HomeMy WebLinkAbout1739Resolution No. 1739 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 1305 -Event Center Passed -11 /7/2006 Event Center and GC/CM Process -Preliminary Determination RESOLUTION NO. ----'-1_7'--=J-4[- A RESOLUTION of the City council of the City of Kent, Washington, declanng the council's preliminary determ1nat1on to use the General Contractor/ConstructiOn Manager alternative contracting procedure 1f 1t dec1des to des1gn and construct the Kent Events Center; setting a publiC heanng on December 4, 2006, at 5:00 p m. before the Public Works Comm1ttee so that the public may submit wntten and oral comments on the c1ty's preliminary determmat1on to use th1s process; and d1rect1ng the City clerk to publish not1ce of the public heanng at least 20 days before the public heanng. RECITALS A. Ch. 39.10 RCW authonzes and establishes the requ1rements for use of alternat1ve public works contracting procedures. As a mun1c1pal1ty w1th a population greater than 70,000, the c1ty of Kent IS an el1g1ble mun1c1pality under Ch. 39.10 RCW. B. One of the alternative public works contracting procedures authonzed by Ch. 39.10 RCW 1s the General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) procedure. The GC/CM procedure allows the c1ty to negotiate a max1mum allowable construction cost to be guaranteed by the GC/CM f1rm. C. The c1ty council has preliminary determined that the use of the GC/CM procedure w1ll serve the public interest by providing a substantial f1scal benef1t, g1ven the speed w1th which the proJect must be constructed and the l1m1ted funds available for the proJect by allowing the c1ty to negot1ate a max1mum allowable constructiOn cost. Add1t1onally, because of the complexity and scale of 1 Kent Event Center and GC/CM Process -Preliminary Determination the proposed proJect, the public will be further benefited by havmg the contractor ass1st 1n craftmg the fmal des1gn to ensure the feas1b1lity of the proposed construction. D. The c1ty's Event Center proJect meets the cntena in Ch. 39.10 RCW for use of the GC/CM contracting procedure m that the proJect has an est1mated cost m excess of Ten M1ll1on Dollars ($10,000,000.00), 1mplementat1on of the proJect mvolves complex schedulmg requirements, and the mvolvement of the GC/CM dunng the des1gn stage IS cnt1cal to the success of the proJeCt. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Prel!mmarv Determmat10n. For all of the reasons stated m Rec1tal C above, the c1ty counc1l hereby declares 1ts prel1mmary determ1nat1on to use the General Contractor/Construction Manager procedure for the f1nal des1gn and construction of the City of Kent's Event Center proJect. SECTION 2. -Public Hearing Scheduled. The c1ty council hereby sol1c1ts public rev1ew and comment on the City council's prel1mmary determmat1on to use the General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) procedure for 1ts proposed Event Center proJect, and a public heanng shall be set and held at a regular meetmg of the council's Public Works Comm1ttee on December 4, 2006, at 5:00 p.m., 1n the Council Chambers of Kent City Hall, located at 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washmgton, 98032, at wh1ch t1me the public may submit 1ts oral and wntten comments concernmg that prel1mmary determmat1on. SECTION 3. -Not1ce of Public Hearing. The City clerk IS directed to publish not1ce of the public hearmg, 1n a form s1m1lar to that attached and mcorporated as Exh1b1t A, at least once and at least twenty (20) days before the public heanng, as requ1red by Ch 39.10 RCW. 2 Kent Event Center and GC/CM Process-Preliminary Determination SECTION 4. -Wntten Statement. Ch. 39.10 RCW requ1res the c1ty provide a wntten statement concernmg 1ts reasons for usmg the GC/CM process and to make that statement available upon request w1th other relevant mformat1on descnbmg the project. This resolution shall serve as the council's wntten statement requ1red by Ch. 39.10 RCW. Should any member of the public w1sh to rece1ve further mformat1on concernmg the Event Center project, he or she IS directed to contact Ben Wolters, Kent's Econom1c Development Director, who may be reached through the Mayor's Off1ce at (253) 856-5700 or 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032. SECTION 5. -Severab1fltv. If any sect1on, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of th1s resolution IS declared unconstitutional or mval1d for any reason, such deciSion shall not affect the val1d1ty of the rema1nmg port1ons of th1s resolution. SECTION 6. -Ratification. Any act consistent w1th the authority and pnor to the effective date of th1s resolution 1s hereby rat1f1ed and aff1rmed. SECTION 7. -Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force 1mmed1ately upon 1ts passage. PASSED at a regular open public meet1ng by the city counc1l of the c1ty of Kent, Washmgton, th1s 7 day of --zle--v'c ; ,t L't-·~-~ , 2006. ' CONCURRED m by the mayor of the City of Kent th1s ?"Lu-mAYL-1/'f_h/ 1 2006, 7 day of l L I L I I t I 1 I ... ""-.· •,_ ............ -. . --: -"' ~~~,-• -"" T' .. ~ . ~ ' . . ·.-_.,Lo .. ATiti~: .-.. - • I a It. I. t. I I I I .. {~ 3 Kent Event Center and GC/CM Process -Preliminary Determination APPROVED AS TO FORM: T~K~~lt~ I hereby certify that th1s IS a true and correct copy of Resolut1on No. /,71'7 passed by the c1ty counc1l of the c1ty of Kent, Wash1ngton, the --/-,7;___ day of 71.tt---zr-fcmki/V, 2006. P \C,vii\ResDiut•O<'I\EvantCentar-~rallmDatarmlnGCCMprocess cloc BRENDA JACOBER, CITY • I • J t. I I I at .·. . ·.' ..._ ___ .~ ... ~... (." · .. ,, .......... ...., · . . ,.. . j,. \lj& ,.., " I ~ • 0 .,. • a' "-'. ' 4 Kent Event Center and GC/CM Process -Preliminary Determination EXHIBIT A CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING On December 4, 2006, at 5·00 p m, m the Council Chambers of Kent City Hall, located at 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, Washmgton, the City of Kent shall conduct a public heanng at a regular meetmg of the city council's Pubhc Works Committee regardmg the proposed use of the General Contractor/ConstructiOn Manager (GC/CM) process for the construction of the new Kent Event Center Located m downtown Kent, the Event Center will be a new events facility that w1ll accommodate the busmess and CIVIC activities of the City and Its tenants The Event Center will mclude an approximately 10,000 sq ft conference center, and will be a multi-purpose center that will seat approximately 6,500 persons for hockey games, as well as a multitude of other sportmg and non-sportmg actiVIties mcludmg 1ce shows, concerts, conferences, and commun1ty and busmess meetmgs and events. The City has made a prehmmary determmation that the use of the GC/CM procedure to construct the Event Center w1ll serve the pubhc mterest by providmg a substantial fiscal benefit through the negotiation of a max 1m urn allowable constructiOn cost and by havmg the contractor ass1st m craftmg the final des1gn to ensure the feasibility of the proposed constructiOn. Th1s process will further enhance the c1ty's goal to complete constructiOn and open the Event Center on budget by the fall of 2008. In accordance w1th RCW 39 10 030, the pubhc IS mvited to comment on the City's proposed use of the GC/CM process for this proJect. Comments may be submitted m person or m wntmg as follows· In Person In Writing Date: Time Locatwn. Address: Email: December 4, 2006 5:00pm Council Chambers Kent City Hall 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, W A 98032 City Clerk C1tyofKent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, W A 98032 bJacober({l!cJ.kent "'a us Written comments must be rece1ved or otherw1se delivered to the City no later than 5 00 p.m on December 4, 2006, to be considered Any wntten comments not received by the begmnmg of the December 4, 2006, pubhc heanng w1ll not be accepted or considered Additional mformatwn regardmg the Event Center proJect may be obtamed by contactmg Ben Wolters, Kent's Econom1c Development D1rector, at (253) 856-5770, or 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032.