HomeMy WebLinkAbout1741Resolution No. 17 41 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 121-Rezones Passed -11 /21 /2006 Orme Rezone -Denial · .. ,, RESOLUTION NO. --L./_7'--tf-'---/- A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, denymg the rezone appl1cat1on for property located at 25410 142nd Avenue Southeast from SR-4.5 (S1ngle-Fam1ly Res1dent1al, 4.5 un1ts per acre) to SR-6 (S1ngle-Fam1ly Res1dent1al, 6 umts per acre). (Orme Rezone, #RZ-2006-6). RECITALS A. An appl1cat1on was f1led on Apnl 20, 2006, to rezone approximately 5.67 acres of property located at 25410 142nd Avenue Southeast m Kent, Washington, from the current zonmg of SR-4.5 (S1ngle-Fam1ly Res1dent1al, 4.5 umts per acre) to SR-6 (S1ngle-Fam1ly Res1dent1al, 6 un1ts per acre). (Orme Rezone, #RZ-2006-6). B. A public hearing on the rezone was held before the heanng exammer on September 27, 2006. On October 9, 2006, the heanng exam1ner 1ssued fmdmgs and conclus1ons and recommended approval of the rezone. C. Having rev1ewed the record before 1t on the matter, the Kent City Council denied the Orme Rezone on November 7, 2006. The Council found that the ev1dence presented 1n the record showed that the proposed SR-6 zon1ng was mcompat1ble w1th development m the VICinity, and would burden the transportation system 1n the VICinity w1th Significant adverse 1mpacts that cannot be m1t1gated. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1 Orme Rezone -Denial RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Incorporation of Recitals. The precedmg recitals are incorporated heretn. SECTION 2. -Rezone. The Kent City Counctl dentes the Orme rezone appltcatton because the proposed rezone does not sattsfy all the cntena established tn Kent City Code (KCC) 15.09.050(C). A. Counctl dtsagrees wtth the heanng exammer's conclusion that the proposed rezone and subsequent development of the stte would be compattble wtth development tn the vtcmtty. KCC 15.09.050(C)(2). The real property tmmedtately surroundmg the subJect stte ts developed at a gross denstty of 4.5 umts per acre or below. For mstance, the Heather Glen plat to the north of the Orme stte IS butlt at a gross denstty of 3.1 untts per acre. Stmtlarly, the Tahoma Vtsta plat tn the vtcmtty wtll be butlt at a gross denstty of 3.9 untts per acre. The tncrease tn denstty caused by a rezone from SR-4.5 to SR-6 would not be compattble wtth development m the vtctntty. B. Council dtsagrees wtth the heanng examiner's concluston that the proposed rezone wtll not unduly burden the transportation system m the vtctntty of the property wtth stgntftcant adverse tmpacts whtch cannot be mtttgated. KCC 15.09.050(C)(3). As dtscussed at the publtc heanng, the tntersectton at Southeast 256th Street and 132"d Avenue Southeast currently expenences stgntftcant trafftc delays at peak trafftc hours. The area IS charactenzed by streets wtth narrow traffiC lanes, narrow or no shoulders, and substandard pedestnan faciltttes. A rezone resultmg tn htgher denstty development wtll exacerbate these problems. SECTION 3. -Severability. If any section, subsectton, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of thts resolutton ts declared unconstttuttonal or mvaltd for any reason, such dectston shall not affect the valtdtty of the rematnmg porttons of thts resolutton. SECTION 4. -Effecttve Date. Thts resolutton shall take effect and be m force tmmedtately upon 1ts passage. 2 Orme Rezone -Denial PASSED at a regular open public meetmg by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, th1s _2l_ day of /1-vvu}·J...eJv , 2006. CONCURRED 1n by the Mayor of the City of Kent th1s 0/tJ...... day of ~ ,2006. ATTEST: .--·-- # , • -.. ----.. APPROVED AS TO FORM: : .... &~KfM!!~ I hereby cert1fy that th1s IS a true and correct copy of Resolution No. l?tf( passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, the I day of d/J.U~v , 2006. A~~ BRENDAJACOBER, CLERK . - P \CIV'Il\Ri.s~lon\OrR:le-R.ezoneDenJal doc ....... .. -- 3 Orme Rezone -Denial