HomeMy WebLinkAbout1786Resolution No. 1786 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 822 -Historic Preservation Passed -5/6/2008 H1stonc Landmark Nommat1on Approval Bere1ter House RESOLUTION NO. /7 f l A RESOLUTION of the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, approvmg the nommat1on of the 1908 Bere1ter House for further evaluation by the landmark des1gnat10n and preservation comm1ss1on under Chapter 14.12 of the Kent City Code. RECITALS A. Chapter 14.12, Landmark Designation and Preservation, of the Kent City Code (KCC) was enacted by the Kent City Council to designate, preserve, and perpetuate those s1tes which reflect significant elements of the c1ty of Kent's cultural, ethnic, soc1al, econom1c, polit1cal, architectural, aesthetic, archaeological, engmeenng, h1stonc, and other hentage. A histone landmark des1gnat1on 1s mtended to foster civ1c pnde 1n the beauty and accomplishments of Kent's past; to stab1l1ze and improve the econom1c values and v1tal1ty of Kent's landmarks; and to protect and enhance Kent's tounst Industry by promotmg hentage-related tourism. This Chapter provides that a nommation may only proceed through the nommat1on process w1th the Landmark and Hentage Commission 1f it first rece1ves approval from the Kent City Council. KCC 14.12.080. B. The 1908 Bere1ter House located at 855 East Sm1th Street has been nommated for designation as a h1stonc landmark under Chapter 14.12. KCC. The owner of the Bereiter House, the City of Kent, is supportive of this historic landmark nommat1on, and has asked that the nommat1on be allowed to proceed through the procedures established by Chapter 14.12 KCC. 1 Historic Landmark Nomination Approval Bereiter House C. The Bereiter House and its outbuildmgs are significant as an exceptionally well preserved group of early residential buildmg types m the City of Kent. They are also sigmficant for the1r assoc1at1on with a number of Kent's prominent early fam1l1es, among them a mayor, pharmacist and a Japanese produce dealer. The home IS an excellent example of a turn of the century, Colon1al Rev1val, large fam1ly home often called a "classic box" style wh1ch displays fmely crafted deta1ls. The City of Kent purchased the property in 1996 for use as an historical museum, to be operated by the Greater Kent Histoncal Society, a nonprofit corporation. S1nce 1996, the Bereiter House property has been mtegral to supporting the Museum's miSSIOn of interpreting and enhancing Kent's h1story. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECT70N 1. -Recitals Incorporated. The foregoing recitals are incorporated and fully made a part of th1s resolution SECTION 2. -Approval of Landmark Designation Nomination. The Kent City Counc1l, per KCC 14.12.080, approves the nommat1on of the Bere1ter House located at 855 East Sm1th Street, for further processing by the Landmark and Hentage Comm1ssion. SECTION 3. -Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force 1mmed1ately upon 1ts passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, th1s b day of -~ , 2008. 2 Historic Landmark Nomination Approval Bereiter House CONCURRED m by the Mayor of the City of Kent this __ ____!:{)7::._:_1__:__c~~-1 2008. day of ATTEST: ~····· . - . - .:. :_:...-' .. -.... , APPROVED AS T~ FORM: . MAI''Mle_k T.j} BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that th1s is a true and correct copy of Resolution ~ passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, _k_ day of ·--;na-P~ , 2008. No. the P \CMI\Resolutton\HlstorlcPreservatlonApprovaiOINomlnatlon--BerelterHouse doc 3 -~ .. ,-~-."' ---..... ....... Historic Landmark Nomination Approval Bereiter House