HomeMy WebLinkAbout1812Resolution No. 1812 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 818 -Information Technology Passed -8/4/2009 Endorse Valley Clt1es Association's Efforts to Apply for Federal Grant to Fund Broadband Opportun1t1es f RESOLUTION NO. __;/~?J_/_:L __ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, endorsmg the efforts of the Valley Clt1es Association and Authonzmg an application for a federal grant to fund broadband opportunities offered through the U.S. Department of Commerce. RECITALS A. The City of Kent is a member of the Valley Cities Association which was formed m August 2005 for the purpose of collaboratmg on issues of common interest. The members of the Valley Cities Assoc1at1on, together with the City of Federal Way, wh1ch has mutual interests aligned w1th the Valley Cit1es Association, rece1ved fundmg and completed a study that resulted m a recommendation to focus on regional broadband development efforts on public safety, law enforcement, and local governmental serv1ces by developing a reg1onal fiber optic nng to interconnect all partic1patmg cities and agenc1es that will result in enhancing interagency communication, emergency response and mumcipal services. B. The members of the Vall'ey Cities Association and Federal Way wish to work cooperatively to implement the recommendation of the study. The goals of th1s cooperative effort to enhance broadband mfrastructure 1 Endorse Valley Cities Association's Efforts to Apply for Federal Grant To Fund Broadband Opportunities and services are to: 1) improve access to and use of broadband for public safety agencies; 2) eff1c1ently deliver local government services; 3) stimulate broadband, local econom1c development, and job creation; 4) enhance serv1ce to publ1c health care and educat1on inst1tut1ons; 5) effectively manage publ1c property and nght-of-way; and 6) ensure equity, awareness, and 1mproved access to the public. C. As part of the technology improvements, 911 communication to the public safety community Will be changed from radio-based to IP- based, thus requ1ring wired (fiber) commun1cat1on from 911 communication centers to the participating public entities and wireless communications from the agenc1es to the mobile computers in vehicles. D. The members of the Valley Cities Association have executed a fiber optic project agreement to develop the scope of a comprehensive fiber opt1c Infrastructure capital improvement ln1t1at1ve. E. New grant fundmg opportunities are available through the federal Amencan Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to fund broadband technology opportunities, and the members of the Valley Cit1es Assoc1at1on and the City of Federal Way des1re to pursue federal grant fundmg through the American Recovery Act for the first phase of the broadband infrastructure proJect 1n the amount of $3.5 mill1on. The members of the Valley Cities Association and the City of Federal Way des1re to have the City of Auburn take the lead m applymg for federal grant funding on behalf of the members of the Valley Cit1es Assoc1at1on and the City of Federal Way. F. The City of Kent intends to contribute its proportionate share of the local match by util1zmg staff t1me and other available City resources. It is the intent of the City of Kent that upon awarding of the grant, it will 2 Endorse Valley Cities Association's Efforts to Apply for Federal Grant To Fund Broadband Opportunities amend its annual budget as necessary to authonze the use of available City resources as a local match for the grant fund1ng; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Puroose. The Kent City Council endorses the collaborative effort of the Valley Cities Association to enhance regional broadband infrastructure and authonzes the Mayor of the City of Auburn to sign on behalf of the members of the Valley Cities Association and the City of Federal Way the grant appl1cat1on to be submitted to the National Telecommunications and Information Admmistrat1on, U.S. Department of Commerce, for grant fundmg offered through the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program. SECTION 2. -Implementation. The Mayor of the City of Auburn is hereby authonzed to implement such admm1strat1ve procedures as may be necessary to carry out the d1rect1ves of th1s Resolution. SECTION 3. -Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force 1mmed1ately upon 1ts passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, this j/-l A. day of August, 2009. CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this day of August, 2009. 3 Endorse Valley Cities Association's Efforts to Apply for Federal Grant To Fund Broadband Opportunities ATIEST: ---"-.. ,."' ' .. -: --.. ' .. ---- APPROVED AS TO FORM: I TO BRUBAKER, CITY ATIORNEY I hereby cert1fy that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /8' I:Z< passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, the tftJ...., _'L.L__ __ day of August, 2009. P \Civff\Resolutlon\VJIIeyCitlesAssodatlon-BroadbandOpportunltles doc )<;L .. AQ~ ' ' ' BRENDA JACOBER., CITY CLERK 4 -----/ -- ---.. _ -. -.... .:.. -.~-....... Endorse Valley Cities Association's Efforts to Apply for Federal Grant To Fund Broadband Opportunities