HomeMy WebLinkAbout1828Resolution No. 1828 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 1000 -Planning Department Passed -6/1/2010 Amend Plann1ng and Land Use Fees Amends Res. 1740 Amended by Res. 1831 Repealed by Res. 1851 I RESOLUTION NO. --L/....!>f'--.J::..:......:f":.....__ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, amending Resolution 1740 by establ1sh1ng a fee concern1ng the deferral of certam development m1t1gat1on fees. RECITALS A. The Kent City Council has established a number of fees by resolut1on rather than by ordmance so that the fees may be adJusted by counCil without amendmg the text of the Kent City Code. The City has adopted an ordmance allow1ng applicants to defer certain development m1t1gat1on fees through the use of a fee deferral l1en. An applicant wantmg to use such a l1en IS required to pay the c1ty's costs incurred to adm1n1ster the process. B. It is appropriate to amend Resolution No. 1740, Busmess License, Planning and Land Use, and Perm1t Inspection Fees, to mclude a fee for the City's costs of admin1stenng the fee deferral l1en process, and adopt th1s replacement resolut1on wh1ch establishes a new fee for the fee deferral l1en. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1 Amend Planning and Land Use Fees RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -ResolutiOn No. 1740. Plannmg and Land Use Appl1cat1on Fee Schedule and Fee Schedule Notes Amended -Exhibit E Superseded. The attached and rev1sed Exhibit A shall supersede 1n 1ts entirety Exhibit E to Resolution No. 1740. SECTION 2. -Savings. Resolution No. 1740 and the fees established by that resolution and 1ts applicable exhibits, wh1ch are amended by th1s resolution, shall remain 1n full force and effect unt1l the date the new fees are assessed and collected 1n accordance w1th th1s resolut1on. SECTION 3. -Severabtltty. If any sect1on, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of th1s resolution IS declared unconst1tut1onal or 1nval1d for any reason, such deciSIOn shall not affect the val1d1ty of the rema1n1ng port1ons of th1s resolution. SECTION 4. -Ratiftcation. Any act consistent w1th the authority and pnor to the effect1ve date of th1s resolution IS hereby rat1f1ed and affirmed. SECTION 5. -Correctwns by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code rev1ser are authonzed to make necessary corrections to th1s resolut1on, mcludmg the correct1on of clencal errors; references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations; or resolut1on numbenng and sect1on/subsect1on numbenng. SECTION 6. -Effective Date. Th1s resolution shall take effect and be in force 1mmed1ately upon 1ts passage. However, the new fee schedule 2 Amend Planning and Land Use Fees adopted by th1s resolut1on shall not take effect nor be assessed and collected unt1l the effect1ve date of Ordmance No. 39tO . PASSED at a regular open public meet1ng by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, th1s f? day Of~, 2010. ~ CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this / day of F-,2010. ATIEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: '6t;IM1-I?!u LeL TO BRUBAKER, CITY ATIORNEY ......... _ / -. -~-~ ... ----· ...... .:'"" ----.:...: ... - -. . •r~ ........ • ..: .,. :.. .:.. --_: ........ .. _ .... -· .. ,.,."" ........... · .- I hereby cert1fy that th1s is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. I ~J. f" passed by the City Counc1l of the City of Kent, Washington, the /ft day ~<'4·-' -, 2010. ~~rZ::;~~ BRENDA JACOB P ICIV111ResolutiOn;;befer~OIFee~).$esofi:t.tiQn docx ----... -- 3 Amend Planning and Land Use Fees Exhibit "A" City of Kent Plannmg and Land Use Fees Perm1t Application Type Fee Notes Accessory Dwellmg Un1t $54 (1) Appeal of Admm1strat1ve Interpretation I DeciSion $215 Appeal of SEPA Determmat1on $215 Appeal of Short Plat $215 Bmdmg S1te Plan $539 B1ndmg S1te Plan Modification $323 I $431 (2) Code Text Amendment $539 I $1,616 (12) (13) Combmmg D1stncts $1,616 (12) Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment $1,616 (12) Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment $1,616 (12) Cond1t1onal Use $2,154 (15) Downtown Des1gn Rev1ew $215 I $539 (3) (16) Fee Deferral Lien $202 (20) Lot Lme Ad] ustment $323 (4) Lot Lme Elimmat1on $108 (5) M1xed Use Des1gn Rev1ew $539 (16) MultJ-FamJiy Des1gn Rev1ew $539 + $lllumt (16) MultJ-FamJiy Dwellmg Tax Exemption -Conditional Appl1cat1on $150 + $25/umt (18) MultJ-FamJiy Dwellmg Tax Exemption -Fmal Appl1cat1on $150 (19) Mult1-Fam11y Tax Exemption Appeal -Conditional, Fmal, ExtensiOn $100 Mult•-Famtly Tax Exemptton Extenston of Condtttonal Certtflcate $100 Tentattve Planned Unit Development Plan $269 Planned Un1t Development Plan $2,693 + $50iuntt Planned Untt Development Plan Mod1f1catton $269 I $808 (6) Plat ModifJcatton/Aiteratton Mmor '14 of plat fee Minor/MaJor Major 'h of plat fee (17) Pre-Appl1cat1on Conference $269 Public Not1ce Board $108 (7) SEPA Checklist $269 I $754 (8) SEPA Modification $81 I $269 (9) SEPA Exempt Determmatton $215 SEPA Envtronmental Impact Statement $2,154 + depostt (10) Shoreline Conditional Use $1,292 (15) Shoreltne Exempt Determmatton $215 Shorelme Substanttal Development $1,077 Shorelme Vanance $808 (15) Short Plat (2-4 lots) $808 Short Plat (5-9 lots) -Tentative Plat $269 Short Plat (5-9 lots) -Preltmmary Plat $2,154 +$54/lot Permit Application Type Fee Notes Short Plat (5-9 lots) -Fmal Plat $1,616 + $22/lot S1gn Permit $162 SpeCial Home Occupation Permit $323 (15) SubdiVISIOn -Tentat1ve Plat $269 SubdiVISIOn -Preliminary Plat 53,770 + $54/lot SubdiVISIOn -Fmal Plat $2,154 + $22/lot Temporary Use $108 I $269 I $162 (11) Temporary S1gn $81 Vanance -Admm1strat1ve $323 Vanance -Single Family Dwellmg $323 (15) Vanance-Sign & Other than Single Fam1ly Dwellmg $2,154 (15) WTF Admm1strat1ve Perm1t $323 WTF Conditional Use $2,154 Zone Map Amendment (Rezone) $2,154 (12) Zomng Permit I Site Plan Rev1ew $27 I $54 I value (14a-14e) (16) Zonmg Determ1nat1on I Compliance Letter $54 (CONT.) City of Kent Planning and Land Use Fees CITY OF KENT PLANNING AND LAND USE FEE SCHEDULE NOTES (Effective October 21, 2004) (1) $54 fee is appltcable for an attached accessory dwelling unit, an intenor accessory dwelltng untt or for a detached accessory dwelltng untt tn a stngle-family restdenttal zone. The fee tncludes the cost of the Planntng Servtces Office recordtng of the accessory dwelltng untt covenant documents with Ktng County. An accessory ltvtng quarters in a commerc1al or industnal zone ts subJect to the appltcable constructton value-based fee. (2) Any changes to an approved, but unrecorded Btnding Stte Plan are subject to the $323 fee for a modtftcatton to a Btndtng Stte Plan. Any changes to a recorded Btnding Stte Plan are subject to the $431 fee for a modtftcation to a Btndtng Stte Plan. (3) The $215 fee ts applicable to mtnor alterattons and improvements. The $539 fee ts applicable to all new butldtngs, redevelopment, and maJor alterattons and Improvements. (4) Fee includes the cost of the Planning Services Office recording of the lot ltne revtston documents wtth King County. (5) The $108 fee 1s applicable to the el1mmat1on of lot lmes between two or more parcels 1n the same ownership. The fee 1ncludes the cost of the Plannmg Serv1ces Off1ce recordmg of the lot lme rev1s1on documents w1th Kmg County. All other types of lot lme adJustments, except for a lot lme el1mmat1on, are subJect to the lot l1ne adJustment fee schedule. (6) Any mmor change to an approved Planned Unit Development Plan IS subJect to the $269 fee for a mod1f1cat1on. Any maJor change to an approved Planned Un1t Development Plan IS subJect to the $808 fee for a mod1f1cat1on. (7) The Planning Manager has the authonty to change this fee as needed to cover City expenditures. (8) The $269 fee is applicable only to SEPA rev1ew of construction of one smgle fam1ly dwellmg on an md1v1dual parcel. All other SEPA checklist appl1cat1ons are subJect to the $754 fee. (9) The $81 fee is applicable only to mod1f1cat1ons to a SEPA determmat1on for one s1ngle fam1ly dwelling on an md1v1dual parcel. All other mod1f1cat1ons to a SEPA determ1nat1on are subJect to the $269 fee. (10) $2,154 fee plus a depos1t, equal to the est1mated cost of contract serv1ces necessary to complete the EIS process, must be submitted to the e~ty. (11) Temporary Use Permits 0-30 days ............................. $108 31-90 days ............................. $269 Extensions beyond 90 days ...... $162 (12) Application requ1res public hearings. If multiple permit applications wh1ch requ1re the same heanng procedure are subm1tted at the same t1me, the applicant Will be charged the full fee for the permit appl1cat1on w1th the highest fee and 50% of the established fee for each of the other perm1ts el1g1ble for a consolidated rev1ew and heanng. (13) The $539 fee is applicable to amendments to Smgle Family Res1dent1al zones only. Amendments to all other zon1ng d1stncts or sect1ons of the zon1ng code are subJeCt to the $1,616 fee. (14) a) The $27 fee IS applicable for M1nor Smgle Fam1ly Dwelling Construction on an ex1stmg dwellmg such as a deck, m1nor add1t1on of less than 25% of ex1st1ng floor area, 1ntenor remodel or accessory building of 500 square feet or less on the same lot as the ex1stmg dwellmg. b) The $54 fee IS applicable for Major Smgle Fam1ly Dwelling Construction on an ex1stmg dwelling such as maJor add1t1on of more than 25% of ex1stmg floor area or an accessory bu1ld1ng of more than 500 square feet on the same lot as the ex1st1ng dwell mg. c) All new smgle family dwelling construction in a residential zone 1s subJect to the followmg fee schedule: Development Serv1ces Construction Value $0 -$74,999 ................................... $54 $75,000-$124,999 ............................ $108 $125,000-$224,999 ........................ $215 Over $225,000 ................................. $323 d) All new buildings, tenant improvements, an accessory l1vmg quarters 1n a commercial or mdustnal zone and other construction and development act1v1ty, other than smgle fam1ly dwelling construction, IS subJect to the followmg fee schedule: Development Serv1ces Construction Value $0 -$99,999 ................................... $359 $100,000-$249,999 .......................... $718 $250,000-$499,999 ........................ $1,077 $500,000-$999,999 ........................ $1,436 $1,000,000-$4,999,999 .................. $2,154 $5,000,000-$10,000,000 ................. $2,872 Over $10,000,000' .......................... $3,590 e) The zonmg perm1t fee for those development proJects for wh1ch no bu1ldmg permit IS requ1red but wh1ch requ1res s1te plan rev1ew and a zonmg perm1t, shall be based on the value of the proposed development to be undertaken. The value of the proposed construction/ development shall be determined based on professional est1mates by a licensed eng1neer, arch1tect, landscape des1gner or contractor. These estimates may mclude, but are not l1m1ted to, grade and fill of the s1te, pavmg, placement of ut111t1es, l1ghtmg, landscaping, and other Site Improvements. The combmed total of the cost estimates for all development on the site shall be the established value bas1s for the zon1ng perm1t fee [as l1sted in 14c or 14d categones above as appropnate]. (15) Appl1cat1on requ1res a publ1c heanng before the Heanngs Exam1ner. If multiple perm1t appl1cat1ons wh1ch requ1re a HE dec1s1on are submitted at the same t1me, the applicant w1ll be charged the full fee for the perm1t appl1cat1on w1th the highest fee and 50% of the established fee for each of the other perm1ts el1g1ble for a consolidated rev1ew and heanng. (16) Appl1cat1on fees may be reduced by 75% if the appl1cat1on IS for a mixed-use building. Fee reduction appl1es to s1te plan rev1ewjzonmg perm1t, m1xed use des1gn rev1ew, mult1-fam1ly des1gn review and downtown des1gn rev1ew. Fee wa1vers do not apply to SEPA, short plat, subdiVISion or other perm1t requests associated w1th the development of a s1te, nor does fee reduct1on apply to m1xed use development where the commercial and res1dent1al uses are not located w1th1n the same bu1ld1ng (17) Plat alteration fees are determined after rev1ew whether the changes requested are mmor or maJor. A mmor change IS done adm1n1strat1ve and the fee 1s 0.27 the cost of the ong1nal prel1m1nary plat fee. A maJor change requ1res a public heanng or meet1ng and the fee 1s 0.54 the cost of the ong1nal prel1m1nary plat fee. A public not1ce board IS requ1red for a maJor alteration. (18) The maximum fee shall be $539. (19) These funds are distnbuted to the King County Assessor's Off1ce by the City. (20) A fee deferral lien may be used in association with building permits and water perm1ts assoc1ated with smgle fam1ly res1dent1al homes bu1lt for resale. Any fee deferral shall Include dramage system development fee, water system development fee, traffic m1t1gat1on payments and school Impact fees. P \Civ1I\Resolut1on \DeferraiOfFeesResol ut1on. docx