HomeMy WebLinkAbout1792Resolution No. 1792 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 961-Growth Management Plan Passed-8/19/2008 Countywide Planmng Polley Amendments -2008 RESOLUTION NO. /77 ~ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of Kent, Washmgton, regardmg Kmg County Countywide Plannmg Policies adopted by the Metropolitan King County Council pursuant to the Growth Management Act amendmg the Intenm Potential Annexat1on Area Map and CPP Policies LU-31 and LU-32. RECITALS A. Pursuant to RCW 36. 70A.210, the Growth Management Act requ1res the adopt1on of Countywide Planning Pol1c1es (CPP) to prov1de a countywide framework from wh1ch local comprehensive plans are to be developed. Kmg County, the City of Seattle, and the incorporated suburban c1ties and towns m King County established a process for the development, adoption, and rat1f1cat1on of Countywide Planning Policies by an interlocal agreement. This agreement established the Growth Management Plannmg Council (GMPC), a group consistmg of elected officials from King County, suburban cities, and the City of Seattle, who were authorized to develop a set of recommended Countywide Plannmg Polic1es for cons1derat1on by the Kmg County Council. B. On June 23, 2008, the GMPC voted to pass amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies as provided below that amend the Intenm Potent1al Annexation Areas Map and amend CPP LU-31 and LU-32: 1. Adoptmg amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies amending the Intenm Potential Annexat1on Area Map for the City of Sammam1sh (GMPC Mot1on 07-1); 2. Adoptmg amendments to the Countywide Plannmg Policies amending the Interim Potent1al Annexation Area Map to 1 Countywide Planning Policy Amendments -2008 Include North Highline as an area claimed by more than one city as a PAA (GMPC Motion 07-2); 3. Adopting amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies amending the Intenm Potential Annexation Area Map for the City of Covington (GMPC Mot1on 07-4); 4. Adoptmg amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies amendmg the Intenm Potential Annexation Area Map for the City of Milton and the City of Federal Way (GMPC Mot1on 08- 1); 5. Adopting amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies amending the Intenm Potential Annexation Area Map for the City of Kirkland and the City of Redmond (GMPC Mot1on 08- 2); 6. Adoptmg amendments to the Countywide Planmng Policies amending the Interim Potential Annexation Area Map to add the City of SeaTac as one of the cities claimmg North H1ghline In 1ts PAA (GMPC Motion 08-3); and 7. Adopting amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies amendmg Pol1c1es LU-31 and LU-32 to prov1de a mechanism for a c1ty to move forward with the annexation of all or a portion of North H1ghlme (GMPC Motion 08-4). C. The Kmg County Council approved and rat1f1ed these amendments on behalf of King County on June 23, 2008, pursuant to King County Ordmance 16151. The Kent Planning & Economic Development Comm1ttee rev1ewed these amendments at its meetmg on August 11, 2008. NOW THEREFORE, THE CilY COUNCIL OF THE CllY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION l. -Amendment. The City of Kent, actmg pursuant to the interlocal agreement among Kmg County, the City of Seattle, and incorporated suburban cit1es, hereby ratlf1es the proposed amendments to the Countywide Planning Pollees as adopted by the Metropolitan King County Council 2 Countywide Planning Policy Amendments -2008 in King County Ordinance 16151, attached hereto. SECTION 2. -Public Inspection. The amendments to the Countywide Plannmg Pol1c1es adopted herem shall be filed with the City Clerk and placed m the planning services off1ce so they are available for inspection by the public. SECTION 3. -Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of th1s resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decis1on shall not affect the valid1ty of the remaining port1ons of th1s resolution. SECTION 4. -Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon 1ts passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, th1s /1 day of ~at: , 2008. CONCURRED in by the mayor of the city of Kent this 1'1 day of a'd 11.4.:!:.. , 2008. ATTEST: x::£,_.(!.~~ BRENDAJACOBER,~ERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tnllitcd:O,{c~ ~EY 3 . ---/ --.::. -.: .:.. -. - ...... _ .. , ....... :, .. ..::.::: Countywide Planning Policy Amendments -2008 I hereby certify that th1s IS a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /19 J.. passed by the City council of the city of Kent, Washmgton, the /9 day of~' 2008. P \Civii\ResolutJon\CountywJdePianmngPollcyAmend-2008 doc ~£<U'g.~~ 'BRENDA JACOBER, CCLERK 4 -. _. -, . _.. ,.. ----.... ~- #"' .1', . . ..... Countywide Planning Policy Amendments -2008 • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 w KING COUNTY 1200 Kmg County Courthouse 516 Th1rd Avenue Seattle, W A 98104 King County Signature Report June 24, 2008 Ordinance 16151 Proposed No. 2008-0281.3 Sponsors Hague AN ORDINANCE adopting amendments to the Countywide Planmng Pohcies, amending the intenm potential annexation areas map and ratifying the amended Countywide Planning Policies for umncorporated Kmg County; and amending Ordmance 10450, Section 3, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.10.030 and Ordinance 10450, Section 4, as amended, and K.C C. 20.10.040. 9 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY: 10 SECTION l. Ordmance 10450, Section 3, as amended, and K.C C. 20.10 030 are 11 each hereby amended to read as follows: 12 A. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 Countywide Planmng 13 Policies attached to Ordmance 11446 are hereby approved and adopted. 14 B. The Phase II Amendments to the Kmg County 2012-Countywide Planning 15 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 12027. 16 C The Phase II Amendments to the Kmg County 2012-Countywide Planning 17 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordmance 12421. 1 19 Ordinance 16151 • 20 18 D. The Phase II Amendments to the .[(jng County 2012 -Countywide Plannmg 19 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments 1 and 2 to Ordmance 13260. 20 E. The Phase II Amendments to the .[(jng County 2012 -Countywide Planning 21 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments 1 through 4 to Ordmance 13415. 22 F. The Phase II Amendments to the Kmg County 2012-Countywide Planning 23 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments 1 through 3 to Ordinance 13858. 24 G. The Phase II Amendments to the Kmg County 2012 -Countywide Planning 25 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordmance 14390. 26 H. The Phase II Amendments to the .[(jug County 2012-Countywide Planning 27 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14391. 28 I. The Phase II Amendments to the .[(jug County 2012 -Countywide Planning 29 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14392. 30 J. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning 31 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14652. 32 K. The Phase II Amendments to the Kmg County 2012-Countywide P1annmg 33 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments l through 3 to Ordinance 14653. 34 L. The Phase II Amendments to the .[(jug County 2012-Countywide Planning 35 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14654. 36 M. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning 37 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordmance 14655. 38 N. The Phase II Amendments to the .[(jug County 2012-Countywide Planmng 39 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments 1 and 2 to Ordinance 14656. 2 • 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Ordinance 16151 0 The Phase II amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 14844. P. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies are amended as shown by Attachments A, Band C to Ordmance 15121. Q. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Plannmg Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 15122. R The Phase II Amendments to the Kmg County 2012 -Countywide Plarming Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment A to Ordmance 15123. S. Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Plarmmg Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments A and B to Ordinance 15426. T Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Plarmmg Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments A, Band C to Ordinance 15709. U. Phase II Amendments to the Kmg County 2012-Countywide Plarmmg Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 16056. V Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Plarming Pohcies are amended, as shown by Attachments A. B. C. D. E. F and G to this ordmance. SECTION 2. Ordinance 10450, Section 4, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.10.040 are each hereby amended to read as follows: A. Countywide Plarmmg Policies adopted by Ordinance 10450 for the purposes specified are hereby ratified on behalf of the population ofunincorp01ated King County. B. The amendments to the Countywide Planmng Policies adopted by Ordmance 10840 are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County. 3 21 Ordinance 16151 22 62 C. The amendments to the Countywide Planmng Pohc1es adopted by Ordinance 63 II 061 are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County. 64 D. The Phase II amendments to the King County 2012 Countywide Planning 65 Policies adopted by Ordinance 11446 are hereby ratified on behalf ofthe population of 66 unincorporated King County. 67 E. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, as 68 shown by Attachment I to Ordinance 12027 are hereby ratified on behalf of the 69 population of unincorporated King County. 70 F. The amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning Policies, as 71 shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 12421, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 72 population of unincorporated King County. 73 G. The amendments to the Kmg County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, as 74 shown by Attachments l and 2 to Ordinance 13260, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 75 population of unmcorporated King County. 76 H. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, as 77 shown by Attachment I through 4 to Ordinance 13415, are hereby ratified on behalf of 78 the population of unincorporated King County. 79 I. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Pohc1es, as 80 shown by Attachments I through 3 to Ordmance 13858, are hereby ratified on behalf of 81 the population of unincorporated King County. 82 J. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planmng Policies, as 83 shown by Attachment I to Ordinance 14390, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 84 populatiOn of unincorporated King County. 4 Ordinance 16151 23 85 K. The amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning Policies, as 86 shown by Attachment I to Ordinance 1439I, are hereby ratified on behalf ofthe 87 population of umncorporated King County. 88 L. The amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning Policies, as 89 shown by Attachment I to Ordmance 14392, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 90 population of unincorporated King County. 91 M. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, as 92 shown by Attachment l to Ordmance I4652, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 93 population of unincorporated King County. 94 N. The amendments to the Kmg County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, as 95 shown by Attachments l through 3 to Ordinance I465 3, are hereby ratified on behalf of 96 the populatiOn of unincorporated King County. 97 0. The amendments to the Kmg County 20I2 -Countywide Planning Policies, as 98 shown by Attachment I to Ordmance I4654, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 99 population of unincorporated King County. IOO P. The amendments to the King County 20I2-Countywide Planning Policies, as IOl shown by Attachment I to Ordinance I4655, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 102 population of unincorporated Kmg County. 103 Q. The amendments to the Kmg County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, as 104 shown by Attachments I and 2 to Ordinance 14656, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 105 population ofunincorporated King County. 5 Ordinance 16151 24 106 R. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, as 107 shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 14844, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 108 population of uruncorporated King County. 109 S. The amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning Policies, as 110 shown by Attachments A, B and C to Ordmance 15121, are hereby cattfied on behalf of 111 the population of unincorporated King County. 112 T. The amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning Pohcies, as 113 shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 15122, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 114 population of unincorporated King County. 115 U. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Plannmg Policies, as 116 shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 15123, are hereby ratified on beha1fofthe 117 population ofumncorporated Kmg County. 118 V. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Plannmg Policies, as 119 shown by Attachments A and B to Ordinance 15426, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 120 population of unincorporated King County. 121 W. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, 122 as shown by Attachments A, B and C to Ordinance 15709, are hereby ratified on behalf 123 of the population of unincorporated King County. 124 X. The amendments to the Kmg County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, as 125 shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 16056, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 126 population of unincorporated King County. 6 Ordinance 16151 127 Y. The amendments to the K.mg County 2012-Countywide Plannmg Policies, as 128 shown by Attachments A, B, C, D. E, F and G to this ordmance, are hereby ratified on 129 behalf of the population of unincorporated King County. 130 131 Ordinance 16151 was introduced on 6/2/2008 and passed as amended by the Metropolitan King County Council on 6/23/2008, by the following vote Yes: 9-Ms. Patterson, Mr. Dunn, Mr. Constantine, Ms. Lambert, Mr. von Reichbauer, Mr Ferguson, Mr. Gossett, Mr. Phillips and Ms. Hague No:O Excused: 0 ATTEST· Anne Nons, Clerk of the Counctl APPROVED thts __3_ day of .:s-...... \...l KING COUNTY COUNCIL KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ~,,,&-6kr : Patterson, Charr , 2008 Ron Snns, County Executtve . ' ' '"" = = CD (._ c::: r I c..> ""'" :J: -1 c..> d\ Attat:hments A Monon 08-1, B Monon 08-2, C. Monon 08-3, D. Molton 07-1, E Molton 07-2, F Monon 07-4, G. Second Subslitute Motton 08-4 7 25 ;::;::J rn ,-, '-J rn <. r..., . '. C} 2 3 4 5 6 16151 April 16, 2008 /pr Attachment A Sponsored By Executive Commtttee MOTION NO. 08-1 A MOTION to amend the Intenm Potential Annexation Area Map in the Countywide Planrung Pohcies. 7 WHEREAS, Countywide Planning Policies LU-31 and LU-32 anticipate the collaborative 8 destgnatwn of Potential Annexation Areas (P AA) and the eventual annexation of these 9 areas by c1ties. 10 II WHEREAS, the attached PAA map amendment removes tax parcel number 3221049162 12 from the Potential Annexatwn Area of the City ofMilton and adds the same tax parcel to 13 the PAA of the Ctty of Federal Way. 14 15 WHEREAS, the attached PAA map amendment is supported by the City ofMilton, the 16 City ofFederal Way, and Kmg County. 17 18 BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLANNING COUNCIL 19 OF KING COUNTY HEREBY MOVES AS FOLLOWS. 20 21 22 1. Amend the Interim Potential Annexation Area Map by including the unincorporated 23 urban areas shown on attachment A of this motion, tax parcel number 3221049162, 24 within the Potential AnnexatiOn Area ofthe City of Federal Way, and remove the same 25 tax parcel from the C1ty of Milton P AA. 26 27 2. This amendment is recommended to the Metropolitan King County Council and the 28 Cil!es ofKmg County for adoptwn and ratdicatton. 29 30 ADOPTED by the Growth Management Planning Council of King County on Aprill6, 31 2008 m open sesswn and signed by the chatr of the GMPC. 32 33 34 35 36 Ron Sims, Chair, Growth Management Planning Council 2 3 4 5 6 16151 April 16, 2008 /pr Attachment B Sponsored By: Executive Committee MOTION NO. 08-2 A MOTION to amend the Interim Potential Annexation Area Map in the Countywide Planmng Policies 7 WHEREAS, Countywide Planning Pohcies LU-31 and LU-32 anticipate the collaborative 8 designation of Potential Annexation Areas (P AA) and the eventual annexation of these 9 areas by cities. 10 11 WHEREAS, the attached P AA map amendment removes 56 from the Potential Annexation 12 Area of the City of Redmond and adds the same 56 acres to the PAA of the C1tyof 13 Kirkland 14 15 WHEREAS, the attached PAA map amendment is supported by the City of Kirkland, the 16 City of Redmond, and Kmg County 17 18 BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLANNING COUNCIL 19 OF KING COUNTY HEREBY MOVES AS FOLLOWS 20 21 22 1. Amend the Interim Potential Annexation Area Map by mcludmg the unincorporated 23 urban areas shown on attachment A of this motion, within the Potential Annexation 24 Area of the City of Kirkland, and remove the same properties from the City of 25 Redmond P AA 26 27 2. This amendment is recommended to the Metropolitan King County Council and the 28 Cities ofKmg County for adoptiOn and ratification. 29 30 ADOPTED by the Growth Management Planning Council of King County on April 16, 31 2008 in open session and signed by the chair ofthe GMPC. 32 33 34 35 36 Ron Sims, Chair, Growth Management Planning Council 2 ] 6151 4/12/08 Attachment C Sponsored By: Executive Committee /pr MOTION NO. 08-3 2 A MOTION to amend the intenm Potential Annexation Area 3 map in the Countywide Planning Policies 4 5 6 7 WHEREAS, Countywide Planning Pohc1es LU-31 and LU-32 anticipate the collaborative 8 des1gnauon ofPotential Annexahon Areas (PAA) and the eventual annexation of these 9 areas by CJties 10 11 WHEREAS, the unincorporated urban area known as North Highline has been designated a 12 PAA by more than one city. 13 14 WHEREAS, the C1ty of SeaTac has also designated a portion of the North Highline area, 15 shown on the attached map, as their Potential Annexation Area. 16 17 BE JT RESOLVED THAT THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLANNING COUNCIL OF 18 KING COUNTY HEREBY MOVES AS FOLLOWS 19 20 21 1. Amend the Interim Potential Annexation Area Map by includmg a portwn of the 22 unincorporated urban area known as North Highline, shown on attachment A of this 23 motion, as an overlap-an area claimed by more than one city as a P AA. 24 25 2. Th1s amendment 1s recommended to the Metropolitan Kmg County Council and the 26 C1tJes ofKmg County for adopllon and rattficatJon. 27 28 ADOPTED by the Growth Management Planning Counc1l of King County on 29 April 16, 2008 in open sesswn, and signed by the chmr of the GMPC. 30 31 32 33 34 Ron S1ms, Cha1r, Growth Management Plannmg Counc!l 29 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 5/14/07 /pte ATIACHMENT D Sponsored By: Executive Committee MOTION NO. 07-1 A MOTION to amend the intenm Potential Annexation Area map in the Countywide Planning Policies. WHEREAS, Countywide Planning Policies LU-31 and LU-32 anticipate the collaborative designation of Potential AnnexatiOn Areas (P AA) and the eventual annexation of these areas by cities. WHEREAS, the attached P AA map amendment removes several ~ncorporated urban areas not within the P AA of any city and adds these areas to the City of Sammamish P AA. WHEREAS, the attached P AA map amendment is supported by the City of Sammamish and King County. BE IT RESOLVED TIIAT TilE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLANNING COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY HEREBY MOVES AS FOLLOWS: I. Amend the Interim Potential Annexation Area Map by including lhe unincorporated urban areas shown on attachment A of this motion, within the Potential Anne1mtion Area of the City of Sammamish. 2. This amendment is recommended to the Metropolitan King County Council and the Ctties of King County for adoption and ratification. ADOPTED by the Growth Management Planning Council of King County on June 20,2007 m open session, and stgned by the chair of the GMPC. f:il~-·-~~1 - 1 - 3D ' ! ------------------------------~1 16151 9/15/07 ATTACHMENT E Sponsored By: Executive Committee /pr MOTION NO. 07-2 2 A MaTION to amend the interim Potential Annexation Area 3 map in the Countywide Planning Policies. 4 5 6 7 WHEREAS, Co\Dltywid~ Planning Policies LU-31 and LU-32 anticipate the collaborahve 8 designation of Potential Annexation Areas (PAA) and the eventual annexation of these 9 areas by cities. 10 II WHEREAS, the unincorporated urban area known as North Highline bas been designated a 12 P AA by more than one city. 13 14 WHEREAS, the attached P AA map amendment is supported by the City of Burien, the 15 City of Seattle, and King County. 16 17 18 BE IT RESOLVED TilA T THE GROWTH MANAGEMENI' PLANNING COUNCIL OF 19 KING COUNTY HEREBY MOVES AS FOLLOWS. 20 21 22 I. Amend the lntenm Potential Annexation Area Map by including the umncorporated 23 urban area known as North Highline, shown on attachment A of this motion, as an 24 overlap-an area claimed by more than one c1ty as a PAA 25 26 2. This amendment is recommended to the Metropolitan King County Council and the 27 Cities of King CoWlty for adoption and rahfication. 2& 29 ADOPTED by the Growth Management Planrung CoWlcil of King County on 30 October 3, 2007 in open session, and signed by the chair of the GMPC. 31 32 33 34 - 1 - r--------------------------------- 16151 ATTACHMENT F 10/03/07 Sponsored By: Executive Corrunittee /pr MOTION NO. 07-4 2 A MOTION to amend the mterim Potential Annexation Aiea 3 map in the CoWitywide Planning Policies. 4 5 6 7 WHEREAS, Countywide Planning Pol1cies LU-31 and LU-32 anticipate the collaborative 8 designation of Potential Annexat1on Aieas (P AA) and the eventual annexation of these 9 areas by cities. 10 I I WHEREAS, the attached P AA map amendment removes several unincorporated urban 12 areas not within the PAA of any city and adds these areas to the City of Covington PAA. lJ 14 WHEREAS, the attached P AA map amendment is supported by the City of Covington and 15 King County. 16 17 BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLANNING COUNCJL OF 18 KING COUNTY HEREBY MOVES AS FOLLOWS: 19 20 21 Amend the Interim Potential Annexation Area Map by including the unincorporated 22 urban areas shown on attachment A of this motion, within the Potential Annexation 23 Aiea of the City ofCovmgton_ 24 25 2. This amendment is recommended to the Metropolitan King County Council and the 26 Cities ofK.mg County for adoption and ratification. 27 28 ADOPTED by the Growth Management Planning Council ofKing County on 29 October 3, 2007 in open session, and si ed by the chair of the GMPC. 30 31 32 33 34 -1 - 3~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ordinance 16151 Attachment G June 18, 2008 /pr Sponsored By SECOND SUBSTITUTE MOTION NO. 08-4 A MOTION by the Growth Management Planning Counc1l of King County recomrnendmg the amendment of the Countywide Planning Pohcies by revising existmg policies LU-31 and LU-32 to provide a mechanism for a city to move forward with the annexation of all or a portion of North Highline. 9 WHEREAS, Countywide Planning Policies LU-31 and LU-32 anticipate the collaborative 10 designation of Potential Annexation Areas (PAA) and the eventual annexatiOn of these II areas by cities; and 12 13 WHEREAS, the unmcorporated urban area known as North Highline has been designated 14 a PAA by more than one city; and 15 16 WHEREAS, a mechanism is needed to resolve this P AA overlap. 17 18 BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLANNING COUNCIL 19 OF KlNG COUNTY HEREBY MOVES AS FOLLOWS: 20 21 Amend Sectwns III, C-3, (Joint Plannmg and Urban Growth Areas around Cities) of the 22 King County Countywide Plarming Policies as follows: 23 24 LU-31 In collaboration w1th adJacent counties and cities and King County, and in 25 consultation w1th residential groups residents, busmesses. and other 26 orgaruzations in affected areas, each city shall designate a potential armexation 27 area in the city's comprehensive plan. After recommendation by the GMPC and 28 ratification pursuant to pohcy FW-1, Step 9, the Interim Potentl31 Annexation 29 Area Map shown m Appendix 2 shall be amended to show each city's approved 30 P AA. Each petenttal rumexatien area shall be specific te each c1ty. Potential 31 annexatiOn areas shall not overlapLexceot as allowed under policy LU-32. 32 Within the potential annexation area, the city shall adopt cnteria for annexatiOn, 33 mcluding conformance wtth Countywide Planning Policies, and a schedule for 34 providing urban services and facilities Within the potential armexation area This 35 process shall ensure that unincorporated urban islands of King County are not 36 created between cities and strive to eliminate existing islands between cities. 37 - 1 - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 LU-32 A city may annex territory only within its designated potential annexation area as shown on Appendix 2, the Interim Potential Annexation Area Map. All cities shall phase annexations to coincide with the abthty for the city to coordinate the provismn of a full range of urban services to areas to be armexed. The following applies only within the North Highlme unmcomorated area. Where PAAs overlap prior to Januarv 1. 2009, the ctties wtth the PAA overlap and the county should attempt to establish alternative non-overlapping P AA boundaries through a process of negotiatiOn. Absent a negotiated resolutiOn. a city may file a Notice of Intent to Annex wtth the Boundary Review Board for King County for territory withm its destgnated portion of a P AA overlap as shown on the Interim Potential Annexation Area Map and detailed m the city's comprehensive plan after the followmg steps have been taken: I. The ctty proposing annexation has. at least 30 days prior to filing a Notice of Intent to annex with the Boundary Revtew Board. contacted m writing the cities wtth the PAA overlap and the county to provide notification of the city's mtent to armex and to request a meeting or formal mediatiOn to discuss boundary alternatives, and, 2. The cities with the P AA overlap and the county have either a. Agreed to meet but failed to develop a negotiated settlement to the overlap wtthin 60 days of recetpt of the notice. or; b. Declined to meet or failed to respond in wntmg within 30 days ofrecetpt of the notice. 30 ADOPTED by the Growth Management Planning Council of King County on June 18, 31 2008 in open session. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Ron Sims, Chair, Growth Management Planning Council - 2 - 3