HomeMy WebLinkAbout1868Resolution No. 1868 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 239 -City Property (Excluding Fire Station) Passed -1/2/2013 Surplus Property -2012 Water System Utility Equ1pment The date ["Begmnmg July 1, 1998"] has led to confusion Th1s date w1ll be deleted from cover sheets of ord1nance/resolut1on rev1s1on pages Th1s cover sheet Will be deleted on electronic pages only. no other delet1ons or changes have been made to the document-6/21/2012 RESOLUTION NO.---- A RESOLUTION of the city council of the city of Kent, Washmgton, determmmg that certain public utility equ1pment 1s surplus to the city's needs, prov1dmg for the sale thereof, statmg the cons1derat1on to be pa1d for the equipment, and authorizing the director of publ1c works to enter into a sales agreement with the h1ghest bidder. RECITALS A. The City of Kent ("City") has in its possession certain equipment, descnbed in Exhibit A attached and mcorporated by th1s reference, wh1ch 1s no longer actively 1n use as part of the City's public ut11ity system. B. The d1rector of public works has determined that the City no longer has any use or need for that equipment. C. The City Council held a publ1c heanng on Tuesday, January 2, 2013, at a regularly scheduled c1ty council meetmg and inv1ted comments regardmg the City's mtent1on to surplus the equipment. D. RCW 35.94.040 requires that the City determme, after a public heanng and by resolut1on of the c1ty counCil that equ1pment ongmally acquired for public utility purposes IS surplus to the City's needs and should be leased, sold or conveyed. 1 Surplus Property-2012 Water System Utility Equipment NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Recitals Incorporated. The foregoing recitals are incorporated and fully made a part of this resolution. SECTION 2. -Eawpment Deemed Surplus. The util1ty equ1pment descnbed in the attached and mcorporated Exh1b1t A, wh1ch was ongmally acquired for public ut1l1ty purposes, is now surplus to the City's needs and is not requ1red for prov1dmg contmued public ut1llty service. SECTION 3. -Public's Best Interest. It IS in the public's best interest that this surplus equipment shall be sold by b1d to the highest bidder. In the event the equipment 1s not sold at the auct1on, it will be sold for scrap metal. SECTION 4. -Consideration to be Paid. The consideration to be paid for the surplus property shall be m U.S. dollars in the form of cash or cashier's check. In the event the equipment 1s not sold, 1t w1ll be sold for scrap. SECTION 5. -Authonty of Public Works Director. The Director of Public Works is authonzed to enter mto an agreement w1th the highest bidder to effect the sale of the surplus property. SECTION 6. -Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force 1mmed1ately upon its passage. PASSED at a regular open public meet1ng by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, th1s d day of January, 2013. CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this ~ day of January, 2013. 2 Surplus Property -2012 Water System Utility Equipment ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: T BRUBAKER, CilY ATTORNEY .. .. ,. . .. . . . ' I hereby cert1fy that th1s is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. ~ passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the ~day of January, 2013. ~CITY CLERK P \Civii\Resolutlon\SurplusProperty-2012-WaterSystemEqUip doc .;. .: ~ ~ =~ J ··.J···· .--~-'- ) I ,..... -·~ ->' 3 Surplus Property-2012 Water System Utility Equipment ------------------------------------------ Exhibit A PUBLIC WORKS OPERATIONS SURPLUS EQUIPMENT/ MATERIALS -2012 This is a summary of why Public Works Operations is disposing of the equipment and materials on the following lists: Stanley Hydraulic Tools -These are old and are starting to wear out. They have been replaced with more environmentally fnendly pneumatic tools that don't leak hydraulic oil. PVC Pipe & Fittings -These have been stored outside for years and have been damaged by UV rays as well as the gasket dry1ng out and cracking. The Util1t1es Dept. determined them un-usable. Cast Iron MJ and Flange Fittings -These are old, rusted fittings that the Water Dept. has determmed are surplus and not suitable to be installed m the water system. 5/8" x 3/4" thru 6" Scrap Meters -These are used meters that have been replaced with new meters. They have no value except as scrap brass. Used Copper Pipe, Brass Fittings -This is all used material from deleted services, meter connections, etc. It has no value except as scrap brass. 2" -6" Compound Meters -These are meters that the Water Dep. has deemed obsolete and not useable, and no longer in our specs. They w1ll be replaced with new technology as needed. Analog SCADA Parts -These are old and obsolete, and un-able to get parts for. The system has been upgraded with new radios and PLC's over the last few years. This has little or no value. Large Format Copy Machine -Used for making cop1es of large maps, drawings, etc. no longer in operation. Has no value. Note: Once approved, th1s will be disposed of via methods in the City's best interest (highest bidder for scrap, return to vendor for credit, and or auction). Water Department SurP-lus Analog SCADA Parts Exhibit A Quantity Model Description Serial# Value 1 500-5848 14 Model I/O 1440 VA Max. Module Assy #2491573-0001 50BB8609000225 (Black) $3.00 1 500-5848 14 Model I/O 1440 VA Max. Module Assy.#2491573-0001 500BB90005000389 $3.00 1 500-5828 Module 1/0 Base Assembly #245419-0001 50SB8504007135 $39.00 1 500-5828 Module 1/0 Base Assembly #245419-0001 50SB840600063 $39.00 1 500-5828 Module 1/0 Base Assembly #245419-0001 50SB8511003783 $39.00 1 500-5848 14 Model I/O 1440 VA Max. Module Assy.#2491573-2001 50BB70200072 $3.00 1 500-5848 14 Model I/O 1440 VA Max Module Assy.#2491573-2001 50BB8512002615 $3.00 1 500-5828 16 Module 1/0 50BB8511003692 $3.00 1 500-8292 6 Module 1/0 Assy.#2493610-0001 50LB8601001643 $3.00 1 500-5001 110 VAC Input Assembly #2459455-0001 8545N $3 00 9 500-5001 110 VAC Input Assembly #2459455-0001 8547N $3.00 2 500-5001 110 VAC Input Assembly #2459455-0001 9003N $3.00 1 500-5001 110 VAC Input Assembly #2459455-0001 8720N $3.00 2 500-5001 110 VAC Input Assembly #2459455-0001 8530N $3.00 1 500-5001 110 VAC Input Assembly #2459455-0001 8717N $3.00 1 500-5001 110 VAC Input Assembly #2459455-0001 8603N $3.00 1 500-5001 110 VAC Input Assembly #2459455-0001 N/A $3.00 2 500-5008 24 VDC Input Assembly #246550-0001 8528N $15.00 1 500-5008 24 VDC Input Assembly #246550-0001 N/A $15.00 4 500-5008 24 VDC Input Assembly #246550-0001 8529N $15 00 1 500-5008 24 VDC Input Assembly #246550-0001 Blank $15.00 1 500-5013 24/48 VDC Input Assembly #2459482-0001 8506N $15 00 4 500-5008 24 VDC Input Assembly #246550-0001 8508N $15.00 1 500-5008 24 VDC Input Assembly #246550-0001 N/A $15 00 1 500-5008 24 VDC Input Assembly #246550-0001 8413N $15 00 1 500-5008 24 VDC Input Assembly #246550-0001 8940N $15 00 1 500-5008 24 VDC Input Assembly #246550-0001 8432N $15.00 1 500-5031 32 LVDC Output Assembly #2491350-0001 50H08601000227 $15 00 1 500-5011 110 VAC Output Assembly #2459452-0001 8636N $3.00 1 500-5011 110 VAC Output Assembly #2459452-0001 8636N $3.00 1 7012AT Timer AGASTAT Coil120 V 60HZ 1-10 Time 81282100 $2 00 1 7012AT Timer AGASTAT Corl120 V 60HZ 1-10 Time 80443993 $2.00 Water Department SurP-lus Analog SCADA Parts Exhibit A Quantltv MQg.e.l Description Serial# Value 1 7012AT Timer AGASTAT Coil 120 V 60HZ 1-10 Time 94380033 $2 00 1 262 DBU AC Amp Meter, Assy #7973264ddbuLSSFC6PQo2, SA-SODA 0031767810/02037707/GG72 ss.oo 2 911BLAOS4MA Analog M1cro Sw1tch, Assy #9SS1 N/A $2.00 1 911BLA51MA Analog M1cro SWitCh, Assy #8618 N/A $2.00 3 910CHAS11 Analog M1cro Sw1tch Assy #9122 N/A $2.00 4 800TA Reset Sw1tch N/A $2 00 1 500-2109 Senes 500 Controller Base, Assy #2S87S60-Q01 J9H2497216 $39.00 1 530T-112 Senes 500 Controller Base, Assy #24918880002 50ph8812002104 $39 00 1 S00-2108 1/0 Channel Controller J9FN474714 $3 00 1 SB14202-2 Transformer N/A $2.00 1 SLN30N Display Panel {Analog) N/A $1.00 1 N/A Telephone Box Module N/A $1.00 2 N/A AC Transformer Plug In N/A $1.00 1 N/A Circuit Plug Adapter N/A $1.00 2 1MD1 Dig1tal Read Out, #1MD10000 4991 RTC Manufacturer N/A $24.00 2 APLCL D1g1tal Display, #APLCL400 1491 $24.00 1 APLCL Digital D1splay, #APLCL400 1691 $24 00 2 APLCL D1g1tal Display, #APLCL400 4195 $24 00 2 APLCL D1g1tal Display, #APLCL400 4S9S $24 00 1 1\PLCL D1g1tal Display, #APLCL400 1399 $24.00 1 PAXP Analog Output M2298D $24.00 1 RCM 2030L Contact OutPut {Blue) 2565 $3.00 1 RCM 2030L Contact OutPut (Blue) 2431 $3.00 1 RCM 2030L Contact OutPut (Blue) 2439 $3 00 3 500-5013 24/48 VDC Output 86165 $29.00 1 RCM 2030L Form C Contact Output 2567 $3.00 1 RCM 2030L Contact OutPut (Blue) N/A $3.00 1 RCM 2030 Relay Contact Module 2318 $3.00 1 RCM2030 Relay Contact Module 2976 $3 00 1 RCM2030 Relay Contact Module 2651 $3 00 1 RCM2030 Form C Contact Outlet (Red) 9000 $3.00 1 RCM2030 Form C Contact Outlet (Red) 9001 $3 00 1 RCM2030 Form C Contact Outlet (Red) 9134 $3.00 Water Department SurP.Ius Analog SCADA Parts Exhibit A Quantitv ~ Description Serial# Value 1 500-5055 34 PT, 110 VAC Input 8616 $3 00 1 500-5001' 110 VAC Input Assy #2459455-0001 8541N $3.00 2 500-5001 110 VAC Input Assy #2459455-0001 8530N $3.00 1 500-5001 110 VAC Input Assy #2459455-0001 8625N $3.00 1 500-5001 110 VAC Input Assy #2459455-0001 9003N $3.00 1 500-5001 110 VAC Input Assy #2459455-0001 N/A $3.00 2 500-5001 110 VAC Input Assy #2459455-0001 8629N $3 00 1 500-5011 110 VAC Output Assy #24594520001 5448N $3.00 1 500-5011 110 VAC Output Assy #24594520001 8717N $3.00 1 500-5037 8 Channel Analog Input Assy #2491149-0001 50LI8503000423 $10.00 1 500-5037 8 Channel Analog Input Assy #2491149-0001 50LI87010001850 $10 00 1 500-5037A 8 Channel Analog Input Assy #2491152-0002 50L085070000467 $10.00 1 500-5047 8 Channel Analog Output Assy #2491152-001 50L085070000423 $10.00 1 500-5037 8 Channel Analog Input Assy #24650038-0001 50A18506000596 $10.00 1 500-5037 8 Channel Analog Input Assy #249114901 50LI87002000400 $10.00 1 500-5037 8 Channel Analog Input Assy #2491149-0001 50LI8601001562 $10.00 1 500-5037 8 Channel Analog Input Assy #2491149-0001 50LI8507003654 $10 00 1 500-5047 8 Channel Analog Output Assy #2491152-0001 50L08504000327 $10.00 1 500-5047 8 Channel Analog Output Assy #2491152-0001 50L0870001678 $10.00 1 500-5037 8 Channel Analog Input Assy #2491149-0001 50LI870001835 $1000 1 500-2151A Power Supply Tl Assy #2600-9828-0001 50PA9103002859 $20.00 1 500-2151A Power Supply Tl Assy #2600-9828-0001 50PA9103002883 $20.00 1 500-2151 Power Supply Tl Assy #2491337-001 50PS87001001927 $20.00 1 500-2151 Power Supply Tl Assy #2491337-001 50PS87001001786 $20.00 1 500-2151 Power Supply Tl Assy #2491337-001 50PS87001002859 $20 00 1 523-1102 Senes 500 Controller Assy #2491886-2000 52PB8702000931 $300.00 1 500-2109 D1stnbuted Based Controller 50BC9006001633 $50.00 1 520C-1102 Senes 500 Controller A''Y #2491806-0002 52PB8604000039 $300 00 1 530C-1104 Senes 500 Controller Assy #2491806-0003 53PD8703001547 $300.00 1 500-5035 Programmable Bas1c Module 50BA801001337 $250.00 1 500-5035 Programmable Bas1c Module 50BA8603000352 $250 00 1 500-5035 Programmable Bas1c Module 50B8610000033 $250 00 Water Department SurP-lus Analog SCADA Parts Exhibit A Qu~ Model Description Serial# Value 1 500~2109 Distributed Based Controller Assy #2587560-0001 50BC9006001500 $300.00 1 231M Modem Smartmodem 2400 Hayes A10531083944 $10.00 1 8101459~01 Modem Prent1ce BOL22EN5 $10.00 1 8101420 Modem Prentice 3068110 $10.00 1 PDF2 Modem V1kmg 3297046256401P $10.00 1 P212ZX Modem Prent1ce P/0 810~1575-02 331201 $10.00 1 30000101-1 Modem Prentice P212ST 72085 $10.00 1 500-5011 110 VAC Output Assy #2459452~0001 8544N $3.00 1 500-5011 110 VAC Output Assy #2459452-0001 8638 $3.00 1 GPM ACTPAK Rockwell GPM Meter, D1g1tal Display & Odometr 10000-AP-100101 $10 00 1 GPM Sensus ACTPAK, D1g1tai/Odom Display 1000D-AP-38836C $10.00 1 GPM Sensus ACTPAK, Digltai/Odom Display 1100DP52971D $1000 1 GPM Sensus ACTPAK, D1g1tal/Odom Display 1100D~S~530040D $10.00 2 500-5013 24/48 VDC Output Assy #245982-0001 9103N $15.00 1 500~5013 24/48 VDC Output Assy #245982~0001 9046N $15 00 1 500-5013 24/48 VDC Output Assy #245982-0001 9105N $15.00 2 500-5013 24/48 VDC Output Assy #245982~0001 8536N $15 00 1 500-5013 24/48 VDC Output Assy #245982-0001 J9KN643496 $15.00 1 500-5013 24/48 VDC Output Assy #245982-0001 8544N $15 00 5 500~5013 24/48 VDC Output Assy #245982-0001 8506N $15 00 1 500-5013 24/48 VDC Output Assy #245982~0001 N/A $15.00 4 500-5013 24/48 VDC Output Assy #245982-0001 8536N $15 00 1 500~5013 24/48 VDC Output Assy #245982-0001 J9KN643507 $15.00 1 RCM 2030L Contact Output (Blue) 4440 $3 00 1 RCM 2030l Contact Output (Blue) 4390 $3 00 1 500-5047 8 Channel Analog Output Assy #2481152-0001 50L08705001728 $10 00 1 500~5047 8 Channel Analog Output Assy #2481152~0001 50L08705040001406 $10.00 1 RCM 2030 Contact Output (Red) 433~553 $3 00 1 RCM 2030 Contact Output (Red) 433-547 $3.00 1 RCM 2030 Contact Output (Red) 41 $3 00 1 RCM 2030 Contact Output (Red) 2960 $3.00 1 RCM 2030 Contact Output (Red) 2619 $3 00 1 RCM 2030 Contact Output (Red) 4386 $3.00 Water Department SurP.Ius Analog SCADA Parts Exhibit A Quantity Model Description Serial# Value 1 520-1101 Analog PC Umt/Power Supply Assy #2461453-0001 52PCS310000520 $3.00 1 520-1101 Analog PC Unit/Power Supply Assy #2461453-0001 52PCS50400120 $3.00 1 520-1104 Analog PC Unit/Power Supply Assy #2459329-0001 53PCPBS40S00051 $3.00 1 520-1104 Analog PC Unit/Power Supply Assy #2459329-0001 53PB8504000757 $3.00 1 520-1104 Analog PC Umt/Power Supply Assy #2459329-0001 53PBS40400073 $3.00 1 N/A CircUit Board FLNS717A $3.00 1 25C05247A04 Power Supply Board E1A606-414 $3.00 1 S4CQ2414K01L Circuit Board CLN647SB $3.00 1 S431 Circuit Board FLN5716A $3.00 1 F6753C Motorola Mounted Radio Pak 469SWJ0001 $5 00 1 FUD1663A Motorola Radio HT600 173.33750 MHZ 469SSH0384 $5.00 1 N/A Motorola lntrac 2000 SIS Status Input #4 $5.00 1 N/A Motorola lntrac 2000 SIS Status Input #B $5.00 1 N/A Motorola lntrac 2000 SIS Status Input #2 $2.00 1 N/A Motorola lntrac 2000 SIS Status Input #1 $2.00 1 N/A Motorola lntrac 2000 SIS Status Input #7 $2.00 1 N/A Motorola lntrac 2000 SIS Status Input #6 $2.00 1 N/A Motorola lntrac 2000 SIS Status Input #5 $2.00 1 N/A Motorola lntrac 2000 SIS Status Input #8 $2.00 1 500-5005 24V 1\C/DC Input Assy #2459464-0001 N/A $15 00 1 Act-pac Rockwell GPM Digital D1splay 1000D-A125696C S" 101 $10.00 1 Act-pac Rockwell GPM DJgJtal D1splay 1000D-A12597C 10" 101 $10 00 1 Act-pac Rockwell GPM Dig1tal Display 1000D-A12595C 6." 101 $10.00 1 Act-pac Rockwell GPM D1g1tal Display 1000D-A14619C 1S" 101 HSPU $1000 1 DL3422/DL3400 Data Radio CDR, N P. 42423422-007 40106D270A1097(-630) $100 1 S101420 Modem Prentice P212ST 306S12 $3 00 1 500-5S64 S Channel Module 1/0 Base Assy #245S3S9-0001 SOEB8504-001S26 $2.00 1 1910 1S Lme Box/Power/ w/ Rockwell GPM D1g1tal Display 1000D-AP-21721C 1S" 101/ASPU $1.00 1 S00-5864A 8 Channel Module Analog Input Assy #2459389-0001 50EBS603000067 $2.00 1 RCM 2030 Contact Output (Red) 3070 $100 1 500-5001 110 VAC Input Assy #2459455-0001 8547 $2.00 1 500-5001 110 VAC Input Assy #2459455-0001 S547N $2.00 1 500-5008 24 VDC Input Assy #2460550-0001 8529N $2.00 Water Department Surplus Analog SCADA Parts Exhibit A Quantity Model Description Serial# Value 1 500-5013 24/48 VDC Input Assy #2459482 N/A $2 00 1 500-5011 110 VAC Output Assy #2459452-0001 8636N $2.00 1 500-5037 8 Channel Analog Input 50LF850300043.1 $3.00 1 Tl505 S1emans S1matic DC power Supply LR64027 $1.00 1 500-5828A 16 Channel Module 1/0 Base Pack Tl Assy #24591152-0001 50SB8511000912 $2.00 1 500-5047 8 Channel Analog Output Assy #2491152-0001 50L08601000329 $3.00 1 500-5013 24/48 VDC Output Tl Assy #2459582-0001 N/A $15.00 3 500-5013 24/48 VDC Output Tl Assy #2459582-0001 N/A $15.00 1 RCM 2030 Contact Output (Red) 404-69 $3.00 1 RCM 2030 Contact Output (Red) 2617 $3.00 1 RCM 2030 Contact Output (Red) 2640 $3.00 ~ 1 500-5035 Programmable Bas1c Module 50BA8506001111 $28.00 1 500-5008 24 VDC Input Assy #2460550-0001 8342N $2.00 1 500-5037 8 Channel Analog Input 50LI8702000331 $3.00 1 LR64027 Mount Siemans 500 86N7 $2.00 1 Tl525 Simat1c Seimans Port RS-232 Assy #5251102 87 JA 9470000505 $3.00 1 505-4216 110 VAC Input VIBHFP $1.00 1 505-4932 Relay Output 86ND8612170199 $2.00 1 505-6108A 8 Channel Input Analog 8600941200-5442 $2 00 1 505-6508 Mounting Rack Siemans 500 Senes 86NN9409162290 $2.00 1 505-6660 110/220 VAC Power Supply Tl505 86NP9411252442 $2.00 1 505-6108A 8 Channel Analog Input 860094120054206 $2.00 1 505-4932 Relay Output S1emans 86ND8711250330 $2.00 1 505-4216 110 VAC Output 86MH8912280175 $2 00 1 525-1102 Comm. Port Siemans RS-232 87 JA9410000406 $2 00 1 500-5001 110 VAC Input Assy #2459455-0001 8603N $2.00 3 500-5001 110 VAC Input Assy #2459455-0001 8547N $2.00 1 505-6660 110/220 VAC Power Supply Tl505 86NP9110045030 $2 00 1 545-1101 Comm Port Tl RS-232 87JK9111003246 $200 1 505-4216 110 VAC Input Tl 86MH89106271970 $2.00 1 505-4916 Relay Output Tl 86NC91110800104 $2.00 1 505-4916 Relay Output Tl 86NC9410261744 $2.00 1 505-4216 110 VAC Input Tl 86MH8912280928 $200 Water Department Sur~lus Analog SCADA Parts Exhibit A QuantitY Model Description Serial# Value 1 525-1102 Comm Port 87JA8801000041 $2.00 1 505-4932 Relay Output Tl 86ND94005211158 $2.00 1 505-6108A 8 channallnput Analog 86009412005392 $3 00 1 505-6508 Tl Mountmg Rack 8 Channel 86NN9108010204 $39.00 1 505-6508 Tl Mounting Rack 8 Channel 86NN9002240725 $39.00 1 N/A PanAiarm Control Panel (display panel) 904SOAF3-1 $100 1 505-6660 110/220 VAC Power Supply 86MP9402141000 $2.00 1 505-6516 Mountmg Rack 16 Channel Analog S1emans 86N09109040563 $3.00 1 505-6851 Remote Base Controller Slemans 87JM9110002403 $2.00 1 505-4916 Relay Output S1emans 86NC931206596 $3.00 1 505-4916 Relay Output 86NC91006280677 $3.00 1 505-4916 Relay Output 86NC9003270136 $3.00 1 505-4916 Relay Output 86NC9111081151 $3.00 1 505-4916 Relay Output 86NC11108194 $3.00 1 505-4916 Relay Output 86NC111080-567 $3.00 1 505-4916 Relay Output 86NC111080070 $3.00 1 505-4916 Relay Output 86NC111080732 $3.00 1 505-4916 Relay Output 86NC9111081011 $3.00 1 505-4916 Relay Output 86NC9111080336 $3.00 1 505-4916 Relay Output 86NC9111080997 $3.00 1 505-4916 Relay Output 86NC9111081110 $3.00 1 505-4916 Relay Output 86NC9111080526 $3 00 1 505-4916 Relay Output 86NC9111081607 $3 00 1 505-4916 Relay Output 86NC111081193 $3.00 1 505-4216 110 VAC Input S1emans 86MH9106271749 $3.00 1 505-4216 110 VAC Input S1emans 86MH9106272812 $3 00 1 505-4216 110 VAC Input S1emans 86MH9106273430 $3.00 1 505-4216 110 VAC Input S1emans 86MH6106272754 $3 00 1 505-4216 110 VAC Input S1emans 86MH9106273356 $3 00 1 505-4216 110 VAC Input Siemans 86MH9106271814 $3.00 1 505-4216 110 VAC Input S1emans 86MH91062733641 $3.00 1 505-4216 110 VAC Input S1emans 86MH9106271962 $3.00 1 505-4216 110 VAC Input Siemans 86MH312134012 $3.00 1 505-7012 1 505-7012 1 505-7012 1 505-7012 1 505-7012 1 545-1101 1 505-6660 1 505-6516 Water Department Surplus Analog SCADA Parts Exhibit A 8 IN/ 4 Out Analog Card Port 860A9111000184 8 IN/ 4 Out Analog Card Port 860A9112000894 8 IN/ 4 Out Analog Card Port 860A99306000031 8 IN/ 4 Out Analog Card Port 860A9109001402 8 IN/ 4 Out Analog Card Port 860A9402002402 Siemans RS-232 Comm. Port 87JK9107001089 110/220 VAC Power Supply S1emans 86NP910801187 Siemans 16 Channel Analog Mountmg Rack 86N09108011110 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10 00 $2.00 $3.00 $3,686.00 NS SURPLUS EQUIPMENT / MATERIALS LIST -20~11,ibit A DEPT. QUANTITY PART l SERIAL # DESCRIPTION VALUE COMMENTS Sewer 1 1999 Stanley BR-87 Hyd. Jack Hammer $110 ER-3 Obsolete Sewer 1 4549 Stanley SM-22 Hyd. Pump $95 ER-3A Obsolete Sewer 1 6996 Stanley IW-08 Hyd. Impact Wrench $50 ER-3C Obsolete Sewer 1 84261 Stanley TP-03 Hyd. 3" Pump $120 ER-3D Obsolete Sewer 1 1797125 Stanley 3504487 Hyd Power Unit $500 SS-35 Obsolete sewer 1 13195 Stanley BR45120E Hyd. Jack Hamm $110 SS-36 Obsolete Sewer 1 2367 Stanley BR72125S Hyd Jack Hamm $110 SS-37 Obsolete Sewer 1 R160105 Stanley CH-15 Hyd. Chipping Hamm $50 SS-38 Obsolete Sewer 1 2940 Stanley TA-57 Hyd. Tamper $60 SS-39 Obsolete Sewer 1 32567369 Homelite 111B-1 Blower None ER-8 Obsolete-Worn Out Sewer 1 260410200 MultiqUJp MC3PALE Cement Mixer None SS-72 Barrel Missing Sewer 2 N.O.I. 8" Rovalve Knife Gates $10 Obsolete-Scrap Sewer 2 SF/CSSGG 12" PVC COUPLING None UV Damaged Sewer 1 SF/K55GG 12" PVC BEND 45* None UV Damaged Sewer 1 SF/PSS 12" PVC PLUG None UV Damaged Sewer 1 SF/D5G 12" PVC CAP None UV Damaged Sewer 2 SF/155GG 12" PVC BEND 22-1/2* None UV Damaged Sewer 1 SF/Y442GGG 10" x 6" PVC WYE None UV Damaged Sewer 2 SF/RC44GG 10" PVC REPAIR COUPLING None UV Damaged Sewer 1 SF/T442GGG 10" x 6" PVC TEE None UV Damaged Sewer 1 SF/T662GGG 15" x 6" PVC TEE None UV Damaged Sewer 1 SF/166GG 15" PVC BEND 22-1/2* None UV Damaged Sewer 1 SF/K66GG 15" PVC BEND 45* None UV Damaged Sewer 2 SF/C66GG 15" PVC COUPLING None UV Damaged Sewer 24' PP/30341 4" PVC PIPE None UV Damaged Sewer 87' PP/30342 6" PVC PIPE None UV Damaged Sewer 25' PP/30343 8" PVC PIPE None UV Damaged Sewer 35' PP/30344 10" PVC PIPE None UV Damaged Sewer 59' PP/30345 12" PVC PIPE None UV Damaged Sewer 31' PP/30346 15" PVC PIPE None UV Damaged Water 1 SEC357 Stanley Hyd. 14" Cut-Off Saw $90 ER-50 Obsolete Water 1 IF/H11MM 4" MJ 111/4* BEND $3 Rusted-Scrap Water 2 IF/T222MMM 6" MJ TEE $5 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 N.O.I. 8" X 6" BLIND FLANGE $3 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 N.O.I. 12" X 2" BLIND FLANGE $8 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 IF/BF2X2 6" X 6" COMPANION FLANVtxhibit A$3 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 N.O.I. 8"X4"MJTEE $6 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 IF/L22MM 6" MJ 90* BEND $4 Rusted-Scrap Water 2 IF/BF4X4 10" X 10" COMPANION FLANGE $5 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 IF/BF5250 12" X 250# DRILLING BLIND FLANGE $10 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 IF/TSSSFFF250 12" X 250# DRILLING FLANGE TEE $50 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 N.O.l. 4" FILLER FLANGE $3 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 IF/BF7 16" BLIND FLANGE $10 Rusted-Scrap Water 2 IF/PSM 12" MJ PLUG $3 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 N.O.I. 10" X 1'-0" F X PE SPOOL $5 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 IF/AOOMF 24" MJ X FLG ADAPTER $40 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 N.O.I. 8" MJ X FLG. 90* BEND Exhibit A$7 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 N 0 I 6" FLG X FLG STRAINER $5 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 IF/A11MF 4" MJ X FLG. ADAPTER $3 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 IF/BF4 10" BLIND FLANGE $5 Rusted-Scrap Water 3 IF/BF3X7 8" X 2' BLIND FLANGE $4 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 N.O.I. 6" X 6" COMPANION FLANGE $3 Rusted-Scrap Water 2 IF/ZRG5 12" RETAINER GLAND $4 Rusted-Scrap Water 2 N.O I. 6" RETAINER GLAND $3 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 IF/P4MX7 10" X 2" MJ PLUG $4 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 IF/P4T 10" PUSH-IN PLUG $4 Rusted-Scrap Water 2 IF/D1M7 4" X2" MJ CAP $3 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 N.O I. 12" X 6" SS TAPING TEE $4 Damaged-Scrap Water 1 WAT/IVSS9 3" S.E. GATE VALVE $5 Obsolete Water 1 MH/IVFM2 6" MJ X FLG GATE VALVE None Cracked Body Water 1 NO I. 8" MUELLER MJ X F GATE VALVE $20 Damaged-Scrap Water 10 FT/1DBC 1D CONCRETE METER BOX None Obsolete Water 5 FT/2BCRL #2 CONCRETE METER BOX $20 Obsolete Water 1 IF/BF3XT 8" X 3/8" BLIND FLANGE $4 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 SEN/IPERL3 3/4" IPERL WATER METER $3 Damaged-Scrap Water 1 ROC/W-1000X1 4" ROCKWELL W-1000 METER $75 Obsolete Water 1 ROC/W160X7 2" TURBINE METER $35 Obsolete Water 2 ROC/MC6 1-1/2" ROCKWELL METER CASING $35 Obsolete Water 2 ROC/MC7 2" ROCKWELL METER CASING $60 Obsolete Water 1 SB/4411350 12" SMITH BLAIR COUPLING $7 Obsolete Water 1 CA/4411350 12" CASCADE COUPLING $7 Obsolete Water 1 SB/441930 8" SMITH BLAIR COUPLING $3 Obsolete Water 1 SB/441600 6" SMITH BLAIR COUPLING $3 Obsolete Water 1 SB/431720 6" SMITH BLAIR COUPLING $3 Obsolete Water 2 CA/CTC610722 6" CASCADE COUPLING $3 Obsolete Water 1 IF/UF4 10" UNI-FLANGE $3 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 IF/ZSG5 12" SPLIT FOLLOWER GLAND $3 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 IF/ZSRG5 12" SPLIT RETAINER GLAND $4 Rusted-Scrap Water 736 (3680 Lbs.) 5/8" X 3/4" METERS-SCRAP $4,200 Scrap Brass Water 85 (510 Lbs.) 3/4" METERS-SCRAP $600 Scrap Brass Water 68 (748 Lbs.) 1" METERS-SCRAP $850 Scrap Brass Water 28 (700 Lbs.) 1-1/2" METERS-SCRAP $800 Scrap Brass Water 25 (875 Lbs.) 2" METERS-SCRAP $1,000 Scrap Brass Water 1 (600 Lbs.) 6" METER -SCRAP $700 Scrap Brass Water 1 CRATE (@1200 Lbs.) USED COPPER PIPE, BRASS~.bit A$2,500 Scrap Copper, Brass Water 1 ROC/CM7 2" ROCKWELL COM PD. METER $60 Obsolete Water 1 ROC/PTCMX2 6" ROCKWELL PT COM PD. METER $175 Obsolete Water 1 ROC/SF2000X2 6" SF2000 METER W/STRAINER $230 Obsolete Water 1 WSP/FTX2 6" WATER SPEC. FLANGED TUBE $170 Obsolete Water 1 HER/MHRX2 6" HERSEY MHR TOP CASE $170 Obsolete Water 1 IF/FF9 3" FILLER FLANGE $5 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 IF/X5F 12" FLANGE CROSS $50 Rusted-Scrap Water 1 #166338 6" AURORS PUMP $25 Worn Out-Scrap Storm 8 PP/ADSB5 12" ADS COUPLINGS $50 Obsolete $13.390