HomeMy WebLinkAbout1727Resolution No. 1727 ["Beginning August 1, 2004"] CFN = 961 -Growth Management Act Passed -7/5/2006 Countywide Planmng Pol1cy Amendments-2006 RESOLUTION NO. /7 ;_ 7 A RESOLUTION of the City council of the city of Kent, Washington, regarding K1ng County Countywide Plannmg Pol1c1es adopted by the Metropolitan K1ng County Counc1l that would add acreage to the City of Kent's Potential Annexation Area and would designate South Lake Un1on as an Urban Center. RECITALS A. Pursuant to RCW 36.70A.210, the Growth Management Act requires the adoption of Countywide Planning Polic1es to prov1de a countywide framework from which local comprehensive plans are to be developed. Kmg County, the City of Seattle, and the Incorporated suburban cities and towns in King County established a process for the development, adopt1on, and ratification of Countywide Plannmg Policies by an mterlocal agreement. Th1s agreement established the Growth Management Planmng Counc1l (GMPC), a group cons1stmg of elected offic1als from Kmg County, suburban Cities, and the City of Seattle, who were authonzed to develop a set of recommended countywide plannmg polic1es for cons1derat1on by the Kmg County Council. B. The GMPC met on September 21, 2005, and voted to pass amendments to the Countywide Plannmg Policies, amendmg the mtenm potential annexation areas map to add 30.3 acres to the Potential Annexation Area of the City of Kent and des1gnatmg South Lake Un1on an Urban Center. (GMPC Mot1on 05-1 and 1 Countywide Planning Policy Amendments-2006 05-2). The King County Council approved and ratified these amendments on behalf of Kmg County on Apnl 24, 2006, pursuant to Kmg County Ord1nance 15426. The Kent Planning & Economic Development Committee reviewed these amendments at 1ts meetmg on June 19, 2006. NOW THEREFORE, THE CilY COUNCIL OF THE CilY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Amendment The City of Kent, act1ng pursuant to the mterlocal agreement among King County, the City of Seattle, and Incorporated suburban c1t1es, hereby rat1fies the proposed amendments to the Countywide Plann1ng Pollees as adopted by the Metropolitan King County Council in Kmg County Ordmance 15426, attached hereto. SECTION 2. -Public Inspection. The amendments to the Countywide Planning Pol1c1es adopted herem shall be filed w1th the City Clerk and placed in the planning services office so they are available for 1nspect1on by the public. SECTION 3. -Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of th1s resolution IS declared unconstitutional or Invalid for any reason, such dec1S1on shall not affect the validity of the remam1ng port1ons of this resolution. SECTION 4. -Effective Date. Th1s resolution shall take effect and be in force 1mmed1ately upon its passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the c1ty council of the City of Kent, Washington, this ~ day of July, 2006. 2 Countywide Planning Policy Amendments-2006 CONCURRED in by the mayor of the city of Kent this _£_day of July, 2006. ATTEST: 4~<iGc~ BRENDAJACOBE~CrrY RK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~..w~~ ........... I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 17~ 7passed by the City council of the city of Kent, Washington, the ~day of July, 2006. P \Ovi~RESOWTION\CoontywldePiannlngPollcyAmend-2006 doc 3 Countywide Planning Policy Amendments-2006 KING COUNTY Signature Report April 24, 2006 Ordinance 15426 1200 Kmg County Courthouse 516 Thrrd Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 Proposed No. 2006-0074.1 Sponsors Constantine 1 AN ORDINANCE adopting amendments to the 2 Countywide Planning Policies; amending the interim 3 potential annexation areas map and ratifying the amended 4 Countywide Planning Policies for unincorporated King 5 County; and amending Ordinance I 0450, Section 3, as 6 amended, and K.C.C. 20.10.030 and Ordinance 10450, 7 Section 4, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.1 0.040. 8 9 10 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY: 11 SECTION 1. Findings. The council makes the following findings: 12 A. The metropolitan King County council adopted and ratified the Growth 13 Management Planning Council recommended King County 2012 -Countywide Planning 14 Policies (Phase I) in July 1992, under Ordinance I 0450. 15 B. The metropolitan King County council adopted and ratified the Phase II 16 amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies on August 15, 1994, under ~rdinance 17 11446. Ordinance 15426 I8 C. The Growth Management Planning Council met on September 21, 2005 and 19 voted to recommend amendments to the King County Countywide Planning Policies, 20 amending the interim potential annexation areas map as shOwn in Attachment A to this 21 ordinance and designating South Lake Union an Urban Center as shown on Attachment B 22 to this ordinance. 23 SECTION 2. Ordinance I 0450, Section 3, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.10.030 are 24 each hereby amended to read as follows: 25 Phase II. 26 A. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 Countywide Planning 27 Policies attached to Ordinance 11446 are hereby approved and adopted. 28 B. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning 29 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment I to Ordinance 12027. 30 C. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning 31 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment I to Ordinance 12421. 32 D. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning 33 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments I and 2 to Ordinance 13260. 34 E. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning 35 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments I through 4 to Ordinance 134 I 5. 36 F. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning 37 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments I through 3 to Ordinance 13858. 38 G. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning 39 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment I to Ordinance 14390. 2 Ordinance 15426 40 H. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning 41 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment I to Ordinance 14391. 42 L The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning 43 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment I to Ordinance 14392. 44 J. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning 45 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment I to Ordinance 14652. 46 K. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning 4 7 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments I through 3 to Ordinance 14653. 48 L. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 20 12 -Countywide Planning 49 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment I to Ordinance 14654. 50 M. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning 51 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14655. 52 N. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning 53 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments I and 2 to Ordinance 14656. 54 0. The Phase II amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning 55 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 14844. 56 P. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning 57 Policies are amended as shown by Attachments A, 8 and C to Ordinance 15121. 58 Q. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning 59 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 15122. 60 R. The Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning 61 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 15123. 3 Ordinance 15426 62 S. Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning 63 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments A and B to Ordinance xxx. 64 SECTION 3. Ordmance 10450, Section 4, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.10.040 are 65 each hereby amended to read as follows: 66 Ratification for unincorporated King County. 67 A. Countywide Planning Policies adopted by Ordinance l 0450 for the purposes 68 specified are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County. 69 B. The amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies adopted by Ordinance 70 l 0840 are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County. 71 C. The amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies adopted by Ordinance 72 II 061 are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County. 73 D. The Phase II amendments to the King County 2012 Countywide Planning 74 Policies adopted by Ordinance 11446 are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of 75 unincorporated King County. 76 E. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, as 77 shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 12027 are hereby ratified on behalf of the 78 population of unincorporated King County. 79 F. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, as 80 shown by Attachment I to Ordinance 12421, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 81 population of unincorporated King County. 82 G. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, as 83 shown by Attachments 1 and 2 to Ordinance 13260, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 84 population of unincorporated King County. 4 Ordinance 15426 85 H. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, as 86 shown by Attachment I through 4 to Ordinance 13415, are hereby ratified on behalf of 87 the population of unincorporated King County. 88 I. The amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning Policies, as 89 shown by Attachments I through 3 to Ordinance 13858, are hereby ratified on behalf of 90 the population of unincorporated King County. 91 J. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, as 92 shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14390, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 93 population of unincorporated King County. 94 K. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Plannmg Policies, as 95 shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14391, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 96 population of unincorporated King County. 97 L. The amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning Policies, as 98 shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 14392, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 99 population of unincorporated King County. I 00 M. The amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning Policies, as I 0 I shown by Attachment l to Ordinance 14652, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 102 population of unincorporated King County. I 03 N. The amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning Policies, as 104 shown by Attachments I through 3 to Ordinance 14653, are hereby ratified on behalf of 105 the population of unincorporated King County. 5 Ordinance 15426 106 0. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, as 107 shown by Attachment I to Ordinance 14654, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 108 population of unincorporated King County. 109 P. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, as 110 shown by Attachment I to Ordinance 14655, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 111 population of unincorporated King County. 112 Q. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, as 113 shown by Attachments I and 2 to Ordinance I4656, are hereby ratified on behalf of the I 14 population of unincorporated King County. I I 5 R. The amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning Policies, as 116 shown by Attachment A to Ordinance I4844, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 117 population ofunincorporated King County. 118 S. The amendments to the King County 2012 -Countywide Planning Policies, as 119 shown by Attachments A, B and C to Ordinance 15121, are hereby ratified on behalf of 120 the population of unincorporated King County. 121 T. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, as 122 shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 15122, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 123 population of unincorporated King County. 124 U. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies, as 125 shown by Attachment A to Ordinance 15123, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 126 population ofunincorporated King County. 6 Ordinance 15426 127 V. The amendments to the King County 2012-Countywide Planning Policies. as 128 shown by Attachments A and B to Ordinance xxx, are hereby ratified on behalf of the 129 population of unincorporated King County. 130 Ordinance 15426 was introduced on 3/6/2006 and passed by the Metropolitan King County Council on 4/24/2006, by the following vote: ATTEST: Yes: 8-Mr. Phillips, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Dunn, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Ms. Patterson and Mr. Constantine No: 0 Excused: I -Mr. Ferguson KING COUNTY COUNCIL KING COUNTY, WASHI!)IL,i+O .... .r. .. ) .., l Anne Noris, Clerk of the Council -n :.t'i- -.,-, -. -~ APPROVED this~ day of (h._~ \ • 2006. r) . ) c: -:z: ·' Attachments A. Motion No. 05-1 and Map, B. Motion No 05-2 and Map 7 """ = = = ::c -~ ::< I w "' ·- N -~ ,-.) rr1 ,--. \. > r·"1 / ·-. ~n 0 This page intentiOnally left blank. 15426 ~·006-074 9/21/05 Attachment A Sponsored By: Executive Commtttee /pr 1 MOTION NO. 05-1 2 A MOTION to amend the interim Potential Annexation Area 3 map in the Countywide Planning Policies. 4 5 6 7 WHEREAS, Countywide Planning Policies LU-31 and LU-32 anticipate the collaborative 8 designation of Potential Annexation Areas (PAA) and the eventual annexation of these 9 areas by cities. 10 11 WHEREAS, the attached P AA map amendment corrects an error on the interim P AA map 12 by deleting a 30.3 acre area from the CityofTukwila's PAA and addmg tills area to the 13 City of Kent PAA. 14 15 WHEREAS, the attached PAA map amendment is supported by the CityofTukwila and 16 the CityofKent. 17 18 BE IT RESOLVED TIIAT THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLANNING COUNCll.. OF 19 KlNG COUNTY HEREBY MOVES AS FOLLOWS: 20 21 22 I. Amend the Interim Potential Annexation Area Map by including the 30.3 -acre area in 23 the Potential Annexation Area of the City of Kent 24 25 2. This amendment is recommended to the Metropolitan King County Council and the 26 Cities of King County for adoption and ratification. 27 28 ADOPTED by the Growth Management Planning Council of King County on 29 September 21, 2005 in open session and signed by the chair of the GMPC. 30 31 32 33 34 Ron Sims, Chair, Growth Management Planning Council - 1 - N + n..,..,__........., __ ...., ....... ~ .... ..,,.r....._ .. ...,_._..,,_, __ _.,......., .. ..,.,._.. ...._. -lf..oot c-., --... __ .. _ - ·-----~ -~--""'' ~-....... _. ,..,.., ... __ 4_....__ .a.,.r ...... , ............ ~_ ... _______ .._ __ - ~-..-~a.. ... -.. -......._ .. -........... -----·4 ... ........._ __ .. _ .. ..,. ,.. ........ _. ....._ ___ io,.,.wooo~--.o.,_-,__., ... ,...... I 000 2 000 F..C Proposed Amendment Interim PAA Map Amendment D Proposed IVea lnrorpor;,tP.d Areas ® K"'g County 15426 2v06-074 9/21/05 Attachment B Sponsored By: Executive Committee /th MOTION NO. 05-02 2 A MOTION to amend the Countywide Planning Policies by 3 designating the South Lake Union area of Seattle as an Urban 4 Center. South Lake Union is added to the list of Urban 5 Centers following Countywide Planning Policy LU-39. 6 7 8 9 WHEREAS, a goal of the Growth Management Act is to encourage development in Urban 10 Areas where adequate public facilities exist or can be provided in an efficient manner; 11 12 WHEREAS, Policy LU-39 of the Countywide Planning Policies of King County describes 13 the criteria for Urban Center designatiOn; 14 15 WHEREAS, Policy LU-40 of the Countywide Planning Policies of King County describes 16 standards for planned land uses within Urban Centers; 17 18 WHEREAS, the City of Seattle has demonstrated that South Lake Union meets the criteria 19 for designation as an Urban Center; and 20 21 WHEREAS, King County Comprehensive Plan Policy U-I 08 supports the development of 22 Urban Centers to meet the region's needs for housing, Jobs, services, culture and recreat;on 23 and to promote health. 24 25 BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLANNING COUNCIL OF 26 KING COUNTY HEREBY MOVES AS FOLLOWS. 27 28 29 I. The South Lake Union area of Seattle is designated as an Urban Center. The list of 30 Urban Centers following Countywide Planning Policy LU-39 is modified to include 31 South Lake Uruon. 32 33 2. This amendment is recommended to the Metropolitan King County Council and the 34 Cities of King County for adoption and ratJilcation. 35 36 - 1 - • 15426 1 ADOPTED by the Growth Management Planning Council of King County on 2 September 21, 2005 in open session and s1gned by the chair of the GMPC. 3 4 5 6 7 Ron Sims, Chair, Growth Management Planning Council - 2 - -· ___ _ • ' ' . I •• •'l 1 • t -- '-t:. ,__:;.....:;; __ ~ .-. '' -..1. : l-' . ·:----~ i' 'I l!~---. -__ J ' ___ . __ -: Upto-.,;nl Seattle Center· Urban Center :--., i ·i i L --·--~ I ~ I ----. ' ' ,, I ' ·; Oty of 56ttle -DPD Hay 19, 1005 r • ~:I ·---1 ! _ _,. '· -·' l f \ :\ I ' __ , ~--} _, ~ ,---r- 15426 2006-07 4 South Lake Union Boundaries ,.. - -' ' • --t . ' . ' . I I . ; .l . !'---• . ' I ,' , .• _,.. '--Jr-·: '' -1 ' ,. l_,. __ -~_! ' -.... .- --r : ... : ·-j ' ,. I . j ~---. - , __ .l -·- . . y_ D Lake Union t. i ' ' I '----' -~ .... .---- l 1 r I i ~. 'f I' ~-~-" Do~to~n Se~ttle · un;..;. Cent"r ' E ' ! ~--! '' .. t----- ~ --- l - ·- ,. ' - i: ', I -~--, / -. -, ' ,_ . •! '-~- .... ., -· _/_ 10 .... S -:t·;t ililu ~ ~ c;P.;_toi Holl. · Urban .Center .. , ,_ . ' Parcels \ ' ' ' . I 1 i 1 -I ,..1 '· I j Urban Center Boundary -Park