273rd Street to SE 272nd Street Install a 6 foot concrete s1dewalk w1th curb and gutter along the south side of SE 272nd Street from 1081h Avenue SE to 1051h Avenue SE Th1s proJect will install a new crosswalk crossmg 1 081h Avenue SE w1th Rectangular Rap1d Flashmg Beacons and appropnate s1gnage on the north side of the onramp to the westbound 27ili Street Corndor This project also mcludes education and enforcement elements including the purchase of an additional L1dar Radar Unit for police enforcement PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .. $175,000 $20,000 $425,000 Education/Enforcement Construction TOTAL .......•................................... $620,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): WSDOT, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Few students currently walk or bicycle to Meadow Ridge Elementary School The Kent School Distnct provides bus transportation for all students living west of 1 081h Avenue South and for students living north of the school Th1s proJect Will make the pedestrian env1ronment friendlier for all users and make it an mv1tmg alternative for parents and students to choose The City of Kent has a number of programs that encourage people of all ages to live a more active lifestyle and makes 1t a City pnority to prov1de attract1ve walk:mg and bicycling facil1ttes Once these additional s1dewalk facilities are bmlt and the new crosswalk across 1081h Avenue SE w1th Rectangular Rap1d Flashmg Beacons 1s installed, 1t is antiCipated that many more fam1hes will be encouraged to walk the1r children to Meadow Ridge rather than drive them to school ' i ' l ' l j I 'l ' ! ' ' ' ' CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #10: DESCRIPTION: 2014 Kent Regional Trails Connector Green Rzver Trazl to Interurbazz Trazl at South 2181h Street Construct 4,400 foot multi-use trail connectmg the Green River and Interurban Regwnal Trails at a point approximately mid-way between the South 212th Street and South 228th Street Corridors at about South 218th Street m the heart of the Kent Valley This 12-foot wtde multi-use tratl for non-motonzed users will include tratl hghtmg to enhance visibthty and encourage year round usage Rectangular Raptd Flashmg Beacons and marked crosswalks wtll be mstalled where the new tratl crosses mtdblock at 64th Avenue South and 72"d Avenue South A traffic stgnal for pedestnans and bicychsts crossing mtd-block will be mstalled on 68 1h Avenue South (aka West Valley Htghway/SR 181) A mechamsm for performance momtoring (countmg) wtll be mstalled at or near the new traffic signal The proJect wtll mstall a steel pedestrian/bicycle bridge over the Mtll Creek between 72nd Avenue South and the Interurban Trml PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engmeenng Rtght of Way Acquisition Construction $125,000 $0 $1,175,000 TOT AL ........................................ $1,300,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): CMAQ, WSDOT, Ctty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: One of the highest priority projects in the City's Non-Motorized Plan and TransportatiOn Master Plan, thts new tratl would fill a missmg east/west hnk m the city's and the region's btcycle network It would connect two of the most heavtly used regiOnal tratls to each other and provtde access for tens of thousands of people to a concentrated employment center It would provtde alternattve mode access to The Kent Manufactunng/Tndustnal Center's 1,800 employers, to recreatiOnal acttvities along the Green Rtver and the Green R1ver Natural Resources Area and provtde additional safety for all users crossmg three major artenal streets man area wtth a heavy mtx of truck traffic CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #11: DESCRIPTION: 2014 James Street Bicycle Lanes Interurban Trml to Washmgton Avenue (SR 181) and 800 feet east of the Green Rzver Trml Install bike lanes along James Street from the Interurban Tratl to Washington Avenue South (SR 181) Thts proJect wtll also elimmate the gap of approximately 800 feet at the west end of South 240th Street where tt mtersects with the Green River Trail PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acquis1t10n Construction $150,000 . $0 $1,225,000 TOTAL ........................................ $1,375,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The proposed bicycle lanes would complete a mtssmg bicycle link between the Green River Trail and the Kent Regwnal Growth Center Thts proJect would provtde the first dedtcated bicycle lanes to penetrate what had here-to-for been a barner to east/west btcycle travel, State Route 167 Bike lanes currently extend easterly from thts pomt providing connectwns to the King County Regional Justice Center, Kent StattOn (an 18-acre shoppmg and entertamment complex), and the Kent Transit Center Nearby land uses mclude historic downtown Kent, City Hall and the Kent Ctty Center project scheduled to add 164 urban-style apartments to the downtown core starting in 2014 Ftlltng m the missing links of this bicycle corridor IS expected to encourage more people to utilize bicyclmg for more of their tnps The anticipated mode shift from smgle-occupant vehicle to bicycle will allow Kent to meet growth management goals while contmumg to comply With its adopted level of servtce standards and federal clean atr standards CllY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #12: DESCRIPTION: 2014 SE 208th Street and 108th Avenue SE (SR 515/Benson Highway) Intersection Improvement Intersectzon Operatzons Enhancement Add dual southbound left storage lane on 108th Avenue SE, widen the recetvmg lane on SE 208th St, and modify the s1gnal phasing PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acqmsition $60,000 $75,000 ConstructiOn $575,000 TOTAL ........................................... $710,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, WSDOT (Highway Safety Improvement Program) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: State Route 515, also known as The Benson Htghway or 108th Avenue SE, is the primary north south route on the East Htll and serves as a major transit route W1th four to five lanes m 1ts current configuration, th1s roadway has been Widened to 1ts practical hmits Improvements to intersections along the comdor can have pos1t1ve effects on corridor congestiOn and tmprove effic1ency Th1s proJect would add quemng capac1ty for the southbound left tum movement whtle contmumg to provide two lanes of through travel CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #13: DESCRIPTION: 2014 South 2241h Street Extension Blh Avenue South to 10-lh Avenue Southeast (SR 515/BensonHighway) Construct a three-lane road from 84th Avenue South to 104th Avenue Southeast (SR SIS/Benson Highway), mcludmg new bndges over SR 167 and Garrison Creek The proJect w1ll mclude the constructwn of full- width paving, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, street ltghting, storm dramage, landscaping, utilltles and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engineering Right of Way Acquisition Construction $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $22,000,000 TOTAL ...................................... $29,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): C1ty of Kent, LID, TID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The existing roadway system cannot accommodate the current or forecast east-west traffic volumes between Kent's East H1ll and the Green River Valley floor In order to meet transportation concurrency reqmrements of the Growth Management Act, add1t10nal east-west vehicle capac1ty is required IntersectiOns along South 2081h/212th Street and James/Southeast 240th Streets are also at or over capacity It is not feasible to widen the James/Southeast 240th Street and South 208th/212th Street 'corridors' enough to accommodate forecast traffic volumes without additwnal east-west capacity because of ex1stmg development and topographic constraints CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #14: DESCRIPTION: 2015 Central Avenue South Improvements Green Rzver Bndge to East Wzllzs Street (SR 516) Remove and rehabilitate the existing roadway pavement to add service life to the roadway, between the Green Rwer Bridge and East Wilhs Street (SR 516) Th1s project w!ll mclude the removal and replacement of failing pavement sections and a full-Width asphalt concrete overlay of the ent1re roadway Also mcluded in th1s proJect IS the selective replacement of curbs, gutters, s1dewalks and street trees, as well as mmor storm dramage Improvements PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineenng Right of Way Acqms1t10n ConstructiOn $500,000 $0 $4,000,000 TOTAL ........................................ $4,500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The existing pavement along this section of Central Avenue South is exhtbltmg signs of distress, as demonstrated by "alhgatonng", longitudinal cracking, and crackmg of the curbs and gutters The service life of this roadway has been reached, necessttatmg reconstruction of the roadway The s1dewalk system is sub-standard m many locations and in need of replacement CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ·. 1 YEAR: PROJECT #15: DESCRIPTION: 2015 Willis Street and Central Avenue Intersection Improvements Intersection Operatwns Enhancement Improve the intersectwn of Willis Street and Central Avenue to provide a nght turn lane from southbound on Central Avenue to westbound Wilhs Street Project includes s1dewalk, curb and gutter replacement and improvements to traffic signal system PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acqmsition ConstructiOn $40,000 . $150,000 $260,000 TOT AL ........................................... $450,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Developer Mitigation PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is a traffic mitigation reqmrement for additional trips generated by the Kent StattOn Development The City of Kent Will be Implementing this project that is reqmred of the developer CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #16: DESCRIPTION: 2015 Willis Street (SR 516)/Bur1ington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separatzon Crossmg at Burlmgton Northern Santa Fe Razlway Construct grade separatiOn at the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway mamline tracks at Willis Street (SR 516) The project will include the constructiOn of a bndge, four-lane vehicle crossmg, full width paving, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, street lightmg, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acquisition ConstructiOn $2,500,000 $3,000,000 $21,500,000 TOT AL ...................................... $27 ,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): C1ty of Kent, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway, FAST, FMSIB, Port of Seattle, TIB PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project supports east/west freight and commuter mobility in the Green River Valley More than 26,000 vehicles per day travel on Willis Street, including over 800 freight-bearing trucks The level of freight and passenger rml traffic on the BNSF Rmlway mainline is also mcreasmg to approximately 45 trams a day plus the possibthty of another 18 coal trmns Grade separatiOn provides more efficient movements of goods and provides a solutwn to the costly problem of congestion The rmlroad crossing wtll no longer Impede fretght and other traffic flow Reduction in traffic congestiOn on adJmmng streets and reduced environmentaltmpacts caused by traffic congestiOn Is expected This proJection will enhance Kent as an economic generator and provide regwnal connectiOns for thousands ofbusmesses, employers, and commuters CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #17: DESCRIPTION: 2015 South 2121h Street/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separatwn Crossmg at Burlmgton Northern Santa Fe Ra1lway Construct grade separatiOn at the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway mamline tracks at South 21ih Street The project will include the constructiOn of a bndge, six-lane vehtcle crossmg, full width paving, concrete curbs, gutters, and stdewalks, a btcycle faCthty, street hghtmg, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .... $3,500,000 $1,500,000 $30,000,000 $35,000,000 Right of Way Acquisition ConstructiOn TOTAL ....... FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, FMSIB, FAST, TIB, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project supports east-west freight and commuter mobility in the Green River Valley Approximately 29,000 vehicles per day travel on South 2121h Street, including nearly 3,500 freight-bearing trucks The level of fretght and passenger rail traffic on the BNSF Railway mainline is also increasmg to approximately 45 trains per day plus the hkehhood of another 18 coal trains Grade separatiOn provides more effictent movement of goods and provides a solutiOn to the costly problem of congestion The railroad crossmg will no longer tmpede fretght and other traffic flow ReductiOn m traffic congestwn on adjommg streets and reduced environmental impacts caused by traffic congestion is expected Thts proJect wtll enhance Kent as an economic generator and provide regwnal connections for thousands of busmesses, employers and commuters CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #18: DESCRIPTION: 2016 Military Road South at Reith Road Jntersectzon Operatzons ~nhancement Widen all approaches of Military Road South at Reith Road intersection to provtde exclustve left turn lanes for each approach, and exclustve nght turn lanes for northbound and southbound traffic on Military Road South and westbound traffic on Reith Road Replace the extstmg traffic stgnal The project will include the constructiOn of full wtdth pavmg, paved shoulders, street lightmg, storm dramage, utilittes and appurtenances The mtersection will accommodate the future bicycle lanes which are planned for both Military Road South and Reith Road PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acquisition Construction $180,000 $200,000 $1,800,000 $2,180,000 TOTAL FUNDING SOURCE(S): TIB, City of Kent, Development Mittgation Funds PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development on the Kent West Hill coupled with the growth m the Puget Sound area and the regularly occurring congestion along both Pacific Highway South and Interstate 5 results in significant congestiOn at thts mtersectwn m the mornmg and evenmg peak hours CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #19: DESCRIPTION: 2016 Willis Street (SR516)/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separatwn Crossmg at Umon Pacific Railroad Construct grade separation of the Union Pacific Railroad's mainline tracks at WJ!hs Street (SR 516) The proJect will mclude the constructiOn of a bridge, a four-lane roadway, full width pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, street ltghtmg, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng Right of Way Acqutsttion Construction $2,000,000 .............. $0 $18,000,000 TOT AL .•.•.•.•.•.•••••••••••.••••••••...•... $20,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, FAST, FMSIB, Port of Seattle, TIB, Union Pacific Railroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project supports east-west freight and commuter mobtlity in the Green Rtver Valley More than 26,000 vehicles per day travel on Wilhs Street, includmg over 800 fretght-beanng trucks The level of fretght traffic on the UP Ratlroad mamlme IS also increasmg to approximately 20 trains a day Grade separatiOns provtde a solutwn to the costly problem of congestiOn The ratlroad crossing wtll no longer tmpede fretght and other traffic flow Reductions m traffic congestion on adJoimng streets and reduced envtronmentaltmpacts caused by traffic congestion are also expected Thts project will enhance Kent as an economic generator and provide regwnal connectiOns for thousands of busmesses, employers, and commuters CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #20: DESCRIPTION: 2016 South 212th Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separation Crossmg at Umon Pacific Rmlroad Construct f"ade separation of the Union Pacific Rmlroad's mamline tracks at South 212 Street The proJect w1ll mclude the construction of a bndge, a six- lane veh1cle crossing, full-w1dth pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters, and s1dewalks, a bicycle fac1hty, street lighting, ut1ht1es and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engineering Right of Way Acquisition .. Construction $3,000,000 $1,500,000 $25,500,000 $30,000,000 TOTAL FUNDING SOURCE(S): City ofKent, FMSIB, FAST, TIB, Union Pacific Railroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project supports east-west freight and commuter mob1hty in the Green Rlver Valley Approximately 29,000 veh1cles per day travel on South 21i" Street, including nearly 3,500 fre1ght bearing trucks The level of fre1ght traffic on the UP Ratlroad mainline 1s also mcreasmg to approximately 20 trains a day Grade separatwns prov1de a solutwn to the costly problem of congestiOn The ratlroad crossing will no longer impede freight and other traffic flow Reductwn m traffic congestion on adJoming streets and reduced environmental 1mpacts caused by traffic congestion IS also expected This proJect w1ll enhance Kent as an econom1c generator and prov1de regwnal connectwns for thousands of businesses, employers, and commuters CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #21: DESCRIPTION: 2017 1081h Avenue Southeast Extension Southeast Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to Southeast 2561h Street Construct a new three lane roadway from Southeast Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to Southeast 2561h Street includmg rebmldmg the traffic signals at the mtersection of Southeast Kent Kangley Road and 108th Avenue Southeast and mstal!tng one new traffic signal at the intersection of Southeast 256th Street and 1 09th Avenue Southeast and replacmg the traffic stgnal at Kent Kangley Road and 108th Avenue SE The proJect includes nght turn lanes northbound on 1 091h at Southeast 256th Street and Southbound on 1 09th at Kent Kangley Road The proJect will also mclude constructiOn of full width pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, Sharrows, street !tghting, storm dramage, landscapmg, utilities and appurtenances As part of this proJect, the eastbound left-turn lane from Kent Kangley Road to Southeast 2561h Street wtll be eliminated PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineenng Right of Way Acquisition ConstructiOn $300,000 ,.$2, 100,000 ' $2,800,000 TOTAL ........................................ $5,200,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This proJect Will relieve congestion at theY intersection of 104th Avenue Southeast (Benson Highway) (SR 515)/Kent Kangley Road (SR 516)/Southeast 2561h Street by Improving the traffic flow along SR 516 It will eltmmate the left turn pocket from SR 516 to Southeast 256th Street and redirect that traffic along SR 516 to 108th Avenue Southeast There wtll be a new left tum pocket constructed for motonsts wtshmg to travel north on 108th Avenue Southeast to Southeast 256th Street By movmg these left turning movements further to the east, away from the congested Y mtersection, all directiOns of traffic will be able to flow more efficiently ' j CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #22: DESCRIPTION: 2018 Smith Street and Central Avenue Intersection Improvement Intersectzon Operatwns Enhancement Revise southbound and northbound turn lane assignment PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acqmsttion ConstructiOn $100,000 $400,000 $900,000 TOTAL ........................................ $1,400,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The southbound vehicle movement is heaviest in the afternoon peak penod The predommant vehicle flow m the peak penod ts southbound on Central Avenue and then left on Smtth Street to proceed eastbound up the ht11 Thts revision m lane configuratwn, queue capactty, and turning capactty reduces congestion Thts project could reduce the mtersect10n delay m the afternoon peak penod from 167 seconds per vehtcle to 111 seconds per vehtcle CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #23: DESCRIPTION: 2018 S 212th Street and 72nd Avenue South Intersection Improvement lntersectwn Operatwns Enhancement Add southbound dual left turn lanes and restripe northbound lane configuratton PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering R1ght of Way Acqm s1 tton Constructton $60,000 $125,000 $505,000 TOT AL ........................................... $690,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City ofKent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Kent is an important fre1ght distribution center in the Puget Sound Region The efficient movement of freight, through and within the City is critical to Kent's economic health With the completion of the final road segment of72nd Avenue South between South 196th Street and South 2001h Street, 72nd Avenue South becomes a key freifht corridor and this intersection of two Important freight corndors (72n Ave S and S 212th Street) takes on a h1ghly significant role in relievmg the congestton often found on West Valley Highway at peak periods Th1s Improvement reduces future southbound veh1cle queuing and congestton and has the potential to Improve mtersectwn delay from 193 seconds per veh1cle to 63 seconds per vehicle ' j CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #24: DESCRIPTION: 2018 SE 240th Street and 1041h Avenue SE (SR 515/Benson Highway) Intersection Improvement Intersectzon Operations t.'nhancement Add dual northbound and southbound left turn lanes Add southbound right tum pockets Modify signal phasmg PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acquisition ConstructiOn $120,000 $275,000 $1,205,000 TOT AL ........................................ $1,600,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: 104th Avenue SE (SR 515, also known as The Benson Highway), is the pnmary north south route on the East Hill and serves as a major transit route With four to five lanes m Its current configuratiOn, this roadway has been widened to its practical hmits Improvements to mtersectwns along the corndor can have positive effects on corndor congestiOn and improve efficiency This proJect would add queuing capacity for both the northbound and southbound left tum movements while continuing to provide two lanes of through travel It could reduce the intersectiOn delay m the afternoon peak penod from an average 110 seconds per vehtcle to about 56 seconds per vehtcle CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #25: DESCRIPTION: 2019 Military Road South Widening South 2 72nd Street to Kent-Des Momes Road (SR 516) This project will widen Military Road from South 272"d Street to Kent- Des Mmnes Road adding a center left-tum lane, bicycle lanes, curb, gutter and sidewalk Also mcluded is the construction of storm dramage improvement and illummation system improvements (Note The Reith Road intersection Is a separate project and IS not mcluded m this proJect) PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acqmsition Construction $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $15,500,000 TOT AL ...................................... $18,500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Development Mitigation Funds, TIB PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this sectiOn of Military Road South has reached a point where a separate center two-way left tum lane is required Dunng peak traffic flow hours, the roadway cannot accommodate the traffic volumes due to the large number of vehicles blockmg the roadway waitmg to make left turns Most sections of Military Road are lackmg sidewalks and an adequate storm dramage system ' ,I I '' ' CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #26: DESCRIPTION: 2019 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening-Phase I Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to Southeast 2481h Street W1den 132nd Avenue Southeast to provide a five lane roadway, mcludmg four general purpose travel lanes, a center left-tum lane, and a fac1hty for b1cycle travel, modifying the ex1stmg traffic signal s~stems at the intersections of Kent Kangley Road and Southeast 256 Street The proJect will include the constructiOn of full-width pavmg, b1cycle lanes, concrete curbs, gutters and s1dewalks, street lighting, storm dramage, ut!ht~es, and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engmeering Right of Way Acquisition ConstructiOn $3,800,000 $3,100,000 $18,200,000 TOT AL ...................................... $25,1 00,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of 132nd Avenue has already reached the pomt whereby a cons1stent five land roadway section is needed to provide effic1ent left-tum access into adJommg properties and accommodate forecast traffic volumes Existm§ traffic volumes that exceed 14,000 ADT (near the intersection of 132n Avenue southeast and Kent Kangley Road) necessitate a five lane section Sidewalks and bicycle fac1hties will prov1de multimodal access to adJacent land uses CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #27: DESCRIPTION: 2019 132nd Avenue Southeast Widening-Phase II Southeast 2481h Street to Southeast 2401h Street Widen 132nd Avenue Southeast to provide a five lane roadway, including four general purpose travel lanes, a center left-turn lane, and a btcycle facility, modif~mg the existing traffic stgnal system at the mtersectwn of Southeast 240 Street The project wtll mclude the constructiOn of full- width pavmg, btcycle lanes, concrete curbs, gutters, and stdewalks, street ltghting, storm dramage, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehminary Engineering Right of Way AcquisitiOn Construction . . . $750,000 $1,500,000 $4,750,000 TOTAL ........................................ $7 ,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City ofKent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of 132nct Avenue has already reached the point whereby a consistent five lane roadway section ts needed to provide effictent left-turn access to adjommg properties and accommodate forecast traffic volumes Stdewalks and btcycle facilities will provide multtmodal access to adJacent land uses CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #28: DESCRIPTION: 2018 Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) and 132nd Avenue SE Intersection Improvement Intersection Operatwns Enhancement Add northbound and southbound dual left turn lanes PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engineering Right of Way AcquisitiOn ConstructiOn $85,000 $175,000 $940,000 TOT AL ........................................ $1,200,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) is a Principal Arterial with over 32,000 daily veh1cle trips 132nd Avenue SE IS a Mmor Arterial with over 14,000 daily vehicle tnps The demand on both roads 1s ant1c1pated to grow 1n the next decade as growth m households and jobs on Kent's East Hill continues to develop Over the next 20 years the growth of traffic on 132nd Avenue IS projected to grow at an average rate of 0 8% per year Th1s means the demand on the roadway would be 15% h1gher by 2033 The intersectiOn of these two key roadways becomes a chokepomt for both local and regional commuters Th1s Improvement reduces existing and future southbound congestion It has the potenual to reduce the intersectiOn delay from 109 seconds per vehicle to 44 seconds per veh1cle CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #29: DESCRIPTION: 2019 South 260th Street and Pacific Highway South (SR 99) Intersection Improvement Jntersectwn Operatwns Enhancement Add westbound dual left turn lanes Add eastbound right turn pocket Modtfy stgnal phasmg PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engineering Right of Way Acquisttion Construction $100,000 $250,000 $900,000 TOTAL ........................................ $1,250,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: S 260th Street provides one of the few direct connections between the Pacific Highway corndor and the downtown C1ty Core South 260th IS a mult1modal corridor which accommodates vehicles, pedestnans, bicyclists and bus traffic As the Midway area redevelops mto a more commercial/residential mixed-use zone, the traffic connectiOns to the Military Road neighborhood and connectiOns to the valley retail and CIVIC center need to be updated to highest efficiency. This mtersectwn improvement reduces future westbound vehicle queuing and congestiOn of over 500 vehicles per hour and improves the mtersectwn delay from 180 seconds per vehicle (3 minutes) to approximately 87 seconds per vehicle in the PM Peak Penod CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #30: DESCRIPTION: 2019 SE 2561h Street and 104th Avenue SE (SR 515/Benson Highway) Intersection Improvement Intersection Operatwns Enhancement Add northbound right tum lane Modify signal phasing. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering........ .. $80,000 Rtght of Way Acqu!Sltion $150,000 Construction $220,000 TOTAL ........................................... $450,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: At the confluence of two state h1ghways (SR 516 and SR 515) this intersectiOn expenences congestiOn dunng most trmes of the day Approximately 33,000 dmly vehicle tnps are traveling east/west on SR 516 (Kent Kangley) where it meets SE 256th Street and 104 1h Avenue SE at what ts commonly known as the Kent Kangley "Y'' To help facilitate the northbound movement at th1s mtersectwn, thts project will provide a dedicated nght tum lane for traffic flowmg eastbound Thts project also prov1des some stgnal improvements (upgrades) to allow changes to the signal timing and phasmg at th1s intersection The combmed improvements are estimated to reduce delay on the northbound segment from 156 seconds per vehicle to 86 seconds per vehicle m the peak penod CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #31: DESCRIPTION: 2019 South 212th Street and 84th Avenue South Intersection Improvement Intersection Operatzons bnhancement Extend eastbound left turn lane and add northbound and southbound dual left turn lanes Modtfy stgnal phasing PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acqmsttion Construction $130,000 $420,000 $1,250,000 TOT AL ........................................ $1,800,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This intersection experiences congestion during most times of the day Both roads are Principal Arterials and each carries over 25,000 vehtcle tnps per day The demand on both of these roads ts expected to grow m the next decade as growth m both fretght movement and residential development m Kent's valley contmues to develop Thts proJect also provides some signal improvements (upgrades) to allow changes to the signal 1:1ming and phasmg of thts intersectiOn The improvements would reduce congestiOn because of heavy demand for left turn movements It is anticipated that these Improvements could reduce the mtersectwn delay to as httle as 47 seconds per vehicle CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #32: DESCRIPTION: 2019 Meeker Street and Washington Avenue Intersection Improvement Intersecflon Operattons Enhancement Add eastbound and westbound right tum pockets Extend left tum storage pockets Modtfy signal phasmg PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engineering. $60,000 $350,000 $550,000 Rtght of Way Acquisition Construction .. TOT AL ........................................... $960,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Thts is one of the busiest intersections in the City Washington Avenue (SR 181) is a Princtpal Artenal and Meeker Street is a Minor Arterial Washington Avenue carnes about 25,000 vehtcle trips per day and Meeker carnes about 16,000 vehtcle tnps per day at thts locatton Much of the vehicle volume on Washmgton Avenue ts truck trips headed for the regiOnal htghways and the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma At the same time, internal automobile, btcycle, and pedestnan traffic between the west stde of Kent and the Downtown Ctty Center needs to maneuver through thts busy intersectiOn These Improvements will have the greatest effect on 1m proving the effictency of that east/west movement It is anttctpated that these Improvements could reduce the mtersect10n delay to as httle as 57 seconds per vehicle CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2019 PROJECT #33: South 272nd Street and Military Road Intersection Improvement Intersectwn Operatwns Enhancement DESCRIPTION: Add a southbound through lane at the intersectiOn Modify signal phasing PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right ofWay AcqmsitiOn Construction $20,000 $0 $240,000 TOT AL ........................................... $260,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The mcreased development on the Kent West Hill combmed with the lack of alternative north/south artenals places significant local congestiOn on Mthtary Road On those occasions when the State Highway System (I-5 and/or State Route 99, aka Pacific Highway South) breaks down, Military Road becomes the alternative of choice for regwnal diversiOn traffic This proJect reduces existing and future southbound congestiOn CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #34: DESCRIPTION: 2014-2019 Street Preservation Program Ongomg Cttywzde Program Projects that maintain the extstmg transportation system by overlaying, rehabthtatmg, and reconstructing the extsung asphalt and concrete streets throughout the City PROJECT COST: Prehminary Engmeering Rtght of Way Acqms1t10n Construction $4,000,000 $0 $56,000,000 TOT AL ...................................... $60,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The City assessed the condition of its street network in 2011 It was found that many of the streets exhib1t deficiencies that reflect they are beyond their expected performance hfe and in need of a mamtenance or rehabthtation overlay, or some amount of reconstruction Moreover, histoncally, the amount of pavement resurfacmg, rehabilitatiOn, and reconstructiOn monies the Ctty has budgeted each year has been msuffic1ent to address the deficienctes of 1ts street network Insufficient budgets to perform th1s necessary work results in more expensive mamtenance and rehab1htat10n optwns CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #35: DESCRIPTION: 2014-2019 Residential Traffic Calming Program Ongozng Cztywzde Program This project will develop and implement residential traffic calming throughout the City on a prionty basis as fundmg allows PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ............. $750,000 Right of Way Acquisition $0 Construction .. $1,050,000 TOTAL ........................................ $1,800,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City ofKent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The program was originally established in 1999 to address traffic concerns on residential streets The Ctty Counctl recently adopted a revtsed Traffic Calmmg Program m order to make mformed, systemattc deciswns about actions to correct those concerns There has been a substantial increase in requests to the Ctty for mstallatwn of physical devtces wtthm the last couple of years that resulted m a stgmficant mcrease m the number of speed and volume studtes and reqwred numerous public meetmgs This program wtll allow for adequate traffic studies to keep up with the mcreased demand, support staff resources to perform the studtes and work wtth residents toward resolving traffic concerns, and fund the purchase, mstallatwn and construction of phystcal devices for restdentlal traffic calmmg j i l i ' • CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #36: DESCRIPTION: 2014-2019 Traffic Signal Management Program Ongomg Cztywtde Program This program will analyze intersections for potenttalmstallation of traffic signals or other traffic control to msure safe and efficient use of the existing and planned transportation network Analysis of tum movements and colhswn history will be used to prioritize new traffic signal installations. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acquisition Construction $600,000 $0 $3,600,000 TOT AL ........................................ $4,200,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Historically, the City justifies the need for two new traffic signals per year to meet safety and mobthty needs This program budgets for proJects needed to meet the mcreasmg demand for signalized mtersection control and the constant need for traffic counts to monitor vehicle volumes and behavior It also supports the replacement of old, outdated traffic signal equtpment at currently signalized mtersectwns The priorities for traffic signals will be set by transportahon system signal warrant studies which mclude studtes of volumes, colltston history, pedestrian mobthty needs, and roadway geometry This program also helps the City maintain level of service standards necessary to maintam concurrency as required by the Growth Management Act CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #37: DESCRIPTION: 2014-2019 Miscellaneous Intersection Improvements Ongomg Cltywzde Program Improve miscellaneous intersections within the City to accommodate future traffic volumes Prov1des for improvements to the operational effic1ency of the roadway system mcludmg rechannehzatwn, s1gmng, signal coordinatwn programs, transit signal pnority, Intelltgent Transportation Systems, s1gnal upgrades such as protect1ve/permiss1ve phasing and LED s1gnal md1catwns upgrades. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acquisition ConstructiOn $45,000 .. ..... ... $0 $255,000 TOT AL ........................................... $300,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The Transportation Master Plan ident1fied several intersections that will need to be 1mproved to accommodate future traffic volumes These mtersectwns are spread throughout the City and are not mcluded as separate proJects w1thm th1s 6-Year TIP lncreasmg the capac1ty and efficiency of the existmg roadway system through operatwnal Improvements 1s a very cost effective element of the transportation program CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #38: DESCRIPTION: 2014-2019 Comprehensive Plan Update Ongomg Cztywtde Program Th1s proJect consists of an update of the Transpprtation Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Transportation Master Plan mcluding near-term and long range planning of the City's transportatiOn system needs ProJect costs include consultant contracts for transportatiOn planmng, concurrency management, public involvement, travel demand and traffic operatwns modelmg and analysis of potential financmg strateg~es to construct, operate and maintam the Ctty' s transportatiOn network The proJect mcludes staff resources, hardware and software to analyze, manage and mom tor the transportatiOn network PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Eng~neenng R1ght of Way Acquisition Construction $450,000 $0 $0 TOTAL ........................................... $450,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The City's 2008 Transportation Master Plan identified the City's transportation system needs out to the year 2030 but was based on the City's 2004 Comprehensive Plan This project will support the C1ty's 2014-2015 Comprehensive Plan Update by incorporatmg the City's updated household and jobs forecasts mto future transportation demand model forecast scenarios and develop possible transportatiOn alternatives to accommodate the new growth proJectLons The City must be m comphance w1th all state, county and regional pohc1es m order to be ehg1ble to apply for competitive grants The City endeavors to max1m1ze transportatiOn effiCiency, investigate methods of measunng concurrency that mcorporate all modes of travel, better reflects the ways our community IS changmg, engages the commumty m discussions about future transportation mvestments, and mvestlgates vanous ways of fundmg our future transportation needs CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #39: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: 2014-2019 Channelization (Street Markings) Improvement Program Ongomg Cttywzde Program Provide street marking projects throughout the City to separate and regulate conflicting movements, define paths of travel, and faCJhtate safe and orderly movement on City Streets Preliminary Engineering Right of Way Acqmsition Construction $50,000 $0 $640,000 TOT AL •.•••••.•.•.•••••.•.•.•.•..........•.•..... $690,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This ongoing program maintains and updates the channelization throughout the City The City has 1,648,863 linear feet (LF) of channehzatwn stnpmg, 445,300 raised pavement markmgs, 22,012 LF ofC curb and 7,179 LF ofpamted C curb ChannelizatiOn helps to limit conflict pomts and directs motorists through areas of complexity These markmgs are also used to delineate left turn storage queue areas and deceleratiOn areas for nght turning vehicles This project preserves the capacity and efficiency of the extstmg roadway system CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #40: DESCRIPTION: 2014-2019 Bicycle System Improvements Ongomg CztyWlde Program Make miscellaneous improvements to the City's bicycle routes as identified m the Nonmotonzed Chapter (Chapter 6) of the adopted 2008 TransportatiOn Master Plan (TMP) and the full 2007 Nonmotorized sub-plan Bicycle lanes are usually part of individual street improvement projects and each of those projects would be itemized individually The costs of the bike lanes added to TMP Street proJects, estimated at approximately $40,000,000 in 2007 dollars, are not reflected here Thts proJect is for shared lane stnpmg and sigmng, matching grant dollars for filling in bike lane gaps, and for the extenswn of the shared -use path network PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engineering . .$100,000 $75,000 Right of Way Acqutsitwn Construction $730,000 TOTAL ........................................... $905,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The 2008 TransportatiOn Master Plan and the 2007 Nonmotonzed System Study proposed a network of shared lane routes on transportation comdors throughout the city to help connect the bicycle system Lane markmgs and stgn postings can mform motorists and cyc!tsts of those comdors best suited for stgmficant bike use These shared-lane faciltties can provtde cnttcal !tnkages to maJor cyc!tng activity centers and connectwns to the shared use path systems The ctty has a priontized list of proJects for bike lanes, sharrows, and shared use paths This project can help achieve the Ctty's goals for improvmg mobiltty, reducing vehtcle trips, mcreasing physical exercise, and improvmg transportation connectedness CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #41: DESCRIPTION: 2014-2019 Sidewalks, Sidewalk Repair and the Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Program Ongomg Cztywzde Program Systematically construct new sidewalks throughout the City as identified by pnont1zed project hsts m the 2008 Transportation Master Plan Reconstruct and repmr ex1stmg sidewalks and curb ramps and install new truncated domes and hard-surfaced sidewalks to implement the requirements of the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) consistent with the findmgs of the Nonmotonzed Chapter (Chapter 6) of the 2008 Transportation Master Plan PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering . ...... . $500,000 Right of Way AcqmsitiOn $250,000 ConstructiOn $2,250,000 TOT AL ........................................ $3,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is mandated by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act Title II requires that a pubhc entity must evaluate Its services, programs, poltcies, and practices to determme whether they are m compliance with the nond1scnmination reqmrements of the ADA The ADA reqmres that an ADA Transztwn Plan be prepared to descnbe any structural or physical changes required to make programs accessible The City has conducted a self-evaluatiOn and prepared a Transztwn Plan includmg a pnoritized hst of proJects to bring itself mto compliance with the Federal ADA regulations This program begins working on that list of proJects to construct and repair the City's sidewalk and street/sidewalk transitiOn zones for accessibility for all users and begms to address the pedestnan improvements iden1:Ified m the Transportation Master Plan This project can help achieve the City's goals for 1mprovmg mobility, reducmg vehicle trips, increasmg physical activity, and 1mprovmg transportation connectedness CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #42: DESCRIPTION: 2014-2019 Guardrail and Safety Improvements Ongomg Cltyw1de Program Make miscellaneous guardrail improvements each year to enhance motorist safety Candidate proJects include Frager Road, SE 2401h/1481h Avenue Southeast hillside, Lake Fenw1ck Road north or S 272nd Street, and lOOth Avenue Southeast Upgrade existing guardrail end-treatments as mandated by State and Federal regulations PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering Right of Way AcquisitiOn ConstructiOn $20,000 . $0 $160,000 TOTAL ........................................... $180,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City ofKent, HES PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is mandated by compliance with Federal and State regulatiOns and the reqmrement to ehmmate potentially hazardous roadway cond1t10ns CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #43: DESCRIPTION: 2014-2019 Community Based Circulating Shuttles Ongozng Cztywzde Programs Continue to provide enhanced transit service to meet the needs of the community through the use of fixed-route shuttle service, With demand-responsive routing capabi!tties Routes 914/916 serve the Kent Transit Center, Regwnal Justice Center, Kent City Hall, Green River Commumty College's Kent campus, and local shoppmg and medical facilities The Route 913 shuttle connects the City's manufactunng/industnal center with the regional bus and commuter train services at the Kent Transit Center PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering. .......... . $60,000 Implementatwn $930,000 TOTAL ........................................... $990,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, CMAQ, King County, ITS PROJECT JUSTJFICA TION: Routes 914/916 provide mobi!tty and mdependence to many of the city's seniors and reduce the need for expensive ACCESS service for many wheelchatr-lift service trips Commumty circulatmg shuttles encourage the participatiOn of all ages, all economic groups, all physical abi!ttJes, and virtually all of our commumty m everyday civtc life without the Isolatwn and pollution of the automobile for every trip Commuter shuttles enhance the regwnal transit/train service by providing the vital link from home or work to the Transit Center, encouragmg people to travel without thetr personal vehicles -thus avoiding the cold-start Impacts to air quality and reducing congestion on local streets CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #44: DESCRIPTION: 2014-2019 Railroad Quiet Zone for Downtown Urban Center Ongomg Czt)lWZde Program Establishment of a railroad quiet zone for the Burlmgton Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) tracks and the Umon Pacific Railroad (UPRR) tracks through the City of Kent The grade crossmgs to be mcluded m the quiet zone on the BNSF railroad mainline are S 259ili Street, Wtlhs Street, Titus Street, Gowe Street, Meeker Street, Smith Street, James Street, and S 2121h Street The grade crossings included in the quiet zone for the UPRR mamline tracks are Wtllts Street (SR 516), W Smith Street, W Meeker Street, W James Street, S 2281h Street, and S 212th Street PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engmeering Right of Way Acqwsltwn Construction $3,500,000 $0 $0 TOTAL ........................................ $3,500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Federal Rail Administration, FHW A PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Locomotive engineers begin sounding the train-mounted horn approximately Y4 mile from the intersectiOn of a htghway/railroad crossmg Thts warning devtce is an effective deterrent to accidents at grade crossmgs but exposes the local commumty to significant levels of noise that often deprecates the quality of ltfe for those hvmg closest to the ratlroad facihties Rerl!Or "" 1,, S<!anc • • • " ;~' fMeral Au bum City Of Kent Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Year 2014 Projects Are Shown In Red ::;;;, 201s: 2o19 P~.;J;ctj Are Shown In Green ==~,_,._,..,.""""" 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