HomeMy WebLinkAbout1718Resolution No. 1718 CFN = 1180-LID 351 Passed -4/18/2006 ["Beginning August 1, 2004"] H1gh R1dge Place Condo Assoc LID 351 -Assessment 140 Segregation I -i RESOLUTION NO. /1/1 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, d1rect1ng the Fmance Director to segregate an assessment lev1ed under LID #351. RECITALS A. High Ridge Place Condommium AssoCiation, the owner of record of the property originally affected by LID No. 351, Assessment No. 140, located on the south side ofSE 2641h Street and west of 104h Avenue SE, Kent, WA has requested segregation. B. All clerical and engmeering fees have been paid as required by law, and the application is property m all other respects. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1.-Segregation. The Fmance Director is authorized and directed to segregate the assessments as requested by High R1dge Place Condomm1um Assoc1at1on, as set forth 1n the attached Exhibit A, and mcorporated by th1s reference. The assessment involved 1s Assessment No. 140 of Local Improvement District No. 351 SECTION 2.-Severabtlttv. If any sect1on, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution IS declared unconst1tut1onal or mvalid for any reason, such dec1s1on shall not affect the validity of the remammg port1ons of th1s resolution. 1 High Ridge Place Condo Association LID 351-Assessment 140 Segregation SECTION 3. -Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effect1ve date of this resolut1on 1s hereby rat1fied and affirmed. SECTION 4. -Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be m force immediately upon 1ts passage. PASSED at a regular o n public meeting by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, thiS I r day of 2006. ~CONCURRED m by the Mayor of the City of Kent this /5"' day ..!:..~----'-+-==----'· 2006. ATTEST: A-z~~C&--&/ 'sRENDA JACOBER, cm CLI< -. - APPROVED AS TO FORM: l~k~ I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. I 7 I fT p~ }he City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the I ~ day of -'~'--'-r-=-==--'1 2006. 2 High Ridge Place Condo Association UO 351-Assessment 140 Segregation ,·c4~ ............._,KENT W,o,SHIH(iTOH 220 4"' Avenue South Kent, Washlflgton 98032 LID SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Attn. Pwpet1y /Jerry McCaughan Requested by: High R1dgt'" Place Condo AssociatiOn Date 02/23/2006 L!D#35! Assess #140 Owner & Address I ORIGINAL DESCRJPT!ON I Htgh R1dge Place Condo NOW BEING DESCRIBED AS HIGH RJDGE PLACE A ' AssociatiOn CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND PLANS RECORDED IN 264!5103'd Ave SE VOLUME 168 OF CONDOMINIUMS. PAGES 49 THROUGH 53, Ke!l!, W3 9~030 INCLUSIVE. KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON New Assessment No 140-01 Owner & Address NEW DESCRIPTION New Assessment Amt $1 ,075 12 MARK A GROSS and BuJldmg A Umt No 26404 H1gh R1dge Place PAO TSUWU Condonunmm Recorded under Kmg Count} Aud1tor Ftle No. 26404l03nl Ave SE 20001005000878111 Volume 168, Pages 49 through 53 Kent, Wa 98030 (If more space needed, attach descriptiOn and refer to Exlubit "B'') Owner & Address REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Rem Assessment No 140 High Ridge Place Condo HIGH RIDGE PLACE. A CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND As~ociation PLANS RECORDI:D IN VOLUME 168 OF CONDOMINIUMS, PAGES 49 26415 !03'd Ave SE THROUGH 53. INCLUSIVE, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Kent, Wa 98030 EXCEPT BUILDING A, UNIT NO 26404 _l_hr at $40.00 Tho _ .... ,. ''"~ r ~, .., .. _, '"' oo.; ....... , .,, per hour$40 00 certlfie; to the COITecl e> hi em. less $40 00 fee per Receipt No 0086886 SIGNED ~ I' -' '~\\ Authoru:ed Signature Total Due -0- •, \j Approved by ResolutiOn#-----------Page I of 12 6 S.E. 264TH STREET S8T23'25"£ 126049' • . . a, r o, c;;, ., . • ' I :; ~, J ""9"=;;=--- ----------=--=:.=====::===~===;== -- - -~-~ 20~ ~~--~ . ---\ I I ' I ;.., "• I ::': I g 70' ._J ' .J <5 I ~ I ;... "' I e2 ' '2: I . 0 . (;) I . 15 ' ~ I 970' a ;., ('] I " ::? . : '2 I 806' ---' ~ I 0 I BUilDING,_ to "C'' g I 00 "i -! "' I :t: I ll ' "' 0 1<::) 801' 1 -· Q . I~ ;, "" I "" ~ "'· -1'1( -· 8 05' ~q-; '~.u 1~--._ 0, I!{- "''" ,~ -' ' !:--! ' I~ ' ' ' 8.03" I " I ::? • -- I • I '' :/-440 07/ (CALC 0) --l~-~--------------1 ----::- fo_ - - ----~-::--:::----~ ~ ) J : c--. 32os· 4ZJ' " ~; #26404 "' ' . ;:; " !"~--;. .. 32 14' ' ... 0 #26408 "' r---;:;) r:-=,r-;;.,d--b:=======--:+-., J2 22' ., __ &.J I...J ;.., . #25416 34 J' <u ,: 59 WOOD PRfi;A(Y ~ t----FCNCf (TYPICAL) ; .J • 0 -[]---' (i; ' / 958'1 r-------'~ -~1~ ~" ( ) ~ /' 3282 7 * l ~ ASPHALT PAVEME:NT ,4~ ......._,KENT W""SI-III<GTOII 220 41h Avenue South Kent, Washmgton 98032 LID SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Attn. Property /Jerry McCaughan Requested by I-hgh R1dge Place Condo Association Date 02/23/2006 LID#351 Assess #140 Owner & Addtcss I-hgh Ridge Place Condo Assoctatwn 26415 103'd Ave SE Kent, Wa 98030 Owner & Add1 ess DEANNA Y THOMPSON 26408 103"' Ave SE Kent, Wa 98030 Own~r & Addre~s Hrgh R1dge Place Condo Assocration 26415 103'd Ave SE Kent, Wa 98030 _j_ hr at $40 00 per hour$40 00 less $40 00 fee per Rece1pt No 0086886 Total Due -0- ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION I NOW BEING DESCRIBED AS HIGH RIDGE PLACE, A CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND PLANS RECORDED IN VOLUME 168 OF CONDOMINIUMS, PAGES 49 THROUGH 53, INCLUSIVE, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON New Assessment No 140-02 NEW DESCRIPTION New Assessment Amt $1,075 12 BUJldmg A Umt No 26408 I-hgh R1dge Place Condomimum Recorded under Kmg County Aud1tor Ftle No 20001 005000878m Volume 168, Pages 49 through 53 (Ifmme space needed, attach descJ 1ption and refer to Exhtblt ''B") REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Rem. Assessment No 140 HIGH RIDGE PLACE, A CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND PLANS RECORDED IN VOLUME 168 OF CONDOMINIUMS, PAGES 49 THROUGH 53, INCLUSIVE, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON EXCEPT BUILDING A, UNIT NO 26404 and 26408 TI1e undersigned he1eby accepts above terms ana condnwns and certifies to the correctne7 m. SIGNED J'/~..0/C//.?.Y' U:Af /J/fptl Authonzed S•g~qlfue Approved by Re;olut•on # -----------Page 2 of 12 8 ' S.E. 264TH STREET ~: I c. S8T23"25"E 1260.-19' ..., • "9"'~-- ----------==:;=====:==~==~= : p ":; .!.~ I i I . -~ 440 07'/ (CALC 0) . . ~· --i/ o~-o~·-:-_ ·----~ }B ______________ ~ l': I I I I ·---42J' I .... "• I ' "' ::: I I : . ~ 9 70' -1 ..J I L 80' --15 I I a: I /26404 ~ I " "' I I 0, ~ 2: I ~ 0 . ' Vi I ' ' 15 I I ' ' "' I 9 70' R i 8 0' ;.., ' " I I I ' ;.., z .; ::? 41 < I :r: I . ' 806' ~ I so· -. I I #26408 <o BUILDING,_ I I BUILDING "C'' 0 "A" "' ~ ·: 0 I "' I ~ : :r: I I u I ' "' ~-12 1<::) 801'' I ' 80' ;.., . . I~ ;.., g:-J i ;.., "' I ~ ::? .. ); 1'\: ~ -· I 8 05' ~Q':I I . 80' ' ' --#26412 I~ I I "' 1!:<:-~-; 1:::::, I ' "' ' ~ ' ~ I ' ' I~ I ' ·' I ' sa· 8.03' I ;,. I .' I ;.., ::> -' ~ ' ' ' I : ' 800' ' I 80' . -. I .l -200' /26416 o.IL!.~!2-. I I 0 _j:o~ 1--_I I ~ i2g---I I J4 3' -I l I I "---------- ASPHALT PAVEMENT --~-~- ~------.Jc:.-~- ~ . n 3205' 14 ,?~ _> ~'' __.....--so. ......~ ef.: ,~ . r;--:;-. ;> a; ' " ;;; t- n ~]----; CJ 32 14' ' " ' 0 "' t-""; 3222' r, [J-CJ 59' WOOD PRIVACY FENCE {TYPICAL) j .J .. io " ., "' ~ "' :/~ :.-l 9 "' ( ! [ 1783' g\1,-<- []---...__,y 8 e:r~ ~ 0 "' ' - -r1~ ~ ~CJ9'58 !--)g <) ']..1 / 3282' ; 0 l!) ,4~ '--"'KENT WASHINGTOH 220 4'" Avenue South Kent, W ashmgton 98032 LID SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Attn Property /Jerry McCaughan Requested by. Htgh Rtdge Place Condo Association Date 02/23/2006 LID#35! Assess #140 Owner & Address ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION I Htgh Ridge Place Condo NOW BEING DESCRIBeD AS HIGH RIDGE PLACE, A Assoctatwn COI\DOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND PLANS RECORDED IN 26415 103'd Ave SE VOLUME 168 OF CONDOMINIUMS. PAGES 49 THROUGH 53, Kent, Wa 98030 INCLUSIVE, KING COUNTY, WASI-JINGTON New Assessment No 140-03 Owner & Address NEW DESCRIPTION Nev, Assessment Amt. $1.075 12 JAMES and VICTORJA Buildmg A Umt No 26412 H1gh R1dge Place NEELEY Condommnnn Recmded under Kmg County And1tor F1le No. 26412 103n:J Ave SE 20001005000878 m Volume 168, Pages 49 through 53 Kent, Wa 98030 (If more space needed, attach descnption and refer to Exlubtt "B'") Owner & Address REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Rem. Assessment No 140 Htgh Ridge Place Condo HIGH RIDGE PLACE, A CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND Assoctatwn PLANS RECORDED IN VOLUME 168 OF CONDOMINIUMS, PAGES 49 26415 !03'd Ave SE THROUGH 53, INCLUSIVE, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Kent, Wa 98030 EXCEPT BUILDING A, UNIT NOS 26404, 26408 and 26412 I hr at $40 00 The undersigned hereby accepts above tetms and condt!tons and per hom$40 00 cettttles to the conectne" herem ;/ less $40.00 fee per j/~~SJznnture Rece1ptNo 0086886 SIGNED Total Due -0- Approved by ResolutiOn#-----------Page 3 of 12 10 . o: ~~ I S.E. 264TH STREET SBT2.J'25"E: 1260.49' 0. ' to"') I I ==;=~~ ----------~===;"========~-,====:== I p ~ ' ""' 440 07/ (CALC'D) ~' --i/ 0~~~·+· ----~ ~--------------0> I I . I r· 42 J' . I ;.., I ;.., .. !: I I [_ '.:' 9 70' ..l . --' I 80' -iJ I I ~ I /26404 I ;... In I I "' 2 z I 2 . 0 . i7; I . if, I I ! "' I 9.70' ~ a I 80' ;.., " i I I ;.., 2 .ti ~ I .., ' :t I :. -806' il "' I 8.0' . !j! ---a I I #26406 "' BUILDING.._ I I BUILDING ''c" 0 "A" "' co-; 0 I .--. "' I . ~ . I . . :r I . '-' ~ "' I 0 1<:::, 80/'' ·' a, I . 80' ;., ;.., 0' I~ ;.., "' -t'): I ~ :2 "'"l: 1'\( '.:' 805' ~_oj I I . 80' I~ I ---//26412 I ~ I~ "' : 1::;:, I ' ~ ~ . ' I~ I ' . .. II\. I . ---80' 8.03' ~ I ;,. I ;.., / I ~ ' . -'.:' I . 800' -.. I ·--80' . -200' I #26416 "' L_CT!:..!-I I ! 0 _j:a-~ I ?! 'aQ...---r---I i2tl I J4J' ~ I I I I ,_ _________ ASPHALT PAVEMENT --~-~- ~------~: ~ ) " 3205' '4.1·7' >~ ,__.--·v.: ~) 6' v. ......,s ,, -. ., :,.> "' ' . ., r--- ., ~]---: L• .3214- '" 0 0> r--"', 3222' ., [J-L• 59 rraoo PRJVAIT FENCE (TYPIC1L) ) r ...l -· "' ' ..., "' . "' 17 83' '~-' 1"'"1 9/ l...J---............_<""'> 68J·~ :;, N 0 N , - -'1 ______o ~ / L" 9 58' r--'A' ') ~1 -;9 / 3282' ' '. :I .r ~ ' I 11 0 0 0 ([) "" 0 t/J ,·4~ ~KENT W"SHINOTON 220 4"' Avenue South Kent, Washmgton 9&032 LID SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Attn Pwperty /Jeny McCaughan Requested by High R1dge Place Condo Association Date 02/23/2006 LID#351 Assess #140 Owner & Address ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION I I!Jgh Ridge Place Condo NOW BEING DESCRIBED AS HIGH RIDGE PLACE, A AssoCiation CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND PLANS RECORDED IN 26415103'd AveSE VOLUME 168 OF CONDOMINIUMS. PAGES 49 THROUGH 53, Kent, Wa 98030 INCLUSIVE, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON New Assessment No. 140-04 Owner & Address NEW DESCRIPTION New Assessment Amt $1,075 12 RANDY W PADGETT Bmlding A Umt No 26416 H1gh Ridge Place 26416 103'" Ave SE Condomimum Recorded under King County Aud1tor File No. 20001005000878 m Volume 168, Pages 49 through 53 Kent, Wa 98030 (If more space needed, attach descnptwn and refer to Exhtbit "B") Owner & Address REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Rem Assessment No .liQ. High Ridge Place Condo HIGH RIDGE PLACE, A CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND Association PLANS RECORDED IN VOLUME 168 Of CONDOMINIUMS, PAGES 49 26415 103'd Ave SE THROUGH 53, INCLUSIVE, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Kent, Wa 98030 EXCEPT· BUILDING A, UNIT NOS 26404,26408,26412 and 2416 _1_ hr at $40.00 TI1e undersigned hereby accepts above terms and condttwus and per hour$40 00 certifies to the correctness herem Jess $40 00 fee per 1/ I ac2_(;tt-Receipt No. 0086886 '(-I~ J;/; SIGNED / 'Allt11011zed/stgnature Total Due -0- Approved by Resolution#----------Page 4 of 12 12 ' S.E. 264TH STREET 8 i a, S8T2J'2oE: 1260 49' .-, , "'=?""'P-- ---------~~=::=====:====c====== ' :t '' ~ 440 OL (CALC'O) ' J :/~ '· --~--::::~ r I c~o~_ao·-~ --!!-~-------------- _:....: l ______ oo "' I I ' I ' I ;., .. I ;:: I I 9 70' .j _, I ' 13 I -I ~ I I ;._ !2 I ~ ., I I ~ . I . 15 I . I ' . ~ ~ I 9 70' i I ;., ' "' I I "' ~ d : "'( I •:t: I 8 06' .J [5 I "' I a I BUILDING"-I lo I ., ' "c" g I -: "' I ' J: I I . {j I n: -0 1<::~ 801' 0 •' Q I <>· . I~ ;.., . .., I-/ I 0') ~: 1\ 805' ~~o1 I I I~ I I ;;, I~ e?T 1::::; I N I . I~ '• I I 8 OJ' I ::,. I / I ::? -' I 8.00' I -l -200' I jl.-l-~'-I I - I i28--t--_I I I -I I I I ._ _______ -- ASPHALT PAVEMENT 0 "' ·-· 42J' ' "' : . !:! 80' /26404 "' ' ~ . . . . . . 00 ' ..., ' ..; '' 80' --- #26408 BUILDING "A" ' "' ~ ' ' 8 0' ;., "' : ;., ~ ::! . 80 ---/26412 "' . ~ . ' ··-80' "' '.:! '-80' --- #26416 -0 0'! 34.3' fa ..----- ~------~---~ ) ., 3205' 14 /'/ .>~~'-----.so. \1. e6' r;---:;-- 1 . ' . n .,_j '" .. JL !+' r '. c. "! -"' t--- 3222' ., ., __ " .. 5 9' WOOD PRIVACY FENCE {TYPICAL) ) .j .. iD ' .-, <» ., "' ' \' ~~~J' 9 ~/ f...J ----::--....<) 68J·'-~ a -"' • - ~ ·J~ " ~'"g58' r---;<>' <) ~1 / J282' 0 0 0 lf) "' 0 li1 13 ;1:. l ~ ( ' W"'SHINGTOI!I 220 4th Avenue South Kent, W aslungton 98032 LID SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Attn Property /Jerry McCaughatl Requested by Htgh Ridge Place Condo Association Date 02/23/2006 LID#351 Assess #140 Owner & Addtess ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION l Htgh Rtdge Place Condo NOW BEING DESCRIBED AS HIGH RIDGE PLACE, A AssoctatiOn CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND PLANS RECORDED IN 26415 103'd Ave SE VOLUME 168 OF CONDOMINIUMS, PAGES 49 THROUGH 53, Kent, Wa 98030 INCLUSIVE, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON New Assessment No 140-05 Ownet & Address NEW DESCRIPTION New Assessment Amt $1,075 12 STEVEN H SHADE Bmldmg B Umt No 26420 Htgh R1dge Place 26420 103"' Ave SE Condomimum Recorded under Kmg County Auditor Ftle No 20001005000878 m Volume 168, Pages 49 through 53. Kent, Wa 98030 (If more space needed, attach descnptton and tefer to Exhtbtt "B'I Owner & Address REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Rem Assessment No. 140 Htgh Rtdge Place Condo HIGH RIDGE PLACE, A CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND Assoc1atton PLANS RECORDED IN VOLUME 168 OF CONDOMINIUMS, PAGES 49 264!5 103'd Ave SE THROUGH 53, INCLUSIVE, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Kent, Wa 98030 EXCEPT BUILDINGA,UNITNOS 26404,26408,26412, and26416 BUILDING B, UNIT NOS 26420 -'-hl at $40.00 11te nnderstgned hereby accepts above terms and condtttons and per hour$40 00 certifies to the cOJTectness herem le's $40 00 fee per Rccetpt No 0086886 ~ ,/~---:> --SIGNED ,( -7~~' /~•/ . --""" =-----7-- Authonzed S1gnah1re Total Due -0- Approved by Resolutton # ----------Page5 of12 14 "' "' ~ S.E. 264TH STREET SBT2Y25"E 1260.49' ....----------------= .--------, 189' "' -.. 4 1 ~ -l ~ I \OO~~-~ I I I I~ I~ IG( I I~ ''-1~ 1:::;, I~ II\ 44007/ --!!' ASPHALT PAVEMENT -~---··;---------.--' ~ BUILDING " tJJ· a 0 1JY "' "a" o, 0 0 0 "' IX:!--------· ., (Q. --------, 18 8' 18 r --------------------· \ ' 0 133' g "' 1J J' 0 0 "" co--------· "' JBB' ;, "' :7; #26425 1/26427 • /26426 #26420 " 128 40 . '< "' ' J "' . .., . " ~ -.,. o; 'o; "'"' ..a r,IO ""' ~r-59' WOOO PRIVACY '( ~ """' ~ -,-rE!'IC£ (TYPICAL)" 3221' J.Z,02' ' 3199' 34 16' . . 15 ,·~ ........_,KENT WAStiiNOTON 220 4°' Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 LID SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Attn Propet1y /Jerry McCaughan Requested by J-l!gh RJdge Place Condo Assoctatwn Date 02/23/2006 UD#351 Assess #140 Owner & Address ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION I Htgh R:tdge Place Condo NOW BEING DESCRIBED AS HIGH RIDGE PLACE, A Assoctatton CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND PLANS RECORDED IN 26415 103'ct Ave SE VOLUME 168 OF CONDOMINIUMS, PAGES 49 THROUGH 53, Kent, Wa 98030 INCLUSIVE, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON New Assessment No 140-06 Owner & Address NEW DESCRIPTION Ne"' Assessment Ami $1,075 12 JEANNE M DAVIS Bmldmg B Umt No 26425, High Rldge Place Condommmm 26425 103"' Ave SE Recoided under King County Auditor Ftle No 20001005000878 m Volume 168, Pages 49 through 53 Kent, Wa 98030 (If more space needed, attach descnotion and refer to Exhibit "B") Owner & Address REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Rem. Assessment No 140 Htgh Ridge Place Condo HIGH RIDGE PLACE, A CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND Association PLANS RECORDED IN VOLUME 168 OF CONDOMINIUMS, PAGES 49 26415 103'ct Ave SE THROUG!-153, I}.[CLUSIVE, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Kent, Wa 98030 EXCEPT: BUILDING A, UNIT NOS 26404,26408,26412, and 26416 BUILDING B. UNIT NOS 26420 and 26425 Lhr at $40 00 The undersigned hereby accepts above tenns and conditions and per hour$40 00 certifies to the con ectness herem less $40 00 fee per RecetptNo 0086886 SIGNED \kcf?L-.rtfi /)J . \21:!.0 t<J Authonzed Signature Total Due -0- Approved by Resolulton # ----------Page 6 of 12 16 S.E. 264TH STREET Sll723'25"f: 1260 49' =;;=-------------- -... oil ~ •• I I I~ I~ 1'1( I If I~ I~ I~ I J--· ------.--~ I 't ~--------- ASPHAtT PAVEMENT ----------·---------- BUILDING r···:··· ·-" r·······~ l ' ' < ' ' i'.. 13 Y a g 1JJ' a "8" J~ 133' 0 I~ 13 J' "' 0 0 c ,--------~ " Q) --------. "' (() ---------, tQ --------. 189' 188' 1B 7' 168' "' U') "' ;:;; #26426 (/26420 .,. #26425 #26427. - 128.40' . ~I . ' . "' 0, ' ' • "' . i-.. /-] ' .,. ' 0> ;"' tq r-1 . ' ""' ""' "' v::!r-59' WOO.? PP.NACY r ~ "'"' ~ ~ -,-JZ 21' miCE (ll'PiCAl)" 34 16' ' :;:;_pz· Jl 99' ' V. _, 17 ,4~ "--"KENT W.o.SI'iiNGTON 220 4'h Avenue South Kent, Washmgton 98032 LID SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Attn Property /Jeny McCaughan Requested by. Hogh Rodge Place Condo Assocoation Date 02/23/2006 LID#35! Assess #140 Owner & Address ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION I High fudge Place Condo NOW BEING DESCRIBED AS HIGH RIDGE PLACE, A AssocwliOll CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND PLANS RECORDED IN 26415 !03'd Ave SE VOLUME 168 OF CONDOMINIUMS, PAGES 49 THROUGH 53, Kent, Wa 98030 INCLUSIVE, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON New Assessment No. 140-07 Owner & Address NEW DESCRIPTION New Assessment Aml $1,075 12 KENT and JOAN KOHL Bmldmg B UmtNo 26426 High Ridge Place 26426 1 03'd Ave SE Condommium Recorded under Kmg County Auditor File No. 20001005000878 in Volume 168, Pages 49 tluough 53. Kent, Wa 98030 (If more space needed, attach descriptiOn and refei to Exlubit "B") Owner & Address REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Rem AssessmentNo.l40 1:-!tgh Ridge Place Condo HIGH RIDGE PLACE. A CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND Association PLANS RECORDED IN VOLUME 168 OF CONDOMINIUMS, PAGES 49 26415 J03rrl Ave SE THROUGH 53, INCLUSIVE, KING COUNTY, WASHING1 ON Kent, Wa98030 EXCEPT: BUILDING A, UNIT NOS 26404,26408,26412, and 26416 BUILDING B, UNIT NOS. 26420. 26425 and 26426 _I_ hr at $40 00 The undersigned hereby accepts above tcuns and conditions and per hourS40 00 cerufies to the correctness herem less $il0 00 fee per ~;f J ;?~J! Rece1pt No 0086886 SIGNED . Authorized Signature Total Due -0- Appro1'ed by Resolutwn # -----------Page 7 of 12 18 S.E. 264TH STREET SI37'2J'25"E 1260 49' ~------------= -p d J, ~ I ;--- -------.--~ I I~ I~ Ill( I, lk I~ l:s, I~ II;( ASPHALi PAVEMENT ·----------' < • • BUILDING ;.. IJJ' o "' 0 8 tJY 2 ''Bn i-,..-_._--_·-.,.,-~' ::--'r' co--------, 189' 188' [() Q;) --------. 18 7' 0 133' 0 0 0 co [() --------· 188' 0 7JJ' 0 "' #26425 /26427 ~--/26420 128 40' I. -' "' -l ;,., ~.. • r•n :':' .... ,::r.....__ 59' WOOD PRfVACY '-.J!:: FEIICf (TYPIOL)" I ·' 3~ 02' . v _v J2 21' 37 99' I v 34 16' 19 WASHINGTON 220 4"' Avenue South Kent, Washmgton 98032 LID SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Alln Property /Jen-y McCaughan Requested by Htgh Rtdgc Place Condo Assoctation Date·02/23/2006 LID#351 Assess #140 Owner & Address ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION I Htgh Rtdge Place Condo NOW BEING DESCRIBED AS HJGH RIDGE PLACE, A Assocmtion CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND PLANS RECORDED IN 26415 !03'd Ave SE VOLUIY1E 168 OF CO:-.!DOMINIUMS, PAGES 49 THROUGH 53, Kent. Wa 98030 INCLUSIVE, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON New Assessment No. 140-08 Owner & Address NEW DESCRIPTION New Assessment Amt $1,075 12 LOUANNE and NORBERT Butlding B Umt No 26427, H1gh Rtdge Place Condomtmum SCHRENK Recorded under Kmg County Auditor Ftle No. 20001005000878 m Volume 26427103ro Ave SE 168, Pages 49 through 53 Kent, Wa 98030 (If more space needed, attach descnption and refer to Exhibtt "B") Owner & Address REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Rem Assessment No 140 Htgh Rtdge Place Condo HIGH RIDGE PLACE. A CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND Association PLANS RECORDED IN VOLUME 168 OF CONDOMINIUMS, PAGES 49 26415 103'd Ave SE THROUGH 53, INCLUSIVE, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Kent, Wa 98030 EXCEPT· BUILDING A, UNITNOS 26404,26408,26412, and26416 BUILDING B, UNIT NOS 26420, 26425, 26426 and 26427 _I_ hr at $40 00 The undersigned bereb) accept~ above teuns and condt!ions and per hour$~0 00 certifies to the correctness herem iess $·lJ 00 fee per Rccetpt No. 0086886 SIGNED _fJ~er~ At:thonzed "iiignature Total Due -0- Approved by Resolutwn # ----------Page 8 ofl2 20 S.E. 264TH STREET S8T23'25"£ 126049' -,------------= • " A J. ~ I ~ 44007/ I ~oooo : --i/' ------~. I I I I I I 21 I I I I I~ I I~ I I 11\c I I, -, 1'( I I~ I I~ I I~ I I I ---I I I I I ,__......_ _______ ASPHALT PM£ME:NT -------------------·----------:·--------~ l 1: ' . . BUilDING ~~ 133' C> 0 1JJ' 0 "8" o 13 J' a 0 133' 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~--------, CQ --------, ., {(;! --------· "' cc --------· "' 189' 188' 187' 188' ... U') "' .... #26420 .... .., #26425 j26427 #26426 128.40' . -1 I. . ~ 0, ~· 4 ' "' . . " -' -. .. l() ., ""' ., :;~ ,., 1.! r• U") <»' ~ 'f''·--59' W000 PRIVACY l ~ L.Jm o-. FENCE (fl1'1DL)>" 1-32.21' 3Zf2' J1 99' ~ 3416' v ' .~ "-"""" KENT W.O.SHIHGTON 220 4lh Avenue South Kent. W ashmgton 98032 LID SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Attn· Property /Jerry McCaughan Requested by· Htgh Rtdge Place Condo Assoc1ation Date 02/23/2006 LIDII351 Assess #140 Owner & Address ORIGINAL DESCRJPTION I High fudge Place Condo NOW BEING DESCRIBED AS HIGH RIDGE PLACE, A Assoc1at10n CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND PLANS RECORDED IN 26415 103'd Ave SE VOLUME 168 OF CONDOMINIUMS, PAGES 49 THROUGH 53, Kent, Wa 98030 INCLUSIVE, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON New Assessment No. 140-09 Owner & Address NEW DESCRIPTION New Assessment Amt $1.075 12 JOANNE M FOWLER Bmldmg c Untl No. 26405. 1-ltgh R•dge Place Condonumum 26405103'd Ave SE Recorded tmder Kmg County AudJt01 F1le No 20001005000878 in Volume 168, Pages 49 through 53 Kent, Wa 98030 (If more space needed, attach descnptwn and refer to Exlnb1t "B") Owner & Address REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Rem Assessment No. 140 H1gh R1dge Place Condo HIGH RIDGE PLACE. A CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND Assoc1ahon PLANS RECORDED IN VOLUME 168 OF CONDOMINIUMS,PAGES49 26415 1 03'd Ave SE THROUGH 53, JNCLUSJVE, KJNG COUNTY, WASHINGTON Kent, Wa 98030 EXCEPT BUILDING A, UNIT NOS 26404,26408,26412, and 26416 BUILDING B, UNIT NOS 26420.26425, 26426, and 26427 BUILDING C, UN! r NOS 26405 _1_ hr at$40 00 T11e undersigned hereby accepts above terms and conditiOns and per hourS40 00 cert1fies to the correctness herem Jess $40 00 fee per Receipt No 0086886 / /~/1-tU'vflt. . .-, ' SIGNED /T·-..._-U/L.. Authouzed S1gndture Total Due -0- Approved by ResolutiOn#----------Page 9 of 12 22 g S.E. 264TH STREET g SBT23"25"E 1260 49' :~====;====;=====;;====.==;=-----------~ ~=== _j ----------. ' ---- 2804' . . "" lO _____ .5J ~---------~ 4?J2' I ;., . I ;!: I 970' ..J o.J -~ I #26405 ~ I ;... ~ I • ~ ~ I . I t5 970' ~ 1 ;.., \> I :2 . : ~ I . ~ 8 06' ---~ I #26407 0 I <o BUILDING._ I "c" o (<;)--. &? -: I :r . u I . 0: 0 I~ 8 01' ~ Q. 0' . I~ ;., ..,; -· I :2 ~: Ill( '2 805' q:~o' I <0 #25411 I~ 0> 0, I~ ~ T I~ I~ I~ 8 OJ' ' :,. ' I :::> I -- 8 00' : I -- #26415 .-200' . 'L (TYP) I "' -----. :-:: :a..-... i--_I :a o_.---:::>e 440 07/ (CALC' -- ;., -:::! 80' ~ ~ . ~ . . . ---. 8 a· / ;., ';::! ' 80' BUILDING "A" <.. . ~ ' r· sa· l ;., ' ~ I 1:.:_ 80 'I I I ' ' io ~ I I r--8 0' I I I ;:.., ::> ' I '-80' I --- I I 0 ~ I 23 = J427' I '----I I I I ~ --------- ~292' ASPHALf PA'IEM£Nf .-4~ "-""'KENT WASHII<GTON 220 4tb Avenue South Kent, Waslnngton 98032 LID SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Attn Property /Teny McCaughan Requested by High Ridge Place Condo Association Date 02/23/2006 LID#35l Assess #140 Owner & Address ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION I High Ridge Place Condo NOW BEING DESCRIBED AS HIGH RIDGE PLACE, A Association CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND PLANS RECORDED IN 26415 l03'd Ave SE VOLUME I6& OF CONDOMINIUMS, PAGES 49 THROUGH 53, Kent, Wa 98030 INCLUSIVE, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON New Assessment No 140-10 Owner & Addtess NEW DESCRIPTION New Assessment Amt $1,075 12 CHINGW HSI Bmldmg c Umt No 26407 High Ridge Place Condonuniwn 26407 103m Ave SE Recorded under Kmg Cmmty AudJlor F1le No 20001005000878 m Volume 16&, Pages 49 through 53 Kent, Wa 98030 (If more space needed, attach descnption and refer to Exhibit "B") Owner & Address REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Rem Assessment No. 140 H1gh Ridge Place Condo HIGH RIDGE PLACE. A CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND Assocmtion PLANS RECORDED IN VOLUME 16& OF CONDOMINIUMS, PAGES 49 26415 103'' Ave SE THROUGH 53, INCLUSIVE, KING COUNTY, WASHfNGTON Kent, Wa98030 EXCEPT BUILDING A, UNIT NOS. 26404,26408,26412, and 26416 BUILDING B. UNIT NOS 26420, 26425, 26426, and 26427 BUILDING C, UNIT NOS 26-105, and 26407 _I_ hr at $40.00 The undersigned hereby accepts above terms and conditions and per bour$40 00 cet1Ifics to tbe conectness herem less $40 00 fee per ~l-~ 9-Rece1pt No. 0086886 SIGNED L- Authouzcd Signature Total Due -0- Approved by Resolution#---~~-~---Page lO of 12 24 8 S.E 264TH STREET g S87.2J'25'£ 1260.49' .~==~====~_,==~==F=============~=r~ -----------------===== ' ,~----~-----440 07/(CALC' ' ... __ _ , ' I ~ ~ . ~,oooo: ;· ~---------------~~--------~. I --~!-"' ..!£> ____ ~ 47 32' ' ' 2804' ;.., '• ~ ._., #26405 !170' _, _, . 0 Q i:: . ;. , "' ' .., .., ~ i-.. V) CONCR[T£...-_, ~ i 2j PAD -.. : V) (TYPICAL) 1 ' (5 ., I'""\ 27 J9' ... .,+-~5::0{0_' _______ _._-'::=::-r~ g !=_::_.._ __ ;/ :T 1 -7 a 9 70~ " I //I ::~:< 92i' r; / ~; '---::; 8 06' ---~ 1 •' #26407 a ,. I - . BU/LOING~.c .J~ (\ ;?_, ''C" 8 " .\ c.__ "-, 0: , J " ' :: ~ \ I ~ ;:, '{:: 12" ~ rr' "'::--!--~ 0 -1 t ,' .... 8 01~' J ~· ~ ~ ~ ,: .., _.., ) ~ -~ .. /-· ()~ - :z 1.() 805' ~-Q '? t c. #26411 ~!~~tJ-~ ~a (.) §? ~ f2' :r: , cJ:-i~--------L-::a-::o-.cJ.cr""!! Co~ ,r-. ,_,_ I,_.. ;,.. ;;:;.,· r--~ \/ 800' I .1 /264r5 _~zoo· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I~ I~ I~ I I~ I~ I~ ~ I~ I I --' -~~,r \ . •/ (TYP)_ []~ ~ .L------ ~ :o-.. t \j 12' :aQ~--t--- • 34.27' :28 -~----~J~2~92~.L-~~9]--L-----~~~-----J" I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I .. J I I I I J I I .----------------.---/ I I I' ASPHALT PAVEMENT r. ;.., !:? a a· ., ' ~ ' so· ' ;.., :::> 80' .. BUILDING "A" ;;., ;':; ' ' 80' ;., :::> . a o· -·· -"' ;o> -·. 80' ;., ~ . ' 8 0' ·--- 0 ' "' . l_L_ 25 ,-4~ "'--"KENT 220 4°' Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 LID SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Attn Property /Jerry McCaughan Requested by High Ridge Place Condo Association Date 02123/2006 LID#351 Assess #140 O"ner & Address ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION j_ H1gh Ridge Place Condo NOW BEING DESCRIBED AS HIGH RlDGE PLACE. A As"octatton CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND PLANS RECORDED IN 26415 103"' AveSE VOLUME 168 OF CONDOMINIUMS, PAGES 49 THROUGH 53, Kent, Wa 98030 INCLUSIVE, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON New Assessment No 140-11 Owner & Address NEW DESCRIPTION New Assessment Amt. $1 ,075 12 JEFFREY and ERIN PAPIEZ Bmldmg c UmtNo 26411, High .Ridge Place Condomuumn 26411103rd Ave SE Recorded under Kmg County Audnor Ftle No 20001005000878 in Volume 168, Pages 49 through 53. Kent, Wa 98030 (If more space needed, attach descnptwn and refer to E'<illbit "B") Owner & Address REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Rem Assessment No 140 Htgh Ridge Place Condo HIGH RIDGE PLACE. A CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND Assoc w.twn PLANS RECORDED IN VOLUME 168 OF CONDOMINIUMS, PAGES 49 26415 103'" A'e SE THROUGH 53, INCLUSIVE, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Kent, Wa 98030 EXCEPT BUILDING A. UNIT NOS, 26404,26408,26412, and 26416 BUILDING B UNIT NOS 26420, 26425, 26426, and 26427 BUILDING C, UNIT NOS 26405, 26407, and 2641 I, _l_lu at $40.00 The undcmgned hereby accepts above tenns and conditions and per hour1>40 00 certifies to the correctness herem ;1 less :po 00 fee per /£~~ ReccJptNo 0086886 i/1 SIGNED -(<-- Total Due -0- 'Jmthonzed Signature Approved by ResolutiOn#----------Page I 1 ofl2 26 S.E. 264TH STREET 587'23'25"£ 1260 ~g· :=====...~';'==:=~=====;;===~ - ---------~== .. ' -0 . ' -· -------~ 440 07/ (CALC '-,. ' ... __ -\'~~~,-~ --!!-;. m ____ ---------~ -0---------------_o:l "' "' ~ , J I I I 28.04' 47.3Z' I .. I ' r---= ;.., .. I ' ;., ' ~ I I : -2 • ;. 9 70' --': -J l 80' , "' 3 I ; ...; ~ I .., #26405 I j-I .... ~ I ;;, CONCRIT£..'..... ~ I I :'2 PAD "-... ' §j ' ' I (TYPICAL) l ' :z I . w l ' , r, 27 J9' n 5 00' : "" I o--u---'(~ g 70' Q I ' 80' l --~--A / 1-.-70 I I ' I I ;.., ~ ' ;., ' ' ' I ' 'r ,.. .., 1----:::r ::> . "' I :.! :::? J:r: I 9-27-; ·-8.06' "' l ,: __ _. BO' : .. #26407 --~ I G I ,_ L 1o BUILDING u. I I BUILDiNG "' ,. "C" a "A" "' c:) ' \ '---'.""• a I "' \ -' "' I ~ -Co ' ~ I ' ;;; \r, 12' I ' ~J I r ' 1<;:: :j~ ( l-J 801' l ·'· 0, I 80' , ;.., 0' ~~ ;., J ~§:?: ...,: . I I : !:.?~ -:2 ... ): 1'1( ~ ~ -· I 805' ~Q\ I . 80' ~ >-~ /12$411 ' ... . -0"-1 .,; I~ I ~~l 0, I ;;, ~~ I ;;, , '-'Cl -~: I~ • ~ J zo ' ~ I ' ao ' ~~ (.) ~ ~ 12' I ' :r: \ ,-.., ·-... ' LJ 80J' I I : 80' / to~ , .... '1 : 1-)::r: jl.J ;. I I I ;., ~':.,./ r--:::? -:::? : • I , 1/ . 8 00' ---. I ---80' \ .! /126415 --2 00' I -~ J_~~ . i/ (TYP ) --· I I . a \ c~~ o:._L..-------I \1 ~ :o-!--_I ' ~ .uf.,.---I :.-12' J427' i2B I LL " > J2 92' LJ I I 27 I I ~--------- _ _1':.§_!1'_~ ASPHALT PAVEMENT WASHit<OTON 220 4'h Avenue South Kent Washzngton 98032 LID SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Attn Pwpcrty /Jerry McCaughan Requested by· High Ridge Place Condo Association Date 0212312006 LID#351 Assess #140 Owner & Address ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION J High Ridge Place Condo NOW BEING DESCRfBED AS HIGH RIDGE PLACE. A Associatwn CONDOMINIUM PER SURVEY MAP AND PLANS RECORDED IN 264!5 103'd Ave SE VOLUME 168 OF CONDOMINIUMS, PAGES 49 THROUGH 53, Kent. Wa98030 INCLUSIVE, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON . New Assessment No 140-12 Owner & Address NEW DESCRIPTION New Assessment Amt. $1.075 12 ALand SUSAN CLOUSER Bmlding c Umt No 26415, High Ridge PlJce Condommmm 26415 103" Ave SE Recorded under Kmg County AudilO! File No 20001005000878 m Volume 168, Pages 49 tluough 53 Ken~ Wa 98030 (If more space needed, attach descnpl!on and refer to Exh1bit "B'') Owner & Address REMAINDER DESCRlP fiON Rem Assessment No NONE NONE _l_hr at $40 00 The undersigned hereby accepts above terms and condil!ons and per hour$40 0 0 certifies to the correctness 1/'" (! less $40 00 fee per t&~ Receipt No 0086886 SIGNED Authmized Signature Total Due -0- Approved by Resolution#-----------Page 12 of 12 28 g S.E. 264TH STREET g 58123'25.£: 1260 49' ===========_.~==7=~==========~==~~~--,---------------~===== . " : ........ -------,. ' ---- ... - <o "' 0-- - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ "' - 4? 32' ! ;.., ., 2804' ~ 9 70' -~J ~ #26405 § ;:._ V) ::: l ~ CONCRIT£ -.:._, PAD ' . ~ 9 70' ~ (TYPICAL) \ ., r, 27 39' r-, 1_--J.;5~0~0c_' ________ ,'-'-;~:;-r~ .,--"'---r--. 1--------I> / , • ..:. 7 0 rf .: ),!--' -~--~ -----... _. 927' ' . /26407 ;,., ., #26411 "' ;.., ~ :::! ~ ~ i 806' ~ 0 BUILDING,_ "' "c" 0 ~ ·: 0 "' l: ~ 801' J ~l ~ ;.., o: , ... to;,-~ ::: >), 8 05' ~_;;-:, "' ~-: ' . ' ' B.OJ' ... ::: BOD' - 440 07;/ (CALC' --!1-~---- I I I I I I I I I / I ' I I I I I I lo;:, I~ I~ I I~ I!{- I~ ~ I~ I I 1 ' -- I I . --- I ' ;.., I ' . ':2 ' I 80' I ... I I .. !:! I ' I . I ,--8.0' ! ;.., t! ..! I 80' I I BUILDING I "A' <> ~ I I ' ... I 80' I ;.., ::: I . 8.0' I --- I I ' "' ~ I ' I ' ---' I 80' I ;.., ~ I . 80' I --- I I 0 ~ = I L I I I '---------- ____ 1_7.:_5_~. ·--~ ASPHALT PAVEM£NT 29 I I U L _ ___t____L__jll_,-l/_,_1 _____.___ _ _l SE 256 ST u_ -c~~ 1---L_ ------