HomeMy WebLinkAbout1738Resolution No. 1738 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 121 -Rezones Passed -11/7/2006 Rust Rezone -Demal ---------- RESOLUTION NO. __ J--'-7--'~-t_ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, denymg the rezone appl1cat1on for property located at 12722 SE 256'h Street from SR-4.5 (S1ngle-Fam1ly Res1dent1al, 4.5 un1ts per acre) to SR-6 (Smgle-Fam1ly Res1dent1al, 6 un1ts per acre). (Rust Rezone, #RZ-2006-8. RECITALS A. An application was f1led on May 3, 2006, to rezone approximately .86 acres of property located at 12722 SE 2561h Street m Kent, Washington, from the current zonmg of SR-4.5 (Smgle-Fam1ly Res1dent1al, 4.5 un1ts per acre) to SR- 6 (Smgle-Fam1ly Res1dent1al, 6 un1ts per acre). (Rust Rezone, #RZ-2006-8). B. A public hearmg on the rezone was held before the heanng examiner on September 6, 2006. On September 20, 2006, the heanng exam1ner 1ssued fmdmgs and conclusions and recommended approval of the rezone. C. Having reviewed the record before it on the matter, the Kent City Council denied the Rust Rezone on October 17, 2006. The Council found that the ev1dence presented m the record showed that the proposed SR-6 zon1ng was mcompat1ble w1th development m the v1c1n1ty. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Incoroorat10n of ReCitals. The precedmg rec1tals are Incorporated here1n. 1 RUST REZONE- DENIAL SECTION 2. -Rezone. The Kent City Council demes the Rust rezone application The appl1cat1on does not sat1sfy the cntena established 1n Kent City Code 15.09.050(C). Counc1l d1scussed a number of the cntena at 1ts meetmg on October 17th, however, the bas1s for the Council's dec1s1on was disagreement w1th the heanng exam1ner's conclus1on that the proposed rezone and subsequent development of the s1te would be compatible w1th development 1n the v1C1n1ty. While land uses 1n the V1c1n1ty cons1st of varymg dens1t1es of smgle family res1dent1al development, most of the real property 1n the VICinity IS zoned SR-4 5. Spec1f1cally, property adJacent to the subject s1te on the north, east, and west are zoned SR-4. 5. The mcrease 1n dens1ty caused by a rezone from SR-4. 5 to SR-6 would not be compatible w1th development 1n the surrounding area. The current zonmg des1gnat1on of SR-4.5 IS cons1stent w1th the c1ty's comprehensive plan goals and pol1c1es. It establishes an adequate land dens1ty to accommodate the c1ty's adopted twenty (20) year hous1ng target, and provides an urban res1dent1al dens1ty of at least four un1ts per acre 1n order to adequately support urban dens1t1es. SECTION 3. -Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of th1s resolution IS declared unconstitUtional or 1nval1d for any reason, such deciSIOn shall not affect the val1d1ty of the rema1mng portions of th1s resolution. SECTION 4. -Effect1ve Date. Th1s resolution shall take effect and be 1n force 1mmed1ately upon 1ts passage. PASSED at a regular open public meetmg by the City Counc1l of the City of Kent, Washmgton, th1s __1__ day of 7Zrv-G-nt).~-f/V , 2006. 'v1 , CONCU~RED/ In by the Mayor of the City of Kent th1s -~' ~~~~~~~--' 2006. 1 day of RUST REZONE- DENIAL ATTEST: ,tIt f I. II I / ,• · . . ,.·(1 "'.~ -·• . .,. .... ,. .. • f6 ._ : :. ~ '"'-1"~-e.-:- • • .: J. \ c-. ,' . . .., * ••• • •• ••••••••• APPROVED AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that th1s IS a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 173 f( passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, the "7 day of 7ZdC],c-fAn kPY , 2006. P \CIVII\Resolutlon\Rust-RezoneDemal doc 3 ,-.. ,-...... RUST REZONE- DENIAL