HomeMy WebLinkAbout1701-' Resolution No. 1701 ["Beginning August 1 , 2004 "] CFN=102-Street Vacation Passed-6/21/2005 36th AvenueS-R.O.W. Vacation ~r-~~ -tc.J.,.:...-~ < RESOLUTION NO. /10/ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, re~arding the vacation of a portion the right-of-way on 36 A venue South, between Reith Road and South 260th Street, located in the City of Kent, Washington; and setting the public hearing on the proposed street vacation for August 2, 2005. RECITALS A. A petition, attached as Exhibit A, has been filed, to vacate a portion of the right-of-way on 36th Avenue South, between Reith Road and South 260th Street, located in the City of Kent, Washington. B. The petition is signed by the owners of at least two-thirds of the real property abutting1that portion of 36th Avenue South to be vacated. C. The petition is in all respects proper. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION 1 36th AvenueS-R.O.W. Vacation SECTION 1. -Public Hearing. A public hearing on the street vacation petition requesting the vacation of a portion of the right-of-way on 36th Avenue South, between Reith Road and South 260th Street, shall be held at a regular meeting of the Kent C1ty Council at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 2, 2005, in the Council Chambers of City Hall located at 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington, 98032. SECTION 2. -Notice. The City Clerk shall give proper notice of the hearing and cause the notice to be posted as provided by state law, Chapter 35.79 RCW. SECTION 3. -Infqrmation. The Planning Manager shall obtain any other necessary information from appropriate departments and shall transmit the information to the Council so that the Council may consider the matter at its regularly scheduled meeting on August 2, 2005. SECTION 4. -Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. SECTION 5. -Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective dat~ of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. SECTION 6. -Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, this ~I day of )j-~ , 2005. 2 3fl' :4venue S-R.O. W. Vacation CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this t:J.. I day of ~QA.J = '2005. ,MAYOR ATTEST: 4·--.0..!~~ BRENDA JACOBER, CITY ../, --..... / .._, : _,_ ~ ... _, ,_ ... - ~ ...., ~.:.. -' --.... APPROVED AS TO FORM: ... .-· ~ .................. -~-.... ':" .T ~ / j'WAI~b~ TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /1o/ passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 2l.!_ day of fj=~ 2005. A ... £-~ BRENDA JACOBER, Y CLERK 3 --------... _, // .... , ... -., -----.-... ~ .. -""".... ...' --.. ~ --:. -----.:::....-:~ : ""', )' .... \. :·:.:· -------......... . :·: z~ . ................ ·~.. . 3(/h AvenueS-R.O.W. Vacation -~ -......._,KENT •...... , .. Mayor Jim White MAIL TO: CITYOFKENT Property Mana1em~nt 220 S. 4• Avenue Kent, WA 98032 A'ITN: krryMc:Caughan J<IVA 1/: tf£StJ .:U 50 9..)6 1\PPUCANT: NAME: LE.Ge-~-JD Ds....,f!J oPm§.!f" ADDRESS: S/O RArl'oltAA-1;-Je ~. SeMT'.e, \tJA. crar44- l'UONR· (2.oc.) Z.?C..-Il'Z-4- STREET AND/OR ALLEY VACATION APPLlCATION AND :PETITION Dear Mayor and Kent City Counctl: :!!;. Ute undorssgncd abutlmg property owners, hcscby scspcctfully sequcst th:st cettasn 0 1\llcy J!Q Strcct hereby bo vacatccl described as follows {tncludc squatc feet) -~1:11 ,..'\Jf!!. s. 1 bel-ween Rs.t'tH Roll,t> 4-S. ZU!Otll !$1'. l .. u. (.cnlt.c/1 $£+•f #JW# "{/N4--Sr.J~ •f. 1/t'h_•r ~r.J4o Ill S'ec. n 7Zr!IIIZ.~AM· e, 4: !Mit u \[~ ~s-1\na. R .O.W. &> rnld'-4.. V'\4..U.) f?lJb 1 c.. (J Slte:C" c.c:Ln be. <1 Q.cMs"t~ ~ de.cllc.cd'eCll "h> Caly I.Lit'lh G.. d,~ o...l\foi'Mli!..v\"t: io be. da\'\e. o..s ~ tR ~ ~\'1\e.'lo..rd:s ~W\I'i',Ooo"f Red" (File. *ZD41'l~ BRIEF STATEMENT WHY VACATION IS DEING SOUGHT A "CUB.Rl}NT' ownenlnp 11nd encumbr.snce 1cport musl be obtnmcd from a T1lle Cornpany and submatted wath lhas applu:alson that covers all tho abullmg propcrtJ.cs contiguous to alley or street sough to bo vacatccl When Corposa\lons, (>artncrshsps, etc are bomg sszned for, and lhcn psoof of md1vsdunl's authouly to s1gn fos same shnll also be submsttc:d. Attach 11 color-coded map or :a scale or not leu than I" • 200' oC the atca sought !or vacation. (NO'rB) Map must correspond wsth lcpl dcscnpt1on AUBUTTlNO PROPmlTV OWNERS SIGNATliR.BS AND ADDR.ESS£S Land Value Pa1d Doed Accepted Tndo Accepted TAX LOT II LOT, BLOCK & PLAT/SEC.TOWN.R G. Trcasuseo's Rc:ce•pl No·------ 03tc -------------" Dale ----------- ... TL. TRINITY REFORMED CHURCH #272204 9132 • SCAlf 1" • 100