HomeMy WebLinkAbout1731Resolution No. 1731 CFN = 1156-LID340 Passed -8/15/2006 Kent North, LLC-LID 340-Assessment 88 Segregation RESOLUTION NO. 1131 A RESOLUTION of the c1ty council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, d1rectmg the F1nance Director to segregate an assessment lev1ed under Local Improvement D1stnct No. 340. RECITALS A. Kent North, L.L.C., the owner of record of property ong1nally affected by Local Improvement D1stnct (LID) No. 340, Assessment No. 88, wh1ch property IS located south of vacated S. !88th Street, west of soth Place South, and east of soth Avenue South m the c1ty of Kent, has requested a segregation of that LID assessment through a request submitted by Panatton1 Development, L.L.C., a Member of Kent North, L.L.C., and s1gned by the Brynestad Fam1ly, L.L.C., the Managmg Member of Kent North, L.L.C. B. All clencal and engineering fees have been paid as required by law, and the appl1cat1on IS proper m all other respects. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1.-Segregation. The F1nance Director 1s authonzed and directed to segregate the assessment as requested by Kent North, L.L.C., as set forth m the LID Segregation Cert1f1cate wh1ch IS attached and mcorporated as Exh1b1t A. The assessment mvolved IS Assessment No. 88 of Local Improvement D1stnct No. 340. SECTION 2. -Severability. If any sect1on, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of th1s resolut1on 1s declared unconst1tut1onal or mval1d for any reason, such dec1s1on shall not affect the val1d1ty of the rema1n1ng port1ons of th1s resolution. 1 Kent North, L.L.C. LID 340 -Assessment 88 Segregation SECTION 3. -Ratification. Any act consistent w1th the authonty and pnor to the effect1ve date of th1s resolut1on IS hereby rat1f1ed and affirmed. SECTION 4. -Effect1ve Date. Th1s resolution shall take effect and be 1n force 1mmed1ately upon 1ts passage. PASSED at a regular open publ1c meet1ng by the City Counc1l of the City of Kent, Washmgton, th1s __12_ day of August, 2006. ,- CONCURRED 1n by the mayor of the c1ty of Kent th1s bday August. 2006. 7..--/tP;_ ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM' ~ ~Kh]M ~ORNEY :.. . -............ . ~ .... I hereby cert1fy that th1s 1s a true and correct copy of Resolution No/_ZJ/ r: ' passed by the c1ty counc1l of the City of Kent, Washmgton, the (..::.; day of August, 2006. -. / 2 Kent North, L.L.C. LID 340 -Assessment 88 Segregation EXHIBIT A LID SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE '~ ....._,-KENT WASHINGTON 220 4th Avenue South Kent, Waslungton 98032 Attn: Property Management LID SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Requested by: P ANA TTONI DEVELOPMENT LLC Date DECEMBER 6, 2005 Ongmal ~ner KENT NORTH. LLC Owner & Address Sc10la F .mnl y Properties Uc 17830 W. Valley Hwy Seattle, Wa 98188 Owner & Address KENT NORTH, LLC C/0 Panattoni Development 16400 Soull=nter Parl..-way Seattle, Wa 98188 ------"6"---Jrrs at $40 00 per IIOur $240 00 less $40 00 fee per Re<:eiptNo 80415 Total Due $200 00 Pd Rt"ce,JJr t'Jo. 11615 liDI/340 Assessment #88 SEE EXHIBIT ''A~ ATIACHED ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION New Assessment No. 8&-1 NEW DESCRIPTION New Assessment Ami. $27,446 00 SEE EXHIBIT "B" REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Rem. Assessment No.llli_ _ SEE EXHIBIT "C" The undersigned hereby accept~ above terms and conditiollS and certifies to the ~rrectn::m. J ·/) ! /) ~ SIGNED ?h_,~~~ £_ 7~ PRINT NAME &_t( k ,,_$ c , p /c- FOR: SCIOLA FAMILY PROPERTIES LLC SIGNED._---<..:~=<-=~:..;?#'-"-'--'-_{" ____ _ Authonzed S1gnature , /1 PRINTNAME· .&/27 feh.!tf:;:z/1-u FOR. KENT NORTH LLC BY MANAGING MEMBER BRYNESTADFAMILY, LLC' Approved by Resolutton # _____________ _ ASMT# 88 ~ ~ ~ l..l.D. 340, South 196th/200th Street Corridor Improvement PROPERTY OWNf!R STREET ADDRESS KENT NORTH PO BOX 565048 C/0 MCELROY GEORGE B. ASSOC 352304 902$ STR 362304 TAXLOT 26 POR OF N 112 OF SE 114 OF SE 114 LYWOFCO RD #373 & Br;G NXN W LN SO RD & S LN SD SUSD TH W 63FT TH S 43-40-00 c 68 75 FTTAP 488FT S FR SO S LN THE: TO WMGN SDRD TH NWLYALG MGN TO BE:G LESS S 130 FTOF W 862.82 FHI:SS ST Page 428 CITY STATE DALLAS TX 75358 FINAL ASSESSMENT $66,471 EXHffiiT"B" Parcel A:. That portion d .... North half of the Southeast quader of !he Soulheesl quarter Of Sedlon 36, Township 23 North, Range 4 East W•llamelle Ueridian, lyillg Wesledy of 80th Plare Soulll (County Road No. 373), as condemned in Kilg County Superior Coort cause No. 83790; EXCEPT !hal portion !hereof conveyed to Dra111age District No. 1 described as Parcel A--1 0 Mil deflllealed in Bouodal)' line Clarificalion Agreement recorded under King County Recotd"lllfl No. 9311042301; AND EXCEPT lbe North 30 feet for road as conveyed to King County by Deeds recorded under King County Re<:ording Nos. 3542123 and 3542124; AHO EXCEPT U!at portioo conveyed fo lhe City of Kent b-sfreet purposes Under Deed recorded mderRecordfl!JNO. 7501ZWG05; AND EXCEPT that Soulll130 feet of the West 662.82 feet lhnof; AH0 EXCEPT !he pu11on lying Westerly of !he portion conveyed to Drainage District No. 1. TOGETI-JER WITH lhal portion of !he North -48.8 feel Of the Sou1h half of lhe Southeast quarter of lhe Soulheast quarter Of Section 36, TOWIISI1ip 23 North. Range 4 East. WtllameiW Mend"IIIR, descti>ed as fellows: BEGINNING at the inlersedion of the Wesl line of BOih Place South, being also known as Springbrool< County Road, County Road No. 373, Kent-Renton County Road, Kent-Orila Road and P. Hayes Road with tile tlorlb line of said IIUb<ivislao; THENCE West along said llotlh line 83 feel; THENCE South 43" 40" 00" cast. 66.75 reet; THEHCE East 24.80 feel to lh& Weslerly line of said road; THENCE Northwesterly along said road to the POINT OF BEGINNING. lWETHER WITH that porllon of !he roUow"'g. ljlm!j Easterly of Springbrook Creek. as shown by Vacallon Orditance No. 3781, as re<:<>rded under Recotding No. 20060213000997, Recoois or l<iiO County, Washington; BEING thai porilon of South 188tll Street in the Soulheast quarter of lhe Soulheast quarter of Seclion 36, Township 23 Ncxth. Range 4 East, WilameUe Mendlan, in King County, Washingkn, lymg Westerly of 80ih Praoo Soolh (County Road No. 373), as c:ondemne<l in K"~ng Counly SUperior Court cause No. 83790 and lying Easterly of the following desalled 1111<1: Pmjoclllarno: -J(efllllorlh Seplember9, 2005 RaYfsed• May5,2006 EXHIBIT "C" PSR:$18: That portion of lba Nor1h half of the Soollleasl quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 36, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, Wllamelle Meridian, lying Weslelly of Drainage Di&bict No. 1 Di\ch Rlgl114.Way as deinealed in Boundary IJne Clanlicabao Agreement recorded under King County Recording No. 931f042301; EXCEPT lhe North 30 feet for road as conveyed to Kilg C<lmty by Deeds recorded under King County Recoo:liog Nos. 3542123 and 3542124; AND EXCEPT 1ha! portion conveyed 1D the City of Kent for street purposes ooder Oeed reconled under Recording No. 7501220005; AND EXCEPT lhe South 130 feet lhereof. TOGETHER WITH lhal portion of lhe following,l)ing Weslerly of Spmgbrook Creek, as shown by VaCillion Ordinance No 3781, as recorded under Recooiog No. 20060213000997, Re<:ords of King County, Washingloo; BEING !hal pa1km of Soulh 1881h Slreet ut lhe Soolheasl quarter of IIJe SoCIIheasl ql.ll>l'llif of Section 36, Townsllip 23 Noltl, Range 4 East. Wll;lmette Meridian, in King County, Washington, lying Westel1y of 80th Place South {COUJlly Road No. 373), as condemned in King County Supenor Court Cause No. 83790 and lying Eas!er1y of Ute folloWIQg desaibed tine: COMJ.IENCING at 1he Norlhwest comer of 1he Soulheast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 36, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, Wilametle Metidian; THENCE Soulh 01" 47' 26" Wes~ 85.00 feet along Ute West line of said sub<fiVision to Ute IMS! soothel1y comer of that portion conveyed to the CRy of Kent by Deed recorded under Re<:><l<tlilg No. 7501220005, being a pointonacwvelherDis Jll*llofwticiJ bears Soulh86" 12'36" East; THENCE Northeaslelly along the SouCh lile of said portion conveyed to Ute Cily of Kent along lhe arc of a wve c:oncave to the Saulheasl having a l'8lbl of 25.00 feet. 1hrougll a central angle 50" 12' 32" and an arc 1eng1b c# 21.91 feet. to Ute TRUE PDINT OF BEGINNING of hllftlin described &le; THENCE North 09" 34' 49" East. 66.43 feet 1o the Southwest comer of lot A, Cily of Kent lot Lile Adjustment No. 1.1.96-18, recorded undet Recording No 9607110551 and lne lerminus c# herein described IJ>e. SiiUale in !be City of Kent, Comly of King, Slate ofWashilgk)n. Twt Parcel No.: 362304-9116 Projec!Name: PanatrooiKeniNodlt Seplerobe<9, 2005 ReviSI!d: Nay 5,2006 WRWIJ$5 12!l911-.003Aoc COMMENCING at lhe NorthWeSt comer of ~'le Soullleast quarter of the Sol,llheasl quarter of Section 36, T('Ml$!llj) 23 NMh • .Range 4 East. Willame!!e Merld~aq; THENCE SGuih 01" 4T 26" Wes~ 85.00 feet along 11\e West lme of said subdivision to the most Soolherly comer of !hal portion <:onVeyad to lhe City of Kent by Deed recorded under ReconflliQ No. 7501220005, bei1g a point on a curve lherad'IUSpofntofwlicb beaisSoulh88"12' 36" East; TiiENCE Nlllfheaslerly along the South line of said POrtion COilY&yed to lhe City of Kent along lite an: of a cane COIU;alle to lhe Southeast having a radius of 25.00 feet, through a centro~ angle 50" 12' 32" and an an: length of 21.91 feet. to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of herein desafued Me; THENCE Norll oo· 34' 49" East. 66 43 feet to lhe Soulhwest comer of Lot A. Cily or Kent Lot tme Adjuslment No. U.96-1B. reoorOOd under Recoolfng No 9607110551 and the termirlus of herein desaibed tina S8uaie a 1t1e City of Kent, County of KJng, Slate orwashlngloo. Tax Pa'cel No.: 362304-0026 aez-CREEKSIDE BUILDING I HARTUNG GLASS fOffllONS OP S ae, T 23 N, A" t:. WLJ....I'Mt::llt: wtMLMI'I Km COUNTY, CrrY OF KENT, WASHOOTON SITE PLAN ASSESSMENT 88-1 HARTUNQ a..ASS NEW B\.ILOINQ 908:! l ~1'-'llill-...-r 4 tlST, VIIU.I.IIIcnt Ci(l'()ll~4..-t.la --- oea'I1!:C-. rutfMIIGOO ~~TO -I;IQUI4f rtllmll ~UNDDIDIIICICMITrlll'I:Qft-MOS.~IUJIII6:1Ull" --nllll-~10ntltl!VOf'l<tMI'Pl:lll'lnlll'tffiiiii'OSD ___ .... ooo._IOll.,.~•~ _ _... __ ,_'"'~ .nwcii1HI'C'I1'Qf~ c::¢i.lm'(IIIQOO,.,..,'Itrl~ -·!111l11HI.I1'0~1ICJICOII'~--CIII'TIIIC'I ~ 1 WT IIIWOQ(M0..1 D1TtH 110«-0f'-IIIW tiiQNII OOIIIm' ~QOt,ti.T~!O).l)UtJoi~'ID .. tciiHI'I!I'IIl& ~IIQoi~~IHl0061111DGUif!'I'HI:IIIIDHIHO. tJII""UC11 --·---111-..oc-10.1 ltJ.STMoHC>!NO.IDI!QIIIillllti-Of'-.. 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