HomeMy WebLinkAbout1691Resolution No. 1691 CON0=980 LID 336 Passed -11/16/2004 ["Beginning August 1 , 2004"] Sun Coast Plaza LLC LID 336 -Assess. 2 Segregation RESOLUTION NO. I 6 '!I A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, directing the Finance Director to segregate an assessment levied under LID #336. RECITALS A. Sun Coast Plaza LLC, the owner of record of the property origmally affected by LID No. 336, Assessment No.2, located East of East Valley Highway and West of the Valley Freeway at South 183rd block has requested segregation. B. All clencal and engineering fees have been paid as required by law, and the application proper in all other respects. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS. SECTION ].-Segregation. The Finance Director is authorized and directed to segregate the assessment as requested by Sun Coast Plaza. LLC, as set forth m the attached Exhibit A, incorporated by this reference. The assessment mvolved IS Assessment No. 2 of Local Improvement District No. 336. 1 Sun Coast Plaza, LLC LID 336-Assess. 2 Segregation SECTION 2. -Severability. If any sect10n, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or mvalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. SECTION 3. -Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. SECTION 4. -Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be m force immediately upon its passage. PASS ED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, this //, day ofNovember, 2004. CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City ofKent this I b day November, 2004. ATTEST: ~~!a;~~ APPROVED AS TO FORM: ,J'tMA.~ TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY 2 .. -·'" '"-·............. // . ~ .. ----... ~- -~ ..:.....:_,_ . .. .. : -~ ..... .,.:. '"'.:.-=----.. -_ ............ ...... .. ....... -:__, .... ........... Sun Coast Plaza, LLC LID 336-Assess. 2 Segregation I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of ResolutiOn No. II.. 7/ passed by the City Council of the CityofKent, Washington, the~ dayofNovember, 2004. P IC>vii\RES0UJTION\SunCoaltPlaza-UD336Segrcgallon doc 3 _.6. .... .1?.-~~ BRENriAJACOBE~TYCLERK -. -----:. ~-~ ~·"" ..... ./ "'-............. ·".,..~·:-- Sun Coast Plaza, LLC LID 336-Assess. 2 Segregation LID SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE WASHINGTON 220 4m Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Attn: Property /Jerry McCaughan Requested by: Gerald F. Molitor Date:9/30/2004 LID#336 Assess #2 Owner & Address SUN COAST PLAZA LLC 1560 140m A VB NE #100 BELLEVUE, WA 98005 Owner & Address SUN COAST PLAZA LLC 1560 140m A VB NE #100 BELLEVUE, WA 98005 Owner & Address SUN COAST PLAZA LLC 1560 140m A VB NE #100 BELLEVUE, WA 98005 2 hrs at $40.00 per hour $80.00 Total Due $80.00 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION I ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A" (If more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "A") New Assessment No. 2-1 NEW DESCRIPTION New Assessment Amt. $2590.03 ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "B" (If more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "B'} REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Rem. Assessment No. 2. ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "C" ' (If more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "C'} The undersigned hereby accepts abQve terms and conditions and !--certifies to the correctness herein. Authorized Signature Approved by ResoJution # --------------- EXHIBIT "A" EXHffiiT "A" 1_... '/ Portion of north 1/2 of southeast.l/4 of northwest 1/1 lying easterly of State Hwy 115-A and west of line.438 ft. west of east lin~ of west 1/2 of northwest 1/4 of southwest 1/4 of northeast 1/4 less County R<1ad inchidirfg portion fi.led under Auditor 115807908 and 6087822 less b~ginning northwest corner thereof; Thence southwesterly along said highway 350 ft.; Thence South 52.~9'29" east 220.89 ft.; Thence South 37"10'31" west '85.20 ft. to True Point of Beginning; Thence North 37"10'31"· east 300 ft.; Thence North 52."49'29"· west 50· ft.; Thence North 37"10'31• east 110.66 'ft.; Thence West 18 ft.; Thence North 37"10'31 • .east 159.92 ft~· to . southerly line said County Road; Thence westerly to said northwest corner; T~nce Southerly along said highway 505.49 ft.; Thens;e South 52"49'29" east 120ft. more or less· to a point North 89"05'07" west from True Point of Beginning; lhe11ce South 89.05'07" east to True Point of Beginning. (31?305-9014) · ·. I ' . . ' EXHIBIT ''B" •', . .• . . . . THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SEC'I\ON 31, TOWNSHIP 23N., RANGE 5E. W.M •• KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, BEING A PORlfOtl. OF THE. F~LLO~NG DESCRI~ED PARCEL; · ·. . . . . . A PORliON OF REVISED LOT B OF CITY OF KENT LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT 94-4 FILED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9402232169; . . · . ;. . . SAID PORTION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND BEING MORE • P AR'IICULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; . . . BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECliON Of THE EAST MARGIN OF EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY, SAID MARGIN BEING 3D FEET FROM THE EXISTING CENTERUNE AND THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT B, Of CITY OF KENT LLA-94-4, SAID POINT BEING ALONG THE SOUTH UNE OF' THE NORTH a OF THE SOUTHEAST ~ OF SAID NORTHWEST l; AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; · · THENCE. N 37'11'26" E 246.78 'FEET ALONG SAID EAST MARGIN: THENCE, S 52'48'34" E 122.61 'fEET: THENCE, S 89'04'12" .E 122.00 FEET; THENCE, N 37'11'26" E 82.36 FEET: THENCE, S 52'48'34" E ,33.37 FEET; THENCE. S 37'11'26" W 3.27 FEET; THENCE, S 52'48":W E 32.61 FEET: . THENCE, S 3711'26" W 65.75 FEET; THENCE. S 39'56'09" E 101.16 FEET: . THENCE, S 00'58'05" W 22.03 FEET TO THE SOUTH UNE OF THE NORTH ~ OF THE SOUTHEAST i OF SAID NORTHWEST ~; 1HENCE, N 89'01'55" W 494.08 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. .. . . , ·EXHIBIT "C" . ( . . . Portion of north 1/Z of $OUtheast.1/4 of.nor~hwest 1/1 lying easterly of State. Hw'y #5-A. and west of line .438 . ft. west of e~st line of west 1/2 of northwe~t .1/4 of southwest 1/4 of northeast 1/4 less County Rdad including portion fi.led under Auditor #5807908 and 6087822 less beginning northwest corner thereof; Thence sputhwesterly along said highway 350ft.; Thence South 52"!49'29" east 220.89 ft.; Thence South 37"10'·31 11 west 85.20 ft. to True Point of Beginning; Thence North 3r10'31" east 300ft.; Thence North 52"49'29"· west 50· :.ft.; Thence.North 37.10'31" east 110.66 ft.; "{hence W~st 18ft.; Thence No~th 37"10'31 11 .east 159.92 ft." to 'southerly line said County Road; Thence westerly to said northwest corner; Thence Southerly along said highway 505.49 ft.; Thence South 52"49'29• east 120ft. more or less to a point North 89"05'0:7• west from True Point of. ' Beginning; Thepce South 89"05'07• east to True 'Point of Beginning. (312305-9014) · i • .. . • • 0 • ' . ' BXCBPTINGTHBRBFROM . . lliAi' PoRTioN. oF· THE ·sournEAsr ouARTER oF THE. NORTHWEsT auARTER ·oF . , ·SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23N., RANGE 5E. W.M., KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON, BEING A PORl10ij Of THE. FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCa; -· ·: · . ·. . · A POR'n~H· OF RE~SED. ~OT B OF. ~TY of ~T L6T UNE A~STME~T 94-~· RLE~ UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9402232169:_. . . . . . ~ " . : ·. . . ·. SAID PORTION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PARCEL: OF LAND BEING MORE P ARllCULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; ·.. • . . • • 0 • • BEGIKNING AT THE INTERSECTION Of THE EAST MARGIN Of EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY,· SAID MARGIN BEING .30 FEET FROM THE EXISTING CENlERUNE AND THE SOUTHWEST • -CORNER OF SAID LOT B; Of CITY OF KENT LLA-94-4, SAID POINT BEING ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH i OF THE SOUTHEAST ~ Of SAID NORTHWEST ·~: AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING: •· . . . 0 • • • • • • • : • • • . THENCE, N'.37i1'26" E. 246.78 'FEET ALONG.SAID EAST MARGIN: THENCE, S 52'48'.34• E 122.61 'FEET; . THENCE, S 89'04'12" .E 122.00 FEET; . THENCE. N 3711'26" E 82.36 FEET; THENCE, S 52'48'3-4-" E ,'3~.37 FEET:. THENCE, S .3711'26" W 3.27 FEET: : THENCE, S ·52'48'34" E 32.61 ·FEET: • . . THENCE, S 3711'26" W 65.75 FEET; THENCE, S 39"56'09" E 101.16 FEET: • . • THENCE,. S 00'58'05" W . 22.03 FEET TO THE SOUTH UNE OF THE NORTH a OF THE SOUTHEAST i OF SAID NORTHWEST l; . THENCE, N 89'01'55" W 494.08 fEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ·.