HomeMy WebLinkAbout1825Resolution No. 1825 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 961 -Growth Management Plan Passed-4/20/2010 Countywide Plannmg Policy-Ratify RESOLUTION NO. /? c:<. _s- A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, ratifying the K1ng County Countywide Plann1ng Pol1c1es adopted by the Metropolitan King County Council and approved under Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) Mot1ons No. 09-1 and 09-2 adopt1ng a work plan and schedule to address the pol1cy framework for allocation of reg1onal serv1ces and facil1t1es and updating existing pol1c1es and Table LU-1 to prov1de for hous1ng and employment targets for the penod 2006-2031. RECITALS A. The adoption of countywide planning pol1c1es IS requ1red under the State Growth Management Act (GMA), pursuant to RCW 36. 70A.210. The Countywide Plann1ng Pol1c1es (CPPs) prov1de a framework for Kent and other c1t1es 1n Kmg County to conduct planning under the requirements of GMA. Th1s framework ensures that c1ty and county comprehensive plans are cons1stent. On January 25, 2010, the Metropolitan King County Council approved and rat1f1ed amendments that had been approved by the Growth Management Plann1ng Council (GMPC) adopting a work plan and schedule to address the pol1cy framework for allocat1on of reg1onal serv1ces and fac1l1t1es and updating existing pol1c1es and Table LU-1 to prov1de for housing and employment targets for the penod 2006-2031. The 1 Countywide Planning Policy - Ratify amendments are now presented to JUrisdictions 1n King County for rat1f1cat1on. B. On January 25, 2010, the following GMPC mot1ons to amend the CPPs were approved and rat1f1ed by the full County Council: 1. GMPC Motion No. 09-1: adopts a work plan and schedule to address the pol1cy framework for allocation of reg1onal serv1ces and faci11t1es. 2. GMPC Mot1on No. 09-2: a. Updates ex1stmg polic1es to prov1de for housmg and employment targets for the penod 2006-2031; b. amends Table LU-1 related to growth targets. C. The County Council approved and rat1f1ed these amendments on behalf of Kmg County pursuant to Kmg County Ordmance No. 16747. The Kent Econom1c and Commun1ty Development Committee rev1ewed these amendments at 1ts meetmg on Apnl 12, 2010. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Amendment. The City of Kent, acting pursuant to the interlocal agreement among Kmg County, the City of Seattle, and Incorporated suburban c1t1es, hereby rat1f1es the proposed amendments to the Countywide Plannmg Pol1c1es as adopted by the Metropolitan Kmg County Council in Kmg County Ordmance No. 16747, attached and Incorporated hereto as Exhibit A. 2 Countywide Planning Policy - Ratify SECTION 2. -Public Insoect1on. The amendments to the Countyw1de Plann1ng Polic1es adopted herem shall be f1led w1th the City Clerk and placed 1n the econom1c and commun1ty development off1ce so they are available for inspect1on by the public. SECTION 3. -SeverabilitY. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of th1s resolution IS declared unconst1tut1onal or mval1d for any reason, such dec1s1on shall not affect the val1d1ty of the rema1n1ng port1ons of th1s resolution. SECTION 4. -Rat1ficat1on. Any act consistent with the authority and pnor to the effective date of th1s resolution IS hereby rat1f1ed and affirmed. SECTION 5. -Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code rev1ser are authonzed to make necessary corrections to th1s resolut1on, 1nclud1ng the correct1on of clencal errors; references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations; or resolution numbenng and sect1onjsubsect1on numbenng. SECTION 6. -Effective Date. Th1s resolution shall take effect immediately upon 1ts passge. PASSED at a regular open publ1c meeting rJ-.- City of Kent, Washmgton, th1s dO day of by the City Council of the ~ ,2010. CONCURRED In by the Mayor of the City of Kent th1s ,;?o~ay of /tpetl 12010. tywide Planning Policy - Ratify SUZETIE COOKE, MAYOR ATIEST: / -/ ---- ' ---. . ~ . -. - APPROVED AS TO FORM: ... --. .:._ ....... .: .:....._ ... / .... . .. / -.: ..... .. .. ~......... ~ I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. / f~6 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the d.o ilL.-day of ~ 1 2010. ----···-, .. · -.: ; .... ·:~ .. ~ --.... : .... ----:----_ .... _ -.' .... ----- ~ CLERK 4 Countywide Planning Policy - Ratify 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 i 17 J I 18 I J \ 19 li KING COUNTY Signature Report l200 1\.mg Count) Courthou:;c: 5 I 6 I htrd /\\'t:nue Seallle, \\A 98 I 0~ King County January 25, 2010 Ordinance 16747 Proposed No. 2009-064l.l Sponsors Hague and Philhps AN ORDINANCE adopting amendments to the Countyv.·Ide Planning Policies; adoptmg a work plan and schedule to address policies related to allocation of regional services, and adopting ne"" housing and employment grovvth targets, and ratifying the amended Countywide Planning Policies for unincorporated King County; and amendmg Ordmance l 0450, Section 3, as amended and K.C.C. 20.10 030 and Ordinance !0450, Section 4, as amended, and K.C.C 20 I 0.040. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF KING COlTNTY SECTION 1. Findings: A. The metropolitan King County council adopted and ratified the Growth Management Planning Council recommended King County 2012 -County\\ Ide Planning Policies (Phase I) m July 1992, under Ordinance I 04 50. B. The metropolitan King County council adopted and ratified the Phase II amendments to the Countywide Planning Pohc1es on,August 15, !994, under Ordmance I 1446. C. The Grow1h Management Planning Counci!'met on October 28, 2009 and voted to recommend amendments to the King County Countywide Planning Policies, 1 Ordmance 16747 20 adopting Motion 09-1 approvmg a work plan and schedule to address the policy 21 framev.ork for allocation of regional services and facilities as shown in Attachment A to 22 this ordinance ani adoptmg Motwn 09-2 amending Table LU-I of the County\V1de 23 Planning Pohc1es and approvmg related policy amendments as sho\vn on Attachment B 24 to this ordinance. 25 SECTfON 2. Ordinance 10450, Section 3, as amended. and K C. C. 20.10.030 are 26 each hereby amended to read as follows: 27 A The Phase II Amendments to the Kmg County 2012 County\\ Ide Planning 28 Policies attached to Ordinance 11446 are hereby approved and adopted. 29 B. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Count]\\lde Planning 30 Polic1es are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 12027. 31 C. The Phase II Amendments to the Kmg County 2012-Count) \\ide Planning 32 Policies are amended. as shovvn by Attachment I to Ordinance 12421 33 D The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countyvv1de Planmng 34 Policres are amended, as sho\.\n by Attachments 1 and 2 to Ordinance 13260 35 E. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Count}\\lde Plannmg 36 Policres are amended, as shown by Attachments 1 through 4 to Ordmance 13415. 37 F. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Plannmg 38 Policies are amended, as sho'Wn by Attachments 1 through 3 to Ordinance 13858 39 G. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning 40 Pohcies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14390 41 H. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Plannmg 42 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14391. 2 Ordmance 16747 43 I. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Count) wide Planning 44 Polictes are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14392. 45 J. The Phase II Amendments to the Kmg County 2012-Countywide Planning 46 Pohcies are amended. as shovvn by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14652 47 K. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-County'Mde Plannmg 48 Po!tcies are amended. as shown by Attachments 1 through 3 to Ordmance 14653. 49 L. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countyvvide Planning 50 Pohcies are amended. as sho\\ n by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14654 51 M. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning 52 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment l to Ordinance 14655. 53 N. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywtde Planning 54 Policies are amended. as shown by Attachments 1 and 2 to Ordinance 14656. 55 0. The Phase II amendments to the King County 2012-Count~ wide Planmng 56 Pohctes are amended, as shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 14844 57 P. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-County\\tde Planning 58 Policies are amended as shown by Attachments A, B and C to Ordinance J 5121. 59 Q. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywtde Plannmg ' 60 I Po hctes are amended, as shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 15122. I 61 I I 62 R. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 15 J 23. I 63 I S. Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning I 64 II Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments A and B to Ordmance 15426 I 3 Ordinance 16747 65 T. Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywtde Plannmg 66 Policies ate amended, as shown by Attachments A, B, and C to Ordinance 15709. 67 U. Phase II Amendments to the King County 20.12-County·vide Planning 68 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 16056. 69 V. Phase U Amendments to the Kmg County 2012 -County\\ ide Planning 70 Pohctes are amended. as shown by Attachments A, B, C, D, E, F and G to Otdmance 71 16151. 72 W. Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning 73 Policies are amended as shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 16334, and those items 7 4 numbered 1 though 11, 1 3 and 15 as shown on Attachment B to Ordinance I 63 34. ate 75 hereby ratified on behalf of the populatiOn of unincorporated King County. Those 1tems 76 numbered 12 and 14, shown as struck-through on Attachment B to Ordinance 16334. are 77 not ratified. 78 X Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Plannmg 79 Policies are amended as shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 16335 80 Y. Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-County\\;tde Planning 81 Polictes are amended as shown by Attachment A to Ordmance 16336 82 Z. Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning 83 Polictes are amended. as shown by Attachments A and B to this ordinance. 84 SECTION 3. Ordinance 10450, SectiOn 4, as amended, and K C. C. 20 I 0.040 are 85 each hereby amendd to read as follows.· 86 A. Countywide Plannmg Pohcies adopted by Ordinance 10450 for the purposes 87 specified are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County. 4 Ord1nance 16747 88 B. The amendments to the Countywide Planning Polictes adopted by Ordinance 89 I 0 840 are hereby ratJt!ed on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County 90 C. The amendments to the Count; wtde Plannmg Policies adopted by Ordmance 91 11061 are hereby rattt!ed on behalf of the population of unmcorporated King Count; 92 D. The Phase II amendments to the King County 2012 Countywtde Planning 93 Poltctes adopted by Ordmance 11446 are hereby ratified on behalf of the populatJOn of 94 unmcorporated King County. 95 E. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies. as 96 shovm by Attachment I to Ordinance 12027 are hereby rattfied on behalf of the 97 populatiOn ofumncorporated King County. 98 F. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywtde Planning Policies. as 99 shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 12421, are hereb; ratified on behalfofthe 100 populatiOn ofunmcorporated Kmg County 101 G. The amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning Policies. as 102 shov.n by Attachments 1 and 2 to Ordinance 13260, are hereby rattfiedon behalfofthe 103 population of unincorporated King County. 104 H The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planmng Policies, as 105 shown by Attachment I through 4 to Ordmance 13415, are hereby ratified on behalf of 106 the population of u-nincorporated King County. 107 I The amendments to the Kmg County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, as 108 shown by Attachments I through 3 to Ordinance 13858, are hereby ratified on behalf of 109 the population of unincorporated King County. 5 Ordinance 16747 110 J. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, as 111 shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14390, are hereby ratified on behalfofthe 112 populatJc:J. of unincorporated King County. 113 K. The amendments to the Kmg County 2012-Count)'\' ide Plaruung PoliCies, as 114 shown by Attachment 1 to Ordmance 14391, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 115 populatwn of unincorporated Kmg County. 116 L. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Plannmg Policies, as 117 shov. n by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14 3 92, are hereby rat1fied on behalf of the 118 population of unincorporated Kmg County. 119 M. The amendments to the Kmg County 2012-Countywide Planning Pohc1es. as 120 shO\vn by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14652, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 121 population of unincorporated King County. 122 N. The amendments to the King County 2012 -Countyv. ide Plaru1m.g Policies, as 123 shown by Attachments 1 through 3 to Ordinance 14653, are hereby ratified on behalf of 124 the populatiOn of unincorporated Kmg County. 125 0. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, as 126 shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14654, are hereby ratified on behalf ofthe 127 population of unincorporated King County 128 P. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Plannmg Policies, as 129 shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14655, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 130 population of unincorporated King County. 6 Ordmance 16747 131 Q. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Plannmg Polictes. as 132 shown by Attachments l and 2 to Ordmance 14656, are hereby rattfied on behalf of the 133 populatiOn ofumncorporated Kmg County. 134 R. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywtde Planmng Poltcies, as 135 shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 14844, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 136 population of unincorporated King County 137 S. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planmng Po!tcies. as 138 shown by Attachments A, B and C to Ordinance 15121, ate hereby ratified on behalf of 139 the population ofw1incorporated King County. 140 T. The amendments to the Kmg County 2012-Count)'\vide Planning Policies. as 141 shO\\ n by Attachment A to Ordinance 15122, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 142 populatiOn of unincorporated King County. 143 U. The amendments to the Kmg County 2012-Count)'wtde Planmng Pohctes. as 144 shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 15123, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 145 populatiOn of unincorporated Kmg County. 146 V. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywtde Plannmg Po!tctes. as 147 shown by Attachments A and B to Ordmance 15426. are hereby rattfied on behalf of the 148 populatwn of unincorporated Kmg County. 149 W. The amendments to the Kmg County 2012-Countywide Planning PoliCJes. 150 as shown by Attachments A, B, and C to Ordinance 15709, are hereby ratified on behalf 151 of the population ofunincorporated Kmg County. 7 Ordmance 16747 152 X. The amendments to the King County 2012-County"" ide Planning Pohcies, as 153 shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 16056 are hereby ratified on behalf of the 154 population of unincorporated King County 155 Y. The amendments to the Kmg County 2012-Countyvv1de Planmng Policies. as 156 shov.n by Attachments A. B. C, D, E, F and G to Ordinance 16151, are hereb) ratified on 157 behalf of the populatiOn of unincorporated King County. 158 Z. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countyvvide Planning Policies. as 159 shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 16334, and those items numbe1ed I through 11. 13 160 and 15, as shown in Attachment B to Ordinance 16334, are hereby ratified on behalf of 161 the population of unincorporated King County. Those ltems numbered 12 and 14. shown 162 as struck-through on Attachment B to Ordinance 16334, are not ratilied. 163 AA. The amendments to the King County 2012 -Countyv\ 1de Planning Polices, 164 as shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 16335 are hereby rat1fied on behalfofthe 165 population of unincorporated King County 166 BB The amendment to the King County 2012 -Countyvvide Plannmg Policies. 167 as shown by Attachment A of Ordinance 16336, is hereby ratified on behalf of the 168 population of unincorporated Kmg County AdditiOnally. by Ordmance 16336, an 169 amendment to the Interim Potential Annexation Area Map to include any additional 170 unincorporated urban land created by the Urban Grov,;th Area (UGA) amendment in the 171 Potential Annexation Area of the city of Black Diamond IS hereby ratified on behalf of 172 the population ofunincorponted King County, 8 Ordtnance 16747 173 CC. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countvwide Planning Polictes. 174 as shown by Attachments A and B to this ordinance are hereby ratified on behalf of the 175 population ofumncorporated Kmg County Ordmancc 16747 was introduced on 11/23/2009 and passed by the Metropolitan Kmg County Council on 1125/2010, by the following vote Yes: 8-Ms. D1ago. Mr Phillips, Mr. von Retchbauer. Ms. Hague, Ms. Patterson, Ms. Lambert, Mr Ferguson and Mr Dunn No: 0 Excused: 1 -Mr. Gossett ATTEST: Anne Noris, Clerk of the Council KING COUNTY COUNCIL KING COUNTY, \II ASHJNGTON APPROVED thts q-P' day of fdJru6 f't . .aQli) Dow Constantme County Executive Attachments. A. Matton 09-1 B. Matton 09-2 9 -r .r.. .. ) r> -, (-: ~-., "I• -··: -...:: -·) .5. ,-, u c ::z: ,..., ~ = = ...., f'l •:0 I Ul -o ::&: -~ 0 c...n .. # .... ' r-:~1 ,----. .... ' r~ I --- ' --· 2 3 10/28/09 lth/pr 16747 Sponsored By: 4 MOTION NO. 09-1 2009-0641 Attachment A Executive Committee 5 A MOTION to adopt a work plan and schedule to address the 6 policy framework for allocatwn of regwnal services and facilities. 7 8 WHEREAS, the Growth Management Planning Council has directed staff to develop 9 recommendations for a major update of the Countywide Planning Policies in 2010 to bring 10 those policies mto consistency wtth Vision 2040. II 12 WHEREAS, the Growth Management Plannmg Council has developed proposed growth I 3 targets for housing and employment, that implement the Regional Growth Strategy 14 contamed in VisiOn 2040 while providing 20-year targets for cities to use m the next round 15 of GMA comprehensive plan updates. 16 17 WHEREAS, since the Countywide Planning Policies were first adopted in 1992, I 8 significant amounts of growth have occurred mside the urban growth area, within cities and 19 unincorporated King County, and particularly inside Cities with designated urban centers, 20 where pending growth targets would dtrect even greater amounts of growth . 21 22 BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLANNING COUNCIL OF 23 KING COUNTY HEREBY MOVES AS FOLLOWS: 24 25 Direct staff to pursue a work plan for phase I of an update of the Countywide Planning 26 Policies. 27 28 Goal of Work Program: 29 The GMPC will update the Countywide Planning Pohcies to ensure consistency with the 30 Multi-County Planning Policies contamed WJthm VIsion 2040, to ensure consistency with 31 the State Grov.ih Management Act, to reflect current termmology and relevant references, 32 and to estabhsh the policy framework for advancing the Regional Growth Strategy through 33 prioritized allocation of regwnal services and facilities. Phase One of the work plan is 34 focused on estabhshing one or more Framework policies that will advance the Regional 35 Growth Strategy through pnoritized allocatiOn of regional services and facilities, whtle 36 continuir.g to serve all communities m Kmg County 37 38 39 I I 'I I I \ I I l I I I I i' il I j I 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 2009-0641 Attachment A Context: With the adoption of the new growth targets, King County is facing an increased amount of growth countywide and a pattern of growth that concentrates housmg and employment m cities w!th Urban Centers. Communtties throughout the county recogmze that thetr ability to accommodate growth depends on adequate provisiOn of servtces and factlittes Further, a number of ctttes are concerned that the existing provtsion of servtces and facilities are madequate to meet current needs. The first pnonty in developing the work program will be to define the regwnal services and fact lines that are necessary to support growth. Direct staff to develop options for new CPP policy language that will prionttze regwnal servtee dell very in ways that promote the regtonal growth strategy In developmg that policy, staff should address these tssues accordmg to the schedule shown below: • Define what constltutes the "regional servtces" affected by this poltcy; • Identify the existmg poltcy basis for delivering regwnal serv1ces, • Draft new pohcy optwns that address reg10nal service delivery for GMPC consideration by the end of the first quarter of2010. S h d I fi fi h k d c e u e or urt er wor on propose po tcy optwns: Task Due Date Define regtonal services and facilities that are tied to growth 4'0 Qtr, 2009 Identify existing policy basis for future delivery of services and 4tll Qtr, 2009 facilities Draft policy options for guidance on delivering regional services March 1, 2010 and facilittes Present policy options to GMPC for ftrst reading and discussion End of 1 51 Qtr, 2010 Revise policy options as directed by GMPC Mid-April, 2010 Approval of policy amendment{s) and direction of next steps by Late Apnl, 20 lO GMPC 58 Adopted by the Growth Management Plannmg Counctl ofKmg County on October 28, 59 2009 in open session, and stgned by the chair of the GMPC 60 61 62 63 64 r--------------------------------... 16747 2009-0641 Attachment B 10/28/09 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 /pr Sponsored By: Executive Committee MOTION NO. 09-2 A MOTION by the Growth Management Planning Council of Kmg County recommending the amendment of the Countyw1de Planmng Policies updatmg existing pohcies to prov1de for housing and employment targets for the period 2006-2031. Th1s motion also amends Table LU-1 of the Countywide Plannmg Pohcies by replacmg the ex1stmg Household and Employment Growth Targets for the 2001-2022 penod Wlth new Housing and Employment Growth Targets for the 2006-2031 period 13 WHEREAS, in accordance with the Growth Management Act (GMA), the 2002 14 Countywide Plarmmg Policies established household and employment targets for each city 15 and for King County through 2022; and 16 17 WHEREAS, the 2002 targets need to be updated to reflect projected growth through 2031 18 in accordance Wlth the GMA (RCW 36 70A 110); and 19 20 WHEREAS, Countywide Planning Policy FW-3 states that the adopted household and 21 employment targets shall be monitored by Kmg County annually with adjustments made by 22 the Growth Management Plarming Counc1l utlhzing the process established in FW -1, Step 23 6, and 24 25 WHEREAS since June, 2008 staff from King County and the cities in King County have 26 worked cooperatively to analyze and recommend new 20-year housing and employment 27 targets; and 28 29 WHEREAS the Growth Management Planning Council met and discussed the updates of 30 the housmg and employment growth targets for the period 2006-2031, with opportunity for 31 pubhc comment on Apnl 15, 2009, July 15, 2009 and September 16, 20U9. 32 ,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 I 43 44 45 46 t 47 I 48 II 49 I I 50 l 51 h 52 I 53 ! 54 55 I 56 ,, 57 ', 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 2009-0641 Attachment B BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLANNING COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY HEREBY MOVES TO AMEND THE POLICIES, TEXT, AND TABLE LU-I OF THE COUNTYWIDE PLANNING POLICIES AS FOLLOWS. C. Urban Areas The followrng policies establish an Urban Growth Area (UGA), determine the amount of hauseheM housrng and employment growth to be accommodated wlthrn the UGA in the form of targets for eachjunsd1ctwn, and 1dentify methods to phase development w1thrn thrs area m order to bring certarnty to long-term planmng and development w1thin the County All cztzes are mc/uded m the UGA, with the c!lzes in the Rural Area zdentified as Islands of urban growth The UGA IS a permanent deszgnation. Land outstde the UGA is deszgnated for permanent rural and resource uses Countywzde Polzcies on Rural and Resource Areas are found in Chapter IliA, Resource Lands, and Chapter !JIB, Rural Areas In accordance with the State Growth Management Act (GMA) (.RCW 36 70A.IJO), the State Office of Fmancial Management (OFM) provzdes a population projection to each county The county, through a collaboratrve mtergovernmental process established by the Growth Management Planning Counczl, allocates the population as growth targets to rndivzdual JUrisdictions. Forecasts prepared by the Puget Sound Regwnal Councrl are used to establish the county employment proJection. The process for allocating growth targets in King County is a collaborative exercise mvolving rnput (rom the county and c1tres The allocatwns determined through thrs process are to be guzded by exrstmg relevant policies at the revonal. countywide. and local levels and are to take into account best ava!lable data on (actors influencrng fUture growth m the region as felJaws I The PSRC emple]>mel~t J~."Ceests tN'e ealerJaterif~r #he JfJur geegFtiphie sub£1Feas efihe UGA (See ShBFe, &uih, Erut, emlRHF£11 CiNes). These then beeeme subarea employme11t ttlrgets. 2 Thejurisdietwi'IS ea!ket-i';ely· alloeete the OFAfpepu!Citienp&jeetien 1<7 thefoHF suh11rees h11serien thep1'6]eetedempleymentfar eaeh area A small emeunl ef papulatwn growth is ess!imeri te eeeur U'l the RuFal tl1'Ca 3. The teehmcalsttfjftrtmS!atf!s the papuitlttal~ prajeetzoi'IS int-e prejeetf!d he~tSeheltis, t£Jku1g mte £1eeaunt fiijjCrent average heuseheiri Sli'ies wzthi!~ e11eh sub11rea These pra_]eetzens then beeeme subarea heusehel-d tffl'gels 4. Jwistiietie1w within etwh subarea negatiate the distributien r:rfsubtUee heuseheld (fflri empleJ>•ment targets uszng BFiteria beseri on Ceuntywirie P!£Jnning Pelzczes The housing and employment capacrty rn the UGA, based on adopted plans and regulations, should accommodate the projected 20-year growth Growth IS to be accommodated withm permanent Urban Areas by mcreasmg densities, as needed Phasmg should occur wzthrn the UGA, as necessary, to ensure that services are prowded as growth occurs. -------------------------------------------- 2009-0641 Attachment B 77 FW-11 The land use pattern for Kmg County shall protect the natural environment by 78 reducing the consumptwn ofland and concentrating development An Urban 79 Growth Area, Rural Areas, and resource lands shall be destgnated and the &0 necessary implementing regulat10ns adopted. Th1s mcludes Countywide estab- 81 lishment of a boundary for the Urban Growth Area Local junsd1ctwns shall 82 make land use decisions based on the Countywide Planmng Policies 83 84 FW-12 The Urban Growth Area shall provide enough land to accommodate future urban 85 development Polic1es to phase the provision of urban servtces and to ensure 86 efficient use of the growth capacity withm the Urban Growth Area shall be 87 mstJ.tuted. 88 89 FW -12(a) All jurisdictions within King County share the responsibility to accommodate the 90 20-year populatiOn projection and~ employment forecast. The populatiOn 91 projeetion shall !Je OSSigned to the four sllilareas of King County (Sea Shore, eO:St, 92 South and the Rural Cities) proportiOnate with the shore of proJeeted employmeltt 93 grow+.h. Anticipated growth shall be allocated pursuant to the followmg 94 objectives: 95 a. To plan for a pattern of growth that is guided by the Regional Growth 96 Strategy contamed in Vision 2040. the growth management, transportatiOn, 97 and economic development plan for the 4-county central Puget Sound region: 98 b To ensure effictent use of land wtthin the UGA by directing growth to Urban 99 Centers and Activity Centers, 100 c. To hmtt development in the Rural Areas; 101 d. To protect designated resource lands, 102 e. To ensure efficient use of infrastructure, 103 f. To improve the jobs/housing balance wtthin the county on a subarea lo!asis; 104 g. To promote a land use pattern that can be served by public transportation and 105 other alternatives to the single occupancy vehicle; and I 06 h. To provide sufficient opportunities for growth within the junsd1ctions. 107 108 FW-12(b) The growth targets established pursuant to the methodology descnbed in LU-25c 109 and LU-25d shall be supported by both regional and local transportatton 110 investments. The availability of an adequate transportation system is cntically Ill important to accommodating growth. The regional responstbtltty shall be met by 112 plannmg for and delivenng county, state, and federalmvestments that support the 113 growth targets and the land use pattern of the County. This includes mvestments 1 14 in transit, state highways m key regional transportation corridors, and m improved 115 access to the designated Urban Centers. The local responsibility shall be met by 116 local transportatiOn system investments that support the achievement of the 117 targets. 118 FW-lZ(c) Ensuring suffictent water supply is essential to accommodate growth and 119 conserve fish habitat. Due to the substantial lead-time required to develop water 120 supply sources, infrastructure and management strategies, long-term water supply 121 planning efforts in the Region must be ongomg. 122 1.----------------------------------------------------~ I I I ( r ' I 1\ l I I I) I l I l I .\ I I 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 !54 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 2009-0641 Attachment B I . Urban Growth Area The Growth Management Act requires King County to designate an Urban Growth Area zn consultatiOn wzth crties The Countywide Planmng Policies must establzsh an Urban Growth Area that contams enough urban land to accommodate at least 20 years of new populatzon and employment growth. The Growth Management Act states "based upon the population forecast made for the County by the Office of Financial Management, the Urban Growth Areas in the County shall mclude areas and densztzes sufficzent to permit urban growth that rs proJected to occur m the County for the succeeding 20-year penod. Each Urban Growth Area shall permzt urban densztres and shall znclude greenbelt and open space areas." An Urban Growth Area map rs attached as Appendix 1, which gwdes the adoption of the 1994 Metropolitan King County Comprehenszve Plan LU-25a Each jurisdiction shall plan for and accommodate the hot~seho!d housing and employment targets estabhshed pursuant to LU-25c and LU-25d. Tills obligation includes: a. Ensuring adequate zoning capacity; and b. Planning for and de1ivenng water, sewer, transportation and other infrastructure, in concert with federal and state mvestments and recognizing where applicable special purpose districts; and c Accommodating increases in hottsehold housing and employment targets as annexations occur. The targets Will be used to plan for and to accommodate growth within each JUnsdJctton. The targets do not obhgate a junsd1ctton to guarantee that a given number of housing units will be built or JObs added dunng the plannmg penod. LU-25b Growth targets for each Potential Annexatwn Area shall be set as a proportional share of the overall Urban Unincorporated Area target commensurate With the PAA's share of total Unincorporated Urban Area housing and employment capacity determined m the most recent Buildable Lands Report. As annexations or incorporations occur, growth targets shall be adjusted. Household Housing and employment targets for each jurisdiction's potential armexation area, as adopted in Table LU-1, shall be transferred to the annexing jurisdiction or newly mcorporated city as follows: a. King County and the respective city Will determine new housing househelEI and employment targets for areas under consideration for annexatwn prior to the submtttal of the annexation proposal to the King County Boundary Review Board, b. A city's fiottsefiold housing and employment targets shall be increased by a share of the target for the potential annexation area proportionate to the share of the potential annexation area's development capacity located within the area annexed In the case of incorporatwn, an equivalent formula shall be used to establish household housing and employment targets for the new city. 2009-0641 Attachment B 168 Each city w1ll determine how and where within their corporate boundaries to 169 accommodate target mcreases; 170 c. The County's unincorporated Urban areas targets shall be correspondingly 171 decreased to ensure that overall target levels m the county remam the same; 172 d The household housing and employment targets in Table LU-1 Will be 173 updated penodically to reflect changes due to annexations or incorporatiOns. 17 4 These target updates do not require adoptwn by the Growth Management 175 Planning Council. 176 177 LU -25c The target objectives identified in FW-12a shall be realized through the following 178 methodology for allocating housmg lisHsehold targets· 179 t 80 a Determme the additional population that must be accommodated countywide 181 by ealeHiatu'lg the drffereaee bet\veea the fftsst reeern CeHsus csurn and the 182 State Office sffiaaneial Maaageffteat pspulatwn prsjeetion for the end of 183 during the twenty year plannmg penod based on the range of population 184 pro1ectwns made bv the State Office of Fmancial Management for the county 185 and 4-county central Puget Sound region and guided by the Regional Growth 186 Strategy contained in Vis10n 2040, 187 b. Subtraet a pereeatage from tfiat HHffl:!Jer to represeltt the amolffit ofgrovA:h 188 that is ess~:~fftea to oeeur ill the tmineofPeratea RHral , \rea; 189 b. Assign proportions of the BFbatt countvw1de population growth to each of six 190 Regwnal Geographies as defined by Vision 2040 to include Metropolitan !9! Crties, Core C1t1es, Larger Cities, Small C1tJes, Unincorporated Urban I 92 Growth Areas, and Rural and Natural Resource Lands the fuur s~:~!Jareas (Sea 193 Shere, South, east, aad Rural CttJes) based OR fue proportion offutl:lre 194 ernp!o}'ffteat gmwili forecasted for each of those subareas by the Puget Souad 195 Regional CoHncil, 196 c_ Allocate population growth to each Regional Geography as guided by Vision 197 2040 and also taking into account additional factors; 198 d. Assume that a small amount of population growth, approximately 3% to 4% 199 of the countywide total, will occur in the Rural area; 200 e. Convert the estimated projected population for each s~:~bareeUrban Regional 201 Geography to an estimated number of aeliseholds housing units needed, 202 using projected average household s1zes, group quarters population, and 203 vacancy rates ili:at refleet the '• ariatwn Gffloflg those slibarea;:; ebserYed IH tlie 204 ffiOst reeeat Cens\:!5, 205 f. Allocate a he1:!5effi>ld housing target to mdividual Jurlsdictions, within each 206 sHbarea Regional Geography, based on FW-12a and considering the 207 following factors· 208 L the availabihty of water and the capacity of the sewer system; 209 2. the remaining portions of previously adopted hcusehold targets; 210 3. the presence of urban centers and activity areas within each jurisdiction; 2 I 1 4_ the availability of zoned development capacity in each jurisdiction; and 212 5. the apparent market trends for housing in the area_ 213 f. Jurisdictions shall plan for housing aeHsehold targets as adopted in Table LU- 214 1; and \ I I \ t f r [ I I i J I ( t I 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 2009-0641 Attachment 8 g. Monitoring should follow the process described in policy FW-1. A portzon of the urban employment growth w1ll occur m Act1v1ty Areas and neighborhoods in the Urban Area Th1s employment growth will support the Urban Centers, while balancmg local employment opportumties m the Urban Area LU-25d The target objectives identified in FW-12a shall be realized through the following methodology for allocating employment targets: a. Determme the number of jobs that must be accommodated in eaeh ofthe four subareas ofKmg County (Sea Shore, 8outh, East, aad the Rt~ral Cities) IR aecordaRce with the most reeeRt P8RC JOb estimates 8fld forecasts for during the 20-year plannmg penod based on the most recent forecast of employment growth produced by the Puget Sound Regional Council for the four-county central Puget Sound region, and guided by the Regional Growth Strategy contained in Vision 2040. To aecooot for ooeertainty in the employment foreeasts, establish a range of new jobs that mlist be aeeommodated in each slibarea. URiess ellceptional eireiDR:stimees dictate, the fBflge shotild be 5% on either stde of the P8RC forecast. b. Assign proport1ons of the countyw1de employment growth to each of six Regional Geographies as defined by Vision 2040 to mclude Metropolitan Cttles, Core Cities, Larger Ctties, Small Cities, Unincorporated Urban Growth Areas, and Rural and Natural Resource Lands; c. Allocate employment growth to each Reg10nal Geography as guided bv Vision 2040 and also takmg into account addttional factors; d. Assume that a small amount of employment growth, less than 1% of the countywtde totaL will occur in the Rural area; e. Allocate an employment target to indivtdual Jurisdictions, within each Urban Regional Geography, based on FW-12a and considenng the following factors: b. For eaeb: subarea; determine the poiRt within the range upon ·;,<hieh jllfiSeiet!OnS •.vithin the Sliearea will ease tfteir targets aRd al!oeate employment grewtb: targets to iRdiYidual jurisdietions based oR eonsideratwn ofthe follo• ... ~Rg: 1. the PSRC small area forecasts; 2. the presence of urban centers, manufacturing/industrial centers, and activity areas within each jurisdiction; 3. the availability of zoned commercial and industrial development capacity in each Jurisdiction and; 4. the access to transit, as well as to existing highways and arterials. c. Jurisdictions shall plan for employment targets as adopted m Table LU-I. 260 262 264 266 268 270 2009-{)641 Attachment B ~:~r.~~:~r;~~~rK7l!~~t~~if;r~;1tmt~t~~;~m~7-{~~~~*{i~~~:~[ -~T=!.~?K:: Reg~naiGeography Housing PAA Hous119 frr4>~yment PAA fn1>10yrrent C1ty I Subarea ~rget Target Target Target Net New Units Net New Urn13 Net New Jobs Net New Jobs Metropoitan Otles eetlevue 17,000 290 53,000 Seattle 86,000 146,700 Subtotal 103,000 199r700 Core Obes At.OOm 9,620 19,350 - Bothell 3,000 810 4,800 200 lmen 3,900 4,600 Federal Way 8,100 2,390 12,300 290 Kent 7,800 1,560 13,200 290 Kirkland 7,200 1,370 20,200 650 Redmood 10,200 640 23,000 Renton 14,835 3,895 29,000 470 SeaTac 5,800 25,300 Tukw1la 4,800 50 15,500 2,050 Subtmt 75,255 167,250 Largll!!r cties Des Momes 3,000 5,000 Issaquah 5,750 290 20,000 J<enmore 3,500 3,000 Maple Valley*• 1,800 1,060 2,000 Mercer Island 2,000 1,000 Sammam1sh 4,000 350 !,BOO Shore tine 5,000 5,000 Woo<i!NIIIe 3,000 5,000 Subtotal 28,050 42,800 Sn&l CltJes Algona 190 210 Beaux: Arts 3 3 Black aaroond 1,900 1,050 Carnatlon 330 370 Clyde Hll 10 (O\IIngton 1,470 1,320 DINa II 1,140 840 Enumclaw l,425 735 Hunts Point 1 - Lakl! Forest Park 475 210 Me<ina 19 . Mdton 50 90 160 Newcastle 1,200 735 r.brmandy Park: 120 65 Nortn Bend 665 1,050 Pacf/C 285 135 370 Sl<ykorrnsh 10 . Snoqualmie 1,615 1,050 Yarrow Point 14 . Subtotal 10,922 8,168 1.1-ban U.O.Corporated Potenttal Annex:at:Jon Areas 12,930 3,950 Nor1h H\1lllne 1,360 2,530 Bear Creek lPD 910 3,580 Unda•med Urban UmrlCO(porated 650 90 SUbtotal 15.3SG 10,150 l<ing County tlil. Total 233,on 428,068 ------~ ---------------~-------___ :_ -----------•-----___ __J _______ -- ~-!~~!S-~~~~.,:s 2~ .f!!!!l?t:f tar~~ have ~en -~~ed to !~~~ne)(atJo~_!l_!~ ~~--J ____ •• Target ror Maple VaHey PAA conbngent on approval of cty-coooty Joint plan for S1n1m1t Place I t \ I, l I .'f I r l I I I t \ I I I r ' I I r f 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 2009-0641 Attachment B ADOPTED by the Growth Management Plannmg Council of King County on October 28, 2009 in open sessiOn, and signed by the chair of the GMPC.