HomeMy WebLinkAbout1867Resolution No. 1867 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 186 -Budget Passed -12/11/2012 Adoptmg Fee Schedules Repeal Res 1851 & 1852 The date ["Beg1nmng July 1, 1998"] has led to confus1on Th1s date Will be deleted from cover sheets of ord1nance/resolut1on rev1s1on pages Th1s cover sheet Will be deleted on electronic pages only, no other deletions or changes have been made to the document-6/21/2012 RESOLUTION NO. I~ h 7 A RESOLUTION of the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, repealmg resolution Nos. 1851 and 1852 and adopt1ng a new resolut1on amending Kent City Code fees effective January 1, 2013, mcludmg busmess l1cense, plannmg and land use appl1cat1on fees, as well as permit and inspect1on fees requ1red to comply with the prov1s1ons of the International Building, Residential, Mechamcal, F1re, and other related Codes and the Un1form Plumb1ng Code, wh1ch amendments shall be assessed and collected beginnmg m the 2013 b1enn1al budget. RECITALS A. On December 13, 2011, the City of Kent City Council passed its Resolution No. 1851, establishing, amending, and adJustmg various development fees. B. On January 17, 2012, the City of Kent City Council passed its Resolution No. 1852, clanfy1ng (1) the application of certam busmess license fees to multi-fam1ly dwell1ngs and to out-of-city busmesses, (2) the technology fee amount to be changed for each business l1cense 1 Resolution Adopting Fee Schedules transaction, and (3) the application of technology fees to certain fire code rev1ew fees. C. The City of Kent City Council finds that adopting a new resolution with new rates and revisions IS now necessary. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. Repealer. Resolut1on Nos. 1851 and 1852 are hereby repealed m the1r ent1rety. SECTION 2. Adoot. Business License Fees. Beginning January 1, 2013, in accordance w1th chapter 5.01 of the Kent City Code, annual fees for bus1ness l1censes w1ll be based on the number of full and part-t1me employees employed at each bus1ness with certain except1ons for multi- family apartment and condomm1um businesses, home occupation busmesses, and contractors doing business m Kent whose phys1cal address 1s outs1de the city of Kent. The fees shall be assessed as follows: A. Number of Employees of Business 0-24 25-49 50-99 100 or more 2 Fee $100 $200 $400 $600 Resolution Adopting Fee Schedules B. Multi-Family Apartments and Condominium Businesses. The business l1cense fee for mult1-fam1ly apartments and condomm1um businesses 1s based on the number of dwelling units as noted in the schedule below. The business license fees w1ll be wa1ved for apartments and condominiums that participate m and are in compliance w1th the gu1delmes set forth 1n the STAR program m accordance w1th chapter 5.14 KCC. Number of Multi-Family Dwelling Units Fee 2-10 Units $100 11-50 Units $300 51 Umts and above $600 C. The Home occupation business license fee is $50.00. D. Contractors doing business in Kent whose physical location is outside the city of Kent shall be assessed a $100 fee. SECTION 3. -New Fee Schedule -Heanng Examiner Fees. As authonzed by KCC Sect1on 2. 32.155, the fee that an applicant shall pay for any permit or approval that requ1res e1ther an open or a closed record public heanng before the city's hearing exammer and the fee for any appeal of any dec1s1on or recommendation to the heanng exammer shall be in the amounts shown on Exhibits B through F. SECTION 4. -New Fee Schedule -Permit Technology Fee. As authonzed by KCC Sect1on 3.11.010(c), beginnmg January 1, 2013, a technology fee for all busmess l1cense transactions w1ll be assessed m the amount of one dollar ($1) per transaction; every other fee established by th1s resolution will be assessed a technology fee m an amount equal to 3 Resolution Adopting Fee Schedules three percent (3%) of the fee or ten dollars ($10.00), whichever is greater, w1th the exception of the exclusions l1sted m Exhibit A. SECTION 5. -International Fire Code Fees Established. As authorized by KCC Sect1on 13.01.120, the fee schedule attached as Exhibit B shall govern the monetary charges assessed by the City for rev1ewmg and processmg perm1t applications, for 1ssuing perm1ts and other approvals, and for all related 1nspect1ons. SECTION 6. -International Buildmg Code and International Residential Code -Bulfdtng permtt and plan review fees. Pursuant to Sect1on 14.01.090 of the Kent City Code, the fees to be assessed for building perm1ts and related inspections under the Internattonal Bulfdmg Code or the InternatiOnal Restdential Code shall be as set forth 1n Exhibit C wh1ch 1s attached and mcorporated mto th1s resolution, w1th the following modifications: 1. Standard plan rev1ew Fees. Whenever construction documents, as defmed in the InternatiOnal Building Code and InternatiOnal Residential Code, are submitted for rev1ew pursuant to section 107 of the InternatiOnal Butldtng Code or sect1on R106 of the Internattonal Residential Code, a plan rev1ew fee equal to s1xty-f1ve (65) percent of the bu1ldmg perm1t fee shall be assessed. 2. Basic plan review fees. The basic plan review fee, after and m addition to the payment of the Initial standard plan rev1ew fee set forth m subsect1on (1) above, shall be a fee of nmety-three dollars and forty-eight cents ($93.48), for each permit 1ssued upon a cert1f1ed bas1c plan. Add1t1onal plan review fees shall also be assessed at a rate of one hundred twenty-f1ve dollars and forty-six cents ($125.46) per hour, or a port1on 4 Resolution Adopting Fee Schedules thereof for an additional plan review required for changes, additions, or rev1s1ons to plans. 3. Administration of basic plans. Bas1c plans shall be administered as follows: a. "Basic plans" are defined as complete plans for an entire detached smgle fam1ly res1dent1al bu1ldmg, approved as such by the bu1ldmg official, which: (i) Are clearly marked as bemg approved and certified as "basic" by the bulldmg off1c1al; (ii) Bear the author's (including, but not l1m1ted to, architect, engmeer, or others) acknowledgment and approval of the plans submitted for use in the construction of a number of bu1ld1ngs, without any l1m1tat1on of quant1ty or location. If any port1on 1s designed by a licensed architect or engmeer, th1s acknowledgment shall bear the author's stamp and signature. (iii) Basic plan review fees shall apply only to detached smgle fam1ly residential buildings and shall apply only to the onginating owner or applicant. (iv) Changes to bas1c plans which alter the extenor dimens1ons or structure of the bu1ldmg shall be treated as a new permit application. b. The process for admm1stering basic plans shall be1as follows: (i) Any person may apply for plan review and certification of a basic plan by f1l1ng an appl1cat1on for such plan rev1ew and 5 Resolution Adopting Fee Schedules certification, along with two (2) or more complete sets of plans and the standard plan rev1ew fee. (ii) Upon completion and approval of plan rev1ew, the applicant shall prov1de reproducible copies of complete, approved plans to the bu1ld1ng off1c1al. c. The city's buildmg off1c1al is authonzed and empowered to interpret and determine the appl1cab111ty and administration of the prov1s1ons of this section. SECTION 7. -International Mechanical Code -Mechanical permit and plan review fees. Pursuant to Sect1on 14.01.090 of the Kent City Code, the fees to be assessed for mechanical perm1ts 1ssued for the mstallat1on of mechanical equipment under the InternatiOnal Mechanical Code or the International Residential Code, as may be applicable, shall be as set forth in Exhibit D, wh1ch is attached and mcorporated mto this resolution, with the following mod1f1cat1ons: 1. Standard plan review fees. Whenever construction documents, as def1ned in the International Mechanical Code or the International Residential Code, are subm1tted for rev1ew pursuant to section 106 of the International Mechamcal Code or sect1on R106 of the InternatiOnal Residential Code, a plan rev1ew fee equal to twenty-five (25) percent of the mechanical permit fee shall be assessed. SECTION 8. -Umform Plumbtng Code -Plumbtng permit and plan review fees. Pursuant to Section 14.01.090 of the Kent City Code, the fees to be assessed for plumbmg perm1ts 1ssued for the 1nstallat1on of plumbmg equ1pment under the Umform Plumbing Code or the International Residential Code, as may be applicable, shall be as set for in Exhibit E, 6 Resolution Adopting Fee Schedules which 1s attached and incorporated into this Resolution, with the following modifications: 1. Whenever construction documents, plans, specifications, engineering calculations, d1agrams or other data are submitted for rev1ew pursuant to section 103 of the Uniform Plumbing Code or section R106 of the InternatiOnal Residential Code, a plan rev1ew fee equal to twenty-five (25) percent of the plumbing perm1t fee shall be assessed. SECTION 9. -Construction. Land Use and Development Fees. Pursuant to chapters 6.03, 6.06, 6.07, 7.02, 7.04, 11.06, 12.01, and other authorizations elsewhere m the Kent City Code, the applications, perm1ts, approvals, rev1ew, inspection and other fees for vanous construction, land use and development actions shall be as shown in the attached Exhibit F. SECTION 10. Annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) AdJustment. On the f1rst day of each calendar year, all fees, rates and charges established in this resolution Will adJUSt by the Consumer Pnce Index (CPI), specifically the CPI-W Seattle-Tacoma-Bremerton, measured from June 1 through June 1, 1f the CPI-W reflects an upward adJustment from the prev1ous annual June to June penod. Th1s sect1on and 1ts related CPI adJustments will not apply, however, to any Sect1on 4 Permit Technology fees. SECTION 11. -Savings. Resolution Nos. 1851 and 1852, and the fees established by those resolutions, shall remam in full force and effect unt1l the date the new fees are assessed and collected in accordance with th1s resolut1on. SECTION 12. -SeverabilitY. If any sect1on, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of th1s resolution is declared unconst1tut1onal or 7 Resolution Adopting Fee Schedules invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remammg portions of th1s resolut1on. SECTION 13. -Effect1ve Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force on January 1, 2013. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the city council of the city of Kent, Washmgton, th1s I/~ day of ~~ , 2012. #--~ CONCURRED 1n by the mayor of the city of Kent this /I day of ~.2012. ATTEST: ~.c_.~~ BRENDA JACOBER, CITILERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: 8 Resolution Adopting Fee Schedules I hereby certify that th1s IS a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /£re 7 passed by the c1ty counc1l of the City of Kent, Washington, the //d.-day Of ;(QR(D ~ 1 2012. P \Civii\Resolution\Fee Resolutionflnal Docx 9 Resolution Adopting Fee Schedules Exhibit A Technology Fee Exceptions Excluded from technology fees: 1. Fire permit fees for fireworks stands or displays; 2. Appeals; 3. Code text amendments, comprehensive plan map or text amendments, pre-application conferences, public not1ce boards and zone map amendments (rezones) under Exhibit "F" of this resolution; and 4. Fees listed under "Other inspections and Fees" in Exhibits "B," "C," "D," and "E" of th1s resolut1on, except that a technology fee will be assessed and collected for each Adult Family Home licensmg mspect1on under Exh1b1t "C." Exhibit "B" City of Kent Fire Permat Fees Permit Issuance Fees: Fee Issuance of each annual operataonal perm at under the fare code Hazardous Matenals or Hagh-p1led storage perm1ts $220 00 All other perm1ts $110 00 Issuance of each annual fire protectaon system perm1t, per building $130 00 Issuance of a residential home heat1ng fuel tank removal permat, per application $162 00 Issuance of a fareworks perm1t for a fireworks stand, per application $100 oo• Issuance of a fireworks permat for a fireworks display, per application $100 oo• • rate f1xed by state regulations Development Plan Review and Permit Fees: Fee F1re Prevention Construction Perm1ts- Plan Rev1ew Fee 65% of perm at fee Perm1t Fee Per Perm1t Fee Valuation Table Total Value of Project Permit Fee $1 00 to $500 00 $55 66 $501 00 to $2,000 00 $55 66 for the f1rst $500 00, plus $7 26 for each addataonal $100 00, or fraction thereof, to and 1ncludmg $2,000 00 $2,001 00 to $25,000 00 $164 56 for the f1rst $2,000 00, plus $33 22 for each add1t1onal $1,000 00, or fraction thereof, to and mclud1ng $25,000 00 $25,001 00 to $50,000 00 $928 62 for the f1rst $25,000 00, plus $23 98 for each add1t1onal $1,000 00, or fract1on thereof, to and 1ncludmg $50,000 00 $50,001 00 to $100,000 00 $1,52812 fortheflrst$50,000 00, plus $1662 for each add1t1onal $1,000 00, or fract1on thereof, to and 1ncludmg $100,000 00 $100,001 00 to $500,000 00 $2,35912 fortheflrst$100,000 00, plus $13 32 for each add1t1onal $1,000 00, or fract1on thereof, to and includmg $500,000 00 $500,001 00 to $1,000,000 00 $7,687 12 for the f1rst $500,000 00, plus $12 62 for each additional $1,000 00, or fract1on thereof, to and 1nclud1ng $1,000,000 00 $1,000,001 00 and up $13,997 Rev1ew of Bwldmg Perm1ts Single-Family Plan Rev1ew 24 4% of the bu1ld1ng perm1t fee Commercial Plan Rev1ew 32 6% of the building perm1t fee Rev1ew of Land Use App/1cat1ons- Boundary L1ne AdJustment $122 00 Bmdmg S1te Plan $200 00 Short SubdiVISIOn $200 00 Other S1te Plan Rev1ews $98 00 Exhibit "B" -Continued City of Kent Fire Permit Fees Prel1m1nary Plat $662 00 Res1dent1al Vanances $78 OD Other Project Approvals $118 00 SEPA Checklist $142 OD SEPA Checklist as Part of a Project $72 00 Requ1nng Heanng Exammer Approval $212 DO Other Inspections and Fees: Fee Each hydrant flow request (Two hour m1n1mum) $125 46 per hour ln1tlal f1re and l1fe safety 1nspect1on for new bus1ness, per application $108 DO Inspections outside of normal bus1ness hours (Two hour m1mmum charge) $125 46 per hour Add1t1onalmspect1ons requ1red • when a construction 1nspect1on IS not complete or falls to pass 1nspect1on, • when requ1red correct1ons on an operational perm1t or f1re 1nspect1on system permit have not been corrected by the second 1nspect1on, • when work IS not accessible, • when work 1s not ready by scheduled inspection time, • when the construction perm1t or approved plans are not made read1ly available, • when the project requ1res multiple Inspections for phased construction, • when requesting Temporary Cert1f1cate of Occupancy (TCO) or Cert1f1cate of Occupancy (CO) approval, or • when request1ng mspect1ons requ1red for l1cens1ng and/or cert1f1cat1ons (One hour mm1mum charge) $125 46 per hour Add1t1onal plan rev1ew requ1red by • re-subm1ttals*, • changes, • deferred submittals, • add 1t1ons, or rev1s1ons to plans *One re-subm1ttal w11l be Included 1n the plan rev1ew fee (One hour m1n1mum charge) $125 46 per hour Hazardous matenal mventory statement, management plan, or facility closure plan rev1ew and approval (Two hour m1n1mum charge) $125 46 per hour Code Mod1f1cat1on or Alternative Mater1als and Methods Request (Three hour m1n1mum charge) $125 46 per hour Appeal f1lmg fee $291 51 Penalty Fees: Fee Fa1l1ng to mark or ma1nta1n the markmg of a designated fire lane $199 26 Exhibit "C" City of Kent Building Permit Fees Total valuation determined by bu1ld1nq off1c1al $1 00 to $500 00 $501 00 to $2,000 00 $2,001 00 to $25,000 00 $25,001 00 to $50,000 00 $50,001 00 to $100,000 00 $100,001 00 to $500,000 00 Permit Fee Assessed $34 23 $34 23 for the f1rst $500 00, plus $4 46 for each add1t1onal $100 00, or fract1on thereof, to and mclud1ng $2,000 00 $101 13 for the f1rst $2,000 00, plus $20 43 for each additional $1,000 00, or fract1on thereof, to and mclud1ng $25,000 00 $571 02 for the f1rst $25,000 00, plus$ 14 75 for each add1t1onal $1,000 00, or fract1on thereof, to and mclud1ng $50,000 00 $939 77 for the f1rst $50,000 00, plus $10 22 for each add1t1onal $1,000 00, or fract1on thereof, to and mclud1ng $100,000 00 $1,450 77 for the f1rst $100,000 00, plus$ 8 19 for each add1t1onal $1,000 00, or fract1on thereof, to and mclud1ng $500,000 00 $500,001 00 to $1,000,000 00 $4,726 77 for the f1rst $500,000 00, plus $6 90 for each add1t1onal $1,000 00, or fract1on thereof, to and mclud1ng $1,000,000 00 $1,000,001 00 and up $8,176 68 for the f1rst $1,000,000 00, plus $4 60 for each add1t1onal $1,000 00, or fraction thereof Other Inspections and Fees For 1nspect1ons outs1de of normal busmess hours and Adult Fam1ly Home llcens1ng mspect1ons (m1n1mum charge-two hours) $125 46 per hour Re1nspect1on fees assessed when work for wh1ch an mspect1on 1s requested IS not complete, when requ1red corrections have not been made, when work 1s not access1ble, or when the permit or approved plans are not made read1ly ava1lable $125 46 per hour Additional plan rev1ew requ1red by changes, deferred submittals, add1t1ons, or rev1s1ons to plans $125 46 per hour lnvest1gat1on fee when work IS commenced pnor to obta1n1ng requ1red Bu1ldmg, mechanical, or plumbmg perm1t , 100% of permit fee Appeal f1l1ng fee $291 51 Exhibit "D" City of Kent Mechanical Permit Fees Permit Issuance Fees 1 2 For the Issuance of each mechanical perm1t For 1ssu1ng each supplemental perm1t for which the ong1nal perm1t has not exp1red, been canceled, or fmal1zed Umt Fee Schedule 1 For each forced-air or gravity-type furnace or boiler, mcluding ducts and vents $39 36 $12 30 attached, up to and 1nclud1ng 100,000 Btu/h (29 3 kW) $24 60 2 For each forced-air or grav1ty-type furnace or boiler, mclud1ng ducts and vents attached, over 100,000 Btu/h (29 3 kW) $31 98 3 For each floor furnace, suspended heater, recessed wall heater or floor-mounted heater, mclud1ng vent $24 60 4 For each appliance vent not Included man appliance perm1t $12 30 5 For repa1r of, alteration of, or add1t1on to each heating appliance, refngerat1on un1t, cooling un1t, absorption un1t, or each heating, cool1ng, absorpt1on, or evaporative cool1ng system, mcludmg controls, regulated by the mechanical code or res1dent1al code $23 37 6 For each bo1ler or compressor 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 • to and 1nclud1ng 3 horsepower (1 0 6 kW), or each absorption system to and 1nclud1ng 100,000 Btu/h (29 3 kW) $24 60 • over 3 horsepower (1 0 6 kW) to and 1nclud1ng 15 horsepower (52 7 kW), or each absorption system over 100,000 Btu/h (29 3 kW) to an 1ncludmg 500,000 Btu/h (146 6 kW) $45 51 • over 15 horsepower (52 7 kW) to and mcludmg 30 horsepower (105 5 kW), or each absorption system over 500,000 Btu/h (293 1 kW) to and mclud1ng 1,000,000 (293 1 kW) $62 73 • over 30 horsepower (105 5 kW) to and mclud1ng 50 horsepower (176 kW), or each absorption system over 1,000,000 Btu/h (293 1 kW) to and 1nclud1ng 1,750,000 (512 9 kW) $93 48 • over 50 horsepower ( 176 kW) or each absorption system over 1,750,000 Btu/h (512 9 kW) For each a1r-handl1ng un1t to and 1nclud1ng 10,000 cub1c feet per mmute (cfm) (4,719 Lis), 1nclud1ng ducts attached thereto, wh1ch 1s not a port1on of factory assembled appliance or un1t for which a perm1t IS requ1red over 10,000 cfm (4,719 Lis) For each evaporative cooler other than portable type For each vent1lat1on fan connected to a s1ngle duct For each ventilation system wh1ch 1s not a port1on of any heat1ng or a1r-cond1t1onmg system authonzed by a perm1t For each hood served by mechan1cal exhaust, 1nclud1ng the ducts for such hood For each domestic-type mc1nerator For each commercial or 1ndustnal-type mc1nerator $156 21 $18 45 $31 98 $18 45 $12 30 $18 45 $18 45 $31 98 $24 60 Exhibit "0" -Continued City of Kent Mechanical Permit Fees Un1t Fee Schedule (cont l 14 15. 16 For each mechanical appliance or p1ece of equipment regulated by the mechanical code or the res1dent1al code, not classed 1n other appliance categones, or for wh1ch no other fee 1s listed 1n th1s table For each fuel gas or fuel 011 p1p1ng system of one to f1ve outlets For each add1t1onal p1p1ng system outlet, per outlet Other Inspections and Fees For 1nspect1ons outs1de of normal business hours $18 45 $9 84 $3 69 (mm1mum charge-two hours) $125 46 per hour Remspect1on fees assessed when work for which an mspectlon 1s requested IS not complete, when requ1red correct1ons have not been made, when work IS not accessible, or when the permit or approved plans are not made readily available $125 46 per hour Add1!1onal plan rev1ew requ1red by changes, deferred submittals, add1t1ons, or rev1s1ons to plans $125 46 per hour lnvest1gat1on fee when work IS commenced pnor to obta1n1ng requ1red bu1ld1ng, mechanical, or plumbing permit 100% of permit fee Appeal f11ing fee $291 51 Exhibit "E" City of Kent Plumbing Permit Fees Perm1t Issuance Fees For the Issuance of each plumbing permit $34 44 1 20 For 1ssu1ng each supplemental permit for which the ongmal perm1t has not exp1red, been canceled or f1nal1zed $18 45 Umt Fee Schedule 1 For each plumbing f1xture on one trap or a set of fixtures on one trap, 1nclud1ng water, dramage p1p1ng and backflow protect1on therefore $12 30 2 For each bu1ld1ng sewer and each trailer park or mobile home park sewer $24 60 3 Rainwater systems-per dra1n (ms1de bu1ld1ng) $12 30 4 For each water heater and/or vent $12 30 5 For each mdustnal waste pretreatment mterceptor mcludmg 1ts trap and vent, except kitchen-type grease Interceptors funct1onmg as f1xture traps $12 30 6 For each mstallat1on, alterat1on or repa1r of water p1pmg and/or water treat1ng equ1pment, each $12 30 70 For each repa1r or alteration of dra1nage or vent p1pmg, each fixture $12 30 8 For each lawn spnnkler system on any one meter mclud1ng backflow protection dev1ces therefore $12 30 90 For atmosphenc-type vacuum breakers not Included 1n 1tem 8 1 to 5 vacuum breakers 00 000 0 0 $9 84 over 5 vacuum breakers, each 0 $3 69 10 For each backflow protective dev1ce other than atmosphenc-type vacuum breakers 2 1nch (51 mm) diameter or smaller $12 30 over 2 mch (51 mm) diameter $24 60 11 For each graywater or reclaimed water system $67 65 12 For each med1cal gas p1p1ng system for a spec1f1c gas 1 to 5 mlets/outlets $84 87 over 5 mlets/outlets, each $9 84 Other lnspect1ons and Fees For 1nspect1ons outside of normal busmess hours (m1n1mum charge-two hours) Re1nspect1on fees assessed when work for wh1ch an mspect1on IS requested IS not complete, when requ1red corrections have not been made, when work IS not accessible, or when the perm1t or approved plans are not made read1ly available Add1t1onal plan rev1ew requ1red by changes, deferred submittals, add1t1ons, or rev1s1ons to plans lnvest1gat1on fee when work IS commenced pnor to obta1n1ng requ1red bu1ld1ng, mechanical, or plumbmg perm1t Appeal f1l1ng fee $125 46 per hour $125 46 per hour $125 46 per hour 100% of permit fee $291 51 Exhibit "F" City of Kent Planning. Development Engineering, Public Works. and Land Use Review Fees Effective 1/1/2013 Table 1 Development Public Planmng Engineering Works Permit Application Type Fee Fee Fee Total Fees Notes Accessory Dwellmg Umt $66 $0 $0 $66 (1) Admm1strat1ve Determmat1on Letter $123 $0 $0 $123 Appeal of Admm1strat1ve Interpretation I Dec1s1on $264 $0 $0 $264 Appeal of SEPA Determmat1on $264 $0 $0 $264 Appeal of Short Plat $264 $0 $0 $264 Bmdmg S1te Plan -Prellmmary $663 $2,574 $0 $3,237 Bmdmg S1te Plan Mod1f1cat1on $397 I $530 $715 $0 $1,1121$1,245 (2) (10) Code Text Amendment $663 I $1,988 $0 $0 $663 I $1,988 (11) Combmmg D1stncts $1,988 $0 $0 $1,988 (10) Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment $1,988 $0 $0 $1,988 (10) Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment $1,988 $0 $0 $1,988 (10) Concept Meetmg Rev1ew No charge No charge No charge Cond1t1onal Use $2,649 $715 $0 $3,364 (13) Document Record1ng Fees Actual cost Actual Cost (20) (3) Downtown Des1gn Rev1ew $264/ $663 $72 I $143 $0 $336/ $806 (14) Fee Deferral L1en $248 $0 $0 $248 (18) Heanng Exammer-Conduct of Heanng and Preparation of DecJs1on Actual cost Actual cost (16) Hourly rate $123 $143 $143 Lot Lme Adjustment $397 $572 $572 $1,541 Lot Lme Ellmmat1on $133 $143 $143 $419 M1xed Use Des1gn Rev1ew $663 $143 $0 $806 (14) $663 + $806 + MultJ-FamJiy Des1gn Rev1ew $141unlt $143 $0 $14lumt (14) MultJ-FamJiy Dwellmg Tax Exemption - ApplicatiOn $1,230 $0 $0 $1,230 Mult1-Fam1ly Dwellmg Tax Exemption -Fmal Application $1,230 $0 $0 $1,230 (17) MultJ-FamJiy Tax Exempt1on Appeal - Cond1t1onal, Fmal, Extens1on $264 $0 $0 $264 Mult1-Fam1ly Tax Exempt1on Extension of Cond1t1onal Cert1f1cate $62 $0 $0 $62 Mult1-Fam1ly Tax Exemption -Contract Amendment $615 $0 $0 $615 $3,312 + $8,603 + Planned Umt Development Plan $62/unlt $5,291 $0 $62/Unlt $286 I Planned Umt Development Plan Modlflcat1on $331 1 $994 $1,144 $0 $617 I $2,138 (4) Exhibit "F" City of Kent Planning, Development Engineering, Public Works, and Land Use Review Fees Effective 1/1/2013 Table 1 Development Planning Engineering Public Permit Application Type Fee Fee Works Fee Total Fees Notes Plat Mod1f1cat1on/ AlteratiOn Mmor 1f• of plat Mmor V. of Mmor/Ma]or fee plat fee MaJor 1h of plat MaJor. 112 of fee plat fee (15) Pre-Appl1cat1on Conference $331 $0 $0 $331 PubliC Not1ce Actual cost of pu bl1cat1on (21) Publ1c Not1ce Board $133 $0 $0 $133 (5) $429 I $715 $0 $760 I SEPA Checklist $331 I $927 $1,642 (6) SEPA Mod1f1cat1on $100 I $331 $72 I $143 $0 $172 I $474 (7) SEPA Exempt Determmat1on $123 $0 $0 $123 SEPA Environmental Impact $2,649 + Statement $2,649 + depOSit $0 $0 deposit (8) Shorelme Cond1t1onal Use $1,589 $429 $0 $2,018 (13) Shoreline Exempt Determmat1on $264 $143 $0 $407 Shorelme Substantial Development $1,325 $429 $0 $1,754 Shorelme Vanance $994 $429 $0 $1,423 (13) Short Plat (2-4 lots) -Preliminary Plat $994 $1,430 $0 $2,424 Short Plat (5-9 lots) -Prellmmary $5,223 + Plat $2,649 + $66/lot $2,574 $0 $66/lot Short Plat -Fmal Plat or Fmal B1nd1ng $4,562 + S1te Plan $1,988 + $27/lot $1,430 $1,144 $27/lot S1gn Perm1t $199 $72 $0 $271 (19) Spec1al Home Occupat1on Perm1t $397 $0 $0 $397 (13) $9,928 + SubdiVISIOn -Prel1m1nary Plat $4,637 + $66/lot $5,291 $0 $66/lot $9,942 + SubdiVISIOn -Final Plat $2,649 + $27/lot $3,861 $3,432 $27/lot $133 I $331/ $72 I $143 I $205 I $474 Temporary Use $199 $72 $0 I $271 (9) Temporary S1gn $100 $0 $0 $100 Vanance -Adm1n1strat1ve $397 $143 $0 $540 Vanance -Smgle Fam1ly Dwellmg $397 $72 $0 $469 (13) Vanance -S1gn & Other than Smgle Fam1ly Dwellmg $2,649 $143 $0 $2,792 (13) WTF Admm1strat1ve Perm1t $397 $0 $0 $397 WTF Cond1t1onal Use $2,649 $286 $0 $2,935 Zone Map Amendment (Rezone) $2,649 $0 $0 $2,649 (10) $68.75 I (12a- $35 75 I $137 50 I 12e) Zomng Perm1t I S1te Plan Rev1ew $33 I $66 I value $71 50 I value $0 value (14) Exhibit "F" City of Kent Planning. Development Engineering. Public Works. and Land Use Review Fees Effective 1/1/2013 Table 1 TABLE 1 NOTES: Two (2) re-subm1ttals of the plans are included with the review fees described in Table 1. Add1t1onal re-subm1ttal reviews, whether attnbuted to the appl1cat1on's act1on or mact1on, shall be charged at the hourly rate listed m Table 1. (1) The fees are applicable for an attached accessory dwelling unit, an interior accessory dwelling un1t or for a detached accessory dwelling unit m a single- family res1dent1al zone. The fee mcludes the cost of the Planning Serv1ces Off1ce recordmg of the accessory dwellmg un1t covenant documents w1th King County. An accessory l1vmg quarters m a commercial or mdustrial zone IS subJect to the applicable construction value-based fee. (2) Any changes to an approved, but unrecorded Binding Site Plan is subject to the $397 fee for a mod1f1cat1on to a Bmdmg Site Plan. Any changes to a recorded B1nd1ng S1te Plan are subJect to the $530 fee for a modification to a Bmdmg S1te Plan. (3) The plannmg $264 and engineenng $72 review fees are applicable to m1nor alterations and Improvements. The planning $663 and engmeering rev1ew $140 fees are applicable to all new bu1ld1ngs, redevelopment, and major alterations and Improvements. (4) Any minor change to an approved Planned Unit Development Plan is subject to the planning $331 and engmeering rev1ew $286 fees for a modif1cat1on. Any maJor change to an approved Planned Un1t Development Plan IS subject to the plann1ng $994 and engmeering rev1ew $1,144 fees for a mod1ficat1on. (5) The Plannmg Director has the authonty to change th1s fee as needed to cover City expenditures. (6) The plannmg $331 and eng1neenng rev1ew $429 fees are applicable only to SEPA rev1ew of construction of one smgle family dwelling on an individual parcel. All other SEPA checklist applications are subject to both the plannmg $927 fee and the engmeenng rev1ew $715 fee. (7) The planning $100 and engineenng review $72 fees are applicable only to modifications to a SEPA determmat1on for one s1ngle fam1ly dwellmg on an indiVIdual parcel. All other mod1f1cat1ons to a SEPA determination are subject to the planning $331 and eng1neenng review $143 fees. Exhibit "F" City of Kent Planning. Development Engineering. Public Worl<s. and Land Use Review Fees Effective 1/1/2013 Table 1 (8) $2,649 fee plus a deposit, equal to the estimated cost of contract servtces necessary to complete the EIS process, must be submttted to the ctty. Planning Engineer Review (9) Temporary Use Permits 0-30 days .......................... $133 $ 72 31-90 days ........................ $331 $143 Extenstons beyond 90 days .. $199 $ 72 (10) Appltcation requires publtc heanngs. If multiple permit appltcattons which requtre the same hearing procedure are submitted at the same ttme, the appltcant will be charged the full fee for the permtt application with the htghest fee and 50% of the established fee for each of the other permits eltgtble for a consoltdated revtew and heanng. (11) The $663 fee is appltcable to amendments to Smgle Family Restdential zones only. Amendments to all other zonmg distncts or sections of the zonmg code are subject to the $1,988 fee. (12) a) b) c) The $33 fee is appltcable for Minor Stngle Famtly Dwelling Constructton on an existing dwelling such as a deck, minor addition of less than 25% of extstmg floor area, tntenor remodel or accessory buildtng of 500 square feet or less on the same lot as the extsttng dwelltng. The Development Engmeenng revtew fee for the site plan review for these permits ts $35.75. The $54 fee is applicable for Major Single Famtly Dwelling Constructton on an extsttng dwelltng such as major addttton of more than 25% of extsttng floor area or an accessory butldtng of more than 500 square feet on the same lot as the existing dwelling. The Development Engineenng revtew fee for the site plan revtew for these permits is $71.50. All new single family dwelling construction in a residential zone is subJect to the following fee schedule: Building Services Construction Valuation Planning fee $0-$74,999 ................................... $ 66 $75,000-$124,999 ........................... $133 $125,000-$224,999 ....................... $264 Over $225,000 ................................ $397 Engineer Bey jew Fee $358 $358 $358 $358 Eng. Insp. Fee $143 $143 $143 $143 Exhibit "F" City of Kent Planning, Development Engineering. Public Works. and Land Use Review Fees Effective 1/1/2013 Table 1 d) All new buildings, tenant improvements, an accessory livmg quarters m a commerctal or mdustnal zone and other construction and development acttvtty, other than smgle family dwelltng construction, is subJect to the followtng fee schedule: Building Services Construction Valuation Planning Fee $0-$99,999 ................................... $ 442 $100,000-$249,999 ......................... $ 883 $250,000-$499,999 ....................... $1,325 $500,000-$999,999 ....................... $1,766 $1,000,000-$4,999,999 .................. $2,649 $5,000,000 -$10,000,000 ................ $3,533 Over $10,000,000 ............................ $4A16 Engineer Review Fee $429 $429 $429 $429 $429 $429 $429 Eng. Insp. Fee $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 e) The zoning permtt fee for those development projects for which no buildmg permit IS requtred but whtch requtres s1te plan review and a zonmg permit, shall be based on the value of the proposed development to be undertaken. The value of the proposed constructton/ development shall be determmed based on professtonal esttmates by a ltcensed engmeer, archttect, landscape designer or contractor. These esttmates may tnclude, but are not limited to, grade and fill of the stte, paving, placement of uttltttes, lighttng, landscaping, and other stte Improvements. The combined total of the cost esttmates for all development on the stte shall be the establtshed value basts for the zoning permtt fee [as ltsted in 12c or 12d categones above as appropnate]. (13) Application requires a public hearing before the Hearings Examiner. If multiple permtt appltcattons which requtre a Heanng Exammer dectston are submttted at the same ttme, the applicant wtll be charged the full fee for the permtt appltcation wtth the htghest fee and 50% of the established fee for each of the other permits eligtble for a consoltdated revtew and heanng. (14) Appltcatton fees may be reduced by 75% if the application is for a mtxed-use buildtng. Fee reductton appltes to stte plan revtew/zonmg permtt, mtxed use destgn revtew, multt-famtly destgn revtew and downtown design revtew. Fee waivers do not apply to SEPA, short plat, subdiv1s1on or other permit requests associated wtth the development of a site, nor does fee reductton apply to mtxed use development where the commerctal and residential uses are not located w1thtn the same butldtng. Exhibit "F" City of Kent Planning. Development Engineering. Public Works. and Land Use Reyiew Fees Effective 1/1/2013 Table 1 (15) Plat alteration fees are determ1ned after review whether the changes requested are m1nor or maJor. A m1nor change IS done adminiStratively and the fee 1s 25% of the cost of the ongmal preliminary plat fee. A maJOr change requ1res a public heanng or meetmg and the fee IS 50% of the cost of the anginal prellmmary plat fee. A public not1ce board IS requ1red for a maJor alteration. (16) For applications that require a public hearing before the city's Hearing Exammer, the proJect applicant 1s responsible for 100% of the Heanng Exammer's hourly fee and assoc1ated expenses. Payment m full shall be submitted to the City pnor to release of the Heanng Examiner's dec1s1on. Th1s requirement shall not apply to appeal heanngs. (17) These funds are distributed to the King County Assessor's Office by the City. (18) A fee deferral l1en may be used in assoc1at1on w1th bu1ld1ng perm1ts and water permits associated w1th s1ngle family residential homes built for resale. Any fee deferral l1en shall mclude the dramage system development fee, water system development fee, transportation m1t1gat1on payments, and traffic impact fees. (19) The engineering fee only applies to freestandmg s1gns, not wall mounted signs. (20) The applicant shall pay all document recording fees charged by Kmg County, and all admm1strat1ve fees charged by the t1tle company for processing. Payment m full shall be submitted to the City before documents are sent for record mg. (21) For applications that require public notice, the applicant shall reimburse the City for 100% of publ1cat1on and ma1lmg costs. Reimbursement shall be pa1d to the City pnor to 1ssuance of the final decision. Exhibit "F" City of Kent Planning, Development Engineering, Public Works. and Land Use Review Fees Effective 111/2013 Table 2 Inspect1on I Permit Application Type Review/Intake Fee Issuance Fee Total Fee Notes $3 '718/$11,726/$35,8 Civil Construction -Non-Res1dent1al $4 576/$14 443/$43,901 93 $8 2941$26 1691$79 794 (1 a) Civil Construction -Mmor $572 f_j_l1287 $429 I $1 144 $1 001 I $2 431 (1 b) Civil Construction -Plats $13 728 I $26 455 $11 154 I $21 593 $24 8821__$48 048 (1 C) Clv11 Construction -Short Plats $1 716 I $4 433 $1 287 I $3 718 $3 003 I $8 151 (1 d) Cnt1cal Areas -Reasonable Use or Vanance _1_2~002 $0 $2 002 Cnt1cal Areas -Momtonng Report $786 50 $0 $786 50 _(2.b) Cnt1cal Areas -Delmeat1on Report Rev1ew _1_1,573 $0 $1 573 (2.al Cnt1cal Areas -Conceptual M1tJQat1on Plan _1_1,430 $0 $1 430 (2 al Cnt1cal Areas -Fmal M1t1gat1on Plan $2 145 00 $1 716 $3 861 (2 a) Demol1t1on Perm1t $286 $286 $572 Dev1at1on Request to Construction Standards $644 $143 $787 Grade and Fill -MaJor -Tier 1 $572 $858 $1 430 (3 a) Grade and F1ll -Ma10r-T1er 2 $858 $1 144 $2 002 (3.al Grade and F1ll -Ma]or-T1er 3 $1 144 $2 288 $3 432 (3 a) Grade and Fill -MaJor-T1er 4 $1 430 $3 432 $4 862 (3 a) Grade and F1ll - M mor $429 $429 $858 (3 a) Grade and F1ll -Mmor (SF Only) $143 $143 $286 (3 b) Heannq Exammer Actual Cost Actual Cost (4) Hourlv Rate $143 $143 Recordmg Fees Actual Cost Actual Cost (5) Sewer-Certificate of AvailabilitY $214 50 $71 50 $286 Sewer-Permit $71 50 $357 50 $429 (6) Street Cut Perm1ts $286 $429 $715 (7) Street Use Perm1ts $143 $215 $358 Water -Certificate of Availability $214 50 $71.50 $286 Water -Permit j/1 50 _1_357 50 $429 Water Backflow Inspect1on $0 $143 $143 Backflow Prevent1on Assembly Annual Admm1strat1ve Fee $0 $80 $80 Exhibit "F" City of Kent Plannjng, pevelopment Enqineerina. Public Works. and Land Use Review Fees Effective 1/1/2013 Table 2 TABLE 2 NOTES: Two (2) re-submittals of the plans are included with the review fees described in Table 2. Add1t1onal re-subm1ttal rev1ews, whether attnbuted to the appl1cat1on's action or inaction, shall be charged at the hourly rate listed 1n Table 2. (1) C1v1l Construction a. Applies to work with a construction valuation of $50,000 or greater with the following sub-categones: NQn-R~&id~ntiS!I Ti~r tQn&tn.u;;tiQ!l Vi:!IYiiltiQn Small $50 000-$149 999 Medium $150 000 -$999 999 Large >I= $1 000 000 b. Applies to work, residential or non-res1dent1al, with a construction valuation of less than $50,000. The lower fee appl1es to work w1th valuations less than $15,000.00. c. The lower fee appl1es to plats 39 lots and less. d. The lower fee appl1es to short plats 4 lots and less. (2) Crit1cal Areas (a) Rev1ew fees for a single fam1ly residential parcel only may be reduced by 25%. (b) Monitonng reports are requ1red yearly for the requ1red monitoring penod. Fee assumes one s1te v1s1t to venfy report fmd1ngs and one letter of acceptance from the c1ty. Additional rev1ews w1ll be billed at the hourly rate. (3) Grade and Fill Exhibit "F" City of Kent Planning. Development Engjneerjnq. Public Works. and Land Use Review Fees a. follows: Effective 1/1/2013 Table 2 The quant1t1es and rev1ew thresholds for Grade and Fill permits are as Grade and Fill Quantity Cleared or New or Replaced Tier Disturbed Area Hard Surface 0 cy-49 cy 0 sf-6,999 sf 0 sf-1999 sf 0 50 cy-499 cy 7,000 sf-<3/4 acre 2,000 sf-4,999 sf Minor 500 cy -4,999 cy 3/4 ac-<1 ac 5,000 sf-<1 ac 1 5,000 cy-49,999 cy 1 ac-<2.5 ac 1 ac -<2.5 ac 2 50,000 cy-99,999 cy 2.5 ac-<5 ac 2.5 ac -<5 ac 3 100,000 cy and larger 5 ac and larger 5 ac and larger 4 b. The Minor Single Family Grade and Fill fees apply to work performed on one single family residential parcel of 6,999 sf or less only. Short Plats, Plats, and other proJects spannmg multiple parcels fall mto the other categories. (4) For applications that requ1re a public hearing before the city's Hearing Examiner, the proJect applicant 1s responsible for 100% of the Hearing Examiner's hourly fee and associated expenses. Payment m full shall be submitted to the City pnor to release of the Hearing Exammer's deciSIOn. This requirement shall not apply to appeal heanngs. (5) The applicant shall pay all document recording fees charged by King County and all admm1strat1ve fees charged by the t1tle company for process1ng. Payment in full shall be submitted to the City before documents are sent for recording. (6) Side sewer permit Inspection I Issuance Fee may be reduced by 50% if the work 1s an emergency repair only. New Installations, grease Interceptors, and similar work IS subJect to the full fee l1sted m the table. (7) Street Cut Permit Review and Inspection Fees may be reduced by 50% if the follow1ng cntena are met: a. The locat1on of the work IS behmd the curb and gutter (1f any), or outside the pavement surface (1f no curb and gutter exist), and b. The s1ze of the disturbed area IS 50 square feet or less, and c. The work 1s m front of a smgle fam1ly res1dent1al zoned parcel only, and d. There 1s no traffic control plan requ1red, and e. The work 1s not being done by a franchised utility company.