HomeMy WebLinkAbout1751Resolution No. 1751 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 1269-LID 353 Passed -4/3/2007 Ll D 353 -Assessment 217 Segregation RESOLUTION NO. I 7 s I A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, d1rectmg the Fmance Director to segregate an assessment lev1ed under Local Improvement D1stnct No. 353. RECITALS A. Mr. and Ms. Fred and Sylvia Fernando, owners of record, and the Parks at Kent Condomm1um Assoc1at1on, a homeowners' assoCiation authonzed to act on behalf of other owners of record, of property ongmally affected by Local Improvement D1stnct (LID) No. 353, Assessment No. 217, wh1ch property 1s located at 21832 and 22243 44th Avenue South, respectively, m the c1ty of Kent, have requested a segregation of that LID assessment. B. All clencal and engmeenng fees have been pa1d as requ1red by law, and the appl1cat1on 1s proper m all other respects. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. -SegregatiOn. The Fmance Director IS authorized and directed to segregate the assessment as requested by Mr. and Ms. Fred and Sylv1a Fernando and The Parks at Kent Condomm1um Assoc1at1on, as set forth m the LID Segregation Cert1f1cate, wh1ch 1s attached and Incorporated as Exh1b1t A. The assessment mvolved IS Assessment No. 217 of Local Improvement D1stnct No. 353. SECTION 2. -Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of th1s resolution IS declared unconst1tut1onal or 1nval1d for any reason, 1 LID353- Assessment 217 Segregation such dec1s1on shall not affect the val1d1ty of the remaming port1ons of th1s resolution. SECTION 3. -RattftcatJOn. Any act cons1stent w1th the authonty and pnor to the effective date of th1s resolution IS hereby rat1f1ed and affirmed. SECTION 4. -Effecttve Date. Th1s resolution shall take effect and be 1n force immediately upon 1ts passage. PASSED at a regular open public meetmg by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, th1s __,j_ day of Apnl, 2007. CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this _il_ day Apnl, 2007. ATTEST: et.~~~ /f!etr 7 5/rnfnO/v.!o.) /Jep..-rfj {.!1-fJ Ut!t /::... -/ ---: - APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~t!?.{~.b I hereby certify that th1s is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. [?.!)/ passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the ..3 day of Apnl, 2007. - P \Covoi\Rasolutlon\UC353 Assusme~~ 2~ Saljl'ega;§ doc " .. 2 ~CLERK LID353- Assessment 217 Segregation -~ "'--"' KENT WASHI,..GTOH 220 4lh Avenue South Kent, W aslungton 98032 Attn Engrneenng Dept Requested by: Owner Om1er & Address The Parks at Kent Condom1nium Association 11624 SE 5th St. 11200 Bellevue, WA 98005 APN: Owner & Address LID SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Date· 8/3/2006 LID# 353 Assess# 217 ORTGTNAL DESCRIPTION Please See Exhibit A (If more space needed, attach descnpl!on and refer to Exhibit"_") NEW DESCRlPTION New Assessment No. 217-/ New Assessment Amt 41_ 3 '170. 0 2.. Fred & Sylvia Fernando Please See Exhibit B 21832 44th Ave. S Kent, WA 98032 APN /oc?...rY'r-<jotoZ.. Owner & Address The Parks at Kent Condom1n1um Assoc1at1o 11624 SE 5th St. #200 Bellevue, WA 98005 APN· TotaiDue 80. 00 F"' ; .L 'l/t'lf" 7 Receipt# 0/164--0J (If more space needed, attach descriptiOn and refer to Exhibit"_") REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Assessment Amt f ?D 61'-.'55 Assessment No ~2.~1 7,__ __ Please See Exhibit C & D (If more space needed, attach descnptwn and refer to Exhibit"_'') The undersigned heieby accepts above terms and conditions and ~~~~~~~~onec~tness f&herei~n A~/)~;;· OWNER PRJNT ~(ifj(; OWNER SIGN :9 ___ ._I __ "-~""---;£~ OWNERPR1NT~,.-_j D._ ~ .. ~~/..'>2 g=~;i~r~~g'jf/j#jdff& OvrNERSTGN ______ ~----------------------------OWNERPRJNT ____________________________ __ 0\VNERSIGN ______________________________ __ 0\VNER PRINT Approved by ResolutiOn#----------------------- EXHIBIT "A" PAGE __ l_OF_5_ Core Design, Inc Bellevue, WA 98007 Core Project No· 02092 2/20/07 Legal Description -Original Assessment (Exhibit A) THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QPARTER AND GOVERNMENT LOl 4. IN SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, Ri\NGF 4 EAST, W M, KING COUNTY, \V ASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION 10, THENCE N89°58'34"E, ALONG THE EAST Wic.ST CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION 10, A DISTANCE OF 600 20 FEET; THENCE Sl5°22'56"E 249 00 FEET TO THE PO!Nf OF BEGfNNING OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT, THENCE S89°58'34"W 22 12 FEET, THENCE SOI 0 13'21 "E 223 23 FEfO I, THENCE S87"50'36"E 1,373 88 FEET. THENCE N02°43'34"E 275 77 FEET, THENCE SX9°58'34"W 1.368 67 FFET TO THC POINT OF BEGfNNING EXCEPT THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN FRAGER ROAD SOUTH CONTAINS 344,444± SQUARE FEET (7 9074± ACRES). EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 of 5 02092-0RIGINAL PARCEL D doc, 2120101, page 1 CORE DESIGN, INC. BELLEVUE WA 98007 Legal Description - Core Project No 02092 2101/07 New Tract 0 (Exh1bit B) THATPORT!ONOFGOVERNMENTLOT4, TN SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP22 NORTH. RANGE 4 EAST, WJLLAMETTE MERlO JAN. IK KING COUNTY. W ASIIJNGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION 10, THENCE N89°58'34''E, ALONG fHE EAST-WEST CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION 10, A DISTANCE OF 600 20 FEET, THENCE Sl5°22'56"E, A DISTANCE OF 249 00 FEET, THENCE S89°58'34"W A DISTANCE OF 22 12 FEET, THENCE S01°13'21"E A DISTANCE OF 223 23 FEET, THENCE S87°50'36"E 1.323 88 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF TilE HEREIN DESCRIBED PARCEL, THENCE N02°43'34''E 72 21 FEET, THENCE S89°58'34''W 93 25 FEET, THENCE N59°54'12''W 129 74 FEET, THENCE N33°00' 17"\V 45,62 FEET, THENCE N00°00'00' E 98 05 FEET, THENCE N89°58'34"E 290 00 FEE f, THENCE S02°43'34"W 261 02 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH A 538 50 FOOT RADIUS CIRCULAR CURVE TO H-IE LEFT FROM WHICH POINT 1RE CENTER OF SAID CURVE BEARS S26°4l '36"E. SAID POINT BEING ON THE NORTHERLY RJGHT-OF-WA Y MARGIN FOR PRAGER ROAD, THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY, ALONG SAID CURVE AND NORTHERLY MARGIN THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03°06' 11''. AN ARC DISTANCE OF 29 16 FEET; THENCE N87"50'36"W 25.00 FEET TO TilE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINS 55,169± SQUARE FEET (1.2665± ACRES). 02092L42-Tract D (Exhibit B) doc, 2/20/07, page 1 EXHIBIT "A" Page 3 of 5 CORE DESIGN, INC. BELLEVUE WA 98007 Core ProJect No 02092 2/01/07 Legal Description -Portion of New Tract E (Exhibit C) THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER AND OF GOVERNMENT LOT 4, SECTION l 0, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION 10, THENCE N89°58'34''E, ALONG THE EAST-WEST CENTERLINE Of SAID SECTION 10. A DISTANCE OF 600 20 FEET, THENCE SI5°22'56''E. A DISTANCE OF 249 00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREIN DESCRJB[;O TRACT. THENCE S89°58'34''W. A DISTANCE OF 22.12 FEb f. THENCE SOI 0 13'21"E, A DISTANCE OF 223 23 FEET, THCNCE S87°50'36''E. A DISTANCE OF 1323 88 FEET. THENCEN02°43'34"E A DISTANCE OF 72 21 FEb f. THENCE S89°58'34"W, A DISTANCE OF 93 25 FEET, THENCE N59°54'12''W, A DISTANCE OF 129 74 FEET, TI-IENCh N33°00'1T'W, A DIS fANCE OF 45 62 FEET, THENCE N00°00'00"W, A DISTANCE OF 98.05 FEET; THENCE S89°58'34"W, A DI:'n ANCE OF 1.078 67 FEET TO THI'. POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINS 289,275± SQUARE FEET (6 6408± ACRES) 02092L41-Portton of Tract E (Exhibtt C) doc, 2/20/07, page I EXHIBIT "A" Page 4 of 5 It 0 1:: t E9 ~ .... >tl ~~ ....,o z~ :Jcj ....,IJl RIVERVIEW SOUTH LLC EXHIBITD PAGE 10F1 ~~ORE 14711 NE. 291h Plaoo Suite 101 B11fl~w•, Wcshlngtotl 98007 \._-----_;;. 425 885 7877 Fax 425 885 7963 ~DESIGN ENGINEEI?ING PLANNING SURVEYING JOB NO. 0:2092 S. 216TH ST ---=:s;.--: N. UNE S~ '\.__ SEC 10-22-04 SCALE 1" = 200' BLUK=UIIAINDKR ASSESSMENT 217 GREEN=NKW ASSESSMENT 217-1 RED=ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT IJ) R=538.50 6-0619'00" L=59 37 = ll') ~ = 4-l 0 E-< HL171 ll1 H QJ ::C:O> :><: n:l filll<