HomeMy WebLinkAbout1742------~ -~-- Resolution No. 17 42 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 1303 -Center for Advanced Manufacturing Passed-11/21/2006 Center for Advanced Manufacturing-Establish Initial Operations & Market Roll-Out RESOLUTION NO. __;,/--'-1_t./_0.._ A RESOLUTION of the City council of the c1ty of Kent, Washmgton, relatmg to a proposed Center for Advanced Manufactunng. RECITALS A. The Kent City Council passed Resolution 1656 on October 7, 2003, adopting the City's 2003-2008 Economic Development Strategic Plan. The Plan was developed over an 18 month process, wh1ch mcluded mput from numerous commumty stakeholders, mclud1ng the Kent Chamber of Commerce and area bus1ness leaders. B. The Economic Development StrategiC Plan calls for the creat1on of a Center for Advanced Manufactunng ("CAM") as a pnonty act1on strategy. Over 67,000 people are employed m manufactunng m South Kmg County alone. Kent area manufacturers see the need for such a center as essent1al to compete m the global marketplace. H1stoncally many small and med1um s1zed Kent area manufacturers have not had the resources to mvest directly m 1nnovat1on and research and development. C. The manufacturers 1dent1f1ed three potential focuses of the CAM: 1) technology transfer, or developing new product 1deas and del1venng them to the marketplace; 2) a cleannghouse to locate best pract1ces 1nformat1on and d1ssemmat1on of nat1onal research; and 3) trammg, curnculum, and course resources to develop skilled workers, w1th a focus on qual1ty eff1c1ency pract1ces. D. The c1ty and the Kent Chamber received more than $650,000 in grant resources from the Federal Economic Development Administration, the State of Washington, the c1ty of Kent, the Port of Seattle, and the manufacturers and 1 Center for Advanced Manufacturing- Establish Initial Operations & Market Roll-Out other busmesses. On October 4, 2005, the Kent City Council approved a sub- grantee agreement w1th the Kent Chamber of Commerce to manage the CAM project, stat1ng that the use of the Kent Chamber's capab11it1es, knowledge, and serv1ces as a sub-rec1p1ent of the EDA Grant, State of Washmgton grant, and c1ty funds would be the best means of managmg th1s project. E. In August 2005, the Kent Chamber of Commerce created a CAM Adv1sory Group to gu1de the CAM process in wntmg a Request for Proposal, selecting a consultant, and recommending future steps. The Adv1sory Council IS made up of manufacturers, the funders of the project, and commun1ty stakeholders. F. In September 2005, the Kent Chamber of Commerce 1ssued a Request for Proposal to evaluate the feas1b111ty of creat1ng a Kent-based CAM and to determine wh1ch ex1stmg manufactunng subsector(s) or core competency(s) or emergmg opportun1ty(s) offer the greatest potential for growth and mnovat1on over 10 to 15 years. G. In November 2005, the Kent Chamber of Commerce hired the consultant team of Hebert Research (of Bellevue, Washington), SRI International, and Georg1a Inst1tute of Technology to complete the feas1b1hty analys1s. H. In Apnl 2006, the consultant team completed the feas1b11ity analysis for the project, mcludmg nearly 700 local manufactunng f1rms 1n a comb1nat1on of focus groups, d1rect telephone surveys, and one-on-one 1nterv1ews. The survey provided statiStically val1d and conclus1ve ev1dence that out of the 3,000 manufacturers 1n the Puget Sound area, a h1gh proportion, over 850, 1s expected to have strong demand for the CAM and 1ts serv1ces. I. The consultant team recommended that the Kent Chamber and the c1ty of Kent move forward w1th the proposal to create a CAM and conduct Phase II work on a deta1Jed busmess plan for the CAM. The feas1b111ty study found that suff1c1ent demand was demonstrated for the CAM across the Puget Sound Reg1on 1n the focus groups and survey. The study also concluded that there 1s a gap 2 Center for Advanced Manufacturing- Establish Initial Operations & Market Roll-Out between the manufacturing services currently bemg provided m the marketplace and the mterests and demands of manufacturers, particularly m the "value added" areas of mnovat1on and supply cham linkages, and 1n efforts to promote local networkmg and collaborative learnmg. The study recommended that the CAM could fill th1s gap w1th a range of new serv1ces that are not prov1ded by other mstJtutJons (e.g., the Washmgton Manufactunng Serv1ces and the Washmgton Technology Center). The study recommended that the CAM should have a broad manufactunng mdustry base, wh1le concentratmg 1n aerospace, IT, and l1fe sc1ence and health product manufactunng. Fmally, the study recommended that wh1le demand and access for the CAM 1s and would be reg1onal, that the CAM be located 1n Kent. J. In Apnl 2006, the c1ty council passed Resolution No. 1719 which directed the c1ty and the Kent Chamber of Commerce to follow the recommendation of the Center for Advanced Manufactunng Feasibility Study and move forward w1th the proposal to create a CAM and conduct Phase II work on a detailed busmess plan for the CAM usmg the ex1st1ng pool of grant dollars. K. In April 2006, the Kent Chamber of Commerce hired the Baldwin Resource Group to develop a bus1ness plan for the CAM, wh1ch was completed 1n August 2006. L. Based on the results of the feasibility analysis, the business plan recommends a name change to reflect the expanded geographic scope (Center for Advanced Manufactunng Puget Sound ("CAMPS")), and a fmanc1ng plan based pnmanly on revenue from pa1d programs and serv1ces directly related to 1ts pnmary miSSIOn and supplemented by grant fundmg. These offenngs would mclude: 1. Interest-spec1f1c CEO Councils sen1or management networking programs that Will build demand and awareness of important opportunities for mnovat10n, reg1onal bus1ness development, and supply cha1n relationships. 3 Center for Advanced Manufacturing- Establish Initial Operations & Market Roll-Out 2. Busmess development -efforts to help match buyers and suppliers -local networkmg and busmess matchmakmg des1gned to help compames meet requirements and contract With large Ong1nal Equ1pment Manufacturers (OEMs) and the1r maJor suppliers. 3. Innovation serv1ces -hostmg events and makmg connect1ons w1th commerce ready l1cens1ng opportun1t1es to stimulate the development and adopt1on of emergmg technologies and practices. 4. Best pract1ces 1n manufactunng, new product development and log1st1cs -brokered professional consulting serv1ces offer through a network of mdependent experts carefully selected by CAMPS. There are a number of for- profit and not-for-profit consultant organ1zat1ons 1n Puget Sound that can be represented as the1r broker to facilitate th1s offenng. 5. Information clearinghouse -on line knowledge base of best practices, technologies, relevant mdustry research, h~r~ng and retention strateg1es, regulations etc. Th1s data base w1ll be customized to the needs of local manufacturers. M. The business plan recommends management of the CAMPS be led by an Execut1ve D1rector w1th pnor mvolvement 1n manufactunng, leadership sk1lls to move the organ1zat1on through the start-up phase, presentation skills necessary to promote the CAMPS throughout the reg1on, and collaboration sk1lls to develop and nurture strateg1c partnerships. The plan calls for the formal search for the Director to beg1n upon obtam1ng the f1rm fmanc1al commitments needed to attract the best talent available to the program. N. Based on the busmess plan, the Kent Chamber of Commerce recommends a f1rst year budget of $600,000 to fund the startup of CAMPS, 1ncludmg the format1on of a Board of Directors, h1nng of the Execut1ve Director, h1nng of a research ass1stant, development of a successful member marketmg and recruitment campa1gn, and prov1s1on of an 1n1t1al range of serv1ces. 4 Center for Advanced Manufacturing- Establish Initial Operations & Market Roll-Out NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Recommendation. The city counc1l d1rects the c1ty of Kent and the Kent Chamber of Commerce to follow the recommendations of the Center for Advanced Manufactunng Feas1b1l1ty Study and Bus1ness Plan and move forward w1th the establishment of 1n1t1al operations and market roll-out of the Center for Advanced Manufactunng Puget Sound ("CAMPS"), mcludmg the recruitment of 1ts f1rst Board of Directors and Execut1ve Director. The ex1stmg pool of grant dollars and the balance of the c1ty's ex1stmg pledge of $50,000 IS available to ass1st m the fundmg of the start up of CAMPS. SECTION 2. -SeverabilitY. If any sect1on, subsect1on, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of th1s resolut1on 1s declared unconst1tut1onal or mval1d for any reason, that dec1s1on shall not affect the val1d1ty of the rema1n1ng port1ons of th1s resolut1on. SECTION 3. -Ratification. Any act cons1stent w1th the authonty and pnor to the effect1ve date of th1s resolution 1s rat1f1ed and aff1rmed. SECTION 4. -Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be m force 1mmed1ately upon 1ts passage. PASSED at a regular open public meetmg by the City counc1l of the c1ty of Kent, Washmgton, th1s Clt day of 71-v~ 2006. ~U~RED m by the mayor of the c1ty of Kent th1s -L-~---"--"----"=----_:__::..:::....:::___::_ __ , 2006. day of 5 Center for Advanced Manufacturing- Establish Initial Operations & Market Roll-Out ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY C APPROVED AS TO FORM: &~rt<akh ~ ~ ...... -------. --- -.. --- -....... .. -'./ ~--· ,._ ........... I hereby certify that th1s IS a true and correct copy of Resolution No. !7tf;;.. passed by the c1ty council of the c1ty of Kent, Washington, the -.J'----day of &Ce..-tn~2006. P \OVII\Ruolutlon\c.nterAdvanced"'-nul'Ktu~-at.blllhlnllaiOfNI doc .:: .... ~ -.. : ----... 6 Center for Advanced Manufacturing- Establish Initial Operations & Market Roll-Out