HomeMy WebLinkAbout1759Resolution No. 1759 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 961 -Growth Management Plan Passed -6/5/2007 Countywide Planmng Policy Amendments -2007 RESOLUTION NO. _1_1_~-~-- A RESOLUTION of the c1ty council of the c1ty of Kent, Washmgton, regarding Kmg County Countywide Plann1ng Policies adopted by the Metropolitan Kmg County Council that would amend the mtenm Potential Annexation Area map 1n the Countywide Plann1ng Pol1c1es, rev1se LU-25b to allow adJustment of household and employment targets 1f a new mun1c1pal mcorporat1on occurs w1th1n a designated Potential Annexation Area, and des1gnate the Overlake area of Redmond as an Urban Center. RECITALS A. Pursuant to RCW 36.70A.210, the Growth Management Act requ1res the adoption of Countywide Plannmg Pol1c1es to prov1de a countywide framework from wh1ch local comprehensive plans are to be developed. Kmg County, the City of Seattle, and the mcorporated suburban c1t1es and towns 1n Kmg County established a process for the development, adoption, and rat1f1cat1on of Countywide Plannmg Pol1c1es by an mterlocal agreement. Th1s agreement established the Growth Management Plannmg Council (GMPC), a group cons1st1ng of elected off1c1als from Kmg County, suburban c1t1eS 1 and the City of Seattle 1 who were authonzed to develop a set of recommended countywide plann1ng polic1es for cons1derat10n by the Kmg County Council. B. The GMPC met on Apnl 26, 2006, and September 20, 2006, and voted to pass amendments to the Countywide Planmng Pol1c1es amending the mtenm Potential Annexation Area map 1n the Countywide Plannmg Pol1c1es, rev1s1ng LU-25b to allow adJustment of household and employment targets 1f a 1 Countywide Planning Policy Amendments-2007 new mumc1pal 1ncorporat1on occurs w1thm a designated Potential Annexation Area, and des1gnatmg the Overlake area of Redmond as an Urban Center. (GMPC Mot1on 06-1, 06-2, and 06-3). The Kmg County Council approved and rat1f1ed these amendments on behalf of Kmg County on Apnl 9, 2007, pursuant to Kmg County Ordmance 15709. The Kent Plann1ng & Economic Development Comm1ttee rev1ewed these amendments at 1ts meetmg on May 14, 2007. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Amendment. The City of Kent, act1ng pursuant to the mterlocal agreement among Kmg County, the City of Seattle, and Incorporated suburban c1t1es, rat1f1es the proposed amendments to the Countywide Plann1ng Pol1ces as adopted by the Metropolitan K1ng County Council 1n Kmg County Ordmance 15709, attached and mcorporated m th1s resolution. SECTION 2. -Public Inspect1on. The amendments to the Countywide Plannmg Pol1c1es adopted by th1s resolution shall be f1led w1th the City Clerk and placed m the plann1ng serv1ces off1ce so they are available for 1nspect1on by the publ1c. SECTION 3. -Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of th1s resolution IS declared unconst1tut1onal or mval1d for any reason, such dec1s1on shall not affect the val1d1ty of the rema1nmg port1ons of th1s resolution. SECTION 4. -Effective Date. Th1s resolution shall take effect and be in force 1mmed1ately upon 1ts passage. PASSED at a regular open public meetmg by the c1ty council of the c1ty of Kent, Washington, th1s ~ day of June, 2007. 2 Countywide Planning Policy Amendments-2007 CONCURRED 1n by the mayor of the City of Kent th1s S day of June, 2007. ATTEST: ~£!.o~ BRENDA JACOBER, CITY RK . ~ ....... - .:. ..:...- APPROVED AS TO FORM: Td'~J]t~h-............ I hereby cert1fy that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /_7o1 passed by the c1ty counCil of the e~ty of Kent, Washington, the ...5 day of June, 2007. 4.4' .(}. '~~ BRENDA JACOBER, CITY LERK P \Crvii\Resolution\CountywrdePiannrngPollcyAmend-2007 doc -- 3 Countywide Planning Policy Amendments -2007