HomeMy WebLinkAbout1875Resolution No. 1875 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) Transportation Investment Package Passed -5/21/2013 The date ["Beginning July 1, 1998"] has led to confus1on This date w1ll be deleted from cover sheets of ord1nance/resolut1on rev1s1on pages Th1s cover sheet Will be deleted on electronic pages only, no other delet1ons or changes have been made to the document-6/21/2012 RESOLUTION NO. / tf 75 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, m strong support of a 2013 Transportation Investment Package. RECITALS A. A healthy transportation system 1s a critical foundation of our state and local econom1es and our qual1ty of life, as well as our global pos1t1on as the nation's most trade-dependent state. B. Washmgton State's transportation system is suffering from disrepair, w1th a backlog of maintenance and preservation needs, and data show1ng that without any new investments, more than half the pavement on our state roads and highways will be 1n poor condition by 2012. C. Failing roads and bridges, congested highway corridors, and bottlenecked Interchanges undermme the mob11ity of vehicles, buses, and fre1ght-carners to transport people and goods. D. The Connecting Washington Task Force released a report in early 2012, ident1fy1ng $50 billion m unfunded transportation needs and recommending an mvestment of $21 billion in state funding during the next 10 years for mamtenance, preservation, and strategic Investments. 1 Resolution Transportation Investment Package E. Investing in mamtaining and upgrading our transportation system is a pos1t1ve step the Legislature can take to catalyze construction jobs, enhance fre1ght mobility for our Ports, and create a pathway for retammg and grow1ng new Jobs for key Industry sectors. F. Through SHB 1954, SHB 1955 and related bills, the 2013 Washington State Legislature is considering a 12-year, $9.5 billion package of transportation infrastructure investments. G. This package prov1des critical funding for key highway corridor proJects throughout the state that directly affect the city of Kent, wh1ch has already spent approximately $50 million m road Improvements on the Joe M. Jackson Bridge and the connecting arterial known as the Veterans Dnve, formerly known as SE 231 st Way to connect to the proposed Interstate 5/State Route 509 proJect. Other critical proJects for the residents, busmesses, and VIsitors to Kent include the State Route 167 "Gateways" proJect, and the SR 167 /Interstate 405 "Connector." All of these projects are vital to more efficiently movmg people and fre1ght 1n our city and this reg1on. H. The transportation package also prov1des a d1rect gas tax d1stnbution that will prov1de new funding each year for Kent to maintain local roadways and artenals and to leverage ex1st1ng fundmg. I. The package also includes local transportation financing options that cities and count1es can submit to the1r voters for transportation improvements m their communities. J. The transportation package additionally invests in grant programs that are v1tal for c1ties and counties, including the Transportation Investment Board (TIB), the Fre1ght Mobility Strategic Investment Board 2 Resolution Transportation Investment Package (FMSIB), "Complete Streets," Safe Routes to Schools, and Bicycle- Pedestrian Safety. K. The package also includes direct funding allocations for transit agencies, includmg Kmg County METRO, that would otherwise have to make drast1c cuts in routes which carry people to work s1tes and serve local commun1t1es. L. The City of Kent strongly encourages the Washington State Legislature to enact a balanced transportation mvestment package, dunng the Special Sess1on to create JObs, rel1eve congest1on, support our businesses, and maintain our quality of life. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -The Kent City Council takes an official pos1t1on in strong support of a comprehensive transportation mvestment package, mcluding direct funding and fundmg opt1ons for local governments SECTION 2. -The Kent City Council strongly encourages lawmakers to approve and enact th1s package m Olympia. SECTION 3. -Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code rev1ser are authorized to make necessary corrections to th1s resolution, including the correction of clerical errors; references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations; or resolution numbenng and section/subsection numbering. 3 Resolution Transportation Investment Package SECTION 4. -Effective Date. Th1s resolution shall take effect and be in force 1mmed1ately upon passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, th1s21st day of May, 2013. CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this 21st day of May, 2013. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~IMA 17t.Lkk ~ TO BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /7?1?} passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 21st day of May, 2013. --.. - . -. -___. -~-.......,._.._ ~ .,... --' P \Civri\Re·sr.J~·~•on\Trans~atkm Docx 4 Resolution Transportation Investment Package