HomeMy WebLinkAbout1750Resolution No. 1750 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 171-Traffic Control Passed -4/3/2007 Vehicular Speed Lim1ts Pursuant to Ch. 9.40 Repeals Res. 1582 RESOLUTION NO. / 7:;-0 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relatmg to vehicular speed lim1ts on certam designated streets, as posted by off1c1al traffic control dev1ces, pursuant to Chapter 9.40 of the Kent City Code. RECITALS A. The Kent Traffic Code, Sect1on 9.36.010, adopts by reference the Model Traff1c Ordmance set forth m Washmgton Admm1strat1ve Code 1n Chapter 308-330 WAC (Ordinance 3170). B. Prov1s1ons of the Model Traffic Ordmance, Washmgton Admm1strat1ve Code Sect1on 308-330-270 and RCW 46.61.415, set forth the procedure for the local authonty to determ1ne and declare the speed l1m1ts on City artenals, streets and other nghts of way, based on an engmeenng and traff1c mvest1gat1on by the traffic engmeer. C. Pursuant to the Model Traffic Ordinance, Chapter 9.40 of the Kent City Code was adopted to prov1de that the City may establish speed l1m1ts on certam des1gnated streets by resolution. D. A list of the speed l1m1ts on certam designated streets in the City has been properly made and adopted by Resolution No. 1582. E. The City Council des1res to update and amend the list of speed limits set forth m Resolution No. 1582. 1 Vehicular Speed Limits NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1: The speed l1m1ts and prov1s1ons of Resolut1on No. 1582 are hereby re- adopted w1th amendments as noted 1n th1s resolution to read as follows: Increasing or Decreasing Speed Limits on Certain Streets, Highways or other Rights-of-Way It 1s determmed, on the bas1s of eng1neenng and traffic invest1gat1ons, that the speed perm1tted by state law upon the followmg streets or port1on thereof 1s less than, or 1n some cases, more than, 1s reasonable and safe for the operat1on of veh1cles under the cond1t1ons found to ex1st on that street or port1on thereof. It IS hereby declared that the speed lim1ts on such streets shall be as heremafter set forth on the streets or port1ons of same l1sted, at all t1mes, unless otherwise spec1f1ed, after off1c1al traffic control dev1ces have been posted to g1ve not1ce thereof; prov1ded, that 1n no case shall the speed lim1t on City streets be lower than twenty (20) m1les per hour or exceed s1xty (60) m1les per hour. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of street or portions affected Pac1f1c Highway South (SR 99) from the mtersect1on of South 272nd Street to the mtersect1on of Kent- Des Momes Road (SR 516) M1l1tary Road from the 1ntersect1on of South 2291h Street to the 1ntersect1on of South 250th Street M1l1tary Road from the mtersect1on of South 2501h Street to the 1ntersect1on of South 272°d Street Re1th Road/South 259th Place/South 260th Place from the mtersect1on of Kent-Des Momes Road (SR 516) to the mtersect1on of Pac1f1c H1ghway South (SR 99) Lake Fenw1ck Road from the mtersect1on of Re1th Road to the mtersect1on of South 272"d Street South !96th/Russell Road/South 200th Street from the mtersect1on of 34th Avenue South to the mtersect1on of Onll1a Road 2 Speed limit 45 mph 35 mph 40 mph 35 mph 35 mph 35 mph Vehicular Speed Limits 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1S. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 54th Avenue South from Meeker Street to South 212th_Street West Valley Highway from the mtersect1on of South 180th Street to 830 feet North of the Intersection of Morton Street (South 238th Street) West Valley Highway from the 1ntersect1on of Morton Street (South 238th Street) to the mtersect1on of Frager Road West Valley Highway from the mtersect1on of Frager Road to a pomt 180 feet North of the mtersect1on of South 262"d Street West Valley H1ghway from a point 180 feet north of South 262nd Street to the 1ntersect1on of South 272"d Street 84th Avenue South from the mtersect1on of South 180 Street to the mtersect1on of SR 167 Central Avenue North from the 1ntersect1on of SR 167 to the mtersect1on of James Street Central Avenue North from the mtersect1on of James Street to the 1ntersect1on of W1ll1s Street Central Avenue South from the mtersect1on of W1ll1s Street to the Green R1ver Bndge 74th Avenue South from the 1ntersect1on of SR S16 to the mtersect1on of South 2S9th Street 72"d Avenue South from the mtersect1on of South 262"d Street to the mtersect1on of South 277th Street 4th Avenue North from the 1ntersect1on of South 228th Street to the overpass for SR 167 76th Avenue South from the 1ntersect1on of South 212th Street to the mtersect1on of South 228th Street 4th Avenue North from the overpass for SR 167 to the mtersect1on of Will1s Street 80th Place South from the mtersect1on of 80th Avenue South to the mtersect1on of 34th Avenue South ( 190th Street) 3 3S mph so mph 3S mph 40 mph so mph 40 mph 3S mph 30 mph 40 mph 3S mph 3S mph 3S mph 3S mph 30 mph 35 mph Vehicular Speed Limits 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 92"d Avenue South from the mtersect1on of South 208th Street to the 1ntersect1on of South 200th Street. 104th Avenue Southeast from a po1nt 100 feet north of the mtersect1on of Southeast 236th Street to the mtersect1on of Southeast 272"d Street Kent-Des Momes Road (SR 516) eastbound from a pomt 50 feet west of the 1 ntersect1on of 27th Avenue South to the 1ntersect1on of 30th Avenue South Meeker Street from Kent-Des Momes Road (SR 516) to a po1nt 500 feet west of the mtersect1on of West Valley Highway (Washmgton Avenue) Meeker Street from a pomt 500 feet west of the mtersect1on of West Valley H1ghway (Washmgton Avenue) to the mtersect1on of 6th Avenue Sm1th Street (SR 516) from the mtersect1on of Lincoln Avenue to the mtersect1on of Central Avenue North Canyon Dnve (SR 516) from the 1ntersect1on of Hazel Avenue to the mtersect1on of 100th Place Southeast Southeast 256th Street from the mtersect1on of lOOth Place Southeast to the mtersection of 143th Avenue Southeast Kent-Kangley Road (SR 516) from the intersection of Southeast 256th Street to the mtersect1on of 116th Avenue Southeast W1ll1s Street (SR 516) from the mtersect1on of 4th Avenue to the 1ntersect1on of Central Avenue South 97th Place South from the 1ntersect1on of Canyon Dnve (SR 516) to the mtersect1on of lOOth Place Southeast Southeast 264th Street from the mtersect1on of lOOth Place Southeast to the 1ntersect1on of 108th Avenue Southeast South 228th Street from the intersection of 54th Avenue South to the mtersect1on of West Valley H1ghway (68th Avenue South) (SR 181) 4 35 mph 35 mph 35 mph 40 mph 30 mph 30 mph 40 mph 35 mph 35 mph 30 mph 30 mph 35 mph 35 mph Vehicular Speed Limits 35. South 228th/83'd Avenue South/South 224th Street 40 mph from the 1ntersect1on of West Valley H1ghway (68th Avenue South) (SR 181) to the 1ntersect1on of 84th Avenue South 36. South 212th Street from the west city limits to the 40 mph east c1ty l1m1ts 37. South 208th Street from the intersection of 84th 35 mph Avenue South to the 1ntersect1on of 92nd Avenue South 38. !16th Avenue Southeast from the mtersect1on of 35 mph Southeast 227th Place to the mtersect1on of Kent- Kangley Road (SR 516) 39. !16th Avenue Southeast from the mtersect1on of 40 mph Kent-Kangley Road (SR 516) to the overpass for 108th Avenue Southeast 40. Southeast 248th Street from the 1ntersect1on of 94th 35 mph Avenue South to the mtersect1on of 132nd Avenue Southeast 41. Southeast 277th Street from the overpass for 108th SO mph Avenue Southeast to the 1ntersect1on of 86th Avenue South 42. Re1ten Road from Titus Street to Maple Street 30 mph 43. Maple Street from Re1ten Road to Tilden Avenue 30 mph 44. Woodland Way South from Tilden Avenue to the 30 mph 1ntersect1on of Southeast 267th Street 45. Southeast 267th Street from the mtersect1on of 30 mph Woodland Way to the 1ntersect1on of 104th Avenue Southeast 46. 77th Avenue South from the mtersect1on of South 212th Street to the north end of the road 35 mph 47. James Street/Southeast 240th Street from the mter- sect1on of Russell Road to the 1ntersect1on of !16th 35 mph Avenue Southeast 48. Southeast 240th Street from the mtersect1on of 40 mph 116th Avenue Southeast to the 1ntersect1on of 137th Avenue Southeast 5 Vehicular Speed Limits 49. so. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. Southeast 240th Street from the intersection of 137th Avenue Southeast to the mtersect1on of 148th Avenue Southeast South 190th Street from the 1ntersect10n of 72"d Avenue South to the mtersect1on of 62"d Avenue South South 277th Street from the mtersection of 86th Avenue South to the mtersect1on of Auburn Way North South 194th Street from the mtersect1on of 66th Avenue South to the mtersect1on of Russell Road/58th Place South 70th/72"d Avenue South from the mtersect1on of South 228th Street to the mtersect1on of South 180th Street South 216th Street from the mtersection of 64th Avenue South to the 1ntersect1on of 72"d Avenue South South 220th Street from the mtersect1on of West Valley H1ghway (68th Avenue South) (SR 181) to the 1ntersect1on of 72"d Avenue South 80th Avenue South from the mtersect1on of South 180th Street to the mtersect1on of South 196th Street Southeast 260th Street from the intersection of 97th Place South to the 1ntersect1on of 108th Avenue Southeast 101st Avenue Southeast from the mtersect1on of Southeast 256th Street (SR 516) to the mtersect1on of Southeast 260th Street 108th Avenue Southeast from the mtersect1on of Kent-Kangley Road (SR 516) to the south City l1m1ts Kent-Kangley Road (SR 516) (Southeast 272"d Street) from the mtersect1on of 116th Avenue Southeast to the overpass for SR 18 114th Avenue Southeast southsounel from the 1ntersect1on of Kent-Kangley Road (SR 516) to the mtersect1on of Southeast 26'72th Eettrt:Street 6 35 mph 35 mph 40 mph 35 mph 35 mph 35 mph 35 mph 35 mph 35 mph 30 mph 35 mph 45 mph 35 mph Vehicular Speed Limits 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 120th Avenue Southeast from the intersection of Southeast 240'h Street to the mtersect1on of Southeast 248'h Street 124'h Avenue Southeast from the mtersect1on of Southeast 248'h Street to the mtersect1on of Southeast 282"d Street 132"d Avenue Southeast from the mtersect1on of Southeast 240th Street to the mtersect1on of Southeast 282"d Street 144'h Avenue Southeast from the intersection of Kent-Kangley Road (SR 516) to the 1ntersect1on of Southeast 288'h Street 152"d Avenue Southeast from the 1ntersect10n of Kent-Kangley Road (SR 516) to the south c1ty l1m1ts South 272"d Street from the mtersect1on of Pac1f1c H1ghway South (SR 99) to the mtersect1on of Military Road South 240th Street from the mtersection on Pac1f1c Highway South (SR 99) to the west c1ty l1m1tS 148'h Avenue Southeast from the intersect1on of Southeast 256th Street to the 1ntersect1on of Southeast 240'h Street Southeast 248th Street from the mtersect1on of 94th Avenue South to the mtersect1on of 132"d Avenue South Smith Street from the mtersect1on of Central Avenue North to the mtersect1on of Hazel Avenue 42"d Avenue South from the mtersect1on of 216'h Street to the mtersect1on of South 212th Street Green R1ver Road from the north c1ty l1m1ts north of the Green R1ver (Don Wickstrom) Bndge to the south c1ty l1m1ts 35 mph 35 mph 35 mph 35 mph 35 mph 35 mph 35 mph 35 mph 35 mph 30 mph 35 mph 35 mph SECTION 2. -Duties of CltV traffic engineer. The c1ty traff1c engmeer shall take whatever steps are necessary to comply With all statutory d1rect1ves regardmg approval of these speed l1m1ts by the State, where applicable; postmg of off1c1al traffic control dev1ces; and the regulat1on of t1m1ng of traffic s1gnals, as set forth m the Model Traffic Ord1nance, adopted by 7 Vehicular Speed Limits reference pursuant to Sect1on 9.36.010 of the Kent City Code, more specifically/ Sect1on 308- 330-270 of the Washmgton Adm1n1strat1ve Code, RCW 46.61.415, and all other applicable sect1ons of the Model Traffic Ordmance. SECTION 3.-Reoealer. Resolut1on No. 1582 1s hereby repealed. SECTION 4. -Severability. If any sect1on, subsection, paragraph, sentence/ clause or phrase of th1s resolut1on IS declared unconst1tut10nal or 1nval1d for any reason, such deciSIOn shall not affect the val1d1ty of the remammg port1ons of th1s resolut1on. SECTION 5. -Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effect1ve date of th1s resolution 1s hereby rat1f1ed and affirmed. SECTION 6. -Effect1ve Date. Th1s resolution shall take effect and be 1n force 1mmed1ately upon 1ts passage. PASSED at a regular open public meetmg by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, th1s ~day of Apnl, 2007. CONCURRED 1n by the Mayor of the City of Kent th1s // day of Apnl, 2007. ATTEST: ~~LERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: T~.J?H~bEY 8 Vehicular Speed Limits I hereby certify that th1s IS a true and correct copy of Resolut1on No. /}SO passed by the City Counc1l of the City of Kent, Washmgton, the -3 day of Apnl, 2007. P \CIVII\Resolutlon\Speedllm1tll4thSE doc ........ ...__ . -.·.. ... - : -- ... 9 Vehicular Speed Limits \