HomeMy WebLinkAbout1813Resolution No. 1813 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 164-Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan Passed -8/18/2009 2010-2015 Stx-Year Transportation Improvement Program RESOLUTION NO. I g i3 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, adopt1ng the 2010 through 2015 S1x-Year Transportation Improvement Program. RECITALS A. After proper notice, the City Counc1l of the City of Kent held a public heanng at the regular meeting of the City Council at 7:00 p.m. on August 18, 2009 to cons1der public testimony on the City's proposed 2010 through 2015 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. B. Having considered public testimony to the plan, the Council would like to adopt the 2010 through 2015 S1x-Year Transportation Improvement Program. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Adoption. The 2010 through 2015 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program, set forth m Exh1b1t "A," which IS attached and filed with the City Clerk, IS hereby adopted. 1 2010-2015 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, th1s I~~ day of ~ , 2009. tJV CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent th1s / f day of ~ ,2009. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~7k\\eL TOM BRUBAKER, CI1Y ATTORNEY I hereby certify that th1s is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /??I 3 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 13-tlv day of a~ , 2009. 2 2010-2015 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Mayor Suzette Cooke Larry R. Blanchard, Director of Public Works 2010-2015 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2010-2015 Table of Contents Page(s) 1. Resolution adoptmg the 2010-2015 Six Year TIP ............................... i-ii 2 l t d t . . .. n ro uc 10n ................................................................................ 111 3 Listmg of the Projects ............................................................... iv-vi 4. Map of the Projects ..................................................................... map 5. Project Descriptions .................................................................. 1 -39 6. Contact Information ...................................................................... 40 On the Cover: The City activated two nev. Radar Speed Signs in the Scenic Hill Neighborhood as part of the Res1dentml Trame Calmmg Program. The signs display vehicle speeds and messages to remmd dnvers to slow down. This page intentionally left blank For 2010 Resolution Page 1 This page intentionally left blank For 2010 Resolution Page 2 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2010-2015 Introduction What 1s the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)? The S1x-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) IS a short-range plannmg document that IS annually updated based on needs and pol1c1es 1dent1f1ed through a vanety of sources. ProJect and fmanc1al development mvolve 1nteract1ons w1th many groups and agenc1es at the local, reg1onal, state and federal levels. It represents Kent's current l1st of needed proJects that may begm work 1n the next six years. The document also 1dent1f1es secured or reasonably expected revenue sources for each of the proJects mcluded m the TIP. Typically, proJects l1sted 1n the f1rst three years of the document are shown as havmg secured funding or there are reasonable expectations to acqu1re those funds, wh1le proJects m the last three years can be part1ally funded and be seek1ng fundmg partners. All proJects are consistent w1th the City's adopted 2004 Comprehensive Plan. Mandated by State Law State law requ1res that each city develop a local TIP and that 1t be updated annually (RCW 35.77.010). In order for c1t1es to compete for transportation fundmg grants from Federal and State sources most grant1ng agenc1es requ1re that proJects be mcluded m the TIP. Summary The 2010 Six Year TIP contains no substantive changes from last year's Program. All proJects and programs have been rev1ewed for adJustments 1n scope and budget. Once adopted, the TIP helps to gUide fund1ng and Implementation pnont1es during the development of the transportation port1on of the c1ty's S1x-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The Ongoing Citywide Programs sect1on now Includes programs wh1ch have been shown m the City's Cap1tal Improvement Program but not prev1ously m the TIP. There are no new cap1tal proJects 1n th1s TIP CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2010-2015 Project Project Name Numb~cr~-----~P~r~O~Je~'c~t~L~o~c~at~to~n~a~nd~E=x~W~n~t ____________________________________ _ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. East Valley lhglma~' (84 111 Avenue South) Improvements SR 167 to South 212' Street Kent Station Mit1gation ProJects Wtden Wtl!tl' Street at 41h Avenue and Central Avenue at Wt!!ts Street Smith Street and Lincoln Avenue lntcr~cction Improvements lnter,\ectwn improvement; 72"11 Avenue South Extension South 200'1' Street to South 196'" Street Southeast 256 111 Street Widening, Phase II SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) to 116'h A renue Southeast South 228 111 Street Pavement Rchahilttation Lakestde Boulevard to 72"" Avenue South 108 111 Avenue Southeast E\tcm.wn Southeast Kent Kang/ey Road (SR 516) to Southeast 2561h Street Central Avenue South Improvement Project Green Rtver Brtdge to Ea;,t Wt!/t;, Street (SR 516) South 224 111 Street Extension 84'h Avenue South to JU4'h Avenue Southeast (Benson Road) (SR 515) Willi'• Street (SR 516)/UIIIon Pacific l~ailroad Grade Separation Gradr> Separatwn CroHtng at umon Pacific Rmlroad (UPRR) Willi~ Street (SR 516)/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Ha1lroad Grade Separation Grade .~eparatton Cro.1.1111g at !3urllllgton Northern Santa Fe Rm!road South 212 111 Street/Onion Pal'Jfic Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separatwn Cro1 1111g at Umon l'aujiC: Rwlroad South 212'" Street/Burlington ~orthern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Crude S'eparatton Crossmg at Burlmgton Northern Santa Fe Rmlroad IV CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2010-2015 Project Project Name Number ProJeCI Locatwn and Extent --------~ ------- 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. South 228 111 Street/Union Pacitic R,tilroad Grade Separation Grade Separatton cro.1~tng at limon Pauji" Rmlroad Militar\' Road South and Reith Road Intersec/wn Improvement:, Southeast 256th Street and 132m! Avenue Southeast Intersection Intenec/wn Improvement.\ Southeast 248 11 ' Street Impro\'emcnts 109'11 Avenue Soulhewtto 132'"1 Avenue Southeavt Military Road South Widemng Soulh 272"d Street to Kent-De1 Momes Road (State Route 516) South 272'"1 Street Widenmg Pacific Htghway South to Mlittary Road South SR 181/Wcst Valley llighway/Wa~l11ngton Avenue Widening .Meeker Street north /o appro:wnale/v the 2181h block Meeker Street Widening-Phase I 6.J'h Avenue South lo the Green Rrver Bndge Meeker Street Widcmng-Phase II Lake Fenwrck Road to the eas/ :,tde ofihe Green River 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening-Pha~c 1 Southeas/ 288'h Street to Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) 132m1 Avenue Southeast Widcmng-Pha~c II Ken/ Kangley Road (SR 516) /o Soulhe({l/ 248'h Street 132'"1 Avenue Southeast Widemng -l'ha~e III Soulhea.\1 248'h So·eet to Sowheast 2361h S!reet Southeast 256 1h Street Widening -Phase Ill 132w 1 Avenue Soulheast to 148'h Avenue Southeast v CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2010-2015 Project Project Name Number ___ ProJect Location and Etten/ 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. South 208 111 Street Improvements 8-1'11 ,1 \'enue South to 96'11 Way S'outh 80 111 A' enuc South \Videning South J ')6'11 Streel to South 1 1'!8'11 Sl!T<'t South 196111 /192'"1 Street Corridor-Phase III 84 1h Avenue South (Eel\' I Valley J f1ghway) tu 108'11 Avenue Southeast (i\R 515) TransportatiOn Master Plan, Phase li Ongomg Citywide Program Street Pr·eservation Program Ongomg Caywtde Program Traffic Signal Management Program Ongomg Cttyw1de Program ChanncliLation Improvement Program Ongomg Cttywtde Program Re~1dential Traffic Calming Program Ongomg Cayw1de Program Bicycle System lm provcmcn ts Ongomg C!tyu'l(}e Program Americans with Di:-.abihhes Act Compliance and the Sidewalk Repair and Rehabilitation Sy:-.tcm Ongomg Cit)'W!de Program Guardrail and Safety Improvements Ongomg Cltywtde Progwm Community Based Circulatmg Shuttles Ongomg Clty,vtde l'rogrw111 Tran,It Now Service Partnership Program Ongomg Cttyw1de Program VI h r __ _r ~ I I ""--~-~ ,-J __,I ;v· G --~ _j L;'-J, ~" -1_ r~ -J< ~ ') l_..J ' u 18 18 15 \) 20 20 -, 21 22• •'"/_.-, l_( l,(l I I _, I i ~--~--------·-) / i 28 Li I 29 4 27 12 13 f r, ·I 9\ 14 , , I 10 2 11 2 fi, 06 8 I! 8 ('>.,J'L.., I' I t__,_ ______ L--, i f L~--' c 5 ··- 17 25 24 16 24 "" }-/ 'w I r l ( ______ , \ ( . . "') I c \ < .. ~~/ ~ I J , 19 '· ' 23 ~~----~ u , , Data Source C '1, Of ~c ' GIS _fr'l_q Lo~•tv GIS Pnn'ed 07·16-09 26 City Of Kent Six Year Transportation Improvement Program ' ) / ( I \ ': ~ I Year 2011-2015 ProJects Are Shown In Green N \\~ VJ,Sl~c ' 0 0 25 c 5 ~""'''""'''"'!'' ___ iiil M1les 0 '-·- "' u L_;J (, // ./ /', / , , ___ ,:_./ ~ KENT CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT# 1: DESCRIPTIO~: PROJECT COST: 2010 East Valley Highway (84 1h Avenue South) Improvements. ,SR 167 10 Sou1h] 12'" Stree/ Widen the roadway to provide 3 general purpose lanes rn each direction with a center left-turn lane between South 21 i" Street and State Route 167 Construct new curb, gutters and sidewalk'> on both '>ide~ of the roadway to provide a complete sJdC11alk -;y~tcm Remove and ichabJ!Jtatc the existmg roadway pavement to add service life to the roadway Overlay the roadway With a-;phalt concrete pavement ProJect mcludc-; upg1 admg existmg traf fie s1gnal '>V>km> as "ell as storm dram age improvements Prelim mary Engineenng .... .. .. ... $620,000 Right of Way Acquis1t1on.. . .. $1,450,000 Construction . . .... $4,780,000 TOTAL ........................................ S.6,850,000 FUNDING SOU~CE(S): STP, C1ty of Kent, TJB, LID, ARRA (Federal Stimulus B1ll) PROJECT .JLS riFICA TION: This portion of East Valley H1ghway cannot accommodate current and proposed traffic volumes that ut11i:re tillS stretch to access State Route 167 and South 21l11 Street The SJdC11alk <>ystcm 1s mcomplete In addition, the CXJ'>tlllg pavement along tlw, section of 84 111 Avenue South IS showrng Signs of Structural di;trcs; aS demonstrated by ''aJ!Jgatonng", JongltlJdinaJ LJackmg. and c1ackmg ol the cuil1> and gutters AlP· Artcndl lmprovem~:nt Program l )tate] CMAQ-Congestion M1tlg.H1on .md /\1r t)u,tlll) l h.d.:r t/ I, I;\'-. 1 I rug hi Act1on <.:;tr.ttcry !or EH'rt:tt-~lJllL-I ,\LOin<~ lmndor I M':.lB -fiLight Mobil it) Str<~tl't_:tl lnvL~Ln.:nt BoMu l"'tJtL] I It\ --I ed(.;:r,JI fr,m~1t t\dmmhtmllon !I ederal} I-ll -., IIMarJ I lim Illation I t:dLrdl J II', lntclllj•~.nt l!dll'>PLllldllllll -,, ~lLm~ Jl l'Jcr,tlJ l ID -Lo~.-,11 lm[,rn'vl'lll..'lll D1qr!ll PW II -Public \\lull--~ I rLhl lund I Odl' 1 )t,Jtej '-I P \uri.H.L I rc~n'>poildllllll Pt('~',r,ml ]ILckrdl] IIA -I r,m~porhltioJil lmprovum.nt t\(,(.,0Unt, I II~ rnm.;;portdtiOII lmprOVL,ll\.!11{ Boc~rd I .)\dte] I pp ~II ~ibpOrtdt\011 Jldr tll'..'f'>hlp Pmgr,un ]St.lte] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT#2: DESCRIPTION: 2010 Kent Station Mitigation ProJects fl /(leu Wtl/11' Street at -1"' .-lven11e and Central Avenue at Wilh1 Street Provide an additiOnal lelt-tlll n pocket em eastbound Willb Street to noilhbound 4'11 Avenue l'iovidc a nght-lurn poLkct southbound on Central Avenue to we~tbound Willi; Street PROJECT COST: Prclunmary Engincenng ... . .. . $106,000 Right of Way Acquisition.... . .... $500.000 Con;,truction ... . ... . ... .$500,000 TOTAL ........................................ $1, I 06,000 FUNDI:\TG SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Development Mitigation Funds, WSDOl Overlay funds PROJECT ,Jl'STlFICATIO:\!: I he>e projects are traffic mitigatwn reqUirements for additional trips generated by the Kent Station d~:velopment The City of Kent will be implcmentmg these project-. icquircd by the developer. \II'-\J1lrl d lmprovcrn~nt Progrdm [State], CMAQ-CongestiOn Mtug,Jtlnn and A1r ()ll<lht) [I L~d~r.tl], fA~ I I H.'l['ht Act10n Strategy for EYLrett-''H .. dtth.-1 dUllll•t Corndor I M\JB-frc1ght Mob1ilt\ Strut~,jiC lmv.,uncnt BoMJ \ ')tt~tc] 11 A I cJ~o::iJI I rt~n~1t 1\dmml'>lratlon [federal], 2 I-ll~ IIMdn..l lilllllnd\1011 [I CdLtdl] II ,'::J lntt.:lll~'l'nl I nlll)portJtJOll :)v ... L.m:.l ['cducll :, l !D -l OC-<11 [ nproYCI1KI11 Dt~tnct P\.V [ r Publtl Work~ I Tll'>l I und I oJn I \Utej ::,I P-\ut L.tlL I Tdll'>pmt,ltH>n Prot;r,llll [ll\.'udl] I lA lldnsportatton Improvement Aclotmt liB-- lr,Jtt.:.port,ntonlmpHlVl'lllLI't FhlJrd [~tdte] IPP-fr,\ll..,f10I1dtlon PMtncr'>hlp Progr,un l.;;tateJ CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATIOl\ IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT#3: DESCRIPTION: 2010 Smith Street and Lincoln Avenue Intersection Improvement Wtden Smith Street/Lmcoln Avenue to provtde a left turn lane from north bound Ltncoln i\ \ cnue/ea 't bound S mtth S lrect onto nCll th bound L mcoln A venue. The proJect mcludcs the construct JOn of a new traffic stgnal at the intersection of Smtih and Lmcoln as well as the rccono,ttuctton ol C'\l'>llllg curb. gutter and 'tdcwalks along Smtih Strcet/L mcoln A venue. PROJECT COST: Prelim mary Lngineering ............. $105,000 Right of Way Acqutsition. . .. . . $400,000 Construction . . ........ ... . . $1,600,000 TOTAL ........................................ $2,1 05,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP, City of Kent PROJECT .Jl S riFICATION: This proJect will improve traffic flow within the Kent Urban Center and improve acec'>' to the Kent l'ranstt Center and the downtown busines~ dt,tttct 1 he left turn pocket and stgnal at Smtth and Lmcoln Streets will laclittatc the redevelopment of a portion of Kmg County Metro Transit'~ Pa1 k and Rtdc Lot AlP-Art:.>n,JI lmprovcm~·rH Program! ~tdk:] CMAQ ~ Congc:.,t1on Mltlg.ltlon and Alr QuJllt) (I l-J~r,IIJ !~/\~I l rc1ght A~.-tlon ~trah:gy !01 bc:t:.'tt-S ... dtth.-1 .Komd ( omdor I 1\I~JB -rrught Mohllll\ ~tl.lt~g1~.-lnve'>lm~.-nt lhurJ i"t.Ht-j, J 1 A --1 edt:r.1l I rc~n-.1t Admllll\IIJLion jf~dcrdll 3 HI I., -li<.~L<!H.l lllllllnatJOtl lfi..dt.rJI], II::, -lntl'lhg~.:nt I rm-.portJtmn ::,) '>h~m:.II~.:U~r.ll 1 L!D ~Lou\ I lmprovcml..'nl D1~tmt P\\ [I -Publlc Wmk:. lrmtl und I oJnjO.,tJtcl, ~IP-:,ulfdt..c lrdn~pon,1t1on Progr,ml [1~.-lkr,tll !lA Jr.m~portdtlon Improvement Account, J ld- 1 !dn:.port.Jllon Imr10v1..m~nt Bo,ud ! :,t.\ll' j I PP-I r.m~pnrt.Jtlon P 1rtner~h1p Progr,lm 1 :,t,Jtel CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM VEAR: PROJECT#4: DESCRIPTION: 2010 72"d Avenue South E~tcnsion Sol/Ill ]()()'1' .'Ill ~~I/o Soul II !96'" Street Construct a new four-lane roadway from South 200th Street to South !96th Street The p10ject will mclude the crossmg of Mill Creek and construction of full-width paving concrete curbs. gutters, sidewalk;,, street llghtmg :.torm dramage, lcmd'.capmg, utilltic;, and appullenanccs PROJECT COST: Preilmmary Engineering Right of Way AcquisitiOn $250,000 .$0 Construction ........ ....... ... .. ... $1,000,000 TOTAL ........................................ SI ,250,000 Fl fNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT .JlJSTIFICATIOK: Continued development in the northern Kent indu~trial area. and high levels of congestion along West Valley Highway between the South I 80th 'Itt cet and South ]96th St1 eel con tclot s. mandate add ttional north-south at ten a I capacity This proJect pt ov1des some relict for South 180'h Street. South I 96th Street. and South 212'h Street intersections along West Valley I! tghway ! t abo p1 ov Ide' 11nproved accc;,s to the Snulh \96 1h Street lOrJ 1dor from mdustnal development along 72"J ;\venue South by constructmg the llll'>smg lmk between South 200th Street and South 196LI' ~!1 eel 1\IP-An~n,!llnip10Vi31ll'-nt Proglcllll [Stdt~], CMAQ-Cong..:stllll1 Mltlg.-ntun <tnd A1r Qudllt\ ll cdtral], rAS I -I rc.-1ght Action Strdteg)' lnr EVtrett-Stattk-1 ,~>. .. 0111<1 ( orndor l \,1\IB -I r-:1ght Mub1llty ~trJlC111C lnvL"~tm.:nt Bo,m.l jl.)mt.:J, I lA -I L"dcr,ll I r,tn)lt Admtlll'otHlliOn [Fed~..rdll 4 HI \ -I !Mar,: l lillllrhll'Oil[l t'd<:J,llj j! ~ lnt.:lligLnt 1 r<Jn<,pOrtdliOll '-,v~t~lll~ [I cJ~r,lll LID -Loc~llmprov~.:JnL'111 0Jc,tnd P\t\t I r PublH.- WoJI,~ 1 nl'>ll unJ L oan[\\.111:1 ~I P \url,H..-: I rdn~porl,ltlllll ProcrJmllL'(JL'r,lll I L\ I r.m~po1tat1on lmprovcm~nl A~..-wunt, liB- 11 J'l\portdtJDII lmprovLm<:nt Bo.~rd !S1d.: J I PP -I r.m~rurUtlon 1\lltnt:r'>h!p ProET<lm ! '-,tJtc I CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATIO~ IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2010 PROJECT #5: Southeast 256 1h Street Widening, Phase II SR 516 (Kent Kangle> Roud1 /u I 1 6'11 /lw'nlle Southe(fl/ DESCRIP riON: Cllnstruct a three lane roadway from SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) to 116'11 Avenue SE Th1s proJect includes b1ke lanes on both s1de:, of the roadway rhe plOICCt will mclude constructiOn of f'ull-wJdth pavmg, conc1~:te curb'>, guttc:J:,, and :,JdCIIdib, :,trcct !Jghtmg, storm dlamagc; landscapmg. utiiJtJe>; and applll tcnancc>. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering... .. ..... $1,000,000 R1ght of Way AcquJSJtJon .......... $1 ,500,000 Construction . ..... .... . . ........ $4,500,000 TO'I AL ........................................ $7 ,000,000 FlfNDfNG SOlJRCE(S): City of Kent, Local Improvement District, TIB PRO.JECI' .H·STIFlCATION: Southeast 256'h Street 1s a two-lane roadway with no curbs gutters or :,JdcwalJ..-, and a lim1ted <,treet light sy,tem. During peak hours. the Joad11ay cannot accommodate the t1artic volumcc; due to the large number of veh1cles blockmg the roadway while wa1ting to turn left 1nto d!Jvcways The widenmg of Southeast 256tl' Street also alleviates traffic on SR 516 (Kent Kangky RtJcld) cb tht: two road' e>'>cntJally run parallel to each other The proJeCt will mcrease the capac1ty of th1s roadway by adding new general purpo:,e lane'> and a ccnte1 two-way left turn lane. 1 h1' ploJect will connect the SR 515/SR 516 lllkrsectJon With the 1lllp10vcment> already exJ<,tmg on Southeast 256 111 Street east of 116 111 Avenue Southeast and the 11nprmc:ments along 116'h Avenue Southeast bctllt.:Cn Southea>t256 111 ~tleet and Kent Kangley Road AlP-Arttn,tl lmpro\L-IlKnt Prog1,1m [ ~t.th .. ] C~1•\Q-Conr~sllon Millg,'tlon Jnd A1r Qu.1l1t) [FtdLrt~l] rt\~ 1 -I rc1ght At.t1on Strdttgy lor EH'fLtt-~tJttk-I J<vOil1.l ( omdor I r\1\JlJ I re1ght MobliH~ Str,JtegJc lnvl'<..tment Ho,mi ['-,tdtt:], I I A -I ei.lcr,'l I r,m<:.tt AdmJnl'>tr.'tlon [I edl..':ral] 5 !II...., -IIMMd I hmJn,HJun ll cJLr.Jlj II\ Int-.lll~l'lll I rdn<,portcttiLm ~\~k'lll'> [l ~J'-1.11[ I JD -1 otJllmrrovcmcl'\ lJJ-.trKt P\V II -Publll \\forb I ru"t lund I odn ['-lt.ttc] .., I P ~uri,H .. L' I r.tn'>pOrtJtwn Pro!'r,Jm [lldcr<il] !It\ I r.tn-.,portatwn lmprovt:m-.:nt Ac(,ount, JIB- rr.m~portdtlOil Imp! OVI:Illl.'nl BocHd I StdtL' I I PP-1 r,m..,pon.ltwn Pdrtll~r-,hJ p Progr Jln l ~tJtt.: J CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSJ>ORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #6: DESCRIPTION: 21110 South 228 111 Street Pavement Rehabilitation hike.\lde FJou/el'(lrd to 72"'1 "11'eti/W ~·outh 'll11S project will con'>i'>t ol Jehahilitating the eXI';ting roadway by grmdmg rough area-;, reeon~tJuctmg lailmg aJ<:a'< and provJdmg a tull w1dth ovc1lay of South 228 111 St1eet between Lah.e5>Jdc Boulevard and 72"" Avenue South. PROJECT COST: Prelim mary Engmeering. . .. ..... $50,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............... $0 C onstructJon .... .. .. . ... . $700,000 TOTAL ........................................... $7511,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT .JLSTIFJCATION: This road lies in the heart of the C1ty's manufacturing area Heavy truck traffic meam pavement condition on South 228 111 Street has deterJOJated '<Jgnillcantly Kent J'> the -,ccond largest warchou,c/dJ~tnbutJon center on the west coast w1th over 40 million square feet of mdustnal space. Vv1th the completion ofmaJOI po1t1on<. of' the 228 11 corridor and the anticipated JllCJ.:a'c 111 the numbc1 ol daily truck tnps, the pavement willcontJnuc to detcnorate at an accelerated rate. Th1s p1 OJCCt will mamtam a maJor lrc1ght corndor to the ports and protect the City's mvcstment Ill t 1 an-, portal 1 on 11111 dStJuctu r.: AlP. Artr...n.d lmprovem~o.nt Progr,llll [':ltdli.:] LMJ\Q-Cong~o:stlon MI\Jg,ltiOll (llld Alf ()u.lilt) I rcd.::r,l1 ], rA ~ J -I fl'Jght Ac...t•on ~LTdll;!f:,')' for EH .. It..tt·Scattk-1 di,.O!TI,' Corndor I f\1'-,JB I n.lght \lobillt) ')[fdll'~IC lnvl'.,tment BotH .l r ::,tate I I 1 A--I cUC!dl lldtl)ll 1\dilllllhi!JI!Oil [J'~deral] 6 HI ' 1 IM,lrd lilm nJtlllll [I LW .. rcJij II') Jntl..lili_''-nt I rcJn'>portdllllll -;\'>km::. [! LLkrJij LID -Local lmproveln'-,1! D1~tnlt PW! I -Pubhl \\mk" 1 ru::.tl und I odn 1 ~tJtl.j ~II'-~urlJll:: I rdn..,port<.~tlon Pro!;_ rum jiLl'Cr,JI] I lA J rdn..,portatton lmpruwmult Alcount, I!H- fJ,m::.port,won lmprov~..m~nt Boctrd I StJtc I I JlP-1 r,msport.tllO!l P .u1nu "hlp Progr,un l o;:;wt..:] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSl>ORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #7: DESCRIPTIO~: PJWJECT COST: 2010 108 111 Avenue Southca~t E"<tension Southeast Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to Southeast 256'11 Street Construct a new three lane roadway from Southeast Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to Southeast 256 111 Street mcludmg rebuilding the truffle signab at the mterscction of Southeast Kent Kangley Road and 108 111 Avenue Southt:a'>t and mstallmg a new traffic >Ignal at the mterseet1on of Southeast 256 111 Street and I 09 111 Avenue Southeast. fhc p10jcct mcludc;, nght turn lane<> northbound on I 09 111 at Southeast 256'11 Street and Southbound on I 09 111 at Kent Kanglcy Road I he proJect'' Ill aho IIlcludc construclion of full width pavmg, concrete cui bs, gutters and sidewalks, 'Shanows' (If approved by FIIW /\), street l1ghtmg; storm dramagc land;,capmg, utiillics and appurtendnccs. As p,ut of this proJtX!. the eastbound left-turn lane from Kent l<.angley Road to Southeast 256 111 Street will be climmated. Preliminary Engmeering ............... $200,000 Right of Way Acquisition...... $1,700,000 Construction ... ....... .. .. $1,500.000 TOT AL ................•....................... $3,400,000 FUNDING SOlJRCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT .Jl:STIFlCATION: rhis project will relieve congestion at theY inter'>ection of I 04 111 Avenue Southect<;t (Benson Highway) (SR 515)/Kcnt Kangley Road (SR 516)/Southeast 256 111 Strct:t by improvmg the traffic now along SR 516 lt will t:limmate the lcfi turn pocket from SR 516 to Southl:ast 256 111 StJcct and rcdnect that traffic along SR 516 to 108 11 ' ,\venue Southeast The1c will be a new left tu1n pocket constructed for motonsb \Vlohmg to travel north on 1 08'11 !\venue Southeast to Southeast 25 61h Su ect By moving these left tuinmg movement:, further to the eo~st. away 11om the congested Y mter~cction, all directitlllo of tralh; will be able to flow mo1e eiTiciently I hi> e;..tcnsion \\Ill also provide another way for East 11!11 resident:, to have direct accc;,o to the busmc'>s-by-pa~s route and better accc;,s to the eommc1 c1al area south of the Kent Kangley Road/! 04 1h Avenue Southeast mtcr;,eet10n. \I P-/\rtcnal lmprovenl1 . .'nt Progr Jill [StJtej, CMAQ-Congestion ~lllg.tlnm Jnd An Qlli:tllty [J'cdcral], f AS I I fl'l!'ht A~vt10n -;tratcgy lor E\ Cfl'tt-~Ldttk-1 ,)(.0111.1 (_on idor I '\1\IB-r r.._tght !\.1tlhil11\ ':ltr,1lt'giC lm l..)lrn~nt l3oJrd [">tJtc] rll\-l ~~..kr,tl It ,111'-Jlt r\Jilli!ll'>[l ,l\l(lll II cd~ml] 7 HI \ I l.tLM. ~ illlllllJlHlll {I t:di.J,ll' I I~ lmci!Jt;cnt fr.m..,pon.ltlon ',\ q~m'> II o...Ju,Jij I ID ~Lo'-,lllmprov<..mlll' D1-.1m .. t P\\ J I -PublK \\ cJt !...) I ru'>t I unJ L odn [\t,n~..j \ l Jl \lirl,JL~.-I r.tn)porL.ltlon Pro['J .un [I ..:-JcrJI] I L\ I r<J11:.po1 tat1on lmprovt.ml.':nt Account. JIB- rr clll~portdliOll lmprOV-.'11\i..nt l3ndrd I ~t.Hl' 1 I PP-1 r Jn<,portJtlon 1\lrtlllr'>hl r Pro~r,\111 I "ldte J CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATIO!\' IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM VRAR: PROJECT #8: DESCRIPTION: 2011 Central Avenue South Improvement Pro,ject Green Jll\·er lJml:,!" tu btl/ Wtl/11 '1/1 eel (SI? 5 I 6) Remove and rchabi IJtate the exi:,tmg roadway pavement to add service IJfc to the roadway. between the Green River Btidge and f'ast Willis Street (SR 516) l'h1s proJect will include the removal and replacement of failing pavement 'cellon~ and a rull-w!dth a:.phalt concrete overlay or the ent1rc road\\ay Also mcluded in this proJect IS the 1eplacemcnt of CUI b:., gutters and '!dcwalk:. as well as mmor storm dramage improvements. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineenng ..... ..... ..$350,000 R1ght of Way AcquiSition ,, , . . .$0 Con,truction .. , . . , ......... 3,500.000 TOTAL ........................................ $3,850,000 FUNDI~G SOURCE(S): STP, City of Kent PROJECT .JlJSTJFICA TION: The existing pavement along th1s sect10n of Central Avenue South I> cxhihltlllg '>lgn, or d!'>trcss. as demon,\!ated by ·'alligatoting". longnud mal crackmg. and erackmg of the curbs and gutters !'he serv 1cc Ide or thb roadway has been reached, necessitating reconstruction of the pavement to C'\knd the 'crv!cc li lc of the 1 oadwa). and prevent furthe1 pavL:mcll\ degradation. The s1dcwalk system " '>Lib-standard 111 many locallon' and 111 need of 1 cplacemcnt. I\ l)!-\llln,ll Improvement Progr,l'll I ~t.ll~], CMAQ-CongestiOn IVJJtlg.nmn dlld Air Qual it\-trcderal], FA~ r I TCight ActiOn Strdtcgv tor Ehr~.-tt-SJ.Jttlv I dLOllll Cnmdor 11\li...IB -f n:1ght MdJJilt\ Strd\Cglc lnvc~tm.:nt Bo,mJ fl...t.ttc], IT/\ -1-:der.d I r.111~1t AdmmJstrdtlOn [fedcrc~ll 8 HI \-I l.vard I l.mllhlllonlrL'dL'I .tlj II~-lntdll.c,LT\1 l r.m~rortc~tlon ~l -.t.::m;:, fi ~.":dt.:ic!l j I ID -Lol.li lmprowm~..m D1~tnct, PW I r -Publlc Wm \..~ I fll'>t I 1111li I nJn l \t,tte l \I P-~uri,Kc I r,m..,rortJ!.lon Pru::rdlll ll l..'der.tll I 1 '\ I rdn~portatJon Improvement Account, 1 lB- f1 lll~pwt.ttHJtl illl]'rDYl'mL'tlt Bo.ud [ ~t<tte] I PP-1 r,m-,rOlt 111on 1\utncr-,hi)J Progr,Jm 1 ~t.neJ CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSJ>ORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #9: DESCRIPTION: 2011 South 224 111 Street Extension &-!'" 1 venue Soulh lo I of' I vrnue 5,'oulheast (Benson ReO (SR 5/5; Construct a three-lane road from 84'11 Avenue South to 104111 Avenue Southea;t (Benson Road) (SR 515), ineludmg new bridges over SR 167 and Garnson Creek rhc project will mcludl: the con;truction of ftill- Width pav1ng, concrete cu1b; guttc1~ dnd ;1dt:\\<:l!h, '>tlcet hghtmg, ;torm diamagc, landscaping, utlli!les and appurtenance-; PROJECT COST: Prclimmary Engineering . .... $2,300,000 R1ght of Way Acquis1t1on.. .. ... $8.000,000 Con;truct10n ....... ..... . .. . ..$25, 700,000 TO I'AL ..•..................•................ $36,000,000 FUNDING SOLRCE(S): City of Kent, LID PROJECT .Jl S riFJCATION: The existing roadway system cannot accommodatt: the current or forecast cast-west traffic volumes between Kent's l:ast 1-1111 and the Green River Valley Ooor In order to meet tran~portat10n concurrency requirement~ of tht: Cirowth Management /\ct. additltlnal cast-west vehicle capac1ty is reqt11rcd lntcr:,ectlon; along South 208 111 /212'11 Street and ·h Jamc<>/Southca;t 240' Street; arc also at or over capac1ty It 1s not k<t;1blc to 11 1dcn the Jamc-,/Southt:a;t 240111 Strct.:t and ~outh 208'11 /212 111 Street 'corndors' enough to accommodate forcca'>t llaffic volume'> Without addillonal east-1~est capac1ty because of cx1stmg development and topograph 1c con:,ll amt;, A I P ~Art<.. r1.1l lmprovem-.~nt Program 1 StJtl-']. CMAQ-Congestion Mllle.ltJOn and 1\1r ()tid lilY \1 cdcr<lll, !· \ "l I I rc~1ght Act10n Strategy for b l;:"rL:"tt-~l.lttiL-l .llOnld Corndor, fl\1\\B -rrc1ght Mobil It\ Str<.~ll't:IC lll\t.'>llllcnt Bo.uJ j:-,tJh.'j, I 1 A-1 cUu,d I r,m'>ll AdmmJ'>Iratlon fFederaJl, 9 f-W>., !!dlard I lillllntHillll [I cdcrJI J II~ Jntdlr;;~..·nt l r,lfl'>port,.Won .'-~~ '>(Ull'> fJ etkr.Jl 1 / /[)-I oc,d Jmprovunt•n 1 Dl\tfld PW If -l'ubl!l 'Wod,.., l ru~t l UI,J Lcl 111 [',t,n ... l, ~I I'-',ur!,II .. C ! r.tmportdtlon Prot'f,\111 jl ctkr,lll IIA I r,msportatJoll lmprowmcnt Aclount, I lB- r J,lt,'>pOriJtiOII lmpTOVI.:Illdll BoJtd [.Slate j rPP-[ fclll\portdiiOil p lftiKT\hlp Prorr,\ln I St.tteJ CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #10: 2011 Willis Street (SR 516)/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation (Jrt!dc .\<'jWtul!on C'uJ11111g <1/ lmwn Pactjic Iiw/rood (U!'RR) DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation of the Union Pac1fic Ra11load's mamlme tracks at Willis Street (SR 516). The project will mclude the construction of a bndgc, a four-lane roadway; full w1dth paving; concrete curb;. gutters. and o1dewalb. '.llcct l1ghtmg. utJ!JtJe;, and dppurtcnance'> rhc CJt)' will work with WSDOT to encourage provJsJon of a facility for bicycle travel. PROJEC1 COST: Prelim mary Engmecring ........... $4,000,000 R1ght of Way Acquisition. Con~truct10n .... ... $0 .. .. $37,000,000 1 OTAL ...................................... $~ I ,000,000 FCNDING SOl.IRCE(S): City of Kent, FAST, FMS!B, Port of Seattle. Port of Tacoma. TIB. Union Pac1fic Railroad PROJECT .JLSTIFICATION: This project supports C<bt-wc;,t freight and commuter mobility in the Grcc:n RJVCJ Valley Mo1e than 26,000 velm:le:, per day travel on Willi~ Strc:el, mcludmg over goo trcJght-bcanng trucks rhc level of tre1ght traffic on the LP Railroad ma1nl1ne 1; abo mercasmg to appro:--1mately 20 11am; a day G1ade separation:, p1oVJdc the :,olu!ionlo the l:o~tl:y p10blcm of conge;tJon. The utili oad cro;,smg will no longer impede fl c1ght and other t1affic flow. Reductions Ill l!affic cong<O'>tlon on adjommg :,treet; and 1educed cnvJromncnt,t! llllp<tcts caw,cd by traffic congesllon are abo expected rhl> project ''ill enhance Kent as an economic generator and p1 ov 1de regional connections [or thousand;, of bu;,mc:s;,c;, employers, and COillllllllers AlP -'\11~.-'rl<l[ lmpro ... enl~lll Program ! S!Jtt.-J CMAQ-Congcc:ot10n M Jtlg,ltlon Jnd A1r <)u,lhty I rcdl'r,ll], J'/\,1-, I -! n::ll.'hl AL-11Dn '-ltr<~kgy tor E\Ciltt-~l'attk-1 ,JLOill,l Comdor I M~JB f1c1ght \1nhillt\ ~tr,1t::>e1c. 111\v .. tmcnt lJo nJ [~tJ.tt:l f I A-I cllcrdl I r,tn..,lt t\dn11tmtrJLID11lf t-d<.!rJl] 1 0 HI ~ -11,\LJrd I illlllllalhllljildLro~lj II'-, lnH.lllt:ent I rcJn:.portd11011 ~\'>kill'> \I '-d<.-r>~l 1' J ID -Local lmprovcm~.-nt Dl'>trllJ P\\' If -Pubhl \\01 ~~ J fll'>l IL•nd f Ddll I '-Jt Ill' j "ll P l..,uriJlL-I r.m~pO!L,IIrun 11rorram II ~..-u~r,d l Ill\ I r.tn.<.pO! Ulf/Oil Jmprovt.llk nt r\(c,ount, llH I f.lll'>]lOrt ltlon lmprovL-mcnt Bo.nd 1 StJtc I l PP-'I rJn-.pon.JtJon Pc~rtncr">hlp Progr J.m ['-,tJt..:oJ CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #11: DESCRIPTION: 2011 Willi~ Street (SR 516)/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade Se;)({ra/wn Crossmg a/ Burfrngton Northern Santa Fe Rmfroad Con~truct grade separation at the Burlington Northci n Santa Fe Railroad mamlme track' at Willis. Street (';;R 'S 16) rhe pm1cct will mclude the construction of a bndge; four-lane vehicle cros>ing, full width pavmg; concrde curbs, gutters. and ~Idcwalks, street lighting; utilities and appuitcnancc<; The City will w01k 11 1th W';;J)() I to cnLOUragc proVI'>IOn at a facility for bicycle travel PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering . $4,000,000 $4,300,000 $31,700,000 Right of Way Acquisition ... Construction . ... .. .. TOTAL ...................................... $40.000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent. Burlmgton Northern Santa Fe Railroad, FAST, I'MSIB, Port of Seattle, Port ofTacoma, TIB PRO.JECT .JLS I'! FICA riON: This project supports cast/west freight and commuter mobility in the Gieen River Valley. More than 26.000 vehicle' per day travel on Willi~ Street mcluding over 800 frc1ght-bcanng truch rhe k:vcl of freight and pa-,;,cngcr I ail t1affic on the BNSI Rail10ad Imunlmc J'i also mcrcasmg to approximately 45 trams a day (,rade :,eparal1on provide:, more cf ficicnt movement> of goods. and provide-, a solution to the costly problem of congestion I he railroad cros'>mg Will no longn nnpt:de freight and other tratfic Oo1v Rcducttons 111 traftic conge>tJon on adJOining strceto and reduced environmental impacts caused by traitic conge,tion JS expected llw, p1 OJCO will .:nhanci: Kent a-. an economic gencrato1 and provide regional connectiOn> for thousands of busine'>o.e' employers, and commuters. AlP-ArtLr~c~llmprovemtnt Program 1 'Stdh.] Ct\l1\()-Conf'l..!''itlon MltJg,Jtlon Jnd J\1r Qu.tllty [FLdcroJil, I AS!' -1 fLight :\L.tlon ::-,tr,\1cgy for r, crett-~L,Ittl.:-1 ,1\.AJin.! l orndor 11\.II...JB -I re1ght t\.1obJIIt\ ~trdlu'Jl. lnv,__..,um.nt Bo.ml[ StJh.] I I i\ I t.":dcr,li l r.tn'>lt ;\dminJ)tr8tJon [Federal] 11 I II ..., -IIMdrd llllllllldtlUn II t:dCJJI] II'S lntdll,!l.lll I fdlo'>port,\th)ll ')\'>tt:lm.jl cJ~r.tll l ID -1 CH.d: IPlprDH'lllliH D!qnlt, PW I r PubliC \\ nrl-.-, I ru~t I untllo,m I ~t.ltL,] .., I P l.:)uiiJLe I rdn'>J)OrtdiHlll Pru~·r.1m II Ct1crJij IIA - I t.m::.poltalJOn Improvement A~..wunt, I lB- I rJn-,port,Jtlon lmprowm~.-·nt BoJrd I ~t,Jtej I Pl'-1 r,m..,pot1.11Jon Pc~rtncr"h1p Progr,Lill 1 ~t.llr:j CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION l!VIPROVEMENT PROGRAM '{l~i\f.t: 2()1 1 PRO.ffiCT #12: South 2121h Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grode Sepuru/lon Cru11mg of 11111011 i'llcl/ic Rm/ioad DESCf.tiPTION: Construct grade separation of the Union Pacdic Ra!lioad's mamline tracks at '>outh 212 111 Street. The proJect will Include the construction of a railroad bndgc a six-lane roadway undei-cro->smg. full-width pavmg, concietc curbs gutter'>, and >Itlc11alb, a l~lcility for bicycle travel, ~tree\ lighting, utiiitie~ and appllltenances PRO.JECT COST: Prelim mary Engineenng ........ $4.100,000 R1ght of Way Acquisition ........ $1,500.000 Construction ....... ......... .... .. $35,400,000 TO'! AL ..................................... J;41 ,000,000 Fll:-lDING SOURCE(S): C1ty of Kent, FMSIB, FAST, TIB, Umon Pacific Railroad PROJECT ,Jl'STIFICATION: Th1s project supports east-wc-;t freight and commuter mobil1ty 111 the Green R1ver Valley Approxnnately 29.000 vehicle> per day travel on South 212'11 Sti cet, mcluding nearly 3.500 II eight bearing ll ucks The level of freight traffic on the UP Railroad mamlmc 1' also mcreasing to appioxunately 20 trams a day Grade sepaiatiOn> provide the solution to the CO>tly piohlcm 0 t congestion rhe wiiroad 1-rO>~lllg wii I no longer Impede tle1ght and other \!al'tic t1ow. Reductions 111 trattic congc:.uon on adJOining sl!eets and reduced environmental Impact;, caused by traffic .:ongc;,tion I> also c>-.pected 'llw. p10ject ~~ill enhance Kent a> an ~::conomic generator and piOVIde regiOnal connection;, for thou>ands of bu:.messcs, employers, and commuters AlP· Artenal Improvement Program l ~HILl j, LMAQ-ConJ.:L!:ltton Mltlg,ltlnn .md A1r Qu.tlll)' ll~t:d.._r,tll I J\ ~ l -I rught AltiOn StrJ.tegy for Evctttt-Scatth::-1 ,twm,llorndor I I\1'.1B ltc1ght l\1nbllu\ StrJtcg1c lnvc:::.tmcnt Bo.trd I o;wtc], I· I A-l cUcr,d I r.tn~1t 1\dmmJ-.trat~anl redcr,tll l2 HI\ -ll;u.ud l ilf'Hnaunn peJuJlj I IS ln!cJirgclll l r.m.<.portJLJOil :,, ~killS/} cJ,•r.l)/ I ID -I Pl.. 1l lmjlfO'>ClTIL'nl DL:-IJJCl PW I [ -PubllC Wo1~.., 1 ru~t I unJ l o,m["-,t,Ht:] ~ JJl-~uriJl<.. I r.lll'>purt.ttJun Progr.tm[ILtkr,llj I !A I rJn:.portatmn lmprovt.m~nt Ao;.wulH liB- L1 .tn:,portdllon Lnrnovt:Pl<..nt l3o,Jrd [ ~ta\1.: I I PP-1 r.m:::.portc1t1on P.u1JK'I'>iltp Pt ogr.un 1 ~tate] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #13: 2011 South 212 111 Street/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Scparatwn Gradr: Separatwn Cro1·smg at Bur/mgt on Northern Santa Fe Rat/road DESCRIPTIO~: Construct grade separation at the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad mamlme track:, at South 21 ih Stn:et cl he proJCCt will Include the con:,\luclion of a bndge, :,Jx-lane vehicle cnhsmg full w1dth pdvmg concrete cmb:,, gutter:,, and sidewalks; a facility lor bicycle travel, stre.:t light mg. utilities and apptn tcnances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .. .. .. .$4,200,000 R1ght of Way AcqUisition ........ $1,500,000 Construction .. . ... . ..... ... . $36.300,000 TOTAL. ..................................... $42,000,000 FONDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, FMSIB. FAST, TIB, Builmgton Northern Santa Fe PROJECT .JUSTIFICATION: Railroad 'I h1s proJect supports cast-we'>t freight and commuter mobil1ty in the Green R1vcr Valley. App1oxnnately 29.000 veh1clcs per day travel on South 2121h Street, mclud1ng nearly 3,500 tre1ght-bearmg trucks The level of fre1ght and passenger nul tra11ic on the BNSf' Ra1!Joad mamlmc IS al-,o mcJca:,mg to app!OXJmakly 45 (lams a day. Grade '>cparatwn provides mo1e ellie1ent movement of goods and prov1des a solulion to the co-;tly problem of congc:,tJon The rail10ad ero-;-.Jng will no longc1 1111pcdc: flc:Jght and othe1 tr<trtic !low Rcductl(ln:, 111 traflic congcs\ion on adJ011111lg :,treets and reduced environmental 1mpal\s caused by traftic conge;,tion 1~ expected I h1s prOJl:Ct will cnhdnce Kent as an economic gcncratOI and prOVide I eg1onal LOnllCC\JOm lor thousands of bU~\11C>SCS, employe1 sand commuter:, AlP-Artcrhtl lmprovem~:nt Prot.>,r,1m [~t<~tej LMI\()-Congv;;tton Mtug.Hton and Atr QLhtllly jl edcrJI], ]','\ ':. J -I rc1ght Al-tlon \\t,'\~l:'v tor E\lfCtt-Sc:::tttk-1 <llOTTid Lon1dor I t\.1'-.1!) -lt1.tght 'v1obillt\ ~trc~lt::Pil lll\l~lmL'nt l3ocJr,ll ~ldte] I lA --I cdc~tll lldlhtl i\dintl'hlrot!on[l edcr,tll 13 HI ..., -!IJLard llmltllJIJun ll edcr,tl] II'. lntdht• .... nt I rJn:.pottdlhlll ~' '>lt.'l!l'> II cdL'!,tll l ID -1 m .. .ti llll]lrovc:m.;nt Dt'-ltll.-1, PW I I -Pubh<. 'Wmh-. I rlh\ 1 und i<Mil 1 0,tdte] .:., I p-~url,ll<. I r,111)p0rtdll011 Plllffdlll ll L'(kfdl] IIA -t r,m..,porta\1011 Improvun ... tll/\"'count, I m -- [J,\fl~port,ltlOil ltnptOVi...ll-:nt Bo.JrJ j~talt:j rPP-IrJn~porldliOil P.~rtnL't'>hip ProgrJm l~tute] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #14: DESCRIPTION: 2011 South 228 111 Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation G1 (i</c.> S!!parallon cm1 1111,'" at Cnwn l'octfic Rarlroad Con~truct grade separation of the Union Pacific Railroad mainline track> at 'louth 228 111 Street The proJect wtll mclude the construction of an ovcrpa'>'> 01· an undcrpm.s road. lull-width pavmg concrete curb;,, gutter'> and sidewalks· street lightmg; utt!Jl!cs and appurtenance'> PROJECT COST: P1 climinary Engineermg ... . .. $1,600,000 Right of Way AcquJsJtJon ...... $2,500,000 Construction .. . ... .. . . .. ..... $22,000,000 TO l'AL ...................................... S26,1 00,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): C1ty of Kent, Port of Seattle. FAST, FMSII3, Un1on Pacific Rat! road PROJECT JLS riFICATJON: rhe project wtll lead to a seamless connection between major freight handle1s and their pnmary de>tmat10ns fh1s project will support fre1ght mov mg through Kent to the l'oJt;, u ( Seattle c~nd 'I a-:oma, Sea I ac J\ irport and the freeway system. Grade separatmg th1s artcnal wtll mcrea;,c both Jail and road\vay capacity. dccrea>c congc,tJon. enhance safety. lll1p!ovc fre1ght mobility m th1s coJrldOI and throughuut the region I hb proJect wtll provide reg10nal connccl!ons lor thousands ofbusmc;,ses, employers. and the 40 million square feet ofwaichouseimdustnal ;,pacem the valley \JP-AllLfltll!rlprovcm--nt Pnlf:l•lml'-lt<lk}, CMAQ-Conc..-:~tmn Mill!'dtl\Jil ,md /\1r (_)u,tlil\ [redudl] I J\~ J -1 r(.,JP,hl Ac..t1on ~tr,1tegy for [\~JLtt~~LJtlk~la~.-omd Comdor I ~1\IB I rc1ght Mobility Str,nq_1c IIw~.-'>lm ... nt Bom! ['-.tdl~l, I I i\ -ll!Jt:rdl J r.m'>lt '\dmltw.tratJon [Federal], 14 HI\ -ll~t<trd lliminatHJn[l ~JLr.ll] II S IntcllieL'nl I rJn~portatlon :,}<,l~.-Im II ~Lk~r.tll I ID -1 O\.dllmrro<,.em.:nl D1;,tntt, P\\' II -Public. \\nJJ...-. 1 r.htl und Loan 1 '-,tdte] SIP-~Lll L1c.L I rJn-.purt.ltJon Prorram (lt.d<:r,IIJ, IIA I r.m~portatJon Improvcm~.:nt Account, lIB- rrilll~port-ttiOil !mprowment Bourd I State I I PP-1 f,\ll'lpOndtiOt1 Pt~rtnr.:r'>hip Progr,un [<..,tat~] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #15: D ESCRI PTIO'I: 2012 l\'lllitary Road South at Reith Road. lnter,\eCIIOn lmprovemenl Widen all approaches of Milttary Road South at Reith Road inter~ection to provide cxclu<>tvc left turn lane~ for each approach, and el'.c!u-;tvc ttght turn lane~ Cut nmthbclLIIld and southbound lldf!ic on 'v1ilttary Road South and wc<>tbound traffic on Retth Road. Replace the .:xt~tmg traflic s.tgnal 1 he p!OJCCt Will mcludc the con~truetJOn of full wtdth pavtng, paved ;,boulders. otreet ltghtmg, :,torm dt a mage, utiltt ic:, and appu1 ten a nee:, PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ..... $180,000 Right of Way Acquisttton . $200,000 Conwuction .... . . .. ..... $1 ,800,000 TOTAL ........................................ $2, 180,000 FUNDING SOlJRCE(S): TIB, Ctty of Kent, Developer Mttigation Fund~ PRO.JECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development on the Kent West Hill coupled wtth the growth tn the Puget Sound area and the regularly occurnng congcotton along both Pactfic lltghway South and lntcrstdte 5 Jesuits m significant congestion at thts tntcrscc\lon in the mormng and evenmg peak hours AlP~ Artem1l lmprovemclil P1o~r.1m 1 St<lto.:], CMAQ-Lnngr..~t1on Mitlg•liiOn .md t\11 ()u,llll) \ Fldll o~ll, I 1\\ I I r<.tghl Act1on Strategy !or E\l'!ell~~C.ll')v I ,ILOJll<l Corndor I 'vl\IB-frllght Mobil II) Str,ltt.b,ll lllV.,.'\\IllUlt Bo,lhl JStJI~] I r ,\ -ll.'dcr,'l I f,tll\lt Admlr\J<;tratwn rrcdcral] 1 5 HI \ -J!,\J'Jr~llllllllllJ 1 101l [I t.dcr,\lj II~ lnti.'lilgct'l I r,m..,port,ldOil ~\\\Um II cJ~r til I ID -LN.Cil Jmprovllm;m DhlflL-1 ]1W I r -Publll \t\orb I n.:::.tl unJ lu,m[\t,lk] \11 1 ~tJriJl-. I r.tn:::.p~nt,ltJOn ProgrJm [llJo:r,d] IIA 1 rdn:::.portatmn lmproHtn~:nt Acwunt, JIB-- 11 Jll'>pot t~ltiOII lmprovl:m ... m BIMrd [St,ll>: J I PP-1 r,H,..,portJtlon PJrtnl.f~hrr Progr.1m \StdteJ CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANS11 0RTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PRO.JECT #16: DESCRIP'I ION: 2012 Southeast 256 1h Street and 132"d Avenue Southeast Intersection lmpr<ncmcnts Rcconslluct the mtcrsectton of Southeast 256 111 Street and 132'1d Avenue Southeast by cxtcndmg the northbound and southbound left turn pocket-> to provtdc addtl!onal -;torage capacity, extend the we'itbound nght tutn lam: and ccm<,ll uct ncvv nght tutn lane:, eastbound and southbllund J'he pro.Ject willmclude stgnalmodlficatJons and mmor te\.onstruclion of curb, gutter and sidewalk to accommodate the addttJOnal wtdenmgo P RO.JECT COST: Pt elimmary Lngineermg ...... 0 0 .... 0 o$340,000 Rtght of Way Acqut>ttJOn .. 0 $500000 Con-;tructton 00 00 000000000 00000 00000 0 $300,000 'lOOT A L ........................................... S690,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PRO.JECT .Jl STIFICATION: Continued development in the Ea:,t I-I til area of Kent has increa<,ed traffic flow:, through tht:, mter:,ectton The c:--t'itmg configuratton of the tnterscctton ts not capable of accommodatmg the cuncnt and anttctpated ll affic llow; Traf fie flow; have al'io mcreascd due to the new connection or Southca:,t 256'11 Sl!cct to State Route I X lll the ca'it 'I hi'> prDJCCt wtll :,upplcmcnt the Improvement> already construi:ted along Southeast 256 111 Street as well as anttcipatcd improvements to ';outhcast 256 111 Strcd to the ca;t and the 1111p1ovemcnt-, antlc!p<ttcd to 132"" Avenue '\outheast AlP-Art~..r~,\1 !mpiovem~..nt Proe:r,u1Jj'-)t.Jt~j, CMJ\()-CongL:.tJon IV1llJ~,I!Ion .md 1\Jr ()u.llnv [I LdLr.ll], FAS I ~I rcn~ht Act10n ~trdtep;y lor E\ c'Idt-Si..Jilk-1 dlUllM lomdor I i\1\IB I rught 1\hJbJllt\ ',tr.lli..'!'IC ln\l'otmcnt Bo,JrJ [\tdtej, I II\ I ~dcr,d [ r,m~1t i\JI'lllll'>tration jl cdcr(dj }6 HI "! -llM,m1! illllli1Jt:on [I cdcr.1lj I J "! lnt~..llu~t.nt I r.tmport.ltlon '-.\ '>l ... m~ jl uk1,1lj I ID -Loc<1llmprovumnl D1r..tnr..t P\\: J I -Publll \\ u1 k-. I ru:-.t lund I lklll ( \tdh.'l, ~I P-"lmi,JL~.-I r.tn:-.portdtlon Proi:r,tm I I ~.-tl~rdl j I J,\ I rcJn'>portatlon Improvement ALcounl, JIB- rrcul~port,Jtlon lmprovt.:m.._nt Rodrd jStah:j I PP-1 rc~n:.poruuon Partner~ hlp Progr<~m["lt<~tc] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSJ>ORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2013 PROJECT #17: Southeast 248 1h Street Improvements I 09'11 Avenue Suutlie(ll//o I 32"d :!venue Southeacll DESCRIPTION: Construct a three lane roadway from I 09'h A vem1e Southeast to 132"d Avenue Southeast wh1ch mcludcs the construction of full w1dth pavmg; bicycle lanes, concrete curh,, gutter-;. and sidewalks. <,\reel lighting. sto1m dramJge. Jandscapmg. utiiJtJc~ .1nd appurtenances l'he proJC<-1 mclude-, eJthcr a modern roundabout at the ll6'h A venue Southeast mtcr;,cctJon or a traditional traffic ;,1gnal Improvements to vcrtJcal roadway geometry for sight distance and !>dlcty 11 ill al-,o be adcln;<;st:d. PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engineering ......... $1,500.000 Right of Way Aequisition .......... $800,000 Construction . .. ................. $1 1.000,000 TOTAL. ..................................... $13,300,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, LID, D..:vclopment Miligation Funds PRO.ffiCT .JL S'llFICATION: Additional capacity is required to accommodate cxi;,ting development in the hl'>t Hill area of the city. This ploJcct will provide additional east- m:;,l capacJt) to :,upplemcnt Southeast 240 111 Street to the north. and Southeast 256'11 Street to the ;,outh In addition, the ;,outhcast CC1J ncr of Southea'it 248'h Stieet and 124 1h !\venue Southeast 1;, the future >Jte ofthc City of Kent's Public Works mamtenance facility. AlP-Artenallmprovem.:nt Program !O.,t~l~J CM 1\()-Cont·c~tJon MltlgntJon and A11 <)u,Llll) [FcdcrJ'I 1 A~ 1 t re1ght Act1on Strutegy tor E\t.'f\.'lt-SLJttk-1 ,1(.0111.1 Corndor I f\.1')][3 I rctght Mobil H) '-:.tr.ttq~,IC lnw'>II11Ult Bo,mll '-,t(ltcl I r /\ I~.;J~.,;n'l l rm::.lt 1\dmmJ:.trallOn [FcdL.rall 17 HI .., -H.varJ llunmJtli>ll [ILdLrJI] II~ Jntr..lll~Lill ! r,m...,rortJl\DI1 ~v~tcm~ jl CLLr 11[ I ID -1 oc tl lmprovemu11 DI'I\IICt PW If -PublK Woi k:. I fll'll I unJ I OJn l...,t,1LI..j ~I il-'-,lir]J(.L I r,m:.purl,\lHll1 Procr,\lll [I L'i.k.r,li J j !A J ldll:.portatJUn (mproVCI111.!ll( AccowH, I m- lrJn'>portdliOillmpluvcl.kllt Bo,lrd [Swtcj fPP-l r.tn'->portJtlonl\lrtnu:.hip Progr,un l~tc~teJ CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #18: DESCRIPTION: 2015 Military Road South Widening South :!72'"1 Sir<'t'llo f..ent-/Je1· Momec~ Road (Slate Route 516) lim proJect will wtden Milttary Road from South 272"d Street to Kent- De-, M01nco Road addmg a center left-turn lane, btcyclc lane'>, cutb, gutter and otdcwalk Also mcluded ts the comtructton of storm dtamagc improvement and illummatton system improvemento (Note R~tth Road and South 272"J Sttect tntct-;ccttom arc ocpatatc IXOJCclo and arc not mcluded 111 tillS proJect) PROJECT COST: Pt cltminary Engmeering ... $2.000,000 Rtght of Way Acqut'>llton ........ $1.000,000 Construction .............. $15,500,000 TOTAL ...................................... $18.500,000 FUNDING SOlJRCE(S): Ctty of Kent, Developer, TIB PROJECT .Jl,STIFICATTOI\': The level of development along this section of Military Road South has reached a point where a separate center two-way left turn lane ts t·equtred Dunng peak ttaiTic llO\\ houro. the roadway cannot accommodate the tralfic volumco due to the large number ofvehtcles blockmg the roadway wtntmg to make left turn'> Most '>Ccttons of Military Road arc lackmg stdewalk' and an adequate 'totm dtatnagc S)o!cm '\!P-Artenal Impnl\1.' ncnt ProgJd'll !State], CMAQ-C\.lnl'c-.uon NlJllgJtlon Jnd A1r t)u,JIJt\ [lcdLr,tl], ]•1\~ I -1 rc1r,ht 1\d1011 ...,lrcltcgv for E\t.'ll.;lt-Seattk-1 <lCOillJ CoJndor, l 'vl~IB-fr~1ght Mobil it~ ~IL1lCglC. lnv.._-,tm~nt Bo,.mJ [\tc~tvJ I I i\-f cUcr,d !1 lll~l i\dnmmtH111un [rt.dlrJ!j 18 Ill \ -ll.tLdfd I ilmlllJtlon [lldu,Jij I IS lnh..lllt'Cilt I r,m'>p011,1lmn ~V~IClliS I I c~L.:r,11[ I ID -1 t'ldl lrnprovt-llll'l'l Dhtn ... L PW I I Public \\io· ~~ I ru:.t I und Lo,m I '-,t,llLj, ':.I P ~mt.llL I fdl1'>flOitdtwn Progrdm II Ldcr.Jij II/\ I r 111-.[lOrt.llmn lmpro\Lillvlll Atwunt, JIB- I J,l!l~portdtiOII JmrrovL ncnt Bor~rd 'Shllc[ I PP-frJ,l:::.portdtlOn 1\Jrtn~r'>hlp Propr 11n l~t,lte] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION lMPROVE!VIENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2015 PROJECT #19: South 272nct Street Widening 1'<" rjr, I ftgh11 ill' South to \lrlrtarv Road South DESCRIPTION: Add two HOV lanes and a center left-turn lane fi·om Pacific Htghway South (SR 99) to Milttary Road South. Constructton wtll include futl wtdth paving, concrete curb. gutlet. and sidcv.alk'>, a factltly fbr btcyclc ttavcl. stJcct ltghttng. ;to1m dtamagc, utiltlte;, traffic stgnals, and apputtcnances rhc proJect also mcludcs wtdcnmg the roadway under the 1-5 b11dgcs PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ........... ~I ,900,000 Rtght of Way Acqut>ttton. .. ... $2,900,000 Construction . ... ... . ...... $15 300,000 TOTAL ...................................... $20, 100,000 Fl'NDING SOlJRCE(S): City of Kent, TIB PROJECT JCSTJFJCATJON: Traffic volumes between Pactfic Htghway South and Milttary Road South have reached the pomt where imptovemcnts supportmg !-lOY- added capacity arc rcqtllrcd to rcdttcc congestiOn at the mtcrsectwns and teducc backups approachtng 1-5 I he HOV lanes wttl provtdc access to the Star Lake Park and R1dc lot and the Redondo llcights !'at k and Ride lot Addtng I!OV lanes and l!OV access to I-5 supports vanous county. City of Kent and Ctty of Federal Way transpnt tation and transit tmprovcment p1 OJCCb. ,\[P · Artenal Improvement Prograrn[ St,nc), CMAQ --Congc-.uon MlltC,ttHJn ,md t\1r Qu.thty I 1·~.-·JL ldl] I/\~ I J rctght Actmn Strdtcry lor I \ lH.?tt~!'-,L,\llh.'-l ,jl.Oind c \)I nJor 1 i\ 1"' 113 - f fClgLt Vlohillt) Str,tlC(?IL I l1Vl '>IITILllt n,) If J I :,tIt~ I 1 I!\ -I CUCrdl I [ .m~ It AdnJt11J<.,\I au on II-.:-dcrJil 1 9 l-\L" IIJt::::trd l llllllllJttoll [I Lc.lCtJij II S lnt~..-lll~~~.-'lt I tdn:.porl,Jtlllll "'l\ -.tl-m:-.[1 t:Jcr,tlj I ][)-I OCdl I111Jlrlllvllll'.:i11 Dl>tn<.-1, PW II -Pt~bhl 'Works l'n1~t lunJ I o,m! ...,t,Hcj ~I P-~u, f,tcc I r<tn-.pnP.ttwn Prop!,llll jl~..dcr,d] IIA l rdll">portatton lmprovu11cnt ALU)Uill Ill~- fr,IJt\port.rllo 1 Jmpmv~.-lll'-'111 Boc~rd /:.,!dh.'/ I PP-J r,msporldt!On PMinL'hh,p Prvgr 1m jSt.-Jicj CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #20: DESCRJI"IION: 2015 SR 181/Wcst Valley llighway/Washington Avenue Widening i\leuker Sl! .:el 11011h to aJJfil O\Jmuldl' tlu: :! Is'" hlo1 k Widen the existmg five lane road to seven lane~ to include th1cc lanes in each duect10n and a center left-turn lane and m'itall a t1affic s1gnal at the intersectiOn of West Valley Highway and South 23gtl Street cllle proJeCt will Include the con'>tluctJon of lull-width pav1ng, concrete cull", gutters and Sidewalks, street l!ghtmg, >torm dra1nage; land>capmg, utJ llt1e' and appurtenances PRO.JECT COST: P1elumnary Engmeering ......... $LIOO,OOO Right of Way Acquisition .... $6,300,000 ConstructiOn ...... ........... $11 ,800,000 TOTA L ...................................... SI 19,200,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, STP, TTB, WSDOT PROJECT ,Jl STIFICATION: SR 181/West Valley l-!1ghwa; /Washmgton Avenue '' a maJor north- south 1outc through the CJty and an unpo1tant !Juck route for frc1ght movmg between the manufacturmg, mdu:,tnal and warchou,ing center of the Green R1ver Valley and the regional frc1ght conJdOJs This route,, seven lane'> w1de both north and '>Outh of the plOJect segm.:nt W1th increasmg traffic volume> from the expected growth 111 both the fre1ght and commute segments the w 1denmg J> needed to reduce congestion at inteJ<.,CLtlons and reduce backup'> approach 1ng S R 167 and South 212 111 Street A1Jl-Arh.n,ll !mprovemLill Program ["itah..], C\11/\Q-Cong~stmn Mltlg,ltlon and ;\n Qudllt} [I t"dLr<~l], l A~ I -I r~.-rght t\(.,tJon '-,tr uct:,y for Eil'1 C'tl-~l'Jitk-!Jumhl Corndor, I MI.,JB-I rught l\1,Jbilll\ -;lrdLL~IC lll\c:.tmcnt Btl<~nl [~tJtcl, I r \-J cJ!.!rdl ll,L!l~ll /\Jmilll'>tlJllon [redcml] 20 I-ll~ IIJL;;JrJ llnmnalluil [I ~dCIJII II S lntdlrg<.'nt frJmportdllon ~y:.\..:'111:-. [ILJ....rJI], I ID -L(H.,d lmpn)W'Ill'lll Dr-,tlllt P\\ 1 f -Publll \\ ork.., I n1<;t I unJ I o.tn j\tdt~[ ~ 1 P-~urt .. Kc I r.tn..,portJuon Pro~r,ml fl~..dc-rc~l1 1 I:\ I r .. m~pmtatJOn lmprovcn.cll \t..wunt, JIB- rr Lhporicil\0!\ lmpiOVUilllll Bo,m1 ~~ .. ·tL l I PP-1 T..Ilhf!OII,\h)Jl 1\lrtnL'T'>'llp l'rogr,\111 [Stdtcj CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2015 PROJECT #21: West Mce){Cr Street \VI()cning-Phase I 6~'1' !lvenur! South to rlw c;,een Hn·a 81 1!/ge DI:SCIUPTION: W1dcn We~t Meeker Street to provide a five lane roadway, including four general purpose travel lanes, a center lett-turn lane. bicycle lanes, a pedc'>tnan signal at the R1vcrbcnd Coif Course, and modifications to the C'\I-,tmg I! artie ~1gnal ~ystcm at the mtcrscction of \Vc,t Meckel Street and Rm~cll Road The prop.:ct will mcludc the consl! uct1on ol lull-\\ idth pavmg. concrete curbs, gutter~ and '-Idewalk>, land'>capmg; street IIghtmg, stotm drainage, ut!llliC> and c~ppu1 kndnccs PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ............ $1 ,200,000 R1ght of Way AcquisitiOn Construction ... $1,400,000 ' $4,200,000 TO L'AL ........................................ $6,800,000 FUNDING SOlJRCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT .JLSTlFICATION: The level of development along this section of Meeker Street has reached the pOint whereby a con5.Jstcnt five lane roadway segment is required to accommodate through tra!1ic J:xistmg traffic volumes we~t of the mtci <,Cellon o( 64'11 Avenue South tndtcatc tlw need ftli a five,: lane 'cct1on to accommodate additwnal development. S1dcwalk and bicycle tmpt ovemcnts will provide additional mcentive to encourage a sate and <~ttracl!vc \\alkmg and btktng cnvtionmcnt. promote altctnattvc mode' of travel, and facilitate acce~s to scenic and IecrcatiOnal faciintc' 1\ I P -Artl'n,\1 !mpravcnJo..'ll Program rstatcj, CMAQ-Congestmn M111gat1on and Air ()u<llltv [ rl'dl r.ll), r1\) I l n .. 'lgln Al-ll•lr' "l\l,llcgy lor E1 1.'1 t;'t\-~l,\1\ll-1 ,!lOm,, lll, mlor l 11.1"'113 I n:1ght f\1ublllt\ 1-,trdk__'i<.. 1m O..:'nmcnt l~o,\rJ j ~L.!IL j, I l \ -I ~JI!l ,d I r \n'>ll Adlllllll~lrJr 'Oil [I r:Ucr~lj 2 1 Hl o...,-IIM,trd I lllnmauo,l fl ~derJI) II S -lntcllircllt I r,lmport,ltlon ~-,, '>t'-1'1~ [I edtXcll) I ID -Loc,\1 lmprnv~ nen' Dt'>tltU P\\' II Pdb]K V..lllk~ lni'>L I 1110 I nan i"'tdtc], \I P \uri<LLC I r.m~pmt,\lion P1ll1'r,lm[l ~,.'dcr,ll] l I\ 1 r.111::.portatam lmprov<..m--nt 1\r...count IIH- l1 Jll'>port.Jtlon llllfHO"l-111.:nt Bo.~rd [ ~t.lle I I PP~ l r.:mpurtatlon I\11111CI ~111 p Progr,lm 1 :,tdtc] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTAT10N IMPROVE\'lENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #22: DF:SCRJPTION: 2015 \Vl•st Meeker Street Widening-Phase II 1 aAe l'enH'Ic k Rood to the ea.11 .11de oj1he Green RIVr!r Widen West Meeker Street between Lake Fenwtck Road and the east side of the Green Rtvcr Bttdgc to provtdc a five lane toad11ay, meluclmg four general purpose travel lanes, a center lctt-tutn lane, and btcyclc lanes Consttuct a new bndge over the Green R1vct and e"tend the five lane roacha) to the We-,t Meeker Stteel W1denmg -Phase I nnprovements Remove the ex1sttng traffic "gnal at West Mccker/SR S !6 and con;,ttuct a new mtetchange, includmg new ramps to connect West Meeker and SR 516 PROJECT COST: Prelnninary Engineenng .... o .. o .... $7,600.000 R1ght of Way Acqut~itJOn .. 0 0 ..... $3,400,000 Construction .. o .... ""'" $68.000,000 TO'l'ALo ..................................... S79,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, WSDOT PROJECT Jl!STIFICATION: Increasing traffic on SR 516 and \Vest Meeker Stt eel has resulted 111 an OVCiali IO\\CIIIlg of the \eve\ PI '>ei'VJCe at the CXJ',(Jilg lllki >CCllOil A new mtcrchangc would reduce delays and allow for untmpcdcd traffic now on SR 5\60 A II"-1\rkn<~l lmpro\-em~.·nt Progr<JI'l I '-It w.:J, CMAQ-Congc~tmn Mllll'dt1on ,md 1\1r { lu.Jill) [l ~, dl'r.tl], I /\"-I I r:?t~ht Actwn 'itr,ttegy lor E\ crctt-~('dltiL-j <li..OJn.l (\JrnJor I !\b!H rr~..-r~ht ~lobillt\ \tr,'l ... l'H. lnv~..--.LITICIH l~cl.Hd I ~\Jtej J I i\ r Cl'U,lf I r,IJ1'>11 Admllnc..\r(llJOll If i.!dl..:'-rali 22 HL~ -llaL,mlllrmmJtl\llllii.:dl'rulj I I~ lnteJh,~~..-n 1 I r,m"po11,1ttnlr ~'"krm [l cLkrd, ! !D -( oc,\1 lmproYLillL'Ill Dr-.t~rct, P\\' II -PlhlJL 'Woih'l rnht J und I o,m 1'-tt:tte) \I p ~uriJLL' I fdll'lport.rtrun PrO!'f,llll II 1..-lli...fcll) IIA 1 fdll'lp01tdllOlll111prov~.-m..:nt AL.count l IH- f tJri<.,porlltlOil lmprovemLnl Ho nd I ~tate) I l'P-l rJil'lfXlrtdllllll PMtlll.?''lhrp Progr,rm 1 ~~~t.:J CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #23: DESCRIPTION: 2015 132"" Avenue Southeast Widening-Phase I Southea11 288111 Street to Kent A.unglev Row/ (SR 516) Widen 132"ct Avenue Southeast to provide a five lane roadway, 1ncludmg four general purpose travel lanes, a cente1 left-turn lane, a facility for bicycle traveL and modification of the e>-I~ting traf fie signal system at the llltCI>C.:CliOn or Kent Kanglcy Road l he p!OJC.:Ct will mclude the con~truct1on of full width pavmg, bicycle lanes, cone I etc curb~. gutters, and ~Idcwalks, street lighting, ~torm drainage, landscaping. utilities and appu1 tcnances. PROJECT COST: Piel11ninary Engineering ... ..$2, 100,000 Right of Way Acquisilion .......... $2,700,000 Construcl!on . . ......... . $10 000,000 TOTAL ...................................... '£14,800,000 FUNDING SOlJRCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT .Jl STIFICATTON: The level of development along this section of 132"d Avenue has already reached the pomt whereby a consistent five lane roadway >eetion IS net:dc.:d to piovide -;afc left-turn c~ux-.s mto adJoinmg p1 opcrlies and accommodate forecast tratlic volumes. The south end of 132"J A venue Southeast provides alternative access to SR 18. J:x1:.tmg traffic volume' that CXC-<:Cd 20.000 AD I (ncar the Intcr:.cctJcln of 132"d I\ venue '>oulht:ast and Kent Kanglcy Road) neces,nate a tive lane :.ection Sidewalks and bicycle lanes will provide mult1modal access to adjacent land usc> AlP-ArtLnJI lmprovcm ... nt Progr.lm j '-;t.Jtl'] CJ\.11\Q-COI11-'I...'qron Mltl~',l\lon and /\1r ()u,tllty \fl·dcr,tll I·<\~ I -I fln~ht A1...t1on \trategy lor E\Cldt-SI...attJ. __ -1 ,Julm,tl orndor I 1\1\..,JB -~ ltlght ~1obJIIt\ ~tr.tte![IC lnw~tm~...-nt Bo.mJ j';tJtc] I f /\ -I cd~...-rdl 1 r.Ln'>lt 1\dlll!nh\t8\IC1Il [federJ.l] 2) Ill I., -I IMdld Ll!lllllhlllllll ll cdudl J II 'i 111tLilig~...nt I fdll'>JlOft,ttlon "''~kill!'. jll'dl'r.tll I [[)-I >ll,l• lm]mHnl~tlt DJ'>II!\.1 PW If -Pub]~~;. 'Woth.'> l ru~tl unJ I u.Jn ...,t,nc] ~I P \urlncc l r.tn~pottoti\Jil Prorr.tm (ldlcral] II/\ [l,tn~pnrtdtJon ImprownKlll /\~.-count, I II~- !'t,lmport 1t1on lmptoVl'lllCilt Bo.rrd I ~ldtc I I PP-1 r.rlbpon.Jtllll1 P,ll till' I '>hip Prorr.un I \t,lll'] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #24: DESCRIPTION: 2015 132'"1 Avenue Southeast Widening-Phase II Ken/ 1\ung/n· /ioucl I ~-R 51 OJ lu i·)outheml ]./8'11 Street Wrden 132"d Avenue Southeast to provrde a five lane roadway, including four general purpo~c travel lanes. a center left-turn lane, and a facility for bicycle travel; modrfying the existmg traffic '>tgnal svstem-, at the mtct ;,ectrons ol Kent Kanglcy Road and ~outhca'>l 256'h Str eel The ptOJCcl will rncludc the constructron of full-wrdth paving, btcycle lanes; concrete curbs gutters and sidewalks; str ect lighting. storm dramage; uulitrcs. dnd appurtenance-; PROJECT COST: Prclimmary 1 ngmeering Rtght of Way Acqursrtton .. $3,800,000 ...... $3. 1 00,000 Construction ....... . .. ..... . ... S 18.200,000 TOTAL ...................................... $25, I 00,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): Ctly ol Kent PROJECT .Jl STIFICATION: 1 he level of development along this section of 132"d Avenue has already reached the pomt whereby a conststent tive land roadway section '" needed to provrde <;afe left-turn access into adjotmng propcrttes and acccJmmodc~tc lorcea;,t trallic volume;, E'ltsllnt.; ltaCiic volumt:<; that exceed 20,000 AD I (near the tnlt:tscetron of 132"0 Avenue ;,outhcdsl and Kent Kanglcy Road) necessitate a five lane section. Stdcwalk'> and btcyclc l,mcs \\til ptovtde multrmoddl acce'.s to ad1accnt land uses \I P-\rt.._n,ll Improvement Program [ ',tatt:], CMAQ-Conp.cst10n MltlgJtton and A1r Qu<tllty [l-t..·d-.'r,ll] rA ~I -l rct~ht A01on ~tr,HLgy ror E\i.::!ltt-"H.atll-.'-1 ,l(()llld l otndor r !\1'-lB rrclght '\h)b!llly ~tr,\t,.'~!C lnvL ... lilll'll\ [1o,ud l~tJtt.J, l I A-I CJlr,!l I Llll'>ll ".dnllnl~tldliOillfcdcrall 24 HI "l ll.v,ml Llunm,lthln [lldcr .. tl] II~ ln!l.llt~L'nt I rJn'>porttlllnn '.)'>lL'm:. II cdeJdl 1 ID -I OL,JI lmrrnvlillL'Ill D1qr1d Jl\V II -PlJbiiL Vvl)tk~ l nt'lt 1 und I o,m I ':l!Jll] ~II' '-,uri,ILL' I r,m~port,ltton Pro~r,1m [ILJL'r,ll] I I\ 1 r,m~pOitU\lO'l ln1provL 11<..-nl '\lc...ount I JH- !Jtln'>port ttl on lmproVL'Illltlt Boa·d l~tdtll I PP~ l r,tnC:JponatJOn P,trtnL"r..,hrp Prorr,lln ['-,t,Hc] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVE:VIENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2015 PROJECT #25: 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening-Phase Til Southeast 2-18 11' Street to Sou/he(/\/ 2 36'11 Strl!cl DESCRIPTION: \VIdcn 132"J Avenue Southe<bt to p10vide a five lane roadway, mcluding four gcncial purpose twvcl lane,, a center !ell-turn l<wc. and a fac!lit) lor bicycle travel; modifymg the c:-..bt111g traflic signal system at the intersection ol Southeast 240 1h Stice\. The proJect will Include the cons!Iuction of full-Width pav111g. bicycle lane,, concrete curb-.. gutters. and '>Idewalk;,, street !Jght111g, storm drainage, tltiiJIJes and appu1tenanccs PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ........... $2.1 00,000 R1ght of Way AcquJsitJon. . .. .5>900,000 Construction . ..... ...... .. $10,300,000 TOTAL. ..................................... '!i 13,300,000 FUNniNG SOVRCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT ,JlJSTIFICATION: !'he level of development along this sectiOn of 132 11 " Avenue has already I cached the pomt \\ he1cby a cuns1stent live lane roadway o,cction I<; needed to provide safe left-turn access to adJOinmg p10pcrt1es and accommodate forecast traffic volumes. Sidewalk-, and bicycle lanes will prm 1dc mullimodal acce-., to adJau:nt land u'>cs 1\JP-Ancn,lllmprowm-.111 llrogr.lm [~t.li>!J, CM,\()-Cong..:st10n Mlll!'•l\hJil ,md Atr (Julllt\ [l cdLr.JI], 1 '\ ~ 1 -1 n:l!'ht l\d1o 1 '-,tr.tllP\ tor E\Lidi-St..'dltlvl.h .. lllll<~lorndor I \l~IB rn:1ghtMohllll) ~tr.Ht.g1c Jn, ... '>tl11~ntBo,•rd[~tll..::] II,\ l~d~t,tlll m~nAdmtni'>'I::!IIOn[lcdemll 2) HI ~ -l!.u:-uu [llllllllallollll ldlr.tl, II~ lntclltgult I r.tn~pOrtJtton ~' ~h..·m~ lllll...r 1i] I ID -l 0l.tllmprovun~n~ Dt-.tm.t 1'\\ I r -Pllblll Wo1 k'> fruo;;t I unJ l O<ln l ~t.tt>!l ~ l P-~ur l.tl~r I rdn~rot L,ltlon Profl.lln [I t.do:r<~ll IIA I r.tn~portatton Jmprovcm..:nt Acwunt, JIB- !1 .\n'->port.:ltiUII Lnpruvu .1o..nt Bo,'rd [ SWtl J I PP-1 r,uiSI"Or1Jtlon P,mnu -.hql Progr.un [",t<~te] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2015 PROJECT #26: Southeast 256 1h Street Widening-Phase III 132"" Al'l'nue Southeilll/o l-18'h ·!venue Southeml DESCIHI'TION: Widen Southeast 256 1h Street to prov1de a three-lane roadway, includmg two general-purpose travel lanes, a center lefl-turn lane, a facil1ty for bicycle travel, and modilying the cx1stmg traffic <>Jgnal system:, where app1 opnate. Con:,truct a new bndgc: cro'>'>111g at Soo<; C 1 eck and clc\ ate Southeast 256 111 Street app10aches above the I 00 year flood plam. rhc p1 OJCCt will mclude the construction of full-width paving, bicycle lanes. conc1 de curbs, gutter'>, and 'itdcwal!..s, btJdgc:. '>ll cet lighllng. :,loJ m dramage, utilities and appuncnance'> PROJECT COST: Prelnnmary Engmeermg .......... $3,200,000 R1ght of Way Acquisition. . .. $1,300.000 Con:,tructJOn .. ... $15,000,000 TO l'AL ...................................... SJ 9,500,000 FUNDING SOlJRCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT .ll S riFICA riON: The level of development along th1s section of Southeast 256 111 Street has already reached the pomt whereby a consi:,tcnt three-lane 1 oadway :,cellon is required to provide 'iafe left-turn acccs:, mto adJ0111111g plopcJtJcs and accommodate forccc~:,t traffic volume:, W1th the Widening of Southeast 256 111 Street. the bndge at the ca:,t end of the prOJect would need to be n:placed and elevated above the I 00 year tlood pldin Sidewalk;, and bicycle lanes will p1 ov1de sale acLC:.'> for pede<>tnans and Lycli>ts rhc cast end of Southeast 256'11 Street provide:, an altctnalive acce~s to SR 18. AlP-AnLn<~ lmrrmt:nH ... Ill Proemn l "Jidk[ Cl\11\() Conge:,tlon Mtt1~ d!1on and /\1r C)uallty [f·.:d.:rd], fA~ 1 -I re1eht Actmn l;)tr,J\et:>y lor bcrt.tt-",L,tttk-!dUlllld C umuor I M'-lll3 I 1ught \lobillt\ <.;trdtt:~JC !m~. .. ,tmcnt BonJ [~tJtcJ ITA -l edcrdl 1 rdn'>lt 1\dmllmtrdllon[f cd~ralj 20 Ill \ -IIJLMU llimlnJIHli1 [llr.kr,ll[ II~ lnt~.lltt•'-•nt I r,lll'>port.J\1\lll ...,,...,lllll'> II LJLrdl: ! !D -Locdl l'nprovunL11l Dl'>l ILl PW II Pt'biH. \\ 01 k.., 1 ru:,t l und I oJn ['-Jtl\c j, ~ I P-~ur t ,u.e l r.uv~pmt,ltloll Progr,m1 1 I ... ~.l..?r,ll[ IIA I r.m!:.portallorl lmprovcmt.:nt Account, 1 i •{ rr,lll~port.JtlOtl Jmrrovun .... nt l3oJrd l~tclt('i I PP-1 r,m!lpOrtd[IOil P.Jrtncr<,]llp Progr,Jm [:-,tn~.:[ CJTYOFKENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION lMPROVE.\'lENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #27: DESCRli'TION: 2015 South 208!1' Street Im provcmcnts 8-1'1' ,J wntt<' South 1o 9(/' Will S(}[t/h Rehabilitate the existing pavement to add additional ~ervice life to the roadway from 84th Avenue South to 96th Way South. This project will widen the cx1~ting roadway to two 14 foot lane<> w1th the addition of eonclelc Clllb. gutteJ~. ~JdCI\,ilk'>, :,[01111 dra111agc and illumJndt!on rhe piolect will reb~nld fail1ng roadway scctJon-, nc:1r 93'" Avenue ctnd add a left turn lane hom eastbound 208 111 Street to northbound 92'"1 Avenue South Rctam111g walls and guard1ail-; will be c~ddcd ch nc<:dcd. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .. $250,000 .. $150,000 $2.800,000 Right of Way AcquiSition Construction ..... TOTAL ........................................ $3,200.000 FUNDING SOLRCE(S): City of Kent PRO.JECT JUST! FICA TION: South 208th Street between 841h Avenue South and 96 111 Way South is a su b<>tandard narrow two-lane roadway that conncch 84 til A vcn uc (East Vnlky lligh\\il)) wJth Southca'>t 208''' Sl!cct l his section ol 1oadway cannot accommodate the existing and anticipated \J ,If lie volumes and '' expencnc111g pavement and roadway Ia !Iure<; that requ11 c repa11 W1Lknmg ol the roadwa~ \\ill n<:ces;,Jtatc the Jll'>tallallon ol' rcta111111g wal b and guardrails \ j]l-1\rtcn.JI !mprOVC'lll nl Progrdm lStf!tl!], CMAQ-Congcstwn Mlll['<lliOil Jlld 1\Jr (._lu,l111\ I I cdcr,ll], r J\S I I rclght Act Jon Strater-" tm E\ Cil.'tt-Su:Jttk-I .tl~llll,\l 01 rldor I i\1~1B rrclght MobJLt) ~tr,\ll')J,'l. !nve-.tm.:nt Bo.mll ~t.1tc], IT 1\-I l..'dl..!r.d II lll~lt AdmmJ'>tl 3\1(111 I h.:JI..!r,ll] 2 7 HI \ I !.u.mll lilllllhH.nll [!Ldl'i,ll] I l ~ lntLIItgcnt I r.m..,pOit,ltlon ~\ .,t.;m<, [luk.ic~l] I ID -! O(.,li Improvement D1'>1m.t P\A I r Publll W,ltk<., I ru<.,ll und l o.m ]\ .. ttc] ~ JJ! ~lifl,tc .. 1 r.tn:,portJtiOil Pro~r,lm!l .... d~r.tl] !I,\ -I rJn<;portatJon llnprovc1r-.nt A(..Count, liB-- 1 r,tn'>pOrt<tllUI lmpiov~.m .... m Bo.m.J l~tdh:] I PP--I r.1n..portJtllJJl P.trtncr'>hi[J Progr.!m[~t,tt~] CITYOFKRNT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #28: IH:SCRII'TION: 2015 80 11' Avenue South W1dening South 196111 Stree/ to Su/1111 18H'11 Street Widen 80'11 A venue South fi om South 196 111 Street to South 188 111 Street to five lanes This will mclude four general-purpose lanes and a center left- turn lane I he proJect will also mclude the construction of full width paving. concrete Cl!l h'>, gullet~ and >Icicwalk;,, 'lt eel IIghtlllg. ;,toim d1 a mage, utii I lies and appurtenance> PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ..... . ... $300.000 .S700,000 $2,000,000 Right of Way AcqUI;,Ition ... . Construction . . . .. . .. . . TOTAL ........................................ $3,000,000 Ft:NDING SOlJRCE(S): City of Kent, LID l'RO.Jl~CT .JLS riFICATION: The opening of the 1961h Street corridor on the south end of the proJect and Renton's completion of Oak-.dale Avenue South re-;ult-; Ill 80th Avenue South bemg a '>Ign!licdnl nonh--,outh co~r~dor ;,t,;Ivmg the indu'>tnal a1ca As a result, the mcreascd traffic volumes along this section of 80 111 Avenue South ai e reaching the pomt where a cons1stent five lane roadway >t:Llion h required to proVIde the Iequtred capacity and allow safe left turn acces;, Into the adJO!Illllg properties. Further. concrete curb-. and gutters are required to provide contml of roadway dramage and to p1cvcnt tmpach to adJdccnt piOpeity O\\llCJS '-;Idewalk;, and ~licct ltghtmg will provide '>afc acce;,;, for pedestrian;, 1\IP ~ t\nLnli lmplovcmLntlJrogr<~m['1tdh..'j CMAQ Lon1•,.'qlon Mlll!'dlllm dlld i\1r (}ull•t\ II cdLr<~IJ, I •\~ I I fllfhli\LtJon ....,tr<~llf'Y lor t\eiCtt-Sc.nttk-ldLOilld ( omdor I \1:-,IB I flight MoLJilll\ ~tr.nc~l,IC lnv._,tmcnt Boc1rd [<.;t,H,:] ll;\ -l~:dcrdl I rdmlt AdmmJ~tlatwn [I edt.. rail 28 Ill '1 -I lNJrd l ]JJ'llllclllon II ('i.lt:r,d I II S lntcliH'CI'l l r<.~n'>rortdtmn ':>y~tllns !1 ed,:r 11[ I ID -1 OLd I hnprovcnwll\ Dhtnd P\V I J Public \\ O' k-. I ru'>t lund Lonn I ~~~~~j "-, l P-~urtacc I r,mc.,po• t.1110n Prog1 .tm 11 cdcr.JI[, 1!,\ I run-.portatwn lmpiPVlllll'lll Alwunt Ill~-- ! Llll'>port.t\10 1 lmp1 ov.:mcnt 13omd [Stale] I PP-I r,m-.pnrl.ttmn P<Ittnt..:r'>h'P i'wgr.lm 1 ~l<llcj CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #29: DESCRIPTION: 2015 South 196 1h/192"d Street Corridor-Phase III 8-l' /l1·enue South (/,mt J 'u/ley J liiJ)1ll oy) to 108111 Avenue Southeml (SR 515; Construct a new five lane roadway from 84 1h Avcmtc South (Fast Valley High1vay) to 108th Avenue Southca;t (SR 515), tncluding a new brtdgc ovct <;R 167 ProJclt will mcludc the con~truclton ol fuii-\VIdth pavtng, concrete curb. gutter and stdcwalks, a factltty for btcycle travel, street lightmg, storm drainage. landscapmg. utilttte> and appllltenances. PROJECT COST: l'tcliminary Engineering . . .. $7.1 00,000 Rtght of Way Acqutsltwn .......... $7,300,000 Con;tructton ......... ".$35.600,000 TO'J'AL ...................................... S50,000,000 FUNDING SOlJRCE(S): City of Kent. Ll D, STP, 'II 8 PROJECT .JUSTIFICATION: Traffic volumes on existing ea~t-west corridors will exceed the adopted :,t~mdards tf forecasts of ccononm: and rcstdcntwl gtowth on the Ec~;t II til of Kcm and Jlllt'-dtctton:, to the ca't of Kent contmuc a' predtcted by !>late and rcgtonal plannmg agcnctcs Addttwnal roadway capacity must be pt ov tdcd to accommodate this growth 11 llh 111 the ut ban gro11 th bou11datte:, Tht!> ptOJeCt :,uppotts GMA po!tctc> hclp'i the Ctty meet tl> Concurrency Standards, and augm<.:nb ptcvtous mvestmcnt:, 111 thi~ corrtdot by extcndmg t!s u;efulm:;:, as a fn.:rght con tdor and maJor cast- wcst conncctton -\IP-Art(;ndl Improvement Program ] StJtr.:J, CMAQ-Conrcstmn Mlllp<lllon Jnd A1r ()lJihty I rcdLr.Jij, rAS I 1Te1ght ALl1on ~tr.Ltcgy for btlltl-SL,H k-1Jl011ld ( Olrtdor I \1\IB rrelght l\1obtlil) ~[f,ltLfK lnv-:,tm"nt Bo.Jrd ]\tJkj I II\-ll..dcr,il IT In'> I\ 1\dmllmll,ltlOn ]federal], 29 Hl \ I !JLa1 d l illllll\,ltlnn [I cdcr,ll] I IS lntt:IIJgcnt l wm.porLHIDil ~\'\('Ill<; ]I cJ~·r ,II] I 10 -Lac..<~ I lmrrovcmu,t D1~tn'-'t PW II PubliC Wo k~ I ru'.t lund I o.m I "'tdtcj <..,I Jl-\ur f<~cc I r,m:::.pott,JtJon Pro!'! .1111 [I u.kr<1l J, IIA -I r Jn:::.portalHlll lmprov~tnr.:nt ALcount, liB- [J,l!l..,por\,JtlunlmplllVC.n~.nt BoJrJ l~ldtt:] IPP-lr,J'l~poi1dtJOn P,lrlnct)h,p PlopJ,Jm ]~'ate] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION L\1PROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #30: D J·:SCRIPTION: 2010-2015 TransportatiOn Ma~tcr Plan Ongo111g C 'ti)!\Hde Progt mn 'I hi> project con-,ht> ol a maJor update of the Transportation Master Plan 1ncludmg near·-tcrm and long 1ange plannrng of the Crty's tran-,portatlon system needs ProJeCt costs Include consultant contracts from transportation plannmg, concurrency management public mvolvemcnt tldvcl demand and t1aflic operations mmkllllg and ,malysb of potential financ1ng stratcg1es to construct. operate and mamtam the C1ty'> transpo1tatron network The plOJCCt rncludcs staffresmnces. hardware and sol'\\\are to analy/e and manage the \lan>poltdlion network and dcvL:Iop nnplcmentmg legt>latlon and regulatiOns related to the tran,portation sy>tem Action strategies for mon1tonng and evaluating the performance of the tlan-;portal!on ,y>tcm will he c'>tabli,hcd PROJECT COST: Pr cl1m inary Engineerrng. .$850,000 .. ... $0 ..$0 R1ght of Way Acqws1t1on ... Construction 'l'OTA [, ........................................... $850,000 FUNDING SOliRCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT .Jl STIFICATION: !'he City'> 2008 Transportation Master Plan identified the City'-; tram.portation system need-, out to the year 2030. Th1s proJect is to help en<;ul e implementation of the 2008 Transportation Ma>ter Plan The C1ty 111ll'>t be: rn complianc~.: w1th all 'tate. count) and 1eg1onal pol!CIC'> 111 order to he el1g1blc to apply for compet1t1ve grant> rht: City endeavors to max1m17e transportauon effic1~.:nc:. 1nvesl!gatc methods or mcasunng concunency that 1ncorpo1atc all mode:, ol tld\CI, better reflect:, the way-, ou1 commun1ty 1s chang1ng. engage, the community Ill d!scu>>~ons about lutu1e tran>portat!on llwc-,tments. and invest1gates vanous ways of' lund 111g ou1 lulu! c \ran <;poltallon m:eds AlP-1\rt ... n.tl l1'1provemu11 Program [~tat0], CMAQ-Congestion t\11\Jg.ltlon and /\1r Qu,lllly \fl!derall, I A-, 1 1 rcH~ht A1.-tlon '-llr<~W~·y for E\llCLt-~uttL-l,lLOJn,l lunJdor I M(,Jl3-fn.1ght \lobJht) "}U.ttceJc lm~.-..,trnlllt Boc~rJ j~tJtcj ITA-I cdctdl I J,lll'>il 1\dmJtll'>tialJun[rcdcral) 3Q I-ll ~-IIMdTd l hlllllhllll.lll I t:dcr,ll) II':, lntt:lhel'nt I t,lll'lp0lt,llllll1 S\ '>ll'lll'> [l ~,.•d.._J,!ij I 10 -Lo~.-<tl ll11]'rDYUll'-nt Di'>LIIL-1, PW I I h hiK 'Wo1 b I ru'>l l und I o,m I '-ltJte] ~I P-\uri,H..c I r,m..,pmtdll\lll l}rn!'r,m1 [I ~..u..;rdll IIA I Tdn~poltatwn lmpruv~ n~'-.-11\ r-\(..r.,ount IIH ! r,m"iport,\tlon !mprowmcnt BoMd l~tJt<:] l Pl'-I r,Jil\pon.lt1DI1 l\H11h:"'>hip Prog_1 llll[~t~ll~l CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEME~T PROGRAM YEAR: l'RO.JECT #31: DESCRIPTION: 2010-2015 Street Preservation Program Ongrnng ( 'r/J'It'ide 1'1 og1 0111 Projects that mamtain the ex 1st mg t1 ansportatlon system by ove1la:v mg, Jchabilltating, and rccon,tructmg the c\l'.tJng a<.,phalt and concrete stn:cts throughout the C1ty PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ............ $1,500,000 R1ght of Way Acquisition ' ' ""' "$0 Construction .................. $23, 700,000 'I'OTAL ...................................... S25,200,000 FlJ.'IDING SOCRCE(S): City of Kent PRO.JF:CT JUS'IIFICATION: The City of Kent assessed the condition of its ~trcet network in 2008. It was found that many of the 'tlccl> \\ 1thm the nctwo1 k C'\hibil dclicJcncJc'i that rc!lcct they me be) ond then· c'.pcctcd performance lilc and m need of a ma mtcnancc/i chab JiJtatJon over Ia). 01 some amount or reconstruction Mo1 cover, hisloncally, the amount of pavement resmfacmg, rchabi!Jtat1on. and recon,tructJon mon1cs the Cit)' ha'> budgeted each year has b~:cn msulliclent to addrc'S the dcfiCICnCICS of ItS 'lrccl network. Jn:,uJfiCICnt budg~:ts to pcrf01111 thi~ nl·ccssary w01 k rc;ull'i m more c:-.pcns1vc mamtcnancc and lchabilitation options A ill-Arh.rt,ll lmprovenl-.'tlt Progmm 1-.;ta\1.], CMAQ-Conel.'suon Mtllt'•ltum ,md 1\11 ()u,tiH) jlllh.•r,ll], ! A,:., I 1 ret~~ht /\Uilm \tr,Jt~.:gy lor E' cr.,;tt-~~.11tlv I JUJm.J C\lmdor ll\1~1B-.. 11:1~ht !\1l)hllll\ ~tr.lh.,qc lml''>'m~nt BoJrd l"'tdtl] l I'\ I cdcr tl 11 m~lt Adm•lm\1.1\ioniFetkrall 31 HI '-., lidLmd rill1111l<ltllll If ~d~r.llj II") -!ntdll1'll11 r r.tmport.\liOll \~ '>10.:1·1'> II t:<.kldlj l lD -I OC<'i lmpruwmt:n Dl'>tfl(.l I'W I r Publit v .. 'Dtl-.'> I fU!:lllund llldllj\t,\11..] \I p ~ur!~tce I f<ln!:lport,ltlOll PtorrJmiJ <.d ... rJI] 11 1\ I r,msportatlon lmprovtmdll ALCOUilt, liB- I r Jll'>port.Hwn Imrrovcnl.::nt B<Mrd [~\at~.:] ! PP-1 r.m'>portc~tlun Pdrtncr'>hlp Progr<~m 1 \t 1lcl CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION n1PROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #32: DESCRII"IION: 2010-2015 Traflie Signal Management Program Ongoing Cil\ wide l'rogrum I IllS program will analyze intcr~ectwns for potential mstallat10n of traffic s1gnals or other traffic control to 1n~ure ~afc and ef'fic1ent use of the e:>-J'>tlllg and planned transportation network Analy>J'i of turn movements and colli'>IOn hJ-,tOI)' \I ill be u<,cd to pnollli/.c new traffic ~1gnal mstallation~. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ........ $600,000 . ... $0 . ...$3,600,000 Right of Way AcquJsltJon .. ConstructiOn ....... TOTAL ........................................ $4.200,000 Fl'NDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT ,Jl;STJFICATION: Historically. the City justifies the need for two new traffic signal<> per year to meet >afety and mobil1ty need> 1 h1' p1ogram budgd> for proJect> needed to meet the mcrcao,mg demand fo1 '>lgnall/cd Jnter,ectJon control and the con>tant need for tt ani~: count> to mon1tor vehtcle volume~ and behctvior It also support'> the replacement of old. outdated traflic s1gnal equ1pment at Cl\1 rcntly slgn<tii/Cd Jnter>ections I he pnonlie> lot trarril- slgnals will be set by tran>portatJon system s1gnal wa1 rant ~tud11:s wh1ch include stud1cs of volume>. colh:,Jon hbto1y. pede>tnan mobil1ty needs. and 10ad11ay geomctr> I h1s p10g1am abo help-; the C1ty mamtam k1el of sctvtce ~tandaJd> nccc~>ary to mamta111 conclli'I'CIKY as requncd by the Grcm th Management Act I\ I jl-/\Jttn,ll Improvement Program (State], CMA() ( 0'1GO:Stmn Mttlg.ltJOtl and Alr QuJLt\ ! I Ldlrdl], r ·\~I -I r~lght ALl lOll ~trdt~gv !or b u~U-S~Jttll-f o~wma Corndor f \1.SIR -frl..'lght Mobility ~tratefiC lnv ... :-.tm-:nt BoJrd ! ')tat-:j 1·1 A~ l cdcr"l l1 dmlt Admml'>lfd!Jon f1 cderJI], 3 2 HI \ -lluJr~ll 11m1na~Jon ll cdcr,d] II S lntclllecnt I r,m..,rort,nmn ">' qo:1n::. II cJ .. .-rJlj I ID -1 oc,tl lmrrov~m~nl Dhtnct PW 1 f Publtl \\01 ~:. I ru:-1 I und LoJn I ~t.ttt.:j ~I P-~urldll' I r,m:.portJUon Progr,un II Ld~r,lll IIA I rJ.1~portat1on Improvement Account, JIB- 11 JJI">port.ltlOil lmpr ov'.!mcnt Board 1 '>t.ltc 1 I PP-I r Jn:.portJtJOn P .. trtnl'r)h, p Progr ,un [ \t,tte] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PJWJECT #33: DESCRIPTION: 2010-2015 Channeli~:ation Improvement Program Ong,ulll!' ( 'ill'lt'ide P1 ogtl/111 Provide ~t1cct marklllg project> throughout the City to separate and regulate eonllJcting movement'i, dclinc path'> of travel, and fac1htate ,afc and orderly movement on City streets PROJECT COST: Prelnnmary Engmccring ,.. , .. $40 000 Right of Way Aequisi!Ion .............. $0 Construction ... .. ...... ., $494,000 TOTAL ........................................... "1534,000 FUNDI!\G SOURCE(S): C1ty of Kent PROJECT .JlS'IIFICATION: Th1s ongomg p10gram maintain, and updates the channelization throughout the C1ty The City has 1,648,861 LP of channcli7atinn stnping. 238.258 1 <w,cd pavement marking>. 22.(J l I Ll of C cu1 b and 7.179 L r of pam ted C curb Channelization help> to limit conflict point> and directs motonsts through <ucas ofcomplc'<Ity Thc,c ma1kmgs me also used to delineate lett tu1n storage qw:uc area, and decelciatwn arec~-. lor 11ght turn111g vehicle-, l'h1~ pmject preseive, the capacll) and cffie1ency ol the C:>.l>tlng roadway sy'>tem. AlP-Artenol Jmproveml."lll PJogr.JJ'l 1 ~Lilt-], CMAQ-Congestion MJti1_',Jtlnn Jnd 1\1r ()u,dm !ILd.._Jd!), J,\~ I 1 rl..'lt'ht;\l\J\11 "'tJJtC!!-Y !o1 E~cJltt-S~,Ittk-1 <~Lom,t CllrnJm I \\"'1!3 -I rc1gl t Mnhiln\ Str.li~JIC lm~.::.tmult HoJ1J l~tJtl] I lA-I LJc:r d I r lll'>ll /\Oll1llli'>I1El\I011 [f u.kr.lil HI "'! -lid!drd llllnlnJllllll II cdLr,ll] II S -lntelllrLnt I r,m..,porLdtJon ~\:-.t~.m::. \I L'Jcr,d, 1 10 -Lo\..,\1 lmprovCJnL'nl D1<,tm.t PW II -Pub! H. \Vnr\...<; I ru'lt llim.ll lldll 1 :-:.t.~te] ~I P ~urldLC l r,ul..,portdtltl!l Prou,un liLliCI<~ll. IIA I rdn..,portauon lmproV<..' nvnt 1\LLDlllll I JB rrJnt.port,I(JOil lmrrovi...,'ll\.'11( Bo,I/J I S!,lll/ I PP-I rJn.,pvi1,JtiDn P,Jrtn-.r..,h!p Prorr,lln )~Hllt'j CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #34: DESCRIPTION: 2010-2015 Residential Traffic Calming Program Ongomg Cil)'\1 f{(e Progro!ll This project will develop and nnplemcnt residential traffic calming throughout the City on a pnonty baoiS as funding allows. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineenng ... ..... $750,000 Right of Way Acquisition. ... .... . ... $0 Const1 uction ..... . . ...... $1,050,000 TO rAL ........................................ $1 ,!100,000 FLINDI'IIG SOURCE(S): City of Kent I'IWJECT JUSTIFICATION: The program was originally establi~hed in 1999 to address traffic concerns on residential streets The C1ty Council 1 eccntly adopted a revised rraffic Calmtng l'Iogiam 111 01dcr to make mf01mcd, ~) stcm.tltc, deci~Ions about actions to c01 rcct tho>e concerns. 'I here has been a '>ll b~tantial 1 nc1 ea~c 111 requc;ts to the City for in'>lallation ol physical devices wilhtn the la;t couple of years that Ic~ultcd 111 a »Ignlficant tncica<,c Ill the number or speed and volume ;tuches and rcqlllrcd numcrou; public meetmgs I his program will allow for adequali: traffic ~ludic; to keep up With the mcrcascd demand, ;upport I 25 I I L to pcrlotm the '>IUdtcs and wo1 k with resident; toward re;olvmg tral fie concerns, and fund the purcha;e, installation and construction of physical device~ for residential traftic calmtng AlP-An~n<ll lmp10Vl'I1H..:nt Progr<1n1 j";.t<~t.__j l M•\C) (. onr~.q1on Mlll~','\1\lll <tnd /\1r t >uJIII) jlldlrdll I/\~ I I rc1ght 1\L.tiOII )tr,lt~gy for [H.'n..tt-';l<tlll.,_-1 .t~.-om<Jl'omdOt I 1\.1\IB hc-1ght Mobil ttl-~trc~lq'r-:: lnv ... qm~.:nt Bo,ud ['-;tell~.:], 11,\ -I cdcrdl I r.m\lt '\dmlllhlJJ\J011 [Federdl] 34 HI \ -IIM<~rd rlrmlnatllm [~ cdcr.1l J Ill., lnt~..IIP~cnt I r,m-,port<ttttlll .;;, '>l1.tm fl "J"r.tll l ID -Loc..,JIImprohnklll Dr,tnc..t PW I r -Pllbllc \\ 01 b l r 1~t l und I o.tn 1 ~~~He J ~ I P -l.,urf.tLC I r ctn~pon,Hton Pror,r.tm [I cder.d l IIA l r.m~portallon lmprovetnLnt Acwunt, liB - ! rMi!:.port.ttlortlmprovcm ... nl Bo.~rd l~t;.~tcl I PP~ I rdn'>purt.ttJon P.Jrtnt;:'r'>hip P~ngr,rm[l.,tdtcj CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM \'EAR: PROJECT #35: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: 2010-2015 Bicycle Improvements Ongomg Cti)'JI'uk Program Make miscellaneous improvement~ to the city';, bicycle routes as identified In the Nonmotontcd ( hapter (Chapter 6) of the Tran-.po1tation Mastel Plan Btcycle Jane:, arc part of indivtdual street tmp1ovcment piOJCCt> and are shown separate!) I he1r costs (estimated at 538.800.000) a1 e not reflected here. I hi'> p1 OJeCt IS for shared lane re-;,tnpmg and s1gnmg and fot the extenston of the ">luucd-usc path nct1H1rk Pteltmtnaty Lngtneenng ..... .. Rtght of Way Acqutsl\ton. ...... . $108,500 $72.500 Construction ..... ..... .. . .. ........ $723,500 l'OTAL ........................................... S904,500 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT .JLSTIFICATION: l'he rransportation Ma-.ter Plan Nonmotorized System study proposed a network of ;,harcd-Junc route-; 111 a number of ttan;,pottatiOn corndors to help connect the btcyclc ,y;,tcm I ane markmg;, and '>tgn pm.ungs can tnfonn motonst;, and cyeli;,ts oftho;,e corndors best '>lilted for stglllfi~ant btke usc I he:.e -;ha1 cd-lanc tact!ttte'> can provtde cnttcal lmkagcs to maJOr cycltng acttvtty centers and conncctJOns to the 'harcd-u<;~: path 'i) 'tc:ms TillS project can help achtcve the Ctt) ·, goals for tmprov mg mobtltty. reducmg vchtcle tnp'>. tncrc<htng physical C\etcJ>c. and tmprovmg transportatiOn connectedness AlP-At\lfl,lllmprovement Program l~tJtr..), CMAQ-Congestion M•tJg,tthln <Lnd /\tr t)u dtt\ [I t.:dLr<~IJ 1 1\.\ I I rc1ght ActJon ~trdtegy lor E\ercll--.,l;~ttk-1 d\..lllll,t ContJor, l \1\IB -I n.•tght Mnhlltt' c:;trt~~t'!'tL lm..::~tm<:nt Bo,ml[\wk], 1-l !\-J L-Jcr,d lt.~n~Jt AdmmJ~lldtJon [rL,krall 35 HI \ -llMMll Llnmn,\t on [lLd«:r~l 1 IS lnt~.:lltglllt I r,m':>pol1,1tton ":.\ ~k.m [IL.Lt II I, I ID -LOLcll lmproV\.tllLil\ Dl'>lm.t P\\t II Publtl \\ Dt b 1 rust I unJ 1 odn! ~t.ltl!j ~ 1 Jl \urfdc.e I r.m~pot t,\tt(\n Prot•r,tm I rctkr.JI] IIi\ I r.m~po1 tdtton lmprovur..::t't J\ccount, liB- I, J•i~porL.ttlon lmptuvLt'lUlt Bo.~rd [St.Jt.: I I Pl 1-l r.\tv.,pm1<~llOn P.ntncr~htp Pmgr.tm [\t,H~] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #36: 2010-2015 Americans" ith Disabilities Act Compliance anti the Sidewall< Repair and Rehabtlttatwn System Ongrnng ( '!1)'11'/lle l'rog1 11111 DESCRIPTION: Rccomtruct and repatr ew,tmg ~tdcwalks and curb ramps and tn,tall new truncated dome, and hard-'>utlaccd '>tdc11alks to implement the requtrements of the federal Amettcans wtth D!'>abt!ittes Act (ADA) con~t'>tent with the findmgs of the Nonmotomcd Chapter (Chapter 6) or the It an'>portalton Ma,tcJ !'ian ( I'M P) and '>Y>tematJcally con,tJuct nC\\ stdC\\ alb a; tdcntlficd 111 the Pv1 P as H tghe~t/lltgh p11011t1es tht oughout the Ctty PROJECT COST: Prcltmmary Engineering ........... $1, 720,000 Rtght of Way AcqUisition ........ $1,150,000 Construction . . . . .... .. . .. $11,469,600 TOTAL ...................................... Sl.t,339,600 FlJNIHNG SOURCE(S): Ctty or Kent PROJECT .Jl STlFJCATION: 'I his proJect is mandated hy Tttlc 11 of th..: ;\mencans with Disabt!tttc' Act 'lttle II rcquncs that a publtc enttty mu~t c·valuate 11'> '>ctvtc..:s, programs, poltctcs, and pracllce~ to detcnnme whether they arc 111 compliance wtth the nondt:,crimmation requirement' of the ADA. The AD;\ tcqutiC'> that an ADA Tramllton !'/an be ptcparcd to dc:,cnbe any structlll a! or phystcal change~ required to make progt am> acce;sible. rhe Ctty ol Kent has conducted a self evaluation and prepared a Trans111on !'ian tncludtng a pttortll/<.:d list of p1 OJects to bttng itscll tnto Lompltancc With the federal ADA tegulatton;. rhts progiam hcgtns worktng on that lt>l of proJects to eon'>truct and tepatt the C:tty's sJdC\valk and strecthtdc\valk ttan>ttton /one' lot acce;'olbt!tty lor all cttt/cns and bcgtns to address the pcde'>trtan tmpt ovcmcnt, tdcnttlicd 111 the It dn'>portation Master Plan 'I hi-, proJect can help achtcvc the C1ty'' godh f01 tmptovtng moblitty. rc:ducmg vcht~k tnps mcreao,111g phy:,tcal cxerctse. and 1111prov111g transp01tat1on conncctcdnc,, ,\1!'-Artcndllmprovement Progrum I "it,1to:l CMAQ-Conel,;'qlon Mlll!'.tllnn and ,\11 t Ju,dJt) [lldLr,Jl I I \":, l rught Act Jon '>.r.ttcgy !or bL'Tl'tt-Scdttll-1 ,H .. olll,t Cnrndor I J\1'-,m I rc1ght MohiiJI\ ~trdll..!'IL lnv .... qllll,;'nt Bo.ud 1 '1tdll] I 1/\ -I ~dcr.ll I r,\ll'>Jt 1\dmlllh\Jd\HJn [I cdl.!ral] 36 HI "' -JI<J/ .. trd llllllllldtJUil II cderal J II\ lntLlh..!t.llt I r.m-.pUI\d\lllll <,;;, '>llnl'> ll \.-Jlridl[ l ID -1 OCdl lrnpTO'rUTll..lll DJ'llrH.I PW I r hi bile 'Wur \..." l r J'>t lund I lMil '\t.Hc j :-,1 P-~uri,Ke l r,ul:.pnrt.HJun Prorr.tm I I ukr.ll} IIi\ - 1 r.tn:.pol tat1on lmprovcm~,.-nt Alcount, liB-- lJJn'>portJtlonln.pwvem.:nt Board l',tatcl JPP-Jr,m..,pon,ltl\lll Po~rtnt?r~hlp Progrun l~tdll.'] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATIOI\ IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #37: DESCHIP riON: 2010-21115 Guardrail and Safety ImprO\cmcnts Ongomg Ci!\'\\'tdr: !'rog1 ant Make miscellaneous guardrail improvement<> each year to enhance motorist safety Candidate: proJects mclude Frager Road and I 00 111 !\venue Soutlu;ao,t (ncar the :22CJU(J block) Upgrade: nJ'>tmg guwcliail end- treatments as mandated by State and Federal regulatiOns. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering..... .. ......... $20,000 R1ght of Way Acquisition . $0 Construction ..... . ........ . $175,000 TOTAL ........................................... S195,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, HES PROJECT .JLSTIFICA TION: This project is mandated by compliance w1th Federal and Stak regulatiOns and the rc:qu1remcnt to <:limmatc potentially hazaJdou<, roadway cond 1l1ons \II'~ \ ltlli Improvement Program ['-,!<It\.'], CMA<) Congestion Mttlg,HlDn cmJ i\lr I hull tv [ lldu<~ll I'\.~ I I rctght All1on '-;tr tll'P)' lor r\LICU-Sc.tllivl,h.llllld ( OlfldO! I 'vl~IB r]Llght Mohllt~ Strat~..-~:1(,. [•]\._\{llh.nt BoL\ni[\W\1..!], I l ,\ 1~..-Jcr.tl I lc\n<.,H 1\dmnm,IJdllllll II edcralj 3 7 HL'-, -II<WHd llillllllJllon [I cdu<~l' II S lntcliJguJt lJ.tn<.,porLdlil\11 ",y-.,t~:m [llJ ... rtl] I ID -l 0(.,,Jilmprovun(..nt D1:.tnll PW II Pubhl \\\)1 b I TVil I U'lJ [ o.m I ~t.n"j \1 p-!-,uri.Jll.' 1 rdn':ipOrlJtlOn Prop! Jill [ll·del ,JI J ]I/\ I rc~nsportdtlon lmpro-..em.:nt A~.cmmt, I m- !J,Ill"POrldhOil l1nprovl'J'lL'Ill Bo.1rd [~Wilj I PP-IJ,m~p(H1,1llonl\tr1nu'lhip Progr,u-:1[0..,tdtcj CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #38: DESCRIPTION: 2010-2015 Community Based Circulating Shuttles Ong,o111g Cil)'ll'l{{e /'1 og1 WI I.\ Cont1nuc to prov1de enhanced transit 'e1 v1cc to meet the needs of the communil) thlllugh the u~e ol lixcd-Ioutc '>llllttlc service, With demand- rcspon'ilVC routmg capabilities. Routes 914/916 sc1 vc the K.:nt '! ram1t Center. RegiOnal Justice Center, Kent City llall, Clrecn River C'omnH1111ty College's Kent c<~mpu'>, and local -,hopping and med1cal facJIJtJC'i. l'hc Route 918 'ihuttle connects the City's manulactunnglmdmtnalccntcr With the rcg10nal bus and commuter t1 am scrvJCC> at the Kent Tran:.1t Center PROJECT COST: Prclimmary Engmccnng .. $0 ... $0 ';)252.000 Right of Way Acquisition .... . Con,truction . .... .. . . .... .. . 'J'OTAL ........................................... $252,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, CMAQ, King County, ITS l'RO.JECT .Jl STIFICATION: Routes 9!4/916 provide mobility and ind.:pcndcnce to many of the c1ty'-, seniors and reduce the need for expcns1ve ACC LSS 'icrvicc for many wheelchair-lift service trips. Commun1ty circulating shuttles encourage the parliClpallon of all agc'i, all CUlllllllliC group-,, all phy:,1cal abililiC'>. and VIJtually all of our community m evc1yday CIVIC life Without the I'>Oiation and pollution of the automobile for every tnp Commuter shuttle;, cnh<~ncc the JCgionalllan-,nitram '>crvJcc by plOVIding the vital link liom the home to the rransit Center and from the l'rans1t Center to the \\ orkplace. cncouragmg people to leave then vehicle;, at home. avo1d111g the cold >l<llt impact> to .111 qualit) and Jcduc1ng congc'il!on on local otreets AlP~ Anenul lmprnH'IllUll Progn\111 1'-.t,ltl.'] CJ\.1 1\Q-Cnn('C~tlon Mlltf>'hqn dJH.l /\if Ou,! It) I ft..'dcraiJ, rA~ I ft.:lght Act ton Strategy for E\l.lllt-~ce~\llvl,t-.om,t Comdor I rvl\ll3 I rc1ghl t\1oblilt) ~t•Jtl..t'lr.. lnvc<..tmCIF Bo,ud [\tJte], I f !\--I cdcr.1l l t,lll'>ll ,\dlllitll-.trr\1011 [fed..:r<.~l) 38 HI \ -I IMJ.n.l I illlllllJliun [Ju.k.r.!lj II~ lntclllelllt I r,m<,port.ltlllll ... \ ~t...·m.., [ J .:J'-1 ,1 I I I[) -Loc.JI lmr1roVclnllll 01-.tnct PW II -Publlc w()J ~ ... ]JU'>t I unJ I tMll I \t,\li.-J .... I p-\uii.ICo.-I fdll~[)Ot1.\ltoll Progmm II o..dCrdl] I L \ -I r Jn-.porto:1\Hll1 lmprovemi.!nl r'\~c.ount I IB - fl.lll~port.tllO'l !mprowment Bo,~rJ [~tate] I PP-1 r.m'>port.ltmn 1\:Jttnehh p Progr.llll[~tdte] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #39: DESCRIPTION: 2010-2015 Tra111it Now Sen icc Partnership Program Ongo111g Cilyll'lde l'roglllll! Transrl Now IS a voter-upprovcd King County Metro Transit program which prov1des incentive.., for local JllliSdictlDll> to improve local tHlllSJ( opc!atJon<., by cntenng mto a dncct financJ,li partneJShip With Metlo f01 plovldlllg that additional serv1cc Metro will match a partner'' contribution on a 2 1 basJ>. 7i'WI\'ItlVow Jequ1re.., a minimum contnbutlon from the pmlilGI of $100.000 per year for five (5) ye,u s to add :,c1 v1cc on an ex~>tmg route or $200,000 per year fi.Jr live (5) yems tu .1dd a ne\v route Kent was >uecessl'ul on two p1 oposab. one to add new dm ly shuttle seJYJCe thiOugh The Lake:, .md RI\'CIVICW C01111llllllltlCS to the Kent rlansll Center. and one to increa>cd frequencies on the Route 153 between Kelll and Renton. PROJECT COST: Prelumnary Engmeering ...... . ... $2.000,000 R1ght of Way Acqu1s1tion. .. ..... $0 Construction .............. .. ....... $0 TOTAL ........................................ $2,000,000 Fl1;\!DlNG SOURCE(S): City of Kent, King County. Commute rnp Reduction PROJECT .Jl.STIFICATION: Program (CTR) Employers Transit serv1ce (bus & train) between Kent and downtown Seattle is gene1ally compct1t1ve w1th automobile drivmg during the commute hours Trans1t serv1cc withm Kent and between Kent and J(> nc1ghbonng jl!IJ>dJllion' ha> senou> dcliclt:ncJ.:'i Due tt> low fJcquency. tran>~t I'> '>111lply not a v1able opt10n for travelers who need to make a li 1p dlllmg the midday. eommuters \\Orkmg non-traditiOnal ..,hlfts. and peak hour commuters who arc concc1 ned !hat there ,., no <.,afety net >ervH.:c >hould they need to t1 ave] durmg the m1dday I he>e partm:1 sh 1p propo:,ab allow us to buy our way 1nto prov1dmg additional scrv1ce to our eommun1ty that we \\mild not otherw1,e b.: .tble to llbtam AlP-Artendllmprovem('nt Progran1[1;)t.Jtl'j, t Mt\Q-C\m!'~sllon \11\lg.tllon dl1d '\11 (Judi II\ [f L~kr,d], 1 \~I 1 rc1ght ALtHm 'll ,1\LgY lor EH•tctt-Sc<~ttk-I,H.om.t Comdor II\1~1B-rrc1ght Mobil II\ >;tr,ltcg·c lm~.~tmcnt l~o.mlj~t.tt. •. ], I l \-I ~d~idl I 1o111qt Adll1Jill'>lrJIWn [rcdLr,ll] j() HI '-. IIM.mll lillllthltlon [I Ldcr.lll II S lnh .. lltg~,nt I r.m.;;port,lllon ~\ '>1..'111'> [I Clit.r.ll[ I ID-Loc.1l lrnprovcmt.:n1 U1-.tm.t P\\1 I r -Pub! H. W0rb I ru~t I und l oan 1:-,t,llc] '-.I P O..,L,rl..llc I rdnsport.ltlon Proi'fJm (I l...tkr,tll I !A I r.m'>porld\lllll lmproHnult A ... wunt, JIB I r Jlbpor',\1101' lmprovclll>:nt BoJrd [Stnlc] I PP-l r,m<.,ron,nmn P<~rtnt:r:,hl]l Progr,ml 1 St<tle] CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEVIENT PROGRAM 2010-2015 WA5f-'INGTON For more mformat1on or additional copies of this document contact Steve Mullen, Transportation Eng1neenng Manager C1ty of Kent, Public Works, Eng1neenng 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 (253) 856-5585 smullen@c1 kent wa us 'I 'd~l i "'~~--~ ,, 'l 'jll' ,111'~))1111' I''--~·.,~~~ ~-Ms" ", ___ JL_:~;y, L'b":~'r!il ~~~~!11111 I ,',), 1,,,:""-'~qj,l', 'C.Ity·QfKent :( fl JL I f:l '\ /i I 'I j i(l ~ i;l I / 11 I ~I J lr I j • / / l(..._~-5'b ' l rN JhU f I I 1 ' ,' I .... "'f --' , 1 frj '': 4'! ) 1 -l--1 " "'(" "t t, ,I ~ /--}·· --~ J I \1 LAVr II l ~" I_,' if\~ Tul'wl"lai 11111 ir·· 'I ,· RentOIJI·-811,_,; r I!--11 1 -:,.! .... if,, V('I,,--T-----'\·11 ·''' '"'" / ' ' (! .... j \. ; ' I ' / Ill I I I I) J ~' > ( ~ './ ' I \;: '·], / 'crt_, _c,,_,r_, l , ' • 1/ - _ {1 \1·;, if·~· . II · J-,¢1!(-J ({ ~ :~ s· V \' ' 'lf'''f~,---•,'11 I /, ,'!i_P /1'···--r--,, Ill ~ ~,1 ;[r~ ·j IXIear: .. r ~"'"' --' 1 I) J I,), -,Y 1 / t,_. • • 1 -"] -t -J_;! 1 , ( 1 LAI<~ Sea.11~0i r', 1 1 !;):; 1~ lif{JI , 11·12sl·'l { _J 1J ! I b.l;l' ~i-k_.._,.,ltd·~--~~ _ Trahsportation lmr:>rovement I I """ z:;~ " •I ' : \1 II 29 , ' I 'Tf ,, I 1 I I''~ I , Jj p '" '" ) j 1 ~" .,~;-f,-. / H"luJ_JL 11--_I 0 1 r_ 1 /1-~ ~----: ·j'l __ J .1 _ \. 1 1 •. _\ \, ·11, ~ rogram ~"-f \ 1 !IJ "'c;. ·-ll~~~:~v~ l I, { l 1 ( 4 1 1 1 I 1 •1 , 11 " 1r , = -r l ) < } ~ :. ~ --, ,. -~L~l !"-~ .... / -~ ·A20QH I -l I II ' 'ts2QOh":lWdbo~ 1 I \lr;) r' [ ,, ~~'l;'J 1./ l . 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I " KENT t ,:-I ,.,. ,,, w 11 1li ~ "l I I \, l • l 'if> 11 '! J I 1° 1~ '/ I ~) I: /I )I ~ 1 / lj -1 j ) 1 ~ 1 ,.w••m s 11\!!PJ r- Data Source C1tv Of Kent GIS. K1na Countv GIS Printed 07-1A..OO nnev•omoa~