HomeMy WebLinkAbout1809Resolution No. 1809 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 1309 -Panther Lake (Potential) Annexation Area Passed-6/16/2009 Panther Lake Annexation-Subm1t to Voters at General Election RESOLUTION NO. 1809 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, call1ng for the annexat1on, by election, of certain terntory contiguous to the City of Kent referred to as the Panther Lake Annexation Area; establishing the boundanes of the annexation area; statmg the estimated number of registered voters; declanng that the City w1ll pay the cost of the elect1on; indicating that the ballot proposition will address annexat1on only and not assumption of existmg indebtedness or approval of proposed zoning; authonzing the Clerk to f1le a certified copy of th1s resolut1on w1th the legislative authonty of King County; stating the proposed ballot t1tle and proposition prepared by the City Attorney; authorizmg the Mayor to admmister all other acts reasonably necessary to bring the election proposition before the voters withm the annexation area at the November 3, 2009, general election; and authonzmg the Mayor to take all post-election action requ1red by law if the annexat1on is approved by voters. RECITALS A. The Growth Management Act {GMA) establishes that cit1es are the primary providers of urban services and encourages c1t1es and counties to work together to define the l1m1ts of potential annexation areas. The King County county-wide planning policies established m compliance with the GMA encourage the annexation of large urban unmcorporated areas by 2012. 1 Panther Lake Annexation -Submit to Voters at General Election B. The City of Kent, in conJunction w1th its neighboring jurisdictions and King County, has determmed the l1m1ts of its Potential Annexation Area (PAA). The area of unincorporated territory contiguous with the existmg boundanes of the City of Kent, commonly known by the City as the Panther Lake Annexation area (and to the County as Kent Northeast PAA), lies w1thm the City of Kent's PAA. The Panther Lake Annexation area cons1sts of approximately 3,200 acres, generally bounded by the City of Renton on the north (generally along SE 192nd St. to the Benson Road, then contmuing west along SE 200 Street to lOOth Avenue SE), B1g Soos Creek on the east, and contiguous w1th the existing c1ty limits of the City of Kent on the annexation area's south and west boundanes. The legal descnption of the Panther Lake Annexation Area is attached and incorporated as Exhibit A. C. By its adoption of Resolution No. 1794 on September 2, 2008, the Kent City Council determined that it would serve the best mterests and general welfare of the City to call for an election to be held to submit to the voters of the Panther Lake Annexation area the proposal for annexation to Kent. As requ1red by state law, the City of Kent filed its Not1ce of Intent w1th the Washmgton State Boundary Rev1ew Board for Kmg County on September 5, 2008. The Boundary Rev1ew Board conducted a public hearing on the City's Notice of Intent on October 28, 2008, after wh1ch it issued 1ts decision approvmg the City's proposed annexation of the Panther Lake area on November 13, 2008. No appeals of the Boundary Rev1ew Board's dec1s1on were filed. D. Resolution No. 1794 indicated an intent, to the extent reasonable and practicable, to present the Panther Lake annexation to voters at the May 2009 special eleet1on. However, City Counc1l and staff subsequently determined 1t was in the best mterest to defer that date and 2 Panther Lake Annexation -Submit to Voters at General Election to take formal action and authorize all acts necessary to place the Panther Lake annexat1on before the voters at the November 3, 2009, general election; to authonze and d1rect the City Attorney to prepare and submit the necessary ballot t1tle and proposition to King County D1v1sion of Records and Elections; and to authonze and direct the Mayor to take all act1ons necessary to place the mformation regarding the annexation in the November 3, 2009, general election Voter's Pamphlet. Although the City Council has not yet fmally determined the date the annexat1on, if approved, will take effect, the current targeted effective date is set for on or about July 1, 2010. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Recitals Incorporated as Findings. The preceding Recitals are incorporated into th1s Resolution as the findings of the Kent City Council. SECTION 2. -Call for Election. The City Council has determined that annexat1on of the Panther Lake Annexation area would serve the City's best interests and general welfare. Accordingly, the Council has determmed to call for an election, pursuant to Chapter 35A.14 Revised Code of Washington (RCW), to be held in order to submit to the voters of the Panther Lake Annexation area the proposal for annexation to Kent. The Mayor, or her designee, is authorized and directed to take those actions necessary to place the Panther Lake annexat1on before voters withm the annexation territory at the November 3, 2009, general election. Dunng the election, the annexation proposal shall be known as Proposition No. 1. Although the City Council has not yet finally determmed the date the 3 Panther Lake Annexation -Submit to Voters at General Election annexation, if approved by the voters, will take effect, the current targeted effective date is set for on or about July 1, 2010. SECTION 3. -Boundaries of Temtory to be Annexed. The boundanes of the terntory to be annexed are legally descnbed in the attached and Incorporated Exhibit A to this Resolution. SECTION 4. -Estimated Number of Voters. As nearly as can be determmed at th1s time, the estimated number of voters 1n the Panther Lake Annexation Area is 10,816. SECTION 5. -Cost of Election. The City of Kent will pay for the cost of the annexat1on election. SECTION 6. -Annexation Area Property not to be Assessed or Taxed for C!tv's Outstanding Indebtedness. The property w1thin the Panther Lake Annexation Area shall not, upon annexation, be assessed and taxed to pay for the City's outstanding mdebtedness 1ssued by voter approval or contract that the City incurred pnor to, or that was existing at, the date of annexation. SECTION 7. -Annexation Area Zoning. The annexation area shall be subject to City of Kent land use and zonmg regulations as provided by the Kent City Code. While the City may beg1n preliminary zonmg and comprehensive plannmg efforts m advance of the general election, the City will undertake a formal zoning and comprehensive plann1ng process immediately upon voter approval of the annexation, if that occurs. However, the City Council does not elect to conduct the pre-annexation proposed zoning regulation process as provided for in RCWs 35A.14.330 and 35A.14.340. 4 Panther Lake Annexation -Submit to Voters at General Election SECTION B. -Certified Cooy of Resolution to be Filed. The City Clerk 1s directed to file a certified copy of th1s Resolution, mcluding all Exhibits, with the legislative authonty of King County and w1th the Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County, and with all other public or pnvate entitles that are requ1red by law to be Similarly notified. SECTION 9. -Annexation Prooosition. The City Clerk and the King County D1rector of Elections are authonzed and d1rected to take those act1ons necessary to place the annexat1on proposition before the Panther Lake Annexat1on Area voters at the November 3, 2009, general election. The City Attorney has prepared the following ballot title for the annexation, to be known dunng the elect1on as Propos1t1on No. 1. The City Clerk IS hereby authorized and directed to transm1t th1s Proposition No. 1 to the D1rector of Elect1ons m substantially the following form, w1th such additions, deletions, or mod1f1cat1ons in the ballot title and proposition as may be required by the City Attorney or the Kmg County Prosecutor: PROPOSITION NO. 1: On June 16, 2009, the Kent City Counc1l passed Resolution No. 1809 concernmg annexation of the Panther Lake Annexation Area. Shall the area of unincorporated King County known as the Panther Lake Annexation Area, as legally descnbed in the City of Kent Resolution No. 1809, be annexed to the City of Kent? 0 For Annexation 0 Agamst Annexat1on The City Attorney is authorized and directed to prepare and submit the necessary explanatory statement for Proposition No. 1 to the Kmg County Director of Elections. The City Council d1rects the Mayor to appomt representatives to committees to write and subm1t arguments advocatmg the approval or reJeCtion of the annexation. The Mayor, or her designee, is 5 Panther Lake Annexation -Submit to Voters at General Election also authorized and directed to take all act1ons necessary to place the required information regarding the annexation in the November 3, 2009, general election Voter's Pamphlet, to submit that information to the King County Division of Records and Elections, and to take all post-elect1on action as required by law 1f the annexation proposition is approved by voters. SECTION 10. -Other Actions. The Mayor, or her des1gnee, is authorized and d1rected to take all other act1ons reasonably necessary or attendant to this annexat1on election process. SECTION 11. -Severability. If any section, subsect1on, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of th1s resolution IS declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such dec1s1on shall not affect the validity of the remaming port1ons of this resolution. SECTION 12. -Ratification. Any act consistent w1th the authonty and pnor to the effective date of th1s resolution 1s hereby ratif1ed and affirmed. SECTION 13. -Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be 1n force immediately upon 1ts passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the '/a(_ City of Kent, Washington, this I t:t:? day of June, 2009. CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this ____,____,__ June, 2009. 6 COOKE, MAYOR Panther Lake Annexation -Submit to Voters at General Election ATIEST: ~.q<.<e,~ ~RENDAJACOBER,~ -•••••••• t' ...._ .. .. ~ • • t' :'n ~··-J S\ ' .. • ,_ I* :..... ·~~ . . ,. . ~ ... ~t ·: • . ..t.d·Qc;~~;~ :...., /" '• ,"f'~ • • • t •••• , •••••• to APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~MA~~.~k TO BRUBA R, CITY ATIORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. !Bh 2 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 16 etc> day of June, 2009. P•\Civii\Resolution\PantherLakeAnnex-VoteGeneraiEiectlon doc 7 < t t Itt I 1 . . .. / .. .. ~ •• O"j' .,_ ..•• , s\ ~ ....... .tM. • _' . . . . . ... ,. -: ...... ~~~~1~0:·: ./" I I;; Q I' . . . . . .• • J. ' ............. Panther Lake Annexation -Submit to Voters at General Election Exhibit A Legal Description of Annexation Area Proposed Annexation Area RECEIVED OCT 2-0Z008 WA Slate Boundary AeVIBW Board For King Co. All those portions of Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, and 17, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., and Sections 32 and 33, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington 1 descnbed as follows: Commencing at the east quarter corner of Section 6, Township 22 North, Range 5 East1 W.M.; thence southerly, along the east line of said section, to the easterly prolongation of the south right of way margin of South zooth Street; thence westerly, along said prolongation, to the west right of way margin of 100th Avenue SE, the northeast corner of the Kent City Limits as established by Kent Ordinance #3099, as recorded under King County Recording Number 9305110613, and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing westerly, along sa1d south margin of South 200th Street and the north margin of said city limits, to the west right of way margin of gznd Avenue South and the east line of the Kent City Limits as established by Kent Ordinance #1017, as recorded under King County Auditorrs File Number 5024149; thence northerly, along said west margin and said city limits, to the east west center of section line of said Section 6; thence easterly, along said center of section line and said city limits, to -the center of said Section 6; thence northerly, along the north south center of section line and said city limits, to the north right of way margin of South 200th Street and the south line of the Renton City Limits as established by Renton Ordinance #5327, under King County Recording Number 20080109000833; thence easterly, along said north margin and said Renton City limits, to the westerly right of way margin of SR 515 (108th Avenue SE) and the east line of the City of Renton City Limits as described 1n said Renton Ordinance #5327; thence northerly, along said west margin and the Renton City Limits as described in said ordinance, to a point 40 feet west of Highway Engineer's Station 270+40, as shown on Washington State Department of Highways Right of Way Plan SR 515 MP 3.87 to MP 5.15, Renton Vicinity 1 SE !96th to Carr Road; thence easterly to a pomt 40 feet east of Highway Engineer's Station 270+50 as shown on said right of way plan, also be1ng the northerly margin of SE 1/9 192nd Street and the soutli line of the: City of Renton City Limits as described in said Renton Ordinance #5327; thence easterly, along said north margin and the Renton City Limits as described in said ordinance, to the Intersection of said north margin w1th the northerly extension of the east right of way margin of 124th Avenue SE, and the westerly boundary of Soos Creek Park; thence along said westerly park boundary and the adjoimng roadways the following courses and distances: thence southerly, along said northerly extension and the east margin of said 124th Avenue SE, to the north line of the south half of the north half of Government Lot 2 of said Section 4; tnence easterly, along said north line, to the ..yest margin of the Bonneville Transmission line Easement (Covington-Seattle Line); thence southeasterly, along said west margin, to the south line of Morford Park, as recorded in Volume 180 of Plats, pages 1-3, records of King County; thence easterly, along said south line, to the west line of the east 450 feet of the south half of the south half of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 4; thence southerly, along said west line, to the south line of the northeast quarter of said Section 4; thence easterly, alor;1g said, south line, to the west line of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 4; thence sputherly, along said west line, to the north lin~ of Linda Highlands Division No. 1, as recorded in Volume 91 of Plats, page 25, records of King County; thence generally easterly and southeasterly , along the northeasterly line of said plat, to the north line of Greystone, as recorded in Volume 154 of Plats, pages 40-41, records of King County; thence easterly, along said north line, to the east fine of said Section 4; thence southerly, along said east line, 105.29 feet to the northwest comer of a tract of land conveyed to Charles R. Gardner by warrantee deed recorded under King County Recording Number 8507090815; thence southeasterly, along the northeasterly line of said Gardner tract and said park boundary, S59028'10"E 125.62 feet to an angle point m said northeasterly line; 2 thence continuing along said northeasterly boundary and said park boundary, S30036'37"E 834.39 feet, more or less 1 to the northwest right of way margin of SE 204th Way (SE Lake Youngs Way); thence southeasterly, perpendicular to the centerline of said SE 204th Way, 100 feet, to the southeast right of way margin thereof; thence northeasterly, along said southeast right of way margin, to th'e west line of the east 495 feet of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 3, also being· the west boundary of said park; thence along said park boundary, southerly along said west line, 50 feet to the northwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to Daniel John Overstreet by statutory warrantee deed recorded under King County Recording Number 97073f1841; thence along the northeasterly line of the Overstreet tract and said park boundary, S54032'25"E 398.74 feet to the west line of the east 165 feet of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 3; thence southerly, along said west liner to the north line of the south 528 feet of said section; thence easterly1 along said north liner to the west line of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 3; thence southerly, along said west line, to the north right of way margin of SE 208th Street (H.C. Green Road 1 County Rd No. 329); thence easterly, along said north margin, to the northerly extension of the east line of the west 270 feet of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 10; thence southerly, along said northerly extension and the east line thereof, to the south line of the north half of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 10; thence easterly, along said south line, to the east line of the west half of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter; thence southerly, along said east line, to the southeast corner of the west ha if of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter; thence westerly, along said south line, to a point on the east line of a tract of land conveyed to Karen J. Arango by Quit Claim Deed recorded under King County Recording Number 9601030485, descnbed as the west 108.9 feet of 3 ----·-· ---- the south 400 feet of the north 860 feet, as measured along the west line, of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Sectinn 10, said point being 200 feet north of the southeast corner of said. tract; thence southerly, along said east line, 200 feet to the southeast corner of said tract; thence westerly, along the south line of said tract, to the west line of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter; thence southerly, along said west line, to the, north line of the south half of the north half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 10; thence westerly,. a long said north line, 100 feet, to the west line of the east 100 feet of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 10; thence southerly, along said west line, and 1ts southerly extension, to the south right of way margin of SE 216th Street {Albert Haverlnen Road); thence easterly, along said south margin, to the west poundary of the park property as described in warranty deeds recorded under King County Recording Numbers 9506090372, and 9506090371; thence along said park boundary as established by said warrantee deeds, SOS038'08"W 155.90 feet; thence S05032'16"E 256.57 feet; thence SOSOEJJ'27"E 179.40 feet; thence S02D16'36"W 119.91 feet; thence S130S0'14"E 114.38 feet; thence S09D57'42"E 178.35 feet; thence SlOD45'26"E 264.27 feet; thence S45D51'35'W 62.76 feet to the north line of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 10·; thence westerly, along said north line, to the west line of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 10; thence southerly, along said west line, to the south line of said Section 10; ---~---- 4 thence easterly, along said south line, to the southerly right of way margin of SE 224th Street (Johnson Road NO. 328); thence easterly, along said southerly margin, to the east line of the west quarter of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 15; thence southerly, along said east line, to the south line of the northeas1: quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 15; thence easterly, along said south line, to the east line' of King County Short Plat No. 280062, recorded under King County Recording Number 8o10150859; thence southeasterly, along said east line, to the east llne of Lot 8 of King County Lot Line Adjustment No. L99L001, recorded under King County Recording Number 9903099010; thence southeasterly, along said east line, to the south line of thEl northwest quarter of said Section 15; thence easterly, along said south line, to the east line of the west half of said Section 15; thence southerly, along said east line, to an intersection w1th the east right of way margin of 140th Avenue SE; thence southerly, along said east right of way margin, to the north line of the south 522.00 feet of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 15; thence easterly, along said north line, to the east line of the west 417.50 feet of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said Sect1on 15; thence southerly, along said east line, to the north line of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 15, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M. and the north line of Country Club North, Division 2, as recorded in Volume 184 of Plats, Pages 18 through 20, records of King County and the Kent City Limits as established by Kent Ordinance #3344, as recorded under Kmg County Recording Number 9706250235; thence westerly, leaving said park boundary, along said north line and said city limits, to the north south center of section line of said Section 15; thence continuing westerly along the north line of the south half of the southwest quarter of said Section 15 and sa1d city limits, to the southeast corner of the north half of southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; 5 thence continuing westerly, along the south line of spld north half, to the westerly right of way margin of 132"d Avenue SE and the southeast corner of that portion of the Kent City Limits as established by Kent Ordmance #3562; thence northerly, along the west margin of 132"d Avenue SE and said city limits, to the south line of the north half of the north half of the northeast quarter of the southea?t quarter of said Section 16; thence westerly, along said south line and said city limits, to the east line of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 16; thence northerly, along said east line and said city limits, to the north line of the southeast quarter of said Section 16; thence westerly, along said north line and said city limits, to the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of said Section 16; thence westerly, along the south line of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 16 and said city limits, to the southwest corner of said subdivision; thence northerly, along the west line of said subdivision and said city limits, to the northeast corner of the south half of the south half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 16; thence westerly, along the north line of said subdivision and said city limits, to the east line of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M. and the east line of the Kent City limits as established by Kent Ordinance # 1940, as recorded under King County Recording Number 7509300621; thence northerly, along the east line of S!'!ld northeast quartex and said city limits, to the south line of the north half of the north half of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 17; thence westerly, along said south line and said city limits, to the west right of way margin of 116th Avenue SE and the southeast corner of that portion of the Kent City Limits as established by Kent Ordinance # .2828, as recorded under King County Recording Number 8902070337; thence northerly, along said west margin and said city limits, to the north line of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 17; thence westerly, along said north line and the north line pf said city limits and the north line of the Kent City Limits as established' by Kent Ordman<;:e #2048, as recorded under King County Recording Number 7710180759, to the west line of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 17; 6 thence southerly, along the west line of said subdivision and the city limits as established under said Ordinance #2048 and aforesaid Ordinance #1940, to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 17; thence continuing southerly, along the west line of said subdivision and said city limits to south line of the north 30.00 feet of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 17, also being the easterly prolongation of the south right of way margin of SE 232nd Street and the northeast corner of the Kent City Limits as established by Kent Ordinance #2727, as recorded under King County Recording Number 8708120082; thence westerly, along said south line and said city limits, to the east line of the plat of Park Orchard Division No. 4, as recorded in Volume 68 of plats, pages 58 through 60, records of King County; thence generally southerly, along the easterly line of said plat and said city limits, to the south line of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 17 and the Kent City Limits as established by Kent Ordinance #1506, as recorded under King County Recording Number 7505060484; thence westerly, along the south line of said plat and said city limits, to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of said Seftlon 17 and the northeast corner of the Kent City Limits as established by Kent Ordinance #1290, as recorded under King County Recording Number 7505060500; thence continuing westerly, along the north line of said subdivision and said city limits, to the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 17 and the southeast corner of the Kent City Limits as established by Kent Ordinance #1223 under Kmg County Auditor's File Number 5668321; thence northerly, along the east line of said subdivision and said city limits, to the northeast corner thereof; thence westerly, along the north line of said subdivision, and the east line of the Kent City Limits as established by Kent Ordinance #2111, under King County Recording Number 7809011099, to the northeast corner of the lands described In said Ordinance #2111, also being the westerly right of way margin of SR 515 (also known as 104th Ave SE, also known as the Benson Road SE); thence north, along said westerly margin and said city limits, to the southeast corner of the Kent City Limits as established by Kent Ordinance #2703, as recorded under King County Recording Number 8703191033; 7 thence generally northerly, along the west margin of said SR 515 and said city, limits, to the south line of the north half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 17; thence westerly, along said south line and said city limits, to the east right of way margin of 100th Avenue SE; thence northerly, along said east margin and said city limits and the Kent City Limits as established by Kent Ordinance #3210 as recorded under King County Recording Number 9504190117 and Kent Ordinance #3193 recorded under King County Recording Number 9411230694, to the north line of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 8, Township 22 North, Range 5 Eas't, W.M.; thence westerly, along s.aid north line and said city limits, to the northe.ast corner of the southeast quarter of the· northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; thence westerly, along the north line of said subdivision and said city limits, to the easterly right of way margin of 93th Avenue South; thence southerly, along said east margin and said city limits1 to the southerly right of way margin of South 218th Street; thence westerly, along said southerly margin and said city limits and the Kent City Limits as established by Kent Ordinance #2611, as recorded under King County Recording Number 8606190789, to the southeast corner of the Kent City Limits as established by Kent Ordinance #2860, under King County Recording Number 8908240680, and the southerly prolongation of the west right of way margin of aforesaid 93th Avenue South; thence northerly, along said west margin and. its prolongation and said dty limits, to the east west center of section line of said Section 7; thence westerly, along said east west center of section line and said city limits, to the southeast comer of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 7 and the east I me of the Kent City Limits as established by Kent Ordinance #2035, as recorded under King County Recording Number 7708020744; thence northerly, along the east li,ne of said subdivision and said city limits, to the northeast corner of said subdivision; thence westerly, along the north line of said southwest quarter of the northeast quarter and said city limits, to the southeasterly right of way margin of South 212th Street; 8 ATTACHMENT B thence southwesterly, along said southeasterly margin and said city limits, to the west I me of the east half of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 7 and a point on the Kent City Limits as established by Kent Ordinance #3099, as recorded under King County Recording Number 9305110613; thence northerly, along said west line and said city limits, to the northwesterly right of way margin of said South 2121h Street; thence northeasterly and easterly, along said northwesterly margin, the northwesterly nght of way margin of South 2121h Way, the northerly right of way margin of South20Bth Street and said city limits, to the westerly right of way margin of 100th Avenue SE; thence northe.-ly, along said westerly margin and said city limits, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. 9