HomeMy WebLinkAbout1747Resolution No. 17 4 7 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 198-City Council Passed -1/16/2007 "The Kent Reporter" as the official newspaper RESOLUTION NO. _J_1_Lf_7_ A RESOLUTION of the c1ty council of the c1ty of Kent, Washington, designating The Kent Reporter the c1ty's off1c1al newspaper, effective January 22, 2007. RECITALS A. RCW 35A.21.230 prov1des that each code city shall des1gnate by resolution an off1c1al newspaper of general c1rculat1on w1thm the City wh1ch shall have the quallf1cat1ons prescnbed by ch. 65.16 RCW. The qualif1cat1ons requ1red by ch. 65.16 RCW 1nclude that the newspaper IS to be published regularly and at least once per week, must be published 1n English, must be 1n general c1rculat1on w1thm the c1ty for at least s1x (6) months, shall mclude news of general mterest, shall have a pol1cy to pnnt all statutonly requ1red legal not1ces, and shall hold a penod1cal class mailmg perm1t. B. By 1ts adoption of Resolution No. 1067 on August 5, 1985, the city of Kent designated the Da1ly News Journal, now known as the Kmg County Journal, as the c1ty's off1c1al newspaper. However, the Kmg County Journal was recently purchased and the owners have dec1ded to d1scontmue 1ts publication as of Sunday, January 21, 2007. Accordmgly 1t IS now necessary for the City of Kent to des1gnate another newspaper as 1ts off1c1al newspaper. C. In order to reach the Widest audience, 1t IS appropnate for the c1ty of Kent to des1gnate The Kent Reporter as the c1ty's off1c1al newspaper, wh1ch meets the qualif1cat1on requirements set by ch. 65.16 RCW. 1 Official Newspaper- Designation of The Kent Reporter NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Official Newspaoer. In light of the cessat1on of regular publications by the Kmg County Journal, the Kent City Counc1l designates The Kent Reporter as the off1c1al newspaper for the c1ty of Kent effective January 22, 2007. While The Kent Reporter 1s des1gnated as the c1ty's off1c1al newspaper, 1t shall not serve as the c1ty's only newspaper for published not1ce. The c1ty of Kent reserves the nght to use other newspapers of general c1rculat1on 1n place of or in add1t1on to The Kent Reporter as the c1ty deems appropnate and as authorized by law. SECTION 2. -Severability. If any sect1on, subsect1on, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of th1s resolution IS declared unconst1tut1onal or mvalid for any reason, such dec1s1on shall not affect the val1d1ty of the remammg portions of th1s resolut1on. SECTION 3. -Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of th1s resolution IS hereby rat1f1ed and aff1rmed. SECTION 4. -Effect1ve Date. Th1s resolution shall take effect and be 1n force 1mmed1ately upon 1ts passage. PASSED at a regular open public meetmg by the c1ty council of the c1ty of Kent, Washmgton, th1s ;6 day of January, 2007. CONCURRED 1n by the mayor of the c1ty of Kent th1s /6 day of January, 2007. 2 Official Newspaper- Designation of The Kent Reporter ATTEST: --..... -- . . .:. --- I hereby cert1fy that th1s IS a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /11/l passed by the e~ty counc1l of the c1ty of Kent, Washmgton, the /? day of January, 2007. . ... -. -- 3 Official Newspaper- Designation of The Kent Reporter