HomeMy WebLinkAbout1715Resolution No. 1715 ["Beginning August 1, 2004"] CFN = 1195 -Ll D 352, South Kent Storm Sewers Passed -12/13/05 Sound Venture Sewer LLC LID 352-Assessment 2 Segregation ' i RESOLUTION NO. /7 I~ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, d1rect1ng the F1nance Director to segregate an assessment lev1ed under LID #352. RECITALS A. Sound Venture Seven, LLC, the owner of record of the property originally affected by LID No. 352, Assessment No. 2, located at 840 5the Avenue S, Kent, WA 98032 has requested segregation. B. All clerical and engineering fees have been paid as requ1red by law, and the apphcat1on is property 1n all other respects. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. -Seoreqatton. The F1nance Director IS authonzed and directed to segregate the assessments as requested by Sound Venture Seven, LLC, as set forth 1n the attached Exh1b1t A, and Incorporated by th1s reference. The assessment Involved IS Assessment No. 2 of Local Improvement D1stnct No. 352. 1 Sound Venture Seven, LLC LID 352-Assessment. 2 Segregation SECTION 2.-Severabilitv. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of th1s resolution IS declared unconstitutional or mvalid for any reason, such dec1s1on shall not affect the validity of the remam1ng port1ons of th1s resolution. SECTION 3.-Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date ofth1s resolution IS hereby rat1fied and affirmed. SECTION 4. -Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon 1ts passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the Oty of Kent, Washington, th1s /3 day of JCu~ , 2005. ~ CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent th1s It/ day u__nJ..w ' 2005. A TrEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: mi~~~~,k~ 2 -- Sound Venture Seven, LLC LID 352-Assessment. 2 Segregation I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 11!5 pa~ed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, the /3 day of ~ !~2005. P \Civii\RESOLLITION\llD352·Assess2·5egre<Jatlon doc 3 A~R~~~ BRENDA JACOBER, CITY LERK ...... Sound Venture Seven, LLC LID 352-Assessment. 2 Segregation WASHINGTON 220 4th Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 SEGREGATION APPLICATION 1. Legal Description of property to be segregated, together with an attached map of a scale of not less than 1.11 = 1.00'. 2. 3. Square footage of Area to be segregated Local Improvements District # \.f,!;:J,, s·ee.a f+o.ct, e--el rno1ro Assessment # __ ;G ____ _ 4. Attached money order, check (no cash) in the amount of $40.00 made payable to the City of Kent. (Minimum Fee) 5. Print clearly the name and address of owner or incoming owner if applicable, of parcel to be segregated. Sou.._nd Vflt)-ture 'S:v'to 1 L.L. ~. (If incoming owner, then this ~ 1~ name shall be same as J)Ot t~ r-. lu.-pj!-t_'l belch unders1gned) y}\ ({neij' ns 111emhef 6. The undersigned agrees to pay all charges in accordance with the City of Kent Ordinance and RCW 35.44.410. ($40.00/hr. less appl~cation fee) Phone Number: 2,o(.;J31CZ-?/i'6~ cX!I/!l!T /1 New Assessment No. 2-1 -=-=------ NEW DESCRIPTION New Assessment Amt PTN OF PARCEL 3 OF BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY AUDITOR NUMBERS 8602281539 AND 8602281540, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 3; THENCE NORTH 01° 58'00" WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE THEREOF A DISTANCE OF 174 22 FEET: THENCE NORTH 88° 02'30" EAST, 235.42 FEET TO THE EAST LINE THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 01° 58'00" EAST ALONG SAID EAST LINE 174.57 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 88° 07'40"WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE THEREOF 235 42 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING (AKA) REVISED LOT B PER CITY OF KENT LL-2005-17, RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR NUMBER 20050706002074, KING COUNTY, WASHIJ\GTON (0006600117) REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Rem Assessment No. 2 PTN OF PARCEL 3 OF BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY AUDITOR NUMBERS 8602281539 AND 8602281540, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 3, THENCE NORTH 01° 58'00" WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE THEREOF A DISTANCE OF 174.22 FEET THENCE NORTH 88" 02'30" EAST, 235.42 FEET TO THE EAST LINE THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 01" 58'00" EAST ALONG SAID EAST LINE 174 57 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 88° OT40"WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE THEREOF 235.42 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING (AKA) A PORTION OF REVISED LOT A PER CITY OF KENT LL-2005-17, RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR NUMBER 20050706002074, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON (PTN 0006600116) ~ ~I c fT1 (I) 0 c :21 1 2 3 SPJ_98-17 File:_P \ IOOODs\ 10541\~[Jr\'_eyj!'lo_ts~1E541_bro.dwq Dole/Time· 05/23/2005 06 44 Scale 1 4 ,..,~~ ........._,.KENT W.o.3o<I,.Glt;l .. 220 41" Avenue South Kent, Wa,hmgton 98032 LID SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Attn Property /Jerry McCaughan Requested by SOUND VFNruRE SEVEN L L C Date LID# 352 As;css rl 2 Owner & Address ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION ~=-~J ASSESSMENT NO 2 !illJJI'!DY!i~JRE 1ili.Y!ili PARCEI:30r 8ciT)riDARY LINE AJ>WSTMENT-RECORD~- L..!...C UNDER KING COUNTY AUDrl OR NUMBERS 8602281539 AND 320 106m NE 11100 8602281540, BELLVUE, WA98004 RECORDS Ol' KJNG COUNTY, WASHINGTON 1----~------------------------~-----~--------:---~--::-,-----;:--:--~- New Assessment No _1:1_ Owner & Address NEW DESCRIPTION -1 -:E!Oi!ie;f-i;ii;:t~[O;;r.:!;;;;-iJYftwFiiWi~iL:IOiiBmiN15 ___ £few A"c_~Sn1ent Alnt. · ~Q§5 66 11 emrtw Iltdla Cumpauj, htc l'TN OF PARCEL 3 OF BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT Attn Gary Hemen RECORDED UNDER KL"lG COUNTY AUDITOR NlJ'v1RERS / 8405'' Avenue South 8602281539 ANlJ 8602281540, RECORDS 01:' KING COUNTY, ( Kent, Wa 98032 WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THAT l'ORTION THEREOF, MORE b. PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED A'> FOLLOWS· BEGJNNTNG AT THE I' f/!.iiJt,~ frDJ'c.'-f,,>, SOUTHWESTCORNEROFSAIDPARCEL3, THENCENORTH L /... (. 01' 58 '00" WEST AJ .ONG TilE WEST LINE THlillEOF A DISTANCE OF 174 22 FEET· THbNCE NORTH 88' 02'30" EAST, 235.42 ~ EbT TO THE EAST LINE THEREOF, 11iENCE SOUTH 0!" 58'00" bAST AT ONG SAlD EAST LlNC 174 57 FEET TO THE SOUTlffiAST CORNER THEREOF, THENCE SOUTli 88' 07'40"WEST ALONG THE SOU11:I LINE TI-IERbOF 235 42 FEET TO TI:ffi POINT OF BeGINNING (AKA) REVISED LOT B PER CITY OF KENT LL- 2005-17, RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR NUMBER 20050706002074, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON _________ _{OO()(i60_()1_17L____ -------~~---- --owner & Address Brown Fann1yTrust Atnr Connie Brown Tauglewood Island, Wa 98333 1 brat $4000 per hour $40 00 RecetptNo. 0074744 (09/16/2005) Due -Q.. REMAINDER DESCRIPTION !!,em. As~es!lille_nt No L _ AssessmG"Ut Amt · $6L065 66 PTN OF PARCEI,J OF BOUNDARY LlNE ADJUSTMENT RbCORDED UNDER KING COUNTY AUDITOR NUMBERS 8602281539 AND 8602281540, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGNKJNG AT Tlffi SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAJD PARCEL 3, THENCE NORTH 01' 58'00" WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE THEREOF A DIS1 ANCE OF 174 22 FEET THENCE NORTH 88" 02'30" EAST, 235 42 FEET TO 1RE BAST LINE THEREOF, TI-ffiNCE SOUTII OJ" 58'00" EAST ALONG SAID EAST LINn 174 57 FEET TO THESOUTHJ1AST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 88' 07'40"WEST AI ONG THE SOUTH LINE TiiEREOF 235 42 FEET TO Till POJNT OF BEGINNING. (AKA) A PORTION OF REVISED LOT A PER CITY OF KENT J.L-2005-17, RECORDED UNDER AU!JI'l OR NUMBER 20050706002074, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON QY[N000660011~ The undersigned hereby acc~s abovO" terms a~;d C01Jdttlons and certifies to the correctness h~rt\ffi , SIGNED -f---E-( 'of -,<', V/\A-= , Authoi'tzed Signature for (;gala Ifeatu CoUipSUJ~ Ine. t/c •fl c,"\.l SIGNED G~~ alA~ ~..:..,.-tz_.__. Authonzed Stgnaturc for Brown Family Trust Approved by Reso!Lthon # -----------------__ _